2021 Staff Advisory Committee Candidates

Page created by Kathryn Taylor
2021 Staff Advisory Committee Candidates

Below are the explanations from each candidate on why they would like to join SAC. This year, we have eight (8)
openings on SAC: three (3) at-large seats open, one (1) temporary employee seat, and an organization-based seat
open in these four (4) units - UMEP, Public Safety, Academic Schools, and Custodial Services/Building & Grounds.
Please scroll down to view each candidate.
Academic Schools Candidates
Alicia Awdeh   Hospitality   Administrative   I would appreciate the opportunity to engage with colleagues across the college to
               and Tourism   Coordinator      collaborate on ideas to improve staff morale, contribute to the balance of work and home,
                                              and represent the voices of my peers with respect to their goals and desires where the college
                                              is concerned.
Syndia Hill    Accounting    Administrative   I nominate myself because I believe this is a good platform for reinforcing relationships
               and Legal     Assistant        between and among college staff and college administration. Although it is important that the
               Studies                        administration make every effort to initiate and strengthen these relationships, staff, too, must
                                              work to maintain these relationships in order to be heard regarding any questions or
                                              concerns. Everyone needs to be heard and the Staff Advisory Board can be among the most
                                              direct ways of accomplishing this. In light of the new initiatives being implemented in the
                                              "Tradition & Transformation" Strategic Plan for the College, it is crucial that communication
                                              and information be accessible and inclusive throughout the campus. I believe this is a priority
                                              in the responsibilities of the Staff Advisory Committee and I would look forward to being an
                                              active participant as a member of this Committee.

                                              ** Can also be considered for At Large Seat
Katie Hiott    Department    Administrative   I am an alum of the College and have been a staff member for a little over four years. I
               of            Assistant        recently changed departments so I am excited to be working on the main campus and
               Mathematics                    becoming more active in the campus community. I appreciate the SAC's work and have
                                              benefitted from the planned events, dissemination of information, and professional
                                              development support. I would appreciate the opportunity to contribute back to the group and
                                              to advocate for and with staff across the campus as a member of the committee.

                                              **Can also be considered for At Large Seat
Fanio King    School of    Assistant to   I would consider it an honor to represent the perspectives of fellow employees as a member
              Humanities   the Dean,      of the Staff Advisory Committee to the President (SAC). I grew up in Charleston with an
              and Social   Director of    appreciation and sincere respect for the College’s key role in the community, its academic
              Sciences     Marketing      excellence, and its outstanding national reputation. Since joining the staff in late 2020, I have
                           and            been fortunate to learn even more about the talented and dedicated group of professionals
                           Communicati    here, their many responsibilities and contributions, and the dynamics of our campus
                           ons            community. I would come to the committee with an open mind and open ears as well as fresh
                                          insights and ideas gathered from my experiences both inside and outside of the College. I’m
                                          excited about the opportunity to be of service in my new work home. While any organization
                                          will benefit from reflection and a commitment to growth and improvement, we face distinct
                                          challenges and opportunities as we begin to recover from the impacts of the pandemic. At
                                          this point in time, it will be more crucial than ever to support staff morale and wellness,
                                          encourage open and transparent communication, and promote professional development. In
                                          addition, the staff must continue to be an invested partner in creating a more equitable and
                                          diverse workplace. In a happy and productive work environment, employees feel respected
                                          and valued, have positive relationships with their coworkers, and find their endeavors
                                          meaningful. I look forward to working as part of the committee to advance goals that support
                                          these ideas, which benefit everyone and will increase the success of the College overall.

                                          **Can also be considered for an At Large seat
Claire Long   Arts         Program        I am a staunch advocate for cross-campus collaboration and working together to foster
              Management   Coordinator/   community, navigate issues, and provide a platform for all voices to be heard. As a member of
                           Director of    the Staff Advisory Committee to the President, I would bring my unique perspective as a staff
                           Experiential   member, adjunct faculty member, and alumna of the College to do this work alongside others
                           Learning       who are equally invested in the wellbeing of our campus community.

