5 issues with student clinical work placements and how to tackle them - How leading universities are gaining a signifi cant advantage in the race ...

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5 issues with student clinical work placements and how to tackle them - How leading universities are gaining a signifi cant advantage in the race ...
5 issues with student clinical work
placements and how to tackle them

How leading universities are gaining a significant advantage
in the race to place students into work experience positions.
5 issues with student clinical work placements and how to tackle them - How leading universities are gaining a signifi cant advantage in the race ...
The future of learning
is in the workplace
From healthcare to education, social services to law, degree programs
incorporate significant blocks of workplace learning. Such learning is crucial to a
student’s growth, providing a practical opportunity to apply classroom knowledge
in real-world situations.

According to a study from the Swinburne Centre for New Workforce, work-
integrated learning is only going to grow in the future. The report states that
learning-integrated work – “where learning is increasingly taken off campus and
immersed in disruptive work environments” – is getting more important with the
rise of digital technologies.1

Universities must prepare                                            To stay at the top of their game                                About this report
                                                                     and ensure that their students don’t
for this future, now                                                 miss out on placements, universities                            Within this paper, we explore the
                                                                     need to:                                                        issue of workplace learning within
Universities must prepare for this
                                                                                                                                     the context of the healthcare sector,
growth in workplace learning – which                                 • Be trusted data custodians
                                                                                                                                     specifically nursing. We examine the
means preparing for the logistical                                     – responsible for keeping all
                                                                                                                                     challenges that universities face when
challenge of connecting thousands of                                   students’ private information and
                                                                                                                                     trying to place thousands of nurses
students with thousands of different                                   documentation secure
                                                                                                                                     into wards; and demonstrate how
workplace opportunities.                                             • Streamline and speed up the                                   InPlace presents a powerful solution.
                                                                       placement process – replacing
In nursing, for example, already 50%                                   paper-based, ad-hoc systems with
of a student’s time is spent on the                                    one central system
wards. Yet, acccording to Birks et
                                                                     • Better align students with the
al, student nurses are critical of the
                                                                       appropriate placements – so that
lack of time they have to prepare for
                                                                       students are consistently sent to                               Learning is increasingly
placements.2 To boost their reputation
                                                                       the right work experience jobs at
and ranking, universities need to
tackle such issues head-on.
                                                                       the right time                                                  taken off campus and
                                                                     • Empower students to have a say
                                                                       about placements – to boost the
                                                                                                                                       immersed in disruptive
With competition fierce, every                                         student experience and enhance                                  work environments.
                                                                       the reputation of the university
placement counts
                                                                     • Gain complete visibility across
Across the globe, student numbers                                      all placements – to ensure more
are rising. Yet in most industries,                                    strategic relationship-building
the availability of placements is not.                                 with the hospitals, schools and
Competition between universities for                                   workplaces in which placements
placement positions is rife.                                           occur

1   Swinburne Centre for the New Workforce, “Peak Human Potential: Preparing Australia’s workforce for the digital future.”

2   Prof. Melanie Birks, Camilla Burkot, Tracy Bagley, Prof. Jane Mills, Dr Tanya Park, “The impact of clinical placement model on
    learning in nursing: A descriptive exploratory study.” http://www.ajan.com.au/Vol34/Issue3/2Birks.pdf

5 issues with student clinical work placements and how to tackle them - How leading universities are gaining a signifi cant advantage in the race ...
The cost of manually
managing student
work experience

Using nursing as an example, it’s clear that many universities struggle with the
task of placing students in work experience.

Within a typical nursing school, placement managers must try to coordinate
thousands of clinical placements every year, matching up individual students with
their requisite clinical placements in aged care, paediatrics, theatre and more –
across different wards and hospitals, and with different supervisors.

Without a centralised system for managing the process, these schools spend
excessive time on the task. Five overarching issues emerge.

