2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline EarlyON Child and Family Centres

Page created by Hector Elliott
2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline
 EarlyON Child and Family Centres

                           Released July 2021
Table of Contents

Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 3
Overview ................................................................................................................................... 3
Outcomes ................................................................................................................................. 3
Stabilization Funding Categories............................................................................................ 3
  Health and safety ................................................................................................................... 4
   Repairs and maintenance ....................................................................................................... 5
   Equipment and materials ........................................................................................................ 6
   Technology ............................................................................................................................. 7
   Promotion, marketing, and outreach materials........................................................................ 7
   Organizational capacity .......................................................................................................... 8
Eligible Expenses .................................................................................................................... 8
Ineligible Expenses .................................................................................................................12
Provider Access to Funding...................................................................................................12
Reconciliation Process & Recovery of Unused funds .........................................................13
Contact Us ...............................................................................................................................13
Appendix A: Considerations for EarlyON Environments ...................................................... i
  How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years..................................... i
   Barrier-Free and Universal Design ........................................................................................... i
   Self-Regulation ......................................................................................................................... i
Appendix B: Access to Funding Using GovGrants Technology ..........................................iii
References ...............................................................................................................................iv

EarlyON Centres: 2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline                                                                                       2

This guideline provides key information for EarlyON service providers about the 2021 stabilization


Continued investment in the child and family program sector presents a tremendous opportunity to
transform the Early Years and Child Care (EYCC) system in Peel where the goal is that all children
and their families thrivei. As you operate EarlyON programs, it is important that these program spaces
are current and reflect the complex and changing needs of Peel’s children and familiesi.

The 2021 stabilization funding supports you in reopening and operating in-person programs that meet
the requirements of the COVID-19 Enhanced Health and Safety Protocols for Early Years and
Child Care Settings and continuing to provide environments that reflect the principles of How Does
Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years (HDLH), self-regulation, barrier-free and
universal design principles.


1. Deliver high quality programming | Provide programs that meet enhanced health and safety
   protocols within an environment of an active coronavirus (COVID-19). Provide further support to
   program staff in embedding HDLH in program environments and delivery (e.g., program space,
   material, family engagement, child development, documentation etc.)i.

2. Increase access | Support overall health and well-being of families through increased access to
   EarlyON Centres where more families have safe and secure and learning-rich environments in
   which to support their children birth to six years in achieving their mental and physical potential.

3. Enhance accountability | Foster a consistent understanding of the roles, responsibilities and
   accountabilities of all parties involved in projects approved for Stabilization Funding through
   implementing transparent funding and procurement processesi.

Stabilization Funding Categories

The information that follows provides an overview of the stabilization funding categories:

   1.   Health and safety
   2.   Minor repairs and maintenance
   3.   Equipment and materials
   4.   Technology
   5.   Promotion, marketing, and outreach materials
   6.   Organizational capacity

EarlyON Centres: 2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline                                                3
Health and safety

To ensure that EarlyON indoor and outdoor programs meet the requirements of the COVID-19
Enhanced Health and Safety Protocols for Early Years and Child Care Settings, you can
consider the following:

   •   Personal protective equipment (PPE) supports | PPE are medical (surgical/procedural) and
       non-medical face masks, eye protection (i.e., face shield, goggles, wrap-around safety
       glasses), and gloves. The COVID-19 Enhanced Health and Safety Protocols for Early
       Years and Child Care Settings gives guidance on when staff and families should wear PPE
       (masks and eye protection) while in the EarlyON setting and recommends the use of PPE
       (masks, face shields, gloves) when cleaning up bodily fluids or blood if there is a risk of
       splashing and following the manufacturer’s direction for PPE use when disinfecting. Hand
       sanitizer is added to this category for its identified role in helping to maintain hand hygiene as
       being essential for infection control.

       You should prioritize creating sufficient inventory of PPE by purchasing eligible PPE items
       (medical masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, eye protection such as face shields, goggles, and
       wrap-around safety glasses) for ongoing operations.

