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                     The official publication for U.S. Army Air Defense Professionals

                                                             2021, Issue 2

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Headquarters, Department of the Army. PB 44-21-2
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Editor: Jamie Southerland

Contents                                                                      Assistant Editor: Monica Wood
                                                                                Art Director: David Johnson
                                                                             ADA School PAO: XXXX XXXXXX
3    Commandant’s Forward
     By BG Richard A. Harrison                            The Air Defense Artillery Journal staff can be reached by
                                                      email at usarmy.sill.fcoe.mbx.bulletins@mail.mil or by phone
4    Blackjack Warrior Competition 2021               at (580) 442-1090/5121.
     By SGT Ian Vega-Cerezo
7    Military Intelligence in an Air Defense          Disclaimer
                                                         The Air Defense Artillery Journal is published by Head-
     Artillery Battalion                              quarters, Department of the Army under the auspices of the
     By CPT Amanda Barrett and SGT Nathaniel Taylor   U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery School, 730 Schimmelpfennig
10 Patriot Master Gunner Course held in Japan         Rd., Fort Sill, OK 73503. The views expressed within are those
                                                      of the authors and not the Department of Defense or its ele-
   for the first time                                 ments. The content contained within the Air Defense Artillery
     By SGT Raquel Birk                               Journal does not necessarily reflect the U.S. Army’s position
14 Training with industry: Letterkenny Army           or supersede information in other official publications. Use
                                                      of new items constitutes neither affirmation of their accuracy
   Depot serving with the organic industrial base     nor product endorsements. The Air Defense Artillery Journal
     By CW3 Robert T. Brower                          assumes no responsibility for any unsolicited material.
16 Operational assessment of Joint Integrated Air
                                                                          By Order of the Secretary of the Army:
   and Missile Defense in Iraq - “Max Protect”
     By CW4 Noel Del Real                                                     JAMES C. MCCONVILLE
18 Battery command philosophy: “Leadership                                        General, United States Army
                                                                                         Chief of Staff
   simplicity is key”                                 Official:
     By CPT Nathan Gibbs
20 Spinning plates: Air Defense brigade staffs
   and the theater fight
     By COL Glenn A. Henke                                                         MARK F. AVERILL
                                                                                Acting Administrative Assistant
24 3-2nd ADA Battalion PMG Mentorship Program                                     to the Secretary of the Army
     By SFC Daniel Johnson                                                                2120901

26 Impacts of Staff Ride Military History
   Developmental Programs
     By 1LT Morgan A. Lloyd
                                                                              RICHARD A. HARRISON
32 Developing Air Defenders as Ethical Leaders                                Brigadier General, United States Army
     By Chaplain (MAJ) Willie Newton, Jr.                         Air Defense Artillery School Commandant, Fort Sill, Oklahoma

40 Big sky, little bullet? Air Defense Artillery      Purpose:
   airspace coordinating measures save lives             The Air Defense Artillery Journal serves as a forum for the
     By MAJ Michael Nizolak                           discussions of all U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery professionals,
                                                      Active, Reserves and National Guard; disseminates
42 Beyond the surface: Lethal Strike Battalion’s      professional knowledge about progress, development and best
   EO & SHARP Ambassador Program                      use in campaigns; cultivates a common understanding of the
     By SFC Maria Sandoval and SFC Tami Wentz         power, limitations and application of Fires, both lethal and
                                                      nonlethal; fosters Fires interdependency among the armed
44 Operation Desperado                                services, all of which contribute to the good of the Army, joint
     By 2LT Samuel Smith                              and combined forces and our nation. The Air Defense Artillery
46 Training experiences with host nation partners     Journal is pleased to grant permission to reprint; please credit
                                                      Air Defense Artillery Journal, the author(s) and photographers.
     By CPT Brian Trabun
50 A Bandit’s last ride                               On the cover:
     By 1LT T. Dwayne Waldroup-Rodriguez                 SPC Christopher Bazan, Florida National Guard, 3rd Battalion,
                                                      265th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, points the Avenger’s
52 Developing and maintaining clear and simple        turret downrange April 20. The unit, along with the Army’s
   ADAM/BAE processes and procedures                  Stinger-Based Systems, used the Eglin Air Force Base range to
     By SSG Brian Patterson                           test fire Stinger missiles from the vehicle.
                                                      (U.S. Air Force photo/Samuel King Jr.)

2 • Air Defense Artillery Journal
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From the office of the Air Defense Artillery Commandant
                              The Modernization of Our Branch
                              BG Richard A. Harrison

                                      ur branch has one of the         September of FY22. The fourth M-SHORAD Battalion will stand
                                      most important missions          up in the fourth quarter of FY23. We will stand up two additional
                                      worldwide, and it is vitally     IFPC Battalions in FY25 and FY26. Finally, in FY27 and FY28,
                              important that we keep up with           2-44th and 5-5th ADA will convert to IFPC Battalions.
                              an evolving threat to maintain
                              mission readiness. In my recent             While we stand up these new formations and field new
                              travels to see our units, I witnessed    weapon systems, we must also develop the training and doctrine
                              the promising advancements we            for our Leaders and Soldiers at all levels. The current doctrine we
have made as a branch and the talented Soldiers who are tackling       are working includes the FM 3-01.44, SHORAD Operations, which
new challenges and the evolving daily threat. Modernization is         recently finished worldwide staffing. This doctrine is currently
the cornerstone of the future of our branch!                           in review and adjudicating comments to provide the best product
                                                                       possible for our Soldiers. The second manual is TC 3-01.25,
   The Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense (AIAMD) program         the Iron Dome Handbook. This training circulation is projected
continues to be the top Army AMD modernization priority.               completion of a draft for the test unit by mid-September 21.
AIAMD combines current and future AMD sensors and weapons
into a common integrated fire control capability that allows the          Our two Iron Dome batteries, G Battery, 55th ADA Regiment
warfighter to integrate AMD capabilities fully across all echelons.    and F Battery, 55th ADA Regiment, are both currently serving in
The Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System           our Test Battalion, 3rd Battalion, 43rd ADA Regiment at Fort Bliss,
(IBCS) is the direct replacement for the mission command nodes         Texas. The Soldiers assigned to these systems participated in
for the Patriot weapon system, the Terminal High Altitude              two Live-Fire Exercises (LFX) this summer. The primary focus
Area Defense (THAAD) weapon system, Army Air and Missile               for the LFX was to demonstrate the effectiveness against Cruise
Defense Command Headquarters, Air Defense Artillery Brigade            Missiles (CM). Multiple CM engagements were tested in both
Headquarters, and Air Defense Airspace Management cells.               of these exercises with overwhelming success! As mentioned
It allows rapid convergence of sensors, shooters, and mission          above, the Iron Dome batteries will be assigned to 1-51st ADA
command components on an integrated fire control network.              in May of FY22.
Once fully fielded, IBCS will provide a game-changing capability,
allowing AMD forces to be tailored and scaled appropriately to            Under the direction of Air and Missile Defense Cross
meet the given threat. The quantity and mix of capabilities can        Functional Team (AMD CFT), and the Army Capability Manager,
be dynamically task organized to a formation with an inherent,         the first platoon of M-SHORAD (four fire units) was fielded to
integrated mission command system to build tiered and                  A/5-4th ADA in April 2021.
layered defenses. The IBCS open architecture enables rapid
integration of legacy and developmental sensors and shooters,             The Directed Energy (DE) M-SHORAD continues to be
providing capabilities to defeat emerging threats in Multi-            developed by the U.S. Army’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical
Domain Operations. The program is on schedule, moving forward.         Technologies Office in coordination with the AMD CFT and ADA
This year the IBCS program passed the Milestone C decision, and        Branch to quickly develop and test. The DE capability recently
the program will progress to low-rate initial production.              went through a combat shoot-off at Fort Sill.
Test Battalion training is currently underway in preparation for
the IBCS Initial Operational Test and Evaluation scheduled to             The Army is looking to develop a more capable missile to
begin late this year.                                                  take the place of the Stinger. This missile will be developed to
                                                                       be both a vehicle-launched and man-portable system to be the
   Our efforts to drive change are centered on two complementing       primary effector on our enduring M-SHORAD weapon system.
priorities: the approved growth of seven active component ADA
Battalions and the development of Maneuver Short-Range Air                In closing, it has been a remarkable summer for our branch.
Defense (M-SHORAD) and Indirect Fires Protection Capability            The Soldiers who are executing critical Air and Missile Defense
(IFPC) weapon systems. In 2018, we stood up our first of four          Missions across the globe are making Air Defense Artillery
active component M-SHORAD Battalions, 5th Battalion, 4th ADA           history every day. With the fielding of our new systems, the
Regiment in Germany. Here at Fort Sill, we will activate our           growth of our branch is crucial to the success of our evolving
second M-SHORAD Battalion, 4th Battalion, 60th ADA Regiment            missions and to the future of the Air Defense Artillery.
next month, followed by our first interim IFPC Battalion (Iron         It’s an exciting time to be an Air Defender and a member of this
Dome), 1st Battalion, 51st ADA Regiment at Joint Base Lewis-           incredible team!
McChord in May of FY22. The third M-SHORAD Battalion, 6th
Battalion, 56th Regiment, will stand up at Fort Hood, Texas, in           “First to Fire!”

