Page created by Beatrice Montgomery

So much changed forever in 2020. With the coronavirus            spreading the risk across platforms lowers your risk but also
pandemic and with other events such as exiting the Brexit        increases the complexity. However, there are a plethora of different
Transition agreement and a global effort to collect more VAT     tools and services to assist you from carriers who have created
and sales tax from cross border transactions, there is still     marketplace connectors to download and ship orders to multi-
much change yet to come. In fact, it would appear now that       channel management solutions to manage multiple marketplace
far from a ‘new norm’ which many are describing the only         and webstore platforms from a single console.
constant will be yet more change.
                                                                 The challenges become greater when selling overseas with
At the start of 2020 we never expected to see our high streets   customs, taxes, language, and currencies thrown into the mix, but
close and this has made selling online more crucial than         it’s important to realise that the skills you use to manage your sales
ever for every retailer. And, for many, that naturally means     on any single marketplace are largely the same regardless which
encompassing marketplaces to extend their reach beyond           platform you trade on or which country that platform serves… and
their own website and social media platforms.                    again you’ll find technology solutions to assist.
                                                                 The only question you should be asking yourself is not ‘Can I
                                                                 manage this platform?’ but rather ‘Are there buyers on this platform
                                                                 that would purchase my products?’
We know, particularly in the UK, that eBay and Amazon are
the two and It’s likely that these two dominant marketplaces
will be at the forefront when you consider where to sell. In     FIND THE LATEST MARKETPLACES ON TAMEBAY
this Marketplace Guide, fully updated for 2020, we aim to
                                                                 On Tamebay for the past decade and a half the best tips have
introduce you to other marketplaces e.g. specialist venues
                                                                 always come from you, our readers. If we have missed a
for DIY, recycled or upcycled premium products, high end
                                                                 marketplace you want to know more about then get in touch
antiques and collectibles and a host of other niche verticals.
                                                                 and we will help spread the word. Since we first published a
We even cover marketplaces which only sell products from
                                                                 Marketplace Guide in 2016, several marketplaces have vanished
one manufacturer such as Eames (furniture) and Bricklink
                                                                 (Souq is now part of Amazon, Walmart closed Jet.com), but others
                                                                 have sprung up in their place.
An omnichannel strategy is more key then ever and our
                                                                 We will continue to explore the opportunities new marketplaces
aim in this eBook is to explore some of the opportunities
                                                                 have to offer on a daily basis on Tamebay but, in the meantime,
marketplaces can offer and if you find just one marketplace
                                                                 we wish you well and offer the 50 marketplaces contained within
that is a good fit for your business then it is a success.
                                                                 this eBook with the hope that you’ll find a new venue on which to
                                                                 expand your business.
MULTI-CHANNEL & MULTI-COUNTRY                                                                   Chris, Co-Founder & Editor, Tamebay
There are compelling reasons to diversify your business and

The way the world looks at ecommerce has changed                To cater to this increased demand and further our exponential
drastically in 2020. With the government-mandated               growth, we have our sights set on global expansion, fuelled by
lockdowns putting a stop to shopping in brick-and-mortar        significant investment: starting this year, we’ll be taking our
stores, the global ecommerce market saw an immense uptick       convenience-based marketplace model worldwide. By 2023,
in sales and as a result, online marketplaces are thriving      customers in over 140 countries will have access to products
now more than ever. During and even after lockdown, online      from every size and type of retailer through OnBuy, along with
marketplaces have been a lifeline for consumers: being able     the ability to transparently compare everything from price and
to effortlessly access a wide range of products (essential      reviews to warranty and delivery time - all to provide them
and non-essential) in one place without having to leave their   with the best possible shopping experience.
homes has resulted in online shopping becoming the norm.
                                                                Online retailers that sell with us will have instant access to
With this increased consumer interest comes increased           any and all of our markets, putting their products in front of
demand for both wide-ranging and specialist marketplaces        a global audience. We recognise the challenges that come
alike. While marketplaces like OnBuy, Amazon and eBay           with international expansion and wanted to make this process
(where you can buy almost anything) have thrived, so have the   simple for sellers, just like selling through OnBuy is already,
niche verticals - given the increased amount of time spent in   so we’ll take care of currency conversion and translation
their homes, people are keen to get stuck into DIY and home     automatically. Our marketplace is designed to work for sellers
improvement projects, so marketplaces like ManoMano and         of all sizes, so we’ll give them full control in which markets
Houzz have become even more popular.                            they want to sell to and whether they want auto-currency
                                                                conversion and auto-translation.
Beyond this surge in interest, what does the future hold for
marketplaces? Consumers are increasingly expectant of an        One of the many things that the start to 2020 has shown us all
online experience that caters to their wide-ranging needs,      is that the world is increasingly connected and increasingly
from specialist homeware marketplaces to one-stop shops,        reliant on online shopping. There’s a world of buyers waiting
so ensuring you not only have the products that people want     out there - it’s time to embrace the future of ecommerce and
but an experience they’ll remember is crucial.                  start expanding your business beyond borders.
Through being able to offer consumers a huge variety of                                       By Cas Paton, founder of OnBuy
products at great prices, OnBuy became the fastest-growing
marketplace in the world. Along with a significant increase
in visitors from the UK (resulting in OnBuy ranking as the
fastest-growing large ecommerce site in the UK), we’ve
seen increasing amounts of buyers from overseas territories
(including the USA, Australia, France, UAE, Canada, Ireland,
Sweden, Denmark, Germany and more).

  Allegro                5   Linio                       30
  ASOS                   6   Luxecycled                  31
  Bazar                  7   ManoMano                    32
  Bol.com                8   Mellow                      33
  Bonanaza               9   Newegg                      34
  Bricklink             10   Neweggbusiness              35
  Catch.com.au          11   OnBuy                       36
  CDiscount             12   OnTruck                     37
  Coolshop              13   Otto                        38
  Cosmetic Megastore    14   Privalia                    39
  Discogs               15   Rakuten Japan               40
  Eames                 16   Reverb                      41
  Etsy                  17   Ruby Lane                   42
  Fnac                  18   Rue du Commerce             43
  Folksy                19   Spartoo                     44
  Fruugo                20   The Decorative Collective   45
  G2A.com               21   The Steel Store             46
  GAME                  22   Tmall Global                47
  GittiGidiyor          23   Trade Me                    48
  Houzz                 24   Trouva                      49
  JD.com                25   Virtual Stock               50
  Jumia                 26   Wish                        51
  La Redoute            27   Yatego                      52
  Lazada                28   Yumbles                     53
  letgo                 29   Zalando                     54

MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                             SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                           customisable and not on a catalogue basis. Free shipping
Allegro is the biggest online marketplace in Poland. It’s a      Registration on Allegro is easy. To sign up just go to         is highly recommended. A local returns address is
homegrown enterprise that enjoys 40% share of the total          allegro.pl, click on “My Allegro->Create An Account” and       recommended but not mandatory. There are no monthly
ecommerce market with more than 21 million customers,            follow the instructions. You then need to set up a PayU        subs or listing fees: you just pay when you sell.
of which 90% shop monthly on the site according to               account, the wallet service that collects all your Allegro
reports. It’s interesting to note that neither eBay or           takings. You don’t need a Polish bank account because
Amazon have been particularly successful and don’t               PayU funds can be remitted to a UK bank account.               TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON ALLEGRO
dominate Polish ecommerce. Poland is a country of nearly                                                                        If you want to sell to Poland, then Allegro is the primary
                                                                 The process to register is easy so you don’t need to be        choice. And as a UK seller, with ready access to Polish
40 million people.
                                                                 accredited or approved. You can sell new goods in most         talent who can help, it is a realistic option. The relative
Poland is an interesting ecommerce market because the            verticals.                                                     weakness of Sterling will help, as does the close
share of retail that is made online is relatively low: only 4%                                                                  links between the UK and Poland. Postage, fulfilment
in 2019, compared to 22.3% in the UK. Internet penetration                                                                      and returns do represent a challenge but nothing is
is also lower. And the same is true with mobile and              PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT                                insurmountable. Brexit uncertainty though does represent
smartphone usage compared to the UK or Germany. But              It’s worth noting that Allegro is entirely in Polish so one    a future concern.
all of the above are growing and Poland offers exponential       real benefit you can enjoy is having a native Polish speaker
growth in a territory that’s not already full of competition.    in your business. Indeed, language is probably the biggest
                                                                 barrier to selling on Allegro.
                                                                 You’ll need to produce listings in Polish and also provide
                                                                 customer service in the language. The listing design is

                                                                    Marketplace. We ask for applications to ensure that our         TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON ASOS MARKETPLACE
                                                                    boutiques are of a certain standard. ASOS Marketplace           Anecdotally, two aspects of the ASOS marketplace come up
                                                                    boutiques will comprise of key emerging design talent,          when it becomes a topic of conversation. The first relates
                                                                    groundbreaking independent labels and boutiques, and the        to registration and getting set up on the marketplace: by
    MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                            finest vintage selections. Only a very small percentage of      all accounts ASOS is a hard outlet to get registered on.
    ASOS, which stands for As Seen On Screen, is a well known       those that apply to be boutique sellers will be successful.     Registration can be an involved process and they are picky
    fashion and accessories retailer based in London. And it also
                                                                                                                          – ASOS    about who they approve as sellers, as is apparent from
    offers a marketplace site that’s open to merchants who sell
                                                                                                                                    their comment. So, that’s evidence clearly pointing to the
    clothing that complements their own lines and products.
                                                                                                                                    fact that this isn’t a sales channel that will be open to
    The ASOS Marketplace launched in 2010 with 20 sellers           PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT                                 everyone.
    and since then, they say, it has become the leading online
                                                                    A boutique costs £20 per month and when you make a sale           Secondly, returns on ASOS are reportedly very high
    platform for independent brands and vintage boutiques
                                                                    there’s a 20% commission. Boutiques must be stocked with        indeed, but that’s true of online fashion sales in general.
    selling online. They also say that now they have over 900
                                                                    a minimum of 15 different styles at all times. You take care    Shoppers like to buy multiple apparel items to make sure
    boutiques from fashion merchants.
                                                                    of fulfilment yourself.                                         they fit or suit them and send back the ones they don’t
                                                                                                                                    want. That makes the returns service you offer important
                                                                    For items that are available in different sizes, you can list
                                                                                                                                    and, potentially, a serious line item to consider when
    SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                            those as part of a single product listing. For items with
                                                                                                                                    business planning.
    They call it “opening a boutique” and you’ll need to be         different styles (e.g. long sleeve and short sleeve t-shirts)
    approved and screened before you can start selling on           and different colours you should complete a separate               At the crux of the attraction of ASOS is brand recognition:
    ASOS.                                                           listing. The ideal image size they seek is 870 x 1262 pixels.   it is a respected and effective organisation beloved by
                                                                    Indeed, the quality of imagery is obviously vital to ASOS       consumers and, if they approve you, it could very easily
    As they say of the application process on ASOS:                 and they have detailed and strict guidelines available to       become an essential and lucrative sales channel for
    You must apply to become a boutique seller on ASOS              merchants.                                                      merchants in that vertical.

                                                              few minutes and users can download the app on Apple           TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON BAZAR
                                                              Store and Google Play.                                        This is a new marketplace and, as most new marketplaces
MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                          However, if you are an ethical brand or retailer you will     need to, will appeal to a niche audience but one that is growing
                                                              need to apply for Pro Seller status by visiting bazarapp.     massively. We are living in a changing world and morally and
Bazar is a new UK based ethical shopping app and the
                                                              co.uk. For Pro Seller status, you will need to have an        ethically conscious consumers are a fast growing market
inspiration of family members Alix Cope and Finley
                                                              ethical brand, an inventory of products and a website shop.   sector driven by high profile events such as Attenborough’s
Cope who saw an opportunity to launch an app-based
                                                              The Bazar team will then review your application and notify   Blue Planet.
marketplace, which would connect buyers with sellers
by forming a community for sustainable and ethical life       you of your successful or unsuccessful application.           The basics are all there with bulk uploads and the ability
products. It’s key differentiator the commitment to ethical                                                                 to manage your inventory with a Seller Dashboard. And as
and sustainable products whether they be from artisans,                                                                     a social app communication with buyers is baked into the
micro-sellers or a larger brands.                             PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT                               platform. The one thing that might hold you back is the lack of
                                                              By registering as a Pro Seller you can take advantage of      integration with multi-channel management platforms, but for
Bazar’s vision is to revolutionise ethical consumerism,
                                                              Bazar’s free Pro Seller Dashboard functionality. For brands   many sellers of pre-loved items this is perhaps less important
enabling customers to explore and buy verified ethical,
                                                              and sellers of ethical products; the Pro Seller Dashboard     than for FMCG products.
eco-friendly and pre-loved items within a few simple taps,
                                                              will provide rapid access to upload products in bulk,
in a unique single, interactive, social marketplace.                                                                        You will be welcomed on Bazar if you have an existing web shop
                                                              manage your inventory and sales whilst connecting directly
                                                              with your customers.                                          and sell ethical, eco-friendly and pre-loved items.

SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                          Once registered as a Pro Seller, although the convenience
Anyone can sign up to the Bazar app to sell Pre-loved or      of uploading in bulk will appeal, there will be times when
Artisan goods. You will need a mobile phone number and        you need to upload just a single product and you can still
valid email address. Registering for the app takes just a     use the app to do this. The new product will also be added
                                                              to your Pro Seller Dashboard automatically.

    MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                           SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                           hopefully tapping into their expertise too) is an easy way to
    Bol.com is the big and famous online retailer for books,       Selling on Bol.com is easy and all you need to provide are     start selling.
    toys and electronics and surpasses Amazon in those fields      your business details and product GTINs and you’re good
    in Holland. It started out as a purely online bookshop, but    to go. That said, anecdotal evidence we’ve heard suggests
    Bol.com is now the biggest marketplace for a wide range of     that they are unforgiving when a seller breaks the rules.      TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON BOL.COM
    products in the Netherlands and Belgium. It has a strong                                                                      Trading with Belgium and Holland is an easy proposition
    brand presence and is very well respected among Dutch                                                                         for UK sellers. Shipping is straight forward and efficient.
    and Belgian consumers. It has a very popular mobile app.       PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT                                But most importantly both the Dutch and Belgians are
                                                                   Listing your items is also easy. All Bol.com needs for all     adept at trading with the UK. Not only is English widely
    They say that they enjoy custom from 9 million customers                                                                      used but they know how long shipping takes. Neither
    selling over 16 million products. Most of the products are     products is a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). So if you
                                                                   have a GTIN, there is no need to manually translate your       are the biggest countries in the world but they are good
    brand new but secondhand sales are also possible. As a                                                                        shoppers when it comes to UK goods and they like a lot of
    seller you can also enjoy benefits from internal advertising   listing – Bol does that for you. There are also no fixed
                                                                   monthly fees for your Bol.com account and you only pay for     things our nation has to sell.
    possibilities, get help in content optimisation from the Bol
    team and use the affiliate marketing programme to drive        each item which is sold.                                       What are the downsides? You’re going to need to have a
    additional sales and revenues.                                 You can also plug into Bol.com’s distribution network in the   proven track record and a GTIN based listings approach but
                                                                   Netherlands to help with fulfilment. Bol.com handles all       that is scarcely a problem for any serious and committed
                                                                   payments and disburses them to sellers. Quite a number         ecommerce merchant.
                                                                   of multi-channel marketplace providers already serve
                                                                   Bol.com, so switching on this marketplace via them (and

                                                               fee goes towards promotion on Google Shopping and other         Merchants take care of fulfilment themselves, although
                                                               advertising outlets.                                            integrations with the likes of FedEx and UPS permit you to
MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                                                                                           buy postage online via the marketplace. There is an eBay-
Bonanza is a US based marketplace and ecommerce                Merchants choose to sell on Bonanza.com because of
                                                                                                                               like feedback system too to rate buyers and sellers.
provider that merchants can use as a marketplace or a          the powerful selling tools and low fees. Shoppers choose
shopfront. Founded in 2008, they claim to have more than       Bonanza.com because of the easy-to-use interface and the
                                                               large number of products available across every category.
50,000 merchants, users based in 199 countries and 35                                                                          TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON BONANZA
million items for sale. It offers a full range of categories   Independent surveys of online sellers rate Bonanza over
                                                               other marketplaces, year after year.                            Bonanza is a viable proposition if you already have
similar to eBay and Amazon.                                                                                                    operations in the USA and are looking for a new outlet and
                                                                                                                 – Bonanza     sales avenues. It’s not a big name in the UK but stateside
                                                                                                                               it’s quite well known. This comment from a Tamebay
SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                                                                                           reader offers a useful perspective:
You can register to sell by completing an online form and      PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT
there is no screening. There are no upfront fees or set-                                                                       I have had pretty good success on Bonanza. For a marketplace
                                                               Probably the easiest way to get started is to import your
up costs. There are no listing fees on Bonanza and your                                                                        that requires very little effort to start selling on, definitely worth
                                                               listings and inventories from other marketplaces and
major fees will be on final sales price and the rate card                                                                      the couple of hours I have spent on it! As noted, you can just
                                                               ecommerce platforms. You can bring in your Etsy, Amazon,
and examples can be found here. Lower fees is one of their                                                                     import your current eBay or Amazon listings, and sit back and
                                                               eBay and Shopify listings using an automated tool or start
major benefits they claim. And they seek to be cheaper                                                                         wait for the sales. Very few messages from customers, return
                                                               listing using a flat-file/CSV input. They also offer a multi-
than Amazon and eBay which they say have typical fees of                                                                       requests, or any other hassle – just quite an easy marketplace.
                                                               item editing tool to administer sales and photo editing
10 – 20% of the final sales price. Fees start at 3.5% with                                                                     Bonanza isn’t big enough to be anyone’s main focus, but it’s a
                                                               software to help you improve your images.
the option to join the Advertising Program and select from                                                                     very nice little extra for almost no extra work.
a variety of commission rates (9%, 13%, 19%, or 30%). That                                                                                                                       – Tamebay reader

   Bricklink is a US based marketplace exclusively dedicated
   to the sale of Lego. You can list individual pieces, full sets,
   Lego related items and also mini-figures (which is the
   official name for those little Lego people). It is available to    PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT                                TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON BRICKLINK
   shoppers and sellers from all over the world and clearly           There are 3 ways to list items for sale on BrickLink. If you   What Bricklink ably demonstrates is how a honed and
   has a significant international following.                         just want to sell individual items you can do that using       specialist marketplace can offer a much more satisfactory
   Founded in 2000 it claims to have facilitated in the region of 1   the Sell Item function and add your inventory individually.    buying and selling experience than a generic service
   billion transactions and continues to grow. It was founded by      As all Lego bricks have individual code numbers, you can       such as eBay. And recent updates to improve the look and
   the late Dan Jezek and was acquired by Lego in 2019. You can       use the catalogue and the stock imagery, but your own          feel of the marketplace have greatly improved the visual
   read a full account of the Bricklink story here.                   pictures are highly recommended for more unusual items.        experience of Bricklink, which was previously rather
                                                                      If you have lots of lots, you can use the Mass Inventory       perfunctory. Most beguiling though is the evident ongoing
                                                                      Upload and add many items to your inventory at once via        sense of community, including volunteer moderators,
   SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                               a file in XML format. Or you can “Part Out a Set” – Enter a    that will be familiar to those who recall eBay of old. True
                                                                      set number and view parts and minifigs in that set ready       enough it has not made a big splash in the UK in the
   Information on how to register can be found here. There’s
                                                                      for upload into your inventory. Merchants fulfil their sales   general consciousness but if you’re a dedicated seller of
   no qualification criteria to establish either a buyer or seller
                                                                      themselves and payment is made using PayPal.                   Lego then it has to be worth a look.
   account and you can start listing immediately.

