2022 Introduction to UC He Arataki ki UC - University of Canterbury

Page created by Maria Lawrence
2022 Introduction to UC He Arataki ki UC - University of Canterbury
to UC
He Arataki ki UC
2022 Introduction to UC He Arataki ki UC - University of Canterbury
Ngā Kai o Roto | Contents.
2    Why University?

                                                   UC is proud to partner with

What is                          Out of the
                                                   Ngāi Tūāhuriri and Ngāi Tahu to uphold
                                                   the mana and aspirations of the

University?                      classroom.
                                                   mana whenua.

                                                   Rainbow Diversity Support.
7    Common terms;               31 Get support;
8    How do I get in?            33 Community;
11   How do courses work?        36 Campus map.
12   What a week looks like;
15                                                 Published March 2021.
     What does my first year                       Information is correct at the time of
     look like?                                    print but is subject to change.
16   How do I choose my study?
17   Discover a new interest;
18   Subjects;
22   Find more information;
23   Degree options;
24   Apply your degree;
27   Have a go at University;
28   Funding my studies;
2022 Introduction to UC He Arataki ki UC - University of Canterbury
Kia ora tātou.
Nau mai, tauti mai.
This booklet contains the basics
of university.
University has a diferent kind of structure from what you
may be used to. You can pick and choose courses from
diferent areas, learn outside the classroom, make friends in
unexpected ways, and so much more.

Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
ofers you lots of support alongside an excellent education
and a memorable experience.

Kia kaha e hoa mā!

Papua New Guinea.
Graduate Diploma in Science in Geography.
Studying towards a Postgraduate Diploma
in Science in Geography.

                                                               2022 He Arataki ki UC | Introduction to UC   1
2022 Introduction to UC He Arataki ki UC - University of Canterbury
Why university?
Improve job outcomes.                                                             Meet different people.
Our latest Graduate Destination Survey 2020 revealed:                             University is a diverse place with a
                                                                                  chance to meet like-minded people,

87%                                           SALARY.
                                                                                  and people with completely different
                                                                                  backgrounds and stories.
                                                                                  The great thing about university is
of graduates found work.                      Most graduates earned between       discovering the potential of things
                                              $50,001–$60,000.                    — finishing school and having your

                                                                                  own unique experience. All these
                                              Those earning over $60,000          opportunities are available in one place.
                                              per year had bachelor’s degrees
                                              in areas of Maths and Statistics,   Aotearoa needs…
of Education grads found jobs.                Engineering and Technology,         More skilled graduates are needed in
                                              and the Sciences.                   engineering, health and social services,

                                                                                  and environmental science to tackle
                                                                                  issues like sustainable infrastructure,
                                                                                  wellbeing, and climate change.
of Education, Maths, and Statistics
grads had full-time jobs.

                                                                                     The fees-free scheme means if
                                                                                     you’re-eligible you may not
                                                                                     have to pay tuition fees in your
of Engineering and Technology                                                        first year at UC. See page 28.
grads had full-time jobs.
                                                                                     Check if you'’re eligible:

2    www.canterbury.ac.nz
2022 Introduction to UC He Arataki ki UC - University of Canterbury
‘Before I arrived at UC, I had
 not identified myself as a
 Pacific Islander. I grew up in a
 small town on the West Coast
 where I didn’t get to explore
 any of my cultural heritage.
 My first real experience was
 actually at the Pasifka
 Orientation Day. I felt as
 though I had stumbled upon
 people I had known for years!
 I was welcomed in with open
 arms and enough food to feed a
 small village. I knew right then
 and there that these were the
 people that were going to help
 me through the tough years
 that were about to follow.
They helped me discover a side
of myself that was for many
years repressed. I have been
exposed to so many diferent
ethnicities, traditions, and
cultures. Not only has this
changed me as a person, but has
infuenced my studies greatly.’
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Sociology.
Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Anthropology.
Studying towards a PhD in Anthropology.
2022 Introduction to UC He Arataki ki UC - University of Canterbury
2022 Introduction to UC He Arataki ki UC - University of Canterbury
2022 Introduction to UC He Arataki ki UC - University of Canterbury
What is university?
2022 Introduction to UC He Arataki ki UC - University of Canterbury
Common terms.
Degrees.                                     These qualifications have less overall        Courses.
                                             workload and are completed in a much
Degrees are a type of qualification you                                                    A course is a specific topic within a
                                             shorter timeframe — usually 6 months
can study at university — there are                                                        subject, for example an American history
                                             to 1 year.
several types of qualifications varying                                                    course within the History subject. This
in level of study and length of time,                                                      involves lectures, assignments, and
such as:                                     Subjects.                                     other forms of study. Your degree is
                                             Subjects are areas you can study in your      made up of multiple courses.
Bachelor’s degrees.                          degree. Some subjects you can continue        See page 11.
A bachelor’s degree is an undergraduate      from secondary school such as Music,
qualification that usually takes 3–4 years   Geography, English, while some you            Points.
to complete. UC offers a wide range of       can start new at UC eg, Social Work,
                                                                                           Each course has a points value (similar
bachelor’s degrees — see page 23.            Linguistics, Marketing.
                                                                                           to credits from NCEA). You will need to
                                                                                           complete a certain number of points
Double degrees.                              Major.                                        overall to successfully finish your study.
Some bachelor’s degrees can be studied       A major is the subject you choose to
                                             specialise in all the way to the final year
together. This option involves more                                                        Semester.
study, but you can specialise in different   of your bachelor’s degree. For example, a
                                             Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology.      The academic year is split into two
areas, opening up a wider range of
                                                                                           periods of study known as semesters.
career options.
                                             Double majorr.                                One semester is the equivalent of two
                                             You can sometimes choose to specialise        terms at secondary school.
Conjoint degrees.
Conjoint degrees combine two                 in two subjects that you’re interested in
bachelor’s degrees into a singular           (double major). These can be completed
degree. Unlike double degrees, these         in the same time as a single major
must be completed at the same time,          without the extra workload.
and involve a much higher workload.
Certificates and Diplomas.                   A minor is another specialisation, but
If you are unable to study a full degree,    you will only study this up to your
or want to add some additional study         second year.
to your degree, you could complete a         For example, a Bachelor of Science
certificate or diploma.                      majoring in Physics with a minor
                                             in Astronomy.

                                                                                           2022 He Arataki ki UC | Introduction to UC   7
2022 Introduction to UC He Arataki ki UC - University of Canterbury
How do I get in?
Aotearoa universities have standard entry   NCEA requirements.
requirements to enrol for studies. Check
with your school’s Careers Advisor or on
                                                                            Subject A,         Subject B,        Subject C,
our website for what you will need to get           Level 3
                                                                         14 credits from    14 credits from   14 credits from
University Entrance:                              (or above)
                                                                            approved           approved          approved
www.canterbury.ac.nz/enrol/eligibility.           42 credits.
                                                                             subjects.          subjects.         subjects.
UC also has pathways if you still need to
meet UE requirements after secondary                                        Reading,           Writing,
                                                    Level 2
school, or you’d like to build up your                                   5 credits from     5 credits from
                                                  (or above)
confidence in background knowledge.                                        the NZQA           the NZQA
                                                   10 credits.
See www.canterbury.ac.nz/get-started                                     approved list.     approved list.
/transition or ask us.
                                                     Level 1
                                                                         10 credits from
                                                  (or above)
                                                                            the NZQA
                                                   10 credits.
                                                                          approved list.

                                            ‘I have taken part in the Certifcate of University Preparation
                                             (CUP) course which is essentially year 13 in three months.
                                             This was great as I never took any science papers at high school.
                                             I would recommend this to any students who had a rocky
                                             year 13, especially if you’re entering a field that requires heavy
                                             prerequisite knowledge such as Engineering.’

