2021 Tree Sale Catalog - SCHOOLCRAFT CONSERVATION ...

Page created by Julia Stewart
2021 Tree Sale Catalog - SCHOOLCRAFT CONSERVATION ...
2021 Tree Sale Catalog
                                                                           100 N. Cedar St.
                                                                           PO Box 250
                                                                           Manistique, MI 49854
                                                                           Phone: (906) 286-2890
                                                                           Email: schoolcraftcd@macd.org
                                                                           Website: www.schoolcraftcd.org

                                                          For Best Availability Please Order by APRIL 16th
                                    CURRENT RESIDENT OR

                                                                    Plant trees for our future!
Schoolcraft Conservation District

                                                                    Tree Sale Pick-Up Dates
                                                                      April 30 & May 1, 2021
Manistique, MI 49854

                                                            At Schoolcraft County Fairgrounds Barn
                                                             North end of Lake Street, Manistique
100 N Cedar St
PO Box 250

                                                                      Friday 11 AM - 6 PM
                                                                    Saturday 9 AM - Noon
2021 Tree Sale Catalog - SCHOOLCRAFT CONSERVATION ...
      Order Form .................................................. Center Insert   I hope this finds you all staying happy and healthy in 2021. Last year was a busy year
                                                                                    for SCD; we hired a new district manager, moved to a new office down the street, ex-
      Conservation District Newsletter ................ 1                           panded our grant programs, and weathered a pandemic. I have high hopes for what
      Tree Spacing and Seedling Care................... 2                           we can accomplish in 2021!
      Hardwood Species ....................................... 3-4                  My name is Ashley Reitter and I was hired by SCD in June as the District Manager. My
      Conifer Species ............................................ 5-6              background is in ecology, which really means I have done a little bit of everything! I
                                                                                    have worked as a wildlife technician, forestry researcher, park interpreter, bird survey-
      Wildlife Shrubs ............................................. 6-8
                                                                                    or, botany technician, forester, and aquatic invasive species coordinator. I think all of
      Fruit Trees .................................................... 9-10         that experience will come in handy in a county with such a wide variety of needs. I
      Fruit Shrubs………………………..…………………….. 11                                          have experience writing successful grant applications and administering those pro-
                                                                                    jects; which I am hoping to do here in Schoolcraft County as well. One of the best ways
      Pollinator Seed Mixes……………………………….. 11                                        to expand what we can offer you, is through grant funded programs. I am constantly
      Invasive Species…………………......................... 12-13                        looking for new things I can bring to our residents. This has been a crazy time to start a
                                                                                    new job, but I am so grateful to be working in such a beautiful area. Some of my favor-
                                                                                    ite memories take place right here; I heard my first loon as a small child in Seney and I
 **FOR THE MOST UP TO DATE AVAILABILITY PLEASE ORDER ON OUR                         got married out on the raft in the middle of Kitch-iti-kipi. I look forward to meeting
                                                                                    each and every one of you through my work here!
  WEBSITE! Place your order, pay and schedule pickup all at once!**
                                                                                    Many of SCD’s current grant programs have been awarded to help aid recycling efforts
                                                                                    in Schoolcraft County. We will again hold a Scrap Tire Drive this year, in June or July.
                                                                                    This will be our 5th consecutive year of holding this event, with approximately 250
The Schoolcraft Conservation District recognized the Matchinski                     tires being collected each year. With a grant from EGLE we began a program of recy-
                                                                                    cling electronics and held two county-wide electronics recycling collection events in
Homestead as our 2019 Tree Farm of the Year at the 2020 Annual                      2020. Total electronics recycled through these events = 17,299 pounds. Currently we
Meeting. We are so lucky to have such caring and dedicated                          have paper/cardboard recycling available at Zellar Sanitation. Any type of unbleached
                                                                                    paper type is accepted — such as boxboard (cereal boxes, paper towel tubes etc) even
landowners in Schoolcraft County. We all benefit from the careful                   brown/kraft paper bags that are clean and not contaminated can be lumped in with
stewardship of our natural resources on private and public lands                    corrugated cardboard. We are currently working with our local partners to bring wider
                                                                                    recycling options to every resident of Schoolcraft County.
