2022 productions - Pilot Guides

Page created by Betty Morales
2022 productions - Pilot Guides

2022 productions - Pilot Guides
Pilot Productions seeks to inspire and educate a
global audience by creating powerful television
programming focusing on history, culture, travel,
food and lifestyle. Pilot takes pride in respecting
and promoting social, environmental and personal
change, whilst encouraging others to travel and
discover the world.
The company was set up by Ian Cross in 1988; and
it is now one of the longest established independent
production companies under continuous ownership
in the United Kingdom.
Pilot has produced over 500 hours of multi-genre
programming covering subjects as diverse as
history, food and sport.
Its award winning Globe Trekker series ran
to 248 episodes over a period of 25 years. Pilot
Productions has offices in London and Los Angeles.
2022 productions - Pilot Guides

HISTORY               6
TRAVEL               20
FOOD                 32
LIFESTYLE            34
OTHER                38
DVDs                 46
STUDY GUIDES         50
DIGITAL              52
BOOKS                53
CONTACTS             54
PRESENTERS           55
2022 productions - Pilot Guides
2022 productions - Pilot Guides

Pilot Productions seeks to inspire and educate its
audience by creating powerful television programming.
We take pride in respecting and promoting social,
environmental and personal change, whilst encouraging
others to travel and discover the world.
Pilot’s programmes have won more than 50 international
awards, including six American Cable Ace awards.

                                                   www.pilotguides.com   3
2022 productions - Pilot Guides

Empire Builders 2: Mexico
FORMAT: 3 x 52’

The Pacific
FORMAT: 2 x 52’

The Inca
FORMAT: 1 x 52’

Grassroots 4
FORMAT: 1 x 52’

Slow TV 4
FORMAT: 1 x 52’

Diaspora Nation
FORMAT: 4 x 30’

Extreme Green
FORMAT: 1 x 52’

2022 productions - Pilot Guides
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2022 productions - Pilot Guides

Diaspora Nation:
A World of Altered States

FORMAT: 2 x 30'            The first episodes in a new series about the
ASPECT RATIO: 16:9 HD      world’s many diasporas. We explore where in
                           the world diasporas came from and how they
                           got here

                           - The Chinese Diaspora
                           - The Jewish Diaspora

2022 productions - Pilot Guides
Empire Builders 2

More great history in these multi episode explorations of three
fascinating empires. Includes contributions from leading experts
and stunning CGI recreations.

THE ANCIENT GREEKS                    CHINA                          THE DUTCH GOLDEN AGE
FORMAT: 2 x 60'                       FORMAT: 3 x 60'                FORMAT: 2 x 60'
ASPECT RATIO: 16:9 HD                 ASPECT RATIO: 16:9 HD          ASPECT RATIO: 16:9 HD
- Minoans, Myceneans                  - Ancient China                - The Dutch Revolt, 80 Years War
  and The Greek City States           - The Century of Humiliation     and Independence
- Classical Greece                    - Modern World, Modern         - The Dutch Empire

                                                                                          www.pilotguides.com   7
2022 productions - Pilot Guides

Hope and Fear: How Pandemics Changed the World

FORMAT: 1 x 70', 1 x 52'   This documentary explores the
ASPECT RATIO: 16:9 HD      impact on our planet of viral
                           diseases across the ages. We learn
FORMAT: 3 x 26'            that like all pandemics, COVID-19
ASPECT RATIO: 16:9 HD      was sparked by human interactions
                           with the animal world.

                           - Plague
                           - New World
                           - Hope and Fear

A Short History
of the English Garden
FORMAT: 2 x 52’

How the English garden evolved through the
ages. From the Romans through the Medieval
and Renaissance periods, to the Picturesque
movement of the 18th century, the formal
Victorian gardens of the 19th century, to the
naturalistic gardens of the 20th century.

- Romans, Renaissance and the Picturesque
- Pleasure Grounds, Naturalism and Beyond

Ultimate Blitzkrieg:
WW2 Battle of Crete
FORMAT: 3 x 52’

The 3 x 1 hour documentary tells the story of the
famous World War 2 battle and the four year German
occupation of the Greek Island of Crete that followed.
With the help of documentary footage from the day,
CGI and expert contributors, survivors revisit the
island of Crete and its battlefields to tell the story of
this unique and bloody battle and its aftermath.

– Invasion
– Evacuation
– Occupation

                                        www.pilotguides.com   9

Empire Builders
FORMAT: 11 x 52’

From the Romans to the Raj, the
Ottomans to the Incas, great empires
have come and gone through
the ages; but all have left behind
extraordinary legacies, monuments,     Japan                                           The Spanish Empire
inventions and innovations that were
                                       In this episode we travel through time to       In this episode we discover how the riches
so revolutionary that they changed     explore the past 1500 years of Japan’s          bestowed by the New World would usher in
the course of history.                 history through 10 of its most famous and       a golden age for Spain not just making it the
Bringing to life ten great empires,    spectacular buildings.                          most powerful nation in Europe but a global
each episode visits the ten most                                                       superpower.
significant sites, discovering how
they were built, for what purpose,
and what they reveal about the
empire’s rise and fall.

                                       America                                         The Roman Empire
                                       From the Declaration of Independence            In this episode of Empire Builders we
                                       through to the tech giants of Silicon Valley,   explore 10 sites that defined the Roman
                                       America has shaped the world we live in.        Empire and highlight it as the most powerful
                                       We explore the development through the          economic, political and military force in the
                                       iconic buildings and structures that chart      world of its time.
                                       the nation’s history.

The British Empire                               Egypt                                             Moslem Empires:
We explore 10 sites that made history, and       We travel through time to appreciate 3000         Ottomans, Mughals and Moors
chart the rise and fall of the British empire.   years of ancient Egyptian history through         Investigating 10 influential sites, we
                                                 the amazing stories of 10 of its most             delve into the historical and cultural
                                                 famous and spectacular buildings.                 events that shaped the rise and fall of
                                                                                                   the Muslim empires.

Christian Empires: Byzantium,                    Kings of Europe Part 1:                           The Maya
Crusaders and Venice                             France, The Habsburgs and Russian                 Travelling through the remote jungles
We visit Byzantium’s greatest church,            Tsars*                                            of Central America we discover the
the Haghia Sophia in modern day Istanbul,        Kings of Europe Part 2:                           extraordinary history of the grandest
the Crusaders’ greatest fortress, Crac           End of Empire*                                    and most spectacular cities inhabited
de Chevalier in modern day Syria, and St                                                           by the Maya.
                                                 We explore the last hurrah of Europe’s
Marks Basilica in Venice, a showcase of the      Imperial dynasties – in France, Russia,
Venetian Empire at its peak.                     and the Austrian Habsburg Empire – whose
                                                 royal palaces, cathedrals and other great
                                                 public buildings of the 18th and 19th centuries
                                                 memorialise the dramatic final chapter of the
                                                 rise and fall of Imperial Europe.

                                                 *Also available as 1 hour combined episode.

                                                                                                                         www.pilotguides.com   11

Ottomans vs Christians:
Battle for the Mediterranean
The Mediterranean Sea may be a beautiful tourist destination today
but in the 16th century it was the central arena for an almighty power
struggle between Christian Europe and the formidable Ottoman
Empire. It was a conflict not just for power and wealth but for cultural
and religious supremacy that lasted nearly three centuries and its
outcome resonates to this day.

