2022 Poultry Schedule - Online Entry -www.bathurstshow.com.au - Royal Bathurst Show

Page created by Randy Hartman
2022 Poultry Schedule - Online Entry -www.bathurstshow.com.au - Royal Bathurst Show

     The Poultry Section is conducted over TWO days

Online Entry –www.bathurstshow.com.au

Showing BOTH Saturday 30th April and Sunday 1St May 2022

Entries Close                        FRIDAY 22nd APRIL 2022

B a t h u r s t A gr i c ul t ur a l , H o rt i c ul t u r al & P a s t o r al A s s o ci a t i o n . S i n c e 1 8 5 8.
2022 Poultry Schedule - Online Entry -www.bathurstshow.com.au - Royal Bathurst Show
2022 Reliance Bank Royal Bathurst Show                                                       29 APRIL- 1 MAY 2022

                                                       ABN 85 953 115 197
                                           Supporting our region since 1858.
            The 153 ROYAL BATHURST SHOW

                               Friday 29th April – Sunday 1st May 2022
                                   PO Box 92, Bathurst NSW 2795
                 Ph: (02) 6331 3175                             Ph: (02) 6331 3175
         Email: admin@bathurstshow.com.au               Email: admin@bathurstshow.com.au
                            Mayor of Bathurst Regional Council, Cllr.R Taylor
                  PRESIDENT                                                 SECRETARY
                   C McPhee                                                 B Kenworthy
                                               M Irvine
                               Email: secretary@bathurstshow.com.au
                                           EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
                           J Davis, B Hickey, M Irvine, C McPhee, Dr. R Wilson OAM,
                                         SHOW COUNCIL
 R Atcheson, S Boorer, J Cox, J Davis, B Elbourne, P Elbourne, S Ferguson, B Hickey,
 K Morgan Hunn, M Irvine, B Kenworthy, C McPhee, C Morgan, T Paul, S Rigby,
          B Seaman, K Sloane, J Thompson, M Walker, Dr. R Wilson OAM, V Wilson OAM,
                                     BRC Delegate: Cllr. B Fry
                                             HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS
          J Cox, The HON. S Farraway MLC, C L Ferguson OAM, M E Hargans OAM, B Hickey, C McPhee,
                           N Ramsay, B Seaman, A F Toole, J While, V Wilson OAM,
                                                       HEAD STEWARD
      Tony Hellyer & Members of Bathurst & District Poultry Society Inc. - (02) 6337 3632

     To find out how to become involved in the Association Advisory Committees please contact the Secretary.

     The Royal Bathurst Show Supreme Livestock Exhibit &
       Supreme Static Exhibit are awarded the Bathurst
            Regional Council Awards for Excellence
 •    These Awards are open to all exhibitors in all sections.
 •    They will be given to an exhibit, not necessarily to a major prizewinner, which
      shows potential to become a leader in its field
 •    The exhibit will clearly display exceptionally high standard of the qualities
      sought after by each section.
 •    An exhibit which shows capabilities of producing prime offspring, or in the case
      of a non-breeding exhibit, one which shows outstanding qualities of design,
      texture, colour, uniqueness and or craftsmanship.

 The winners will receive Prize Money to the value of $500 proudly sponsored by

 At the first agricultural show in the Bathurst district at O’Connell Plains
       on Easter Monday, April 9, 1860 in addition to other classes
          the following prize was awarded in the Poultry section.

     “Best collection of Poultry exhibited by one person.”
                  A prize of a Silver medal to
                      Master W. Mockett.

POULTRY SECTION                                                                                  Page 2
2022 Reliance Bank Royal Bathurst Show                                                                  29 APRIL – 1 MAY 2022

