Page created by Melanie Logan

ORDERING INFORMATION  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .3
ALPHABETICAL INDEX  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
AIR CONDITIONING  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .8
ASSEMBLY & REPAIR  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10
TRANSMISSION FLUIDS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
COOLANT  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
DIESEL FLUIDS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 17
MOPAR BULK OIL  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18

ECOBOX  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 20

ENGINE OILS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 21
FUEL CLEANERS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 26
GEAR & AXLE LUBRICANTS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 28
LEAK DETECTION  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 35
LUBRICANTS & GREASE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 36
POWER STEERING & BRAKE FLUIDS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 39
SEALANTS & ADHESIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
VEHICLE PREP AND DETAIL  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 44
WINDSHIELD WASHER SOLVENT  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 46
WHEEL TOUCH-UP PAINT KIT  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 52
TIRE SERVICE KITS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 53
CHEMICAL GUYS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 54
NUMERICAL PART NUMBER INDEX  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 58

Note: The
                    vary on
                                      may not
                                                    be subject toofavailability
                                                                    actual product.
                                                                                delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.
Ordering Information

All Mopar vehicle care and maintenance products may be ordered
             ®                                                                                    For more information on compliance requirements, please visit the
via the normal Mopar Parts ordering functions on DealerCONNECT.                                   DOT Web site at: http://hazmat.dot.gov.
Mopar vehicle care and maintenance products are stocked at                                        MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS
Mopar Parts Distribution Centers (PDC).                                                           The Federal Hazard Communication Standard and many state
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS                                                         regulations require that Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) be
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) strictly regulates the                                readily available for all applicable products to users of those products.
packaging, labeling and shipping of hazardous materials that are                                  The MSDS provides detailed health, handling and safety information
transported via ground or air. Particular restrictions are placed                                 on the particular product.
on hazardous materials that can be shipped via air. DOT federal                                   DealerCONNECT ACCESS TO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS
regulations found at 49 CFR Part 172 Subpart H provide that you                                   DealerCONNECT Interactive Access to Material Safety Data Sheets
or your employees are required to receive INITIAL (within 90 days                                 (MSDS) allows for quick and easy retrieval of an MSDS for any
of beginning employment) and RECURRING (minimum of at least                                       potentially hazardous part. The following procedure is designed
once every 3 years) hazardous materials training IF you meet the                                  to guide you through the basic steps for interactively accessing a
following criteria:                                                                               Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) through DealerCONNECT.
• If you or any employee ever work in an area involved with the                                    1.	Log on to DealerCONNECT using
   shipping or receiving of hazardous materials or work in the                                          https://dealerconnect.chrysler.com.
   hazardous materials handling area
                                                                                                       From the DealerCONNECT welcome screen, sign on
• If you or any employee are ever involved in any aspect of                                           with your Dealer ID, Password and Dealer Code.
   transporting hazardous materials by ground or air                                                   Press the [SUBMIT] key.
• If you or any employee are involved with preparing                                                  From the DealerCONNECT homepage, click on the [PARTS] tab.
   hazardous materials for transport
                                                                                                       From the Parts page, click on the [MSDS] link under
Mopar recognizes that hazardous materials pose a risk to health,                                       the Reference Library.
safety and the environment when being transported. Mopar strictly
complies with all DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) to                                         Type in the Part Number on the MSDS inquiry screen and click
ensure both a high level of security and employee safety when                                          on the [SEARCH] key.
shipping our products. Mopar’s commitment to HMR compliance                                            Select the appropriate product and click on the
includes providing the appropriate packaging and labeling to                                           [DISPLAY MSDS] key.
ensure proper shipping of our products.                                                           TO PRINT AN MSDS:
It is important that you understand your responsibilities as an                                   Once the MSDS is displayed, click on the [PRINTER] icon on the
employer/shipper and the consequences of failing to comply                                        toolbar to print.
with federal DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations when
shipping or returning vehicle parts and maintenance products                                      CONTROL INFORMATION
to Mopar. By strictly adhering to HMR requirements, you will                                      For 24-hour poison control information, call the Security Information
be able to safely and properly ship any returned parts or                                         Center (248) 576-8888.
maintenance products to Mopar.


            4WD                 Four Wheel Drive                                                    OSHA               Occupational Safety & Health Administration
            A/C                 Air Conditioning                                                    Oz.                Ounce
            ATF                 Automatic Transmission Fluid                                        PAG                Polyalkaline Glycol
            C.A.R.B.            California Air Resources Board                                      PCV                Positive Crankcase Ventilation
            EGR                 Exhaust Gas Recirculation                                           RTV                Room Temperature Vulcanization
            Fl                  Fluid                                                               SAE                Society of Automotive Engineers
            mL                  Milliliter                                                          TCE                Trichloroethylene
            MS                  Material Standard                                                   UV                 Ultraviolet
            MSQ                 Minimum Ship Quantity                                               VOC                Volatile Organic Compound

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.
                                                             PART       PAGE                                                                    PART       PAGE
ITEM                                           SIZE                            ITEM                                              SIZE
                                                            NUMBER       NO.                                                                   NUMBER       NO.
AIR CONDITIONING                                                               CHEMICAL GUYS (Continued)
1234YF A/C Refrigerant                        160 Oz.      68224028AB    9                                                    2" x 4" x 6"
                                                                               Premium Grade Microfiber Applicators - Blue                    68574414AA    57
                                                                                                                               (2 Pack)
A/C Compressor Oil                            7.1 Oz.      68232939AB    8
                                                                               Speed Wipe Quick Detailer                       16 Fl. Oz.     68574398AA    55
A/C Compressor Oil POE Type                 250 mL Can     68453175AA    8
Cooling Coil Cleaner                           8 Oz.       05170022AB    9     Tire Kicker Extra Glossy Tire Shine             16 Fl. Oz.     68574397AA    56

Cooling Coil Coating                           8 Oz.       04728942AC    9     V.R.P. Super Shine Dressing                     16 Fl. Oz.     68574406AA    56

Electric A/C Compressor Oil                   4.2 Oz.      68192413AB    8     VSS Scratch & Swirl Remover                     16 Fl. Oz.     68574399AA    54

ND-11 A/C Compressor Oil POE Type             250 mL       68043289AB    8     Wheel Cleaner Signature Series                  16 Fl. Oz.     68574392AA    54
ND-OIL 8 A/C Compressor Oil PAG Type          250 mL       82300102AC    8     Workhorse Professional Microfiber               16" x 16"
                                                                                                                                              68574415AA    57
                                                                               Towel - Blue                                    (3 Pack)
ND-OIL 12 A/C Compressor Oil                  210 mL       68224150AB    9
                                                                               Woolly Mammoth Microfiber Dryer Towel           36" x 25"      68574416AA    57
R-134A A/C Refrigerant                        30 Lb.       82300101AC    9
RL-897 A/C Compressor Oil POE Type            210 mL       68170681AB    8
                                                                               IAT FAMILY
SP-15 A/C Compressor Lubricant                250 mL       04886129AB    8
                                                                               Antifreeze/Coolant 3-Year Formula —
VC-PAG 46 A/C Compressor Lubricant             7 Oz.       05114554AD    9                                                       1 Gal.       04267020AD    14
                                                                               Antifreeze/Coolant 3-Year Formula —               Gal.
                                                                                                                                              68002827AC    14
Anti-Squeak Tape                                           05019054AA    11    Embittered                                     Half Pallet
Black Corrosion Resistant Protectant         4 Fl. Oz.     68317791AA    11    Antifreeze/Coolant 3-Year Formula —                Gal.
                                                                                                                                              04762648AC    14
                                                                               Embittered                                        Pallet
Cavity Wax Kit                                31 Oz.       68042969AB    10
                                                                               Antifreeze/Coolant 3-Year Formula —                Gal.
Cavity Wax Kit Refill                         31 Oz.       68042970AB    10                                                                   68002825AC    14
                                                                               Embittered                                        Drum
Electrical Contact Cleaner                    9.7 Oz.      05018045AC    10
                                                                               HOAT FAMILY
Flock Tape                                                 68230057AB    11
                                                                               50/50 Prediluted Antifreeze/Coolant
                                                                                                                                 1 Gal.       68051212AC    14
Foam Tape                                                  05019056AA    11    5-Year/100,000-Mile — Embittered
Foam Tape                                                  05019057AA    11    50/50 Prediluted Antifreeze/Coolant               Gal.
                                                                                                                                              68051217AC    14
                                                                               5-Year/100,000-Mile — Embittered               Half Pallet
Foam Tape                                                  05019058AA    11
                                                                               50/50 Prediluted Antifreeze/Coolant                Gal.
Gear Marking Compound                        4 Fl. Oz.     04883065AB    10                                                                   68051216AC    14
                                                                               5-Year/100,000-Mile — Embittered                  Pallet
Gel Pack Rain Sensor                                       68224945AA    11
                                                                               50/50 Prediluted Antifreeze/Coolant                Gal.
                                                                                                                                              68051218AB    14
Grease Lubricant                                           05019060AC    11    5-Year/100,000-Mile — Embittered                  Drum
MP-50                                          9 Oz.       04549626AD    10    Concentrate Antifreeze/Coolant
                                                                                                                                 1 Gal.       68048953AC    14
                                                                               5-Year/100,000-Mile — Embittered
Nickel Anti-Seize Lubricant                    8 Oz.       05012249AC    11
                                                                               Concentrate Antifreeze/Coolant                    Gal.
Oil Lubricant                                              05019059AC    11                                                                   68051215AC    14
                                                                               5-Year/100,000-Mile — Embittered               Half Pallet
Rear Window Defogger Repair Kit            1.5 Gram Kit    04549275AB    11
                                                                               Concentrate Antifreeze/Coolant
                                                                                                                              Gal. Pallet     68051213AC    14
Rust Penetrant                               10.8 Oz.      04318039AE    10    5-Year/100,000-Mile — Embittered
Undercoat Kit                                 31 Oz.       68042967AB    10    Concentrate Antifreeze/Coolant
                                                                                                                              Gal. Drum       68051214AB    14
                                                                               5-Year/100,000-Mile — Embittered
Undercoat Kit Refill                          31 Oz.       68042968AB    10
CHEMICAL GUYS                                                                  OAT FAMILY
                                                                               50/50 Prediluted Antifreeze/Coolant
Blazin’ Banana Carnauba Spray Wax            16 Fl. Oz.    68574393AA    55                                                      1 Gal.       68163849AB    15
Blue Guard II Wet Look Premium Dressing      16 Fl. Oz.    68574411AA    56
                                                                               50/50 Prediluted Antifreeze/Coolant               Gal.
                                                                                                                                              68306482AB    15
Butter Wet Wax                               16 Fl. Oz.    68574394AA    55    10-Year/150,000-Mile                           Half Pallet
Chenille Microfiber Premium Scratch-Free                                       50/50 Prediluted Antifreeze/Coolant                Gal.
                                              13" x 8"     68574413AA    57                                                                   68306473AB    15
Wash Mitt                                                                      10-Year/150,000-Mile                              Pallet

