6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?

Page created by Clifton Porter
6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
6   GHz
                               License Exempt:
                               Why the full 1200 MHz
                               and why now?

Apple Inc.    Broadcom Inc.    Cisco Systems Inc.                               Facebook Inc.
                                                     Spectrum Alliance

Google LLC                     Intel Corporation    Microsoft Corporation   Qualcomm Incorporated
6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?

                                                    I. Introduction and

                                        II. Opening the full 6 GHz band for
                                        license-exempt technologies is important
                                        and necessary

                                                    A. The technology imperative for 1200 MHz
                                                    – current and future use cases driving
                                                    demand, density and high bandwidth

                                        B. An allocation of 500 MHz in lieu of
                                        the full 5925-7125 MHz is not sufficient         11
                                        13          C. Social and economic benefits flow
                                                    from designating the full 6 GHz band to
                                                    license-exempt use

                                        D. Wi-Fi technology, standards, and
                                        interoperability are all in place today, ready
                                        for regulatory action

                                        F. With the right regulatory framework, FS
                                        and FSS incumbents can continue and
                                        grow their primary licensed uses
Apple, Inc., Broadcom, Inc., Cisco
                                                    G. Permitting license-exempt
Systems, Inc., Dynamic Spectrum
                                                    technologies throughout the full 6 GHz
Alliance, Facebook, Inc., Google LLC,
                                                    band is the best way to support both...
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, Intel

Corporation, Microsoft Corporation,
and Qualcomm Incorporated
                                        III. Countries should promptly adopt a
                                        license-exempt model for the full
                                        6 GHz band
                  August 2021
6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
      In the almost two decades since            thermostats, sprinkler controllers, and
    countries globally implemented the           more. At work, Wi-Fi supports access
    World Radio Conference 2003 deci-            to enterprise networks for a range of
    sion to open new spectrum in the 5           applications, supports a variety of
    GHz range to license-exempt devices,         data communications, and connects
    there have been revolutionary chan-          all types of devices including robots,
    ges in Wi-Fi technology, use cases, and      autonomous vehicles in warehouses,
    demand. In a relatively short amount         factory equipment, screens and whi-
    of time, Wi-Fi technology has moved          teboards. At play, there is not a sta-
    from an amenity that helps make              dium being constructed today that
    broadband connectivity more use-             does not have extensive Wi-Fi capa-
    ful to an essential part of broadband        bility for fans, vendors, and adminis-
    delivery and an essential element in         trative and team support. New uses
    enabling businesses to get work done         for Wi-Fi have also appeared to ad-
    -driven in part by the rise to domi-         dress rural or disadvantaged popu-
    nance of mobile devices and the ex-          lations, stemming from the need for
    pectation of near-ubiquitous wireless        low-cost infrastructure to help ex-
    connectivity. In the home, Wi-Fi ena-        pand services to the unserved. By any
    bles multiple users to simultaneously        measure, Wi-Fi is a massive success
    access the Internet, fuels video strea-      story that helps policymakers achieve
    ming to smart TVs, connects applian-         critical objectives in broadband poli-
    ces to enable remote diagnostics and         cy as well as in economic and social
    repair, and powers security systems,         policy areas.

                                 Wi-Fi® is...
                                 •      The most commonly used wireless communications
                                 •      The primary medium for global internet traffic
                                 •      A driver of $3.3 trillion USD in global economic value
                                 •      Growing, with more than 4 billion devices shipping
                                        annually and 16 billion devices in use*

                                                                         Source: Wi-Fi Alliance

6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
As companies and organizations that are device manufacturers, chipset ven-
              dors and applications providers that rely on license-exempt, licensed, and sha-
              red spectrum, we are excited to be part of a wireless industry that has done so
              much to advance global quality of life and economic growth. A key part of our
              job is to continue to innovate on the massive success already enabled by Wi-Fi.
              To do that, license-exempt spectrum access to the entire 5925-7125 MHz band is
              critical. This paper explains the technological reasons for this, and why recently
              introduced competing proposals are poor alternatives in comparison to ope-
              ning the full 6 GHz band to license-exempt technology.
                This White Paper consists of several sections that explain the essential need for
              availability of the full 1200 MHz from 5925-7125 MHz to support Wi-Fi and 3GPP’s
              New Radio-Unlicensed.

                   •   Opening the full 6 GHz band to license-exempt Radio Local Area Network
                       (RLAN) technologies is the best public policy choice for regulators globally.
                       The full 1200 MHz is needed to supply new technologies with the spectrum
                       necessary to deliver on current and emerging innovative use cases, now
                       and in the future. With just 500 MHz, license-exempt technologies will be
                       unable to support advanced use cases or support even routine consumer
                       and enterprise networking needs in a few short years.

                   •   The social and economic benefits of moving forward with allowing licen-
                       se-exempt usage throughout the full 6 GHz band are many. Addressing
                       the digital divide, improving rural connectivity, accelerating economic
                       innovation, advancing energy efficiency through smart buildings and im-
                       proving quality of service are just a few benefits that regulators can look
                       forward to when they open the full 6 GHz band to license-exempt use.

                   • 6 GHz Wi-Fi technology is ready now. Standards are complete; interopera-
                     bility certification is open, and equipment is moving into the market today.
                     Benefits from spectrum use are available immediately.

                   •   Failure to act brings with it large opportunity costs. Any benefit of reserving
                       a portion of the spectrum for a later decision on whether to allow IMT is en-
                       tirely speculative and essentially nonexistent. No IMT specifications are in
                       place nor is there any commercially available IMT equipment for this band.
                       Significant questions remain about technical feasibility of IMT use. One thing is
                       certain if IMT to allowed in the upper portion of the 6 GHz band: Delay, which
                       would result in immediate lost economic gains that would have accrued ins-
                       tead from opening the full 6 GHz band to license-exempt operations.

                   •   License-exempt services in the 6 GHz band, operating under appropriate
                       regulatory conditions, enable incumbents to continue – and to grow –
                       their operations in the band while protecting them from harmful inter-
                       ference. Traditional wide-area IMT deployments in the band, however,
                       would likely require that incumbents be cleared and/or relocated.

                   •   The best way to support 5G deployment in the 6 GHz band is to autho-
                       rize license-exempt use throughout the entire 1200 MHz of the band,
                       which supports mobile offload, 5G backhaul, and 5G NR-U operation.

