2021 Year 7 Transition Booklet - For Parents & Students - Blackburn High School

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2021 Year 7 Transition Booklet - For Parents & Students - Blackburn High School
CRICOS Code: 00861K
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

2021 Year 7
Transition Booklet
For Parents & Students

                                                          60 Springfield Road Blackburn, Victoria, Australia 3130
                                                          W: blackburnhs.vic.edu.au
2021 Year 7 Transition Booklet - For Parents & Students - Blackburn High School
The purpose of this Transition Booklet is to provide an overview of our
school structures, learning programs and general information to help
answer any questions you may have as you Transition into Blackburn
High School. We hope that you find this a useful resource.

Blackburn High School

Our students demonstrate a strong commitment to learning, good manners, and community awareness. But it is the
values of good humour, caring for each other and fostering a spirit of tolerance that makes Blackburn High School
a particularly special place to be. We value a strong code of conduct supported by an anti-harassment policy and
believe our students are better prepared for learning when they are healthy, safe and happy. We have three core
values that govern the way in which both staff and students interact and work together.

Respect                                                      Citizenship
Of oneself, others and of learning are displayed through     Students are encouraged to become active and
honesty, integrity, consideration and the celebration of     informed citizens through their participation at a local,
diversity in a safe and inclusive environment. We teach      national and global level. We teach students the skills
students to have due regard for the opinions, feelings,      and knowledge to understand and engage with the
wishes and rights of others.                                 world they live in.

                                                             This is demonstrated through involvement in the rich
Pursuit of Excellence                                        opportunities within the school and wider communities.
Students are supported to reach their full potential by      Students are supported to take increasing responsibility
developing wide-ranging skills and capabilities, and to      for their own learning, their relationships with others
show growth academically, personally and socially. We        and their participation in all aspects of their school life.
value and celebrate effort and achievement. We motivate
students to do their best, at whatever level that may be,
by nurturing a culture of striving for excellence which in
turn opens up the pathways to success.

Learning Norms
We speak to students about doing their best learning each day. We have learning norms for students and staff which
we believe leads to effective learning. Our learning norms are:

– We enter the class on time, prepared and willing           – We challenge ourselves and others to do our best.
    to actively contribute to our learning.
                                                             – We value curiosity, creativity and thinking.
– We learn from our mistakes.
                                                             – We behave in a respectful and constructive way.

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2021 Year 7 Transition Booklet - For Parents & Students - Blackburn High School
Academic Awards

Academic Awards are an integral aspect of our              2. Learning Norms. These are teacher nominated
learning culture at Blackburn High School. The aim            for students who display our learning norms
of these awards is to recognise and celebrate student         and advocate to other students successful
achievement in terms of excellence in more than one           learning behaviours.
subject and to help raise learning expectations at
                                                           These award ceremonies are conducted each term
Blackburn High School.
                                                           after each report.
Awards are given in two categories:
1. Learning Excellence. Top students in their year level
   according to their report achievement data in more
   than one subject.

Leadership Team

The school leadership team leads our school                – VCE Improvement Leader
community to ensure students reach their full
potential and staff continually improve their              – High Achievers’ Program and STEM Leader
practice. The team is comprised of:
                                                           Our planning, implementation and evaluation drives our
– Principal and Assistant Principals                       work of improving staff capacity to continue to improve
                                                           student learning. The school leadership team leads the
– Learning Area Leaders                                    school community to ensure the student’s wellbeing
– House Leaders                                            and learning is at the centre of all planning, resourcing
                                                           and daily activities.
– Transition Leader

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2021 Year 7 Transition Booklet - For Parents & Students - Blackburn High School
House Structure and Mentor Program
At Blackburn High School our students develop a                 The cross-age nature of the program enables students
sense of belonging and connectedness facilitated by             to get to know, and develop friendships with, a wide
our House Structure and Mentor Program. Our school              range of students from Years 7 to 12.
consists of the four houses - Hollows, Freeman, Melba
and Dunlop. The four Houses are named after famous              The purpose of the Mentor Program is to develop
Australians from different fields of endeavour, who have        supportive and positive relationships between students
demonstrated the values and skills we wish to develop           and teachers to improve student learning and wellbeing.
in our students.                                                A range of activities are undertaken to support
                                                                students, including:
At Blackburn High School we pride ourselves on our
staff working together to help provide the best possible        – Regular silent reading to enhance literacy and
learning environment for our students. In each House                concentration
we have a House Leader who oversees the running of
each House and the delivery of the Mentor Program.              – Well-being and help seeking strategies
The House Leader works collaboratively with the two
Assistant House Leaders, Mentor Teachers and the                – Inter-house competitions
Principal Team to support the academic and wellbeing
needs of the students in the House. Each House                  – Literacy and numeracy activities
also has a staff member fulfilling the role of House
Administration Assistant. They are primarily responsible        – General knowledge quizzes
for the administrative duties within the House.
Maintaining a strong House culture is the cornerstone           – Pathways – guidance for subject selections
of the House system in order to develop a sense of                  and careers
belonging for all staff and students.                           – e-Smart – understanding the use of
                                                                    technology in society
Each House is divided into a number of vertical Mentor
Groups comprising students in years 7-12. The Mentor            – Students in year 7 will undertake a comprehensive
Teacher is the first point of call for parents and students.        Student Transition and Resilience Training Program
Students will, in most cases, remain in their Mentor Group          to support them in their move to secondary school.
with the same Mentor Teacher for their time at Blackburn
High School. This allows the Mentor Teacher to get to           Regular House and whole school assemblies enhance
know their students both as a person and a learner, and         the sharing of knowledge and information compliment
to establish strong links with their families.                  the program.