                                                               sportswear, home decor, health & lifestyle products,           queries and should respond to any questions or queries
                                                               groceries and everything in-between. By building fulfilling    within a minimum of 2 business days.
                                                               relationships with suppliers, developing a world class IT
                                                                                                                              Fulfilment of orders is made by merchants. Commission
                                                               platform and investing in our supply chain, Catch.com.au
                                                                                                                              vary by category from 10 – 25% and that comes on top of a
                                                               consistently delivers results in a competitive landscape.
                                                                                                                              monthly seller subscription of AUS $49.99. Payments are
MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                                                                        – Catch.com.au    disbursed every 14 days in Aussie dollars.
Catch.com.au is one of the biggest Australian online
retailers in its own right and in 2017 it opened an online
marketplace for third party (3P) merchants to market their     SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                           TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON THE CATCH.COM.AU MARKETPLACE
goods on. As a retailer, it has been operating online down     You will need to register to join up and prove that you        Australia is a compelling market on several levels.
under for more than a decade. The brand is best known for      have online selling experience and permission to sell          Obviously, it is English-speaking and there are strong
offering good discounts and daily deals.                       any branded items in your inventory. You can find the          ties between it and the UK. That said, its distance offers
They say they have 4.0 million registered buyers, 2 million    registration page here.                                        a challenge and there is the issues of the GST (goods and
weekly site visitors and over 1 million app users. 70% of                                                                     sales tax) which can mean that merchants importing into
                                                               One thing worth bearing in mind, that has advantages, is
customers shop from mobile devices and 65% of shoppers                                                                        Australia are liable for an additional levy. None of that is
                                                               that Catch.com.au only wants one seller per SKU so they
are female with an average age of 37. The average cart                                                                        insurmountable and the opportunity that shoppers down
                                                               are very keen to find merchants vending products not
size is 4.3 products and the average cart value equals AUS                                                                    under offer shouldn’t be dismissed.
                                                               already available.
$105.                                                                                                                         Catch.com.au has the merit of being a well known with
As they say themselves of the marketplace:                                                                                    a dedicated following but it’s reputation as a cheap and
                                                               PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT                                cheerful, doiscounting selling arena may well discourage
Catch.com.au is Australia’s favourite online shopping                                                                         many serious merchants. If you are interested in selling
                                                               You can add your products to the catalogue, once approved,
destination and offers over 1 million products both directly                                                                  to Australia, the first stop to test your products out on
                                                               using a CSV flat file or the API. In order maintain a high
and through our Marketplace across a wide range of                                                                            is probably best to be eBay. Not least because they have
                                                               seller rating, Catch says that it is imperative that sellers
consumer categories including fashion, accessories,                                                                           systems in place to deal with GST on your behalf.
                                                               provide prompt and clear responses to customer service

                                                                     of €39.99 to sellers and sales commission is charged           on Cdiscount Marketplace to gain visibility, both on their
                                                                     dependent on category at between 5 and 20%. Payment is         entire store and on selected products. They also propose
    MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                             taken by the marketplace and disbursed to sellers every        Premium Subscriptions giving access to visibility products,
                                                                     ten days in Euros.                                             more data, logistics discounts or services, and for the top
    Cdiscount is France’s largest ecommerce player. Starting life                                                                   4 granting an account manager to help merchants develop
    as a discount online retailer, Cdiscount is now the second                                                                      their business.
    most visited website in the country; it has 9 million active     PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT
    customers and enjoys over 23 million unique visitors per
    month. Cdiscount’s marketplace was launched in 2011 and          You can list your items on Cdiscount using their API,
                                                                     uploading a CSV file or using their listing tools. As a        TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON CDISCOUNT
    has been experiencing strong growth rate ever since.
                                                                     big player in the ecommerce field it is also integrated        If you’re a UK seller, looking to get a toehold in Europe,
    Currently, it hosts more than 12,000 sellers and makes up as     with many of the multichannel software providers in the        then Cdiscount is a marketplace that’s seriously worth
    much as 38% of the gross sales volume of Cdiscount.com.          industry.                                                      considering. It’s one of the most important websites in
    They sell the full gamut of goods, new and refurbished, but it                                                                  France and has a dedicated following of shoppers and
    is particularly well-known for electronics and tech products     Sellers can fulfil their own order, tracking is mandatory,
                                                                                                                                    also strong brand recognition there, even if it’s almost
    and is popular with tech-savvy shoppers looking for good         or you can use Cdiscount’s own fulfilment service. Their
                                                                                                                                    entirely unknown here. It’s also notable that very few UK
    prices. They deliver in France but also in Germany, Italy,       network has 22000 pickup points across France for click
                                                                                                                                    merchants trade on there so it can be good opportunity to
    Spain, Belgium and Luxemburg.                                    and collect. It also takes in charge external orders in over
                                                                                                                                    outsmart your competition. And the barriers to entry are
                                                                     20 countries. To get more prominence for your listings on
                                                                                                                                    not strict and the costs are reasonable.
                                                                     Cdiscount you can try out the Cdiscount Ads which can help
    SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                             sellers to increase traffic, strengthen customer loyalty and   You will likely need to get someone on your team who
                                                                     receive more product reviews.                                  is proficient at French because you’ll need to offer
    You must apply to become a seller on Cdiscount. There’s                                                                         listings and customer service in French but that’s not an
    no registration fee or listing fees. There is a monthly cost     It is a set of communication solutions that allow sellers
                                                                                                                                    insurmountable hurdle.

