2022 High Performance Formulary - (List of Covered Drugs) - The Health Plan

Page created by Felix Lawrence
2022 High Performance Formulary
                     (List of Covered Drugs)


This formulary was updated on 4/1/2022. For more recent information or other questions,
please contact The Health Plan Pharmacy Services at 1.800.624.6961 extension 7914, or
visit www.heathplan.org.
Pharmacy Benefit Programs                            How to Use Your Prescription Benefit
Prescription drugs are an integral component of a    Please present The Health Plan ID card to the
comprehensive health maintenance plan.               pharmacist with your prescription. You will be
Pharmacy benefit programs at The Health Plan are     required to pay a copayment (“copay”) at the time
developed through recommendations of                 of service based on the prescription plan in which
participating physicians and pharmacists. This       you are enrolled. Your copayment levels are found
group of professional health care providers,         under the pharmacy benefit section Pharmacy
known as the Pharmacy and Therapeutics               Benefit of your Summary of Benefits. Your ID
Committee, evaluates therapeutic classes of drugs    card also contains important information to allow
and recommends coverage guidelines for our           the pharmacy to correctly submit your claim.
pharmacy benefit programs. The committee uses        Please take it with you to the pharmacy.
current medical and pharmaceutical literature
along with recommendations of experts in various     Specialty Pharmacy Program
clinical specialties in its evaluation of our        Specialty drugs are high-cost medications
pharmacy benefit programs. The result is a list of   including drugs manufactured by biotechnology.
drugs (formulary) to allow for the availability of   Specialty drugs may be administered by injection,
appropriate medications for our members’ needs.      oral, transdermal, or inhaled. Specialty drugs are
Also, the formulary and coverage guidelines allow    used to treat very specific diseases and require
prescription costs and your premium to be            extensive management for safety and
maintained at affordable levels.                     effectiveness. Dosages need to be monitored for
                                                     effect and adjustments might be needed for
                                                     adequate response to effectively treat the disease.
Prescription – Drugs which can only be
                                                     Specialty drug require prior authorization to assure
dispensed upon order (prescription) by a qualified
                                                     appropriate candidate for the drug. Additionally,
provider of care. Additionally, only drugs which
                                                     oversight is an integral part of the prior
are labeled “Caution: Federal law prohibits
                                                     authorization process. Dispensing might be limited
dispensing without prescription” will be
                                                     to pharmacies with specific skills and distribution
considered eligible.
                                                     programs to assure proper delivery of these
Generic Drug – A drug available as a chemically      medications. Diseases targeted to receive therapy
and therapeutically equivalent copy of a brand-      are, but not limited to, rheumatoid arthritis, severe
name drug. It is usually available from several      chronic psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, hepatitis C,
manufacturers.                                       hemophilia, certain cancers, growth deficiency,
                                                     cystic fibrosis, Crohn’s disease and organ
Brand Drug – A prescription item only available      transplant.
from a single-source supplier.
                                                     Coverage for these agents are provided under your
Multi-Source Brand Drugs – Brand-name drugs          Specialty Pharmacy Benefit. The list of specialty
which are manufactured by more than one              drugs is available
producer. These agents are usually available as      at www.healthplan.org/personal/products-and-
generic equivalents.                                 services.
Drugs Requiring Prior Authorization                   exception request can be made by the member,
Certain medications are eligible for coverage only    member’s representative or physician. To request
after a patient-specific approval has been            an exception please contact pharmacy services at
authorized. Patient-specific criteria may include     1.800.624.6961, ext. 7914. Standard requests for
age, gender, and clinical conditions determined by    exceptions will be processed within 15 calendar
the physician for authorization to be granted for a   days of receipt of the request. Requests for non-
specific drug. A coverage determination request       urgent coverage determinations received after 5pm
can be made by the member, member’s                   will be processed the next business day. Urgent
representative or physician. To request a coverage    requests for coverage determinations will be
determination please contact pharmacy services at     processed within 24 hours or receipt.
1.800.624.6961, ext. 7914. Standard requests for
                                                      Generic Difference Policy
coverage determinations will be processed within
                                                      (copayment policy for multi-source drugs)
72 hours. Requests for non-urgent coverage
                                                      If a prescription order specifies that a brand-name
determinations received after 5pm will be
                                                      drug must be dispensed when the generic
processed the next business day. Urgent requests
                                                      equivalent is available, or the prescription order
for coverage determinations will be processed
                                                      allows for generic substitution and the member
within 24 hours.
                                                      elects to have the prescription filled with a brand-
Quantity Per Dispensing Event (QPC rules)             name drug instead, the member must pay the
Generally, The Health Plan allows dispensing of       brand copayment plus the difference between The
approved medications up to a 34-day supply per        Health Plan cost of a brand-name and its generic
co-pay at the retail pharmacy network. Quantity       equivalent (i.e., The Health Plan only pays for the
per dispensing event rules (QPC) set thresholds       generic cost). Please note: Non-formulary brand
that reduce exposure to unnecessary cost, without     versions of generic drugs require coverage review
creating obstacles to access for most members.        as outlined above.
Drugs that are subject to QPC rules usually have
                                                      Out-of-Area Emergencies
specific limitations for use approved by the FDA.
                                                      In situations of emergency need for a prescription
Examples include drugs to treat migraine
                                                      outside The Health Plan service area, please
headaches. These drugs, known as “triptans,” are
                                                      contact The Health Plan for the location of a
to be used in specific doses up to a defined
                                                      participating pharmacy in that area. Present The
number of headaches per month. The QPC rules
                                                      Health Plan ID card with the emergency
allow this specific number of triptan medications
                                                      prescription and pay your copayment. If no
to be dispensed per 34-day benefit period. To
                                                      pharmacy in the area participates with The Health
inquire about QPC limits to request an exemption,
                                                      Plan, purchase the emergency prescription and
have your provider contact pharmacy services at
                                                      send your receipt to The Health Plan. You will be
1.800.624.6961, ext. 7914.
                                                      reimbursed in full, less your applicable
Non-Formulary Coverage Review                         copayment, for the prescription provided the
Certain non-formulary medications are eligible for    prescription meets the guidelines specified in this
coverage only after a patient-specific approval has   document.
been authorized. Patient-specific criteria may
include age, gender, and clinical conditions
determined by the physician for authorization to
be granted for a specific drug. A non-formulary
Exclusions and Limitations                            •Charges for lost or stolen prescription drugs
The following will not be covered or paid for by      unless noted within your Summary of Benefits.
The Health Plan:                                      Please contact The Health plan for details.
• The charge for any prescription refill other than   • Certain legend drugs when any version or
the number set by the prescriber. Additionally, no    strength become available over the counter.
refills dispensed more than one year from the date
                                                      Pain Management Program and Opiate/
or the original prescription.
                                                      Opioid Management
• The charge for any prescription, oral or topical,   Pain Management Program will apply to plans
that is prescribed for cosmetic purposes.             within the value program.
• The charge for any medications not FDA-             The acute use of opioid medications for moderate
approved for use in the general population.           to severe pain from acute injury, medical
                                                      treatment or surgical procedure will be limited.
• Off label use of a drug which is not medically
                                                      The first fill of an opioid medication will be
accepted. The Health Plan uses the same
                                                      limited to a 5 day supply. This limit is for the first
guidelines as CMS for determining whether a
                                                      fill of an opioid medication for a member who has
proposed use in medically accepted.
                                                      no history of opioid usage in the past 130 days.
• The charge for a drug not prescribed by a Health
                                                      For those members needing further management
Plan qualified provider except in an emergency
                                                      of their pain, a prior authorization will be required
• The charge for any medication covered by any        • The opioid exceeds 80 morphine milligram
Worker’s Compensation or occupational disease         equivalents
laws, any other group policy, or government
program which is not The Health Plan’s program.       • Is taken for greater than 90 consecutive days

• Dental-related prescriptions such as, but not       • Is a long acting opioid
limited to, oral fluorides, dental mouth washes,      • Is being taken with a medication that could cause
devices used in dental therapy. Certain oral          respiratory depression.
fluoride products may be covered as a
                                                      A pharmacist will review the case to evaluate that
preventative medication.
                                                      the opioid is being utilized safely and
• The charge for prescription drugs or devices used   appropriately. Additionally, the member can be
to promote weight loss.                               limited to one prescriber and one pharmacy, if
• Prescriptions used to treat sexual dysfunction,
either oral or topical, or devices used for           Formulary medications will be preferred over non-
impotence.                                            formulary medications. Step therapy rules will be
                                                      applied when reviewing a request for non-
• Appliances and therapeutic devices which may        formulary medications. Also, dosing and
require a prescription are not covered. These         quantities may be limited.
include, but are not limited to, garments, splints,
bandages, or braces regardless of intended use.
Table of Contents

ANTI - INFECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................ 3
ANTINEOPLASTIC & IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT DRUGS ....................................................................... 6
AUTONOMIC & CNS DRUGS, NEUROLOGY & PSYCH ......................................................................... 9
CARDIOVASCULAR, HYPERTENSION & LIPIDS ................................................................................. 15
DERMATOLOGICALS/TOPICAL THERAPY .......................................................................................... 19
DIAGNOSTICS & MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS ...................................................................................... 22
EAR, NOSE & THROAT MEDICATIONS .................................................................................................. 24
ENDOCRINE/DIABETES .............................................................................................................................. 24
GASTROENTEROLOGY .............................................................................................................................. 29
IMMUNOLOGY, VACCINES & BIOTECHNOLOGY ............................................................................. 32
MUSCULOSKELETAL & RHEUMATOLOGY ......................................................................................... 34
OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY................................................................................................................ 35
OPHTHALMOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................... 39
RESPIRATORY, ALLERGY, COUGH & COLD ....................................................................................... 41
UROLOGICALS .............................................................................................................................................. 43
VITAMINS, HEMATINICS & ELECTROLYTES ..................................................................................... 44
Index .................................................................................................................................................................. 46

List of Abbreviations

ACA: Affordable Care Act.

LA: Limited Availability. This prescription may be available only at certain pharmacies. For more
information, please call Customer Service.

OTC: Over the Counter. An OTC drug is a non-prescription drug.

PA: Prior Authorization. The Plan requires you or your physician to get prior authorization for certain drugs.
This means that you will need to get approval before you fill your prescriptions. If you don’t get approval, we
may not cover the drug.