       You may access the Government of Ontario’s Directory of PPE Suppliers for purchasing PPE.

   •   Enhanced staffing | The enhanced health and safety protocols for indoor and outdoor
       programs may require new staff and/or increased staff time to implement the requirements
       which can include time to deep clean and perform ongoing cleaning and disinfection,
       administrative duties associated with pre-registration, screening and in-person sign-in.

       Operating programs in an environment of an active coronavirus (COVID-19) may impact the
       amount of time being used by staff due to illness or wait times for COVID-19 testing and
       alternative diagnosis from health care providers.

       Health and safety support for EarlyON indoor and outdoor programs may also support staff
       wages and mandatory benefits for new/existing and supply staff to perform duties required to
       support the implementation of enhanced health and safety protocols.

EarlyON Centres: 2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline                                                   4
Repairs and maintenance

   •   Minor capital | The stabilization funding can support minor capital expenses including minor
       capital work required to meet enhanced health and safety protocols.

   •   Enhanced cleaning | To ensure that EarlyON Centres that reopen for indoor programs meet
       requirements of the COVID-19 Enhanced Health and Safety Protocols for Early Years and
       Child Care Settings, you should prioritize the purchase of eligible enhanced cleaning
       sanitation supplies (e.g., steam cleaners, vacuums, paper towels, soap, bleach and other
       cleaning and disinfecting products) or contract for professional cleaning services. Cleaning
       and disinfection materials and supplies will also support the cleaning and disinfection of
       outdoor program materials.

       Enhanced cleaning and sanitation will support infection prevention and exposure control
       measures that includes screening, general sanitary precautions, and outbreak management
       procedures for indoor and outdoor program operation.

   •   Minor repairs and maintenance | Enhancements to program spaces to better support
       families and refresh the program environment to create more inviting and usable spaces for
       families and staff. An inviting and functional space that includes thoughtful design and
       surfaces will support staff, parents, caregivers, and children to use the space with ease,
       comfort, and purpose.

   •   Procurement | To ensure that costs are aligned with fair market commercial rates, all services
       must be procured via a fair and transparent process. This includes but is not limited to services
       for contractors. Preferred vendors may be selected provided they are procured and that rates
       align with industry standards. Agreements with the chosen contractor are required to be
       defined through an applicable Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC)

       You are required to obtain three (3) quotations for items and projects that cost $5,000 and
       over when the item and project is not being completed by an approved school board
       contractor. Quotations for items or projects $5,000 and over should include:
          o   Name of company or individual providing the service;
          o   Customer/client name and address;
          o   Reference/quotation number;
          o   GST/HST number;
          o   Date and length of time for which quote is valid;
          o   Description/scope of work involved and amounts;
          o   Total cost, plus tax amount = Total cost after tax; and,
          o   Payment terms.

EarlyON Centres: 2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline                                                 5
Any work procured and/or conducted at a non-arms length transaction will not be eligible for
       funding. A non-arms length transaction is a transaction between persons who were not dealing
       with each other at arm's length at the time of the transaction. This includes transactions
       between people who are related, such as members of a family, or anyone connected by blood
       relationship, marriage, or adoption legal or in fact.

   •   Considerations for minor repairs in school based EarlyON locations | EarlyON Centres
       located in schools will need to procure all minor renovation services through an approved
       school board contractor. Materials must align with school board standards where applicable.
       You should first liaise with the school principal and thereafter facilities administration staff,
       where applicable, to follow the board process and associated timelines for the completion of
       these minor renovations. When the school board selects a vendor to undertake a project, you
       should direct all communication through school board facilities administration staff who can
       contact the vendor if needed.

       Examples of items that must go through the board process are a buzzer/intercom system,
       relocating EarlyON items within a school due to a change in space, structural changes (e.g.,
       new flooring, plumbing/electrical), painting, air conditioning, and the installation of items affixed
       to the space (e.g., cupboards, change tables, hooks etc.).