GENERAL RULES                            amended 2017 12 12

1.    Rules & Regulations                                              names of Judges or Stewards set out in a schedule,
      (a)   These General Rules take precedence over all               catalogue or similar document.
            General   Regulations  and    Supplementary          4.    The Association and staff members and officials of the
            Regulations.                                               Association shall not be held responsible or be liable
      (b)   The General Regulations apply to all sections of           for any error, misstatement or misdescription
            the Show.                                                  appearing in any schedule, catalogue, entry form,
                                                                       advertisement, notification, post or similar document.
      (c)   The Supplementary Regulations apply only to
                                                                 5.    The exhibition will take place on the Bathurst
            the section of the Show to which they
                                                                       Showground or wherever the Show Council may
            specifically relate.
                                                                       appoint. The Show Council reserves the right at any
      (d)   Should there be an inconsistency between the               time to postpone the exhibition or any event thereof
            General     Regulations    and    Supplementary            in consequence of the inclemency of the weather or
            Regulations, the Supplementary Regulations                 for any other sufficient cause to date or dates deemed
            prevail for the relevant section only.                     suitable by the Show Council and no entrance fees
2.    All persons who enter the Showground:                            shall be returnable in the event of such
                                                                       postponement. The reasonableness of the cause or
      (a)   Do so at their own risk                                    causes of postponement shall be decided by the Show
      (b)   Shall comply with all relevant Federal, State &            Council and its judgment shall be conclusive and not
            Local laws, regulations and orders, and the                open to question by an exhibitor or other person
            Bathurst Agricultural Horticultural and Pastoral           affected by the postponement.
            Association (hereinafter called the Association)     6.    The Show Council may abandon the exhibition or any
            Rules and Regulations, Traffic & Pedestrian                event thereof through wet weather or, for any other
            Management Plan and Health & Safety Policy.                reason which may make such a course advisable in
      (c)   Are advised that the roadways within                       its opinion. Should the exhibition or any event be
            Showground become public roads for the                     abandoned or cancelled, exhibitors shall be entitled
            duration of the annual Royal Bathurst Show.                to a return of the entrance fee paid in such event or
                                                                       events as may be cancelled, but no cause or action,
3.    The Association may at any time make changes to
                                                                       liability or obligation shall be maintainable or be
      these rules, regulations, the program, and/or the
                                                                       incurred by the Show Council or by the Association by
                                                                       reason of such abandonment or cancellation.

EXHIBITS AND EXHIBITORS                                                behavior, attempting to improperly approach or
                                                                       influence a Judge, Steward or official, or who makes
1.    Exhibitors, when entering exhibits, must furnish the             a false report or gives misleading information or
      Secretary with a description of the exhibit entered              suppresses necessary information respecting any
      and the number of the class they wish to compete in              exhibit, shall be held to have forfeited any prize
      on the form specified.                                           gained by this means. The exhibit and exhibitor,
2.    Exhibits must not be removed without the permission              together with their agent (if any) may be disqualified
      of the Stewards.                                                 and the matter reported to the Western Group of
                                                                       Show Societies Inc. & the Agricultural Societies
3.    Exhibitors of livestock must have an attendant to
                                                                       Council of NSW.
      parade the exhibit for judging at the hour notified.
                                                                 13.   The Showground will be open for admission of
4.    A general parade (Grand Parade) may be held on the
                                                                       exhibits at the time shown in the relevant Schedule.
      second day, in which all leadable, in harness and
                                                                       Livestock may be removed between the times notified
      ridden livestock exhibited at the Show must take part.
                                                                       in the relevant schedules if required to so do and must
5.    Any exhibitor of livestock shall not be permitted to             be returned to their respective position by the time
      use any pen or stall other than those allotted to them           nominated therein. Failing to do so will cause all
      by the Stewards.                                                 prizes awarded to them to be forfeited. Any exhibitor
6.    The erection of electric fences is not permitted in the          failing to comply with this regulation may be debarred
      livestock areas on the grounds.                                  from entering in the following years.

7.    Any exhibitor of livestock must furnish all required       14.   The Association will not be responsible for any
      statutory declarations to the Secretary.                         accident caused through or by an exhibitor and will
                                                                       not under any circumstances hold itself responsible
8.    All Pavilions are closed to the public and to exhibitors         for any loss or misdelivery of livestock or exhibit of
      until the first morning of the Show unless delivering            any kind, or for any damage done thereto.
                                                                 15.   All exhibits must be the bona fide property of the
9.    All exhibitors are to comply with the Association’s              exhibitor. Nothing to indicate ownership of any exhibit
      Rules for vehicle movement and parking restrictions              will be permitted (the usual brands on livestock
      on the Showground.                                               excepted). Any person objecting to an exhibit must
10.   An Exhibitor’s or Competitor’s participation in any              enter a protest in writing fully setting out the grounds
      Exhibition, or Competition, entertainment or activity            of such an objection in accordance with Regulation 20
      is at their own risk.                                            (below).
11.   Entry fees shall be at rates specified in the Show         16.   Should there be any reason to suspect that any
      Schedule.                                                        exhibit is either diseased or dangerous;
12.   Misconduct by an exhibitor or their agent, whether by            (a)   the exhibitor must withdraw the exhibit and not
      a breach of these rules or regulations, aggressive,                    attend the show or if already in attendance,
      intimidating, disruptive or otherwise offensive                        isolate the exhibit and notify the Association
                                                                             immediately of the situation,

POULTRY SECTION                                                                                               Page 3
2022 Reliance Bank Royal Bathurst Show                                                                  29 APRIL – 1 MAY 2022

17.   the Show Council reserves the right of refusing            4.   Judges shall disqualify any exhibits which, in their
      admittance to or removing the same from the ground              opinion, do not comply with the regulations and shall
      at the expense of the exhibitor.                                enter the reason in the award book or equivalent.
18.   The Show Council may refuse or cancel any entry.           5.   The Judges may recommend for certificates, or
19.   No exhibit shall be led, ridden or driven (except in the        commend as they see fit, any exhibits of special merit
      horse or livestock exhibitor’s reserves) unless                 not included in the schedule of prizes, and will not
      competing in the Show or otherwise approved by the              award prizes of any class in which the exhibits are not
      Show Council or Show Secretary.                                 considered in their opinion, to possess sufficient
20.   No persons except those actually in charge of exhibits
      will be permitted to remain in the judging area for any    6.   Judges will check an award book on completion of
      reason whatsoever during the adjudication.                      judging, and sign their names on the last award page.