                                                                                                                         2021 Issue 2 • 3
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FORT BLISS, Texas – 2LT Devon Moore, 31st Air and Missile Defense Brigade, carries a wounded Soldier during the stress shoot event during Blackjack
Best Warrior, May 19 on Fort Bliss. The weeklong Blackjack Best Warrior competition tests Soldiers, in the categories of Soldier, NCO, Officer, Warrant
Officer and career counselor, on their intellect, fitness and their understanding of warrior tasks and battle drills. (U.S Army photos by SGT Ian Vega-
Cerezo, 32nd Air and Missile Defense Command Public Affairs Office)

4 • Air Defense Artillery Journal
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Blackjack Warrior Competition 2021
                                                     By SGT Ian Vega-Cerezo

     oldiers of the 32nd Army Air and Missile                       Azcona, winner of the Career Counselor category
     Defense Command gave their all to find out                     who proudly serves with 108th Air Defense
     who among them was the best of the best                        Artillery Brigade.
     during the Blackjack Warrior Competition,
at McGregor Range, held May 10, 2021.                                 Competitors endured long days in the desert
                                                                    heat, undertaking everything from the Army
   The weeklong, NCO planned-and-led                                Combat Fitness Test, marksmanship qualifications,
Blackjack Warrior Competition tested 18                             a scenario-based training that included an
Soldiers, in the categories of: Junior Enlisted,                    assault on a village to rescue a wounded Soldier,
Non-Commissioned Officer, Officer, Warrant                          and a timed response to a Chemical Biological
Officer and Career Counselor, on their intellect,                   Radiological Nuclear attack.
fitness and understanding of warrior tasks and
battle drills.                                                         The stress shoot was the most difficult and
                                                                    demanding of these tasks. The event challenged
  “What qualifies me to be the best career                          competitors to race across several hundred meters
counselor is my physical fitness, my general                        of hills to complete a series of tasks that included
Soldier knowledge, and my ability to                                treating and fireman-carrying a casualty, fixing
communicate effectively,” said SSG Christofer                       a radio, calling in a nine-line medical evacuation

FORT BLISS, Texas – The winners of the best Warrior Competition from left to right are: Career Counselor of the Year SSG Christofer
Azcona, Soldier of the Year SPC Ryan Carter, 11th ADA Brigade, NCO of the Year SGT Brandon Cormier, 69th Air Defense Artillery
Brigade, Officer of the Year 1LT Sean Kirchner, 108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, and Warrant Officer of the Year WO Sean Roddick.
(U.S Army photos by SGT Ian Vega-Cerezo, 32nd Air and Missile Defense Command Public Affairs Office)

                                                                                                                     2021 Issue 2 • 5
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FORT BLISS, Texas – SSG Ricco Lizzarraga, 11th Air and Missile Defense          Fort Bliss, Texas. – PFC Taylor Sherwood, 108th Air Defense Artillery
Brigade, pulls security during the village assault during Blackjack Best War-   Brigade, configures a SINCGARS radio during Blackjack Best Warrior, May
rior, May 18 on Fort Bliss. The weeklong Blackjack Best Warrior competition     19 on Fort Bliss. The weeklong Blackjack Best Warrior competition tests
tests Soldiers, in the categories of Soldier, NCO, Officer, Warrant Officer     Soldiers, in the categories of Junior Enlisted, NCO, Officer, Warrant Officer
and career counselor, on their intellect, fitness and their understanding of    and career counselor, on their intellect, fitness and their understanding of
warrior tasks and battle drills. (U.S Army photos by SGT Ian Vega-Cerezo,       warrior tasks and battle drills. (U.S Army photos by SGT Ian Vega-Cerezo,
32nd Air and Missile Defense Command Public Affairs Office)                     32nd Air and Missile Defense Command Public Affairs Office)

report, and lastly engaging a 25-meter target with                                 “There’s a lot of different characteristics about
both an M9 pistol and an M4A1 Carbine.                                          what defines the best warrior,” said CSM Jerry
                                                                                Jacobitz, command sergeant major, 32nd AAMDC.
  “These warrior tasks and battle drills are things                             “Really what we want to see are Soldiers that build
that we don’t do regularly in the Army,” said WO                                cohesive teams and are disciplined, physically fit
Sean Roddick, winner of the Warrant Officer Category                            and well trained.”
and automotive maintenance warrant officer serving
with 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade. “They’re                                 The previously mentioned winners, SSG Azcona
use-or-lose skills and mastery over them separates                              and WO Roddick, are joined by the officer of the
you from your peers as a Soldier.”                                              year, 1LT Sean Kirchner, 108th Air Defense Artillery
                                                                                Brigade, NCO of the year SGT Brandon Cormier,
  According to some of the challengers, honing                                  69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade and Soldier of
those basic skills is the key to success in Blackjack                           the year SPC Ryan Carter, 11th ADA Brigade.
                                                                                   However, claiming the title of Blackjack Warrior
   “The goal is to beat the standard, do everything                             is just the first step of many for the Best Warrior
I know how to do, and do it right,” said 1LT Jacob                              challengers who have their work cut out for them
Studdard, 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade,                                   going forward.
4-5th Air Defense Artillery Regiment. “Even if
your best isn’t as good as someone else’s, as long                                 “The next step for the winners of Blackjack Best
as you’re continually getting better, that’s all you                            Warrior is to go on to FORSCOM,” said Jacobitz.
can really ask for.”                                                            “Whoever wins our Solider and NCO of the year
                                                                                will go on to compete and represent our command
  While the competitors are expected to succeed                                 at the FORSCOM level.”
and excel on their own merits, ultimately, the
competition boils down to teamwork.                                                SGT Ian A. Vega-Cerezo is a public affairs specialist serving
                                                                                with 32nd AAMDC in Fort Bliss, Texas. Vega-Cerezo has previously
                                                                                served as an infantryman with the 2-14th Infantry Regiment in
   “Teamwork is an important part of being                                      Fort Drum, New York, and as a forward observer with the 100th
the best Soldier because you need to be able to                                 Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment. He currently lives with his
                                                                                wife and three dogs in El Paso, Texas.
effectively communicate with your team to get
the mission done; we work better in groups, not
as a single unit,” said Azcona.