       The purchase of program materials and equipment (e.g., toys and moveable furnishings) that
       do not require board installation do not need to be pre-approved by the school board. You,
       however, should keep the school principal informed of major deliveries and consult prior to the
       purchase of items that require significant usage of plumbing or electrical. During COVID-19,
       communication with the school principal and other staff (i.e. janitorial staff) is particularly
       important if special access is required for deliveries or EarlyON staff. Otherwise, you can direct
       deliveries to the dedicated entrance of the EarlyON Centre and therefore minimize or eliminate
       any contact with the rest of the school.

       You should request access through the school principal to set up program space or to access
       items outside of the centre’s hours of operation. This is particularly applicable when
       restrictions (e.g., limited capacity, contact tracing, EarlyON closure, etc.) are in place due to

Equipment and materials

Maintaining a suitable supply of equipment and materials for ongoing operations of indoor, outdoor,
and online programs and services is essential to a quality experience for families and staff. You may
purchase replacement and additional play-based materials and supplies to ensure that children have
access to play and inquiry-based learning opportunities and experiences that promote developmental
health, well-being, and the development of fundamental movement skills.
Consider the dimensions of diversity to enhance the features of the physical environment to increase
a sense of belonging for parents, caregivers, and children of every ability level, language, cultural

EarlyON Centres: 2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline                                                      6
background, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or other attributes. Safe and
welcoming environments will encourage families to attend and fully participate in EarlyON programs.
Outdoor programs are an important component of the service delivery model EarlyON programs. You
may require equipment and materials to create or enhance exploration of outdoor spaces that invite
and support parents, caregivers and children to challenge their physical and creative abilities,
enhance social skills, develop their understanding of natural elements, and build connections with the
outdoors through meaningful experiences.
It is important to keep the enhanced health and safety protocols in mind when purchasing equipment
and materials for in-person programs (e.g., programs may require additional containers for collecting
used toys and materials, storage containers, and non-porous toys and materials that are easy to

Please Note: While you can plan for post COVID-19 environments using the information in
Appendix A (HDLH, barrier free and universal design and self regulation), it is imperative that you
meet the requirements of the COVID-19 Enhanced Health and Safety Protocols for Early Years
and Child Care Settings for as long as the protocol is effective.


Appropriate technology to enable and enhance the operations of indoor, outdoor, and online EarlyON
programs and services may require you to replace existing equipment or purchase additional
equipment to meet the growing demands of efficiency, productivity, and communication.
You can purchase equipment to enable staff to provide online programs, use electronic information, e-
resources, and e-learning, and increase their capacity to support families and efficiently connect them
to other services.
The use of technology will support funding administration, program registration, agency reporting, and
help facilitate data collection and parent engagement.

Promotion, marketing, and outreach materials

As you continue to provide online programs and reopen indoor and outdoor programs as part of the
provincial reopening framework, Roadmap to Reopen, you may need materials to promote, market
and engage in outreach activities to build awareness and magnify the presence of EarlyON programs
and services available to Peel families.

You can consider EarlyON indoor and outdoor signage, digital marketing, branded displays/banners,
promotional items, and staff EarlyON branded shirts and jackets, etc., as materials for promotion and

EarlyON Centres: 2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline                                                7
Materials must adhere to the Visual Identity Guideline.

  All designs/artwork for EarlyON signage and promotional materials must be sent to us for approval
  prior to production. For available agency specific templates, inquiries, and submissions please contact

  Organizational capacity

  The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impact on how organizations operate. Organizations
  have been prompted to seek the requisite expertise to support the review of their agency policies and
  employee contracts to ensure alignment with the impacts and new organizational considerations
  brought to the forefront by the pandemic.

  2021 stabilization funding may be used to contract expert services such legal, policy, and Human
  Resources to review and update your agency's EarlyON policies and employee contracts to ensure
  sound practices.

