Numeracy Stage 6 CEC Teaching Guide - Module 4 NSW Education Standards Authority - NSW ...

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Numeracy Stage 6 CEC Teaching Guide - Module 4 NSW Education Standards Authority - NSW ...
NSW Education Standards Authority

Numeracy Stage 6 CEC
Teaching Guide

Module 4

Effective from Term 4, 2022 Year 12

Publication date July 2021

Updated NA
Numeracy Stage 6 CEC Teaching Guide - Module 4 NSW Education Standards Authority - NSW ...
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Numeracy Stage 6 CEC Teaching Guide - Module 4 NSW Education Standards Authority - NSW ...
Introduction to the Teaching Guides .................................................................................. 7
 What are the Teaching Guides? ......................................................................................................... 7

 What types of resources are in the Teaching Guides? ...................................................................... 7

 How do the Teaching Guides connect to other Numeracy CEC resources? .................................... 7

 What are the Teaching and Learning Programs? .............................................................................. 8

 What types of resources are in the Teaching and Learning Programs? ........................................... 8

 Using the Numeracy CEC resources .................................................................................................. 9

Module 4 .............................................................................................................................. 10
 Outcomes ........................................................................................................................................... 10

 Content ............................................................................................................................................... 10

4.1 Rates and ratios............................................................................................................ 11

4.1.1 Rates ........................................................................................................................... 11
 Contexts for rates ............................................................................................................................... 11

 Stimulus questions ............................................................................................................................. 11

 Language and literacy ....................................................................................................................... 11

 Common misconceptions .................................................................................................................. 12

 Introductory tasks ............................................................................................................................... 12

 Task 1: Speed limit ....................................................................................................................... 12

 Task 2: Expensive tastes ............................................................................................................. 13

 Task 3: If this then ........................................................................................................................ 13

 What if my students find rates difficult?............................................................................................. 13

 Suggested activities ........................................................................................................................... 14

 Activity 1: Would you like fries with that? ..................................................................................... 14

 Activity 2: The inflation rate .......................................................................................................... 14

 Activity 3: Rate bloopers ............................................................................................................... 15

4.1.2 Ratios.......................................................................................................................... 16
 Contexts for ratios .............................................................................................................................. 16

 Stimulus questions ............................................................................................................................. 16

 Language and literacy ....................................................................................................................... 16

 Common misconceptions .................................................................................................................. 16
Numeracy Stage 6 CEC Teaching Guide - Module 4 NSW Education Standards Authority - NSW ...
Introductory tasks ............................................................................................................................... 17

 Task 1: Sharing chocolates .......................................................................................................... 17

 Task 2: Enlarging Felix ................................................................................................................. 17

 Task 3: How long will it take? ....................................................................................................... 18

 Suggested activities ........................................................................................................................... 18

 Activity 1: Bad date ....................................................................................................................... 18

 Activity 2: Netflix or Stan? ............................................................................................................ 19

 Activity 3: Which device is better? ............................................................................................... 19

 Activity 4: Mocktails ...................................................................................................................... 20

 Activity 5: Mixing paint .................................................................................................................. 20

 Activity 6: Baseball ....................................................................................................................... 21

 Activity 7: Landscape plans .......................................................................................................... 21

4.1.3 Rates and ratios......................................................................................................... 21
 Suggested activities ........................................................................................................................... 21

 Activity 1: Ramp it up .................................................................................................................... 21

 Activity 2: Screen-time habits ....................................................................................................... 22

 Activity 3: Shower vs bath ............................................................................................................ 23

4.2 Statistics and probability ............................................................................................. 24

4.2.1 Statistics..................................................................................................................... 24
 Contexts for statistics ......................................................................................................................... 24

 Stimulus questions ............................................................................................................................. 24

 Language and literacy ....................................................................................................................... 24

 Common misconceptions .................................................................................................................. 24

 Introductory task................................................................................................................................. 25

 Task: Source and context ............................................................................................................ 25

 Suggested activities ........................................................................................................................... 25

 Activity 1: Screen time .................................................................................................................. 25

 Activity 2: Misleading graphs........................................................................................................ 26

 Activity 3: Mean, mode and median............................................................................................. 26

 Activity 4: Graphing in Excel ........................................................................................................ 26

4.2.2 Probability .................................................................................................................. 27
 Contexts for probability ...................................................................................................................... 27
Stimulus questions ............................................................................................................................. 27

 Language and literacy ....................................................................................................................... 27

 Common misconceptions .................................................................................................................. 28

 Introductory tasks ............................................................................................................................... 28

