2023 school leavers' guide to jobs and training - Career options and information - Queensland Government

Page created by Rosa Myers
2023 school leavers' guide to jobs and training - Career options and information - Queensland Government
2023 school leavers’ guide
to jobs and training
Career options and information
2023 school leavers' guide to jobs and training - Career options and information - Queensland Government
This publication is protected by the Copyright Act 1968.
© State of Queensland, August 2022.

This work is licensed by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training under the
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To view a copy of this licence, visit: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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While every care has been taken in preparing this publication, the State of Queensland accepts no
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2023 school leavers' guide to jobs and training - Career options and information - Queensland Government
How to use this guide
This guide is designed to provide you with a one-stop point of reference for contemporary
career resources and information to your next big step; beyond the school gates!
The guide should be used in its electronic format so that links to resources and websites
remain ‘live’.
Content has been divided into sections, as follows:
• Career and further study exploration – find resources to help you consider employment
and further study options.
• Subsidised training and incentives – search for subsidised training and financial assistance.
• Industry specific career exploration – learn about the variety of opportunities across major
Queensland job sectors.
• Preparing to be job ready – find practical tips and information about what it means to be
‘job ready’ from an employer’s viewpoint.
• Assistance with finding a job – explore useful sites to help you search for and secure
• Support for young people: mental health and disability support – access links to a range of
services and programs designed to assist you with mental illness or disability.
• Support for year 13 Indigenous Youth – find out about the Youth Employment Program for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
• Support for young people with cancer – read practical, real examples of overcoming the
challenges faced by young people to engage with school, study and work, during and after
cancer treatment.
• Support for young people living out of home – check out a range of apps and resources,
including financial budgeting tools to successfully transition to independence.
See the back of this guide for a glossary of technology terms.
Interactive feature! Look for the following symbols on the Industry specific career exploration
pages to learn more about how the industry engages technology and current jobs that are in

   EMERGING                  CURRENT JOBS
2023 school leavers' guide to jobs and training - Career options and information - Queensland Government
The 2023 school leavers’ guide to jobs and training has been developed by the Department
of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) to provide information and resources
to school leavers, senior students and those who provide career advice.
Opportunities are rich and varied for today’s job seekers! There are skills shortages across
all industries and regions, with many and varied job opportunities available. Use the job
search tools throughout and at the back of this guide to start searching for your first or
next job.
The guide features industry-focused information about careers and technology adoption.
While most industries were already moving toward a more technologically advanced
and digital world, COVID-19 accelerated change across every industry; including the way
industries go about their business and the skills required to work within them.
Great opportunities exist to support industries to work in new ways, with the future looking
bright for digital skills and technology-based roles in particular. For those industries that
have adapted and those that continue to evolve, there are many exciting changes to be part of!
Consider what industries appeal to you, read about the roles and opportunities that may be
on offer, refer to the resources included for tips and advice on applying for jobs or courses to
support your first, or next career move. Look for the icon on industry pages to click for more
Vocational education and training (VET) can provide you with strong pathways to your
dream job or career, give you skills employers value and may also be an excellent pathway
into higher education, including university. This guide contains resources to assist you in
considering how VET can help you put your best foot forward and reach your career goals.
Congratulations to the graduating cohort of 2022. Well done for making it through and our
best wishes for your future career choices.
Thank you to our industry stakeholders and partners for their input and contributions to
this guide.
2023 school leavers' guide to jobs and training - Career options and information - Queensland Government
Tools and resources to explore career options................................................................ 6
Vocational training and further study............................................................................. 7
Subsidised training and incentives................................................................................. 8

Industry specific career exploration
      Agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture............................................................... 9
      Automotive .......................................................................................................... 10
      Banking and finance.............................................................................................. 11
      Community services.............................................................................................. 12
      Construction......................................................................................................... 13
      Digital Technologies.............................................................................................. 14
      Electrotechnology and utilities:
           Energy........................................................................................................... 15
           Water............................................................................................................. 16
      Film, television and new media.............................................................................. 17
      Fitness, sport, recreation and racing...................................................................... 18
      Health................................................................................................................... 19
      Manufacturing and engineering............................................................................. 20
      Property services, real estate and security............................................................ 21
      Public sector and government:
           Australian Defence Force............................................................................... 22
           Police............................................................................................................ 23
           Government jobs........................................................................................... 24
      Resources and mining........................................................................................... 25
      Retail and personal services.................................................................................. 26
      Tourism, hospitality, accommodation and events.................................................. 27
      Transport and logistics.......................................................................................... 28
Assistance with finding a job....................................................................................... 29
Gain on the job experience.......................................................................................... 29
Mental and physical wellbeing support for young people.............................................. 30
Support for young people with cancer.......................................................................... 30
Support for year 13 Indigenous youth.......................................................................... 31
Preparing for work....................................................................................................... 31
My future, My choice videos......................................................................................... 32
Link and Launch.......................................................................................................... 32
Support for young people living out of home................................................................ 33
Glossary...................................................................................................................... 34
2023 school leavers' guide to jobs and training - Career options and information - Queensland Government
Tools and resources
to explore career options
There are a tonne of websites to help you focus your research and find out what job or career will
suit your interests and abilities, so you can make the right decision for you. We have selected a few
to help you get started, with different tools to help you uncover your future career.

