2021 Seneca County Handbook

Page created by Terry Bush
2021 Seneca County Handbook
2021 Seneca County Handbook

                 Dear 4-H Family
The 4-H handbook has been prepared to assist                      I believe in the training of my HEALTH for the
you and your family. Please read it carefully and                 strength it will give me to enjoy life, to resist
keep readily available. You will need this                        disease, and to work efficiently.
handbook for the entire 4-H year.
If you have any questions or concerns at any                      I believe in my country, my state, and my
time, please call the Ohio State University                       community and in my responsibility for their
Extension, Seneca County office. Our address                      development.
and phone number are listed on the front cover.
We hope you have a wonderful year in 4-H as                       In all these things I believe, and am willing to
you take part in the many activities planned for                  dedicate my efforts to their fulfillment.
Katie Cole                                                                           4-H Motto
Extension Educator                                                To Make the Best Better
4-H Youth Development                                                                4-H Slogan
                                                                  Learn by Doing
                   What is 4-H?
4-H is an educational program for youth based                        4-H is an Ohio State University
on interactive and hands-on activities.
                                                                           Extension Program
The 4-H program includes membership in
community clubs, individual projects, group                Ohio 4-H is an educational program provided by The
activities, camping, school enrichment and                 Ohio State University Extension. Each county’s program
more.                                                      is provided through a partnership between OSU
                    4-H Pledge                             Extension and local county commissioners.
I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,                               Seneca County OSU Extension would like to thank the
My hands to larger service,
                                                           Seneca County Commissioners for partnering with us to
and my health to better living,
                                                           make all Extension programs, including Seneca County
for my club, my community, my country, and my
world.                                                     4-H possible.
                    4-H Creed
I believe in 4-H Club work for the opportunity it          Seneca County OSU Extension
will give me to become a useful citizen.                   3140 South State Route 100, Suite E
                                                           Tiffin, OH 44883
I believe in the training of my HEAD for the               419-447-9722
power it will give me to think, plan and to
                                                           Seneca County 4-H App- Available in 4-H Now in Google
I believe in the training of my HEART for the              Play or Apple App Store.
nobleness it will give me to be kind, sympathetic          Facebook: Ohio State- Seneca County 4-H Program
and true.                                                  Office Hours: Until further notice- Mon., Tues., Thurs.
                                                           8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Teleworking Wed. and Fri. Call the
I believe in the training of my HANDS for the              Extension Office to ensure office personnel are
ability it will give me to be helpful, skillful, and
2021 Seneca County Handbook
Contents                                                        Changes for 2021 ...................................................... 16
4-H Membership .........................................................3
                                                                                                  New, Discontinued and Revised Projects ................ 16
     Enrollment Deadlines ................................................. 3
     Member Fees ............................................................. 3
     Project Member Program .......................................... 3                  Livestock Projects………………………………………………………..……17

4-H Membership .........................................................4                 Special Rules for Livestock Projects……………………………..……17

                                                                                          Miscellaneous 4-H Projects………………………………..…………..…27
     Cloverbud Program .................................................... 4
     Dual Membership 4-H/FFA ........................................ 4                    Clothing and Textile Science……………………………….….……...27

     Membership Across County Lines .............................. 4                       Companion Animals…………………………………………….………...38
     Volunteer Information ............................................... 5
                                                                                           Creative Arts…………………………………………………………..……...40
County 4-H Opportunities………………………………..…...……6
                                                                                           Discovering 4-H………………………………………………………………43
County 4-H Scholarships and Awards…………………..……..7
Community Club Organization .....................................8
                                                                                           Family Life………………………………………………………………..…….47

     New Clubs .................................................................. 9        Food and Nutrition…………………………………………………….…..49

     Individual Club Rules .................................................. 9            Health…………………………………………………………………….………54

     Club Attendance Policies............................................ 9                Home Decorating and Design………………..………………….……56
4-H Projects............................................................... 10
                                                                                           Money Management…………………………………………..………….60
     Project Books and Resources ................................... 10                    Natural Resources……………………………………………………..……61
     Project Levels vs. Ages ............................................. 10              Photography……………………………………………………………..……65
     Livestock Record Books ............................................ 10                Quilts………………………………………….…………………………….……67
     Project Central ......................................................... 10          Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)..……69

Project Judging .......................................................... 11              Self-Determined……………………………………………………..………72
                                                                                           Shooting Sports………………………………………….…………………..74
     Why are 4-H Projects Judged? ................................. 11                     Vehicles…………………………………………………………………….……75
     Pre-Fair Judging ........................................................ 11          Woodworking…………………………………….……………………..……75
     Make-Up Judging ..................................................... 12              Writing…………………………………………………………………..……….77
     Presentation Tips ..................................................... 12            Work Force Preparation……….………………..………………………77
     State Fair Participation ............................................. 13             County Projects……………………………………………………..……....79
Poster Requirements ................................................. 13
                                                                                          Resources for Members and Volunteers……….…………………82
Educational Display ................................................... 14
                                                                                          2021 Calendar of Events……………………………………………………83
Demonstrations/Illustrated Talks ............................... 15

