25th anniversary of the WTO - World Trade Organization

Page created by Nathaniel Coleman
25th anniversary of the WTO - World Trade Organization
W O R L D T R A D E O R G A N I Z AT I O N                                                                    O U T R E AC H


25th anniversary of the WTO
On 19 November, the WTO hosted a virtual event to commemorate its 25th
anniversary. “WTO at 25: Past, Present & Future” looked at the organization’s
achievements and current challenges. Participants underlined the importance
of the multilateral trading system as well as the need for reform to strengthen
the WTO to deal with global challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                                 n his keynote address, Swiss      A political perspective
                                                 Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin
                                                 said the COVID-19 crisis          A high-level panel with government
                                             has underlined the relevance of       officials reflected on the role of the
                                             rules-based free trade, as open       WTO in shaping their economies
                                             markets and uninterrupted global      (see Table 1). Speakers considered
                                             supply chains are fundamental for     the benefits and shortcomings of the
                                             access to medicines and other         global trading system and discussed
                                             essential products. General Council   ways to make it more inclusive.
                                             Chair David Walker said WTO           Panellists agreed that WTO reform
                                             members’ ability to update and        must be a priority to ensure the
                                             adjust the WTO rulebook               organization’s continued relevance.
                                             “is ultimately the only way to        Despite differences on what the reform
                                             keep the WTO relevant to our          agenda should look like, all government
                                             economies and to foster our trade     representatives reiterated the need to
                                             relations”. Deputy Director-General   reinvigorate the WTO’s negotiating
                                             Alan Wolff called for institutional   function and deliver a meaningful
                                             and substantive reforms to achieve    outcome on fisheries subsidies
                                             the WTO’s mission.                    (see page 53).

                                                                                                        Vonai Muyambo
                                                                                                        of the WTO’s
                                                                                                        Information and
                                                                                                        External Relations
                                                                                                        Division moderated
                                                                                                        the panel on political

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25th anniversary of the WTO - World Trade Organization
O U T R E AC H                                                            W O R L D T R A D E O R G A N I Z AT I O N

                     Table 1: The political perspective – panellists

                     Soraya Hakuziyaremye                        ê Rwanda's Minister for Trade and Industry
                     Dennis Shea                                 ê United
                                                                         States Deputy Trade Representative and
                                                                    Ambassador to the WTO

                     Wang Shouwen                                ê China's Vice Minister and Deputy International
                                                                    Trade Representative, Ministry of Commerce

                     Cheryl Spencer                              ê Jamaica's
                                                                              Ambassador to the WTO; Coordinator
                                                                   of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group

                     Sabine Weyand                               ê European Union Director-General, Trade
                     George Yeo                                  ê Formerly  Singapore's Minister for Foreign Affairs
                                                                    and for Trade and Industry

                     Some panellists called for progress            The stakeholders’ perspective
                     in negotiations on the joint initiatives,
Bernie Kuiten        such as e-commerce (see page 57).              A second panel, with prominent
of the WTO’s         Others said these initiatives among            representatives from the private
Information and      groups of members give developing              sector, international organizations,
External Relations   countries limited space to shape               civil society and media, exchanged
Division moderated
the panel on the
                     the agenda. They encouraged                    views on how the multilateral trading
stakeholders’        progress on trade and sustainability,          system has served society and how
perspective.         development and food security.                 to ensure it better addresses
                                                                    society’s needs and expectations.

                                                                    Speakers stressed the need
                                                                    to deepen public understanding
                                                                    of the WTO’s role and relevance
                                                                    by expanding its outreach activities
                                                                    (see Table 2). They proposed a
                                                                    more structured relationship with
                                                                    stakeholders that allowed them
                                                                    to give new impetus to ongoing
                                                                    negotiations. Several panellists
                                                                    underlined the increasing importance
                                                                    of labour and environmental
                                                                    standards in regional trade
                                                                    agreements and called on the
                                                                    WTO to consider these standards
                                                                    in its work.

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25th anniversary of the WTO - World Trade Organization
W O R L D T R A D E O R G A N I Z AT I O N                                                                                     O U T R E AC H

Panellists agreed that WTO reform must be a priority
to ensure the organization’s continued relevance.

                                             Table 2: The stakeholders’ perspective – panellists

                                             Joshua Bolten                  ê President and CEO, US Business Roundtable
                                             Céline Charveriat              ê Executive Director, Institute for European Environmental Policy
Exhibitions and quiz
                                             Martin Chungong                ê Secretary-General, Inter-Parliamentary Union
                                             Frank Heemskerk                ê Secretary-General, European Round Table for Industry
Two photo exhibitions looked back at
key moments in the life of the WTO.          Soumaya Keynes                 ê Trade and Globalization Editor, “The Economist” magazine
Both collections were displayed in
the WTO’s headquarters and made
                                             Guy Ryder                      ê Director-General, International Labour Organization
available on the WTO website. They
were also compiled in a publication
entitled “25 Years of the WTO:               the trading system and how to ensure          Other 25th anniversary events
A Photographic Retrospective”.               trade continues to support economic
                                             growth, development and job creation.         Events were also held throughout
Another exhibition paid tribute to the                                                     the year to mark the 25th
women who have played a pioneering           Interviews with former                        anniversaries of the WTO
role in the activities of the WTO. The       WTO Directors-General                         Agreement on Agriculture, the
exhibition and a series of videos of                                                       Agreement on Trade-related Aspects
these exceptional women are available        Former WTO Directors-General                  of Intellectual Property Rights, the
on the WTO website.                          Supachai Panitchpakdi, Pascal Lamy            Customs Valuation Agreement,
                                             and Roberto Azevêdo reflected on              the Agreement on Sanitary and
A quiz aimed at deepening                    the WTO’s 25 years in conversations           Phytosanitary Measures and the
understanding of the WTO was                 with WTO Spokesperson Keith                   Agreement on Rules of Origin.
developed and published on the               Rockwell. The interviews are
WTO website. Participants learn              available on the WTO website.
more about the WTO by answering
questions at six different levels of
difficulty. They can share their results
via Twitter and Facebook.

Messages from stakeholders

Thirty representatives of the private
sector, international organizations and                                                                       Mari Pangestu,
non-governmental organizations sent                                                                           the World Bank’s
messages of congratulations to the                                                                            Managing Director
WTO on its 25th anniversary. In short                                                                         of Development
                                                                                                              Policy and
video messages they reflected on what                                                                         Partnerships,
the multilateral trading system has                                                                           contributed a
meant to them, what they expect from                                                                          video message.

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