2023 Model Year BATTERY ELECTRIC VEHICLE WARRANTY Guide (E-Transit, Mustang Mach-E, F-150 Lightning)

Page created by Matthew Saunders
                                       PJ8J 19G218 AA
                                                             l’année modèle 2023(E-TRANSIT, MUSTANG MACH-E, F-150 LIGHTNING)
                                        Litho in U.S.A.
                                        First Printing
                                        October 2022
                                                                    Avril 2022
                                                                    Première impression
                                                                    Imprimé aux É.-U.
                                                                    PJ8J 19G218 AA
       Guide (E-Transit, Mustang Mach-E, F-150 Lightning)
The information contained in this publication was correct at the time of going
to print. In the interest of continuous development, we reserve the right to
change specifications, design or equipment at any time without notice or
obligation. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored
in a retrieval system or translated into any language in any form by any
means without our written permission. Errors and omissions excepted.
                        © Ford Motor Company 2022
Table of Contents

Your Satisfaction Is Our                                        MAINTENANCE AND WEAR . . . . . . . . . . 11
Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . .2       SOME MAINTENANCE AND WEAR ITEMS
DEAR NEW VEHICLE OWNER . . . . . . . . . . 2                    HAVE LIMITED COVERAGE . . . . . . . . .                 12
                                                                OTHER ITEMS AND/OR CONDITIONS NOT
Warranty Information                   . . . . . . . . .3       COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY . . . . . . . .12
YOUR FORD NEW VEHICLE WARRANTY . . 3                            ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . 13
REPAIRS? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3        (US) AND CONVERSIONS: . . . . . . . . . . . 14
WHEN DOES THE WARRANTY BEGIN? . . . 4                           WARRANTY? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
WHAT IS COVERED? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4              NEW VEHICLE WARRANTY
BASIC COVERAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4              LIMITATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
CAPACITY COVERAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4                 CAREFULLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
FORD ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE                                        TAKE CARE OF YOU! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1-800-665-2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5            PROPER MAINTENANCE PRESERVES YOUR
CORROSION COVERAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6                  WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
COVERAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6          APPLY TO YOUR VEHICLE? . . . . . . . . . . 17
POWERTRAIN COVERAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . 6                   TAKING YOUR VEHICLE ON A TRIP? . . . . . 17
SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7         OWNER... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
                                                                YOU... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
TIRE WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
UNIQUE WARRANTY COVERAGE FOR                                    Important Owner
SPECIFIED COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
                                                                Information . . . . .               . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
                                                                LOG ON TO WWW.FORD.CA . . . . . . . . . . 19
COVERAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
WHAT IS NOT COVERED UNDER THIS NEW                              Ford Roadside Assistance                             . . . .20
VEHICLE LIMITED WARRANTY? . . . . . . . . 9                     ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
DAMAGE CAUSED BY USE AND/OR THE                                 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CARD . . . . . . . . . . .21
ENVIRONMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11              FORD ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CUSTOMER
DAMAGE CAUSED BY IMPROPER                                       CLAIM FORM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Your Satisfaction Is Our Priority

DEAR NEW VEHICLE OWNER                           Ford of Canada and our dealerships look
                                                 forward to being at your service. We wish
It is with great pleasure that we welcome        you peace-of-mind throughout your
you to the Ford family. We want you to           ownership experience. Happy Motoring!
enjoy all the benefits of owning your new
Ford vehicle, and look forward to building       Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited
a relationship with you over the years           P.O. Box 2000
                                                 Oakville, ON
At Ford Motor Company of Canada,
Limited, we believe that to be the leading       L6K 0C8
consumer automotive company, we must             www.ford.ca
be absolutely committed to your total
satisfaction. This belief guides the way         1-800-565-3673
we build our vehicles, and the way they          Customer Service for the Hearing
are serviced for years to come. Our Ford         Impaired 7-1-1 (where offered by your
dealers are dedicated to reaching the            telephone service)
highest standards in customer service
and technical expertise, and they use            Twitter
Ford-approved parts.                             @FordServiceCA (English Canada)
To help maintain the new vehicle                 @FordServiceQC (Quebec)
characteristics of your Ford vehicle, we
encourage you to read through this
Warranty Guide and follow its
recommendations. This Guide contains:
• Your Ford New Vehicle Limited
• Your vehicle’s Roadside Assistance

Warranty Information

 Warranty Coverage
 by Time (Months)             12        24        36        48        60        72        84       96
 and Distance
 Travelled (km)
                           36 months/60,000 km
 (perforation only)        5 years/unlimited distance

                           5 years/100,000 km
 Safety Restraint
 System                    5 years/100,000 km
 Aluminum Body Panel
 Corrosion           5 years/unlimited distance
 Electric Vehicle
 Component                 8 years/160,000 km
 This chart shows general information only. Please refer to the Warranty section in this Warranty Guide
 for detailed information.

YOUR FORD NEW VEHICLE                                   WHO IS AUTHORIZED TO DO
WARRANTY                                                WARRANTY REPAIRS?
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited                   You must take your vehicle to an
(Ford of Canada) warrants that its                      authorized Ford or Ford Lincoln dealer for
authorized dealers will repair, replace or              warranty repairs. While any Ford or Ford
adjust those parts on your battery electric             Lincoln dealership handling your vehicle
vehicle (BEV), that are found to be                     line will provide warranty service, we
defective in materials or workmanship                   recommend you return to your selling
made or supplied by Ford for the                        dealer.
coverage periods described in the
                                                        Please note that certain warranty repairs
Warranty Information section of this
                                                        require special training and/or equipment,
Warranty Guide.
                                                        so not all dealers are authorized to
                                                        perform all warranty repairs. This means
                                                        that, depending on the warranty repair
                                                        needed, you may have to take your
                                                        vehicle to another dealer. In certain
                                                        instances, Ford may authorize that your
                                                        vehicle be repaired at a repair centre
                                                        other than a Ford or Ford Lincoln dealer