2021 Seneca County Handbook
4-H Membership
          Who Can Join 4-H?                               are not eligible to participate in county competitions,
All 4-H programs are open to both boys and                place in any projects, compete at the Ohio State Fair, or
girls. Participation is open to all youth of              exhibit livestock at the county fair.
appropriate ages, on a non-discriminatory basis.
4-H is open to youth ages 5-18 as of January 1st                              Member Fees
of the current year.                                                     Project Members….$10.00

Eligibility for 4-H Cloverbud Program: Begins             Price includes books for up to five projects. Additional
when a child is in Kindergarten and is at least           project books are $5.00 each and replacement books
five years old as of January 1st of the current           are also $5.00 each.
year. A child is no longer eligible for Cloverbuds
when he or she qualifies for the Project Member                         Cloverbud Members…..$5.00
Program.                                                  Price covers the cost of membership in the Cloverbud
Eligibility for 4-H Project Member Program:               program.
Begins when a child is in the third grade and is at       Need-based fee scholarships are available; however,
least eight years old as of January 1st of the            families are usually asked to cover project book costs if
current year. Any youth age 9 or above is eligible        additional are needed. A late fee of $10.00/member
for project membership, regardless of grade               will be assessed after March 20th enrollment deadline.
level. Membership requires enrollment in an
authorized Ohio 4-H club or group under the                            Project Member Program
direction of an OSU Extension professional or an          Project members must enroll in an approved chartered
approved adult volunteer. Joining Ohio 4-H is a           4-H community club and select at least one 4-H project
privilege and responsibility for individuals and is       from the list contained in this handbook.
subject to the Ohio 4-H Code of Conduct and
applicable policies of The Ohio State University.         Members may enroll in more than one club, provided
                                                          they select at least one project with each club.
Ohio 4-H membership ends December 31st of                 Members who enroll in more than one club do not have
the year in which an individual reaches the age           to pay two membership fees, but both clubs should be
of 19 years.                                              in agreeance with which one pays the membership fee.
                                                          The club who is not paying the membership fee should
            Enrollment Deadlines                          have this marked properly on their club checklist. They
           All Members…..March 20th
                                                          need to specifically state that the member is a part of
         All Project Changes…..April 30th                 their club but will be paying with (insert other club’s
Members enrolling after the March 20th
deadline will be registered as non-traditional            While assistance is sometimes available from 4-H
members.                                                  volunteers, it is the member’s responsibility to
                                                          complete their projects and keep track of any deadlines
Non-traditional members may still complete
                                                          associated with them.
club activities and complete a project, but they

4-H Membership
Projects in this handbook are labeled as                         Dual Membership 4-H/FFA
beginner, intermediate, or advanced level.                  Ohio 4-H members are often also FFA members,
                                                            sometimes within the same county and
These levels refer to the previous knowledge
                                                            sometimes in an adjacent county. These
needed to successfully complete the project, not
                                                            members especially need to keep in mind the 4-
the age of the member. It is completely
                                                            H policy about 4-H projects being separate from
appropriate for older members to select
                                                            school projects. To keep work in both
beginner projects when exploring a topic area
                                                            organizations clearly separate, 4-H members are
new to them. Members are encouraged to limit
                                                            advised to take different species in the two
the projects to only those which they will be
                                                            organizations or, at the very least, to take
able to complete by judging.
                                                            market animals in one and breeding animals in
             Cloverbud Program                              the other. See chart below for allowable and not
The Cloverbud Program is activity based,                    allowable examples.
meaning children complete short-term activities
                                                                              4-H Project       FFA Project
at meetings, and not projects at home.                  Allowable          Breeding Gilt     Market Hog
                                                        Allowable          Market Steer      Market Hog
Cloverbud leaders challenge the youth to
                                                        Not Allowable      Market Steer      Dairy Beef
explore a variety of topics through hands-on
activities.                                                                                  (market)
                                                        Not Allowable      Market Lamb       Market Lamb
Cloverbud members are not eligible for most
out-of-county activities, competitive events,                  Membership Across County Lines
residential camps, and/or projects designed for             Youth are required to join the 4-H program in
8-19 year olds. Cloverbuds may not hold a club              their county of residence or receive approval
office.                                                     ahead of time for membership outside of the
                                                            county of residence.
Non-competitive public presentations
(speeches, demonstrations, poster displays, etc.)       •   Members must fill out a Request for 4-H
are encouraged for Cloverbuds at the club and               Membership Across County Lines form and turn
county level.                                               it into the Extension office. There must be
                                                            approval of both the 4-H professional in the
Cloverbuds may display items at the county fair             county of residence and the county of request
for exhibit purposes only. Those projects are               and is fully supported by the state organization.
not judged competitively. Youth are not                 •   Requests for cross county membership must be
permitted to bring livestock to the fair through            made 30 days prior to the 4-H membership
Cloverbuds.                                                 enrollment deadline of the county being
Special Cloverbud days and camps may be held                requested.
throughout the 4-H season.                              •   Once granted the permission for membership
                                                            across county lines, it shall be permanent and
                                                            stable for the duration of the youth’s 4-H