                                                                                    We have applied for a Deer Habitat Improvement Partnership Initiative (DHIPI) grant
                                                                                    again this year. We have received a grant in each of the last 3 years, and hope to con-
“This is what we live on and also gives me the ability to do what I
                                                                                    tinue that string of success. If you wish to know the locations of habitat improve-
am doing today...making jam for the upcoming market season. To                      ments, please contact our office.
say a lot of work is involved is an understatement, but we are                      SCD is encouraging local students to consider a career in natural resources. We are
                                                                                    offering two $500 scholarships to high school seniors pursuing a certificate, associate’s
proud of what we have built over all these years. The award we                      or bachelor’s degree in a natural resources field. We are offering teacher scholarships
were presented just reinforces that                                                 to the DNR Academy of Natural Resources again this year.

for us.”                                                                            Thank you for supporting your conservation district!

        - The Matchinski’s                                                          Best regards,
                                                                                    Ashley Reitter
                                                                                    SCD District Manager
2021 Tree Sale Catalog - SCHOOLCRAFT CONSERVATION ...
TREE SPACING RECOMMENDATIONS                                               A Note on Bare-Root (B-R) vs Containerized (Plugs) Seedlings:
  Landowners putting in large plantings should consult with the Conservation          Many of our species offerings come in both types. Containerized “plugs” tend
        District prior to tree planting for more detailed information.                 to be slightly more expensive, but they offer the benefits of being easier to
                                                                                      plant and generally have better survival rates. You will like them! If offered,
Type of Planting/Tree            Spacing          Quantity to Order                           please indicate the type and appropriate cost when ordering.
Red/White Pine                   7' x 8'          780/acre
Spruce or Fir                    6' x 8'          910/acre                                                      HARDWOOD SPECIES
Hardwoods                        12' x 12'        300/acre                                                               Again Offering
Windbreaks:                                                                                  Bucks Unlimited Oak @ (Swamp White, Quercus bicolor)
Conifers                         7' x 9'          15/100' row                         We are again offering this specialty swamp white oak that is bred and grown to pro-
Shrubs                           6' x 10'         17/100' row                         duce acorns within a few years of planting. Plants are a containerized type, and are
                                                                                       ~3 feet tall and in a 3-gal pot. These trees offer earlier flowering and fruiting, have
Christmas Trees:
All Firs and Spruces             5' x 5'          1,740/acre                           greater survivability, faster growth on a variety of sites, and superior mast produc-
Scotch Pine                      6' x 6'          1,210/acre                             tion! These trademarked trees are zoned for our area, but use care in selecting
                                                                                      planting sites to avoid extreme frost pockets. Best in full sun or partial shade, and in
Wildlife Shrubs:                 Scattered clumps (6') or 3'-8' spacing
                                                                                       average to well-drained to moist or wet soils. SCD will survey buyers of these trees
Fruit & Wildlife:                                                                               to track their survival and the age of beginning acorn production.
Standard Apple                        25'-30' spacing      50-70 per acre                                                Price: Each $30.00
Peach, Plum & Semi-dwarf Apple        15'-20' spacing      110-190 per acre
Crab Apple & Pear Trees               20'-25' spacing      70-110 per acre            White Oak (Quercus alba)
                                                                                      Large stately tree grows on a wide variety of sites but prefers coarse, deep, moist, well
                          CARE OF SEEDLINGS                                           -drained medium fertility and slightly acidic soils. Acorns are good for wildlife. Deep-
                                                                                      rooted, with intermediate shade tolerance. Less susceptible to oak wilt than red oak
* Seedlings should be packed and shipped in wet moss or other medium, kept
cool (less than 37o F), and kept moist throughout the planting process. Bare          species. 6”-12” B-R seedlings.
root exposure to sun and wind can kill a seedling in less than 30 seconds.                     Price: 5/$10       10/$18      25/$30
* Plant seedlings as soon as possible after they are received, keeping the roots      Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra)
moist throughout the planting process.                                                A symmetrical, medium sized tree. Develops a short massive trunk in the open, with
* If storage is necessary, store seedlings in a cool, moist, shaded location, and     a broad crown Does best on deep, rich loamy soils, but does well on sandy soils and
for no longer than 7 days. If longer is needed, refrigerate . Do not stack bun-       moist sites. Needs full sun. Wildlife cover and an acorn food source.
dles for a prolonged period of time.                                                           B-R seedlings 2-4’          5/$30     10/$55
* If planting is delayed longer than 7 days after receipt, “heel-in” the seedlings
in a shaded area and keep them moist, or refrigerate.                                          Plugs 9”-15“                5/$10     10/$18     25/$30

* To “heel-in” seedlings, dig a trench in the soil, place the seedlings in the        Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa)
trench and cover the roots with soil. If done properly, they can remain heeled-       A stout tree with very large acorns, making it good for wildlife. Is also a good timber
in for a year.                                                                        tree, and grows on a wide range of sites, and does well on dry, gravelly, sandy soils.