                                          **Can also be considered for an At Large seat
Kristen         School of     SB Student       It certainly has been a year full of challenges for all of us. As we navigate what comes next, our
McMullen        Business      Success          Staff Advisory Committee will play a critical role in listening to and supporting staff across the
                              Center           College. I would look forward to contributing experience from my previous positions having
                              Director         served on the Penn State Staff Advisory Committee as well as the Penn State Commission for
                                               Women where I chaired the Mentoring Program and had a presidential appointment to the
                                               Commission’s Executive Committee. In addition, the experience gained from having served
                                               on the University of Pennsylvania Professional Staff Assembly where I participated in the
                                               University Council Committee on Facilities as well as the Duke University Fuqua School of
                                               Business Staff Advisory Task Force. I would proudly bring this knowledge and the skills gained
                                               from these opportunities to serve the staff of the College of Charleston. As we all know,
                                               institutions of higher education are complex organizations that currently face numerous
                                               challenges and opportunities. Staff members help to elevate the College and it is vital that we
                                               have representatives at the table who can be a voice on important issues. It is also important
                                               that we continue to build a strong network for staff across campus. As a member of the Staff
                                               Advisory Committee, I would look forward to getting to know all of you and discussing ideas,
                                               needs, concerns, and feedback to build an even stronger campus community.
Carrie Spence   History       Administrative   I have been debating doing this for the past couple of years. I wanted to find a way to be a
                              Coordinator      large part of the campus community and have my voice make a difference to my fellow co-
                                               workers and to the college as a whole. We all too often think that our position, opinions, or
                                               voice aren't good enough or don't matter. I want to prove to myself and others that it does
                                               matter, and we can make a difference and be a part of the positive progress that is happening
                                               around us. I look forward to joining the committee and seeing what we can do as a group.

                                               **Can also be considered for an At Large Seat
Marla Robertson MPA Program   Program          In my 19 years on this campus, I have severed in Academic, Business, and Student Affairs
                in Grad       Coordinator      divisions. In my time, I have been endlessly dedicated to collaboration, student and staff
(Incumbent)     School (HSS   and CAP          support, and institutional diversity. I have volunteered to work with several departments
                School)       Director         across the years to help support the campus during capacity issues. I support staff and look
                                               for ways to engage and celebrate my co-workers. It is my hope to be able to bring new and
                                               innovative programming that supports all staff on this campus, and I want to use my voice to
                                               elevate the voices of others. It is my passion to push the dial forward with climate and culture
                                               shift here and to do what I can for staff to feel appreciated and included in the overall
                                               dynamics of this campus.
Building and Grounds and Custodial Services Candidates
Paul Andrade     Grounds          Assistant       As part of FM and the grounds dept. I work all over campus and get a chance to
                                  Supervisor      interact with many different people. I think that these interactions offers me a unique
                                                  perspective that can help the committee.

Benjie Davis     Carpenter Shop   Carpenter       To make things better at the college! If not. What is the point. Getting ready to start
                                                  the summer refresh that I have been asked to do for the last 2 years. Historic Houses
                                                  for student living. To make them the best I can. And that is the point. Hope is good
                                                  with all! Benjie

Steve Robinson   Grounds          Groundskeeper   I have worked for a wide range of businesses including corporations, family owned,
                                                  non-profit, and for myself. In each, I saw areas where simple measures can be taken
                                                  that would improve the workplace, not only to make it more successful but also more
                                                  enjoyable to those working there. In a nutshell, I strongly believe in the concept
                                                  presented in the TV show Undercover Boss where an owner goes undercover and
                                                  works within their business to understand what's going on from the people who really
                                                  make the difference in it...I want the common employee's voice at the table and I
                                                  want to be their voice. In addition, I see a lot of employees "going through the
                                                  motions" so to speak, I would like to find become a part of making our work day and
                                                  work place awesome!

                                                  **Can also be considered for an At Large seat
Public Safety Candidates
Chrystal Grant   Public Safety          Records        As an alumni, employee, and parent of a former student; I have witnessed the growth
                                        Coordinator    that has transpired here at the College. Although I have seen and noted progression,
                                                       as a woman of color with an "invisible" disability, I see there is still yet work that needs
                                                       to be done that must begin within our beloved institution before it can truly be taught
                                                       to our students and community. As a staff committee member, I would love to learn
                                                       more, to work to build with other staff, and share any wisdom or insight that I may
                                                       have in order to aid CofC in being the best college campus in the state to work, learn
                                                       and visit.

