22 Institute for Contemporary Theatre

Page created by Jonathan Bradley
22 Institute for Contemporary Theatre

22 Institute for Contemporary Theatre
Our Values				4
Welcome 					7
How Lockdown Has Shown Us...		 8
Why ICTheatre?				12

Our Connections
Contemporary Musical Theatre Patron		   17
Acting 21 Century Patron
Hip Hop Artistry Patron			              21
Hip Hop Artistry Patron			              23
Professional & Personal Development		   24
Partnerships				28
Lecturers/Industry				31
The ICTheatre Graduate			               33
Masterclasses				34

Choose Your Campus
Brighton					37
Manchester				43

Our Training Professionals 			          50
Meet Your Lecturers 			                 54

BA (Hons) Courses
BA (Hons) Performing Arts			            61
BA (Hons) Production Management
and Entrepreneurship			75
Auditions and Workshops			              76
Academic Excellence			79

How to Apply
Making Your Application			              82
Fees, Finance and Loans			              82

Accommodation				85
Contact Information        		           86
22 Institute for Contemporary Theatre

Inspire the next generation of industry professionals through the creation of inclusive and creative learning
environments that remove barriers and create opportunities for equal participation in the creative industries.

Vision                                                                                                              Grow Together
                                                                                                                    We work together as one community,
Provide the highest standard of industry-led education built on a foundation of collaboration, inclusivity and an
                                                                                                                    united by our collective ideals, passions and values
entrepreneurial spirit; preparing our students for a sustainable career within the creative industries.
                                                                                                                    to shape our shared world for the better.

Our Values

Believe in Everyone                                                                                                 Own It
We embrace and celebrate diversity to create                                                                        We encourage every individual to take responsibility
a culture of belonging and respect,                                                                                 for their communities and work together
holding each other up and creating space                                                                            to be a force for positive change.
for every voice to be heard.

Challenge the Norm                                                                                                  Do the Right Thing
We are bold and ambitious in our pursuit of new ways                                                                We act with courage and integrity in all areas
of working that can advance our communities                                                                         of our organisation to protect our communities,
in positive and inspiring ways.                                                                                     our business and the environment.
22 Institute for Contemporary Theatre

                                   I feel privileged to be a part of ICTheatre. Not only        To be a part of ICTheatre is to be a part of a movement,
                                   is it a privilege, but it is also a responsibility. Anyone   and one that I am so proud to be a part of here in
                                   who tells you that training to become a performer is         Manchester. We at ICTheatre are bringing unique,
                                   an easy option does not understand what we do or             contemporary training to the North of England that will
                                   its importance. The creative arts are fundamental            mark the first steps of your journey into the theatre and
                                   to society’s survival. Now, even more than ever,             television industry – and life in the creative arts.
                                   people need to find ways of expressing themselves,
                                   of understanding the world, of laughing, crying, and         Training with us will see you meet like-minded people,
                                   thinking. By joining ICTheatre, you’re on a journey          step outside of your comfort zone and step into the
                                   towards a career that has the potential to enable            ICTheatre family – with actors, singers, rappers, dancers
                                   all of this.                                                 and creative people all around you. If I were to offer any
                                                                                                advice in preparing for your studies, it would be to ready
                                   It’s our job to guide and nurture you by providing the       yourself to open your mind and embrace
                                   highest standard of training delivered by experienced        new experiences.
                                   practitioners. We’re also facilitators, expanding
                                   creative thinking, encouraging entrepreneurship              Being open to new things and saying yes can lead to
                                   and building your confidence. That’s why it’s both           fresh experiences, friendships, industry connections,
                                   a privilege and a responsibility.                            and a more enriching start to your career. The ancient
                                                                                                Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said: “Every great
                                   You too have a responsibility in this journey. You’re        journey begins with the first step” – a maxim that
                                   the innovators, navigating a new artistic and career         resonates with the idea that great things begin in
                                   landscape, one that requires an incredible range of          small, often humble ways.
                                   skills, knowledge and courageous vision. You must
                                   develop your own artistic identities. What makes you         You and all your peers are the future of the theatre,
                                   different? What do you want to say? You are at the           television and film industry. It is my responsibility to
                                   centre of everything at ICTheatre. I am so happy to          ensure that you have the tools to be that future, and
                                   be riding alongside you.                                     of course, have a lot of fun along the way.

                                   Thomasina Unsworth                                           Paul Ryder
                                   College Principal – Brighton                                 College Principal – Manchester

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22 Institute for Contemporary Theatre
How lockdown has shown us that
ICTheatre’s entrepreneurial ethos                                                                                    where they learn everything from       hundreds of industries on hold.        we find the mental resilience to

is the future of theatre training
                                                                                                                     producing a high-quality self-         While some people managed              survive lockdown in a pandemic,
                                                                                                                     tape to approaching agents for         to continue working from their         and how can we find and create

