2022-2023 SEASON - Concerts & Tickets

Page created by Norman Wheeler
2022-2023 SEASON - Concerts & Tickets
2022-2023 SEASON
2022-2023 SEASON - Concerts & Tickets

                                                                                                 November 2, 2022

                                           “Music is the art-form above all others that
                                           can express the spiritual within us.”

                                           The Israel Philharmonic is a favorite of Friends of Philharmonic
                                           audiences. When they last appeared here on November 9, 2015, they
                                           performed Ioseb Bardanashvili’s beautiful, dramatic symphonic poem
“A Journey to the End of the Millennium” composed in 2004. That evening had special significance for all of us
in that it was the 77th anniversary of Kristallnacht and Zubin Mehta conducted. It was under Mehta’s guidance
that the Friends of the Philharmonic was formed, and he conducted our very first performance in 1974 with the
Los Angeles Philharmonic. Mehta was Music Director of the Israel Philharmonic from 1977-2019 then tonight’s
conductor – the young Lahav Shani – took over in 2020.

Tonight, Israel Philharmonic performs another defining work - Paul Ben-Haim’s First Symphony commissioned
in 1940 for the fledgling Palestine Symphony Orchestra (now the Israel Philharmonic) and formed from Jewish
musicians dismissed from European orchestras leading up to World War II. The virtuoso violinist Bronislaw
Huberman recruited and formed the orchestra in 1936.

We hope you enjoy the concert,

Dean Kauffman, President
Palm Springs Friends of Philharmonic

Cover Photo: The Vieuxtemps Guarneri was built around 1741 by renowned Italian instrument maker Giuseppe
Guarneri. The violin is named for Belgian violinist Henri Vieuxtemps who owned it during the 19th century. The
instrument has also been used by Yehudi Menuhin, Itzhak Perlman and Pinchas Zukerman. In 2012 it was sold
to a private collector at an undisclosed price, but reportedly for more than $16 million, representing at that time
the largest sum every paid for a violin. The purchaser subsequently provided lifetime use of the instrument to
American violinist Anne Akiko Meyers who performs on our series with San Diego Symphony, January 8, 2023.
2022-2023 SEASON - Concerts & Tickets
Palm Springs Friends of the Philharmonic

                                             PROUDLY PRESENT

                             The Israel Philharmonic
                                   Lahav Shani, Music Director
                                The Music Director’s position is endowed
                             by The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation

                                       Sponsored by Barbara Fremont

                                Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 7:30 pm


PAUL BEN-HAIM Symphony No. 1     (32 minutes)
(1897-1984)     Allegro energico
		 Molto calmo e cantabile
 		 Presto con fuoco

                                               — INTERMISSION —

GUSTAV MAHLER                                 Symphony No. 1 in D Major “Titan”                         (59 minutes)
            Langsam schleppend
		 Kräftig bewegt
		 Feierlich und gemessen
		 Stürmisch bewegt

Israel Philharmonic gratefully acknowledges American Friends of the Israel Philharmonic for their
             generous underwriting of the ensemble’s United States touring program.
                          Exclusive Tour Management and Representation:
                                          Opus 3 Artists
                     470 Park Avenue South, 9th Floor North, New York, NY 10016

                               PROGRAMS AND ARTISTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE


Please remain seated until the performers leave the stage at intermission and at the end of the program. Also, please
do not applaud between movements of any musical composition. Friends of Philharmonic audiences are known for the
warm and courteous welcome extended to visiting performers. Please help maintain this fine reputation. THANK YOU.

Photography and recording of any kind is strictly prohibited. Please remember to silence your cell phone.
2022-2023 SEASON - Concerts & Tickets
Program Notes
Symphony No. 1                                             figure in the lower strings that will return in various
PAUL BEN-HAIM                                              forms throughout the movement. Strings announce
Born July 5, 1897, Munich                                  a second subject, brooding and dark, and this
Died January 14, 1984, Tel-Aviv                            sonata-form movement develops vigorously. There
                                                           is something pointillistic, almost mechanistic, about
Paul Frankenburger studied violin and piano as a
                                                           the sound Ben-Haim generates across the span of
boy in his native Munich, then moved on to study
                                                           this movement, which drives to a dramatic climax and
composition with Friedrich Klose, who had been
                                                           powerful close.
a pupil of Bruckner. In his twenties, he served as
an assistant conductor to Bruno Walter and Hans            As its name suggests, the Molto calmo e cantabile
Knappertsbusch at the Bavarian State Opera but             takes us into a different world entirely. It opens with
gave up his career as a conductor to concentrate on        a long, unharmonized melody for strings, and in
composing. By the early 1930s the young man was            the final part of this melody Ben-Haim quotes from
all too aware of growing anti-Semitism in Austria, and     a song of the ancient Persian Jews, “I Shall Lift My
when the Nazis came to power in 1933, he emigrated         Eyes to the Mountains.” Gradually the rest of the
to Palestine. There he settled in Tel Aviv and changed     orchestra enters, and this movement features a
his last name to Ben-Haim. He served as president          number of prominent solos for winds as it builds to
of the Israel Composers League in 1948, and from           a soaring climax. A serene flute melody helps lead
1949 until 1954 he taught at the Jerusalem Academy         the way to the quiet conclusion. This movement has
of Music. Ben-Haim was a prolific composer (he             become popular on its own, and it is sometimes
wrote about 250 works), and in his music he aimed          performed separately under the title Psalm.
for a fusion of the great European classical music
tradition with the music of the Eastern Mediterranean      The concluding Presto con fuoco (“fast, with fire”)
and Jewish peoples. Ben-Haim described his artistic        returns to the mood of the opening movement,
identity succinctly: “I am of the West by birth and        though here that atmosphere is projected through a
education, but I stem from the East and live in the        series of wild dances, including tarantella and hora.
East. I regard this as a great blessing indeed and it      Racing violas create a sense of a perpetual-motion
makes me feel grateful. The problem of synthesis of        movement, and that feeling of breathless rush will
East and West occupies musicians all over the world.       continue throughout. Grieving and violent interludes
If we–thanks to our living in a country that forms a       intrude into this animated dancing before Ben-Haim’s
bridge between East and West–can provide a modest          First Symphony pounds its way to an exciting close.
contribution to such a synthesis in music, we shall be
very happy.” Sadly, on a return visit to Munich in 1972,
                                                           Symphony No. 1 in D Major
Ben-Haim was struck by a car and seriously injured.
                                                           GUSTAV MAHLER
Paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair, he continued
                                                           Born July 7, 1860, Kalischt, Bohemia
to compose until his death in 1984.                        Died May 18, 1911, Vienna