21.   The procedure for protests is as follows:                  7.   All Pavilions are closed to the public until the first day
                                                                      of the Show.
      (a)   An exhibitor who desires to enter a protest
            concerning any decision on the part of a Judge       AWARDS AND PRIZES
            or any decision or act or omission on the part of    1.   Awards & Prizes will be awarded as published in the
            the Association or of any Official of the                 Schedule and in sequence. The granting of equal
            Association, is required to lodge a Protest Form          multiple place awards in a single class is not
            (available from the Show Office) by 10.00am of            permitted.
            the next day following the day on which such
            incident occurred.                                   2.   In addition to First and Second prizes, Highly
                                                                      Commended awards may be granted to exhibits
      (b)   Each protest must be accompanied by a fee of              which are considered worthy.
            $150.00 and this amount shall be forfeited to
            the Association if the protest is not upheld.        3.   In the case of Horses and all Livestock, second place
                                                                      Prize Money will only be offered in classes where there
      (c)   The protest shall be determined by the Protest            are six or more entries.
            Committee appointed by the Executive
            Committee. Their decision shall be final and         4.   All prize money will be paid via Electronic Funds
            binding. No reasoning for the determination               Transfer after the conclusion of the Show upon
            shall be required to be given.                            verification of results and finalization of any protests
                                                                      and/or drug test results. Exhibitors must supply a
STEWARDS                                                              valid BSB and bank account number at the time of
                                                                      submitting entries. Should an exhibitor not submit
1.    Stewards must be in attendance at the Showground
                                                                      valid banking details all prize monies will be forfeited.
      at the hour appointed to receive exhibits.
2.    Stewards are responsible for the proper classification     5.   No decoration, ribbon or award cards, except such as
      of exhibits and all exhibits must be ready for judging.         are provided by the Show Council in that year, shall
                                                                      be placed on an exhibit, or affixed thereto, at the
3.    Stewards will obtain the award books from the                   exhibition being held.
      Secretary and direct the Judges to the exhibits they
      are appointed to judge.                                    6.   The following colours shall distinguish the prize award
                                                                      fixed to all exhibits: blue for first, red for second,
4.    Stewards shall remove exhibitors and other persons              white for third, green for fourth, yellow for fifth, and
      from the vicinity of the Judge whilst judging.                  brown for sixth where awarded. Champion, Grand
5.    Stewards shall attend on the Judges to afford any               Champion & Supreme Champion (and where
      information required, but will not do or say anything           applicable Reserve Champion) ribbons will also be
      to exhibitor regarding the adjudication or repeat the           awarded. Ribbons only will be affixed in classes where
      remarks the Judge may make without their specific               indicated.
      consent and that of the Chief Steward of the Section       7.   All special prizes presented to the Association must
      or the Secretary.                                               be for open competition; i.e. they must not be given
6.    Stewards will obtain prize cards from the Secretary             for the progeny of any particular animal etc. and shall
      and affix same to exhibit, after filling in the names of        be governed by the Rules and Regulations of the
      the successful exhibitors and other particulars.                Association.
7.    The Chief Stewards of Bathurst A H & P Assoc. will not     8.   Perpetual Trophies must remain on the Showground
      be permitted to show their exhibits in their relative           in the custody of the Association. Where awarded,
      section or any other section where they have a direct           replicas or certificates will be presented to the person
      contact with the Judge.                                         to whom they are awarded.
8.    Stewards who become aware of an exhibit suffering          MISCELLANEOUS/GENERAL REGULATIONS
      from an infectious or contagious disease shall report
                                                                 1.   All Pavilions are closed to the public, exhibitors, and
      the matter immediately to the Secretary, who is
                                                                      competitors until the first day of the Show.
      authorized to order that the exhibit be quarantined
      and/or removed from the Showground.                        2.   On each day of the Show the public will be admitted
                                                                      at the published time. For any person leaving the
JUDGES AND JUDGING                                                    ground, a Pass-Out stamp, if required, will be issued.
1.    Judges are requested to attend the relevant Section             If reissue of a ticket is required for any reason a
      Chief/Head Steward in the section adjudication area             Statutory Declaration will be requested to be made.
      or another place on the Showground by notification at      3.   Any member alleged to have committed misconduct
      the hour appointed, and introduce themselves to the             which may bring the Association into discredit shall
      Stewards of the section.                                        be dealt with according to the Constitution of the
2.    Judges will receive instruction from the Stewards of            Association.
      the section.                                               4.   Sale of Exhibits
3.    Judges, as they arrive at their decisions, will                 (a)   The sale of any exhibits whilst located on the
      announce the results to the Stewards, who will record                 Showground over the advertised dates of the
      them in the award book or equivalent.                                 Show shall only proceed with written approval