6 • Air Defense Artillery Journal
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Military Intelligence in an
                Air Defense Artillery battalion
                                By CPT Amanda Barrett and SGT Nathaniel Taylor

    ntelligence support to Air Defense Artillery       geographic area and the battlefield around it. By
    (ADA) units differs vastly from that of the        determining the likely adversary courses of action
    conventionally supported combat arms units         (COAs), their associated branches and sequels,
    such as the Infantry, Armor and Field Artillery.   and by describing the environment where air
As a member of the Intelligence Section of 3rd         and missile defense forces are operating, this
Battalion, 2nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, I       AMD IPB process helps the commander and staff
have experienced this difference first hand and        selectively apply and maximize available AMD
learned over my tenure as the senior intelligence      forces at critical points in time and space on the
officer for the battalion how best to support          battlefield. Applied properly, AMD IPB provides
the battalion commander’s intelligence                 for the timely and effective neutralization and/
requirements while simultaneous                                   or destruction of the aerial and TBM
learning how to bridge my                                               threat, while minimizing the
own knowledge gaps.                                                         requirement for friendly AMD
   The ATP 3-01.16:
the Air and Missile                                                                       While the majority
Defense (AMD)                                                                            of the IPB process is
Intelligence                                                                              unchanged, one will
Preparation of                                                                             notice that there is
the Battlefield                                                                             an increased focus
(IPB) serves                                                                                 on TBM and air-
as one of                                                                                     breathing threats
the most                                                                                      (ABT),      such
important                                                                                     as fixed-wing
markers                                                                                      (FW) aircraft,
to     show                                                                                 rotary-wing
how vastly                                                                                   (RW) aircraft,
different                                                                                      unmanned
intelligence                                                                                     aerial systems
s u p p o r t                                                                                      (UAS), anti-
to ADA is                                                                                           radiation
compared to                                                                                         missiles
other units.                                                                                       (ARMs) and
                                                                                                cruise missiles
  ATP3-01,16                                                                                    (CMs). In order
states, “Air and                                                                               to develop an
Missile      Defense                                                                           understanding
IPB is a systematic                                                                           of these threats,
continuous process of                                                                       a new Intelligence
analyzing the adversary’s                                                                   Section should
aerial and tactical ballistic                                                               reference       the
missile (TBM) forces and                                                                   agencies listed on
environment in a specific                                                               the next page:

                                                                   Graphic by Vecteezy.com
                                                                                                            2 2
                                                                                                              • 7• 7
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•    Defense        Intelligence        Agency     MSIC, has developed locations of Ballistic Missile
        - General Military Intelligence;              Operation Areas (BMOA), which have helped
        Measurement and Signature Intelligence        to shape our understanding of the operational
        National Security Agency - Signals            footprint of the adversary.
        Intelligence; Electronic Intelligence
   •    National Air and Space Intelligence Center       While evaluating the threat, TBMs and ABTs
        (NASIC) - TBMs >1000KM in Range and           are the main focus. There is a wide range of TBMs
        ABT (FW, RW, UAS, CM)                         currently deployed and available to adversary
   •    Missile and Space Intelligence Center         countries. The first step in narrowing down the
        (MSIC) - TBMs
3 /4& "35*-&3: +NTQM@K - Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Headquarters, Department of the Army. PB 44-21-2 - Fort ...
AMD IPB takes a deeper look at the ballistic missile   collaborative effort between national agencies
inventory, system capabilities and limitations,        and the military. It is recommended that once
and threat systems within a BMOA.                      intelligence officers arrive to their ADA units,
                                                       commanders provide them with the ability to
   Despite the fact that these focus areas may         interact with national agency partners to develop
seem insignificant on paper, coming into an Air        relationships that they will no doubt need once
Defense Artillery unit out of the schoolhouse          they arrive in a theater of operations.
left our Intelligence Section ill-prepared for the
mission set—leaving us with a steep learning              CPT Amanda Barrett is a military intelligence officer who had
                                                       the privilege to serve as the intelligence officer for 3rd Battalion,
curve that we had to grasp very quickly.
                                                       2nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment for several years. During her
                                                       tenure, she completed two drastically different deployments with
   In order to provide the proper support to ADA       the unit. Her experiences outside of Air Defense led to greater
units, this article recommends the following COAs      understanding of threats within the “Lethal Strike” Battalion.
when possible: 1) all newly assigned intelligence
                                                          SGT Nathaniel Taylor is a military intelligence all-source
officers and analysts to an Army Air and Missile       analyst who served as the primary analyst for 3rd Battalion, 2nd
Defense Command should have the opportunity to         Air Defense Artillery Regiment for several years, including two
attend a few key ADA/Intelligence developmental        drastically different deployments with the unit.
courses that provide basic understanding on how to
support these units. The courses should include the
MSIC Ballistic Missile Threat Immersion course,

                                                                                  ADA NEWS
      …all newly assigned
                                                         US Army launches Patriot Missiles during Talisman Saber 21
   intelligence officers and                             By U.S. Army Pacific Public Affairs
                                                         Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, fire the
analysts to an Army Air and                            MIM-104 Patriot to destroy a drone target July 16, 2021, at Camp Growl
                                                       in Queensland, Australia, during Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021. This
                                                       is the first time the MIM-104 Patriot has been fired on Australian soil.
                                                       Army forces operating in the Indo-Pacific bring a unique blend of key
 Missile Defense Command                               multi-domain capabilities that enable the Joint Force.
                                                        U.S. Army Pacific Air and Missile Defense units working with Australian

should have the opportunity                            Defence Force counterparts completed the first ever Patriot surface-
                                                       to-air missile firing on Australian soil during Exercise Talisman Sabre
                                                       21 in the Shoalwater Bay Training Area in Queensland, Australia, July
                                                       16, 2021.
     to attend a few key                                In the historic first, Soldiers based in Japan and Guam from 38th
                                                       Air Defense Artillery Brigade, 94th Army Air and Missile Defense
                                                       Command, successfully engaged drone targets with Patriot missiles
       ADA/Intelligence                                as part of TS 21, Australia’s largest military exercise with the U.S.
                                                         Australian and U.S. Forces combine biannually for Talisman Sabre - a