 Task 1: That’s random.................................................................................................................. 28

 Task 2: Best chance ..................................................................................................................... 29

 Suggested activities ........................................................................................................................... 29

 Activity 1: There’s still a chance ................................................................................................... 29

 Activity 2: Reasonable risk ........................................................................................................... 30

4.3 Exploring with NRMT ................................................................................................... 32
 The NRMT process ............................................................................................................................ 32

 The Numeracy journey so far … ....................................................................................................... 32

 Contexts for NRMT ............................................................................................................................ 33

 Language and literacy ....................................................................................................................... 33

 Exploring the elements ...................................................................................................................... 33

 Interpreting ......................................................................................................................................... 33

 The challenge of interpreting........................................................................................................ 33

 Interpreting task: Coffee shop confusion ..................................................................................... 33

 Designing activities that focus on interpreting ............................................................................. 34

 Choosing ............................................................................................................................................ 34

 The challenge of choosing ........................................................................................................... 34

 Choosing task 1: Discount fuel .................................................................................................... 35

 Choosing task 2: Kitchen renovation ........................................................................................... 35

 Designing activities that focus on choosing ................................................................................. 35

 Applying .............................................................................................................................................. 36

 The challenge of applying ............................................................................................................ 36

 Applying task: Stopping distances ............................................................................................... 36

 Designing activities that focus on applying .................................................................................. 36

 Reflecting ........................................................................................................................................... 37

 The challenge of reflecting ........................................................................................................... 37

 Reflecting task 1: Seven-day forecast ......................................................................................... 37

 Reflecting task 2: Garden lights ................................................................................................... 38

 Designing activities that focus on reflecting................................................................................. 38
Communicating .................................................................................................................................. 38

 The challenge of communicating ................................................................................................. 38

 Communicating task: Unfair games ............................................................................................. 39

 Designing activities that focus on communicating....................................................................... 39

 Putting it all together .......................................................................................................................... 39

 The purpose of a project .............................................................................................................. 40

 Choosing an area of interest ........................................................................................................ 40

 Presenting the personal numeracy project .................................................................................. 40

 Selecting knowledge and skills .................................................................................................... 41

 Possible scenarios ........................................................................................................................ 42

Embedded objects ............................................................................................................. 43

Web links ............................................................................................................................. 43
Introduction to the Teaching Guides
What are the Teaching Guides?
The Teaching Guides illustrate ways to engage with the content and skills associated with the
Numeracy Stage 6 Syllabus (2021). A Teaching Guide has been created for each module. Key
resources from each Teaching Guide are referenced within the associated Teaching and
Learning Program.

What types of resources are in the Teaching Guides?
Materials provided within the Teaching Guides are organised according to the following

Contexts connect the content to age-appropriate contexts and establish the place of
numeracy in the real world.

Stimulus questions are age-appropriate questions that aim to ignite student curiosity. They
help students identify with the usefulness and importance of learning the content and skills.

Language and literacy highlights the content-specific literacy needs of students and provides
some teaching ideas for how terms, ideas and concepts can be addressed.

Common misconceptions identify assumptions or learned errors, which may affect student
understanding or readiness to progress into new learning. Explicit teaching may be required to
address the misconception.

Introductory tasks are intended to contribute to teachers’ understanding of their students’
numeracy needs through informal identification of common misconceptions or numeracy
‘gaps’. Designed to be short and non-threatening, they provide immediate feedback for
teachers and students by encouraging discussion or actions aimed at revealing student

Activities engage students with everyday situations that require them to identify and apply
numeracy skills in meaningful contexts. Specifically, NRMT activities provide students with
opportunities to combine skills and understanding from multiple topics and apply the Numerical
Reasoning and Mathematical Thinking process to interpret and resolve a situation.

How do the Teaching Guides connect to other Numeracy CEC
Figure 1 summarises the connection between the various Numeracy CEC resources. The
Teaching Guides have been created in partnership with the Teaching and Learning Programs.
Each Teaching Guide provides content-specific advice for teachers for each of the content
areas listed in the associated Teaching and Learning Program.

Teachers are encouraged to adapt, refine and personalise the activities to create resources
that are appropriate to the age, interests and aspirations of the students in their class. The
Teaching Guides are not an exhaustive list of possible learning activities but serve as a
starting point that may seed further investigation and fuel teacher creativity.

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The Teaching Guides and Teaching and Learning Programs have been created to model best
practice in the teaching and assessment of the Numeracy Stage 6 Syllabus (2021).