POULTRY SECTION                                                                                               Page 4
2022 Reliance Bank Royal Bathurst Show                                                                        29 APRIL – 1 MAY 2022

              of the Association’s Secretary. A request to                   (c)   The right to attend all general meetings of
              conduct a sale is to be lodged with the Secretary                    members of the Association and to speak and
              7 days prior to the first advertised day of the                      vote on any subject on the agenda for that
              Show for that year.                                                  meeting.
      (b)     The supervision and control of a sale shall be in              (d)   The right to attend any Show Council Meeting
              the hands of the Committee of Sales, appointed                       and with the permission of the Chairman, speak
              by the Show Council.                                                 on any subject, but shall not be entitled to vote
5.    The sale of any exhibits shall be as defined in the                          at such Show Council Meeting.
      conditions of the section. A commission of at least five               (e)   With the exception of Junior Members, the right
      per cent (5%) shall be paid by each vendor upon the                          to vote at all the general meetings of the
      gross proceeds on all sales affected by him/her of                           Association.
      exhibits, whether by auction or private treaty and any                 (f)   To be eligible to vote at the Association’s Annual
      particulars of such sales, together with a remittance                        General Meeting or Special Meetings, a Member
      of the amount of the commission, shall be handed to                          must be a Financial Member of the Association
      the Secretary by 5.30pm on the last day of the Show.                         for at least three (3) months prior to that
6.    A maximum of one (1) award of excellence may be                              meeting.
      authorised by Show Council each year to an
      outstanding exhibitor from any section of the Show.              TERMS AND CHARGES FOR ADMISSION TO
7.    The annual subscription of members shall be
      determined by the Show Council no sooner than six                1.    MEMBERS
      (6) calendar months before the first day of the                        (a)   Full Members on payment of $84.00 (incl. GST)
      forthcoming     membership     year    (January    to                        shall be issued one Full ticket of membership,
      December). Members shall have the right of                                   not transferable, and two Guests of Member
      membership until the 31st December each year. New                            tickets. Single Members, on payment of $44.00
      members, on payment of one year’s subscription,                              (incl. GST) shall be issued with one ticket of
      have rights of membership for year including the next                        Membership, not transferable, and Junior
      Annual Show at the discretion of the Executive                               Membership (under the age of 16 years) on
      Committee.                                                                   payment of $22.00 (incl. GST) shall be issued
8.    The following are the privileges of membership:                              with one ticket of Membership, not transferable.
                                                                                   Holders of current Show membership tickets
      (a)     Admission to the Showground to the Annual
                                                                                   and Guest tickets will be admitted to the ground
              Show on production of the appropriate Members
                                                                                   on surrender of the appropriate ticket for the
                                                                                   day in question.
      (b)     Concession on entry fees for exhibits where
                                                                       2.    NON-MEMBERS
              provided for in the show schedule.
                                                                             (g)   Admission to the ground:

                                2022 ROYAL BATHURST SHOW ADMISSION CHARGES
                                         Adults      Concession       Children        Family Group (4)         Family Group (5)
          Gate Entry PER DAY            $27.00         $20.50          $13.50               $54.00                  $66.00
                  Early Bird/Online Purchase – Variable Discounts – Go to www.bathurstshow.com.au for details.

      ▪     Due to COVID restrictions all tickets will be purchased and/or issued through 123-TIX.
      ▪     Contact tracing information is required to be collected at the time of purchase for each ticket.
      ▪     Tickets will admit the person identified on the ticket and are not transferrable without updating the contact
            information via 123-TIX (1300 001 238) or through the Show Office.
      ▪     In the event of a total cancellation of the event, unused ticketing will be refunded less any reasonable cost/s
            incurred by the Association.
      ▪     Concession Rates apply to Pensioners, Students and Concession Card Holders. Carers providing appropriate
            evidence such as a Companion Card and accompanying a Concession holder will be admitted free.
      ▪     Children - 6 -16 years. Children under 6 are admitted FREE.
      ▪     Family Group tickets include a maximum of 2 Adults.

     At the third agricultural show in the Bathurst district held at O’Connell Plains in
                1861 the first protest against a judge’s decision was made.

 “A ploughman called Joseph Goodacre (ideal name!) wrote to the “Free Press” complaining that the
judges of the ploughing section had erred badly, and claiming to be supported in this view by several
 people, including some committeemen. Oddly enough, Goodacre’s protest was directed not against
the awarding of the first prize, which he did not dispute, but at the awarding of the second prize.” No
                                           action was taken.