Citrus Wash and Gloss Concentrated                                             50/50 Prediluted Antifreeze/Coolant                Gal.
                                             16 Fl. Oz.    68574396AA    54                                                                   68140973AA    15
Car Wash                                                                       10-Year/150,000-Mile                              Drum

                                              16 Fl. Oz.                       Concentrate Antifreeze/Coolant
                                                                                                                                 1 Gal.       68163848AB    15
Glass Cleaner Signature Series             Trigger Spray   68574391AA    54    10-Year/150,000-Mile
                                               Bottle                          Concentrate Antifreeze/Coolant                    Gal.
                                                                                                                                              68306483AB    15
                                             16 Fl. Oz.                        10-Year/150,000-Mile                           Half Pallet
GlossWorkz Glaze                           (Non Shrink-    68574405AA    55    Concentrate Antifreeze/Coolant                     Gal.
                                            Wrapped)                                                                                          68306476AB    15
                                                                               10-Year/150,000-Mile                              Pallet
Honeydew Snow Foam Auto Wash Cleanser        16 Fl. Oz.    68574395AA    54    Concentrate Antifreeze/Coolant                     Gal.
                                                                                                                                              68140983AA    15
HydroSlick Sio2 Ceramic Wax                  16 Fl. Oz.    68574407AA    55    10-Year/150,000-Mile                              Drum

HydroSpeed Ceramic Quick Detailer            16 Fl. Oz.    68574410AA    55    POAT FAMILY

HydroSuds Ceramic Car Wash Soap              16 Fl. Oz.    68574409AA    54    55/45 Premixed Extended Life                      1 Gal.       68334695AA    15
                                                                               COOLANT SYSTEM TREATMENTS
InnerClean Interior Quick Detailer and
                                             16 Fl. Oz.    68574403AA    56
Protectant                                                                     Cooling System Flush                          22 Oz. Bottle    04856977AC    16
Leather Cleaner Colorless and Odorless                                         Stop Leak Pellets                                               04318005     16
                                             16 Fl. Oz.    68574400AA    56
Super Cleaner
                                                                               Water Pump Lubricant                          12 Oz. Bottle    68029698AC    16
Leather Conditioner                          16 Fl. Oz.    68574401AA    56
                                                                               DIESEL FLUIDS
Lightning Fast Carpet and Upholstery                                           DEF Nozzles                                   1 and 2.5 Gal.   68461587AA    17
                                             16 Fl. Oz.    68574404AA    56
Stain Extractor
                                                                               Diesel Exhaust Fluid                          55 Gal. Drum     68035700AC    17
Mr. Pink Super Suds Shampoo and Superior
                                           1 Gallon Pail   68574417AA    54
Surface Cleaning Soap                                                          Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)                        1 Gal.       68035704AC    17
Orange Degreaser Signature Series            16 Fl. Oz.    68574412AA    54    Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)                       2.5 Gal.      68056278AC    17

                                                                 PART       PAGE                                                                      PART       PAGE
ITEM                                              SIZE                             ITEM                                                SIZE
                                                                NUMBER       NO.                                                                     NUMBER       NO.
DIESEL FLUIDS (Continued)                                                          ENGINE OILS (Continued)
                                              20 2.5 Gal.                          Pennzoil Platinum SAE 5W-30                        220 Qt.
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)                                     68441881AA    17                                                                     68524131AA    25
                                             Bottle Pallet                         Full Synthetic Motor Oil                            Drum
                                                14 Oz.                             Pennzoil Platinum SAE 5W-30                        1 Qt.
Diesel Turbocharger Cleaner                                    68044565AB    17                                                                     68524971AA    25
                                             Aerosol Can                           Full Synthetic Motor Oil                        Pallet (150)
                                               1L Bottle                           Pennzoil Platinum SAE 10W-30
EGR System Cleaner                                             68028729AB    17                                                        1 Qt.        68524015AA    25
                                               (33.8 Oz.)                          Full Synthetic Motor Oil
ENGINE OILS                                                                        Pennzoil Platinum SAE 10W-30                       1 Qt.
                                                                                                                                                    68524976AA    25
                                                                                   Full Synthetic Motor Oil                        Pallet (150)
Mopar SAE 0W-20 Engine Oil                        1 Qt.        68523994AA    21
                                                                                   Pennzoil SAE 5W-20 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil       1 Qt.        68524004AA    24
Mopar SAE 0W-20 Engine Oil                         5L          68218951AC    21
                                                                                                                                      220 Qt.
Mopar SAE 0W-20 Engine Oil                   220 Qt. Drum      68524119AA    21    Pennzoil SAE 5W-20 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil                    68524127AA    24
Mopar SAE 0W-30 Engine Oil                        1 Qt.        68523988AA    21                                                        1 Qt.
                                                                                   Pennzoil SAE 5W-20 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil                    68524981AA    24
Mopar SAE 5W-20 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil        1 Qt.        68518202AA    21                                                    Pallet (1,008)
Mopar SAE 5W-20 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil         5L          68218891AC    21    Pennzoil SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil       1 Qt.        68523989AA    24
Mopar SAE 5W-20 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil   220 Qt. Drum      68524120AA    21    Pennzoil SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil   5.1 Qt. Bottle   68524003AA    24
                                                 1 Qt.                             Pennzoil SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil   220 Qt. Drum     68524125AA    24
Mopar SAE 5W-20 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil                     68524961AA    21
                                             Pallet (1,008)                                                                            1 Qt.
                                                                                   Pennzoil SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil                    68524974AA    24
Mopar SAE 5W-20 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil   5L Pallet (180)   68524956AA    21                                                    Pallet (1,008)
Mopar SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil        1 Qt.        68518204AA    21                                                    5.1 Qt. Pallet
                                                                                   Pennzoil SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil                    68524985AA    24
Mopar SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil         5L          68518205AA    21
                                                                                   Pennzoil SAE 10W-30 Engine Oil                      1 Qt.        68523995AA    24
Mopar SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil   220 Qt. Drum      68524122AA    21
                                                                                   Pennzoil SAE 10W-30 Engine Oil                  5.1 Qt. Bottle   68524016AA    24
                                              1 Qt. Pallet
Mopar SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil                     68218923AC    21    Pennzoil SAE 10W-30 Engine Oil                  220 Qt. Drum     68524136AA    24
Mopar SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil   5L Pallet (180)   68524957AA    21                                                        1 Qt.
                                                                                   Pennzoil SAE 10W-30 Engine Oil                                   68524979AA    24
                                                                                                                                   Pallet (1,008)
Mopar SAE 5W-40 Engine Oil                        1 Qt.        68231020AA    21
                                                                                                                                   5.1 Qt. Pallet
Mopar SAE 5W-40 Engine Oil                         5L          68231021AA    21    Pennzoil SAE 10W-30 Engine Oil                                   68524986AA    24
Mopar SAE 10W-30 Engine Oil                       1 Qt.        68524000AA    21    Pennzoil Ultra Platinum SAE 0W-40
                                                                                                                                       1 Qt.        68523970AA    24
Mopar SAE 10W-30 Engine Oil                        5L          68218931AC    21    Full Synthetic Motor Oil
Mopar SAE 10W-30 Engine Oil                  220 Qt. Drum      68524134AA    21    Pennzoil Ultra Platinum SAE 0W-40                  220 Qt.
                                                                                                                                                    68524116AA    24
                                                                                   Full Synthetic Motor Oil                            Drum
                                              1 Qt. Pallet
Mopar SAE 10W-30 Engine Oil                                    68524968AA    21    Pennzoil Ultra Platinum SAE 0W-40                  1 Qt.
                                                (1,008)                                                                                             68524965AA    24
                                                                                   Full Synthetic Motor Oil                        Pallet (750)
Mopar SAE 10W-30 Engine Oil                  5L Pallet (180)   68218934AA    21
                                                                                   Pennzoil Ultra Platinum SAE 5W-30
Mopar SAE 15W-40 Engine Oil                       1 Qt.        68218940AD    22                                                        1 Qt.        68001334PD    24
                                                                                   Full Synthetic Motor Oil
Mopar SAE 15W-40 Engine Oil                        5L          68218941AC    22    Pennzoil Ultra Platinum SAE 5W-30                  1 Qt.
                                                                                                                                                    68001335PC    24
Mopar SAE 15W-40 Engine Oil                  220 Qt. Drum      68218942AB    22    Full Synthetic Motor Oil                        Pallet (750)

                                              1 Qt. Pallet                         Shell Rotella T4 SAE 15W-40
Mopar SAE 15W-40 Engine Oil                                    68218943AD    22                                                        1 Qt.        68024966PD    23
                                                (1,008)                            Heavy Duty Engine Oil