                                            CUP, Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry.
                                            Studying towards a Master of Science
                                            in Biochemistry.
                                            Lab Technician, Christchurch Clinical Studies
                                            Trust (CCST)

8     www.canterbury.ac.nz
UC in spring.
Year 12 students at WiE CAN 2021, UC’s Women in
             Engineering residential programme.
How do courses work?
                                               Environmental Science
   • A key difference from
     secondary school is that you
     are in charge of your own study
     planning at uni.
   • Each course will include a series
     of lectures, which is like class
     but with a lot more students.
   • Usually, you will complete four
     courses in a semester, with
     each course having around two
     lectures a week.

Lectures.                                   Tutorials.
                                                                                           First-year lectures are
You will take your own notes in lectures,   Each course includes a tutorial                introductory, and usually don’t
and may also get the opportunity to         (and laboratory for Science courses),          require any previous knowledge.
ask questions or have a class-wide          which are smaller groups from
discussion.                                 your lectures, usually taught by a             So if you haven’t studied
                                            senior student. These are the best             something before but want to
You can find presentations, notes,                                                         give it a go at uni, you can.
or the lecture recording online if you      opportunities to ask in-depth questions,
miss anything.                              discuss assignments, and get to know           Read more at page 16–17.
                                            your classmates.
                                            Ask for help.
You’ll complete assignments
throughout the course, which include        Feel free to ask for help any time with
essays, fieldtrips, open-book tests,        your course planning, assignments, or
presentations, etc. Most courses also       life in general. See our support services
finish with an exam.                        on page 31–33.

                                                                                        2022 He Arataki ki UC | Introduction to UC   11
What a week looks like.
Sample Engineering timetable.
                                One major difference that you’ll notice
                                between being at school and university
                                is the amount of time you’re in class.
                                At university you’ll only spend about
                                14–20 hours per week in classes,
                                quite diferent from the 30–35 hours
                                you spend in class at school.
                                In the spaces between classes, students
                                do their recommended readings, attend
                                study groups, do part-time work, etc.

12   www.canterbury.ac.nz
Sample Criminal Justice timetable.

                                     ‘I wasn’t intending on going to
                                     university until I heard about
                                     the Bachelor of Criminal
                                     Justice. After the BCJ, I knew
                                     there was so much more for
                                     me to learn at UC. I have now
                                     found my passion in youth
                                     justice and ultimately I want
                                     to make a positive change in
                                     the justice sector.’

                                     Bachelor of Criminal Justice.
                                     Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Sociology.
                                     Master of Criminal Justice.
                                     Studying towards a PhD in Sociology.

                                     2022 He Arataki ki UC | Introduction to UC    13
Take a virtual reality trip to Antarctica
at UC.
What does my first year
look like?
               February                     March                 April                May                     June
               • Lectures begin             • Last chance to      • Mid-semester       • Lectures restart      • Mid-year break:
               • Orientation                  swap courses          break.                                       goodbye study!
                                                                                       • Study break
                 Week (O-week)                for free! * .
                                                                                       • Exams.
               • Clubs Day.

Semester 1.
Semester 2.

July                         August                    September            October               November                  December
• Lectures begin             • Mid-semester            • Lectures restart   • Study break         • End of lectures         • Enrol in your
• Reorientation                break.                  • Te Wiki o te       • Exams.                celebration:              second year
                                                         Reo Māori.                                 Coffee Party              courses!
• Matariki
                                                                                                    and Tea Party.          • See you next
                                                                                                                              year, when we
• Last chance to                                                                                                              do it all again.
  swap courses
  for free! *.

  Within the first two weeks of each semester,
you can drop/swap courses for free if you decide
it’s not for you.

                                                                                                     2022 He Arataki ki UC | Introduction to UC   15
How do I choose
my study?
Your typical high school subjects can
translate into a lot more options at
university. These are two examples to
show you the range of options available.
For many degrees, you don’t need prior
study experience, so give it a go and you
might find what works for you.
See page 17.