POULTRY SECTION                                                                                                     Page 5
2022 Reliance Bank Royal Bathurst Show                                                          29 APRIL – 1 MAY 2022

SPONSORS: Bedwells Feed Barn, Laurie & Margaret Price,         HARDFEATHER
Silmac Ag Supplies, Town & Country Rural Supplies
                                                               LP007   Standard Hardfeather Male - AV
Section LP - Eligible for the Bathurst Regional                LP008   Standard Hardfeather Female AV
Council Supreme Exhibit Prize                                  LP009   Bantam Hardfeather Male - AV
                                                               LP010   Bantam Hardfeather Female AV
ENTRIES CLOSE: Friday 22nd April 2022
EXHIBITS PENNED: 6.00 am – 8.30 am Saturday 30th               LP011 CHAMPION HARDFEATHER JUNIOR EXHIBIT
April 2022                                                           1 Bag of Poultry Feed - Town and Country Rural
JUDGING: 9.00 am Saturday 30th April 2022                            Supplies.
JUDGES: TBC - Hardfeather                                      LP012 RESERVE CHAMPION HARDFEATHER JUNIOR
           TBC – Softfeather & Waterfowl                             EXHIBIT

UNPENNED: 4.00 pm Sunday 1st May 2022. Only with               WATERFOWL
assistance from Stewards.                                      LP013 Standard Waterfowl Male - AV
ENTRY FEE: $0.00 (incl GST)                                    LP014 Standard Waterfowl Female - AV
PRIZES: 1st Card, 2nd Card. Champion, Reserve                  LP015 Bantam Waterfowl Male - AV
Champion, Grand Champion and Supreme Champions                 LP016 Bantam Waterfowl Female - AV
Cards and Ribbons. Bags of feed for Grand Champions
and Supreme Champions.                                         LP017 CHAMPION WATERFOWL JUNIOR EXHIBIT
                                                                     1 Bag of Poultry Feed - Town and Country Rural
Exhibitors Entry Tickets:                                            Supplies
Adult $13.50 per exhibitor per day,                            LP018 RESERVE CHAMPION WATERFOWL JUNIOR
Child (6-16 yrs) $6.75 per exhibitor per day,                        EXHIBIT
(Exhibitors entry tickets only available for purchase
when entering. Tickets must be paid for at the time
of entry). Full gate price will be charged after the           L702: Open
entry closing date. Gate Pass supplied with entry              HARDFEATHER STANDARD MALE
tickets                                                        LP019 Australian Game - Black Red - Male
                                                               LP020 Australian Game - AOC - Male
HEAD STEWARD: Tony Hellyer and Members of Bathurst             LP021 Australian Pit Game - P/F Male
and District Poultry Society Inc.                              LP022 Australian Pit Game - Muff Male
All Enquiries Ph: (02) 6337 3632                               LP023 Modern Game – Black Red-Male
                                                               LP024 Modern Game - Pile – Male
Exhibitors please note:                                        LP025 Modern Game - Duckwing –Male
• Poultry Exhibits will be Judged using Australian Poultry     LP026 Modern Game - Blue Red – Male
  Standards                                                    LP027 Modern Game – AOC-Male
• No late entries will be accepted.                            LP028 Indian Game - AC - Male
• Exhibitors must pen own birds.                               LP029 Old English Game - Black Red - Male
• Every care taken but no responsibility accepted for lost     LP030 Old English Game - Pile - Male
  or damaged birds.                                            LP031 Old English Game - Blue Red - Male
• All exhibitors are responsible for the watering and          LP032 Old English Game - Duckwing - Male
  feeding of poultry after judging has been completed.         LP033 Old English Game - Birchen/Grey - Male
• Exhibits showing signs of sickness or disease will not be    LP034 Old English Game - Brown Red - Male
  judged.                                                      LP035 Old English Game - Ginger - Male
• Exhibits must be bona fide property of exhibitor.            LP036 Old English Game - AOC - Male
• No parking will be available on Bathurst Showgrounds         LP037 AOV Game - Male
  after dropping poultry off for exhibition. Limited
  Exhibitor Parking will be available across the Road.         LP038 CHAMPION HARDFEATHER STANDARD MALE
• At the Royal Bathurst Show the judging of Poultry            LP039 RESERVE CHAMPION HARDFEATHER
  wearing permanent bands as per the NAPIS program will              STANDARD MALE
  be allowed.
• All Roosters must have spurs cut and blunten off.            HARDFEATHER STANDARD FEMALE
  No Sharp Points on Spurs                                     LP040 Australian Game - Black Red - Female
• STEWARDS WILL FEED AND WATER EXHIBITS                        LP041 Australian Game - AOC - Female
  (Saturday Night & Sunday Morning)                            LP042 Australian Pit Game - P/F - Female
                                                               LP043 Australian Pit Game - Muff – Female
L701: Junior                                                   LP044 Modern Game – Black Red-Female
                                                               LP045 Modern Game - Pile – Female
Exhibitors must be 17 years and under. Exhibitors and
exhibits in Junior Poultry cannot be entered in Open Poultry
                                                               LP046 Modern Game - Duckwing –Female
Section.                                                       LP047 Modern Game - Blue Red – Female
                                                               LP048 Modern Game – Wheaten Female
SOFTFEATHER                                                    LP049 Modern Game – AOC-Female
LP001 Standard Softfeather Male - AV                           LP050 Indian Game - AC - Female
LP002 Standard Softfeather Female - AV                         LP051 Old English Game - Black Red - Female
LP003 Bantam Softfeather Male - AV                             LP052 Old English Game - Pile - Female
LP004 Bantam Softfeather Female - AV                           LP053 Old English Game - Blue Red - Female
                                                               LP054 Old English Game - Duckwing - Female
LP005 CHAMPION SOFTFEATHER JUNIOR EXHIBIT                      LP055 Old English Game - Birchen/Grey - Female
       1 bag of Poultry Feed - Town and Country Rural          LP056 Old English Game - Brown Red - Female
       Supplies                                                LP057 Old English Game - Ginger - Female
 LP006 RESERVE CHAMPION SOFTFEATHER JUNIOR                     LP058 Old English Game - AOC - Female
       EXHIBIT                                                 LP059 AOV Game - AC - Female

