2021 Price setting in chile: Micro evidence froM consuMer on-line Prices during the social outbreak and covid-19

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Price setting in Chile: Micro
evidence from consumer on-line
prices during the social
outbreak and Covid-19

Documentos de Trabajo
N.º 2112

Jennifer Peña and Elvira Prades
Price setting in Chile: Micro evidence from consumer on-line
prices during the social outbreak and Covid-19
Price setting in Chile: Micro evidence from consumer
on-line prices during the social outbreak and Covid-19 (*)

Jennifer Peña (**)
Central Bank of Chile

Elvira Prades (***)
Banco de España

(*) We are very grateful for useful comments to internal seminar participants, both in BoS and the CBCh, and
to participants of the Conference on “Non-traditional data and statistical learning with applications to
macroeconomics” organized by the Bank of Italy and the Federal Reserve Board and to Isabel Sánchez
García. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Banco
de España nor the Central Bank of Chile.
(**) Central Bank of Chile (CBCh). E-mail: jpena@bcentral.cl.
(***) Bank of Spain (BoS). This paper was written while visiting the Central Bank of Chile under the agreement
signed with Banco de España. The hospitality of the Central Bank of Chile is gratefully acknowledged. E-mail:

Documentos de Trabajo. N.º 2112
The Working Paper Series seeks to disseminate original research in economics and finance. All papers
have been anonymously refereed. By publishing these papers, the Banco de España aims to contribute
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© BANCO DE ESPAÑA, Madrid, 2021

ISSN: 1579-8666 (on line)

In this paper we analyze the price setting behavior in Chile by using scraped data from
public websites of the main retailers including supermarkets, a pharmacy retailer and
car dealerships. The data collection started in July 2019 and the dataset covers two
major recent events: (1) the social outbreak and (2) the state of emergency declaration
due to Covid-19, both episodes led to disruptions in the economy. With information
on product varieties that accounts for 22 % of the CPI basket, we document several
empirical findings as regards price setting behaviour in terms of stickiness, that is,
frequency, implied duration and the size of price adjustments. We find that in spite of
facing large shocks, prices adjusted very little, at a lower frequency and at a smaller size
than prior to these two events. We also find that there was a reduction on product variety
availability on-line, a typical feature that also has been found during natural disasters
such as earthquakes. The reduction in product availability poses additional difficulties
to construct CPI indexes and to properly capture price rigidities, which are relevant for
monetary policy.

Keywords: on-line price data, CPI, prices stickiness, retail distribution.

JEL classification: E01,E31,L81.

En este trabajo analizamos la fijación de precios en Chile utilizando técnicas de webscraping,
donde recolectamos los precios de productos de consumo a través de las páginas web
de los principales establecimientos de comercio minorista del país. La base de datos
incluye precios de productos de supermercados, farmacias y comercializadoras de
automóviles. La recolección de datos se inició en julio de 2019 y contiene información de
precios mientras ocurrían dos hechos relevantes: 1) el estallido social, y 2) la declaración
del estado de emergencia por el COVID-19. Ambos episodios conllevaron disrupciones
en el funcionamiento normal de la actividad. Con información de productos que
representan aproximadamente el 22 % de la canasta del índice de precios de consumo
(IPC), documentamos el comportamiento de los precios en términos de frecuencia y
duración y el tamaño de estos ajustes, indicadores que informan sobre la flexibilidad o
la rigidez del ajuste ante perturbaciones de esta magnitud y comparamos con respecto
a tiempos normales. Encontramos que, durante estos episodios, la rigidez en el ajuste
aumentó, ya que los precios se ajustaron con menor frecuencia y las variaciones,
en promedio, fueron de menor tamaño. También encontramos que se produjo una
importante reducción en la variedad de productos disponibles durante la pandemia,
un hecho que suele ocurrir durante eventos disruptivos, como los desastres naturales.
Esta reducción en las variedades supone un reto adicional para la elaboración del
IPC, así como una mayor complejidad para capturar las rigideces nominales, que son
relevantes para la política monetaria.

Palabras clave: precios on-line, índice de precios de consumo, rigideces de precios,
distribución minorista.

