En-route to the A350 - "Overcoming time zones"

Page created by Ruben Tate
En-route to the A350 - "Overcoming time zones"
The Lufthansa Technik Group Magazine   5.2014 September/October

   New aircraft

   En-route to the A350

                                           Sales reorganization

                                           time zones”
                                           Technical Operations Management

                                           Added value
                                           through integration
                                           NASA jumbo overhaul

                                           Rejuvenating a
                                           special lady
En-route to the A350 - "Overcoming time zones"
2 | Content                                                                                  Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014

  En-route to the A350                                                       • Interview with Walter Heerdt:                                  6
                                                                               “Overcoming time zones”
  Lufthansa Passage, Lufthansa Technik and Airbus put the on-board
  and ground handling procedures under the microscope.
                                                                             New aircraft
                                                                             • Route proving tour:                                            8
                                                                               En-route to the A350
                                                                             • Lufthansa Technik Philippines:                             11
                                                                               Expanded A380 capabilities

                                                                             Technology & Innovation
                                                                             • Thermographic crack             12
                                                                               detection (TCD):
                                                                               Walking robot inspects fuselage

                                                                             • manage/m®:                                                 14
                Walking robot inspects fuselage                                New features for m/material

                        A new robot automates the thermographic crack
                                                                             Engine Services
                 detection (TCD) for the inspection of aircraft fuselages.
                                                                             • Cooperation with Middle River                              15
                                                                               Aircraft Systems (MRAS):
                                                                               GEnx thrust reverser overhaul

                                                                             Aircraft Services

                                                                             • NASA jumbo:                                                16
                                                                               Rejuvenating a special lady
                                                                             • Lufthansa Technik ­Philippines:                           20
                                                                               A320 Sharklet retrofit in Manila
                                                                             • A310 aircraft conversion:                                  22
                                                                               From VIP to ZERO-G

                                                                             Component Services
                        Rejuvenating a special lady                          • A340 main landing gear:                                   21
                                                                               Electroplating shop expands
                         NASA’s flying observatory SOFIA is undergoing a
                         major overhaul at Lufthansa Technik in Hamburg.
                                                                             Total Support Services
                                                                             • Technical Operations Management: 24
                                                                               Added value through integration

                                                                             Events & Exhibitions
                                                                             • NBAA 2014:                                                26
                                                                               Display with a “wow” effect

                                                                             • News               3–5
                                                                             • Personalities        25

                                                                             • Products & Services  28
                                                                             • Contacts            30

                                                                             Lufthansa Technik Connection
                                                                             is a complimentary information service for Lufthansa Technik’s
                                                                             family and friends. Published every two months.
                                                                             This and earlier issues can be downloaded from our website
                                                                             Lufthansa Technik AG
                                                                             Tilman Tesseraux · Marketing & Sales · HAM TS/M
                                                                             Weg beim Jäger 193 · 22335 Hamburg, Germany
                                                                             Infoline +49-40-5070-5553 · Fax +49-40-5070-8860

 Added value through integration                                             marketing.sales@lht.dlh.de · www.lufthansa-technik.com
                                                                             Editorial Production
                                                                             Editorial office: Flightlines, Hamburg
 Placing Technical Operations Management (TOM) in the                        Design: Art Works! Werbeagentur, Hamburg
 hands of Lufthansa Technik is a highly beneficial solution.                 Photos: Lufthansa Technik AG, Lufthansa AG
                                                                             Printing: Beisner Druck GmbH & Co. KG
En-route to the A350 - "Overcoming time zones"
Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014                                                                                                  News | 3

And the 1,500th jumbo jet goes to…

…Lufthansa! When Lufthansa’s 14th Boeing 747-8 landed in Frankfurt in June it was
not only the 76th jumbo that Lufthansa has received from Boeing in Seattle since the 1970s –
the aircraft also represents a veritable milestone in aviation history.

                                                                                                  first European carrier to deploy the jumbo
                                                                                                  on scheduled services. The aircraft was
                                                                                                  host to several major world premières in
                                                                                                  succession, including the first film shown
                                                                                                  on board a jumbo jet. Only twenty months
                                                                                                  after the maiden flight of the Boeing 747-130,
                                                                                                  the fourth Lufthansa jumbo took off on
                                                                                                  2 April 1971 as a modified model. Boeing
                                                                                                  had equipped the 747-200 with larger
                                                                                                  fuel tanks and a higher take-off weight of
                                                                                                  378 tons. This meant that the aircraft had
                                                                                                  a l­onger range.

                                                                                                  Significant technological input

                                                                                                  “A step towards the 1990s” is how Lufthansa
                                                                                                  CEO Heinz Ruhnau described the purchase
                                                                                                  agreement signed on 23 June 1986 for an

        his aircraft, whose tail number is        lower. The noise footprint of the Boeing        initial order of six enhanced Boeing air-
        D-ABYP (“Yankee Papa”), is the            747-8 is 30 per cent smaller compared           craft. Lufthansa had already been involved
        1,500th jumbo to be built in the          with the older Boeing 747-400.                  in the planning of the Boeing 747-100.
world. “It’s an honour for Lufthansa that the         What started as the first training flight   However, as the first airline to order the
anniversary jumbo will fly in the colours of      with the new Boeing 747 over the moun-          “Dash 400” (Boeing 747-400), it now
the Lufthansa crane,” said Nico Buchholz,         tains east of Seattle in October 1969 went      played a key part in the development of the
Head of Group Fleet Management at                 on to become an icon of the Lufthansa           new aircraft, providing many hundreds of
Deutsche Lufthansa. “For decades, Luft-           fleet, and, indeed, of commercial aviation      suggestions for improvements and more
hansa has been one of the aircraft manu-          as a whole. On 9 March 1970, the then           than 20,000 engineer hours.
facturer’s closest advisers – a pioneer when      Lufthansa CEO Herbert Culmann took                  With this aircraft, the modern, digitalised
it comes to developing new, environmental-        delivery of the first Lufthansa Boeing 747-     two-man cockpit that Jürgen Weber, the
ly friendly and fuel-efficient aircraft,” added   130 in front of the factory in Everett. The     man responsible for aircraft development
Buchholz at the handover in Seattle.              aircraft’s production number was 12 and         at Lufthansa Technik in Hamburg at the
                                                  its Lufthansa registration was D-ABYA.          time and later Chairman of the Executive
World's largest 747-8 operator                        Lufthansa thereby became the second         Board and CEO of Lufthansa, and Reinhard
                                                  international airline, after PanAm, and the     Abraham, the former Chief Technical Officer
Lufthansa is expecting to receive a total of                                                      of the Lufthansa Group, had worked to
19 aircraft of this type, and will therefore be                                                   achieve became a reality.
the world’s largest operator of 747-8s                                                                As the new millennium started, the idea
among passenger airlines. The “Dash 8”,                                                           was put forth to develop an enhanced
as it is also known, has plenty to offer. By                                                      version of the Boeing 747-400. And so not
using the latest jumbo, Lufthansa is taking                                                       only was the jumbo extended by 5.6 meters,
a further step towards having a “three-liter                                                      it was also totally redeveloped, including
fleet” (per passenger and 100 kilometers).                                                        a new wing design and new engines. On
The aircraft is 15 percent more fuel-efficient                                                    2 May 2012, Lufthansa became the first
than its predecessor model and, as a result,                                                      passenger airline in the world to receive
its CO2 emissions are around 15 percent                                                           a Boeing 747-8.
En-route to the A350 - "Overcoming time zones"
4 | News                                                                                                    Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014



