2023 Rights Catalogue - Fremantle Press Children's Books - Fremantle Press Children's Books

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2023 Rights Catalogue - Fremantle Press Children's Books - Fremantle Press Children's Books
2023 Rights Catalogue
Fremantle Press Children’s Books
2023 Rights Catalogue - Fremantle Press Children's Books - Fremantle Press Children's Books
                RENAE HAYWARD AND REBECCA MILLS                                                                           2023
                                      A celebration of baby achievements, Say Hooray is the perfect book
                                      to engage the whole family in those special moments of a baby’s
                                      early days. From rolling front to back to waving goodbye, the playful
                                      rhymes and vibrant illustrations make this an amazing read-aloud
                                      book for babies and older siblings alike.

                                      AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR INFORMATION
                                      •    This is Renae Hayward’s second children’s book, her first was
                                           Barking Mad (Walker Books Australia). Renae was the inaugural
                                           recipient of the Ray Koppe Young Writers’ Residency (Australian
                                           Society of Authors / Varuna).
                                      •    Fifteen years of working in perinatal and infant health taught
                                           Renae Hayward how important family relationships are in the
                                           social and emotional development of babies.
                                      •    Rebecca Mills is a graphic designer and illustrator, best known for
                                           her bright, colourful, whimsical illustrations.


                March 2023 • 0–5 yr olds • HB 235 x 235 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World
2023 Rights Catalogue - Fremantle Press Children's Books - Fremantle Press Children's Books

                JAMES FOLEY
                                        Heroes come in all shapes, sizes and species. Stella wants to be an
                                        astronaut. There is only one problem: Stella is an elephant. Every time
                                        she applies to Space Command, they come up with a new reason
                                        she can’t join. But where there’s a will, there’s a way, and Stella is
                                        determined to reach for the stars. She doesn’t take no for an answer.
                                        She might be an elephant, and elephants have never been astronauts
                                        before, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the ‘right stuff’!
                                        FEATURE INFORMATION
                                        •   James’s earlier books, My Dead Bunny, In the Lion, The Last
                                            Viking and The Last Viking Returns, have all scored several
                                            honours, including children’s choice awards, shortlistings in the
                                            Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Award and
                                            selection to the International Youth Library’s White Ravens List.
                                        •   The book comes at a time when space exploration is back in the
                                            news on a daily basis and the book’s key themes are science,
                WESTERN AUSTRALIAN
                                            invention and inclusivity.
                PREMIER’S BOOK AWARDS

                  SHORTLIST             •   Stellarphant is on the 2022 White Ravens List. The book has
                                            won multiple accolades including the Children’s Book Council of
                                            Australia’s Children’s Choice Award.

                                        ABOUT THE AUTHOR
                                        James Foley writes and illustrates picture books, middle-grade
                                        novels and comics for kids. He’s the author–illustrator of the award-
                                        winning S. Tinker Inc. graphic novel series for middle primary. Brobot,
                                        Dungzilla, Gastronauts and Chickensaurus star Sally Tinker, the
                                        world’s foremost inventor under the age of 12, and Joe Tinker, her
                                        stinky baby brother. James is an ambassador for Books in Homes and
                                        Room to Read Australia. He is a massive Marvel movie nerd.

                November 2021 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 295 x 235 mm • 40 pages

                Rights available: World
                Rights sold: North America – Kane Miller, Turkey – Penguen Kitap
2023 Rights Catalogue - Fremantle Press Children's Books - Fremantle Press Children's Books

                JAMES FOLEY
                                         Sally Tinker, the world’s foremost inventor under the age of 12, is
                                         back with a new adventure in invention. This time, Sally’s archenemy
                                         Dexter Maelstrom invites her to a demonstration of his De-Evolving
                                         Ray, which turns chickens into dinosaurs! But when Dexter’s
                                         chickensaurs break free and go on the hunt, there’s no room for the
                                         lily-livered. Sally – along with her friend Charli and her baby brother
                                         Joe – will need all their pluck to avoid becoming chicken feed. Is
                                         Dexter behind this fowl and poultry plot – or is somebody else the
                                         bad egg? Will Sally ever return the world to its rightful pecking
                                         order? Find out in the fourth instalment of the S.Tinker Inc series.

                                         FEATURE INFORMATION
                                         • Promotes creative thinking and an interest in science and
                                           technology (eszzpecially for girls) through the medium of laughter.
                                         • Award-winning author–illustrator: International White Ravens list,
                                           the SCBWI Crystal Kite Award, and the Children’s Book Council of
                                           Australia Junior Judges Award.

                                         PRAISE FOR THE BOOKS
                                         ‘Kids will love the attitude, the action, the vivid cartoon-style
                                         illustration; and adults will love the zany, over the top humour, and
                                         the happy ending that will bring smiles all round.’ Reading Time
                                         ‘James Foley spins a yarn about a girl inventor and her robotic sibling
                                         … a hilarious take on domestic dystopia.’ West Australian
                                         ‘Perfect for junior readers, both boys and girls.’ Lamont Books

                All books • 6–10 yr olds • PB • 112/120 pages
                Rights available: World
                Rights sold: All four books China – Love Reading Information Consultancy, Gastronauts Turkey –
                Penguen Kitap, Brobot and Dungzilla The Netherlands – De Eenhoorn, Turkey – Penguen Kitap,
                Korea – Booknbean Publishing Co., Brobot and Chickensaurus Russia – Labirint Press
2023 Rights Catalogue - Fremantle Press Children's Books - Fremantle Press Children's Books

                KELLY CANBY
                                       Emit (whose parents turned back time to name him) is surrounded
                                       by busyness. Dad is too busy to read stories, Mum is too busy to
                                       play games and Emit’s brother and sister are simply too busy doing
                                       nothing to do anything at all. Emit tries everything he can think of to
                                       get more time, he tries to catch it, wait for it, but it’s not until Emit
                                       tries to buy some time that he learns the secret, which is if you want
                                       time, you have to make it.