Warranty Information

While you may take your vehicle to any            WHAT IS COVERED?
Ford of Canada dealership for most
repairs, certain repairs involving the high
                                                  BASIC COVERAGE
voltage components must be completed
at an Electric Vehicle (EV) Certified Ford        Under your New Vehicle Limited
dealership. You can identify and locate EV        Warranty, Basic Coverage begins at the
Certified Ford Dealers using the dealer           original warranty start date and lasts for
locator tool on Ford.ca, or by calling the        36 months or 60,000 kilometres
Customer Relationship Center at                   (whichever occurs first). The complete
1-800-565-3673, or Customer Service for           vehicle is covered under this Basic
the Hearing Impaired 7-1-1 (where offered         Coverage, except components listed
by your telephone service).                       under the following warranties in this
                                                  Warranty Guide, and those items listed
A reasonable time must be allowed to
                                                  under “What is Not Covered Under this
perform a repair after taking your vehicle
                                                  New Vehicle Limited Warranty?” on page
to the dealership. Repairs will be made
using Ford or Motorcraft® Parts, or
remanufactured or other parts that are            NOTE: Warranted repairs with respect
authorized by Ford.                               to the high voltage battery assembly
                                                  must be performed by an EV Certified
WHO PAYS FOR WARRANTY                             Ford dealership.
                                                  HIGH VOLTAGE LITHIUM-ION
Ford of Canada covers the cost of                 BATTERY CAPACITY
warranty repairs performed under the
New Vehicle Limited Warranty Coverage             COVERAGE
during the “time and distance travelled”          As is the case with all batteries, the high
limits of the New Vehicle Limited                 voltage lithium-ion battery capacity will
Warranty.                                         decrease over time and with use. While
Federal or provincial governments may             gradual capacity loss with time and use is
require an environmental or disposal tax          considered normal wear and tear, Ford of
(levy) on all or a portion of a warranty          Canada warrants the high voltage battery
repair, in which case this tax (levy) must        against excessive capacity loss for a
be paid by you, the owner of the vehicle.         period of 8 years/160,000 kilometres,
                                                  whichever comes first. If an authorized EV
WHEN DOES THE WARRANTY                            Certified Ford Dealer determines that the
                                                  battery capacity is less than 70 percent of
BEGIN?                                            the high voltage battery’s beginning of life
                                                  capacity or less than 65 percent for
The warranty begins on the original retail
                                                  vehicles in cutaway or chassis cab
delivery date, or on the date of first use
                                                  configuration, this level of capacity loss is
(whichever occurs first).
                                                  considered excessive. The measurement
This is the “original warranty start date”.       method used to determine the high
Warranty Information

voltage battery capacity, and the decision        FORD POWER-UP SOFTWARE
of whether to repair, replace, or provide
reconditioned or remanufactured parts,
and the condition of any such replaced,           During the warranty coverage period,
reconditioned or remanufactured parts,            Ford of Canada warrants that you will not
are at the sole discretion of Ford of             be charged for diagnosis, repair,
Canada. During the High Voltage Battery           replacement, or adjustment of
Capacity Coverage period, Ford of                 components that are damaged or
Canada will cover the necessary                   inoperable due to a defect caused by a
component repair or replacement to                Ford Power-Up software update.
correct this excessive capacity loss, when
performed by an EV Certified Ford                 FORD ROADSIDE
dealership.                                       ASSISTANCE
This coverage is in addition to the high          1-800-665-2006
voltage battery assembly’s limited
                                                  Your vehicle is eligible, within Canada or
warranty for defects in materials or
                                                  the continental United States, for the
workmanship. If a warranty repair                 Ford Roadside Assistance Program. This
requires replacement of the high voltage          Program is separate from the New
battery assembly, or one of its                   Vehicle Limited Warranty, but the
components, it may be replaced with a             coverage is concurrent with the 5 years or
new, factory remanufactured, or factory           100,000 kilometres (whichever occurs
refurbished component, at Ford’s                  first) Powertrain Coverage period.
discretion. Refurbished battery
                                                  Towing required because of a
components selected for your vehicle will
                                                  warrantable failure beyond the 5 years or
align with your vehicle’s age, and mileage.
                                                  100,000 kilometres (whichever occurs
NOTE: The battery capacity                        first) Powertrain Coverage is covered
degradation rate will vary based on               under any remaining applicable New
                                                  Vehicle Limited Warranty coverage.
various factors, including environmental
conditions, and will also be affected by          Please refer to the Ford Roadside
the way in which the vehicle is used.             Assistance section of this Warranty Guide
Following the recommendations in the              for complete details (page 20).
Preserving Your High Voltage Battery
section of the Owner’s Manual may help
lower the rate of capacity degradation
and optimize battery life.

Warranty Information

Under your New Vehicle Limited                  CORROSION COVERAGE
Warranty, Corrosion Coverage begins at          Your vehicle’s aluminum body sheet
the original warranty start date and            metal panels, if any, are covered for an
covers body sheet metal panels against          extended Corrosion Coverage Period,
corrosion due to a defect in factory-           which lasts for five years, regardless of
supplied materials and workmanship.             distance driven. If aluminum body panels
The length of the coverage depends on           have corrosion or rust damage, and the
the type of corrosion damage:                   damage is not the result of abnormal
• If corrosion causes perforations              usage, vehicle accident, customer actions
  (holes) in the body sheet metal               and/or extreme environmental
  panels, the coverage extends for              conditions, the corrosion or rust damage
  5 years/unlimited distance.                   repairs are covered for 5 years, regardless
                                                of distance driven. For damage caused by
• If corrosion does not cause                   airborne material (environmental fallout)
  perforations (holes), and is not the          where there is no factory-related defect
  result of vehicle usage and/or                involved and therefore no warranty − our
  airborne materials, the Corrosion             policy is to provide no extra charge repair
  Coverage is 36 months or                      of paint damage due to the airborne
  60,000 kilometers (whichever                  material for 12 months or
  occurs first).                                20,000 kilometers, whichever occurs
If your vehicle is damaged due to
airborne materials (environmental
fallout) where there is no defect in            POWERTRAIN COVERAGE
factory-supplied materials or                   Your vehicle’s Powertrain components
workmanship and therefore is not                are covered for five years or
applicable to the Ford of Canada                100,000 kilometres, whichever occurs
warranty, Ford of Canada will still cover       first. The extended Powertrain coverage
paint damage due to airborne materials          applies to all components of the driveline
(environmental fallout) for 12 months or        that are not specifically covered by the
20,000 kilometers (whichever occurs             Electric Vehicle Component warranty.
first). See “Damage Caused by Use or            Powertrain components that receive
the Environment” page 11.                       warranty coverage for five years or
                                                100,000 kilometres may include gears,
                                                differential, shafts, fluid pumps, seals and
                                                gaskets, bearings, mounts, drive shaft,
                                                retainers, supports, universal and
                                                constant velocity joints.