  Eligible Expenses

  Table 1 outlines eligible expenses for the stabilization funding.

Table 1: Eligible expenses for stabilization funding

  Expense                     Description/Examples                                Considerations
Health and        •   Personal protective equipment (PPE):            •   The Ontario Together Portal has a
safety                o Prioritize the purchase of eligible PPE           Workplace PPE Supplier Directory
                        items (medical masks, gloves, hand                that lists Ontario businesses that
                        sanitizer, eye protection such as face            provide PPE.
                        shields, goggles, and wrap-around safety
                        glasses) to meet the COVID-19
                        Enhanced Health and Safety
                        Protocols for Early Years and Child
                        Care Settings.
                  •   Increased staffing needs (screeners,            •   Additional staff costs for meeting
                      cleaners, program staff):                           the requirements of COVID-19
                      o Support staff wages and mandatory                 Enhanced Health and Safety
                        benefits for new/existing staff to perform        Protocols for Early Years and
                        duties required to support the                    Child Care Settings.
                        implementation of enhanced health and
                        safety protocols. This can include wages
                        for staff to deep clean centres that are
                        reopening for indoor programs and
                        mandatory benefits for any supply staff
                        required to cover staff shifts for staff
                        unable to work due to illness or vacation.

  EarlyON Centres: 2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline                                                    8
Table 1: Eligible expenses for stabilization funding

  Expense                    Description/Examples                              Considerations
Repairs and      •   Minor capital:                                •   Hand sanitizer touch free
maintenance          o Support minor capital expenses including        dispensers and plexi-glass.
                       minor capital work required to meet
                       enhanced health and safety protocols.

                 •   Enhanced cleaning supplies:                   •   Disinfectants with a Drug
                     o Prioritize the purchase of eligible             Identification Number (DIN) and
                       enhanced cleaning sanitation supplies           labelled as a broad-spectrum
                       (e.g. steam cleaners, vacuums, paper            viricide. Low-level hospital grade
                       towels, soap, bleach, other cleaning and        disinfectants may be used.
                       disinfecting products, etc.) or             •   Disinfectants approved for use on
                       professional services (e.g. deep clean or       COVID-19 on Health Canada's
                       disinfecting of EarlyON Centres that will       website.
                       reopen for indoor programs) to meet         •   Bleach water solution as seen in
                       enhanced health and safety protocols.           the Disinfection Chart for
                       Receipts must be retained for proof of          EarlyON Child and Family
                       deep clean.                                     Centres.

                 •   Minor repairs and maintenance*:               •   Reflect diversity and inclusion
                     o Paint, storage, cubbies, and decorative     •   Reflect universal design (e.g.,
                       items (e.g., planters, mirrors).                equitable use; flexible; simple and
                     o Replacement of kitchen/bathroom sinks,          intuitive; perceptible information;
                       toilets, carpeting, floors, and window          tolerance for error; low physical
                       coverings (as stipulated in lease).             effort; and size and space for
                     o Enhance accessibility to support parents,       approach and use).
                       caregivers, and children of every ability   •   Support Continuous Quality
                       level (e.g., accessible washroom).              Improvement (CQI) stated goals.
                     o Structures and materials that support       •   Align to Accessibility for Ontarians
                       increased access or visibility of the           with Disabilities Act (AODA).
                       program (e.g., signage).                    •   Create inviting and functional
                     o Creating private space for consultations        spaces
                       and other uses (e.g., infant feeding).      •   Meet safety standards (e.g., CSA

  EarlyON Centres: 2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline                                                 9
Table 1: Eligible expenses for stabilization funding