  developmental courses…                               key exercise supporting the Indo-Pacific Pathways initiative to advance
                                                       a free and open Indo-Pacific by strengthening relationships, building
                                                       trust and interoperability among allies and partners.
                                                        This year’s iteration involves more than 17,000 participants from
                                                       seven nations in a month-long multi-domain exercise, which aims to
the Joint Ballistic Missile Defense Education and      strengthen military capabilities to respond to the full range of Indo-
                                                       Pacific security concerns.
Training Center, Ballistic Missile Defense Staff
                                                        In addition to the U.S. and Australia, this year’s exercise involves
Officer Course, and the newly developed 32nd           participating forces from Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of
                                                       Korea, and the United Kingdom and delegations from India, Indonesia,
AAMDC ADA Intelligence course offered to newly         France, and Germany will observe the exercise.
assigned officers over a two-week period. These         The exercise includes force preparation (logistic) activities,
courses offer a solid foundation to intelligence       amphibious landings, ground force maneuvers, urban operations, air
                                                       combat and maritime operations. Activities will peak from July 18 - 31
officers that may have never served in an ADA          across Queensland.
unit before or attended a Missile Defense course.      For the latest information visit https://www.dvidshub.net/feature/
                                                       TalismanSabre21 https://www1.defence.gov.au/exercises/talisman-
2) The United States Army Intelligence Center of       sabre-21
Excellence should dedicate a moderate amount                                                   Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense
of time in the curriculum during BOLC and                                                      Artillery Regiment, fire the MIM-104 Patriot
                                                                                               to destroy a drone target July 16, 2021, at
Military Intelligence Career Captain’s Course                                                  Camp Growl in Queensland, Australia, during
                                                                                               Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021. This is the first
to teach protection as a warfighting function,                                                 time the MIM-104 Patriot has been fired on
                                                                                               Australian soil. Army forces operating in
especially as we transition from COIN to Great                                                 the Indo-Pacific bring a unique blend of
                                                                                               key multi-domain capabilities that enable
Power Competition. 3) Lastly, the missile threat                                               the Joint Force. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by
                                                                                               LCpl. Alyssa Chuluda)
that the U.S. military currently faces demands a

                                                                                                                        2021 Issue 2 • 9
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CSM Kellen C. Rowley, 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade senior enlisted advisor, speaks to the Patriot Master Gunner course class 701-
21 students about the importance of the knowledge the course offers during a visit at Kadena Air Base, Japan, April 29. The Patriot
Master Gunner Course was held in Japan for the first time from April 19 to June 28, 2021.

           Patriot Master Gunner Course held
                in Japan for the first time
                                                        By SGT Raquel Birk

       he Patriot Master Gunner                 “To be a Master Gunner                      this course is an indicator to
       Course (PMG) was held in               means you are a technical and                 commanders and Soldiers to
       Japan for the first time.              tactical expert,” said CSM                    heed your advice regarding
                                              Kellen C. Rowley, 38th Air                    training and employment of Air
   Air Defenders across the                   Defense Artillery Brigade senior              Defense systems.”
Indo-Pacific region gained                    enlisted advisor, in his remarks
an advanced understanding                     during a class visit. “Patriot                  The course is demanding and
of Air Defense operations,                    Master Gunners are trained in                 critical for Air Defenders around
standards, and doctrine during                methodology. You are expected                 the world. This class consists of
PMG class 701-21 hosted by the                to know the standard and be the               students from the 94th Army Air
1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense                person in your unit to enforce                and Missile Defense Command,
Artillery Regiment at Kadena                  it and make sure that teams                   Hawaii; 38th Air Defense
Air Base from April 19 to June                are qualifying correctly. The                 Artillery Brigade, Japan; 35th
28, 2021.                                     badge you earn after completing               Air Defense Artillery Brigade,

10 • Air Defense Artillery Journal
Republic of Korea; 1-1st ADA,                Patriot fire control enhanced                examinations, and practical
Okinawa, Japan; 14th Missile                 operator, Battery D, 1-1st ADA.              exercises, to evaluate their skills,
Defense Battery, Kyotango,                   “We are currently on cycling                 knowledge, and attributes.
Japan; and Echo Battery, Air                 missions and it’s important
Defense Artillery Regiment,                  to have the readiness of our                   “The goal is for the students
Guam, who will directly enhance              Soldiers at the highest level                to successfully graduate the
the knowledge, training and                  possible and for them to possess             course and be able to provide
expertise of Air Defense                     the expert skills necessary to               their commander with the tools
operations in the Pacific region             maintain a free and open Indo-               necessary to train Soldiers the
upon graduation.                             Pacific region.”                             correct way which coincides
                                                                                          with the commander’s intent,”
  “I’m attending the PMG course                The PMG course not only                    said SFC Gregorio Estrada,
to gain a level of knowledge to              develops expert skills, but it also          PMG lead instructor from 3rd
take back to my unit and push                provides a comprehensive under-              Battalion, 6th Air Defense
my Soldiers to the envelope,                 standing of operations, planning,            Artillery Regiment, located at
get them ready and trained                   and airspace management. The                 Fort Sill, Oklahoma. “They will
to defend our mission here                   course challenges Air Defender               be Master Gunners, subject-
in Japan,” said SSG Roberto                  competencies using realistic                 matter experts who people look
Maldonado, PMG student and                   scenarios, hands-on training,                to when they need to know what

SFC Gregorio Estrada, Patriot Master Gunner Course lead instructor from 3rd Battalion, 6th Air Defense Artillery Regiment located
at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, guides SSG Shane Viernum, Patriot fire control enhanced operator with 94th Army Air and Missile Defense
Command, through a class assignment during the PMG couse at Kadena Air Base, Japan, April 29. The Patriot Master Gunner Course
was held in Japan for the first time. Air Defenders across the Indo-Pacific region gain an advanced understanding of Air Defense
operations, standards, and doctrine during PMG class 701-21 hosted by the 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment at Kadena
Air Base from April 19 to June 28, 2021.

                                                                                                                    2021 Issue 2 • 11
resilience, and optimize human

                                                                                               Historically, the average
                                                                                             graduation rate for the PMG
                                                                                             course is about 65% according
                                                                                             to PMG instructors. Experts hope
                                                                                             to improve the graduation rate
                                                                                             with PMG Class 701-21 taking
                                                                                             advantage of this resource.

                                                                                               “Academic support is
                                                                                             available anywhere the 32 R2
                                                                                             sites are located, not only for
                                                                                             Master Gunner courses, but any
                                                                                             Army education training,” said
                                                                                             Gallagher. “Our Japan offices
                                                                                             at Camp Zama and Tori Station
SSG Roberto Maldonado, Patriot Master Gunner course student and Patriot fire control         recently opened January 2021,
enhanced operator, Battery D, 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, works       and we are excited to serve the
through his classroom studies during the PMG course at Kadena Air Base, Japan, April         Soldiers here in Japan for the
29. Air Defenders across the Indo-Pacific region gained an advanced understanding
                                                                                             first time ever.”
of Air Defense operations, standards, and doctrine during PMG class 701-21 hosted by
the 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment at Kadena Air Base from April 19 to
June 28, 2021.                                                                                 By course end, students
                                                                                             are required to design and
right looks like and provide the              Hennig. “We provide customized                 implement defense architecture
right answers.”                               performance training that                      to employ Air Defense weapon
                                              enables Soldiers to sustain                    systems using the strategies
  To counter the course load and              personal readiness, enhance                    of the contemporary operating
rigorous academic demands of
the PMG course, instructors                   James Gallagher and Jenny Hennig, both Master Resiliency Trainer performance experts
                                              with the U.S. Army Japan Ready and Resilient Performance Center work with Patriot
have partnered up with one of                 Master Gunner course students regularly to maximize their study habits and knowledge
the newest services also being                retainability to counter the rigorous course load and increase their chances of passing. To
provided in Japan for the first               counter the course load and rigorous academic demands of the PMG course, instructors
                                              partnered up with one of the newest services also being provided in Japan for the first
time -- the U.S. Army Japan’s                 time, the USARJ R2PC.
(USARJ) Ready and Resilient
Performance Center (R2PC).
James Gallagher and Jenny
Hennig, both Master Resiliency
Trainer performance experts
with USARJ’s R2PC at Okinawa,
work with PMG students
regularly to maximize their
study habits and knowledge
retainability to counter the
rigorous course load and
increase their chances of