Códigos JEL: E01,E31,L81.
1       Introduction
              The ability of monetary policy to influence in the short-run real economic activity it
              much depends on nominal rigidities. This paper intends to contribute to understand
              from a micro perspective the behavior of price setting in Chile during the 2019
              social outbreak and the Covid-19 pandemic.1 The price setting behavior is even
              more relevant in a context with heightened uncertainty as regards how inflation will
              1 Introduction
              behave  over time.2

              TheToability  of monetary
                      this end            policyuse
                                 we will make     to influence in the
                                                      of a dataset     short-run
                                                                    collected  overreal economic
                                                                                     internet  sitesactivity
                                                                                                      of mainit
              much   depends    on nominal   rigidities. This paper  intends  to  contribute  to understand
              retailers in Chile. The use of Big Data by policy makers and researchers became more
              from a micro
              popular           perspective
                        and accepted          the behavior
                                        in recent  years. Theof main
                                                                price source
                                                                                    Chile during     the Since
                                                                                            data sets.    2019
              social outbreak
              online  shopping and     the Covid-19
                                  substitutes,         pandemic.
                                                or at least          The price
                                                            supplements,   offlinesetting  behavior
                                                                                    shopping,  onlineisprices
              more  relevant   in a  context with  heightened   uncertainty  as  regards  how  inflation
              can also be used as a substitute, or supplement, of offline prices. One concern may          will
              lie      overdifferences
                  on the     time.      between on-line and off-line prices, the discrepancy between
              these two channels is expected to be small as in Chile third-party delivery services
              are To  this used
                   widely   end weandwill  make
                                        have     use ofpenetration
                                             a higher     a dataset collected
                                                                      comparedover     internet
                                                                                   to other      sites of
                                                                                            countries.  3 main
              retailers in Chile. The use of Big Data by policy makers and researchers became more
                              accepted   in recent
                                  have many        years. The
                                                advantages    in main   source is
                                                                  the context    of Internet data sets.
                                                                                     the Covid-19         Since
              online  shopping
              where there     are substitutes,  or at least
                                  lockdowns, mobility        supplements,
                                                           restrictions  and offline  shopping, online
                                                                              social-distancing    rules. prices
              can  also  be  used  as  a substitute,  or supplement,    of offline  prices. One  concern
              collection over the internet is called web scraping. This technique provides flexibility     may
              andon   the differences
                   extreme    automation.between
                                             Thereon-line   and off-line
                                                     is abundant           prices,
                                                                   anecdotal        the discrepancy
                                                                                evidence  that scraped between
              these  two   channels   is expected  to  be  small  as in Chile   third-party  delivery
              is a potentially useful tool for nowcasting and short-term forecasting of CPI inflation  services
              are  widely
              as well       usedsales
                       as retail  and variables.
                                        have a higher
                                                  Onlinepenetration   compared
                                                            CPI provides           to other with
                                                                           policy-makers    countries.
                                                                                                  a reasonably
               good “pulse” as to the direction being taken by inflation in real time and at a higher
                     Online data
               frequency.               have many
                                 The Billion      Prices advantages
                                                            Project (BPP)in theatcontextMIT isofa the  solidCovid-19
                                                                                                                           that has
               where     there    are   lockdowns,
               been functioning for more than a decade. mobility     restrictions
                                                                          4             and   social-distancing        rules. Data
               collection over the internet is called web scraping. This technique provides flexibility
               andThe  extreme     automation.
                            objective                Thereis istoabundant
                                          of this paper                          anecdotal
                                                                  provide evidence          onevidence
                                                                                                the behavior that of
                                                                                                                   scraped    prices
               is a potentially
               setting     in Chile useful
                                      based tool     fordataset
                                                on the    nowcasting     and short-term
                                                                   collected      by the “Online forecasting
                                                                                                         Prices of   CPI inflation
                                                                                                                  Project”    by the
               as  well   as  retail  sales   variables.    Online    CPI   provides      policy-makers
               Central Bank of Chile. The dataset covers two episodes of particular interest that led          with   a reasonably
               good     “pulse” asintothe
               to disruptions               theeconomy,
                                                              being takeninbyterms   inflation
                                                                                           of thein degree
                                                                                                     real time of and
                                                                                                                            a higher
               by using online   Theprices.
                                        BillionWe Prices
                                                              to answer(BPP)        at MIT
                                                                            questions      suchis as:
                                                                                                   a solid
                                                                                                        How evidence       that has
                                                                                                               nominal rigidities
               been     functioning      for  more    than    a decade.
               have changed during the social outbreak and the pandemia episode in Chile? Do we
              observe product/sectoral differences? What is the role of seasonal/sales discounts in
                   1        product/sectoral differences? What is the role of seasonal/sales discounts in
              a context      iswhere
                     The               a of
                                a renewed  substantial
                                             interest thisshare
                                             this paper     front of there
                                                            is to as  products
                                                                  provide    are      haveinitiatives
                                                                               evidence     beenthedropped
                                                                                                        to studyoutof from
                                                                                                                  pricing    on-line
                       a micro where   a substantial
                                 perspective    such  as  share
                                                          the     of products
                                                               Price-setting          have on
                                                                                Microdata   been
                                                                                                     dropped    out
                                                                                                                    (PRISMA) on-line
               setting in Chile based on the dataset collected by the “Online Prices Project” by the
               the Inflation Persistence Network (IPN) by the European Central Bank. PRISMA is a new ESCB
               Central      Bank ofestablished
               research network        Chile. The   in dataset
                                                       2018 withcovers     two episodes
                                                                    a mandate       from the of   particular
                                                                                               Governing         interest
                                                                                                             Council,   thisthat  led
               to  disruptions
               will In   June
                      study          in  the   economy,
                                  2019 thebehaviour
                              price-setting                 particularly
                                                “OnlineofPrices       Project”
                                                              individual      in  terms
                                                                           firms and       of  the
                                                                                      wasininitiated degree
                                                                                             the retail at     of price
                                                                                                          sector   Centralrigidities,
                     In June 2019 the “Online Prices Project” was initiated at the Central Bank
               by   using
