4-H Exhibitor Handbook - Pinal County - Arizona Cooperative Extension

Page created by Rodney Hayes
4-H Exhibitor Handbook - Pinal County - Arizona Cooperative Extension
Pinal County
4-H Exhibitor Handbook - Pinal County - Arizona Cooperative Extension
820 East Cottonwood Lane, #C, Casa Grande, AZ 85122
                                                                                                                     (520) 836-5221, office / (520) 836-1750, fax

Welcome to our 2021 Pinal County 4-H Fair!
The Pinal County Cooperative Extension staff would like to extend a warm 4-H Fair
welcome to our 4-H exhibitors and families. We hope you find the 4-H fair to be an
excellent educational opportunity for growing and sharing as you participate in our many                                                                             activities.

The Pinal County 4-H Small Animal/Exhibit Fair will be held at the Maricopa Agricultural Center (MAC
Farms) Located at: 37860 W. Smith-Enke Rd. Maricopa, AZ 85138 (Map at the end of the handbook). A map with
show specifics will be distributed to all registered exhibitors. All projects, including those that will have live
shows, must submit the required photo/video requirements for each class/division. Please check the handbook
for the specific requirements.

We would like to send special thanks to our 4-H Project Directors, Contest Coordinators, Certified Volunteers,
Parents, Members and Judges who contribute time and collaborative efforts toward a rewarding and successful
Pinal County 4-H Fair experience. Your kind assistance and numerous hours of dedicated service provide 4-H
youth with memorable opportunities that last a life time. THANK YOU for all you do for the 4-H youth of Pinal

See you at the Pinal County 4-H Fair!


Cathy L. Martinez                                                                                            Victor Jimenez
County Extension Director                                                                                    4-H Youth Development Agent

Esther Turner                                                                                                Maria J. Melendez
Program Coordinator, Sr.                                                                                     Administrative Assistant

Samantha Dominguez                                                                                           Bryce Treadway
4-H YD Extension Assistant                                                                                   AmeriCorps Member, 4-H YD Program

                  The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
                                                  national origin, age, disability, veteran status or sexual orientation in it programs and activities.
             Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as a sign language interpreter, by contacting the Pinal County Cooperative Extension Office at
               820 E. Cottonwood Lane, #C , Casa Grande, AZ 85122 (520-836-5221). Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodation.
4-H Exhibitor Handbook - Pinal County - Arizona Cooperative Extension
COVID-19 Guidelines
                           Pinal County 4-H Small Animal/Exhibit Fair
Pinal County 4-H, MAC Farms and show officials will follow the CDC considerations and suggestions to help prevent
the further spread of COVID-19. We ask if you do not feel well, please do not attend the show.

Pinal County 4-H will follow what the University of Arizona and Pinal County mandates for Special Events and will
require face masks while on the MAC Farms property and this includes wearing face masks while in and around the
show rings.

Please follow all guidelines:
        • FACE COVERINGS will be REQUIRED to be worn at all times during this event. Exhibitors will be REQUIRED
            to wear Face Masks in the Show Ring.
        • All exhibitors will be required to go through temperature checks at check-in. Exhibitor must be present at
            check-in for temperature check.
        • There will be NO contact between the judges and the exhibitors – no hand shaking, fist bumps, etc.
        • Face coverings will be available at the show if you do not have one.
        • Hand Sanitizer will be located throughout the area utilized by the show.
        • Frequent cleaning/disinfecting of frequently used items/facilities will be done.

It is your personal choice to attend this show and we ask that you please keep your household at a 6-foot distance,
wash your hands, use hand sanitizer and be respectful of other people’s space. Masks are required to be worn
anytime you are on the MAC Farms property and this includes in the show ring.

Event will be considered a “closed” event and attendance should be limited to only youth showing livestock, parent/
guardian, 4-H Professionals, FFA teacher, and essential volunteers.

       •   No more than 10 exhibitors and show management team allowed in the arena at one time.
       •   Those present at the show are not allowed to “gather” outside of their immediate family.
       •   No cooking/food service among the families allowed at the event.
       •   Mask must be worn all times by all present, including show ring.
       •   If violations of any social distancing or safety/health guidelines are observed they must be corrected
       •   Any continuation of violations or lack of cooperation on the part of attendees will result in the livestock
           show being closed immediately.

Signage will be posted to direct trailers where to park. You must park trailer in a marked and designated spot. Spaces
may not be shared. Only immediate family member will be allowed in assigned spot.

Most importantly, please have patience and be respectful of these requirements, as at least the kids are getting to
4-H Exhibitor Handbook - Pinal County - Arizona Cooperative Extension
Cathy L. Martinez    Victor Jimenez      Esther Turner          Maria Melendez
County Extension     4-H YD Agent        Program                Administrative
Director                                 Coordinator, Sr.       Assistant

Samantha Dominguez   Bryce Treadway      Beth Verschure         Jessica Verfurth
4-H YD Extension     AmeriCorps Member   Building Exhibits      Building Exhibits
Assistant            4-H YD Program      Superintendent         Superintendent

Amy Goncalves        Paul McKinley       Dawn Odell             Janine Spencer
Dairy Goat           Poultry             Rabbit/Cavy/Dog        Animal Science
Project Director     Project Director    Project Director       Superintendent

                                         Rachel Skousen         Melannie Dominguez
                                         Rabbit/Cavy/Dog        4-H Fair
                                         Youth Representative   Youth Volunteer
4-H Exhibitor Handbook - Pinal County - Arizona Cooperative Extension
Pinal County 4-H Divisions
The purpose of our Pinal County 4-H Fair is to provide members in good standing an opportunity to exhibit and participate in a
wide variety of 4-H contests and shows. All information necessary to exhibit in the Pinal County 4-H Fair is contained in this
exhibitor handbook. All 4-H entries will be entered in ShoWorks: http://pinal4.fairmanager.com/. The Virtual Fair will occur online.
Entries will be submitted, judged, and the results will be shared all online. By and large, entries for the virtual fair will be submitted as
photos, files, or videos at the time of registration. In some cases, where judging from a photo or video may not be possible,
judging will take place live, in according to CDC guidelines.

Entry Instructions
The DEADLINE for 4-H members to enter their exhibits for the 4-H Fair is March 8, 2021. All 4-H entries can be found at
ShoWorks http://pinal4.fairmanager.com/ until midnight on March 8, 2021.

Receiving, Judging and Releasing Exhibits
The Pinal County 4-H office, staff, and leaders are not responsible for the loss, damage, or theft of exhibits. Identification tags
(claim checks) will not be mailed to the exhibitor. Exhibitors submitting entries online must print tags for their items and
attach them securely. All exhibits must be tagged at home. No tags will be made at check-in. Leaders or volunteers bringing
entries for others in their group should make sure that exhibit tags are attached to each entry stating the 4-H member’s name,
division, and class number. Exhibitors or designated 4-H leaders are responsible to have Superintendent’s approval before
removing exhibits from MAC. The Danish system of judging will be used: Purple (Outstanding Quality), Blue (1 st Place), Red (2nd
Place), White (3rd Place), and Rainbow (CloverBuds).

Judging based on video. Some classes such as showmanship may require a video.
        • Exhibitors will be able to upload their video at the time of registration. Videos should be made following the
           instructions in the Entry Requirements section for that class.
        • For tips on how to create a good video, please see pages 4 and 5.

Judging based on photo(s). Some classes may require a photo.
        • Exhibitors upload as many photos as outlined in the Entry Requirements for that class to give the judge the best
           views of your project. Close up photos may help the judge see details of your project
        • For tips on how to take a good photo, please see pages 4 and 5.

At the time of registration, you will need to have all videos and photos ready to upload. All judges’ decisions are final.