Discover My Career tool                                 Australian Apprenticeships Pathways
The Discover My Career tool is designed to help         Australian Apprenticeships Pathways is a
you choose to do something you’re good at and           national information hub for those considering
that you will love doing. It can help you narrow        an apprenticeship. Apprenticeships and
down the variables so you can feel confident in         traineeships combine training with work. You
your decisions. An access fee applies.                  work in a real job, with a real boss, for a real
    tafeqld.edu.au/campaign-pages/                      wage while learning invaluable skills and gaining
    discover-my-career/index                            a nationally recognised qualification.
Use the myfuture resources to explore career
pathways and build your knowledge to help you           Foundation for Young Australians (FYA)
make decisions about your career.
                                                        FYA is all about backing the next generation
    myfuture.edu.au                                     of young people who are going to rethink the
                                                        world and create a better future. If you count
                                                        yourself among the future changemakers,
Skillsroad                                              innovators, makers, dreamers, thinkers,
Skillsroad offers tools to help you discover your       doers and creators, check out how you can be
true skill set and match your skills, interests and     supported through the FYA.
qualification to different careers. Arm yourself
with the right information for your career journey.       fya.org.au

                                                        Could a robot do your job?
Job Jumpstart                                           If you are concerned about the impact of artificial
Whether you are still at school, on a gap year
                                                        intelligence (AI) on your chosen profession,
or graduating from uni, Job Jumpstart offers
                                                        check out this resource.
resources and activities to help you work out what
jobs might suit you.                                      abc.net.au/news/2017-08-08/could-a-robot-
    jobjumpstart.gov.au                                   do-your-job-artificialintelligence/8782174

Your Career                                             Occupational skill shortages
Information and help to plan and manage
                                                        The Australian Department of Education,
your career.
                                                        Skills and Employment carries out research to
    yourcareer.gov.au                                   identify occupational skill shortages. Check out
                                                        occupations in demand and opportunities in
                                                        metropolitan and regional Queensland.
The Good Careers Guide
Use the Careers tab to find out about jobs you are        occupational-skill-shortages-information
interested in, including pay, hours of work, personal
requirements and related training.

2023 school leavers' guide to jobs and training - Career options and information - Queensland Government
Vocational training and further study

myskills                                            Queensland Training Information
Access current, straightforward, independent        Service
and trustworthy information to help you make        A–Z of all apprenticeship and traineeship
choices about your training options. Search         qualifications currently available in Queensland.
for and compare VET courses and training

                                                    Queensland Skills Gateway
                                                    Once you have identified the vocational education
TAFE Scholarships                                   and training course you would like to do, this site
Achieve your career goals with the help of a        helps you find a registered training organisation
TAFE Queensland scholarship. Click the link         to complete your qualification and any subsidies
below to learn more about the scholarships          that may be available.
available, eligibility criteria and how to apply.     skillsgateway.training.qld.gov.au
                                                    Skill Finder
                                                    Skill Finder gives you access to a range of digital
Indigenous Pathways Portal                          microskills and opportunities for upskilling. A
                                                    range of courses are delivered by world-leading
Search for scholarship opportunities for
                                                    organisations, from coding and design to project
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  aurorafoundation.com.au/our-work/		                 skillfinder.com.au

                                                    Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre
                                                    Find out about study pathways and entry
Digital literacy                                    requirements for tertiary education courses.
Explore online courses to support your digital      Search for courses and apply online for
literacy development. It doesn’t matter what        admission to 17 higher education institutions in
level you are starting from.                        Queensland and Northern New South Wales.
  microsoft.com/en-us/digital-literacy                qtac.edu.au

                                                         School leavers’ guide to jobs and training   7
2023 school leavers' guide to jobs and training - Career options and information - Queensland Government
Subsidised training and incentives

                                                       Certificate 3 Guarantee (C3G)
                                                       The Certificate 3 Guarantee supports eligible
                                                       individuals to complete their first post-school
                                                       certificate III qualification. Click the link below to
                                                       find out about priority qualifications, subsidies
                                                       and eligibility.

                                                       Higher Level Skills
                                                       The Higher Level Skills program supports
                                                       eligible individuals to access subsidised
                                                       training in selected certificate IV or above
Free apprenticeships for under 25s                     qualifications and priority skill sets.
The Queensland Government is supporting
                                                       It helps people gain the higher level skills
young Queenslanders up to the age of 25
                                                       required to secure employment or career
by providing access to fully subsidised training
                                                       advancement in priority industries, or to
across 139 priority apprenticeship and
                                                       transition to university to continue their studies.
traineeship qualifications.
Free apprenticeships for under 25s cover the             desbt.qld.gov.au/higherskills
cost of training for apprentices and trainees
who commence or are undertaking a priority
apprenticeship or traineeship qualification from       VET Student Loans
1 July 2019 to 30 June 2023.                           The VET Student Loans program is an Australian
    qld.gov.au/freeapprenticeships                     Government initiative to help eligible students
                                                       pay their tuition fees.
                                                       Find out about eligibility, including eligible
Free TAFE for under 25s                                qualifications and approved training providers
                                                       via the link below.
To support young people into work, the
Queensland Government will cover the cost of             employment.gov.au/information-
training for eligible under 25s who enrol in one of      vet-student-loans-student
26 priority certificate III qualifications available
at TAFE Queensland and CQUniversity. Click the
link below to view priority qualifications and
eligibility criteria.

