2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Wigan Warriors

Page created by Yvonne Salazar
2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Wigan Warriors

2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Wigan Warriors
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                                                                                                                                                     kRiS RAdLiNSki mBe
                wiGAN wARRiORS 2022 mediA GUide                                                                                                      RFL and Robert Hicks on the Enjoy the Game
                                                                                                                                                     campaigns. We must remember that without the guys in
     3      weLCOme FROm kRiS RAdLiNSki mBe                                                                                                          the middle with a whistle, we have no sport. We need to
                                                                                                                                                     support passionately but respectfully.
                                                                                                                                                     As a Club, Wigan will continue to deepen our
    PAGE                                                                                                                                             commitment to establishing an inclusive work
     4      wiGAN wARRiORS diReCTORS ANd STAFF                                                                                                       environment. We will also present more opportunities
                                                                                                                                                     for individuals to represent our club with 11 Wigan
                                                                                                                                                     Rugby League teams catering for all abilities - male and
     5      2022 FiRST TeAm FiXTUReS                                                                                                                 female.
                                                                                                                                                     We will continue to engage with the community clubs
                                                                                                                                                     who are the lifeblood of the Rugby League sport. Our
    PAGES                                                                                                                                            48 ambassador clubs are welcomed into our facility at
    7-38    FiRST TeAm SqUAd PLAyeR PROFiLeS                                                                                                         Robin Park Arena monthly for sessions of insight and
                                                                                                                                                     education. There is a real spirit of togetherness in which
                                                                                                                                                     we will only get stronger.
                                                                                                                                                     We honour the legacy of Barbara Thompson who ran
                                                                                                                                                     our Past Players Association but sadly passed away in
                                                                                                                                                     2021. Under the leadership of Club Historian, Keith
    PAGES                                                                                                                                            Sutch, we will re-engage with our past players better
    46-48 iNTROdUCiNG OUR SiGNiNGS FOR 2022                                                                                                          than ever before.
                                                                                                                                                     Our future at the DW Stadium is all but sorted with just
                                                                                         Welcome to the Betfred 2022 Super League season,            the finer details to iron out. Contrary to what people
    50-51 wiGAN wARRiORS wOmeN
                                                                                         the 150th year since the birth of Wigan Warriors            think, the relationship is strong. I meet with the Wigan
                                                                                         Rugby League Club. 150 years of memorable                   Athletic Chief Executive, Mal Brannigan, very regularly
                                                                                         moments and achievements.                                   and although we may disagree on some things,
    PAGE                                                                                 If you ran a highlights package of those 150 years, there   discussions are always in the right spirit. There have
     52     PdRL & LdRL RUGBy LeAGUe                                                     would be very few moments from 2021 that would get          always been three main areas of contention - financial,
                                                                                         in. That is the harsh reality that we must overcome in      operational and emotional.
                                                                                         2022. After coming within seconds of winning the            Financially, it has to work for us to play there. If the cost
     53     wheeLChAiR RUGBy LeAGUe                                                      Grand Final in 2020 then starting the season with seven
                                                                                         wins out of seven - our best-ever start - the season
                                                                                                                                                     is too high, then savings will need to be made
                                                                                                                                                     elsewhere. Operationally, as we are tenants and have
                                                                                         capitulated from there. Injuries to key players,            no other presence apart from game day, sometimes
    PAGE                                                                                 suspensions and speculation about players' futures          things that are out of our control do not run as smoothly
     54     ACAdemy & SChOLARShiP                                                        certainly didn’t help but the bottom line is that we were   as we would like. Finally, emotionally - it is important that
                                                                                         simply not good enough. This year we must, and we           we feel welcomed. After months of negotiation, I am
                                                                                         will, do better.                                            confident that all three concerns have been met and we
     55     ROBiN PARk AReNA                                                             A few people were surprised at the selection of Matt
                                                                                         Peet as Head Coach but those within the game who
                                                                                                                                                     can look forward to a strong future at the stadium with
                                                                                                                                                     both Wigan Athletic and Wigan Warriors representing
                                                                                         know him well, were not surprised at all. He is a very      the people of Wigan.
    PAGES                                                                                skilled and equipped coach who will do well at the          Finally, our loyal fan base - we owe you a strong year.
    56-57 PRe-SeASON iN PiCTUReS                                                         Club. With the guidance of Shaun Wane, the
                                                                                         experience of Sean O’Loughlin and the enthusiasm and
                                                                                                                                                     The vision for our facility at Robin Park Arena has
                                                                                                                                                     always been for it to become a true community facility.
                                                                                         knowledge of Lee Briers, we are happy that this is a        The past two years of Covid have not allowed this to
     58     PAST PLAyeRS ASSOCiATiON                                                     strong, high-performance coaching team.
                                                                                         2022 is a very important time for the sport of Rugby
                                                                                                                                                     happen but we want it to have a ‘clubhouse’ feel. We
                                                                                                                                                     want fans to feel welcomed and comfortable there. The
                                                                                         League in the UK. The realignment of Super League           ‘Training under the Lights’ fans event in December was
    PAGE                                                                                 and the RFL is imminent and a third body - Rugby            a huge success and we will build on that as the year
     59     2022 hOme ANd AwAy kiTS                                                      League Commercial - is almost certainly being created       progresses with even more events.
                                                                                         to control the financial interests of the sport. With two   Ian Lenagan and I would like to thank you all personally
                                                                                         years left on the broadcasting contract, it is that vital   for your continued support.
     60     CONTACT US                                                                   time where we all need to raise our game.
                                                                                         The Super League Clubs will be working hard with the
                                                                                                                                                     2022 - let's do this!

2                                                                                                                                                                                                               3
2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Wigan Warriors
                                               The TeAm BehiNd The TeAm
                                                                                                                2022 FIRST TEAM     BeTFRed SUPeR LeAGUe FiXTUReS
                                                    Chairman                                                                                         ROUND   TiGeRS (A)
                                                   Ian Lenagan                                                                                        14     Fri 3 Jun : 20.00

                                                Executive Director
                                                                                                                 ROUND   ROBiNS (A)                  ROUND   Red deViLS (A)
                                                  Kris Radlinski
                                                                                                                   1     Fri 11 Feb : 20.00 : SKY     15     Sun 12 Jun : 15.00
                                                                                                                wAR OF The ROSeS                    ARmed FORCeS GAme
                                                                        Projects Director
                                                                                                                 ROUND   RhiNOS (h)                  ROUND   OLymPiqUe (h)
                       Finance Director
                         David Moore                                      Wayne Joyce
                                                                                                                   2     Fri 18 Feb : 20.00 : SKY     16     Fri 24 Jun : 20.00
                                                                                                                 ROUND   GiANTS (h)                  ROUND   TRiNiTy (A)
                                                                                            Sales Director         3     Thu 24 Feb : 20.00           17     Sun 3 Jul : 15.00
                                                                                            Geoff Warburton
                                                                                                                wARRiORS’ TOUR de FRANCe            mAGiC weekeNd
                                                                                                                 ROUND   OLymPiqUe (A)               ROUND   SAiNTS (N)
    Head of             Head of             Head of        Head of HR &         Head           Head of             4     Sat 5 Mar : 18.00            18     Sat 9 Jul : 16.45
  Marketing          Community              Media &        Administration    of Finance      Partnerships
 Michelle Byrne    Martin McLoughlin       Production      Carol Madden      Martin Smith   Rebecca Webb         ROUND   dRAGONS (A)                 ROUND   hULL FC (h)
                                        Stewart Frodsham
                                                                                                                   5     Sat 12 Mar : 18.00            19    Fri 15 Jul : 20.00
                                                           Administration   Finance Team
    Media &           Schools
Communications       Partnership        Digital Content        Team
                                                            Mary Sharkey
                                                                             Tracy Taylor
                                                                            Louise Wright
                                                                                               Sales &
                                                                                                                 ROUND   TiGeRS (h)                  ROUND   RhiNOS (A)
   Executive          Manager
                                           Charlotte       Mandy Johnston    Joanne Hale     Executives            6     Thu 12 Mar : 20.00 : SKY     20     Thu 21 Jul : 20.00
Alastair Hancock     Guy Wood
                                            Fletcher                                         Sam Cross
                                                                                            Heather Pickup       ROUND   hULL FC (h)                 ROUND   ROBiNS (h)
  Ticketing &
                       Health              Content                                                                 7     Thu 31 Mar : 20.00 : SKY     21     Fri 29 Jul : 20.00
                     & Wellbeing           Producer
                      Manager           Victoria Ashton                                     Lotto Manager       GOOd FRidAy                         heRiTAGe dAy
                     Claire Taylor                                                          Vicky Cowpland       ROUND   SAiNTS (A)                  ROUND   wOLVeS (h)
                                                                                                                   8     Fri 15 Apr : 15.00 : SKY     22     Fri 5 Aug : 20.00
                    Rugby League
                    Development                                                              Head of Retail     FAmiLy FUN dAy                       ROUND   TRiNiTy (A)
                       Officers                                                               Nicola Prior       ROUND   TRiNiTy (h)                  23     Sun 14 Aug : 15.00
                     Darren Marsh                                                                                  9     Mon 18 Apr : 15.00
                    Danny Fullerton                                                                                                                 wiGAN PRide
                                                                                            Retail Manager
                                                                                            Sarah Morrison
                                                                                                                 ROUND   Red deViLS (h)              ROUND   OLymPiqUe (h)
                     Community                                                                                     10    Sun 24 Apr : 13.00 : CH4     24     Fri 19 Aug : 20.00
                    Mike Stoneley
                                                                                            Retail Assistants    ROUND   wOLVeS (A)                  ROUND   SAiNTS (h)
                                                                                              Linda Kenny          11    Fri 29 Apr : 20.00 : SKY     25     Fri 26 Aug : 20.00
                                                                                              Sue Worrall
                    Development                                                              Danielle Lloyd
                        Officers                                                             Thomas Smith       ROUND GiANTS (A)                    ROUND ROBiNS (A)
                     Bradley Kelk                                                             Abi Sharratt        12 Fri 13 May : 19.45              26 Mon 29 Aug : 15.00
                    Simon Thorpe                                                              Luke Flavell
                   Patrick McLoughlin                                                       Grace Pritchard                                         key wORkeRS dAy
                    Georgia Wilson
                                                                                                                 ROUND   hULL FC (A)                 ROUND   dRAGONS (h)
                      Tom Marsh                                                                                    13    Sat 21 May : 15.00           27     Sat 3 Sep : 15.00
 4                                                                                                                                                                                5
2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Wigan Warriors
2022 FIRST TEAM                             PLAyiNG SqUAd
                                                                               FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS

                                                                               1. BeVAN FReNCh
 1. BeVAN FReNCh
    Position: Full back             16.  hARRy SmiTh
                                         Position: Scrum half
                                                                               Proudly sponsored by:
                                                                               mASTeR LOCk & SAFe
2. JAke BiBBy
    Position: Centre / Wing
                                    17. OLiVeR PARTiNGTON
                                         Position: Prop forward
                                                                               Position: Full back
                                                                               Date of birth: 04/01/1996

3. ZAk hARdAkeR
    Position: Centre / Full back
                                    18. wARRiORS FANS
                                         Position: Everywhere
                                                                               Heritage number: 1098
                                                                               Height: 175.3 cm
                                                                               Weight: 88kg

4. iAiN ThORNLey
    Position: Centre / Wing
                                    19. eThAN hAVARd
                                         Position: Forward
                                                                               Previous club: Parramatta Eels
                                                                               Representative honours: NRL Indigenous All Stars
                                                                               Wigan Debut: vs Hull KR (H), wing (sub),

                                    20. LiAm ByRNe
                                                                               won 36-18 at DW Stadium, 09/08/2019

5. LiAm mARShALL
    Position: Wing
                                         Position: Prop forward                hONOURS
                                                                               League Leaders’ Shield: 2020

6. CAde CUST
    Position: Stand off
                                    21. kAi PeARCe-PAUL
                                         Position: Second row
                                                                               Super League Dream Team: 2020

                                                                               PLAyeR STATiSTiCS
                                                                                                                                          l The Australian helped Wigan to secure silverware in

                                    22. JOe ShORROCkS
                                                                                                 ST SUB TOT T G            DG PTS
                                                                               Wigan career      29  5   34 26 0            0 104           2020, clinching the League Leaders’ Shield following

    Position: Scrum half / Hooker
                                         Position: Loose forward / Hooker      2021 season       5   0   5  3 0             0 12            a win in the final regular season round over
                                                                                                                                            Huddersfield Giants.

8. BRAd SiNGLeTON                   23. JAi FieLd
                                         Position: Half back / Full back
                                                                               l Renowned for his electric pace and dancing feet,
                                                                                 Bevan French can play a variety of positions in the
                                                                                                                                          l After an outstanding 2020 season, French was
                                                                                                                                            awarded Players’ Player of the Year and Player of the
                                                                                                                                            Year in the Club’s End of Season Awards.
    Position: Prop forward                                                                                                                l He was also named the Rugby League Writers’ and

                                    24. ABBAS miSki
                                                                                 backline and in the halves.
                                                                               l Born in Tingha, New South Wales, French is of              Broadcasters’ Association Player of the Year for

9. SAm POweLL                            Position: Wing                          Indigenous Australian descent and played his junior
                                                                                 Rugby League for Tingha Tigers RLFC.
                                                                                                                                            2020 and shortlisted for the 2020 Steve Prescott
                                                                                                                                            Man of Steel.
    Position: Hooker / Scrum half
                                    25. SAm hALSALL                            l He is the nephew of former Australian international
                                                                                 and St George Illawarra Dragons and Hull FC winger
                                                                                                                                          l French suffered a season ending hamstring injury in
                                                                                                                                            May 2021 and returned home to Australia to

10. PATRiCk mAGO                         Position: Centre / Wing                 Nathan Blacklock.                                          complete his rehabilitation.

                                    26. JAmeS mcdONNeLL
                                                                               l A noted finisher, French made 47 appearances for         l The Full back exercised his additional year option
    Position: Prop forward
                                                                                 Parramatta Eels since his debut in May 2016 and            with the Club for the 2022 season.
                                         Position: Second row / Centre
11. wiLLie iSA
                                                                                 scored 35 tries overall.

                                    27. UmyLA hANLey
                                                                               l The Australian back also represented the Indigenous
    Position: Second row                                                         All Stars in 2017.
                                                                               l He joined Wigan halfway through the 2019 season
                                         Position: Full back
12. LiAm FARReLL
    Position: Second row
                                    28. BRAd O’NeiLL
                                                                                 after being granted a release from Parramatta.
                                                                               l French made his debut for Wigan as he came off the
                                                                                 bench in the 36-18 win over Hull KR at the DW
                                         Position: Hooker                        Stadium on 9th August and scored a try on his first                                         SCAN heRe
13. JOhN BATemAN
    Position: Forward
                                    29. ALeX SUTTON
                                         Position: Centre
                                                                                 start for the Club a week later in the victory against
                                                                                 Warrington Wolves.
                                                                               l He went on to play eight times for the Warriors in

14. mORGAN SmiThieS
    Position: Loose forward         30. mATTy NiChOLSON
                                         Position: Loose forward
                                                                                 2019 and scored six tries.
                                                                               l French became top try scorer for Wigan in the 2020
                                                                                 season, touching down 17 tries in 21 games in all

15. kAide eLLiS
    Position: Prop forward          31. RAmON SiLVA
                                         Position: Prop forward / Second row
                                                                               l Alongside fellow Warrior Liam Farrell, he was named
                                                                                 in the 2020 Betfred Super League Dream Team at full
6                                                                                                                                                                                              7
2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Wigan Warriors
FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
                                                                                     2022                            FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
2. JAke BiBBy                                                                                                        3. ZAk hARdAkeR
Proudly sponsored by:                                                                                                Proudly sponsored by:
ALCedO CARe                                                                                                          SUNBeLT ReNTALS
FACTFiLe                                                                                                             FACTFiLe
Position: Centre / Wing                                                                                              Position: Centre / Full back
Date of birth: 17/06/1996                                                                                            Date of birth: 17/10/1991
Heritage number: 1100                                                                                                Heritage number: 1090
Height: 182.9cm                                                                                                      Height: 185.4cm
Weight: 98.3kg                                                                                                       Weight: 92kg
Previous club: Salford Red Devils                                                                                    Previous club: Castleford Tigers
Wigan Debut: vs Warrington Wolves (H), centre,                                                                       Representative honours: Great Britain, England,
won 16-10 at the DW Stadium, 30/01/2020                                                                              England Knights
                                                                                                                     Wigan Debut: vs St Helens (A), full back
hONOURS                                                                                                              (two goals), lost 22-12
League Leaders’ Shield: 2020                                                                                         at the Totally Wicked Stadium, 31/01/2019

PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                                                                                    hONOURS
                 ST SUB TOT T G             DG PTS                                                                   World Club Challenge: 2012
Wigan career     47  0   47 19 0             0 76          l Bibby would go on to be a consistent figure in          Super League: 2011, 2012, 2015 GFs                           l After stints with Penrith Panthers and Castleford
                                                             Wigan’s 2020 side, making 19 appearances and            Challenge Cup: 2014, 2015                                      Tigers, Hardaker joined Wigan in 2019 and went on
2021 season      28  0   28 14 0             0 56
                                                             scoring five tries. His versatility saw him play a      League Leaders’ Shield: 2015, 2017, 2020                       to make 32 appearances in his debut season, scoring
PROFiLe                                                      number of roles in the back line throughout 2020, and   Super League Man of Steel: 2015                                12 tries, converting 97 goals and one drop goal.
l A Wiganer who played more minutes than any other           his performance undoubtedly helped the Club in                                                                       l An impressive 2019 campaign saw him called up to
                                                                                                                     Super League Dream Team: 2014, 2015, 2017
  player in the regular Betfred Super League season in       lifting the League Leaders’ Shield in November.                                                                        the Great Britain Lions squad for the Tour of New
  2021, featuring in all 25 games.                         l In 2021, Bibby played in every game - 28 overall.       PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                              Zealand and Papua New Guinea, where he played
                                                           l The centre went over for 14 tries in 2021, his second                                                                  two of the four matches.
l Bibby is a former Orrell St James ARLFC junior.                                                                                      ST SUB TOT T G DG PTS
                                                             highest season haul in his playing career.                                                                           l Shifting from full back to centre, Hardaker produced
l He is a former Orrell St James ARLFC junior.                                                                       Wigan career      70  1   71 23 188 2 470
                                                                                                                                                                                    another impressive campaign for Wigan in 2020,
l A versatile player, Bibby predominately plays at                                                                   2021 season       18  1   19 6 19 1 63                         appearing 20 times, scoring five tries and kicking 72
  centre, but can also play on the wing - on the left or
                                                                                                                                                                                    goals in all competitions.
  right.                                                                                                             PROFiLe                                                      l Hardaker was a consistent performer in Wigan’s
l He made his professional debut for Salford in                                                                      l A highly decorated player who was Wigan’s Player of
                                                                                                                                                                                    League Leaders’ Shield winning side of 2020.
  September 2015 against Hull KR in the old Super 8s                                                                   the Season, Players’ Player of the Season and
                                                                                                                                                                                  l Hardaker made 19 appearances in the 2021 season,
  Qualifiers.                                                                                                          Community Player of the Season in 2019.
                                                                                                                                                                                    accumulating 63 points with six tries, 19 goals and
l In 2016, he went on loan at North Wales Crusaders                                                                  l Hardaker signed a four-year deal with Wigan in May
                                                                                                                                                                                    one drop goal.
  and Oldham RLFC where he played three times at                                                                       2018, starting from 2019.
                                                                                                                                                                                  l In 2021 Hardaker represented England in a 30-10
  each club. He also featured in six games for Salford                                                               l He is a versatile player who can operate at centre, full
                                                                                                                                                                                    win over France in Perpignan.
  that year.                                                                                                           back or on the wing.
                                                                                                                     l He has previously played for Featherstone Rovers,
l A year later, Bibby played 17 times for Salford,
                                                                                                                       Leeds Rhinos, Penrith Panthers and Castleford
  scoring six tries and also went on loan at Halifax
  RLFC and made three appearances.
                                                                                                                     l Internationally, Hardaker has represented England
l His best season at Salford came in 2019, as he made                                        SCAN heRe                                                                                                              SCAN heRe
                                                                                                                       Knights (2012-2013) and England (2012-2015,
  29 appearances and scored 17 tries.                                                                                  2021).
l Bibby played in all five games for Salford against                                                                 l He is a double Grand Final winner (2011 and 2012),
  Wigan in 2019 and went on to feature in Salford’s                                                                    double Challenge Cup winner (2014 and 2015) and
  first ever Super League Grand Final at Old Trafford.                                                                 three-time League Leaders’ Shield winner (2015,
  Overall, he made 79 appearances for Salford.                                                                         2017 and 2020).
l After his consistent impressive performances, Bibby                                                                l The full back was named the 2012 Super League
  signed for Wigan during the 2019 campaign.                                                                           Young Player of the Year whilst at Leeds and named
                                                                                                                       the 2015 Super League Man of Steel after a stellar
                                                                                                                       season at the Rhinos.
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      9
2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Wigan Warriors
FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
                                                          2022         FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
4. iAiN ThORNLey                                                       5. LiAm mARShALL
Proudly sponsored by:                                                  Proudly sponsored by:
SLOBBeRy ChOPS LTd.                                                    meTRO ROd (LANCAShiRe)
FACTFiLe                                                               FACTFiLe
Position: Centre / Winger                                              Position: Winger
Date of birth: 11/09/1991                                              Date of birth: 09/05/1996
Heritage number: 1039                                                  Heritage number: 1075
Height: 195.6cm                                                        Height: 177.2cm
Weight: 104.8kg
                                                                       Weight: 89.1kg
Previous club: Leigh Centurions
Wigan Debut: vs Wakefield Trinity (A), wing,                           Previous club: Wigan Academy
won 52-10 at Belle Vue, 08/07/2012                                     (Wigan St. Patricks ARLFC)
                                                                       Representative honours: England Knights
hONOURS                                                                Wigan Debut: vs Leigh Centurions (H), wing,
Challenge Cup: 2013                                                    won 20-0 at DW Stadium, 03/03/2017
Super League: 2013
PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                                      Super League: 2018
                  ST SUB TOT T G            DG PTS
Wigan career      45  0   45 30 0            0 120
                                                                       League Leaders’ Shield: 2020                               l The winger returned to action in June 2021 after a
                                                                                                                                    10-month spell on the sidelines recovering from the
PROFiLe                                                                PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                            ACL injury.
l 30-year-old rejoins Wigan on a two-year deal with an                                   ST SUB TOT T G DG PTS
                                                                                                                                  l In 2021, he made 16 appearances and scored seven
  option for a third year.                                             Wigan career      96  0   96 70 10 0 300                     tries.
                                                                       2021 season       16  0   16 7 0   0 28                    l Internationally, Marshall featured in the England
l Starting out in Wigan’s Academy system, Thornley –
                                                                                                                                    Knights’ 56-4 win over Jamaica in October 2021.
  aged 18 – switched codes to Rugby Union to join                      PROFiLe
  Sale Sharks.                                                         l Renowned for his acrobatic diving style when scoring
                                                                         tries, Liam Marshall is an entertainer on the pitch.
l After playing for Sale and a stint at Leeds Carnegie,
                                                                       l Marshall is a former Wigan Academy player who
  he re-joined Wigan and went on to play 45 games
                                                                         played for the Reserves side in 2016. He also played
  and score 30 tries in his four seasons at the Club
  between 2012 and 2015.                                                 for Swinton Lions in the Championship in 2016,
                                                                         scoring 20 tries in 22 appearances.
l He was part of the 2013 double winning team and                      l The winger was handed a professional contract with
  became a Super League and Challenge Cup winner.                        Wigan ahead of the 2017 season and he had a
                                                                         dream debut campaign, playing 24 times, scoring 23
l Since leaving Wigan in 2015, Thornley has played for                   tries and being named joint Wigan Warriors Young
  Hull KR, Catalans Dragons and most recently Leigh                      Player of the Year.
  Centurions.                                                          l Marshall made his first major final appearance in the
                                                                         2017 Challenge Cup Final against Hull FC at
                                                                         Wembley Stadium.
                                                           SCAN heRe   l He signed a new contract in April 2018 after a string                                      SCAN heRe
                                                                         of stand-out performances. Overall, in that year, he
                                                                         scored 16 tries in 21 games, but his season was cut
                                                                         short after picking up an ACL injury in August.
                                                                       l He returned to the side in 2019, becoming Wigan’s
                                                                         top try scorer for the season with 17 in 24 games.
                                                                       l Marshall had a bright start to 2020, but his season
                                                                         was cut short with a knee ligament injury sustained vs
                                                                         Castleford in late August. He appeared ten times,
                                                                         scoring six tries.
10                                                                                                                                                                                   11
2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Wigan Warriors
FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
                                                            2022         FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
6. CAde CUST                                                             7. ThOmAS LeULUAi
Proudly sponsored by:                                                    Proudly sponsored by:
hARmONy BLiNdS LTd.                                                      ChRiS & NiCOLA mARTiNdALe
FACTFiLe                                                                 FACTFiLe
Position: Stand off                                                      Position: Scrum half / hooker
Date of birth: 14/09/1998                                                Date of birth: 22/06/1985
Heritage number:                                                         Heritage number: 997
Height: 180.7cm                                                          Height: 173.4cm
Weight: 89.9kg                                                           Weight: 94.6kg
Previous club: Manly Warringah Sea Eagles                                Previous club: New Zealand Warriors
Representative honours: NRL Indigenous All Stars                         Representative honours: New Zealand
Wigan Debut:                                                             Wigan Debut: vs Warrington Wolves (H),
                                                                         scrum half, lost 10-16 at DW Stadium, 08/02/2007
l Cust joins Wigan from Manly Warringah Sea Eagles                       hONOURS
  where he played 27 games in the NRL, scoring nine                      World Club Challenge: 2017
  tries.                                                                 Super League: 2010, 2018 GFs
                                                                         Challenge Cup: 2011
l Born in Scone, New South Wales, Cust started                           League Leaders’ Shield: 2010, 2012, 2020                l Leuluai scored a crucial try in the 2011 Challenge
  playing Rugby League for his local junior side Scone                                                                             Cup Final win over Leeds Rhinos.
                                                                         Harry Sunderland Trophy: 2010
  Thoroughbreds.                                                                                                                 l He helped Wigan to the League Leaders’ Shield in
                                                                         World Cup Winner: 2008
                                                                         Four Nations Winner: 2010                                 his final year at the Club in 2012, having played 189
l After being scouted by Manly, he and his family
                                                                                                                                   games and amassing 60 tries.
  travelled to Sydney each week to allow Cust to train
  and play for Manly’s junior teams.                                     PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                       l He re-joined New Zealand Warriors in 2013 and
                                                                                         ST SUB TOT T G           DG PTS           stayed there for four years, playing 64 games.
l Cust impressed and went on to progress through the                     Wigan career    313 2 315 74 0            1 297         l The scrum half returned to Wigan in 2017 and helped
  ranks at the Sea Eagles, playing a major role in                       2021 season      13 0   13 1 0            0  4            the Club win the World Club Challenge against
  helping the side win the final Holden Cup Premiership                                                                            Cronulla Sharks.
  in 2017, before playing in the Canterbury Cup NSW                      PROFiLe                                                 l He scored the first try in the 14-0 Super League
  for Manly’s feeder club side, Blacktown Workers Sea                    l Renowned for a huge hit, Kiwi Tommy Leuluai is one      Semi-Final win over Castleford in 2018 and claimed
  Eagles.                                                                  of Wigan’s most experienced players in the 2022         his second Grand Final Winners ring after the victory
                                                                           squad as he enters his 12th year with the Warriors.     against Warrington Wolves.
l In Round 10 of the 2019 campaign, Cust made his                        l Tommy is the son of former Hull FC and New            l In 2020 and in the absence of Club skipper Sean
  NRL debut against Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks and                         Zealand player James Leuluai.                           O’Loughlin, Leuluai captained the side to their 2020
  scored his first try for the Sea Eagles two games later                l He made his NRL debut for New Zealand Warriors in       League Leaders’ Shield victory.
  against Penrith Panthers.                                                May 2003, becoming the youngest player to ever play   l Following O’Loughlin’s retirement in 2020, Leuluai
                                                                           for the Club.                                           was awarded the Club captaincy for 2021.
l Cust, who is of Aboriginal descent and recently                                                                                l Leuluai played 13 games for the Warriors in 2021 but
                                                                         l He made his debut for the Kiwis aged just 18 in
  represented the Indigenous All Stars in 2021.                                                                                    a hamstring injury forced him to miss the remainder of
                                                                           2003, becoming the second youngest player to
                                                                           represent New Zealand.                                  the season.
l His ability to be aggressive in his attacking approach,
                                                             SCAN heRe   l Leuluai joined London Broncos (formally known as      l At the end of 2021, he             SCAN heRe
  a solid kicking game, and versatility to play in the
                                                                           Harlequins RL) in 2005, making 40 appearances for       triggered a one-year
  halves and at hooker will provide Wigan with an
  abundance of creativity, pace and skill in 2022.                         the Club.                                               contract extension to see
                                                                         l The half back signed for Wigan ahead of the 2007        him enter his 12th season
                                                                           season.                                                 with the Cherry and Whites
                                                                         l He won the 2010 League Leaders’ Shield and the          in 2022.
                                                                           2010 Grand Final with the Warriors.
                                                                         l Leuluai is a Harry Sunderland Trophy Winner for his
                                                                           Man of the Match performance in the 2010 Grand
                                                                           Final against St Helens.
12                                                                                                                                                                                    13
2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Wigan Warriors
FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
                                                                                   2022                          FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
8. BRAd SiNGLeTON                                                                                                9. SAm POweLL
Proudly sponsored by:                                                                                            Proudly sponsored by:
BeRNARd & BeNJAmiN LLOyd                                                                                         eVeRGReeN ACCOUNTANTS
FACTFiLe                                                                                                         FACTFiLe
Position: Prop forward                                                                                           Position: Hooker/Scrum half
Date of birth: 29/10/1992                                                                                        Date of birth: 03/07/1992
Heritage number: 1110                                                                                            Heritage number: 1041
Height: 188cm                                                                                                    Height: 177cm
Weight: 104kg                                                                                                    Weight: 90kg
Previous club: Toronto Wolfpack                                                                                  Previous club: Wigan Academy
Representative honours: Ireland RL                                                                               (Wigan St Patricks ARLFC)
Wigan Debut: vs Warrington Wolves (A), sub,                                                                      Representative honours: England Knights
won 14-18, at Emerald Headingley Stadium,                                                                        Wigan Debut: vs Hull FC (H), scrum half (one try),
09/10/2020                                                                                                       won 48-10 at DW Stadium, 03/08/2012