  Expense                    Description/Examples                               Considerations
Equipment        •   Commercial grade supplies, books and           •   Include materials that reflect
and materials        toys that support the development and              diversity, inclusion, and HDLH to
                     curiosity of children and encourage                support the delivery of EarlyON
                     exploration, play, and inquiry (e.g., art          programs.
                     materials, blocks, musical instruments,        •   Reflect universal design (e.g.,
                     sensory materials, etc.)                           equitable use; flexible; intuitive;
                 •   Furniture (child and adult)                        perceptible information; tolerance
                 •   Fridges, stoves, microwaves; kettles and           for error; low physical effort; and
                     bottle-warmers                                     size and space).ii
                 •   Storage solutions                              •   Support Continuous Quality
                 •   Outdoor toys and materials                         Improvement (CQI) stated goals.
                 •   Non-permanent equipment (e.g., slide,          •   Offer loose parts. Be open-ended,
                     sports equipment)                                  safe, and durable.
                                                                    •   Made of natural materials where
                                                                        possible (limit the use of plastic
                                                                    •   Facilitate play, inquiry, and
                                                                        connections to natural elements in
                                                                        outdoor settings.
                                                                    •   Support physical literacy practices.
                                                                    •   Support outdoor play in all
                                                                    •   Meet safety standards (e.g.,
                                                                        Canadian Standards Association
                                                                        (CSA) certified).
Technology       •   Computers (desktops, laptops, and              •   Provide virtual programs for
                     tablets) for use by staff, parents, and            families (e.g., online programs and
                     caregivers                                         consultations).
                 •   Accessories such as printers, monitors,        •   Connect families to resources.
                     modems, and cables                             •   Support Continuous Quality
                 •   Wi-fi internet sticks - hardware only (e.g.,       Improvement (CQI) stated goals.
                     Rogers rocket stick)                           •   Support funding administration and
                 •   Costs associated with upgrading space for          program registration (e.g.,
                     remote internet connectivity                       GovGrants, OCCMS).
                 •   Cameras/video cameras and smart                •   Support consistent and accurate
                     televisions                                        data collection and reporting.
                                                                    •   Enable electronic participant
                                                                    •   Enable enhanced analysis of
                                                                        service trends and program
                                                                    •   Support enhancements to program

  EarlyON Centres: 2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline                                                10
Table 1: Eligible expenses for stabilization funding

  Expense                    Description/Examples                            Considerations
Promotion,       •   Materials to promote, market and engage      •   Items must have the focus on the
marketing, and       in outreach activities to build awareness        EarlyON logo and brand.
outreach             and amplify the presence of EarlyON          •   Materials must adhere to the Visual
materials            programs and services available to Peel          Identity Guideline.
                     families, such as:                           •   All designs/artwork for EarlyON
                 •   Indoor and outdoor signage:                      signage and promotional materials
                     o Outdoor wall sign                              must be submitted to us for
                     o Storefront/Plaza sign                          approval prior to production. For
                     o Welcome sign                                   available agency specific
                     o Window decals                                  templates, inquiries, and
                     o Outdoor fence banner                           submissions please contact
                     o Sandwich boards                                earlyon@peelregion.ca.
                     o Vehicle door decals                        •   Do not use food items as EarlyON
                 •   Promotion and outreach materials:                promotional materials.
                     o Pop-up displays/Pull-up banner             •   Meet safety standards (e.g.,
                     o Branded tents/canopies                         Canadian Standards Association
                     o Branded flags/sails                            (CSA) certified), if applicable.
                     o Promotional items - water bottles, hand
                       sanitizer, facial tissue, pens, pencils,
                       post-it notes, sunscreen, bags for
                       transporting items, canvas bags,
                       umbrellas, etc.
                     o Staff name tags
                     o Staff clothing items such as EarlyON
                       branded shirts, jackets, etc.
                 •   Digital marketing strategies to reach

Organizational   •   Contract expert and accredited services to   •   Adhere to all requirements imposed
capacity             review and update your organization's            by applicable laws.
                     EarlyON policies and employee contracts      •   Employee training for new policies
                     related to changes resulting from the            and procedures.
                     pandemic. This can include:                  •   Sound practices related to
                     o Legal services                                 transition, implementation, review,
                     o Policy consultant                              and compliance.
                     o Human Resources consultant                 •   Alignment to the vision, mission,
                                                                      and mandate of EarlyON Child and
                                                                      Family Centres.