membership. If youth’s circumstances change             •   If a member is approved for cross county
    (e.g., residence, school, or custody), the cross            membership, and the 4-H program in their
    county lines membership can be reevaluated.                 county of residence ceases to exist for financial
•   Cross county privileges are only extended to                reasons, the youth’s membership will end on
    those youth who maintain membership in good                 December 31st of that year.
                                                                In cases where youth have multiple addresses,
•   Cross county membership is acceptable when
                                                                the county of residence is based on the address
    the school district in which the child attends is
                                                                they use to determine the public school system
    located across two counties.
                                                                in which the youth is enrolled, regardless of
•   Cross county membership is not permitted when
                                                                actual attendance.
    requested for competitive reason(s), such as
    higher livestock sale prices, less competition in                   Good Standing 4-H Member
    classes, etc.                                           •   Turn in enrollment form by March 20th.
•   Cross county membership is not permitted when           •   Participate in interview judging (still projects and
    the parents or guardians of the 4-H members                 livestock), and/or skill-a-thon (livestock and
    were members of the club in the other county,               horse). Interviews with advisors are acceptable
                                                                for still projects only if unable to attend regular
    so it is hoped that the youth can have
                                                            •   Members will not have an outstanding balance
•   Cross county membership is not permitted when               or fee with the Extension Office or 4-H Advisory
    another counties schedule of events better fits             Council.
    the family’s schedule or when a county fair             •   Members may exhibit and show only in projects
    schedule in the other county better fits the                they are enrolled in for the current 4-H year.
    youth’s school schedule.                                    4-H members must also be in good standing
                                                                with their local club, including attendance at
•   4-H membership is not based on the residence
                                                                meetings and other club requirements.
    of the animal. Cross county membership is not
    permitted when an animal project is housed on                         Volunteer Information
    someone else’s property in the other county.                Volunteers play an important role in the success
    The 4-H member is encouraged to select an                   of our overall program. The following must be
    entirely different project.                                 met in order to be a volunteer in Seneca County.
•   Cross county membership is not permitted when
                                                                All volunteers must attend mandatory volunteer
    the 4-H member is banned or suspended in the
                                                                training, which includes Policy 1.50 (child abuse
    county of residence. Suspended membership is
                                                                and neglect) and a 4-H update annually. This is a
    suspension of Ohio 4-H membership.
                                                                requirement to be a volunteer in every county.
•   4-H membership in two counties (and/or two
                                                                All returning volunteers must fill out an
    states) simultaneously is not permitted. Youth
                                                                enrollment form every year.
    must choose one county.
•   Per state requirements, in situations where the
                                                                New Volunteers:
    county of residence does not have a 4-H
                                                            •   Individuals must be at least 18 years old or older
    program, youth may not join in another county.
                                                            •   Volunteers must complete the potential
    Previously approved cross county lines or cross
                                                                volunteer application, submit to and pass a
    state lines memberships are revoked.
                                                                fingerprint background check, sign a Standards

of Behavior form, and return the forms to the            •   Must complete Child Abuse and Neglect
    Extension Office                                             Awareness training, sign Standards of Behavior,
•   The potential volunteer will receive                         complete Code of Conduct form, and have
    reimbursement for the cost of the fingerprints               current Ohio 4-H Health History form on file
•   Once the application has been filed, the                 •   First time applicants, must provide two non-
    Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development                    family references
    must interview the potential volunteer, a                •   Counselors 18+ years old two months prior to
    reference check must be conducted, and                       camp must have their background check
    volunteer accepted into the program                          conducted
•   New volunteers must attend 4-H volunteer                 •   Counselors are in charge of paying half the cost
    orientation                                                  of camp as well as half of any programming or
•   Cloverbud advisors must also follow the                      trainings that include a registration
    volunteer guidelines                                                           CARTEENS

    County 4-H Opportunities                                     4-H CARTEENS is a traffic safety program
                                                                 conducted by 4-H teen leaders. We partner with
                                                                 the Seneca County Juvenile Court and the
               Camp Counselor                                    Seneca County Sheriff’s office. CARTEENS is for
                                                                 juvenile traffic offenders to learn more on
    Seneca County 4-H Camp is held on Kelleys                    speeding, the importance of wearing your seat
    Island. Camp is in June and typically three nights           belt, reaction times, distracted driving,
    and four days. Camp Counselors are a group of                operating a vehicle impaired (OVI), and other
    teens selected to assist in being responsible for            traffic laws and guidelines. The goals of the
    campers ages 8-13 during camp. As a result of                program are to:
    participation, counselors will develop                   •   Reduce the number of repeat juvenile traffic
    knowledge, skills, attitudes, and aspirations                offenders
    needed for adult success.                                •   Decrease the number of teen traffic offenders
                                                             •   Increase teen awareness of traffic/vehicular
    We want you as a camp counselor!
•   Must fill out and turn in a camp counselor
    application to the Extension Office
                                                                 We want you as a teen facilitator!
•   Camp counselor trainings and meetings run
                                                             •   CARTEENS meets every third Monday of every
    from January through June
                                                                 month except for July, because of the Seneca
•   Must be a 4-H member in good standing                        County Fair. We meet at the OSU Extension
•   Must be at least 14 years old by January 1 of the            Office in the large conference room at 6:30 p.m.
    year you are applying for                                    The program usually runs until 8:30 p.m.
•   First year counselors will be considered                 •   You must be 14 years old to join
    Counselors in Training (CIT’s) and will be               •   You do not need to be a current 4-H member to
    required to help with Cloverbud Day Camp in                  attend and be a teen facilitator
•   Must attend all required trainings and meetings
    prior to camp

