2022 Corporate Social Media Strategy - an overview presentation of fostering two-way engagement - eSCRIBE Meetings

Page created by Carolyn Manning
2022 Corporate Social Media Strategy - an overview presentation of fostering two-way engagement - eSCRIBE Meetings
2022 Corporate Social Media Strategy
  an overview presentation of fostering two-way engagement
2022 Corporate Social Media Strategy - an overview presentation of fostering two-way engagement - eSCRIBE Meetings
              • SWOT Analysis
 Situation    • South Georgian Bay & TBM Social Media Landscape

              • Our Voice
              • Our Audiences
Platforms &
 audiences    • Our Platforms

              • Social Media Governance
              • Responding to Inquiries
& procedure   • Content Planning

              • 2022 Action Plan
Action plan   • Metrics & Maintaining Progress
 & metrics
Situation Analysis
• Social media provides the ability for users to stay up to date with local,
  national, and international news, while also providing instant connection
  with family and friends 24/7, 365 days a year.
• In 2020, online and digital communication demand saw a dramatic increase
  from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Increasing demand for organizations to move away from the traditional
  one-way communication tools and open doorways to building two-way
  relationships rooted on the foundation of engagement, transparency and
• In 2020 nearly half a billion users joined social media, bringing the total
  number of users to 4.2 billion in early 2021, representing a 13% increase.
• By 2021, 85% (32.20 million) of Canada’s population was on social media –
  with an increase in 2.4 million users from 2020 to 2021 (8% growth).
Situation Analysis
• As a community of communities, the Town recognizes the need to adapt
  and innovate communication and engagement efforts to ensure it evolves
  with the diverse range of needs from our residents and community.
• Increasing the use of social media through a strategic approach will provide
  the means to addressing existing communication challenges in the Town, as
  identified in the 2021-2025 Communications Strategy.
• As the realm of communications continues to rapidly change, and our
  community’s diverse range of needs evolves, enhancing the Town’s
  communications efforts through social media is crucial to engaging early
  and often and is the key to fostering a relationship with the public – one
  built on the foundation of two-way open dialogue and trust.
Primary Reasons of Social Media Usage

• When citing the primary reasons why global internet users aged 16 to
  64 use social media in 2021, Hootsuite identified the following:
   •   Staying up-to-date with news and current events (36.5%)
   •   Finding funny or entertaining content (35.0%)
   •   Filling up spare time (34.4%)
   •   Staying in touch with what friends are doing (33.0%)
   •   Sharing photos or videos with others (27.9%)
Ontario Municipal Social Media Usage
• In 2019, Redbrick Communications completed a survey to explore how
  municipalities in Ontario utilize social media (based on responses from 31
  municipalities across the province). Through the survey results, three key
  themes were discovered:
   Building community and two-way engagement through strong visuals;
   Managing expectations and telling a more human story;
   Dealing with difficult people and misinformation.
• Social media provides the opportunity for municipalities to control the
  narrative of upcoming and ongoing projects, as well as providing the
  platform to disseminate and simplify information and breakdown the
  barriers towards creating a more transparent relationship between
  government and the public.
SWOT Analysis on Social Media

            •Increase government                          •Town’s minimal online                             •Increase engagement & build                 •Differing/evolving algorithms



             transparency & two-way                        presence on social media can                       trust with diverse audiences                 can make content visibility
             communication                                 make new channels difficult to                    •Build authority as being                     difficult
            •Increase online presence &                    promote & gain followers                           primary source for Town news                •Varying expectations & levels
             community engagement                         •Instantaneous & immediate                         •Diversify public input for Town              of acceptance from the
            •Foster conversations                          nature of social media does not                    projects & surveys                           community on content/terms
            •Provide timely information &                  align with Town’s regular                         •Increase web traffic to the                  of use
             news                                          business hours                                     Town’s corporate website,                   •Ensuring respectful dialogue
            •Increase communication with                  •Increase staff time required to                    tourism & rec website, &                     between the Town, staff &
             hard-to-reach audiences                       create/collect content &                           partner organizations                        community
                                                           response times to inquiries                        platforms                                   •Maintaining difference
            •Enhance Town brand &
             authenticity                                                                                    •Creative means to make data &                between conversation &
                                                                                                              information more                             official forms of providing
            •Cost efficient tool
                                                                                                              understandable/digestible                    feedback
            •Increase staff productivity &
                                                                                                             •Enhance community building                  •Sensitivity of information &
             utilize resources efficiently
                                                                                                              through collecting & sharing                 ensuring accuracy in all posts
                                                                                                              local stories, images & content             •Difficulty to validate
                                                                                                                                                           authenticity of information
SGB Social Media Landscape
                  Meaford   Grey Highlands   Collingwood   Clearview   Wasaga Beach