                                                                       147 young people
                                                                       begin training
                                                  Hamburg              Training // At the traditional
                                                                       start of the German training
Line maintenance for                                                   year in August, 147 young
Singapore’s A380                                                       people are beginning either
                                                                                                            25 years of ETOPS
Ameco Beijing // Lufthansa                                             traditional or dual-study training   Authority approvals // On 12
Technik’s Chinese affiliate has                                        programs with the Lufthansa          June 1989 a Lufthansa Airbus
started to provide line mainte-                                        Technik Group. All told, Luft-       A300 took off from Frankfurt
nance and aircraft releasing
                                   Training capabilities               hansa Technik will be home to        am Main for its inaugural flight
services for Singapore Airlines’
                                   updated                             591 trainees on their way to         to Montréal and Philadelphia.
A380 aircraft which is used by     Lufthansa Technical Training //     professions in technical aircraft    This was the first time that Luft­
the carrier on Beijing-Singapore   The new capability list of Luft-    services or aircraft logistics.      hansa had used a twinjet on a
route, seven flights per week.     hansa Technical Training is         One highlight of the current         long-haul route and marks the
Ameco has already been pro-        available online at the training    training year is the success of      start of such flying operations.
viding line maintenance and        provider’s website. Please          the company’s measures to            The certification of the Airbus
aircraft releasing services for                    scan the QR         increase the number of trainees      A310-300 and A300-600R for
Singapore Airlines’ Boeing 777                     code for a PDF      with lower-level secondary           ETOPS – Extended-Range
and Airbus A330 in Beijing                         download or         school qualifications. And as is     Twin-Engine Operational Per-
since 2011. In addition to Sin-                    follow this link.   now traditional, several deaf        formance Standards – by the
gapore Airlines, Ameco also                        www.ltt.aero //     trainees are among those             European and American avia-
provides line maintenance to                                           “learning the ropes” as tool         tion authorities had cleared the
Lufthansa’s A380 in Beijing. //                                        mechanics.                           way for the highly economic
                                                                       72 of the new trainees are           twinjet to be used on long-haul
                                                                       beginning programs in Ham-           routes. On the other hand
                                                                       burg, 47 in Frankfurt, 18 in         ETOPS-related procedures con-
                                                                       Arnstadt, 7 in Alzey and 3 in        tinue to this day to be defined
                                                                       Munich. They were able to            by the International Civil Aviation
                                                                       choose between 13 different          Organization (ICAO).
                                                                       professions and practice-ori-        In the early days of ETOPS
                                                                       ented courses of study. The          flying operations at Lufthansa
                                                                       percentage of women among            there was a requirement that
                                                                       the new trainees has risen to        the aircraft should be within
                                                                       15 percent. Lufthansa Technik        120 minutes’ flying time of a
                                                                       will continue its efforts to seek    suitable alternate airfield at all
                                                                       out and inform young women           times to cover potential emer-
                                                                       about the variety of possibilities   gencies. In the course of the 25
                                                                       available in technical profes-       years that have elapsed since
                                                                       sions. //                            then there has been a series of
                                                                                                            new, even more reliable engine
                                                                                                            and aircraft types for which
                                                                                                            this limit has been raised. Thus,
                                                                                                            Airbus is aiming to have its
                                                                                                            latest A350 XWB certified for a
                                                                                                            diversion period in excess of
                                                                                                            180 minutes. //
En-route to the A350 - "Overcoming time zones"
Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014                                                                                                 News | 5



Authorized training                                                                                           SAS launching
provider for CSeries                                                                                          customer for HelioJet
Lufthansa Technical Training //                                                                               Original Equipment Innovation
Bombardier announced at the                                                                                   // Scandinavian Airlines System
Farnborough International
                                                                         Tracking goes mobile                 (SAS) and Lufthansa Technik
Airshow that it has appointed                                            Logistics // The mobile version      have signed a contract for the
Lufthansa Technical Training                                             of Lufthansa Technik Logistik        delivery of HelioJet, making
(LTT) as its exclusive Authorized                                        Services (LTLS)’s web-based          SAS the launching customer
Training Provider for the main-                                          consignment tracking and trac-       for the new LED cabin lighting
tenance training on the all-new
                                      Upgrade of 4-bay                   ing system has been available        system. HelioJet is part of a
CSeries aircraft worldwide.
                                      hangar                             since the end of July. This is       comprehensive cabin modifi-
As Authorized Training Provider       Investment // In response to       based on the L/tracking Inter-       cation program for seven Air-
for maintenance training for the      the growth in its aircraft over-   net platform already used by a       bus A330/A340 aircraft which
CSeries aircraft, Lufthansa           haul workload, Ameco Beijing       lot of customers. Now custom-        SAS is executing over the next
Technical Training will be hand­      has begun to install a tail dock   ers can also retrieve the status     months.
ling the worldwide manufac­           in its current 4-bay hangar. The   of their important material ship-    HelioJet has been designed
turer type training courses for       new dock meets the needs of        ments on their mobile devices        and developed in a cooperation
technical aviation personnel.         new aircraft types such as the     at any time. To make this possi-     between the German glass and
Through its expertise and its         Boeing 787 and 747-8.              ble, Lufthansa Technik Logistik      lighting specialist SCHOTT and
experience as a recognized            The company is investing more      Services has added a website         Lufthansa Technik. It has the
training provider, Lufthansa          than one million USD in the up-    that is optimized for mobile         advantages of LED technology
Technical Training will also          grade, which will significantly    devices such as smartphones          without the color changes that
support Bombardier in the             reduce turnaround time while       and tablets to its web-based         normally afflict ageing LEDs.
development of EASA-approved          improving safety for both the      tracking & tracing platform          The latest version, HelioJet
courseware.                           aircraft and the mechanics         L/tracking.                          SpectrumCC (Color Control),
At the same time, Flight Training     who work on them. The instal-      Customers can view a list of the     offers a full color RGBW (red-
Alliance, a newly formed joint        lation is due to be finished by    latest transports and full details   green-blue white) LED system.
venture between the Canadian          the end of September. //           of individual shipments on their     Consisting of just a few ele-
manufacturer of simulation                                               smart phones via a simplified        ments, the system can be inte-
technologies CAE and Lufthansa                                           and user-friendly interface. They    grated into cabins of every
Flight Training (LFT), will support                                      also have ready access to con-       size. Heliojet is flexible enough
Bombardier’s CSeries aircraft                                            tact details for their points of     to enable the light to be con-
entry into service by providing                                          contacts at Lufthansa Technik        trolled by the airline cabin
comprehensive pilot and cabin                                            Logistik Services, for example.      crew using an integrated
crew training to CSeries aircraft                                        Search facilities enable consign-    touchscreen with Graphical
customers and operators                                                  ments to be searched by select-      User Interface.
worldwide. //                                                            ed parameters. The mobile            Classic LED systems undergo
                                                                         version builds on the good           uneven changes of color during
                                                                         experience gained with the           the course of their installations
                                                                         operation of L/tracking. Numer-      resulting in unpleasant interior
                                                                                           ous customers      lighting conditions. //
                                                                                           already use the
                                                                                           L/tracking web-
                                                                                           based tracking
                                                                                           system. //
En-route to the A350 - "Overcoming time zones"
6 | Company                                                                                                 Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014

“Overcoming time zones”
Walter Heerdt, Senior Vice President Corporate Sales & Marketing, explains how Lufthansa
Technik’s new sales organization is ensuring even faster support and more proximity to its
­customers. Among other measures, this will be achieved by shifting senior management into
 the regions, increasing the local presence of staff and accelerating processes.