Warranty Information

eDRIVE SYSTEMS                                  Two separate warranties apply to the
The high voltage battery and eDrive             tires on your new vehicle. The New
systems of your vehicle are covered by          Vehicle Limited Warranty covers tire
the Electric Vehicle Component coverage         defects in factory-supplied materials or
for eight years or 160,000 kilometres,          workmanship until the earlier of: (i)
whichever comes first. High voltage             expiration of the Basic Coverage period of
battery and eDrive components covered           36 months or 60,000 kilometres
by this warranty include the high voltage       (whichever occurs first); or (ii) until the
battery assembly, Bussed Electrical             tire requires normal replacement, for
Center (BEC), battery energy control            100% of labour costs and on a pro rata
module (BECM), on-board charger,                adjustment basis for parts (see the
inverter system controller (ISC), DC/DC         Reimbursement Schedule below).
converter, and eDrive. If a covered             Defective tires will be replaced on a pro
component requires replacement under            rata adjustment basis according to the
the Electric Vehicle Component warranty,        following kilometre-based
it may be replaced with a new, factory          Reimbursement Schedule:
remanufactured, or factory refurbished                                    Percent of
                                                  Vehicle Distance
component, at Ford’s discretion.                                         Parts Covered
Refurbished battery components                                              by Ford
selected for your vehicle will align with        1-20,000 kilometres         100%
your vehicle’s age and mileage and meet                20,001­
Ford’s requirements and standards.                40,000 kilometres
SAFETY RESTRAINT                                  60,000 kilometres
Under your New Vehicle Limited
Warranty, safety belts and air bag
Supplemental Restraint Systems (SRS)
are covered against defects in
factory-supplied materials or
workmanship. Safety Restraint System
Coverage begins on the original warranty
start date and lasts for 5 years or
100,000 kilometres (whichever occurs

Warranty Information

The tire manufacturer also provides        The tire manufacturer’s tire warranty
you with a separate tire warranty that     information is available through the
may extend beyond the Basic                manufacture’s websites .
Coverage terms or period.

   Tire Manufacturer                Website                   Toll-Free Number
BFGoodrich               www.bfgoodrichtires.com          1-877-788-8899
Bridgestone /Firestone   www.bridgestonetire.com          U.S.: 1-800-356-4644
                         ww.firestonetire.com             Canada: 1-800-267-1318
Continental/General      www.continentaltire.com          U.S.: 1-800-847-3349
                         www.generaltire.com              Canada: 1-855-453-1962
Goodyear/Dunlop          www.goodyear.com                 U.S.: 1-800-321-2136
                                                          Canada: 1-855-453-1962
Hankook                  U.S.: www.hankooktire.           U.S.: 1-800-426-5665
                         com/us                           Canada: 1-800-843-7709
                         Canada: www.hankook.
Linglong                 www.linglongtire.com             1-844-692-8527

Maxxis                   www.maxxis.com                   1-866-509-7067
Michelin                 www.michelinman.com              1-866-866-6605
Nitto                    www.nittotire.com                1-888-529-8200
Pirelli                  U.S.: www.pirelli.com/tires/     1-800-747-3554 (English)
                         en-us/ car/tire-use-guide-       1-800-363-0583 (French)
                         Canada: www.pirelli.com/
                         tires/ en-ca/car/tire-warranty
Toyo                     www.toyotires.com                1-800-442-8696
Sumitomo/Falken          www.falkentire.com               1-800-723-2553

Tire replacements under the New             the vehicle unless the same brand and
Vehicle Limited Warranty will be            model is no longer available, in which
made with the same brand and                case a tire of the same brand size,
model as originally equipped with           load, speed and tread type will be
                                            used. In some circumstances, Ford

Warranty Information

may authorize another brand and model             • 24 months unlimited kilometres; or
to substitute for the original brand and/or
                                                  • The remainder of your Basic
model even if still available.
                                                    Coverage period.
Normal tire wear or damage is not                 This means that Ford Original
reimbursable. See page 14 for details of          Accessories purchased along with your
what is not covered.                              new vehicle and installed by the dealer
                                                  are covered for the full length of your
UNIQUE WARRANTY                                   Basic Coverage period – 36 months or
COVERAGE FOR SPECIFIED                            60,000 kilometres (whichever occurs
Brake pads and linings *, wheel balance           WHAT IS NOT COVERED
and alignment are covered against                 UNDER THIS NEW VEHICLE
defects in factory-supplied materials or          LIMITED WARRANTY?
workmanship for 12 months or
20,000 kilometres (whichever occurs               Damage Caused by Accident,
first) from the original warranty start           Misuse or Alteration
date. *Refer to page 12 for additional
coverage information.                             Examples of items not covered are:
                                                  • Accident collision, fire, theft,
                                                    freezing, vandalism, riot, floods,
FORD ORIGINAL                                       explosion, dismantling, or objects
                                                    striking the vehicle (including
ACCESSORIES COVERAGE                                driving through a car wash)
Ford of Canada warrants that their                • Misusing the vehicle and/or high
authorized dealers will repair or replace           voltage battery pack, such as
any Ford Original Accessory that is                 driving over curbs, overloading,
properly installed by the authorized                racing, or using the vehicle as a
dealer that sold the accessory and found            stationary power source, unless
to be defective in factory-supplied                 equipped with this functionality.
materials or workmanship during the
warranty period noted below, as well as           • Alterations, modifications or
any component damaged by the                        reconstruction of the vehicle,
defective accessory. The accessory will             including the body, chassis, or any
be warranted for the greater of the                 other component after the vehicle
following:                                          leaves the control of Ford of
                                                  • Immersion/flooding of the high
                                                    voltage battery assembly

Warranty Information

• Exceeding the load limits specified        • Contaminated or improper fluids
  on the certification label. See the        • Customer-applied chemicals or
  Owner’s Manual for the location of           accidental spills
  the certification label
                                             • Driving through water deep enough
• Failure to observe and resolve               to cause water to be ingested into
  vehicle warnings and indications of          any component i.e. powertrain
  battery concerns within a                    components
  reasonable amount of time,
  typically 30 days                          • Non-Ford parts installed after the
                                               vehicle leaves Ford of Canada’s
• Failure to complete software                 control and causes a Ford part to
  updates within a reasonable                  fail. Examples include, but are not
  amount of time, typically 30 days            limited to lift kits, oversized tires,
• The use of incompatible charging             roll bars, cellular phones, alarm
  devices or methods                           systems, remote starting systems
• Modifications to the high voltage            and performance enhancing
  battery assembly, high voltage               powertrain components
  system, or associated wiring               • Improper vehicle storage (refer to
• Exposure to direct and/or intense            the Owner’s Manual for required
  heat sources outside of normal use,          storage procedures necessary to
  such as collision repairs that               protect the high-voltage battery)
  subject the vehicle to paint booth         NOTE: Warranty coverage will be
  conditions that exceed Ford’s              invalidated on parts affected by such
  recommendations                            damage.
• Allowing the high voltage battery          In order to maintain your warranty
  assembly to remain in a fully              coverage, be sure to follow the
  discharged, or near zero state of          recommendations in the Owner’s Manual
  charge, for more than 14 days              under Preserving Your High Voltage
• Rebuilding the vehicle after it has        Battery. The New Vehicle Limited
  suffered such extensive collision          Warranty does not cover damage to the
  damage in an accident that it was          Ford Mobile Charger caused by abuse or
  junked, written-off or deemed to be        misuse. Always use the Ford Mobile
  written-off, even if the rebuilt           Charger in a manner that conforms to the
  vehicle uses undamaged parts and           directions found in the Owner’s Manual.
  components from the written-off