QL: Quantity Limit. For certain drugs, the Plan limits the amount of the drug that we will cover.

ST: Step Therapy. In some cases, the Plan requires you to first try certain drugs to treat your medical
condition before we will cover another drug for that condition. For example, if Drug A and Drug B both treat
your medical condition, we may not cover Drug B unless you try Drug A first. If Drug A does not work for
you, we will then cover Drug B.

1: Preferred Generic

2: Preferred Brand

3: Non-preferred Drug

4: Specialty Drug

Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 ANTI - INFECTIVES                                    didanosine                1

 ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS                                    DOVATO                    2

 clotrimazole              1                          EDURANT                   2

 CRESEMBA                  2                          efavirenz                 1

 fluconazole               1                          efavirenz-                1
 flucytosine               1
                                                      efavirenz-lamivu-         1
 griseofulvin              1                          tenofov disop
                                                      emtricitabine             1
 griseofulvin              1
 ultramicrosize                                       emtricitabine-            1
                                                      tenofovir (tdf) oral
 itraconazole              1                          tablet 100-150 mg,
 ketoconazole              1                          133-200 mg, 167-
                                                      250 mg
 NOXAFIL                   2
                                                      emtricitabine-            6      ACA
 nystatin                  1                          tenofovir (tdf) oral
 posaconazole              1                          tablet 200-300 mg
 terbinafine hcl           1                          EMTRIVA                   2
 voriconazole              1                          entecavir                 1
 ANTIVIRALS                                           EPCLUSA                   4      PA
 abacavir                  1                          EPIVIR HBV                2
 abacavir-lamivudine       1                          etravirine                1
 abacavir-                 1                          EVOTAZ                    3
 lamivudine-                                          famciclovir               1      QL
                                                      fosamprenavir             1
 acyclovir                 1
                                                      foscarnet                 3      PA
 adefovir                  1
                                                      FUZEON                    2      PA
 amantadine hcl            1
                                                      GENVOYA                   2
 APTIVUS                   2
                                                      HARVONI                   4      PA
 atazanavir                1
                                                      INTELENCE                 2
 BARACLUDE                 2
                                                      INVIRASE                  2
 BIKTARVY                  2
                                                      ISENTRESS                 2
 CIMDUO                    2
                                                      ISENTRESS HD              2
 DESCOVY                   2
                                                      JULUCA                    2
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 lamivudine                1                          VIRACEPT                  2
 lamivudine-               1                          VIREAD                    2
 zidovudine                                           ZEPATIER                  4      PA
 LEXIVA                    2                          zidovudine                1
 lopinavir-ritonavir       1
 maraviroc                 1
                                                      cefaclor                  1
 MOLNUPIRAVIR              2      QL
                                                      cefadroxil                1
 nevirapine                1
                                                      cefdinir                  1
 NORVIR                    2
                                                      cefditoren pivoxil        1
 ODEFSEY                   2
                                                      cefixime                  1
 oseltamivir               1      QL
                                                      cefpodoxime               1
 PAXLOVID (EUA)            2      QL
                                                      cefprozil                 1
 PREVYMIS                  2      QL
                                                      cefuroxime axetil         1
 PREZISTA                  2
                                                      cephalexin                1
 RELENZA                   3      QL
 DISKHALER                                            ERYTHROMYCINS & OTHER
 REYATAZ                   2
                                                      azithromycin              1
 ribavirin                 1      PA
                                                      clarithromycin            1
 rimantadine               1
                                                      DIFICID                   3      QL
 ritonavir                 1
                                                      e.e.s. 400                1
 SELZENTRY                 2
                                                      ery-tab                   1
 stavudine                 1
                                                      erythrocin (as            1
 SYNAGIS                   4      PA; LA              stearate)
 TEMIXYS                   2                          erythromycin              1
 tenofovir disoproxil      1                          erythromycin              1
 fumarate                                             ethylsuccinate
 TIVICAY                   2                          MISCELLANEOUS
 TIVICAY PD                2                          ANTIINFECTIVES
 TRIUMEQ                   2                          albendazole               1      QL
 TROGARZO                  4      PA                  ALINIA                    2      QL
 valacyclovir              1      QL                  ARIKAYCE                  4      PA; LA
 valganciclovir            1                          atovaquone                1
 VEMLIDY                   2

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 atovaquone-               1      QL                  SIVEXTRO                  3      PA
 proguanil                                            tinidazole                1      QL
 BENZNIDAZOLE              2      QL                  tobramycin                4      PA
 CAYSTON                   4      PA; LA              tobramycin in 0.225       4      PA
 chloroquine               1                          % nacl
 phosphate                                            TRECATOR                  3
 clindamycin hcl           1                          XIFAXAN                   2      QL
 clindamycin               1
                                                      amoxicillin               1
 COARTEM                   2      QL
                                                      amoxicillin-pot           1
 CYCLOSERINE               3
 dapsone                   1
                                                      ampicillin                1
 EMVERM                    2      QL
                                                      AUGMENTIN                 2
 ethambutol                1
                                                      dicloxacillin             1
 hydroxychloroquine        1
                                                      penicillin v              1
 IMPAVIDO                  2      QL                  potassium
 isoniazid                 1                          QUINOLONES
 ivermectin                1      QL                  ciprofloxacin             1
 KITABIS PAK               4      PA                  ciprofloxacin hcl         1
 linezolid                 1      PA                  FACTIVE                   3
 mefloquine                1      QL                  levofloxacin              1
 metronidazole             1                          moxifloxacin              1
 neomycin                  1                          ofloxacin                 1
 nitazoxanide              1      QL                  SULFA'S & RELATED AGENTS
 paromomycin               1                          sulfadiazine              1
 pentamidine               1      QL                  sulfamethoxazole-         1
 praziquantel              1                          trimethoprim
 PRIFTIN                   2                          sulfatrim                 1
 pyrazinamide              1                          TETRACYCLINES
 quinine sulfate           1      QL                  avidoxy                   1
 rifabutin                 1                          demeclocycline            1
 rifampin                  1                          doxycycline hyclate       1
 SIRTURO                   2      LA