8       School leavers’ guide to jobs and training
2023 school leavers' guide to jobs and training - Career options and information - Queensland Government
Industry specific career exploration

Agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture
Queensland boasts the largest portion of            officers (monitoring water and the environment),
agricultural land of any state in Australia,        laboratory assistants, machine operators and
has a global reputation of safe and nutritious      rural financial officers (counsellors, land valuers),
produce, and is famous for producing bananas,       and includes roles in education, finance, trade
pineapples, macadamias and mangoes.                 and export, and the sciences.
Queensland’s climate allows for incredible          Business and e-commerce skills, digital literacy,
diversity and includes the production and           workforce management skills (dealing with
export of sugar (cane), cotton, grains, meat,       conflict, adaptability) as well as work health
fish, poultry, vegetables, nuts, fruits, flowers,   and safety (biosecurity, hygiene standards
seafood (prawn, redclaw and fresh water fish),      and managing risk) are all skills needed in this
dairy and timber—providing materials to make        industry.
the homes we live in, the clothes we wear and       COVID-19 is still having an effect across the value
the food we eat.                                    chain and it has highlighted the importance of
The growth of regional and agriculture              agriculture to ensure food supply. It has also
innovation and its uptake of technology is          had an effect on the workforce, with shortages
having an impact on roles in agriculture, with      experienced across the value chain.
higher demand for technology specialists.
Agtech in agriculture is also a growing sector.      Looking to start a career in a meaningful and
Roles across the industry can be diverse and         exciting industry? If you’re aged 18–25, an
challenging; jobs can be set on both the land        AgCAREERSTART gap year will help you gain skills
where the primary production occurs, and             and knowledge to grow the farms of the future:
regional and city-based roles.                       agcareerstart.com.au

Examples include farm hands and managers             Explore careers in agriculture:
(including aquaculture farms), animal                qff.org.au/projects/your-career-in-agriculture
husbandry (feeding, water sampling, monitoring       careerharvest.com.au
stock growth rates, collecting animal data),
stockmen and women, trades and maintenance           Find out about jobs in the cotton industry:
(mechanics, sprayers, checking and maintaining
equipment, operating pumps), agronomist                              Explore this industry
and advisors, farm supervisors, engineers,
veterinarians, lab technicians, IT professionals,
                                                       EMERGING                     CURRENT JOBS
HR professionals, aquaculture technicians and        TECHNOLOGIES                   IN DEMAND
compliance officers, wildlife and environmental

                                                         School leavers’ guide to jobs and training     9
2023 school leavers' guide to jobs and training - Career options and information - Queensland Government
The automotive industry is a highly technical       The industry also includes the repair and
and dynamic sector covering a variety of            service of electric vehicles, bicycles, outdoor
activities through the cradle-to-grave lifecycle    power equipment, marine vessels, motorcycles
of all types of vehicles. Once considered           and some manufacturing.
an industry purely for grease monkeys
and rev heads, a new wave of automotive              Find out about the light vehicle industry:
professionals is beginning to emerge as a            A guide to – Careers in the Automotive
result of technological advancements. Where          Industry
automotive employees were traditionally driven
                                                     Explore a career in the heavy vehicle industry:
by a passion for cars, this new wave of aspiring     Heavy vehicle industry jobs
professionals are drawn in primarily by a love
for information, technology and engineering.         Watch this video:
                                                     It’s Hard To Be What You Cannot See -
Modern vehicles, large and small, are becoming       YouTube
increasingly advanced in terms of the computers
                                                     The future of the automotive industry:
and technology inside them. As such, a greater
                                                     New World Automotive
focus is now being placed on understanding
and using diagnostic and analytic tools to           Check local automotive job opportunities:
identify faults and perform repairs, skills more     Motor Trades Association of Queensland
traditionally aligned with engineering and IT        Jobs Board
than the automotive trades.
                                                     Check out the nationally accredited
Currently employing over 100,000 people in           qualifications in the automotive industry:
Queensland and with more than 100 different          training.gov.au/Training/Details/AUR
career paths, the automotive industry has            More information on the automotive industry
employment opportunities for everyone,               in Queensland:
regardless of age or gender.                         mtaq.com.au/industry-engagement
People in the industry have the opportunity                        Explore this industry
to work in specialised fields, such as heavy
vehicles (trucks, buses, agricultural machinery
                                                       EMERGING                  CURRENT JOBS
and emergency vehicles) and light vehicles           TECHNOLOGIES                IN DEMAND
(luxury, performance and prestige model cars).

10     School leavers’ guide to jobs and training
Banking and finance
A career in the banking and finance sector        meeting clients to bank tellers serving and
often offers an exciting and fast-paced           managing customers at a retail bank to stock
environment due to the weight of the financial    brokers managing money on behalf of others.
decisions being made and the advice being         Key roles within the industry include
provided. The banking and finance sector is       accountant, bank teller, loan officer, client
wide-reaching and can assist a large range        services officer, financial planner, commercial/
of businesses and individuals (including          data/financial analyst, risk and compliance
yourself!). Major segments within the banking     manager, portfolio manager, investment
and finance sector include banking (mortgage      banker, stock broker and chief financial officer.
services, saving and loan establishments),
investment services (portfolio management),
insurance services, tax and accounting services    Jobs in the industry may be advertised
(audit, business regulation), insurance and        through job search sites. For information
credit unions.                                     about relevant qualification, check the
                                                   websites below (type banking or financial
A career in the banking and financial services     into the search bars).
industry could see you working anywhere from
a giant blue chip business to a local insurance
business, your own accounting company or           gooduniversitiesguide.com.au/course-
perhaps in a government backed regulatory
body. You might be involved in investing,                          Explore this industry
borrowing, insuring or managing funds. And
as other industries like resources, healthcare
                                                     EMERGING                      CURRENT JOBS
and education grow, so too does their need for     TECHNOLOGIES                    IN DEMAND
a diverse range of finance related roles across
sectors. From agribusiness bankers on-the-road