                                       FEATURE INFORMATION
                                       •   Kelly has published over a dozen books that are available widely
                                           in the UK, US and Australia. She runs an active blog and has over
                    MEET KELLY             5,000 followers on Instagram.
                   CANBY AT THE
                    AUSTRALIAN         •   Her award-winning book The Hole Story has already sold into
                    COLLECTIVE             seven territories and received the following awards: Children’s
                                                                                                                                                   One day there was simply no time

                      STAND                Book Council of Australia, Book of the Year, Picture Book
                       Pad. 25             Category (Notable Book 2019) and the WA Premier’s Prize for
                     Stand A/87            Writing for Children (Winner, 2018), while another of her books,
                                           Littlelight, has sold into four territories and was shortlisted for
                                           the WA Premier’s Award.
                                                                                                                   ... or lying around

                                       PRAISE FOR THE AUTHOR
                                                                                                                   letting it slip through their

                                       ‘Teachers and parents will appreciate the themes of family, quality
                                       time and community, which make Timeless ideal for all libraries and
                                       bookshelves at home.’ Books + Publishing

                2023 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 280 x 240 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World
2023 Rights Catalogue - Fremantle Press Children's Books - Fremantle Press Children's Books

                When bricks start to go missing from the town of Littlelight, the mayor whips his citizens
                into a frenzy of aggravation. But when the townspeople find the thief, and her motive, they        WESTERN AUSTRALIAN
                                                                                                                   PREMIER’S BOOK AWARDS

                discover perhaps it is the mayor who is the problem. Illustrated in moody black and white            SHORTLIST
                with dynamic neon highlights, this is a timely and thought-provoking tale of tolerance and
                PRAISE FOR THE AUTHOR
                ‘With this work, author–illustrator Canby further confirms her reputation as an innovative
                and thought-provoking storyteller.’ Books+Publishing
                2020 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 295 x 225 mm • 32 pages
                Rights available: World
                Rights sold: Taiwan – Wordfield Publishing Ltd; Korea – Urikyuyuk co.,Ltd.;
                Greece – Klidarithmos Publishing, Turkey – Aras

                THE HOLE STORY                                                                                         The WA
                                                                                                                    Premier’s Prize
                Charlie is excited when he finds a hole. He picks it up and puts it in his pocket, but soon
                                                                                                                    for Writing for
                realises that having a hole in your pocket is not a good thing. A hole in your backpack is
                even worse. So Charlie sets out through town to find a new owner for the hole.                      WINNER 2018
                March 2018 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 234 x 274 mm • 32 pages
                Rights available: World
                Rights sold: Belgium & The Netherlands – Clavis Books; Italy – Terre di Mezzo, Spain – Tramunta-
                na Editorial; Korea – Sowannamu Publishing; China– Shanghai Juvenile & Children’s Publishing
                House; Slovenia – Miš Publishing; Greece – Klidarithmos Publishing

                RODNEY                                                                                                 Children’s
                                                                                                                     Book Council
                Rodney spent most of his days looking up. Imagining, for hours, what a life high among                of Australia
                the treetops would be like and how it would feel to be so … tall. Rodney is a small tortoise         Notable Book
                with a BIG dream. All he wants is to be larger. Then one day, Rodney’s dream comes true –                2019
                or does it? It’s all a matter of perspective!
                March 2019 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 305 x 210 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World
                Rights sold: Turkey – Is Kultur
2023 Rights Catalogue - Fremantle Press Children's Books - Fremantle Press Children's Books
                KATIE STEWART                                                                                    2023
                                       Little Boobook is obsessed with the idea of going to the city. He
                                       promises himself that as soon as he learns to fly, he’ll set off on his
                                       adventure. The city, however, is not what he imagined at all, and he
                                       finds himself missing his mum and ready for a new adventure back at
                                       home. This is a delightful picture book about taking a chance, working
                                       hard to achieve your dreams and the comfort of a loving family.

                                       FEATURE INFORMATION
                                       •   Katie Stewart is an author and illustrator. Born in the north of
                                           England, she came to Australia at the age of nine. She started
                                           her working life as an archaeologist and ethnohistorian, and then
                                           became a teacher. She is married to a farmer, has three children,
                                           and her love of animals means she has a lot of pets and takes lots
                                           of nature photos.

                                       PRAISE FOR THE AUTHOR
                                       ‘This is great book to encourage young children’s curiosity about
                                       their natural environment and to pose their own questions about the
                                       world around them.’ ReadPlus
                                       ‘The full-page beautifully textured illustrations of iconic Australian
                                       fauna and flora make the book worth simply looking at before even
                                       beginning to read.’ Reading Time

                August 2023 • 2–5 yr olds • HB 235 x 235 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World
2023 Rights Catalogue - Fremantle Press Children's Books - Fremantle Press Children's Books

                WOMBAT CAN’T SING
                Wombat loves to listen to Fantail sing, especially when Fantail says that her songs make
                everyone happy. Wombat wants to make others happy, too. But his attempts at singing
                – even with lots of advice and assistance from friends – fall woefully short. Then Wombat
                discovers his own unique way to make others just as happy.
                2022 • 2–5 yr olds • HB 235 x 235 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World

                WHERE DO THE STARS GO?
                Possum wakes unexpectedly one day and wants to know where the stars go in the
                morning. His friends, such as Bungarra, Rakali, Numbat and Galah, all have ideas and he
                spends a wonderful day discovering ‘stars’ in his environment. So wonderful, in fact, that
                even when his mother helps him to discover the true answer, he still plans to look for more
                stars the next day.
                2021 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 235 x 235 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World

                WHAT COLOUR IS THE SEA?
                Koala has a question for her friends – what colour is the sea? But they all give her
                                                                                                         Shortlisted Speech
                different answers, and Koala doesn’t know who to believe. Owl suggests she finds
                                                                                                         Pathology Australia
                out for herself. Koala sets off for the sea, only to discover that all her friends are    Book of the Year
                right – the sea is no colour and many colours. A beautiful tale of discovery and         Award 2020 & 2021
                2020 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 235 x 235 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World
                Rights sold: Turkey – Is Kultur
2023 Rights Catalogue - Fremantle Press Children's Books - Fremantle Press Children's Books

                HELEN MILROY
                                       Owl loved the sparkle of the stars. He would sit out on his tree at
                                       dusk and wait for them to appear. One evening, Owl became worried.
                                       His favourite little star had not shown herself. Owl searched far and
                                       wide. Where could Little Star be?