Student Transition & Resilience Training (START) Program
                                                The START resource designed by clinical psychologist Andrew Fuller is
                                                a Department of Education and Training Initiative, designed to support
                                                their students in their transition from primary school to secondary school.
                                                As part of our Transition Program at Blackburn High School students will
                                                undertake a range of relevant activities as part of our Mentor Program
                                                to support students to make a positive start to secondary school and to
                                                support them in their social and emotional wellbeing.

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2021 Year 7 Transition Booklet - For Parents & Students - Blackburn High School
Student Wellbeing

We value students’ achievements and learning and have
additional staff in place to support students in reaching their
learning goals. Fundamental to a student’s success is their
emotional and social wellbeing.
The Student Wellbeing Team is made up of:                  Step 1 – Mentor Teacher
– Student Wellbeing Coordinator (full time)                Mentor teachers are the first point of contact for all
                                                           school communication. Families are encouraged to
– Chaplain (full time, partially funded through the
                                                           communicate with the mentor teacher in the first
    National School Chaplaincy Program)
                                                           instance to see if actions and support can be put in
– Assistant Principal                                      place at the mentor level.
– School Nurse
                                                           Step 2 – House Leadership Teams
– DEECD Student Support Service Officers
    (part time) – Educational Psychologist –               Mentor teachers will liaise and communicate with
    Speech Pathologist                                     House Leaders who oversee the actions and support
                                                           to all students. Wellbeing referrals are also completed
– House Leadership Team                                    via the House Leadership teams.

Blackburn High School Student Wellbeing Team
operates under a proactive approach, with a large
                                                           Step 3 – Wellbeing Team
focus on early intervention. If you are noticing an        Student wellbeing will work with Mentor Teachers
emerging issue or have concerns, we encourage              and House Leadership Teams with students who are
families to seek support immediately.                      referred. Student wellbeing is there to support students
                                                           to engage with school and to achieve their educational
Other preventative and proactive strategies include        potential. Wellbeing can provide counselling, however,
regular communication of programs and community            we do not diagnose or treat mental illness.
supports, listed regularly in the Parent Newsfeed.
Please keep an eye out for upcoming programs and           If you are noticing a potential mental health issue
notices from the wellbeing team.                           we recommend that families visit their local General
                                                           Practitioner (GP); just like for any physical health issue.
The following is some key information on the process
and structures of wellbeing at Blackburn High School, if   – GP consultation to obtain a Mental Health Care Plan
your young person should require support:                     (MHCP), GP will prescribe MHCP if appropriate.
                                                           – For most comprehensive and efficient support,
                                                              external psychology sessions are recommended,
                                                              Blackburn High School Student Wellbeing team can
                                                              liaise with the psychologist to implement strategies
                                                              at school.
                                                           – Family to consider other options such as calling
                                                              local Headspace, or other community organisation.

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2021 Year 7 Transition Booklet - For Parents & Students - Blackburn High School
Potential symptoms of mental health issues to listen      Contacts for mental health support:
out for, which could warrant a MHCP:                      – Any GP (including bulk-billing GPs) can
– Ongoing stress.                                            prescribe the MHCP.
– Low mood, low motivation.                               – Headspace (Knox) P: 9801 6088
– Regular emotional responses, i.e. crying every night,   – Eastern Access Community Health (EACH)
   angry outbursts.                                          P: 1300 00 3224
– Panic attacks, describing episodes of high distress     – Parent Hotline P: 132 289
   or anxiety.
                                                          – The Child and Youth Mental Health Service
– Refusing to come to school.                                (CYMHS) Box Hill, for more severe concerns)
                                                             P: 1300 721 927, option 2
– Withdrawn or disengaged, i.e. from family, friends,
   hobbies/interests.                                     Students can self-refer to the Student Wellbeing
– Major and sudden change in personality                  Coordinator. Students who wish to see the Chaplain,
   or behaviour.                                          must have parental consent as part of the government’s
                                                          Chaplaincy program.