16    www.canterbury.ac.nz
… or discover a
new interest.
University is a great place for you to                                                    ‘I started my degree in Astronomy,
mix-and-match and try new subjects.                                                        but when I found out about
Our subject list is on page 18–19 or go to                                                 medical physics I realised it would
www.canterbury.ac.nz/study/subjects.                                                       be a great career for me. With
                                                                                           Medical Physics, I can apply my
                                                                                           love of working with people and
Flexible study.                                                                            my abilities in maths and physics
                                                                                           to a field that has a direct impact.
Combine subjects;                                                                          My work will literally save lives!’
Besides a major and minor, you can
also include courses from other subject                                                   Karla.
areas. For instance, while doing a                                                        Bachelor of Science in Physics
Bachelor of Arts, you can do courses                                                      and Mathematics.
                                                                                          Studying towards a Master of Science
like Antarctic Studies, Criminal Justice,                                                 in Medical Physics
Health Sciences, and more.

Combine degrees.
See ‘common terms’ on page 7 to know
                                             Change your mind?
what double and conjoint degrees are.                                                        If you need any advice or
                                             You might think of changing your
Some popular examples of                                                                     clarification, contact our
                                             direction after you have already enrolled.
double degree combinations are                                                               Liaison team.
                                             That’s very common and we think it’s an
Arts/Commerce, Product Design/               exciting part of your university journey.       www.canterbury.ac.nz/engage
Science, Law/Criminal Justice.                                                               /school-resources/liaison.
                                             You may be able to change your major,
Conjoint degrees are another way to          minor, and even your degree at any time
go. While the workload is intensive,         during your study.
conjoints cost less than a double degree,
                                             Say you started off with Engineering but
and you would complete two study
                                             decide you’d rather do Science, you can
areas in a shorter time than doing
                                             transfer your completed courses from
both separately.
                                             Engineering to your new degree.

                                                                                          2022 He Arataki ki UC | Introduction to UC   17
A,                                  Communication Strategy and Practice;      F,
                                    Communications and Network Engineering;
Accounting;                                                                   Film;
                                    Computational Linguistics;
Adventure Sport and Environment;                                              Finance;
                                    Computer Engineering;
Ancient Greek;                                                                Financial Engineering;
                                    Computer Science;
Antarctic Studies;                                                            Fine Arts;
                                    Criminal Justice;
Anthropology;                                                                 Forest Engineering;
                                    Cultural Studies.
Applied Immersive Game Design;                                                Forestry Science;
Art History and Theory;                                                       French;
Astronomy.                          D,                                        Freshwater.
                                    Data Science;
B,                                  Digital Humanities.                       G,
Biochemistry;                                                                 Game Design;
Biological Sciences;                E,                                        Geography;
Biomedical Engineering;             Early Childhood Teacher Education;        Geology;
Bioprocess Engineering;             Economics;                                German;
Biosecurity;                        Ecosystem Health and Biosecurity;         Global Humanitarian Engineering;
Business and Sustainability;        Education;                                Graphic Design.
Business Economics.                 Electrical and Electronic Engineering;
                                    Engineering;                              H,
C,                                  English;
                                                                              Health Education;
                                    English Language;
Chemical and Process Engineering;                                             Health Sciences;
Chemical Formulation Design;                                                  History;
                                    Environmental Change;
Chemistry;                                                                    Human Resource Management;
                                    Environmental Contamination;
Chinese;                                                                      Human Services.
                                    Environmental Hazards and Disasters;
Cinema Studies;
                                    Environmental Health;
Civil Engineering;
                                    Environmental Process Engineering;        I,
                                    Environmental Science;                    Industrial Product Design;
                                    European and European Union Studies.      Information Systems;
                                                                              International Business.