4   6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
Republic of Korea
   Costa Rica,
   Honduras                                                                        Taiwan

1200 MHz
1200 MHz Consultation                                      Qatar,
500 MHz                                                    Oman

500 MHz Consultation
TBD (early in process)
No formal activity yet

                                                                           Source: Wi-Fi Alliance

   This paper draws on the work of nume-              As of today, regulators globa-
rous regulatory agencies globally that have
already designated the full 6 GHz band for           lly have reached a remarkable
use by license-exempt technologies. Since           and swift consensus with 6 GHz
the United States Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) released its decision in            regulatory decisions covering
April 2020, and with the European examina-            nearly 54% of the global GDP,
tion of coexistence with incumbents drawing
to a favorable close during the final months         and nearly 42% of GDP having
of 2020 and into early 2021, global momen-            opened or proposed opening
tum toward opening the 6 GHz band for licen-
se-exempt RLAN technology has been explo-                     the full 6 GHz band to
ding. Importantly, in February, Brazil was one
of the first Top 20 economies in Region 2 in
                                                                license-exempt use.
2021 to join the FCC in opening 5925-7125 MHz
to license-exempt technologies, while Repu-       now pending to open the full band in Japan,
blic of Korea was the first in Region 3 in Oc-    Mexico, Australia, Colombia, Qatar, Jordan,
tober 2020. Saudi Arabia boldly announced         New Zealand, and Oman.
in March to its fellow Region 1 countries that       Countries that have opened the lower 500
it also would open the 5925-7125 MHz band         MHz for license-exempt use also have made
to license-exempt use. Canada’s Innovation,       important contributions. The European Com-
Science and Economic Development (ISED)           mission in June 2021 published its decision
soon followed in May, announcing that it is       to open the band to license-exempt equip-
opening the full 5925-7125 MHz band to licen-     ment after exhaustive study of the impact to
se-exempt use. Many countries have similar-       fixed satellite uplink and to fixed microwave
ly been active in embracing license-exempt        services. In both cases, the European process
use of the full 6 GHz band. Peru, Costa Rica,     found that license-exempt equipment could
Chile, Honduras, and Guatemala have all fi-       operate in the band without causing harm-
nalized changes to their Table of Allocations     ful interference to incumbent users, provided
or to footnotes opening the full band as licen-   that mitigation rules, such as limiting power
se exempt. Consultations or proceedings are       levels, were applied. However, regulators –

6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
and particularly those in countries           Recently, the Wireless Broadband Allian-
              outside Region 1 – should not assume          ce commented that Wi-Fi usage grew
              that a 500 MHz license-exempt desig-          by 80% during the pandemic.
              nation is sufficient or that Europe will in      While those who were connec-
              the future conclude that it is adequate.      ted placed unprecedented demands
                 In a little more than a year, the world    on Wi-Fi networking capabilities, too
              has transformed to welcome a new ge-          many children, families, and rural bu-
              neration of Wi-Fi into the 6 GHz band.        sinesses remain unconnected or ina-
              As of today, regulators globally have         dequately connected. As we have wit-
              reached a remarkable and swift con-           nessed globally, cellular technologies
              sensus with 6 GHz regulatory decisions        alone have not solved the connec-
              covering nearly 54% of the global GDP,        tivity problem for those outside the
              and nearly 42% of GDP having opened           reach of mobile networks or for those
              or proposed opening the full 6 GHz band       who cannot afford mobile subscrip-
              to license-exempt use. This swift action      tions. The lack of IMT identified spec-
              is happening in part because govern-          trum is not the reason so many com-
              ments around the world have recogni-          munities lack adequate connectivity.
              zed the key role that robust broadband        As policymakers prepare to consider
              connectivity plays in the lives of their      the opportunity presented by allowing
              citizens, its importance to their econo-      license-exempt use in the full 6 GHz
              mies, and in supporting national 5G de-       band, putting this spectrum to work
              ployments. The Covid-19 pandemic has          now to help people and economies
              brought these realities into sharp focus.     should be a top priority.

               A. The technology imperative for 1200 MHz – current
              and future use cases driving demand, density and high
                 Delivery of broadband access is            broadband access and quality. For
              a continuously-evolving challenge.            companies that develop equipment
              Since broadband access was intro-             and networks using license-exempt
              duced to consumers in the 1990s, the          spectrum, we must look ahead to fu-
              use of broadband networks, the appli-         ture use cases, applications, and de-
              cations that run on these networks,           mands that are not yet in the market,
              the throughput capability of devices,         and do our best to help create today
              and the density of device deploy-             the regulatory and technology envi-
              ments continues in an unrelenting             ronment that will address the expo-
              upward trajectory. Most people’s ac-          nentially increasing consumer and
              cess to their fixed broadband network         business requirements of tomorrow.
              is through Radio Local Area Network           Consumers, businesses, and gover-
              (RLAN) devices such as Wi-Fi routers;         nmental agencies around the world
              thus, RLAN access and quality equals          will be able to take full advantage of

6   6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
the technology evolution that industry has identi-
             fied. Among other things, a wholly-new generation
             of RLAN technologies in the 6 GHz band will be ena-
             bled to address future networking needs for broad-
             band access and beyond.
                The last time a significant new designation of
             license-exempt spectrum for RLAN technology was
             made available was in the early 2000s, following the
             2003 World Radio Conference. This activity opened
             new spectrum bands in the 5 GHz range, which were
             at that time optimal for earlier generations of RLAN
             technology, such as Wi-Fi 4, and later, Wi-Fi 5. In the
             almost two decades since that time, the equipment
             used for broadband networking, use cases, and
             applications, as well as engineering challenges to
             meet demand, have evolved considerably. In addition,
             the number of devices per user is proliferating. The
             capability of those devices – in processing power,
             screen resolution, streaming video support (now
             at 4k/8k HD), camera performance, and antenna

Device evolution
requires improvements
in network capability                                 iPhone 12 ProMax -
                                                      128,000 songs, up to
                                                      512 Gbps of memory,
                                                      a 6.7 inch screen with
 iPhone 1 - 2,000-
                                                      a resolution of 2778
 8,000 songs, up to
                                                      x 1284, and a more
 32 Gbps of memory,
                                                      versatile camera
 a 3.5 inch screen size
                                                      capability, powered
 with a resolution of
                                                      by a vastly more
 480 x 320.
                                                      powerful processor.

             functionality to name a few – has increased
             exponentially. Devices are deployed in increasingly
             dense residential or enterprise environments, and
             the broadband networks they connect to, whether
             wired or wireless, are also greatly improving in
             throughput and latency. But it is not simply the
             relentless improvements in devices that is increasing
             demand. New applications, such as consumer
             gaming or enterprise Advanced Manufacturing,
             demand low latency transmissions. An explosion
             in Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality/Mixed Reality
             (AR/VR/MR) technology is soon expected to impact