Junior Leadership                                           Food and Fashion Board
                                                                Food and Fashion Board is a group of teens who
    Junior Leadership is a group of teens who do
                                                                help conduct and plan food and nutrition clinics
    service projects, promote the 4-H Program, help
                                                                and skillathons and sewing and textiles clinics
    with 4-H events and programs, conduct learning
                                                                and skillathons, promote the food and nutrition
    and educational programs, and host social
                                                                and sewing and textiles projects, mentor
    events. The motto is Service with pride, Lead
                                                                younger members in these projects, conduct
    with confidence, and Inspire to impact lives.
                                                                learning and educational programs, help with
                                                                the Style Review and do community service
    We want you to be a Junior Leader!
•   Junior Leadership meets every second Monday
    of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Extension                  We want you to be on Food and Fashion Board!
    Office in the large conference room
                                                            •   Food and Fashion Board meetings are normally
•   You must be 14 years old. You do not need to be
    14 as of January 1, as soon as you turn 14 you              once a month January-July at the Extension
    are eligible to join                                        Office in the large conference room or Zoom
•   Must be a 4-H member in good standing                   •   Must be a 4-H member in good standing
                     Jr. Fair Board                         •   Must be 14 years old as of January 1 of the
                                                                current year
    Seneca County Junior Fair Board is a select             •   Must be willing to attend monthly meetings and
    group of proven leaders from various youth                  activities
    organizations that assist in responsibilities           •   Must be willing to communicate with advisors
    before, during, and after the Seneca County Fair.           and other members
    Members help in many aspects of the fair
    including livestock shows, fun nights, royalty,         County 4-H Scholarships and
    and some activities that include Senior Fair

    We want you to be on Jr. Fair Board!                                   CARTEENS Scholarship
•   Must fill out and turn in a Jr. Fair Board                  The Seneca County 4-H CARTEENS program
    application to the Jr. Fair Office                          offers $500 scholarships to active CARTEENS
•   Jr. Fair Board meetings are normally on the first           teen facilitators.
    Sunday of each month in the Youth Center
•   Must be in a current youth organization in good             Requirements
•   Must be 13 years old as of January 1 of the             •   Must be an active CARTEENS teen facilitator
    current year                                            •   Must fill out and turn in a scholarship
•   Must be willing to attend monthly meetings and              application to the Extension Office
    activities                                              •   Must participate in an interview and selection
•   Must be willing to communicate with advisor                 process
    and other members                                       •   Applicants must graduate from high school in
                                                                the spring of the current year and be enrolled or

plan to attend a post-secondary education in the                Seneca County 4-H Program Memorial
    fall of the current year                                        Scholarship. The Golden Award is intended for
•   Must submit an official copy of proof of                        younger youth who are in their first or second
    enrollment to a post-secondary                                  year in 4-H.
•   Must have a minimum of a 3.0 high school or
    college GPA                                                 •   Must fill out and turn in a scholarship
•   Must submit an official copy of high school                     application to the Extension Office
    and/or college transcript                                   •   Must participate in an interview and selection
       Scholarship Application for State and
                                                                •   Must be a 4-H member in good standing
              National Opportunities                            •   Applicants must attend the respective event in
    There are many great camps and trips offered at                 which the award or scholarship will be
    the state and national level for older youth to                 announced and given out. There will be no
    build leadership skills, citizenship, responsibility,           notification ahead of time.
    communication skills, and life long memories                •   If you have previously won an award or
    and friendships with other youth throughout the                 scholarship, you are not eligible for that one
    state and United States. The award trips include:               again
    Leadership Washington Focus, Citizenship                    •   If selected, write a thank you note to the
    Washington Focus, State 4-H Leadership Camp,                    Advisory Council for sponsoring the scholarship
    Ohio 4-H Sea Camp, Buckeye Leadership
    Workshop, and Carving New Ideas.
                                                                Community Club Organization