 Numeracy Stage 6 Syllabus

 Teaching & Learning Programs
 − Scope, sequence and assessment schedule
 Teaching Guides
 − Week-by-week anticipated content − Introductory tasks
 − Links to: − Contexts, stimulus questions,
 language and literacy, and common
 o National Numeracy Learning Progression
 o Teaching Guide resources
 o Other useful online materials − Activities and resources

 Figure 1: Connecting Numeracy CEC resources

What are the Teaching and Learning Programs?
The Teaching and Learning (T&L) Programs illustrate ways to scope, sequence and program
the Numeracy Stage 6 Syllabus (2021). A T&L Program has been created for each module.

What types of resources are in the Teaching and Learning
Materials provided within the T&L Programs are organised according to the following

Suggested course structure includes a sample scope, sequence and assessment schedule,
a week-by-week breakdown of anticipated content, links to the National Numeracy Learning
Progression and identification of Teaching Guide resources appropriate to the content.

Recall, revise, relearn indicates the skills and content that may need to be revisited to ensure
that students are prepared to meet new concepts.

Review and consolidation provides links to content and skills met in the previous week(s)
that may require additional attention.

Anticipated content indicates the syllabus content that could be addressed during the week.

Professional reading includes published articles or research related to relevant aspects of
numeracy, pedagogical approaches, or Teaching Guide activities.

Reference materials are materials that contain information to learn from or to use while
supporting the learning activities of others.

Online interactive materials are materials to learn with or to use while supporting the
learning activities of others.

Learning objects can be defined in a number of ways such as: ‘any entity, digital or non-
digital, that may be used for learning, education or training’. Such objects are self-contained,
reusable, and applicable in multiple contexts and small chunks of learning.

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Using the Numeracy CEC resources
When using the Teaching Guides, the T&L Programs and other associated materials, teachers
should ensure that teaching and learning materials are accessible, age appropriate,
contextually relevant and suitable amendments have been made to meet the needs of their

Students with disability may require adjustments and/or additional support in order to engage
in the teaching, learning and assessment activities. This could include alternate modes of
assessment, including resources in a range of formats, and ensuring images, graphics and
other resources are accessible. Decisions regarding curriculum options, including adjustments,
should be made in the context of collaborative curriculum planning with the student,
parent/carer and other significant individuals to ensure that decisions are appropriate for the
learning needs and priorities of individual students.

Successful learning in numeracy for Aboriginal students requires teaching and learning
experiences that are culturally relevant, academically rigorous, and explicitly linked to students’
social contexts. The Numeracy Stage 6 CEC provides the opportunity to do this by presenting
numeracy concepts and skills through age-appropriate activities that are contextually relevant
to the everyday experiences of students. Effectively incorporating Aboriginal perspectives as
part of this context allows Aboriginal students to see themselves in their learning and makes
numeracy a powerful and purposeful learning experience.

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Module 4
A student:
N6-1.1 recognises and applies functional numeracy concepts in practical situations, including
 personal and community, workplace and employment, and education and training
N6-1.2 applies numerical reasoning and mathematical thinking to clarify, efficiently solve and
 communicate solutions to problems
N6-1.3 determines whether an estimate or an answer is reasonable in the context of a
 problem, evaluates results and communicates conclusions
N6-2.1 chooses and applies appropriate operations with whole numbers, familiar fractions
 and decimals, percentages, rates and ratios to analyse and solve everyday problems
N6-2.2 chooses and applies efficient strategies to analyse and solve everyday problems
 involving metric relationships, distance and length, area, volume, time, mass, capacity
 and temperature
N6-2.3 chooses and applies efficient strategies to analyse and solve everyday problems
 involving data, graphs, tables, statistics and probability
N6-2.4 chooses and applies efficient strategies to analyse and solve everyday problems
 involving money and finance
N6-2.5 chooses and applies efficient strategies to analyse and solve everyday problems
 involving location, space and design
N6-2.6 chooses and applies appropriate numeracy operations and techniques to analyse and
 resolve everyday situations
N6-3.1 chooses and uses appropriate technology to access, organise and interpret
 information in a range of practical personal and community, workplace and
 employment, and education and training contexts
N6-3.2 chooses and uses appropriate technology to analyse and solve problems, represent
 information and communicate solutions in a range of practical contexts

The content for this module is drawn primarily from the content areas listed in Module 4. From
time to time it may be necessary to include aspects from the content listed in Modules 1, 2 or 3
because activities that require the application of numeracy skills do not fall neatly into
compartmentalised content areas or contexts.