Mopar SAE 15W-40 Engine Oil                  5L Pallet (180)   68218944AA    22    Shell Rotella T4 SAE 15W-40
                                                                                                                                      1 Gal.        68024967PC    23
                                                                                   Heavy Duty Engine Oil
Pennzoil Platinum Euro SAE 5W-40
                                                  1 Qt.        68523985AA    24    Shell Rotella T4 SAE 15W-40                        220 Qt.
Full Synthetic Motor Oil                                                                                                                            68044417PC    23
                                                                                   Heavy Duty Engine Oil                               Drum
Pennzoil Platinum Euro SAE 5W-40
                                               Ecobox™         68524007AA    20    Shell Rotella T4 SAE 15W-40                         1 Qt.
Full Synthetic Motor Oil                                                                                                                            68024968PE    23
                                                                                   Heavy Duty Engine Oil                           Pallet (1,008)
Pennzoil Platinum Euro SAE 5W-40                220 Qt.
                                                               68524135AA    24    Shell Rotella T4 SAE 15W-40                       225 Gal.
Full Synthetic Motor Oil                         Drum                                                                                               68024969PC    23
                                                                                   Heavy Duty Engine Oil                              Pallet
Pennzoil Platinum Euro SAE 5W-40                 1 Qt.
                                                               68524970AA    24    Shell Rotella T5 SAE 10W-30 Synthetic
Full Synthetic Motor Oil                      Pallet (750)                                                                            1 Gal.        68438447PA    23
                                                                                   Blend Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil
Pennzoil Platinum SAE 0W-20 Full                220 Qt.
                                                               68524118AA    25    Shell Rotella T5 SAE 10W-30 Synthetic              220 Qt.
Synthetic Motor Oil                              Drum                                                                                               68440571PA    23
                                                                                   Blend Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil                  Drum
Pennzoil Platinum SAE 0W-20 Full                 1 Qt.
                                                               68524962AA    25    Shell Rotella T6 SAE 5W-40
Synthetic Motor Oil                           Pallet (150)                                                                             1 Qt.        68001332PC    23
                                                                                   Full Synthetic Heavy Duty Engine Oil
Pennzoil Platinum SAE 5W-20 Full                220 Qt.
                                                               68524121AA    25    Shell Rotella T6 SAE 5W-40
Synthetic Motor Oil                              Drum                                                                                Ecobox™        68218066AB    20
                                                                                   Full Synthetic Heavy Duty Engine Oil
Pennzoil Platinum SAE 5W-20 Full                 1 Qt.
                                                               68524966AA    25    Shell Rotella T6 SAE 5W-40
Synthetic Motor Oil                           Pallet (150)                                                                            1 Gal.        68171006PB    23
                                                                                   Full Synthetic Heavy Duty Engine Oil
Pennzoil Platinum SAE 5W-30 Full
                                                  1 Qt.        68523981AA    25    Shell Rotella T6 SAE 5W-40                         220 Qt.
Synthetic Motor Oil                                                                                                                                 68147411PB    23
                                                                                   Full Synthetic Heavy Duty Engine Oil                Drum
Pennzoil Platinum SAE 5W-30
                                               Ecobox™         68524011AA    20    Shell Rotella T6 SAE 5W-40                         1 Qt.
Full Synthetic Motor Oil                                                                                                                            68001333PD    23
                                                                                   Full Synthetic Heavy Duty Engine Oil            Pallet (750)
Pennzoil Platinum SAE 5W-20
                                                  1 Qt.        68523971AA    25    FUEL CLEANERS
Full Synthetic Motor Oil
Pennzoil Platinum SAE 5W-20                                                        Combustion Chamber Cleaner                         13 Oz.        04318001AE    27
                                               Ecobox™         68524010AA    20
Full Synthetic Motor Oil                                                           Diesel Injector Cleaner                            30 Oz.        68194640AB    26
Pennzoil Platinum SAE 0W-20                                                        Fuel Injector Cleaner                              12 Oz.        68158590AE    26
                                                  1 Qt.        68523969AA    25
Full Synthetic Motor Oil
                                                                                   Fuel System Cleaner                                12 Oz.        05019625AB    26
Pennzoil Platinum SAE 0W-20
                                               Ecobox™         68524002AA    20    Premium Diesel Fuel Treatment                      11 Oz.        05191800AB    26
Full Synthetic Motor Oil

                                                                  PART         PAGE                                                                   PART       PAGE
ITEM                                                SIZE                              ITEM                                            SIZE
                                                                 NUMBER         NO.                                                                  NUMBER       NO.
FUEL CLEANERS (Continued)                                                             HAND CLEANERS & DISINFECTING SOLUTIONS (Continued)
Premium Fuel System Cleaning Kit                                05174566AB      26    Dispenser for Bag-in-Box                    1 Dispenser       04897618AB    33
                                                                68079093AB            Gojo Scrubbing Towels                                         68442705AA    33
Premium Fuel System Cleaning Kit                                                26
                                                                                      Hand Cleaner/Natural Citrus                     1 Gal.        82300022AB    33
Throttle Body Cleaner                              13 Oz.       04897156AD      27
                                                                                      Hand Sanitizer                                  4 Oz.         68533959AA    34
                                                                                      Hand Sanitizer                                 12 Oz.         68533960AA    34
C Series DDCT SAE 75W Hydraulic Fluid               1 Qt.       68092638AB      30
                                                                                      Hand Sanitizer                                  1 Gal.        68533961AA    34
C Series Manual & Dual Dry Clutch
                                                    1 Qt.       68092630AA      32                                                  67 Oz.
Transmission Fluid                                                                    Orange Scent Hand Cleaner                                     04856970AD    33
C Series Manual & Dual Dry Clutch
                                                   1 Gal.       68092636AA      32                                                  67 Oz.
Transmission Fluid                                                                    Ultra-Max Hand Cleaner                                        04856971AD    33
Dry Clutch Transmission Fluid SAE 75W-85            1 Qt.       68256847AA      32
                                                                                      LEAK DETECTION
Front Axle Power Transfer Unit Lubricant SAE
                                                    1 Qt.       68280932AA      28    4-in-1 Leak Detection Dye                    1/4 Fl. Oz.      05010042AC    35
Gear & Axle Lubricant SAE 80W-90                   64 Qts.      68218043AA      28    Air Leak Detector                               8 Oz.         05191804AA    35

Gear & Axle Lubricant SAE 80W-90                    1 Qt.       68218041AB      28    Coolant Leak Detection Dye                  1 Oz. Bottle      05161618AC    35

Gear Lubricant SAE 90                               1 Qt.       05136033AC      30                                                 1/4 Fl. Oz.
                                                                                      R-134A Leak Detection Dye                                     04798219AC    35
Hypoid Gear Lubricant SAE 75W-80                    1 Qt.       68339072AA      28
                                                                                      LUBRICANTS & GREASE
Limited Slip Additive                               4 Oz.       04318060AD      32
                                                                                      Brake & Suspension Grease                   0.88 Oz. Tube     05019061AB    37
Limited Slip Differential Axle Lubricant
                                                    1 Qt.       68232948AB      29    Brake Lubricant                             1.76 Oz. Tube     04796269AB    37
Synthetic SAE 75W-85
Long Life Hypoid Gear Oil SAE 75W-85                1 Qt.       68333589AA      30    Bushing Grease                               2 Oz. Tube       68028730AA    37

Manual Transaxle and Quadra-trac Lubricant          1 Qt.        04874465       30    Coil Dielectric Grease                       2 Oz. Tube       68364292AA    37

Manual Transmission Lubricant                       1 Qt.       04874464AC      30    Dielectric Grease                            2 Oz. Tube       J8126688AB    37

Multi Axle Lubricant SAE 75W-85                     1 Qt.       68364258AA      28    Half Shaft Grease                           4.93 Oz. Tube     68194558AA    36