Social Platform

                                                                       
                                                                      
                                              
                                                                       
SGB Social Media Landscape (Cont’d)
• Many of the South Georgian Bay municipalities noted Facebook’s platform
  provides the greatest potential to reaching audiences effectively, while also
  providing the opportunity to control the narrative of misinformation on
  projects and building overall authority in the community.
• The consulted municipalities also noted various benefits to communicating
  with their audiences through social media, including:
   Reducing misinformation through providing factual and transparent
   Reducing project-based questions through sharing and responding to
    inquiries directly through social media
   Building authority and credibility as being a dedicated source for municipal
    news and information
TBM Social Media Landscape
• In 2020, the Town conducted a Communications Survey as part of its
  development of the 2021-2025 Communications Strategy:
   • 38% (102 out of 264 responses) indicated they receive Town news and
     information through some form of social media
   • 29% (78 out of 264 responses) receive information from public Facebook
• With public Facebook groups serving as the primary means of sharing and
  receiving information on official Town news, there is an absence of brand
  authority from the Town – impacting credibility of information and trust
  with the public.
TBM Social Media Landscape (Cont’d)
• Through enhancing its online presence on social media, the Town can more
  effectively and proactively share information that is already being
  discussed on social media and provides the opportunity to build the overall
  brand authority and presence of the corporation as being the official
  source for Town news and information.
• The creation of a Corporate Facebook account will:
   Establish the Town as being an official source for municipal news and information
   Increase trust and accuracy of information shared on social media
   Allow the Town’s diverse audiences to comment, engage and ask questions with the
    expectation of official responses from Town Staff
Social Media Goals

   Create a Corporate Facebook account to diversify the Town’s social media audiences.

      Build authority as an official news source for all Town happenings and projects.

      Foster two-way dialogue with our online audiences through content sharing.