* Avoid dipping roots into water as moisture retaining particles will be washed                B-R seedlings 12”-18”       5/$10     10/$18     25/$30
off. Mist seedlings to keep them moist, or use Tera-Sorb@.
* Tera-Sorb@, a water absorber/retention dip, may help conserve moisture on                    Plugs 9”-15”               5/$10      10/$18     25/$30
seedling roots in dry weather and during the planting process.
                                                                                  2                                                                                              3
2021 Tree Sale Catalog - SCHOOLCRAFT CONSERVATION ...
Swamp White Oak (Quercus bicolor)                                                                                             CONIFER SPECIES
Another good tree for wildlife, timber, or shade. Needs a little better site with more
moisture, and grows best in full sun in moist deep acidic soils. Moderate growth ma-              Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea)
turing at 50'-75' tall, and 40'-70' spread. Good shade tree! Root system allows it to             Likes sun to partial shade, moist well-drained soil. Prefers cool conditions. Conical
grow well in areas that are flooded in spring but markedly dry in summer. Trees pro-              shape with narrow crown making it a prized Christmas tree. Needles 3/4” long, dark
vide cover for birds and mammals, and the acorns are sweet and are an important                   green, with rounded ends. Very fragrant, and moderately fast growing.
wildlife food for squirrels, mice, deer, beaver, black bear, and a variety of birds includ-
                                                                                                  6”-10” (plugs):             10/$9            25/$18             50/$30
ing ducks and turkey. 9”-12” B-R seedlings.
          Price: 5/$10                 10/$18           25/$30                                    4 year old transplant:     10/$21            25/$50
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)                                                                      Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
Prized tree for furniture, veneer, and gunstocks. Good wildlife & people food. Moder-             Moderately fast growing, pyramid shaped, with blue green needles. Very shade intol-
ately rapid growth. Prefers full sun and moist well-drained soils. 12”-18” B-R seedlings.         erant, plant in full sun. Widely used for Christmas trees. Great habitat and seeds for
         Price: 5/$8                 10/$15           25/$26                                      songbirds and wildlife. 6”-12” B-R seedlings.
                                                                                                    Price:            10/$25           25/$48            50/$20
Yellow Birch (Betula alleghaniensis)
A native high-value northern hardwoods tree. Similar to paper birch—shade tolerant,               White Pine (Pinus strobus)
moderate growth. Prized for veneer and other uses. 9”-15” plugs.                                  Michigan’s state tree! Lush, soft-needled pine grows rapidly and well under many site
         Price: 5/$6              10/$9            25/$17                                         conditions. Used for privacy, wildlife, timber, and Christmas trees. 10-20” B-R seed-
White (Paper) Birch (Betula papyrifera)                                                             Price:          10/$6              25/$12           50/$20
Shade intolerant, fast growing. Typically grown in clumps of two or three for orna-
mental purposes. This species is suited to large area plantings. 9”-15” plugs.                    Red Pine (Pinus resinosa)
                                                                                                  Attractive native medium-sized tree which provides cover for many species of mam-
        Price: 5/$6                 10/$9             25/$17
                                                                                                  mals and birds. Seeds are food for deer, hares, songbirds and more. Needles are in
Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum)                                                                      pairs, 4-6” long. Very wind-firm and extremely cold hardy. Prefers full sun and grows
A favorite native northern hardwood. Shade tolerant, relatively fast growing, and                 well in well-drained dry sandy or gravelly sites. 16” B-R seedlings.
long-lived. Sprouts vigorously. Used for maple syrup and lumber, and is a preferred                Price:            10/$6             25/$12            50/$20
deer food. 12”-18” B-R seedlings.                                                                 Northern White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis)
         Price: 5/$10              10/$18            25/$30                                       This medium-sized tree grows to a height of 25 to 50 feet, and a diameter of 1 to 2
                                                                                                  feet. Leaves are evergreen, scale-like and abruptly pointed with a spicy fragrance
Red Maple (Acer rubrum)                                                                           when crushed. Likes sun, but is fairly shade tolerant. Excellent cover and food for deer.
