5783 Wishing You a Sweet New Year - ShulCloud

5783 Wishing You a Sweet New Year - ShulCloud
Wishing You a Sweet
     New Year

5783 Wishing You a Sweet New Year - ShulCloud
Greeting Book Committee
Jackie Devries
Mary Mortellaro
Linda Alexander
Josie Sterling
Sheila Millman
Staci Cohen
Leslie Back and Judy Sears
5783 Wishing You a Sweet New Year - ShulCloud
CNT Board of Trustees
Position                              Name
President                             Dan Klerman
Executive Vice President              Adam Feingold
Treasurer                             Steven Kovary
Financial Secretary                   Stephen Lebowitz
Education Vice President              Sarah Mayer
Housing Vice President                Steve Silverstone
Security Vice President               Harold Ginsburg
Membership Vice President             Katie Hulbert Vanderhal

Ways and Means Vice President         Diane Stone
Ritual Vice President                 Jake Ackermann
Youth Vice President                  Mike McGinty
Preschool Vice President              Cynthia Spierer
Development Vice President            Mitchell Tarica

CNT Activities Vice President         Jill Ruby-Wahba
Catering Vice President               TBD
Parliamentarian                       Jerry Sisk
Recording Secretary                   Adela Barnett
Immediate Past President              Warren Sterling

Sisterhood President/Representative   Adrianne Kaufman

Jeff Garett                           Steve Millet
Bart Gurewitz                         Edna Hyatt
James Eberhart                        Larry Savell
Alexis Langer                         Joe Back
Dan Devries                           Rebecca Ruberg
                                      Todd Bauer
5783 Wishing You a Sweet New Year - ShulCloud
CNT Sisterhood Board 2022-2023
President                       Adrianne Kaufman

Co-Treasurers                   Sheila Millman/Staci Cohen

Parlimentarian                  Loni Dyner
Administrative VP               Jo-Ann Katz

  Cheer and Comfort               Barbara Gilbert

  Corresponding Secretary         Rebecca Ruberg

  Publicity                       Shari Weiner

  Recording Secretary             Judy Sears
Programing VP                   Jamie Ahern

  Camp Ramah/Kadima/USY           Open position

  Social Action Chair             Leslie Back
Membership VP                   Molly Grayver

  Membership Dinner               Open position

  Welcome Baskets                 Ellen Geminder
Co-Ritual VPs                   Josie Sterling/Judy Tobias

  B’nai Mitzvah presentations     Stacy McGinty

  Bereavement                     Margie Lunt Alper
Ways and Means VP               Molly Grayver

  HH Greeting Booklet             Jackie Devries

  Mah Jongg                       Leslie Back

  Hamentaschen                    Mary Mortellaro

  Purim Carnival                  Louise Altman
Torah Fund VP                   Mary Mortellaro

  Special Gifts                   Eve Wechsberg
Judaica Shop                    Marilyn Landau
5783 Wishing You a Sweet New Year - ShulCloud
Office Staff

Position                          Name

Executive Director                Ellie Berkowitz-Handler
Clergy Assistant &
Office Administrator              Ambir Elliott
Director of Finance               Leigh Marcus
Director of David’s School        Gail Goldstein
Director of Education and Youth
Activities                        Ami Berlin
Assistant Director of Youth
Engagement                        Miriam Cohn
Staff Assistant                   David Feingold
Building Manager                  George Parra
5783 Wishing You a Sweet New Year - ShulCloud
Rabbi Tal Sessler

 Cantor Ken Jaffe
5783 Wishing You a Sweet New Year - ShulCloud
Rabbi Cantor Emeritus
           Samuel B. Radwine

        All our best wishes
          to our friends at
     Congregation Ner Tamid
      for a happy and healthy

Rabbi Cantor Sam Radwine & Wade Sisco
5783 Wishing You a Sweet New Year - ShulCloud
It is hard to believe that the High Holy Days are
here. The purpose of these elevated times is for all of us to
momentarily halt the relentless pace of modern life and
recalibrate our souls. This is a time for forgiveness and
togetherness. It is a time for introspection and spiritual ac-
countability. It is a time for celebration and gratitude, as well
as a time for our remembrances and commemorations.

On behalf of my family and everyone at the CNT family,
wishing us all a happy and healthy new year.

As we say every year in the prayer book:
“May one year end with its curses, and may a
novel year commence with boundless blessings.

Shanah Tovah, with best wishes,
Rabbi Tal Sessler
5783 Wishing You a Sweet New Year - ShulCloud
L’Shana Tova
Wishing you a happy, healthy, and
       peaceful New Year.

       Cantor Ken Jaffe
5783 Wishing You a Sweet New Year - ShulCloud
Wishing our CNT
  members and friends
    a year of health,
happiness and connection
        with our
    CNT community

  Your CNT Board of Trustees
    Daniel Klerman, President
Wishing you good health,
happiness, and prosperity
today and all through
      the year!