everything from how we learn to how              in developing Asia. However, variable
              we work and play. While that capability          pricing by market (at different
              exists today, connectivity must expand           purchasing price levels) could result
              and improve for these services to be             in a more affordable service offering.
              placed into routine use by citizens and          Similarly, community Wi-Fi models
              businesses. As that occurs, devices              could be deployed, such as those
              will be produced at scale and will be            being implemented by Hughes/
              differentiated by use case.                      Express Wi-Fi in Indonesia and
                                                               Latin America where an individual
                                                               subscription supports time- or data-
                                                               bound service to potentially hundreds
      Augmented Reality - digital informa-                     of users consuming small data
      tion layered over the real world                         bundles (in the megabytes) through
      “Many of our enterprise clients, es-                     a publicly accessible Wi-Fi access
                                                               point. Areas of limited subscriber
      pecially in construction and medical
                                                               base may be opportunities for direct
      sectors, are embracing AR headset de-                    or subsidized partnerships. -- ADB,
      vices to provide hands-free enhanced                     Digital Connectivity and Low Earth
      vision for planning, design and patient                  Orbit Constellations, ADB Sustainable
      care and training,” says Sam Watts,                      Development Working Paper Series,
      immersive partnerships director at                       April 2021.
      immersive learning and development
      studio Make Real.                                      For rural and unserved areas, it is clear
                                                          that license-exempt technology is es-
      AR is also beneficial for any industry              sential to enabling affordable services.
      that relies on planning and visualisa-                 To further illustrate the dilemma
      tion, this includes almost any type of              faced as license-exempt technology
      design and conceptualisation needs.                 producers look to the future, take
      “We have a number of onsite AR tools,               an example where access points
      using Microsoft HoloLens, to visualise              (APs) must be deployed in a dense
                                                          configuration, such as a school,
      construction when the real world is just
                                                          manufacturing plant, office, hospital,
      a cleared, muddy plot,” Watts tells us.             transportation      hub,    multi-tenant
      --AR smartglasses in 2021: the devices, apps        housing, or stadium. Each of these
      and new tech coming, Wareable.com posted 14         locations increasingly relies on license-
      June 2021                                           exempt spectrum for broadband
                                                          operations. As demand has increased,
                Rural Internet access networks that       Wi-Fi APs have been deployed more
              use Wi-Fi (e.g., as part of a 60 GHz mesh   densely, adding more capacity within
              or TV White Spaces Network) and Wi-Fi       the same overall network area. In
              at the edge of satellite links and new      general terms, the coverage area for
              low earth orbit satellite constellations    an enterprise indoor AP has decreased
              are also evolving use cases that will       from ~500-1000 meters2 in 2003, to
              give regulators new tools to address        ~250 meters2 by 2010, to as little as ~150
              unserved or underserved populations.        meters2 today. The practical limit of how
              According to a recent review of the         densely APs can be deployed has been
              new low earth orbit constellations by       reached due to the resultant increase
              the Asia Development Bank:                  in radio frequency interference (both
                                                          co-channel and adjacent channel
                 At the current public beta pricing       interference). The only way to add
                 level, Starlink’s $99 monthly plan is    capacity in these situations is through
                 not affordable for many consumers        the use of multiple wider channels of

8   6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
160 MHz and 320 MHz, which would be           reductions in efficiency and determinism
enabled by opening the full 1200 MHz of       that in turn further negatively impacts
the 6 GHz band.                               voice and video quality. Wi-Fi 6 in
   Forty (40) MHz channel sizes are           the 6 GHz band (known as Wi-Fi 6E)
increasingly insufficient to address the      is not required to interoperate with
steep growth in the number of devices         any previous generation of 6 GHz Wi-
and higher bandwidth requirements per         Fi technology because no Wi-Fi has
user. A typical two-stream client device      yet existed in the 6 GHz band. The
can only achieve up to a 574 Mbps             6 GHz band would, for the first time,
data rate when operating in a 40 MHz          eliminate outdated and less efficient
channel with Wi-Fi 6. When the channel        radio access technology, permitting
width is increased to 80 MHz or 160 MHz,      the far more spectrally-efficient Wi-Fi
the data rate is increased to 1.2 Gbps        6E (and above) to operate without the
and 2.4 Gbps respectively, fully enabling     burden of legacy radio interoperability.
the “gigabit wireless” era. To retain         This will dramatically improve the user
the current quality of service for users      experience and spectral efficiency,
in the future, 80 MHz-wide channels           which will promote the adoption of
are required; to increase the quality         advanced Wi-Fi technologies.
of service, 160 MHz-wide (and larger)            Considering all of these challenges,
channels are required. With those wide        the license-exempt technology indus-
channels, the radios can get on and           try concluded that Wi-Fi 5 and earlier
off the air more quickly, delivering the      technology would soon be insufficient
high-bandwidth content users demand           to deliver the required level of broad-
while maintaining the ability to share        band and related capabilities in the
spectrum with other license-exempt            near future. Industry’s response was
transmitters. Lack of wider channels          twofold – 1) to develop new, advanced
would create a detrimental impact             technologies and 2) to find mid-band
on real-time video services, and high-        spectrum that could support the chan-
bandwidth immersive services such as          nel widths required for these new tech-
AR/VR/MR will be starved of sufficient        nologies.
capacity. There is no realistic possibility      First, we redesigned technology to
of delivering multiple 160 MHz wide           enable a new approach to address
channels on existing 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz        dense networking, low latency, and
spectrum allocations, which are too           higher-bandwidth needs. For example,
fragmented and which were allocated           deployment of OFDMA as part of Wi-
in an era of now-outmoded generations         Fi 6 fundamentally improves spectral
of RLAN technology.                           efficiency, enabling an AP to com-
   To add to the engineering challenge,       municate individual packet streams
radios in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands         to multiple clients at the same time.
today consist of multiple generations         In addition to adopting OFDMA, some
of equipment with a variety of less           of the most important innovations in
spectrally-efficient capabilities. This is    the Wi-Fi 6 generation of technology
a design necessity because networks           are: (1) multi-user MIMO that allows
must be able to communicate with              more downlink data to be transferred
older generations of radios. Therefore,       at one time, enabling APs to concur-
technologies like Wi-Fi are always            rently handle more devices and sup-
backward compatible with previous             port uplink as well; (2) 160 MHz channel
generations of Wi-Fi operating in the         utilization capability increases band-
same frequencies.        The additional       width to deliver greater performance
requirement of interoperability between       with low latency; (3) Target Wake Time
Wi-Fi generations and the burden of           (TWT) significantly improves network
backward compatibility results in further     efficiency and device battery life, in-

Band    Channels      BW

 2.4 GHz
               3         20 MHz            60 MHz of Spectrum &
               1         40 MHz             3 Channels Allocated

              25         20 MHz                                                                      DFS

              12         40 MHz
     5 GHz                                                                                    500 MHz of Spectrum &
               6         80 MHz
                                                                                               25 Channels Allocated
               2        160 MHz

                                  5170   5330        5490                 5730 5735   5835
                                  MHz    MHz         MHz                  MHz MHz     MHz

               60       20 MHz
              29        40 MHz                                                                                                1,200 MHz of Spectrum &
     6 GHz
              14        80 MHz                                                                                                  60 Channels Available
               7    160 MHz

                                  5925                             6425        6525                  6875              7125
                                  MHz                              MHz         MHz                   MHz               MHz