   Drive traffic to the Town’s official website and relevant partner and Town project websites.
Our Audiences
• As identified in the 2021-2025 Communications Strategy the Town’s audiences
  consist of the following:
   •   Permanent Full-Time Residents
   •   Year-Round Part-Time Residents
   •   Seasonal Residents
   •   Tourists and Visitors
   •   Business Owners & Employees
   •   Groups, Associations and Service Clubs
   •   Media Agencies
   •   Government Agencies
• Understanding the diversity of needs and ability to reach our various audiences
  through social media, it is important to recognize and understand who is
  connecting with the Town on each individual social media platform.
• The Communications Division will continue to monitor and evaluate its audiences
  on each platform as they continue to grow.
Our Voice
• Our social media platforms commit to upholding and maintaining the
  integrity of the values as outlined in the Town’s Corporate Strategic Plan:
   • Excellence
       • Providing conscientious service to our community and to each other.
   • Integrity
       • Being honest, consistent and fair in all we do.
   • Accountability
       • Ensuring responsible and transparent governance.
   • Inclusivity
       • Respecting and engaging every voice.
   • Stewardship
       • Honouring the past, caring for the present, leading toward a sustainable future.
Our Platforms
• The Corporate social media channels include Facebook, Twitter,
  LinkedIn and YouTube.
• Understanding the differing audiences and various engagement level
  on each platform, it is important to note that each of the Town’s
  social media pages will be curated to engage with specific audiences.
• The following slides will provide an overview of each platform
  including their mission, audiences and why factor.
• Mission: The Town of The Blue Mountains Facebook page serves as the
  primary social media channel to engage with the public and share
  important news and information regarding Town projects, upcoming
  meetings and public engagement opportunities, community initiatives, and
  official government updates which will build the Town’s authority and trust
  as being the primary source for information.
   • Audiences: Serving as the Town’s primary social media channel, the corporate
     Facebook account will focus targeted efforts within the following audiences, from
     the ages of 18-55+ years old: Permanent Full-Time Residents; Year-Round Part-Time
     Residents; Seasonal Residents; Tourists and Visitors; Business Owners & Employees;
     Groups; Associations and Service Clubs; and Government Agencies.
   • Measuring success: Engagement Rate, Reach, Referral Traffic, Page Likes/Followers.
Why Facebook?
• Facebook is the largest social media platform online with 2.70 billion monthly
  active users utilizing its services, with 83% of online Canadian adults reporting to
  have an account as of 2020.
• Over 61% of 2020 Communications Survey respondents indicate they would use
  the Town Facebook page as a source for information.
• Nearly 30% of 2020 Communications Survey respondents indicate they receive
  Town news and updates through public Facebook groups.
• The creation of the Town’s corporate Facebook page provides an opportunity to:
    Build the Town’s authority as an official source for information and news
    Build the Town’s profile and increase audience reach and engagement
• Mission: The Town of The Blue Mountains Twitter page serves as the
  secondary social media channel to engage with our stakeholders and share
  important news and information regarding Town projects, upcoming
  meetings and engagement opportunities, community initiatives, and
  official government updates which will increase the Town’s authority and
  trust with members of the public, government officials, key partners and
   • Audiences: Serving as the Town’s secondary social media channel, the corporate
     Twitter account will focus targeted efforts within the following audiences: Media
     Agencies; Groups, Associations and Service Clubs; and Government Agencies.
   • Measuring Success: Engagement Rate, Impressions, Profile Visits.
Why Twitter?
• Twitter is one of the best social media platforms to keep up with the latest global trends
  and conversations. Serving as one of the most instant and conversational social media
  tools, Twitter sees roughly 6,000 tweets every second.
• Although just over 16% of the 2020 Communications Survey respondents indicated they
  use the Town’s Twitter account to receive information, the platform provides an
  opportunity to increase the Town’s reach with younger audiences (aged 18-24 and 25-
  34), as these audiences have the highest adoption of use.
• The platform can serve as a beneficial secondary platform to connect and share
  information with high-level organizations, companies across key sectors and elected
  officials at all levels of government.
• Strengthening the Town’s corporate Twitter account provides an opportunity to:
     Connect and share important Town news and information instantaneously
     Enhance Town brand and awareness with high-level government officials, key partners and
      stakeholders, and visitors
• Mission: The Town of The Blue Mountains is on LinkedIn to showcase the
  corporation as a top employer in the South Georgian Bay region, share
  informative and educational content and celebrate overall business and
  community success which will enhance the Town’s recruitment and
  retention efforts for perspective employees looking to settle in the area.
   • Audiences: Serving as the Town’s social media platform for employee recruitment,
     retention, and engagement, the corporate LinkenIn account will focus targeted
     efforts within the following audiences: Current and Potential Employees of the Town;
     Groups, Associations and Service Clubs; Government Agencies; and Media Agencies.
   • Measuring success: Followers/Connections; Engagement Rate; Page Views/Unique
Why LinkedIn?
• LinkedIn serves as the largest business-oriented networking website that is
  tailored for professionals at all levels.
• Home to 756 million members in more than 200 countries and territories
• With content being shared on an as-needed basis, and a primary focus on
  recruitment and retention, the channel will require low-maintenance and staff
  resources relative to other social media channels indicated in the strategy.
• Enhancing the Town’s use of its corporate LinkedIn page provides an opportunity
    Recruit potential employees
    Build corporate morale and engagement
• Mission: The Town of The Blue Mountains is on YouTube to showcase The
  Blue Mountains and the South Georgian Bay region through original videos
  which will enhance the Town’s brand identity through supporting
  community development and tourism initiatives, as well as provide
  education and awareness on Town projects and initiatives.
   • Audiences: Serving as the Town’s repository for videos to be utilized across various
     digital platforms, the corporate YouTube account will focus targeted efforts within
     the following audiences, from the ages of 18-55+ years old: Permanent Full-Time
     Residents; Year-Round Part-Time Residents; Seasonal Residents; Tourists and Visitors;
     Business Owners & Employees; Groups, Associations and Service Clubs; and
     Government Agencies.
   • Measuring success: Watch Time (Hours), Unique Viewers, Impressions and Click
     Through Rate. *It is important to note serving as a repository may limit the
     analytics/insights into the true success of the platform.
Why YouTube?
• YouTube currently serves as the 2nd most visited website in the world, only
  behind Google.
• Serves as Canada’s 3rd most popular social media platform.
• Provides a powerful branding opportunity to engage creatively with audiences
  through video.
• Platform’s high level of engagement of audiences aged 18-24 provides
  opportunity to diversify the Town’s audience reach, while also increasing overall
  engagement with the community through curated content and topics of interest.
• Enhancing the Town’s use of its corporate LinkedIn channel provides an
  opportunity to:
    Showcase the Town’s rich history and vibrant culture to diverse audiences
    Simplify and explain municipal process and Town projects through creative approach
Social Media Governance, Policy & Procedures

• Through consultation with surrounding municipalities, staffing resources
  was determined to be the most significant barrier to building social media
  presence and executing an effective strategy through digital platforms. As
  the demand for information increases, it is crucial the Town determine the
  structure needed to enhance its use of social media.
• The Corporate Social Media Policy serves as a means for governing the use
  of social media accounts for business purposes on behalf of the Town.
• Terms of use are to be posted to any active social media account, with the
  document listing types of comments and content that may be
  prohibited/removed at the discretion of the Town’s authorized staff. Hours
  of operations are stated within this document.
Social Media Management & Procedures