                                       PRAISE FOR THE BOOK
                                       ‘What makes this book outstanding is the quality of the rich and
                                       detailed illustrations.’ ReadPlus
                                       ‘This enchanting First Nations story is a perfect night-time read,
                                       gazing up at the starry sky and listening out for the hoot of an owl.’
                                       Indigenous Literacy Foundation
                                       ‘Owl and Star is a gentle story told in the style of a traditional tale –
                                       perfect for sharing with little stars at bedtime.’ Writing WA
                                       ‘Striking and bold illustrations enhance this heart-warming tale.’
                                       Abbey’s Bookshop
                                       ‘This picture book is lyrically told with incredible imagery … Young
                                       readers will adore this magnificent tale of friendship.’ Reading Time

                                                s long as the universe cou
                                          For a                            ld r
                                                   was a special time bet         e                                                                                                                                       This was the time Owl
                                           there                          wee mbe
                                                                               nd      r,                                                                                                                                 loved the most.

                                                                                      dn                                                                                                                                                                 He knew every star in the universe, and
                                                                                            igh                                                                                                                             He would sit out on his
                                                                                                t,   sleep                                                                                                                                               watched and waited patiently as they
                                                                                                             and wake.                                                                                                       tree at dusk and wait for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the stars to show   greeted him with their sparkle.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               At dawn, he would bask in the cool mist and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               gentle light, and drif of into his dreamtime.

                                                                                                                                                          Owl landed gently next to Little
                                                                                                                                                          Star and scooped her up with his large
                                                                                                                         This was the time when           wings onto his warm brown feathers.
                                                                                                                         anything was possible,           ‘Oh, Owl,’ cried Little Star, ‘I was playing in the river and
                                                                                                                            both good and bad:            missed the call of the breeze. What am I going to do? My
                                                                                                                            a time of change, of magic.   light is fading and I am not strong enough to make it
                                                                                                                                                          back on my own.’

                2022 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 237 x 190 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World
2023 Rights Catalogue - Fremantle Press Children's Books - Fremantle Press Children's Books

                HELEN MILROY
                                       From curious blue wrens to booming emus, and from feasting lorikeets
                                       to eagles soaring, Bush Birds by Helen Milroy is a fun and lively read
                                       with bold illustrations designed to celebrate the birds in our bush.

                                       AUTHOR INFORMATION
                                       • Dr Helen Milroy is a descendant of the Palyku people of the Pilbara
                                         region of Western Australia but was born and educated in Perth.
                                         Australia’s first Indigenous doctor, Helen studied medicine at the
                                         University of Western Australia, is currently Professor of Child and
                                         Adolescent Psychiatry at UWA and is a Commissioner with the
                                         National Mental Health Commission.

                                       PRAISE FOR THE ‘BACKYARD’ SERIES OF BOOKS
                 Speech Pathology      ‘It’s the bold-patterned and beautifully colourful illustrations that
                 Australia Book of     strikingly bring the book together, from the detailed endpapers to
                  the Year Award       each inviting spread.’ Books+Publishing
                   2020 & 2021
                                                                                                                   MORE IN THE SERIES
                                       ‘A vibrant cacophony of birdsong practically rings out from this
                                       colourful picture book populated by the wondrous native birds living
                                       in our backyards.’ Readings
                                       ‘The joy of this book is in the illustrations. They are full-page, richly
                    Shortlisted        coloured, and each one is a unique design carrying strong influences
                     Readings          from the contemporary art of the peoples of the Pilbara region of
                  Children’s Book      Western Australia.’ Reading Time
                                       ‘The detailed endpapers are immediately appealing and are a place
                                       where children can spy all the insects, while the compact size of the
                                       book complements that familiar, child-friendly premise of looking for                  INDIGENOUS
                                       backyard bugs.’ Magpies                                                                STORIES FOR
                February 2023 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 195 x 195 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World

                 CHENÉE MARRAPODI
                                         Amelia is a ballerina on the rise – she’s talented, dedicated and set
                                         to star in the lead role of the annual production. But when Valentina
                                         arrives from Italy and joins the ballet academy, the competition
                                         gets fierce. Can Amelia outshine Valentina and keep her place in the

                                         FEATURE INFORMATION
                                         • A contemporary Ballet Shoes set in an elite dance academy, this
                                           compelling coming-of-age novel is all about overcoming pressure,
                                           standing up for yourself and the joy of ballet. The perfect gift for
                                           all young dancers.
                                         • Chenée Marrapodi is a writer and podcaster, based in Perth,
                                           Western Australia. She has a background in journalism and has
                                           worked as a reporter for Channel Seven’s Today Tonight, as well as
                                           online news and radio.
                                         • Chenée’s love of words is rivalled only by her love of dance.
                                         • The book is inspired by the author’s Italian family and by her time
                                           dancing at a small ballet school in Calabria.

                 July 2023 • 8–11 yr olds • PB B Format • 288 pages

                 Rights available: World

                       Jess Walton is a       Set at a fantasy fiction convention featuring disabled, queer characters.
                       queer, disabled        Maisie and her mum are going on a road trip to Maisie’s first ever fan
                       writer and             convention. Maisie has always dreamed of meeting her hero and role
                       teacher. She is        model, an amputee actor who plays a kick-arse amputee character in
                       the author of a        Maisie’s favourite TV show.
                       picture book as
                                              Fancon is exciting and exhausting – Maisie has never met so many of
                       well as a range
                                              her own people and finding a whole community of queer disabled
                       of short stories
                                              people is awesome. Then she meets Ollie, and they have an instant
                       published in
                                              connection. They share poffertjes and life stories and a love of fan
                       anthologies for
                                              fiction. Everything would be perfect, if only they didn’t live so far apart.
                       kids and teens.
                                              FEATURE INFORMATION
                       Aśka is an             • This is an important work for the early teenage years, addressing
                       energetic                issues of difference, diversity and inclusion through a medium
                       illustrator,             perfectly suited to this type of personal and emotional story – the
                       storyteller              graphic novel.
                       and science
                       communicator.          PRAISE FOR THE BOOK

                      October 2021 • 12+ yr olds • PB • 216 pages

                      Rights available: World
                      Rights sold: World English language except ANZ – Scholastic Inc.

                 CHEMUTAI GLASHEEN
                                       This enticing collection of contemporary fiction is a celebration of our
                                       ubuntu: the invisible ties that bind us all together. From ancient forest
                                       guardians to modern cultural warriors, from grappling with age-
                                       old traditions to championing hair identity, these evocative stories
                                       explore the duality of Kenyan life and how to find a way between two
                                       cultures, both of which are yours. Chemutai Glasheen’s unforgettable
                                       characters are drawn from her early life in Africa, with all its richness,
                                       diversity and complexity.