Photo Upload Guidelines—Preparing Your Images to Upload in ShoWorks:
Please follow these requirements when preparing your images for submission. Images not conforming to the desired formats
and requirements listed below will not be allowed to upload.
• Acceptable image formats are .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .png only.
• The total file size of the uploaded image must be less than 8 MB (megabytes).
• If your total image file size is greater than 8 MB, you will need to use a photo editing program to “resize the photo image”.
    Free programs available: Microsoft Image Resizer, Microsoft Photo Editor, IrfanView, PhotoScape and others.
• A short title for your photo entry is required. The title cannot be greater than 30 characters.
• For advanced entrants familiar with using a photo editing program the minimum image dimension (width or height) should
    be at least 450 pixels.

Suggestions for Easier Upload:
• File name of the digital image should contain the name of the entry depicted or a keyword from the name. Renaming your
   image file name with at least a portion of the name of your entry makes easier identification while uploading.
• Place images in a folder on your computer to easily browse for your upload. Ex.: create a folder called “Fair Entries”.
• When you are ready to upload, the entry form will ask you to go to the folder on your computer where you prepared the
   images for submission. Click the file name and then click the “Upload” button on the entry form.*
• After successfully uploading image, a photo thumbnail will appear on the right side of the screen.
• If you make a mistake, you can log back into “My Account” and select the “Upload Media” button.
4-H Exhibitor Handbook - Pinal County - Arizona Cooperative Extension
Video Upload Guidelines—Preparing Your Video to Upload in ShoWorks:
Please follow these requirements when preparing your video for submission. Entry videos not conforming to the desired
formats and requirements listed below will not be allowed to upload.
• Acceptable video formats are .mpeg, .avi, .flv, .wmv, .mov, .mpg, .mp4 only.
• The total maximum file size of uploaded video is 120 MB (megabytes).
• If your video file size is greater than 120 MB, you will need to use a video editing program to “resize/resample the video”.

Suggestions for Easier Upload:
• File name of the digital video should contain the name of the entry depicted or a keyword for the entry. Renaming your
   video file name with at least a portion of the name of the entry makes easier identification while uploading.
• Place videos in a folder on your computer to easily browse for your upload. Ex.: create a folder called “Fair Entries”.
• When you are ready to upload, the entry form will ask you to go to the folder on your computer where you prepared your
   video for submission. Click the file name and then click the “Upload ” button on the entry form.
• After successfully uploading a videos, a thumbnail will appear on the right side of the screen displaying “Video Uploaded".
• If you make a mistake, you can log back into “My Account” and select the “Upload Files” button.

Tips for Taking Photos
1. Shoot from different angles and perspectives, such as from up above looking down, from ground level looking up, side
    views and/or as specified in the entry requirements for the class.
2. Check your background to ensure there is little to no clutter in your photo frame.
3. Seek good lighting. Consider photographing:
         • Outdoors on a cloudy day
         • An hour after sunrise
         • An hour before sunset
         • Indoor location with lots of light (ceiling light as well as additional lamps)
4. Hold the camera straight.
5. Fill the frame by getting in close to your object.

Tips for Making a Video
1. Plan your video prior to filming.
2. Video length should adhere to the guidance in the entry requirements for the class.
3. Move around your object to film from different sides.
4. Choose the right background for your video by using:
        • Real Background -Choose a location either indoor or outdoor, free of clutter or unwanted items.
        • Fake Background – Sheets or white wall to make your images stand out.
5. Use a camera or cell phone (held horizontally) to take videos.
6. Use an external microphone for recording, if possible.
7. Seek good lighting. Consider videoing:
        • Outdoors on a cloudy day
        • An hour after sunrise
        • An hour before sunset
        • Indoor location with lots of light (ceiling light as well as additional lamps)
8. Avoid shadows and glare.
9. When filming, pretend the camera is the judge.
4-H Exhibitor Handbook - Pinal County - Arizona Cooperative Extension
Project Division/Class Requirements
All participants should wear clothing appropriate to showmanship requirements. (See page 9—More Information)

         Project            Division         Class                             Entry Requirements
Building Exhibits         All Divisions   All Classes   See each division.
                                                        Submit 3 photos (front, side, and rear).
                                                               Make sure the photos are close-up images.

Dairy Goat                All Divisions   All Classes   Submit 1 video (5 minutes or less).
                                                               Walking the goat in two large circles – similar to a showring
                                                               (make sure the distance isn’t too great; act like the individual
                                                               with the camera is the judge).
Dog                       All Divisions   All Classes   Submit 1-3 photos (front, side, and rear).
                                                               Make sure the photos are close-up images.

                                                        Submit 1 video (3 minutes or less).
                                                               Explaining how to show this individual dog taking into account
                                                               the dog’s breed, size, speed, and other characteristics that
                                                               should be highlighted to the judge. Video must include: 1)
                                                               stacking the dog, 2) down and back, 3) around the “ring.”
Rabbit / Cavy             All Divisions   All Classes   Submit 1-3 photos (front, side, and rear).
                                                               Make sure the photos are close-up images.

                                                        Submit 1 video (5 minutes or less) .
                                                        Junior, Junior Novice, Senior Novice Members
                                                        • Have another person ask you to show the parts and ask you the
                                                           questions (see project section).
                                                        • Please make sure you can hear the person asking the question
                                                           and the body parts on the video clearly.
                                                        • After you have shown the part and done the questions please
                                                           have the person asking the questions say “Thank you”, so you
                                                           know to repose your Rabbit/Cavy.
                                                        • Proper Carry- this is how you come to the table
                                                        • Your Name First only
                                                        • Show your rabbit/cavy from head to toe on your own.
                                                        • You will need to tell why you are showing that body part (not all
                                                           the parts are listed see project section).
                                                        • No one should ask you to show any part.
                                                        • You will need someone to ask you the questions (see project
                                                           section) labeled Senior at the end of you presentation.
4-H Exhibitor Handbook - Pinal County - Arizona Cooperative Extension
Project Division/Class Requirements
All participants should wear clothing appropriate to showmanship requirements. (See page 9—More Information)

        Project             Division         Class                             Entry Requirements
                                                        Submit 1-3 photos (front, side, and rear).
                                                               Make sure the photos are close-up images.

                                                        Submit 1 video (3 minutes or less) .
                                                        • Introduce your project, tell the judge something about your
                                                        • Show the head of your bird and what you are checking for when
                                                           looking at the head.
                                                        • Show the right wing of your bird and name the different parts of
                                                           the wing.
                                                        • Show the width of the animals body.
                                                        • Show the feet and legs of your bird. Explain why it is important to
                                                           check your birds feet and legs.
                                                        • Show the feathers (hackle, saddle, and undercoat) of your
                                                           bird. Explain the feathers and the undercoat health and color.
                                                        • Show the breastbone/keel of your bird.
                                                        • Pose the bird for the judge.
                                                        • While the animal is posed or being held at the same position you
                                                           would transport the animal to and from the table answer the
                                                           appropriate class questions below.

                                                        Answer the questions associated with your class at the end of your
Poultry/Pigeon/Turkey     All Divisions   All Classes   showmanship video between one to three minutes long.

                                                        Junior Novice (members age 8-13, first year showing)
                                                        • What breed of bird are you showing today and what is one other
                                                           breed in the same class?
                                                        • Why do you think width of body is important in your bird?

                                                        Junior (members age 8-13, previous experience showing)
                                                        • What can happen in extreme cases of birds with scaley leg mites?
                                                        • What is the purpose of breeding and showing purebred poultry?

                                                        Senior Novice (members age 14-18, first year showing)
                                                        • What do you feed your bird, and why or why not is it considered a
                                                           correct feed for a show/production type bird?
                                                        • How do you treat heat stroke in poultry?