FORMAT: 3 x 52’

– Empire Builders
– Masters of the Mediterranean
– Clash of Civilizations

FORMAT: 6 x 26’

– Constantinople
– Rhodes
– Malta
– Venice
– Lepanto and Cyprus
– End of Empire

Ottomans vs Venetians:
Battle for Crete
FORMAT: 1 x 26´
ASPECT: 16:9, HD

We explore the little known traces of 700 years of
Cretan history, beginning in the 13th century, when
Crete became Venice’s main colony due the strategic
position linking vital sea trading routes.

Ottomans vs Christians:
Battle for Europe
FORMAT: 3 x 52´
ASPECT: 16:9, HD

Presented by Julian Davison, this documentary series
leads us on a swashbuckling adventure to some of
the most extraordinary destinations in the Balkans,
Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. With the
help of esteemed historians, re-enactment groups
and actors portraying some of the period’s most
remarkable figures, we relive the most dramatic and
pivotal moments of this legendary clash of civilizations
and uncover its rich and potent legacy.

– The Dreams of Empire
– Vienna: The Golden Apple
– The Sick Man of Europe

                                      www.pilotguides.com   13

 The Lost World of Joseph Banks                                                                Sir Joseph Banks, naturalist, explorer, President of
                                                                                               the Royal Society for more than 40 years and one of
                                                 FORMAT: 5 x 26’                               Australia’s founding fathers. He rose to fame when as
                                                 ASPECT: 16:9, HD                              a young botanist, he accompanied Captain Cook on his
                                                                                               voyage of discovery to The Pacific. Despite being such
                                                                                               an outstanding figure of the 18th and 19th centuries,
                                                                                               a true picture of Banks’s life has never emerged. This
                                                                                               documentary features contributors with specialized
                                                                                               knowledge of Banks’ life, his epic journey of discovery
                                                                                               and his contributions to key scientific institutions.

                                                                                               1.   A Great Endeavour
                                                                                               2.   First Contact
                                                                                               3.   Empire’s Plant Hunter
                                                                                               4.   Science and State
                            Detail of Wellington at Waterloo by Robert Alexander Hillingford   5.   Legacy

 Wellington vs Napoleon:                                                                            The Riddle of the Leaning Tower
 Aftermath of Waterloo                                                                                                      FORMAT: 1 x 60’
 FORMAT: 1 x 52´      This documentary looks at                                                                             ASPECT RATIO:
 ASPECT: 16:9, HD                                                                                                           Available in 4:3 and 16:9
                      the lives of two titans of the
                      19th century, Wellington and
                      Napoleon, following their epic                                                                        The story of the famous
                      encounter at the Battle of                                                                            tower of Pisa, combining
                      Waterloo in June 1815.                                                                                its history, its place in
                                                                                                                            our imagination and the
                                                                                                                            scientific and engineering
                                                                                                                            struggle to save it.

                                                    Sir Joseph Banks by Sir Joshua Reynolds                                                     Pisa by Andrew Crump co Flickr

Short History of the Moors
 FORMAT: 1 x 52’
 In this episode of Short History
 of the World, we explore the rich
 architectural legacy of the Moors,
 the dynasties that built an empire,
 and what they left behind.

Convict Australia
FORMAT: 1 x 52’
ASPECT RATIO: Available in 4:3

Short History of the World explores the
sites of Australia’s convict past from the
beginning of transportation in the late
18th Century to the present celebrations
of Australia Day.

                             www.pilotguides.com   15

Short History of the World                 – Pirates, Galleons and Treasure∞
                                           – Chinatown ∞
FORMAT: 15 x 52’                           – England ∞#
ASPECT RATIO: Available in 14:9 and 16:9   – Middle East ∞
                                           – American Civil War ∞
For those with a thirst for                – World War II: Battle for Europe ∞*
knowledge, Short History of the            – World War II: Battle for the Pacific ∞*
World provides a travel friendly           – World War I: The Western Front*
guide to some of the world’s most          – Transatlantic Slave Trade
famous historic destinations,              – Great Historic Sites: The Ancient World
locations and events.                      – Great Historic Sites: The Age of Empire *∞
                                           – Great Historic Sites: The Modern World *∞
                                           – Sacred Places: Great Mosques *∞
                                           – Rise and Fall of the British Raj *∞
                                           – The Wild West, USA *∞

                                           ∞ Also available in Globe Trekker series
                                           # Available in aspect ratio 4:3 only
                                           * Available in HD

                                                                          Wild West
                                                                          FORMAT: 1 x 26´
                                                                          ASPECT RATIO: 14:9, HD

                                                                          Our presenters explore the
                                                                          extraordinary history of America’s
                                                                          wildest frontiers. Taking in sites from
                                                                          the battle of the Alamo, the famous
                                                                          gold rush and gun slinging cowboys.

Historic Trails:
Great Mayan Sites
FORMAT: 1 x 26´

We travel to The Ruta Maya,
visiting many spectacular
ancient Mayan sites in Belize,
Guatemala and Mexico.

Communist Monuments
of Europe
FORMAT: 1 x 26´

We visit the rapidly vanishing
monuments and Cold War relics of the
once all-powerful but now vanished
Communist regimes that one-by-one
collapsed along with the Berlin Wall
amidst the popular revolutions of 1989.

                         www.pilotguides.com   17

Metropolis... Once and future city
Metropolis explores the history        FORMAT: 1 x 52’
and development of cities and          ASPECT RATIO: Available in 14:9 and 16:9
regions through their architecture,
design, and urban style. Hosted by     Algeria
                                       This one hour special tracks the
passionate architectural historians,   history of Algeria through its
we unlock the cultural secrets of      spectacular architecture and
fascinating cityscapes around the      buildings, including its ancient
                                       Numidian tombs, magnificent
planet.                                Roman sites and the unique
                                       desert cities of the Sahara.

FORMAT: 6 x 26’
ASPECT RATIO: Available in 14:9 and 16:9

Bali                                               Syria*                                          Singapore*
Charlie Luxton uncovers the principles             In Metropolis Syria, presenter Julian           Host Julian Davison explores one of Asia’s
behind distinctive Balinese design and             Davidson explores the country’s ancient         most modern cities. In the last half century
architecture, learning that there is a spiritual   architectural legacy and discovers that         this small island state has transformed itself
context for everything created or built in Bali.   in many ways it chronicles the history of       into a well organised, vibrant, business and
Bali has become a Mecca for architects from        civilisation itself and provides a unique and   banking hub, servicing the Asian region.
around the world and it epitomises the fusion      fascinating insight into some of the greatest
of eastern and western design principles.          architectural forms ever devised.
                                                                                                   From its beginnings as a tiny group of
Los Angeles                                        Barcelona*                                      settlements in a muddy lagoon, to its rise
Passionate architecture and design expert          Barcelona, capital of Catalunya – an            as one of the most powerful commercial
Charlie Luxton, charts the rise of a city          empire which once straddled the Pyrénées        empires the world has ever known,
founded on oil, and one which grew to              and ruled the trading routes of the             Venice offers an up an incredible array of
become one of the richest and most famous          Mediterranean – is a proud nation with its      architectural wonders that start with its
in the world. This is a place where dreams         own language, customs and traditions, all       very foundations.
come true and anything is possible – and that      forged by a fierce democratic history…
includes the architecture. Charlie uncovers a
sweet shop of architectural classics, inspired
by the wonders of the modern world.