                                       FEATURE INFORMATION
                                       • Chemutai Glasheen is a Kenyan-born writer who lives in Western
                                       • Her work has been published in Unlimited Futures: Speculative,
                                         Visionary Blak+Black Fiction and ACE: Arresting, Contemporary
                                         stories by Emerging writers and has featured in the Museum of
                                         Freedom and Tolerance.
                                       • This strong contemporary short fiction anthology meets the
                                         ongoing demand for diverse voices in YA literature.

                 August 2023 • Ages 12+• PB B Format • 256 pages

                 Rights available: World

                                              The works of First Nations writers, Black writers and Writers of
                                              Colour have often been regulated to the margins or to certain types
                                              of literature. Focusing on new speculative fiction, this book reflects
                                              upon visionary pasts, hopeful futures and the invisible ties between
                                              First Nations people and People of Colour. The editors hope this
                                              anthology will be an avenue for individual and community change.

                                              FEATURE INFORMATION
                                              ABOUT THE EDITORS
                                              Rafeif Ismail, who identifies as a third-culture youth of the Sudanese
                                              diaspora, is an award-winning emerging author committed
                                              to creating accessible spaces in the Arts for young people of
                                              marginalised backgrounds.
                                              Ellen van Neerven is an award-winning writer, editor and educator of
                                              Mununjali Yugambeh and Dutch heritage with strong ancestral ties to
                                              south-east Queensland.                                                        COMING
                                              Hella Ibrahim is the founder and editorial director of Djed Press,             SOON
                                              an online publication that provides a paid platform for Creators of                          AN
                                              Colour, and is an editor with a passion for activism through writing                     UNEXPECTED
                                              and publishing.                                                                            PARTY:
                                                                                                                                     LGBTIQA+ MAGIC
                                              CONTRIBUTORS: Tuesday Atzinger, Flora Chol, Claire G. Coleman,
                                              Zena Cumpston, Lisa Fuller, Meleika Gesa-Fatafehi, Yirga Gelaw                            EDITED BY
                                              Woldeyes, Chemutai Glasheen, Genevieve Grieves, Rafeif Ismail, Ambelin                 SETH MALACARI
                                              Kwaymullina, Laniyuk, Maree McCarthy Yoelu, Jasmin McGaughey,
                                              SJ Minniecon, Sisonke Msimang, Merryana Salem, Mykaela Saunders,
                                              Aïsha Trambas, Alison Whittaker and Jasper Wyld.
                      March 2022 • 12+ yr olds • PB • 312 pages

                      Rights available: World                                                             October 2023 • Ages 14+ • PB B format • 288 pages

                      HOLDEN SHEPPARD
                                              On the surface, nerd Zeke, punk Charlie and footy wannabe Hammer
                                              look like they have nothing in common. But scratch that surface and
                                              you’d find three boys in the throes of coming to terms with their
                                              homosexuality in a town where it is invisible. Invisible Boys is a raw,
                                              confronting YA novel that explores the complexities and trauma of
                                              rural gay identity with painful honesty, devastating consequence and,
                                              ultimately, hope.

                                              FEATURE INFORMATION
                                              •    Invisible Boys won the City of Fremantle Hungerford Award,
                                                   the Western Australian Premier’s Book Award, the Ray Koppe
                                                   Residency Award and the Kathleen Mitchell Prize. It was
                                                   a Children’s Book Council of Australia Notable Book, was
                                                   shortlisted for the Readings Young Adult Book Prize and the
                                                   Victorian Premier’s Literary Award, and longlisted for the Indie
                                                   Book Award.
                                              •    Audiso and Film and television rights have been optioned.
                                              •    In 2021 the book was voted sixteenth in the top Australian Kids
                                                   Books of all time.

                                              PRAISE FOR THE BOOK
                                              ‘This book feels somewhat unmoored from time, with a raw edginess
                                              ... which brings to mind books like Puberty Blues and the work of Tim
                                              Winton.’ Junior Books + Publishing
                                              ‘Full of genuine, authentic voices ... This is an important book for all
                                              young people, as it shows one size does not fit all.’ Magpies
                                              ‘Sheppard will win himself a vast number of fans with this impressive
                                              debut.’ DNA magazine

                      2019 • 15+ yr olds • PB • 344 pages

                      Rights available: World

                      REBECCA HIGGIE
                                              Following the death of their parents, Jessie and her older sister Kay
                                              move to their grandmother’s abandoned house. One night they
                                              discover The History of Mischief hidden beneath the floor: it is like no
                                              book they have ever seen. From Ancient Greece to war-torn China,
                                              from the Ethiopian Empire to Victorian England, the pages reveal
                                              a world of mischief and mystery, adventure and adversity. But not
                                              everything is as it seems, in the book or in her life, and the History
                                              has a history of its own. Unravelling its secrets might be the biggest
                                              mischief of all.

                                              FEATURE INFORMATION
                                              •    An academic at Curtin University and Brunel University London,
                                                   Rebecca Higgie has published research on satire and politics.
                                                   Her stories and poems have appeared in publications such as
                                                   Westerly Magazine, Stories of Perth and Visible Ink.

                                              PRAISE FOR THE BOOK

                                              ‘An impressive debut.’ Jan Nicholls, President, CBCA WA
                                              ‘Absorbing and enjoyable.’ PaperbarkWords
                                              ‘Rebecca Higgie’s young adult novel The History of Mischief is an
                                              excellent debut from a new Australian author.’ Read Plus
                                              ‘A wonderful ambassador for the value of using libraries in the thrill of
                                              research about real events and characters.’ Magpies

                      2020 • 12+ yr olds • PB • 376 pages

                      Rights available: World

                                      SALLY MORGAN
                                                             Since its publication in 1987, Sally Morgan’s My Place has sold more
                                                             than half a million copies in Australia, been translated and read all
                                                             over the world, and been reprinted dozens of times. Sally’s rich, zesty
                                                             and moving work is perhaps the best loved biography of Aboriginal
                                                             Australia ever written. My Place for Younger Readers is an abridged
                                                             edition that retains all the charm and power of the original.

                                                             FEATURE INFORMATION

                                                             •    The adult version of the book won the Order of Australia Book
                                                                  Prize, the Human Rights Award for Literature and the New South
                                                                  Wales Premier’s Literary Award. Morgan has since gone on to win
                                                                  many awards for her children’s books including the Australian
                                                                  Prime Minister’s Literary Award for Sister Heart and the Silver
                                                                  Nautilus Award for I Love Me.