                                                       School leavers’ guide to jobs and training   11
Community services
The community services industry (also known         Jobs may be available in all metropolitan and
as social assistance) is one of the largest         rural areas, in private services or clinics and
employing and fastest growing sectors in            centres, aged and residential care facilities,
Queensland.                                         community-based organisations and
Throughout a person’s life, they will engage at     in-home care.
least once with a community service.                Skills needed include community development,
The industry covers everything between              social inclusion and support, dementia training,
early childhood to aged care. The variety of        mental health and palliative care, and COVID-19
roles is immense, with hands-on roles to            and safe hygiene practices.
essential behind-the-scenes jobs, such as
cleaning/sterilising, food and nutrition, office     For information about working in support
administration, grounds and maintenance, and         and care roles, see:
security.                                            carecareers.com.au
Community services form the foundation for
overall wellbeing and includes housing and           careersindisability.com.au
homelessness, education, employment and
                                                                    Explore this industry
disability support, mental health, youth work,
child safety and early childhood education
and care.                                              EMERGING                   CURRENT JOBS
                                                     TECHNOLOGIES                 IN DEMAND

12     School leavers’ guide to jobs and training
The construction industry builds the places          While COVID-19 impacted most industries,
we live, work and play, and includes activities      projects in the construction industry continued.
across mining, quarrying, forestry, building         This included work on the Warrego and
and manufacturing. Typically, careers in the         Bruce Highways, upgrades to the M1 and
construction industry are guided by well-defined     development of Queens Wharf, Cross River Rail
training and development pathways—providing          and Gatton Prison. Construction of the largest
entry level qualifications and approximately 70      onshore renewable energy facility (MacIntyre
different careers.                                   Wind Farm) commenced in 2022 and is
                                                     expected to be operational from 2024.
Apprenticeships and traineeships are in high
demand and are available across a range of
trades, including concreting, carpentry and           Check out the exciting growth and
joinery, plumbing, electrical and tiling. Roles in    investment occurring in Queensland:
this industry include labourers, tradespeople,        youtube.com/c/GrowingQld
foremen, surveyors, estimators, project and
construction managers, landscapers, tower crane       For information about opportunities and a
                                                      career in construction, see:
operators, safety inspectors and engineers. Entry
level roles include trade assistants and general
labour-related roles in areas such as carpentry,      csq.org.au
landscaping, painting, flooring and tiling,
                                                                      Explore this industry
masonry and roofing.
Jobs can be found across a variety of settings,         EMERGING                      CURRENT JOBS
including residential, commercial, industrial,        TECHNOLOGIES                    IN DEMAND
environmental and civil construction.

                                                          School leavers’ guide to jobs and training   13
Digital technologies
The technology sector is comprised of businesses       technologies, and operating systems and apps
that sell goods and services in electronics,           to run on these devices.
software, computers, telecommunications and            Professional skills needed include those
other industries related to information technology     that cannot be automated – critical thinking,
(IT). Technology companies invest heavily in           analytical skills (e.g. interpreting data and
research and development, and may undertake            digital forensics), communication, social
riskier projects with greater future potential. Tech   engagement and intelligence. Top software
companies also run social media platforms like         programming skills in demand include Python,
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.                       SQL and JavaScript.
Opportunities range from entry level roles, such
as help desk support or IT technician, to senior
roles in management such as chief information           Access these resources for more information
                                                        about careers, training, study, communities
officer and specialist positions.                       and opportunities in IT:
Companies rely on the technology sector to help         Australian Computer Society (ACS)
them grow and thrive. Digital technology roles can      professional community for students
take you almost anywhere, from small or medium          membership.acs.org.au/individual/student-
enterprises to large corporate organisations. The       graduate.html
terms ‘global’ and ‘remote workforce’ could mean
                                                        ACS Foundation Scholarship students’ toolKit
working for an international company without
even leaving your home office.
                                                        ACS accredited university courses
As a tech professional, you could solve
cybercrime, design robots, create inspirational         courses.html
multimedia and save lives using artificial
                                                                      Explore business studies
Specialised fields include content and design
(using artistic skills to design engaging digital                     Explore computing
content for apps, games, websites, advertising
and movies), cyber security, robotics and                                           CURRENT JOBS
autonomous technologies, artificial intelligence,                                   IN DEMAND
blockchain, extended reality, 5G technologies
and industry 4.0.
Product development includes creating software
and hardware, phones, computers, robots,
drones, Internet of Things solutions, automated

14     School leavers’ guide to jobs and training
Electrotechnology and utilities

To attain renewable energy targets industries      All electrical trades, particularly electrical
are integrating more renewable technology          apprentices, are commonly sought after by
systems, including using batteries and             employers in the industry.
pumped-hydro to store energy, wind
generation, solar heating and cooling, and
                                                    For more information about energy skills in
limiting hydrofluorocarbons to reduce carbon        Queensland visit:
Electrotechnology and electricity supply workers
are in demand across different industries and                       Explore this industry
skills in this field could provide opportunities
in maintenance, design, construction projects,
                                                      EMERGING                    CURRENT JOBS
renewables, communication, refrigeration and        TECHNOLOGIES                  IN DEMAND
Work can be undertaken in both commercial
and residential settings.
The water industry delivers the essential           Responsibilities include the treatment and
services of supplying safe and sustainable          supply of drinking water, collection and
drinking water to our communities, and ensuring     treatment of wastewater, management of
that wastewater is treated and appropriately        dams and catchments, and monitoring of the
reused or discharged safely back into the           environment. There are long term careers across
environment where that is not feasible.             the state for people with a passion for essential
Workers play a key role in protecting the           community services and attractive lifestyle
health and safety of their communities and          opportunities.
the environment, and there are more than
6000 people in Queensland working directly            You can learn more about careers in the
in the water industry, plus many more in              water industry and hear what workers like
support industries like construction. Water           about their jobs here:
and sewerage services are mostly delivered by         qldwatercareers.com.au
public service providers, with the majority being
                                                      Explore careers in the water industry:
local government.
There are a variety of jobs in demand, including
water and wastewater treatment plant                  urbanutilities.com.au/about-us/careers
operators, construction and maintenance
workers, engineers, scientists, environmental
officers, electricians, plumbers and mechanical       unitywater.com/about-us/careers
The industry uses innovative systems and                            Explore this industry
advanced technology to maximise and
protect public health and precious natural             EMERGING                  CURRENT JOBS
                                                     TECHNOLOGIES                IN DEMAND
resources, with job opportunities in capital
cities and regional and remote communities.