Very adaptable to most soil types and moisture conditions. Gorgeous color change in               Prefers cool, moist, nutrient-rich sites. 6”-10” plugs.
autumn. Showy twigs, flowers and leaves. Useful for timber and maple syrup produc-                  Price:          10/$16              25/$30            50/$54
tion. Many cavity nesting birds can make their homes in red maple. 12”-18” B-R seed-              Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea pungens)
                                                                                                  Does well on a wide range of soil types from well-drained sandy soils to heavier clay
        Price: 5/$10                10/$18            25/$30                                      soils, in full sun to partial shade. Beautiful ornamental and Christmas trees. Excellent
                                                                                                  for windbreaks, soil stabilization, and wildlife cover. 10"-15" B-R seedlings.
                                                                                                    Price:            10/$9               25/$17          50/$29
  Did you know that...it takes about 40 gallons of
                                                                                                  Black Spruce (Picea mariana)
  sap to make 1 gallon of maple syrup? You can                                                    Slower-growing but excellent choice for cold climates and tolerant of wet sites.
  use both sugar and red maples to make syrup.                                                    Dark bluish-green short (~1/2”) needles. Fairly attractive Christmas tree. 6”-10” plugs.
                                                                                                    Price:         10/$9              25/$17            50/$29
                                                                                              4                                                                                          5
2021 Tree Sale Catalog - SCHOOLCRAFT CONSERVATION ...
Norway Spruce (Picea abies)                                                                  Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea)
Needles are 1” long. Limbs hang downward giving the tree a graceful look. Fastest            Common throughout the state in open, wet places; lake shores, stream banks,
growing of all spruces. Easily transplanted, does best in loamy soils of average moisture,   swamps, marshes, and sand dunes. Valuable as a landscape plant because of its showy
tolerates full sun to full shade conditions. Beautiful hedges, wildlife cover and highly     red stems. One of the most highly preferred deer food.
recommended for windbreaks. 6”-10” plugs.                                                            1'-2' B-R seedlings:       5/$7     10/$11     25/$22
  Price:          10/$9               25/$18           50/$29                                        2'-3' B-R seedlings:       5/$9     10/$17     25/$40
White Spruce (Picea glauca)
                                                                                             Gray Dogwood (Cornus racemosa
Native Michigan spruce, generally hardier than Norway spruce. Beautiful green color, &       One of the most widely adaptable shrub species. Can grow in dry sites, wet sites,
grows narrow, straight, & tall. Tolerates most soil conditions and can withstand wind,       shade or full sun. This shrub can spread to form a thicket and has a fibrous spreading
heat, cold, drought, crowding, & some shade. Good for windbreaks, pulp, and timber.          root system that makes it useful for erosion control. Excellent source of cover for song
10”-20” B-R seedlings.                                                                       and game birds. The berries, leaves, and twigs provide food for a host of wildlife spe-
  Price:          10/$6                25/$12         50/$20                                 cies. Must have for wildlife plantings. 2'-3' B-R seedlings.
                                                                                                      Price: 5/$10         10/$19       25/$45
Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)
Lush soft-needled evergreen and is extremely important for wildlife as cover. Tolerates      Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)
full sun and shade, but prefers partial shade. Grows to good size. 6"-10" plugs.             Large, spreading shrub that is fast growing. Can do very well in wetter areas, good for
  Price:          10/$9                25/$18         50/$29                                 erosion control. In the fall produces large clusters of small berries that are edible. Pro-
Eastern Larch (Larix laricina)                                                               vides excellent cover and food for wildlife. Flowers are very attractive to pollinators.
Also known as Tamarack. Moderately fast growing, very soft needles that turn yellow in       Important food source for songbirds. 2’-3’ B-R seedlings.
autumn and fall off. Gorgeous and feathery looking branches. Full sun, average to wet                 Price: 5/$10          10/$19     25/$45
soils. Great choice for wetlands or low-lying areas. 6"-10" plugs.