Connection: What were the most                 What do you expect in terms of                   Lufthansa Technik already has sales
important drivers in the reorganization        added value for your customers?                  representatives in the regions. What’s
of Sales at Lufthansa Technik?                     First of all, we want to align all sales     behind the stronger local presence,
    Walter Heerdt: The Lufthansa Technik       activities across the entire Lufthansa Technik   especially the new senior management
MRO network has grown over time.               network to the individual needs of our           level?
Beyond that, market requirements have          customers. One aspect is the appropriate             It’s true that we already have staffed
changed. So, the reorganization naturally      number of contact persons – if desired, a        local offices in many different locations.
wasn’t an end in itself; it was motivated by   “one face to the customer” approach.             This network covers our present require-
the knowledge that changes are necessary           We want to further increase responsive-      ments. However, it is not static and will be
in order to achieve our targets. We know       ness and speed. Strengthening our sales          adjusted whenever and wherever needed.
that these depend on the customers’ trust      force in the regions will reduce travel time     In most cases the present processes
and satisfaction. Both result from our per-    and help us to be present when needed.           require coordination with the headquarters
formance, but also from our understanding      The hiring of additional local employees will    in Germany. With the new organization we
of the customer’s business model and our       help us understand local cultures better and,    will establish three areas, one in Asia/Pacific,
possible contribution to its success.          if needed, overcome language barriers.           located in Singapore, one for the Americas,

 Still closer to the customer
 Lufthansa Technik has restructured its sales organization with the goal of offering ­
 customers services that will make them successful in a highly competitive business.

Corporate Sales // Knowing first-hand          its sales organization. While the globally       of customer understanding and for the
that the market and the needs of its           present MRO provider has an excellent            flexibility in tailoring services even more
customers have changed over the past           reputation in the market, the company            to individual customer and regional needs.
years, Lufthansa Technik has restructured      saw the need for an even higher degree               A new sales structure which actively
                                                                                                    promotes a regionalization is to bring
                                                                                                           the company closer to both the
                                                                                                           markets and the customers.
                                                                                                          Under the lead of Walter Heerdt,
                                                                                                         Senior Vice President Corporate
                                                                                                         Sales & Marketing, three new
                                                                                                      main departments have been created
                                                                                                    to achieve this goal: Corporate Sales
                                                                                                    EUMEA (Europe, Middle East and
                                                                                                    Africa), Corporate Sales Asia and
                                                                                                Corporate Sales Americas. While Gerald
                                                                                                Steinhoff has assumed his new position
                                                                                                   as Vice President Corporate Sales Asia,
                                                                                                            Wolfgang Weynell, formerly
                                                                                                              Vice President Marketing &
                                                                                                              Sales, is the new Vice Presi-
  Corporate Sales                     Corporate Sales                  Corporate Sales                        dent Corporate Sales EUMEA
  Americas                            Europe, Middle East              Asia                                  and Americas (acting). //
                                      and Africa
En-route to the A350 - "Overcoming time zones"
Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014                                                                                                      Company | 7

located in Miami, and one for Europe, the
Middle East & Africa, located in Hamburg.
    Each of them is headed by a Vice
President. Each area is made up of sales
regions with offices in many locations.
With the new structure we intend to place
more responsibilities and competencies in
the regions. This delegated autonomy
allows for faster solutions and answers to
issues that come up.
                                                                      Walter Heerdt, Senior Vice President Corporate Sales & Marketing
But the teams can’t succeed without the
support of the product divisions. How do
you support them?                               cation. As a result, the sales and product           level. We are confident that these mea-
    In addition to the external organization    sales team can act as tandems within the             sures will enable us to be even better at
I’ve just described, there is of course still   regions. Together with our product experts,          providing our customers the right products
an internal unit – our Sales Support Team –     this combined know-how helps us to                   and to offer new ideas to the MRO market.
that is dedicated to backing up our sales       answer questions and to react on the spot
employees in the regions with standardized      without extensive travel and loss of time.           But doesn’t standardization mean
processes wherever useful. This team                We consider it another advantage that            streamlining or even downsizing things,
takes over all the necessary internal coor-     information transfer is easier and does not          and thus reducing the portfolio?
dination with the different stakeholders in     need to be handled across time zones,                   No, quite the opposite. For us it refers to
the Lufthansa Technik organization. This        continents and many different organization-          standardizing and organizing our internal
speeds up processes again – and also            al units. The way it is designed now is sim-         processes more efficiently such that our
frees up our local employees to spend           ple and fast; this is what we are striving for.      customers see less complexity in our direct
more time with their customers.                                                                      support for them. As mentioned, this is
                                                So, tailored products are                            about greater speed and availability for
The reorganization of Sales ultimately          ultimately the objective?                            direct customer contacts.
means a change in roles, for you as well            Yes, and we see two basic approaches
as for the others.                              for offering products. The first is customiz-        Sometimes customers want to speak
   The organization is designed to increase     ing of products; here we set up flexible             directly to the responsible management.
autonomy in the regions and to reduce           links between services we already provide.           How well will that work with the new
coordination. This of course requires the       We turn what you might think of as a menu            sales organization?
adaptation of processes – and as a conse-       of services into an individual package.                  With the new VPs in the areas, access
quence also the roles people will play.             The second approach is product devel-            to management will be faster and better.
Some roles will not change at all,              opment. This can either be initiated from            However, the availability of our senior and
others will change, and there will even be      market requirements or ideas we have                 top management out of Germany will not
some brand new ones.                            within the organization. In order to fulfill this    change. The customer has either direct
                                                part more effectively, the product develop-          access or contact through the sales orga-
What’s behind the local collocation –           ment process has been redesigned and                 nizations within the regions.
or assignment – of product sales staff?         the organization has been adapted. There                 Customer contact is of the essence to
   During the sales process, sooner or lat-     is now a corporate product development               us. We know that our customers value that.
er we get to the point where detailed prod-     and innovation unit and there are respec-            Therefore it will not change, and if it does,
uct know-how may be required. Given the         tive receptacles in the individual product           it will be to the better.
wide spectrum of the products we offer, we      divisions. Products will in future be man-
need specialists in – or close to – the sales   aged by dedicated product management                        For more information:
teams. We will achieve this with the collo-     teams on corporate and product division                     www.lufthansa-technik.com/sales
En-route to the A350 - "Overcoming time zones"
8 | New aircraft                                                                                           Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014