——                                                                                                                   representation and ensuring they
                                                                                                                     will be proactive in looking for
                                                                                                                                                            homes, it was a massive blow for
                                                                                                                                                            the theatre, TV and film industry;
                                                                                                                                                                                                   our work when there is nothing
                                                                                                                                                                                                   out there for us to pursue? These
                                                                                                                     work after graduation. Alongside       workplaces that rely on being          are not necessarily pressures that
                                                                                                                     this, there is great importance on     surrounded by other people. It         performers aren’t used to – there
                                                                                                                     students’ physical and mental ]        was many months before it was          are many times in our lives when
                                                                                                                     well-being, and over the three         possible for this to happen, even in   we have to work a side job to make
                                                                                                                     years, they work with mindset          a reduced capacity. Suddenly, self-    ends meet, and we need a little
                                                                                                                     coaches to teach them the tools        employed theatre creators found        mental kick to keep us focused
                                                                                                                     needed to have strong mental           themselves at home with no work        on our real goals. Add to this the
                                                                                                                     resilience. They learn how to          and no income support; production      stresses 2020 brought us, and it’s
                                                                                                                     manage their stress and anxieties,     crews were let go or laid off as       one of the biggest challenges many
                                                                                                                     find motivation in difficult times,    they were not supported through        of us have faced in our careers
                                                                                                                     and have the healthiest mindset        government furlough schemes.           and lives.
                                                                                                                     possible – in life and in their        For many years, actors who have
                                                                                                                     careers. These are just a few things   been working in our industry found     Of course, performers who find
                                                                                                                     they learn along their journey, and    themselves working as delivery         success in their careers tend to be
                                                                                                                     it enables them to graduate from       drivers, vegetable pickers, or in      fighters, which was no different in
Charley Morgan                        Eighteen months later, we see a        ‘No’s’ until you reach your             ICTheatre as solid and                 supermarkets – anything to keep        the pandemic. While it may have
ICTheatre Graduate                    mixture of the old industry and the    victories? With this in mind,           confident individuals.                 themselves afloat. And while this      taken a while for people to find
                                      new – and ICTheatre’s ethos will       Bird founded the Institute of                                                  was fine as a temporary solution       their feet again, it soon became
For a long time now, the performing   ensure we continue to thrive no        Contemporary Theatre, bringing          Three years after the course’s         to the problem, it did nothing to      apparent that this unavoidable
arts industry has been changing       matter what we face.                   training professionals courses that     lift-off, we had to put ICTheatre’s    nurture creativity and keep the fire   time off was an opportunity some
– growing and reshaping to keep                                              would teach them resilience and         ideology to the test. March 2020       of the arts alive and flourishing.     of us can only dream of – the
up with modern society. Add in a      Right from its conception,             ambition and hone their skills.         brought us the Coronavirus                                                    time to explore those projects we
pandemic that forced the world        ICTheatre has wanted to be more                                                pandemic, which sent us into a         Suddenly, ICTheatre’s ethos felt       usually wouldn’t have time for.
to stay home, and these subtle        than your ‘typical’ drama school.      Throughout the BA (Hons)                nationwide lockdown that put           more important than ever; how do       Time to write that play we’ve been
changes veered us into a whole        Solid training and the development     curriculum in Performing Arts
new territory. With so many of our    of performance skills are              and the three distinct pathways,
everyday practices unavailable to     imperative when preparing to work      ICTheatre emphasises the two skill
us, we had to approach theatre-       in our industry. However, Creative     sets mentioned. Firstly, they ensure
making from a new angle and find a    Director Mia Bird knew that healthy    their training professionals have a
way to thrive and keep our industry   mindsets and solid entrepreneurial     robust set of entrepreneurial skills
afloat under unprecedented            skills were overlooked assets          to help them thrive in the business,
circumstances.                        that play a crucial role in being a    from writing and producing their
                                      successful performer. Thousands        work to learning how to market and
ICTheatre’s mission is to keep        of performers enter the industry       sell a production or business. In the
up with the ever-evolving             every year, knowing that rejections    third year, one module focuses on
industry – match its pace and         come a lot more frequently than        creating an independent project,
align with the subtle changes to      ‘successes’. What is the use of        which can be a creative endeavour
how performance is created and        hundreds of hours’ worth of            or a business plan. This is a project
delivered. The introduction of        performing arts training if you        with the potential to develop post-
the pandemic was just another         haven’t got the mental resilience to   graduation. Students also take
direction for ICTheatre to work.      keep thriving through all the          professional preparation classes,

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22 Institute for Contemporary Theatre
thinking about for months and time                                                                                        success is more than landing a         means that casting teams can           through lockdown without giving
to develop that skill we’ve meant                                                                                         contract that earns us lots of         see a range of people across the       up on the thing I love the most. I’m
to explore. Time to refocus our                                                                                           money or makes thousands of            country or world without arranging     sure it would have been a wholly
energies on the projects that bring                                                                                       people learn our name.                 audition spaces. It also means         different story if I hadn’t trained my
us joy and time to get ourselves out                                                                                                                             actors can save both time and          brain at ICTheatre for three years.
there in ways we’ve not had time                                                                                          At the time of writing, we’re on our   money on travelling to these           Now more than ever, students and
to for years.                                                                                                             way out of the throws of lockdown      auditions – the benefits help          graduates may have to rely on
                                                                                                                          – hopefully for good. Vaccine          everyone. While our industry is        themselves to find work and create
Lockdown brought us a whole                                                                                               rollouts have now been offered         ready to come back fighting, it’s      art, as an industry recovering from
myriad of new material – some of                                                                                          to all people aged 18 or over in       likely that smaller companies may      a year and a half closure is even
which may not have had a chance                                                                                           the UK, and we’ll soon be leaving      initially have challenges getting      more likely to hire established,
to prosper before due to not                                                                                              social restrictions behind us. Of      back on their feet. There will still   ‘reliable’ actors over fresh faces.
being produced ‘professionally’,                                                                                          course, this is hugely exciting,       be a necessity – and hopefully
but now was just what our art-                                                                                            with the possibility of returning to   a desire – for actors to keep          There’s a lot of joy to be found in
starved minds desired. Actors                                                                                             work in full finally here. But some    pushing their work and craft, being    our future – but a lot of uncertainty
challenged themselves to record                                                                                           lockdown-enforced changes have         proactive in their careers.            too. Every opportunity our young
and shared weekly monologues                                                                                              proved very useful for our industry                                           actors have to find joy in their work
via social media. People read,                                                                                            and are likely to stay. Self-tape      This leads me to highlight just how    while they establish their career
rehearsed and performed whole                                                                                             submissions were already on            imperative ICTheatre’s training        is an opportunity that needs to be
plays via Zoom; songs were                                                                                                the rise, and the lockdown has         will continue to be in our future.     grabbed by both hands. And with
produced from bedrooms with                                                                                               only confirmed how convenient          The past 18 months have proved         ICTheatre’s ethos at heart, I think
anything in arm’s reach used to                                                                                           they can be. A self-tape audition      how vital mental resilience can        we’re going to find a new age of
create the accompaniment, and                                                                                             followed by an initial recall over     be – my mindset education from         performers, ready to do just that.
artists enjoyed the time to write                                                                                         video communication services           ICTheatre helped me tenfold to get
albums worth of music. One
evening, I watched an artist host
their EP launch party, featuring
a performance of the entire
discography and a Q&A after via
Instagram Live. I was on my sofa in    David Tennant and Michael                  As performers and theatre-
my pyjamas; they were performing       Sheen that was filmed almost               creators, we are storytellers. That’s
in their bedroom. It was miles away    entirely on video-conferencing             a lot of what our job is – telling
from the launch party I booked         software. Netflix released a series        stories to the world through plays
tickets for three months prior, but    of short films made by filmmakers          and musicals, films, music and
it was spectacular nonetheless.        worldwide during the pandemic,             dance. And maybe somewhere
                                       titled ‘Homemade’. Everywhere              along the way of sharing stories
It wasn’t long until production        we started to see the musings of           with the world, the performing arts
companies took hold of these           artists trapped at home feeding            industry has in some ways become
at-home performance delights           into our mainstream media. For             over-commercialised, making
– the National Theatre brought         maybe the first time, it felt possible     it feel like an impossible career
us NT at Home, where every             for artists to tell their stories to the   to break into and be deemed
week they streamed one of 16           world, regardless of budget and            ‘successful’ in. Maybe lockdown
recorded productions for free          production value. And at the end           allowed us to step back and reflect
via YouTube, making theatre            of the day, isn’t that what art is all     on what we do and why we do it.
accessible for millions across         about?                                     It gave us the chance to refocus
the world. The BBC brought us                                                     our passion and reignite our
‘Staged’, a comedy series featuring                                               motivations; it reminded us that

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22 Institute for Contemporary Theatre
Why ICTheatre?