                                                       **Can also be considered for At Large Seat
David            Public Safety – Fire   Fire Marshal   I am interested in serving on the Staff Advisory Committee to help support the mission
McDonough        and EMS                               of the college and better serve my fellow colleagues within the Department of Public
                                                       Safety, as well as, all Staff members across our campus.

Peter Russell    Public Safety          Sergeant       I am interested in serving on the open SAC seat for Public Safety or one of the open
                                                       at-large seats. I am in my third year of service here at Public Safety, but I am also a
                                                       veteran law enforcement Officer with 27 years of prior experience. In addition, two of
                                                       my three children are CofC students, my oldest daughter is a 2016 graduate, and my
                                                       youngest daughter is a rising senior in the Class of 2022. My interests include: •
                                                       Expanding the relationship(s) between Public Safety personnel and our fellow college
                                                       faculty, staff & students. • Coordinating our security effort with the entire CofC
                                                       community in order to remain an open campus in a metropolitan city and still maintain
                                                       the low stress environment we enjoy. • Addressing infrastructure issues that improve
                                                       campus security, i.e. lighting & call boxes. My thanks for your consideration! ~SGT
                                                       Peter Russell, CofC Department of Public Safety.
Temporary Employee Candidates
Matthew          Athletics        Development        Hello! My name is Matthew Creeron, and I am running for the temporary employee
Creeron                           Officer            and at-large seat. In my two and a half years here at the College, I have taken strides
                                                     to build relationships with individuals across campus. I look forward to continuing to
                                                     build relationships in this role and elevate CofC to new heights. The College is a very
                                                     special place to me, and I want to ensure that all employees are able to have the best
                                                     experience, professionally and personally, during their time working here. I want to be
                                                     a voice for all employees, regardless of title or department. I am open to all ideas and
                                                     will work hard to represent all Cougars. I work in the Athletic Fund here at the College
                                                     and feel that I can bring a unique perspective to the Staff Advisory Committee with
                                                     this role. I am a good listener and action-oriented. If granted this position, I would
                                                     honor CofC’s traditions while simultaneously taking steps to grow as a community. I
                                                     am originally from Queens, New York, and am proud to now call Charleston home
                                                     (and yes, I am a foodie!). I love learning about the College of Charleston, and I want to
                                                     share that love with others. I look forward to being a representative of all employees
                                                     when advising and working with President Hsu. I would personally like to thank the
                                                     current and past Staff Advisory Committees, and I would be honored to carry on the
                                                     success that has been established.

Leigh Meadows-   Admissions       Assistant          I am interested in serving on the Staff Advisory Committee to get involved, learn more
McAlpin                           Director of        about the College's initiatives, to build relationships with other staff members and
                                  Visitor Services   campus partners, and to help represent my team and division.
                                  and Volunteer
Deb Silver       Jewish Studies   Hillel Director    After two years on campus, I am ready to be more involved in shaping the student and
                                  (Director of       staff experience.
                                  Jewish Student
University Marketing and Enrollment Planning Candidates
Marissa          UMEP              Digital Media   My name is Marissa Bamonte, and I am a two-time alumna from College of Charleston.
Bamonte                            Specialist      I completed my undergraduate degree in International Business in 2018 and earned my
                                                   Master’s in Communication in 2020. As the Digital Media Specialist for the University of
                                                   Marketing, I am interested in connecting with colleagues to learn more about the
                                                   initiatives and programs around campus. In doing so, I hope to provide a more detailed
                                                   perspective on what the College of Charleston has to offer our incoming and current
                                                   students across all of our digital platforms. Ultimately, I believe that serving on the Staff
                                                   Advisory Committee to the President will enhance my leadership skills, relationships
                                                   with colleagues, and the University of Marketing Enrollment Planning by advocating for
                                                   matters that impact the UMEP team.
Rebecca Drewry   UMEP, Office of   Associate       Having graduated from CofC in 2015 and now having worked for CofC since, I feel I can
                 Admissions        Director,       bring a unique perspective to the Staff Advisory Committee to the President as a young
                                   Regional        alum working in Admissions. I also have recently become a regional admissions
                                   Admissions      counselor and live/work in Virginia. I would be honored to represent all those who work
                                                   for CofC from near and far!