Warranty Information

DAMAGE CAUSED BY USE                              DAMAGE CAUSED BY
The New Vehicle Limited Warranty does             The New Vehicle Limited Warranty does
not cover surface rust, deterioration, and        not cover damage caused by failure to
damage of paint, trim, upholstery and             maintain the vehicle, improperly
other appearance matters that result              maintaining the vehicle, or using the
from use and/or exposure to the                   wrong part, lubricants, or fluids.
elements.                                         In fact, failure to perform maintenance as
Examples are:                                     specified in your Owner’s Manual will
                                                  invalidate warranty coverage on parts
• Stone Chips and Scratches (e.g. on              affected by improper maintenance.
    paint and glass)
                                                  Please consult your Owner’s Manual for
• Windshield stress cracks. However,              correct fluid specifications and levels, and
    limited coverage on windshield                read the Scheduled Maintenance chapter
    stress cracks will be provided for            in your Owner’s Manual, for instructions
    the first 12 months or                        on proper maintenance of your vehicle.
    20,000 kilometres (whichever
    occurs first) even though caused by           MAINTENANCE AND WEAR
    use and/or exposure to the                    The New Vehicle Limited Warranty does
    elements.                                     not cover parts and labour needed to
•   Dings/Dents                                   maintain your vehicle and replacement of
                                                  parts due to normal wear and tear
•   Lightning and Hail                            (except for items listed under Some
•   Earthquake                                    Maintenance and Wear Items Have
                                                  Limited Coverage). You, as the owner, are
•   Cuts, Burns, Punctures or Tears
                                                  responsible for these items. Here are
•   Bird and Bee Droppings                        examples:
•   Road Salt and Tree Sap                        •   Cleaning/Polishing
•   Windstorm                                     •   Air Filters
•   Water or Flood                                •   Tire Rotations
Plug-In Vehicles Only — The New                   •   Lubricants, Other Fluids
Vehicle Limited Warranty does not                 •   Wiper Blades *
cover: damage to the 120V convenience
cord caused by misuse of the cord.                * Wiper blades no longer have coverage
Always use the convenience cord in a              under the New Vehicle Limited Warranty.
manner that conforms to the directions
found in the Owner’s Manual.

Warranty Information

Parts that should be replaced as per              OTHER ITEMS AND/OR
Ford’s Scheduled Maintenance Services
are covered against defects in materials
                                                  CONDITIONS NOT COVERED
or workmanship made or supplied by                BY THIS WARRANTY
Ford until the earlier of:
                                                  Examples of other items that are not
                                                  covered are:
A. The first replacement time that is
   specified in the Owner’s Manual; or            • Non-Ford parts of your vehicle
                                                    including Non-Ford parts that are
B. The “time and distance travelled”
                                                    installed by body builders or
   limits of the New Vehicle Limited
   Warranty (whichever occurs first).               manufacturers other than Ford; or
                                                    damage to Ford components caused
                                                    by installation of non-Ford parts
SOME MAINTENANCE AND                              • Disconnecting or altering the
WEAR ITEMS HAVE LIMITED                             odometer, or where the actual
                                                    distance travelled cannot be
                                                    determined due to the odometer
Ford of Canada dealers will replace the             being inoperative for an extended
brake pads and linings for 12 months or             period of time (this will void the
20,000 kilometers (whichever occurs                 New Vehicle Limited Warranty)
first) from the original warranty start
date, if required due to failure caused by        • Vehicles currently or previously
normal wear and tear.                               titled as “dismantled”, “fire”,
                                                    “flood”, “junk”, “reconstructed”,
                                                    “totaled”, or “salvaged” (this will
                                                    void the New Vehicle Limited
                                                  • Vehicles determined to be a “total
                                                    loss” by an insurance company
                                                    (this will void the New Vehicle
                                                    Limited Warranty)
                                                  • Converted ambulances that are not
                                                    equipped with the Ford Ambulance
                                                    Prep Package *
                                                  • High-voltage battery replacement
                                                    due to improper vehicle storage.
                                                    Refer to the Owner’s Manual for the
                                                    proper ways your vehicle’s battery
                                                    must be maintained in the event
                                                    the vehicle is not driven or is stored
                                                    for an extended period of time
Warranty Information

• The Lithium-ion battery (EV                    SYNC HANDS-FREE
  Battery) will experience gradual               COMMUNICATIONS AND
  capacity loss with time and use
  (similar to all lithium-ion batteries),        ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM
  which is considered normal wear                If your vehicle is equipped with SYNC, the
  and tear. Loss of battery capacity             New Vehicle Limited Warranty does not
  due to or resulting from gradual               cover repairs or replacement under
  capacity loss is NOT covered under             certain conditions. Some examples
  the New Vehicle Limited Warranty.              include:
  See your Owner’s Manual for
                                                 • Loss of personal recording media,
  important tips on how to maximize
                                                   software or data
  the life and capacity of the
  Lithium-ion battery.                           • Failure to provide proper
                                                   installation environment
• If the component that caused the
  failure is beyond coverage and                 • Damage caused by:
  damages a component with                          – abnormal use such as insertion of
  remaining coverage, the entire                      foreign objects, fluid spillage
  repair is NOT reimbursable.                       – unauthorized modifications
                                                    – computer or internet viruses, bugs,
• Ford Authorized Parts replaced                      worms, Trojan Horses, cancelbots
  other than under this New Vehicle
                                                    – installation of unauthorized
  Limited Warranty or pursuant to a
                                                      software, peripherals and
  Ford Customer Satisfaction
  Program or Ford Recall are not
                                                    – unauthorized, unapproved and/or
  eligible for the balance of the New
                                                      incompatible repairs, upgrades
  Vehicle Limited Warranty, however
                                                      and modification
  they may carry their own warranty
                                                    – the defective function or
  (see your dealer for more
                                                      obsolescence of a cellular phone
                                                      or digital media device (e.g.,
                                                      inadequate signal reception by the
                                                      external antenna, viruses or other
                                                      software problems)