                                                             PRAISE FOR THE BOOK
                                                             ‘A book for everyone. It is wonderfully entertaining.’ New York Times
                                                             Book Review
                                                             ‘A triumphant story that makes you glad it’s been told.’ Times on
                                                             ‘Sad and wise and funny … unbelievably and unexpectedly moving. A
                                                             book with heart.’ Alice Walker, author of The Colour Purple
                                                             ‘I highly recommend this wonderful biography for both adults and
                                                             younger readers.’ Buzz Words

                                      2020 • 12+ yrs • PB • 360 pages

                                      Rights available: World

                MOIRA COURT
                                      Rumours abound of ex-circus cats roaming wild in the hills. But are
                                      the stories true? Join in the search, and discover lots of different
                                      animals along the way.
                                      Written by award-winning author–illustrator Moira Court, in this
                                      picture book readers get to search amongst the native flora for
                                      hidden animals including a feral Big cat, a Bobtail lizard, a Dugite, a
                                      Redcap parrot, a Kangaroo, an Echidna, a Goanna and a Quenda.

                                      FEATURE INFORMATION
                                      •    Moira Court’s work has been shortlisted for the Western
                                           Australian Premier’s Book Award and made the CBCA Picture
                                           Book of the Year Notables list. She was also a finalist in CBCA
                                           Crichton Award for New Illustrators in 2009.
                                      •    Moira’s distinctive illustrations are created by hand using layered
                                           woodblock prints, screen-prints and collage.

                March 2022 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 235 x 200 mm • 40 pages

                Rights available: World

                MOIRA COURT
                                       This dog is noisy and that one is quiet. This dog is tiny and that one is
                                       In lively rhyming prose, Moira Court captures all the joy of the dog
                                       park, with each canine created in clever paper collage and screen-
                                       print. At the Dog Park features real-life hounds of Western Australia,
                                       including those of local authors Dianne Wolfer and James Foley.
                                       Children will love identifying their favourite dog breeds and what
                                       dogs they have seen at the park while learning about opposites.

                                       FEATURE INFORMATION
                                       •   Moira Court’s work has been shortlisted for the Western
                                           Australian Premier’s Book Award and made the CBCA Picture
                                           Book of the Year Notables list. She was also a finalist in CBCA
                                           Crichton Award for New Illustrators in 2009.
                                       •   Moira’s distinctive illustrations are created by hand using layered
                                           woodblock prints, screen-prints and collage.

                                       PRAISE FOR THE AUTHOR
                                       ‘This beautiful picture book will engage young readers through shape
                                       and colour, movement, sound and text in a most satisfying whole.
                                       Recommended to share with little ones.’ Magpies
                                       ‘... the wonderful thing is that these doggies are so beautifully drawn
                                       with the artist using layered woodblock prints, screen-printing and
                                       collage, that they all come alive for us.’ Good Reading

                2020 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 185 x 250 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World

                                       Antarctica – an icy desert with mountain ranges and sleeping
                                       volcanoes, home to the spinning end of the earth and to a diverse
                                       array of quirky creatures.
                                       From the artist who brought us My Superhero (on the International
                                       Youth Library White Raven List 2014) and Colour Me, Moira
                                       Court brings Antarctica to life in this gorgeous new picture book,
                                       combining clever counting with lyrical prose and stunning artwork.

                                       PRAISE FOR THE AUTHOR
                                       ‘This picture book by artist and author Moira Court has a distinctive
                                       visual style that makes it stand out from other books for readers
                                       aged three to five ... each double page spread features stunning
                                       collage, block print and woodcut artworks.’ Junior Books+Publishing
                                       ‘The text is perfect for reading aloud with delicious words and a
                                       wonderful rhythm that is beautifully complemented by lively paper
                                       collage illustrations.’ Good Reading
                                       ‘Court’s illustrations are as gorgeous as her words, using texture,
                                       tone and simple repetitive shapes ... to depict the Antarctic’s “quirky”
                                       creatures and to keep little fingers turning the pages.’
                                       South Sydney Herald
                                       ‘Colour Me closes with a rainbow and the strong message of diversity
                                       and inclusion that the rainbow has come to represent.’ SBS Life
                                       ‘Court’s dynamic illustrations and the fold-out pages are guaranteed to
                                       engage youngsters … Verdict: super.’ Herald Sun

                2019 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 235 x 230 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World
                Rights sold: North America – Charlesbridge, Turkey – Is Kultur

                KYLE HUGHES-ODGERS
                                       From a tiger in a car to an electric guitar, from a horse to a monster (of
                                       course!) this dynamic board book shows a whole range of fun things that
                                       kids love to look at and talk about.

                                       FEATURE INFORMATION
                                       • Hughes-Odgers is an award-winning Australian artist. He has held
                                         exhibitions throughout Australia and internationally in New York, Los
                                         Angeles, Singapore and Berlin. He has also been involved in large-scale
                                         international public art projects.
                                       • Hughes-Odgers has an international following, with an Instagram
                                         account of 17,000+ followers.

                                       PRAISE FOR THE AUTHOR
                                       ‘… unique and distinctive.’ Magpies
                                       ‘The illustrations make this book irresistible.’ Herald Sun
                                       ‘Quiet. Powerful. Stunning to explore in both a visual and thoughtful sense,
                                       this one deserves a sticker or three.’ Kids’ Book Review
                                       ‘This is a captivating picture book full of questions, both practical and
                                       philosophical, which is sure to get readers’ imaginations working overtime.
                                       A fantastic book. I loved it!’ YARR-A
                                       ‘… a wonderful exploration of the idea “build it and they will come”.’
                                       Mornings with Fiona Parker, ABC Local Radio

                April 2022 • 0–3 yr olds • Board Book 150 x 150 mm • 30 pages

                Rights available: World

                ONE THOUSAND TREES
                                                                                                                 KEY THEMES
                                          A journey of imagination and discovery, exploring the nature          ENVIRONMENT
                                          of art and the art of nature. The book opens with a stark grey
                                          city scene and the words, ‘Deep in the heart of the city, Frankie
                                          dreams of a thousand trees’. It then shifts to a forest depicted in
                                          translucent watercolour as Frankie moves over, under, between
                                          and above the trees, before finally returning to the city.