En-route to the A350
On the new long-haul Airbus A350-900’s first visit to Frankfurt, Lufthansa Passage, Lufthansa
­Technik and Airbus put the on-board and ground handling procedures under the microscope.

       he visit was part of Airbus’s official   ground power, refueling, air-conditioning          Lufthansa will be taking delivery of the
       approval procedure for the aircraft.     units and engine start assistance were all      A350-900 from 2016. The new airliner
       During this route-proving phase,         tested for the first time.                      opens up a whole new dimension in aircraft
Lufthansa and Airbus are testing all the           On July 26, after spending the night in      engineering: 53 percent of the airframe is
relevant processes and procedures with          Frankfurt’s Hangar 5, the A350 took off for     made up of composite materials, which are
their system partners in order to optimize      Toulouse on the next stage of its world tour.   combined with titanium and advanced
the entire process chain – from arrival and     Four further flights were scheduled before      aluminum alloys. These state-of-the-art
handling to departure – to lasting effect.      August 13. The test plane, MSN005, was          materials account for over 70 percent of its
The focus is on ensuring that all workflows     making these route-proving flights to a total
comply with Lufthansa standards. Towing,        of 14 airports around the world.
                                                                                                               �    Please continue on page 10
En-route to the A350 - "Overcoming time zones"
Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014             New aircraft | 9

                                                                       Photos: Malaika Postberg

                                      For more information about the
                                      A350 scan the QR-Code.
En-route to the A350 - "Overcoming time zones"
10 | New aircraft                                                                                                            Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014

                                                                                                                                                                       Photos: Dean Raineri, Malaika Postberg, Airbus
During the stop in Frankfurt, Lufthansa and Airbus were putting the entire process chain to a test – from arrival and handling to departure.

structure. The fuselage, in which lighter              most fuel-efficient airliner per passenger                  German Airbus plants and numerous
carbon-fiber composite materials (CFRP)                and 100 kilometers flown, consuming an                  suppliers have had an important role to
are used, makes a significant contribution             average of just 2.9 liters of kerosene per              play in the development and manufacture
to reducing fuel consumption. Robust sys-              passenger and 100 kilometers, depending                 of the aircraft. The front and rear fuselage
tems based on the latest technology also               on the cabin design. That’s around 25                   sections are made in Hamburg, for exam-
help to reduce MRO costs.                              percent less than today’s aircraft. “Greater            ple, while Bremen equips the wings, and
    Lufthansa Technik staff from Frankfurt             fuel efficiency, lower CO2 emissions and                the Stade site provides the vertical stabiliz-
and Munich were on hand in Frankfurt.                  less noise: there’s a lot to be said for the            ers. The aircraft is due to go into service
They have completed Airbus courses at                  A350-900, of which we will receive 25,”                 in the fourth quarter of 2014. So far, 742
the aircraft’s launching customer and are              said Kay Kratky, a member of the Lufthansa              orders have been received for the A350
highly impressed by the modern technolo-               German Airlines Board – Operations and                  from 38 airlines.
gies used in the A350: the new flap sys-               Hub Frankfurt.
tem, for instance, which allows differentia-                                                                      A350-900 specifications
tion between the right and left sides. In              Reduced emissions and footprint
                                                                                                                  Length	                     66.80 m
addition, new technologies already intro-
                                                                                                                  Wingspan	                   64.75 m
duced in the A380 have been further                    The state-of-the-art Rolls-Royce Trent
                                                                                                                  Height	                     17.05 m
improved.                                              XWB engines and the aircraft’s aerody-
                                                                                                                  Max take-off weight	 268.0 t
    The aircraft communication network, in             namic design reduce emissions to well
                                                                                                                  Range	                     7,750 NM
particular, has undergone significant                  below current statutory limits. Moreover,
                                                                                                                  Typcial seating	                 315
changes, and much of the maintenance                   the noise footprint of the new models will
                                                                                                                  Engines 	     Rolls-Royce Trent XWB
work can be done more quickly and easily.              be at least 30 percent lower than similar-
                                                                                                                  Thrust range	                 374 kN
The Airbus A350-900 will be the world’s                sized aircraft today.

                                                                                                                             First time in Frankfurt for the Airbus
                                                                                                                             A350. Long before Lufthansa takes
                                                                                                                             delivery of its first aircraft in 2016,
                                                                                                                             ­Lufthansa Technik staff from Frankfurt
                                                                                                                              and Munich were on hand.
Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014                                                                                      Engine Services | 11

                          For the A380, the C4-check is one of
                          the aviation industry’s most extensive
                          maintenance checks to date, and
                          adding this capability is a significant
                          accomplishment for Lufthansa Technik

Expanded service
capability for the A380
Lufthansa Technik Philippines (LTP) reaches another milestone
in A380 expertise as Australian airline Qantas returns for C4 heavy
maintenance checks on two of its Airbus A380s.

   t’s the first of its kind at Lufthansa Technik    the aircraft. It can be raised and lowered      strong impetus and dedication to further its
   Philippines and the decision of Qantas            as needed to provide better access to both      A380 service expertise. With the C4 heavy
   to send their aircraft to Manila reflects the     cabin floor levels. The middle section and      maintenance approvals from aviation
long-term trust and partnership between              wing docking systems are also built to          authorities such as the Australian Civil
the airline and MRO provider. Adding                 easily inspect all wing surfaces, top and       Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), and the
C4-check capability for the A380 is a sig-           bottom, as well as engine/pylon areas.          European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA),
nificant accomplishment for any MRO.                    The A380 is a massive aircraft – almost      LTP is confident the facility has the space
First, for the largest passenger aircraft, the       double the A340’s capacity. Organizations       and is ideally equipped to offer complete
C4-check is one of the aviation industry’s           need to adapt to its size, so taking it apart   service solutions for the largest passenger
most extensive maintenance checks to                 requires dedicated equipment and work-          aircraft in the world.
date. Second, a very limited number of               shops. For this reason, a large storage area
MRO providers worldwide are certified to             was built to house all 600 seats normally       Leading MRO in the region
perform this check. For Lufthansa Technik            installed in three-class configurations.
Philippines, reaching its latest capability          Specialized workshops for different cabin       With only few MRO providers capable of
only took less than a year of planning and           parts were also set up to accommodate           maintaining the A380, this development
completing trainings, equipment, certifica-          the parts from the plane’s two floor levels.    paves the way for Lufthansa Technik Phil-
tions and investments.                                  These requirements were fulfilled by         ippines realizing its vision of becoming a
    The capability expansion is right on cue,        Lufthansa Technik Philippines through its       leading provider of MRO services in the
as early generation A380s approach their                                                             region. To date, two leading airline opera-
sixth year mark and airline operators begin                                                          tors have sent their A380s to Manila. But
to schedule their heavy checks. This year,                                                           with the advancement of its capabilities,
Lufthansa Technik Philippines has com-                                                               Lufthansa Technik Philippines is poised to
pleted C2-checks for Air France before                                                               accommodate more customers, and meet
moving on to Qantas whose first C4-check                                                             the demand for A380 heavy maintenance
was completed recently, with the second                                                              checks in the coming years.
expected to be completed this August.
    Among the improvements in the A380
hangar is a fuselage docking system that                                                             Rainer Janke
joins the existing tail docking and which                                                            Phone +63-2-855-9310
was constructed to run along both sides of                                                           rainer.janke@ltp.com.ph
12 | Technology & Innovation                                                                                   Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014