•   Must fill out and turn in a scholarship
                                                                                Club Requirements
    application to the Extension Office
                                                                    To remain in good standing, clubs must meet the
•   Must participate in an interview and selection
                                                                    following expectations each year:
                                                                •   A minimum of two adult advisors/volunteers
•   Must be at least in the 7th grade
                                                                    must facilitate each club
•   Must be a 4-H member in good standing
                                                                •   Complete club enrollment by March 20th
•   If selected, write a thank you note to the
                                                                •   Have at least five members from at least three
    scholarship sponsor of the award trip
                                                                    different families enrolled by March 20th
•   If selected, complete a poster with your learning
                                                                •   Plan and hold a minimum of eight meetings or
    experiences and highlights of the trip
                                                                    activities between January 1st and December
    Advisory Council Awards and Scholarships                        31st
                                                                •   Elect an officer team of at least a president, vice-
    The Seneca County 4-H Advisory Council                          president, secretary, and treasurer by May 1st
    sponsors several different scholarship                      •   Complete at least two educational events each
    opportunities for older youth, which includes                   year (Project work session, guest speakers,
    the Home Economics Award, I Dare You Award,                     tours, demonstrations, etc.)
    Seneca County Advisory Council Scholarship, and
•   All advisors and volunteers must attend a                              Individual Club Rules
    volunteer training annually                                Clubs are required to adopt a Constitution which
•   Complete and turn in a club charter checklist to           is provided as a template by Ohio 4-H.
    the OSU Extension office annually
•   Maintain and reevaluate club Constitution and              Clubs may also adopt individual rules by creating
    By-laws. If any changes are made to these                  By-laws to attach to their Constitution, provided
    documents, a new copy must be turned in to the             those rules are not in conflict with state
    OSU Extension office.                                      guidelines.
•   Maintain a club EIN number from the IRS
•   Maintain a club treasury and checking account              Some examples of rules adopted by individual
•   Complete IRS and Ohio 4-H required financial               clubs are:
    reporting                                              •   Club dues policies
    o File year-end financial report with OSU              •   Maximum number of members
        Extension by Jan. 13th                             •   Types of projects permitted and completion
                    New Clubs                              •   Attendance policies
    New Clubs may be formed prior to March   1st
    each year. Clubs must meet at least these                  Clubs are not permitted to vote on accepting or
    minimum requirements, in this order:                       not accepting particular members into their
•   At least two adult volunteers must complete                club. This is a clear violation of Ohio and
    volunteer screening, selection, and training               National 4-H Council policy.
•   Begin the county 4-H charter process and repeat
    annually                                                   Club By-laws should be provided to every
•   Establish a club treasury and open a club                  member every year.
    checking account
•   Obtain an EIN number from the IRS                          Fundraising: Raffles and any sort of game of
    Between March 1st and May 1st:                             chance are not permitted as acceptable forms of
                                                               fundraising. Any fundraising conducted at the
•   Turn in club enrollment forms by March 20th
                                                               fairgrounds must be approved by the Senior Fair
•   Have at least five members from at least three
                                                               Board and OSU Extension. Please contact the
    different families enrolled by March 20th
                                                               OSU Extension office if you have any questions
•   Complete a club Constitution and By-laws and
                                                               or if you are not sure if the fundraiser you plan
    turn in a copy to the OSU Extension Office
                                                               to do is acceptable. All monies received from the
•   Develop a yearly club program plan with your
                                                               4-H fundraising programs must be expended to
    officers and club advisors and communicate to
                                                               further the 4-H educational programs.
    club membership
•   Club officers must also be elected by May 1st
                                                                         Club Attendance Policies
    Other information:
                                                               Members are expected to participate in as many
•   Conduct meetings that members want to attend
                                                               club meetings and activities as possible.
    by including a balance of business, education,
    and social activity
                                                               Every member must meet their club’s
•   Evaluate and celebrate your club’s success
                                                               attendance policies (as listed in the club By-laws)
•   Provide a safe and welcoming environment
in order to exhibit at the county fair and receive                   Project Levels vs. Ages
Jr. Fair premiums or represent Seneca County at           There is an assigned level for each 4-H project.
the State Fair.                                           The levels of each project are listed next to the
                                                          project name in this handbook.
Members not meeting the club’s requirements
will NOT be permitted to exhibit. This will be            Beginner Level projects are designed for
enforced. Advisors are responsible for relaying           members of any age who have little to no
this information to the 4-H Educator. See your            experience in the project area.
club advisor for a copy of your club’s By-laws.
                                                          Intermediate Level projects are designed for
                                                          those members who have previous experience
            4-H Projects                                  in the project area, or have completed the
                                                          beginner level projects.
       Project Books and Resources
Every 4-H project has a designated project book,
                                                          Advanced Level projects are designed for
which includes background information,
                                                          members who have completed the intermediate
activities, and instructions for completing your
                                                          level projects and/or have extensive experience
project. These books are designed for the
                                                          in the project area.
members to write in and complete as they do
their project activities.
                                                          If members take multiple projects within the
                                                          same project area, they should choose projects
Only self-determined and master projects have
                                                          within the same level. For example, two
outlines or worksheets (not books). Youth will
                                                          beginner health projects, but not one beginner
design their own project.
                                                          and one intermediate.

Some projects also require a resource manual,
                                                                     Livestock Record Books
which is designed to be used for as many years
                                                          Members taking livestock projects must
as you take the project. These are common for
                                                          complete a record book for each project every
animal projects, but are also available for a few
                                                          year. These books must be completed and
non-animal projects.
                                                          turned in at the time of interview judging.