Open Differential Axle Lubricant Synthetic                                            Liquid Gasket for MMC                           3 Oz.         MD974421      38
                                                    1 Qt.       68232947AB      29
SAE 75W-85                                                                                                                           14.5 Oz.
                                                                                      Multi-Mileage Lube                                            04897841AB    36
Ram 1500 2017+ Rear Axle Lubricant                                                                                                  Cartridge
                                                    1 Qt.       68340460AA      31
SAE 75W-90                                                                            Multi-Purpose Grease                            3 Oz.         05083160AA    38
Rear Axle Differential Module Lubricant SAE                                                                                          14.5 Oz.
                                                    1 Qt.       68280933AA      28    Multi-Purpose Grease                                          05083150AA    36
75W-90                                                                                                                              Cartridge
Rear Axle Lubricant SAE 75W-85                       1L         68083381AA      28    Nye Dielectric Grease                           2 Oz.         05013781AA    38
Rear Axle Lubricant SAE 75W-85                       1L         68449546AA      28    Nye Synthetic Lubricant                      1 Oz. Tube       05018626AA    38
Rear Axle Lubricant SAE 75W-140                     1 Qt.       68449547AA      29    Output Shaft Assembly Lubricant             1.76 Oz. Tube     68002256AB    37
Single Speed Transmission Fluid                     1 Qt.       68210514AB      32    P-80 Grip-It Lubricant                       10 mL Tube       68425736AA    38
Synthetic Axle Lubricant SAE 75W-85                 1 Qt.       68210057AB      29    Rubber Bushing Installation Lube              4 Oz. Can       05010319AB    36
Synthetic Axle Lubricant SAE 75W-85                 1 Qt.       05136035AC      30                                                   12 Oz.
                                                                                      Silicone Spray Lube                                           04318070AE    36
Synthetic Gear & Axle Lubricant SAE                                                                                               Aerosol Can
                                                   64 Qts.      68218658AA      29
75W-140                                                                                                                              12 Oz.
                                                                                      Spray White Lube Lithium Grease                               04318066AE    36
Synthetic Gear & Axle Lubricant SAE                                                                                               Aerosol Can
                                                    1 Qt.       68218657AB      29
75W-140                                                                               Weatherstrip Lubricant                      1 Oz. Bottle      04773427AB    38
Synthetic Gear & Axle Lubricant SAE 75W-85          1 Qt.       68378949AA      30    Wheel Bearing Grease                          1 Lb. Tub       05083149AA    36
Synthetic Gear & Axle Lubricant SAE 75W-90         64 Qts.      68218656AA      29    POWER STEERING & BRAKE FLUIDS
Synthetic Gear & Axle Lubricant SAE 75W-90          1 Qt.       68218655AC      29    Brake & Clutch Fluid DOT 4 Motor Vehicle    12 Oz. Bottle     04549625AF    39
Synthetic Hydraulic Control Fluid                   1 Qt.       68227766AB      32    Brake Fluid DOT 3 Motor Vehicle             12 Oz. Bottle     04318080AD    39
Synthetic Manual Transmission Lubricant SAE                                                                                          15 Oz.
                                                    1 Qt.        04874459       32    Brake Parts Cleaner Non-Chlorinated                           68065196AB    39
75W-85                                                                                                                            Aerosol Can
Synthetic Gear & Axle Lubricant                                                                                                  Half Pallet (432
                                                    1 Qt.       68218654AB      30    Brake Parts Cleaner Non-Chlorinated                           68065198AA    39
SAE 75W-90                                                                                                                            Cans)
Transfer Case Lubricant                             1 Qt.       05016796AC      31                                                 Full Pallet
                                                                                      Brake Parts Cleaner Non-Chlorinated                           68065199AA    39
Transfer Case Lubricant for BorgWarner 44-45,                                                                                      (864 Cans)
                                                    1 Qt.       68089195AA      31
44-46, 44-47, 44-48 and Pre-2016 44-44                                                Brake Parts Cleaner Non-Chlorinated VOC        15 Oz.
                                                                                                                                                    68065197AD    39
Transfer Case Lubricant for BorgWarner 44-40                                          Exempt                                      Aerosol Can
                                                     1L         68049954AC      31
and 2016+ 44-44                                                                       Brake Parts Cleaner Non-Chlorinated VOC    Half Pallet (432
                                                                                                                                                    68065225AC    39
Transfer Case Lubricant NV146                       1 Qt.       68001758AB      31    Exempt                                          Cans)

                                                  1.004 Qt.                           Brake Parts Cleaner Non-Chlorinated VOC      Full Pallet
Transfer Case Lubricant NV246                                   05179014AA      31                                                                  68065226AC    39
                                                  (950 mL)                            Exempt                                       (864 Cans)

Transfer Case Lubricant SAE 75W                     1 Qt.       68377611AA      31    Electric Steering Pump Fluid               1 Pint (16 Oz.)    68088485AB    39

Vitamol ZH-M Hydraulic Fluid                      16.9 Oz.      68035321AB      32    Hydraulic System Power Steering Fluid           1 Qt.         68234631AB    39

HAND CLEANERS & DISINFECTING SOLUTIONS                                                Power Steering Fluid +4                      1 Qt. Bottle     68218064AC    39

                                                    32 Oz.                            SEALANTS & ADHESIVES
Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant Solution                        68526614AA      34
                                                Trigger Spray                         ATF-RTV                                      3 Oz. Tube       05010884AD    40
Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant Solution           1 Gal.       68526615AA      34    Axle RTV                                     3 Oz. Tube       05013477AD    40
                                                   67 Oz.                             Bed Plate Sealant                            50 mL Tube        04773257     41
Cherry Gel                                                      68291701AA      34

                                                                   PART       PAGE                                                                     PART       PAGE
ITEM                                                SIZE                             ITEM                                                SIZE
                                                                  NUMBER       NO.                                                                    NUMBER       NO.
SEALANTS & ADHESIVES (Continued)                                                     VEHICLE PREP AND DETAIL
Bond-All Gel                                    .06 Oz. Tube     04467709AB    42    Battery Terminal Protector Pads                   2 Pads        68048547AA    47
Butyl Tape (ROPE)                                 15' Roll       04076274AB    41    Car Wash Concentrate                           55 Gal. Drum     68350001AB    47
Engine Sealant RTV Silicone Rubber Adhesive     3 Oz. Tube       04883971AC    40                                                       5 Gal.
                                                                                     Car Wash Concentrate                                            05013678AD    47
                                                                                                                                     Pail (Liquid)
Gasket Maker                                    50 mL Tube       04318083AC    41
                                                                                     Car Wash Liquid Concentrate                    1 Quart Bottle   68442387AA    47
                                                  9 Oz.
Gasket Sealant                                                   04318035AC    41
                                               Aerosol Can                           Car Wash Super Concentrate                         1 Gal.       05003238AD    47
Hylomar Gasket Dressing/Flange Sealant          1.2 Oz. Tube     05127819AA    41    Carpet Cleaner                                     18 Oz.       05175050AB    48
Lock & Seal Adhesive                             6 mL Tube       04318031AB    42    Chrome Cleaner                                 16 Oz. Bottle    04318013AE    44
Loctite SI 598 Flange Sealant                                    68089566AA    43                                                   24 Oz. Spray
                                                                                     Cigarette Odor Eliminator, Unscented                            68441884AB    47
Rear View Mirror Adhesive                     0.3 mL Adhesive    05015983AD    42    Cleaner Wax                                        16 Oz.       04796237AD    48
                                              0.6 mL Activator
                                                                                     Convertible Cloth Top Cleaner Concentrate          16 Oz.       05012245AE    45
RTV Sealant                                     5 Oz. Bottle     68379579AA    40
                                                                                     Convertible Cloth Top Treatment                    16 Oz.       05012246AC    45
RTV Silicone Rubber Adhesive                    2.6 Oz. Tube     68119754AA    40
                                                                                     Degreaser Concentrate                              1 Gal.       05003241AD    49
Silicone Rubber RTV                             3 Oz. Tube       82300234AC    41
                                                                                                                                       12 Oz.
                                                                                     Engine Degreaser                                                04318040AC    45
Silicone Windshield & Glass Sealer              1.5 Oz. Tube      04467708     42                                                   Aerosol Can
Stud N’ Bearing Mount Adhesive                   6 mL Tube        04318032     42    Finish Enhancer                                    16 Oz.       04796238AD    48
Thread Sealant with PTFE                         6 mL Tube       04318034AC    42                                                      11 Oz.
                                                                                     Glass Cleaner                                                   04318014AC    44
                                                                                                                                    Aerosol Can
Threebond 1281B Transmission Sealant            4.1 Oz. Tube     68145518AB    43
                                                                                     Glass Cleaner                                      16 Oz.       04897623AD    44
Threebond Engine RTV                            5 Oz. Tube       68082860AB    40
                                                                                     Interior Cleaner Concentrate                       1 Gal.       05003240AC    49
Transfer Case Sealant                           3 Oz. Tube       68384493AA    43
                                                                                     Jeep Vehicle Soft Glass Window Cleaner         16 Oz. Bottle    05012248AE    45
Urethane Adhesive                               9.8 Oz. Tube     68400418AA    43
                                                                                     Leather, Rubber & Vinyl Protector              16 Oz. Bottle    04318017AC    44
Vinyl Foam Tape                                   30' Roll        04318028     41
                                                                                     Mopar Automatic Car Wash Detergent                 5 Gal.       05093094AC    50
Weatherstrip Adhesive                           5 Oz. Tube       04773774AC    42
                                                                                                                                     4 Oz. Spray
Windshield Install Adhesive Package                              04864015AD    42    Mopar Car Care Kit                                              68319193AA    48
                                                                                                                                     Bottles (3)
TRANSMISSION FLUIDS                                                                  Mopar Complete Windshield Washer
                                                                                                                                    64 Oz. Bottle    68044762AB    46
8 & 9 Speed ATF                                      1L          68218925AB    12    Solvent
                                                1 Qt. Pallet                         Mopar FIAT Starter Kit w/Display Rack                           68436632AA    51
8 & 9 Speed ATF                                                  68218926AB    12
                                                  (1,008)                            Odor Remover                                       24 Oz.       05073224AC    47
ASRC & Trade; ATF                                   1 Qt.        05189966AD    12    Premium Windshield Washer Solvent/De-Icer      64 Oz. Bottle    05139803AB    46
ASRC & Trade; ATF                                  1 Gal.        05189977AB    12    Rain Repellant Windshield Washer Fluid         64 Oz. Bottle    05139804AB    46
                                                1 Qt. Pallet                         Rain Repelling Glass Treatment                 Box of 24 Kits   68194881AA    44
ASRC & Trade; ATF                                                05189978AA    12
                                                                                     Shop Floor Cleaner Concentrate                     50 Lb.       04883968AB    50
ASRC & Trade; ATF                             180 Gal. Pallet    05189979AA    12
                                                                                     Soft Top Zipper Cleaner & Lubricant             2 Oz. Bottle    05066440AB    45
ATF+4                                               1 Qt.        68218057AC    12
                                                                                     Sunroof Track Grease                           1.98 Oz. Tube    68337909AA    45
ATF+4                                                5L          68218058AC    12
                                                                                     Super Kleen Bug, Tar & Spot Remover            16 Oz. Bottle    04886330AE    44
ATF+4                                          220 Qt. Drum      68218054AB    12
                                                                                     Tire & Wheel Cleaner                               24 Oz.       05066247AE    47
                                                1 Qt. Pallet
ATF+4                                                            68218056AD    12
                                                  (1,008)                            Tire & Wheel Cleaner                            5 Gal. Pail     05066248AD    47
ATF+4                                          5L Pallet (180)   68218059AC    12    Tire Cleaner Concentrate                           1 Gal.       05003239AC    49
CVTF+4 Transmission Fluid                           1 Qt.        05191184AB    12    Tire Sealant                                                    68400709AA    53
CVTF+4 Transmission Fluid                            5L          05191185AC    12    Tire Sealant                                                    68316717AB    53
                                                1 Qt. Pallet                         Tire Sealant                                                    68320204AA    53
CVTF+4 Transmission Fluid                                        05191186AE    12
                                                                                     Tire Service Kit                                                05181361AE    53
CVTF+4 Transmission Fluid                     216 Gal. Pallet    05191187AA    12
                                                                                     Tire Service Kit                                                68417610AA    53
DEXRON-VI Automatic Transmission Fluid              1 Qt.        68043742AB    13
                                                                                     Tire Treatment                                     16 Oz.       04796240AD    48
Long Life Automatic Transmission Fluid DAF
                                                    1 Qt.        68333587AA    13    Total Clean                                        16 Oz.       04897840AD    48
Long Life Manual Transmission Lubricant             1 Qt.        68333586AA    13    Total Clean                                        1 Gal.       04318020AE    48