                           cluding for IoT devices; (4) 1024 QAM                             and 100 MHz channels of mid-band
                           modulation increases throughput for                               spectrum per operator to support 5G
                           emerging, bandwidth-intensive uses                                services, the next generations of licen-
                           by encoding more data in the same                                 se-exempt technologies (e.g., Wi-Fi 7,
                           amount of spectrum; (5) transmit                                  and 5G NR-U) also utilize wider chan-
                           beamforming enables higher data                                   nel bandwidths. The additional 1.2 GHz
                           rates at a given range to increase net-                           of spectrum on which Wi-Fi 6E will run
                           work capacity; (6) addresses exces-                               provides a roughly equivalent num-
                           sive management overhead relative                                 ber of 80 MHz channels in 6 GHz band
                           to prior generations; (7) supports “Out                           spectrum as there are 40 MHz channels
                           of Band” discovery of networks, further                           in the 5 GHz band. For the first time, 80
                           reducing management overhead; and                                 MHz channel plans would be possible
                           (8) strict scanning rules prevent un-                             from a “best practices” perspective in
                           necessary use of spectrum (e.g., only                             dense deployments. Contiguous spec-
                           scans on a subset of the 6 GHz band                               trum would also support seven 160 MHz
                           channels). These innovations are a                                wide channels and multiple 320 MHz
                           generational improvement in Wi-Fi                                 wide channels, which are expected with
                           technology, designed to take on the                               the next generation of Wi-Fi now going
                           demands that future devices, applica-                             through the IEEE standardization pro-
                           tions, and use cases will present.                                cess (i.e., IEEE 802.11be). The Wi-Fi Allian-
                              Second, to provide the spectrum                                ce has named Wi-Fi 6 devices enabled
                           needed to make these technologies                                 for the 6 GHz band as “Wi-Fi 6E” devices.
                           practical, industry identified a large                            This is important not only because Wi-Fi
                           and contiguous allocation of spectrum,                            is always backward compatible to ear-
                           specifically 5925-7125 MHz, to support                            lier generations, but because Wi-Fi 6E
                           the wireless industry’s need to migrate                           devices are designed so that tri-band
                           to multiple wide channels. Just as the                            radios will be the norm, enabling legacy
                           cellular industry is migrating to 80 MHz                          support in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands

10      6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
as well. With the full 6 GHz band, the RLAN     are complete, these improvements will
industry can continue to play its important     enable lower latency, higher throughput,
role in delivering broadband access, faci-      and more deterministic networking capa-
litating the IoT, and enriching experiences     bility (e.g., higher reliability or QoS) relative
at work, home, and play.                        to Wi-Fi 6E. These features provide a step
   In fact, Wi-Fi 7, which is currently being   function increase in terms of enabling Wi-
standardized in IEEE as 802.11be, relies on     Fi to address immersive services with de-
access to the greenfield spectrum of the        manding QoS requirements for a larger
6 GHz band to deliver its greatest inno-        number and diversity of applications, de-
vations, which could include numerous           vices, and use cases, in particular those of
improvements to make Wi-Fi even more            industrial IoT. In addition, these improve-
useful to users and applications that are       ments scale throughput capability to fu-
currently in draft form or under discussion.    ture upgrades in access network capacity
While the need for 320 MHz-wide channels        (e.g., 10G Fiber, DOCSIS 4.0, Fixed Wireless)
has been widely discussed, other innova-        allowing the RLAN wireless network to evol-
tions are also important. This new genera-      ve with the broadband access connec-
tion of technology will operate at 4096 QAM     tions. However, if there is insufficient spec-
and permit “multi-link operation” that can      trum available to make Wi-Fi 7 capabilities
use the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz spectrum      compelling to someone purchasing a new
bands simultaneously. Once standards            AP, Wi-Fi 7 may not see widespread use.

  B. An allocation of 500 MHz in lieu
  of the full 5925-7125 MHz is not sufficient

   If only 500 MHz of 6 GHz spectrum were       no analyst projects that the curve will
made available, networks would effecti-         flatten for the foreseeable future. That is
vely need to operate in a manner similar        because the advantages of connectivity
to the scenario playing out in the 5 GHz        continue to multiply: smart televisions
band today. Opening only 500 MHz of the         that allow user choice in video streaming,
6 GHz band would require channel plans          connected security devices from video
in dense deployments to continue relying        camera doorbells to whole home
on 20 MHz or 40 MHz bandwidths. In coun-        systems, and smart appliances that
tries allowing access to just 500 MHz, users    allow manufacturers to download new
would not be able to take full advantage        generations of software are examples of
of the benefits of Wi-Fi 6 (and eventually      the types of new capabilities that were
Wi-Fi 7) in the 6 GHz band, lower service       not in existence before the mid-2000s.
quality will be the norm, and congestion           Nor are the coming challenges limited
will fall on users of Wi-Fi in enterprises,     to consumers. Hospitals increasingly
schools, transportation hubs, and other         rely on video and robotics. Schools at
public venues.                                  all levels require connectivity to each
   For consumers, congestion issues arise       student’s laptop or tablet, and they are
as the number of high-demand Wi-Fi              seeing increased demands on their
enabled devices in a home continues             wireless networks from security systems
to multiply. Countries such as Japan,           to remote learning. Whole industries
Korea, and the United States are already        are transforming how they operate by
at 12-14 devices per capita, and the            deeply integrating wireless technologies
continued integration of license-exempt         into their business operations. Cisco has
technology into consumer durable goods          projected that globally, machine-to-
promises that the number of devices in          machine modules will account for 50%
a home will continue to grow. Indeed,           (14.7 billion) of all networked devices by