              of    Chile.   online
                                 The  prices.
                                        purpose  Wewaswanttotofollow-up
                                                                 answer questions
                                                                                price      such as: Howfocused
                                                                                         developments          nominalon   rigidities
              of 2Chile.
                     See         The (2020)
                          Blanchard     purpose      was to follow-up price developments focused on goods
                        changed     duringatthe
                              available            social outbreak
                                                 supermarkets           andweb
                                                                    using        the scraping
                                                                                                      episode in Chile?       Do we
                                                                                                                    this provides
              typically       availableonatthesupermarkets
                     For a discussion             representativenessusing     web scraping
                                                                        of on-line                  techniques;
                                                                                       versus off-line              this provides
                                                                                                         data and implications     see
                   1    estimates
                          (2017).      of CPI     available     onasathere
                                                                       daily      basis,   that is, to  with   higher    frequency
              flash     estimates
                     There             of
                             is a renewed   CPI   available
                                             interest this fronton   a daily are basis,    that    is,
                                                                                  recent initiatives    with   higher
                                                                                                           study  pricingfrequency
              and  4 more timely that the one provided by the national statistical office.
               fromFor    more details
                         micro            see http://www.thebillionpricesproject.com/.
                                 perspective                                                                                    This
              and               timely     thatsuch
                                                  theasonethe provided
                                                               Price-settingbyMicrodata       Analysis
                                                                                   the national           Network (PRISMA)
                                                                                                       statistical   office. Thisand
              article     describes
               the Inflation             the Network
                                Persistence    behavior(IPN)of online    prices inCentral
                                                                 by the European         Chile, Bank.
                                                                                                  taking     a deeper
                                                                                                          PRISMA          lookESCB
                                                                                                                     is a new   into
                          describes      the behavior
                           network established
                                                                online   prices from in Chile,Governing
                                                                                                  taking aCouncil,
                                                                                                                deeper look     into
              the      micro-data      that we in      2018collected
                                                     have           a mandate
                                                                          on a dailythebasis
                                                                         3on                           between Julythis2019  network
               will    micro-data
                      study            that
                              price-setting     we   have
                                              behaviour    ofcollected
                                                              individual   firms a   daily
                                                                                    and  in  basis
                                                                                             the       between
                                                                                                  retail  sector   July
                                                                                                                  using    2019
                                                                                                                         micro    till
              November 2020, from the two of the largest retailers of fast moving consumer goods
               datasets.        2020, from the two of the largest retailers of fast moving consumer goods
                   2             personal
                     See Blanchard
                                                     and household equipment), a health retailer and auto
              (groceries,        personal            and household equipment), a health retailer and auto
                   3       in  Chile.
                     For aindiscussion  We    provide
                                          on provide    evidence on the
                                              the representativeness            key features      on price-setting      behaviour.
              dealers          Chile. We                evidence on of  the on-line    versus off-line
                                                                                key features             data and implications
                                                                                                  on price-setting      behaviour. see
              Cavallo (2017).
                  For more details see http://www.thebillionpricesproject.com/.
                  The dataset collected includes products corresponding to expenditure categories
                  The dataset collected includes products corresponding to expenditure categories
              that cover around 22% of the official Chilean CPI. In spite the short-time span, due
              that cover around 22% of the official Chilean
                                                        3 CPI.   In spite the short-time span, due
              to7the recent start of this project, our sample
                                                               covers two major events that took
              to the recent start of this project, our sample covers two major events that took
              place in the Chilean economy. Along this period two major shocks occurred which
              place in the Chilean economy. Along this period two major shocks occurred which
              are unambiguous examples of exogenous and unanticipated aggregate shocks, which
              are unambiguous examples of exogenous and unanticipated aggregate shocks, which
              makes them very interesting to analyze how prices are being set and to anticipate
                  In June
                      June 2019
                             2019 the
                                    the “Online
                                         “Online Prices
                                                  Prices Project”
                                                           Project” waswas initiated
                                                                            initiated atat the
                                                                                            the Central
                                                                                                 Central Bank
              of  Chile.    The   purpose   was  to   follow-up    price developments
              of Chile. The purpose was to follow-up price developments focused on goods    focused    on   goods
              typically available
                          available at
                                     at supermarkets
                                         supermarkets using
                                                          using web
                                                                 web scraping
                                                                       scraping techniques;
                                                                                   techniques; this
                                                                                                  this provides
              flash  estimates   of  CPI  available   on  a  daily  basis, that   is,  with   higher
              flash estimates of CPI available on a daily basis, that is, with higher frequency        frequency
              and more
                    more timely
                           timely that
                                    that the
                                          the one
                                               one provided
                                                     provided byby the
                                                                     the national
                                                                          national statistical
                                                                                      statistical office.
                                                                                                   office. This
              article describes the behavior of online prices in Chile, taking a deeper look
                       describes   the  behavior  of  online  prices  in Chile,  taking    a  deeper    look into
              the micro-data that we have collected on a daily basis between July 2019 till
                   micro-data    that   we  have   collected   on   a daily  basis    between    July    2019  till
              November 2020,
                           2020, from
                                  from the
                                        the two
                                            two of
                                                 of the
                                                    the largest
                                                         largest retailers
                                                                  retailers of
                                                                            of fast
                                                                               fast moving
                                                                                     moving consumer
                                                                                               consumer goods
              (groceries, personal
                            personal care
                                       care and
                                             and household
                                                  household equipment),
                                                                equipment), aa health
                                                                                   health retailer
                                                                                             retailer and
                                                                                                       and auto
              dealers  in Chile.  We   provide evidence   on  the  key features  on   price-setting
              dealers in Chile. We provide evidence on the key features on price-setting behaviour.  behaviour.