                                                                    premises. They recently hit the headlines when Coolshop       one shop and list prices in your home currency and they
                                                                    marketplace offered an outlet to 9 Danish toy shops who       will calculate the conversion rate and VAT for the local
                                                                    were struggling with their physical shops:                    markets. Shoppers can pay by card and monies are
                                                                                                                                  disbursed to you by Coolshop.
                                                                    Physical stores are not going away. But they need to adapt,
                                                                    and most of all they need to work together with the online
                                                                    elements of the business, benefitting both parties. ”All
                                                                                                                                  PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT
                                                                    the stores come from established retail chains, and they
                                                                    chose to become part of Kids Coolshop. The stores have        Once you are registered and have opened your Coolshop
MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                                experienced almost explosive growth since joining us, in      Shop, you can upload your products yourself using their
Coolshop is a northern European online retailer and                 some instances close to 50%.                                  tools and API. You fulfil goods yourself too. All prices are
marketplace that began life specialising in video games but                                                                       displayed inclusive of shipping costs.
has branched out to numerous other categories including                          – Jacob Risgaard, founder and CEO, Coolshop.
                                                                                                                                    Your products, when presented to Coolshop customers,
home decor and baby items. They claim more than 2,000,000
                                                                                                                                  show up alongside Coolshop’s own inventory in search
“happy customers”, 6,800,000 unique visitors per year and
                                                                    SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                          results.
more than 125,000 newsletter subscriptions.
                                                                    You can apply to sell on Coolshop Marketplace and then
It opened originally as a retailer in its own right in Denmark
                                                                    your submission will be assessed for approval. There is
but has now expanded to Sweden, Norway, Finland, the                                                                              TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON COOLSHOP MARKETPLACE
                                                                    no substantive information about what the criteria are. UK
Netherlands and UK and has localised marketplaces                                                                                 Coolshop, in general, looks like a fantastic retailer with
                                                                    businesses can apply. Here’s the registration page.
available in all five countries. As they say of their foundation:                                                                 stellar reviews on Trustpilot and a concentrated offer of
                                                                      They say they offer professional assistance in marketing    products that occupies an attractive market area. But, it
We were three young guys who set out to create an alternative
                                                                    and help with improving your position in the market once      must be said, it doesn’t have a major profile in the UK. Yet.
to the traditional high street shop which had never really been
                                                                    you’re up and running and they also claim to have some of
challenged on price. If we are big enough, then we can buy                                                                          And, it’s also worth sounding this word of caution, like
                                                                    the lowest commission rates for marketplace vendors and
in such large quantities that we can skip over several links in                                                                   Amazon in the first instance they are retailers themselves,
                                                                    no start up fees. (But we can’t find a rate card.)
the supply chain, thereby achieving significant savings.                                                                          and that means you’re competing for sales with the people
                                                                      International trade sounds quite easy with the Coolshop     who run the marketplace. That is always a risk.
                                     – Mark, Founder, Coolshop
                                                                    Marketplace as you can also enjoy access to all of
  Based in Denmark, they have seven different                       Coolshop’s 5 operational markets. You only have to open

                                                                   retailers listing their products on Fruugo. Retailers wanting   compulsory. When you list, all you do is provide a product
                                                                   to add incremental sales through risk-free international        feed in some form. That could be Google Shopping, via the
                                                                   retailing just need to contact us at Fruugo in readiness for    API, in a CSV format or using a third party multichannel
                                                                   the additional sales they will generate in 2019 and beyond.     service. Fruugo collects payments on your behalf and
                                                                                                                                   disperses them to you
                                                                              – Tony Preedy, Chief Commercial Officer, Fruugo
    MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                                                                                           The good news is that the Cosmetics Megastore enjoys all
    The Cosmetics Megastore is a new marketplace brought                                                                           of the developed features of Fruugo and that includes the
    to you by Fruugo. It is dedicated exclusively to beauty        SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                            existing integrations that they have already established for
    products such as make up, fragrances and skincare items.       Sellers already listing on and using Fruugo are eligible and    listing and managing inventory on the marketplace and
    By connecting hundreds of retailers from different corners     their relevant products can be included on the Cosmetics        across all your sales outlets. For instance, if you already
    of the world, they are able to bring customers an excellent    Megastore. Otherwise, you’ll need to go through the usual       use Visualsoft, LinnWorks and PlentyMarkets to name but
    selection and competitive prices.                              accreditation process that you can out more about here.         a few, you can plug in easily.
    As part of the ‘Fruugo Global Stores’ network of online        You are required to be willing to ship internationally to
    stores, their mission is to provide great choice and the       some of the overseas geographies that Fruugo serves.            TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON COSMETICS MEGASTORE
    freedom for consumers to shop for cosmetics and beauty         But one of the benefits of the service is that it can assist
    products safely and easily wherever they are, from                                                                             Obviously, this marketplace will only be of interest to
                                                                   with translation and internationalising listings with
    wherever they want, through their global beauty and                                                                            merchants operating in this particular vertical but if
                                                                   relative ease. You should make your listings without sales
    cosmetics marketplace of over 100,000 products from                                                                            you are then there are two very good reasons why the
                                                                   tax because they will calculate that depending on which
    global beauty brands. Fruugo will be familiar to many of                                                                       Cosmetics Megastore is worthy of consideration. The first
                                                                   country you’re selling into disbursements will be made to
    you already as an established marketplace that operates                                                                        is that it’s powered by Fruugo. They are a trusted operator,
                                                                   you in your preferred currency.
    internationally as well as within the UK.                                                                                      effective platform and a recognised brand.

      Fruugo is combining rapid sales growth with continued                                                                        Secondly, it’s another welcome niche marketplace that
    innovation of its services for retailers. These new category   LISTINGS, FULFILMENT AND PAYMENTS                               will likely enjoy traction and offer additional sales to
    specific marketplaces will provide additional exposure for     As a merchant, you fulfil all your orders and tracking isn’t    merchants.