Warranty Information

ON AMBULANCE (US) AND                           UNDER THE TIRE
CONVERSIONS:                                    WARRANTY?
Ford vehicles are suitable for producing        Normal wear and/or worn-out tires are
ambulance vehicles only if equipped with        not covered by the New Vehicle Limited
the Ford Ambulance Prep Package. In             Warranty.
addition, Ford urges ambulance
                                                Other examples of items not covered are:
manufacturers to follow the
recommendations of the “Ford Incomplete         • Road hazard damage including
Vehicle Manual” and the “Ford Truck Body          cuts, snags, bruises, bulges and
Builder’s Layout Book” (and pertinent             impact breaks (due to potholes
supplements).                                     and curbs or other road hazards).
Using a Ford vehicle without the Ford           • Damage caused by a puncture or
Ambulance Prep Package to produce an              tire repair.
ambulance voids the Ford New Vehicle
                                                • Damage from improper inflation or
Limited Warranty. Vehicles used as
                                                  alignment, tire chains, racing,
ambulances without the Ford Ambulance
                                                  spinning (e.g. when stuck in snow or
Prep Package could experience elevated
underbody temperature. Whether the                mud), and improper mounting or
vehicle is equipped with the Ford                 dismounting.
Ambulance Prep Package may be                   • Tire vibration or ride harshness is
determined by inspecting the information          not covered beyond 12 months or
plate on the driver’s rear door pillar.           20,000 kilometres (whichever
Knowing whether the ambulance                     occurs first) unless caused by a
manufacturer has followed Ford’s                  defect in factory supplied materials
recommendations can be determined by              or workmanship.
contacting your vehicle’s ambulance
manufacturer.                                   • Tires replaced other than pursuant
                                                  to the New Vehicle Limited
                                                  Warranty Tire Warranty are not
                                                  eligible for the balance of the Tire
                                                  Warranty, however they may carry
                                                  their own warranty (see your dealer
                                                  or the tire manufacturer for more

Warranty Information

NEW VEHICLE WARRANTY                                arising from any defect in factory
                                                    materials or workmanship found except
                                                    as provided for herein.
The foregoing coverage described in the             The above provisions do not preclude the
New Vehicle Limited Warranty are the                operation of any applicable provincial
only express warranties on the part of              statute which in certain circumstances
Ford of Canada and the selling dealer.              may not allow some of the limitations
You may have other rights which may                 and exclusions described in these
vary by province.                                   warranty coverages.
None of the following limitations and               In the province of Saskatchewan, the
exclusions shall apply where prohibited             duration of the applicable statutory
or voided by provincial consumer                    warranties of that province shall be
protection legislation, and without                 concurrent with and not consecutive to
limitation, none of the following                   the duration of the foregoing coverage of
limitations and exclusions will exclude or          this Ford of Canada New Vehicle Limited
restrict the warranty provided for in               Warranty.
Section 37 or 38 of the Quebec Consumer
Protection Act.                                     INSPECT YOUR NEW VEHICLE
The foregoing express warranties are in             CAREFULLY
substitution for and exclude all other              Defects or damage to paint, sheet metal
liabilities of any kind whether arising             or other appearance items may occur
under statute, in tort, by implication of           during assembly or when the vehicle is in
law or otherwise including, to the full             transit to the dealer. Normally, these
extent as may be allowed by law, liability          defects are noted and corrected at the
for any other representations respecting            factory or by your dealer during new
the vehicle, statutory warranties or                vehicle inspection. Paint, sheet metal or
implied warranties or conditions as to its          appearance defects present at the time
merchantability or fitness.                         your vehicle is delivered to you are
                                                    covered by this warranty. For your
Any implied warranty or condition as to             protection, we suggest that if you do find
merchantability or fitness is limited to the        any such defects, you notify your dealer
applicable warranty duration period as              within one week of the vehicle’s delivery
specified herein.                                   to you, as normal deterioration due to use
In no event shall Ford of Canada or the             and exposure is not covered by this
selling dealer be liable for the loss of or         warranty.
damage to the vehicle or its parts, loss of         Defects vs. Damage
use of the vehicle, loss of time,
inconvenience, commercial loss, or                  Please note the distinction between
special consequential or other damages,             “defects” and “damage” as used in the
or on any other claims relating to or               warranty. Defects are covered because
                                                    we, the manufacturer, are responsible.
Warranty Information

This includes defects in Ford-supplied               Ford of Canada may deny you warranty
parts used in making warranty repairs as             coverage if your vehicle or a part has
well as in the original parts of the vehicle.        failed due to abuse, neglect, improper
On the other hand, we have no control                maintenance, or unapproved
over damage caused by such things as                 modifications. To preserve your warranty,
modifications, collision, misuse and lack            the following conditions should be
of maintenance. Therefore, damage is                 observed (See the Owner’s Manual for
not covered under this warranty.                     further detail):

TAKE CARE OF YOUR                                    • Refer to the Owner’s Manual for the
                                                       proper ways your vehicle’s battery
VEHICLE AND IT WILL TAKE                               must be maintained in the event
CARE OF YOU!                                           the vehicle is not driven or is stored
                                                       for an extended period.
Proper maintenance protects you from
major repair expense resulting from                  • Follow all instructions for use and
neglect or inadequate maintenance, and                 charging of the high voltage battery
it may even help increase the resale value             assembly.
of your vehicle.                                     • Use the vehicle, charging
Your dealership has factory-trained                    equipment, and high voltage
technicians who can perform the required               battery assembly as intended and
maintenance using Ford-approved parts.                 as described in the Owner’s Manual,
The dealership looks forward to meeting                and in accordance with the
your every service need to maximize your               manufacturer’s instructions.
satisfaction with your vehicle.                      • Have all high voltage battery
It is your responsibility to make sure that            assembly service and repairs
all of the scheduled maintenance is                    performed by properly qualified
performed and that the materials used                  and equipped personnel at an EV
meet Ford engineering specifications.                  Certified Ford dealership.
Failure to perform scheduled
maintenance as specified in the                      PROPER MAINTENANCE
Scheduled Maintenance section in your
                                                     PRESERVES YOUR
Owner’s Manual will invalidate warranty
coverage on parts affected by improper               WARRANTY
maintenance. Make sure that receipts for
                                                     The high voltage battery assembly in the
completed maintenance work are
                                                     vehicle is designed to operate within a
retained with the vehicle and have the
                                                     sealed system. Removing the high
dealer complete the Scheduled
                                                     voltage battery assembly from the
Maintenance Validation Record.
                                                     vehicle, or opening the high voltage
You are responsible for presenting your              battery assembly, creates a risk of
vehicle to a Ford of Canada Dealer as                damage to the high voltage battery
soon as a problem exists. As the vehicle             assembly, as well as a risk of personal
owner, you should also be aware that                 injury, including electrocution. EV
Warranty Information