  *See Process in School Board Locations to ensure alignment and compliance for school-based

  EarlyON Centres: 2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline                                             11
Ineligible Expenses

  Table 2 outlines expenses for which the stabilization funding may not be used.

Table 2: Ineligible expenses for stabilization funding

Expense Category               Description
Staff reimbursements/costs         •   Retiring bonuses, gifts and honoraria paid to staff, staff (including
                                       administrator or owner) travel costs, staff uniform costs, etc.
Debt costs                         •   Principal and interest payments related to capital loans, mortgage
                                       financing, and interest expenses incurred on operating loans
Property taxes                     •   Municipal taxes levies
Non-arm's length                   •   A transaction that occurs at non-arm’s length is between two
transactions not transacted            individuals who are related by blood, marriage, common-law
at fair market value                   partnership, or adoption. When this occurs, the transaction would
                                       require extra documents to ensure it has occurred at fair market
Professional organization          •   Fees paid as a condition of employment including vulnerable
fees and other fees                    sector/criminal reference checks.
                                   •   Fees paid on behalf of staff for membership in professional
                                       organizations such as membership fees for the College of Early
                                       Childhood Educators.
                                   •   Fees for subscription, membership, and ongoing use of service
                                       such as recurring fees that are typically monthly or yearly to
                                       access a product, service, or resource.
Costs supported through            •   Costs included in EarlyON budgets, increases in staff hours/costs,
EarlyON budget and other               human resources costs, administrative costs, major repairs and
Region of Peel funding                 maintenance costs, and training and professional education
streams                                already provided through capacity building activities.
                                   •   Costs that are supported using other funding programs or grants
                                       available through the Region of Peel including the Community
                                       Investment Program, unless otherwise authorized by us.
Reserve funds                      •   Operating or general reserve funds or other savings.

  Provider Access to Funding

  2021 Stabilization funding will be available to you through the GovGrants technology. You will receive
  an email with an announcement of the funding/allocation opportunity. See Appendix B for directions
  on using the GovGrants technology to access this funding stream.

  EarlyON Centres: 2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline                                                  12
Reconciliation Process & Recovery of Unused funds

  Stabilization funding must be spent by December 31, 2021.
  Stabilization funding for EarlyON Child and Family Centres expenditures will be reported at Year End
  Report as a part of the reconciliation process as seen in Table 3 below through the GovGrants

Table 3: Reporting Structure
Reporting Period                  Intended Period                              Deadline
     Reconciliation Report        January 1 – December 31, 2021                January 31, 2022

  As part of the reconciliation process, you are required to send scanned copies of all invoices/receipts
  for items or projects of $5,000 or more as supporting documents to GovGrants no later than January
  31, 2022.

  You may be requested to submit additional detailed invoices, receipts and/or source documents to
  validate expenditures reported as requested.

  Acceptable documentary evidence of stabilization funding expenditures is required to be retained for a
  period of no less than seven (7) years.

  We will review total stabilization funding actual expenditures reported at year-end for compliance with
  eligible expenses as outlined in this guideline.

  If funds are not used for the purpose(s) intended, if ineligible or non-program-related items are
  purchased, or if there are unspent funds or a closure of a service provider, all unused funds must be
  returned to the Region. Once a recovery amount has been finalized for all 2021 stabilization funding,
  the close out process will be communicated.