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2021 Year 7 Transition Booklet - For Parents & Students - Blackburn High School
Daily Organisation

The school day is divided into four 70 minute periods plus a 20 minute
Mentor Group session at the beginning of each day.

                                                          Time                              Period
                                                          8.35am                            Locker Bell

                                                          8.40 – 9.00am                     Mentor Group

                                                          9.05 – 10.15am                    Period 1

                                                          10.15 – 10.35am                   Recess

                                                          10.35am                           Locker Bell

                                                          10.40 – 11.50am                   Period 2

                                                          11.55 – 1.05pm                    Period 3

                                                          1.05 – 1.58pm                     Lunch

                                                          1.58pm                            Locker Bell

                                                          2.00 – 3.15pm                     Period 4

Timetable                                                 Lockers
Each student will be given a printed copy of their        At the start of each year all students are assigned a
timetable for Term 1. Year 7 students will be supported   locker by their Mentor Teacher from a selection of
firstly by their Mentor Teacher and fellow mentor group   lockers nearest their mentor room. All students should
students to ensure they know how to read the timetable,   keep their locker in an orderly manner and locked when
what classes they have and the required equipment         not in use. All new students will be given a combination
needed for each subject.                                  lock and shown how to use it. If for some reason this is
                                                          misplaced, locks can be purchased from the school.
School Diary                                              Personal belongings are not covered under our school
Students will be provided with a school diary. A school   insurance policy. We therefore ask students to lock their
diary helps to support students in their planning and     locker and not bring any items of personal or monetary
organising of upcoming learning tasks, assessment         value to school.
tasks and other important school events and dates.

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                                                                                                                                                                                        STUDENT TOILETS
                             Administration/Front Office
                             Freeman House                                                                                                                        STAFF ROOM

                             Dunlop House                                                                                              M1
                             Melba House                                                                                                                          STUDY AREA
                             Hollows House
                             Resource Centre
                                                                                                                                                                      MELBA ADMIN ASSISTANT
                             Gymnasium                                                                            LEVEL 2
                             Music Centre                                   STUDENT TOILETS
                                                                                   STAFF ROOM                               H1

                                                                                                                            H2                      M3
                    WILLIAMS ROAD                        HOLLOWS ADMIN ASSISTANT

                                                                                                                   H8                                             STUDY AREA

                                                                                         LEVEL 1                   H7       H3

                                                                 STAFF TOILETS

                                                                H11                       M10                      H6
                                                                                                                                              M14               M13
                                      YR12 COMMON AREA

                                                                                                                                                                                                   STUDENT TOILETS


                                                                                                                                               STAFF ROOM
                                                                                         M6              M7
                                                                                                        RESOURCE CENTRE

                         ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL                                                                                                                                            CM10
                                                                                                                   MUSIC ADMIN ASSISTANT
                                                                                                                                                      CM13                    CM7
                                 PRINCIPAL                                                                                                                            CM3
                                                                      PRINCIPAL PA/ENROLMENTS ADMIN
                                                                                                                                                      CM12                  CM1

                                                                      SICK BAY

                     PARKING &
                      DROP OFF                      F5     F6

                                                                            STUDENT TOILETS
                    FREEMAN ADMIN ASSISTANT                                  STAFF ROOM
                                               F3                                                                                                                                                   GM5

                                                                                                                                                                            STUDENT TOILETS
                                                    F2     F1                                                 STAFF ROOM

                                               STUDY AREA
                                                                                                                                 STAFF TOILETS
                                                                            F11                                                                                   D13
                                                                                                     STAFF ROOM
                                                                      F10          F12
                                                                F9                                                                                   D12                                     D18
                                                           F8               STUDY AREA                                                        D11                D15
                                                                 F13                       D3

                                                           DUNLOP ADMIN ASSISTANT                                                                         D16

                                                                                              D2             D6



                                                                             F14                                                 D21          D19

                                                                                                                                 D22          D20

                                                                                                                                  D23           D23

                                                                                                                                   D26          D25

                                                                                                                                   D28              D27
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2021 Year 7 Transition Booklet - For Parents & Students - Blackburn High School
Process for Notifying Lateness, Absence, Early Departures

Lateness                                                          Early Departures
Mentor Group begins at 8:40am sharp. If a student is              The process for your child leaving school early due
late for mentor group they are required to give the               to illness or injury:
Mentor Teacher a written note explaining the lateness,
or a parent approval on Compass. If a student does                – If your child feels unwell at school they need
not have a note or Compass approval, they will be placed             to attend the sickbay to see the nurse.
on House detention at lunchtime for that same day.                – The nurse will assess your child and if unable to
                                                                     help them feel better the nurse will contact parents.
If a student arrives AFTER Mentor Group:
                                                                  – Once contacted the nurse will discuss the options
                                                                     of your child going home and will complete the
Note for being late                   Outcome                        signing out process on compass.
Yes                                   If there is no pattern      – If your child texts you regarding their health
                                      of lateness, no detention      please instruct them to follow the School Policy
                                      will be issued.                and attend sickbay.