                                                   **Can also be considered for an At Large seat

Kenyatta         Admissions        Associate       Throughout my 12-year tenure at the College of Charleston, I feel that I have exhuasted
Grimmage                           Director of     myself in not only recruiting but serving students, building relationships across campus,
                                   Admissions      and leading in the area of diversity recruitment and retention. I have been awarded
                                                   countless awards and recognitions for the work that I do; Yet, much to often, I've felt
                                                   over worked and underpaid and grossly underappreciated. I feel the college is a pivitol
                                                   point where talented and capable staff members all across campus are really evaluating
                                                   rather the college values the work they do to help recruit and retain students and
                                                   ultimately secure it's bottomline. I would love to join SAC and have an opportunity to
                                                   express these and many other concerns while working with upper administration to
                                                   find solutions.
Mike Ledford     UMEP              Photographer    I'd like to be more involved the discussion of development, retention and career
                                                   advancement of our staff.
At Large Candidates, who are not already listed above
(Note: candidates from an organization with a named seat open had the option to run in both elections simultaneously)

 Rachael             Facilities Planning    CAD/GIS/Graphi       I believe that I would make a good addition to the Staff Advisory Committee to the
 Bradford                                   cs Administrator     President for several reasons. While I have not sat on this type of committee, I have
                                                                 been on others at another institution. As a member of the Campus Climate
                                                                 Committee at Gettysburg College, I helped plan how to make the college a more
                                                                 inclusive welcoming place for all members of the campus community. While working
                                                                 in Facilities Management, I was a member of the Safety Committee, responsible for
                                                                 coming up with creative teaching techniques and incentives that encouraged all staff
                                                                 to follow campus safety standards. In addition to my former committee work, I bring
                                                                 the viewpoint of a single parent of a college student, a former facilities staff worker
                                                                 and technical specialist, as well as a current technical administrator and degree
                                                                 seeking student. All these facets help focus my attention to not just the college’s
                                                                 perspective, but that of the parents, students, staff, as well as administration. My
                                                                 experience with various new and emerging technologies would be helpful in finding
                                                                 current solutions for issues across campus. Lastly, I have a deep appreciation for the
                                                                 tradition and transformation talked about in the strategic plan. I strongly believe that
                                                                 to genuinely move forward you need to have a rear window. If you cannot see where
                                                                 you have come from, you will not know what to avoid or embrace in the future.

 Jennifer Bradley    Academic               Associate            When I walk around campus, I see so many employees that make the College of
                     Experience (Center     Director of Peer     Charleston a successful institution. All employees at the College deserve to be
                     for Excellence in      Education            represented and heard. I have worked here for over 10 years, and I would like to serve
                     Peer Education)                             on SAC to help represent and be a voice for employees at the College.

 William Buckley     Facilities             Carpenter            As witnessed by my time on the Safety Committee, as both a member and as
                     Management                                  Chairman, I have always tried to open as many lines of communication as possible. I
                     Carpentry                                   have always felt that enhanced communications benefits all involved tremendously
                                                                 and I feel that the Staff Advisory Committee is a perfect example of such.
Franklin        Office of the           Catalog and       I have been with the College since May 2008. I have served within CACRAO, the
Czwazka         Registrar               Curriculum        state’s admissions and registrar professional association, in various capacities since
                                        Systems           2012 including 5+ years of experience serving on the Executive Committee. My
                                        Manager           experience has given me insight to the great things going on at the College
                                                          compared to some our peers within the state but it has shown me that things can be
                                                          better. With the new strategic plan, I believe that the College is beginning to make
                                                          strides in the right direction for staff and want to contribute so that great things
                                                          happen on campus.