Teachers are encouraged to select from across the range of content areas rather than
teaching through a single content area. This facilitates presentation of activities within real-life
contexts relevant to the students who are undertaking the course. Teachers are encouraged to
address areas of specific need or extension as they arise. In these documents, such
opportunities will be referred to as ‘learning-ready’.

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In Module 4, students resolve situations independently using the NRMT process by:
▪ interpreting the situation
▪ choosing information, strategies and skills relevant to the situation
▪ applying information, strategies and skills to resolve the situation
▪ reflecting on the situation as it is being resolved
▪ communicating throughout the resolution of the situation.

4.1 Rates and ratios

4.1.1 Rates
Contexts for rates
The following situations provide meaningful contexts for learning activities that involve rates:

▪ driving a car, for example speed limits, blood alcohol limits, fuel costs
▪ comparing pay rates and hiring costs
▪ interpreting quantities that are used together in descriptions and comparisons, for example
 price and weight
▪ estimating cooking times
▪ calculating best buys to check that price tags have been changed correctly.

Stimulus questions
▪ What does it mean if an aircraft breaks the sound barrier?
▪ What is the world record for the 100-m sprint? How fast was that person running?
▪ How much does the price of fuel affect a young adult in NSW?
▪ How did the 2019/2020 NSW bushfires affect air quality? How is air quality measured?

Language and literacy
Numeracy and literacy are interrelated and teachers will need to address the context-specific
literacy needs of their students during this course. This section includes some terms, ideas
and concepts that may need to be addressed. For example:

▪ the symbol / should be read as ‘per’
▪ the use of the word per, meaning for every, in describing rates should be made explicit to
▪ the abbreviations for common units use a mix of capital and lower-case letters, and each
 is specifically assigned in The International System of Units, for example: cm, °C, g and L.
When describing distance/time graphs (travel graphs), teachers are advised to model a story
and graph, or jointly construct a story with students before setting independent work.

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Common misconceptions
1. Students may be ‘overfamiliar’ with common rates such as km/hr and not recognise that
 these represent two measurements in two different units – distance in kilometres and time
 in hours. The common display of speed restrictions on roads removes the units and this
 may have led some students to think of speed only as the number, for example 60. This
 can affect a student’s thinking about questions such as: How far would you travel in 15
 minutes at this speed? How long would it take to travel 90 km at this speed?
2. As rates are typically presented as unit rates, students can miss the significance of the
 ‘second’ measurement. For example, a price of $6.90/kg can be perceived as $6.90. This
 can impede the ability to make well-reasoned comparisons between different products.
 Students can miss the meaningfulness of the kilogram measurement and forget to
 consider what 1 kg of the different products actually yield when making comparisons.
3. Misconceptions about the conversion of units of measurement will influence the ability to
 apply proportional reasoning to problems. For example, when considering km/hr and
 m/sec, students can be unsure whether division or multiplication is required and hence fail
 to recognise an unreasonable answer should they arrive at one.
4. Misconceptions about the application of fractions, decimals and percentages will affect the
 ability to interpret and apply rates. These are identified in Modules 2 and 3.

Introductory tasks
The following tasks have been designed to provide opportunities for teachers to determine
students’ ways of thinking about proportion and the fixed relationships between quantities
measured in different units. Students may use repeated addition or multiplication to work out
simple rates before they develop proportional reasoning. The development of proportional
reasoning follows the development of additive and then multiplicative thinking. It requires the
formation of complex connections and an understanding of the relationship between

Task 1: Speed limit
This task can help the teacher learn more about how a student interprets rates as a
relationship between two different types of quantities (CoU2).

Students interpret a 50 km/hr speed limit sign.

Students could respond on post-it notes or mini whiteboards or enter their answers into a
digital response collecting tool such as Mentimeter or Wooclap.

 Speed limit

Understanding student responses
Student responses to the first two instructions can reveal their understanding of ordering and
comparing rates and the concept of a limit as a boundary between greater than and less than
values. An error in the response to Item 3 may indicate a range of misconceptions and these
should be explored through discussion. Student responses to Item 4 could assist teachers in
differentiating appropriately for their readiness in this topic.

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Task 2: Expensive tastes
This task can help the teacher learn more about how a student interprets rates as a
relationship between two different types of quantities (CoU2).

Students are shown three expensive foods and their price tags: avocados @ $9.00/kg, lobster
@ $14.90/100 g and saffron @ $13.80/100 mg.

Students may be interested to know that saffron is a spice used to colour and season food. It
is known as the world’s most expensive spice by weight.