* Available in HD

                                                                                                                        www.pilotguides.com     19

Hidden Algeria
FORMAT: 3 x 52’
Aspect Ratio: 16:9, HD

Hidden Algeria is an alluring destination
guide that explores one of the least
known countries on our planet – the
People’s Republic of Algeria.
We visit the idyllic villages and towns of
the Mediterranean coast, we experience
the magic of the Sahara desert, uncover
the raw beauty of the Aures mountains
and we celebrate the vibrant city life
in Algiers, Constantine, Tlemcen and
Oran. The films also give glimpses into
the innumerable treasures of antiquity
that are found in the Berber kingdom of
Batna and the Roman towns of Tipaza
and Timgad.

– Algiers
– The Mediterranean Coast
– The Sahara

Tough Trucks                            Tough Trains                             Tough Boats
FORMAT: 6 x 52’                         FORMAT: 6 x 52’                          FORMAT: 6 x 52’
ASPECT RATIO: 16:9, HD                  ASPECT RATIO: 16:9, HD                   ASPECT RATIO: 16:9, HD
In this mini-series we explore some     From the makers of Globe Trekker,        In these 6 episodes we undertake
of the most unique and hard-core        Tough Trains is a series that            epic journeys by boat, in some
truck journeys on the planet. Our       takes viewers on unforgettable           of the toughest environments on
hosts take a series of truck journeys   train journeys .Trips that should        earth. During our journeys we
across these lands exploring the        take hours often take days, and          look at how the technology of boat
many fascinating cultural, natural      nights that should be spent in           travel has been adapted to survive,
and historical sites along the          towns are spent aboard tough             trade with and connect isolated
way, including unique geological        trains. Interminable delays, lack        communities.
locations in Iceland, ancient Mayan     of timetables, incredible bribery-
sites in Guatemala and rarely visited   fuelled escapes are all experiences      – The Amazon
Silk Road destinations in Eastern       from these memorable rail journeys       – Tanzania
Turkey.                                 in some of the world’s most remote       – The Arctic
                                        and exciting destinations.               – Great Lakes, USA
– Iceland                                                                        – The Philippines
– Guatemala                             – Across Bolivia: From the Pantanal to   – Egypt
– Turkey: Silk Road Journey               the Pacific
– Morocco                               – Russia’s Ice Trains
– Siberia                               – Vietnam: The Reunification Express
– Ethiopia                              – India’s Independence Railroads
                                        – Cuba’s Sugar Trains
                                        – The US Transcontinental Railroad

                                                                                                      www.pilotguides.com   21

Postcard From Southern Italy.                                FORMAT: 1 x 20'
                                                             ASPECT RATIO: 16:9 HD
We explore the sites of Sicily, Rome and the Ancient Ruins
of Pompei and Paestum

Postcard from Argentina                               FORMAT: 1 x 20'
                                                      ASPECT RATIO: 16:9 HD
We explore Buenos Aires, the glaciers of Patagonia,
Iguazu Falls and the Andean Highlands.

                                                                              www.pilotguides.com   23

Travelling in the 1970s
In these two entertaining and nostalgic specials, traveller Dean                             FORMAT: 2 x 52’
Cycon experiences how travel has changed over the past 50                                    ASPECT RATIO: 16:9, HD
years and celebrates a truly golden decade in travel. Be it on
the open road or up in the air, advances in technology in the
‘70s gave us opportunities to see the world as never before.

The Road of Freedom                                           Up, Up and Away
Dean gallivants across the USA and Europe exploring           We go travelling back in time with Dean to ride a Harley
the modes of travel that made the 1970s so uniquely           Davidson, a muscle car, dune buggy, family station wagon
entertaining. This decade was a time when luxury air travel   and VW Campervan. Dean hops on a 747 and takes part
was the paragon of stylish living and the family vacation     in the louche Pan-Am lounge experience that came with
became a rite of passage. While some young Americans          the birth of Boeing’s giant of the skies. Following that he
drove across the country in their super-charged V8            inter-rails to Europe bedding down in a hostel armed with a
muscle cars, others strapped on a rucksack to follow the      dog-eared copy of the ‘Let’s Go’ travel guide. In Amsterdam,
Kerouacian dream of limitless horizons and freedom found      he goes in search of the infamous Hippy trail to India, and
whilst exploring the vastness of their country.               back home he recounts the story of the Greyhound bus –
                                                              the all American public carriage. Traveling in the ‘70s is a
                                                              fun-filled travelogue not to be missed.

Art Trails of the Riviera
FORMAT: 1 x 52'
The Riviera isn’t just a holiday
destination restricted to the obvious
pleasures Southern France has to offer.
The region also presents the traveller
with an extraordinary art trail which
changed the face of art as we know it.

Art Trails of the Golden Age
FORMAT: 1 x 20,
We explore the great artworks of
Rembrandt, Hals and Vermeer which
defined the Dutch Golden age in the 17th
century when the Dutch Empire dominated
the world's maritime and spice trade.

Global LA
FORMAT: 4 x 22'
The world comes to Los Angeles in this
four part miniseries.
– Asian Fusion
– Brits In LA
– Desert City: Escape to Palm Springs
– Haunted LA

                          www.pilotguides.com   25

Historic Walks
We walk some of the world’s most fascinating cities, exploring                                  FORMAT: 6 x 25’
the sites that made them famous. Featuring interviews with                                      ASPECT RATIO: 16:9, HD
passionate experts, archive footage, and detailed maps, each
show goes way beyond the standard guidebook facts.

Albertopolis                                    Washington                                      New York
In 1851 Prince Albert, husband of Queen         In the heart of Washington D.C. is a green      New York’s skyline is world famous – and
Victoria, held The Great Exhibition. It         space known as the National Mall, which         it’s punctuated by the silhouettes of some
promoted the best of the British Empire with    harbours a collection of memorials and          of the most iconic skyscrapers in the world.
exhibits brought from all over the world. It    monuments dedicated to the sweeping             Host Chaka Foreman discovers that you can
was a runaway success and with the large        history of the nation. Chaka Forman touches     fit a collection of 20th century architectural
profit generated, Albert purchased a large      base with some of these landmarks in a          wonders into an afternoon walk.
swathe of west London on which he planned       single afternoon’s Historical Walk and in
to build “An Area of Culture and Learning”      the process discovers hundreds of years of
This corner of London came to be known as       American history.                               Hollywood
Albertopolis and this is where Katy Haswell                                                     Host Justine Shapiro does a walking tour of
explores today.                                                                                 the historic centre of Old Hollywood. Along
                                                Philadelphia                                    the way, she talks to historians, writers,
                                                This walk focuses on colonial America by        a projectionist, a starlet, and a cemetery
Westminster                                     touching base with the key landmarks of         counsellor, all with a unique take on the
Katy Haswell guides us through this historic    early Philadelphia, meeting people and          history of Hollywood.
“City Of Power” as she makes her way along      exploring the places that keep history alive.
Whitehall in the west of London. She pauses     Along the way, we sample the fun of a typical
to discover places saturated with the history   July 4th ambiance in the historic city centre
which has shaped the sometimes gory past        where it all began.
of this fascinating country.

Great Railway Journeys of Europe
In this series we follow historian Julian          FORMAT: 4 x 26’
Davidson on dramatic and fascinating railway       ASPECT RATIO: 16:9, HD
journeys through Europe, whilst he takes in        – Glasgow to Malaig
the sights of some of it’s most alluring cities.   – Oslo to Bergen
                                                   – Budapest to Warsaw
                                                   – Vienna to Trieste

                                                                            www.pilotguides.com   27

Pilot Globe Guides
Take a month-by-month trip around the planet, find                                    FORMAT: 39 x 26’
out what’s on where and when with Pilot Globe Guides –                                ASPECT RATIO: Available in 14:9 and 16:9
discover the world’s weirdest festivals, exciting events,
best beaches, and seasonal treks.