Certified Ford dealerships are specially          Warranty Does Not Apply
trained and equipped to repair the high
voltage battery assembly and high                 The New Vehicle Limited Warranty
voltage systems on the vehicle, and are           described in this booklet will be void if the
the only repair facilities authorized to          vehicle originally purchased in Canada, at
repair the high voltage battery assembly.         any time:
In order to maintain optimal battery life         • Is registered, licensed for use in
and functionality of your vehicle, it is            countries other than Canada or the
imperative that all high voltage battery            United States.
software updates are installed. You are
responsible for ensuring all software             TAKING YOUR VEHICLE ON A
updates are installed within 30 days of
software availability. You can most easily        TRIP?
accomplish this by keeping Automatic              If you travel with this vehicle outside of
Updates set to ON. If you are unable or           Canada or the United States, you may
choose not to use your vehicle’s                  have to pay a servicing Ford dealer in a
connectivity features to update software,         foreign country for a repair that could be
your Ford Dealer can determine if                 covered under this New Vehicle Limited
software updates are available for your           Warranty. If this occurs, you should
vehicle and perform these updates.                present the paid repair order/invoice to a
Battery system updates will be installed          Ford of Canada dealer for refund
at no cost to you during the warranty             consideration.
period. Damage resulting from failure to
install battery system updates will not be
                                                  IF YOU ARE A SUBSEQUENT
covered under your New Vehicle Limited
Warranty.                                         FORD OWNER...
                                                  The benefits of the Ford Roadside
DOES THE NEW VEHICLE                              Assistance Program are transferred
LIMITED WARRANTY APPLY                            (within the Powertrain Coverage period
TO YOUR VEHICLE?                                  of 5 years or 100,000 kilometres –
                                                  whichever occurs first), at no charge to
Warranty Applies                                  you.

The New Vehicle Limited Warranty                  NEED ASSISTANCE? WE’RE
described in this booklet applies to your
vehicle if:
                                                  HERE TO HELP YOU...
• It was originally sold or leased by a           Your satisfaction is important to Ford of
  Ford of Canada dealer; and                      Canada and to your dealer. Normally,
                                                  matters concerning your vehicle will be
• Is registered, licensed and operated            resolved by your dealer’s sales or service
  in Canada or the United States.                 department.

Warranty Information

Ford recommends that you do                      Mediation/Arbitration
the following:                                   Program (for Canada only)
Talk with your dealer’s sales manager or         If you feel that the efforts by Ford and the
service manager. If the matter is not            dealer to resolve a factory-related vehicle
resolved to your satisfaction, consider          service concern have been unsatisfactory,
discussing the matter with the owner or          Ford of Canada participates in an
general manager of the dealership. If you        impartial third-party mediation/
still feel your concern was not fully            arbitration program administered by the
addressed or you did not understand the          Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan
explanations given for your questions,           (CAMVAP).
contact Ford of Canada’s Customer
                                                 The CAMVAP program is a
Relationship Centre (toll free) at
                                                 straightforward and relatively speedy
1-800-565-3673 (FORD), Customer
                                                 alternative to resolve a disagreement
Service for the Hearing Impaired 7-1-1
                                                 when all other efforts to produce a
(where offered by your telephone
                                                 settlement have failed. This procedure is
service), or through our web site at
                                                 without cost to you and is designed to
                                                 eliminate the need for lengthy and
The Customer Relationship                        expensive legal proceedings.
Centre address is as follows:                    In the CAMVAP program, impartial
                                                 third-party arbitrators conduct hearings
Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited             at mutually convenient times and places
The Canadian Road                                in an informal environment. These
                                                 impartial arbitrators review the positions
PO Box 2000                                      of the parties, make decisions and, where
Oakville, ON                                     appropriate, render awards to resolve
                                                 disputes. CAMVAP decisions are fast, fair
L6J 5E4                                          and final as the arbitrator’s award is
                                                 binding on both you and Ford of Canada.
                                                 The CAMVAP services are available in all
                                                 Canadian territories and provinces. For
                                                 more information, charge or obligation,
                                                 call your CAMVAP provincial
                                                 administrator directly at 1-800-207-0685
                                                 or visit www.camvap.ca.

Important Owner Information

The Ford of Canada web site contains
information for you, the new vehicle
owner. On www.ford.ca you can
download printed material, contact us via
e-mail, locate your nearest dealer, and so
much more! These are just some of the
ways www.ford.ca can be a great
resource tool for you.

Ford Roadside Assistance

ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE                          Vehicles Sold in the United States:
                                             Using Roadside Assistance
Vehicles Sold in the United States:
Getting Roadside Assistance                  Complete the roadside assistance
                                             identification card and place it in your
To fully assist you should you have a        wallet for quick reference. This card is in
vehicle concern, Ford Motor Company          The Owner’s Manual kit.
offers a complimentary roadside
assistance program. This program is          Unites States vehicle customers who
separate from the New Vehicle Limited        require Roadside Assistance, call
Warranty.                                    1-800-241-3673.

The service is available:                    If you need to arrange roadside
                                             assistance for yourself, Ford Motor
• 24 hours a day, seven days a week.         Company reimburses a reasonable
• For the coverage period supplied           amount for towing to the nearest
  with your vehicle.                         dealership within 56 km (35 mi). To
                                             obtain reimbursement information,
Roadside Assistance covers:                  United States vehicle customers call
• A flat tire change with a good             1-800-241-3673. Customers need to
  spare. For vehicles with an                submit their original receipts.
  unusable tire inflation kit, we            Vehicles Sold in Canada: Getting
  provide towing service.                    Roadside Assistance
• 12 V battery jump start.                   To fully assist you should you have a
• Lock-out assistance (key                   vehicle concern, Ford Motor Company of
  replacement cost is the customer’s         Canada, Limited offers a complimentary
  responsibility).                           roadside assistance program. This
                                             program is eligible within Canada or the
• Winch out – available within 30 m          continental United States.
  (100 ft) of a paved or county
  maintained road, no recoveries.            The service is available 24 hours a day,
                                             seven days a week.
• In the event your vehicle’s
  high-voltage battery does not have         This program is separate from the New
  enough power to move, you can              Vehicle Limited Warranty, but the
  choose where you would like your           coverage is concurrent with the
  vehicle towed (within a 56 km              powertrain coverage period of your
  (35 mi) radius):                           vehicle. Canadian roadside coverage and
  – Nearest public charger.                  benefits may differ from the U.S.
  – EV Certified Ford or Lincoln             coverage.
    Dealer.                              If you require more information, please
  – Your home residence.                 call us in Canada at 1-800-665-2006, or
                                         visit our website at www.ford.ca.