                                                        Senior (members age 14-18, previous experience showing)
                                                        • What is the purpose of breeding and showing purebred poultry?
                                                        • Is it safe to eat eggs after using poultry dust/powder on a bird?
                                                        • Are there alternative lice treatment options that would be just as
                                                           effective without using chemicals or effecting egg consumption?
                                                        • What do you use, and why would you encourage others to use
                                                           your method?
4-H Exhibitor Handbook - Pinal County - Arizona Cooperative Extension
4-H Fair Schedule
                                                 FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 2021
Small Animal Set Up—Maricopa Agricultural Center Farms                                                  8:00am—12:00pm

                                                SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 2021
Dairy Goat Check In                                                                                     8:00am—9:00am
Dairy Goat Show                                                                                         9:30am
Pack Goat Contest                                                                                       After Goat Show
Rabbit/Cavy Check In                                                                                    3:00pm—5:00pm
Rabbit/Cavy Show (Junior/Junior Novice)                                                                 5:00pm—6:00pm
Rabbit/Cavy Show (Senior/ Senior Novice)                                                                6:00pm

                                                MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2021
Food Preparation & Sewing Divisions Drop Off                                                            8:00am—5:00pm
Fashion Review Check In                                                                                 9:00am—9:30am
Fashion Review Show                                                                                     9:30am
Poultry/Pigeon Check In                                                                                 10:30am—11:00am
Poultry/Pigeon Show                                                                                     11:00am
Dog Check In                                                                                            1:00pm—1:30pm
Dog Show                                                                                                1:30pm

                                                MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021
Food Preparation & Sewing Divisions Pick Up                                                             8:00am—5:00pm

               SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 2021 @8:00am—7:00pm / MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2021 @8:00am—3:00pm
                 4-H Dairy Goat/ Dog/ Pigeons/Poultry/ Rabbit/Cavy Skill-a-Thons (Opened anytime either day)

                                                    AFTER EACH SHOW
                             4-H Dairy Goat/ Dog/ Pigeons/Poultry/ Rabbit/Cavy Costume Contest
4-H Exhibitor Handbook - Pinal County - Arizona Cooperative Extension
Small Animal

                                      GENERAL RULES & REQUIREMENTS
The exhibitor must be enrolled in the Pinal County 4-H Youth      CHECK IN
Development Program (https://4h.zsuite.org/) no later than        No animals will be allowed to be put in cages or stalls until
February 28th of the current 4-H program year.                    the Project Director has completed the health check and
                                                                  received all the required paperwork.
FFA and Association Members in good standing are eligible
to compete in the 4-H Small Stock Show. FFA and                   Dairy Goat Check In Time:
Association Members must adhere to all requirements                       Saturday. March 13, 2021, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
outlined in this document, sign a 4-H Youth Code of Conduct       Dairy Goat Show Time:
and pay a $25 exhibitor fee to participate. Exhibitors must               Saturday. March 13, 2021, 9:30 a.m.
sign-up in ShoWorks and choose FFA/Association Club.
                                                                  Rabbit/Cavy Check In Time:
Payment must be received prior to March 8, 2021 at the
                                                                         Saturday. March 13, 2021, 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
University of Arizona, Cooperative Extension, Pinal County at
                                                                  Rabbit/Cavy Show Time (Junior/Junior Novice):
820 East Cottonwood Lane, #C, Casa Grande, AZ 85122.
                                                                         Saturday, March 13, 2021, 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
                                                                  Rabbit/Cavy Show Time (Senior/Senior Novice):
Enrollment of member received or postmarked after this
                                                                         Saturday, March 13, 2021, 6:00 p.m.
date will result in the member not being able to exhibit in the
current year’s Pinal County 4-H Fair.                             Pigeon/Poultry Check In Time:
                                                                         Monday. March 15, 2021, 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Registration Documents                                            Pigeon/Poultry Show Time:
Copies must be mailed to the Pinal County 4-H Office at 820              Monday, March 15, 2021, 11:00 a.m.
East Cottonwood Lane, #C, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, or
                                                                  Dog Check In Time:
emailed to mmelende@cals.arizona.edu. Due date is March
                                                                         Monday. March 15, 2021, 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
10, 2021 by midnight.
                                                                  Dog Show Time:
• Proof of ownership: Registration/Bill of Sale (must be
                                                                         Monday, March 15, 2021, 1:30 p.m.
• If leasing a project animal, signed lease papers must also
    be filed with the 4-H Office no later than the ownership      Check the most current agenda. 4-H youth must be present for
    deadline of December 13, 2020                                 check-in during receiving times at the Maricopa Agricultural
• Financial records: Click Here                                   Center Farm. Only pre-registered animals which will be shown
• YQCA Certificate (must be valid through the end of the          at the event.
    4-H fair)
All Small Animal exhibitors must have Quality Assurance           All 4-H animals must have a permanent tattoo, ear tag or leg
Training to participate at the 4-H Fair. Certificates of YQCA     band for identification.
training must not be expired prior to the end of the 4-H Fair.
4-H exhibitors must be a member in good standing of a Pinal       EXHIBITING AND SHOWING
County 4-H Club.                                                  The exhibitor must be present to handle and show his or her
                                                                  animal exhibit, unless there are special circumstances
Entry deadline is March 8, 2021. Entries will only be             approved by the Show Project Director. All exhibitors must
accepted online by midnight in the ShoWorks Program at            be present for showmanship class.
                                                                  ANIMAL SHOWING PERMITTED
**MEMBERS MUST OWN OR HAVE POSSESSION OF THEIR                    Please bring the minimum number of animals needed for
ANIMALS NINETY (90) DAYS PRIOR TO OPENING DAY OF                  your family to participate in the show. If family members are
THE 4-H FAIR. (EXCEPTION: MEAT PEN BROILERS OR                    able to share an animal, this will be permitted.
SHOWING/EXHIBITING ATTIRE                                           at release by the new owner. Signs may not be posted prior to
Proper attire for showing will consist of                           its breed show. NO adults will be allowed to sell animals
• Jeans or slacks, no shorts; plain black, dark blue or white       during the 4-H fair.
   pants are acceptable. A belt is suggested.
• Sleeved, collared shirts in either solid white or solid 4-H       EXPECTATIONS AND CODE OF CONDUCT
   green; shirts must be tucked in.                                 Each club is responsible for care and cleaning of their own cages
• A 4-H tie, bandana or ribbon must be worn                         and aisle during the 4-H Fair. It is expected that each small
• Closed toe shoes are required, leather boots are highly           animal owner bring feeders and water containers along with
   recommended.                                                     food that the animal usually consumes.
• Hats are not allowed in classes
• Attire should be clean, free of holes or tears and in good        Animal Project Directors require all exhibitor’s to abide by all
   condition overall.                                               rules and requirements of each barn. Youth who do not abide
• Exhibitors whose attire is deemed inappropriate by the            by the Code of Conduct will be excluded from exhibiting at
   Project Director and Program Agent, may be asked to              the Pinal County 4-H Fair for one year.
   change or risk being withdrawn from the show.
HEALTH                                                              Exhibitors must check out all exhibits with the Animal Project
Any animal showing evidence of contagious disease,                  Director. NO animals will be released prior to the completion
parasites or infection will not be accepted upon check-in by        of the show. NO EXCEPTIONS!
the Project Director. Please remember to give each animal a
full health exam yourself prior to arriving at the 4-H Fair.        Any animals removed without the Project Director’s
Visible health exams will be performed on a daily basis by          permission will exclude the exhibitor from exhibiting in any
the Project Director. A sick or diseased animal may be sent         small animal project at the next year's 4-H Fair.
home at anytime. Animals that do not pass inspection must
be immediately removed from MAC.                                    All 4-H exhibitors MUST bring their own rabbit, bird and
                                                                    goat feed for the duration of the 4-H fair. Come prepared
JUDGING                                                             to feed and water your animals during the week of the
4-H judges will be selected by the Project Directors for each       4-H fair. Do not forget your water and feed containers.
species. Judges’ information will be made available prior to
the 4-H Fair. It is expressly prohibited for any exhibitor or
exhibitor’s parents or anyone acting on behalf of the
exhibitor to have any direct contact with a judge after the
announcement and prior to the arrival at the 4-H Fair.
Violators of this rule may be subject to removal from the 4-H
Fair. Breed classes will be judged by specific breeds. If the
classes have low entries the classes will be combined, as the
Project Director deems appropriate. Ideal standards for each
breed will be considered. Where there is no competition,
judges may award one ribbon, or no ribbon according to

Judges decisions are final. Please see each specie area for
specific details for your show.