2023, compared to 33% (6.1 billion) in
   With only a 500 MHz allocation of 6
GHz band spectrum, spectrum cons-
                                                   Many types of equipment
traints will not, over time, support a             are expected to support
good user experience particularly as
applications evolve toward new im-                 the entire 1200 MHz of the
mersive services. More devices would               6 GHz band, as the United
contend for airtime in the same fre-
quencies as IoT and cloud-based                    States, Brazil, Canada, Sau-
analytics proliferate. Users would have            di Arabia, and the Republic
a very mixed experience where appli-
cations might work in some locations,              of Korea are enabling the
such as within certain portions of their
home, and might not work well in other
                                                   band for such operations,
portions or in their businesses, public            with many other countries
areas, and venues. Inconsistent band-
width delivery has consequences well               expected to do so in 2021.
beyond consumer unhappiness – it
inhibits innovation generally and may
even stop developers from successfu-
lly creating and delivering new appli-       to take advantage of that channel
cations.                                     size. Opening all 1200 MHz of the 6
   A “wait and see” approach, where 500      GHz band now enables countries to
MHz is allocated now and the balance         realize a stronger and more diverse
of the band is allocated sometime in         license-exempt ecosystem, which will
the future, is a poor option. As discussed   benefit the entire nation when 6 GHz
further below, there is an opportunity       applications and services are rapidly
cost for countries that decide on a          deployed.
staggered approach to spectrum                  Many types of equipment are
allocation compared to nations that          expected to support the entire
decide to designate 1200 MHz from            1200 MHz of the 6 GHz band, as the
the outset. One main drawback is the         United States, Brazil, Canada, Saudi
opportunity cost of impaired use cases       Arabia, and the Republic of Korea are
and inability to fully meet broadband        enabling the band for such operations,
needs, especially in dense enterprise        with many other countries expected
and urban environments where more            to do so in 2021. Due to the need to
than three wideband channels (of             limit manufacturing and logistical
160 MHz and greater) are required.           complexity, most 6 GHz equipment
Countries that only designate 500 MHz        will be designed to support the full
of 6 GHz band spectrum will be unable        1200 MHz, with firmware settings used
to reliably support high-throughput          as necessary to limit operation to the
and low-latency applications in              lower 500 MHz. Without the full 1200
all    environments        where     those   MHz available, consumers of 6 GHz
applications need to perform. When Wi-       equipment would not benefit from the
Fi 7 standards are completed in about        higher throughput and lower latency,
three years, industry will implement         but would nevertheless pay for the
channels up to 320 MHz wide. Countries       more complete technology that they
that only designate 500 MHz of 6 GHz         are unable to use.
band spectrum for license-exempt                Nor is there another spectrum band
use will not be able to fully experience     available that compares to the 6
the benefits of applications built           GHz band and can deliver the same

12   6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
benefits. Most importantly, the 6 GHz      logistics, agriculture, rural broadband,
band is adjacent to the 5 GHz band,        higher education, hospitality, healthcare,
enabling easier deployment of tri-band     and       municipal.     Standard     Power
radios using 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz     would operate in conjunction with an
band frequencies. From a consumer          Automated Frequency Coordination
perspective, 6 GHz band frequencies will   (AFC) geolocation database capability,
deliver a consistent experience similar    which is aware of incumbent user
to that of the 5 GHz band assuming that    operations and can safely authorize
reasonable power levels are adopted.       Standard Power license-exempt use at
From a regulatory perspective, license-    a particular location while protecting the
exempt radio systems are highly            incumbents from harmful interference.
complementary to incumbent systems         Because of this requirement to avoid
and can coexist given the appropriate      and protect incumbent services, the
regulatory rules – and the incumbent       frequency ranges or channels that will
systems are similar around the globe,      be available at any particular location
which facilitates reasonably uniform       will often be only a subset of the overall
sharing obligations on license-exempt      spectrum that has been allocated for
devices as more countries open the 6       potential Standard Power use by the
GHz band.                                  regulator. Importantly, the countries
   Another important consideration for     that have either already supported
countries initially authorizing only Low   Standard Power or are actively studying
Power Indoor (LPI) and/or Very Low Power   it, including the United States, Canada,
(VLP) operations in the 6 GHz band is      South Korea, and Saudi Arabia, have all
preserving the opportunity for Standard    moved to open the entirety of 5925-7125
Power (higher power indoor and             MHz for license-exempt use in the Low
outdoor) license-exempt operations. To     Power and/or Very Low Power modes
date, regulators in the US and Canada      of operation. This allows for blocking
have concluded that authorizing            or protecting certain frequencies or
Standard Power devices can be done         channels at particular locations, while
in a manner consistent with protecting     still yielding a sufficient number of wide-
incumbent fixed satellite services as      bandwidth channels to support next-
well as fixed microwave through the        generation RLAN services. Opening the
combined efforts of power levels,          full 1200 MHz of the 6 GHz band to license-
projected number of outdoor devices,       exempt use will provide the overall
and geolocation database controls          spectrum needed to support Standard
on the RLAN networks. Standard Power       Power under AFC control, whereas 500
use cases are particularly important       MHz would be insufficient for Standard
to a number of deployment types and        Power in the age of 80, 160, and 320 MHz
settings,    including   manufacturing,    channels.

  C. Social and economic benefits flow from designating
the full 6 GHz band to license-exempt use
   Expanding spectrum availability for     to play, particularly in offering low-
license-exempt technologies will help      cost mechanisms for multiple users
governments everywhere address             in a household to connect to the
improvements in broadband access           Internet. License-exempt technologies
for their populations and help close       are embedded in a wide array of
the digital divide. RLAN technologies      client devices, from laptops to tablets
such as Wi-Fi have an important role       and smartphones, that are part of a

Digital Divide - Here and Now

                            Key Facts 2021                                                     Digital Divide to be Overcome
                                                                                                     Many rural and low-income communities around the world, including
                                 4.7 billion +                                                           those in large urban areas, lack reliable, affordable access.
                                people use the Internet           Global internet
                                                                                                              of schoolchildren (463 million) can not
                                35 billion                                                                    access remote learning due to a lack of
                                devices                              59.5%                       31%          necessary technological assets at home,
                                                                                                              or because they are beyond the reach of
                                will be connected to
                                                                                                              targeted programs
                                the Internet by 2021,
                                every minute.

                                                                                                         75% of students not                                      1.3 billion
                                             SOCIAL     There are now  4.2 billion                       able to access remote
                                                                                                                                                                 School-aged children
                                             MEDIA      social media users around the world              learning, live in rural areas
                                                                                                                                                                 can’t log on to internet
                                                                                                         and/or belong to poorest
                                                          This figure has grown by                                                                               at home
                                                          490 million
 500 hours                                                over the past 12 months,
                                                                                     13%                                                 Lack of coverage is one reason for this:
 of video is uploaded to
                                                          delivering year-on-year
                                                          growth of more than:                 47%   3.6 billion people                  Approximately 10% of the world’s people live
 YouTube every minute,                                                                               (47%) do not use the Internet.      beyond the reach of a mobile network
 by 2022, of all Internet    83%                                   Social media users now
 Traffic, video will                                      53%      represent more than 53%
 account for about:                                                of the world’s population                                                                Globally only 55% of
                                                                                                         Women are    23%                                   households have internet
                                                                                                      less likely to have access
 In 2021, Within the calendar                              which leads to                               to internet than men                                In poorer countries this
 year, total data used for      49%                 1200+ Exabytes                                                                                20%
                                                                                                                                                            drops to below 20%
 Wi-Fi alone accounts for:                         or 1.2+ Zettabytes
                                                                                                                                          Sources: Digital 2021 GSMA Medium UNICEF UN NEWS WBA

                                WBA believes technology has the ability to do a
                                tremendous amount of good and help humans thrive
                                and achieve things that once seemed impossible.
                                                                                                     Click Here to Get Involved
                                                                                                                 Source:        with World
                                                                                                                            Wireless        Wi-Fi Day
                                                                                                                                          Broadband   Alliance
                                                                                                     and help to bridge the digital divide.
                                Wi-Fi is the great equalizer.