POULTRY SECTION                                                                                            Page 6
2022 Reliance Bank Royal Bathurst Show                                                          29 APRIL – 1 MAY 2022

LP060 CHAMPION HARDFEATHER STANDARD                      LP122 AOV - Softfeather Standard - Female
      FEMALE                                             LP123 CHAMPION SOFTFEATHER STANDARD
LP061 RESERVE CHAMPION HARDFEATHER                             FEMALE
      STANDARD FOWL                                            STANDARD FEMALE
      Trophy donated by Ada Vale Poultry Farm.
                                                         LP125 GRAND CHAMPION SOFTFEATHER
      (Trophy #48). Trophy to be competed for
                                                               STANDARD FOWL
      annually. Trophy to become the property of
                                                               Trophy donated by Mr R Hunt. To be competed
      Exhibitor who wins it 3 times in succession or 4
                                                               for annually. (Trophy #47).Trophy to become the
      times in all. 1 bag of Poultry Feed – Bedwells
                                                               property of Exhibitor who wins it 3 times in
      Feed Barn
                                                               succession or 4 times in all.
SOFTFEATHER STANDARD MALE                                      1 bag of Poultry Feed – Bedwells Feed Barn
LP063 Croad Langshan – Male                              LP126 SUPREME CHAMPION STANDARD FOWL
LP064 Australorp –Black- Male                                  Harry Willard Memorial Trophy. (Trophy #51).
LP065 Australorp – AOC - Male                                  Perpetual Competition. Donated by R Fitzsimons,
LP066 Langshan - Black - Male                                  W Thompson & A N Pratley. Trophy to be
LP067 Langshan - AOC - Male                                    competed for annually. Trophy remains the
LP068 Orpington - Black – Male                                 property of Royal Bathurst Show Society with
LP069 Orpington – AOC - Male                                   winning exhibitors name engraved on it. Winner
LP070 Plymouth Rock - AC - Male                                will receive a Ribbon and Certificate.
LP071 Rhode Island - AC - Male                                 1 bag of Poultry Feed - Silmac Ag Supplies
LP072 Sussex - Light Male
                                                         HARDFEATHER BANTOM MALE
LP073 Sussex - AOC - Male
                                                         LP127 Australian Game - Black Red - Male
LP074 Wyandotte - White - Male
                                                         LP128 Australian Game - AOC - Male
LP075 Wyandotte - Laced - Male
                                                         LP129 Australian Pit Game - P/F - Male
LP076 Wyandotte - AOC - Male
                                                         LP130 Australian Pit Game - Muff - Male
LP077 Brahma - AC - Male
                                                         LP131 Modern Game - Black Red - Male
LP078 Ancona - Male
                                                         LP132 Modern Game - Pile - Male
LP079 Hamburgh - Silver Spangle - Male
                                                         LP133 Modern Game - Duckwing - Male
LP080 Hamburgh - Black - Male
                                                         LP134 Modern Game - Blue Red - Male
LP081 Hamburgh - AOC - Male
                                                         LP135 Modern Game - AOC - Male
LP082 Leghorn - White – Male
                                                         LP136 Indian Game - AC - Male
LP083 Leghorn – AOC -Male
                                                         LP137 Old English Game - Black Red Light Leg - Male
LP084 Silkie - Black - Male
                                                         LP138 Old English Game - Blue Red Light Leg - Male
LP085 Silkie - White - Male
                                                         LP139 Old English Game - Black Red Dark Leg - Male
LP086 Silkie - AOC - Male
                                                         LP140 Old English Game - Blue Red Dark Leg - Male
LP087 Faverolle - Male
                                                         LP141 Old English Game - Duckwing - Male
LP088 Transylvanian Naked Neck – Male