Danish System will be used, which is based on raising and
exhibiting a quality project as determined by the judge. Some
special awards will be presented for outstanding performance
by the exhibitor and/or animal at the 4-H awards presentation.

If the exhibitor intends to sell an animal, it will be the sole
responsibility of the exhibitor. A bill of sale must be presented
Project Director                                                                                     Youth Representative
Dawn Odell                                                                                                Rachel Skousen
There will be NO pregnant cavy, NO breeding at the event.       DIVISION 117 - AMERICAN & AMERICAN SATIN
Absolutely NO cavy will be allowed to birth at the event.       DIVISION 118 - TEDDY & TEDDY SATIN
                                                                DIVISION 119 - ABYSSINIAN & ABYSSINIAN SATIN
Registration Documents                                          DIVISION 120 - WHITE CRESTED
Copies must be mailed to the Pinal County 4-H Office at 820     DIVISION 121 - SILKIE, SILKIE SATIN, PERUVIAN, PERUVIAN,
East Cottonwood Lane, #C, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, or                             SATIN, CORONET & TEXEL, OTHER
emailed to mmelende@cals.arizona.edu. Due date is March         Class Description
10, 2021 by midnight.                                           1. Jr.: 12-21 ounces, up to 4 mo. of age
• Proof of ownership: Registration/Bill of Sale (must be        2. Intermediate: 22-31 ounces, 4-6 mo. of age
    dated)                                                      3. Sr.: over 32 ounces, 6 mo. and older
• If leasing a project animal, signed lease papers must also
    be filed with the 4-H Office no later than the ownership    DIVISION 122 - CAVY SHOWMANSHIP
    deadline of December 13, 2020                               Class Description
• Financial records: Click Here                                 1. Junior Novice *(1st year to exhibit, 8-13 years old)
• YQCA Certificate (valid through the end of the 4-H fair)      2. Junior *(8-13 years old)
                                                                3. Senior Novice *(1st year to ever exhibit, 14-18 years old)
JUDGING                                                         4. Senior *(14-18 years old)
Judging will be immediately following the Rabbit
Showmanship Show.                                               DIVISION 123 - SOW AND LITTER
                                                                Class Description
HEALTH                                                          1. One entry/exhibitor. Must be 3-5 weeks old, under 12 oz,
All animals will be screened by the Project Director upon           2 or more in litter. Sow and litter shown as a carry class.
check-in and on a daily basis for disease. Diseased or
underweight cavies will be disqualified and must be placed in
quarantine prior to being removed from MAC.                                            CAVY AWARDS
                                                                Best of Class
SHOWMANSHIP                                                     Grand & Reserve Champion of Show
A. Showmanship winners from previous years are eligible to      Cavy Showmanship:       -Junior Novice           -Senior Novice
   compete.                                                                             -Junior                  -Senior
B. Exhibitors who wish to participate in Showmanship must
   register for the contest on their 4-H Fair entries with
   class, and ear tag number .
C. Showmanship will be judged on the exhibitor's ability to
   show own animal to its advantage and their knowledge
   in handling, fitting and selecting animals for production
   and show. The judge may also ask questions pertaining
   to the project.

Please enter all Rabbit & Cavy Contests and Shows through
the ShoWorks online entry program.
                          Questions and Parts to be asked—Don’t forget to say THANK YOU

Junior, Junior Novice, Senior Novice
                • Body Part: Please show me the ears
         • Question: What are you looking for
                • Body Part: Please show me the eyes
                • Body Part: Please check for ruptures and abscesses
         • Question: What is a rupture or abscesses
                • Body Part: Show me the nose
         • Question: What are we looking for
                • Body Part: Please show me the front legs
         • Question: What are we looking for
                • Body Part: Please show me the hind legs
         • Question: What are we looking for
                • Body Part: Please show me the sex of your cavy
                • Body Part: Show me the crown on your cavy
                • Body Part: Show me the shoulder
                • Body Part: Show me the hindquarters
                • Body Part: Show me the chest
         • Question: What are the 5 color groups
         • Question: What is a Crest
         • Question: What is a male cavy called
         • Question: What is a female cavy called
         • Question: What is a baby cavy called
         • Question: What are the 5 color groups
         • Question: What is a Crest
         • Question: What is a male cavy called
         • Question: What is a female cavy called
         • Question: What is a baby cavy called
         • Question: What is the life span for a cavy
         • Question: What is it called when a sow gives birth to her pups
         • Question: What are the symptoms of illness? List 3
         • Question: What is Scurvy
         • Question: What is Bacteria
Project Director                                                                                              Youth Representative
Dawn Odell                                                                                                         Rachel Skousen
There will be NO pregnant rabbits, NO breeding at the event.             DIVISION 103 - CALIFORNIAN
Absolutely NO rabbits will be allowed to birth at the event.             DIVISION 104 - ANGORA, FRENCH/ENGLISH
                                                                         DIVISION 105 - SATINS
Rabbits can be exhibited as singles, doe and litter or in a meat class   DIVISION 106 - LOPS, FRENCH/ENGLISH
(pen of 3). All rabbits, with the exception of the meat pen/             DIVISION 107 - MINI REX
fryers and doe and litter class, must be a minimum of 12 weeks           DIVISION 108 - REX
old at check-in.                                                         DIVISION 109 - MINI LOPS
                                                                         DIVISION 110 - HOLLAND LOPS
Registration Documents                                                   DIVISION 111 - POLISH
Copies must be mailed to the Pinal County 4-H Office at 820              DIVISION 112 - ANY OTHER RECOGNIZED BREED
East Cottonwood Lane, #C, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, or                      DIVISION 113 - PET QUALITY/NON-PEDIGREED
emailed to mmelende@cals.arizona.edu. Due date is March
10, 2021 by midnight.                                                    Class Description-Small Breeds
• Proof of ownership: Registration/Bill of Sale (must be                 1. Senior Buck (Small Breeds)
    dated)                                                               2. Senior Doe (Small Breeds)
• If leasing a project animal, signed lease papers must also             3. Junior Buck (Small Breeds)
    be filed with the 4-H Office no later than the ownership             4. Junior Doe (Small Breeds)
    deadline of December 13, 2020
• Financial records: Click Here                                          Class Description-Large Breeds
• YQCA Certificate (valid through the end of 4-H fair)                   5. Senior Buck (Large Breeds)
                                                                         6. Senior Doe (Large Breeds)
JUDGING                                                                  7. Intermediate Buck (Large Breeds)
All breeds judged must be recognized by the ARBA Standard of             8. Intermediate Doe (Large Breeds)
Perfection.                                                              9. Junior Buck (Large Breeds)
                                                                         10. Junior Doe (Large Breeds)
All animals will be inspected upon check-in and each morning. Any        COMPUTING AGES
animal with a contagious disease will be placed in quarantine            Under 6 months                  -Junior Buck/Doe
and sent home immediately.                                               6-8 Months-Large Breeds         -Intermediate Buck/Doe
                                                                         Over 6 months-Small             -Senior Buck/Doe
SHOWMANSHIP                                                              Over 8 months-Large Breeds      -Senior Buck/Doe
A. Showmanship winners from previous years are eligible to
   compete.                                                              DIVISION 114-DOE AND LITTER
B. Exhibitors who wish to participate in Showmanship must                Class Description
   register for the contest on their 4-H Fair entries with               1. Litter must be at least 6 weeks old
   class, lot, and tattoo number.
C. Showmanship will be judged on the exhibitor's ability to              DIVISION 115 - RABBIT SHOWMANSHIP
   show own animal to its advantage and their knowledge                  Class Description
   in handling, fitting and selecting animals for production             1. Junior Novice *(1st year to exhibit, 8-13 years old)
   and show. The judge may also ask questions pertaining                 2. Junior *(8-13 years old)
   to the project.                                                       3. Senior Novice *(1st year to ever exhibit, 14-18 years old)
                                                                         4. Senior *(14-18 years old)
Please enter all Rabbit & Cavy Contests and Shows through
the ShoWorks online entry program.                                                              RABBIT AWARDS
                                                                         Best of Class
INDICATE RECOGNIZED BREED & VARIETY ON ENTRY:                            Grand & Reserve Champion of Show
DIVISION 100 - NETHERLAND DWARF                                          Rabbit Showmanship:     -Junior Novice           -Senior Novice
DIVISION 101 - NEW ZEALAND                                                                       -Junior                  -Senior
                            Questions and Parts to be asked—Don’t forget to say THANK YOU