             Multi-Year Projects                                          Project Central
Some project books are designed to be used for            Ohio 4-H offers a website where members can
more than one year. The first section of each             learn more about projects and preview the
book will note if the project is designed for             projects before deciding which project(s) to
multiple years.                                           take.
These projects may have 12-15 activities instead
of the normal 6-8. Members need to read the               www.ohio4h.org/projectcentral
instructions at the front of the book to see how
they should decide which activities to do each            Please note that only state-wide projects are
year.                                                     listed. Most, but not all, state projects are
                                                          currently offered in Seneca County.
Additionally, county only based projects will not
be available on Project Central, but may be
                                                                   Project Judging
viewed at the Extension Office.
                                                                  Why are 4-H Projects Judged?
        Frequently Asked Questions                         Project judging gives members an opportunity to
Can I see the project books ahead of time?                 visit with a judge about their project, their
Yes. Project books can be viewed at the                    experience, and what they learned.
Extension Office during our normal business
hours or members can preview one activity of               This interview style judging is designed to be a
any Ohio 4-H project book any time through the
                                                           positive experience, which teaches youth
online Ohio 4-H Project Central.
                                                           valuable interview skills and provides closure for
Does a member have to do all the activities in             the project.
the project book?
Answers for this question vary based on the                Judging also serves as a way for youth to be
project. Some projects are designed to be used             rewarded for their project work through letter
for a single year and require all activities to be         grades, placings, State Fair participation
completed. Others are designed for multiple                opportunities, and other project awards.
years and require only some activities to be
completed each year. This information can be               All non-livestock projects for county placings
found in the front section of each project book.           and state fair qualification is up to the discretion
                                                           of the project judge.
Can I change a project if I decide I don’t like it                         Pre-Fair Judging
or it’s too hard?                                          All non-livestock projects are evaluated at pre-
Members may make changes to their project                  fair judging.
through April 30th. After April 30th, if a member
still wishes to change a project, they will not be         Wednesday, July 14- Fairgrounds
eligible for awards or State Fair participation, or        Saturday, July 17- Fairgrounds
to exhibit livestock at the fair, if it was a              Saturday, July 24- Fairgrounds
livestock project that was changed.
                                                           Times for members/clubs will be assigned at a
How do I know what projects require, what to               later date. In June, a list will be issued with the
take to judging, or what to exhibit at the fair?           projects that will be judged on which day.
Each project in this handbook lists requirements,
what is required for judging, and what should be           At pre-fair judging members will meet with a
exhibited at the fair. If you have any questions,          judge for at least 5-7 minutes. 4-H members are
please call the Extension Office.                          the only individuals allowed in the judging area.
                                                           Members should bring the required items, which
                                                           are listed in the handbook. They should be
                                                           prepared to explain what they did, talk about
                                                           their display items, and answer questions.

Although staff and volunteers do their best to            •   No gym shorts or cut-off shirts
    keep the schedule moving on time, there are               •   Jeans or long pants must not have any holes,
    inevitably delays in some project areas. Families             tears, rips, or a destructed look
    should allow plenty of time for judging,                  •   Skirts/shorts/dresses should be longer than your
    especially if members have more than one                      fingertips at your sides
    project.                                                  •   No low cut tops or visible undergarments
                                                              •   No spaghetti straps, open sides, or midriff
    Members will only be eligible for county awards               showing
    and State Fair IF they are judged on their                •   No hats worn during judging. Hats that are part
    assigned judging day. Members who are judged                  of an ensemble or costume should be removed
    on any day besides their scheduled day or are                 when speaking with judges
    judged by anyone other than the judge for that            •   No flip-flops
    project will NOT qualify for county awards or be
    eligible to participate at the State Fair.                    Examples of appropriate dress: button-down
                   Make-Up Judging                                shirts, polos, and blouses with a collar; dressy
    If a member cannot attend the regular pre-fair                tops, 4-H club t-shirts, nice jeans or slacks,
    judging day, they have an option for completing               Docker style pants, capris, dresses or skirts that
    their judging requirements.                                   are longer than your fingertips at your sides,
                                                                  dressy sandals, flats, or dress shoes.
    Advisor Judging:
•   Members can make arrangements to have their                                 Presentation Tips
    projects judged for a grade ONLY by their                 •   Introduce yourself
    advisor/volunteer                                         •   Sit up straight with both feet on the floor
•   Member or advisor must turn in judging form to            •   Look straight into the eyes of the judge
    the Jr. Fair Coordinator by the first Saturday of         •   Do not chew gum or candy
    pre-fair judging
                                                              •   Speak loud enough to be heard
•   Projects judged by advisors are NOT ELIGIBLE for
                                                              •   Smile and be polite
    county awards or State Fair selection
                                                              •   Give the title of your project
                                                              •   Explain the background of your project
              What to Wear to Judging                         •   Tell the judges how you got interested in your
    Please keep in mind that the goal of                          project topic
    participating in project interviews is to help 4-H
                                                              •   Explain your areas of interest within your project
    members prepare for future interview
                                                              •   Talk about your results (If you have charts,
    situations. Judging is a learning experience of
                                                                  graphs, or a notebook, show them to the judge
    presentation of both yourself and your project;
                                                                  and explain them)
    therefore, clothing needs to be appropriate.
                                                              •   Show the judge a sample of your project work
    With that in mind, members should dress as if
                                                              •   Explain what you have learned. If you had some
    they were attending a job or college interview.
                                                                  problems or errors with your project, don’t be
                                                                  afraid to admit them.
•   General appearance should be neat and clean
                                                              •   Tell the judges what you might do in the future
•   No t-shirts with inappropriate language or
                                                                  to continue your project
•   Explain what you would have done differently if          •   Members who are selected for State Fair should
    you were to do the project again                             read their State Fair packet carefully
•   How would your project interest other 4-H
•   Ask the judge if they have any questions for you               Poster Requirements
•   If you do not know the answer to a judge’s
                                                                 Not all projects require posters. Please see the
    question, that is okay, simply say, “I am sorry,
                                                                 project descriptions in the handbook for judging
    but I do not know the answer, but I think it
                                                                 requirements. Some projects give members the
                                                                 option to do a poster or educational display.
•   Thank the judges at the end
                                                                 Members may choose to display their posters in
                                                                 their club booth or may enter posters in the
               State Fair Participation                          poster contest, which is displayed at the back of
    Many projects can be taken to The Ohio State                 the 4-H booth building. Members whose club
    Fair or other state level competitions. Please               does not put up a booth at the fair may choose
    see the project descriptions in the handbook to              to display their poster in the county booth.
    know which projects can be taken to the State
    Fair.                                                                       Poster Contest:
                                                             •   Posters must be 14” x 22” (a half sheet of poster
    Livestock and Small Animals:                                 board). Posters over or under this size limit will
•   Members do not need to qualify, but they do                  not be displayed or be eligible for the poster
    need to pre-register by June 20th                            contest.
•   Information is online at: www.ohiostatefair.com
                                                                 Poster Material:
    Horse Projects:                                          •   Posters must be on standard poster board. They
•   Members must qualify through a special horse                 can be of any color or design.
    show called a PAS show                                   •   No tri-fold, corrugated cardboard, foam boards,
•   Please see your advisors for additional                      or craft foam sheets may be used. Posters made
    information                                                  from these materials will not be displayed.