                            highly-competitive market that offers                                      broadband arrangements. The Digital
                            consumers a range of choices in device                                     Divide issue is so large and diverse
                            capability and price. Wi-Fi is also used                                   that it is unlikely to be solved by any
                            to deliver rural broadband in areas                                        one technology. Regulators should
                            where commercial wireline or wireless                                      advance all technologies that may
                            services have not been deployed.                                           be capable of addressing the Digital
                            With backhaul spectrum capability                                          Divide, including low-cost options
                            similar to that in the 5 GHz band, TV                                      enabled by license-exempt spectrum
                            White Spaces, or 60 GHz mesh, Internet                                     technologies.
                            service operators can offer broadband                                         Allocating the entire 6 GHz band to
                            connectivity to households served by                                       license-exempt use provides important
                            a Wi-Fi AP within the home. Similarly,                                     economic benefits. The Wi-Fi Alliance
                            satellite broadband connectivity also                                      has conducted exhaustive studies
                            enables Internet access to a consumer                                      with Telecom Advisory Services of the
                            inside the home, by using a Wi-Fi AP to                                    impact of Wi-Fi on global and national
                            reach the end device.                                                      economies, concluding that globally,
                              Ample spectrum for license-exempt                                        assuming regulators open the full 6
                            use also gives market participants                                         GHz band to Wi-Fi, the $3.3 trillion in Wi-
                            and governments new tools to reach                                         Fi value to the world’s economy in 2021
                            unserved or underserved populations                                        will rise to $4.9 trillion in 2025. The study
                            and can help provide low-cost                                              examined ten sources of economic

14   6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
Source: Wi-Fi Alliance
value,    including:   increased    license-exempt technologies.
broadband       coverage      and   It also requires policymakers
broadband speeds; reduction         to think about the broadband
of costs by telecommunications      future that is possible. This
providers; deployment of IoT, AR/   supports a larger point - the
VR, municipal Wi-Fi, and free Wi-   economic value of Wi-Fi will
Fi hotspots; benefits of aligning   continue to rise as all forms
with other major economies;         of    broadband        connectivity
increased capacity for cellular     continue to proliferate and
offload; and access to Wi-Fi        increase in speed – whether
equipment.                          fixed broadband as seen in
   These projections reflect both   the above chart or satellites
global conditions now and           such as the new low earth orbit
in the coming years. In this        satellite constellations or 4G/5G
regard, this economic forecast      terrestrial mobile.
is similar to a technological          A growing group of leading
forecast, but it differs in one     regulators that have similarly
important regard – it depends       concluded that the benefits of
upon regulators to open the         license-exempt technologies are
6 GHz band to obtain the            important to their national interests.
benefits that flow from robust      Among the key benefits cited are -

CITC          “Importance of WLAN use in the Kingdom and substantial amount
                                   of Wi-Fi traffic, which was exemplified during the COVID-19 lock-
                                   downs, and the emergence of a promising device ecosystem that
                                   can be taken advantage of starting from 2021.

                                   “Most importantly, as explained in the Notice and in this Order, we
                                   believe that providing new opportunities for unlicensed operations
                                   across the entire 6 GHz band can help address the critical need
                                   for providing additional spectrum resources for unlicensed oper-
                                   ations. Making the entire band available for these unlicensed oper-
                                   ations enables use of wide swaths of spectrum, including several
                                   160-megahertz channels as well as 320-megahertz channels,
                                   which promotes more efficient and productive use of the spec-
                                   trum, and would also help create a larger ecosystem in the 5 GHz
                                   and 6 GHz bands for U-NII devices.”

                                   ”ISED continues to be of the view that releasing the entire 1200
                                   MHz of spectrum will immediately unleash the full potential of
                                   the 6 GHz RLAN technology. Moreover, making the full 6 GHz band
                                   available for licence-exempt use as soon as possible will maximize
                                   the social and economic benefits that Canadians will derive from
                                   this spectrum. The increased demand for broadband Internet and,
                                   consequently, the spectrum required to support Wi-Fi enabled
                     ISED          devices and applications for remote working and virtual learning,
                                   has been demonstrated over the past year with the COVID-19 pan-
                                   demic. Notably, current Wi-Fi capacity and speeds are the main
                                   constraint, even in homes with high-speed wireline connections,
                                   when a family unit is utilizing numerous Wi-Fi enabled devices.
                                   This discrepancy will only become more amplified as available
                                   wireline speeds increase. The additional licence-exempt spec-
                                   trum will provide the improvements needed in Wi-Fi throughput
                                   for homes and businesses and reduce congestion between neigh-
                                   bours living in close proximity. The additional spectrum will also
                                   support the ability for small wireless Internet service providers to
                                   provide cost-effective enhanced broadband connectivity in rural
                                   and remote areas.”

                 Regulators in many economies have           se-exempt technologies. Regulators
               agreed with these views, with South           should put their countries on the same
               Korea, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Hon-        path to align with the growing consen-
               duras, Guatemala, and Peru already            sus that the full 6 GHz band should be
               acting to open the full band to licen-        available for license-exempt use.

16   6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
D. Wi-Fi technology, standards, and interoperability are all in place
today, ready for regulatory action

   Equipment is available to consumers and                  res that consumers can purchase devices
businesses as soon as license-exempt use is                 with the confidence that the device will work
permitted in the 6 GHz band. RLAN operations                with their router and with other devices. Mul-
can be introduced with mitigations to ensure                tiple product vendors are already announ-
that existing users are not adversely impac-                cing Wi-Fi 6E devices that use super-wide 160
ted, enabling countries to maximize benefits                MHz channels and uncongested bandwidth
from the band without enduring the hards-                   in 6 GHz to deliver multigigabit, low laten-
hips of relocating incumbents. Enterprise, in-              cy Wi-Fi. Per the Wi-Fi Alliance, “Wi-Fi CERTI-
dustrial, and governmental needs today and                  FIED™ provides a standards-based approach
in the future also can be more easily met with              for product vendors to introduce secure and
the new generation of technologies designed                 interoperable Wi-Fi 6E products throughout
to operate throughout the entire 6 GHz band.                the world, helping to create a diverse device
                                                            ecosystem.” The first set of products already
  Standards are ready                                       have been certified for interoperability.