MB236.12 Automatic Transmission Fluid               1 Qt.        05127382AB    12    Touch-Up Paint Assortment Kit w/Display Rack                    68565407AA    51

                                                  504 Qt.                            Touch-Up Paint Display Rack                                     68290303AA    51
MB236.12 Automatic Transmission Fluid                            68002823AA    12
                                                  Pallet                             Wheel Touch-Up Paint Kit                                        68441921AA    52
SP-IV M Automatic Transmission Fluid                1 Qt.        68171866AB    12    Whitewall & Vinyl Top Cleaner                      16 Oz.       04856593AC    45
SP-IV M Automatic Transmission Fluid               1 Gal.        68171869AB    12    Windshield Washer Solvent                          16 Oz.       04318067AC    46
Transmission Cooler Flush                          1 Gal.        04796268AB    13    Windshield Washer Solvent                           1 Qt.       04318068AC    46
                                                                                     Windshield Washer Solvent                      55 Gal. Drum     68040095AB    46


ND-OIL 8 A/C COMPRESSOR OIL                       RL-897 A/C COMPRESSOR OIL                         A/C COMPRESSOR OIL                                 ND-11 A/C COMPRESSOR OIL
PAG TYPE                                          POE TYPE                                          POE TYPE                                           POE TYPE
250 mL Can                                        Formulated for use in certain                     250 mL Can                                         Formulated for use only in
MSQ: 1 Can                                        piston type and electrically                      MSQ: 1 Can                                         electrically driven compressors.
Part No. 82300102AC /                             driven compressors.                               Part No. 68453175AA /                              250 mL Can
AIR90021**                                        210 mL Can                                        AIR90021**                                         MSQ: 1 Can
                                                  MSQ: 1 Can                                                                                           Part No. 68043289AB /
                                                  Part No. 68170681AB /                                                                                AIR90021**

A/C COMPRESSOR OIL                                                 ELECTRIC A/C COMPRESSOR OIL                                         SP-15 A/C COMPRESSOR LUBRICANT
Formulated to lubricate specific automotive                        Synthetic POE lubricant formulated                                  250 mL Can
air conditioning systems.                                          to be used in electric air conditioner                              MSQ: 1 Can
7.1 Oz. Can                                                        compressors. Do not mix with other                                  Part No. 04886129AB / AIR90021**
                                                                   type of compressor lubricants.                                      MS-9176
MSQ: 1
Part No. 68232939AB / AIR90021**                                   4.2 Oz. Can
                                                                   MSQ: 1 Can
                                                                   Part No. 68192413AB

     **Tooling part number. Available through Mopar Essential Tools and Service Equipment.

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.

ND-OIL 12 A/C COMPRESSOR OIL                                       R-134A A/C REFRIGERANT                                              1234YF A/C REFRIGERANT
Formulated for use in automotive air                               Convenient 30 lb. non-returnable ­container.                        New air conditioning refrigerant for use in
conditioning systems using R-1234YF                                                                                                    vehicles equipped with the 1234YF systems.
                                                                   30 lb. Cylinder
refrigerants.                                                                                                                          Net Weight 10 lbs. (4.5kg) Cylinder
                                                                   MSQ: 30 (unit of measure represents lbs.)
210 mL Can                                                         Part No. 82300101AC / ROB34788NI**                                  MSQ: 160 Oz.
MSQ: 1 Can                                                         MS-50034                                                            Part No. 68224028AB / RTIACX1280M**
Part No. 68224150AB                                                                                                                    MS-50039

VC-PAG 46 A/C COMPRESSOR LUBRICANT                                 COOLING COIL COATING                                                COOLING COIL CLEANER
Specifically intended for use in Visteon air                       Provides a durable coating to the air                               Heavy-duty, fast-acting cleaner. Removes
conditioning compressors.                                          conditioning evaporator to reduce or                                dirt and odor-causing organic matter.
7 Oz. (210 mL) Per Can                                             eliminate odors.                                                    Biodegradable, safe on automotive surfaces.
MSQ: 7 Cans                                                        8 Oz. Bottle                                                        8 Oz. Bottle
Part No. 05114554AD / AIR90021**                                   MSQ: 6 Bottles                                                      MSQ: 12 Bottles
                                                                   Part No. 04728942AC / AIR62644**                                    Part No. 05170022AB / AIR62644**

     **Tooling part number. Available through Mopar Essential Tools and Service Equipment.

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.

CAVITY WAX KIT                                                     UNDERCOAT KIT                                                      ELECTRICAL CONTACT CLEANER
Custom installation kit includes one flexible                      Kit includes air undercoating gun and two 31                       Cleans and loosens any oxidation deposits
direct spray wand, one flexible fan spray                          oz. bottles of undercoat mixture.                                  from all kinds of electrical terminals,
wand, one rigid fan spray wand, and two                            31 Oz. Container                                                   connectors or contacts. Removes oxide and
bottles of cavity wax.                                             MSQ: 1 Kit                                                         sulphide deposits, residue, resin, oil or dirt.
31 Oz. Container                                                   Part No. 68042967AB                                                Eliminates distortion and the occurrence of
MSQ: 1 Kit                                                                                                                            unreliable resistance or cracking noises. Safe
Part No. 68042969AB                                                UNDERCOAT KIT REFILL                                               for use on automotive circuit boards. Specify
                                                                   Refill kit of four 31 oz. bottles of undercoat                     non-chlorinated.
CAVITY WAX KIT REFILL                                              mixture.                                                           9.7 Oz. Aerosol Can
To maintain the integrity of the repair                            31 Oz. Container                                                   MSQ: 12 Cans
following any welding or repairs where                             MSQ: 4 Bottles                                                     Part No. 05018045AC
metal is exposed.                                                  Part No. 68042968AB / TOOL IS PROVIDED IN
31 Oz. Container                                                   KIT P/N 68042967AB**
MSQ: 4 Bottles
Part No. 68042970AB / TOOL IS PROVIDED IN
KIT P/N 68042969AB**

RUST PENETRANT                                                     MP-50                                                               GEAR MARKING COMPOUND
Superior formula to loosen virtually all rusted                    Displaces moisture from wet ignition                                Brightly colored gear marking compound
and corroded parts. Excellent heat valve                           system and leaves a moisture-resistant                              to aid in assembly and adjustment of ring
solvent.                                                           barrier. Penetrates metal fittings to ease                          and pinion preload or lash. Convenient
                                                                   disassembly and provides short-term rust                            brush-top can.
10.8 Oz. Aerosol Can
MSQ: 12 Cans                                                       prevention and protection.                                          4 Fl. Oz. Can
Part No. 04318039AE                                                9 Oz. Aerosol Can                                                   MSQ: 1 Can
MS-3613                                                            MSQ: 12 Cans                                                        Part No. 04883065AB
                                                                   Part No. 04549626AD

     **Tooling part number. Available through Mopar Essential Tools and Service Equipment.

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.

NICKEL ANTI-SEIZE LUBRICANT                                        REAR WINDOW DEFOGGER                                                BUZZ, SQUEAKS & RATTLES
Nickel-graphite lubricant prevents corrosion                       REPAIR KIT                                                          These items may help
and eliminates galling. Use on oxygen                              A one-step, air curable silver coating                              eliminate ­cabin noises.
sensors, EGR bolts, ­manifold/turbocharger                         that quickly repairs broken or cracked                              Anti-Squeak Tape
studs and spark plug threads. Withstands                           rear defogger electric grids. Kit contains                          Part No. 05019054AA – MSQ: 24
­temperatures up to 2,600˚F and will not                           silver compound, brush, template and                                Flock Tape –
wash off.                                                          instruction sheet.                                                  Part No. 68230057AB – MSQ: 4
8 Oz. Bottle                                                       1.5 Gram Kit                                                        Foam Tape –
MSQ: 1 Bottle                                                      MSQ: 1 Kit                                                          Part No. 05019056AA – MSQ: 24,
Part No. 05012249AC                                                Part No. 04549275AB                                                 Part No. 05019057AA – MSQ: 24,
                                                                                                                                       Part No. 05019058AA – MSQ: 24
                                                                                                                                       Oil Lubricant –
                                                                                                                                       Part No. 05019059AC – MSQ: 1
                                                                                                                                       Grease Lubricant –
                                                                                                                                       Part No. 05019060AC – MSQ: 1

GEL PACK RAIN SENSOR                                               BLACK CORROSION RESISTANT
The Light Rain Sensor Module (LRSM)                                PROTECTANT
is equipped with a clear, silicone gelatin                         Formulated as a low VOC, fast-drying
(SilGel) adhesive membrane that serves as                          water-based corrosion resistant coating.
an optical coupler between the sensor and                          Designed to protect metal substrates at
the windshield glass. The membrane should                          low coating thickness.
only come into contact with the clean and                          4 Fl. Oz. (118 mL)
dry inside surface of the glass within the
mounting bracket bonded to the windshield.                         MSQ: 1
Use EXTREME CARE WHEN INSTALLING. Do                               Part No. 68317791AA
not touch the membrane with your fingers
or tools.
Sealed Package
MSQ: 1
Part No. 68224945AA

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.