    Miscellaneous Projects:                                      General Poster Guidelines
•   Members are selected for State Fair                      •   Pictures, lettering, or other objects must be
    participation through County pre-fair judging                securely attached
•   Selection criteria vary between each project             •   Please note some scrapbooking adhesives do
    area                                                         not hold up well. If you choose to use them,
•   Members who are selected for State Fair will                 make sure items are attached to the poster
    receive a phone call from the Extension Office               securely.
    within a couple days after judging is completed.         •   Objects cannot extend more than ½ inch from
    This excludes clothing projects. Clothing project            the poster, preferably less. Avoid heavy objects
    members who are selected for State Fair will be              that will weigh the poster down. 3D images
    recognized Tuesday evening of the fair following             must be securely attached along all edges.
    the Style Review.                                        •   Do not attach valuable objects, as the buildings
                                                                 are open to the public at the fair
•   Any type of food items such as vegetables,                 to create a new poster for State Fair. Members should
    frosting, cereal, or pet food are not permitted            read their State Fair packet carefully for specific project
    on posters or in the 4-H booth building                    requirements.
•   Ammunition cannot be used on posters, with
    the exception of shotgun shells, which are
    empty and open
                                                                          Educational Display
                                                               An educational display is an exhibit of objects or articles
    Other Information:                                         that teach or tell something about a 4-H project. Any
•   All poster contest participants must complete              project listed where an educational display is suggested
    and return a Junior Fair entry form to the OSU             for exhibiting at the fair will not be considered for this
    Extension Office. Deadline for entries is during           award. Posters alone will not be considered, but can be
    booth set-up.                                              a part of the total display.
•   A member may enter only ONE poster
•   Posters will be judged on the first day of the fair               Other Information:
    (Monday morning)                                              •   Only ONE educational display entry per Junior
•   Posters will be judged according to the age of                    Fair exhibitor
    the 4-H member as of January 1st                              •   All educational display participants must
    Age Groups: 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16 and up                   complete and return a Junior Fair entry form to
•   Members must leave a rectangle of blank space                     the OSU Extension Office. Deadline for entries is
    on the bottom right corner of the poster for the                  during booth set-up.
                                                                  •   Educational displays can be exhibited in your
    exhibitor card to be attached. This space should
                                                                      club booth or the county booth if your club does
    measure 8 ½” x 5 ½”. Posters without this space
                                                                      not have a booth
    will have the card attached over any items that               •   Educational displays will be judged on the first
    are in that area.                                                 day of the fair (Monday morning)
•   Please put your name, age as of January 1st,                  •   Educational displays are to be made by
    club, and project name on the back of the poster                  members, not parents. Parents and advisors are
•   Posters are to be made by members, not                            encouraged to teach members about display
                                                                      design and assist them in planning their project,
    parents. Parents and advisors are encouraged
                                                                      but cannot do the educational display for them.
    to teach members about poster design and
                                                                  •   Only ONE overall educational display will be
    assist them in planning their project, but cannot                 awarded
    do the poster for them.                                       •   Educational Displays will be judged on the
•   Posters will be judged on the following criteria:                 following criteria:
     A. Neatness and readability                                       A. Depth of understanding of the basic
     B. Tells a story                                                  concepts and information presented in the
     C. Relates to the project or topic chosen                         project book or topic chosen
     D. Appropriate amount of reading for size                         B. Ability to express project or topic
     E. Composition-includes balance, color                            knowledge with display
     coordination, and size of print                                   C. Completeness of display
                                                                       D. Accuracy and neatness
    State Fair:                                                        E. Originality, creativity, and functionality
                                                                       F. Exhibit conforms to project guidelines
    Please note that State Fair competitions
                                                                       G. Overall quality of exhibit
    sometimes allow other poster options.
    Members are permitted to modify their posters
•   All presentations will be timed. Timing begins
                                                                  when the member begins to speak and ends
                                                                  following the conclusion. Questions and answers
            Talks                                                 are not included in the official time.
                                                              •   Demonstration- Individual or team (two
                                                                  members) should be 5-7 minutes in length for
• Junior Individual: age 8-10
                                                                  junior individual or junior team.
• Junior Team: age 8-10
                                                              •   Demonstration- individual or team (two
• Intermediate Individual: age 11-13
                                                                  members) should be 8-10 minutes in length for
• Intermediate Team: age 11-13                                    intermediate individual, intermediate team,
• Senior Individual: age 14 and over                              senior individual, or senior team.
• Senior Team: age 14 and over                                •   Junior individuals and junior teams must not use
    All ages are as of January 1st of the current year            computer technology in their demonstration.
                                                              •   Intermediate individuals, intermediate teams,
Rules:                                                            senior individuals, and senior teams may use
• The 4-H demonstrations and illustrated talks will               computer technology in their demonstration.
   be held in the Education building on Friday of             •   When members of a team fall in different age
   the fair, beginning at 1:00 p.m.                               categories, they will participate in the division of
• A member may select any topic for his or her                    the older member.
   demonstration. They must show and go through               •   A team presentation consists of two people
   the steps of how to do the topic they chose.                   sharing the teaching and speaking role.
• Due to the limitations of the building’s facilities,        •   Any sort of firearms, bows, arrows, weapons, air
   no large animals (i.e. Horse, Beef, Sheep, Goat,
                                                                  pistols or air rifles, paintball guns, and gun cases
   Dairy or Hogs over 20 pounds) may be used in a
   4-H presentation. Members should use models,                   are not permitted on the fairgrounds.
   photographs, or illustrations to make their point          •   All equipment and supplies needed for the
   when giving a talk about large animals.                        demonstration must be supplied by the
• Any small animal (under 20 pounds) may be                       individual 4-H member. An appropriate
   used in a 4-H presentation provided the animals                demonstration table will be provided (30” x
   do not place the public at risk and provided they
   meet all of the health requirements established
   by the Ohio Department of Agriculture found in             •   Entries are due to the OSU Extension office by
   the Ohio State Fair Livestock Exhibitor                        the first pre-fair judging at the fairgrounds.
   Handbook. Current health and shot records                  •   An award presentation will be held shortly after
   must be carried with the animal. Animals must                  the conclusion of judging the contest. 4-H
   remain caged or leashed before and after the                   members should be present to receive their
• An individual who has participated in one of
                                                              •   Premiums are awarded to members who place
   these classes in a previous year will be expected
                                                                  in the contest.
   to present a different demonstration than he or
                                                              •   The judge(s) will select outstanding
   she has previously presented.
                                                                  demonstrations to advance to the Ohio State
• Members are responsible for setting up and
   cleaning up their demonstration area.