Junior, Junior Novice, Senior Novice
               • Body Part: Please show me the left ear
        • Question: What are you looking for
               • Body Part: Please show me the right ear
               • Body Part: Please show me the eyes
        • Question: What are you looking for
               • Body Part: Please show me the teeth
        • Question: What are you looking for
               • Body Part: Please show me the front legs
        • Question: What are you looking for
               • Body Part: Please show me the hind legs
        • Question: What are you looking for
               • Body Part: Please check for ruptures and abscesses
        • Question: What is a rupture or abscesses
               • Body Part: Please check for Snuffles
        • Question: What is Snuffles
               • Body Part: Check the fur
        • Question: What kind of fur dose your rabbit have.
        • Question: Please name another fur type
               • Body Part: Please show me the tail of your rabbit
               • Body Part: Please show me the sex of your rabbit
        • Question: How do you prevent sore hock
        • Question: Where is the flank on a rabbit (you can point to it on your rabbit)
        • Question: Where is the Loin on a rabbit (you can point to it on your rabbit)
        • Question: How many eyelids dose a rabbit have and please name them
        • Question: Which is more dangerous to your rabbit hot or cold weather
               • Body Part: Please do the ending Poses

         •   Question: How do you prevent sore hock
         •   Question: Where is the flank on a rabbit (you can point to it on your rabbit)
         •   Question: Where is the Loin on a rabbit (you can point to it on your rabbit)
         •   Question: How many eyelids dose a rabbit have and please name them
         •   Question: Which is more dangerous to your rabbit hot or cold weather
         •   Question: Which is heavier a mature buck or a mature doe
         •   Question: How many vertebrae's dose a rabbit have
         •   Question: What is a pedigree
         •   Question: How many teeth dose a rabbit have
         •   Question: Can you name the teeth
         •   Question: How many chromosomes does a rabbit have
Project Director                                                                                             Youth Representative
Dawn Odell                                                                                                        Rachel Skousen
1. The deadline for ownership of a dog to be used in a 4-H          A leased dog may be shown by a 4-H member at County dog
    dog show should not be less than 12 weeks before any dog        shows, if leased for the duration of the current year. In the case of
    show. In the event the exhibitor's dog dies during the 4-H      a leased dog, the project member must submit a letter through
    year, he/she will be allowed to obtain a substitute dog with    the project leader to the 4-H Office with a description of the dog
    the approval of the 4-H office.                                 and a copy of the lease.
2. A dog in a 4-H dog show must be trained by the exhibitor.
3. Females in heat may be shown in showmanship only (must           DIVISION 145 - OBEDIENCE
    be marked) provided the club sponsoring the show allows         Class Description
    this, there’s a separate ring for obedience.                    1. Beginner Novice Junior (8-13)
4. Unruly or disruptive dogs not entered in the 4-H show will be    2. Beginner Novice Senior (14-18)
    asked to leave the show grounds as described by the show                All Pre-Novice classes will be scored on a total 200 points.
    chairman. One dog/handler will be allowed in showmanship.               Leash is to be used on all exercises. Dogs need not to be
5. The judge will excuse, from competition, exhibitor who                   the same breed to compete in brace class.
    abuses his/her dog on the show grounds (example:                3. Novice A Junior (8-13)
    kicking, striking, or excessive corrections). If an exhibitor   4. Novice A Senior (14-18)
    abuses a dog, any awards that have been won in a                        These classes are for members showing their 1st year as
    previous class will be forfeited and the exhibitor                      novice level.
    disqualified from further competition in the show.              5. Novice B Junior (8-13)
6. Obedience classes will be judged by American Kennel Club         6. Novice B Senior (14-18)
    (AKC) standards.                                                        These classes are for members who have previously
7. Showmanship classes will be judged by the AKC junior                     showed as novice level.
    showmanship standards, exception of attire. Clothing            DIVISION 146 - SHOWMANSHIP
    worn must be neat, clean, modest. 4-H attire is required.       Class Description
8. All dogs must be brought to the show grounds on a leash          1. Junior Novice (age 8-13)
    and training collar. Spike, prong, pinch, shock, electronic     2. Senior Novice (age 14-18)
    collars, or chain leashes will not be permitted.                        These classes are for those exhibitors who are in their 1st
9. Ill or diseased dogs will not be brought to show grounds.                year in the 4-H Dog Project. These classes are for
10. Dogs entered in the show must submit paperwork                          exhibitors in their 2nd year in 4-H Dog Project.
    showing they have current, effective rabies inoculation         3. Junior Open Showmanship (age 8-13)
    and D.H.L. (Distemper, Parvo, Hepatitis, Leptosirois)           4. Senior Open Showmanship (age 14-18)
    shots to Pinal County 4-H Office 820 East Cottonwood                    These classes are for those exhibitors who are in their
    Lane, #C, Casa Grande, AZ 85122 by March 10, 2021.                      second year or higher in the 4-H Dog Project.
11. Exhibitors who have won an AKC title with his/her dog may       DIVISION 147 - AGILITY
    not compete in the same class the title was won.                Class Description
12. Exhibitors who have earned 3 qualifying scores (170 or          1. Pre-Novice Junior *(8-13)
    more points) in a class may not compete in the same             2. Pre-Novice Senior *(14-18)
    class with the same dog, except in Pre-Novice C.                        All classes will be scored on a total 200 points. These
13. It is recommended that the exhibitor be responsible for                 classes are for exhibitors showing in their first year in
    protecting their project dog by:                                        agility. These classes can be run on leash.
         a. Never leave the dog with a choke chain collar on.       3. Novice Junior *(8-13)
         b. Safe confinement.                                       4. Novice Senior *(14-18)
         c. Provide proper feed, water, shelter, and                        All classes will be scored on a total 200 points. these
              grooming at all times.                                        classes are for exhibitors showing their 2nd year in agility.
14. Clean up after dog. Use “poop bags” at all times.                       These classes may be run on or off leash.