SERIES 1                                   SERIES 2                                          SERIES 3
FORMAT: 13 x 26’                           FORMAT: 13 x 26’                                  FORMAT: 13 x 26’
ASPECT RATIO: Available in 14:9 and 16:9   ASPECT RATIO: Available in 14:9 and 16:9          ASPECT RATIO: Available in 14:9 and 16:9

A month by month guide to events           An entertaining mix of half hour guides including An eclectic guide to weird and
from around the world, plus tips on        the best day trips from major world cities.       wonderful people, places and
the best times to visit the planet’s                                                         animals across the globe.
most exciting destinations and             – Day Trips From: London
what to do when you get there.             – Day Trips From: Florence and Venice             – Great Palaces
                                           – Day Trips From: Los Angeles and San Francisco – Haunted
– January                                  – Day Trips From: Washington and Miami            – Relics of the Dead
– February                                 – Day Trips From:                                 – Artistic Traveller: Classicism
– March                                                                                      – Artistic Traveller: Modernism
                                             Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne
– April                                    – Day Trips From: Paris and Brussels              – Gay Traveller: Gay Pride
– May                                      – East African Islands                            – Gay Traveller 2
– June                                     – Eco Trekking: The Pacific Islands               – Borderlines
– July                                     – Wine Trails: The New World and                  – Hollywood, Bollywood and Beyond
– August                                                                                     – Extreme Landscapes
                                             Old World
– September                                – Wine Trails: France, Italy, Iberia              – Extreme Hotels
– October                                  – Iconic Buildings                                – Reptiles and Predators
– November                                 – Iconic Hotels                                   – Mysterious Places
– December                                 – Chinese New Year
– Mardi   Gras Special

Destination Guides
FORMAT: 13 x 26’
ASPECT RATIO: Available in 4:3 and 14:9

In this series, we embark on an adventurous
exploration of some of the most remote corners
of the world. Destination Guides sees the world
through the eyes of the most intrepid independent
– Morocco                             – Tanzania and Zanzibar
– Indonesia                           – Zimbabwe, Botswana and
– North India                           Namibia
– North Brazil                        – New Zealand
– Vietnam                             – Rio de Janeiro
– Southeast Australia                 – Sydney
– Ecuador                             – South Africa

Amazing Adventures
FORMAT: 2 x 52’
ASPECT RATIO: 4:3, 16:9s

Ian Wright travels the world
seeking out crazy adventures
featuring extraordinary people.

                                             www.pilotguides.com   29

Pilot Pocket Guides                                       Short Form Content
The Pilot Pocket Guides take us around some of the        Ideal for the digital and mobile world and as
world’s most dynamic cities, giving us the lowdown        fillers. Seasonal, thematic and activity led
on getting around, where to go and where to stay.         themes to destination snapshots.
The guides are fast-paced and informative with
pop-ups, giving more specific information.                FORMAT: 2’-6’
                                                          ASPECT RATIO: 4:3, 14:9 and 16:9, SD and HD
FORMAT: 27 x 10’
ASPECT RATIO: Available in 4:3, 14:9 and 16:9             –5  Minutes                       – Great Natural Wonders
                                                          – Active Traveller                – Great Pilgrimages
                                                          – Animal Adventures               – Great Spiritual
SERIES 1                            SERIES 2
                                                          – Artistic Traveller                Journeys
FORMAT: 9 x 10’                     FORMAT: 18 x 10’
                                                          – Bazaar                          – Great Tribes
– With presenter                    – Without presenter
                                                          – Best Beaches                    – Hippy Traveller
                                                          – Best Treks                      – Historic Trails
– Bali                              – Marrakech
                                                          – Day trips                       – Historic Walks
– Shanghai                          – Rome
                                                          – Eco Trekker                     – Metropolis
– Brisbane*                         – Mexico  City
                                                          – Festival Fever                  – Pocket Guides
– Fiji*                             – Las  Vegas
                                                          – Finding Food                    – Rites of Passage
– Hong  Kong*                       – New York
                                                          – Gay Traveller                   – Short History
– Osaka  and Kyoto*                 – Istanbul
                                                          – Globe Shopper                   – War Stories
– Melbourne*                        – Venice
                                                          – Globe Trekker                   – Weddings of the World
– Sydney*                           – London
                                                          – Globe Trekker Extra             – Wine Trails
– Taipei                            – Paris
                                                          – Good and Bad Food Guide         – World’s Best Dive Sites
                                    – Sydney
                                                          – Great Festivals
                                    – Los Angeles
                                                          – Great Historic Sites
                                    – Rio
                                    – Tokyo
                                    – Singapore
                                    – Vienna
                                    – Penang
                                    – Beijing
                                    – Berlin

* Only suitable for English language broadcasts

The Grassroots Tour                                                                 Slow TV
The Grassroots Tours are short travel features from around the world.               Chill-out with Slow TV, relaxing,
                                                                                    inspiring and slow moving videos.

SERIES 1                                           SERIES 3                         SERIES 1
FORMAT: 12 x 2’ to 5’. Also available as 1 x 42´   FORMAT: 17 x 2’ to 5’            FORMAT: 6 x 3’ to 5’. Also available as 1 x 23’
ASPECT RATIO: 16:9, HD                                                              ASPECT RATIO: 16:9, HD
                                                   – 24   Hours in Atlanta
– Suva                                                                               – Rainforests of New South Wales
                                                   – Malaga
– Fiji’s Sugar Railroads                                                            – Balinese  Rice Terraces
                                                   – Lech
– Fiji’s Traditional Land                                                           – Beaches of Eastern Australia
                                                   – Mini   Tour
– Cannibal Souvenirs                                                                – Rivers and Bridges of New South Wales
                                                   – Paestum
– Modern Brisbane                                                                   – Autumn Leaves in England
                                                   – Top 5 Rome
– Trial Bay Jail                                                                    – Fiji’s Sugar Railroad
                                                   – Obelisks  of Rome
– Sydney Mini Walks
                                                   – Frescoes of Pompei
– Canberra Style
– Boutique Hotels of the Pacific
                                                   – Biking the San Gabriels        SERIES 2
– Colonial Relics of the Raj
                                                   – Sailing to Catalina Island     FORMAT: 7 x 3´to 5´
– Day Trip from Tampaksiring, Bali
                                                   – Adventure Golf Mini Tour       (Also available as 1 x 20’)
                                                   – Great Mayan Sites              ASPECT RATIO: 16:9, HD
– Mughal Delhi
                                                   – Seville and Cordoba
                                                                                    – AustralianPlants
                                                   – Christmas in Stockholm
                                                                                    – Japanese Garden
SERIES 2                                           – Top 5 Tokyo
                                                                                    – Kew Gardens, London
FORMAT: 15 x 2’ to 5’. Also Available as 1 x 52’   – Cherry Blossom Season, Japan
                                                                                    – Washington War Memorials
ASPECT RATIO: 16:9, HD                             – Temples of Tokyo
                                                                                    – Captain Arthur Phillip Memorial
– 24 Hours in Hong Kong                                                             – Chelsea Flower Show
– Californian  Missions                                                             – Cannes
– Cycling London to Birmingham
– Persian New Year                                                                  SERIES 3
– Chinese New Year
                                                                                    FORMAT: 6 x 3´to 5´
– Veterans Day in San Diego
                                                                                    (Also available as 1 x 20’)
– Cycling London to Paris
                                                                                    ASPECT RATIO: 16:9, HD
– Skiing the Dolomites
                                                                                    – Ailsa Craig
– Verona
                                                                                    – Canberra Bike Ride
– Berrima Gaol
                                                                                    – Majorelle Gardens
– Adventure Golf - Mini Tour: Ireland
                                                                                    – Metropolis: Shapes and Forms
– Martha's Vineyard
                                                                                    – Port of Los Angeles
– Biking the Los Angeles River
                                                                                    – Sydney Harbour
– Art Trails: Cannes
– Top 5: LA to San Diego