• Each of the Town’s corporate social media accounts will be managed and
  administered by one identified Social Media Moderator. Town Staff in the
  Communications Division will assist in the planning and development of
  content as necessary.
• Departments wishing to make a specific content request will notify the
  Social Media Moderator and assist with draft copy and images as
• In the case of department-specific content, the Social Media Moderator
  can request assistance from the Department Head to ensure clarity,
  accuracy, and relevance of posted content onto the various social media
Responding to Inquiries
• Social media runs 24/7 and the conversation can change and evolve
  instantaneously. As an instant form of communication, it is important to
  manage expectations for all audiences engaging with the Town on social
• The Social Media Policy outlines general response protocols in detail, but
  specifies that typically, the Town will respond to online inquiries or
  comments during regular business hours, Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to
  4:30 p.m.
• It is also important to note the Town will not respond to all comments
  made on corporate social media accounts, and will not tolerate users
  posting inappropriate comments, and may mute, hide, block, or ban users
  for violating the Social Media Terms of Use.
Staffing Requirements
• To ensure the effective and successful execution of this strategy, staffing
  resources will be required in the following categories:
   • Content Planning, Development and Scheduling
   • Social Media Monitoring
   • Responding to Public Inquiries
• With a comprehensive understanding of the Town’s online landscape and based
  on industry best practices and standards, it is estimated that 10-15 hours per
  week will be required to properly manage each of the corporate social media
• Staff resources required to implement the Corporate Social Media Strategy may
  change and evolve as the Town’s corporate social media accounts gain presence
  with our audiences online and will be evaluated regularly during the
  implementation of the strategy.
Content Planning
• The Social Media Moderator* will meet with Communications Division staff
  once every 30 days and will meet with the Social Media Approver* every
  60 days to plan and review content.
• Content types will include, but are not limited to the following:
   •   Town News and Updates
                                                                 Posting Schedule
   •   Special Projects
   •   Municipal Infrastructure Projects              Platform           Frequency
   •   Planning and Development Projects              Facebook           1-2 times daily, and
   •   Public Meetings and Engagement Opportunities                      as needed
   •   Holidays and Days/Weeks of Significance        Twitter            2-3 times daily, and
   •   Partner/Community Events and Initiatives                          as needed
   •   Recreation and Tourism                         LinkedIn           As required

                                                      YouTube            As required
2022 Action Plan
• Below are the tactics to be executed through 2021 and 2022 to ensure the
  success of the strategy’s implementation:
   •   Build social media image templates Q1 – Q4 2021
   •   Draft master list of key dates/celebrations for 2022 content calendar – Q3-Q4 2021
   •   Plan & execute Facebook launch campaign – Q3-Q4 2021
   •   Launch the Town’s Corporate Facebook account – Q4 2021
   •   Prepare master photography shot list & build Town’s image database – Q1-Q4 2022
   •   Launch community photo submission contest entitled #YourTBM – Q2 2022-Ongoing
   •   Create series of “Communicating with the Town 101” videos – Q1 2022-Ongoing
• These tactics focus on building each of our social media platforms’
  audience base while creating a foundation and data base of creative
  content that will be utilized on a year-round basis.
Metrics & Maintaining Progress
• The following chart details how the Communications Division will work on its core responsibilities identified
  through the Social Media Strategy to ensure its overall success is maintained and achieved:
Timing               Action
Daily                •   Social Media Moderator to monitor social media accounts for resident inquires/engagement
                     •   Post to social media accounts as necessary
Weekly               •   Social Media Moderator to plan and schedule content/posts into social media platforms
Monthly              •   Social Media Moderator to meet with Communications Division to discuss analytics data and upcoming content
                         calendar to ensure platforms are reaching target audiences effectively
                     •   Social Media Moderator to meet with Human Resources Department to discuss needs for the Town’s LinkedIn
Bi-Monthly           •   Social Media Moderator to meet with Social Media Approver to discuss analytics data and content calendar to
                         ensure platforms remain consistent with the Town’s Corporate Strategic Plan
Quarterly            •   Social Media Moderator to meet with Senior Management Team to provide an update on the progress of the
                         Social Media Strategy
                     •   Communications Division to review website analytics to gain insight into potential content types/information to
                         assist with social media engagement
Annually             •   Communications Division to review Social Media Policy
                     •   Communications Division to review use of social media engagement tools
                     •   Communications Division to review results of annual Communications Survey and integrate feedback into social
                         media content to improve engagement and audience reach
Question Period
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