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 doxycycline               1                          ADAKVEO                   4
 monohydrate                                          ADCETRIS                  4      PA
 minocycline               1                          ALECENSA                  4      PA
 mondoxyne nl              1                          ALIQOPA                   4      PA; LA
 morgidox                  1                          ALUNBRIG                  4      PA
 tetracycline              1                          anastrozole               1
 URINARY TRACT AGENTS                                 azacitidine               4      PA
 fosfomycin                1                          azathioprine              1
                                                      BALVERSA                  4      PA; LA
 methenamine               1
 hippurate                                            BAVENCIO                  4      PA; LA
 methenamine               1                          BENDEKA                   4      PA
 mandelate                                            BESPONSA                  4      PA
 nitrofurantoin            1                          bexarotene                4      PA
 nitrofurantoin            1                          bicalutamide              1
                                                      BLINCYTO                  4      PA
 nitrofurantoin            1
                                                      BOSULIF                   4      PA
                                                      CABOMETYX                 4      PA; LA
 trimethoprim              1
                                                      CALQUENCE                 4      PA; LA
                                                      capecitabine              4      PA
 vancomycin                1      QL
                                                      CAPRELSA                  4      PA; LA
                                                      COMETRIQ                  4      PA
                                                      COTELLIC                  4      PA; LA
                                                      cyclophosphamide          1
                                                      cyclosporine              1
 KEPIVANCE                 4      PA
                                                      cyclosporine              1
 leucovorin calcium        1                          modified
 MESNEX                    2                          CYRAMZA                   4      PA
 VISTOGARD                 4      PA                  DARZALEX                  4      PA; LA
 XGEVA                     4      PA                  decitabine                4      PA
 ANTINEOPLASTIC &                                     DROXIA                    2
                                                      ELIGARD                   4      PA
 abiraterone               4      PA
                                                      ELIGARD (3                4      PA
 ABRAXANE                  4      PA                  MONTH)
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 ELIGARD (4                4      PA                  IMBRUVICA                 4      PA
 MONTH)                                               IMFINZI                   4      PA; LA
 ELIGARD (6                4      PA                  INLYTA                    4      PA
                                                      IRESSA                    4      PA
 ELZONRIS                  4      PA
                                                      ISTODAX                   4      PA
 EMCYT                     2
                                                      IXEMPRA                   4      PA
 ENSPRYNG                  4      PA
                                                      JAKAFI                    4      PA
 ERBITUX                   4      PA
                                                      KADCYLA                   4      PA
 ERIVEDGE                  4      PA
                                                      KANJINTI                  4      PA
 ERLEADA                   4      PA
                                                      KEYTRUDA                  4      PA
 erlotinib                 4      PA
                                                      KYMRIAH                   4      PA
 etoposide                 1
                                                      KYPROLIS                  4      PA
 everolimus                4      PA
 (antineoplastic)                                     lapatinib                 4      PA
 everolimus                1                          LENVIMA                   4      PA
 (immunosuppressive                                   letrozole                 1
                                                      LEUKERAN                  2
 exemestane                1
                                                      leuprolide                4      PA
 fludarabine               1
                                                      LIBTAYO                   4      PA
 flutamide                 1
                                                      LONSURF                   4      PA
 FOLOTYN                   4      PA
                                                      LORBRENA                  4      PA
 GAMIFANT                  4      PA
                                                      LUPRON DEPOT              4      PA
 GAVRETO                   4      LA
                                                      LUPRON DEPOT              4      PA
 GAZYVA                    4      PA                  (3 MONTH)
 gengraf                   1                          LUPRON DEPOT-             4      PA
 GILOTRIF                  4      PA                  PED
 GLEOSTINE                 2                          LUPRON DEPOT-             4      PA
                                                      PED (3 MONTH)
 HALAVEN                   4      PA
                                                      LYNPARZA                  4      PA
 HYCAMTIN                  4      PA
                                                      LYSODREN                  4
 hydroxyurea               1
                                                      MARQIBO                   4      PA
 IBRANCE                   4      PA
                                                      MATULANE                  4      PA
 ICLUSIG                   4      PA
                                                      megestrol                 1
 IDHIFA                    4      PA; LA
                                                      MEKINIST                  4      PA
 imatinib                  4      PA
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 melphalan                 1                          sirolimus                 1
 mercaptopurine            1                          SOLTAMOX                  3
 methotrexate sodium       1                          SOMATULINE                4      PA
 methotrexate sodium       1                          DEPOT
 (pf)                                                 SPRYCEL                   4      PA
 mitoxantrone              4      PA                  STIVARGA                  4      PA
 mycophenolate             1                          sunitinib                 4      PA
 mofetil                                              SYLVANT                   4      PA
 mycophenolate             1                          TABRECTA                  4      PA
                                                      tacrolimus                1
 MYLERAN                   2
                                                      TAFINLAR                  4      PA
 MYLOTARG                  4      PA; LA
                                                      TAGRISSO                  4      PA; LA
 nelarabine                4      PA
                                                      TALZENNA                  4      PA
 NERLYNX                   4      PA; LA
                                                      tamoxifen                 1
 NEXAVAR                   4      PA; LA
                                                      TARGRETIN                 4      PA
 nilutamide                1
                                                      TASIGNA                   4      PA
 NINLARO                   4      PA
                                                      TECENTRIQ                 4      PA; LA
 NUBEQA                    4      PA; LA
                                                      TEMODAR                   4      PA
 octreotide acetate        4      PA
                                                      temozolomide              4      PA
 ODOMZO                    4      PA; LA
                                                      temsirolimus              4      PA
 ONIVYDE                   4      PA
                                                      THALOMID                  4      PA
 OPDIVO                    4      PA
                                                      TIBSOVO                   4      PA
 PEMAZYRE                  4      PA; LA
                                                      topotecan                 4      PA
 PERJETA                   4      PA
                                                      toremifene                1
 POTELIGEO                 4      PA
                                                      TRAZIMERA                 4      PA
 PROGRAF                   2
                                                      TREANDA                   4      PA
 PURIXAN                   4      PA
                                                      tretinoin                 1
 ROZLYTREK                 4      PA; LA              (antineoplastic)
 RUBRACA                   4      PA; LA              TRIPTODUR                 4      PA
 RUXIENCE                  4                          UNITUXIN                  4      PA
 RYDAPT                    4      PA                  VANTAS                    4      PA
 SANDIMMUNE                2                          VECTIBIX                  4      PA
 SIGNIFOR                  4      PA                  VELCADE                   4      PA
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 VENCLEXTA                 4      PA; LA              DILANTIN                  2
 VENCLEXTA                 4      PA                  divalproex                1
 STARTING PACK                                        EPIDIOLEX                 4      PA; LA
 VERZENIO                  4      PA; LA              epitol                    1
 VITRAKVI                  4      PA; LA              ethosuximide              1
 VIZIMPRO                  4      PA                  felbamate                 1
 VOTRIENT                  4      PA                  gabapentin                1
 VYXEOS                    4      PA                  lamotrigine               1
 XALKORI                   4      PA                  levetiracetam             1
 XERMELO                   4      PA; LA              NAYZILAM                  2      QL
 XOSPATA                   4      PA; LA              oxcarbazepine             1
 YERVOY                    4      PA                  phenobarbital             1
 YESCARTA                  4      PA                  phenytoin                 1
 YONDELIS                  4      PA                  phenytoin sodium          1
 YONSA                     4      PA                  extended
 ZEJULA                    4      PA; LA              pregabalin                1
 ZELBORAF                  4      PA                  primidone                 1
 ZIRABEV                   4      PA                  roweepra                  1
 ZOLADEX                   4      PA                  rufinamide                1
 ZOLINZA                   4      PA                  subvenite                 1
 ZYDELIG                   4      PA                  subvenite starter         1
 ZYKADIA                   4      PA                  (blue) kit
                                                      subvenite starter         1
 AUTONOMIC & CNS DRUGS,                               (green) kit
 NEUROLOGY & PSYCH                                    subvenite starter         1
 ANTICONVULSANTS                                      (orange) kit
 APTIOM                    3                          tiagabine                 1
 carbamazepine             1                          topiramate                1
 CELONTIN                  2                          valproic acid             1
 clobazam                  1                          valproic acid (as         1
                                                      sodium salt)
 clonazepam                1
                                                      vigabatrin                4      PA; LA
 DIACOMIT                  4      PA
                                                      vigadrone                 4      PA
 diazepam                  1
                                                      VIMPAT                    2
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 zonisamide                1                          sumatriptan               1      QL
                                                      succinate oral
                                                      sumatriptan               1      PA; QL
 benztropine               1
 bromocriptine             1                          subcutaneous
 carbidopa                 1                          sumatriptan-              1      QL
 carbidopa-levodopa        1                          naproxen

 carbidopa-levodopa-       1                          zolmitriptan              1      QL
 entacapone                                           MISCELLANEOUS
 entacapone                1                          NEUROLOGICAL THERAPY
 INBRIJA                   4      PA; QL              dalfampridine             4      PA
 KYNMOBI                   2      PA; QL              donepezil                 1
 NEUPRO                    3                          FIRDAPSE                  4      PA; LA
 pramipexole               1                          galantamine               1
 rasagiline                1                          memantine                 1
 ropinirole                1                          NUEDEXTA                  2
 selegiline hcl            1                          RADICAVA                  4      PA
 tolcapone                 1                          rivastigmine              1
 trihexyphenidyl           1                          rivastigmine tartrate     1
 MIGRAINE & CLUSTER                                   TEGSEDI                   4      PA; LA
 HEADACHE THERAPY                                     tetrabenazine             4      PA; QL
 almotriptan malate        1      QL                  TYSABRI                   4      PA; LA
 dihydroergotamine         1      PA                  ZEPOSIA                   4      PA
                                                      ZEPOSIA                   4      PA
 dihydroergotamine         1      QL                  STARTER KIT
                                                      ZEPOSIA                   4      PA
 eletriptan                1      QL                  STARTER PACK
 ergotamine-caffeine       1                          ZOLGENSMA                 4      PA
 frovatriptan              1      QL                  MUSCLE RELAXANTS &
 migergot                  1                          ANTISPASMODIC THERAPY
 naratriptan               1      QL                  baclofen                  1
 rizatriptan               1      QL                  carisoprodol              3
 sumatriptan               1      QL                  chlorzoxazone             1
                                                      cyclobenzaprine           1

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 dantrolene                1                          fentanyl                  1      QL
 meprobamate               3                          fentanyl citrate          1      PA; QL
 metaxalone                1                          hydrocodone               1      QL
 methocarbamol             1                          bitartrate

 orphenadrine citrate      1                          hydrocodone-              1      ST; QL
 orphenadrine-asa-         1
 caffeine                                             hydrocodone-              1      ST; QL
 orphengesic forte         1
                                                      hydromorphone oral        1      ST; QL
 pyridostigmine            1                          liquid
                                                      hydromorphone oral        1      ST; QL
 tizanidine                1                          tablet
 NARCOTIC ANALGESICS                                  hydromorphone oral        1      PA; QL
 acetaminophen-caff-       1      ST; QL              tablet extended
 dihydrocod                                           release 24 hr

 acetaminophen-            1      ST; QL              hydromorphone             1      ST; QL
 codeine                                              rectal

 ascomp with codeine       1                          levorphanol tartrate      1      ST; QL

 buprenorphine             1                          methadone injection       1

 buprenorphine hcl         1                          methadone oral            1      PA

 butalbital compound       1                          methadose                 1      PA
 w/codeine                                            morphine                  1      ST; QL
 butalbital-               1                          concentrate
 acetaminop-caf-cod                                   morphine oral             1      PA; QL
 butalbital-               1                          capsule, er
 acetaminophen                                        multiphase 24 hr

 butalbital-               1                          morphine oral             1      PA; QL
 acetaminophen-caff                                   capsule,extend.relea
                                                      se pellets
 butalbital-aspirin-       1
 caffeine                                             morphine oral             1      ST; QL
 codeine sulfate           1      ST; QL
                                                      morphine oral tablet      1      ST; QL
 codeine-butalbital-       1
 asa-caff                                             morphine oral tablet      1      PA; QL
                                                      extended release
 diskets                   1      PA
                                                      morphine rectal           1      ST; QL
 dvorah                    1      ST; QL
                                                      oxycodone                 1      ST; QL
 endocet                   1      ST; QL

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 oxycodone-                1      ST; QL              choline,magnesium         1
 acetaminophen                                        salicylate
 OXYCONTIN                 3      PA; QL              diclofenac potassium      1
 oxymorphone oral          1      ST; QL              diclofenac sodium         1
 tablet                                               oral
 oxymorphone oral          1      PA; QL              diclofenac sodium         1      QL
 tablet extended                                      topical
 release 12 hr                                        diclofenac-               1
 prolate                   1      ST; QL              misoprostol
 SUBLOCADE                 4      PA                  diflunisal                1
 tencon                    1                          ecotrin                   6      ACA; OTC
 vtol lq                   1                          ecotrin low strength      6      ACA; OTC
 zebutal                   1                          etodolac                  1
 NON-NARCOTIC ANALGESICS                              fenoprofen                1
 aspirin                   6      ACA; OTC            flurbiprofen              1
 aspirin low dose          6      ACA; OTC            ibu                       1
 aspir-trin                6      ACA; OTC            ibuprofen                 1
 bayer aspirin             6      ACA; OTC            indomethacin              1
 buprenorphine-            1                          ketoprofen                1
 naloxone sublingual                                  ketorolac                 1
 film 12-3 mg
                                                      KLOXXADO                  2      QL
 buprenorphine-            1      QL
 naloxone sublingual                                  lofena                    1
 film 2-0.5 mg, 4-1                                   meclofenamate             1
 mg, 8-2 mg
                                                      mefenamic acid            1
 buprenorphine-            1      QL
                                                      meloxicam                 1
 naloxone sublingual
 tablet 2-0.5 mg                                      meloxicam                 1
 buprenorphine-            1
 naloxone sublingual                                  nabumetone                1
 tablet 8-2 mg                                        naloxone injection        1      PA
 butorphanol               1      PA; QL              naloxone nasal            1      QL
 cataflam                  1                          naltrexone                1
 celecoxib                 1                          naproxen                  1
 children's aspirin        6      ACA; OTC            naproxen sodium           1
                                                      NUCYNTA                   3      ST; QL
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 NUCYNTA ER                3      PA; QL              aripiprazole oral         1      QL
 oxaprozin                 1                          tablet