18    www.canterbury.ac.nz
J,                                        P,                                               Spanish;
                                                                                           Speech and Language Pathology;
Japanese;                                 Pacifc Studies;
                                                                                           Sport Coaching;
Journalism.                               Painting;
                                                                                           Sport Science;
                                                                                           Sports Leadership and Management;
L,                                        Performance Analysis;
Latin;                                                                                     Strategy and Entrepreneurship;
Law;                                                                                       Strength and Conditioning with Nutrition;
                                          Physical Education;
Linguistics.                                                                               Structural Engineering;
                                                                                           Sustainable Coasts.
                                          Political Communication;
M,                                        Political Science and International Relations;
Management;                               Population Health Data Science;                  T,
Māori and Indigenous Health;              Power Engineering;                               Tauwhitinga Māori;
Māori and Indigenous Studies;             Primary Teacher Education;                       Taxation and Accounting;
Marketing;                                Product Design;                                  Teacher Education;
Mathematics;                              Professional and Community Engagement;           Te Reo Māori;
Mechanical Engineering;                   Psychology;                                      Tourism Marketing and Management.
Mechatronics Engineering;                 Public Health.
Media and Communication;                                                                   W,
Medicinal Chemistry;                      R,                                               Water and Environmental Systems Engineering;
                                          Russian.                                         Water Resource Management;
Musical Culture.
N,                                                                                         Y,
                                          Science, Māori and Indigenous Knowledge;
Natural Resources Engineering;
                                          Sculpture;                                       Youth and Community Leadership
New Music;
                                          Secondary Teacher Education;
                                          Social Work;
                                          Society and Policy;
O,                                        Sociology;
Operations and Supply Chain Management.   Software Engineering;
                                          Soil Science;
                                          Spatial Data Science;
                                                                                           2022 He Arataki ki UC | Introduction to UC   19
Find more information.
To learn more about various degrees and subjects available, pick one of these brochures up from your school advisors, or read them online.

22    www.canterbury.ac.nz
Degree options.
General degrees.                          • Bachelor of Forestry Science
General undergraduate degrees at          • Bachelor of Health Sciences
UC include:                               • Bachelor of Laws
• Bachelor of Arts                        • Bachelor of Music
• Bachelor of Commerce                    • Bachelor of Product Design
• Bachelor of Science.                    • Bachelor of Social Work with Honours
                                          • Bachelor of Speech and Language
What is a general degree?
                                            Pathology with Honours
• The most flexible degrees
                                          • Bachelor of Sport Coaching
• You can study subjects from other
                                          • Bachelor of Teaching and Learning
  areas eg, you could do a Science
                                            (Early Childhood or Primary)
  degree and also study English                                                     ‘I saw a great opportunity to
                                          • Bachelor of Youth and
  or Education
                                            Community Leadership.                    explore both my love for music
• You choose a major, and can also do a                                              and my passion towards youth
  double major or minor                   What is a specialist degree?               and community engagement.
• General degrees can be started          • They prepare you for a career in a       One of the main aspects of the
  in February (Semester 1) or in July       particular profession                    Bachelor of Youth and
  (Semester 2).
                                          • Usually a number of courses are          Community Leadership degree
Specialist degrees.
                                            compulsory and your study is             that appealed to me so greatly
                                            more prescribed                          was the fexibility and freedom
These UC degrees include professional
training in the following areas:
                                          • Specialist degrees usually start in      that came with it. You get to
• Bachelor of Communication
                                            February (Semester 1) only               develop so many transferable
                                          • Some specialist degrees have limited     skills that are applicable to a
• Bachelor of Criminal Justice              entry to the first year and require a
                                                                                     massive range of roles.’
• Bachelor of Data Science                  special application. Others, while
                                            having open entry to the first year,
• Bachelor of Engineering with Honours                                              Ella.
                                            require students to obtain a certain
• Bachelor of Environmental Science                                                 Studying towards a Bachelor of Youth and
                                            grade average before they can study     Community Leadership
  with Honours                              the second year of the degree.
• Bachelor of Fine Arts