16     School leavers’ guide to jobs and training
Film, television and new media
The screen and media industry provides               Queensland has established itself as a filmmaking
opportunities for stories to be told through         hub for both domestic and international
mediums such as film, television, games and XR       productions, providing a wide range of opportunities
(extended reality), radio, print journalism and      for future careers based right here in Queensland.
online or digital content delivery. With digital     With a strong commitment from the government
platforms being developed constantly, content is     to grow local content creation and attract overseas
increasingly adaptable and accessible. Content       production to Australia, job prospects and
and stories shared across channels can shape         possibilities will continue to grow!
communities and has the ability to educate,
influence and entertain, providing an escape from
                                                       For more industry insights visit:
the realities of our lives.
                                                       Film and television
Screen and media is rich with career possibilities     Screen Australia
and the roles are equally diverse, depending on        screenaustralia.gov.au
which sector you gravitate toward. Choose from         Screen Queensland
producer, director, art director, screenwriter,        screenqueensland.com.au
director of photography, sound recordist, editor,      Screen Producers Australia
animator, make-up artist, costume designer,            screenproducers.org.au
colourist, distribution manager, location manager      Essential Crew
as well as some lesser known roles such as grip,
gaffer, drone operator and stunt person within         Essential Screen Skills
film and television.
                                                       Australian Children’s Television Foundation
Roles in games and XR can include content, user        actf.com.au
experience, interface and narrative designers,
developers, programmers, 3D artists, animators,        Games and XR
                                                       Real Serious Games
CAD designers, motion capture artists, producers,      realseriousgames.com
sound designers, post-production and motion            XR Hub
graphic artists, and hardware specialists.             qldxrhub.com
Roles in radio broadcasting can include program        Radio
director, journalist, announcer, news and sport        Community Broadcasting Association of Australia
editors, sound engineer, reporter and producer.        cbaa.org.au
                                                       Commercial Radio Australia
A career in this industry can be based in any          commercialradio.com.au/hr-training/internships-
number of places. With television and radio            work-experience-programs
typically being hosted within specialised studios,
reporters can be ‘on location’ or ‘in the field’                          Explore this industry
depending on where the current action is, and
film locations could take you to any corner of          EMERGING                         CURRENT JOBS
the globe!                                            TECHNOLOGIES                       IN DEMAND

                                                          School leavers’ guide to jobs and training     17
Fitness, sport, recreation and racing

Fitness, sport and recreation
                                                     and leisure centres (both government and
                                                     commercial), community-focused organisations
                                                     and sole traders.
                                                     Jobs are categorised across aquatic and
                                                     community recreation, fitness, outdoor recreation
                                                     and sport. The variety on offer is immense and
                                                     includes gym instructors, personal trainers,
                                                     aquatic fitness instructors, sport and recreation
                                                     service managers, coaches and officials, swim
                                                     teachers and instructors, lifeguards, and outdoor
                                                     adventure guides and leaders. The industry is
                                                     also experiencing a shortage of workers as a
The fitness, sport and recreation industry offers    result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
a variety of jobs, settings and locations of work.   In addition to technical and job specific
The industry is expected to grow as Australians      capabilities, skills needed in this industry
are embracing the health benefits of physical        include teamwork, communication,
activity and the increased opportunities of the      administration, management and leadership.
Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
This is set to see demand for fitness, sport and       Explore jobs in the sector:
recreation services.                                   aqia.org.au/careers
Services can be offered through fitness
                                                                      Explore this industry
centres, including gyms, sport and recreation
organisations and venues, voluntary
                                                        EMERGING                     CURRENT JOBS
organisations, community recreation centres           TECHNOLOGIES                   IN DEMAND

The racing industry offers a variety of jobs,        (thoroughbred and harness), greyhound racing,
settings and locations of work throughout            management of the facilities that support these
Queensland. Examples include jockeys,                activities and race day functions.
trackwork riders, stablehands, trainers, barrier     The racing industry in Queensland is growing
attendants, stewards, grounds keepers,               and has opportunities in the three codes
landscapers and maintenance workers.                 of throughbred, harness and greyhound
There is a diverse range of employment options,      racing. It is also an international industry with
including horse breeding/farming, horse racing       employment worldwide and opportunities to
                                                     travel extensively.