 Expensive tastes

1. List these three food items in order of most to least expensive.
2. Is the most expensive item a lot more, a little more or about the same price as the least
 expensive? Explain your answer.
Understanding student responses
1. The response, lobster, saffron, avocado, suggests that students have not considered the
 rate and have only read the dollar amount.
2. This question does not ask students to convert to a common unit, but some students may
 be aware of the need to do this and, of them, some may know the calculation required.
 Teachers may observe errors in the decision about whether to multiply or divide the dollar
 amount. Responses to this question may also reveal misconceptions about the relative
 size of kg, g and mg and how to convert between these.

Task 3: If this then
This task can help the teacher learn more about how a student applies direct proportion

Students compare pairs of images to estimate values inferable from the information provided.
Students reflect on and describe the method they used to decide on their answers.

 If this then If this then

What if my students find rates difficult?
The part-part comparison that is ratio becomes a rate when it implies a constant, indicated by
‘per’. For example, speed in kilometres per hour describes a ratio between a measure of
distance and a measure of time. Students could establish confidence in rates as a constant
relationship between the two quantities being measured by first using an additive strategy.

In the context of a long stretch of road and a speed limit of 100 km/hr, students could set out a
table or diagram showing how far a car would travel in one hour, two hours, etc. This can then
be developed for shorter lengths of time such as half an hour, a quarter of an hour, both also

Numeracy Stage 6 CEC: Teaching Guide Module 4, published July 2021 Page 13 of 44
being expressed as minutes to allow students to improve their understanding of the
relationship between time and the distance travelled.

Maintaining this context, students could complete a table or diagram from the perspective of
distance travelled, answering questions about how long it will take to travel 100 km, 200 km,
etc. This can then be developed to shorter distances such as 50 km and 25 km. Students
should be encouraged to use ‘per’ in their discussions.

Some students may have experience in measuring their own heart rate. After defining ‘resting
heart rate’, ask the class what the most efficient way would be for each person to measure
their own. Practising the common technique of counting the pulse for 15 seconds and
multiplying by four can assist students in recognising the multiplicative nature of rates. A
discussion drawing out the difference between the two things being measured, a beating heart
and the passing of time, can emphasise that ‘resting heart rate’ is neither a heartbeat nor a
minute, but the constant relationship between these two different things.

Suggested activities

Activity 1: Would you like fries with that?
This activity invites students to think critically about the relative value of small and large
servings by observing a reporter in the field calculating and comparing unit rates.

▪ If students buy McDonald’s fries, do they buy the large or small serving?
▪ What are they considering when they make this decision?
▪ Do students believe the large serving is better, worse or equal value to the small?
▪ On what do they base this opinion?
Students view the video, McDonald’s fries – this is how much you ACTUALLY get, and
complete the response table.

Students then choose another product to test and use an online tool such as the unit rate
calculator to convert advertised prices to unit rates for meaningful comparisons.

The linked video does not contain closed captions. It is recommended that students who are
deaf or hard of hearing be provided with the written article that accompanies the video.

 Would you like
 fries with that

Activity 2: The inflation rate
This activity focuses on understanding the meaning and effect of the inflation rate. It will also
engage students in reviewing their knowledge and skills associated with percentages.
Students are provided with an opportunity to make informed financial decisions and increase
their ability to interpret credit and savings interest rates, pay rises and freezes, and the
changing cost of living.

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▪ In general, what does the word ‘inflation’ mean? What does it mean in a financial context?
▪ Have students heard any stories from older people about what things used to cost?
▪ Do students have any personal examples of things that have become more or less
 expensive in the last ten years?
Students use the Reserve Bank of Australia inflation explorer to explore how average prices
have changed in recent years. A printable set of instructions for exploring inflation can be
downloaded from Reserve Bank of Australia learning activities.

Students view the video, Petrol prices: How to save at the pump, embedded in the October
2019 news article ‘Potential time bomb’: Graph shows how high your bills will go.

Teachers then guide the class to interpret the information about inflation and its impact on the
cost of living as presented in the article.

Teachers should point out to students that prices usually fluctuate within an overall trend, so
while the price of a product may be increasing with inflation, it may still fall at particular times
due to mini-cycles within the trend.

The Petrol prices: How to save at the pump video does not contain closed captions. It is
recommended that students who are deaf or hard of hearing be provided with the written
article How to save money on fuel.

Research and compare
Students look for current news articles or video clips to see whether the inflation rate and the
cost of living has changed since the October 2019 article.

In small groups, students consider how to decide when the time is right to make a purchase.
Buy now or wait?

▪ Does this depend on what the item is?
▪ Does it depend on whether the money is available or a loan is needed?
▪ Do interest rates play a role in the decision?
▪ Will everything be more expensive in the future or can it be expected that the price of
 some things will come down?