  “We are here as an extra
resource to Soldiers during
breaks and lunch to assess and
enhance their study habits,” said

12 • Air Defense Artillery Journal
environment, such as Airspace      and discuss the operations they      professional development of our
Management, Operations,            review in class.”                    noncommissioned officers. Even
Planning, and Evaluation, plus                                          more important to the readiness
identify the tasks to employ the     The 94th AAMDC, the higher         of their units. Good luck to you
Patriot weapon system and fire     headquarters to all units in         all. I want to see you all at the
the Patriot missile.               attendance and course sponsor,       graduation ceremony! First Line
                                   is optimistic about the future of    of Defense!”
  “As part of the course, the      Air Defense in the region.
Air Defenders will conduct a                                              SGT Raquel Birk is currently the public
                                                                        affairs noncommissioned officer for 38th
block of instruction on Patriot      “[We] appreciate all the           Air Defense Artillery Brigade at Sagami
Missile Reload,” said Estrada.     support getting the PMG-MTT          General Depot, Japan. She previously served
“As a Master Gunner, part of       [Mobile Training Team] into          as command information manager for
                                                                        2nd Infantry Division/ROK-U.S. Combined
the training is to learn how to    Japan,” said CSM Neil Sartain,       Division at Camp Humphreys, Republic
train and evaluate crews and       94th AAMDC senior enlisted           of Korea. She received a Master of Arts
this provides the opportunity      advisor in a statement on Twitter.   in Sociology from St. John’s University,
to watch the crew team in action   “It is so very important to the      Jamaica, New York.

                                                                                                 2021 Issue 2 • 13
Training with industry:
                             Letterkenny Army Depot
            Serving with the organic industrial base
                                         By CW3 Robert T. Brower

               the second Air and Missile Defense     specific processes for production. Additionally,
               systems technician with Letterken-     I would ask the technicians for their insight into
               ny Army Depot (LEAD), I have been      repair actions, preventative measures and lead
               extremely grateful for the experi-     time for resources. This allowed me to mind map
ence. For the majority of my career, the purpose      the process and how it affects the warfighter.
or support by the depot was a bit vague outside       While serving with the Directorate of Missile and
of reset or recapitalization efforts for the Patri-   Aerospace Readiness, I was allowed to participate
ot missile system. I was lucky enough to have a       in the testing of the PAC-2 missile and assisted
predecessor who developed a strong baseline for       with the re-caning of two recertified missiles.
the Training with Industry (TWI) program and I        I was afforded the chance to participate in var-
took advantage of every possible venture to                 ious other procedures that support asset
imbed myself within LEAD operations                               readiness in expeditionary conditions.
and planning. Overall, this was a                                     Toward the end of my tour with
position that offered a bounty                                           TWI, two ADA battalions were
of opportunities to learn best                                             scheduled and inducted into
practices and processes                                                      the reset program. Officials
from technicians that are                                                      within the Theater Missile
elbow deep in the equip-                                                        Systems Division sought
ment every day. Not only                                                        out my collaboration
did LEAD management                                                             to develop inspection
officials allow me to sit                                                        guides for equipment
in on strategic planning                                                         readiness based on
and various production                                                           the Army 10/20 main-
meetings, they also                                                              tenance standard. If I
sought input from me to                                                         learned anything from
include the thoughts and                                                       working with the LEAD
concerns from a warfight-                                                     team, it would be that any
er’s perspective. Above all                                                 process can be improved if
else, the LEAD team strives to                                             the innovation is there.
share everything they can with
the operational force. It was edi-                                        A large portion of my expe-
fying to see their efforts to collaborate                          rience included understanding the
with Army Aviation and Missile Command,                        organic industrial base and how it oper-
Army Capability Managers and Program Office           ates. Because LEAD is not funded like a traditional
Missiles and Space to provide support operations      Army base, any and all business conducted for
for the Air Defense community both in the con-        production or services rendered directly impacts
tinental United States and outside contiguous         operations support for the base and its tenants.
United States.                                        As part of LEAD’s commitment to the Lean Six
                                                      Sigma principles, they hold meetings such as
   Routinely, I would spend anywhere from two         demand and supply analysis. These meetings
to four weeks within a given commodity shop or        were eye opening to the business practices of the
production area. During this time, I would famil-     depot and their analytical metrics used for fore-
iarize myself with the depot procedures governing     casting based off of trends. With that said, LEAD

14 • Air Defense Artillery Journal
is committed to developing their technicians and       knowledge of the relationships between the vari-
associates through industry-recognized training.       ous agencies that serve the Air Defense community
Whether it is technical training such as wiring and    is something that will definitely benefit any AMD
terminal board soldering certifications or project     system technician as part of professional devel-
management training, LEAD is avid in their pursuit     opment. I know that future candidates will only
to foster a workforce of emergent professionals.       continue to improve upon the program and bring
As part of their dedication, LEAD management           an onset of changes that result in a community
saw to it that I was afforded the opportunity          of warrant officers that are erudite in their skills.
to attend these training courses and supported         It is key to remember that we are all life-long
online studying in focus areas such as business        learners in the military, and as industry changes
analysis and systems acquisitions. It made it a        so does the way we maintain the fight.
lot easier to participate in working groups when
                                                           CW3 Robert T. Brower hails from El Paso, Texas, and enlisted in
I was able to speak in the right terms afforded to     the Army as a 14T Patriot Launching Station Enhanced Operator/
me by this training.                                   Maintainer in November 2006. Brower has served on multiple
                                                       assignments within the Air Defense community including AMD
    Outside of the consummate work the tech-           systems technician for the 12th Missile Defense Battery in CENTCOM.
nicians at LEAD perform, it is their breadth of        His most recent assignment was the AMD systems technician for
knowledge of the systems they support that is tru-     Alpha Battery, 2nd ADA Regiment (THAAD) at Fort Bliss, Texas. His
                                                       deployments include Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation
ly astonishing. While serving with the LEAD team,      Spartan Shield.
it is remarkable to witness how dedicated they are
to meet warfighter expectations. There were many
instances where I approached technicians during
troubleshooting and they shared repair measures                                   ADA NEWS
 If I learned anything from                             Missile Defense becomes part of great power competition

                                                        By Jim Garamone, reporter with the U.S. Department of Defense.

  working with the LEAD                                 All aspects of the military are engaged in great power competition,
                                                       but while most analysts focus on developments in offensive missiles,

team, it would be that any                             Chinese and Russian defense leaders are developing even more
                                                       capable missile defenses, Defense Department officials said.

process can be improved if                              ‘’China and Russia are developing increasingly capable and numerous
                                                       missile defense systems, and integrating them into their defense
                                                       strategies as they compete with the United States,’’ a DOD official said.
  the innovation is there.                              The United States pioneered missile defense systems. Then-
                                                       President Ronald Reagan proposed missile defense systems in the
                                                       early 1980s. His ‘’Strategic Defense Initiative’’ was dubbed the ‘’Star
that explicated beyond the technical manual while      Wars Initiative’’ — sometimes derisively.