                                                       For more information about the racing
                                                       industry visit:

                                                        EMERGING                     CURRENT JOBS
                                                      TECHNOLOGIES                   IN DEMAND

18     School leavers’ guide to jobs and training
The healthcare industry is the largest employing     intelligence, critical thinking, teamwork and
and fastest growing industry in Queensland.          communication, resilience, stress tolerance and
It includes a large variety of sectors with          flexibility. Depending on the type of role you are
the primary goal to support individual and           interested in, numeracy, language and literacy
community wellbeing through a range of               skills will also be necessary core skills. Some
care, support, education, welfare and related        fields of employment will require science and
services. The industry exists in every community     technology skills.
throughout Queensland, providing services            Queensland Health advertises vacant positions
across the population, often focusing on             through the Smart Jobs website.
meeting the needs of sick, frail, vulnerable and
at-risk members of the community.
                                                      Check out careers at entry and VET levels:
Roles can be patient centred and work directly        cyohealthcareer.com.au
with clients, supporting and working under the
direction and delegation of health professionals      For more information on health professions
to assist the everyday care needs of patients and     at higher level qualifications see:
ensure continuity of care. In addition, support       myhealthcareer.com.au
roles ensure efficient delivery of health services    Find out about health care with this
and include administration, finance, human            interactive animation:
resources, information technology, logistics,         gateway2health.com.au/animation
practice management, policy development,
cleaning, sterilisation, pathology and laboratory                     Explore this industry
services, food and services, grounds keeping,
maintenance, trades and security.                       EMERGING                      CURRENT JOBS
The core skills needed for all roles include          TECHNOLOGIES                    IN DEMAND
interpersonal skills, such as emotional

                                                          School leavers’ guide to jobs and training   19
Manufacturing and engineering
Manufacturing is a diverse industry creating and         Most manufacturing occupations are in a skills
producing everything we need to build homes to           shortage, which means there are fantastic career
live in, vehicles to drive, sail or fly, production of   opportunities available now and into the future.
medications, what we wear and eat.                       Jobs in manufacturing and engineering include
The diversity of manufacturing is broad and              supervisors, boilermakers, welders, glaziers,
includes food processing, defence manufacturing,         warehouse and production line workers, and
aviation, aeronautics, meat processing, printing         machinery and forklift operators.
and graphic arts, textiles, clothing and footwear
and furnishings, to name a few.                          Advanced manufacturing
Local manufacturing opportunities are                    The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry
increasing—including the textiles and clothing           4.0) is innovative, creative, cutting edge and
sector which has experienced growth with                 moving at a rapid pace! Welcome to advanced
domestic supply of personal protective                   manufacturing—artificial intelligence, 3D
equipment (such as face masks) and other                 (additive) printing, drones and laser technology.
medical-related products. On-shoring of                  This industry includes the design and
services has increased due to the impact of              manufacturing of medical devices, autonomous
international transportation delays. Further             vehicles, robotics and technologies across
opportunities include local production of hand           diverse settings, including aerospace, computer
sanitiser, hygiene and cleaning products, health         gaming, agriculture and farming, food, transport,
supplements, pharmaceuticals and toiletries.             and defence and biomedical services.
Greater opportunities may be offered in the
renewable energy sector, mining, engineering,             Discover opportunities in manufacturing:
food production, meat processing, metal,                  flipsnack.com/gatewaytoindustry/gisp-
machinery, chemical, building materials, wood,            careers-tool-manufacturing-engineering
furniture and other manufacturing sectors
thinking about increasing production here in              Check out more about engineering:
Australia as a result of ongoing disruptions with         engineersaustralia.org.au/For-Students-
international supply.                                     And-Educators/Engineering-Careers/What-
Australian and Queensland Government
commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions                            Explore manufacturing
will provide enormous opportunities for careers
in renewable energy supply. Whether directly                 Explore this metal work and engineering
manufacturing resources such as hydrogen or
products which are used in the supply chain such            EMERGING                  CURRENT JOBS
as wind turbines, solar panels, and electrolysers,        TECHNOLOGIES                IN DEMAND
there will there will be thousands of jobs created.

20      School leavers’ guide to jobs and training
Property services, real estate and security
Property services are wide-ranging and assist        Like any industry, demand within the property
with building a large range of practical skills.     services, real estate and security sectors
They cover a wide range of essential services        is influenced by a number of factors, such
that ensure safe and hygienic living, creating       as environmental (flood, fire etc.), market
(and operating within) work and recreational         influences (e.g. interest rates). Jobs currently in
environments, and providing private and              demand include security guards, planners, real
commercial real estate roles (such as leasing and    estate agents and domestic, commercial and
sales).                                              industrial cleaners. Opportunities in cleaning
Specific areas of expertise within the property      may be self-employed or on a contract basis.
services industry include rural and city surveying
(measuring, recording, mapping), real estate and       Jobs in real estate and cleaning opportunities
property sales and analysis (including technical       are typically advertised directly through
advisors/consultants,                                  employers on job search sites.
data analysts, agents, auctioneers), waste             Visit REIQ careers for more information:
management (biohazard, chemical and medical            reiq.com
waste, recycling, bin collection), pest control,
security services, on-site maintenance (e.g.           For information about the careers and
swimming pool maintenance) and cleaning,               opportunities in security, visit the Australian
and are applied across residential, industrial,        Security Industry Association website:
government and commercial settings.                    asial.com.au/careers/security-jobs
Jobs such as building design, security, cleaning
and property management may be offered across                         Explore this industry
a broad range of environments that exist within
these commercial settings (e.g. retail, hospital        EMERGING                      CURRENT JOBS
and health services, food services, mining,           TECHNOLOGIES                    IN DEMAND
tourism and transport) across both urban and
suburban locations.