No                                    Automatic detention.        If your child is leaving due to a Medical or Dentist
                                                                  Appointment you may use the option ‘Medical
Pending                               Mentor Teacher to           Appointment’ or ‘Dentist’ on compass in notes/
                                      follow up the next day.     approvals. This must be done before your child can
                                                                  leave the school.

                                                                  This School Policy is there to ensure the safety of
If a student arrives at school after mentor group                 your children.
they must sign in at the House Office. The House
Administration Assistant will then adjust the roll,               Sick Bay
inform the student to catch up on any notices they
                                                                  Blackburn High School’s sickbay is open from 9am to 3pm
have missed, and place the student on the detention
                                                                  Monday to Friday and is operated by registered nurses.
list (if no note and/or a pattern of lateness).
                                                                  We offer a first aid service for illness or accidents that
Absence                                                           occur during school that may impact your child. The
                                                                  main role of the nurse is to assess your child’s concern,
If your child is absent for the whole day or part of
                                                                  attempt to relieve symptoms if possible, encourage the
the day, please approve on Compass.
                                                                  possibility of staying at school if suitable, refer home if
Students must then follow either late or early                    needed or call for medical assistance if assessed to be
departure process. If you or they have any questions              required. The nurse will also collect and collate medical
regarding this process, please contact your child’s               information for camps, immunisations programs and
Mentor Teacher.                                                   record any newly diagnosed medical conditions as
                                                                  informed by parents.

                                                                  Contacting the School
                                                                  If you or they have any questions regarding this
                                                                  administrative process, please contact your child’s
                                                                  Mentor Teacher or relevant House Administration
                                                                  Assistant. If your concern is in regard to your child’s
                                                                  academic or social/ wellbeing, please contact the
                                                                  relevant Subject Teacher or your child’s Mentor Teacher.

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Online Communication Portal Compass

                                                            – Receive alerts regarding outstanding work,
                                                               excursion and important information specifically
                                                               related to the student
                                                            – Receive news items specifically tailored to
                                                               the student
At Blackburn High School, we believe a student
learns best when the family and school are working in
partnership with the common goal of achieving the best      Responsible Use of ICT Agreement
possible educational outcomes. To that end, our school
                                                            Students are expected to adhere to the school’s
has an online parent portal called Compass School
                                                            Responsible Use of ICT agreement. All families are
Manager. This portal is designed to provide parents
                                                            expected to read and accept the agreement. A copy
with secure, direct access to everything parents need
                                                            can be downloaded from the School website under
to know about their child’s education.
                                                            the curriculum/BYODD tabs. The agreement needs to
Parents are given their own secure login to access          be signed by both parent and student on the Compass
Compass. Students should never have access to               parent account.
and use their parent’s login details. Compass permits
                                                            Key points of the agreement include:
access to all kinds of helpful information and updates.
                                                            – Bringing a charged device to school everyday
– Access the student’s timetable – parents see what
   their student is doing, at any time of the school day,   – Checking school email account regularly
   including instrumental lessons, sport and extra-
   curricular programs                                      – Keeping mobile phones in lockers from 8:35am
                                                               to the end of the school day
– See what assessment tasks have been set, when
   they are due and whether those tasks have been           – Keeping earphones in lockers unless instructed
   submitted or not completed                                  to use them by a teacher

– View attendance records, including late arrivals          – Keeping computers in lockers at recess
   or early departures (parents are sent an SMS if the         and lunchtime
   student has been marked absent from a class)             – Abiding by responsible use guidelines and
– Enter approvals and give reasons for absences as             using technology appropriately
   well as advise of upcoming absences
– Access all reports – a chronological history              Bring Your Own Designated
   is kept for each student                                 Device Program (BYODD)
– Schedule Parent/Teacher conferences                       For more information on this Program and the Device
– Receive and approve parent consent forms                  Imaging Schedule please visit the school website and
                                                            download a copy of the booklet. This can be found on
– Pay school fees – instalment plans can be created         the school website under the curriculum/BYODD tabs.

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Curriculum – Learning and Teaching

                                                          Each term you will be offered a choice of 3-4 seasonal
                                                          sports for your Sport Education class. Here you will
                                                          spend time learning the rules, skills and focusing on
                                                          the team tactics of your chosen sport. Each term you
                                                          will then have the opportunity to represent the school
                                                          in the Round Robin Competition that takes place on
                                                          a single day, off campus, competing against other
                                                          Whitehorse schools. You have the opportunity to
                                                          represent Blackburn High School in a different
                                                          sport each term.

                                                          Subject Competitions
                                                          We encourage student participation in a range of
                                                          external subject competitions offered throughout
                                                          the year to extend and enrich students learning
                                                          opportunities and experiences.