                                                                                    2022 He Arataki ki UC | Introduction to UC   23
Apply your degree.
Practical degrees.                           Careers Centre.
Many of our degrees have a placement/        You can talk to our career consultants
internship component that allows you         and recruitment specialists at
to experience what the working world         UC Careers. They will advise you if
looks like. You get to know the employer     you’re heading in the right direction so
and build connections to reach out to        you feel more confident.
after graduation.                            www.canterbury.ac.nz/careers.
Fieldtrip courses are a great way to be
part of the action outside the classroom.    Lecturers.
                                             Your lecturers have lots of academic and
UC’s Centre for                              industry experience and will be able to
Entrepreneurship (UCE).                      guide you.                                 ‘The great thing about
The UCE Summer Startup programme             ‘You can’t beat learning from lecturers     Ecology is that there’s lots of
is a 10-week programme where
students participate in workshops,
                                             who write the textbooks, and then           opportunity for fieldwork. At
                                             having their support to go out and apply
build relationships, pitch their idea, and                                               the end of second year, I got
                                             it either through community work or
develop it into a feasible enterprise.       legal practice. UC is always pushing        to spend the summer working
UCE can help you gain all-round              to be innovative and that’s cool to be      as a research assistant for the
business skills.                             a part of.’ — Briar, Bachelor of Arts in    Canterbury Waterway
www.canterbury.ac.nz/uce.                    Political Science and History, and a        Rehabilitation Experiment
                                             Bachelor of Laws.                           (CAREX), a multi-year
                                                                                         project being run by UC to
                                             Student stories.                            work with farmers and other
                                             Read more about how our graduates           stakeholders to develop
                                             are using their degrees.                    solutions for restoring
                                             www.canterbury.ac.nz/get-started            agricultural streams.’
                                                                                        Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
                                                                                        and Environmental Science.
                                                                                        Bachelor of Science with Honours in Ecology.

24    www.canterbury.ac.nz
Product Design students at the
design lab.
Field trip at Cass feld station.
Have a go at University.
Pūao | STAR.                                Events.
STAR is a programme for Year 12 or 13       Some of the events where you can explore the campus and life at UC are:
students, where they can study first-year
university courses either on campus          Aukaha (Year 10 and 12 ākonga Māori),
or online. This will make you more
confident about university and connect       www.canterbury.ac.nz/events/tours-and-events/aukaha.
you with other like-minded students.
Once you get University Entrance, you
                                             Info evenings,
can credit these courses towards a
relevant degree at UC and usually at         www.canterbury.ac.nz/infoevenings.
other universities too.
                                             Rā Tōmene | Open Day,


                                             Campus tours,

                                             Check out our 360-degree virtual campus or book a guided tour.

                                                                                         2022 He Arataki
                                                                                                 Arataki ki UC | Introduc
                                                                                                                          tion to
                                                                                                                               to UC   27
Funding my studies.
UC offers a number of scholarships for                    You should apply for whichever you                    Fees-free.
school leavers:                                           think you are eligible for, as it is often
                                                                                                                Your first year may be fees-free. You will
• academic                                                possible to hold more than one
                                                                                                                still have to pay non-tuition fees like
                                                          scholarship at a time.
• school leadership                                                                                             study-related costs.
• culture                                                 University of Canterbury                              To determine if you are eligible for
                                                                                                                fees-free tertiary study, visit
• community                                               Students’ Association
• sports                                                  (UCSA).
• hardship                                                UCSA provides assistance in times of                  Student Loans
• accommodation.
                                                          financial distress to all students at all             and Allowances.
                                                          levels of study. These extend to food,
There are many scholarships available                     hardship, financial loans, Covid-19,                  To see if you’re eligible for a Student
and new ones are established regularly.                   and more.                                             Allowance, please check with StudyLink
Make sure you search our database for                                                                           directly. Go to www.studylink.govt.nz
                                                          Learn more at ucsa.org.nz
the most up-to-date scholarships:                         /student-support/financial-assistance.                or freephone in NZ 0800 88 99 00.

www.canterbury.ac.nz/scholarships.                                                                              After your first year, you can pay for
                                                                                                                your following years of study with a
                                                                                                                student loan.