                                                          School leavers’ guide to jobs and training   21
Public sector and government

Australian Defence Force                            For defence opportunities and careers see:
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is               defencejobs.gov.au
comprised of the navy, army and air force. The
                                                    Work at the leading edge of technical
role of the ADF is not only to protect the land,
                                                    innovation in the forces, making the most
sea, air and people of Australia in times of
                                                    of your interests in science, technology,
unrest, but also to provide assistance here and
                                                    engineering and maths:
internationally in events of natural disaster
and to provide humanitarian and peacekeeping        defencejobs.gov.au/stemopportunities
support.                                            To participate in work experience or start
The ADF offers jobs across a broad variety          your defence force pathway through the
of fields, including trades, professions, and       Defence Reserves while still at school:
combat, support and technical roles.                defence.gov.au/WorkExperience
In response to COVID-19, the ADF also               defencejobs.gov.au/reserves
had designated resources supporting the
repatriation of Australians from overseas,          Check out the Defence Jobs student guide:
planning and contact tracing teams—providing        Vocational-Education-Students-Guide.pdf
medical assistance in some regions, supporting
mandatory quarantine arrangements, and
supporting state and territory police border          EMERGING                 CURRENT JOBS
controls. Defence also contributed to the           TECHNOLOGIES               IN DEMAND
production of surgical face masks and

22     School leavers’ guide to jobs and training
The Queensland Police Service (QPS) is               If you are graduating from high school and
searching for applicants who seek purpose,           considering a career with the QPS, you
direction and meaning from their careers.            are encouraged to develop your skills and
If you are interested in a job where no two          knowledge to help you prepare for the selection
days are ever the same, that is rewarding and        process, your training as a recruit, and your
challenging with plenty of career options,           ‘on the road’ experience as a general duties
policing may be the job for you.                     police officer.
Working with the QPS promises to be an
exciting, rewarding and challenging career, with      Got what is takes to become a police officer?
a variety of specialist areas in the service, from    Take the eligibility quiz to find out:
general duties to child protection, dog squad,        policerecruit.com.au
POLAIR, fraud and cyber crime, forensic crash
unit and more. As a member of the QPS, you will       Police staff, protective service officer and
stand alongside 11,000 police officers across         police liaison officer vacancies are published
the state who protect and serve the community.        on the Smart Jobs website:
QPS follows a rigorous recruitment process to         smartjobs.gov.au
select applicants with the right skills, aptitude
and attitude. Prospective applicants can start
the application process from 17 years of age                                         TECHNOLOGIES
and, if successful, start at the academy when
they are 18 or older.

                                                         School leavers’ guide to jobs and training   23
Government jobs
Public service jobs are found within Australian,    providing timely advice and recommendations
Queensland and local governments, and               to broader government and citizens about
can include jobs across the arts, culture and       suitable hygiene practices, social distancing,
heritage, wildlife and conservation, justice        travel restrictions, quarantine and border
and law, education and training, health and         closures, as well as recognising and responding
emergency services.                                 to the symptoms of COVID-19.

                                                     For Queensland Government departments
Local government                                     and agencies see:
Local councils provide services directly to the      qld.gov.au/about/how-government-works/
communities where they are based.                    government-structure
Jobs range from administration to trades             Jobs can be found by visiting:
and include park and recreational facility           smartjobs.qld.gov.au
management and maintenance, community
activity coordination, libraries, local swimming     Vacancies may also be advertised on
                                                     agency websites (e.g. Queensland Health,
pools and civil construction.
                                                     Queensland Police Service).

 Jobs can be found by visiting each local
 council website directly or through:               Australian Government
 LGAQ.asn.au                                        Australian public sector jobs include Australian
 lgaq.asn.au/directory/1/council-jobs               Federal Police, Australian Defence Force,
                                                    national security, immigration, employment
 For local government boundaries visit:             services and government policy roles.
 government-area-boundaries.pdf                      For more information on joining the
                                                     Australian Government visit:
                                                     apsjobs.gov.au/s      dese.gov.au/jobs-hub
Queensland Government
                                                     For Australian Government departments and
Queensland Government jobs can be found in
                                                     agencies visit:
sectors such as transport and roads, health,
police and ambulance services.
Queensland Health is instrumental in
controlling the spread of COVID-19 in                                              EMERGING
Queensland—undertaking contact tracing,                                          TECHNOLOGIES

24     School leavers’ guide to jobs and training
Resources and mining
Queensland’s minerals and energy exports
include coal for energy and steel making,            Explore careers in the mining industry:
gold, silver, lead, zinc, bauxite and rare earth     minerals.org.au/make-your-career-mining-
elements for the manufacture of electronic
equipment including electric vehicles, as well       Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy:
as many other day-to-day commodities. The            qmea.org.au
resources sector has an expanding renewable          Check out The Oresome Futures publication:
industry that encompasses solar, biomass,            bit.ly/OresomeFutures
hydro and wind energy. It offers a huge variety
of careers, from trades, project management,         Department of National Resources, Mining
                                                     and Energy:
and quality and compliance to engineering,           dnrme.qld.gov.au/home/careers
environmental professionals, transport and
logistics, geology, IT, cyber security, health and   Queensland Resources Council industry
safety, cooks, accountants, lawyers and human        overview:
Jobs can be found from the beach to the bush,
                                                                   Explore this industry
and technology means that numerous roles
previously based on-site may now be done
from a city-based remote operations centre. The        EMERGING                    CURRENT JOBS
                                                     TECHNOLOGIES                  IN DEMAND
Queensland resources sector is part of a global
industry, so who knows where you might end up.