                                                                                      vation b

Walking robot





inspects fuselage

                                                                                         a Te c

Lufthansa Technik has developed a robot that automates
thermographic crack detection (TCD) for the inspection
of aircraft fuselages. Once equipped with a different
sensor, the system will be capable of also examining carbon
fiber structures in the future.

   n many industries robots are today tak-    is particularly great in these applications,
   ing over manual work from humans,          as the visual inspections and non-destruc-
   reliably and indefatigably performing      tive testing procedures performed manually
extremely demanding tasks that are highly     up to now not only require the highest
repetitive and call for great accuracy.       level of concentration on the part of the
Lufthansa Technik has been actively pro-      operators but they are also time- and cost-
moting this trend in the area of aircraft     intensive.
maintenance and looking for opportunities
to automate the inspection of aircraft        Cooperative effort
structures with robot-assisted systems.
The potential for productivity improvements   To enable such work to be performed
                                              more efficiently in the future, Lufthansa
                                              Technik has teamed up with the Institute
                                              of Aircraft Production Technology (IFPT)
                                              at the Hamburg University of Technology
                                              along with industrial partners edevis
                                              GmbH and IFF GmbH to develop a robot-
                                              assisted procedure for the inspection of                            Real-life test of TCD robot
                                              fuselage structures. The Thermographic                              on aircraft fuselage.
                                              Crack Detection (TCD) research project
                                              running from September 2011 through
                                              September 2014 is funded by the Depart-
                                              ment for Economic Affairs, Transport and
                                              Innovation of the Free and Hanseatic City               as a walking robot and has vacuum pads
                                              of Hamburg.                                             on its feet so that it can also reach verti-
                                                  In the course of the TCD project a robot            cal and overhanging sections of the fuse-
                                              has been developed and fitted with the                  lage. Only doors, windows and mounted
                                              thermographic inspection unit. It moves                 parts have to be omitted during route
                                              past pre-programmed points on the outer                 planning.
                                              skin of the aircraft fuselage and examines                 Thermographic crack detection entails
                                              them for damage and especially for                      the use of a sensor head that consists of
                                              cracks. The machine has been designed                   two exciting coils for heating metal sur-
Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014                                                                           Technology & Innovation | 13

                                                                                                 The IR picture on the monitor allows the
                                                                                                 detection of even very small cracks.
faces with eddy current and an infrared (IR)     records the thermal behavior of the surface.
camera for analyzing the results. The video      As cracks in sheet metal have a highly
signal of the camera is recorded, allowing       distinctive temperature profile during heat-
precise computer analysis of the surface         ing and cooling, they are easy to spot in
later on. For the purposes of the inspec-        subsequent video analysis. Even the tiniest
tion, the test area is heated briefly with the   cracks that have not yet fully penetrated
coils, in the course of which the tempera-       the one millimeter thick sheet are rendered
ture of the metal rises by just a few degrees.   visible.
In parallel to this the infrared camera
                                                              �     Please continue on page 14
14 | Aircraft Services                                                                                        Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014

                                                      During one positioning operation the             The combination of new detection
                                                 robot can gather data on four control             procedures and mobile robot is making
                                                 areas – the edges of the chemically milled        significant improvements of the efficiency
                                                 pockets of the fuselage skin plates. These        of aluminum fuselage structure inspections
                                                 pockets serve to reduce the weight of the         possible. Further application areas, for
                                                 fuselage skin. The IR recording of the con-       example, on fuselage structures made
                                                 trol area lasts just a few seconds, so that       from carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP)
                                                 the entire test cycle including saving all the    and glass fiber reinforced aluminum
                                                 data recorded can be carried out in less          (GLARE) are to be developed and industri-
                                                 than 30 seconds. The development team             alized in follow-up projects.
                                                 is currently working on improving the robot
                                                    demonstrator, the aim being to reduce its      Stefan Mehler
                                             ber 201     weight so as to improve the flexibility   Phone +49-69-696-90680
                                                          of the device in operation.              stefan.mehler@lht.dlh.de

                                      7- 9

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New features in m/material
Customers using the material management tool in the Technical Operations WebSuite manage/m®
will be able to enjoy valuable changes, starting this August for selected users. Airline customers
LATAM Airlines and Aeromexico were instrumental in developing the enhancements.

         n the one hand, the design of the         a customer’s material supply and returns        that helped us create a tool that perfectly
         module m/material has been mod-           supports the customer in working more           suits the needs of our customers. Every
         ified in alignment with the new           flexibly and independently,” adds Tobias        manage/m® user can now profit from that.”
Lufthansa Technik style guide, resulting in        Klippel, head of Lufthansa Technik’s materi-         Nonetheless, the tool’s development is
an even more optimized general user inter-         al return & balancing team. A comprehen-        still in progress. Another significant feature
face for smart and easy navigation. Besides        sive and customizable report in Excel format    will be added to m/material in the begin-
these design improvements, the project             is available, as well.                          ning of next year. The application c/offer
team has also integrated new functions,                The development itself has been orga-       will enable customers to request Lufthansa
making the material management tool an             nized and managed as an agile project           Technik material offers through the system,
even more valuable asset for customers.            according to the Scrum framework. This          which will then be created within only a
    The added menu “Pool Balancing” pro-           means that all developments and imple-          few minutes. The customer even has the
vides customers with a centralized point of        mentations are made incrementally while         possibility to accept the offer directly in
contact for the entire pool cycle specific to      customer feedback and close collaboration       m/material. “This is another milestone in
each LRU. “The tool will allow entering            with customers and users serve as a fun-        MRO IT material management,” underlines
return material information and active pool        damental basis. “We are especially grateful     Pelda, adding: “We are already looking
balancing. It therefore gives the customer         for the support by our customers LATAM          forward to the next year and cannot wait
an overview of all his pool material and           Airlines and Aeromexico,” says Pelda.           for these functions to finally go live.”
its balance,” explains IT project manager          “When we presented our first prototype of
Georg Pelda, who is responsible for the            the developments, we received useful            Jamila Jadran
development of m/material. “This kind of           feedback that we took into account. In the      Phone +49-69-696-37386
transparency and structured overview of            end, it was their suggestions and reactions     jamila.jadran@lht.dlh.de
Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014                                                                                      Engine Services | 15