                                                                                             Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum trilobum)
                           WILDLIFE SHRUB SPECIES                                            Large (reaching 8-15’) and hardy, bearing bright red fruit desired by wildlife, including
American Hazelnut (Corylus americana):                                                       ruffed grouse. 1’-2’ B-R seedlings.
Fairly productive native shrub of the eastern U.S. and a great wildlife food provider.                Price: 5/$7         10/$12     25/$22
Thicket-forming shrub that grows to a height of 8 to 15 ft. Yellowish-brown catkins are      Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia):
showy in late winter and early spring. Edible nut with ragged papery husk. Fall color        This handsome shrub has outstanding blue-green foliage, delicate 2” flower clusters
varies from bright yellow to deep wine-red. The tasty nuts are highly prized by cooks        and brilliant red and yellow fall color. The pea size, purple fruits make fantastic pies
for their easy-to-crack shells and small, sweet kernel. Hazelnut hedges can be used as       and preserves. Reaches 6 to 10 feet in height and are highly esteemed and used to
windbreaks, visual screens, and to attract wildlife.                                         improve the flavor of less desirable berries. Not only humans love these fruit - wildlife
          6”-12” B-R seedlings:      5/$10      10/$17     25/$32                            of all varieties will come for a taste! Strongly recommended for all native plant gar-
         2’-3’ B-R seedlings:       5/$14      10/$26      25/$60                            dens. 2’-3’ B-R seedlings.
                                                                                                       Price: 5/$10         10/$19      25/$45
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
Fast growing, to 15’ height. Will not tolerate wet soils. Needs full sun to bloom. Long      Nannyberry (Viburnum lentago)
lived. Drought resistant. Large fragrant flowers. 1'-2' B-R seedlings.                       Shade-tolerant species useful in landscape plantings as shrub borders, taller barriers,
         Price:             5/$9     10/$17      25/$40                                      hedges, and windbreaks. It produces good seasonal displays of flowers, fruits, and fall
Lilac (Syringa villosa)                                                                      leaf color. The fruits are sweet and edible and are eaten by many species of birds and
Many stemmed transplant. This a non-suckering form of lilac. Medium sized shrub,             wildlife. 12"-18" B-R seedlings
needs full sun, and won’t tolerate wet soils. Reliable and hardy even in cold winter                   Price: 5/$8        10/$15     25/$35
landscapes. Great for hedges and borders. Cover for many birds, and great late spring
source of nectar for pollinators. 18”-24” transplant.
        Price:              5/$12      10/$23     25/$55                            6                                                                                                    7
2021 Tree Sale Catalog - SCHOOLCRAFT CONSERVATION ...
Ninebark (Physocarpus)
Cold-hardy tough native shrub with a wide variety of site tolerance. Fast growing with
                                                                                                                                FRUIT TREES
                                                                                                **Two varieties of pear/plum/apple trees are needed for good pollination unless noted
attractive papery bark. Attractive year-round and of benefit to birds. B-R seedlings            otherwise. Please check the species description when deciding what to purchase, or
         1’-2’    5/$5       10/$9        25/$20                                                contact our office for help.
         2’ +     5/$6       10/$11       25/$25                                                If you are ordering any combination of fruit trees totaling 10 or more, take $1 off per
         2’-3’    5/$10      10/$19       25/$45                                                fruit tree!**
                                                                                                                               APPLE TREES (Malus)
Nanking Cherry (Prunus tomentosa)
Non-native but not invasive. Extremely winter hardy desirable deciduous shrub with              Cortland
                                                                                                Semi-Dwarf, 11/16”. An older, well-known variety. Medium-sized and bright red with a
showy flowers, tasty fruit, and eye-catching bark. Medium to large shrub (5’-8+’). Pro-
                                                                                                sprightly flavor. White flesh holds its color well after being cut. Excellent for eating and
vides food for wildlife and grows on a variety of sites. Prefers sun and moisture. 18”-         cooking. Late September. Price each: $27
24” B-R seedlings.