                                                                                                            www.pilotguides.com       31

The Story Of... Food
FORMAT: 9 x 52´

Combining months of research
undertaken by our experienced
production teams, working
with experts and enthusiasts
across the world, The Story Of...
Food unravels the histories
and mysteries of our most
commonly consumed products.         Ramadan                                        Cheese
                                    In this one hour film, presenter Mehreen       In this informative and entertaining episode,
                                    Baig examines the motivations and              Rosie Lovell, together with fellow culinary
                                    challenges facing the world’s 1.6 billion      travellers from around the world, venture on
– The Story of Ramadan
                                    Muslims during this holy month.                a voyage to discover the phenomena behind
– The Story of Tea                                                                 the making of and popularity of cheese.
– The Story of Cheese
– The Story of Chocolate
– The Story of Coffee
– The Story of Beer
– The Story of Spice
– The Story of Beef
– The Story of Sugar

                                    Tea                                            Chocolate
                                    Ever wondered how for thousands of years       For 4,000 million years, people the world
                                    the simple cup of tea has become the world’s   over have turned to the delicacy of chocolate
                                    most consumed beverage after water? In this    for rituals, medicine, romance and sheer
                                    informative and entertaining episode, Rosie    pleasure. In this informative and entertain-
                                    Lovell uncovers the history of tea – how the   ing documentary, Judith Jones reveals how
                                    drink spread from China to capture the taste   our love affair with chocolate began.
                                    of the world.

Coffee*                                            Spice                                            Sugar
Every day, people indulge themselves with          The Story of Spice conjures images of tempting   The fascinating story of sugar is tightly
a cup of coffee to de-stress, or to lift their     culinary arts, fascinating travels to faraway    intertwined with exciting expeditions to
spirits. Judith Jones uncovers how coffee          lands, bitter struggles for supremacy and        exotic tropical islands and the African slave
spread from Ethiopia to the Muslim world           the rise and fall of empires. Judith Jones,      trade. Kate Comer goes on a voyage to
and into Europe and beyond.                        along with fellow travellers around the world,   discover the extraordinary journey of the
                                                   discovers the extraordinary story of the         world’s most delectable addiction.
*Also available:                                   world’s most aromatic culinary ingredients.
Coffee: The Drink That Changed America (1 x 52’)

                                                                                                      Coffee: The
                                                                                                      Extended Mix
                                                                                                      FORMAT: 3 x 26’

                                                                                                      – Ancient Bean: Global Journey
                                                                                                      – The Drink that changed America
                                                                                                      – The Third Wave

 Beer                                              Beef
 Beer is the world’s oldest and most widely        Kate Comer, together with her fellow
 consumed alcoholic beverage and after             presenters from around the world go on
 water and tea is the third most popular drink     a voyage to discover the extraordinary
 overall. Join presenter Judith Jones along        journey of the world’s favourite red meat.
 with travellers across the world as they
 uncover the extraordinary mysteries behind
 the delicious elixir.

                                                                                                                          www.pilotguides.com   33

Adventure Golf
Adventure Golf is a guide to the world’s best golfing getaways.   FORMAT: 14 x 26 + 2 x 5’
From the Scottish Highlands to the deserts of Dubai, presenter    ASPECT RATIO: Available in 14:9 and 16:9
Ian Cross travels the globe on a quest to seek out the ultimate
golf and travel experience.

  – Dubai
  – Florida
  – Japan
  – Scotland
  – South Africa
  – Southern California
  – Adventure Golf Mini Tour: Scotland*
  * 5 minutes

SEASON 2                            SEASON 3
– Australia                         – Ireland
– Bali                              – Morocco
– Malaysia                          – Portugal
– New Zealand                       – Spain
– Northern France                   – Adventure Golf Mini Tour: Ireland*
– Singapore                         * 5 minutes
– Southern England
– The World’s Top 10 Golf Resorts
– Adventure Golf Mini Tour:
  Ojai, California*

                                                                           www.pilotguides.com   35

Shop for objects of desire and watch how the beautiful people live
as our travellers guide you through the cultural ands aesthetic
delights of some of the world’s most renowned cities.

SEASON 1                                   SEASON 2                             SEASON 3
FORMAT: 13 x 26’                           FORMAT: 14 x 26’                     FORMAT: 3 x 26’
ASPECT RATIO: Available in 14:9 and 16:9   ASPECT RATIO: Available in 16:9 HD   ASPECT RATIO: Available in 16:9 HD

– Los Angeles                              – Buenos Aires                       – Algeria
– Bangkok                                  – London: Design City                – World of Ceramics
– London                                   – London: Heritage Shops             – Want to Buy a Carpet?
– Vienna                                   – Treasures of the Islamic World
– Berlin                                   – Zanzibar
– Miami                                    – Sicily
– Singapore                                – Lisbon
– Hong Kong                                – Istanbul: Heritage Shops
– Dubai                                    – Silk Road Cities
– Marrakech                                – Provence
– Florence                                 – Cuzco: Peru
– Mexico City                              – Mexico
– Rio de Janeiro                           – Treasures of Latin America
                                           – Delhi and Rajasthan


    London Design City                                Silk Road Cities                                  Los Angeles
    London, one of the great world capitals of        Across Asia exist a number of ancient cities      Discovering the city of American dreams is a
    the 21st century. Kate Corner explores this       that were key markers on the Silk Road. From      must for shoppers. As home to some of the
    vibrant, creative and stimulating melting         Xi’an in the East of China, where the route       richest, most famous personalities in the
    pot in which culture, economics and politics      began, to Istanbul on the edge of Europe,         world you will discover the fastest cars, the
    thrive together.                                  these cities were for centuries the key trading   largest houses and the classiest shopping.
                                                      hubs for the exchange of goods, religions and     Find out how Hollywood has made an impact
                                                      ideas from East to West.                          on almost everything.

    London Heritage Shops                             Delhi and Rajasthan                               Marrakesh
    With its rich history, Kate Comer visits one of   The powerful Mughal dynasty which ruled           For visitors and especially shoppers,
    the great capitals of the 21st century, London.   Northern India for 300 years from the 16th to     Marrakesh is one of the world’s most vibrant
    She explores some of the world-renowned           the 19th century has left a lasting influence     and exciting cities in the world. Explore
    heritage establishments that have stood the       on the region and in Delhi and Rajasthan          exotic sounds and smells of the souk, miles
    testament of time.                                in particular. This influence is especially       of alleyways filled with metal workers
                                                      apparent in the rich array of architectural       sculptors, tanners ,leather workers ,weavers,
                                                      styles and handicrafts which can be sampled       wood-turners and carpet salesmen.
                                                      and enjoyed by the curious traveller.