At ICTheatre, we focus on delivering training that          During your time here, you will acquire the critical
is relevant and contemporary. We believe in rigour          skills to become a respected working professional,
but also in exploration. We believe in discipline           develop these skills to maximise your potential, and
but also allow for the wildness of imagination.             gain all the insider knowledge required to succeed
We want to empower our students to find their               in the Performing Arts industry from our expert
own artistic identities, not mould them into a              lecturers. Alongside your practical training is a
one-size-fits-all model.                                    spine module designed to prepare you for the
                                                            professional world and to study the culture of the
We nurture the individual artist’s determination,           creative industries.
personal interests, aptitudes, skills and creative
concerns. Above all, we value the individual, and we        This will help you explore different career paths
strive to nurture the excellent in all who train with us.   and opportunities, study the careers of people you
                                                            admire, and help discover your own strengths and
ICTheatre’s unique structure and training programme         weaknesses. This will continue throughout the three
is the brainchild of former West End performer and          years and will result in a personal project,
industry professional Mia Bird.                             which can take the form of a production, work
                                                            experience placement, business project, or
During her career, Mia has worked in dozens of              written dissertation.
professional musicals and plays, acted in many
well-known TV shows, had a recording contract,              “Whichever technical speciality you choose, you
and been employed as an in-house songwriter                 will experience a curriculum that develops your
with Universal Music. Mia has created a successful          technique, entrepreneurial skills and expands your
and reputable chain of stage schools and theatre            knowledge of the industry as a whole.
companies in London and the Midlands and is also
the founder of Bird Studios in Brighton.                    “Whether you join us in Manchester or Brighton,
                                                            you will be surrounded by fellow students who are
Mia is delighted to have recruited a stellar team           resourceful, robust, determined and creative, with a
to work at ICTheatre. Our industry connections,             hunger to achieve their success within the industry.”
world-class lecturers and comprehensive guest
Masterclasses set the standard for contemporary             – Mia Bird, Creative Director.
training in the Performing Arts in Britain.

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22 Institute for Contemporary Theatre

22 Institute for Contemporary Theatre
Contemporary Musical
                                                                   Theatre Patron
                                                                   Julian Stoneman
                                                                   Executive West End and Broadway Producer

                                                                   With over three decades of experience in all aspects of
                                                                   theatre – starting with stage management at the age
                                                                   of 20 – Julian Stoneman is an industry veteran whose
                                                                   credits include: Mamma Mia!, Billy Elliot, Rock of Ages,
                                                                   Urinetown, Let It Be, Finding Neverland, and Bat Out Of
                                                                   Hell. His productions have won Laurence Olivier, Tony
                                                                   and WhatsOnStage awards.

                                                                   Julian has worked with both the Royal Shakespeare
                                                                   Company and the National Theatre and sits on the
                                                                   Board of Management for the Society of London
                                                                   Theatre (SOLT).

                                                                   He will be visiting ICTheatre frequently to pass on his
                                                                   expertise and believes that our graduates will have the
                                                                   highest possible chance of success.

                                                                   “ICTheatre has established itself as one of the major
                                                                   university courses in the UK for performance training,
                                                                   allowing its students to launch their own ideas in a
                                                                   safe and creative atmosphere, teaching life skills and
                                                                   invaluable professional techniques used throughout the
                                                                   industry today.

                                                                   “Individual talent, personal discipline and hard work
                                                                   are instrumental, along with the personal and physical
                                                                   well-being essential to sustaining a career in whatever
                                                                   path you take.

                                                                   “I believe ICTheatre’s training professionals perform at
                                                                   the highest possible level to face the challenges they
                                                                   will undoubtedly encounter throughout their lives in
                                                                   one of the most rewarding and exciting careers you
                                                                   could imagine.

                                                                   “ICTheatre has established a new path by teaching
                                                                   skills to deal with whatever life throws at you in the 21st
                                                                   century, either professionally or personally. For this
                                                                   reason, I am very proud to be Patron.”

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22 Institute for Contemporary Theatre
Acting 21st Century
                                                                   Tom Mothersdale

                                                                   Tom has worked consistently in film, television, radio
                                                                   and stage productions, playing lead roles at The
                                                                   Globe, Headlong Theatre, The Almeida, The Young
                                                                   Vic, The Royal Court and The National Theatre.

                                                                   In 2015, he won an Ian Charleson Award for his
                                                                   performance in The Cherry Orchard and performed
                                                                   in Ella Hickson’s play Oil at The Almeida, which was
                                                                   voted best play of the year by the Guardian.

                                                                   He then went on to perform in the critically acclaimed
                                                                   John at The National Theatre, directed by James
                                                                   Macdonald, before playing the title role of Richard III
                                                                   with the Headlong theatre company in 2019.

                                                                   Tom has worked extensively on screen – playing roles
                                                                   in long-running British television series such as
                                                                   Peaky Blinders, Endeavour and Doc Martin.

                                                                   Tom also worked on Overlord, a Hollywood movie
                                                                   produced by Star Wars director J.J. Abrams. He was
                                                                   also named in The Times as one of the top five young
                                                                   actors to look out for in 2019.

                                                                   “I am honoured to be the Patron of Acting for the 21st
                                                                   Century. ICTheatre is an exciting new college with
                                                                   an ethos and integrity that I admire. The energy,
                                                                   inclusivity and forward-thinking nature of this course
                                                                   are fantastic and unique. I am delighted to
                                                                   be involved.

                                                                   “As actors training at ICTheatre, know that you are
                                                                   enough: interesting enough, complex enough. You
                                                                   are human. Humans are fascinating. Don’t try and be
                                                                   remarkable. Just be present, be open, always listen,
                                                                   notice detail, accept your vulnerability, use your
                                                                   imagination. Training to be an actor is a wonderful,
                                                                   challenging, extraordinary thing. Take every
                                                                   opportunity that it affords you.”

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Hip Hop Artistry
                                                                   Ron Elliston
                                                                   DJ and International Producer

                                                                   As a producer and globally recognised DJ, Ron’s
                                                                   credits include P. Diddy, Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, 50
                                                                   Cent and Snoop Dogg.

                                                                   He has been a musician in various bands and toured
                                                                   the world, having had long-term record deals with
                                                                   Virgin and Sony Music. He’s worked with many
                                                                   musicians, from Paul Weller to Bootsy Collins.

                                                                   Ron is joining ICTheatre as Hip Hop Artistry Patron
                                                                   and will bring valuable insight into the hip hop scene
                                                                   and culture. He has a wealth of knowledge and
                                                                   expertise that has spanned an exciting and
                                                                   diverse career.