8 & 9 SPEED ATF                                                                ATF+4*                                                                          SP-IV M AUTOMATIC
Formulated as a high-quality fluid specifically                                The approved automatic transmission fluid for                                   TRANSMISSION FLUID
for the ZF 8HP45 & ZF 9HP45 transmission                                       all vehicles factory filled with ATF+4.                                         This ATF is specifically designed and
used in FCA US LLC vehicles. Ensures                                           1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle MSQ: 12                                                 approved for use in the 6-speed automatic
smooth and quiet operation. Provides                                           Part No. 68218057AC                                                             Powertech transmission for front-wheel
superior lubrication to reduce wear. Meets                                                                                                                     drive or all-wheel drive FCA US LLC vehicles
ZF specifications.                                                             5L Bottle MSQ: 3                                                                (only transverse engine layout). Controls
                                                                               Part No. 68218058AC                                                             oxidation and minimizes the formation of
1 Liter Bottle  MSQ: 6
                                                                               220 Quart Drum MSQ: 220                                                         deposits.
Part No. 68218925AB
                                                                               Part No. 68218054AB / SMNWF1**                                                  1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle MSQ: 12
1,008 Quart Pallet MSQ: 1
                                                                               1,008 Quart Pallet MSQ: 1                                                       Part No. 68171866AB
Part No. 68218926AB
                                                                               Part No. 68218056AD                                                             1 Gallon Bottle MSQ: 4
                                                                               180 5L Bottle Pallet MSQ: 1                                                     Part No. 68171869AB
                                                                               Part No. 68218059AC

ASRC & TRADE; ATF                                                              CVTF+4 TRANSMISSION FLUID                                                       MB236.12 AUTOMATIC
Formulated as an exceptionally high-                                           Mopar CVT fluid is specially formulated for
                                                                                                                                                               TRANSMISSION FLUID
performance lubricant for use in AS68RC and                                    continuously variable transmission in                                           This fluid is specifically designed for
AS69RC slip-controlled lock-up automatic                                       PM/MK body.                                                                     Chrysler Crossfire and Dodge Sprinter
transmissions. Recommended for use in                                                                                                                          automatic transmissions. Not intended
                                                                               1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle                 MSQ: 12
transmissions made by Aisin-Seiki requiring                                                                                                                    for use in power steering systems or other
                                                                               Part No. 05191184AB
Type T-IV fluids. Refer to vehicle owner’s                                                                                                                     FCA US LLC transmissions. Meets MB236.12.
manual for proper fluid requirements.                                          5L Bottle MSQ: 3
                                                                               Part No. 05191185AC                                                             1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle MSQ: 12
1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle MSQ: 12                                                                                                                                Part No. 05127382AB
Part No. 05189966AD                                                            1,008 Quart Pallet MSQ: 1
                                                                               Part No. 05191186AE                                                             504 Quart Pallet MSQ: 1
1 Gallon Bottle MSQ: 4                                                                                                                                         Part No. 68002823AA
Part No. 05189977AB                                                            216 Gallon Pallet MSQ: 1
1,008 Quart Pallet MSQ: 1                                                      Part No. 05191187AA
Part No. 05189978AA
180 Gallon Pallet MSQ: 1
Part No. 05189979AA
      **Tooling part number. Available through Mopar Essential Tools and Service Equipment.
Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.
*ATF+4 products must be purchased using a promo code. The promo code has no discount but it ensures the dealer orders in the correct quantity which is 4 drums. The minimum sales quantity (MSQ) for each drum is 220 which
represent the number of quarts in a 55 gallon drum. Dealer must order in 880 increments which is 4 drums. Promo code MDO to purchase Mopar branded drum ATF+4.

DEXRON -VI AUTOMATIC                                               LONG LIFE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION                                   TRANSMISSION COOLER FLUSH

TRANSMISSION FLUID                                                 FLUID DAF 6-SPD AISIN JWS3309                                      For back-flushing ATF cooler and lines.
For use only in Chrysler Hybrid Electric                           Formulated for 6-speed automatic                                   Dissolves and flushes unwanted ­particles in
Vehicle (HEV) transmissions. Controls                              transmissions to protect against rusting,                          transmission system. Does not foam up and is
oxidation and helps reduce formation                               corrosion and foaming. Viscosity stability                         compatible with transmission cooler system
of deposits.                                                       helps ensure adequate lubrication                                  components.
1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle          MSQ: 12                           without excessive thinning in severe
                                                                                                                                      1 Gallon Bottle
Part No. 68043742AB                                                high-temperature operation or thickening
                                                                                                                                      MSQ: 6 Bottles
                                                                   at low starting temperatures.
                                                                                                                                      Part No. 04796268AB
                                                                   1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle                                            MS-552
                                                                   MSQ: 2 Bottles
                                                                   Part No. 68333587AA

This lubricant is formulated to provide smooth
shifting for 6-speed manual transmissions.
Helps ensure viscosity stability and adequate
lubrication without excessive thinning
in severe high temperature operation or
thickening at low starting temperatures. It
meets SAE 75W-90, API GL-4 and 9.55550-DA
1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle          MSQ: 1
Part No. 68333586AA

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.
IAT FAMILY                                                          HOAT FAMILY

ANTIFREEZE/COOLANT                                                 50/50 PREDILUTED ANTIFREEZE/COOLANT                                 CONCENTRATE ANTIFREEZE/COOLANT
3-YEAR FORMULA — EMBITTERED                                        5-YEAR/100,000-MILE — EMBITTERED                                    5-YEAR/100,000-MILE — EMBITTERED
Ethylene glycol-based three-year formulation                       Do not add water. Ethylene glycol-based                             Ethylene glycol-based five-year f­ormulation
to prevent freeze-up and boil-over while                           five-year ­formulation to prevent freeze-up                         to prevent freeze-up and boil-over while
inhibiting corrosion. Only for vehicles factory                    and boil-over while inhibiting corrosion.                           inhibiting corrosion. Only for vehicles factory
filled with three-year coolant.                                    Only for vehicles factory filled with                               filled with 5-year/100,000-mile coolant.
1 Gallon Bottle                                                    5-year/100,000-mile coolant.                                        1 Gallon Bottle
MSQ: 6 Bottles                                                     1 Gallon Bottle                                                     MSQ: 6 Bottles
Part No. 04267020AD                                                MSQ: 6 Bottles                                                      Part No. 68048953AC
Gallon Half Pallet                                                 Part No. 68051212AC                                                 Gallon Half Pallet
MSQ: 108                                                                                                                               MSQ: 108
Part No. 68002827AC                                                Gallon Half Pallet
                                                                   MSQ: 108                                                            Part No. 68051215AC
Gallon Pallet                                                      Part No. 68051217AC                                                 Gallon Pallet
MSQ: 216                                                           Gallon Pallet                                                       MSQ: 216
Part No. 04762648AC                                                                                                                    Part No. 68051213AC
                                                                   MSQ: 216
Gallon Drum                                                        Part No. 68051216AC                                                 Gallon Drum
MSQ: 2 Drums (110 Gallons)                                         Gallon Drum                                                         MSQ: 2 Drums (110 Gallons)
Part No. 68002825AC / SMNWF1**                                     MSQ: 2 Drums (110 Gallons)                                          Part No. 68051214AB / SMNWF1**
MS-7170                                                            Part No. 68051218AB / SMNWF1**                                      MS-9769G

     **Tooling part number. Available through Mopar Essential Tools and Service Equipment.

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.
                                                                50/50 PREDILUTED ANTIFREEZE/COOLANT 10-YEAR/150,000-MILE
                                                                Do not add water. Ethylene glycol-based formulation to prevent freeze-up and boil-over
                                                                while inhibiting corrosion. Must not be mixed with any non-conforming antifreeze. OAT
                                                                (Organic Acid Technology). Developed for new vehicle technologies.

                                                                1 Gallon Bottle                  Gallon Half Pallet               Gallon Pallet                   Gallon Drum
                                                                MSQ: 4 Bottles                   MSQ: 84                          MSQ: 168                        MSQ: 55
                                                                Part No. 68163849AB              Part No. 68306482AB              Part No. 68306473AB             Part No. 68140973AA*
                                                                MS-12106                                                                                          / SMNWF1**

                                                                CONCENTRATE ANTIFREEZE/COOLANT 10-YEAR/150,000-MILE
                                                                Ethylene glycol-based formulation to prevent freeze-up and boil-over while inhibiting corrosion.
                                                                Must not be mixed with any non-conforming antifreeze. OAT (Organic Acid Technology).
                                                                Developed for new vehicle technologies.

                                                                1 Gallon Bottle                  Gallon Half Pallet               Gallon Pallet                   Gallon Drum
                                                                MSQ: 4 Bottles                   MSQ: 84                          MSQ: 68                         MSQ: 55
                                                                Part No. 68163848AB              Part No. 68306483AB              Part No. 68306476AB             Part No. 68140983AA*
                                                                9.555 23, MS-12106,                                                                               / SMNWF1**

                                                                *Coolants are interchangeable


5-year, green-colored coolant formulated
as an ethylene glycol-based product for
long-lasting protection. Developed to
provide corrosion and rust protection for
aluminum and all other cooling system
components. Requires no additional
corrosion inhibitors and provides year-
round protection. For use in FIAT 124      ®

Spider only.
1 Gallon Bottle
MSQ: 1
Part No. 68334695AA
     **Tooling part number. Available through Mopar Essential Tools and Service Equipment.

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.