                                                       School leavers’ guide to jobs and training   25
Retail and personal services
The Queensland retail sector is vibrant and varied!     information technology, human resources, legal,
Retail is the second largest employing industry in      merchandising, marketing and advertising.
the state. There are jobs in every region and it’s
                                                        Jobs can be based in major shopping centres
one of the largest employers of young people.
                                                        and with big retailers, chain stores and
There is a retail speciality suited to everyone’s       franchises through to boutique outlets. Centres
interests, including supermarkets, department           are continuing to expand and there’s an
stores, pharmacies, homewares, fruit and                increase in online shopping—both of these
vegetables, fast food and take away,                    create different opportunities across the state,
entertainment, fashion, cars, jewellery,                with both local and international markets.
newsagencies, stationery, machinery and
equipment, hardware, and pets and pet goods.             For information about starting your career in
Retail is strongly connected to the personal services    the retail sector, visit:
industry which includes floristry, hairdressing,         nra.net.au/resource-categories/training
barbering, laser hair removal, nail technicians,         Alternatively, make enquiries with a retailer you
make-up, cosmetics and beauty.                           would like to work for. Jobs in this industry are
                                                         often directly advertised through the retailer
There are strong links to manufacturing, transport,      and a high percentage of retail jobs are obtained
tourism and hospitality industries.                      by visiting the store in person.
With all components of the supply chain having                          Explore this industry
crucial roles to play in the retail industry,
opportunities exist in warehousing and distribution,
customer service, import/export, management,               EMERGING                   CURRENT JOBS
                                                         TECHNOLOGIES                 IN DEMAND

26     School leavers’ guide to jobs and training
Tourism, hospitality, accommodation and events
The Queensland tourism and hospitality              To learn more about the tourism and
industry has so much to offer—beaches,              hospitality industry, and for more information
islands, rainforests and nature encounters. Jobs    about careers, visit the Queensland Tourism and
in the industry include front-of-house customer     Hospitality Careers Guide:
facing roles (front desk, porters, waiters, tour    QTIC Careers Guide | Queensland Tourism
guides and travel consultants) to back-of-house     Industry Council
roles which are critical to ensuring quality                       Explore hospitality
customer experiences (cleaners, maintenance
and grounds, kitchen, laundry and office-based     The Accommodation Association represents over
roles such as sales and marketing consultants).    10,000 members in the hospitality sector with
The tourism and hospitality industry employs       heaps of awesome brands. If you want to get into
corporate service staff as well, such as human     the hospitality sector you can access training,
resources, information technology and finance      upskilling and all types of jobs through the
professionals—the opportunities are endless!       association’s recruitment portal The Hub.
The exciting expansion of tourism opportunities    The Gappa was developed by the Accommodation
across the Queensland food, hospitality,           Association to support the hospitality industry
accommodation and entertainment sectors            and provide young job seekers with a range of
means there are wonderful in-demand careers        exciting career possibilities and life-changing
awaiting. These include chefs, hospitality staff   experiences that are only possible through a
in restaurants and hotels, tour guides and         career in hospitality.
management.                                        Unique benefits of The Gappa include additional
Pastry chefs are skilled in the art of preparing   support for relocation, a completion bonus and
and making pastries and baked goods, which         a weekend stay for you and three friends.
may include desserts, bread and cakes. They        Everything you need to know about The Gappa
are required to have knowledge of various          can be found via The Hub, a one-stop-shop for
pastry techniques, an eye for detail, and          hospitality training, news and jobs.
creativity. Pastry chefs may be employed in
commercial kitchens as the chef de partie          Learn more about The Gappa here:
(station chef) of the pastry department, or in     aaoa.com.au/Careers/The-Gappa
patisseries, bakeries and cafes.                   Log in to jump start your career:
A career in this sector can literally take         aaoa.myconnect.olivegroup.io/learner/register
you anywhere—giving you flexible working           Find your Queensland Tourism and Hospitality job:
conditions and transferable skills you can take    www.workinparadise.com.au
with you around the globe!
                                                      EMERGING                     CURRENT JOBS
                                                    TECHNOLOGIES                   IN DEMAND

                                                         School leavers’ guide to jobs and training   27
Transport and logistics
Transport is the method of moving goods and              Some of the roles on offer include after-sales
people by road, rail, sea and air. Logistics             technology support, technology skills for new
involves all the systems that manage the                 vehicles (electric and hydrogen powered),
procurement, storage and distribution of goods           robotics engineers, operators and programmers
from their point of origin to their final destination.   for automated systems, fleet managers, cyber
Transport and logistics services are essential to        data analysts and drivers who can operate
industry, community and the economy.                     modern heavy vehicles that incorporate a range
                                                         of smart technologies.
Transport and logistics offers opportunities for
a diverse workforce and a wide range of career           People management, customer service, digital
pathways with entry points directly from school          literacy, data analytics and communication are
through vocational education, training courses,          highly sought-after skills.
university pathways or direct employment.
Jobs across the industry include warehouse                Labour market insights:
storeperson, transport and despatch clerk,                labourmarketinsights.gov.au
transport scheduler, freight forwarder, purchasing
and logistics clerk, forklift operator, drone             Find career information for:
operator, deckhand, driver (all vehicle types),           Rail:
coach captain or tour guide, workplace health             ara.net.au/careers
and safety officer, mechanic/maintenance
technician and customer service officer.                  roadtransportcareers.com.au
Professional roles include supply chain
manager, transport manager, logistics manager,            Supply chain:
project manager, contracts, business/data
analyst, operations manager, air transport                Maritime:
professional, accountant, marketing manager,              marinejobs.org.au
human resources, cyber security specialist and
                                                          Trade, transport and logistics:
procurement specialist.                                   mymv.org
COVID-19 and recent natural disasters have
highlighted the importance of this industry. The          Aviation:
increased demand on the supply chain has seen
a surge in the volume of people required to fill
                                                                           Explore this industry
roles in the sector.
The industry is continuously adopting new                   EMERGING                        CURRENT JOBS
technologies, which is creating opportunities to          TECHNOLOGIES                      IN DEMAND
work with sophisticated systems and automation.

28     School leavers’ guide to jobs and training
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