                2017 • 2–8 yr olds • HB, PB 305 x 210 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World       Rights sold: Turkey – A7 Kitap

                TEN TINY THINGS
                WITH MEG McKINLAY
                Tessa and Zachary are forced to walk to school after their ‘swift and comfortable
                machine’ breaks down. What they discover each day outside those metal walls is a
                wondrous place of secret somethings and hidden happenings.                                        WINNER
                PRAISE FOR THE BOOK                                                                             CRYSTAL KIT
                ‘I loved everything about this book and just read it at a story time session for under
                5s. They loved it.’ Weekend Courier
                ‘The children’s journey from insulated car dwellers to open-hearted explorers of the
                world around them is rendered with sympathy and insight. Very highly recommended
                for ages 3 to 8 years.’ Child Magazines
                2012 • 3–6 yr olds • HB, PB 230 x 238 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World        Rights sold: Turkey – Nar Publishing

                CAN A SKELETON HAVE AN X-RAY?                                                                  LONGLISTED
                What spins the Earth? Do colours smell? Why is water wet? Where do dreams go?                  BOOK FAIR’S
                Award-winning author and illustrator Kyle Hughes-Odgers brings his own unique                    GLOBAL
                vision to these and many other questions, from the practical to the philosophical.               AWARD
                A book guaranteed to fire young imaginations!
                PRAISE FOR THE BOOK
                ‘Quiet. Powerful. Stunning to explore in both a visual and thoughtful sense, this one
                deserves a sticker or three.’ Kids’ Book Review

                2015 • 4–10 yr olds • HB 240 x 230 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World
                Rights sold: Spain – MTM Editores, Turkey – A7 Kitap

                ON A SMALL ISLAND
                On a small island, in a gigantic sea, lives Ari. Ari longs for the large ships to stop at his island, he
                longs to see remarkable things and to have interesting friends. On a small island, in a gigantic sea,
                Ari has an idea. A dazzling idea. An irresistible idea … If he can’t go where it’s great, he’ll make
                where he is a great place to be.

                PRAISE FOR THE BOOK
                ‘… a wonderful exploration of the idea “build it and
                they will come”.’ ABC Local Radio

                2014 • 4–10 yr olds • HB 240 x 240 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World
                Rights sold: China – United Sky (Beijing) New Media Co.

                 PAULA HAYES
                                         When Lily Griffin finds a girl trapped inside a magic mirror, she
                                         uncovers a long-forgotten family secret and sets in motion a
                                         remarkable chain of events. Lily is a singular character, hilariously
                                         funny, sweetly poignant and deeply daggy. Plagued by social doubts
                                         and her own pecularities, she is the perfect person to investigate the
                                         many secrets of her grandfather’s house and, along the way, mend
                                         some family relationships, discover enduring friendships and learn to
                                         play netball.
                                         FEATURE INFORMATION
                                         •    Packed full of adventure, magic and a little bit of history, The
                                              Vexatious Haunting of Lily Griffin will entertain and engage
                                              children from start to finish. Paula Hayes’ playful language and
                                              hearty humour will make children laugh out loud. Her approach
                                              to life’s challenges, such as sibling bullying, social anxiety and
                                              adoption, is moving and handled with sensitivity. Plus the
                                              addition of a dash of history, a main character with a vocabulary
                                              like a thesaurus and a spate of ironically unspooky supernatural
                                              occurrences makes for a highly entertaining read.
                                         •    The book features three novels in one large omnibus. They can
                                              be published separately or as one large book. The first novel in
                                              the series was a Children’s Book Council of Australia Notable
                                              book in 2017.

                                         PRAISE FOR THE BOOK
                                         ‘Complemented by vivid illustrations, The Vexatious Haunting of Lily
                                         Griffin is a funny, heartfelt tale that pre-teens will gobble up.’ Writing
                                         ‘If you are looking for a fun and easy ghost series, then this is the
                                         perfect book.’ StoryLinks

                 2022 • 8–11 yr olds • PB B format • 448 pages

                 Rights available: World

                CRISTY BURNE
                                         Cam and Sophie feel like they’ve been travelling forever to get to
                                         the rainforest and the river and their cousins. They just want to see
                                         a platypus in the wild, but with the rain tipping down and the river
                                         turning wild they can’t see a thing. Until suddenly, they can. A platypus
                                         is just below them, and it needs help! But when their rescue attempt
                                         goes horribly wrong, it’s not just the platypus that needs saving ...

                                         FEATURE INFORMATION
                                         • Cristy is a children’s author and science writer with degrees in
                                           biotechnology and science communication. She has also worked as
                                           a science circus performer, garbage analyst, Santa’s pixie, and atom-
                                           smashing reporter.
                                         • Her previous title Off the Track was shortlisted for an Environment
                                           Award for Children’s Literature.

                                         PRAISE FOR THE BOOKS
                                         ‘Cristy Burne has an easy-to-read writing style and students will enjoy
                                         her touches of humour interspersed throughout the novel ... Highly
                                         recommended.’ Magpies
                                         ‘A funny and informative story about getting away from it all.’
                                         Kids’ Reading Guide
                                         ‘I liked this book because it has lots of twists and turns. It’s about
                                         making friends and being adventurous ... 4 out of 5 stars!’
                                         Thandie, age 8, Kookie Magazine
                2021 • 7–8 yr olds • PB • 104 pages
                To the Lighthouse: 2017 • 7–8 yr olds • PB • 112 pages
                Off the Track: 2018 • 7–8 yr olds • PB • 128 pages
                Rights available all books: World

                 KATHRYN LEFROY
                                         In this thrilling conclusion to the adventure begun in Alex and the
                                         Alpacas Save the World, Alex discovers that she didn’t complete the
                                         mission and this time around it’s not one, but two evil spirits she will
                                         need to defeat. Combining humour with high energy action and an
                                         exciting plot full of twists and turns, this is a great read for lovers of
                                         page-turning adventure.

                                         FEATURE INFORMATION
                                         • Kathryn writes novels, screenplays and articles. She has a PhD
                                           in marketing, several screenwriting credits, and her stories have
                                           appeared in magazines, journals and online.

                                         PRAISE FOR THE AUTHOR
                                         ‘Readers will easily relate to strong and courageous Alex ... Both
                                         highly entertaining and surprisingly endearing, Alex and the Alpacas
                                         Save the World is also about the importance of family and respecting
                                         the land around us.’ Books+Publishing
                                         ‘This is a fast-paced book with plenty of action, suspense and scary
                                         moments ... overall the story is entertaining and engaging and the
                                         alpacas make very appealing characters.’ Magpies
                                         ‘Alex and the Alpacas Save the World ... skilfully draws from literature
                                         and myth – the duality of nature’s power, creation and destruction –
                                         to weave a story that is fresh and compelling.’ Readings

                 2022 • 9–13 yr olds • PB • 263 pages

                 Rights available: World

                                       Shine is a love song between a parent and a child. Starting in the
                                       early morning with the abrupt waking of the parents, Shine follows
                                       a large family through their day. Shine is a story that seeks to find
                                       the beauty in ordinary things and the joy of being together. It is an
                                       attempt to put words to that spark of connection that we have with
                                       each other.