COOLING SYSTEM FLUSH                                               WATER PUMP LUBRICANT                                                STOP LEAK PELLETS
Dissolves oil and sludge from cooling                              Formulated to help prevent rust and                                 Permanently seals minor coolant leaks
system while removing scale and rust                               corrosion while lubricating the water pump.                         in radiator, block, head gasket or hose
from components. Does not foam and is                              This is compatible with the 5-year/100,000-                         connections. Approved for all types of
compatible with all aluminum components.                           miles coolant, HOAT. It is not compatible                           coolant.
                                                                   with the 10-year/150,000-mile coolant, OAT.                         MSQ: 24
22 Oz. Bottle
MSQ: 12 Bottles                                                    12 Oz. Bottle                                                       Part No. 04318005
Part No. 04856977AC                                                MSQ: 12 Bottles                                                     MS-3417
                                                                   Part No. 68029698AC

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.

Federal emission standards for many diesel
vehicles, including all 2011 and later Ram
3500/4500/5500 Diesels, require a new
chemical to operate.

DEF is carried in a separate tank on board the
vehicle and injected into the exhaust system.
DEF consumption is expected to be
approximately 2% of fuel consumption.
                                                                                                                                         DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID (DEF)
DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID                                                                                                                     DEF is carried in a separate tank on
                                                                                                                                         board the vehicle and injected into the
55 Gallon Drum                                                                                                                           exhaust system. DEF consumption is
MSQ: 110 (2 Drums)                                                                                                                       expected to be approximately 2% of fuel
Part No. 68035700AC / JDODEF1A**                                                                                                         consumption.
                                                                                                                                         1 Gallon
                                                                                                                                         MSQ: 4
                                                                                                                                         Part No. 68035704AC
                                                                                                                                         2.5 Gallons
DEF NOZZLES                                                                                                                              MSQ: 2
MSQ: 24                                                                                                                                  Part No. 68056278AC
Part No. 68461587AA                                                                                                                      20 2.5 Gallon Bottle Pallet
Pour spout nozzles for use with the                                                                                                      MSQ: 1
                                                                                                                                         Part No. 68441881AA
DEF 1- and 2.5-gallon containers.                                                                                                        ISO 22241

                                                                                                    EGR SYSTEM CLEANER                                DIESEL TURBOCHARGER
                                                                                                    For use with appropriate Service                  CLEANER
                                                                                                    Manual cleaning procedure.                        Formulated as a non-flammable,
                                                                                                    Must be diluted with water.                       water-based solvent for
                                                                                                    1 Liter Bottle (33.8 Oz.)                         removing soot accumulation
                                                                                                    MSQ: 6 Bottles                                    on internal diesel turbocharger
                                                                                                    Part No. 68028729AB                               exhaust components.
                                                                                                                                                      14 Oz. Aerosol Can
                                                                                                                                                      MSQ: 12 Cans
                                                                                                                                                      Part No. 68044565AB

     **Tooling part number. Available through Mopar Essential Tools and Service Equipment.

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.
MOPAR BULK OIL                        ®


The Mopar Bulk Oil (MBO) program wants to give all FCA US dealers credit where credit is

due! Qualifying dealers will need to hit a $12 or greater ratio of oil purchased through the
program to unique FCA US vehicle identification numbers (VINs).

 Example 1        (QUALIFIES FOR REWARDS)
                                                                     If a dealer purchases $2,000 for the current month,
                                 Month 3
    Month 1         Month 2   (Current Month)
                                                                     $4,000 for the prior two months, and services 500
   $2,000          $2,000       $2,000              $6,000           unique FCA US vehicles, the calculation of $12 meets
                                                =            = $12
                    500                              500             the $12 minimum threshold per VIN.
   (Prior 3 Months Unique FCA US VINs)

                                                                     If a dealer purchases $1,000 for the current month,
                                 Month 3
    Month 1         Month 2   (Current Month)
                                                                     $2,000 for the prior two months, and services 750
    $1,000         $1,000       $1,000              $3,000           unique FCA US vehicles, the calculation of $4 does not
                                                =            = $4
                    750                              750             meet the $12 minimum threshold per VIN.
   (Prior 3 Months Unique FCA US VINs)

                          ALL MBO product pack sizes and bulk will be included!

 Combined Oil Metrics = Oil Penetration
 The Oil Penetration target is $12 per unique VIN serviced. It includes all bulk, packaged oil and ATF.
 The MBO Oil Penetration qualifier will also be used for Dealer Rewards.

1. M
    BO Filter Rewards dealers receive monthly credit                                                      MBO Rewards credit requires the dealer’s retail
   based on the retail sales (sold on a CRO, IRO or Service                                                 service sales data to be extracted from the
   Contract) of the following Mopar Parts:
                                                                                                              dealer’s DBS and transmitted to Mopar.

     } Mopar Oil Filters -
       Earn 45% of Dealer Net MBO Rewards credit*                                                                      QUARTERLY CASH BACK SCALE

     } Mopar Air Filters -                                                                        500 to 999 gallons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $0.05 per gallon
       Earn 25% of Dealer Net MBO Rewards credit*                                                  1,000 to 1,499 gallons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $0.10 per gallon
                                                                                                   1,500 to 2,999 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $0.15 per gallon
     *MBO Rewards credit requires the retail sale of the
                                                                                                   3,000 to 5,999 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $0.20 per gallon
      Mopar Bulk Oil quart part number on the same repair
                                                                                                   6,000 to 11,999 gallons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $0.30 per gallon
                                                                                                   12,000 to 19,999 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $0.50 per gallon
2. M
    BO Quarterly Cash Back is a quarterly rebate
                                                                                                            HIGH-VOLUME QUARTERLY CASH BACK SCALE
   based on the total combined purchases of Mopar Bulk
   Oil/ATF+4.                                                                                      20,000 to 34,999 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.60 per gallon
                                                                                                   35,000+ gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.70 per gallon
3. A
    n Additional Benefit of being enrolled in the MBO
   program is inclusion into special promotions and                                               5. M
                                                                                                      opar Bulk Oil is delivered and invoiced in metered
   incentives. 2019 examples: Summer Service Lane                                                    gallons. Dealers must use the bulk quart part numbers
   incentive, select MSER LOF incentives, Digital LBN                                                listed in the second column that correspond with the
   Consumer Rush.                                                                                    gallon part number invoiced to report sales and charge
     uarterly Cash Back is still calculated based on bulk
    Q                                                                                                out Mopar Bulk Oil/ATF+4 in the parts section of a CRO,
    gallons (packaged gallons not included).                                                         IRO or Service Contract:
                                                                                                    Tier          Quart         Oil Description                               Bulk Gallon
        To enroll in the MBO program, CLICK HERE
                                                                                                                68523001AA      Pennzoil 5W-20                               68523000AA
         or contact Mopar Bulk Oil headquarters at                                                              68523016AA      Pennzoil 5W-30                               68523009AA
                         800-352-2174.                                                              Good        68523004AA      Pennzoil High Mileage 5W-20                  68523002AA
                                                                                                                68523018AA      Pennzoil High Mileage 5W-30                   68523017AA
                                                                                                                                Shell Rotella T Triple Protection CJ-4
4. M
    opar Bulk Oil 100% interest-free funding through                                                           68055893AA
   Shell Lubricants for loans up to five years. These BDFs                                                      68523006AA      Pennzoil 5W-20                               68523005AA
   (Business Development Funds) can be used to install                                             Better       68523020AA      Pennzoil 5W-30                                68523019AA
   equipment that will help grow the dealer’s Express                                                           68523030AA      Pennzoil 0W-20                               68523029AA
   Lane/Oil business. In addition, new eligible funding                                                         68523008AA      Pennzoil Platinum 5W-20                      68523007AA
   categories, including local marketing, personnel                                                             68523022AA      Pennzoil Platinum 5W-30                       68523021AA
   and technology expenses, have been added to                                                      Best        68522999AA      Pennzoil Platinum 0W-20                      68522989AA
   the BDF funding program.                                                                                     68523028AA      Pennzoil Platinum Euro 5W-40                 68523027AA
                                                                                                                68357422AA      Pennzoil Platinum Euro 5W-40                  68232237AB
For more BDF information, CLICK HERE or contact
                                                                                                                68055894AA      Shell ATF+4                                   68102000AA
MBO headquarters at 800-352-2174.                                                                               68333664AA      Pennzoil Platinum LV Multi Vehicle ATF       68333663AA

                               6. MBO Purchases CLICK HERE to earn Dealer Rewards,
                                   (dealers can earn up to 9% Dealer Rewards Discount).

                               7. MBO Dealers CLICK HERE to earn Mopar One funds,
                                    and earn discounts on Mopar Vehicle Protection and convenience items.

                               8. MBO Dealers earn 2% - 4% Parts Return Allowance on Bulk Oil purchased from Mopar.

          Please contact Mopar Bulk Oil Headquarters at 800-352-2174 or support@mboprogram.com
                                    for more information on the MBO program.

0520 1163 ©2020 FCA US LLC. All Rights Reserved. Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram, Mopar and SRT are registered trademarks of FCA US LLC.
Pennzoil is a registered trademark of SOPUS Inc. Shell Rotella is a registered trademark of Shell Brands International AG, used under license.
ECOBOX               TM

                                                                            PENNZOIL ECOBOX CARTONS
                                                                                                        ®                          TM

                                                                            FOR ECOBOX SYSTEM

                                                                            One Ecobox is the equivalent of

                                                                            24 single-quart plastic bottles

                                                                            • FASTER BAY TIME because there’s no handling of individual
                                                                              single-quart bottles

                                                                            • BETTER INVENTORY CONTROL thanks to the built-in visual
                                                                              ports with graduated inventory markings, which make gauging oil
                                                                              level easier

                                                                            • LESS RESTOCKING when you compare to restocking bottles

                                                                            • BETTER VALUE because the cost is less per quart

                                                                            • FRIENDLIER TO THE ENVIRONMENT because an Ecobox

                                                                              plastic liner results in 89% less plastic landfill waste than the
                                                                              equivalent 24 single-quart plastic bottles. The Ecobox carton is

                                                                              also fully recyclable

           QUART                                                         DESCRIPTION                                                                        ECOBOX      TM

       68523985AA                           Pennzoil Platinum® Euro SAE 5W-40 Full Synthetic Motor Oil                                                    68524007AA
       68001332PC                       Shell Rotella® T6 SAE 5W-40 Full Synthetic Heavy Duty Engine Oil                                                  68218066AB
        68523971AA                             Pennzoil Platinum® SAE 5W-20 Full Synthetic Motor Oil                                                      68524010AA
        68523981AA                             Pennzoil Platinum® SAE 5W-30 Full Synthetic Motor Oil                                                       68524011AA
       68523969AA                              Pennzoil Platinum® SAE 0W-20 Full Synthetic Motor Oil                                                      68524002AA

Pennzoil and the Pennzoil logo are registered trademarks of SOPUS Inc.