Ben-Haim’s First Symphony comes from a dark                Mahler’s First Symphony is one of the most
moment in human history–he began it in August              impressive first symphonies ever written, and it gave
1939, just as World War II was about to begin, and         its young creator a great deal of trouble. He began
completed it at the end of June 1940, just as France       it late in 1884, when he was only 24, and completed
fell to the Nazis–so perhaps it is no surprise that this   a first version in March 1888. But when it was first
music is dramatic and often very dark. It is in three      performed–to a mystified audience in Budapest on
sharply contrasted movements. The opening Allegro          November 20, 1889–it had a form far different from
energico bursts to life with a powerful rhythmic           the one we know today. Mahler would not even
2022-2023 SEASON - Concerts & Tickets
call it a symphony. For that first performance he          Mahler marks the second movement Kraftig bewegt
called it Symphonic Poem, and it was in two huge           (“Moving powerfully”); his original subtitle for this
parts that seemed to tell a story: the opening three-      movement was “Under Full Sail.” This movement is
movement section was called “Days of Youth,” while         a scherzo in ABA form, and Mahler bases it on the
the concluding two movements made up what Mahler           ländler, the rustic Austrian waltz. Winds and then
called the “Human Comedy.” But as Mahler revised           violins stamp out the opening ländler, full of hard
the symphony for later performances, he began to let       edges and stomping accents, and this drives to a
slip quite different hints about the “meaning” of this     powerful cadence. Out of the silence, the sound of
music. At one point he called it the “Titan,” borrowing    a solo horn rivets our attention–and nicely changes
the title of Jean Paul Richter’s novel about a wild        the mood. The central section is another ländler, but
young hero who feels lost in this world. Some further      this one sings beautifully, its flowing melodies made
sense of its content comes from the fact that the          all the more sensual by graceful slides from the
symphony borrows several themes from Mahler’s              violins. The movement concludes with a return of the
just-completed Songs of a Wayfarer, which are about        opening material.
his recovery from an ill-fated love affair. But finally,
Mahler, who had a love-hate relation with verbal           The third movement opens what, in Mahler’s original
explanations of his music (denouncing them one             scheme, was the second part of the symphony.
moment, releasing new ones the next), abandoned            Deliberately grotesque, this music was inspired by a
any mention of a program. When he finally published        woodcut picturing the funeral of a hunter, whose body
this symphony in 1899, he had cut it to only four          is borne through the woods by forest animals–deer,
movements, greatly expanded the orchestration, and         foxes, rabbits, shrews, birds–who celebrate his death
suppressed all mention of the “Titan” or of any other      with mock pageantry. Over the timpani’s quiet tread
extra-musical associations. Now it was simply his          (once again, the interval of a fourth), solo double
Symphony No. 1.                                            bass plays a lugubrious little tune that is treated as
                                                           a round; the ear soon recognizes this as a minor-key
And what a first symphony it is! The stunning              variation of the children’s song Frère Jacques. The
beginning–Mahler asks that it be “like a nature-           first episode lurches along sleazily over an “oom-pah”
sound”–is intended to evoke a quiet summer morning,        rhythm; Mahler indicates that he wants this played
and he captures that hazy, shimmering stillness            “with parody,” and the music echoes the klezmer
with a near-silent A six octaves deep. The effect is       street bands of Eastern Europe. But a further episode
magical, as if we are suddenly inside some vast,           brings soft relief: muted violins offer another quotation
softly humming machine. Soon we hear twittering            from the Wayfarer songs, this time a theme that had
birds and morning fanfares from distant military           set the words “By the wayside stands a linden tree,
barracks. The call of the cuckoo is outlined by the        and there at last I’ve found some peace.” In the song
interval of a falling fourth, and that figure will recur   cycle, these words marked the disappointed lover’s
throughout the symphony, giving shape to many of its       escape from his pain and his return to life. The march
themes. Cellos announce the true first theme, which        returns, and the timpani taps this movement to its
begins with the drop of a fourth–when Mahler earlier       nearly silent close.
used this same theme in his Wayfarer cycle, it set the
disappointed lover’s embarking on his lonely journey:      Then the finale explodes. It is worth quoting Mahler
“I went this morning through the fields, dew still hung    on this violent music: “the fourth movement then
upon the grass.” A noble chorus of horns, ringing out      springs suddenly, like lightning from a dark cloud.
from a forest full of busy cuckoos, forms the second       It is simply the cry of a deeply wounded heart,
subject, and the brief development–by turns lyric          preceded by the ghastly brooding oppressiveness
and dramatic–leads to a mighty restatement of the          of the funeral march.” Mahler’s original title for this
Wayfarer theme and an exciting close.                      movement was “From Inferno to Paradise,” and while
                                                           one should not lean too heavily on a program the
                                                           composer ultimately disavowed, Mahler himself did
2022-2023 SEASON - Concerts & Tickets
choose these words and this description does reflect      it about youth and the “human comedy”? Is it
the progress of the finale, which moves from the          autobiographical, the tale of his own recovery from
seething tumult of its beginning to the triumph of the    an unhappy love affair? Late in his brief life, Mahler
close. Longest by far of the movements, the finale is     even suggested another reading. When he conducted
based on two main themes: a fierce, striving figure       his First Symphony with the New York Philharmonic
in the winds near the beginning and a gorgeous,           in 1909, Mahler wrote to his disciple Bruno Walter
long-lined melody for violins shortly afterwards. The     that he was “quite satisfied with this youthful sketch,”
development pitches between extremes of mood as           telling him that when he conducted the symphony, “A
it drives to what seems a climax but is in fact a false   burning, and painful sensation is crystallized. What a
conclusion. The music seems lost, directionless, and      world this is that casts up such reflections of sounds
now Mahler makes a wonderful decision when back           and figures! Things like the Funeral March and the
comes the dreamy, slow music from the symphony’s          bursting of the storm which follows it seem to me a
very beginning. Slowly this gathers energy, and what      flaming indictment of the Creator.”
had been gentle at the beginning now returns in
glory, shouted out by seven horns as the symphony         Finally, we have to throw up our hands in the face
smashes home triumphantly in D major, racing to the       of so much contradictory information. Perhaps it is
two whipcracks that bring it to a thrilling conclusion.   best just to settle back and listen to Mahler’s First
                                                          Symphony for itself–and the mighty symphonic
What are we to make of Mahler’s many conflicting          journey that it is.
signals as to what this symphony is “about”? Is                              Program notes by Eric Bromberger