hONOURS                                                                                                          hONOURS
Super League: 2015, 2017 GFs                                                                                     World Club Challenge: 2017
Challenge Cup: 2015                                                                                              Super League: 2016, 2018 GFs
League Leaders’ Shield: 2015, 2020                       l Signing an immediate three-year deal with Wigan in    League Leaders’ Shield: 2012, 2020                            l Won his second Grand Final ring after starting at
                                                           September 2020, Singleton made six appearances                                                                        hooker against Warrington in 2018.
                                                           and became a crucial part of the Warriors side that   PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                             l Selected for the 2018 England Knights’ Tour of
PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                          achieved the League Leaders’ Shield success.                            ST SUB TOT T G DG PTS                         Papua New Guinea and played in both games, five
                  ST SUB TOT T           G   DG PTS
                                                                                                                 Wigan career      175 55 230 37 12 4 176                        years after his last appearance when he scored two
Wigan career      27  1   28 3           0    0 12       l Singleton made 22 appearances for the Warriors in     2021 season        22  1  23 3 0   0 12                         tries against Samoa.
2021 season       22  0   22 3           0    0 12         2021, crossing for three tries.                                                                                     l An ever-present in the League Leaders’ Shield
PROFiLe                                                                                                          PROFiLe                                                         winning side of 2020, Powell made 18 appearances,
                                                                                                                 l One of Wigan’s hardcore players in the middle of the
l A highly decorated player who has picked up all the                                                                                                                            scoring an impressive 12 tries in all competitions.
                                                                                                                   field, Sam Powell is a double Super League winner
  domestic major trophies in his career so far.                                                                                                                                l Powell was a consistent starter for the Warriors in
                                                                                                                   after triumphs in 2016 and 2018.
                                                                                                                                                                                 2021 too, making 23 appearances and going over for
                                                                                                                 l A versatile player who is equally competent at hooker
l A tough and uncompromising forward, Singleton is                                                                                                                               three tries.
  well regarded for his never-say-die attitude.                                                                    or half back, as seen in 2016 when he was named
                                                                                                                   Players’ Player of the Year after standing in at nine for
l He has previously played for Toronto Wolfpack,                                                                   much of the year.
  Leeds Rhinos as well as loan spells with                                                                       l Joined Wigan at the age of 16 from Wigan
  Featherstone Rovers, Dewsbury Rams, Wakefield                                                                    St Patricks ARLFC.
  Trinity and dual registration for Hunslet.                                                                     l Spent four years in the Club’s Academy and played a
                                                                                                                   starring role in the 2011 Academy Grand Final win
l Internationally, Singleton has represented Ireland,                                                              over Warrington Wolves.
  appearing in the 2017 World Cup.                                                                               l Made his first team debut in August 2012, scoring a
                                                                                                                   try in a win over Hull FC.
l He is a double Grand Final winner (2015 and 2017),                                        SCAN heRe            l Held down a regular spot in the first team during                                            SCAN heRe
  Challenge Cup winner (2015) and League Leaders’                                                                  2014 and signed a new long-term deal with the Club
  Shield winner (2015 & 2020).                                                                                     on the eve of the 2015 season.
                                                                                                                 l Won the Super League Grand Final at the third
l Singleton made four appearances for Toronto at the
                                                                                                                   attempt in 2016.
  start of the 2020 season, including the 32-10 defeat
                                                                                                                 l Started at hooker in the 2017 World Club Challenge
  to Wigan in February. However, a serious knee injury
  saw Singleton sidelined for four months.                                                                         win over Cronulla Sharks and featured off the bench
                                                                                                                   in the 2017 Challenge Cup Final vs Hull FC.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Wigan Warriors
FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
                                                           2022         FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
10. PATRiCk mAGO                                                        11. wiLLie iSA
Proudly sponsored by:                                                   Proudly sponsored by:
BROCkweLLS FOReSTRy LTd.                                                BiTheLLS wASTe mANAGemeNT
FACTFiLe                                                                FACTFiLe
Position: Prop forward                                                  Position: Second row / Centre
Date of birth: 04/12/1994                                               Date of birth: 01/01/1989
Heritage number:                                                        Heritage number: 1064
Height: 183.7cm                                                         Height: 179.4cm
Weight: 118.3kg                                                         Weight: 94kg
Previous club: South Sydney Rabbitohs                                   Previous club: Widnes Vikings
Wigan Debut:                                                            Representative honours: Samoa
PROFiLe                                                                 Wigan Debut: vs Catalans Dragons (H), second row,
l An experienced prop forward who signed for Wigan                      won 12-6 at DW Stadium, 05/02/2016
  on a two year deal starting from 2022.
l Mago is a prop forward, originally from Auckland,                     Super League: 2016 GF, 2018
  New Zealand.                                                          League Leaders’ Shield: 2020
                                                                                                                                     l A consistent performer at second row in 2020, Isa
l He has previously played for North Queensland                         PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                              made the joint highest appearances in the squad (21)
  Cowboys, Brisbane Broncos and South Sydney                                              ST SUB TOT T G             DG PTS
                                                                                                                                       and scored two tries in a season that saw the Warriors
  Rabbitohs.                                                            Wigan career      142 23 168 16 0             0 64             lift the League Leaders’ Shield.
                                                                        2021 season       20  0   20 2 0              0  2           l Isa was a firm starter in 2021, making 20 appearances
l Made his debut for Cowboys in Round 23 game
                                                                                                                                       and scoring two tries.
  against Penrith Panthers in 2017.                                     PROFiLe                                                      l The second rower was named captain for the first time
                                                                        l A former winger who is now a backbone in the forward
l With two appearances for the Panthers he then                                                                                        in his career as he led the Warriors to victory in their
                                                                          positions and known for his industrious carries.
  signed for Brisbane Broncos for 2018 season.                                                                                         final round victory over Catalans Dragons at the DW
                                                                        l Born in Auckland and represented the Australian
                                                                                                                                       Stadium in 2021.
                                                                          Schoolboys at Under-15s level.
l Mago played 12 games for the Broncos, scoring two
                                                                        l Played for New South Wales Under-17s and later went
  tries and appearing in their Elimination Final loss at
                                                                          on to make his senior debut for Penrith Panthers aged
  Suncorp Stadium.
                                                                          19 in 2008.
l The forward joined South Sydney and made 12                           l Joined Melbourne Storm for the 2009 and 2010
  appearances in 2020, making a further 11                                seasons.
  appearances in 2021.                                                  l Moved to Castleford Tigers for one season in 2011 but
                                                                          was restricted to just nine appearances owing to injury.
l The prop forward joins Wigan for 2022 on a two-year                   l Joined Widnes Vikings for the 2012 campaign and
  deal.                                                                   soon became a regular, making 85 appearances in four
                                                                        l Signed for Wigan ahead of the 2016 season and made
                                                                          30 appearances, including the Grand Final win over
                                                            SCAN heRe                                                                                                     SCAN heRe
                                                                          Warrington Wolves.
                                                                        l Played in the 2017 Challenge Cup Final against Hull
                                                                          FC at Wembley Stadium.
                                                                        l Featured 29 times for Wigan in 2018 but missed out
                                                                          on the 17-man squad for the Grand Final against
                                                                          Warrington at Old Trafford.
                                                                        l A Liverpool FC fan at heart, Isa scored a try at The
                                                                          Kop end at Anfield in the Dacia Magic Weekend clash
                                                                          with Warrington in May 2019.