GEnx-2B reverser overhaul
Lufthansa Technik and Middle River Aircraft Systems (MRAS) have signed an MRO
agreement that allows Lufthansa Technik to be MRAS’s authorized service provider
for the thrust reverser on the GEnx-2B engines.

       he new long-term partnership with         in design and product engineering with               Lufthansa Technik will provide and main-
       MRAS, a wholly owned subsidiary of        Lufthansa Technik’s comprehensive strengths tain an adequate pool of spares to offer
       GE Aviation, will cover the 24/7          in repair development and the manage-             customers exchanges and or leases while
product support, asset leasing/exchange          ment and handling of                                                      their thrust reverser is

and maintenance service offerings to world-      valuable assets.”                                                         being repaired. These
wide operators of the GEnx-2B engines that       Under the agreement,                                                      serviceable spare
power the Boeing 747-8 aircraft. “We are         Lufthansa Technik will            Based on this partnership, we           thrust reversers will
pleased to enter into a long-term partner-       provide various GEnx-             will be able to offer a unique          be available to world-
ship with Lufthansa Technik, a global world-     2B nacelle MRO ser-               and leading worldwide 747-8             wide customers on a
class MRO provider. Lufthansa Technik is         vices, including but              nacelle service.                        24/7 support basis.
                                                                                                         Michael Kirstein
strategically positioned to support GEnx-2B      not limited to warranty                                                   Lufthansa is currently
thrust reverser customers with high-tech         repairs and modifications on behalf of MRAS. the largest operator of the 747-8 aircraft
quality repairs and overhaul services,” said     Initially Lufthansa Technik will set up repair    with 19 total aircraft ordered. Boeing offers
Huntley Myrie, MRAS general manager of           capability at its Hamburg, Germany and            the 747-8 in both freighter and passenger
nacelle products.                                Shenzhen, China facilities. With more than        aircraft configurations all powered by the
   Michael Kirstein, director of Lufthansa       three decades of experience within the            GEnx-2B engine.
Technik’s Airframe Related Component             area of advanced composites and bonded
(ARC®) business unit, said: “Based on this       material repair technology, Lufthansa Technik
partnership, we will be able to offer a unique   has the proven experience to support cus-
and leading worldwide 747-8 nacelle ser-         tomers through the entire life cycle of the       Michael Lotzin
vice. We will generate additional customer       nacelle – from the entry into service up to       Phone +49-40-5070-64300
value by combining MRAS’s vast experience        major and complex repairs.                        michael.lotzin@lht.dlh.de
16 | Aircraft Services                                                    Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014

                                       For more information:

          Rejuvenating a ­special lady
          NASA’s flying observatory SOFIA, a modified Boeing 747SP, is undergoing a major
          overhaul at Lufthansa Technik in Hamburg. The MRO provider was chosen on account
          of having the widest and longest experience at maintaining this aircraft type.
Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014                                                                                    Aircraft Services | 17

                                                                                                                                                       Photos: Jan Brandes
                                                                                                SOFIA, the flying observatory dedicated to infrared
                                                                                                astronomy, was flown to Hamburg by a team of
                                                                                                NASA pilots (top). Just days later, the aircraft was
                                                                                                already jacked up in the dock (left).

        OFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for     major overhaul, the question arose as to           As Project Manager Operations in VIP &
        Infrared Astronomy) is a flying         which company could take on this task.          Executive Jet Maintenance at Lufthansa
        observatory that was developed by          Lufthansa Technik was selected, being        Technik, Sven Hatje is responsible for man-
the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and           ideally qualified on account of both its        aging the layover in Hamburg. Together with
the US National Aeronautics and Space           proven track record in the maintenance          Production Planning he has also drawn up
Administration (NASA) for research in infra-    and overhaul of commercial aircraft of all      the detailed schedule that shows which tasks
red astronomy. A converted Boeing 747SP,        sizes and its own capabilities and experi-      are to be performed when. One special
the shrunk version of the jumbo jet with        ence at retrofitting and fitting out private    challenge about this layover is the question
higher operating ceiling and greater range,     and government aircraft. Lufthansa Technik’s    of how to deal with unplanned events. Hatje
serves as the platform for a reflecting tele-   expertise is underscored by the fact that a     gives an example: “We had an aircraft in
scope with a diameter of 2.7 meters. When,      sizeable proportion of the 18-strong global     the hangar that had come in for a relatively
following the conclusion of numerous test       fleet of 747SP airplanes still in service are   minor check with 5,000 hours. We knew
flights and the first year of the SOFIA         under maintenance contracts with the
research mission, the aircraft fell due for a   MRO provider.
                                                                                                                  �     Please continue on page 18
18 | Aircraft Services                                                                                               Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014

                                                                                                                                                           Photos: Jan Brandes
the aircraft and it was actually in good con-           The points in the rear structure at which        We will take out everything that was installed
dition. However, we found a small patch of              support can be applied are only certified        in the cockpit for operating the telescope.
corrosion that forced us to dismantle the               for a weight of 44 tons, but in this case the The documentation that we are encountering
entire landing flap system plus all the spoil-          load came to 48 tons. As Sven Hatje explains, in connection with this work is highly com-
ers on the wing upper surface and other                 “In order to raise the aircraft we used an       plex and here we are reliant on the compe-
parts of the structure as well. This required           alternative procedure that entailed using        tence of the NASA inspectors.” Again, the
about 500 hours of unplanned additional                 five jacks instead of three. For normal air-     instrumentation is quite different from nor-
effort, which in turn entailed extra work               craf t this is not                                                       mal. For example,

over public holidays in order to be able to             allowed, but for the                                                     SOFIA is the only
complete the job on time.”                              SOFIA jumbo it was                                                       747SP to have all the
                                                        okay. To take the                 The airplane is truly unique           engine indicators on
Weight and center of gravity                            pressure off the rear             and I am sure the next                 a single display. This
                                                        support, we fitted two            four months will be fascinating.       requires the analog
In addition to the normal tasks there are a             extra jacks on the rear                                     Sven Hatje   signals from the
number of special features about the SOFIA              spar of the aircraft.”                                                   engines to be digi-
layover that pose a challenge even for an                   SOFIA’s special                                                      tized and directed to
experienced team, starting with the docking             systems also present major challenges.           the display via an appropriate cable har-
operation. The 747SP had to be jacked up                The 747SP may be a familiar aircraft but,        ness. For the overhaul this means that the
six meters off the ground in order to replace           as well as modified cockpit electronics, the cable harnesses, some of which are the
the landing gear. The problem was that                  SOFIA-747 also has extensive additional          thickness of a human arm, have to be
due to the 17-ton telescope the center of               electronic systems that are not in service       opened up, each individual cable labeled,
gravity on this aircraft is further back than           anywhere else in this combination. Sven          numbered consecutively by connector and
normal, so that the rear section of SOFIA is            Hatje: “We have to then virtually take the       then later reinstalled in exactly the same
too heavy for the normal jacking procedure.             entire aircraft apart, including the cockpit.    position. If meanwhile any repairs should