                                                         LP142 Old English Game - Ginger - Male
LP089 Polish – Male
                                                         LP143 Old English Game - Birchen/Grey - Male
LP090 Frizzle – AC - Male
                                                         LP144 Old English Game - AOC - Male
LP091 AOV - Softfeather Standard - Male
                                                         LP145 AOV Game - AC - Male
                                                         LP146 CHAMPION HARDFEATHER BANTAM MALE
                                                         LP147 RESERVE CHAMPION HARDFEATHER
                                                               BANTAM MALE
                                                         HARDFEATHER BANTAM FEMALE
LP094 Croad Langshan – Female
                                                         LP148 Australian Game - Black Red - Female
LP095 Australorp Black – Female
                                                         LP149 Australian Game - AOC - Female
LP096 Australorp – AOC - Female
                                                         LP150 Australian Pit Game - P/F - Female
LP097 Langshan - Black - Female
                                                         LP151 Australian Pit Game - Muff - Female
LP098 Langshan - AOC - Female
                                                         LP152 Modern Game - Black Red - Female
LP099 Orpington - Black – Female
                                                         LP153 Modern Game - Pile - Female
LP100 Orpington – AOC - Female
                                                         LP154 Modern Game - Duckwing - Female
LP101 Plymouth Rock - AC - Female
                                                         LP155 Modern Game - Blue Red – Female
LP102 Rhode Island - AC - Female
                                                         LP156 Modern Game – Wheaten - Female
LP103 Sussex - Light – Female
                                                         LP157 Modern Game - AOC - Female
LP104 Sussex – AOC - Female
                                                         LP158 Indian Game - AC - Female
LP105 Wyandotte - White - Female
                                                         LP159 Old English Game - Black Red Light Leg - Female
LP106 Wyandotte - Laced - Female
                                                         LP160 Old English Game - Black Tail Wheaten - Female
LP107 Wyandotte - AOC - Female
                                                         LP161 Old English Game - Blue Red Light Leg - Female
LP108 Brahma - AC - Female
                                                         LP162 Old English Game - Blue Tail Wheaten - Female
LP109 Ancona - Female
                                                         LP163 Old English Game - Black Red Dark Leg - Female
LP110 Hamburgh - Silver Spangle - Female
                                                         LP164 Old English Game - Blue Red Dark Leg - Female
LP111 Hamburgh - Black - Female
                                                         LP165 Old English Game - Duckwing - Female
LP112 Hamburgh - AOC - Female
                                                         LP166 Old English Game - Ginger - Female
LP113 Leghorn - White – Female
                                                         LP167 Old English Game - Birchen/Grey - Female
LP114 Leghorn – AOC- Female
                                                         LP168 Old English Game - AOC - Female
LP115 Silkie - Black - Female
                                                         LP169 AOV Game - AC - Female
LP116 Silkie - White - Female
                                                         LP170 CHAMPION HARDFEATHER BANTAM FEMALE
LP117 Silkie - AOC - Female
                                                         LP171 RESERVE CHAMPION HARDFEATHER
LP118 Faverolle - Female
                                                               BANTAM FEMALE
LP119 Transylvanian Naked Neck – Female
                                                         LP172 GRAND CHAMPION HARDFEATHER BANTAM
LP120 Polish – Female                                            1 Bag of Poultry Feed – Bedwells Feed Barn
LP121 Frizzle – AC - Female

POULTRY SECTION                                                                                               Page 7
2022 Reliance Bank Royal Bathurst Show                                                               29 APRIL – 1 MAY 2022