16                                                                                                                                                                                          17
2022 MEDIA GUIDE - Wigan Warriors
FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
                                                                                              2022                              FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
12. LiAm FARReLL                                                                                                                13. JOhN BATemAN
Proudly sponsored by:                                                                                                           Proudly sponsored by:
PURe TeChNOLOGy GROUP                                                                                                           CheShiRe weALTh
FACTFiLe                                                                                                                        PARTNeRShiP
Position: Second row
Date of birth: 02/07/1990                                                                                                       FACTFiLe
Heritage number: 1017                                                                                                           Position: Forward
Height: 182.8cm                                                                                                                 Date of birth: 30/09/1993
Weight: 93.5kg                                                                                                                  Heritage number: 1056
Previous club: Wigan Academy                                                                                                    Height: 182.8cm
(Wigan St Pats ARLFC)                                                                                                           Weight: 94.9kg
Representative honours: England, England Knights                                                                                Previous club: Canberra Raiders
Wigan Debut: vs Wakefield (H), sub (one try),
                                                                                                                                Representative honours: Great Britain, England
won 54-4 at DW Stadium, 05/04/2010
                                                                                                                                Wigan Debut: vs Sydney Roosters (A), sub,
hONOURS                                                                                                                         lost 36-14 at the Allianz Stadium, Sydney,
World Club Challenge: 2017                                                                                                      22/02/2014
Super League: 2010, 2013, 2016, 2018 GFs
Challenge Cup: 2011, 2013                                        l Played 17 games and scored eight tries in 2019 – a           hONOURS                                                     l The second row was named in the 2018 Super League
League Leaders’ Shield: 2010, 2012, 2020                           season which saw him being named in the Super League         World Club Challenge: 2017                                    Dream Team and was shortlisted for the 2018 Steve
Harry Sunderland Trophy: 2016                                      Dream Team (2015 was his first time).                                                                                      Prescott Man of Steel. At Wigan’s End of Season
                                                                 l The 2020 season marked Farrell’s testimonial year for        Super League: 2016, 2018 GFs
Super League Dream Team: 2015, 2019                                Wigan. The Warriors took on Leeds Rhinos in his              Super League Dream Team: 2018                                 Dinner, Bateman was awarded the Players’ Player of
                                                                   testimonial friendly fixture, taking place at the DW                                                                       the Year and Player of the Year.
PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                                  Stadium ahead of the Betfred Super League season at
                                                                                                                                Dally M second rower of the Year: 2019                      l In 2019, he joined NRL side Canberra Raiders and
                    ST SUB TOT T G               DG PTS            the end of January.                                                                                                        went on to play 23 games – winning 17 of those,
Wigan career        237 58 295 115 0              0 460          l A fantastic 2020 campaign lay ahead for the second           PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                             scoring five tries and making 820 tackles overall.
                                                                   rower, who appeared 21 times for Wigan, scoring 10                                                                       l The forward inspired Canberra to the 2019 NRL Grand
2021 season          24  0  24 9 0                0 36                                                                                           ST SUB TOT T G             DG PTS
                                                                   tries – helping the Warriors clinch their first silverware
                                                                                                                                Wigan career     139 12 151 36 0             0 144            Final where he played at second row against Sydney
                                                                   since 2018, lifting the League Leaders’ Shield.
PROFiLe                                                          l Farrell was awarded for his individual performances,         2021 season       16  3  19 1 0              0  4
l A one-club man who has had a glittering career so far –          being named in the 2020 Betfred Super League Dream                                                                       l At the end of 2019, Bateman was named the Dally M
    winning all there is to claim in the game – and is now one
    of the key leaders in the Wigan squad.
                                                                   Team alongside teammate Bevan French. Farrell also           PROFiLe                                                       second row of the year and was shortlisted for the
                                                                   earned a place in the shortlist for the 2020 Steve                                                                         2019 Golden Boot – the only British nominee for the
l   A product of the Wigan Academy having played for the                                                                        l A proven and respected performer in both hemispheres
                                                                   Prescott Man of Steel.                                                                                                     award.
    Club’s Under-18s and Under-20s teams.                        l He was awarded the Coach’s Player of the Year by               – after leaving Wigan for two years to play in the NRL,
l   Liam is a distant cousin to Wigan legend Andy Farrell                                                                         Bateman returned and re-signed for the Warriors ahead     l Internationally, Bateman has represented England –
                                                                   Adrian Lam at Wigan’s 2020 End of Season Awards
    and brother to ex-Warrior Connor.                              evening, as Lam highlighted the Englishman’s                                                                               including games at the 2017 World Cup. Bateman
                                                                                                                                  of the 2021 season on a four-year deal.
l   Made his debut in 2010 and went on to complete a               professionalism on and off the field in a challenging                                                                      represented Great Britain for the first time in the 2019
    dream first season playing 23 games, including the                                                                          l Born in 1993, Bateman started playing Rugby League
                                                                   season for all.                                                                                                            Lions Tour of New Zealand and Papua New Guinea –
    Grand Final win over St Helens.                                                                                               for amateur club Bradford Dudley Hill.
                                                                 l Farrell made 24 appearances in 2021, including a stint at                                                                  playing in all four games and scoring one try.
l   His 80th minute match-winning try in the Good Friday           centre, grabbing nine tries along the way.                   l He went on to join his hometown club, Bradford Bulls,
    derby against St Helens in 2010 will be part of Club                                                                                                                                    l On 3rd July 2020 it was announced that Bateman
                                                                 l 2021 also saw Farrell named in the Super League Dream          where he made 35 appearances and scored nine tries
    folklore.                                                      Team for a fourth time (2015, 2019, 2020) as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                              would return to England for a second stint with Wigan,
                                                                                                                                  between 2011 and 2013. Incidentally, his first Super
l   A double Challenge Cup winner with Wigan – in 2011             picking up Player’s Player of                                                                                              signing on a four-year deal.
    (vs Leeds Rhinos) and 2013 (vs Hull FC).                                                                                      League try came against Wigan in 2011.
                                                                   the Year at the Warriors End            SCAN heRe            l In 2014 he joined Wigan and made his debut against
                                                                                                                                                                                            l In his first season back in         SCAN heRe
l   Won the League Leaders’ Shield with the Warriors in            of Season Awards evening.                                                                                                  Cherry and White (2021),
    2010, 2012 AND 2020.                                         l At the end of 2021, Farrell                                    Sydney Roosters in the World Club Challenge.
l   A four-time Grand Final winner with Wigan (2010 vs St                                                                                                                                     Bateman made 19
                                                                   featured for England and                                     l In his five years at the Club, Bateman went on to make
    Helens and 2013, 2016, 2018 vs Warrington Wolves).                                                                                                                                        appearances.
                                                                   scored a try against France in                                 132 appearances for the Warriors – scoring 35 tries.
l   Played twice for England at the 2013 World Cup and             a 30-10 win.
                                                                                                                                                                                            l In October 2021, he
    was an ever-present in the 2014 Four Nations Series.                                                                        l Between 2014 and 2018, Bateman became a double
                                                                                                                                                                                              captained England and
l   A Harry Sunderland Trophy winner after he returned from                                                                       Super League Grand Final (2016 and 2018) winner and
                                                                                                                                                                                              scored two tries in a 30-10
    injury to play an instrumental part in the 2016 Grand                                                                         was part of the historic 2017 World Club Challenge          win against France.
    Final.                                                                                                                        winning team that beat Cronulla Sharks.
l   Was part of the 2017 World Club Challenge squad that
    beat Cronulla Sharks at the DW Stadium.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19
FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
                                                                                        2022                             FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
14. mORGAN SmiThieS                                                                                                      15. kAide eLLiS
Proudly sponsored by:                                                                                                    Proudly sponsored by:
CJS PLUmBiNG ANd heATiNG                                                                                                 SmALLey (NORTh weST) LTd.
Position: Loose forward                                                                                                  FACTFiLe
Date of birth: 07/11/2000                                                                                                Position: Prop forward
Heritage number: 1094                                                                                                    Date of birth: 04/08/1996
Height: 186.3cm                                                                                                          Heritage number:
Weight: 98kg                                                                                                             Height: 191.8cm
Previous club: Wigan Academy (Siddal ARLFC)                                                                              Weight: 110.8kg
Representative honours: England Knights                                                                                  Previous club: St George Illawarra Dragons
Wigan Debut: vs Catalans Dragons (H), loose                                                                              Wigan Debut:
forward (sub), won 42-0 at the DW Stadium,
31/03/2019                                                                                                               PROFiLe
                                                                                                                         l Ellis is a prop forward from New South Wales,
hONOURS                                                                                                                    Australia.
League Leaders’ Shield: 2020
                                                                                                                         l Born in Dubbo, New South Wales, Ellis played his
PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                           l The Yorkshireman went on to make 23 appearances              junior Rugby League at St Johns Dubbo and South