                                                                                                                              www.pilotguides.com   37

COMEDY                                TRAVEL                             CURRENT AFFAIRS                  ARTS
Ian Wright Live                       The Pilot Hour                     Uranium Battlefields             Extreme East
FORMAT: 13 x 26’                      FORMAT: 13 x 52’                   FORMAT: 1 x 52’                  FORMAT: 7 x 26’
ASPECT RATIO: Available in 4:3        ASPECT RATIO: Available in 4:3     ASPECT RATIO: 4:3                ASPECT RATIO: 4:3
Life on the road, Ian Wright style.   The first in a series of branded   Documentary charting the use     Series featuring East European
This 13 half hour series features     blocks that covers the full        of depleted uranium weapons in   music, arts and youth culture.
the Globe Trekker host, Ian           spectrum of travel experiences     the first Gulf War.
Wright, in front of a live studio     throughout a particular                                             Extreme Asia
audience. Combining film footage      country or region.                 Central Express
with sketches of “characters
                                                                                                          FORMAT: 6 x 26’
                                      – The
                                                                         FORMAT: 26 x 52'                 ASPECT RATIO: 4:3
from the road,” this is a fresh,              Arctic
                                                                         ASPECT RATIO: 4:3
light hearted and humorous look       – Indo-China                                                        Series featuring Asian music,
at the world of travel.                                                  East European current affairs
                                      – Patagonia                                                         arts and youth culture.
                                                                         program showcasing stories
                                      – Brazil
                                                                         associated with the fall of
                                      – South India                      communism in the early 1990s.    Extreme Africa
                                      – East Africa                                                       FORMAT: 6 x 26’
                                      – Caribbean                                                         ASPECT RATIO: 4:3
                                      – West Africa
                                                                                                          Series featuring African music,
                                      – Middle East
                                                                                                          arts and youth culture.
                                      – Pakistan
                                      – North India
                                      – South West USA
                                      – The Alps

www.pilotguides.com   39

Globe Trekker                                       – Trekking in Uganda and Congo (-)                SERIES 5
                                                    – Turkey                                          – Hawaii
FORMAT: 221 x 52’                                   – Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily                    – Finland and The Baltic States
SERIES: 1–17                                        – Iceland and Greenland                           – West India
                                                                                                      – San Francisco City Guide
Series 1–7 available in 4:3,
Series 8–14 available in 14:9 and 16:9              SERIES 3                                          – New Zealand (+)
                                                                                                      – Mexico City Guide
                                                    – New York City Guide
                                                                                                      – Malaysia and Southern Thailand (+)
                                                    – Syria, Jordan and Lebanon
SERIES 1                                            – Argentina
                                                                                                      – Rio De Janeiro City Guide (+)
                                                                                                      – Sydney City Guide
– Indonesia: The Eastern Islands                    – Ethiopia
                                                                                                      – Egypt
– Pacific Islands: Fiji, Vanuatu and                – South Africa and Lesotho
                                                                                                      – West Africa: Ghana and The Ivory Coast
  The Solomon Islands                               – Cuba and Haiti
                                                                                                      – Arctic Canada
– Africa: Zimbabwe,Botswana and Namibia             – The Philippines
                                                                                                      – New Orleans City Guide
– Morocco                                           – Outback Australia
– South East Australia                              – Pakistan
– Ecuador and The Galapagos Islands                 – Peru                                            SERIES 6
– Vietnam                                           – Northern Spain                                  – Greece
– Japan: Tokyo to Taiwan                            – South West USA                                  – Micronesia
– La Ruta Maya                                      – Hungary and Romania                             – Ireland (+)
– Alaska                                                                                              – Cambodia
– North East Brazil                                 SERIES 4                                          – Deep South USA
– North India: Varanasi to the                                                                        – Eastern Caribbean
                                                    – North Thailand and Laos                         – Sri Lanka and The Maldive Islands
                                                    – Central America: Costa Rica                     – Moscow, St Petersburg and Murmansk
– Jamaica
                                                      and Nicaragua                                   – Bolivia
                                                    – Indonesia: Bali and Sulawesi
SERIES 2                                            – Iran
                                                                                                      SERIES 7
– Israel and The Sinai Desert                       – Norway
                                                    – London City Guide                               – Queensland and The Great Barrier Reef
– East Africa: Tanzania and Zanzibar                                                                  – Venezuela
– Central Asia                                      – Mongolia
                                                    – Czech Republic and Southern Poland              – Georgia and Armenia
– The American Rockies                                                                                – Northern Italy
– South West China                                  – Papua New Guinea (-)
                                                    – Paris City Guide (-)                            – Greek Islands
– Chile and Easter Islands                                                                            – Tunisia and Libya
– South India                                       – Nepal
                                                    – Southern Italy                                  – California
– Baja, California                                                                                    – Tahiti and Samoa
– West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso                  – Amsterdam City Guide (-)
                                                                                                      – Scotland
  and Mali
(+) Also available in half hour version   # Only available in 4:3    (-) Not available in half hour version

– South West Australia                               – Hong Kong and Taiwan                   SERIES 12
– Germany                                            – World History Middle East
                                                                                              – Sweden and Denmark
– Portugal and the Azores                            – New York 2
                                                                                              – Spanish Islands
– Central China
                                                                                              – Las Vegas City Guide
                                                     SERIES 10
SERIES 8                                             – Tokyo City Guide
                                                                                              – Galleons, Pirates and Treasure Special
– Istanbul City Guide #                                                                       – Colombia and Panama
                                                     – Mozambique
– Beijing City Guide                                 – Cameroon                               – Trekking the Turks and Caicos
– South of France #                                  – South East China                         and Walking the Milford Track
– Java and Sumatra                                   – Ultimate Caribbean                     – Ice Trekking the Alps
– Kenya #                                            – South Africa 2                         – Paris City Guide 2
– Vienna City Guide                                  – Belgium and Luxembourg                 – Cyprus and Crete
– New England, USA #                                 – Ultimate Mexico                        – Great Journeys: Road Warriors
– Ultimate Indo China                                – Pacific North West USA                 – Globe Shopper 2
– Rome City Guide #                                  – Florida and the Bahamas
                                                                                              – Great Journeys 2:
– South Korea #                                      – Ultimate China
                                                                                                Planes, Trains and Automobiles
– Ultimate Australia #                               – Ultimate India
– Asian Cities: Calcutta,                                                                     – Eco Trekker Special:
                                                     – Western Canada
  Shanghai and Bangkok                                                                          Great Natural Wonders
– Southern Mexico #                                  SERIES 11
– World History: England                                                                      SERIES 13
                                                     – England and Wales
– Madagascar                                                                                  – Los Angeles
                                                     – Mid West USA
– Southern Spain                                                                              – Zambia and Malawi
                                                     – Venice City Guide
– World Food: Vietnam
                                                     – South East USA                         – Honduras and El Salvador
                                                     – American Civil War Special             – Senegal and Cape Verde
SERIES 9                                             – Malaysia: Penang, Malacca and Borneo   – Utah and Colorado*
– Arab Gulf States                                   – Indian Ocean Islands                   – The Caribbean Islands*
– Northern France                                    – New Zealand 2
                                                                                              – World War II in Europe
– Tuscany                                            – Chinatown Special
– London 2                                                                                    – Germany 2
                                                     – Beirut City Guide
– Morocco 2                                          – Ultimate UK                            – The Balkans*
– Washington DC City Guide                           – Great Festivals 3                      – Volcanoes: Rings of Fire
– Great Festivals 2                                  – Good and Bad Food Guide 2              – Transatlantic Slave Trade
– Ultimate France                                                                             – Planet of the Apes Special
– Ultimate Italy                                                                              – Trekking the Pacific: Kokoda Trail,
– Marrakech and Dubai City Guides                                                               Papua New Guinea and the Cook
(+) Also available in half hour version   # Only available in 4:3     * Available in HD