 pentazocine-              3      ST; QL              aripiprazole oral         1      QL
 naloxone                                             tablet,disintegrating

 piroxicam                 1                          ARISTADA                  2

 salsalate                 1                          ARISTADA INITIO           2

 st joseph aspirin         6      ACA; OTC            armodafinil               1      PA

 sulindac                  1                          asenapine maleate         3      QL

 tolmetin                  1                          atomoxetine               1

 tramadol                  1      ST; QL              BELSOMRA                  3

 tramadol-                 1      ST; QL              bupropion hcl             1
 acetaminophen                                        buspirone                 1
 VISCO-3                   4      PA                  chlordiazepoxide hcl      1
 VIVITROL                  4                          chlorpromazine            1
 ZUBSOLV                   2      QL                  citalopram                1
 SUBLINGUAL                                           clomipramine              1
 TABLET 0.7-0.18
 MG, 1.4-0.36 MG,                                     clonidine hcl             1
 2.9-0.71 MG, 5.7-                                    clorazepate               1
 1.4 MG, 8.6-2.1 MG                                   dipotassium
 ZUBSOLV                   2                          clozapine                 1
 TABLET 11.4-2.9                                      desipramine               1
 MG                                                   desvenlafaxine            1
 PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC DRUGS                              succinate
                                                      dexmethylphenidate        1
 ABILIFY                   2
 MAINTENA                                             dextroamphetamine         1
 alprazolam                1                          dextroamphetamine-        1
 alprazolam intensol       1
                                                      diazepam                  1
 amitriptyline             1
                                                      diazepam intensol         1
 amitriptyline-            1
 chlordiazepoxide                                     DORAL                     2
 amoxapine                 1                          doxepin                   1
 amphetamine sulfate       1                          duloxetine                1
 aripiprazole oral         1                          ergoloid                  1
 solution                                             escitalopram oxalate      1
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 estazolam                 1                          paroxetine                1
 eszopiclone               1                          mesylate(menop.sym
 FETZIMA                   3
                                                      perphenazine              1
 fluoxetine                1
                                                      perphenazine-             1
 fluphenazine hcl          1                          amitriptyline
 flurazepam                1                          phenelzine                1
 fluvoxamine               1                          pimozide                  1
 guanfacine                1                          procentra                 1
 haloperidol               1                          protriptyline             1
 haloperidol lactate       1                          QUAZEPAM                  3
 imipramine hcl            1                          quetiapine                1      QL
 imipramine pamoate        1                          ramelteon                 1
 LATUDA                    3      QL                  REXULTI                   3      QL
 lithium carbonate         1                          RISPERDAL                 2
 lorazepam                 1                          CONSTA
 lorazepam intensol        1                          risperidone oral          1
 loxapine succinate        1
                                                      risperidone oral          1      QL
 maprotiline               1                          tablet
 MARPLAN                   3                          risperidone oral          1      QL
 methamphetamine           1                          tablet,disintegrating
 methylphenidate hcl       1                          sertraline                1
 midazolam                 1                          SUNOSI                    2
 mirtazapine               1                          temazepam                 3
 modafinil                 1      PA                  thioridazine              1
 molindone                 1                          thiothixene               1
 nortriptyline             1                          tranylcypromine           1
 olanzapine                1      QL                  trazodone                 1
 olanzapine-               1                          triazolam                 1
 fluoxetine                                           trifluoperazine           1
 oxazepam                  3                          trimipramine              1
 paliperidone              1      QL                  TRINTELLIX                3      PA
 paroxetine hcl            1                          venlafaxine               1

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 VIIBRYD                   3      PA                  amlodipine                1
 XYREM                     4      PA; LA; QL          amlodipine-               1
 XYWAV                     4      PA; LA; QL          benazepril

 zaleplon                  1                          amlodipine-               1
 zenzedi                   1
                                                      amlodipine-               1
 ziprasidone hcl           1      QL                  valsartan
 zolpidem                  1                          amlodipine-               1
 ZULRESSO                  4      PA                  valsartan-hcthiazid
                                                      atenolol                  1
 HYPERTENSION & LIPIDS                                atenolol-                 1
                                                      benazepril                1
 amiodarone                1
                                                      benazepril-               1
 disopyramide              3                          hydrochlorothiazide
                                                      betaxolol                 1
 dofetilide                1
                                                      bisoprolol fumarate       1
 flecainide                1
                                                      bisoprolol-               1
 mexiletine                1                          hydrochlorothiazide
 MULTAQ                    3                          bumetanide                1
 pacerone                  1                          candesartan               1
 propafenone               1                          candesartan-              1
 quinidine gluconate       1                          hydrochlorothiazid

 quinidine sulfate         1                          captopril                 1

 sorine                    1                          captopril-                1
 sotalol                   1
                                                      cartia xt                 1
 sotalol af                1
                                                      carvedilol                1
 SOTYLIZE                  2
                                                      carvedilol phosphate      1
                                                      chlorthalidone            1
 acebutolol                1
                                                      clonidine                 1
 aliskiren                 3
                                                      clonidine hcl             1
 amiloride                 1
                                                      diltiazem                 1
 amiloride-                1
                                                      dilt-xr                   1
                                                      doxazosin                 1
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 enalapril maleate         1                          metolazone                1
 enalapril-                1                          metoprolol succinate      1
 hydrochlorothiazide                                  metoprolol ta-            1
 eplerenone                1                          hydrochlorothiaz
 epoprostenol              4      PA                  metoprolol tartrate       1
 epoprostenol              4      PA                  metyrosine                1
 (glycine)                                            minoxidil                 1
 eprosartan                1                          moexipril                 1
 ethacrynic acid           1                          nadolol                   1
 felodipine                1                          nebivolol                 1
 fosinopril                1                          nicardipine               1
 fosinopril-               1                          nifedipine                1
                                                      nimodipine                1
 furosemide                1
                                                      nisoldipine               1
 guanfacine                1
                                                      olmesartan                1
 hydralazine               1
                                                      olmesartan-               1
 hydrochlorothiazide       1                          amlodipin-hcthiazid
 indapamide                1                          olmesartan-               1
 irbesartan                1                          hydrochlorothiazide
 irbesartan-               1                          ORENITRAM                 4      PA
 hydrochlorothiazide                                  perindopril               1
 isradipine                1                          erbumine
 KERENDIA                  2                          phenoxybenzamine          1
 labetalol                 1                          pindolol                  1
 lisinopril                1                          prazosin                  1
 lisinopril-               1                          propranolol               1
 hydrochlorothiazide                                  propranolol-              1
 losartan                  1                          hydrochlorothiazid
 losartan-                 1                          quinapril                 1
 hydrochlorothiazide                                  quinapril-                1
 matzim la                 1                          hydrochlorothiazide
 methyldopa                1                          ramipril                  1
 methyldopa-               1                          spironolactone            1

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 spironolacton-            1                          ALPHANATE                 4      PA
 hydrochlorothiaz                                     ALPROLIX                  4      PA
 taztia xt                 1                          aminocaproic acid         1
 TEKTURNA HCT              3                          aspirin-dipyridamole      1
 telmisartan               1                          BENEFIX                   4      PA
 telmisartan-              1                          BRILINTA                  2
                                                      CABLIVI                   4      PA; LA
 telmisartan-              1
 hydrochlorothiazid                                   CEPROTIN (BLUE            4      PA
 terazosin                 1
                                                      CEPROTIN                  4      PA
 tiadylt er                1                          (GREEN BAR)
 timolol maleate           1                          cilostazol                1
 torsemide                 1                          clopidogrel               1
 trandolapril              1                          COAGADEX                  4      PA
 trandolapril-             1                          CORIFACT                  4      PA
                                                      dipyridamole              1
 treprostinil sodium       4      PA
                                                      DOPTELET (15              4      PA; LA
 triamterene               1                          TAB PACK)
 triamterene-              1                          ELIQUIS                   2
                                                      ELIQUIS DVT-PE            2
 UPTRAVI                   4      PA; LA              TREAT 30D
 valsartan                 1                          START
 valsartan-                1                          ELOCTATE                  4      PA
 hydrochlorothiazide                                  enoxaparin                4      PA
 veletri                   4      PA                  ESPEROCT                  4      PA
 verapamil                 1                          FEIBA NF                  4      PA
 CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES                                   fondaparinux              4      PA
 digitek                   1                          HEMLIBRA                  4      PA
 digox                     1                          HEMOFIL M HIGH            4      PA
 digoxin                   1                          HEMOFIL M LOW             4      PA
 COAGULATION THERAPY                                  HEMOFIL M MID             4      PA
 ADVATE                    4      PA                  HEMOFIL M                 4      PA
 ADYNOVATE                 4      PA                  SUPER HIGH
 AFSTYLA                   4      PA                  hep flush-10 (pf)         1      PA

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 heparin (porcine)         1      PA                  vitamin k                 1      PA
 heparin (porcine) in      1      PA                  vitamin k1                1      PA
 5 % dex                                              VONVENDI                  4      PA
 heparin (porcine) in      1      PA                  warfarin                  1
 nacl (pf)
                                                      XARELTO                   2
 heparin                   1      PA
 flush(porcine)-                                      XARELTO DVT-PE            2
 0.9nacl                                              TREAT 30D
 heparin lock flush        1      PA
 (porcine)                                            ZONTIVITY                 3
 heparin                   1      PA                  LIPID/CHOLESTEROL LOWERING
 lockflush(porcine)(pf                                AGENTS
                                                      amlodipine-               1
 heparin(porcine) in       1      PA                  atorvastatin
 0.45% nacl
                                                      atorvastatin oral         6      ACA
 heparin, porcine (pf)     1      PA                  tablet 10 mg, 20 mg
 HUMATE-P                  4      PA                  atorvastatin oral         1
 IXINITY                   4      PA                  tablet 40 mg, 80 mg

 jantoven                  1                          cholestyramine (with      1
 JIVI                      4      PA
                                                      cholestyramine light      1
 KOGENATE FS               4      PA
                                                      colesevelam               1
 KOVALTRY                  4      PA
                                                      colestipol                1
 NOVOEIGHT                 4      PA
                                                      ezetimibe                 1
 NPLATE                    4      PA
                                                      ezetimibe-                1
 OBIZUR                    4      PA                  simvastatin
 pentoxifylline            1                          fenofibrate               1
 phytonadione              1      PA                  fenofibrate               1
 (vitamin k1)                                         micronized
 prasugrel                 1                          fenofibrate               1
 PROFILNINE                4      PA                  nanocrystallized
 PROMACTA                  4      PA; LA              fenofibric acid           1
 RIASTAP                   4      PA                  fluvastatin               6      ACA
 SEVENFACT                 4                          gemfibrozil               1
 TAVALISSE                 4      PA; LA              icosapent ethyl           1      PA
 TRETTEN                   4      PA                  JUXTAPID                  4      PA; LA