                  ST SUB TOT T          G    DG PTS                                                                        Dubbo Raiders.
                                                              for Wigan in 2019 and he scored his first try for the
Wigan career      35 24 59 1            0     0  4            Club in the final round of the regular season against
                                                                                                                         l He was part of Penrith Panthers’ youth system, winning
2021 season       18  1   19 0          0     0  0            Castleford Tigers at the DW Stadium.
                                                                                                                           the 2015 National Youth Competition Grand Final.
                                                            l He signed a new four-year deal with Wigan during the
PROFiLe                                                       2019 campaign.
l A hugely talented loose forward who broke the                                                                          l Two years later, Ellis played in the Panthers State
                                                            l His outstanding debut season in the first team saw           Championship Final against the PNG Hunters, where
  record for the number of tackles made by a player in
                                                              him shortlisted for the Super League Young Player of         he was awarded Man of the Match.
  the Super League era – making a remarkable 72
                                                              the Year Award, as well as winning the Young Player
  tackles in a Play-Off win against Salford Red Devils in
  September 2019.                                             of the Year Award, alongside fellow young teammate         l He made his NRL debut in 2018 against Gold Coast
l Born in Halifax, Smithies learned his Rugby League          Ollie Partington, at the Club’s End of Season Awards         Titans, which ended in a 35-12 victory for Penrith
  trade as he played for amateur club Siddal ARLFC.           Dinner.                                                      Panthers.
l The youngster caught the eye of former Warriors           l He was rewarded with a call up to the England
  Yorkshire scout Tom Bickerton in 2015, as he went           Knights squad for the first time in 2019 and started at    l After making eight appearances for Penrith, Ellis signed
  on to join the Wigan Scholarship system.                    loose forward in the 38-6 international fixture win over     for St George Illawarra in 2020 and has played 14
l Smithies settled impressively into the Wigan                Jamaica in October.                                          games since, including six in 2021.
  Academy, whilst also representing England at youth        l Another successful season followed for Smithies in
                                                              2020, and one that would see him lift his first            l Ellis joined Wigan for the 2022 season on a three-year
                                                              silverware in the professional game. Making 16               deal.
l After winning the 2017 Wigan Warriors Under-16’s
  Players of the Year Award, the loose forward added          appearances in total, the dynamic back rower helped
  an Under-19s Grand Final winners medal in 2018.             Wigan to their first League Leaders’ Shield since
l Whilst having a taste of playing at the DW Stadium,         2012.
  Smithies inspired his team with a Man of the Match        l Smithies continued his             SCAN heRe                                                                             SCAN heRe
  performance in Wigan’s then record ninth Academy            form into 2021, making 19
  Grand Final win in 11 years.                                appearances as a
l In his first year overall at Under-19s level, Smithies      consistent performer for
  made 22 appearances and scored three tries.                 Wigan.
l His rapid progression saw him called up to the first
  team aged 18 as he made his debut for the Club in a
  42-0 home win against Catalans Dragons in March
  2019. Smithies became the first player born in the
  current century to play for the Club.
20                                                                                                                                                                                                 21
FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
                                                                                        2022                            FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
16. hARRy SmiTh                                                                                                         17. OLiVeR PARTiNGTON
Proudly sponsored by:                                                                                                   Proudly sponsored by:
BLUeSky PLUmBiNG                                                                                                        Jd CeRAmiCS
FACTFiLe                                                                                                                NORThweST LTd.
Position: Scrum half
Date of birth: 25/01/2000                                                                                               FACTFiLe
Heritage number: 1099                                                                                                   Position: Prop forward
Height: 176.1cm                                                                                                         Date of birth: 03/09/1998
Weight: 87kg                                                                                                            Heritage number: 1089
Previous club: Wigan Academy                                                                                            Height: 182.2cm
(Halton Farnworth Hornets)                                                                                              Weight: 100kg
Representative honours: England Knights                                                                                 Previous club: Wigan Academy
Wigan Debut: vs Catalans Dragons (H), scrum half                                                                        (Orrell St James ARLFC)
(sub) (scored one try), won 46-12                                                                                       Representative honours: England Knights
at the DW Stadium, 06/09/2019                                                                                           Wigan Debut: vs Castleford Tigers (H), sub, won
                                                                                                                        24-22 at DW Stadium, 10/08/2018
League Leaders’ Shield: 2020
                                                              l Smith impressed in his first full season in the first
                                                                                                                        hONOURS                                                      l Partington signed a new four-year deal with Wigan
PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                               team in 2020, making 17 appearances, scoring four
                                                                                                                        Super League: 2018                                             during the 2019 season.
                   ST SUB TOT T          G DG PTS               tries and converting two drop goals. His injection of   League Leaders’ Shield: 2020                                 l His sensational debut season in the first team saw him
Wigan career       31 15 46 8            33 2 100               creativity throughout the campaign helped Wigan to                                                                     win the Young Player of the Year Award, alongside
2021 season        25  3   28 3          32 0 76                their first League Leaders’ Shield since 2012.          PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                              fellow youngster Morgan Smithies, at the Club’s End of
                                                              l 2021 saw Smith’s career go one step further, the half                     ST SUB TOT T           G   DG PTS            Season Awards Dinner.
PROFiLe                                                         back played in every game for Wigan, a total of 28      Wigan career      56 14 70 4             0    0 16           l Having represented England at youth level in the past,
l A three-time Academy Grand Final winner, Harry                                                                        2021 season       24  1   25 1           0    0  4             Partington was called up to the England Knights squad
  Smith impressed in his first full season in 2020 –                                                                                                                                   for the first time in 2019 and started at prop in the 38-6
                                                              l Smith went over for three tries and notched 32 goals
  making 17 appearances and scoring four tries.                                                                         PROFiLe                                                        international fixture win over Jamaica in October.
                                                                in the 2021 season.                                     l Renowned for his no-nonsense play and tough tackling,
l A former Wigan St Jude’s ARLFC junior, Widnes-                                                                                                                                     l Partington continued to prove his worth in 2020,
  born Smith joined Wigan’s Scholarship system as a                                                                       Partington burst on to the scene in 2018 and has since       making 17 appearances and scoring one try, helping
  14-year-old from Halton Farnworth Hornets.                                                                              cemented his place in the first team squad – playing 45      Wigan to lift their first League Leaders’ Shield since
l The half back’s rise through the Academy saw him                                                                        games overall so far.                                        2012.
  become captain of the Under-19s, as well as a three-                                                                  l A local prop forward who came through the Wigan            l 2021 was another fantastic year for Partington, who
  time Grand Final winner (2017, 2018 and 2019) and                                                                       Academy system.                                              made 25 appearances across the season.
                                                                                                                        l An Academy Grand Final winner after starting at prop in
  the 2018 Under-19s Player of the Year.
                                                                                                                          the 2017 Final against Castleford Tigers at the DW
l Smith was influential as he captained England’s
  Academy side to a 2-0 series win against Australia in
                                                                                                                        l The Wiganer was handed a professional deal with
  December 2018.
                                                                                                                          Wigan ahead of the 2018 season and he went on to
l In 2019, the scrum half joined Swinton Lions on loan
                                                                                                                          make his first team debut in a Super League win
  in the Championship, as well as playing for Wigan’s                                                                     against Castleford in August that year. He played five
  Under-19s.                                                                                     SCAN heRe                                                                                                                 SCAN heRe
                                                                                                                          times for the Warriors in the 2018 campaign, whilst also
l He made his first team debut for Wigan in September                                                                     featuring in games in the Championship on dual
  2019, coming off the bench and scoring a try in a 46-                                                                   registration at Swinton Lions.
  12 win over Catalans Dragons at the DW Stadium.                                                                       l 2019 went up a gear for Partington as he made 22
l After a special season, Smith was rewarded                                                                              appearances. He scored two tries during the campaign
  internationally, with a call up to the England Knights                                                                  – and they both came within two weeks of each other –
  squad for the first time and started in the halves in the                                                               the first in a 23-14 win away at Leeds Rhinos, before
  38-6 international fixture win over Jamaica in October                                                                  the second in front of the South Stand at the DW
  2019.                                                                                                                   Stadium in a victory over Salford Red Devils.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           23
FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
                                                                                    2022                          FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
 18. wARRiORS FANS                                                                                                19. eThAN hAVARd
                                                                                                                  Proudly sponsored by:
 The loyal wigan warriors fans are awarded the squad                                                              FiSheR GeRmAN
 No.18 every season for their magnificent support of the                                                          PRieSTNeR
 Cherry and whites.                                                                                               FACTFiLe
                                                                                                                  Position: Forward
 The supporters are the Club’s 18th man and will play   The Club initiated this idea in 2008 and it is a way to
                                                                                                                  Date of birth: 26/10/2000
 another big part in getting behind the side again in   recognise the fans valued and loyal support.
                                                                                                                  Heritage number: 1097
                                                                                                                  Height: 192.3cm
                                                                                                                  Weight: 104kg
                                                                                                                  Previous club: Wigan Academy
                                                                                                                  (Wigan St Patricks ARLFC)
                                                                                                                  Wigan Debut: vs Wakefield Trinity (H), prop forward
                                                                                                                  (sub), won 46-16 at DW Stadium, 18/07/2019