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.

MOPAR SAE 0W-20 ENGINE OIL                                         MOPAR SAE 0W-30 ENGINE OIL                                          MOPAR SAE 5W-20
Mopar 0W-20 Full Synthetic
         ®                                                         This fully synthetic motor oil is formulated                        SYNTHETIC BLEND ENGINE OIL
Rating API SP Energy Conserving, ILSAC GF-6A                       specifically for use in turbocharged engines,                       Rating API SN Energy Conserving, ILSAC GF-6A
Specially developed with FCA US engineering,                       providing high levels of durability, engine                         Specially developed with FCA US engineering,
this product exceeds requirements for API                          protection, emission system protection and fuel                     this product exceeds requirements for API
Certified SP engine oils.                                          economy for a wide range of vehicles. Protects                      Certified SN engine oils.
                                                                   against Low-Speed Pre-ignition (LSPI). It is                        1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle MSQ: 6
1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle             MSQ: 6                         formulated to meet MS-13340, ILSAC GF-5, API
Part No. 68523994AA                                                                                                                    Part No. 68518202AA
                                                                   SN PLUS Energy Conserving and all previous
5L Bottle    MSQ: 3                                                categories. Refer to your owner’s manual for                        5L Bottle MSQ: 3
Part No. 68218951AC                                                correct viscosity grade.                                            Part No. 68218891AC
220 Quart Drum MSQ: 220                                                                                                                220 Quart Drum MSQ: 220
                                                                   1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle                                             Part No. 68524120AA
Part No. 68524119AA                                                MSQ: 12
MS-6395                                                            Part No. 68523988AA                                                 1,008 Quart Pallet MSQ: 1
                                                                   API SP, ILSAC GF-6A                                                 Part No. 68524961AA
                                                                                                                                       180 5L Bottle Pallet MSQ: 1
                                                                                                                                       Part No. 68524956AA

MOPAR SAE 5W-30                                                    MOPAR SAE 5W-40 ENGINE OIL                                          MOPAR SAE 10W-30 ENGINE OIL
SYNTHETIC BLEND ENGINE OIL                                         Rating: API SN, Energy Conserving, ILSAC GF-5                       Rating: API SP, Energy Conserving, ILSAC GF-6A
Rating: API SP / GF-6A Energy Conserving                           Approved to service all engines that require                        Approved to service all engines that require
Approved to service all engines that require                       SAE 5W-40 engine oils in all climates.                              SAE 10W-30 engine oils in all climates.
SAE 5W-30 engine oils in all climates.                             Suitable for use in both gasoline and flexible                      Suitable for use in both gasoline and flexible
Suitable for use in gasoline, flexible fuel (E85).                 fuel engines.                                                       fuel engines.
1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle MSQ: 6                                     1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle            MSQ: 12                          1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle MSQ: 6
Part No. 68518204AA                                                Part No. 68231020AA                                                 Part No. 68524000AA
5L Bottle MSQ: 3                                                   5L Bottle MSQ: 4                                                    5L Bottle MSQ: 3
Part No. 68518205AA                                                Part No. 68231021AA                                                 Part No. 68218931AC
220 Quart Drum MSQ: 220                                                                                                                220 Quart Drum MSQ: 220
Part No. 68524122AA                                                                                                                    Part No. 68524134AA
1,008 Quart Pallet MSQ: 1                                                                                                              1,008 Quart Pallet MSQ: 1
Part No. 68218923AC                                                                                                                    Part No. 68524968AA
180 5L Bottle Pallet MSQ: 1                                                                                                            180 5L Bottle Pallet MSQ: 1
Part No. 68524957AA                                                                                                                    Part No. 68218934AA
MS-6395                                                                                                                                MS-6395
Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.

Rating: API CJ-4/CI-4+
6700 CJ-4 rated for Ram truck with low
emissions 6.7L Cummins turbo diesel engine.
Approved for 5.9L Cummins diesels operating
on low or high sulfur fuel.
1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle MSQ: 6
Part No. 68218940AD
5L Bottle MSQ: 3
Part No. 68218941AC
220 Quart Drum MSQ: 220
Part No. 68218942AB
1,008 Quart Pallet MSQ: 1
Part No. 68218943AD
180 5L Bottle Pallet MSQ: 1
Part No. 68218944AA

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.

SHELL ROTELLA T4 SAE 15W-40                                        SHELL ROTELLA T5 SAE 10W-30                                         SHELL ROTELLA T6 SAE 5W-40 FULL
                      ®                                                                                                                                      ®

HEAVY DUTY ENGINE OIL                                              SYNTHETIC BLEND HEAVY DUTY DIESEL                                   SYNTHETIC HEAVY DUTY ENGINE OIL
(NOTE: T Triple is now named T4)                                   ENGINE OIL                                                          Approved for 5.9L Cummins turbo diesel.
                                                                   1 Gallon Bottle MSQ: 3                                              Recommended for heavy duty drive cycle,
1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle            MSQ: 6                                                                                              towing and commercial use. Preferred when
Part No. 68024966PD                                                Part Number: 68438447PA
                                                                                                                                       temperature is 5° F or below.
1 Gallon Bottle MSQ: 3                                             220 Quart Drum MSQ: 220
                                                                   Part Number: 68440571PA                                             1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle            MSQ: 6
Part No. 68024967PC                                                                                                                    Part No. 68001332PC
220 Quart Drum      MSQ: 220
Part No. 68044417PC                                                                                                                    1 Gallon MSQ: 3
                                                                                                                                       Part No. 68171006PB
1,008 Quart Pallet   MSQ: 1
Part No. 68024968PE                                                                                                                    220 Quart Drum     MSQ: 220
                                                                                                                                       Part No. 68147411PB
225 Gallon Pallet    MSQ: 1
Part No. 68024969PC                                                                                                                    750 Quart Pallet    MSQ: 1
                                                                                                                                       Part No. 68001333PD

     Ecobox available. See page 20.

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.

PENNZOIL SAE 10W-30 ENGINE OIL                                     PENNZOIL SAE 5W-20                                                  PENNZOIL SAE 5W-30
Rating: API SP, Energy Conserving, ILSAC GF-6A                     SYNTHETIC BLEND ENGINE OIL                                          SYNTHETIC BLEND ENGINE OIL
Approved to service all engines that require                       Rating: API SP Energy Conserving, ILSAC GF-6A                       Rating: API SP PLUS
SAE 10W-30 engine oils in all climates.                            Specially developed with FCA US engineering,                        Approved to service all engines that require
Suitable for use in both gasoline and                              this product exceeds requirements for API                           SAE 5W-30 engine oils in all climates. Suitable
flexible fuel engines.                                             Certified SN engine oils.                                           for use in gasoline, flexible fuel (E85).
1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle      MSQ: 6                                1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle     MSQ: 6                                  1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle        MSQ: 6
Part No. 68523995AA                                                Part No. 68524004AA                                                 Part No. 68523989AA
5.1 Quart Bottle       MSQ: 3                                      220 Quart Drum        MSQ: 220                                      5.1 Quart Bottle        MSQ: 3
Part No. 68524016AA                                                Part No. 68524127AA                                                 Part No. 68524003AA
220 Quart Drum         MSQ: 220                                    1,008 Quart Pallet      MSQ: 1                                      220 Quart Drum          MSQ: 220
Part No. 68524136AA                                                Part No. 68524981AA                                                 Part No. 68524125AA
1,008 Quart Pallet      MSQ: 1                                     MS-6395                                                             1,008 Quart Pallet        MSQ: 1
Part No. 68524979AA                                                                                                                    Part No. 68524974AA
180 5.1 Quart Pallet      MSQ: 1                                                                                                       180 5.1 Quart Pallet        MSQ: 1
Part No. 68524986AA                                                                                                                    Part No. 68524985AA
MS-6395                                                                                                                                MS-6395

PENNZOIL ULTRA PLATINUM SAE 0W-40                                  PENNZOIL ULTRA PLATINUM SAE 5W-30                                   PENNZOIL PLATINUM EURO SAE 5W-40
                                        ™                                                                   ™                                                         ®

FULL SYNTHETIC MOTOR OIL                                           FULL SYNTHETIC MOTOR OIL                                            FULL SYNTHETIC MOTOR OIL
Rating: API SP, ILSAC GF-6A                                        Approved for 3.0L CRD (WK) and Sprinter                             Rating: API SP, ILSAC GF-6A
                                                                   3.0L OM642 (VB).
1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle MSQ: 6                                                                                                         1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle MSQ: 6
Part No. 68523970AA                                                1 Quart (32 Oz.) Bottle MSQ: 6                                      Part No. 68523985AA
220 Quart Drum        MSQ: 220                                     Part No. 68001334PD                                                 220 Quart Drum       MSQ: 220
Part No. 68524116AA                                                750 Quart Pallet      MSQ: 1                                        Part No. 68524135AA
750 Quart Pallet      MSQ: 1                                       Part No. 68001335PC                                                 750 Quart Pallet      MSQ: 1
Part No. 68524965AA                                                MS-11106 (MB-229.51)                                                Part No. 68524970AA
MS-12633                                                                                                                               MS-12991

     Ecobox available. See page 20.

Product images may vary from those shown and may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance. FCA US LLC reserves the right to change product images and specifications without notice.
You can also read