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 lovastatin                6      ACA                 nitroglycerin             1
 niacin                    1                          nitro-time                1
 omega-3 acid ethyl        1      PA                  DERMATOLOGICALS/TOPICA
                                                      L THERAPY
 pravastatin               6      ACA
                                                      ANTIPSORIATIC /
 prevalite                 1                          ANTISEBORRHEIC
 REPATHA                   2      PA                  acitretin                 1
                                                      calcipotriene             1
 REPATHA                   2      PA
 SURECLICK                                            calcipotriene-            1
 REPATHA                   2      PA
 SYRINGE                                              calcitriol                1
 rosuvastatin oral         6      ACA                 COSENTYX                  4      PA
 tablet 10 mg, 5 mg                                   COSENTYX (2               4      PA
 rosuvastatin oral         1                          SYRINGES)
 tablet 20 mg, 40 mg                                  COSENTYX PEN              4      PA
 simvastatin oral          6      ACA                 COSENTYX PEN              4      PA
 tablet 10 mg, 20 mg,                                 (2 PENS)
 40 mg, 5 mg
                                                      hydrocortisone-           1
 simvastatin oral          1                          pramoxine
 tablet 80 mg
                                                      selenium sulfide          1
 VASCEPA                   2      PA
                                                      SKYRIZI                   4      PA
                                                      STELARA                   4      PA
                                                      sulfacetamide             1
 CORLANOR                  2                          sodium
 ENTRESTO                  2                          TALTZ                     4      PA
 ranolazine                1                          AUTOINJECTOR
 VERQUVO                   2                          TALTZ                     4      PA
 VYNDAMAX                  4      PA
                                                      (2 PACK)
 VYNDAQEL                  4      PA
                                                      TALTZ                     4      PA
 NITRATES                                             AUTOINJECTOR
 isosorbide dinitrate      1                          (3 PACK)

 isosorbide                1                          TALTZ SYRINGE             4      PA
 mononitrate                                          TREMFYA                   4      PA
 nitro-bid                 1                          BURN THERAPY

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 silver sulfadiazine       1                          clindacin p               1
 ssd                       1                          clindamycin               1      QL
                                                      phosphate topical
                                                      clindamycin               1      QL
 ammonium lactate          1                          phosphate topical
 doxepin                   1                          gel
 DUPIXENT PEN              4      PA                  clindamycin               1      QL
                                                      phosphate topical
 DUPIXENT                  4      PA
                                                      gel, once daily
                                                      clindamycin               1      QL
 fluorouracil              1
                                                      phosphate topical
 iodine-sodium iodide      1                          lotion
 methoxsalen               1                          clindamycin               1      QL
 methyl salicylate         1                          phosphate topical
 pimecrolimus              3
                                                      clindamycin               1
 podofilox                 1                          phosphate topical
 prudoxin                  1                          swab
 REGRANEX                  2                          clindamycin-benzoyl       1
 tacrolimus                1
                                                      clindamycin-              1
 VALCHLOR                  4      PA                  tretinoin
 VEREGEN                   3                          dapsone                   1
 wintergreen oil           1                          ery pads                  1
 THERAPY FOR ACNE                                     erygel                    1
 accutane                  1                          erythromycin with         1
 adapalene-benzoyl         1                          ethanol
 peroxide                                             erythromycin-             1
 amnesteem                 1                          benzoyl peroxide
 avar                      1                          isotretinoin              1
 avita                     1                          ivermectin                1
 benzepro                  1                          metronidazole             1
 benzoyl peroxide          1                          myorisan                  1
 bp 10-1                   1                          neuac                     1
 claravis                  1                          rosadan                   1
 clindacin etz             1
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 rosula cleansing          1                          lidocaine-prilocaine      1
 cloths                                               topical kit
 sss 10-5                  1                          lidocort                  1
 sulfacetamide             1                          lta pre-attached          1
 sodium-sulfur                                        ZTLIDO                    2
 sulfacetamide-            1
                                                      TOPICAL ANTIBACTERIALS
                                                      gentamicin                1      QL
 sulfacleanse 8-4          1
                                                      lugols                    1
 tazarotene                1
                                                      mafenide acetate          1
 TAZORAC                   2
                                                      mupirocin                 1      QL
 tretinoin                 1
                                                      strong iodine             1
 tretinoin                 1
 microspheres                                         sulfacetamide             1
                                                      sodium (acne)
 zenatane                  1
                                                      SULFAMYLON                2
                                                      TOPICAL ANTIFUNGALS
 glydo                     1      QL
                                                      ciclodan                  1
 lidocaine hcl             1
 laryngotracheal                                      ciclopirox                1
 lidocaine hcl mucous      1      QL                  ciclopirox-ure-           1
 membrane jelly                                       camph-menth-euc
 lidocaine hcl mucous      1      QL                  clotrimazole              1
 membrane jelly in                                    clotrimazole-             1
 applicator                                           betamethasone
 lidocaine hcl mucous      1                          econazole                 1
 membrane solution
                                                      ERTACZO                   3
 lidocaine hcl-            1
 hydrocortison ac                                     EXELDERM                  3
 lidocaine topical         1                          JUBLIA                    3
 adhesive                                             ketoconazole              1
                                                      ketodan                   1
 lidocaine topical         1      QL
 ointment                                             ketodan kit               1

 lidocaine viscous         1                          LULICONAZOLE              3

 lidocaine-prilocaine      1      QL                  LUZU                      2
 topical cream                                        MENTAX                    3
                                                      naftifine                 1

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 nyamyc                    1                          fluocinonide              1
 nystatin                  1                          fluocinonide-e            1
 nystatin-                 1                          flurandrenolide           1
 triamcinolone                                        fluticasone               1
 nystop                    1                          propionate
 oxiconazole               1                          halcinonide               3
 tavaborole                1                          halobetasol               1
                                                      hydrocortisone            1
 acyclovir                 1      QL
                                                      hydrocortisone            1
 XERESE                    3
 TOPICAL CORTICOSTEROIDS                              hydrocortisone            1
 ala-cort                  1                          butyr-emollient
 alclometasone             1                          hydrocortisone            1
 amcinonide                1
                                                      mometasone                1
 apexicon e                1
                                                      nolix                     1
 beser                     1
                                                      prednicarbate             1
 betamethasone             1
 dipropionate                                         scalacort                 1
 betamethasone             1                          tovet emollient           1
 valerate                                             triamcinolone             1
 betamethasone,            1                          acetonide
 augmented                                            trianex                   1
 clobetasol                1                          triderm                   1
 clobetasol-emollient      1                          tritocin                  1
 clocortolone              1
                                                      TOPICAL ENZYMES
                                                      SANTYL                    2
 clodan                    1
 desonide                  1
                                                      TOPICAL SCABICIDES /
 desoximetasone            1
                                                      crotan                    1
 desrx                     1
                                                      ivermectin                1
 diflorasone               1
                                                      lindane                   1
 fluocinolone              1
                                                      malathion                 1
 fluocinolone and          1
 shower cap                                           permethrin                1

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 spinosad                  1                          INCRELEX                  4      PA; LA
 ULESFIA                   3                          levocarnitine             1
 DIAGNOSTICS &                                        levocarnitine (with       1
                                                      midodrine                 1
                                                      nitisinone                4      PA; LA
 lactated ringers          1
                                                      NITYR                     4      PA; LA
 neomycin-polymyxin        1
 b gu                                                 pilocarpine hcl           1
 ringer's                  1                          PROLASTIN-C               4      PA; LA
 tis-u-sol pentalyte       1                          RAVICTI                   4      PA

 MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS                                 REVCOVI                   4      PA

 acamprosate               1                          riluzole                  1      PA

 acetic acid               1                          risedronate               1

 anagrelide                1                          sodium chloride 0.9       1      PA
 aqua care sodium          1
 chloride                                             sodium chloride 0.9       1      PA
                                                      % (flush)
 aqua care sterile         1
 water                                                sodium chloride           1      PA
 ARALAST NP                4      PA; LA
                                                      sodium chloride           1
 caffeine citrate          1                          irrigation
 CARBAGLU                  4      PA; LA              sodium                    1
 carglumic acid            4      PA                  phenylbutyrate
 cevimeline                1                          SOLIRIS                   4      PA
 CHEMET                    2                          tiopronin                 4      PA
 deferasirox               4      PA                  trientine                 1
 deferiprone oral          1                          water for irrigation,     1
 tablet 1,000 mg                                      sterile
 deferiprone oral          4                          XURIDEN                   4      PA
 tablet 500 mg                                        ZEMAIRA                   4      PA; LA
 disulfiram                1                          zoledronic acid-          4      PA
 EMPAVELI                  4      PA                  mannitol-water
 FERRIPROX                 4      PA                  SMOKING DETERRENTS
 GLASSIA                   4      PA; LA              bupropion hcl             6      ACA
                                                      (smoking deter)
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 nicorette buccal gum      6      ACA; OTC            flac otic oil             1      QL
 NICORETTE                 2      OTC                 fluocinolone              1      QL
 BUCCAL                                               acetonide oil
 LOZENGE                                              hydrocortisone-           1      QL
 NICORETTE                 2      OTC                 acetic acid
 BUCCAL MINI                                          ofloxacin                 1      QL
                                                      OTIC STEROID / ANTIBIOTIC
 nicotine                  6      ACA; OTC
                                                      CIPRO HC                  3
 nicotine (polacrilex)     6      ACA; OTC
                                                      ciprofloxacin-            1
 quit 2                    6      ACA; OTC
 quit 4                    6      ACA; OTC
                                                      CORTISPORIN-TC            3
 stop smoking aid          6      ACA; OTC
                                                      neomycin-                 1
 varenicline               6      ACA                 polymyxin-hc
 EAR, NOSE & THROAT                                   ENDOCRINE/DIABETES
 MEDICATIONS                                          ADRENAL HORMONES
 MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS                                 decadron                  1
 azelastine nasal          1      QL                  dexabliss                 1
                                                      dexamethasone             1
 azelastine nasal          1
 spray,non-aerosol                                    dexamethasone             1
 chlorhexidine             1
 gluconate                                            fludrocortisone           1
 ipratropium bromide       1      QL                  hydrocortisone            1
 olopatadine               1      QL                  methylprednisolone        1
 oralone                   1                          millipred                 1
 paroex oral rinse         1                          millipred dp              1
 periogard                 1                          prednisolone              1
 pilocarpine hcl           1                          prednisolone sodium       1
 triamcinolone             1
 acetonide                                            prednisone                1