                                                                                                                 www.pilotguides.com   41

SERIES 14                                   SERIES 16                                 Globe Trekker Specials
– Holy Lands 1: Jerusalem                   – Buenos Aires City Guide
  and The West Bank*                        – Colonial Australia                      SERIES 1
– Holy Lands 2: Israel*                     – Art Trails of the Riviera               – Great   Festivals
– Barcelona City Guide*                     – Great Australian Hikes                  – Best  Beaches
– Madrid City Guide                         – Myanmar                                 – Best  Beaches 2
– Turkey 2*                                 – World War I: The Western Front          – Best Treks
                                            – Good and Bad Food (and Drink) Guide 3   – Good and Bad Food Guide
– Syria*
                                            – Northeast England                       – Animal Adventures
– Antarctica*
                                            – Switzerland                             – Spiritual Journeys
– The South Atlantic*
                                            – Building England 1: Before there were   – Globe Shopper
– Nigeria*                                    Architects                              – Great Tribes: Rites of Passage
– Ukraine*                                  – Building England 2: The Age of          – East India
– The Netherlands*                            Architects                              – The World’s Best Dive Sites
– Amsterdam 2                               – Delhi and Rajasthan                     – Music Travel Video 1

– Endangered Places                         – Central Japan                           – Music Travel Video 2
                                            – Mumbai City Guide                       – Music Travel Video 3
                                                                                      – Music Travel Video 4
SERIES 15                                   SERIES 17
– Puerto Rico
                                            – Road Trip Ruta 40: Patagonia            SERIES 2
– Papua New Guinea Islands                                                            – Great Festivals 2
                                            – Road Trip Ruta 40: The Andes
– Bangladesh                                                                          – Great Festivals 3
                                            – Top Ten South American Adventures
– Great Historic Sites: The Age of Empire                                             – Globe Shopper 2
                                            – Isolated Islands: Saint Helena
– Great Historic Sites: The Modern World                                              – Art Trails of the Riviera*
                                            – Poland                                  – Good and Bad Food Guide 2
– World War II: The Pacific
                                            – Delhi and Agra                          – Good and Bad Food and Drink Guide 3*
– East Texas
                                            – Sacred Places: Great Mosques            – Great Journeys: Road Warriors
– West Texas
                                            – Top Ten African Adventures              – Great Journeys: Planes, Trains and
– Mid Atlantic States, USA
                                            – The Rise and Fall of The British Raj      Automobiles
– Eastern Canada                                                                      – Volcanoes: Rings of Fire
                                            – The Wild West, USA
– Isolated Islands: Marshall Islands and                                              – Planet of the Apes Special
                                            – Hawaii 2
  Dutch Antilles                                                                      – Endangered Places
                                            – Rust Belt Highway, USA 1
– London 3                                                                            – Eco Trekker Special:
                                            – Rust Belt Highway, USA 2
– Uruguay and Paraguay                                                                  Great Natural Wonders
                                                                                      – Top Ten South American Adventures*
                                                                                      – Top Ten African Adventures*

* Available in HD

Globe Trekker Around The World
SERIES 3                                     Across America:                                 The Silk Road
                                             Route 66 and Beyond                             Part 1: Xi’an to Kashgar
– Great Historic Sites: The Ancient World
                                             Justine Shapiro kicks off our Around The        Part 2: Kashgar to Istanbul
– Great Historic Sites: The Age of Empire*
                                             World journey with a road trip across the US    Megan McCormick and Holly Morris travel
– Great Historic Sites: Modern World*        following in the footsteps of the American      thousands of miles along the Silk Road
– Building England 1: Before there were      dream. Arts, architecture, gastronomy,          exploring China’s ancient past and dazzling
  Architects*                                economics and politics thrive together.         future and the Silk Road cities of Central
– Building England 2: The Age of                                                             Asia and Turkey.
  Architects*                                Pan Americana
– Sacred Places: Great Mosques*              Part 1: Conquistadors, Aztecs and               East to West: Istanbul to Vienna
– The Wild West, USA*                        Revolutions                                     In the final episode of Globe Trekker Around
                                             Part 2: Conquistadors, Incas and Inquisitions   The World, Ian Wright bridges the gap
– American Civil War
                                             Judith Jones and Brianna Barnes travel          between East and West on an iconic journey
– World War I: The Western Front*            through Mexico and Peru exploring the Lands     from the exotic and cosmopolitan city of
– World War II: The Pacific*                 of the Aztecs and Incas, two of the greatest    Istanbul, to one of Europe’s grandest and
– World War II: Europe*                      pre-Hispanic civilizations of Latin America.    most sophisticated hubs, Vienna.
– Chinatown
                                             Pacific Journeys 1:
                                             Santiago to Pitcairn
                                             Zay Harding goes on an epic adventure
                                             across the South Pacific Islands in
                                             pursuit of the remaining vestiges of
                                             Polynesian culture.

                                             Pacific Journeys 2:
                                             Tonga to New Caledonia
                                             Zay Harding concludes his grand Pacific
                                             adventure heading further West across the
                                             South Sea Islands into Tonga, Fiji and New
                                             Caledonia – islands whose histories have
                                             been shaped by brutal tribal conflicts and
                                             British and French colonisation.

* Available in HD

                                                                                                                 www.pilotguides.com   43

Planet Food                              Treks in a Wild World
– Southern   Spain
– South  India                           SERIES 1                                 SERIES 3
– Morocco                                – Biksing In Kokopelli                   – Trekking In Laos
– Burgundy, France                       – Hiking In The Oklahoma Plains          – Trekking In Switzerland
– Tuscany, Umbria                        – Hiking The Molokai                     – Trekking In The Andaman Islands
– Thailand                               – Arctic Hiking In Alaska                – Best Canadian Treks
– Mexico                                 – Cattle Driving In Wyoming              – Motorbiking In Vietnam
– Germany                                – Climbing The Grand Tetons              – Trekking In Austria
– Caribbean                              – Ice Climbing Mt Rainier                – Trekking In North East India
– Brazil                                 – White Water Rafting The Gauley River   – Best Canadian Treks 2
– Southern China                         – Diving With Manatees                   – Trekking In Java
– Japan                                  – Hiking The Appalachian                 – Trekking In The Sumatra
– Malaysia                               – Wreck Diving & Sailing The Outer
– Lebanon                                  Banks                                  SERIES 4
– Scandinavia                            – Poling The Bonventure                  – Trekking  In Gabon
– Spice Trails                           – Cycling The Viking Trail               – Trekking  In Zambia & Malawi
– Greece                                                                          – Trekking In El Salvador
– Goa & Manila
                                         SERIES 2                                 – Trekking The Colorado Trail
– Singapore                              – Trekking                               – Rafting The Futaleufu, Chile
                                                    In Borneo
– Barcelona                              – Trekking                               – Trekking In Cape Verde
                                                    In Lapland
– Israel & The Palestinian Territories   – Trekking In The Amazon                 – Trekking In Guyana
– Istanbul                               – Trekking In Peru                       – Trekking In The Caribbean Islands
– England                                – Trekking In Kenya                      – Trekking In Albania
– Provence                               – Sailing The Croatian Coast             – Trekking In The Northern Territory,
– Zanzibar                               – Trekking In Papua                        Australia
– Sicily                                 – Climbing The Alps                      – Trekking The Cook Islands
– Portugal                               – Cycling The Karakoram Highway,         – The Kokoda Trail
– Peru                                                                            – Trekking The Balkans
– Ireland                                – Trekking In Egypt
– Deep South USA                         – The Nomads Of Niger
– South Africa                           – Trekking In The Dominican Republic
                                         – Trek Special: Climbing Mount Trikora