still not violating maintenance allocation chart         The laughing stopped during Operation Desert Storm, when Patriot
                                                       missile defense batteries based in Saudi Arabia and Israel stopped
guidance. The team at LEAD was quick to provide        Iraqi Scud missile attacks.
me with any information I requested in order             Russia is a long-time player. The former Soviet Union created a ring
to facilitate my learning experience or inform         of anti-ballistic missile batteries around Moscow during the Cold War.
                                                       These nuclear-tipped missiles still exist as part of Russia’s A-135 anti-
units of capabilities. There have been multiple        ballistic missile system. The system consists of 68 nuclear-armed
instances where LEAD sought out opportunities          interceptors. As part of President Vladimir Putin’s military buildup, the
                                                       system has received new radars and updated electronics. The beauty
to showcase a skill or ability that eased the strain   of this system is that the Russians have only to be close to an incoming
                                                       threat. The downside is radiation from an intercept would contaminate
of operations for the end user. During my tenure       thousands of acres of countryside.
here at LEAD, I attended the AMCOM 101 virtual
                                                         The Russians are getting ready to field the S-500 system. Designed
event and two ADA Sustainment Forums. Events           to intercept short- to medium-range threats, they say the system will
like these are phenomenal to sit in on with the        defend against ballistic, cruise and hypersonic missiles. The system’s
                                                       initial operating capability is set for some time in 2025.
knowledge I learned at the depot. They served as
                                                        The other main threat comes from the People’s Republic of China. The
a full-spectrum experience, tying together war-        Chinese see missile defense as a key cog in their military ambitions.
fighter concerns, future concepts and systems          The People’s Liberation Army Air Force is accelerating the transition
                                                       of its tasks from territorial Air Defense to both offensive and defensive
and support planning as part of the life cycle         operations, according to a Chinese white paper on the subject. China’s
                                                       air force is also improving its capabilities for strategic early warning, air
management for Air Defense systems.                    strikes, and air and missile defense.

  Overall, this year’s training at Letterkenny has      Right now, the Chinese are heavily dependent on Russian missile
                                                       defense capabilities. The Chinese have invested in the Russian S-300
been memorable and informative. My newfound
                                                                                                            Continued on page 17

                                                                                                                2021 Issue 2 • 15
Avenger weapon system in support of CJTF-OIR. (Photo credit: Public Domain)

                              Operational assessment
  of Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense in Iraq - “Max Protect”
                                                          By CW4 Noel Del Real

        he execution of IAMD                    studied their mission command        positive and procedural controls
        in Iraq by 11th ADA                     processes, systems, and              to synchronize multi-tiered
        BDE is a “microcosm                     procedures. The 11th ADA BDE         defense with Patriot, Avenger,
        of the future of Army                   OPT returned to Fort Bliss, Texas,   Sentinel radars, Counter-Rocket,
Integrated Air and Missile base                 and provided 2nd Battalion, 43rd     Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM),
defense that should be studied                  ADA the playbook labeled Max         and non-kinetic Counter-
and implement immediately.”-                    Protect for integrating multiple     Unmanned Aerial Systems
LTG Leopoldo (Lee) Quintas, Jr.,                IAMD weapon systems as they          (C-UAS) to neutralize and defeat
USA, DCG FORSCOM                                prepared to deploy in support        indirect fire, UAS, cruise missiles
                                                of U. S. Central Command             and tactical ballistic missiles.
   In January 2020, an                          (USCENTCOM) requirements             Most importantly, 2-43rd ADA
Operational Planning Team (OPT)                 and Operation Inherent Resolve       BN would need to educate the
from 11th Air Defense Artillery,                (OIR). The OPT determined            base commanders and their
Imperial Brigade, addressed                     that in order to efficiently and     staffs on how to successfully
the complexities of integrating                 effectively defend a singular        defend against different types
multiple IAMD platforms                         asset, there were several actions    of threats that include tactical
collocated in defense of a singular             that needed to take place. The       ballistic missiles, cruise missiles,
asset. The OPT traveled to the                  2-43rd ADA BN would need to          indirect fire and unmanned aerial
National Capital Region and                     finalize full integration and        systems.

16 • Air Defense Artillery Journal
In June of 2020, I joined the        The    battalion     created        established in order to maintain
OPT and visited 2-43rd ADA BN        and implemented a Patriot              older SHORAD equipment as it
in Iraq to assess operations. The    Coordination Cell that allowed         makes its way back into the fight.
team identified that progress        the BDOC to quickly determine
had been made to integrate the       the identification of non-                The United States Army Air
Patriot air and missile defense      friendly tracks and determine          Defense Artillery School should
weapon system with Avengers,         the kinetic options per the local      consider implementing the
Sentinel radars, and C-RAM into      TTPs. Sensor data with Joint           most recent lessons learned
the local and the USCENTCOM          Data Network designation is            from Iraq into its Professional
Joint Kill Chain. One thing that     now shared locally using the           Military Education and functional
was missing was the tactical and     Forward Area Air Defense (FAAD)        courses to include the Pre-
technical integration of kinetic     Command and Control Intra-             Command Course, Captains
kill systems with the non-           FAAD network, between multiple         Career Course, Warrant Officer
kinetic, C-UAS.                      C-RAM locations using the Intra-       Advanced Courses, and Avenger
                                     FAAD Forward Operating Base            and Patriot Master Gunner. The
   The lack of C-UAS inter-          network, and across the wider          students should study the risks
operability with limited Patriot     area of responsibility using the       and mitigations associated with
and Avenger integration resulted     Multi-TDL Network. The 11th            JIAMD and be tested on their
in ineffective and inefficient       ADA Brigade and 2-43rd ADA             understanding of engagement
asset defense. Local Tactics,        BN worked in sync with CJTF-           operations and force operations.
Techniques and Procedures            OIR and 2nd Brigade Combat             The Patriot Top Gun and Air
(TTPs) were not fully developed      Team, 82nd Airborne Division,          Defense Artillery Fire Control
to maximize the effectiveness        and developed and implemented          Officer courses follow this
of multiple weapon systems.          airspace control measures, TTPs,       model and have been extremely
Airspace Control Measures were       and pre-planned responses              beneficial to the U.S. Army and
not consistently implemented         as they worked toward full             the Joint Force.
or utilized by the local base        implementation of Max Protect.
commander, Patriot, Avenger                                                    CW4 Noel Del Real, is the Top Notch
                                                                            standardization officer for 11th ADA Brigade.
or Sentinel. Data sharing was           Once implemented, the Max
limited to the Patriot Infor-        Protect concept was critical to the
mation Coordination Central
and its local fire units. Most
                                     defense of Al Assad Air Base and
                                     Erbil Air Base against indirect fire
                                                                                             ADA NEWS
importantly to note, there was       (IDF). During and after IDF events,
                                                                             Continued from page 15
a lack of physical presence by the   base commanders were able to
AMD experts in the Base Defense      control and direct base defense         and S-400 systems – missile defense
                                                                             capabilities. The Chinese are assiduously
Operations Center (BDOC) to          systems to ensure Soldiers were         studying the problem and have invested in
advise the base commander            protected. The concept allowed          research to build their own capabilities, DOD
                                                                             officials said.
and develop their situational        base commanders, through their
awareness.                           BDOCs, to neutralize enemy                This includes the HQ-19 missile defense
                                                                             system, which could be used against
                                     threats using both kinetic and          incoming, medium-range ballistic missiles.
   Once the deficiencies were        non-kinetic air defense systems.        Initial operating capability is set for next year.