     From the CNT
    Sisterhood Board
      Adrianne Kaufman,
    Sisterhood President
Wishing you a year filled
   with health and

          Ami Berlin
           Shana Tova!
           May 5783
be a year of good health, joy and

     The Teachers of the David Preschool
         @Congregation Ner Tamid
L’Shana Tovah           Wishing everybody
     Tikateivu            a happy and healthy
A Happy, Healthy, Sweet
                               new year.
    New Year to All

  Susan Silver            Sam and Joanne Osofsky

 Wishing Everyone a
 Healthy and Happy
     New Year

      Karen Marcus,
    Leigh Marcus and
     Skylar, Evan and
     Jordan Yodowitz       Linda Alexander
The Poncher Family

The Moskowitz Family
Bud and Carol Tufeld

        The Ackerman Family
              MIRIAM ACKERMANN
                   LEAH DEMELLO,
            SAGIT, ORIE & RINA PIKEN

 Wishing you a happy and healthy
 New Year!

      Leslie and Joseph Back, Nancy Back,
     Benjamin, Amy, Evan and Nathan Pozez
Happy New Year to all ...
    with a special warm
         welcome to
Rabbi Sessler and Cantor Jaffe

        ‫שנה טובה‬
  Edna Hyatt and Family
CNT Friends and Family
May you have a healthy,
 happy sweet new year.

                           Wishing you health
 Larry and Harriett Cohn     and happiness

                           Rena & Irv Eisenstein

 Wishing you all a         May this year be filled
healthy and happy           with the promise of
    new year!               peace, health, and

 Happy New Year!
 Steve and Maxine
     Lebowitz               The Resin Family
L’Shana Tova
                       To our Ner Tamid

Robin Franko and Gary Herman

 To A Happy and Healthy New Year!

             Love from Diamond Family,
Cheryl & Mark, Elise & Jeremy, Kim & Breno,
 Michelle & Josh, Helene, Shelby & Jonathan,
Monica, Benjamin, Natalie, Jayke, Kieran, Lina
Throughout this New Year,
may you have good health,
happiness, and joyful times
   with those you love.

Linda and Zan Calhoun
Loni and Harry,
         Pam, Steve, Erica & Sarah Hendry,
Gary, Carolynne, Quinn & Sadie Dyner, Debbie Dyner

          L’Shana Tova
         Tovia and Edward Trabin
Art Friedman and Family
Wishing My CNT
   Family a Good and
       Sweet Year

                                    To Our
                                   Ner Tamid

                                  Larry & Naomi

     Mary Mortellaro

    L’Shana Tovah!             Wishing you a
Wishing you a year filled
   with good health,          warm and wonderful
 happiness, and peace             New Year

   Don and Ruth Kisner,
 Aaron, Susannah, Jeremy,
  Angela, Chloe, Gracie,
                              Ronnie and Steve
Maya Robyn, Michael, Dylan,     Silverstone
   Arielle and Ryan Ross
The Wolstan Family

      Wishing everyone a
happy, healthy, and peaceful
         New Year!

        Eugene Knell
     Dan and Jackie Devries
Wishing everyone a year filled with
  goodness, joy, peace, and prosperity.

  Jill Ruby-Wahba and Jenna Wahba

Wishing our CNT family a year of good
       health, love, and family.

  Thank you for being there for us.
      Petra and Steve Comley
Wishing all a Healthy and
   Happy New Year

  Robin and Steve Rome

    L’Shanah Tovah

Looking forward to a wonderful
year with my Ner Tamid family.
       Eve Wechsberg
May the coming year
bring health and happiness to you and those
                 you love.

        Simcha Havurah
    Peter and Margie Lunt Alper,
      Marty Fox & Jenny Vogel,
Ellen Orenstein, Bob & Celia Rothman,
         Stan & Judy Tobias

 Wishing you a year of good health, happiness,
                 and peace.

 Richard, Adrianne, Brian, Jeffrey and Steven
To All our
      Ner Tamid Friends,
       May you have the
       sweetest of years
      with good health
        and happiness.

Josie and Warren Sterling
A happy and
  healthy year to all       Wishing Everyone
 of our CNT friends.
                           A Sweet New Year

Joan and Russell Kraus,      Leonard, Molly, and
Barbara Kraus and John       Emma Clair Grayver
Benesch, Ed Kraus and
    Susan Brenner

L’Shana Tova Tikateivu      Shanah Tovah
                           Wishing everyone
  A Happy, Healthy,        a healthy, happy
Sweet New Year to all.
                               New Year.

 Bob, Susan, Bethany and
      Brent Abelson
                           Howard and Sharon
A happy, healthy &
                     peaceful New Year to our
 L’Shana Tova           Ner Tamid Family.