It’s too complex                            An inefficient process                   A lack of visibility
Working out which student nurses            Without a central system, placement      Using a manual system, universities
need to go where, and then working          managers set up their own                lack real insights into the hospitals
out which hospitals have spots              spreadsheets and documents to            and facilities they are sending
available to suit the needs of each         keep track of clinical placements.       students to – which can have a
student, is complex.                        Even within the same Faculty,            negative effect on their relationship.
                                            different courses might manage
Placement managers must liaise              things differently – be it Post it       And, without the right data, it is very
with health providers, students             notes, spreadsheets or untraceable       hard to optimise the match of students
and university staff, trying to keep        phone calls.                             to placements based on things like
everyone happy. They must also tick                                                  distance to travel, pre-requisites or
off a huge number of tasks, from            This approach is ad-hoc and              student requests – unless you spend
gathering student information and           inefficient, laborious and time-          a lot of time on the task.
calculating placement demand to             consuming. With no way to co-
collating post-placement assessments        ordinate placements centrally across
and reports.                                disciplines, the Faculty or university
                                            experiences a drain on productivity.

5 issues with student clinical work placements and how to tackle them - How leading universities are gaining a signifi cant advantage in the race ...
Without the right
                                                                                    data, it is very hard to
                                                                                    optimise the match of
                                                                                    students to placements
                                                                                    based on things like
                                                                                    distance to travel,
                                                                                    pre-requisites or
                                                                                    student requests –
                                                                                    unless you spend a lot
                                                                                    of time on the task.

Missing out on placements               Negative impact on partnerships
In the face of increased competition    If an education provider is trying       silos; their uncoordinated approach has
amongst universities – where there      to develop partnerships with             the potential to damage relationships
are more students competing for         organisations who offer student work     with employer partners.
fewer placements – manual systems       placement opportunities, it’s vital
can really slow a university down.      to ensure a consistently managed         Conversely, if a centralised,
                                        process so as not to frustrate those     coordinated approach is adopted,
Placement managers may be slower        organisations.                           partnerships flourish. Plus, at the
to respond to offers, potentially                                                executive level, having access to
causing students to miss out on         For example, a university may send       a snapshot of all university-wide
the spot they want or need. This, in    students from different courses – such   interactions with major employer
turn, is damaging to the university’s   as nursing and physiotherapy – to the    partners is a valuable resource – which
reputation.                             same hospital. In many cases, staff      is near impossible to achieve without
                                        from the different courses operate in    an integrated operational platform.

5 issues with student clinical work placements and how to tackle them - How leading universities are gaining a signifi cant advantage in the race ...

InPlace connects students
to clinical placements
The platform is also a critical enabler of growth
Australian Catholic University (ACU)       documentation flying every which          Students thrive with InPlace
prides itself on being a university with   way – could have coped with such
a conscience, embedding empathy            rapid growth. We needed a system         ACU nursing students are actively
into every aspect of the learning          that would streamline our existing       engaging with InPlace. Before
environment. Its Faculty of Health         placement process and grow with          embarking on a placement, they can
Sciences is no exception, shaping          us,” said Patrick Player, Associate      log in and check that they have all the
students into citizens who improve the     Director, Student Systems.               documentation ready to go – things like
lives of others through the provision of                                            immunisation records, police checks or
world-leading health care.                 Previously, the university’s placement   working with children checks.
                                           managers would handle placements
Giving them real-life experience in the    using ad-hoc, paper-based systems.       Then, when it’s time to start a
form of clinical placements is critical    There was no central record;             placement, students can check where
to students’ growth, and ACU places        gathering any type of statistical data   they need to go on their first day,
immense value on this component            was “horrendous”.                        who to report to, and so on. This
of learning. In an increasively                                                     transparency instils confidence in the
competitive tertiary landscape, the        To fix the problem and prepare the        students and also helps them make a
ability to provide positive experiences    university for growth, ACU chose         great first impression with hospital staff.
in this area is also critical to the       InPlace. It is used to not only handle
university’s growth.                       all student placements in one central    “The students love the opportunities
                                           system, but also to:                     module in InPlace – it’s where they go
                                                                                    to choose their own placement. For
                                           • Generate reports for both
Just in time for rapid growth                                                       example, they may want to go to a
                                             government and partner institutions    hospital that’s close to home. For our
InPlace was implemented at ACU             • Offer opportunity-based                placement managers, it means that
in 2012, when there were 15,000              placements and reporting               all student requests are housed in the
students. Since then, student
                                           • Handle community engagements           one spot, instead of juggling emails
numbers have doubled – there are
                                                                                    from all over the place,” said Player.
now 31,000 students. Its nursing
school is Australia’s largest, with over   The university has plans to use
6,500 students and 12,000 clinical         InPlace across more Faculties in the
experiences per year across four cities.   near future, and Incorporate more
                                           modules from the InPlace platform –
“There is no way that our old              such as the log book which students
practices – where we managed               can complete and submit after a day’s
student placements one by one, with        placement – to drive further value.