World Cafe                  World Cafe Asia              Bobby Chinn
Middle East                 – Hanoi                      Cooks Asia
                            – Kuala   Lumpur
– Istanbul                                               – Hot
                            – Penang
– Damascus & Aleppo                                      – Salads
                            – Singapore
– Jordan & The West Bank                                 – Soups
                            – Shanghai
– Egypt                                                  – Desserts
                            – Beijing
– World Cafe                                             – Vegetarian
                            – Hong  Kong
– Sicily
                            – Taipei
– Portugal
                            – Tokyo
– Peru
                            – Bali
– Zanzibar
                            – Punjab, India
– Ireland
                            – Rajasthan, India
– Deep South USA
                            – Bangkok
– South Africa
                            – Malacca
– Food Trails of the Maya
                            – Jakarta
                            – Manila
                            – Chennai, India
                            – Calcutta, India
                            – Cheng Du, Sichuan, China

                                                                        www.pilotguides.com   45

Globe Trekker Destination DVDs                                     EUROPE                                      – Ultimate Scandinavia (4 Shows) 240’

                                                                   – Amsterdam 60'                             – Venice 60’
Destination DVDs contain programmes from the Globe
                                                                   – Barcelona 120’                            – Vienna 60’
Trekker series as well as destination information
                                                                   – Belgium and Luxemburg 60’
and a special round the world tour hosted by Pilot’s
                                                                   – Corsica Sicily and Sardinia 60’
intrepid travellers.
                                                                   – Cyprus and Crete 60’                      AUSTRALIA
                                                                   – Czech Republic and Poland 60’             AND THE PACIFIC
                                                                                                               – Micronesia and the Pacific Islands
NORTH AMERICA                   ASIA                               – England and Wales 120’
– Alaska 82’                    – Bangladesh 60’                   – France (2 Shows - North and South) 120’    (2 Shows) 110’
– California 60’                – Beijing City Guide 60’           – Georgia and Armenia 60’                   – New Zealand 2 60’

– Canada (2 Shows) 120’         – Cambodia 60’                     – Germany 2 60’                             – Sydney City Guide 60’

– Deep South USA 60’            – Central Japan 60’                – Germany 60’                               – Tahiti and French Polynesia 60’

– Eastern Canada 90’            – China (3 Shows) 240’             – Greece (2 Shows) 120’                     – Trekking the Pacific 60’

– Florida and the Bahamas 60'   – Chinatown and Chinese NY 60’     – Ice Trekking the Alps 60’                 – Ultimate Australia

– Hawaii 60’                    – Delhi, Rajasthan and Agra 120'   – Iceland and Greenland 60’                  (6 Shows) 360’
– Las Vegas 60’                 – Hong Kong and Taiwan 60’         – Ireland 60’                               – Ultimate Papua New Guinea

– Los Angeles 60’               – India 240’                       – Istanbul 60’                               (4 Shows) 180’
– Mid West USA 60’              – Indian Ocean Islands             – Italy 120’
– New England 60’                (2 Shows) 120’                    – London City Guide 60’
– New Orleans 60’               – Indonesia (3 Shows) 240’         – Madrid 60’                                AFRICA AND
– New York 60’                  – Malaysia                         – Paris City Guide 260’                     MIDDLE EAST
– Pacific North West USA 60’     and Southern Thailand 120’        – Portugal and the Azores 60’               – Beirut 120’
– San Francisco 60’             – Mongolia 60’                     – Rome City Guide 60’                       – Cameroon 60’
– South West USA 60’            – Mumbai 60’                       – Russia 60’                                – Eastern Africa (5 Shows) 260’
– Texas (2 Shows,               – Myanmar (Burma) 60’              – Scotland 60’                              – Egypt 60’
  East and West) 120’           – Nepal 60’                        – Spain (2 Shows -                          – Holy Lands (2 Shows) 120’
– The American Rockies 60’      – Pakistan 60’                      North and South) 120’                      – Iran 60’
– Ultimate Canada 180’          – The Philippines 60’              – Spanish Islands 60’                       – Middle East (3 Shows) 180’
– Washington DC 60’             – South Korea 60’                  – Switzerland 60’                           – Nigeria 60’
– Rust Belt Highway 120’        – Tokyo City Guide 60’             – The Balkans 60’                           – Northern Africa (3 Shows) 156’
                                – Vietnam 60’                      – The Netherlands 60’                       – South Africa 60’
                                                                   – Turkey 2 60’                              – Southern Africa 208’
                                                                   – Turkey 60’                                – Syria 60’
                                                                   – Tuscany 60’                               – Ultimate Middle East (6 Shows) 360’
                                                                   – Ukraine 60’                               – Western Africa (4 Shows) 208’
                                                                   – Ultimate London (6 Shows) 240’
                                                                   – Hungary and Romania 60’
                                                                   – South Poland 60’

CENTRAL AMERICA                                  Globe Trekker Theme Guides
AND CARIBBEAN                                    - American Civil War 60’
– Caribbean Islands 60’                          - Around The World: Across America: Route 66 and Beyond 60’
– Central America 120’                           - Around The World: Conquistadors, Aztecs and Incas 120’
– Cuba and Haiti 60’                             - Around The World: East to West – Istanbul to Vienna 60’
– Eastern Caribbean 60’                          - Around The World: Pacific Journeys 120’
– Jamaica 60’                                    - Around The World: The Silk Road 120’
– Puerto Rico 60’                                - Best Beaches 98’
– Turks and Caicos 90'                           - Best Treks 112’
– Ultimate Central America                       - European Cities 300’
 (3 Shows, 1 Short) 195’                         - Volcanoes: Rings of Fire 90’
– Ultimate Mexico                                - Globe Trekker Around The World (8 shows) 480’
 (4 Shows, 2-Shorts) 240’                        - Great Festivals 116’
                                                 - Great Festivals 2 120’
                                                 - Great Historic Sites 60’
SOUTH AMERICA                                    - The Ancient World/The Age of Empire/The Modern World (3 shows) 180’
– Argentina 60’                                  - Great Historic Sites: The Ancient World 83’
– Bolivia 60’                                    - Great Natural Wonders, Endangered Places 120’
– Brazil 120’                                    - Italy 300’
– Buenos Aires City Guide 60’                    - Pirates, Galleons, and Treasure Special 60’
– Chile and the Easter Islands 60’               - Planet of the Apes 60’
– Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands 60’          - Rust Belt Highway (2 shows) 120’
– Ruta 40: The Andes and Patagonia 120'          - Transatlantic Slave Trade 60’
– Panama and Colombia 60’                        - Ultimate World Guide (10 shows) 600’
– Peru 60’                                       - Ultimate South America (8 shows) 500’
– Ultimate South America                         - World War I: The Western Front 60’
 (8 Shows) 500’                                  - World War II Special: World War II in the Pacific and Europe (2 shows) 120’
– Uruguay and Paraguay 60’
– Venezuela 60’
                                                 Globe Trekker Box Set DVDs
                                                 – European    cities 300'
ANTARCTICA                                       – Globe   Trekker Around the World (8 shows) 480'
– Antarctica and South Atlantic (2 Shows) 120’   – Italy 300'
                                                 – Ultimate     World Guide (10 shows) 600'
                                                 – Ultimate     South America (8 shows) 500'

                                                                                                                     www.pilotguides.com   47
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