Positioning the 747 precisely prior to jacking it up.
Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014                                                                                                     Aircraft Services | 19

be required, Lufthansa Technik’s cable                   the right side of the fuselage, run past the                  To ensure that the many special
workshop will be called in to assist. Sven               telescope and divide again behind the tele-               requirements for the layover are correctly
Hatje: “Because the cables have become                   scope’s second pressure bulkhead.                         considered, the production planners have
hard and rigid over time it is inevitable that               The engine test run is anything but rou-              created over 2,000 job cards, each up to
faults will be found. The cable workshop                 tine and, as such, is another instance of                 100 pages long. The effort planned for the
and of course our electricians will then                 just how special the SOFIA jumbo is. The                  complete overhaul of this special aircraft is
come to our rescue.”                                     distinguishing feature in this case is that the           around 50,000 hours of labor. Sven Hatje:
                                                         SOFIA telescope has to be active and                      “I am delighted to have another unusual
Support from NASA and the DSI                            operational before an engine run-up can                   aircraft in the hangar in the form of this
                                                         be carried out. This is because, as the                   747SP. And I know that the staff in the
Technicians from NASA and the German                     power is ramped up to take off power during               maintenance team feel the same way. This
SOFIA Institute (DSI) will support the work              a static test the aircraft experiences consid-            airplane is truly unique and I am sure the
on the heavily modified rear fuselage sec-               erable vibration. Under no circumstances                  next four months will be fascinating.”
tion that contains the telescope and its                 must this be transferred to the extremely                     Seeking out and accepting a major
special hatch. Here the 747SP has under-                 sensitive telescope. The attenuation and                  challenge – the SOFIA project gives
gone particularly heavy structural modifica-             automatic level control for decoupling the                Lufthansa Technik another opportunity to
tions compared with the factory condition.               vibration of the aircraft structure from the              demonstrate its prowess and flexibility,
Floor structure, windows and cargo bay                   telescope therefore has to be fully active.               especially when it comes to performing
door disappeared during the conversion                       Commenting on this, Sven Hatje says:                  unusually demanding jobs.
and the flight control elements for the verti-           “This example brings out clearly the fact that
cal stabilizer and elevator were moved.                  the SOFIA 747 is first and foremost a flying
The control cables that normally run in a                laboratory rather than an aircraft. The tele-             Sven Hatje
straight line under the cabin ceiling have               scope will always be the top priority and only            Phone +49-40-5070-67348
been diverted. They are concentrated on                  then can the aircraft be moved or worked on.”             sven.hatje@lht.dlh.de

All components are removed from the aircraft including the operator stations, only the telescope (right) will remain in the fuselage.
20 | Aircraft Services                                                         Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014

Sharklet retrofit for the A320 family
The availability of kits for retrofitting Sharklets to Airbus narrowbody aircraft – promising
substantial r­eductions in fuel flow – has caused numerous operators to order the improvement.
Meanwhile Lufthansa Technik ­Philippines (LTP) has performed the first upgrades.

                                                                        fficiency is the name of the game. Luft-
                                                                        hansa Technik Philippines has upgrad-
                                                                        ed the first two Airbus A321 aircraft
                                                                from the fleet of Philippine Airlines with state-
                                                                of-the-art wingtip devices called Sharklets.
                                                                Thanks to the improved wing aerodynamics,
                                                                a Sharklet-equipped aircraft can potentially
                                                                generate fuel burn savings of up to four per-
                                                                cent, providing operators with the flexibility of
                                                                either an additional 100 nautical miles range or
                                                                increased payload capability of up to 450 kg.
                                                                    The upgrades herald a major step for
                                                                operators of in-service Airbus A320 family
                                                                aircraft who can now benefit from the cost
                                                                savings and performance improvement of
                                                                installing Sharklets normally found in newer
                                                                built A320 models. Sharklets will be stan­
                                                                dard on the new A320neo Family aircraft,
                                                                which are expected to enter service starting
                                                                in late 2015.
                                                                    “We are honored to offer our first ever
                                                                Sharklet retrofit service for Philippine Airlines,”
                                                                said Michael Lariviere, outgoing Lufthansa
                                                                Technik Philippines Vice President for Aircraft
                                                                Maintenance. In accordance with the OEM
                                                                modification instructions and the Civil Avia-
                                                                tion Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), the
                                                                aircraft maintenance team of the Lufthansa
                                                                Technik subsidiary worked round-the-clock to
                                                                install the Sharklets on PAL’s A321s.
                                                                    The retrofit project was very successful.
                                                                Immediately after the first aircraft was released
                                                                to service, the team of technicians and
                                                                mechanics commenced work on the second
                                                                aircraft, which has also meanwhile returned
                                                                to service. Meanwhile, the first international
                                                                customer has contracted Lufthansa Technik
                                                                Philippines to perform the modification.
                                                                Jetstar Japan has chosen the performance
                                                                enhancement for its Airbus A320 fleet. The
                                                                airline avoids unnecessary ground time by
                                                                combining the retrofit with a C-check. Two
                                                                A320 aircraft have been modified so far.

                                                                Pear Rubio
                                                                Phone +63-2-855-9315
Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014                                                                          Component Services | 21

    Frank Küpper of the electroplating
    shop puts engine shafts in a new
    oven to harden them.

Electroplating shop expands capacity
The surface technology facility in Hamburg has acquired two new ovens to replace an
old one. This increases the facility’s heat treatment capacity and allows very large components
such as Airbus A340 main landing gear to be handled.

       lectroplating, which is an electro-     would lose their properties and become         supplied and transported in parts and
       chemical process in which coating       susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement,         assembled on site. The ovens will serve as
       layers are formed on metal parts,       causing cracks in the process.                 a pilot project for further ovens in Hamburg.
plays a key role in the overhaul and repair        The newly installed ovens have a           It is planned to procure comparable ovens
of a wide variety of aircraft components.      volume of 17 cubic metres each, are            for the landing gear shops and benefit from
The Lufthansa Technik electroplating shop      designed for temperatures of up to 400         the experience gained at the electroplating
in Hamburg has eight electroplating bath       degrees and can keep the set temperature       shop.
lines with 180 treatment units for a diverse   constant to within a tolerance of plus or
range of coating processes. These include      minus six degrees. They thus fill the high
units for aluminium coating, waxing and        requirements of Class 2 of the aerospace
degreasing equipment, a paint shop and         materials specification SAE AMS 2750.
twelve heat treatment units. The latter are        The total weight of the new ovens is
used regularly in the coating process: all     almost eleven tons, which meant it was
chrome- or cadmium-plated parts are            necessary to modify the load-bearing steel
treated in ovens in order to extract hydro-    structure. And because the installation site
gen. If this was not done, the materials       is on the second floor, the ovens were

                                                                The new ovens have a volume
                                                                of 17 cubic meters each.
22 | Aircraft Services                                                                                        Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014

From VIP to ZERO-G
New role for a government aircraft: Lufthansa Technik is converting an Airbus
A310 to an experimental aircraft. In the future this twinjet will be used on zero
gravity research for parabolic flights.