    Lahav Shani
        Music Director
Lahav Shani, Music Director of
the Israel Philharmonic, started
his conducting career when he
won first prize at the 2013 Gustav
Mahler International Conducting
Competition in Bamberg. In 2018
he became Chief Conductor
of the Rotterdam Philharmonic
Orchestra, being the youngest
Chief Conductor in the orchestra’s
history. From the 2017-18 season
until 2020, he was Principal Guest
Conductor of the Vienna Symphony
Orchestra. His performances as
guest conductor include concerts                                                     Credit by Marco Borggreve
with the Bavarian Radio Symphony, London
                                                          Orchestre de Paris, Philadelphia Orchestra, Royal
Symphony, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Dresden
                                                          Stockholm Philharmonic, Bamberg Symphony, and
Staatskapelle, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra,
                                                          Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France. He
Berlin Philharmonic, Tonhalle Orchestra of Zurich,
                                                          also works regularly with the Berlin Staatskapelle,
Budapest Festival Orchestra, Boston Symphony,
                                                          both at the Berlin Staatsoper and for symphonic
Berlin Radio Symphony, Philharmonia Orchestra,
2022-2023 SEASON - Concerts & Tickets
concerts. In October 2013 he was invited to open           Ehwald and piano with Prof. Fabio Bidini, both at
the season of the Israel Philharmonic. An immediate        the Academy of Music Hanns Eisler Berlin. Whilst a
re-invitation followed for the next two seasons.           student he was mentored by Daniel Barenboim. As
His close relationship with the Israel Philharmonic        a pianist, Lahav Shani made his solo recital debut
started in 2007, when he performed Tchaikovsky’s           at the Boulez Saal in Berlin in July 2018. He has
Piano Concerto under the baton of Zubin Mehta,             play-directed piano concerti with many orchestras
and continued in 2010, when Maestro Mehta invited          including the Philharmonia Orchestra, Staatskapelle
him to join the Israel Philharmonic on its Far East        Berlin, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France
tour as pianist, assistant conductor, and double bass      and the Israel Philharmonic. Lahav Shani also has
player. Lahav Shani was born in 1989 in Tel Aviv and       considerable experience performing chamber music
started his piano studies aged six with Hannah Shalgi,     and recitals. He is a regular performer at the Verbier
continuing with Prof. Arie Vardi at the Buchmann-          Festival and has also appeared at the Aix-en-Provence
Mehta School of Music in Tel Aviv. He then went on to      Easter and Jerusalem Chamber Music Festivals.
complete his studies in conducting with Prof. Christian

                                                                                        Credit by Oded Antman

                              The Israel Philharmonic
The Israel Philharmonic was founded in 1936 by             world’s greatest conductors and soloists, as well
Bronislaw Huberman and its inaugural concert, on 26        as young talents from Israel and abroad. As part of
December 1936, was conducted by Arturo Toscanini.          KeyNote, the Israel Philharmonic’s music education
The Israel Philharmonic plays in subscription series       and outreach program, Israel Philharmonic musicians
in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa, in special concerts     perform in numerous schools and concerts for school
and in various concert series throughout Israel. The       pupils at the Charles Bronfman Auditorium in Tel Aviv.
Israel Philharmonic regularly tours the world’s cultural   In 1969 Maestro Zubin Mehta was appointed Music
centers and prestigious festivals. Israel’s creative       Advisor to the Israel Philharmonic and in 1977 he
artists are promoted by many Israel Philharmonic           became its Music Director. Maestro Mehta retired
premieres of works by Israeli composers. The Israel        in October 2019 and following his retirement, the
Philharmonic has contributed to the absorption             Israel Philharmonic has named him Music Director
of new immigrants and includes in its ranks new            Emeritus. Lahav Shani became Music Director in the
immigrant musicians. The orchestra has hosted the          2020-21 season.
2022-2023 SEASON - Concerts & Tickets
The Israel Philharmonic
                                    Music Director: Lahav Shani
        The Music Director’s position is endowed by The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation
                                  Music Director Emeritus: Zubin Mehta
                                    Artist in Residence: Sir András Schiff
                                   Orchestra Members / 2022-23 Season