                                                          STEM (Science, Technology,
                                                          Engineering and Mathematics)
                                                          – Water Project
                                                          The year 7 students will explore the global water
                                                          crisis and design solutions to make water accessible
                                                          to people across the globe. Students will have the
Blackburn High School offers a curriculum designed        opportunity to engage with real life engineers and
around the needs of all students. We aim not only to      scientists, in an incursion lead by the organisation
differentiate what we teach, but also how we teach,       Engineers without Borders who work globally to help
recognising that students have different ways of          engineer solution for communities in crisis.
learning. Each year, every student in Years 7–10
chooses from a range of goals targeted to improve         Booklist Information
their learning.                                           Booklists for all year levels are available online from
In the early years, the main focus is on students         Campion, from late October each year, and all ordering
making the successful transition to secondary school.     and payment is done online directly with the supplier.
The structure of the curriculum for Years 7–9 reflects    Booklists will need to be completed by a date towards
the belief that all students need to learn from each of   the end of December for the following year, and orders
the Learning Areas. Each Learning Area encompasses        can be collected from the school in the last week of
rich activities and incursions and or excursions to       the following January. You can also, for an extra cost,
complement classroom teaching and engage students         have the order delivered to a specified address.
in the knowledge, skills, understanding and enjoyment
of the subject.                                           The due date for orders and the book collection date
                                                          for the relevant year will be clearly set out online when
                                                          you place your order.
The subjects at year 7 level are:                         Please refer to Blackburn High School website for
English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Language –           information on current booklists. A link to the Campion
German/French, PE & Health, Classroom Music,              booklists will be on our home page at this time under
Drama, Art, Technology, Year 7 Sport.                     the Campion tile.

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Extra Curricular Opportunities
Outside the classroom, students can choose from              House Performing Arts
the extensive range of co-curricular activities that
supports their personal growth and development               Festival – Term 1
and connectedness to the school community. Some              The House Performing Arts Festival is one of the most
of these include:                                            exciting events on the school calendar. Within their
                                                             individual houses, a large number of students choose
Camps                                                        a musical to adapt into a thirty-minute performance.
Taking learning and the curriculum outside the               At the very start of Term 1, student leaders from
classroom is a core objective of our Camps and Tours         each house organise all aspects of the performances.
program. The camps and tours are “classrooms outside         Students can participate in a variety of ways including
the four walls”. They provide students with active           orchestra, set design, acting, dance and tech crew. At
learning through fun and rewarding personal challenges       the start of Term 1, each house rehearses for a period of
in different and often beautiful settings. The program       3 weeks during and after school time with performances
helps students realise their potential in communication,     all occurring on the one evening. Parents and friends
decision making, problem solving, resilience, team           attend the performance evening and enjoy watching a
building, working collaboratively and leadership.            variety of performances. A winning house is announced
                                                             at the conclusion of the night. All students are welcome
Year 7 Camp                                                  to be involved and should contact their house for
                                                             further information.
The Year 7 Camp is conducted early in Term 1 so that
students and staff have the opportunity to get to know one   Blackburn’s Got Talent – Term 4
and other in relaxed, casual environment. The camp is in
February and runs for 3 days at Waratah Bay Beach Camp.      From the second week of Term 4, students from Years
                                                             7-12 enjoy watching a variety of student talent acts
Year 7 Interschool Sport                                     each lunch time in the gymnasium. Each act is judged
                                                             by a panel of expert teacher judges and a winner is
Volleyball, Softball, Baseball, Netball, AFL, Soccer,        crowned at the end of the Grand Final. All students are
Badminton, Basketball, Hockey, Table Tennis,                 welcomed to sign up or just watch and enjoy!
Tennis, Cricket.