   After the final flight in service of the
   Special Air Mission Wing, the aircraft
   was flown to Hamburg.

          ircraft have a long life. Airbus A310,   involvement with this Airbus A310 for over      intervals for the A310 with the agreement
          tail sign 10+21, is an example of        14 years and knows the aircraft inside out.     of the manufacturer.” His assessment:
          just such an aircraft. On June 24 it     “Lufthansa Technik fitted the Airbus out as     “The A310 is actually an extremely reliable
was handed over to Novespace, its new              a government aircraft over two decades          and trouble-free aircraft, not least on
owner, exactly 25 years from the date that         ago,” he says. “At that time it was flown for   account of its robust CF6-80 engines.”
aircraft manufacturer Airbus originally issued     civilian purposes, but under a military
the certificate of export, on June 24, 1989.       license.”                                       High loading on parabolic flights
Initially in service with the East German              It was operated by Germany’s Special
government, after German reunification it          Air Mission Wing in Cologne-Wahn and up         It is precisely the combination of high reli-
became part of the fleet of the Special Air        to now has been used in a manner pretty         ability and low accumulated flying hours
Mission Wing of the Federal Ministry of            much typical for a VIP aircraft. Schuller       that makes the aircraft attractive to its new
Defense. Graduate engineer Horst Schuller          continues: “On the basis of the low utiliza-    French customer. Up to now Novespace
has had a commercial and technical                 tion we were able to extend the overhaul        has been operating an Airbus A300B for
Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014                                                                                      Aircraft Services | 23

                                                                                                                               A big thank you for
                                                                                                                               global service, says
                                                                                                                               the inscription.

parabolic flights, amongst other purposes          nibalized for all the parts that could possi-    unlike a normal completion with long lead
to train astronauts. However, the stress           bly be lacking in the aircraft. A mock-up        times, in this case a lot of work will have to
imposed on the structure in the course of          about one meter long is serving as the           be carried out in parallel,” explains Frank
such flights is about 30 times the load            model for the finished fuselage.                 Nowack. Tight dovetailing and prior con-
encountered during normal operations, a                                                             sultation with the preparation and produc-
considerable fatigue loading.                      Conversion marathon                              tion departments are essential.
    With just 20,000 flying hours on the                                                                Meanwhile, the customer has flown its
clock, the A310 is the ideal aircraft in           For the zero gravity trials a compartment is     A310 with the new registration code of
terms of coping with the requirements of           to be created in the fuselage that is closed     F-WNOV to France so that pilot training
the new customer. As Senior Manager                by nets to the front and rear. The seat rails    can begin. At Lufthansa Technik the team
Design Engineering, Frank Nowack is                can accommodate equipment or racks,              is busy reviewing the documentation, buy-

responsible for the conversion of the air-         but the compartment                                                     ing parts from the
craft. He outlines the challenges associated       can also be used for                                                    used parts market
with this work: “The A310 was used on              the experiments emp-                                                    and building the
                                                                                    The A310 is actually an
military operations in the past. In order to       ty. To exclude the risk                                                 mock-up. So when
                                                                                    extremely reliable and trouble-
be able to handle it at all, we have agreed        of injury, floors, ceil-                                                the aircraft lands in
                                                                                    free aircraft.
with the new customer that we will certify         ings and walls are to                                 Horst Schuller
                                                                                                                           Hamburg at the end
it under EASA regulations. But before we           be fitted with a foam                                                   of September, the
can do that, we have to first restore it to a      lining. In addition,                                                    Lufthansa Technik
kind of ‘zero state’, i.e. to the state in which   special lighting installations are necessary     team will be fully prepared – not just for the
it was delivered to Interflug.”                    as the windows in this section are sealed        planned work but also for any surprises.
    The preparations for the conversion work       up. A number of normal seats will be
are in full swing. To help with restoration of     installed behind the zero gravity compart-       Christian Reck
the cabin structure they found an old aircraft     ment for take-off and landing. “Because          Phone +49-40-5070-2957
on the surplus market, which is being can-         the conversion timetable is very tight,          christian.reck@lht.dlh.de

                                                                                                        In preparation for the new customer, the
                                                                                                        Airbus A310 was given an all-white livery.
24 | Total Support Services                                                                                                 Lufthansa Technik Connection 5.2014

Added value through integration
When tailoring the portfolio of Lufthansa Technik services to the needs of a customer, placing Technical
Operations Management (TOM) in the hands of Lufthansa Technik is a highly beneficial option.

          utsourcing and delegating tasks                     Having to coordinate a sophisticated net-         parameters that go beyond MRO KPIs;
          and responsibilities can be a great                 work of counterparts on the contractor’s          instead, the customer can measure
          relief – especially when you are                    side not only increases complexity but            Lufthansa Technik by defined airline KPIs
operating in a highly complex, time-driven                    may cost an airline a fortune when service        such as technical dispatch reliability or
and efficiency-minded business such as                        integration fails.                                even technical aircraft availability.
operating a fleet of valuable technical assets.                                                                     In order to live up to the approach of
Lufthansa Technik has made the experience                     Focus on flight operations                        integration, each TOM setup includes the
that while customers profit from its wide                                                                       presence of a dedicated TOM Fleet
portfolio of products and services, inte-                     When tailoring the portfolio of Lufthansa         Manager at the customer’s site. The TOM
grating all the contracted services in an                     Technik services to the needs of a customer,      Fleet Manager makes for smooth coordi-
efficient manner can at times be challeng-                    one option to handle the above-mentioned          nation and execution of all contracted
ing for both customer and supplier.                           challenges is to place Technical Opera-           services, ensuring that Lufthansa Technik
    With airlines whose focus is on flight                    tions Management (TOM) in the hands of            is available “at touching distance”.
operations and for whom the decisive                          Lufthansa Technik. If responsible for a cus-      Thus, the TOM Fleet Manager acts as a
factor of success is time, any dead times                     tomer’s TechOps Management, Lufthansa             constantly visible interface between the
in communication can become critical.                         Technik can guarantee performance                 customer and Lufthansa Technik.

        TOS®                                        Included: Aviation Services
        Total Operational Support                   provided by Lufthansa Group

        TTS®                                        Optional: Technical Operations
                                                                                           Technical Operations Management – TOM
        Total Technical Support                     Management – TOM
                                                                                           TOM enables operators to enjoy far-reaching efficiency
                                       TMO®                                                advantages resulting from synergies in service integration
                                       Total Material                                      and reduced complexity in their organizations.
                                       Operations                                          A Lufthansa Technik fleet manager at the customer’s home
                                                                                           base integrates all MRO activities contracted in a TTS®
        TBS™            TES®           TCS®             TLS™            ALTS               agreement into a comprehensive service package. Operators
        Total Base      Total Engine   Total            Total           Aircraft Leas-
        Maintenance     Support        Component        Landing Gear    ing & Trading      can focus their management capacity and financial resources
        Support                        Support          Support         Support            on business development while maintaining full control over
                                                                                           technical issues.
        Single          Single         Single           Single          Single Leas-
        Aircraft        Engine         Component        Landing Gear    ing & Trading
        Services        Services       Services         Services        Services
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