CONTESTS                                                                                       DOG AWARDS
Please enter dog contests and shows through the ShoWorks            Best of Class
online entry program http://pinal4.fairmanager.com                  Grand & Reserve Champion of Show
                                                                    Dog Showmanship:        -Junior Novice                 -Senior Novice
                                                                                            -Junior                        -Senior
Project Director                                                                                      Youth Representative
Amy Goncalves                                                                                                       OPEN
Registration Documents                                              fitting and selecting animals for production and show. The
Copies must be mailed to the Pinal County 4-H Office at 820         judge may ask questions pertaining to the project.
East Cottonwood Lane, #C, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, or              D. Class order will be determined on show day to
emailed to mmelende@cals.arizona.edu. Due date is March             accommodate the most participants.
10, 2021 by midnight.
• Proof of ownership: Registration/Bill of Sale (must be         CONTESTS
    dated)                                                       Please enter all Dairy Goat Contests and Shows through the
• If leasing a project animal, signed lease papers must also     ShoWorks online entry program.
    be filed with the 4-H Office no later than the ownership
    deadline of December 13, 2020                                DIVISION 148 - ALPINE
• Financial records: Click Here                                  DIVISION 149 - LA MANCHA
• YQCA Certificate (valid through the end of 4-H fair)           DIVISION 151 - NIGERIAN DWARFS
                                                                 DIVISION 152 - ALL OTHER PUREBREDS (AOP), NUBIAN,
A. See page 3 for requirements. Each club is responsible for     DIVISION 153 - RECORDED GRADES (BROWN PAPERS)
   care and cleaning of their own pens during the event.
B. Feeding and watering is the responsibility of the member      4-H SHOW - JUNIOR DOES
   for the duration of the event.                                Class Description
                                                                 JR1    Junior Kid (born 01/01—03/16) 0-3 months
ANIMAL REQUIREMENTS                                              JR2    Intermediate Kid (born 10/01—12/01) 3-6 months
A. Every animal must have an identifiable tattoo or ear tag.     JR3    Senior Kid (born 03/01-12/31) 7-12 months
   Microchip is not acceptable.                                  JR4    Dry Yearling (under 24 months never freshened)
B. Only pre-registered animals that are going to be shown
   will be allowed to be housed at the 4-H fair. The only        4-H SHOW - SENIOR DOES
   exception are newborn kids.                                   Class Description
C. NO bucks allowed.                                             SR1    Yearling Milker (under 2 years in milk)
D. Dairy goats must be dehorned.                                 SR2    2 year old Milker (2 years and under 3 years)
E. No wethers or does showing in the market meat division        SR3    3-4 year old Milker (3 years and under 5 years)
   will be allowed to compete in the dairy classes, however      SR4    5 year old Milker (5 years and over)
   they can compete in the pack goat and costume contests.
                                                                 DIVISION 154 - WETHER
JUDGING                                                          Not separated by breed, must be tattooed or eartagged
Classes will be judged by breeds. If the classes have low        Class Description
entries the classes will be combined. Ideal standards for        DD1    Young—Under 1 year of age as of day of show
each breed will be considered.                                   DD2    Aged—Over a year of age as of day of show

HEALTH                                                           DIVISION 155 - DAIRY GOAT SHOWMANSHIP
Animal showing evidence of a contagious disease, parasites       Class Description
or infection will not be accepted upon check-in by the project   1. Junior Novice *(1st year to exhibit, 8-13 years old)
director. Visible health exams will be performed on a daily      2. Junior *(8-13 years old)
basis by the director. A sick animal can only leave the MAC      3. Senior Novice *(1st year to exhibit, 14-18 years old)
Farm with approval from the 4-H office and project director.     4. Senior *(14-18 years old)

A. Showmanship winners from previous years are eligible to
   compete.                                                                             GOAT AWARDS
B. Exhibitors who wish to participate in Showmanship must        Best of Class
   register for the contest on their 4-H Fair entries.           Grand & Reserve Champion of Show
C. Showmanship will be judged on the exhibitor's ability to      Goat Showmanship:       -Junior Novice           -Senior Novice
   show animal to its advantage and knowledge in handling,                               -Junior                  -Senior
Project Director                                                                                        Youth Representative
Paul McKinley                                                                                                         OPEN
Indicate breed & variety on entry                                 B. Meat pens should show the exhibitors ability to produce
                                                                     quality meat for the table. The time required varies with
Registration Documents                                               each project.
Copies must be mailed to the Pinal County 4-H Office at 820       C. Poultry Meat Pens: Raise three live chicks from day-old to 6
East Cottonwood Lane, #C, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, or                  to 8 weeks old. Meat pen should be uniform in breed, size,
emailed to mmelende@cals.arizona.edu. Due date is March              and sex. Fryers must weight 3.5-5 pounds each. Broilers
10, 2021 by midnight.                                                must weigh over 5 pounds.
• Proof of ownership: Registration/Bill of Sale (must be
    dated)                                                        MIXED BREED
• If leasing a project animal, signed lease papers must also      A. Hens will be judged on their current production
    be filed with the 4-H Office no later than the ownership         characteristics and condition without regard to breed
    deadline of December 13, 2020                                    standards.
• Financial records: Click Here
• YQCA Certificate (valid through the end of 4-H fair)            EGG CLASS
                                                                  A. One-half dozen eggs will constitute an entry.
SPECIFIC POULTRY REQUIREMENTS                                     B. Only one entry per exhibitor per lot allowed: white, cream,
A. Each exhibitor is limited to 20 animals TOTAL in the              brown, blue, or green chicken, duck, or any other eggs.
   poultry barn. Exhibitors are encouraged to show only           C. On entry, place egg entries under lot and class number
   their best exhibits as space at the 4-H fair is limited.          using the word “EGG” under “DIVISION” and “COLOR” of
B. Members must bring their own water and feeding cups.              the egg entry under the “CLASS”. Use different line for
   Exhibitors are responsible for feeding and watering               each egg entry.
   their animals twice a day. The Project Director will tag       D. Eggs must appear clean, should not be excessively dirty.
   cages without water or food. If your cage is tagged            E. All eggs in an entry must be of a single size group (small,
   please see the Project Director.                                  medium, or large).
C. Storage for carriers and feed will be allowed in the back      F. Eggs will be judged for internal and external quality.
   of the barn. All feed must be kept in sealed containers.       G. Blow/Decorative eggs (only 1 egg needed).
   The poultry barn is not responsible for any loss or
   damage to stored items or feed.                                JUDGING
D. Ducks, geese, and turkeys need to be cleaned DAILY.            A. The show rules of the American Poultry Association (APA)
   Exhibitors must bring adequate bedding to ensure cages            and American Bantam Association (ABA) will apply to this
   are cleaned on a daily basis. Wet bedding is to be                show.
   removed daily, not covered with new bedding.                   B. Each breed will be judged separately. EXECPTION: Laying
E. NO POOLS ALLOWED.                                                 hens of various breeds will be judged as one class. Where
                                                                     there is no competition, judges may award one ribbon or
ANIMAL REQUIREMENTS                                                  no ribbons according to merit. Danish system ribbons of
A. All breeds accepted by the American Poultry Association and       blue/red/white will be awarded if exhibit merits such
   the American Bantam Association, as stated in the Standard        award.
   of Perfection, may be exhibited by Small Stock exhibitors.     C. Birds under one year of age will be classified as a pullet or
   Mixed breed and production birds will be judged based             cockerel, birds over one year of age will be classified as a
   upon production characteristics and condition only.               hen or cock.
B. Chicks may be brought with mothers only as part of an          D. Awards will be presented only if exhibit merits such an
   educational display with prior approval of Project Director.      award.
C. Exhibits must have been banded and correspond to entries.
   Only exhibits to be judged may be brought to the 4-H fair      HEALTH
   unless prior arrangements have been made with the Project      A. All poultry will be inspected prior to coop-in at the 4-H
   Director.                                                         fair. Birds showing signs of illness or infestation will be
                                                                     required to leave MAC immediately. Birds that do not
MEAT PEN                                                             meet health standards at the time of check-in will not be
A. Exhibitors in Meat Pen classes are limited to two entries of      allowed to enter MAC for the remainder of the Pinal
   chickens. One entry of each lot of meat pen.                      County 4-H fair.
B. Any bird that is unsightly or showing symptoms of disease                     PIGEONS—(Recognized Breeds)
   during the week of the show will be removed at the            SPECIFIC PIGEON REQUIREMENTS
   Project Directors discretion.                                 A. Each exhibitor is limited to 20 animals total in the poultry
                                                                    barn. Exhibitors are encouraged to show only their best
SHOWMANSHIP                                                         exhibits as space at the 4-H fair is limited.
A. Showmanship winners from previous years are eligible to       B. Members must bring their own water & feeding bowls.
   compete.                                                         Exhibitors are responsible for feeding and watering their
B. Exhibitors who wish to participate in showmanship must           animals twice a day. The Project Director will tag cages
   register for the contest on their 4-H fair entries with          without water or food. If your cage is tagged please see
   class, lot, and band number of their showmanship bird.           the Project Director.
C. Showmanship will be judged on the exhibitor’s ability to
   show own animal to its advantage and their knowledge          ANIMAL REQUIREMENTS
   in handling, fitting, and selecting animals for production    A. All breeds accepted by the National Pigeon Association,
   and show. The judge may also ask questions pertaining            as stated in the Standard of Perfection, may be exhibited
   to the project.                                                  by 4-H Small Stock exhibitors. "Squeakers," squabs, or
D. All exhibits must be entered in the 4-H fair for judging in      chicks may be brought with mothers only as part of an
   another lot.                                                     educational display with prior approval of Project Director.
                                                                 B. Exhibits must have been banded and correspond to entry.
                     POULTRY AWARDS                                 Split bands may be used. Only exhibits to be judged
Grand Champion of Show
                                                                    may be brought to the 4-H Fair.
Reserve Champion of Show