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Classroom Music

The philosophy behind the Classroom Music Program              together and it is in ensembles that they provide the
curriculum is to actively involve all students in              most powerful and expressive music. All students
an engaging and active music program through a                 learning an instrument at Blackburn High School are
comprehensive and sequential curriculum. Regardless            valued members of our outstanding ensembles, and
of the extent of their musical experience, students will       are expected to attend all rehearsals and activities
be involved in activity that gives them skills to make         scheduled for that group.
and create meaningful musical experiences, playing
                                                               Blackburn High School has four wind bands, four string
instruments, composing, to listen with informed hearing,
                                                               orchestras, four big bands, two guitar ensembles, two
and to work in a variety of settings to recreate others
                                                               choirs and a variety of chamber groups.
and create original works. The Classroom Music Program
provides opportunity for students with little familiarity,
and extension opportunities to those who bring prior
                                                               Instrument Tuition
musical experiences with them. With a general music            Blackburn High School offers tuition on the following
program at Years 7 & 8, elective opportunities Years 9         orchestral Instruments:
& 10 and performance, composition and project-based
opportunities in VCE, Blackburn High School provides a         Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone,
comprehensive music experience throughout all years.           Tenor Saxophone, French Horn, Trumpet,
                                                               Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, Violin, Viola, Cello,
Instrumental and Ensemble Music                                Double Bass, Percussion, Plus Guitar, Voice and
Blackburn High School offers a comprehensive Music             Piano (by audition only).
Program incorporating opportunities in Classroom,
Instrumental and Ensemble Music. The Music Program             The curriculum for Instrumental Music, informed by
provides opportunities that enables students to                practices found in the VCE, encourages students to
experience a level of excellence in performance, and           develop specific instrumental techniques, independence
encourages students to take advantage of the numerous          in musicianship, solo and group performance skills,
performance opportunities available.                           techniques to prepare for successful performance.
Active participation in the Blackburn High School Music        To become involved in this amazing program, come
Program, through creating, performing and listening,           along to the Year 7 Instrumental Music Recruitment
encourages thoughtful students who contribute positively       Night (date to be advised) in the Blackburn High
to the environment and community around them, who              School Gym. Please refer to news feed.
value diversity in others and who set themselves up for
                                                               At Blackburn High School, students get involved and
healthy positive lives.
                                                               active in music by committing themselves to both
                                                               instrumental and choral ensemble rehearsals, and taking
Instrumental Music:                                            advantage of solo performance opportunities throughout
An Ensemble-Based Program                                      the music curriculum. Music students from Blackburn
Instrumental Music is an opt-in component of the Blackburn     High School go far and wide as engineers, lawyers,
High School Music Program with students recruited to           teachers, carpenters, as well as numerous other careers.
learn an instrument at a formal Recruitment Night from         Many past students have also gone on to undertake
beginner levels, or coming to the school already learning an   music studies at the tertiary level, going onto being
instrument. Instrumental Music at Blackburn High School        professional musicians in Australia and across the world.
provides students with the opportunity to expand their         We look forward to your participation in the Blackburn
educational horizons and to take part in a rich and vibrant    High School Instrumental Music Program. Questions
cultural life of the school. Instrumental music education is   about the Music Program, its content, teaching
more than just playing an instrument - it is immersing your    and management, charges, payments options and
child in a culture of successful students and teachers who     administrative arrangements should be directed to:
care about education.
                                                               School Music Secretary
The process of sharing with others is the key to success       E: blackburn.hs@edumail.vic.gov.au
in music. Instruments and voices are designed to play          P: 8808 6464

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Student Monitoring and Assessment

Student Monitoring                                        Year 7 Student Progress
Mentor Teachers regularly support their students in       Conferences (SPC)
their learning. Mentor teachers also review student       As a school, we pride ourselves on developing and
progress from interim and semester reports.               maintaining positive relationships with our community
Celebration of students’ success occurs in a variety of   to support successful student outcomes.
ways. This includes performances, acknowledgments,        The purpose of the student progress conferences is to
or awards at whole school, house or level assemblies.     get to know you and to inform parents of their child’s
Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to     academic progress. It is an opportunity to engage in a
achieve awards connect to our School Learning Norms       conversation on what the student has done well or not
or for Academic Achievement. These awards are to          so well and why. Teachers will outline strategies to use
acknowledge the hard work our students do and to          to improve learning, as well as how parents can support
inspire all students to do their best.                    their child’s learning. If a student is having difficulty, be
Teachers regularly monitor student growth. If a student   solution-focussed to improve their learning.
is not completing sufficient work or has unsatisfactory   These conferences are between teachers, parents
results for a major assessment task/s, a Notice of        and students focusing on Year 7 student progress.
Concern will be sent home. This is to communicate to      Interviews are not available for Instrumental Music,
both parent and student their concern so the issue can    Sport and Mentor Teachers.
be rectified.
                                                          Check the newsfeed for specific student progress
Assessment                                                conferences dates and times.
To support student learning, teachers use a variety       Guidelines for the Conferences.
of formal and informal student assessment data to
                                                          – It is expected that students will accompany
identify where students are at with their learning and
                                                              their parents to the conferences.
understanding of concepts and skills. This supports
teachers to provide targeted activities for students
                                                          – Student reports will precede the student
to take the next steps in learning.
                                                              progress conferences.

Assessment and Reporting                                  – After the reports are published, conference
Blackburn High School follows the Victorian Curriculum        bookings will be open for Parents/Guardians
Standards guidelines for assessment of students               via Compass Parent log-in account.
in Years 7–10. Assessment of VCE students follows
the guidelines set by the Victorian Curriculum and        – If a student has a ‘requested’ for their
Assessment Authority (VCAA).                                  conferences on their report, we advise you
                                                              to attend these conferences.
All reports to parents are accessible online via our
parent information portal, Compass School Manager.        – Conferences will not be available for Instrumental
                                                              Music, Sport and Mentor Teachers.
Interim reports are prepared at end of Term 1 and
Term 3 Year as a guide to how students are working        – Conferences are conducted in the Freeman and
in their classes.                                             Dunlop buildings. Maps will be provided to help you
                                                              with directions.
A more comprehensive Semester Report is prepared
at the end of Term 2 and the end of Term 4.               – There is only time for one conference per student
                                                              with a teacher. Families will need to see the teacher
                                                              at the one time.