Darcy Everett   Sustainability/Facili   Climate Manager   I’ve been a part of the College of Charleston community for almost two years. And, I
                ties Management         and Zero Waste    can say the best part of the College, outside of our amazing students, is the amazing
                                        Coordinator       staff that keep this place running on a day-to-day basis. In my job, I’ve been lucky to
                                                          work across multiple departments and have had the opportunity to meet so many of
                                                          our great staff team. I’d be honored to represent my fellow staff members as a Staff
                                                          Advisory Committee member. I am interested in serving on this committee to be a
                                                          voice for staff members, to help recognize the great work of our staff members and
                                                          to continue meeting and engaging with colleagues across the campus.

Cathy Ficzner   Center for              Office Manager    I am interested in serving as an at-large member on the Staff Advisory Committee to
                Academic                                  the President because I would like an opportunity to have positive impact on the
                Performance and                           campus community as a voice for staff members. I am currently the Office Manager in
                Persistence                               the Center for Academic Performance and Persistence and have been at the College
                                                          for two years. I have been in Higher Education for over 15 years with roles in
                                                          Registrar’s Offices and Education Abroad. In the CAPP Office, we work with a large
                                                          cross-section of the student population. I would like to have that same experience
                                                          with working with staff across campus. I am proud of the relationships I have built on
                                                          campus so far and I am eager to get involved more and make connections with other
                                                          staff members. In the College of Charleston’s Strategic Plan, I have hopes that staff
                                                          members across all levels will be able to have their input considered with the
                                                          strategies outlined in Pillar 3. While earning my MBA, I became interested in
                                                          developing employees and employee satisfaction. I am passionate about giving
                                                          employees all the tools they need to succeed in their role during onboarding and
                                                          beyond. I welcome conversation on how staff members of different backgrounds can
                                                          come together to better support the campus as a whole and feel that their voice is
                                                          being heard and included. I am excited to be a part of making the College of
                                                          Charleston an even better place to work.
Victoria Gaunt   Controller’s Office   Accountant/Fisca   I am interested in being on the SAC in order to learn more about the college and
                                       l Analyst I        campus, build relationships with colleagues to foster better communication, grow my
                                                          leadership skills, and ensure that staff have a voice in the implementation and
                                                          development of institutional policies and governance.

Joy Heinzman     Residence Life        Assistant          I am interested in serving on the Staff Advisory Committee because I value the work
                                       Director           being done by the staff each day on our campus and would like the opportunity to
                                                          assist with and impact the staff experience. With the emphasis on employee
                                                          satisfaction in the new strategic plan, I would like to provide a voice for employees
                                                          who are on the ground level, providing direct service to students daily. As the staff
                                                          member in my department responsible for most of our recruitment, I have firsthand
                                                          knowledge of what entices people to apply to work at the College and the barriers
                                                          that prevent many entry-level candidates from accepting offers. I have ideas on how
                                                          we can use the flexibility practiced during the pandemic to improve work-life
                                                          harmony and satisfaction. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to collaborate with
                                                          many offices from all branches of the College. I work with colleagues from Academic
                                                          Affairs, Business Affairs, and Student Affairs in my role as Assistant Director of
                                                          Residence Life. I have a broad network of connections that make me an ideal At-Large
                                                          member. I hope to contribute to a more inclusive work environment, assist staff with
                                                          understanding the benefits available to them, and enhance community relationships
                                                          that will ultimately provide a better experience and service to our students. Overall,
                                                          SAC is a positive way to invest in the development and retention of staff. I would be
                                                          honored to serve you as a member-at-large on the committee.
John Holladay    Facilities            Energy Engineer    My name is John Holladay and I am the Energy Engineer in Facilities Management for
                 Management                               the College of Charleston. My job is to manage and reduce our campus energy
                                                          consumption. I was born in Charleston and an alumnus of the College of Charleston.
                                                          As an engineer, I am trained in continuous improvement. I would like to serve on the
                                                          Staff Advisory Committee to the President to offer my problem-solving experience as
                                                          we develop solutions for ongoing issues. After completing my first two years of
                                                          college at the College of Charleston, I transferred to Clemson to finish my Electrical
                                                          Engineering Degree. While working, I went to school at night to get my Master of
                                                          Business Administration (MBA) degree from USC. I have the experience, education,
                                                          and background to advise President Hsu on complex financial and operational issues.
                                                          I am committed to the college. Please vote for me so we can keep making our
                                                          campus better!
Shannon Horn      Theatre and Dance    Office Manager    I am both passionate about the College of Charleston and service to the school.
                                       and Operations    Being a part of the Staff Advisory Council would allow me to marry the two. I am also
                                       Coordinator       invested in creating the best working environment for all as this, in turn, makes the
                                                         college even stronger. Staff are the backbone of CofC and it would be an honor to
                                                         serve in this capacity.