FIRST VIOLINS              SECOND VIOLINS                Jonathan Gertner            BASSES
Ilya Konovalov,            Yevgenia Pikovsky*              Marc and Lydia            Brendan Kane*
   Concertmaster•                                          Lauer Chair
                           Ari Thor Vilhjálmsson*                                    Naomi Shaham*
Dumitru Pocitari,                                        Yeshaayahu Ginzburg
                           Amnon Valk***                                             Nir Comforty***
   Concertmaster•                                        Vladislav Krasnov             Asst. Principal
                           Daniel Aizenshtadt
   Blanche and Jacob                                     Sofia Lebed
                           Alina Boyarkina                                           Uri Arbel
   Silbershatz Chair
                             The Colton                  Klara Nosovitsky              Acting Asst. Principal
David Radzynski,
                             Scholarship                 Matan Noussimovitch         Brad Annis
                           Hadar Cohen                     John Porter Chair           The Weintraub
   The Zvi Haftel Chair
                              Rachelli and Leon          Evgenia Oren                  Syncopators Chair
   donated by Mira and
   Stephen Ross              Koffler Chair                 Anonymous                 Noam Massarik
                           Alexander Dobrinsky           Gili Radian-Sade             Arielle and Shlomo
Saida Bar-Lev,
                                                           Renée Galimir Hurtig        Markel Chair
   Acting Assistant        Shmuel Glaser
   Concertmaster                                           Chair                     Nimrod Kling
                           Lev Iomdin
   Esther and Chanoch                                    Blythe Marie Teh            Alexander Osipenko
   Derzavich Chair         Yuki Ishizaka                   Engstroem                David Segal
Nitzan Canetty             Enosh Kofler
                                                         CELLOS                      Antonino Tertuliano
   Renée and Bob Drake     Tomoko Malkin
   Chair                                                                             Omry Weinberger
                           Asaf Maoz                     Haran Meltzer*
                                                                                       Perla and Carlos
Sharon Cohen                  Françoise and David           The Annenberg
                                                                                       Jinich Chair
   Rivka Saker and Uzi       Winton Chair                   Foundation Chair
   Zucker Chair            Marianna Povolotzky           Lia Chen Perlov*            HARP
Anna Doulov                  Eva and Ezra Marcos         Eugene Lifschitz***
                             Chair                                                   Julia Rovinsky*
Adelina Grodsky                                          Dmitri Golderman              Ted and Hedy Orden
Genadi Gurevich            Maria Rosenblatt                 Ruth Ziegler z"l Chair     z"l Chair
                             Jeffrey and Suzanne
Eleonora Lutsky                                          Iris Jortner
                             Zamet Chair                                             FLUTES
   Anonymous                                             Iakov Kashin
                           Avital Steiner Tuneh                                      Guy Eshed*
Sivann Maayani                                           Linor Katz
   Michael and Felicia     Olga Stern                                                  Rochelle and David A.
                                                            Smadar and David
   Crystal Endowed Chair   Ella Vaulin Slatkin              Cohen Chair                Hirsch Endowed Chair
Shai Nakash                                              Enrique Maltz               Noa Berkovitch
                           VIOLAS                                                    Boaz Meirovitch
Anna Reider                                                Mirtha and Fred
                           Miriam Hartman*                  Chaoul Chair               Adam, Tamara and
Gilad Rivkin                 Ruth and Reuben                                           Sharonna Karni Cohen
Elyakum Salzman                                         Kirill Mihanovsky
                             Schrift Chair                  Graham Family Chair        Chair
Marina Schwartz            Dmitri Ratush*                                            Lior Eitan
                                                         Felix Nemirovsky
Yelena Tishin                Marilyn and Sigi z"l           Lazarus Trust Chair        Michael and Angela
Drorit Valk                  Ziering Family Chair                                      Sorkin Chair
                                                         Gal Nyska
Ori Wissner Levy           Amir Van Der Hal***              Rina Mayer Chair         PICCOLO
Noam Yaffe                 Lotem Beider Ben              Ori Ron
                             Aharon                                                  Lior Eitan
   The Colton                                               The Colton
   Scholarship             Erik Bochberger                  Scholarship
Polina Yehudin               The Colton                  Yifat Weltman
   Sir Harry and Lady        Scholarship
   Judith Soloman Chair
2022-2023 SEASON - Concerts & Tickets
OBOES                      Yoel Abadi                  PIANO                     Personnel Manager:
Dudu Carmel*                  Gloria Goldstein Chair   Rafael Skorka            Michal Bach / Inspector:
  Marilyn and Sigi z"l     Itamar Leshem                                        Hadar Cohen / Assembly
  Ziering Family Endowed                               SAXOPHONE                 Chm’n: Nir Erez
                           Michal Mossek
  Chair                       Tova and Sami Sagol                                Finance Manager: Alex
                                                       Idit Shner
Lior Michel Virot*            Chair                                              Ziv / Marketing Manager:
                                                                                 Yael Yardeni-Sela / Chief
Nick Deutsch*             Hagai Shalom                PRINCIPAL                 Accountant: Anat Eldar /
                              Janice Atkins Chair      LIBRARIAN
Dmitri Malkin                                                                    Treasurer: Racheli Timor
  Angela and Richard                                   Tal Rockman               / KeyNote Director: Irit
  Camber Chair             TRUMPETS                                              Rub / Mgr. Subscription
Tamar Narkiss-Melzer       Yigal Meltzer*              LIBRARIANS                Dept.: Nira Oryan / Team
  Mario A. Adler Chair       Bianca and Stuart         Akkad Izre'el             Mgr.: Bagrat Chen, Zvi
                             Roden Chair                                         Netanel / IT Mgr.: Shlomi
                                                       Batya Frenklakh           Timor / Asst. Sec. Gen.:
ENGLISH HORN               Ram Oren**
                                                                                 Iris Abramovici Tevet /
Dmitri Malkin              Eran Reemy                  OPERATIONAL               Asst. Marketing Mgr.: Liz
                             Hannah and Randy          STAGE MANAGER             Fisher / Asst. Personnel
CLARINETS                    Polansky Chair            Amit Cohen                Manager: Yael Glazer,
Ron Selka*                 Vako Saatashvili                                      Katya Dashkov / Payroll
                           Yuval Shapiro               TECHNICAL                 Manager: Orly Zabib /
Yevgeny Yehudin*
                             Michelle Nasser Chair     ASSISTANTS                Payroll Accountant: Liat
Rashelly Davis                                                                   Ohayon / Accountant:
  Charlotte and Maurice                                Noam Polonsky
                           TROMBONES                                             Osnat Laks /
  Lawson Chair                                         Denis Rubin               Bookkeeper: Orly Golan
Jonathan Hadas             Nir Erez*                   • Canada                  / Program Editor: Orly Tal
  Denise Esfandi Chair     Tal Ben Rei***                  Concertmaster Chair   / Asst. Program Editor:
Nir Marom                   Edward Lee Chair                                    Noga Chelouche, Oded
                                                       * Principal
                           Natanel Bikov                                        Shnei Dor / Archives
                                                       ** Associate Principal    Mgr.: Avivit Hochstadter /
PICCOLO                    Micha Davis
                                                       *** Assistant Principal   Public Relations: Shalom
                                                        Guest-Player            Tel Aviv
Ron Selka                  BASS TROMBONE
                                                        Sabbatical/
Yevgeny Yehudin            Micha Davis                                           FOR OPUS 3
                                                           Leave of Absence
Nir Marom                                                                       ARTISTS
                           TUBA                        Board of Directors:       Robert Berretta,
BASS CLARINET                                          Aharon Fogel (Chm’n),     Managing Director
                           Itai Agmon*
                                                       Ephraim Abramson,
Jonathan Hadas                                         Anath Levin, Rivka        Benjamin Maimin,
                           TIMPANI                                               Chief Operating Officer
                                                       Saker, Michael
BASSOONS                   Dan Moshayev*               Zellermayer               Grace Hertz, Manager,
Daniel Mazaki*               Marsha and Alan Lee       IPO Management: Yoel      Artists & Attractions
                             Chair                     Abadi (Chm’n), Michal     Jemma Lehner,
Uzi Shalev***
                           Ziv Stein***                Mossek, Yuval Shapiro     Managerial Assistant
Gad Lederman
                             Murray S. z"l and         Secretary General: Avi
 Beile and Johanan                                                               FOR THE ISRAEL
                             Natalie Katz Chair        Shoshani
 Gilad Chair                                                                     PHILHARMONIC
                           Roxan Jurkevich            Audit Committee:
Carol Patterson                                                                  TOUR
                                                       Shlomo Handel (Chm’n),
                           PERCUSSION                  Itzhak Ganot, Ronit       Leonard Stein,
CONTRABASSOON                                                                    Consulting Producer
                           Omri Blau*                  Bachar, Hadar Cohen
Carol Patterson                                        (observer), Noam          Tania Leong,
                           Roxan Jurkevich                                      Associate Producer
                                                       Massarik (observer)
HORNS                      Alexander Nemirovsky
                                                       Musicians’ Council:       John Pendleton,
Bradley Colen                Linda and Michael                                   Company Manager
                                                       Vladislav Krasnov
  Gemeinhardt*              Jesselson Chair           (Chm’n), Yoel Abadi,      John C. Gilliland III,
Dalit Segal*               Ayal Rafiah                 Sharon Cohen, Guy         Advance Company
  Acting Principal         Ziv Stein                   Eshed, Jonathan           Manager
  Irith Rappaport and      David Mark Tarantino       Gertner, Asaf Maoz,
                                                                                 Carol Patella, Assistant
  Glen Perry Chair                                     Boaz Meirovitch, Michal
                                                                                 Company Manager
                                                       Mossek, Yuval Shapiro
Michael Slatkin***                                                               Don Irving, Stage
2022-2023 SEASON - Concerts & Tickets
                                     F O U ND ED 1 9 7 3
       Dr. Mimi Rudolph, Founder – Mrs. Nancy Adler Thornton, Founding Benefactor