                                       FEATURE INFORMATION
                                       •    Shine was inspired by Danny’s daughter when she told him he
                                            ‘was the shine in her shiny’. Danny was absorbed by the structure
                                            of that phrase – and the beauty of its meaning.
                                       •    Ruth took Danny’s words and gave them her own twist: as a
                                            mother of a large family (six children!), she treasures the beauty
                                            in that chaos, and loves to share with others the joys and
                                            blessings of having multiple children.

                                       PRAISE FOR THE BOOK
                                       ‘It will warm your heart and is sure to become a family favourite.’
                                       Kids’ Book Review
                                       ‘A beautiful homage to family love, Shine is sure to become a family
                                       favourite.’ Magpies

                2021 • 0-5 yr olds • HB 245 x 245 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World
PANDAMONIA                                                                                                          BEST

                                       When visiting the zoo, whatever you do, DON’T WAKE THE PANDA!
                                       Join in the fantastic fun as one grumpy panda sets off a frenzy
                                       of wild partying: there’s grunting and growling and prancing
                                       and prowling, skipping and scowling and squealing and yowling,
                                       squeaking and squawking, snarling and snorting, hysterical howling
                                       and chaotic cavorting.

                                       FEATURE INFORMATION
                                       • Award-winning author and illustrator.
                                       • Selected for the national independent booksellers’ Spring
                                       • Reprinted before release.
                                       • Support materials available – bookmarks, posters, DND door
                                         hangers, book trailer.
                                       • This perfect read-aloud book was made into an interactive
                                         musical performance at the Perth Writers Festival.

                                       PRAISE FOR THE BOOK
                                       ‘With words and artwork in happy harmony, Pandamonia is highly
                                       recommended for all ages (including adults!). [5 out of 5 stars]’
                     LONGLISTED        Junior Books+Publishing
                                       ‘Nixon’s work brings a sense of playfulness and energy to
                     BOOK FAIR’S
                       GLOBAL          Pandamonia ... a rollicking children’s story.’ Artist’s Chronicle
                    ILLUSTRATION       ‘Lively rhyming text that grows and grows with action and noise
                                       words begging to be read aloud.’ 4MBS Classic FM Radio
                2016 • 4–6 yr olds • HB, PB 238 x 288 mm • 32 pages                                                              CHILDREN’S
                                                                                                                  WA YOUNG
                                                                                                                                BOOK COUNCIL
                                                                                                                READERS’ BOOK
                                                                                                                                OF AUSTRALIA
                Rights available: World                                                                          AWARD 2017
                                                                                                                                 AWARD 2016
                Rights sold: Italy – Gallucci Editore, North America – Kane Miller, Germany – Carlsen Verlag,
                China – United Sky (Beijing) New Media Co, Taiwan – Abula Press, Spain – Triqueta Editions,
                Turkey – Karavan Cocuk

                FIONA BURROWS
                                         Violet is a girl with big ideas. She is always thinking. One day she
                                         starts thinking about nothing. What is nothing? Where is nothing? Is
                                         it real? And if nothing is real, is anything real? A thought-provoking
                                         picture book for curious kids.

                                         FEATURE INFORMATION
                                         • Fiona Burrows is a writer and illustrator who currently works as
                                           an academic adviser at a university, where she teaches writing,
                                           designs learning materials and creates digital content for YouTube
                                           and social media.
                                         • This picture book is about the big philosophical questions that
                                           children have. It celebrates intelligence, creativity and imagination,
                                           and shows children, especially little girls, that these traits are
                                           powerful ones to nurture.
                 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN
                 PREMIER’S BOOK AWARDS
                                         PRAISE FOR THE BOOK
                                         ‘The highlight of this book is the incredible illustrations. The pages
                                         are bursting with colour, life and imagination and perfectly capture
                                         the inquisitive and thoughtful young Violet.’ Reading Time
                                         ‘The illustrations of ‘nothing’ are abstract and filled with interesting
                                         trivia while the illustrations of Violet and the people in her life are
                                         eye-grabbing. This is a picture book about the big questions that
                                         children have and that adults often can’t answer.’
                                         Buzz Words Magazine

                2019 • 3–5 yr olds • HB 230 x 235 mm • 32 pages

                Rights available: World

                I LOVE ME
                                       Acclaimed creators Sally Morgan and Ambelin Kwaymullina celebrate
                                       individuality and joyous self-esteem, in bouncy, rhythmic prose and
                                       riotous colour.

                                       PRAISE FOR THE BOOK
                                       ‘A beautifully written and illustrated book ... about loving yourself
                                       for being you. It is a lovely book to read with small children to
                                       teach them that we should all love ourselves just the way we are.’
                                       Read Plus
                                       ‘The book aims to build self-esteem in children and the bright
                                       illustrations and bouncy, prose, which uses rhyme, rhythm and
                   Silver Winner       repetition will engage youngsters and encourage them to join in the
                   2019 Nautilus       reading.’ Aussie Reviews
                    Book Award         ‘I Love Me is a wonderful reminder not just to children but to the
                   for Children’s      parents and teachers reading the book with them that the best thing
                  Picture Books –
                                       we can do for ourselves is embrace who we are.’ West Australian
                                       ‘A superb little book of rhyming reasons you might love yourself.’
                                       Reading Time
                                       ‘... highly recommended with its simple text and uplifting message
                    Longlisted         about embracing individuality.’ Little Reading Room
                  2017 ABIA Small
                  Children’s Book
                    of the Year

                2016 • 4–8 yr olds • Board Book, PB and HB • 32 pages

                Rights available: World
                Rights sold: North America – Andrews McMeel Universal

                HELEN MILROY
                                         From a falling star to a lonely whale, an entertaining lizard to an
                                         enterprising penguin, these Indigenous stories are full of wonder,
                                         adventure and enduring friendships. Told in the style of traditional

                                                                                                                      O  M  B A  T ,
                                         teaching stories, these animal tales take young readers on adventures
                                         of self-discovery and fulfilment.
                                                                                                                    W UDLARK
                                         AUTHOR INFORMATION
                                         • Dr Helen Milroy is a descendant of the Palyku people of the Pilbara
                                           region of Western Australia, but was born and educated in Perth.
                                                                                                                    M& OTHER STORIES
                                           Australia’s first Indigenous doctor, Helen studied medicine at the
                                           University of Western Australia and is currently Professor of Child
                                           and Adolescent Psychiatry at UWA and a Commissioner with the
                                           National Mental Health Commission.