 MISCELLANEOUS OTIC                                   prednisone intensol       1
 PREPARATIONS                                         ANTITHYROID AGENTS
 acetic acid               1                          methimazole               1
 ciprofloxacin hcl         1                          propylthiouracil          1

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITORING                             OPTICHAMBER               2
 DEVICES & SUPPLIES                                   DIAMOND VHC
 ONETOUCH                  2                          POCKET                    2
 ULTRA TEST                                           CHAMBER
 ONETOUCH                  2                          PRIMEAIRE                 2
 VERIO TEST                                           PROCHAMBER                2
                                                      RITEFLO                   2
 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT                                    SPACE CHAMBER             2
 ACE AEROSOL               2                          TRIJARDY XR               2      ST
 ENHANCER                                             VORTEX                    2
 AEROCHAMBER               2
 AEROCHAMBER               2
                                                      GLUCOSE ELEVATING AGENTS
 PLUS FLOW-VU                                         BAQSIMI                   2
 AEROCHAMBER               2                          diazoxide                 1
 PLUS Z STAT                                          GLUCAGEN                  2
 AEROTRACH                 2                          HYPOKIT
 PLUS                                                 GLUCAGON                  2
 AEROVENT PLUS             2                          (HCL)
                                                      EMERGENCY KIT
 BREATHERITE               2
 MDI SPACER                                           glucagon emergency        1
                                                      kit (human)
 COMPACT SPACE             2
 CHAMBER                                              GVOKE                     2
 EASIVENT                  2                          GVOKE HYPOPEN             2
 HOLDING                                              2-PACK
 CHAMBER                                              GVOKE PFS 2-              2
 FLEXICHAMBER              2                          PACK SYRINGE
 GLUCAGEN                  2                          INSULIN
 DIAGNOSTIC KIT                                       SYRINGES/MISCELLANEOUS
 INSPIRACHAMBE             2                          DURABLE MEDICAL EQU
 R                                                    BD INTEGRA                2
 LITEAIRE MDI              2                          NEEDLE
 CHAMBER                                              BD                        2      OTC
 MICROCHAMBER              2                          MICROTAINER
 MICROSPACER               2

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 BD SPECIALTY              2                          V-GO 40                   2
                                                      INSULIN THERAPY
 BD ULTRA FINE             2      OTC
                                                      APIDRA                    3
                                                      SOLOSTAR U-100
 BD ULTRA-FINE             2      OTC                 INSULIN
                                                      APIDRA U-100              3
 LANCETS                   2      OTC
                                                      BASAGLAR                  2
 LANCING DEVICE            2      OTC                 KWIKPEN U-100
 MEDISENSE                 2      OTC                 INSULIN
 MEDISENSE                 2      OTC                 HUMALOG                   2
 GLUCOSE                                              JUNIOR KWIKPEN
 KETONE                                               U-100
 OMNIPOD DASH              2      PA                  HUMALOG                   2
 INSULIN POD                                          KWIKPEN
 OMNIPOD                   2      PA
 INSULIN                                              HUMALOG MIX               2
 MANAGEMENT                                           50-50 INSULN U-
 ONETOUCH                  2
 ULTRA CONTROL                                        HUMALOG MIX               2
                                                      50-50 KWIKPEN
 ONETOUCH                  2      QL
 ULTRA2 METER                                         HUMALOG MIX               2
                                                      75-25 KWIKPEN
 ONETOUCH                  2      QL
 ULTRAMINI                                            HUMALOG MIX               2
 ONETOUCH                  2      QL                  100)INSULN
 METER                                                HUMALOG U-100             2
 ONETOUCH                  2      QL
 VERIO IQ METER                                       HUMULIN 70/30             2
                                                      U-100 INSULIN
 ONETOUCH                  2      QL
 VERIO METER                                          HUMULIN 70/30             2
                                                      U-100 KWIKPEN
 PRECISION XTRA            2      OTC
 KETONE-                                              HUMULIN N NPH             2
 GLUCOSE                                              INSULIN
 SAFE-CLIP BY              2      OTC
 MAIL                                                 HUMULIN N NPH             2
                                                      U-100 INSULIN
 V-GO 20                   2
 V-GO 30                   2
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 HUMULIN R                 2                          RELION NOVOLIN            3
 REGULAR U-100                                        R
 INSULN                                               SEMGLEE(INSULI            2
 HUMULIN R U-500           2                          N GLARGINE-
 (CONC) INSULIN                                       YFGN)
 HUMULIN R U-500           2                          SEMGLEE(INSULI            2
 (CONC) KWIKPEN                                       N GLARG-
 LEVEMIR                   3                          YFGN)PEN
 FLEXTOUCH U-                                         TOUJEO MAX U-             2
 100 INSULN                                           300 SOLOSTAR
 LEVEMIR U-100             3                          TOUJEO                    2
 INSULIN                                              SOLOSTAR U-300
 LYUMJEV                   2                          INSULIN
 KWIKPEN U-100                                        MISCELLANEOUS HORMONES
                                                      ALDURAZYME                4      PA
 LYUMJEV                   2
                                                      BRINEURA                  4      PA
 INSULIN                                              cabergoline               1
 LYUMJEV U-100             2                          calcitonin (salmon)       1      PA
 INSULIN                                              injection
 NOVOLOG                   3                          calcitonin (salmon)       1
 FLEXPEN U-100                                        nasal
 INSULIN                                              calcitriol                1      PA
 NOVOLOG MIX               3                          CERDELGA                  4      PA
 70-30 U-100
 INSULN                                               CEREZYME                  4      PA
 NOVOLOG MIX               3                          cinacalcet                1      PA
 70-30FLEXPEN U-                                      clomiphene citrate        3
                                                      CRYSVITA                  4      PA
 NOVOLOG                   3
 PENFILL U-100                                        danazol                   1
 INSULIN                                              desmopressin nasal        1      PA
 NOVOLOG U-100             3                          desmopressin oral         1
                                                      doxercalciferol           1
 RELION NOVOLIN            3
                                                      ELAPRASE                  4      PA
                                                      FABRAZYME                 4      PA
 RELION NOVOLIN            3
 N                                                    KANUMA                    4      PA
                                                      LUMIZYME                  4      PA

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 MEPSEVII                  4      PA                  glimepiride               1
 METHITEST                 2      PA                  glipizide                 1
 methyltestosterone        1      PA                  glipizide-metformin       1
 miglustat                 4      PA; LA              glyburide                 1
 MYALEPT                   4      PA; LA              glyburide                 1
 NAGLAZYME                 4      PA; LA              micronized

 NATPARA                   4      PA; LA              glyburide-metformin       1

 ORILISSA                  2      PA                  GLYXAMBI                  2      ST

 oxandrolone               1                          JANUMET                   2      ST

 PALYNZIQ                  4      PA; LA              JANUMET XR                2      ST

 paricalcitol              1      PA                  JANUVIA                   2      ST
 intravenous                                          JARDIANCE                 2      ST
 paricalcitol oral         1                          metformin                 1
 SAMSCA                    4      PA                  miglitol                  1
 sapropterin               4      PA                  nateglinide               1
 SOMAVERT                  4      PA                  pioglitazone              1
 STRENSIQ                  4      PA; LA              pioglitazone-             1
 testosterone              1      PA                  glimepiride

 testosterone              1      PA                  pioglitazone-             1
 cypionate                                            metformin

 testosterone              1      PA                  repaglinide               1
 enanthate                                            repaglinide-              1
 tolvaptan                 4      PA; LA              metformin

 VIMIZIM                   4      PA                  SEGLUROMET                2      ST

 zoledronic acid           4      PA                  STEGLATRO                 2      ST

 zoledronic acid-          4      PA                  STEGLUJAN                 2      ST
 mannitol-water                                       SYMLINPEN 120             2      PA
 NON-INSULIN HYPOGLYCEMIC                             SYMLINPEN 60              2      PA
 AGENTS                                               SYNJARDY                  2      ST
 acarbose                  1                          SYNJARDY XR               2      ST
 BYDUREON                  2      PA                  TRULICITY                 2      PA
                                                      XIGDUO XR                 2      ST
 BYETTA                    2      PA
                                                      THYROID HORMONES
 FARXIGA                   2      ST
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 ARMOUR                    2                          symax-sl                  1
 THYROID                                              symax-sr                  1
 euthyrox                  1
 levo-t                    1                          GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS
 levothyroxine             1                          alosetron                 1
 levoxyl                   1                          alvimopan                 1
 liothyronine              1                          anucort-hc                1
 np thyroid                1                          aprepitant                1
 unithroid                 1                          balsalazide               1
 westhroid                 1                          betaine                   4      PA
 GASTROENTEROLOGY                                     budesonide                1
 ANTIDIARRHEALS &                                     calcium                   1
 ANTISPASMODICS                                       acetate(phosphat
 anaspaz                   1
                                                      CHENODAL                  4      PA; LA
 belladonna                1      ST; QL
 alkaloids-opium                                      CHOLBAM                   4      PA
 chlordiazepoxide-         1                          citrate of magnesia       6      ACA; OTC
 clidinium                                            citroma                   6      ACA; OTC
 dicyclomine               1                          clearlax                  6      ACA; OTC
 diphenoxylate-            1                          compro                    1
                                                      CREON                     2
 ed-spaz                   1
                                                      cromolyn                  1
 glycopyrrolate            1
                                                      CYSTADANE                 4      PA
 hyoscyamine sulfate       1
                                                      DIPENTUM                  3
 hyosyne                   1
                                                      dronabinol                1
 loperamide                1
                                                      dulcolax                  6      ACA; OTC
 methscopolamine           3                          (magnesium
 opium tincture            1                          hydroxide)
 oscimin                   1                          ENTYVIO                   4      PA
 oscimin sl                1                          enulose                   1
 phenobarb-hyoscy-         1                          gavilyte-c                6      ACA
 atropine-scop                                        gavilyte-g                6      ACA
 phenohytro                1                          gavilyte-n                6      ACA
 symax fastabs             1
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 generlac                  1                          peg 3350-                 6      ACA
 granisetron hcl           1                          electrolytes