identified, 2-43rd ADA Battalion                                               China is also developing a mid-course
quickly moved toward full              As the requirement for IAMD           interceptor. The Chinese government said
                                                                             they tested that capability in February 2018.
integration. Within weeks,           grows across the combatant              U.S. officials say initial operating capability is
2-43rd ADA BN achieved Max           commands, it is important to            not likely until the late-2020s. They anticipate
                                                                             it would have good capability against
Protect with full AMD integration    remember the costs associated           intermediate-range ballistic missiles and
in Iraq. The battalion assumed       with organizing Patriot, Short-         could be adapted to target intercontinental
                                                                             s and submarine-launched ballistic missiles.
an advisory role to the base         Range Air Defense (SHORAD)
commanders and educated              and C-UAS systems on the                 The United States homeland’s missile
                                                                             defense system is in place to defend against
their staffs on AMD system           same asset. One such cost is the        accidental launches or attacks from rogue
capabilities and limitations, TTP    sustainment requirement of              states such as Iran and North Korea. Unlike
                                                                             Russia, the U.S. uses non-nuclear ‘’kinetic kill’’
implementation, and positive         Class IX repair parts and enablers      vehicles, which destroy incoming warheads
and procedural controls.             needed to maintain the systems.         using their speed and mass to collide with
                                                                             the threat.
                                     Logistical chains must be

                                                                                                          2021 Issue 2 • 17
Battery command philosophy:
               “Leadership simplicity is the key”
                                                          By CPT Nathan Gibbs

        attery command is a humbling experience.                            My command philosophy is quite simple;
        It has pushed me to self-reflect often to                         one page long to be exact. I’ve seen command
        ensure I am being the best possible leader                        philosophies that span two to three or more pages,
        to those within my formation. It forces                           but the truth is Soldiers are less likely to read a
you to examine and re-examine your leadership                             drawn out document. In my opinion, concise but
philosophy on a regular basis to make sure you are                        effective communication is key. My philosophy
not only leading with integrity but also growing                          lists six fundamental expectations so my team
in your perspective. My command philosophy                                understands left and right limits. Placing your left
is one of the documents I use to both define the                          and right limits/key points up front and sharing
principles I would like my team to apply in all                           your command philosophy early on as part of
aspects of daily operations and as my personal                            initial counseling is helpful to building trust
azimuth check.                                                            among your subordinates. Easily understood

Patriot exercise, Sept. 23, 2020. (Photo by Ygal Kaufman, Fort Sill PAO Office)

18 • Air Defense Artillery Journal
and articulated expectations lead to empowered         correct said mistakes, and provide guidance to
subordinate leaders, and directly, mission             reach desired expectations if warranted. As such,
accomplishment.                                        I embedded these same principles into my own
                                                       philosophy. When I started my career, I thought
  The foundational aspect of my command                I could accomplish anything and everything
philosophy is my personal leadership philosophy.       without assistance. What I did not realize was
In my short eight-year Army career, I have found       this philosophy was not obtainable. I learned that
                                                       even Superman had the Justice League to help
                                                       and that I needed to get better at empowering
      In my opinion, concise                           my team. Retaining key information and tasks
                                                       at your level does not improve the organization.
          but effective                                Delegation of these tasks to the most junior Soldier
                                                       ensures ownership of the mission and its required
      communication is key.                            tasks. Delegation ensures that the mission is
                                                       completed effectively and efficiently. You cannot
that my leadership philosophy changes as I grow.       accomplish everything on your own, but, as a
I take lessons learned and best practices gained       team, you can accomplish anything. In order to
from each assignment to help me better lead in         capture lessons learned if course correction is
the next. I reflect on actions taken by leaders        needed, I immediately step in to provide teaching
I have worked with to understand what drove            via personal experience, and if necessary informal/
their actions and try to emulate the best of what      formal counseling. Furthermore, lessons learned
                                                       also build upon unit successes to improve unit
                                                       operations and tactics, techniques and procedures.
    Delegation of these tasks
                                                         Thank you for this opportunity to share a few
    to the most junior Soldier                         highlights and lessons learned over the past eight
                                                       years in the Air Defense Branch. I encourage
    ensures ownership of the                           current platoon leaders and executive officers
                                                       to start pondering, and developing their own
         mission and its                               leadership philosophy. By no means is my
                                                       philosophy perfect, however it has worked
         required tasks.                               well for me. I only ask that you think about my
                                                       approach, and integrate some, all, or even none
I have seen. Compassionate leadership has              of my approach. Developing your own leadership
driven many of my principles and philosophy.           philosophy and style will serve you well as you
Simply put, being human, approachable, and             continue your careers.
taking a personal approach has guided me well
during the past eight years. When I address my           “Cobra Strike” “By the Horns”
Soldiers, I let them know that although we may
                                                          CPT Nathan Gibbs is a native of Gallipolis, Ohio, but resides in
                                                       El Paso, Texas, with his wife, Samantha Martinez-Gibbs and son,
     Delegation ensures that                           Jacob Gibbs. He is a graduate of Virginia Military Institute with
                                                       a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and Drexel University with a
                                                       master’s degree in Biomedical Science. CPT Gibbs is assigned
   the mission is completed                            to B Battery, 1st Battalion, 43rd Air Defense Artillery as battery
    effectively and efficiently.
have different ranks and responsibilities, I am a
person just like them. This personal and involved
leadership style is natural to me, and one I quickly
adopted and retained. Furthermore, I expect my
subordinates to make mistakes, and I accept that
risk. I am fortunate to have had leaders who
allowed me to make mistakes, figure out how to

                                                                                                        2021 Issue 2 • 19
Spinning plates: Air Defense brigade
          staffs and the theater fight
                                          By COL Glenn A. Henke

         ir Defense Artillery            The first role is the deputy         The third theater-level
         brigades often execute      area Air Defense commander            role is the senior Army ADA
         theater-level roles on      (DAADC). This is a joint role,        commander. Much like the
         a limited or enduring       defined in Joint Publication (JP)     TAAMDCOORD, this is an Army
basis. Doctrine acknowledges         3-01, Countering Air and Missile      role, defined in ATP 3-01.15, and
this situation, noting that the      Threats. As the name implies, the     executed in support of the ARFOR
ADA brigade commander can            DAADC serves as a deputy to the       or JFLCC commanders. While
execute these duties when an         area Air Defense commander,           many of the responsibilities
Army Air and Missile Defense         normally the joint functional         defined in doctrine overlap
Command (AAMDC) is not               air component commander.              with the TAAMDCOORD, the
present. The challenge for           Practically speaking, the DAADC       critical difference is that this is
brigade staffs is how to help        is the primary advisor on ballistic   a command role with command
their commander manage               missile defense (BMD) when the        authorities. The TAAMDCOORD
these responsibilities while         Army has the preponderance            normally does not exercise
wearing different hats for           of theater BMD capabilities.          decision-making authority,
multiple bosses. While an            The DAADC also advises the            while a senior Air Defense
AAMDC is designed to execute         AADC on all Army capabilities         commander will normally be
these roles, an ADA brigade is       supporting the offensive and          delegated certain authorities
not resourced to support these       defensive counterair fight.           consistent with command.
responsibilities.                    These responsibilities include
                                     planning, advising on weapons            A quick review of these roles
This article is intended to assist   control status and posture, and       outlined in Figure 1 shows
ADA brigade staffs in support        integrating Army capabilities         obvious overlap between the
of their commanders when the         into the defensive counterair         roles, which is why the same
brigade finds itself executing       framework.                            commander normally executes
these specific roles. Army                                                 these duties. Different theaters
Techniques Publication (ATP)            The second theater-level
                                                                           can vary widely in how units
3-01.7 and ATP 3-01.15 remain        role is the theater Army Air
                                                                           execute these roles based on
the definitive doctrinal sources.    and Missile Defense coordinator
                                                                           the specific operation plan
Chapter 2 of ATP 3-01.94 also        (TAAMDCOORD). This is an Army
                                                                           (OPLAN) and steady state
provides an AAMDC-level              role, defined in ATP 3-01.15,
                                                                           operations. In many cases,
perspective that is directly         executed for the Army Forces
                                                                           these responsibilities change
applicable to brigade staffs.        (ARFOR) or Joint Functional
                                                                           during a transition to crisis. The
                                     Land Component Command
                                                                           obvious overlap is why these
The three roles                      (JFLCC) commanders (or
                                                                           roles are combined, but the
                                     both). As TAAMDCOORD, the
  Staffs must understand                                                   roles themselves are not entirely
                                     brigade commander functions
the three theater-level roles                                              clear-cut at times.
                                     as a special staff officer to
potentially performed by a           the ARFOR or JFLCC, advising             Not listed as a formal role is
brigade commander. Staffs            the commander and staffs on           that of brigade commander. For
must be ready to support             AMD capabilities, plans and           staffs, it is sometimes helpful to
their commander executing            operations. The TAAMDCOORD            think of this as an Army-specific
these roles and the specific         supports planning efforts             role executed for the ARFOR
headquarters these roles             and integrates Army AMD               commander and focused on those
support.                             capabilities into the offensive       forces under the operational
                                     and defensive counterair plans.       control (OPCON) of the brigade.