Activity 3: Rate bloopers
Students explore examples where rates have been applied incorrectly. In pairs or small groups
they identify the error, decide what was intended and explain the correction needed.

 Rate bloopers

Numeracy Stage 6 CEC: Teaching Guide Module 4, published July 2021 Page 15 of 44
4.1.2 Ratios
Contexts for ratios
The following situations provide meaningful contexts for learning activities that involve ratios:

▪ making comparisons, for example aspect ratios in television, screens and photography or
 population density
▪ altering recipes
▪ using map scales, floor plans and landscape plans
▪ working with fuel, concrete or paint mixes
▪ calculating odds.

Stimulus questions
▪ What does changing gears on a bike or in a car actually do?
▪ If the odds of winning are 1: 5 would you buy a ticket? Would you buy 5 tickets?
▪ If the aim of training is to prepare players for their real matches, is there an optimal
 training-to-match ratio? How could you find out?

Language and literacy
Numeracy and literacy are interrelated and teachers will need to address the context-specific
literacy needs of their students during this course. This section includes some terms, ideas
and concepts that may need to be addressed. For example:

▪ the symbol : in a ratio is read as 'to'
▪ when comparing two quantities, order of language is important, eg 'if I have 4 ties for every
 shirt, the ratio of ties to shirts is 4: 1 and the ratio of shirts to ties is 1: 4'.

Common misconceptions
1. Students may confuse ratios with fractions, for example thinking 2: 3 is the same as 2/3 or
 2 2
 . Students who make this error are likely to describe 3 as 2 parts out of 3, rather than two
 lots of .

2. Students may misunderstand the difference between multiplicative and additive
 comparisons. Equivalent ratios have a multiplicative relationship, so students need to
 understand the concept of multiplicative comparison. Students can mistakenly assume
 5: 8 is equivalent to 7: 10 because each part of the original ratio has been increased by 2.
3. Students may misunderstand direct versus proportional division. For example, if it takes
 two people four hours to do a certain task, students may mistakenly think that it would take
 one person two hours rather than eight hours.
4. When writing ratios in the form 1: students incorrectly assume that has to be a whole
 number or must be greater than 1.
5. Misconceptions about the application of fractions, decimals and percentages will affect a
 student’s ability to interpret and apply ratios. These misconceptions are identified in

Numeracy Stage 6 CEC: Teaching Guide Module 4, published July 2021 Page 16 of 44
Modules 2 and 3.

Introductory tasks
The following tasks have been designed to provide opportunities to determine your students’
ways of thinking about proportion and the maintenance of consistent proportions between
quantities measured in the same units.

Task 1: Sharing chocolates
This task can help the teacher learn more about a student’s interpretation of ratio as a
comparison of quantities with the same unit of measure (CoU2).

Students are presented with a sharing situation and respond individually. Responses can be
recorded on slips of paper or submitted using a digital tool. The situation can then be opened
up to class discussion.

In an alternate method of responding, after considering Question 1, students can be invited to
move to one side of the class or another depending on their answer to Question 2. Students
can then explain the reason for their choice. Students who wish to change sides after hearing
these reasons are invited to do so.

Sharing chocolates Sharing chocolates

Understanding student responses
Students who think Hunter is correct will have focused on the ‘three for you, four for me’
relationship, rather than the relationship between what Brody has and the total chocolates in
the packet. A table showing each person’s chocolates and the total chocolates as they are
distributed can help students visualise the difference.

Task 2: Enlarging Felix
This task can help the teacher learn more about a student’s interpretation of ratio as a
comparison of quantities with the same unit of measure (CoU2).

Students are presented with a situation involving scale and respond individually. Responses
can be recorded on slips of paper or submitted using a digital tool. Students are then invited to
discuss their responses as a class.

 Enlarging Felix

Understanding student responses
Students may misunderstand the question and suggest that it all depends on the quality of the
original picture. Students who have some understanding of equivalent ratios may correctly
identify that the photograph can be enlarged without needing to cut or distort the picture, but
may be unable to explain mathematically why this is the case.

Numeracy Stage 6 CEC: Teaching Guide Module 4, published July 2021 Page 17 of 44
Students could be asked to bring in their own 4 by 6 photo, or one could be provided. If they
needed to fit the photo into a square, how would they do it? Could they do it?

Tactile photographs or cards can be used for students with vision impairment.

Task 3: How long will it take?
This can help the teacher learn more about a student's understanding and application of
indirect proportion (CoU3).