         Price: 5/$9                10/$17              25/$40                                  Fireside
                                                                                                Std, 1”, Large red-striped fruit with a sweet pleasant flavor that is excellent, and good
Arrowwood Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum)                                                          for eating. Resistant to cedar-apple rust. Mid October. Price each: $31
Versatile shrub that can grow in a variety of soils and moisture levels. The shiny green        Honeycrisp
leaves are very showy in the fall. The flowers in spring attract pollinators. Produces          Std, 7/8”, An exciting apple variety that is exceptionally crisp and juicy. Flavor is sweet
berries eaten by a wide variety of wildlife including song and game birds. 1’-2’ B-R            and well-balanced. Excellent storage life for up to 7 months. Late September.
seedlings.                                                                                      Price each $28
         Price: 5/$15                10/$29             25/$70                                  Honeygold
                                                                                                Std, 7/8”, Medium to large yellow apple with a crisp, juicy and sweet fruit. Excellent
Red Splendor Crabapple                                                                          for eating and cooking. Early– to mid-October. Price each $31
Foliage is glossy reddish-green turning reddish purple in fall. Fruit makes excellent food
for wildlife. Small bright red fruit is persistent through winter. Extremely cold hardy for     McIntosh
northern regions. Drought tolerant. Prefers full sun. 12”-18” B-R seedlings.                    Std, 1”, Another well-known older variety that has a sprightly flavor and a medium
                                                                                                storage life. Heavy bearer of nearly solid bright red-skinned fruit. Good for eating and
          Price: 5/$8                   10/$15           25/$35
                                                                                                baking. Late September. Price each $31
American Mountain Ash (Sorbus americana)                                                        State Fair
A great northern flowering small tree (10’-30’ tall, 15’ spread) that has showy white           Std, 11/16”. Medium sized red striped fruit that is good for eating and baking. Good
flowers, great fall colors, and produces a fruit that is desirable to birds and wildlife. 2’-   texture, an all-purpose apple. Mid– to late August. Price each $29
3’ B-R seedlings.
         Price: 5/$11                10/$21              25/$50                                 Semi-dwarf, 11/16”. Modern, disease resistant variety with a pleasing spicy aromatic
Showy Mountain Ash (Sorbus decora)                                                              flavor, crisp flesh, late-ripening. Flavor improves after a month or so of cold storage.
                                                                                                Price Each $33
 A hardy accent tree for small landscapes, featuring showy clusters of white flowers in
spring followed by bright scarlet berries lasting into winter; attractive compound              Yellow Transparent
leaves turn red and orange in fall; needs well drained soil. Sold as a 5-10 ft tree.            Std, 1”, A long-time favorite of many. White flesh with a clear yellow skin. Early season
         Price: $32 each                                                                        apple (late July) that is a heavy producer. Best for cooking. Pick before maturity for
                                   - ORDER EARLY! -                                             better storage life. Scab resistant. Price each $31

We have pre-ordered a limited supply of all species/varieties listed. Or-                       Zestar
ders are filled by the date orders are received in our office (first come, first                Semi-dwarf, 11/16”, Wonderful new apple cultivar from the Univ. of MN. An early ap-
served). When our ordered quantities are sold, we cannot get more!                              ple that is crisp and juicy. Good storage life for an early season apple and is excellent
                                                                                                for fresh eating and cooking. Price each $33
                                                                                            8                                                                                               9
2021 Tree Sale Catalog - SCHOOLCRAFT CONSERVATION ...
CHERRY TREES (Prunus)                                                                         FRUIT SHRUBS
                                                                                               All shrubs are 1 yr plants, 12” size
North Star                                                                                     Bluecrop Blueberry
Dwarf, 11/16”, Red fruit with a small stone. Very productive. A sour pie cherry. Blooms        4-6 ft when mature. Mid-season blueberry. Considered by many to be the best all around
in early May. Self-fruitful. Price each $32                                                    variety for consistent yields, disease resistance, and high quality. It has an upright, open
Sweet Cherry Pie                                                                               growing habit. Price each: $12
Std, 7/16”, Sour pie cherry has the sweetest tasting cherries. Although not quite for          Jersey Blueberry
fresh eating like a Bing, they are fantastic for jams, jellies, and pies. With its compact     5-6 ft when mature. Late season. Favorite for home gardeners wanting an easy to grow,
size, this is a great tree for the home garden or small orchard. Self-fruitful.                heavy producing, late season variety. Fruit is dark blue, small to medium in size, and very
Price each $31                                                                                 sweet in flavor. Excellent for baking. A reliable producer every year Price each: $12
                                                                                               Northblue Blueberry
Lapin                                                                                          2-3 ft when mature. Lowbush variety. Fruit is dark blue, large, and attractive with a good
7 ft whip, Deep beautiful dark mahogany red cherry with some of the largest and juici-         blueberry flavor and a pleasing sugar to acid ratio. Glossy, dark green leaves turning
est cherries. Wonderful for baking and cooking. Self-fruitful. Price each $24                  bright red in fall. A good plant for the home gardener with winter climates similar to MN.