Kimberly and David
 Stone and Family

                       Judy and Stanley

                        everyone a safe
                         Happy New
                       David and Rascha

Pauline and Allen
Wishing you good health,
   happiness & peace,
today and all through the

  Andrea & Jamie Lewis
Hours: Sundays when CLAL is in
       session.9:15am to 12:15pm.
    By appointment: Call Marilyn at

                 Many items are reduced to
                 clear as we are making room
                 for new merchandise.

                 Coming soon…New items for

  We can personalize menorahs,
 mezuzahs, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Gifts,
Hebrew name necklaces and much
  more. Come visit and see our
 beautiful selection of tallitot and
Remembering All
                        My Happy Years
                        with Sisterhood

A Happy & Healthy
  New Year for              Gail Ruder
You & Your Family

  Ronnie Gerber

     Wishing our Ner Tamid Family
    a healthy, prosperous, and happy
             Shanah Tovah

             The Naghi Family
         Ben & Sheila, Rachel & Jacob,
        Josh & Candice, Jesse, Kimberly,
               Ronen, and Eliana
L'Shana Tova!
Have a healthy, sweet year filled with
        love and happiness.

     Hank and Nancy Eisner

May your year be filled
with sweetness and joy.
Our 2022 – 2023 Campaign supports scholarships and pro-
 gramming for Rabbis, Cantors and Educators at The Jewish
Theological Seminary in New York, Ziegler School of Rabbinic
Studies in Los Angeles, Schechter Institutes of Jewish Studies
in Jerusalem, Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos
      Aires, and Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam.

 Help strengthen Jewish education and ensure the vibrancy of
the Jewish people for decades to come, with your gift to Torah
   Fund. The 80 represents 80 years of Women’s League.

      Contributions: By check payable: Torah Fund
                  Or, by credit card go to

                   Thank you for your support.

                      L’Dor V’Dor
 Adira is Hadassah's first Young Women's Group in the South Bay

Beginning our 5th year in the South Bay
                                          For more information
  For more information about              about Hadassah, Contact:
  Membership Contact:
  Lemor Wasserstrom                       Margie Lunt
  lemorwass@yahoo.com                     margie1202@gmail.com
Joshua J Berger, MD, PhD, FACOG
Medical Director

Innovative Fertility Center
3500 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 130
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
t 310.648.2229(Baby) f 310.333.0666
Name                 Phone Number   Specialty

Howard Blumberg      310-541-3597   Insurance

Josh Effron          310-427-7705   Immigration Law

Jack Esensten        310-377-5557   Law

Leonard Grayver      310-383-6529   Law

Pauline Rosen        310-373-9300   Law

Diane Stone          310-796-6140   Real Estate

Bloom Dental         310-320-6101   Dental

Wolstan Goldberg Eye 310-543-2611   Ophthalmology
South Bay Home       800-464-3258   Home Health Supplies
William Scott Rees   310-373-8461   Dental
Belmont Village      310-377-9977   Senior Living

Joshua L Berger MD   310-648-2229   Medical Infertility

Donna Phelan         310-265-5409   Investment

Hilltop Automotive   310-377-2010   Auto Repair

Merrill Gardens      310-955-9604   Senior Living
Jewish Holidays          5783 2022-2023

Holiday                  Date
2022                     2022
Rosh Hashanah I and II   September 26 and 27
Yom Kippur               October 5
Sukkot                   October 10 - 16
Shemini Azeret           October 17
Simchat Torah            October 18
Chanukah                 December 18 - 26
2023                     2023
Tu BiShvat               February 6
Purim                    March 7
Pesach                   April 6 - 13
Yom Ha’Atzmaut           April 26
Lag B'Omer               May 9
Shavu'ot                 May 26
Tisha B'Av               July 27

Name                              Contact
Rabbi Tal Sessler                 X250
Cantor Kenneth Jaffe              x235
Rabbi Cantor Emeritus
Samuel B. Radwine                 sradwine@gmail.com
Gail Goldstein, Director          X229, 310-544-7725
The David’s Preschool              PreschoolDirec-
Ami Berlin, Director of           x236 or 310-265-0160
Education & Youth Activities      aberlin@nertamid.com
Miriam Cohn, Assistant       X247
Director of Youth Engagement mcohn@nertamid.com
Ellie Berkowitz-Handler,          X224
Executive Director                ellieberk@nertamid.com
Ambir Elliott, Clergy Assistant   X222
& Office Administrator            aelliott@nertamid.com
Leigh Marcus, Director of         X251
Finance                           leighmarcus@nertamid.com
David Feingold, Staff Assistant admin@nertamid.com
George Parra,                     X248
Building Manager                  gparra@nertamid.ccom
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