Page 16 | 2021 Year 7 Transition Booklet
Student Leadership opportunities

                             We encourage students to become active citizens in their life at Blackburn High School and
                             develop their Leadership skills through their academic studies, extra curriculum opportunities
                             or through official leadership positions we have in the school. In the junior years students have
                             the opportunity to become a Mentor Leader or a Year 7 Student Leader.

Lunchtime Clubs and Activities
We run a range of clubs at Blackburn High School. These          Fitness Club
clubs bring students together with common interests.
                                                                 Morning Fitness will be running on a Monday & Thursday
They are a great opportunity to meet new people who
                                                                 during the 2021 school year. Students may arrive at school
have common interests. Here is some information about
                                                                 as early as 6:30am to prepare for the workout, however,
some of the clubs you can get involved with.
                                                                 the workout will not begin until 7:15am and will finish
Maths Club                                                       at 8:25am. Morning Fitness is an extra-curricular event
                                                                 which allows students to not only exercise before school
The Maths club provides a safe and inclusive environment         but improve their knowledge on fitness by practicing
and support the development of maths skills in students at       new movements and learning how to structure workouts
BHS. It runs every lunchtime and provides an opportunity         appropriate to their own level of fitness.
for students to act as tutors.
                                                                 Breakfast Club
Respectful Relationships                                         Breakfast Club runs every Thursday morning.
Student Committee
Respectful Relationships (RR) is a whole school initiative       Environmental Club
helping young Victorians stay resilient in the face of           The Enviro Club is for anyone who enjoys nature and
challenges, navigate being respectful, stay engaged at           wants to help make our planet more environmentally
school and feel confident in themselves. Every year, students    friendly. We are working on a number of sustainability
on the committee create an action plan for initiatives they      projects both big and small to make our school a more
want to implement at the school to contribute to a positive      environmentally friendly place. We have a long way to
school culture and community.                                    go and welcome some enthusiastic new students who
                                                                 can bring their best ideas from primary school.
Blackburn High School’s debating program offers students         Board Games Club
a range of opportunities to develop their public speaking        Boardgames club runs during lunchtime once a week.
skills and express their opinions clearly and concisely.         Students and teachers can play a variety of board
Students from years 7-12 compete in the Debater’s                games that the school has, or you can bring your own
Association of Victoria’s schools’ competition along with        games to play. You can come with a group of friends or
other the schools in our region.                                 make some new friends and learn some new games.
It is a wonderful program that offers students the opportunity
to work collaboratively with their peers and to develop
valuable skills they will use for the rest of their lives.       The LGBT+ Club meets every week to celebrate and
                                                                 support all students. Everyone is welcome and the usual
Fantasy and Science Fiction Club                                 format is hanging out together, eating our lunch and
                                                                 catching up. A range of students, from 7-12 attend and
Weekly meetings where we discuss topics related to
                                                                 there is a fun and respectful atmosphere.
Fantasy or Science Fiction books, tv, anime, or film or
we watch film/tv clips related to a theme.
                                                                                                 W: blackburnhs.vic.edu.au | Page 17
School Uniform
Students are expected to abide by the uniform rules
set by School Council and outlined in the student diary
                                                                    Term 1 & 4 – Summer Uniform
(appendix attached). Any student not in the correct
uniform requires a note from the parent explaining the
reason for being out of uniform, and the timeframe in
which the problem will be corrected.
Students out of uniform will then be issued with a
uniform pass by their Mentor Teacher, which is then
entered into the student’s Chronicle. The pass must be
carried by the student at all times and explain exactly
the reason for being out of uniform and the timeframe
                                                                            Girls          Girls / Boys       Girls / Boys
the pass is valid for. Generally, a pass can only be
issued for one week before a further note is required.
Students who are out of uniform without a
satisfactory note are still to be given a uniform
pass (for that day only) and issued with a detention
by the Mentor Teacher.

Sport Uniform
Students may wear their sport uniform all day on the
day of the week that they have their sport classes
only. When students have Health/Physical Education,
they are expected to wear their academic uniform to                         Girls          Girls / Boys       Girls / Boys
school and change into their sport uniform. The sport
uniform must be the correct sport uniform as outlined
in the diary, including correct coloured socks and
shorts or track pants with school logo. If a student
cannot wear the correct sports uniform, then they are
to wear the school uniform and change for sport at the
start of their class.