   The IEEE has extended the latest Wi-Fi standard,           6 GHz license-exempt equipment is entering
802.11ax (also known as “Wi-Fi 6”) to include the           the market
6 GHz band. The standard is complete and has
been published. In addition to the IEEE standard,             The United States FCC published its test re-
Europe’s ETSI BRAN EN 303 687 has reached                   quirements for the 6 GHz band, and the first
a “stable draft”, providing further support for             devices have completed test review and
standards-based deployments. 3GPP-based                     approval. Then, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai marked
licensed-exempt technologies are also in                    the certification of the first device in Decem-
standards development, with New Radio-                      ber 2020 with the following statement:
Unlicensed included in Release 16 covering the
full 6 GHz band.                                              We expect Wi-Fi 6E to be over two-and-a-
   In addition, both the Wi-Fi Alliance (for IEEE 802.11)     half times faster than the current standard.
and WInnForum (for 5G NR-U) are engaged in                    This will offer better performance for American
projects to standardize the interfaces between                consumers at a time when homes and
Standard Power APs and AFCs. Standardization of               businesses are increasingly reliant on Wi-
the interface helps simplify AFC implementation               Fi. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve
because the two interfaces will be known and                  all seen how Wi-Fi has enabled everything
documented, creating built-in incentive for AFCs              from work-at-home to telehealth to remote
to utilize the standards. Standard Power APs can              learning to streaming and gaming. Wi-Fi 6E
be manufactured and used with the confidence                  will turbocharge each of these and more, and
that the equipment will interface with any                    will also complement commercial 5G networks.
standards-compliant AFC.                                      Bottom line: The American consumer’s wireless
                                                              experience is about to be transformed for the
  Interoperability testing is ready                           better.

   The Wi-Fi Alliance has named Wi-Fi 6 pro-                   With 6 GHz equipment testing rules now
ducts capable of operating in the 6 GHz band                available, manufacturers can proceed to test
as “Wi-Fi 6E” devices and released a certifi-               equipment, and Telecommunications Certi-
cation plan for global interoperability as of               fications Bodies that receive the test reports
January 2021. Interoperability testing has be-              prior to the certification application procee-
come the hallmark of technologies that use                  ding to the FCC laboratory can begin their re-
license-exempt spectrum, because it ensu-                   view of manufacturer testing and begin inde-

pendent testing. Dozens of successful 6 GHz          National Radio Research Institute has an-
equipment certifications have been comple-           nounced its revision of the test method for
ted, with significantly more expected this year.     conformity assessment of radio equipment
   Similarly, in Europe, with the ETSI standard      for the 6 GHz band. The Wi-Fi Alliance now
reaching the stable stage, and with the first        projects that 340 million Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) de-
stage of the European process reaching               vices will be sold in 2021 globally, with about
completion, equipment is entering the Euro-          20% of them (or 68 million devices) 6 GHz-
pean market as individual countries com-             ready. Shipments of 6 GHz-capable Wi-Fi 6
plete steps to adopt the European findings           devices are expected to ramp up very quickly
into national rules. And, the Republic of Korea’s    in 2022 and beyond.

  E. The opportunity cost of opening less than the full band to li-
cense-exempt use RLAN is great, with very limited near-term bene-
fits attributable to an IMT designation

   There is a real and significant opportunity       identify 6 GHz as a pioneer band for 5G, and
cost to countries from not opening the full 6 GHz    the IMT community did not even mention the 6
band for license-exempt use. As described in         GHz band for their 5G needs. Most importantly
previous sections, the footprint of geographies      from a cost-benefit analysis perspective, the
that have already opened the full 6 GHz band         IMT community did not advance the use of 6
ensure that there will be a global market for        GHz frequencies beyond ensuring that 5G New
license-exempt equipment that uses the               Radio – Unlicensed (i.e. 5G NR-U) be specified
full 1200 MHz, and a continued drive toward          in its Release 16 for 5925-7125 MHz as Band
global harmonization. The technology case for        n96. In 2019, GSMA, in a publication directed to
opening the 6 GHz band to license-exempt use         operators about why they should care about
is compelling; doing so generates important          5G, said this:
social and economic benefits. Countries that
fail to act or delay action will fall increasingly      “5G networks require access to spectrum in
behind in realizing the social and economic             low, medium and high radio frequencies and
benefits of license-exempt use. Equipment               in larger contiguous blocks than previous mo-
is ready for the market, with standards and             bile generations require. Regulators that get
interoperability testing in place. Consumer,            as close as possible to assigning 100MHz per
enterprise, industrial, and governmental needs          operator in 5G mid-bands (e.g. 3.5GHz) and
today and in the future can be more easily met          1GHz per operator in millimetre wave bands
with the new generation of license-exempt               (e.g., 26GHz and 28GHz) will best support ro-
technology designed to operate throughout the           bust 5G services.” GSMA, The 5G Guide: A Re-
6 GHz band.                                             ference for Operators, April 2019.
   Some parties may argue that the portion of
the band above 6425 MHz should be reserved              Notably, GSMA did not raise the 6 GHz band
for possible IMT use, or that IMT technologies       frequencies, and failed to list the 6 GHz band
“require” 6 GHz band spectrum, but the               in its exhaustive appendix of “5G New Radio
arguments do not stand up to scrutiny. The IMT       Spectrum Bands.” The IMT community’s ac-
community’s mid-band spectrum advocacy               tions over the last decade on the 6 GHz band,
for many years has focused on spectrum in            or rather its inaction, speak far louder than GS-
the 3 GHz range. For much of the last decade,        MA’s recent hyperbolic press release descri-
the IMT community has advised governments            bing the allocation of 6 GHz for license-exempt
globally that it is essential to make available      use a “clear threat to 5G”. Regulators and poli-
100 MHz per operator in this 3GHz range to           cymakers globally have gone to great lengths
support 5G needs, administrations did not            to provide the 3 GHz mid-band spectrum that

18   6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
the cellular industry has long said was
                                              the critical enabler for 5G. The IMT in-
                                              dustry should act to meet its promises
                                              for 5G with the spectrum that has been
                                              made available, not to claim that 6 GHz
                                              licensed spectrum is suddenly critical
                                              to enable 5G operations.
                                                 Today, the established path to mid-
                                              band licensed 5G is through the 3
                                              GHz band (roughly 3300-4200 MHz
                                              globally). Most mid-band NR devices
                                              have been announced for the 3 GHz
                                              range (n77, n78) along with devices for
                                              the 2500 MHz band (n41) and 2100 MHz
                                              (n1). At 6 GHz, there is no New Radio
                                              specification for standard FDD or TDD
                                              3GPP technology, although 5G NR-U
                                              has been specified for license-exempt
                                              use in the 6 GHz band. Because of this,
                                              there is neither infrastructure nor client
                                              device equipment that can support
                                              licensed New Radio in the 6 GHz
                                              band. In contrast, there are mature
                                              specifications for both LTE and 5G NR
                                              for the 3 GHz range, and infrastructure
                                              and client device manufacturers have
                                              implemented support in a wide variety
                                              of equipment already available in
                                              the market. Radios supporting 5G NR
                                              bands n77 and n78 in the 3 GHz range
                                              are the path to instant mid-band
 Source: GSA April 2021                       5G as soon as 3 GHz band spectrum
                                              becomes available, just as there is
                                              a large and growing ecosystem of
                                              equipment that can instantly leverage
                                              designation of the full 6 GHz band for
 Source: GSA April 2021                       license-exempt use.
                                                 GSMA correctly recommends that
In addition to making           policymakers and regulators “support harmonised
                                mid-band 5G spectrum”. With major markets, such
available further parts of      as the U.S., Canada, South Korea, and Brazil, having
the 3.3-4.2 GHz band range      allocated 5925-7125 MHz for license-exempt use,
for licensed 5G, countries      these frequencies will not be harmonized for licensed
                                5G. Instead regulators are making decisions to
are also considering parts of   allocate the 6 GHz band in a way targeted toward
the 4.4-5.0 GHz band range      easing the mid-band deficit of license-exempt
                                spectrum around the world, keeping in mind that 5G
to provide even further mid-    NR-U can also use these frequencies.
band IMT spectrum based            Regulators around the globe agree that
on the existing 3GPP band       withholding the upper 700 MHz of the 6 GHz band for
                                future consideration for IMT is inadvisable.
n79 ecosystem.