                                                         **Can also be considered for Academic Schools Seat
Bri McKenny       Treasurer’s Office   Cashier/Custome   I would love to connect with fellow colleagues and get more immersed in the
                                       r Service Rep     Colleges initiatives and programs. I am interested in getting to know my colleagues
                                                         and getting more involved on campus.

Becky McManus     Human Resources      Director of       For the last few decades, the focus of my career has been on employee engagement -
                                       Training and      specifically, devising methods to retain employees, to make employee feel connected
                                       Development       and a part of the organization, to involve employees and provide them with the
                                                         sense of a better work/life balance, and to recognize and incentivise employees. I've
                                                         been challenged to communicate information to employees who work all over the
                                                         country and "connect" them to our HQ as a valued employee. I have a passion
                                                         around people and creating a positive culture. I would like to be a part of the Staff
                                                         Advisory Committee and help accomplish these same goals at the College of
Josh Miller       Facilities           Plumber           I feel as if a lot of issues that affect the average worker on a day to day basis are often
                                                         overlooked or unheard. I would relish the opportunity to help advise the president
                                                         and other upper management regarding issues, needs, and growth opportunities that
                                                         would help make our lives as employees and staff better and more productive.

Britton Neville   Registrar –          Graduation        Hi ya’ll. I started here at the College in 2003 when I became a Freshman studying
                  Graduation           Coordinator       Classics. I graduated in 2009 and was excited to come back as a staff member in 2018.
                                                         I have been in my current position as Graduation Coordinator in the Registrar’s Office
                                                         since November 2019. I am nominating myself so that I can get to know and work
                                                         with more people on campus as well as offer my strengths to the SAC. I enjoy
                                                         working with the students here at the College and I would love the opportunity to
                                                         also engage more with my colleagues. I believe this will allow me a platform to voice
                                                         opinions and ideas to make a difference for everyone on campus
Melissa Ochal     Center for      Associate            I am interested in serving on the Staff Advisory Committee because I see
                  International   Director             opportunities to improve the experiences of staff at CofC and I would like to be a part
                  Education                            of those changes. I believe that CofC learned a great deal about what staff members
                                                       are capable of during the COVID-19 pandemic and I would like to see those lessons
                                                       applied to improve the work-life balance of staff including flex scheduling, remote
                                                       work, and cross-training. Additionally, I would like to foster more collaboration and
                                                       communication between the various staff groups on campus so that we may better
                                                       serve students. Through my advocacy for international students at CofC, I’ve been
                                                       fortunate to work with a variety of CofC departments and I find that there are
                                                       communication gaps between departments that can be to the detriment of students.
                                                       I would like to work with my colleagues to find ways to better connect us.

Rick Renzi        Procurement     QA/QC Contract       I work with many of the departments on campus which affords me the opportunity to
                                  Enforcement          interact with a large populace of staff employees. I had the honor to serve on many
                                  Manager              different Advisory Boards over a 24 year career in the Air Force. I bring to the table
                                                       insight and perspective that can enhance employee morale, improve the work
                                                       environment by identifying current work issues and challenges, and offer suggestions
                                                       to the President for positive changes.

Markus Williams   Facilities      Interim Electrical   I am interesting in serving on the SAC to better my leadership skills as well as be a
                  Management      Shop Assistant       part of what matters around campus. Being on the SAC would help me understand
                                  Supervisor           more about the many programs and different ways that the campus is currently
                                                       progressing towards. I currently serve on an appreciation and recognition committee
                                                       called the ARC for our department so being on the SAC would definitely help towards
                                                       growing within our department committee. Hopefully as part of the SAC it can help
                                                       me build the values to what matters to the SAC as well as the things that matters to
                                                       my department such as: continuous improvements, integrity, engaging workplace,
                                                       and employee satisfaction. Thank you!
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