                                                                                                                  League Leaders’ Shield: 2020
                                                                                                                                                                               l After stand-out performances in 2019, the 6ft 3 forward
                                                                                                                                                                                 made his professional debut for the Club in the 46-16
                                                                                                                  PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                              win over Wakefield Trinity in July.
                                                                                                                                    ST SUB TOT T           G   DG PTS          l Havard became a double Academy Grand Final winner
                                                                                                                  Wigan career      15 22 37 1             0    0  4             when he started at prop in the 22-10 triumph over St
                                                                                                                                                                                 Helens at the DW Stadium in September.
                                                                                                                  2021 season       8   17 25 1            0    0  4           l In two years playing for the Under-19s, he made 42
                                                                                                                  PROFiLe                                                        appearances and scored 16 tries.
                                                                                                                                                                               l After a fine half of the 2020 campaign playing for the
                                                                                                                  l A prop forward who was born in Sofia, Bulgaria before        first team, Havard signed a new deal with the Club in
                                                                                                                    growing up in Wigan to later join the Club’s Academy         September 2020, committing his future to Wigan until
                                                                                                                    where he would progress to the first team.                   the end of the 2022 season, with an option for a further
                                                                                                                  l Havard was born in Bulgaria, as his parents worked           year in 2023.
                                                                                                                    there at the time – his mother was a nurse and his         l Havard impressed in his debut season as a full
                                                                                                                    father worked in telecommunications.                         professional, making 11 appearances before having his
                                                                                                                  l Born as Joseph Ethan Havard, his name is part of a           season cut short with an ankle injury. He picked up the
                                                                                                                    family tradition, as his father is called Joseph Kieron      first silverware of his career with Wigan’s League
                                                                                                                    Havard and his grandad is called Joseph Brian Havard.        Leaders’ Shield success in November.
                                                                                                                  l When Ethan was six-months-old, his family moved back       l The 2020 season ended with personal success too,
                                                                                                                    to England in Bath, before moving to Wigan a few years       with the young forward being named Wigan’s Young
                                                                                                                    later – where his father, Kieron, is from.                   Player of the Year at the Club’s End of Season Awards
                                                                                                                  l He first got into Rugby League at the age of five as his     Night.
                                                                                                                    father was a coach at Wigan St Patricks ARLFC –            l Havard went on to cement his place in the first team
                                                                                                                                                                                 squad in 2021, making 25 appearances and scoring a
                                                                                                                    Ethan started playing for the Under-7s team when he
                                                                                                                                                                                 try against Warrington
                                                                                                                    was six-years-old.                                                                                SCAN heRe
                                                                                                                                                                                 Wolves at the Magic
                                                                                                                  l After being approached by Wigan, Havard joined the
                                                                                                                                                                                 Weekend in Newcastle.
                                                                                                                    Club’s Scholarship system half-way through 2016.
                                                                                                                  l He played the full second year in 2017 and was
                                                                                                                    awarded The Riversiders (Wigan Warriors Supporters
                                                                                                                    Club) Under-16s Player of the Year.
                                                                                                                  l In 2018, he moved up to the Under-19s level in Wigan’s
                                                                                                                    Academy and played a part in the Grand Final winning
                                                                                                                    squad that beat Leeds Rhinos 14-6 at the DW Stadium
                                                                                                                    in September 2019.