5 issues with student clinical work placements and how to tackle them - How leading universities are gaining a signifi cant advantage in the race ...
With InPlace, we can confidently help                                  In 2018, across the
               thousands of students gain the correct                                 whole university,
     clinical experience every year, so both they                                     there were 33,950
     and we have the confidence that they are fully                                   placements and 15,045
     compliant to graduate into their career.                                         students placed in work
                                                                                      experience positions.
     Patrick Player,
     Associate Director, Student Systems

InPlace gives ACU a competitive edge                                                  A bright future at ACU
The placement market is becoming          InPlace also boosts ACU’s reputation        With enrolments doubling in the last
increasingly competitive – universities   as a reliable, professional university      five years, the future of the Faculty
are growing fast, yet the number          to partner with. “It’s important that the   of Health Sciences at ACU is bright.
of placement positions in hospitals       students we place are appropriate for       Player and his team look forward to
isn’t. Universities need to be at the     the position and the hospital. InPlace      expanding the capacity of InPlace
top of their game if they want to give    has checks and balances to ensure           within the Faculty and introducing it to
students the best opportunities when      this – which in turn ensures that we        other faculties across the university so
it comes to clinical experience.          don’t upset our hospital partners.”         that more staff, students and partner
                                                                                      institutions can realise the efficiencies
ACU is certainly up there. In 2018,       Using InPlace, all placement                that it delivers.
across the whole university, there        managers across ACU have the
were 33,950 placements and 15,045         same access and can see if the
students placed in work experience        university is getting close to its quota
positions.                                for a particular hospital. With most
                                          hospitals only allowing a certain
“InPlace helps us take up placements      number of placements, this visibility
faster. Without it, we would struggle     is not just useful, but important
to assign all of our students to          for maintaining those positive
placements. Plus, it gives us an edge     relationships with hospital partners.
– we can match students to suitable
placement opportunities before
other universities take the spots,”
Player said.

5 issues with student clinical work placements and how to tackle them - How leading universities are gaining a signifi cant advantage in the race ...

Grow your placement
program, grow your
To remain competitive when it comes to workplace learning,
universities must replace ad-hoc approaches with a centralised
clinical placement system. By doing so, you will enhance the
student experience, boost your reputation and build stronger
relationships with the institutions you are placing students in.

Why InPlace is the preferred choice
InPlace – the web-based solution that connects students to workplaces – transforms
the way that universities manage placements. It provides a comprehensive end to
end solution for managing all clinical placement requirements, saving universities
huge amounts of time and money and providing a critical advantage in today’s
competitive environment.