Second Hand Uniform
and Text Book Shop
Open Wednesday during the school term from 8:15am-                      Girls / Boys       Girls / Boys
8:45am. Purchase your uniform and textbooks for a                                            All Year
fraction of the cost of new items. Cash sales only. All
proceeds of sales go towards supporting students at
Blackburn High School via the Chaplaincy Program.

                                    Blackburn High School uniform is supplied by Dobsons. To book a professional 20-minute
                                    uniform fitting please contact the North Balwyn Uniform Shop on:
                                    274 Doncaster Road, North Balwyn
                                    P: 03 9816 3366
                                    Or alternatively you may purchase online www.dobsons.com.au/schools/blackburn-high/
                                    visit their North Balwyn store. For further details contact the Dobsons Uniform Shop.

Page 18 | 2021 Year 7 Transition Booklet
School Uniform

Terms 2 & 3 – Winter Uniform                               Sport Uniform

       Girls            Girls / Boys        Girls / Boys       Girls / Boys         Girls / Boys             Girls / Boys

    Girls / Boys        Girls / Boys        Girls / Boys       Girls / Boys        Girls / Boys

CSEF Funding
Camps, Sports, Excursions Fund and State School            the cost of Year 7 camp. You will need to pay the gap
Relief – For healthcare card holders only.                 in person. Funding can also be used for excursions and
                                                           interschool sport events. While applications will only be
Please refer to the information provided in your           initiated early in 2021, completed forms and copies of
Transition Pack.                                           Healthcare Cards can be dropped off at the front office
Applications for CSEF Funding open at the beginning        at any time.
of Term 1. Please complete the CSEF form and provide       If you are eligible for the uniform pack, please drop off
a copy of your Healthcare Card to the Blackburn High       your application forms at the office as soon as possible.
School front office and we will apply on your behalf.
$225 will be received by the school in early March and     For further information contact Andrea Julien, Bursar
held in your school account and may be used towards        E: julien.andrea.a@edumail.vic.gov.au

Communication – Blackburn High School News Feed
A weekly newsfeed is available via Compass celebrating achievements and providing information about the range
of key dates and upcoming events that is occurring in the school. Please refer to this to stay updated.
                                                                                          W: blackburnhs.vic.edu.au | Page 19
Enrolment Processes

Once families have received their Compass logins, there       Parent Involvement
are a number of items that need to be attended. These
items are all found under the parent login under Course       We encourage you to be actively involved in a range
Confirmations via the rubix cube on the navy blue task bar.   of voluntary areas throughout the school including:
                                                              School Council and sub committees
2021 Year 7 Enrolment Confirmation                            – Education Policy
Please read through each question and provide answers to      – Facilities
all of them so that we can ensure that the information we     – Communications
have for you is up to date. This is required to be done at    – Parent Groups such as Friends of Music
the beginning of every year.
                                                              – School Café – Parent helpers
2021 Year 7 Course Payment                                    – Feedback through Annual Surveys
                                                              Please email Denise Strahan with information about the
Fees and charges for the year are outlined in this area and
                                                              area of school life you would like to become involved
payment can be made either in full or via payment plan.
                                                              with. E: strahan.denise.c@edumail.vic.gov.au
This is required to be done every year.

Responsible Use of
                                                              2021 – Key Pupil Dates
Technology Agreement                                          For more information on key 2021 dates including
This must be read and agreed to by both the parent and        Student Parent Conferences and Pupil free days, please
student before the student can granted computer access,       refer to the weekly Blackburn High School Newsfeed or
internet services and resources provided by Blackburn High    parent information on Compass.
School. This agreement only needs to be completed once,
when the student starts at Blackburn.
                                                              Date                 Reason
National School Chaplaincy                                    26 January           Australia Day Public Holiday
Program Consent                                               Tuesday
This must be completed if you wish to give consent for        27 January           Pupil free day
your child to have access to the Chaplaincy service,          Wednesday
should the need arise. This consent only needs to be          28 January           Years 7 and 12 students start
completed once, when the student starts at Blackburn.         Thursday
                                                              29 January           Years 8 and 11 students start
2021 Year 7 Immunisation Program                              Friday
This details the immunisations planned for the year and                            House T-Shirt Day
undertaken by Whitehorse City Council staff here at the
school. This must be completed regardless of whether or
not you wish your child to be vaccinated at school.           TBA                  Swimming Carnival

Year 7 Camp                                                   TBA                  Music Recruitment Night
As the Year 7 camp takes place early in the year, we ask
that you complete consent and payment for this at your        TBA                  Athletics Carnival, Last day of Term 1
earliest convenience.

                                                                     60 Springfield Road Blackburn, Victoria, Australia 3130
                                                                     P: +61 3 8804 6464 E: blackburn.hs@edumail.vic.gov.au
                                                                     W: blackburnhs.vic.edu.au
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