                                                               One aspect of selling on this marketplace that the owners          PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT
                                                               are very keen to explain is the unique database that               You create listings yourself using the all-important
                                                               underpins it:                                                      information in the database and merchants take care of
MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                           The heart of Discogs is a user-built database of music.            fulfilment themselves too. There are no listing fees. But
Discogs is a specialist music marketplace where all            More than 432,000 people have contributed some piece of            successful sales are charged an 8% fee (based on your
formats are welcome for sale. It was started as a hobby        knowledge, to build up a catalog of more than 10,400,000           item sales price in USD), with a minimum of $0.10 and a
project in 2000 by Kevin Lewandowski and now is a              recordings and 5,900,000 artists. The Marketplace connects         maximum of $150. And don’t forget to add PayPal fees.
well respected niche marketplace that’s popular with           buyers and sellers across the globe. With more than 23             They also support CSV listings in bulk if you have an
discerning buyers and sellers of rarer and sought after        million items available and thousands of sellers, this is          existing catalogue.
recordings. It’s based in the USA but overseas buyers and      the premier spot from new releases to hard to find gems.
sellers are welcome.                                           Because the Marketplace is built on top of the accurate            Buyers can pay via an Adyen-powered system too as we
                                                               Discogs database, it is easy for sellers to list their inventory   wrote about previously here.
They say that the site has 7 million active Community
members and 22,000 visitors purchase music via discogs         and buyers are able to specify the exact version they want.
each day. They claim to have over 52 million items available                                                         – Discogs    TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON THE DISCOGS MARKETPLACE
and thousands of sellers.
                                                                                                                                  If you are an established marketplace seller in the CD and
The origin of the name comes from the word discography,                                                                           vinyl vertical this marketplace is well worth exploring.
which they define as the study and cataloguing of              SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                                  We’ve certainly heard from sellers in the past using
phonograph records or a comprehensive list of the              Anyone can register to sell on the marketplace and there is        Discogs who praise it as a great way to get good prices on
recordings made by a particular performer or of a              no need to be screened or approved but all sellers require         British music items from buyers in the USA and elsewhere.
particular composer’s works.                                   a verified PayPal account, which won’t represent a barrier         So a willingness to export is required if you want to make
                                                               to a registered and established eBay merchant. You can             the best of it.
                                                               find out more here.

                                                                     SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                              Workplace Chairs & Tables; Children; Tables; Accessories;
    MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                                                                                               Storage; Wartime; and Media.
                                                                     There are few restrictions for selling on the Eames
    When the Eames Lounge Chair and matching Ottoman was             Furniture Marketplace bar being an enthusiast.                    There is zero commission for the first 6 months and,
    unveiled in 1956, made of moulded ply and as described by        International dealers, hobbyists, collectors one-time             they say, at least 50% lower than other marketplaces
    Charles Eames, designed to fit you like a baseball glove, it     owners or mid-century resellers, are all welcome to sell          thereafter!
    put the design office of Charles and Ray Eames firmly on         their original design on Eames.com.
    the map and their iconic designs are as desirable today as
    they were more than half a century ago.
                                                                                                                                       TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON EAMES
    That’s why the Eames Furniture Marketplace was                   PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT                                   The Eames Furniture Marketplace is highly specialised but
    established, as a place dedicated to providing a safe and        Listings are routinely vetted to ensure only original,            with a dedicated following and anyone who is serious about
    secure platform for the buying and selling of original           authentic and vintage used Eames pieces are ever listed. A        purchasing an Eames design will be sure to find this site.
    and authentic Eames designs. Created by fans for fans,           listing tool could not make it easier to get you selling , with   Whether you specialise in Eames designs or stumble across
    for collectors, for interior specialists and for lovers of all   a step by step guide to get you selling within minutes.           a one off piece it’s worth listing on Eames as it attracts a
    classic design.                                                                                                                    worldwide audience and, as you would expect, prices are
                                                                     Setup offers one-time or multi-use shipping rates.
    The Eames Furniture Marketplace is also home to the                                                                                realistic for the rarity and desirability of the products offered.
    only true online Eames Wiki, packed with the things that         You’ll need a highly detailed description of the product and
                                                                     it’s condition, use high quality photographs and, due to the      This is never going to be a mass market destination, with their
    buyers, sellers, collectors and dealers actually want to                                                                           Eames Wiki and niche vertical it’s a marketplace to collect
    know about the original Eames design they have, they             nature of the purchase, questions from potential buyers
                                                                     should be expected.                                               sellers of Eames furniture with the discerning buyers eager to
    want, they sell, and they need!                                                                                                    purchase.
                                                                     The main categories available to list in include: Seating;

                                                             accredited or approved by the marketplace. But you do          citizens. Now Etsy finds itself with an Influx of 6.5M new
                                                             need to provide and build fantastic, beautiful listings and    buyers and 32% of mask buyers making repeat purchases
MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                         construct a shop front. Look at Etsy and you’ll see that       within 14 days. It looks like Etsy have given sellers a
                                                             listings are quirky and warm and often laced with personal     fantastic platform to bring their businesses online.
Etsy is well known and a major player in the handmade        stories about the products for sale.
and vintage arena with a marketplace that is strong on                                                                      Etsy is in pole position to be a key global player in
visuals, offering curated collections and suggestions and                                                                   ecommerce in the craft, homemade and craft sector
commanding a loyal and passionate following. In the UK                                                                      which is absolutely enormous. It certainly has scope for
                                                             PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT
they have a decent network of sellers who host regular                                                                      international expansion. But the loyal following of sellers
meet-ups and also host offline craft fairs.                  Once you’re registered, you’ll need to build your store.       and shoppers are keen that Etsy should retain its homely
                                                             You can find out all about that here. Etsy doesn’t offer any   and honest vibe that has been crucial to its development
58% of sales are made on mobile devices and 38% of sales     fulfilment itself and you make your own despatches on          thus far.
are made outside of the United States. It’s reported that    your own terms. Tracking isn’t compulsory. Payments are
over 80% of sellers are women. And that, perhaps, goes       taken through their own payments system and disbursed to       There is nothing to say that as a company grows that it
someway to understanding its broad appeal and reputation     you, or you can offer PayPal or even take cheques or money     must become more anonymous or less attractive, but that
for fantastic and unique handmade goods.                     orders.                                                        is certainly what happened to eBay. If Etsy is to flourish,
                                                                                                                            it must jealously guard that undefinable Etsy thing that
Etsy has an active global shopping community of 47 million                                                                  makes it such a joy to shop on.
in more than 234 different countries. 2.8 million sellers
were listing 66 million items as of March 2020.              TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON ETSY
                                                             Etsy is a major player that found itself growing further
                                                             through the COVID-19 pandemic. During this Etsy share
SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                         price peaked at an all time high of $69.28 after the CDC
It’s easy to get registered and you don’t need to be         recommended the wearing of fabric face masks to US

    MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                             SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                            nearly 200 outlets for click and collect. Fnac emphasises
    Fnac is a French retailer founded in 1954 and one of             You’ll need to apply to sell and sales commissions range        the importance of decent photography when it comes to
    France’s best known high-street retailers that specialises       between between 8% and 12% depending on product                 showcasing your wares.
    in media sales such as books, CDs, DVDs and also games,          category. The subscription of €39.99 per month bags you
    photography and ticket sales. It is the third most visited       a VendeurPro account. There is also a management fee
    ecommerce site in France, after Amazon and Cdiscount.            (“frais de gestion” in French) of between €0.49 – €1.49         TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON FNAC
    And as a prospect it’s worth noting that it is also one of the   depending on value of what you’re selling.                      France is a big ecommerce opportunity and Fnac is a key
    fastest growing marketplaces in the Europe. It’s also worth                                                                      player. France has a very well established ecommerce
                                                                       The ability to communicate proficiently in French is vital    market and it continues to hold its position as the third
    remembering that Amazon and eBay aren’t as dominant in
                                                                     on Fnac. Not only should listings be in French but the site     largest online industry in Europe and the sixth biggest
    France as in the UK and several marketplaces, including
                                                                     and help is also in the language. And you’ll need to provide    ecommerce market worldwide. It is also a relatively easy
    Fnac (pronounced fernack), enjoy huge success and
                                                                     customer support in French too.                                 country to ship to from the UK and has an efficient and
                                                                                                                                     reasonably priced postal service. Consumer electronics
    Trading in four European countries: France, Belgium,                                                                             and media are particularly popular.
    Portugal and Spain, the marketplace has over 20 million          PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT
    shoppers and boasts over 15 million unique visitors each         Fnac is integrated with a variety of multichannel                 So if you’re sold on the French opportunity, then this is
    month. They stock 10 million items including technology,         marketplace management software companies, including            an obvious choice alongside Amazon, eBay and CDiscount.
    home and garden, books, sports and baby products. There          Linnworks, so it is relatively easy to integrate your exiting
    are reckoned to be over 3000 merchants selling via the           inventory with the marketplace via one of those services.
    marketplace.                                                     You can fulfil itms yourself and utilise Fnac’s network of

MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                          for free. There is no process of accreditation. But they do    although you can take a view on that. Building beautiful
In the world of craft selling there is more than Etsy.        expect goods to be original or handmade and do allow the       listings with exquisite snaps is how you win on Folksy. You
Folksy is a UK based and focussed craft and craft supplies    resale of craft supplies too. You have the choice of two       can keep abreast of the weekly best sellers here.
marketplace that is getting noticed. Folksy is used by        selling packages. Basic or Plus.
around 150,000 shoppers a month and has customers             They charge fees for listing items and also a commission
across the world buying from one of over 15,000 UK based                                                                     TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON FOLKSY
                                                              fee when you sell an item. On the Basic package listings
designers. Around 85% of customers are based in the UK,       are £0.15 + VAT a pop. A Plus account is £5 per month          If you’re based in the UK and already selling via Etsy, then
4% in mainland Europe, 6% in the US and 2% in Canada          including VAT and gives you unlimited listings and free        there’s no reason why you shouldn’t also be having a go
and Australia.                                                relisting too. No matter if you are on the Basic or Plus       with Folksy if your goods fit with their criteria. It’s a UK
                                                              account, listings last for 120 days (approx. 4 months)         based concern that is keen to retain its community feel and
As they say in their mission statement: “Cottage industries                                                                  reputation as a unique outlet for original craft items and
are the future. Small scale production and handmade           unless the item is sold out or the quantity is reduced to
                                                              zero. You can relist items before their expiry date, up to     supplies. Despite its small size, and creditable popularity
goods offer ways to be creative, manage resources                                                                            with people in the know, we’d love to see it get bigger
effectively and support local economies. We’re not anti-      once per day. All fees are paid through PayPal and its used
                                                              for payments too.                                              and enjoy better profile. A buyer marketing and brand
corporate but we want thriving micro-global people brands                                                                    campaign to raise awareness with the wider public is long
too.”                                                                                                                        overdue.
                                                              PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT
SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                          You create your own Folksy listings and provide
It is free to join Folksy and you get your first 3 listings   photography too of the items you’re selling. You also fulfil
                                                              your own sales. There are no requirements for tracking

    MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                           requirements. Once you’ve passed a preliminary screening        You’ll need to list your products excluding VAT or sales tax
    Fruugo is a global marketplace with dedicated websites for     you’ll be asked to provide more detailed information.           because they calculate that. Seller fees run at around 15%
    46 countries including the UK, most of Europe, parts of Asia                                                                   plus 2.35% for payment processing.
                                                                   You must be willing to ship internationally. But don’t worry
    and also Australia and New Zealand. It offers services in 17   because you can make your choices about the countries           If you want to find out more about selling on this
    languages and 22 currencies and the focus is on seller ease.   and regions you’re willing to send your goods to. You’ll        marketplace, and get in contact, find out more here.
    At the most basic level, if you have a compatible product      need solid product data including GTINs and MPNs so that
    feed, then you can easily make your goods available. They      your goods can be effectively catalogued. You can list new
    take care of listing translations, payment processing and      goods across most normal verticals and they do like sellers     TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON FRUUGO.
    most customer support. You may sometimes have to deal          to have a good range of SKUs.                                   If you already sell online, are willing to ship internationally,
    with a customer query, they say.                                                                                               have a decent array of goods and have a product feed that
                                                                                                                                   can be easily plugged in, then you should be thinking about
    The company says of its own offering: ”Fruugo simplifies       PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT                                 Fruugo.
    buying products from around the world. Our mission is          As a seller, you fulfill all your orders and tracking isn’t
    to provide great choice and the freedom to shop safely                                                                         That they take most of the strain out of internationalising
                                                                   compulsory. When you list on Fruugo, all you do is provide
    wherever you are, from wherever you want, through one                                                                          your listings is a huge plus. And because you pay no fees
                                                                   a product feed in some form. That could be Google
    global marketplace.”                                                                                                           until you make a sale, it’s also low risk. What is less clear
                                                                   Shopping, via the API, in a CSV format or using a third party
                                                                                                                                   is the extent to which getting involved is a game changer
                                                                   multichannel service. Providers such as PlentyMarkets and
                                                                                                                                   for retailers. But the anecdotal evidence we hear is
                                                                   Linnworks already have integrations.
    FRUUGO SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                                                                                    encouraging. Greater consumer awareness from buyers is
    You will need to be accredited and here are some of the                                                                        certainly desirable, though.