•   Only one entry per participant will be allowed to        430- Shopping Savvy: All Levels- Same content,
    go to the State Fair. The individual may choose          new look
    which demonstration they will take.                      584- Photography Basics, Level 1: Beginner-
                                                             Revised version of Focus on Photography
•   Criteria for judging all demonstrations and
                                                             585- Next Level Photography, Level 2:
    illustrated talks are as follows:                        Intermediate- Revised version of Controlling the
      A. Introduction                                        Image
      B. Closing                                             586- Mastering Photography, Level 3: Advanced-
      C. Presentation Organization                           Revised version of same title
      D. Voice                                               752- Shotgun Member Record Book: All Levels-
      E. Visual Clarity                                      Revised version of same title
      F. Topic                                               755- Muzzleloader Member Record Book: All
      G. Subject Knowledge                                   Levels- Revised version of same title
      H. Manner and Appearance                               756- Living History Member Record Book: All
      I. Questions                                           Levels- Revised version of same title
      J. Time (Points will be deducted if
          under or over time)
    These will be judged on a fair, good, very good,
    or excellent scale

         Changes for 2021
                     New Projects
    354- Medicine Science and Safety: Beginner
    355- Tracking Your Health and Fitness:
    365.00 Amateur Radio Idea Starter: All Levels
    365.04- Get Started with Composting Idea
    Starter: All Levels
    365.04- Paddle Water Sports Idea Starter: All
    387 Here, There, Ag Careers Are Everywhere:
    613- Exploring Polar Science: Intermediate
    673- Edible Landscapes: Intermediate

              Discontinued Projects
    365.09- Canoeing Idea Starter: All Levels
    504- Electric Radio-Controlled Vehicles:

                   Revised Projects
    179R- Uniform Rules for 4-H Horse Shows: All
    Levels- Revised version of same title
    412- Sew for Others: Intermediate- Revised
    version of same title

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