                  FORD ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE                                      1-800-665-2006 or download
                  ASSISTANCE ROUTIÈRE FORD                                      the Sykes4Ford app
                                                                                 • Towing
                  1-800-665-2006 or download
                                                                                 • 12 Volt Battery Boosting
                  the Sykes4Ford app
                  Your vehicle comes with a New Vehicle Limited
                                                                                 • All-Electric Roadside Assistance
                  Warranty. The express warranties of the New Vehicle            • Lock-Out Assistance
                  Limited Warranty are in substitution for and exclude           • Flat Tire Service
                  all other liabilities of any kind whether arising under
                                                                                 • Vehicle Recovery
                  statute, in tort, by implication of law or otherwise
October 2022      including, to the full extent as may be allowed by law,        • Other Roadside Services
First Printing    liability for any other representations respecting the
Litho in U.S.A.   vehicle, statutory warranties or implied warranties or
PJ8J 19G218 AA    conditions as to its merchantability or fitness.
                  Download a FREE electronic copy or order one FREE
                  printed copy of the most up-to-date Warranty Guide
                                                                                ASSISTANCE ROUTIÈRE FORD
                  by visiting ford.ca/warranty.                                 1 800 665-2006 ou téléchargez
                  1 800 665-2006 ou téléchargez                                 l’application Sykes4Ford
                  l’application Sykes4Ford                                       • Remorquage
                  Votre véhicule est couvert par la garantie limitée de          • Survoltage de la batterie 12 volts
                  véhicule neuf. Les garanties explicites de la garantie         • Service de dépannage pour véhicules électriques
                  limitée de véhicule neuf remplacent et excluent toute
                                                                                 • Service de déverrouillage des portes
                  autre obligation de toute sorte, qu’elle découle d’un
                  acte législatif, d’un délit civil, d’une incidence de droit    • Remplacement d’un pneu à plat
                  ou autrement incluant, jusqu’aux limites permises              • Récupération du véhicule
                  par la loi, toute obligation pour toute autre assertion
                                                                                 • Autres services de dépannage
                  concernant le véhicule, des garanties législatives ou
                  des garanties ou conditions implicites concernant sa
                  qualité marchande ou son bon fonctionnement.
                  Téléchargez GRATUITEMENT une copie électronique ou                          The Sykes4Ford Roadside App is available
                  commandez une copie imprimée GRATUITE du Guide                              via the Apple App Store® or Google Play™
                  de garantie le plus récent en visitant ford.ca/garantie.                    L’application d’assistance routière
                                                                                              Sykes4Ford est disponible sur Apple App
                                                                                              Store® ou Google Play™
                                                             FORD ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE
NAME                                                         ASSISTANCE ROUTIÈRE FORD
                                                             1-800-665-2006 or download
                                                             the Sykes4Ford app
See Warranty Guide for complete details                      Please have the following information
                                                             ready when contacting Ford
Download the Sykes4Ford Roadside Assistance App for          Roadside Assistance:
access to your roadside assistance services.
                                                               • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
                                                                                                            Octobre 2022
                                                               • Odometer reading                                Première
                                                               • The location of your vehicle                  impression
                                                                 (address/nearest intersection)          Imprimé aux É.-U.

ASSISTANCE ROUTIÈRE FORD                                                                                   PJ8J 19G218 AA

                                                             1 800 665-2006 ou téléchargez
                                                             l’application Sykes4Ford
                                                             Assurez-vous d’avoir en main les
NIV :                                                        renseignements suivants au moment
                                                             d’appeler l’Assistance routière Ford :
                                                               • Le numéro d’identification
Consultez votre Livret de garantie pour tous les détails.        du véhicule (NIV)
Téléchargez l’application d’assistance routière Sykes4Ford
                                                               • Le kilométrage de votre véhicule
pour accéder à vos services d’assistance routière              • L’emplacement de votre véhicule
                                                                 (adresse/intersection la plus proche)
                         CUSTOMER CLAIM FORM

  First Name                                           Last Name

  Street                                                  Apt. No.         City

  Province     Postal Code               Residence Phone                      Business Phone

  E-mail Address:


  • Complete the Claim Form and submit it online: www.Ford.ca.
  • You can bring your claim form and documentation to your local Ford dealer, who will submit the claim on your
    behalf to Sykes Roadside Services, the Ford of Canada Roadside Services provider.
  • You can mail the completed Claim Form along with any requested documentation and receipts to the address
    listed below, and we will forward the information on your behalf to Sykes Roadside Services, the Ford of Canada
    Roadside Services provider.
Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited, Roadside Assistance Division,
                          The Canadian Road, P.O. Box 2000, Oakville, ON L6K 1C8
                                 For more information, please call 1-800-665-2006
     - Please refer to the Ford Roadside Assistance section of your Warranty Guide for details of Roadside
       Assistance Coverage.
     - Submit all claims, fully documented, within 20 days of disablement.
     - Please retain a copy of all receipts and send original documentation.

4. “I have completed this form and certify that the information provided is complete and accurate.”

  Signature of Owner                                                  Date

  Ford of Canada collects information that you provide (i.e. contact, vehicle information, demographics, and relating
  to your purchase or service), transaction information from your dealer, and information about your finance or lease
  contract from Ford Credit. This information is used to administer your purchase or lease, improve our products and
  services, and provide you with services, surveys or marketing material. For these purposes, we share your information
  with Ford Credit, your dealer(s) or the dealer who has responsibility for the market area in which you reside and we
  may use service providers outside Canada such as data processing, hosting, and call campaign services. If you do
  not want to receive marketing material from us or have your personal information shared as set out above, to
  obtain information about our Privacy Policy including our service provider practices or to access your personal
  information, please call a Customer Service Representative at 1-800-565-FORD (3673).

  Odometer Reading/Lecture du compteur kilométrique                 Vehicle Identification Number/No d’identification du véhicule

  Mr.      Mrs.      Miss     Dr.       Ms                          English       Français
  M.       Mme                Dr

  First Name/Prénom                                                 Last Name/Nom de famille

  Street Address/Adresse                                                           Apt. No./App.           City or Town/Ville ou village

  Province                    Postal Code/Code postal               Email Address/Couriel

  Year/Année                  Mo./Mois           Day/Jour           Owner Signature/Signature du propriétaire