                                                                   Ron is connected across the globe and is looking
                                                                   forward to being a key mentor to our students.

                                                                   “This is the first time I have become aware of a course
                                                                   where somebody from a very young age might look
                                                                   and say: ‘I want to go to university because I want to
                                                                   do that course’ – and that to me is amazing!

                                                                   “These training professionals are going to see
                                                                   doors open to so many aspects of the
                                                                   entertainment industry.

                                                                   “Like the other Patrons here at ICTheatre, I will
                                                                   be hands-on to help give opportunities and work
                                                                   placements that allow the experiences necessary to
                                                                   be industry-ready whilst making sure the industry
                                                                   keeps heavily involved on a day-to-day basis. This will
                                                                   be the place where they will come to find our future
                                                                   leaders… and that is why I am so proud to be Patron of
                                                                   the Hip Hop Artistry Route.”

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Hip Hop Artistry
                                                                   Jonzi D
                                                                   MC, Dancer, Spoken Word Artist, Director

                                                                   Jonzi D has been actively involved in British hip hop
                                                                   culture, rapping and b-boying in clubs and on the
                                                                   street since the early 1980s.

                                                                   Since graduating from London Contemporary
                                                                   Dance School, Jonzi has been committed to the
                                                                   development of hip hop theatre. He was an Associate
                                                                   Artist at The Place and has performed and created
                                                                   dance theatre pieces worldwide.

                                                                   Jonzi is an Associate Artist of Sadler’s Wells and is
                                                                   based at the theatre. He devised and directed TAG...
                                                                   Just Writing My Name in 2006, IVAN in 2006 and
                                                                   Markus the Sadist, a rap theatre piece in 2009.
                                                                   All pieces have successfully toured the UK to
                                                                   critical acclaim.

                                                                   Jonzi has choreographed and featured in various hip
                                                                   hop inspired fashion shows. He is also the curator
                                                                   and host of the acclaimed Breakin’ Convention – the
                                                                   international hip hop, dance and theatre festival
                                                                   nominated for a South Bank Show award and now in
                                                                   its tenth year.

                                                                   As an MC/poet, Jonzi has worked with The Roots,
                                                                   Steve Williamson, Mannafest, Lenny Henry, MC
                                                                   Mell‘O’, and toured with Gang Starr. He appeared on
                                                                   HBO’s Def Poetry Jam, Channel 4’s Faking It, and his
                                                                   short films Silence Da Bitchin’ and Aeroplane Man
                                                                   were screened on Channel 4.

                                                                   He is the creator and host of the successful open mic/
                                                                   jam sessions Apricot Jam and Vertika Cypher and
                                                                   presented the 4Dance for Channel 4 in 2005.

                                                                   Jonzi was also the performance mentor for Urban
                                                                   Classic at Hackney Empire in February 2006 and was
                                                                   listed as one of the top ten positive black musical role
                                                                   models by MOBO in 2007. He also directed Hectic
                                                                   Dialectic as part of the Rozamira Festival in Moscow.

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Professional &
   • Mindfulness                                                Your lecturers
   • Nutrition
   • Physiotherapy
   • Personal Training                                          Katie Stibbs
                                                                Head of Professional and Personal Development
   In order to sustain a career in the performing arts, it is   and Mindfulness
   not only essential that actors are trained to
   perform at the highest level, but they should also be        The goal is to reduce stress, develop the facility to
   equipped, both mentally and physically, to face the          stay present in the moment and work on the negative
   challenges they will inevitably encounter as they            thought processes and habitual behaviours that
   enter the business.                                          undermine an individual’s ability to evolve fully as
                                                                a performer.
   We take the well-being of our students very seriously
   at ICTheatre, offering a unique approach that embeds
   the practice of daily meditation and mindfulness into        Emily Rose
   the fabric of the training.                                  Nutritional Therapist

   Students are instructed in the principle of strategic        Students engage in training that is both intensive
   intervention, which is a process aimed not only at           and often highly physical at ICTheatre. Resident
   solving problems but also at expanding the capacity          expert Emily will provide Masterclasses and advice
   for happiness.                                               offered on a one-to-one basis in nutrition and
                                                                dietary requirements.
   Talent, discipline and hard work are fundamental.
   Still, mental and physical well-being are also crucial
   to sustain a career in the industry and gain fulfilment      Antony Causton
   in all aspects of life.                                      Physiotherapist

   It is very much part of the ICTheatre ethos to               To keep bodies healthy and injury-free, a
   create an environment that is nurturing, authentic           physiotherapist is on hand to periodically check
   and inspirational.                                           that everything is on track, and if not, to rehabilitate
                                                                individuals through exercise and advice.
   We want our students to be self-motivated, confident
   and adaptable as they develop into the best possible
   version of themselves.

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BIMM Institute
BIMM Institute is Europe’s largest, most connected
music institute, with eight colleges based in vibrant
musical cities across the UK (including Brighton and
Manchester), Germany and Ireland.

As part of BIMM Institute, ICTheatre has close links
with the successful music college. This connectivity
offers great scope for collaboration between the
musicians, entrepreneurs and producers from BIMM
and the actors, dancers and performers
from ICTheatre.

Screen and Film School
ICTheatre training professionals work closely with
Screen and Film School in Brighton, one of the most
reputable film schools in the UK. We are thrilled that
Screen and Film School has launched in Manchester,
giving new students the opportunity to work together
on creative projects and industry set briefs.

Actors will have the opportunity to work with
filmmakers and hone their acting for camera skills,
whilst filmmakers will be able to direct and produce
alongside trainee performers.

Northern Ballet School
Running side by side in the ‘iconic’ Dancehouse
in Manchester, we are proud to be linking with the
prestigious Northern Ballet School.

Northern Ballet School is an international centre of
excellence in training for classical ballet and musical
theatre. It perfectly complements the groundbreaking
degrees in Performing Arts that ICTheatre is
known for.