Students are presented with a problem-solving situation and respond individually. Responses
can be recorded on the embedded Word document or submitted using a digital tool. Students
are then invited to discuss their responses as a class.

 How long will it How long will it
 take take

Understanding student responses
Student responses can reveal their understanding of proportion. For example, students may
mistakenly halve the time to do the job, since there are now half the people, indicating
confusion between direct and indirect proportion.

Suggested activities

Activity 1: Bad date
In this activity, students will consider ratio in the context of a conversation between two people
on their first date.

Teachers guide students’ viewing of the video Bad date, pausing at specified breaks to invite
student responses to a set of prompts. At the conclusion of the video, students work in pairs
and respond to four questions.

First pause: After the first date, when the ratio is 1: 7.

▪ Students state what they think the video is about.
▪ Students share everyday situations that are in a 1: 7 ratio.
Second pause: After the second date, when the ratio is 6: 1.

▪ Students comment on how well the second date went.
▪ Students predict what Isabella may be looking for in a date.

 Bad date

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Activity 2: Netflix or Stan?
In this activity, students are presented with three summary statements about the results of a
survey testing customer preferences. Students will need to employ numerical reasoning to
decide what can and can’t be determined from each statement. This activity will contribute to
their ability to think critically about statistical statements in the media.

The questions could be completed individually by students and then students could share the
numerical reasoning they used to make their decisions in a class discussion.

 Netflix or Stan

Activity 3: Which device is better?
This activity invites students to think mathematically about one of their most regular, day-to-
day activities – looking at screens. Students will consider the strengths and weaknesses of the
different, common screen ratios and explore the origins and evolution of these.

Students watch the TED video: Why the shape of your screen matters.

Student preferences for watching a movie on their home television:

▪ the black bars top and bottom
▪ the stretched screen where everything is slightly distorted
▪ changing the aspect ratio depending on what they are watching.
Students then use the information in the stimulus video and conduct further research to
answer the question:

Which device is best when watching a movie on a plane?

▪ The screen on the back of the seat in front of you
▪ Your own mobile phone
▪ Your own laptop or tablet.

 Which device is

The development of student autonomy in applying NRMT is a priority of Module 4 and so
teachers give students the opportunity to develop their response on their own or in small
groups. Where students do require scaffolding to support their work towards an independent
answer, the following is suggested:

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▪ Revisit the part of the TED video showing that movies are in an aspect ratio of 2.35: 1.
▪ Prompt students to search for the size and aspect ratio of different screens online:
 ˗ television screens
 ˗ inbuilt economy class screens on planes, eg the size of the screens on Virgin
 economy seats is currently 11.6 inches which is an aspect ratio of 16: 9
 ˗ phones, eg ones that students have
 ˗ laptops or tablets, eg ones that students use or own.
▪ Prompt research of the aspect ratios of smartphones (most Smartphones manufactured
 since 2010 have an aspect ratio of 16: 9 but later Smartphones such as the iPhone X have
 an aspect ratio of 19.5: 9).
▪ Ask how students would decide whether the screen on the seat in a plane or the phone
 screen is better. Which has better definition?
Depending on how new students' phones are, they may find they are better off watching a
movie on their phone if they prefer the movie to look more like the original! Or, they may prefer
to watch the movie on their seat screen, where the movie will need to be downsized to fit, but
at least the screen will be bigger.

Activity 4: Mocktails
This activity introduces ratios with three terms in the context of mixing a mocktail. The initial
information includes a fraction as one of the terms.

In Stage 4 Mathematics, students are asked to simplify such ratios; however, the Numeracy
Stage 6 CEC focus is on using and interpreting ratios in everyday contexts. This activity
provides a useful platform to emphasise the importance of and assumption of a common unit
of measurement when proportions are presented as ratios.

Students could be asked to consider the resulting flavour if the sour ingredient was measured
in cups and the sweet ingredient in teaspoons. Where resources allow, this activity could be
conducted as a practical experiment where students perform taste tests on correctly and
incorrectly interpreted proportions.


Activity 5: Mixing paint
Students who have developed fluency with interpreting simple ratios may be ready to apply
their skills and understanding to more complex problems. As this activity is in the context of
mixing paint colours, students should be encouraged to visualise the resulting shade of the
initial and subsequent ratios.

Where resources allow, this activity could include a practical experiment where students mix
teaspoons of paint to see the contrast between the two resulting shades. This would provide
further opportunity to discuss proportion in terms of the colour being the same when
measuring in teaspoons, cups or litres. As long as the ratio is maintained, the quantity will
change but not the ‘quality’.

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Mixing paint

This activity is adapted from a PBS Learning media video activity.