Estimated domestic undergraduate fees (2021).
    Estimated total costs for the academic year (NZ$).                                                          These costs are based on an 18-year-old
                                                                                                                domestic student, ineligible for fees-free,
    Accommodation (including deposit),                                             $10,500–$22,000.             living away from home. If you are living
    Domestic tuition fees (depends on degree area) ,        *
                                                                                   $6,000–$8,000.               at home, you will be able to significantly
                                                                                                                reduce these costs.
    Student Services Levy,                                                         $900.
    Study-related costs eg, textbooks (depends on courses),                        $500–$1,000.
    Total estimated cost,                                                          $18,000–$32,000.
 Your actual fees will depend on the mix of courses you take. For indicative fees (domestic or international)
for a specific course, go to www.canterbury.ac.nz/courses

28      www.canterbury.ac.nz
Te Arawa, Ngāi Te Rangi.
Studying towards a Bachelor of Forestry Science.
Recipient of Ngā Karahipi Uru Rākau Scholarship
Out of the classroom
Get support.
Academic.                                   Health and wellbeing.                        Equity and Diversity.
                                                                                         This team understands diversity, equity,
Academic Skills Centre.                     Health Centre.                               and differently-abled matters. They are
The Centre helps you get a handle on        UC Health Centre offers a range of GP        well resourced to make your experience as
completing assignments, plus studying       and medical services, including injuries,    inclusive as it can be.
strategies, grammar help, workshops,        sexual health, counselling, travel advice,
and seminars.                               vaccines, etc. There is also physiotherapy
If you’ve been out of study for a while,    and a pharmacy on campus.
the ASC is a great starting point.
Mentors.                                    Keep active on campus at the RecCentre
Mentors are senior students with            with a fully-equipped gym, social sports,
similar subject interests who’ve been       and group fitness classes.
in your shoes before. They’ll show you
around campus and help you settle           Student Care.
into university life. Many clubs offer      Student Care is your first point of
mentoring too.                              contact for study or life in general,
                                            including wellbeing. They will help you
Tutorials.                                  understand your options and work out         ‘Right from my first visit to UC
The best way to understand assignments      the best way forward.                        I was impressed with how
and course material is to attend your       If you’re feeling unsafe or being            committed the staff were to
tutorials, because they’re smaller groups   harassed, please report it to                seeing me succeed. As a visually
and usually taught by a senior student.     Student Care.
                                                                                         impaired student, it’s even
                                            UC Health Centre also offers free and
                                                                                         more daunting to enter tertiary
                                            confidential counselling to students.
   Our wellbeing hub has all the                                                         education but everyone was so
   information in one place:                University of Canterbury Students’           friendly and helpful.’
   www.canterbury.ac.nz/support             Association (UCSA).                          Ryan.
   /wellbeing-hub.                          UCSA has a subsidised dental scheme          Ngāi Tahu.
                                            for UC students, menstrual emergency         Bachelor of Laws, and a Bachelor of Arts in
                                            services, $10 eye exams, food vouchers,      English and History
                                            and other subsidised support.