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Lecturers                                                 Industry
                                    ——                                                        ——
                                    As professional dancers, singers, directors, actors,      Our success is your success.
                                    choreographers and producers, our lecturers have all
                                    enjoyed busy careers across a range of industry roles,    We understand how serious you are about forging a
                                    with many continuing to do so alongside their work        career in the entertainment business, and we’re just
                                    at ICTheatre.                                             as determined to get you right into the heart of
                                                                                              the industry.
                                    This means our training professionals benefit from
                                    the first-hand experience and up-to-the-minute            We have a wide range of industry connections,
                                    advice of those with their fingers firmly on the pulse    including:
                                    of the industry.
                                                                                              • Broadway and West End Producers
                                    Alongside our core classes, we run short courses and      • Film and TV Production Houses
                                    Masterclasses to deepen your skills and inspire new       • Casting Directors
                                    ideas about who you are as a creative artist. These are   • Talent Agents in both London and LA
                                    led by specialist teachers and industry professionals.    • West End Theatre Directors
                                                                                              • Choreographers
                                    In the past, Training Professionals have chosen from      • Technicians and Creatives
                                    a variety of courses, including:
                                                                                              All of these industry professionals have been involved
                                    • Circus and Aerial Skills                                in designing this course through our regular industry
                                    • TV Presenting                                           advisory panel (IAP) meetings.
                                    • Spoken Word
                                    • Acting for Film                                         Through our connections, you’ll be lucky enough
                                    • Heels Commercial                                        to have direct access to some of the industry’s
                                    • Stage Combat and Stunt                                  top professionals.
                                    • Latin Jazz
                                    • Recording Studio Sessions                               These are some of the most successful people in the
                                    • Breaking Workshops                                      business today and will be instrumental in preparing
                                                                                              you for your career in the performing arts industry.

ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23   30   ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                                                                                     31
The ICTheatre
                                    Employable and Entrepreneurial                           Socially Responsible
                                    As an ICTheatre graduate, you will act with              You will understand how your actions can enhance
                                    professionalism and integrity and will demonstrate       the well-being of others and will be equipped to make
                                    entrepreneurial skills to your collaborators and         a valuable contribution to society.
                                    potential employers, including:
                                    • Exemplary communication skills                         You will demonstrate an informed understanding of
                                    • Efficient time management                              your discipline or professional practice and the ability
                                    • Effective self-managed independent and                 to question its principles, practices and boundaries.
                                      team working
                                    • Respect for the opinions of others and the ability     Intellectually Curious
                                      to receive criticism and use it constructively         You will demonstrate initiative, self-reflection,
                                    • Imaginative, creative and critical thinking            academic integrity and ethical responsibility.
                                    • Effective problem solving
                                    • Digital literacy                                       You will possess powers of analysis and evaluation, as
                                    • Numeracy                                               well as an appreciation of other disciplines and forms
                                    • A strong sense of personal and professional identity   of professional practice beyond your own. Crucially,
                                                                                             you will be able to draw connections between
                                    Resilient and Adaptable                                  these areas.
                                    You will be confident and resilient enough to recover
                                    quickly from setbacks.                                   Self-Aware
                                                                                             You will be equipped and willing to continue learning
                                    Creative, Collaborative and Connected                    throughout your professional and personal life.
                                    You will be self-assured enough to form lifelong
                                    creative networks where you can connect and              You will set yourself high standards and demonstrate
                                    collaborate with others on activities or projects.       qualities that enable you to be a reflective and
                                                                                             independent lifelong learner.
                                    Globally Aware
                                    You will be confident enough to act effectively in
                                    settings where language and culture are unfamiliar
                                    to you and will understand international context and
                                    practices both within and beyond your discipline.

ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23   32   ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                                                                                   33
ICTheatre offers a wide range of Masterclasses
with performers and industry experts. Our training
professionals have the opportunity to engage with
actors, producers and other industry specialists.

You will get to see industry partners’ work, ask
questions, and gain invaluable insight into the
                                                                                                        MARISHA WALLACE
performing industry.                                                                                        Star of Broadway and
                                                                                                           West End Musical Theatre

                                                             KENDRA HORSBURGH
                                                                Movement Architect and
                                                                Founder of BirdGang Ltd

                                                                                                                                      DOMINIC KEAVEY
                                                                                                                                        British TV Director,
                                                   PAUL BAZELY                                                                         Drama, Soap and Film
                                                     TV and Film Actor

ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                                                         34   ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                                         35
Make Brighton your campus


                                    Brighton is one of the UK’s foremost cultural
                                    hubs and an epicentre for the arts. This open-
                                    minded and forward-thinking seaside haven
                                    attracts creative talent and industry figures in
                                    equal measure, earning its nickname of ‘London

                                    For creatives, the city boasts key events each
                                    year such as Brighton Festival, Brighton Fringe,
                                    The Great Escape and more, all of which pull
                                    international musicians, artists, actors and
                                    creatives to the city.

ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23   36   ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                       37
Around Town

Creative city                         History                              Creative freedom                       Life by the sea                       A great way to start your career       With such a vibrant cultural hub on
Welcome to Brighton: one of the       Dating back to the early 1800s,      Together with a vivid history,         In 2019, Brighton was voted the       For decades, Brighton has been         your doorstep, you’ll find Brighton
most liberal and friendly cities in   Brighton’s Theatre Royal is one      Brighton is known for its              happiest place to live and work       a magnet for forward-thinking          is the perfect place to hone your
the UK.                               of the longest-running traditional   free-thinking ethos.                   in the UK (CV-Library), not least     innovators and creators of             creative skills.
                                      theatres in the country, playing                                            because of its award-winning          all kinds.
Home to all manner of performers      host to West End productions,        This is mirrored in an eclectic        beach. Few locations can boast
and artists, this vibrant and         musicals, dramas, ballets and        roster of creativity and               a cosmopolitan city lifestyle just    Today, it is widely regarded as one
dynamic city is the capital for       comedies.                            performance in both traditional        a short walk from an iconic           of the UK’s premier talent hubs
creativity. From local street art                                          and contemporary spaces                seaside escape.                       as well as a significant focal point
to international stage shows,         Just a 30-second walk away, set      throughout the city.                                                         within the creative industries.
Brighton is the place to pursue       alongside the lush Royal Pavilion                                           Of course, there’s more to Brighton
your passion.                         Garden, is the Brighton Dome. This                                          than just sun, sea and… pebbles.
                                      stunning Grade I listed building                                            Annual music, arts and cultural
                                      produces 600 performance                                                    festivals like Brighton Fringe,
                                      events every year, including the                                            Pride, The Great Escape and an
                                      internationally acclaimed                                                   abundance of culinary events
                                      mixed-arts celebration,                                                     make this city an incredibly
                                      Brighton Festival.                                                          exciting place to live and study.

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                                    Bird Studios                                             Hamilton House

                                    Our main degree campus is on the seafront in             Hamilton House, located in Vantage Point and right
                                    Portslade, a short bus ride from the city centre.        in the city centre, is close to Brighton’s famous North
                                                                                             Laine and bustling London Road.
                                    This campus has ten large studios with high ceilings
                                    and a gorgeous sea view through huge windows. All        With several studios catering to all disciplines,
                                    studios are fully equipped to deliver our performing     Hamilton House boasts sprung flooring, vocal rooms
                                    arts courses to the highest possible standard. This      and an intimate black box studio theatre.
                                    includes sprung flooring, ballet barres, wall mirrors,
                                    keyboards, digital equipment, sound systems, and an
                                    in-house theatre.