Chicken:                                                         JUDGING
Champion Bantam                                                  A. Each breed will be judged separately. Where there is no com­
Reserve Bantam                                                      petition, judges may award one ribbon or no ribbon according
Champion Standard                                                   to merit Danish System ribbons of blue/red/white will be
Reserve Standard                                                    awarded if exhibit merits such award.
                                                                 B. Birds under one year of age will be classified as a pullet or
Champion & Reserve American                                         cockerel, birds over one year of age will be classified as a
Champion & Reserve Asiatic                                          hen or cock.
Champion & Reserve English
Champion & Reserve Mediterranean
Champion & Reserve Continental
Champion & Reserve AOSB                                          A. All poultry will be inspected prior to coop-in at the 4-H
Champion & Reserve RCCL                                             fair. Birds showing signs of illness or infestation will be
Champion & Reserve SCCL                                             required to leave MAC immediately. Birds that do not
Champion & Reserve AOCCL                                            meet health standards at the time of check-in will not be
Champion & Reserve Old English and American Game                    allowed to enter MAC for the remainder of the fair.
Champion & Reserve Modern Game                                   B. Any bird that is unsightly or showing symptoms of disease
Champion & Reserve Feather Leg                                      during the week of the show will be removed at the
                                                                    Project Directors discretion.
Champion Duck
Reserve Duck
Champion & Reserve Heavy Duck                                    A. Showmanship winners from previous years are eligible to
Champion & Reserve Medium Duck                                      compete.
Champion & Reserve Light Duck                                    B. Exhibitors must use own exhibit in the showmanship unless
                                                                    otherwise approved by Project Directors.
Turkey:                                                          C. Exhibitors who wish to participate in showmanship must
Champion Goose                                                      register for the contest on their Pinal County 4-H fair entries
Reserve Champion Goose                                              with class,
                                                                    lot and band number of their showmanship bird.
                                                                 D. Showmanship will be judged on the exhibitor's ability to
Champion Goose
                                                                    show own animal to its advantage and their knowledge in
Reserve Champion Goose
                                                                    handling, fitting and selecting animals for production and
                                                                    show. The judge will also ask questions pertaining to the
E. If there is only one exhibitor in a showmanship class, then    JUDGING
   the exhibitor may either be moved up or down a class with      A. The show rules of the American Poultry Association (APA)
   approval of the Project Director.                                 and American Bantam Association (ABA) will apply to this
D. Exhibitors must use their own exhibit and said exhibit            show.
   must be entered in the 4-H division for judging in             B. Each breed will be judged separately. EXECPTION: Laying
   another lot.                                                      hens of various breeds will be judged as one class. Where
E. Breed class will follow Showmanship. All exhibitors must          there is no competition, judges may award one ribbon or
   be present for breed class.                                       no ribbons according to merit. Danish system ribbons of
                                                                     blue/red/white will be awarded if exhibit merits such
                     PIGEON AWARDS                                   award.
Champion Pigeon                                                   C. Birds under one year of age will be classified as a Young
Reserve Champion Pigeon                                              Tom, Young Hen, birds over one year of age will be
Champion & Reserve Standard Pigeon                                   classified as a Old Tom, Old Hen.
Champion & Reserve Fancy Pigeon
               TURKEY—(Recognized Breeds)                         A. All poultry will be inspected prior to coop-in at the 4-H
SPECIFIC POULTRY REQUIREMENTS                                        fair. Birds showing signs of illness or infestation will be
A. Each exhibitor is limited to 20 animals TOTAL in the              required to leave MAC immediately. Birds that do not
   poultry barn. Exhibitors are encouraged to show only              meet health standards at the time of check-in will not be
   their best exhibits as space at the 4-H fair is limited.          allowed to enter MAC for the remainder of the 4-H fair.
B. Members must bring their own water and feeding cups.           B. Any bird that is unsightly or showing symptoms of disease
   Exhibitors are responsible for feeding and watering               during the week of the show will be removed at the
   their animals twice a day. The Project Director will tag          Project Directors discretion.
   cages without water or food. If your cage is tagged
   please see the Project Director.                               SHOWMANSHIP
C. Storage for carriers and feed will be allowed in the back      A. Showmanship winners from previous years are eligible to
   of the barn. All feed must be kept in sealed containers.          compete.
   The poultry barn is not responsible for any loss or            B. Exhibitors who wish to participate in showmanship must
   damage to stored items or feed.                                   register for the contest on their 4-H fair entries with
D. Ducks, geese, and turkeys need to be cleaned DAILY.               class, lot, and band number of their showmanship bird.
   Exhibitors must bring adequate bedding to ensure cages         C. Showmanship will be judged on the exhibitor’s ability to
   are cleaned on a daily basis. Wet bedding is to be                show own animal to its advantage and their knowledge
   removed daily, not covered with new bedding.                      in handling, fitting, and selecting animals for production
E. NO POOLS ALLOWED.                                                 and show. The judge may also ask questions pertaining
                                                                     to the project.
ANIMAL REQUIREMENTS                                               D. All exhibits must be entered in the 4-H fair for judging in
A. All breeds accepted by the American Poultry Association and       another lot.
   the American Bantam Association, as stated in the Standard
   of Perfection, may be exhibited by Small Stock exhibitors.     CONTESTS
   Mixed breed and production birds will be judged based          Please enter all Poultry Contests and Shows through the
   upon production characteristics and condition only.            ShoWorks online entry program.
B. Chicks may be brought with mothers only as part of an
   educational display with prior approval of Project Director.                          TURKEY AWARDS
C. Exhibits must have been banded and correspond to entries.       Champion Turkey
   Only exhibits to be judged may be brought to the 4-H fair       Reserve Turkey
   unless prior arrangements have been made with the Project
   Director.                                                                             BREEDS
                                                                  DIVISION 400 - PRODUCTION
MIXED BREED                                                       Class Description
A. Hens will be judged on their current production                1. Production
   characteristics and condition without regard to breed
   standards.                                                     DIVISION 401 - CHICKEN
                                                                  Class Description
                                                                  1. Cock – over 1 year of age
2.   Cockerel – under 1 year of age                       12.   Cochin - White
3.   Hen – over 1 year of age                             13.   Langshan - Black
4.   Pullet – under 1 year of age                         14.   Langshan - Blue
5.   Old Trio – 1 male & 2 female over 1 year of age      15.   Langshan - White
6.   Young Trio – 1 male & 2 female under 1 year of age   16.   Any other: Please specify breed/variety