                                                                SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                          A standard auction is available for 14 days. If you enable
MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                            There is no fee if you want to start selling but sellers      the Auto renew option and there are keys left after 14
                                                                have to register. For turnovers under €900 need to verify     days, your auction will be automatically renewed. If you do
G2A.COM is a marketplace for digital and physical                                                                             not, the auction will expire, and you will have to renew it
products focussed on gaming. On G2A.COM, customers              by using phone number, social media profile and email
                                                                address. Sellers need to undergo business verification        manually. G2A charges €0.15 for each auction renewal.
can buy game keys for platforms such as Steam, Origin,
GOG, Uplay, Battle.net, Xbox One, PSN and more. Aside           once their turnover exceeds €900. There’s a 3-stage           Fulfilment is undertaken by the seller and payments are
from games, G2A Marketplace also includes software,             Business Verification form, were you have to provide          processed by the marketplace and be disbursed to sellers
subscriptions, gift cards, online courses as well as physical   details of their businesses. It is quick and simple to fill   as is convenient. Sellers only pay when an item is sold.
products such as hardware, peripherals and gadgets.             in and submit the form available on the website. Once it      Generally, the fee applied to each sale is 10.8% + €0.35
                                                                is reviewed and accepted, a business seller account is        more attractive fees are available to merchants signed up
The company says it offers a digital ecosystem for online       instantly upgraded to a business one.                         to the Seller Supreme program.
payment and a payment gateway called G2A PAY, which
has over 200 global and local payment methods available.
Customers can pay for items with the likes of Visa,             LISTINGS, FULFILMENT AND PAYMENTS                             TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON THE G2A.COM MARKETPLACE
Mastercard, Discover, Amex, BTC and PayPal. The company
                                                                Whether you are a retailer or just want to sell unused        G2A.com is a no brainer if you sell in the the field of
was founded in 2010, operates globally, and has offices in
                                                                CD keys, you can easily create new auctions via your G2A      gaming, whether that’s physical or digital items and
the Netherlands, Poland, Hong Kong, Iceland, Lithuania,
                                                                account. To do so, log in to G2A.COM, click on “My Account”   the marketplaces broad international appeal is its key
the UK and the US.
                                                                and then “Sell item.” Alternatively, you can simply click     attraction. What is not known is whether average selling
G2A has more than 20 million customers around the               the “Start selling now” button in the upper right corner on   prices on the marketplace are better than when selling
world and over 450k sellers offer their products on G2A         G2A Marketplace’s main page. After fulfilling all needed      through other outlets.
Marketplace.                                                    data like item name, key code, price you can start to sell.

    MARKETPLACE OVERVIEW                                          SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                              TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON GAME
                                                                  Registration is by application. They say: “Looking for ways       GAME is a well known brand in the UK and it offers a
    You’ll likely have seen GAME on the UK High Street. They
                                                                  of reaching new customers? We are expanding our offer in          compelling marketplace opportunity if you’re interested in
    sell video and computer games, DVDs, gaming kit such
                                                                  technology, PC, gaming and merchandise. If you currently          selling video games and the like which are a good fit. But
    as consoles and also other tech items. But they also
                                                                  sell these or other products with a gaming focus, we want         it is also competitive and GAME is the biggest seller there.
    encourage sellers to plug into their own marketplace set-
                                                                  you to join us. Please fill out the below form to Register Your   Whilst it is offering more than just video games, it is price
    up. But they don’t talk about that nearly enough.
                                                                  Interest in joining the GAME Marketplace.                         sensitive and selective. But the real opportunity is surfing
    In 2017 GAME launched a marketplace solution allowing                                                                           its significant brand and High Street recognition. Future
                                                                  Our team will then get back to you as soon as possible to
    third party sellers to be integrated onto GAME.co.uk. As                                                                        opportunity lies with greater European and international
                                                                  discuss joining our growing platform!”
    far as we know, there are over 270 third party sellers                                                                          reach. So it is likely that getting in on the ground floor to
    successfully trading, each bringing their own product                                                                           take advantage of their future plans is no bad thing. They
    range and unique style to GAME Marketplace. This includes                                                                       could be even bigger in the years to come.
    sellers offering tech, AV, mobile phones, tablets and more.
                                                                  PRODUCT LISTINGS AND FULFILMENT
                                                                  GAME boasts that there are no subscription fees, no listing
    They also offer help on-ramping to the marketplace, as        fees and no set up costs. There are commission fees on
    they say: “Most importantly we have a dedicated team          sales but they don’t seem to be published.
    of real people here to support you at all times, we pride
    ourselves on a personal approach to supporting our GAME
    Marketplace sellers.”

GittiGidiyor was founded in 2001 and is notable because
it became Turkey’s leading ecommerce marketplace               SELLER REGISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS                              accounts registered outside of Turkey. eBay is exploring
very quickly. eBay bought the company in 2011 and that                                                                           alternative solutions. Turkish customers will still be able to
                                                               It’s pretty free and easy to register with GittiGidiyor. You’ll
strengthened its position as the industry leader in the                                                                          transact domestically via GittiGidiyor.
                                                               need a valid email address and the usual personal details
country. They say they enjoy 85 million monthly visits
                                                               as well as a valid credit card to start selling.                                                                            – eBay
on average and have the regular custom of 28 million
registered users. GittiGidiyor is the fourth most popular
online shopping site in Turkey with over over 15 million
products in more than 50 categories. 7 out of every 10
                                                               LISTINGS, FULFILMENT AND PAYMENTS                                 TAMEBAY’S TAKE ON THE GITTIGIDIYOR MARKETPLACE
purchases were made from mobile devices with most              Merchants create listings and fulfil in a similar way to          As is typical when considering international marketplaces,
made by people aged between 31-35.                             the same on eBay. But one of the aspects of this Turkish          the size and attraction of the opportunity is very much
                                                               marketplace that represents a challenge is that PayPal            determined by the goods you sell and the level of your
They say that GittiGidiyor hosts those millions of products    was suspended in Turkey a few years back. It hasn’t been          ambition. And when it comes to GittiGidiyor the major
at what they term as “accessible prices. They offer a          reported as to whether the new Adyen system will extend           obstacle to an international ecommerce merchant, the
marketplace service to both individual sellers, as well as     to the eBay owned company. And as eBay said in 2016               biggest challenge, is with regards to language. How good
SMEs and also larger enterprise. The site also offers the      regarding this change:                                            is your Turkish? And don’t forget about fulfilment: postal
GittiGidiyor Cadde that serves as a showcase to the official
                                                               Due to the suspension of PayPal operations in Turkey, eBay        services to Turkey for parcels and the like are not as efficient
stores of big popular brands.
                                                               customers will not be able to send or receive funds using         as some some other nearer and more accessible nations.
                                                               Turkish PayPal accounts. This does not impact PayPal
You can also read