                                                                                         2022 He Arataki ki UC | Introduction to UC    31
Student Volunteer Army .
There are spaces on campus that are open      Clubs and events.                            Compact campus.
to anyone, regardless of background.
                                              Clubs help you find or create your own       UC’s campus is all in one place — like
The Equity and Disability Service             community. Opshopping, gaming,               a city within a city — making it easy to
assures there is equal access to facilities   activism, snow sports, mental health and     stroll, cycle, or skate around through our
and opportunities, extending their            much more — UC has the greatest number       beautiful gardens.
services for those with temporary             of student clubs than any other Aotearoa     There are three libraries, computer suites
injuries too.                                 university.                                  with 24-hour access, lecture theatres,
We have a growing rainbow, takatāpui          www.canterbury.ac.nz/life/studentlife        labs, and studios.
community on campus — students and            /clubs.                                      Grab a snack at one of the 15 cafés and
staff. QCanterbury (a UCSA club) and the
                                                                                           eateries or catch up over a drink and a
Queer-Straight Alliance (QSA) are safe,       Halls.                                       board game after class at UCSA’s bar,
social places for sexually and gender
                                              Our students find that staying in campus     The Foundry.
diverse people, as well as allies.
                                              accommodation in their first year is a       www.canterbury.ac.nz/life/studentlife
UC and QCanterbury helped set up              great way to get a feel of the community
the Robin Duff Room, a space for                                                           /explore..
                                              vibe, meet new people, and find support.
LGBTQIA+ students.                            There are a bunch of social events held
University allows you to explore your         throughout the year too.                        curry soc, started by a student
identity in a new way — Te Waka                                                               keen on exploring cultures
Pākākano, the Māori, Pasifika, and                                                            through curries, is now one of the
Equity Office, provides a network                                                             biggest clubs on campus.
of support.
                                              Uni Life.
                                                                                              uc aerospace, started by a
www.canterbury.ac.nz/support/equity.                                                          student who wanted to introduce
                                              Not staying in halls? No problem. Uni Life
                                                                                              people to building rockets and

                                              is a year-long programme run by students
Student Volunteer Army                        for first-year students who don’t stay in
                                                                                              aerospace, now does international
(SVA).                                        campus accommodation. Social events
                                                                                              events and has been
                                                                                              in the news a couple of times.
The SVA is UC’s largest and world-            and activities are organised for you to
famous student club with over 2,000           socialise and navigate uni life together.       So… your club idea could be the
members who regularly volunteer in            Your Leader also helps you connect with         next big thing!
various community projects.                   clubs that are right for you.
sva.org.nz.                                   www.canterbury.ac.nz/support

                                                                                           2022 He Arataki ki UC | Introduction to UC   33
From campus to …
1. UC campus,                  5. Westfield shopping mall,                8. Beach,
                                  5-minute drive from UC.                    20-minute drive from UC.
2. University of Canterbury
   Students’ Association       6. Central business district               9. Airport,
   (UCSA),                        (CBD),                                     10-minute drive from UC.
                                  10-minute drive from UC.
3. UC accommodation,                                                      10. UC sports field..
                               7. Port Hills,
4. Asian supermarket              20-minute drive from UC, for
   and restaurants,               fantastic views of the Southern Alps.
     15-minute walk from UC.

36    www.canterbury.ac.nz
UC’s unique location.                        What sets                                    Balance out your studies
UC is the only fully purpose-built,          Christchurch apart?                          • 4 dual ziplines at Christchurch
self-contained residential campus in         Rents in Ōtautahi Christchurch are 15%         Adventure Park.
the country. It’s got the benefit of being   cheaper than Auckland and 11% cheaper        • 10 ski fields within two hours’ drive
distinct from the rest of Christchurch,      than Wellington. (Source: ChristchurchNZ).     from Christchurch.
yet only 5km away from the city centre.
                                             You’ll find new public spaces and            • Check out Riverside Market, Port Hills,
There are open green spaces where you        gardens, a colourful CBD, less congestion,     Banks Peninsula, Akaroa, Hanmer
can sunbathe after lectures, or take a       and future-focused                             Springs, plus explore South Island
breather when you’re stressed. Watch         sustainable businesses.                        spots like Arthur’s Pass National Park,
out for skateboarders, scooters, roller                                                     Kaikōura, Milford Sound, Queenstown.
bladers, and cyclists though!
                                                                                          • There are heaps of stunning walks for
                                                                                            all levels of fitness.

                                                                                          2022 He Arataki ki UC | Introduction to UC   37
T: +64 3 364 2555             UC social media:                Proud supporters of:
Freephone in NZ:
0800 VARSITY (827 748)            universitycanterbury
E: info@canterbury.ac.nz
www.canterbury.ac.nz              instagram.com/ucnz

Liaison:                          twitter.com/ucnz
E: liaison@canterbury.ac.nz
www.canterbury.ac.nz/engage       snapchat.com/add/uc.nz

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