 hemmorex-hc               1                          peg3350-sod sul-          6      ACA
 hydrocortisone            1
                                                      peg-electrolyte soln      6      ACA
 hydrocortisone            1
 acetate                                              peg-prep                  6      ACA

 hydrocortisone-           1                          PENTASA                   2
 pramoxine                                            phosphate laxative        6      ACA; OTC
 INFLECTRA                 4      PA                  powderlax                 6      ACA; OTC
 lactulose                 1                          prochlorperazine          1
 lanthanum                 1                          prochlorperazine          1
 laxative peg 3350         6      ACA; OTC            maleate

 lidocaine hcl-            1                          procto-med hc             1
 hydrocortison ac                                     procto-pak                1
 lidocaine-                1                          proctosol hc              1
 hydrocortisone-aloe                                  proctozone-hc             1
 LOKELMA                   2                          RECTIV                    2
 magnesium citrate         6      ACA; OTC            RELISTOR                  2      PA
 meclizine                 1                          scopolamine base          1
 mesalamine                1                          sevelamer carbonate       1
 mesalamine with           1                          sevelamer hcl             1
 cleansing wipe
                                                      sodium polystyrene        1
 metoclopramide hcl        1                          sulfonate
 milk of magnesia          6      ACA; OTC            sps (with sorbitol)       1
 milk of magnesia          6      ACA; OTC            SUCRAID                   4      PA
                                                      sulfasalazine             1
 MOVANTIK                  2
                                                      SUPREP BOWEL              6      ACA
 natura-lax                6      ACA; OTC            PREP KIT
 OCALIVA                   4      PA; LA              trimethobenzamide         1
 ondansetron               1                          TRULANCE                  2
 ondansetron hcl           1                          UCERIS                    2
 oral saline laxative      6      ACA; OTC            ursodiol                  1
 PANCREAZE                 2                          VARUBI                    2
                                                      VELPHORO                  3
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 VIBERZI                   2                          lansoprazole oral         1
 VIOKACE                   2                          capsule,delayed
                                                      release(dr/ec) 30 mg
 women's gentle            6      ACA; OTC
 laxative(bisac)                                      lansoprazole oral         1      QL
 ULCER THERAPY                                        delay rel 15 mg
 amoxicil-                 1      QL                  lansoprazole oral         1
 clarithromy-                                         tablet,disintegrat,
 lansopraz                                            delay rel 30 mg
 cimetidine                1                          misoprostol               1
 cimetidine hcl            1                          nizatidine                1
 DEXILANT ORAL             3      PA; QL              omeprazole oral           1      QL
 CAPSULE,BIPHAS                                       capsule,delayed
 E DELAYED                                            release(dr/ec) 10 mg
                                                      omeprazole oral           1
 DEXILANT ORAL             3      PA                  capsule,delayed
 CAPSULE,BIPHAS                                       release(dr/ec) 20
 E DELAYED                                            mg, 40 mg
                                                      pantoprazole oral         1
 esomeprazole              1      QL                  granules dr for susp
 magnesium oral                                       in packet
                                                      pantoprazole oral         1      QL
 release(dr/ec) 20 mg
 esomeprazole              1                          release (dr/ec) 20
 magnesium oral                                       mg
                                                      pantoprazole oral         1
 release(dr/ec) 40 mg
 esomeprazole              1      PA; QL              release (dr/ec) 40
 magnesium oral                                       mg
 granules dr for susp
                                                      rabeprazole               1
 in packet 10 mg, 20
 mg                                                   sucralfate                1
 esomeprazole              1      PA                  IMMUNOLOGY, VACCINES &
 magnesium oral                                       BIOTECHNOLOGY
 granules dr for susp
 in packet 40 mg                                      BIOTECHNOLOGY DRUGS
 famotidine                1                          FULPHILA                  4      PA
 lansoprazole oral         1      QL                  LEUKINE                   4      PA
 capsule,delayed                                      MOZOBIL                   4      PA
 release(dr/ec) 15 mg
                                                      NIVESTYM                  4      PA
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 PROCRIT                   4      PA                  ribavirin                 4      PA
 RETACRIT                  4      PA                  VUMERITY                  4      PA
 ZARXIO                    4      PA                  INTERLEUKINS
 ZIEXTENZO                 4      PA                  ACTIMMUNE                 4      PA
 GROWTH HORMONES                                      ALFERON N                 2      PA
 EGRIFTA SV                4      PA                  ILARIS (PF)               4      PA; LA
 OMNITROPE                 4      PA                  imiquimod                 1
 INTERFERONS                                          INTRON A                  4      PA
 AVONEX                    4      PA                  PROLEUKIN                 4      PA
 BAFIERTAM                 4                          VACCINES & MISCELLANEOUS
 BETASERON                 4      PA                  IMMUNOLOGICALS
 dimethyl fumarate         4      PA                  ADACEL(TDAP               6      ACA
 GILENYA                   4      PA                  )(PF)
 glatiramer                4      PA                  AFLURIA QD                6      ACA
 glatopa                   4      PA                  2021-22(3YR
 KESIMPTA PEN              4      PA
                                                      AFLURIA QD                6      ACA
 MAYZENT                   4      PA                  2021-22(6-
 MAYZENT                   4      PA                  35MO)(PF)
 STARTER PACK                                         AFLURIA QUAD              6      ACA
 OCREVUS                   4      PA                  2021-2022(6MO
 PEGASYS                   4      PA
                                                      BEXSERO                   6      ACA
 PLEGRIDY                  4      PA
                                                      BIOTHRAX                  2
 POMALYST                  4      PA; LA
                                                      BOOSTRIX TDAP             6      ACA
 PONVORY                   4      PA
                                                      BOTOX                     4      PA
 PONVORY 14-               4      PA
 DAY STARTER                                          DAPTACEL (DTAP            6      ACA
 PACK                                                 PEDIATRIC) (PF)
 REBIF (WITH               4      PA                  DENGVAXIA (PF)            2
 ALBUMIN)                                             ENGERIX-B (PF)            6      ACA
 REBIF REBIDOSE            4      PA                  ENGERIX-B                 6      ACA
 REBIF TITRATION           4      PA                  PEDIATRIC (PF)
 PACK                                                 FLUAD QUAD                6      ACA
 REVLIMID                  4      PA; LA              2021-22(65Y
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 FLUARIX QUAD              6      ACA                 IXIARO (PF)               2
 2021-2022 (PF)                                       JANSSEN COVID-            6      ACA
 FLUBLOK QUAD              6      ACA                 19 VACCINE
 2021-2022 (PF)                                       (EUA)
 FLUCELVAX                 6      ACA                 MENACTRA (PF)             6      ACA
 QUAD 2021-2022                                       M-M-R II (PF)             6      ACA
 FLUCELVAX                 6      ACA                 MODERNA                   6      ACA
 QUAD 2021-2022                                       COVID-19
 (PF)                                                 VACCINE (EUA)
 FLULAVAL QUAD             6      ACA                 ODACTRA                   2
 2021-2022 (PF)
                                                      PEDVAX HIB (PF)           6      ACA
 FLUMIST QUAD              6      ACA
 2021-2022                                            PFIZER COVID-19           6      ACA
                                                      TRIS VACCN(PF)
 FLUZONE                   6      ACA
 HIGHDOSE QUAD                                        PFIZER COVID-19           6      ACA
 21-22 PF                                             VACCINE (EUA)
 FLUZONE QUAD              6      ACA                 PNEUMOVAX-23              6      ACA
 2021-2022                                            PREVNAR 13 (PF)           6      ACA
 FLUZONE QUAD              6      ACA                 PREVNAR 20 (PF)           2
 2021-2022 (PF)
                                                      PROQUAD (PF)              6      ACA
 GAMASTAN                  4      PA
                                                      PROVENGE                  4      PA
 GAMASTAN S/D              4      PA
                                                      QUADRACEL (PF)            6      ACA
 GAMMAGARD                 4      PA
 LIQUID                                               RABAVERT (PF)             2

 GAMMAGARD S-              4      PA                  RAGWITEK                  2
 D (IGA < 1                                           RECOMBIVAX HB             6      ACA
 MCG/ML)                                              (PF)
 GAMUNEX-C                 4      PA                  ROTATEQ                   6      ACA
 GARDASIL 9 (PF)           6      ACA                 VACCINE

 GRASTEK                   2                          SHINGRIX (PF)             6      ACA

 HAVRIX (PF)               6      ACA                 STAMARIL (PF)             2

 HIBERIX (PF)              6      ACA                 TDVAX                     6      ACA

 IMOVAX RABIES             2                          TETANUS,DIPHTH            6      ACA
 VACCINE (PF)                                         ERIA TOX
 INFANRIX (DTAP)           6      ACA
 (PF)                                                 TICOVAC                   2

 IPOL                      6      ACA                 TRUMENBA                  6      ACA

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 TWINRIX (PF)              6      ACA                 ENBREL                    4      PA
 TYPHIM VI                 2                          ENBREL MINI               4      PA
 VARIVAX (PF)              6      ACA                 ENBREL                    4      PA
 VARIZIG                   2                          SURECLICK

 VAXNEUVANCE               2                          HUMIRA                    4      PA

 XEMBIFY                   4      PA                  HUMIRA PEN                4      PA

 YF-VAX (PF)               2                          HUMIRA PEN                4      PA
 MUSCULOSKELETAL &                                    START
 RHEUMATOLOGY                                         HUMIRA PEN                4      PA
                                                      ADOL HS
 allopurinol               1
                                                      HUMIRA(CF)                4      PA
 colchicine                1
                                                      HUMIRA(CF) PEDI           4      PA
 febuxostat                1                          CROHNS
 KRYSTEXXA                 4      PA                  STARTER