DIVISION 402 - AMERICAN                                   DIVISION 404 - ENGLISH
Class Description                                         Class Description
1. Buckeye                                                1. Australorp - Black
2. Chantecler - Partridge                                 2. Cornish - Buff
3. Chantecler - White                                     3. Cornish - Dark
4. Deleware                                               4. Cornish - White
5. Dominique                                              5. Cornish - White Laced
6. Holland - Barred                                       6. Dorking - Colored
7. Holland - White                                        7. Dorking - Red
8. Java - Black                                           8. Dorking - Silver Gray
9. Java - Mottled                                         9. Dorking - White
10. Jersey Giant - Black                                  10. Orpington -Black
11. Jersey Giant - White                                  11. Orpington - Blue
12. Lamona - White                                        12. Orpington - Buff
13. New Hampshire                                         13. Orpington - White
14. Plymouth Rock - barred                                14. Redcap
15. Plymouth Rock - Blue                                  15. Sussex - Light
16. Plymouth Rock - Buff                                  16. Sussex - Red
17. Plymouth Rock - Columbian                             17. Sussex - Speckled
18. Plymouth Rock - Partridge                             18. Any other: Please specify breed/variety
19. Plymouth Rock - Silver Penciled
20. Plymouth Rock - White                                 DIVISION 405 - MEDITERRANEAN
21. Rhode Island - Rose Comb                              Class Description
22. Rhode Island - Single Comb                            1. Ancona - Rose Comb
23. Wyandotte - Black                                     2. Ancona - Single Comb
24. Wyandotte - Blue                                      3. Andalusian - Blue
25. Wyandotte - Buff                                      4. Buttercup
26. Wyandotte - Columbian                                 5. Catalina - Buff
27. Wyandotte - Golden Laced                              6. Leghorn RC - Black
28. Wyandotte - Partridge                                 7. Leghorn RC - Brown (Dark)
29. Wyandotte - Silver Laced                              8. Leghorn RC - Brown (Light)
30. Wyandotte - Silver Penciled                           9. Leghorn RC - Silver
31. Wyandotte - White                                     10. Leghorn RC - White
32. Any other: Please specify breed/variety               11. Leghorn SC - Black
                                                          12. Leghorn SC - Black Tailed Red
DIVISION 403 - ASIATIC                                    13. Leghorn SC - Brown (Dark)
Class Description                                         14. Leghorn SC - Brown (Light)
1. Brahma - Buff                                          15. Leghorn SC - Buff
2. Brahma - Dark                                          16. Leghorn SC - Columbain
3. Brahma - Light                                         17. Leghorn SC - Golden Duckwing
4. Cochin - Barred                                        18. Leghorn SC - Red
5. Cochin - Black                                         19. Leghorn SC - Silver
6. Cochin - Blue                                          20. Leghorn SC - White
7. Cochin - Brown                                         21. Minocras RC - Black
8. Cochin - Buff                                          22. Minocras RC - White
9. Cochin - Golden Laced                                  23. Minocras SC - Black
10. Cochin - Partridge                                    24. Minocras SC - Buff
11. Cochin - Silver Laced                                 25. Minocras SC - White
26. Spanish - White Faced Black                16.   Aseel - Spangled
27. Any other: Please specify breed/variety    17.   Aseel - Wheaten (Females)
                                               18.   Aseel - White
DIVISION 406 - CONTINENTAL                     19.   Cubalaya - Black
Class Description                              20.   Cubalaya - Black Breasted Red
1. Barnevelder                                 21.   Cubalaya - White
2. Campine - Golden                            22.   Frizzle Clean Legged - Black
3. Campine - Silver                            23.   Frizzle Clean Legged - Blue
4. Crevecoeur - Black                          24.   Frizzle Clean Legged - Buff
5. Egyptian Faymouis                           25.   Frizzle Clean Legged - Red
6. Faverolle - Salmon                          26.   Frizzle Clean Legged - White
7. Faverolle - White                           27.   Frizzle Feather Legged - Black
8. Hamburg - Black                             28.   Frizzle Feather Legged - Blue
9. Hamburg - Golden Penciled                   29.   Frizzle Feather Legged - Buff
10. Hamburg - Golden Spangled                  30.   Frizzle Feather Legged - Red
11. Hamburg - Silver Penciled                  31.   Frizzle Feather Legged - White
12. Hamburg - Silver Spangled                  32.   Malay - Black
13. Hamburg - White                            33.   Malay - Black Breasted Red
14. Houdan - Mottled                           34.   Malay - Red Pyle
15. Houdan - White                             35.   Malay - Spangled
16. La Fleche - Black                          36.   Malay - Wheaten (Females)
17. Lakenvelde                                 37.   Malay - White
18. Polish Bearded - Buff Laced                38.   Modern Game - Birchen
19. Polish Bearded - Golden                    39.   Modern Game - Black
20. Polish Bearded - Silver                    40.   Modern Game - Black Breasted Red
21. Polish Bearded - White                     41.   Modern Game - Brown Red
22. Polish Non Bearded - Black Crested Blue    42.   Modern Game - Golden Duckwing
23. Polish Non Bearded - Black Crested White   43.   Modern Game - Red Pyle
24. Polish Non Bearded - Buff Laced            44.   Modern Game - Silver Duckwing
25. Polish Non Bearded - Golden                45.   Modern Game - Wheaten
26. Polish Non Bearded - Silver                46.   Modern Game - White
27. Polish Non Bearded - White                 47.   Naked Neck - Black
28. Polish Non Bearded - White Crested Black   48.   Naked Neck - Buff
29. Polish Non Bearded - White Crested Blue    49.   Naked Neck - Red
30. Welsummer                                  50.   Naked Neck - White
31. Any other: Please specify breed/variety    51.   Old English Game - Black
                                               52.   Old Eng. Game - Black Breasted Red
DIVISION 407 - ALL OTHER STANDARD BREEDS       53.   Old Eng. Game - Blue Breasted Red
Class Description                              54.   Old Eng. Game Blue Golden Duckwing
1. Ameraucana - Black                          55.   Old Eng. Game - Blue Silver Duckwing
2. Ameraucana - Blue                           56.   Old English Game - Brown Red
3. Ameraucana - Blue Wheaten                   57.   Old English Game - Crele
4. Ameraucana - Brown Red                      58.   Old English Game - Golden Duckwing
5. Ameraucana - Buff                           59.   Old English Game - Lemon Blue
6. Ameraucana - Silver                         60.   Old English Game - Red Pyle
7. Ameraucana - Wheaten                        61.   Old English Game - Self Blue
8. Ameraucana - White                          62.   Old English Game - Silver Duckwing
9. Araucana - Black                            63.   Old English Game - White
10. Araucana - Black Breasted Red              64.   Phoenix - Golden
11. Araucana - Golden Duckwing                 65.   Phoenix - Silver
12. Araucana - Silver Duckwing                 66.   Shamo - Black
13. Araucana - White                           67.   Shamo - Black Breasted Red
14. Aseel - Black Breasted Red                 68.   Shamo - Dark
15. Aseel - Dark                               69.   Shamo - Wheaten (Females)
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