                                                                                               Makes an ideal shrub for home landscape. Price each: $12
                               PEAR TREES (Pyrus)                                              Patriot Blueberry
                                                                                               4-6 ft when mature. Early season. Fruit is very large and firm. Bush is upright, open, and
Luscious – Std, 1”, Produces a medium to small bright yellow pear with a beautiful             vigorous. Excellent landscape variety with showy white blooms in the spring, dark green
red blush. The fruit is very juicy, and deliciously sweet. A very vigorous grower will ma-     foliage in the summer, and fiery orange fall colors. Price each: $12
ture at a height of 20-25’. It prefers full sun & well drained soil, fire-blight resistant &
                                                                                               Chester Thornless Blackberry
extremely hardy. Pollinator for Parker. Price each $33                                         3-4 ft when mature. A thornless semi-erect variety of blackberry that was developed by
                                                                                               the USDA in 1985. Medium to large berries are deep black, round, and very sweet. A
Parker – Std, 1”, Large, yellow-bronze fruit. Fine grained, tender, and juicy. Upright         high quality and high yielding variety. Late ripening. Price each: $7
and vigorous grower. Pollinator for Luscious. Price each $33                                   Boyne Raspberry
                                                                                               4-6 ft when mature. Red, medium acid with aromatic flavor. Vigorous, erect, and sturdy.
                               PLUM TREES (Prunus)                                             Excellent for canning, freezing, and dessert. Very productive and extremely hardy.
          @                                                                                    Price each: $5
BlackIce                                                                                       Fallgold Raspberry
Std, 11/16”, Semi clingstone. Large fruit with an early ripening date and superior winter      3-4 ft when mature. Everbearing raspberry. New golden yellow everbearing variety that
hardiness. Naturally compact growth habit makes it easy to manage. Use “Pembina” as            produces two full crops each year. Spring crop and then a second crop July-August right
a pollinator. Price each $31                                                                   up until a hard frost. Fruit is very sweet and juicy, firm, extra large conical berries are
                                                                                               borne in large clusters. Excellent for all purposes. Hardy, vigorous, and very productive.
                                                                                               Price each: $5
Std, 11/16”, Good dessert plum. Yellow flesh, sweet, and juicy. Large size, pointed fruit.     Latham Raspberry
Requires pollinator. Price each $28                                                            3-4 ft when mature. Red, ripening over a long period. Sure cropper for home and comer-
                                                                                               cial use. Price each: $5
                           CRAB APPLE TREES (Malus)
                                                                                                                            POLLINATOR SEED MIXES
                           5’ to 7’ Trees Priced as Shown
                                                                                                These pollinator seed mixes are a composite of native Michigan seed with no invasive
Whitney                                                                                         species. Formulated for the Upper Peninsula, and each mix is comprised of numerous
Fruit is yellow with red stripes. Good for eating and pickling. Hardy, vigorous, heavy
bearing tree. Requires pollinator. Price each: $25                                               species and types of wildflowers to give benefits to many kinds of pollinating insects
Chestnut                                                                                            1 oz. packages (each oz. covers 300 to 400 sq. ft.) Price $18 each, or 4 for $68.
Very large crabapple (2 inch diameter fruit) with a pleasant nut-like flavor. Outstanding
flavor and texture for fresh eating. Medium storage life. Very hardy.                                         Please specify the quantity and type of seed mix desired:
                                     Price each: $28                                                      Pine Mix, Hardwood Mix, Wetland Mix, or Pollinator Mix
                                                                                       10                                                                                               11
Update: Invasive Species in Schoolcraft County                                               Hemlock Survey Crews on the Move in Schoolcraft County

                                                                                             The eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis, is an icon of our UP forests, essential to stream health
                                                                                             and wildlife. It now faces a looming threat: Hemlock woolly adelgid (pronounced uh-DELL-jid), or
Schoolcraft CD and its partners are planning a busy invasive species field season for        HWA. HWA, an invasive insect native to Asia, has killed thousands of hemlocks in the eastern US.