 MITIGARE                  2                          HUMIRA(CF) PEN            4      PA

 probenecid                1                          HUMIRA(CF) PEN            4      PA
 probenecid-               1
 colchicine                                           HUMIRA(CF) PEN            4      PA
                                                      PEDIATRIC UC
                                                      HUMIRA(CF) PEN            4      PA
 alendronate               1                          PSOR-UV-ADOL
 FOSAMAX PLUS              3                          HS
 D                                                    leflunomide               1
 ibandronate               4      PA                  OTEZLA                    4      PA
                                                      OTEZLA                    4      PA
 ibandronate oral          1                          STARTER
 raloxifene                1                          penicillamine             1
 risedronate               1                          RIDAURA                   2
 TYMLOS                    4      PA                  RINVOQ                    4      PA
 OTHER RHEUMATOLOGICALS                               SAVELLA                   2
 ACTEMRA                   4      PA                  XELJANZ                   4      PA
 ACTEMRA                   4      PA                  XELJANZ XR                4      PA
                                                      OBSTETRICS &
 BENLYSTA                  4      PA
You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 DIAPHRAGMS AND OTHER NON-                            jencycla                  6      ACA
 ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES                                  jinteli                   1
 CAYA                      6      ACA                 lyleq                     6      ACA
                                                      lyllana                   1
 FC2 FEMALE                6      ACA; OTC
 CONDOM                                               lyza                      6      ACA

 FEMCAP                    6      ACA                 medroxyprogesteron        6      ACA
                                                      e intramuscular
 MIRENA                    6      ACA
                                                      medroxyprogesteron        1
 PARAGARD T                6      ACA                 e oral
                                                      mimvey                    1
                                                      nora-be                   6      ACA
 amabelz                   1
                                                      norethindrone             6      ACA
 camila                    6      ACA                 (contraceptive)
 covaryx                   1                          norethindrone             1
 covaryx h.s.              1                          acetate

 deblitane                 6      ACA                 norethindrone ac-eth      1
 dotti                     1
                                                      norlyda                   6      ACA
 DUAVEE                    3
                                                      progesterone              4      PA
 eemt                      1
                                                      progesterone              1
 eemt hs                   1                          micronized
 errin                     6      ACA                 sharobel                  6      ACA
 estradiol                 1                          tulana                    6      ACA
 estradiol valerate        1                          yuvafem                   1
 estradiol-                1                          MISCELLANEOUS OB/GYN
 norethindrone acet
                                                      clindamycin               1
 estrogens-                1                          phosphate
                                                      eluryng                   6      ACA
 fyavolv                   1
                                                      etonogestrel-ethinyl      6      ACA
 heather                   6      ACA                 estradiol
 hydroxyprogest(pf)(p      4      PA                  fem ph                    1
 reg presv)
                                                      GYNAZOLE-1                3
 hydroxyprogesterone       4      PA
 cap(ppres)                                           gynol ii                  6      ACA; OTC
 incassia                  6      ACA                 isoxsuprine               1

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name                Drug    Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                     Tier    / Limits
 metronidazole             1                          aubra                     6      ACA
 miconazole-3              1                          aubra eq                  6      ACA
 MYFEMBREE                 2                          aurovela 1.5/30 (21)      6      ACA
 NEXPLANON                 6      ACA                 aurovela 1/20 (21)        6      ACA
 ORIAHNN                   2                          aurovela 24 fe            6      ACA
 OSPHENA                   3      PA                  aurovela fe 1.5/30        6      ACA
 terconazole               1                          (28)

 TODAY                     6      ACA; OTC            aurovela fe 1-20          6      ACA
 CONTRACEPTIVE                                        (28)
 SPONGE                                               aviane                    6      ACA
 tranexamic acid           1                          ayuna                     6      ACA
 TRIMO-SAN                 2                          azurette (28)             6      ACA
 JELLY                                                balziva (28)              6      ACA
 vandazole                 1                          blisovi 24 fe             6      ACA
 VCF                       2      OTC                 blisovi fe 1.5/30 (28)    6      ACA
 FILM                                                 blisovi fe 1/20 (28)      6      ACA
 VCF                       2      OTC                 briellyn                  6      ACA
 CONTRACEPTIVE                                        camrese                   6      ACA
                                                      camrese lo                6      ACA
 xulane                    6      ACA
                                                      caziant (28)              6      ACA
 zafemy                    6      ACA
                                                      charlotte 24 fe           6      ACA
                                                      chateal (28)              6      ACA
                                                      chateal eq (28)           6      ACA
 afirmelle                 6      ACA
                                                      cryselle (28)             6      ACA
 after pill                6      ACA; OTC
                                                      cyclafem 1/35 (28)        6      ACA
 altavera (28)             6      ACA
                                                      cyclafem 7/7/7 (28)       6      ACA
 alyacen 1/35 (28)         6      ACA
                                                      cyred                     6      ACA
 alyacen 7/7/7 (28)        6      ACA
                                                      cyred eq                  6      ACA
 amethia                   6      ACA
                                                      dasetta 1/35 (28)         6      ACA
 amethyst (28)             6      ACA
                                                      dasetta 7/7/7 (28)        6      ACA
 apri                      6      ACA
                                                      daysee                    6      ACA
 aranelle (28)             6      ACA
 ashlyna                   6      ACA

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name                Drug    Requirements        Drug Name                Drug    Requirements
                          Tier    / Limits                                     Tier    / Limits
 desog-                    6      ACA                 junel fe 1.5/30 (28)      6      ACA
 e.estradiol/e.estradio                               junel fe 1/20 (28)        6      ACA
                                                      junel fe 24               6      ACA
 desogestrel-ethinyl       6      ACA
 estradiol                                            kaitlib fe                6      ACA
 dolishale                 6      ACA                 kalliga                   6      ACA
 drospirenone-             6      ACA                 kariva (28)               6      ACA
 e.estradiol-lm.fa                                    kelnor 1/35 (28)          6      ACA
 drospirenone-ethinyl      6      ACA                 kelnor 1-50 (28)          6      ACA
                                                      kurvelo (28)              6      ACA
 econtra ez                6      ACA; OTC
                                                      l norgest/e.estradiol-    6      ACA
 econtra one-step          6      ACA; OTC            e.estrad
 elinest                   6      ACA                 larin 1.5/30 (21)         6      ACA
 ELLA                      6      ACA                 larin 1/20 (21)           6      ACA
 enpresse                  6      ACA                 larin 24 fe               6      ACA
 enskyce                   6      ACA                 larin fe 1.5/30 (28)      6      ACA
 estarylla                 6      ACA                 larin fe 1/20 (28)        6      ACA
 ethynodiol diac-eth       6      ACA                 larissia                  6      ACA
                                                      layolis fe                6      ACA
 falmina (28)              6      ACA
                                                      leena 28                  6      ACA
 femynor                   6      ACA
                                                      lessina                   6      ACA
 gemmily                   6      ACA
                                                      levonest (28)             6      ACA
 hailey                    6      ACA
                                                      levonorgestrel            6      ACA; OTC
 hailey 24 fe              6      ACA
                                                      levonorgestrel-           6      ACA
 hailey fe 1.5/30 (28)     6      ACA                 ethinyl estrad
 hailey fe 1/20 (28)       6      ACA                 levonorg-eth estrad       6      ACA
 iclevia                   6      ACA                 triphasic
 isibloom                  6      ACA                 levora-28                 6      ACA
 jaimiess                  6      ACA                 lillow (28)               6      ACA
 jasmiel (28)              6      ACA                 lojaimiess                6      ACA
 jolessa                   6      ACA                 loryna (28)               6      ACA
 juleber                   6      ACA                 low-ogestrel (28)         6      ACA
 junel 1.5/30 (21)         6      ACA                 lo-zumandimine (28)       6      ACA
 junel 1/20 (21)           6      ACA                 lutera (28)               6      ACA

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
Drug Name               Drug     Requirements        Drug Name               Drug     Requirements
                         Tier     / Limits                                    Tier     / Limits
 marlissa (28)             6      ACA                 opcicon one-step          6      ACA; OTC
 merzee                    6      ACA                 option-2                  6      ACA; OTC
 mibelas 24 fe             6      ACA                 orsythia                  6      ACA
 microgestin 1.5/30        6      ACA                 philith                   6      ACA
 (21)                                                 pimtrea (28)              6      ACA
 microgestin 1/20          6      ACA                 pirmella                  6      ACA
                                                      portia 28                 6      ACA
 microgestin fe 1.5/30     6      ACA
 (28)                                                 previfem                  6      ACA
 microgestin fe 1/20       6      ACA                 reclipsen (28)            6      ACA
 (28)                                                 rivelsa                   6      ACA
 mili                      6      ACA                 setlakin                  6      ACA
 mono-linyah               6      ACA                 simliya (28)              6      ACA
 my choice                 6      ACA; OTC            simpesse                  6      ACA
 my way                    6      ACA; OTC            sprintec (28)             6      ACA
 necon 0.5/35 (28)         6      ACA                 sronyx                    6      ACA
 new day                   6      ACA; OTC            syeda                     6      ACA
 nikki (28)                6      ACA                 tarina 24 fe              6      ACA
 noreth-ethinyl            6      ACA                 tarina fe 1/20 (28)       6      ACA
                                                      taysofy                   6      ACA
 norethindrone ac-eth      6      ACA
 estradiol                                            tilia fe                  6      ACA

 norethindrone-            6      ACA                 tri femynor               6      ACA
 e.estradiol-iron                                     tri-estarylla             6      ACA
 norgestimate-ethinyl      6      ACA                 tri-legest fe             6      ACA
                                                      tri-linyah                6      ACA
 nortrel 0.5/35 (28)       6      ACA
                                                      tri-lo-estarylla          6      ACA
 nortrel 1/35 (21)         6      ACA
                                                      tri-lo-marzia             6      ACA
 nortrel 1/35 (28)         6      ACA
                                                      tri-lo-mili               6      ACA
 nortrel 7/7/7 (28)        6      ACA
                                                      tri-lo-sprintec           6      ACA
 nylia 1/35 (28)           6      ACA
                                                      tri-mili                  6      ACA
 nylia 7/7/7 (28)          6      ACA
                                                      tri-nymyo                 6      ACA
 nymyo                     6      ACA
                                                      tri-previfem (28)         6      ACA
 ocella                    6      ACA
                                                      tri-sprintec (28)         6      ACA

You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations on this table mean by going to the
beginning of this table.
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