•   In Canada, “ISED is of the view that delaying the release of the spectrum would not
        meet the policy objectives outlined in section 2, as it would hinder access to affordable
        broadband services for Canadians in rural and urban areas and would negatively
        impact the opportunities for innovation.”

    •   In Saudi Arabia, the CITC noted that it favored 3 GHz band spectrum, not the 6 GHz
        band, for 5G mid-band needs, stating that its focus was on making 3 GHz band spec-
        trum available for 5G. CITC noted “the substantial amount of licensed TDD mid band
        spectrum already being made available for IMT and 5G…. CITC believes that this band-
        width will be sufficient to cover the mid-band spectrum needs of IMT for the fore-
        seeable future.…The existing mid-bands for exclusive IMT use have robust ecosystems
        already as well as superior propagation characteristics. If mobile operators want to
        access the 6 GHz band, they can do so on a license-exempt basis using NR-U (which
        3GPP has defined as band n96).”

    •   In Brazil, one commissioner explained that “IMT operators wanted us to give a part of
        this spectrum for licensed use, arguing that it was important for 5G. If we wanted to do
        that, we would have to wait until 2024 to start the discussion about that and maybe
        in 2027 we would have the deployment. Considering the moment that we are in right
        now, considering the pandemic, considering the need for connectivity for everyone
        for the recovery of the economy, considering all of that, we understood that we could
        not wait until 2024 or 2027 to start using this frequency band. That’s so important. We
        decided to start using it right now, because right now we have the equipment, we
        have a Wi-Fi 6E ecosystem. If we waited more than six years to take this decision, these
        are six years that we lose all the innovation, all the revenues, all the development this
        frequency band may bring to our economies.”

    •   In the United States, the FCC declined the “requests that we repurpose substantial
        portions of the 6 GHz band for new licensed services in place of new unlicensed
        operations and existing incumbents. Most importantly, as explained in the Notice and
        in this Order, we believe that providing new opportunities for unlicensed operations
        across the entire 6 GHz band can help address the critical need for providing
        additional spectrum resources for unlicensed operations…. Repurposing large portions
        of the 6 GHz band for new licensed services would diminish the benefits of such use to
        the American public.”

   Consistent with these observations,     narrowband fixed link transitions
many jurisdictions have opened the         were completed properly, which then
full 6 GHz band to license-exempt          would allow for coexistence to be
use. It also is important to understand    studied, these countries requested
the status of and reasoning behind         that the initial license-exempt study
European action on the 6 GHz band.         be restricted to 5925-6425 MHz.
Europe’s 2017 decision to evaluate the     Other countries, however, proposed
lower 500 MHz of spectrum was based        opening the full 6 GHz band to license-
on genuine but parochial concerns by       exempt use or suggested 5925-6725
a few countries, mostly those that were    MHz for the scope of the coexistence
in the process of migrating narrowband     study. European regulators opted
fixed links from other bands into the      for a “lowest common denominator”
upper portion of the 6 GHz band. To        approach, resulting in the initial study
conserve regulatory administrative         of 5925-6425 MHz. When the European
resources and to ensure that these         Commission issued a final revision

20 6 GHz License Exempt: Why the full 1200 MHz and why now?
to the study mandate to reflect the          should be used for IMT. Their mandate on
     compromise, it said:                         that matter is silent.
                                                    In any event, the approach that
       Based on the results of the compa-         European regulators used to define
       tibility and coexistence studies cove-     the boundaries of their study in 2017
       ring the 5925-6425 MHz band to be          has no bearing on the rest of the world.
       carried out under this Mandate, the        The rationale was internal-to-CEPT
       relevant harmonised technical condi-       decision-making and should not serve
       tions should enable the coexistence        as a limiting factor on how any other
       with other systems in this and adja-       country studies the 6 GHz band. Nor
       cent frequency bands.                      should it cause other countries to fall
                                                  short of adopting the best public policy
        Thus, once coexistence rules were         outcomes possible.
     established for the lower portion of the
     band, regulators have completed a              In fact, no country has designated
     relevant portion of the work that would        the 6425-7125 MHz spectrum for IMT.
     be needed for a study of the upper             Therefore, there is an absence of
     portion of the band. Fully understanding       consensus among the world’s regu-
     the Mandate’s meaning requires an              lators – in contrast to the many coun-
     understanding of the debate and ultimate       tries embracing license-exempt use
     resolution over the size of the band to be     of the full 6 GHz band -- that any part
     studied that preceded it – namely, an          of the 6 GHz band is necessary for 5G
     expectation that the upper portion of          licensed mid-band spectrum. In light
     the band could be studied for license-         of this and the inactivity on the 6 GHz
     exempt use in due course. In concluding        band among the IMT community dis-
     its study of the lower 6 GHz band and          cussed above, the benefits associa-
     approving LPI and VLP portable devices,        ted with reserving the upper 700 MHz
     the European Commission – and the              of the 6 GHz band for possible future
     European regulators that participated          IMT use remain speculative.
     – did not decide that the upper portion
                                                     There is currently an ITU-R study
                                                  question on coexistence between IMT
                                                  and incumbent FS and FSS networks
                                                  at 6425-7025 MHz (Region 1), as well as
                                                  another on 7025-7125 MHz (globally).
Many types of equipment                           The study question is probably most
are expected to support                           noteworthy as another marker of
                                                  the regulatory direction of the band,
the entire 1200 MHz of the                        because Regions 2 and 3 specifically
6 GHz band, as the Unit-                          explicitly declined to join in on the
                                                  Region 1 coexistence study at the WRC-
ed States, Brazil, Canada,                        19. Region 1 will be evaluating whether
Saudi Arabia, and the Re-                         IMT could coexist with fixed satellite
                                                  uplink, fixed microwave, and other
public of Korea are en-                           services such as a mobile satellite
                                                  downlink located in the 6425-7125
abling the band for such                          MHz band. In the 2017-2021 European
operations, with many                             examination        of   license-exempt
                                                  coexistence, the European process
other countries expected                          concluded that LPI and VLP license-
to do so in 2021.                                 exempt devices could coexist with

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