                                         PRAISE FOR THE BOOK
                 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN
                 PREMIER’S BOOK AWARDS
                                         ‘The themes of the book are universal for kids anywhere, encouraging
                                         them to feel proud of their imagination, energy, optimism, emotional
                                         intelligence and family connections.’ Fremantle Herald
                                         ‘This is a story that can help children to find their hidden strengths –
                                         and to feel proud of them.’ Mums at the Table                              HELEN MILROY
                                          ‘These simple and direct stories demonstrate huge amounts of
                   INDIGENOUS            emotional intelligence.’ Readings
                   STORIES FOR           ‘Wombat, Mudlark and Other Stories is a book of eight stories about
                    CHILDREN             love, friendship and nature. Reading them feels like a warm hug on a
                                         cold day.’ Magpies

                2019 • 6–10yr olds • PB • 96 pages
                Rights available: World                                               Readings Prize

                MEG MACKINLAY
                                         Bella’s house has a secret. It has legs and likes to travel at night.
                                         Bella’s parents have come to grips with this oddity and don’t mind
                                         as long as the house is back home by daylight. One night, Bella has
                                         a wonderful idea for her grandfather’s birthday. She wants to find
                                         a figurine Grandpa made of her grandmother, lost overboard in an
                                         accident when Bella was distracted by a frolicking seal.
                                         Bella and the house find the right spot, but not the figurine. Then the
                                         seal reappears and directs them to where the figurine has moved to
                                         on the currents. Bella is overjoyed. She directs the house to head for
                                         home but when she wakes in the morning, Bella discovers the house
                                         is still in the middle of the ocean, and her parents are not happy.

                                         FEATURE INFORMATION
                                         • Award-winning children’s author.

                                         PRAISE FOR THE BOOK
                                         ‘This is an excellent addition to the ‘Bella’ series, and a great
                                         introduction to longer storytelling for readers just starting out on
                                         reading bigger books.’ Reading Time
                2021 • 6-10 yr olds • PB • 112 pages

                Bella is very surprised one morning to discover her house has moved in the night – not a           SHORTLISTED
                lot, just a little. Night after night the house moves and the family wakes to a new location.       AUREALIS
                Each time it stops, it stops near water. When Bella realises that her room at the top of the       AWARD 2015
                house is built from Grandad’s old boat, she finally knows what the house is searching for.
                2015 • 6–10 yr olds • PB • 80 pages

                Rights available: World

                SHIRLEY MARR
                                        Mei Ling Pang was born at an inauspicious time on an inauspicious
                                        day, so bad luck liked to follow her around. Strange things did too,
                                        especially in Hungry Ghost Month. When Little Jiang arrives in
                                        Honeywood, Mei’s luck goes from bad to worse. But in trying to help
                                        Little Jiang, Mei changes her own luck forever.
                                        AUTHOR INFORMATION
                                        • Shirley Marr is a first generation Chinese-Australian. While working
                                          on a very dry accounting PhD she realised she’d much rather be
                                          writing stories instead. Her passion is to distil her cultural heritage
                                          in unusual ways. She is the author of the internationally best-
                                          selling A Glasshouse Full of Stars.

                                        FEATURE INFORMATION
                                        • A fresh and funny take on the old Chinese folk legend of the
                                          jiangshi, this a fast-paced, page-turning adventure for middle
                                          readers that is full of heart.
                                        • Includes twelve line illustrations

                                        PRAISE FOR THE BOOKS
                                        ‘It’s impossible to adequately sum up the untameable punk spirit that
                                        thrums between the lines of Little Jiang; simply put, this book slaps.
                                        It barrels ahead with the same knockabout energy of the Hong Kong
                                        horror comedies it shares tropes with but goes so much further –
                                        author Shirley Marr’s imagination is boundless.’ Books+Publishing
                                        ‘… Little Jiang cleverly combined vampires and ghosts with just
                                        enough soul to pull at the heart strings.’ West Australian
                2020 • 8–12 yr olds • PB • 200 pages

                Rights available: World

                JULIA LAWRINSON
                                        It’s 1979. Swedish pop group ABBA rules the airwaves, rollerskating
                                        is cool and Mel and Shell are best friends. There’s nothing they like
                                        more than making up dances to ABBA songs, and there’s nothing
                                        they like less than Scary Sharon and Stinky Simon. But things are
                                        changing, fast.
                                        As they start grade 5, the girls find themselves separated. Sharon
                                        sets her sights on being friends with Shell, and tries to muscle out
                                        Mel. Then Mel starts acting strangely, because, even though Shell
                                        doesn’t know it, Mel’s parents are divorcing. Shell has a lot to learn
                                        about the importance of loyalty and honesty – which she discovers
                                        as she opens her heart to a pen pal from 1829.
                                        AUTHOR INFORMATION
                                        •    Julia Lawrinson is a renowned and award-winning children’s
                                             writer who has presented at schools and conferences in
                                             Australia, Singapore, Indonesia and the United States.

                                        PRAISE FOR THE AUTHOR
                                        ‘Maddie in the Middle also raises the problems that many teens face –
                                        how to fit in, how to be a good friend and how to find independence
                                        but also follow the rules. This is a coming-of-age book for
                                        tweens and would be a great conversation-starter for parents.’
                                        Reading Time

                2021 • 9–14 yr olds • PB • 208 pages
                Maddie in the Middle: 2019 • 10–14 yr olds • PB • 232

                Rights available (both books): World
Fremantle Press is an Australian independent publishing house renowned for books
of high quality. Our publications include works by new and established authors in the
      fields of fiction, non-fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry and children’s literature.
We create book club notes and teachers notes, and these are freely available for use.
                       For our complete catalogue please see fremantlepress.com.au

                                                                                 Alex Allan
                                                                   CEO, Rights and Sales
                                                      E: aallan@fremantlepress.com.au
                                                                   T: +61 (0)8 9430 6331
                                                            25 Quarry Street, Fremantle
                                                                  Western Australia 6160
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