                                        OF F I C E R S
                                  Dean Kauffman, President
                      Lucinda Schissler, Vice-President – Artist Selection
                        Joseph H. Stein, Vice-President – Subscriptions
                     Kenneth A. Turner, Treasurer/Immediate Past President
                           Bernice E. Greene, Recording Secretary
                                Gary Schahet, Parliamentarian

                                       D I R E C T OR S

 Lois Nehring Darr                      Dean Kauffman                           Gloria Scoby
     John Fox                           Dr. David B. Ko                      Douglas G. Stewart
 Barbara Fremont                        Carol S. Lewis                        Joseph H. Stein
  Norman Gorin                           Susan Palm                           Paul M. Symons
Bernice E. Greene                         Larry Pitts                        Kenneth A. Turner
 Roberta Holland                        Gary Schahet                         JoAnn G. Wellner
                                      Lucinda Schissler

                            Marnie Duke Mitze, Executive Director

                Michael Flannigan, Ticketing and Administrative Coordinator

                               DI RE CTOR S E M ER I T US

                     Jeane Hilb, Anne Holland, Robert Rose, Lynn Zimmer

                                     I N M E M OR I A M
           The Board of Directors pays tribute to the following board directors who
   have recently passed, but whose wisdom, passion and commitment to classical music
                will continue to inspire and guide us in the decades to come.

Robert Armstrong, Henry Freund, Marshall Gelfand, Barbara Pitts, Gloria Rosen, John Shevlin
                    wishes to express its gratitude to the following annual donors:

DISTINGUISHED               Jeannette & Raymond         BENEFACTOR                   Kathleen & Jerry
MAESTRO                       Galante                    $1,500 – $2,999               Eberhardt
 $10,000 and above          Norman Gorin                Barbara & Alan Abrams        Marcy & Leo Edelstein
Barbara Fremont             Mary Sue & Bob Hawk         Don Alexander & Betty        Arturo Fernandez &
Gother Family Trust         Patti & Brian Herman          Davis Gates                  Derek Gordon
Nancy & George Maas         Mr. & Mrs. Richard          Bill & Judy Allred           John & Joann Firmage
Harold Matzner                Johnston                  Richard Alther               Shirley Fitterman
The Nevinny Family          Robert Kohl & Clark         Diane & Mike Beemer          Dr. Robert J. & Janice
Charles & Yvonne Pigott       Pellett                   Joni & Miles Benickes          Flamer
Paul M. Symons &            Dr. Robert & Sharon         Dr. Judith Bensinger         Norman Forrester &
 *John Dare                   Lesnik                                                   William Griffin
                                                        Linda Blank & Mark
                            Jeanne S. Levitt              Jacobs                     Mr. & Mrs. Robert J.
MAESTRO                     Carol S. Lewis                                             Fraiman
                                                        The Robyn L. & Norman
 $5,000 – $9,999            Phillip Mathewson &           S. Brooks Family           Natalie Freeman & Jack
                              Robert Griffith             Foundation                   Austin
Laura & Wayne Bellows
                            Mattlin Foundation          Dr. & Mrs. Austin G.         Barbara & Bernie Fromm
Ellie & Richard Bennett
                            Marnie M. Miller &            Buffum                     Mrs. Deane T. Garrison
Lynda & Charles Biggs
                              Joseph Noren              Dr. David B. Carroll         Carl Geist
Sallie & Allan Bulley
                            Susan & Jim Palm            Dr. Robert & Sandra          Diane & Harold
Dean L. & Rosemarie
                            Larry & Cathy Pitts           Carroll                      Gershowitz
  Buntrock Foundation
                            Nora Rado                   Pam & Tim Chanter            Cora Ginsberg
John & Katherine Fox
                            Phyllis & Gary Schahet      City of Rancho Mirage        Buzz & Peg Gitelson
Mrs. Karlene Garber
                            Gerald J. & Lucinda         Johnathan & Doria Cobb       Muriel & Ron Goldberg
Dr. & Mrs. David Leshner
                              Schissler                 Susan E. Cooper              Bernice E. Greene
Dr. Myron & Joanne Mintz
                            Michael & Pat               *Peggy Cravens               Carol & Carl Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Gilman
                              Schumaecker               Lois Nehring Darr            Joyce Grim
                            Gloria & Michael Scoby      Lois Davidson                Rosalind & Stanley F.
Judy & Jerry Potthoff
                            Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stein     Lytton De Silva                Hack, Esq.
Peggy & Peter Preuss
                            Douglas G. Stewart          David A. Demers              Toni Hafey
Maggy & Jack Simon
                            Sheila & Ira Stone          Gennaro DeVito               Richard Halton &
DISTINGUISHED               Ken Turner & Mark                                          Jean-Marc Frailong
                                                        Isabelle Diamond
BENEFACTOR                    Albertson                                              David & Carole Hatcher
                                                        Gary Wentworth & Bob
 $3,000 – $4,999            Jane Witter & Fred            Drake                      Judy & Mel Hecktman
Jerry Abeles                  Delanoy                                                Ira Helf & John Knoebel
                                                        The Allen & Marilyn
Yvonne & Derek Bell                                       Eager Charitable Fund
                                                                                                 *In Memoriam

            Introducing Our New Corporate Circle

   The Palm Springs Friends of Philharmonic Corporate Circle is made up of leaders in the business community
   who value the arts and understand the positive impact they have on our children, their families, and the
   community as a whole.
   The Corporate Circle promises to be one of the Coachella Valley’s most dynamic corporate membership
   programs. Through unique Corporate Circle events, targeted recognition and business to business
   networking, Corporate Circle membership is your ticket to an amazing cultural experience and business

      Please contact us at (760) 341-1013 for Corporate Circle membership levels and benefits
Elissa Hepner               Norman J. Lewis & Myra       Theodore & Carol             Robert Walker & Ken
Sharon & Rodney Hill          L. Gordon                     Robinson                    Beville
Roberta Holland             *Helen Louden                Marcella Ruble               David Weigel & Mark
Boyd & Dody Hopkins         John Marksbury & Chuck       Frank M. Ryan, M.D.            Yacko
Frances Horwich               Steinman                   Elise Sacks                  Alice & Jesse Weinger
Kathy Intihar & Fran        Mrs. Ogniana Masser          Sherry & Howard Schor        JoAnn G. Wellner
  Campbell                  Eunice & Jerry Meister       Jane & Larry Sherman
Loreen Jacobson &           William & Jane Melzer        Mrs. John C. Shevlin
  Bertel Lewis              Tom & Marnie Mitze                                         $500 – $1,499
                                                         Evelyn & David Simon
Michael Jaworski            Poul S. & Birgit E. Moller                                Dinesh & Raj Agrawal
                                                         Sheila Sloan
Mrs. George E. Jones        Constance & John Nyhan                                    Debbie Allen
                                                         Donald Stein
Professor & Mrs. Ken        Ms. Caryl Olins                                           Judith L. Appelbaum
                                                         Jill Steinberg
  Jowitt                    Cydney Osterman                                           Noyes & Elizabeth Avery
                                                         Robert & Carlyn Stonehill
Dean Kauffman               Jacqueline & Barry                                        Janet Ball
                                                         Frederick Swann
Nora Kaufman                  Panter, M.D.                                            Nora & Guy Barron
                                                         Kory & Betty Teoman
Ruth & Malvin Kaufman       Georganne Papac                                           Cash & Betty Baxter
                                                         Kyle Thorpe
Dr. David Ko & Dr. Sara     Beth & Larry Peerce                                       Jonathan R. Beard &
                                                         Rosemarie Vacano
  Azar                      Vicki M. Rauscher                                           Grace Nordhoff
                                                         Helen Varon
Marcia Koslov               Gail Richards                                             Roger G. Bensinger &
                                                         Marsha & David Veit            Robin Groth
Bud Krause                  Robert Richards              Jean Baur Viereck
Linda Lechlitner            Rella & Monty Rifkin                                                  *In Memoriam

                                     Youth Education
  The Palm Springs Friends of Philharmonic is proud to sponsor a robust youth education program. In addition
  to summer music camp and college music scholarships for local Coachella Valley youth, the Philharmonic
  provides financial support to the arts education program at the McCallum Theatre and other area music
  organizations, and free student tickets to our concerts. During the Covid shutdown, the Philharmonic created
  a special music emergency grant fund that awarded over $60,000 to local schools for the purchase of musical

  The Philharmonic also facilitates an instrument donation program, focused primarily on wind and string
  instruments, for local schools.