20 • Air Defense Artillery Journal
Deputy Area Air Defense                  Theater Army Air & Missile                 Senior Army ADA Commander                 finding and destroying enemy
       Commander (DAADC)                         Defense Coordinator
                                                   (TAAMDCOORD)                        • Serves as single point of                  ballistic missile capabilities “left
 • Integrates ground-based,
                                           • Special staff officer for AMD to
                                                                                         contact for ARMY AMD in
                                                                                                                                    of launch.” The idea behind
   active defense Army, joint, and
   multinational AMD forces into             ARFOR CDR and/or JFLCC                    • Commands all assigned ADA                  attack operations is to kill the
   DCA plans and operations                • Assists in developing Army
                                             OCA and DCA input to air
                                                                                         forces                                     archer so you don’t have to kill
 • Advises AADC on weapons                                                             • Leads operational planning for
   control procedures and                    operations plans, including                 protection of JFC and ARFOR                the arrow (active defense). Unlike
   recommended or implemented                support to targeting process                CDR’s priorities and develops
   ROE, ACMs, ADWCs, WCS, and              • Recommends Army critical                    AMD annex for ARFOR/JFLCC
                                                                                                                                    an AAMDC, brigades cannot
   EMCON measures                            asset priorities, ADA force
                                             priorities, and resource
                                                                                         plans                                      easily support this mission area
 • Convenes AMD prioritization                                                         • Ensures organic, assigned,
   and coordination boards                   allocations in support of JFC’s
                                                                                         and supporting ADA units
                                                                                                                                    without augmentation. A close
                                             AMD concept
 • Assists AADC with AADP
                                           • Ensures AMD requirements are
                                                                                         accomplish AMD objectives                  relationship with the battlefield
   development                                                                           in support of JFC and ARFOR
 • Advises AADC on Army,
                                             integrated into joint counterair            CDR’s CONOPS                               coordination detachment can
                                             and Army AMD planning
   joint, and multinational AMD
                                           • Facilitates sustainment support
                                                                                       • Establishes priorities for
                                                                                         logistical support to all ADA
                                                                                                                                    partially mitigate this until an
   capabilities and operations
                                             for Army AMD operations in the
                                                                                         units                                      AAMDC or augmentation arrives.
 Graphic adapted from JP 3-01 (Countering Air and Missile Threats), ATP 3-01.15
                                                                                                              Figure 1                 Beyond the operational
 (Multi-service TTP for AMD), and ATP 3-01.94 (AAMDC Operations).
                                                                                                                                    elements,        staffs     must
                                                                                                                                    understand the structure and
This is a “down-and-in” role,                                    to differentiate from theater-                                     framework for theater-level
whereas the theater-level roles                                  level functions and brigade-level                                  AMD decision-making. This
are focused “up-and-out.”                                        functions.                                                         framework can vary widely
The challenge for staffs is the                                                                                                     between theaters but is typically
natural tendency to focus on the                                   Active defense is the practical
                                                                 business of planning and                                           codified in the Area Air Defense
brigade commander role at the                                                                                                       Plan, sometimes in a separate
expense of the theater roles. This                               executing AMD operations.
                                                                 This includes all engagement                                       authority matrix. At a minimum,
requires that staffs develop a                                                                                                      the decision framework should
theater perspective. This role                                   operations and force operations.
                                                                 Passive defense normally                                           include which decisions are
overlaps almost entirely with                                                                                                       retained or delegated during
senior ADA commander until                                       encompasses        everything
                                                                 associated with disseminating                                      different phases of OPLAN
an AAMDC commander assumes                                                                                                          execution. A notional example is
those duties.                                                    shared early warning at the
                                                                 theater level. Although not                                        included in Figure 2. Staffs must
                                                                 defined doctrinally, passive                                       understand which decisions
The theater perspective                                                                                                             the brigade commander
                                                                 defense normally includes
   How does a brigade staff                                      survivability operations and                                       makes as the DAADC, senior
develop a theater-level                                          chemical defense for AMD                                           ADA commander, and brigade
perspective? Staffs must                                         units. The mission command                                         commander. The TAAMDCOORD
understand how the theater fight                                 operational element covers the                                     will not typically have decision-
works and how the brigade staff                                  command and control networks                                       making authority unless
fits into each of the roles. The                                 required to execute force                                          specifically delegated by the
easiest way is to consider theater                               operations and engagement                                          ARFOR or JFLCC commanders.
operations in terms of the four                                  operations.                                                        In many cases, commanders will
operational elements, theater-                                                                                                      decide when to make specific
level decision-making, and                                         Attack operations includes                                       recommendations to a decision-
multinational considerations.                                    everything associated with                                         maker, like the AADC or JFC. An
                                                                 Figure 2
   The    four   operational
elements of theater AMD (also                                                                                                                             DAADC/          Senior ADA
                                                                   Decision                         JFC                AADC              JFLCC
known as the four “pillars” of                                                                                                                         TAAMDCOORD            CDR

AMD) defined in ATP 3-01.94                                        CAL Approval                    Decision     Recommendation
                                                                   DAL Approval                    Decision     Recommendation                         Recommendation
provide a helpful framework.                                                                                                            Delegated to
                                                                   Interceptor reallocation                                                                                Decision
The operational elements                                                                                                              Senior ADA CDR
                                                                   Weapons Control Status                            Delegated to
are active defense, passive                                        (WCS)                                               DAADC

defense, attack operations and                                     TBM ID & Engagement                                                                 Delegated to BN
                                                                   Authority                                                                                ICC
mission command. Staffs can                                                                                          Delegated to
                                                                   ABT Engagement Authority
use the operational elements                                                                                            SADC

                                                                                                                                                                     2021 Issue 2 • 21
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