2021. Here’s a brief outline of what’s on this summer’s agenda.                              It has recently been found in Allegan, Oceana, Ottawa, Mason, and Muskegon Counties down-
                                                                                             state, though fortunately not in the UP.
Phragmites has been managed since 2013 in Schoolcraft County. Of over 50 infesta-
tions mapped on the Lake Michigan shoreline, almost all have been treated and signifi-       As the name suggests, HWA feed on hemlock trees. The small aphid-like insect attaches to the
cantly reduced. Now, we’re focused on mopping up the stragglers from previous treat-         woody shoot at the base of needles on the underside of branches and feeds on the sap of the
ments and finding any phragmites that has escaped notice up till now. Phragmites can         tree, eventually killing the tree. Michigan is home to over a million Eastern Hemlock trees. An
flourish in out-of-the-way wetlands, on your back 40, or on sites where construction,        invasion of this forest pest could be devastating to our hemlock forests, causing both economic
                                                                                             and environmental havoc.
grading, or timber harvesting equipment has brought in soil contaminated with inva-
sive plant fragments. Please report these to us if you find them! Additional funding to      In order to help protect our hemlock resource, Schoolcraft Conservation District and its neighbor-
continue our phragmites program has been secured, and we want to put it to the best          ing conservation district partners are conducting winter surveys in high-risk areas in the central
                                                                                             and eastern UP to detect HWA, thanks to funding from the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Pro-
use possible.                                                                                gram (www.michigan.gov/invasives). By discovering any existing infestation early, SCD hopes to
Japanese knotweed and its cousin giant knotweed are invasive plants which can dam-           get ahead of the curve before damage to our forests is beyond help.

age concrete and house foundations as well as spread unchecked across fields and             Surveys focus on the Lake Michigan shoreline, river and stream corridors, roadways and trails,
forests. There is a daunting amount of knotweed in Schoolcraft County, and knotweed          high biodiversity sites and forest edges, which are the most likely areas for a potential invasion.
is one of the most persistent, tough-to-eradicate invasive plants out there. Crews have      Surveys are done between November and April; this is the best time to detect HWA because the
been chipping away at the list of known knotweed sites every year since 2015 as time         insects spin rounded, cottony, white ovisacs to protect their eggs during the winter months.
and funding allow, and are planning to treat as many sites this fall as they can. As with    These tiny ovisacs resemble tips of cotton swabs and are easily seen with the naked eye. Survey-
                                                                                             ing in winter months also minimizes the risk of spread.
phragmites, we are asking landowners to report any sites we may not know about and
send us a permission form to allow our crew to conduct treatment.                            What can you do to help? First, look up! If you have hemlock on your property, scan the under-
                                                                                             side of branches for HWA’s characteristic fuzzy white sacs. If you see something suspicious, con-
Wild parsnip, an invasive plant which can cause severe skin burns, grows mostly near         tact us at 906-341-8215 or SchoolcraftCD@macd.org. We’ll have a crew check it out.
roadsides and in sunny open areas where its seeds can be easily spread by mowing
                                                                                             Second, if you visit infested counties downstate, please be careful not to transport any hemlock
equipment. There is not enough grant money to manage all of the wild parsnip in the
                                                                                             materials or ‘crawlers’ (HWA larvae) on your clothes, car, or gear. It’s particularly important dur-
county, but we encourage landowners to contact us to discuss workable options.               ing the period from May through summer when the crawlers are active.
Schoolcraft Conservation District is a member of the Lake to Lake Cooperative Invasive                                                 Third, if you receive a letter requesting permission to survey
Species Management Area (Lake to Lake CISMA), a coalition of partners from                                                             your property, please fill it out and send it in so we can include
Schoolcraft, Alger, Marquette, and Delta Counties sharing resources to manage inva-                                                    your property in our surveys. Contact our office if you’d like
                                                                                                                                       more information about identifying HWA or inspecting trees
sive species more efficiently. This partnership has made these great strides possible.
                                                                                                                                                                                             for HWA.
SCD and its partners are always seeking more funding to continue battling invasive
species on land and water. Keep an eye on our website for updated information!

                                                                                                                                          Cottony white HWA egg sacs
                                                                                                                                           can be seen on the under-
                                                                                                         Suvey crew inspects hemlock
                                                                                        12                                                                                                            13
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