                                    The huge studio complex has luxury changing areas,
                                    showers, a spacious reception and a café, not to
                                    mention self-study pods and a motion capture suite.

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Make Manchester your campus


                                    Manchester is one of the most creatively vibrant
                                    cities in the UK. It’s home to a vast number of
                                    historic theatres, contemporary performance
                                    spaces and cutting-edge film and
                                    technology hubs.

                                    It’s a cultural nucleus with numerous creative
                                    strongholds, making it the perfect place to
                                    launch a career in artistic performance.

ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23   42   ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                       43
Around Town

Creative city                         Find your stage                       HOME Theatre                          Festivals                              Living here
Welcome to Manchester, one of         The Palace Theatre, The Opera         Known as a leader for international   Creating performance spaces from       Greater Manchester is the UK’s        Combine this with world-class arts,
the most creatively industrious       House, The Lowry, Bridgewater         contemporary art, theatre and         theatres and art galleries to live     third largest city and is known to    digital media and creative scenes
cities in the UK.                     Hall, The Dancehouse, The             film, HOME opened in 2015 and         venues and car parks, Manchester       be a friendly and affordable          – plus a legendary reputation for
                                      Comedy Store. The list goes on!       is the venue for a wide variety of    International Festival is one of the   place to live.                        nightclubbing and live music – and
This city is a cultural melting                                             installations, dance shows and all    most eclectic and exciting biennial                                          you’d be hard-pressed for reasons
pot, an official UNESCO City          With too many historic staples        manner of stage productions. It’s a   multi-media events in the UK – and     Locals are famed for their humour     not to study here.
of Literature, and the home of        to mention, Manchester’s              true jewel of Manchester’s            just one of the numerous regular       and a deep-rooted sense of
Bluedot Festival, The Warehouse       entertainment and performance         cultural crown.                       festival events happening in and       pride that stems from the city’s
Project, The Chase Creative           spaces are a haven for local talent                                         around Manchester.                     industrious working-class heritage.
Consultancy and the artistic          and international touring
vibrancy of the famous Northern       artists alike.
Quarter. Manchester’s creative
growth rate is among the highest in
the UK – come and be a part of it.

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                                    The Manchester campus of ICTheatre has made its
                                    home in The Dancehouse. Here, ICTheatre occupies
                                    three floors of a phenomenal 1930s Art Deco building
                                    on Manchester’s famous ‘student corridor’ on Oxford

                                    The Dancehouse has been the location for the
                                    prestigious Northern Ballet School. Now, our two
                                    colleges will work side by side, giving our students
                                    unparalleled training in these beautiful high-end,
                                    purpose-built spaces.

                                    The Dancehouse provides one of the most
                                    comprehensively appointed training facilities to be
                                    found. Not only do the five generous studios have a
                                    professional standard sprung beech wood Harlequin
                                    floor, but each is equipped with full-height wall
                                    mirrors, barres, infrared heating, cooling fans and
                                    a piano.

                                    The jewel in the crown is that the original Art Deco
                                    400-seat theatre has one of the largest stages in
                                    Manchester. This means that ICTheatre students will
                                    enjoy facilities that most drama school students can
                                    only dream about.

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Our Training
                               “I’ve learnt so much this year about myself as a                                            “I couldn’t recommend a better school or course.
                               performer, more than I can count! One of my main                                            The support system and the way it’s sculpted for each
                               takeaways is to just go for things – if something                                           individual makes you feel so validated as a person.
                               goes wrong, so what? We’re here to make mistakes,
                               and everyone is in the same boat, so the more you                                           “The intense training is everything you could
                               immerse yourself, the more you’ll take out of it.                                           hope for.”

                               “I think my ICTheatre highlight is meeting everyone
                               at the school and making friends that I will genuinely
                               keep for life. I had such an amazing college
                               experience that I didn’t think I would find friends like
                               it again, but the people I have met at ICTheatre have
                               well and truly proven me wrong.”

Maisie Wild                                                                                 Darrion Frazer
BA (Hons) Performing Arts                                                                   BA (Hons) Performing Arts

                               “I had such a positive experience studying with                                             “ICTheatre has been such a support over my three
                               ICTheatre as part of the first cohort. I started in 2017,                                   years here. Early on, they spotted my eagerness to
                               knowing I loved performing but clueless about where                                         experiment with the technical side of the industry.
                               I wanted my career to go or how to get there. During                                        Within the first year, I had already been given
                               my three years, I went through some mental health                                           opportunities within the school to light shows, and I
                               troubles, and the whole team provided me with top                                           really found my passion for this.
                               quality support and advice.
                                                                                                                           “ICTheatre provided me with the opportunities to
                               “Since graduating from ICTheatre in June 2020, I                                            work with E3 Events on their annual pantomime and
                               have been working hard on growing a career in social                                        supported me through this. During my third year, I
                               media; I started posting original comedy content on                                         was also given the opportunity to go and work the
                               TikTok, and today, I have amassed a total of 650,000                                        rehearsal process for the musical Bat Out Of Hell.
                               followers and 8.5 million likes. ICTheatre gifted me                                        To be able to do this whilst I was still in training was
                               the self-belief and entrepreneurship skills                                                 incredible and just goes to show how ICTheatre are
                               that have allowed me to do so well thus far.                                                constantly on the lookout for opportunities for you
                               Thank you ICTheatre.”                                                                       to go into the industry whilst you have the support
                                                                                                                           behind you. I cannot thank ICTheatre enough for
Holly Hoskison                                                                              Lucie Francis
ICTheatre Graduate                                                                          ICTheatre Graduate             these opportunities. They have really helped to create
                                                                                                                           these connections for more work.”

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Our Training
                               “ICTheatre has provided me with the opportunity to
                               start building my career before graduating. I’ve been
                               fortunate enough to have gotten my first professional
                               gig during the summer following the completion of my
                               second year. It was a lead role in an advert for Epson
                               printers. It was exciting to be on a professional set,
                               and I felt well-prepared thanks to the training I’ve
                               received. The experience also gave me insight into
                               what it’s like having the lead role in an advert
                               (spoiler: it’s very tiring but so incredibly rewarding).

                               “If anything, this gig, as well as my time at ICTheatre,
                               has got me looking forward to getting out there in
                               the industry full-time. I also feel extremely fortunate
                               knowing that the lecturers and staff at my uni will be
                               here to support me and will continue to do so once I
                               become an official alumna.”
Noa Bleeker
ICTheatre Graduate

                               “ICTheatre has equipped me with the skills I need in
                               the industry: punctuality, perseverance, hard work,
                               commitment, and a professional work ethic.