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   25
FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
                                                                                        2022                             FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
20. LiAm ByRNe                                                                                                           21. kAi PeARCe-PAUL
Proudly sponsored by:                                                                                                    Proudly sponsored by:
AdeLe CARR                                                                                                               LeARN wiTh dAVe
FiNANCiAL ReCRUiTmeNT                                                                                                    FACTFiLe
                                                                                                                         Position: Second row
FACTFiLe                                                                                                                 Date of birth: 19/02/2001
Position: Prop forward                                                                                                   Heritage number: 1109
Date of birth: 18/08/1999                                                                                                Height: 196.2cm
Heritage number: 1092                                                                                                    Weight: 102.7kg
Height: 188cm                                                                                                            Previous club: London Broncos
Weight: 113.8kg
                                                                                                                         (Croydon Hurricanes)
Previous club: Wigan Academy (Cadishead Rhinos)
                                                                                                                         Representative honours: England Knights
Representative honours: Ireland
                                                                                                                         Wigan Debut: vs St Helens (H), sub, lost 0-42,
Wigan Debut: vs Hull FC (H), prop forward (sub)
                                                                                                                         at the AJ Bell Stadium, 29/09/2020
(scored one try), lost 22-23
at the DW Stadium, 25/02/2019
hONOURS                                                                                                                  League Leaders’ Shield: 2020
League Leaders’ Shield: 2020                                l After spending pre-season with the first team, Byrne
                                                              made his Wigan debut at the end of February 2019           PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                            l At the Warriors’ End of Season Awards Evening in
PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                             and scored his first try for the Club against Hull FC at                      ST SUB TOT T            G   DG PTS
                                                                                                                                                                                        2021, Pearce-Paul was awarded joint Player of the Year
                  ST SUB TOT T           G   DG PTS           the DW Stadium.                                                                                                           alongside Joe Shorrocks for his efforts.
                                                                                                                         Wigan career       13  7   20 0            0    0  0
Wigan career      9   41 50 2            0    0  8          l Overall, in 2019, he made 14 appearances and               2021 season        13  6   19 0            0    0  0         l Pearce-Paul played for England Knights for the first time
2021 season       1   24 25 0            0    0  0            became a real force in Wigan’s forward pack.
                                                                                                                                                                                        in October 2021 as he was involved in the 56-4
                                                            l Internationally, Byrne has Irish heritage and has          PROFiLe                                                        thrashing over Jamaica.
PROFiLe                                                       previously played in the 2018 European                     l A 6ft 4 youngster who joined Wigan on a four-year deal
l A rising star in the forward line, Liam Byrne has           Championships. He featured in World Cup qualifier            in 2020 and is studying at University whilst playing for
  excelled in the last few years and has become a             matches for the Irish at the end of 2019 – helping his       the Cherry and Whites.
  serious contender for a consistent starter in the first
                                                              side to reach the 2021 tournament with a victory over
  team.                                                                                                                  l Born in Bromley in south-east London, Pearce-Paul
l Byrne started his Rugby League career at amateur                                                                         played his amateur Rugby League at Croydon
                                                            l Signed a new four-year deal in January 2020 to               Hurricanes.
  club Cadishead Rhinos. He was given a trial with
                                                              remain at the DW Stadium until 2023.
  Wigan after impressing a local amateur coach at
                                                            l 2020 proved to be another solid season for the young       l He joined London Broncos’ Academy and has
  Wigan St Judes ARLFC.
                                                              prop forward, making 11 appearances and scoring              previously played against Wigan in Under-19s fixtures.
l Whilst on trial he caught the train from Salford and
                                                              one try. Byrne gained the first silverware of his career
  cycled to training every morning to make it in on time.                                                                l The back rower impressed with a string of commanding
                                                              late in the season, as Wigan lifted the League
  At the same time, he played for the Wigan Warriors’                                                                      performances whilst playing for the Broncos’ Under-19s
                                                              Leaders’ Shield.
  Education team.                                                                                                          side, as well as representing Lancashire in the
                                                            l Byrne was heavily involved in 2021 as he featured in
l Stand-out performances for the Under-19s led to him                                                                      Academy Origin series.
                                                              25 appearances for the
  being signed up permanently by the Warriors in
                                                              Warriors.                           SCAN heRe              l The forward is currently studying at the University of                                          SCAN heRe
l He spent two years in the Academy and became a                                                                           Central Lancashire (UCLan), studying a Sports and
                                                                                                                           Exercise Science degree.
  double Under-19s Grand Final winner.
l Was awarded the 2018 Wigan Warriors Official
                                                                                                                         l Made his Wigan debut off the bench in a youthful side
  Supporters Club ‘Riversiders’ Player of the Year.                                                                        that lost to St Helens at the AJ Bell Stadium in
l Previously played for the Wigan Reserves and                                                                             September 2020.
  Championship side Swinton Lions on dual
  registration.                                                                                                          l 2021 was a breakthrough year for Pearce-Paul, who
                                                                                                                           went on to make 19 appearances that season.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           27
FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
                                                                                     2022                           FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
22. JOe ShORROCkS                                                                                                   23. JAi FieLd
Proudly sponsored by:                                                                                               Proudly sponsored by:
NeTSTAR 9 ChiLdCARe                                                                                                 LdL LiGhTiNG
FACTFiLe                                                                                                            Position: Half back / Full back
Position: Loose forward / Hooker
                                                                                                                    Date of birth: 06/09/1997
Date of birth: 25/11/1999
                                                                                                                    Heritage number: 1111
Heritage number: 1095
                                                                                                                    Height: 180.6cm
Height: 182.5cm
                                                                                                                    Weight: 80.7kg
Weight: 93.4kg
                                                                                                                    Previous club: Parramatta Eels
Previous club: Wigan Academy
(Wigan St Patricks ARLFC)                                                                                           Wigan Debut: vs Leigh Centurions (A), wing, won
Wigan Debut: vs Wakefield Trinity (A), second row                                                                   18-20, at Emerald Headingley Stadium, 28/03/2021
(sub), lost 30-20 at The Mobile Rocket Stadium,
12/04/2019                                                                                                          PLAyeR STATiSTiCS
                                                                                                                                      ST SUB TOT T           G   DG PTS
hONOURS                                                                                                             Wigan career      3   1   4  0           0    0  0
League Leaders’ Shield: 2020                                                                                        2021 season       3   1   4  0           0    0  0
                                                          l In his debut full season in the first team in 2020,
PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                           Shorrocks provided an important role of the bench,      PROFiLe
                 ST SUB TOT T          G   DG PTS           making seven appearances in total. He tasted            l Known for his lightning quick feet and tricky ball
Wigan career     8   28 36 2           0    0  8            success for the first time as the Warriors lifted the     skills, Field began his career at St George Illawarra
2021 season      8   20 28 2           0    0  8                                                                      Dragons before moving to Parramatta Eels.
                                                            League Leaders’ Shield.
                                                          l Shorrocks broke through in 2021, making 28
PROFiLe                                                     appearances as an ever-present and grabbing two
                                                                                                                    l Field, born in Wollongong, New South Wales, can
l Before deciding to fully concentrate on Rugby                                                                       play at half back or full back and has made 17
                                                            tries.                                                    appearances in the NRL.
  League, Shorrocks played for Preston North End
  Football Club Academy as well as Lancashire County      l At the 2021 End of Season Awards evening in 2021,
  Cricket Club.                                             Shorrocks was awarded joint Young Player of the         l Noted for his dazzling feet and quick turn of pace,
l Born in Billinge, Shorrocks grew up in Wigan and          Year alongside Kai Pearce-Paul.                           Field was praised for his stand-out performances
                                                          l 2021 also saw Shorrocks awarded Top Tackler in            Down Under.
  went to St Peters High School in Orrell.
l He balanced his love for football and cricket, as he      Betfred Super League, making 833 tackles
                                                                                                                    l After playing 11 games for the Dragons between
  turned to Rugby League – playing for amateur club         throughout the season.
                                                                                                                      2017 and 2019, he joined Parramatta in 2020 where
  Wigan St Patricks ARLFC.                                                                                            he made six appearances.
l Shorrocks signed for the Wigan Scholarship system
  in 2014 and progressed immensely in the Under-16s                                                                 l In November 2020, Field signed a two-year deal with
  and Under-19s teams as a loose forward.                                                                             Wigan.
l Not only playing for Lancashire’s and England’s youth
  sides, he was a member of the successful England                                                                  l Field made his debut for Wigan in the 2021 Round 1
  Academy who beat Australia 2-0 in the 2018 series.                                                                  win over Leigh Centurions, but it was cut short after
                                                                                                                      he suffered a hamstring injury in the first half.
l After making 20 appearances and scoring five tries                                         SCAN heRe                                                                          SCAN heRe
  for Wigan’s Under-19s team in 2018, the back rower
                                                                                                                    l The half back returned from injury in August 2021 but
  was part of the Academy Grand Final winning side
                                                                                                                      suffered a further injury a few games later, this time
  against Leeds Rhinos at the DW Stadium.                                                                             on his groin and did not feature again in 2021.
l He made his senior debut for Wigan in April 2019 as
  he came off the bench against Wakefield Trinity.                                                                  l Field will be looking to make an impact as he returns
l Continuing to play for the Under-19s throughout                                                                     to full fitness in 2022.
  2019, he played 18 games, scored six tries and
  featured in the Grand Final victory over St Helens at
  the DW Stadium.
28                                                                                                                                                                                          29
FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
                                                           2022         FiRST TeAm SqUAd memBeRS
24. ABBAS miSki                                                         25. SAm hALSALL
Proudly sponsored by:                                                   Proudly sponsored by:
iAN PARkiNSON                                                           GUNdOG GeAR
                                                                        @ PeT ShACk PeT deLi
Position: Winger                                                        FACTFiLe
Date of birth: 25/07/1995                                               Position: Centre / Wing
Heritage number:                                                        Date of birth: 18/08/2001
Height: 179.2cm                                                         Heritage number: 1104
Weight: 98.7kg                                                          Height: 185.8cm
Previous club: London Broncos                                           Weight: 95.5kg
Representative honours: Lebanon                                         Previous club: Wigan Academy
Wigan Debut:                                                            (Shevington Sharks ARLFC)
                                                                        Representative honours: England Knights
PROFiLe                                                                 Wigan Debut: vs St Helens (H), wing, lost 0-42,
l Abbas Miski is a Lebanese international from New
                                                                        at the AJ Bell Stadium, 29/09/2020
  South Wales, Australia.
l The winger represented Lebanon at Under-18s level                     League Leaders’ Shield: 2020                              l He started at centre in Wigan’s fifth straight Academy
  in 2013.                                                                                                                          Grand Final appearance and helped the Warriors to
                                                                        PLAyeR STATiSTiCS                                           their third consecutive title and tenth in the last 12
l He also played winger for Lebanon in the 2017 World                                    ST SUB TOT T          G    DG PTS          seasons, following the 22-10 victory over St Helens
  Cup, playing all four games.                                          Wigan career     9   0   9  3          0     0 12           at the DW Stadium.
                                                                        2021 season      8   0   8  3          0     0 12         l Making a name for himself on the big stage, Halsall
l In 2019 he signed for Black Workers Sea Eagles, a                                                                                 has scored a try in each of the last two Academy
  feeder team for Manly.                                                PROFiLe                                                     Grand Finals for Wigan.
                                                                        l After a fast progression in Wigan’s Academy with        l Whilst playing within Wigan’s Academy system, he
                                                                          two Grand Final winning medals to show for, Halsall       represented Lancashire four times in the Origin
l He was called into Manly Warringah Sea Eagles’ first
                                                                          is now part of the Warriors first team.                   series against Yorkshire.
  team to make his debut in 2019, and in the same year
                                                                        l Born in Lancaster, Halsall moved to Orrell at a young   l Halsall made his professional debut for the Club in
  he was top try scorer for the Black Workers with 12                     age and grew up in Wigan.                                 September 2020, appearing in a much-changed
  tries.                                                                l He went to the same school as fellow teammate Joe         Wigan side, losing to St Helens at the AJ Bell
                                                                          Shorrocks, who was in the year above him at               Stadium.
l Miski was called in to first team squad for Manly’s                     St Peters Catholic High School.                         l In 2021, Halsall went on loan to Championship outfit
  final game of the season in 2020, scoring two tries in                l After being inspired by his dad who encouraged him        Newcastle Thunder, where he made six appearances
  a defeat.                                                               to take up Rugby League, Halsall joined Shevington        in a successful loan spell.
                                                                          Sharks ARLFC at the age of six.                         l Following his recall from Thunder, Halsall went on to
l The winger signed for London Broncos for the 2021                     l At amateur level, he played at full back and then         feature eight times for Wigan and scored three tries.
  season, where in 13 appearances, he scored 12                           moved into the halves. After signing for Wigan’s        l Halsall represented England Knights for the first time
  tries.                                                                  Scholarship system in 2016, he played on the wing         in October 2021 as he was
                                                            SCAN heRe     and at full back, before moving into centre in the        part of the side that               SCAN heRe
l Miski joined Wigan for 2022 on a three-year deal.                       Academy.                                                  thrashed Jamaica 56-4 in
                                                                        l In his first season playing for the Under-19s team in     Castleford.
                                                                          2018, he made 13 appearances, scoring four tries.
                                                                          He went on to become a Academy Super League
                                                                          winner after appearing in the Grand Final 14-6 win
                                                                          over Leeds Rhinos at the DW Stadium.
                                                                        l In 2019, Halsall progressed in the Under-19s and
                                                                          cemented a permanent place in the side, scoring
                                                                          eight tries and converting 13 goals in 19 games.
30                                                                                                                                                                                    31
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