Harriet K. Bernstein       Dick Kahn & Sue             Ann & Robert Stevens         Dr. Robert & Maxine
Richard & MaryJeanne          Freeman                  Anne Swindells                 Greenstein
   Burke                   Sherwin Kaplan & Patricia   Jane Townsend & *Alan        George & Libby Henrich
Bianca & Jim Cameron          Sullivan                   Gross                      Deon Hilger & Jerry
Anne Camil                 Harriet R. Karmin           Faye K. Triggs                 Delaney
Elizabeth M. Campbell      Retha Ellen Keenan          Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Trostler   Murray & Barbara Hirsch
Joe Cantrell               G.P. Paul Kowal             Vicki & Michael Turoff       Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Hofer
Bruce Cervone &            Drs. Howard Lee & Jean      Julie Tybout                 Suzan & Steven Hyman
   Kathleen Delaney           Lew                      Craig & Junior Vickers       Sherry Kaplan
Paul R. Christen           Lisa & Erik Lindauer        David & Mary Ann Walsh       Susan Karsen
Joanne & Bill Chunowitz    Harriet Litt                James & Lucy Wang            Fran Kaufman
J. Patrick Cooney & Karl   Ruth & Bill Mainzer         David & Marlyne Weiner       Sheila W. Keeshin
   Buchberg                Madeleine Maniar            Stuart & Marysia Weiss       Sheldon & Barbara Kent
Marion & Eric Cowle        Signe Bergman & Jerry       Lita & *Jerrold Widran       Maxine & Joe
Joel T. Cutler                Marshak                                                 Kirshenbaum
                                                       Jane Woolley
Christopher Davidson       Judith & Jonathan                                        Martin & Judy Krasnov
   in memory of James         Marshall                 SUPPORTER                    Dr. & Mrs. Walter F.
   Watterson               Nicky & Lester Mayber        $250 – $499                   Krengel Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy Deming        Pamela & Eugene             Steven R. Acree, PhD         Richard & Dena Krown
Svanhild Dolin                McGuire                                               David Lee
                                                       Melvon Ankeny
Joan Don                   Allan McMurray & Judy                                    Mr. & Mrs. Julian Levy
                              Kaffka                   Gerald & Sharon Appel
Kevin Doran                                            Rhona Bader                  Tom & Judy Lewis
Melinda Douglas            James T. & Marianne D.
                              Millican                 Michael & Lee Bard           Rick & Roseve Mainzer
Martha Drake                                           Dr. & Mrs. Michael Baskin    Marliyn Malkin
                           Les Modie
Sheila Dulin                                           Darryl K. Beach              Dr. Robert B. & Suzanne
                           Colonel & Mrs. Dave
Joy Dunlevie & Ted            Mueh                     Jim & Martha Blackburn         J. Martin
   Humphrey                                                                         Joseph & Shirley McEvoy
                           Judy & Mike Musiker         Eleanor & Bruce Blank
James Eisenberg & Jane                                                              Jon & Marjorie McGihon
   Woldenberg              Dr. David Norgard &         Steven & Carol Bloch
                              Joseph Oppold III        Barbara & Ronald Borden      Mr. Thomas Miller
Phyllis Mintz Eisenberg                                                             Jeanie Mills
                           Eva Cebulski Olivier        Robert Bracken
Larry Fechter & Tom                                                                 Martha & Mark Moench
   Stansbury               Rob & Jason Ollander-       Sigrun Braverman, Ph.D.
                              Krane                    Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bryman     Fran Muir
Carol & Arthur Freeman
                           Dr. Marsha & William        Bonnie Carmell               Susan & Doug Myrland
Ariela Gallen                 Pachter
                                                       Dr. & Mrs. Robert Corne      Susan Nathan
Linda Gazecki              Dean & Marilyn Park
                                                       Jill & Robert DeMaster,      Gary L. Nudell & Craig
Christine & Michael        Laurie & Mark Parkin                                       Heywood
   Gennet                                                 Ph. D.
                           John & Gayle Perl           Sally Cherry Dempsey         Jack & Sharin Orr
Joe Giarrusso & Charlie
   Paglia                  Norma Person                David Dotlich & Doug         Harold & Miriam Paley
Tom & Alix Goodman         Rita & Robert Philip           Elwood                    Elizabeth Parese
Joyce Gorney               Nancy Rapoport & Mal        Janice Dunn                  W. Stuver Parry
                              Rudner                   Jane Effress & Harvey        David Peck & Dennis
Arline Greenblatt
                           Susan & Arthur Rebell          Lambert                     Duca
Helen & Alan Greene
                           Susan & John Rothschild     Robert Elmore & Paul Zak     Lynn & Jim Philpot
Diane & Cynthia Gunn
                           Dr. Joseph & Dixie          Jeffrey & Suzanne Feder      Diane Rader
Rod & Diane Hassett           Schulman                 Dr. Wilma Finmark            Michael Romberg & Meir
Robert & Peggy Henley      Judith Schurr                                              Klapper
MaryEllen Herman & Phil                                Walter Foery
                           Anneruth Serman             Gail Baum & Larry Fox        Rabbi Yaacov & Mrs. Nina
   Markel                                                                             Rone
                           Richard & Nurit Sheehan     Arva & Robert Frank
Nancy & Michael Herman                                                              Ellen & William Sachs
                           Mike & Lynn Shields         Barbara Gleissner
Burton & Libby Hoffman                                                              Robert G. Sanderson
                           Nancy & Stan Sibell         Carol Glickman
Robert & Lorna Houck                                                                James Slagter & Mariana
                           J. Robert Sillonis &        Philip & Carol Goldsmith
John Hoyda                    Michael D. Welter                                       Scarcella
Al Jones                                               Phil & Judy Goldstein        Trudy Schwartz
                           Danforth M. Smith
Andrew & Andrea                                        Donald C. Graham             Sanford Seplow & Susan
                           Nora & Jay S. Spak
   Josephson                                           Bridget Gray                   Walpert
                           Elaine & Claude
                                                                                               *In Memoriam
Christa Siegel              Judy Bobrow & Jon         Mrs. Gaye Goerz            Marsha Reed Nall
Dr. Paul & Sybil              Desenberg               Susan B. Goldberg          Gisela & Nelson Reid
  Silverstein               Andy Brancuccio &         Thorey & Barry Goldstein   Paul Reid & Tom Hartnett
Linda & Jesse Singh           *Ken Sandacata          Carol Goldwasser           Robert Rogers
Kevin L. Smith & Beverly    Janet Hartzler Braslow,   Dr. & Mrs. Edward E.       Molly Ross
  J. Zimmer                   MD                        Gordon                   Dr. Joan Rubane
Barbara Spencer             Ann Broadwell             Lianne Gulka               Dario Sacramone & John
Marie Staudhammer           Dr. Rich Cansdale         Larry D. Harper              Pariseau
Diane D. Stauffer           Mary Carlson              Richard & Ilene Harris     Dr. & Mrs. Andrew
Eileen & Marv Stern         Richard & Renee Carman    Doris B. Heckerman           Sanderson
Dr. Tom & Sherry Stevens    Penny Carpenter           John F. & Judith C. Hon    Dennis Schroeder
Jay Tedder                  Chan & Eunhee Chung       Maralyn Howard             Louise E. Schulz
Barbara W. Thormann         Joseph Cifarelli          Penny Hudnut & Stephen     Judith Schwartz
Leslie & Dr. Barry Usow     Joan & Frank Cohee          Schoenfeld               Steven Shaer
André van Niekerk &         Bram Conley               Nora Jackson               Peggy Sheren
  Steven Rogers             Corinne & Roger Coplan    Lily Kanter                Ronald & Kim Marie
Judy Wallis                 Dr. Gerald & Marianne     Jim Karpiak                  Singer
Mary & Jim Wilson             Corey                   Jack Keller                James Stedman
Marvin & Robbie Winick      Frances & Gregg Corwin    Karen Klein                Peter Steele & Daniel
Judith B. Zacher, M.D.      Rev. Donald R. Craig      Dr. & Mrs. George H.         Wirth
Eileen & Lawrence Zoll      Edwina Davis                Koenig                   Ron & Natalie Tambor
                            Franck-Alsid de           Allison Kozak              Jim & Linda Tjaden
CONTRIBUTOR                   Chambeau, PhD                                      Pauline Trimarco
                                                      Dr. Robert & Kay Levine
 $100 – $249                John Martin Deely         Edith Leyasmeyer           Mark & Janet van
Janet Abrams                Anneke Delen              Bonny & Drew Link            Hartesvelt
Carole & Robert Adelstein   Ingrid DeMarta & Judy     Robert & Carol Lowitz      Adrian Van Wingerden &
Irwin Alexander & Miles       Osborne                                              Jose G. Perez
                                                      Ken Maxwell
  Senn                      Karen Engman                                         Paula & Daniel Voorhees
                                                      Bruce McCombs
Helen Astleford             Carol Faxon                                          Arlene & Bill Wadsworth
                                                      Nick McCully
Dr. Danuta Batorska         Robert Feferman &                                    Susan & John Walker
                              Steven Bing             Mark McGowan & Didona
Helen Risom Belluschi                                   Marcinkevicius           Steven L. Washington
Zeev & Shoshanna            Jeanette & Saul Fein                                 Robert Wenbourne
                                                      Michael H. Motherway
  Berger                    Donald Feinberg                                      Sandra Wetrich & Max
                                                      Bob & Fran Moyer
Drs. Rainer & Carolyn Izu   William Fisher Ph. D.                                  Davis
  Bergmann                                            Andrew Nelson
                            Frances & John                                       John White
Bruce M. Hatrak & M.          Fleckenstein            Rick & Virginia Newton
                                                                                 John Whitfield
  Andrew Berisford          Sidney & Jacqueline       Ella Ohana
                                                                                 Charlene Williamson
Melinda & Harvey              Freedman                Mr. & Mrs. Fred L. Olsen
                                                                                 Gwen Herron & *Everett
  Bernstein                 Jacob Frick & William     Michael Pagliaro             Wilson
Shelley Ann Birenbaum         Pape                    Raymond Price & Esmé       Ellen Yuracko
Al Bloch & Fefe Passer      Adrienne Garland            Ryan
                                                                                 Maxine Ziebarth
Donna & Judah               Patricia Gershick         Bob & Susan Pristave
  Blumenthal                Sally Gessford            Melinda Raphael                       *In Memoriam
                            Renee Glickman              Goodman