                               “In the last year, I have worked on voiceover work for
                               a BBC Radio 4 show, and my teachers at ICTheatre
                               were able to help me train and enhance my voice
                               to showcase the best of my abilities. I have also
                               worked on a music video for Skinny Living’s song ‘No
                               Messiah’ and an advertisement for Adidas featuring
                               Kano. Through the Agency and ICTheatre, I was also
                               able to be a part of Jack Whitehall’s Stand Up tour.

                               “These are all experiences I wouldn’t have had
                               without ICTheatre and their partnership with the
                               Brown and Mills Entertainment Agency. These
                               are opportunities I would never have been able to
Lydia Danistan
ICTheatre Graduate             seize if it were not for ICTheatre’s brilliant training,
                               curriculum and selfless staff members and teachers.

                               “I really and truly admire how ICTheatre treats their
                               students as professionals. They are eager to train
                               their students and showcase them to the industry.”

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Meet Your Lecturers
Here is a selection of some of
the brilliant lecturers you will learn
from at ICTheatre.

Lindon Barr                          Lorraine Davis                       Phil Edgerley                            Callum Arnott                          Robin Belfield                        Julie Alanah-Brighten
Hip Hop Artistry Lecturer            Principal Lecturer: Dance/           Principal Lecturer: Acting               Acting Lecturer                        Principal Lecturer:                   Head of Vocals
                                     Opportunities and Inclusion Lead                                                                                     Contemporary MT
Hip Hop Artistry/Commercial
Lecturer Lindon was nominated        Lorraine is a performance artist,    Phil is a professional actor             Callum has worked extensively on       Robin is a theatre director, writer   Julie’s career has covered many
for Broadway World UK’s award        teacher and choreographer and        whose international career has           the international street theatre       and educator with experience in       aspects of the industry. As an
for Best Choreographer alongside     has worked professionally all over   encompassed all areas of the             circuit with innovative physical       making theatre of different scales    actress, she’s starred in many West
the likes of Matthew Bourne and      the world as a dancer, performer,    industry. He has acted in nine           theatre companies like Artizani,       and in a variety of settings – from   End productions such as Beauty &
Peter Darling. He is set to keep     teacher and choreographer.           productions with the RSC and             Reckless Invention and Bread and       Shakespeare to musical theatre.       the Beast as Belle and Tell Me on
the West End, Broadway and the                                            was invited to become part of Sir        Butter, appearing at major festivals                                         a Sunday. She has also appeared
commercial world on their toes for   Lorraine currently teaches Matt      Michael Boyd’s Long Ensemble             and events around the world.           As Young People’s Performance         on TV with the likes of Paul
a long time to come. He has also     Mattox Jazz Technique and Tap        company in 2011.                                                                Developer for the Royal               Whitehouse and Kelsey Grammer.
been the National Adult              for ICTheatre. We are proud to                                                He has a number of television          Shakespeare Company, Robin
Freestyle champion.                  have Lorraine as ICTheatre’s                                                  credits to his name, including         developed and directed projects       As a professional singer, she’s
                                     Opportunities and Inclusion                                                   appearances on Coronation Street,      with young people all over            been a guest vocalist for many
                                     Lead. Within this role, she will                                              Doctors, Fresh Meat, Fat Friends       England. As part of this work, he     years with Kitsch Lounge Riot
                                     head up our initiative to make the                                            and Queer As Folk.                     established and led the RSC’s Next    at Café de Paris in Piccadilly,
                                     performing arts a fairer and more                                                                                    Generation initiative (working        singing alongside Sam Brown,
                                     inclusive industry.                                                                                                  in partnership with several           Clare Teal, Jamie Cullum and
                                                                                                                                                          regional theatres) to deliver         The Foundations.
                                                                                                                                                          a successful national talent
                                                                                                                                                          development programme.
                                                                                                                                                                                                You can find out more about our
                                                                                                                                                                                                lecturers at ictheatre.ac.uk

ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                                                                                  54   ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                                                                                   55
Meet Your Lecturers
Here is a selection of some of
the brilliant lecturers you will learn
from at ICTheatre.

Faye Streek                          Elianne Hawley
Principal Lecturer: Vocals           Acting Lecturer

Faye has a prolific, long-standing   Elianne has over 30 years of
international reputation as a live   experience in the industry,
performer, session artist, vocal     working on stage, screen and
coach and songwriter.                radio. Alongside her acting career,
                                     Elianne has also worked as
She has written and performed        a choreographer and
music seen and heard all over        movement director.
the world, including a No.1
single on iTunes with a Grammy       She has developed a physical
award-winning record label           approach to actor training, which
(Nashville TN). Faye has sung        informs her teaching work. Elianne
in many live TV performances,        has taught at many drama schools
and her interview features as a      as a freelance tutor. In recent
recommended artist on Splice.        years, her focus has expanded
She has written for international    to designing and delivering a
advertising campaigns, been a        contemporary approach to screen
demo performer and writer for        actor training that’s totally in line
Eurovision, and has European         with the ICTheatre ethos.
touring experience.

ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                                                 56   ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23   57
BA (Hons)

BA (Hons) Performing Arts

                                    The Three Pathways

                                    Contemporary Musical Theatre
                                    Acting for the 21st Century
                                    Hip Hop Artistry
                                    3 years full-time
                                    UCAS Code: W400
                                    Brighton UCAS Code: T
                                    Manchester UCAS Code: U

                                    Overview                               discovery and entrepreneurship.       Progression Route
                                    BA (Hons) Performing Arts              The previous year’s work will be      Graduates can progress directly
                                    consists of three pathways:            applied to a range of styles, and     into the entertainment industry
                                    Contemporary Musical Theatre,          you will be encouraged to explore     in roles such as a Musical Theatre
                                    Acting for the 21st Century and Hip    material that makes all sorts of      performer, actor, dancer and
                                    Hop Artistry, each providing in-       different demands from you.           singer. You might find throughout
                                    depth training shaped by current                                             your training that other jobs within
                                    industry trends.                       In the third year, you have the       the Performing Arts sector catch
                                                                           chance to select from specific        your eye, such as director, teacher,
                                    Technique, work ethic, confidence      options to meet the needs of the      stage manager or writer.
                                    and self-awareness are areas of        industry. This is a crucial element
                                    focus that will give you the tools     of training as you are given the      Entry Requirements
                                    required to succeed in meeting the     opportunity to explore your           All applicants will be required to
                                    demands of the business.               identity as an emerging               attend an audition and interview.
                                                                           creative artist.                      Remote submissions are possible
                                    In your first year, the focus will                                           where appropriate. Please see
                                    be on technique, ensuring that         The BA (Hons) Performing Arts         page 82 for more details.
                                    fundamental skills are embedded.       encourages independence,
                                    An important element of your           entrepreneurism and innovation
                                    initial year of training is to begin   because these qualities will be
                                                                                                                 For further information on our courses,
                                    understanding yourself as a            required of any performer entering    visit our website ictheatre.ac.uk
                                    creative artist to explore the         the contemporary performing arts
                                    stories you want to tell.              industry. We don’t want you           The option modules advertised as
                                                                                                                 available for ICTheatre courses are subject
                                                                           to just get work; we want you to      to variation dependant on minimum
                                    The second year continues              create work.                          student numbers and the availability
                                    with the process of embedding                                                of specialist resources at each college
                                                                                                                 (please refer to our terms and conditions
                                    technique and furthering self-                                               for further detail).

ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23   60   ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                                                                                           61
BA (Hons) Performing Arts
Contemporary Musical
Theatre Pathway

Being a musical theatre performer     contemporary musical theatre
today means you need to be much       performer.
more than a triple threat; you
need a skill set that makes you       The BA (Hons) Performing Arts:
unique. You also need a direct and    Contemporary Musical Theatre
extensive network and an innate       Pathway includes:
understanding of the industry you
will be working in.                   • High-end industry standard
                                        acting, dance and vocal training
Alongside classic high-end musical
theatre training, we offer            • Physical and contemporary
a programme that develops               theatre practice, puppetry and
other skills essential to a musical     circus skills
theatre performer to broaden work
opportunities and connections.        • TV and film techniques in
ICTheatre boasts a wide network         conjunction with Screen and
of industry professionals directly      Film School
connected to the industry our
graduates will be stepping into.      • Programmes taught and devised
                                        by our network of West End
With a toolbox of freshly               performers, producers, directors
developed current industry skills,      and choreographers
you will be the most versatile,
employable version of yourself and    • Incredible personal
open to a long career as a new-age      and professional
                                        development programme

ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                                               64   ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23   65
BA (Hons) Performing Arts
                                    Acting for the 21st Century

                                    The industry has changed and           We will help you to shape your own
                                    continues to do so. It is no longer    creative identity, explore what you
                                    simply a case of just training to be   can offer as an artist, discover new
                                    an actor and then waiting for your     passions and develop your existing
                                    agent to give you a call.              skills through:

                                    In today’s contemporary theatre,       • Rigorous training from
                                    film and television industries,          experienced practitioners
                                    an actor needs to be skilled,            working in both film and theatre
                                    adaptable, entrepreneurial
                                    and passionate.                        • A choice of options running
                                                                             alongside your core training
                                    Creative work prospects are out
                                    there – you just need to learn how     • Thorough preparation for the
                                    to find them. You’ll also need to        industry, including marketing,
                                    learn how to take opportunities,         self-taping, audition technique
                                    as well as how to make them for          and presentation
                                                                           • TV and film techniques in
                                    Our rigorous training will equip         conjunction with Screen and
                                    you both technically and creatively      Film School
                                    to succeed as an actor, as well as
                                    introduce you to a range of areas      • A chance to hone your own
                                    that you may never have                  creative identity in the third year
                                    explored before.                         and deepen your skills in areas
                                                                             where you have thrived

ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23   66   ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                                                   67
BA (Hons) Performing Arts
Hip Hop Artistry Pathway

The only degree pathway of its        springboard required to enter the
kind, Hip Hop Artistry Pathway        creative industries at the highest
on BA (Hons) Performing Arts is       level. The course includes:
the most current and innovative
course in the marketplace today.      • Hip hop, street, commercial and
Focusing on elements of hip hop         freestyle dance techniques
culture and dance techniques, you
will explore how this revolution is   • YouTubing, influencing and TV
continuing to thrive globally and       presenting skills
how to find your place within it.
                                      • Hip hop theatre and
With a strong emphasis on               production projects
personal, professional and
commercial development, you           • Artist development and hip
will become a multi-faceted             hop culture
entrepreneur, primarily focusing
on your skills as a dance artist      • Music, vocal and beat production
and also taking full advantage of
ICTheatre’s training in TV, music     • Studio and live
and film, plus top drawer digital       performance technique
and media skills.

In conjunction with world-
renowned dance agencies, this
route is set to give you the

ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23                                               70   ICTheatre Prospectus 2022/23   71
BA (Hons) Production Management
                                    and Entrepreneurship*
                                    3 years full-time
                                    UCAS Code: W450
                                    Brighton UCAS Code: T
                                    Manchester UCAS Code: U

                                    Overview                                The course will be supported by         Progression Route
                                    This unique course will prepare         more traditional skills like business   Graduates can progress to
                                    future entrepreneurs to create,         ethics and entertainment law,           employment in creative roles such
                                    run, manage and finance a wide          market research and consultancy.        as Artists Management, Brand
                                    range of 21st-century productions.                                              Ambassador, Stage Management,
                                                                            You’ll hone your knowledge over         Conceptual Designer, Event
                                    Not only will you graduate knowing      the course with core modules,           Designer, Event Finance
                                    how to make tough decisions,            such as:                                Co-ordinator, Producer, Line
                                    but you’ll also know how to                                                     Producer, Production Manager,
                                    be innovative, informed,                • Event Concept and Design              Production Coordinator, Artists
                                    supportive, collaborative and           • Event Safety and Legal                Liaison, Festival Programmer,
                                    creative – along with other key         Responsibilities                        Event Logistics, Post-production
                                    skills necessary for a portfolio        • Arts Marketing                        Coordinator and more.
                                    career in the creative industries.      • Stage Management
                                    Students will learn how to create       • Financing Creativity                  Entry Requirements
                                    and manage diverse types of             • Business Innovation and               Two A-levels at grade C or above
                                    productions, such as theatrical,        Entertainment Futures                   (64 UCAS points), or BTEC Level 3
                                    musical, TV or film production, or      • Financing Creativity                  Equivalent. Plus, three GCSEs
                                    a blend of different disciplines.       • Business Ethics and                   at a minimum grade of C/4
                                                                            Entertainment Law                       including English Language
                                    As well as the how-to, you                                                      and Mathematics.
                                    will also explore the                   In your second and third years,
                                    responsibilities and strategies         you’ll be able to explore a certain
                                    needed to integrate into future         area that sparks your interest with
                                    diverse entertainment events.           Option Modules, choosing from
                                    There will also be a focus on digital   courses including: ‘The Business
                                    marketing, digital content creation,    and Culture of Hip Hop’, ‘Touring
                                    PR, branding, social media,             and Live Events’, ‘Festival
                                    digital arts, and how to develop        Management’, ‘Diversity in the
                                    concepts, strategies and pitches.       Creative Industries, ‘Venue
                                                                            Management’, and ‘Design and
                                                                            Technical Theatre’.
                                                                                                                    For further information on our
                                                                                                                    courses, visit ictheatre.ac.uk

                                                                                                                    *Course subject to approval from
                                                                                                                    BIMM Institute.

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