  Contact Us

  If you have questions related to 2021 stabilization funding for EarlyON Centres, contact

  EarlyON Centres: 2021 Stabilization Funding Guideline                                               13
Appendix A: Considerations for EarlyON Environments

How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years

The learning environment is often viewed as "the third teacher" in that it can enhance learning and
optimize children’s potential to respond creatively and meaningfullyiii. EarlyON service providers
should consider designing the environment from a child’s and parent’s/caregiver’s perspective to
include the voices, interests and evolving learning of families, spaces to make pedagogical
documentation visible, areas that accommodate individual, small and large groups, placing materials
where they are accessible to children, and areas for different kinds of learning and playiii.

When preparing the environment, consider selecting equipment and materials that invite children to
imagine and explore and that provoke or challenge learning and problem-solving. Equipment and
materials should support the various ages and stages of children’s development, be open-ended, and
support learning through play and inquiry, accommodate a range of diverse needs and learning styles,
reflect the strengths, needs, capabilities, and interests of each child and family, and reflect the various
backgrounds (e.g., cultural, linguistic, family structure, socio-economic) represented in the local and
broader communityiii.

Barrier-Free and Universal Design

When designing or making changes to the floor/site plan, EarlyON service providers are encouraged
to consider incorporating barrier‐free and universal design elements that make the space accessible,
useable, and convenient for everyone regardless of age or ability. This can include designing the
space with wider doors and washroom spaces to accommodate wheelchairs, accessible door handles
(lever) and buttons (automatic), flat panel light switches, task lighting, clear lines of sight to reduce the
dependence on sound, and adequate space for the use of assistive devices or personal assistanceiv.
When purchasing equipment and materials, consider design and use elements such as buttons and
other controls that can be distinguished by touch, use of meaningful icons with text labels,
components that do not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist, components that
require minimal use of force to operate, and labels in large print on equipment control buttons.


When designing or making changes to the floor/site plan, EarlyON service providers are encouraged
to consider incorporating aspects related to self-regulation1v that promote children being in a state of
calm, happy, and ready to learniv. Some elements of the learning environment may provide excess
sensory stimulation to children who struggle with self-regulation, such as light, sound, movement,
texture, furniture layout, smell and visual cluttervi. Broad design recommendations that support a calm

  Self-regulation is the ability to “inhibit first responses, [and] to resist interference from irrelevant

state can include separate areas for activities, a withdrawal/escape space, built-in areas for storage to
avoid clutter, use of natural light, eliminating light fixtures that strobe or hum, keep patterns, complex
detailing and colour palette variations to a minimum, use neutral wall and furniture colours, keeping in
mind that wall and furniture colours do not have to align to the colours of the EarlyON logo and brand,
and use noise absorbing acoustic panelsvii.
When equipping the space with furnishings and play materials, consider moveable storage and
screens to decrease clutter and create enclosed spaces, furnishings that provide a sense of quiet and
security such as small tents, tepees, pillows, blankets, noise cancelling headphones, rocking chairs,
sensory/tactile and fidget toys, pillow seats, and height adjustable work surfacesvii.

Appendix B: Access to Funding Using GovGrants Technology

Stabilization funding will be available to you through the GovGrants technology. You will receive an
email with an announcement of the funding/allocation opportunity. You can access this funding stream
by following the steps in the User Guide for GovGrants Technology: Early Years and Child Care


  Planning for EarlyON Child and Family Centres in Peel (2017). Retrieved from
  Kuypers, L. M., & Winner, M. G. (2011). The zones of regulation: A curriculum designed to foster
self-regulation and emotional control. Santa Clara, CA: Think Social Publishing, Inc
 Cook, J.L., & Cook, G. (2009). Self Regulation. In Child Development Principles and Perspectives.
Retrieved from https://www.education.com/reference/article/self regulation-development-skill/
 Shanker, S. (2010). Self Regulation: Calm, Alert, and Learning. Retrieved from https:
  Martin, C. S. (2016). Exploring the impact of the design of the physical classroom environment on
young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Journal of Research in Special Educational
Needs, 16, 280-283. doi:10.1111/1471-3802.12092/full

You can also read