                     Special thanks to this season’s
               concert sponsors for their additional support:
       Norman Forrester                     Norman Gorin                  Gloria & Michael Scoby
        & William Griffin                 Bernice E. Greene               Jane & Larry Sherman
       Barbara Fremont                     Roberta Holland                  Douglas G. Stewart
  Helene Galen & Jamie Kabler           Phyllis & Gary Schahet               JoAnn G. Wellner
Tickets on sale now! www.PSPhil.org
Subscriptions available from $550 to $365, plus donation
            Programs and artists subject to change

          San Diego Symphony
          Domingo Hindoyan, Conductor
          Sun., Jan. 8, 5 pm – With Anne Akiko Meyers, Violin
          Sponsored by Roberta Holland, Gloria & Michael Scoby,
          Douglas G. Stewart

          Pacific Symphony
          Carl St.Clair, Conductor
          Mon., Feb. 6, 7:30 pm – With Yefim Bronfman, Piano
          Sponsored by Larry & Jane Sherman

          Filharmonie Brno
          Dennis Russell Davies, Conductor
          Tue., Feb. 14, 7:30 pm
          Sponsored by Norman Forrester & William Griffin

          Academy of St Martin in the Fields
          Mon., March 6, 7:30 pm – With Avi Avital, Mandolin
          Sponsored by Bernice E. Greene, Norman Gorin, JoAnn G. Wellner

          Los Angeles Philharmonic
          Dalia Stasevska, Conductor
          Sun., April 2, 5 pm – With Randall Goosby, Violin
          Sponsored by Phyllis & Gary Schahet, Helene Galen & Jamie Kabler

                                                    All concerts take place at
                                         McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert, CA

Palm Springs Friends of Philharmonic
            (760) 341-1013 | www.PSPhil.org
P.O. Box 12770, Palm Desert, CA 92255-2770
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