Off the shelf, yet easily adaptable       A better student experience                Boost to productivity
With a flexible framework to meet the      With InPlace, students can access          The automative smarts of InPlace
exact requirements of each education      personalised work experience               significantly reduce the administrative
provider, InPlace can be used by          information from a ‘mobile first’           burden, freeing up student services to
small schools through to large            experience which automatically adjusts     pursue more strategic, value-added
universities, for short placements        to their device. Hosted on Microsoft       tasks. Academic staff and supervisors
to longer ones. It integrates with        Azure, InPlace is accessible securely,     spend less time on admin, giving them
most student record systems,              any time, anywhere – convenient for        more time to focus on enhancing the
providing a direct and automated          students locally and/or for those doing    quality of the learning experience.
link with student enrolments.             international work experience.
                                                                                     For example, at one university, the
InPlace can easily be modified if,         From a single log-in, students can         task of organising participants –
for example, you are expanding            view all their current and planned work    including emails to all involved to
courses or adding new ones. In            placement details; they can easily         book and reorganise placements –
fact, it supports the evolution of        upload important documents like police     has been automated with InPlace to
your courses with its powerful            checks or immunisation records; they       deliver time savings of up to 70%.
predictive modelling – helping to         can preference particular opportunities
design programs based on                  at hospitals close to home; they can
placement availability, so as to          submit online evaluations and keep a
maximise learning opportunities.          log book of their clinical experiences;
                                          they can even organise car pooling to
                                          work settings. All this, with complete
                                          confidence in the privacy of this
                                          sensitive data.

5 issues with student clinical work placements and how to tackle them - How leading universities are gaining a signifi cant advantage in the race ...
One InPlace customer has saved 289                               Using InPlace, they can respond
     days of administrative work each year                            faster and more accurately when
     in managing placements across all of                             managing placements – a win
     its courses, an aggregate efficiency                             for the student, the hospitals and
     gain of 52%.                                                     the university.

Invaluable feedback                        Data at your fingertips                     A more competitive footing
All the evaluations and feedback           InPlace records vital information          Ultimately, InPlace enables
coming back from a hospital, or even       about each placement a student             universities to get on the front foot
a ward, are stored centrally and           undertakes – including experience          with placements. Using InPlace,
digitally within InPlace. Universities     and duration, exact attendance             they can respond faster and
can look at any placement provider’s       details, supervision, mandatory            more accurately when managing
record in InPlace and see all historical   training, fitness for practice referrals,   placements – a win for the student,
and current placements, student            theoretical achievements and more.         the hospitals and the university.
feedback, associated personnel,
incidents and more.                        For supervisors, this ability to see       Looking at this from the other side,
                                           at-a-glance where a student is at          without InPlace providing accurate
Armed with these insights, universities    is vital to supporting their learning      matches between students and
can look for trends about a hospital’s     journey. It also helps to ensure that      placement positions, there is a risk
performance as a placement provider,       students are gaining all the necessary     that the university could send students
which in turn helps to develop a           skills they need to be successful in       to inappropriate placements that they
stronger program and better outcomes       the workplace.                             are perhaps not ready for. When this
for students. Ultimately, it leads to                                                 happens, hospitals may relegate the
enhanced quality of patient care.          InPlace and Microsoft Azure work           university to the bottom of the priority
                                           tirelessly to ensure all data is hosted    list, which increases the pressure on
                                           safely and securely, a working             the placement sourcing process.
                                           combination that complies with and
                                           exceeds the strict guidelines and data     By overcoming all of the logistical
                                           protection requirements mandated by        and administrative challenges
                                           institutes across the globe.               with a central, secure, automated
                                                                                      system like InPlace, universities can
                                                                                      transform the way that placements
                                                                                      are managed. In the highly
                                                                                      competitive higher education sector,
                                                                                      such transformation is fundamental to
                                                                                      long-term success.

5 issues with student clinical work placements and how to tackle them - How leading universities are gaining a signifi cant advantage in the race ...
InPlace, built by QuantumIT, is the market-leading clinical
placement system used by higher education institutes worldwide.

InPlace is a complete placement solution, designed to support all
placement models in tertiary education institutions with a highly automated,
productivity focussed solution that is used by coordinators, academics,
students and employers to collaborate online in the organisation of work
placements for all disciplines and faculties.

It is unique in the market in being able to cater for the varying requirements
of many disciplines in a single integrated database.

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5 issues with student clinical work placements and how to tackle them - How leading universities are gaining a signifi cant advantage in the race ...
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