LP173 Australorp – Black – Male                               WATERFOWL - DRAKE
LP174 Australorp – AOC - Male                                 LP234 Muscovy – White - Drake
LP175 Langshan - Black - Male                                 LP235 Muscovy – AOC - Drake
LP176 Langshan - AOC – Male                                   LP236 Indian Runner – (White) - Drake
LP177 Sussex - Light – Male                                   LP237 Indian Runner - AOC - Drake
LP178 Sussex – AOC – Male                                     LP238 Pekin – Drake
LP179 Rhode Island - AC - Male                                LP239 Elizabeth Drake
LP180 Wyandotte - White - Male                                LP240 Khaki Campbell Drake
LP181 Wyandotte - Columbian Male                              LP241 Campbell - AC – Drake
LP182 Wyandotte – Laced – Male                                LP242 Silver Appleyard Drake
LP183 Wyandotte – Penciled - Male                             LP243 Saxony Drake
LP184 Wyandotte - AOC - Male                                  LP244 Mallard White Drake
LP185 Pekin - Black - Male                                    LP245 Mallard AOC Drake
LP186 Pekin - AOC - Male                                      LP246 Call AC Drake
LP187 Ancona - Male                                           LP247 AOV Waterfowl - Drake
LP188 Leghorn - White - Male                                  LP248 CHAMPION WATERFOWL DRAKE
LP189 Leghorn - AOC - Male                                    LP249 RESERVE CHAMPION WATERFOWL DRAKE
LP190 Rosecombe - AC - Male
LP191 Frizzle - AC - Male                                     WATERFOWL - DUCK
LP192 Belgian - AV - Male                                     LP250 Muscovy - White – Duck
LP193 Seabright - AC – Male                                   LP251 Muscovy - AOC - Duck
LP194 Dutch – Bantam - Male                                   LP252 Indian Runner – (White) - Duck
LP195 Transylvanian – Naked Neck – Male                       LP253 Indian Runner - AOC - Duck
LP196 Orpington – Black - Male                                LP254 Pekin – Duck
LP197 Orpington – AOC – Male                                  LP255 Elizabeth — Duck
LP198 Polish – Male                                           LP256 Khaki Campbell Duck
LP199 Plymoth Rock- AC - Male                                 LP257 Campbell - AC – Duck
LP200 AOV Softfeather Bantam - Male                           LP258 Silver Appleyard - Duck
LP201 CHAMPION SOFTFEATHER BANTAM MALE                        LP259 Saxony - Duck
LP202 RESERVE CHAMPION SOFTFEATHER                            LP260 Mallard - White - Duck
      BANTAM MALE                                             LP261 Mallard – AOC - Duck
                                                              LP262 Call – AC - Duck
SOFTFEATHER BANTAM FEMALE                                     LP263 AOV Waterfowl - Duck
LP203 Australorp – Black- Female                              LP264 CHAMPION WATERFOWL DUCK
LP204 Australorp – AOC - Male                                 LP265 RESERVE CHAMPION WATERFOWL DUCK
LP205 Langshan - Black - Female
LP206 Langshan - AOC – Female                                 LP266 GRAND CHAMPION WATERFOWL
LP207 Sussex - Light – Female                                         Trophy Donated by Laurie & Margaret Price. To be
LP208 Sussex – AOC – Female                                           competed for annually. Trophy Remains the Property of
LP209 Rhode Island - AC - Female                                      Royal Bathurst Show Society with
LP210 Wyandotte - White - Female                                      Winning Exhibitors Name Engraved On It. (Trophy #50)
LP211 Wyandotte - Columbian – Female                                  1 bag of Poultry Feed- Bedwells Feed Barn
LP212 Wyandotte – Laced – Female
                                                              BREEDING PAIRS
LP213 Wyandotte – Pencilled-Female
                                                              LP267 Hardfeather Standard Breeding Pair
LP214 Wyandotte - AOC - Female
                                                              LP268 Softfeather Standard Breeding Pair
LP215 Pekin - Black - Female
                                                              LP269 Hardfeather Bantam Breeding Pair
LP216 Pekin - AOC - Female
                                                              LP270 Softfeather Bantam Breeding Pair
LP217 Ancona - Female
                                                              LP271 Waterfowl Breeding Pair
LP218 Leghorn - White - Female
                                                              LP272 CHAMPION BREEDING PAIR
LP219 Leghorn - AOC - Female                                          1 bag Poultry Feed – Silmac Ag Supplies
LP220 Rosecombe - AC - Female                                 LP273 RESERVE CHAMPION BREEDING PAIR
LP221 Frizzle - AC - Female
LP222 Belgian - AV - Female
LP223 Seabright - AC – Female
LP224 Dutch – Bantam - Female
LP225 Transylvanian – Naked Neck – Female
LP226 Orpington – Black - Female
LP227 Orpington – AOC – Female
LP228 Polish – Female
LP229 Plymoth Rock- AC - Female
LP230 AOV Softfeather Bantam - Female

         Trophy donated by R Hunt and C Windus. (Trophy#52)
         To be competed for annually. Clayton Kirkham won 4
         times and has re-donated as a Perpetual Trophy.
         1 bag of Poultry Feed- Bedwells Feed Barn

POULTRY SECTION                                                                                                  Page 8
2022 Reliance Bank Royal Bathurst Show                                                   29 APRIL – 1 MAY 2022

                                           DETAILED SPONSOR LISTING

Bedwells Feed Barn and Produce Merchants               Silmac Specialty Agricultural Supplies
46 Vale Road, BATHURST NSW 2795                        2 Hampden Park Rd, KELSO NSW 2795
Phone: 02 6331 2844                                    Phone: 02 6334 4999

Laurie & Margaret Price                                Town and Country Rural Supplies
                                                       11 Kirkcaldy Street, BATHURST NSW   2795
                                                       Phone: 02 6332 4044

  POULTRY SECTION                                                                                     Page 9
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