  Ford of Canada collects information that you provide (i.e. contact, vehicle information, demographics, and relating to your purchase or service), transaction
  information from your dealer, and information about your finance or lease contract from Ford Credit. This information is used to administer your purchase or
  lease, improve our products and services, and provide you with services, surveys or marketing material. For these purposes, we share your information with Ford
  Credit, your dealer(s) or the dealer who has responsibility for the market area in which you reside and we may use service providers outside Canada such as data
  processing, hosting, and call campaign services. If you do not want to receive marketing material from us or have your personal information shared as set
  out above, to obtain information about our Privacy Policy including our service provider practices or to access your personal information, please call a
  Customer Service Representative at 1-800-565-FORD (3673).
  Ford Canada recueille des renseignements que vous fournissez (coordonnées, renseignements sur le véhicule, données démographiques et renseignements
  liés à l’achat ou à l’entretien), des renseignements sur la transaction auprès de votre concessionnaire ainsi que des renseignements sur votre financement ou
  location auprès de Crédit Ford. Ces renseignements sont utilisés pour administrer votre contrat d’achat ou de location, améliorer nos produits et services et vous
  proposer des services, des sondages ou du matériel publicitaire. Pour ces raisons, nous partageons les renseignements vous concernant avec Crédit Ford, votre
  concessionnaire ou le concessionnaire responsable de la région dans laquelle vous résidez et nous pouvons recourir à des fournisseurs de services à l’extérieur
  du Canada pour le traitement des données, l’hébergement des données et les services de campagnes téléphoniques. Si vous ne voulez pas recevoir de
  matériel publicitaire de nous, si vous ne souhaitez pas que vos renseignements personnels soient partagés, comme énoncé ci-dessus, si vous désirez
  obtenir des renseignements sur notre politique de confidentialité, y compris sur les pratiques de nos fournisseurs de services, ou si vous voulez avoir
  accès à vos renseignements personnels, veuillez communiquer avec un représentant du service à la clientèle au 1-800-565-FORD (3673).

  Prénom                                               Nom de famille

  Adresse                                                  App.            Ville

  Province     Code postal               Téléphone (résidence)                Téléphone (travail)

  Courriel :


  • Complétez le formulaire de réclamation et soumettez-le en ligne sur le site : www.Ford.ca.
  • Vous pouvez apporter votre formulaire de réclamation et vos documents à votre concessionnaire Ford qui
    les soumettra de votre part aux Sykes Roadside Services qui s’occupent des services d’assistance routière
    pour Ford Canada.
  • Vous pouvez poster le formulaire de réclamation rempli avec les documents et les reçus requis à l’adresse
    ci-dessous et nous transmettrons les informations pour vous aux Sykes Roadside Services qui s’occupent
    des services d’assistance routière pour Ford Canada.
Ford du Canada limitée, Division de l’assistance routière
                            The Canadian Road, case postale 2000, Oakville, ON L6K 1C8

                             Pour plus d’information, veuillez composer le 1-800-665-2006
    - Consultez la section Assistance Routière Ford de votre Guide de garantie pour les détails de la couverture offerte.
    - Soumettez toutes les réclamations, avec tous les documents, dans les 20 jours suivant la panne.
    - Veuillez conserver une copie de tous les reçus et envoyer les originaux.

4. « J’ai rempli le présent formulaire et je certifie que les renseignements fournis sont complets
   et exacts. »

  Signature du propriétaire                                                     Date

  Ford Canada recueille des renseignements que vous fournissez (coordonnées, renseignements sur le véhicule, données
  démographiques et renseignements liés à l’achat ou à l’entretien), des renseignements sur la transaction auprès de votre
  concessionnaire ainsi que des renseignements sur votre financement ou location auprès de Crédit Ford. Ces renseignements sont
  utilisés pour administrer votre contrat d’achat ou de location, améliorer nos produits et services et vous proposer des services, des
  sondages ou du matériel publicitaire. Pour ces raisons, nous partageons les renseignements vous concernant avec Crédit Ford, votre
  concessionnaire ou le concessionnaire responsable de la région dans laquelle vous résidez et nous pouvons recourir à des fournisseurs
  de services à l’extérieur du Canada pour le traitement des données, l’hébergement des données et les services de campagnes
  téléphoniques. Si vous ne voulez pas recevoir de matériel publicitaire de nous, si vous ne souhaitez pas que vos renseignements
  personnels soient partagés, comme énoncé ci-dessus, si vous désirez obtenir des renseignements sur notre politique de
  confidentialité, y compris sur les pratiques de nos fournisseurs de services, ou si vous voulez avoir accès à vos renseignements
  personnels, veuillez communiquer avec un représentant du service à la clientèle au 1-800-565-FORD (3673).

  Odometer Reading/Lecture du compteur kilométrique                 Vehicle Identification Number/No d’identification du véhicule

  Mr.      Mrs.      Miss     Dr.       Ms                          English       Français
  M.       Mme                Dr

  First Name/Prénom                                                 Last Name/Nom de famille

  Street Address/Adresse                                                           Apt. No./App.           City or Town/Ville ou village

  Province                    Postal Code/Code postal               Email Address/Couriel

  Year/Année                  Mo./Mois           Day/Jour           Owner Signature/Signature du propriétaire

  Ford of Canada collects information that you provide (i.e. contact, vehicle information, demographics, and relating to your purchase or service), transaction
  information from your dealer, and information about your finance or lease contract from Ford Credit. This information is used to administer your purchase or
  lease, improve our products and services, and provide you with services, surveys or marketing material. For these purposes, we share your information with Ford
  Credit, your dealer(s) or the dealer who has responsibility for the market area in which you reside and we may use service providers outside Canada such as data
  processing, hosting, and call campaign services. If you do not want to receive marketing material from us or have your personal information shared as set
  out above, to obtain information about our Privacy Policy including our service provider practices or to access your personal information, please call a
  Customer Service Representative at 1-800-565-FORD (3673).
  Ford Canada recueille des renseignements que vous fournissez (coordonnées, renseignements sur le véhicule, données démographiques et renseignements
  liés à l’achat ou à l’entretien), des renseignements sur la transaction auprès de votre concessionnaire ainsi que des renseignements sur votre financement ou
  location auprès de Crédit Ford. Ces renseignements sont utilisés pour administrer votre contrat d’achat ou de location, améliorer nos produits et services et vous
  proposer des services, des sondages ou du matériel publicitaire. Pour ces raisons, nous partageons les renseignements vous concernant avec Crédit Ford, votre
  concessionnaire ou le concessionnaire responsable de la région dans laquelle vous résidez et nous pouvons recourir à des fournisseurs de services à l’extérieur
  du Canada pour le traitement des données, l’hébergement des données et les services de campagnes téléphoniques. Si vous ne voulez pas recevoir de
  matériel publicitaire de nous, si vous ne souhaitez pas que vos renseignements personnels soient partagés, comme énoncé ci-dessus, si vous désirez
  obtenir des renseignements sur notre politique de confidentialité, y compris sur les pratiques de nos fournisseurs de services, ou si vous voulez avoir
  accès à vos renseignements personnels, veuillez communiquer avec un représentant du service à la clientèle au 1-800-565-FORD (3673).
You can also read