Activity 6: Baseball
This activity asks students to apply prior learning about fractions, decimals and percentages.
Students are given information in the form of a ratio and encouraged to practise their fluency
with these different forms of expressing a value.


Activity 7: Landscape plans
In this activity, students consider ratio in the context of scale on a site plan.

 Landscape plans

As an alternative to the site plan provided in the student resource, students could choose their
own ratio and create a landscape plan. This could be loosely based on where they live, a part
of the school, eg bushfoods garden, or be a creation of their own. If students are creating their
own landscapes, they should explain how they are determining the actual size of the features
in their plan in order to justify the scale they have used.

4.1.3 Rates and ratios
Suggested activities

Activity 1: Ramp it up
One of the rates that students encounter every day is the rate of ascent or descent,
determined by gradient or steepness. This activity encourages students to recognise that
steepness is the relationship between the distance moved forward and the distance moved up
or down with each step. This activity also considers speed, another everyday rate in student

Students watch a video of the Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake: UK: Daredevils launch
themselves downhill in cheese rolling race.

▪ Would it be possible for a person to beat the cheese down the hill? How fast is the cheese

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going? (Students should estimate this before looking it up.)
▪ What is a comfortable rate of ascent or descent:
 ˗ when walking
 ˗ when running
 ˗ when cycling
 ˗ when driving?
Students watch a second video, World’s steepest street: Baldwin Street in New Zealand gains
internet fame, and note the description of steepness as a rise of 1 m for every 2.86 m
horizontal distance. This is presented as the ratio 1: 2.86 on the Baldwin Street page.

Students determine a way to measure steepness and investigate whether the different steps,
staircases and ramps around the school are built to a consistent ratio. Students who are
wheelchair users could contribute valuable insight based on their experience using ramps.
Students working from remote locations could conduct a similar investigation within their
homes or immediate environment.

If students suggest that the steepness should be measured as an angle, teachers could invite
the class to divide into two groups: one that is going to test steepness as a ratio; and one that
will test angles. Preparation for this could include a discussion about the implication of an error
of 10 degrees compared to 10 mm. These values are chosen as 10 degrees ‘looks’ like about
10 mm around a common protractor.

Activity 2: Screen-time habits
This activity relates to Activity 1: Screen time in 4.2.1 Statistics.

In this activity, students use numerical reasoning in their consideration of a diagram from the
article Australians are spending more than one-third of their day in front of a screen.

Discussion for slide 1
▪ Do these numbers seem reasonable?
▪ Does this match how much time students think they themselves spend using screens and
▪ If people in Australia are spending 143 days per year on average in front of a screen, what
 percentage of their year are they spending on their screens?
▪ What other information would you like to know?
Students consider the second slide in the stimulus PowerPoint. The information comes from
an article exploring the screen time to reading ratio for children during their summer holidays.

Students should look at the survey results and consider the questions on the slide. Students
could also consider how the hours spent outdoors compare to their own.

A good discussion point could also be whether the time that students spend reading on their
phones is screen time or reading time. Does it depend on what they are reading?

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Screen-time habits

Activity 3: Shower vs bath
This activity invites students to apply their understanding about rates and ratios in a context
that incorporates prior learning about estimation, time, measurement and money. Students are
asked to consider whether a shower or a bath is more expensive.

Alternatively, this activity could be used to investigate the water used when washing up by
hand compared to using a dishwasher.

Ask students to estimate how much water they think they use in a typical shower or bath.

▪ How did they come up with that estimate?
▪ What information would they want to gather in order to make a more informed guess?
▪ How long do they spend in the shower?
In order to decide whether a shower or a bath is cheaper, students need to work out what a
shower or a bath actually costs.

▪ What information would they need to resolve this situation?

 Shower vs bath Shower vs Bath

Students could use the Hunter Water website to estimate the water rate of the average
showerhead in Australia and the water rate of the average tap. The average water flow rate for
a showerhead could be anywhere from 15 to 20 litres per minute, or 9 L/min if a newer water-
saving showerhead was installed. The water flow rate for an average bathroom tap is likely to
be 12 L/min, again depending on how old it is.

If there is a tap/sink available, the teacher or students could test the water rate from the tap
using a bucket and a phone timer. A good point of discussion could be whether you can just
run the tap for 30 seconds and then just double your answer to get the rate per minute.

Students will need to be able to convert from litres to kilolitres to estimate the cost from a water

Students could also consider other ways they use water in the home. They could consider how
much water they use when brushing their teeth and how much water they would save if they
didn't leave the tap running while they did this.

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