                  The dataset
                        dataset collected
                                  collected includes
                                              includes products
                                                         products corresponding
                                                                    corresponding to to expenditure
                                                                                        expenditure categories
              that cover around 22% of the official Chilean CPI. In spite the short-time
                    cover   around   22%   of  the official Chilean   CPI.  In spite  the  short-time span,
                                                                                                       span, due
              to the   recent  start  of  this  project,   our  sample   covers  two   major
              to the recent start of this project, our sample covers two major events that tookevents  that  took
              place in
                     in the
                         the Chilean
                              Chilean economy.
                                        economy. Along
                                                     Along this
                                                             this period
                                                                   period two
                                                                           two major
                                                                                major shocks
                                                                                        shocks occurred
                                                                                                 occurred which
              are unambiguous examples of exogenous and unanticipated aggregate shocks,
                   unambiguous      examples    of  exogenous    and  unanticipated    aggregate   shocks, which
              makes    them   very  interesting    to analyze   how   prices  are being   set
              makes them very interesting to analyze how prices are being set and to anticipateand  to anticipate
              what could
                     could bebe the
                                 the implications
                                      implications for for CPI
                                                            CPI developments.
                                                                  developments. Firstly,
                                                                                   Firstly, the
                                                                                              the 18
                                                                                                  18 of
                                                                                                      of October
              (18-O) the
                       the social
                            social outbreak
                                    outbreak started,
                                                started, during
                                                           during aa week
                                                                      week aa severe
                                                                              severe curfew
                                                                                      curfew was
                                                                                               was set
                                                                                                    set and
                                                                                                        and from
              this  date  on  regular  demonstrations       took   place with  different  intensities.
              this date on regular demonstrations took place with different intensities. All these      All these
              actions led
                        led to
                             to some
                                some disruptions
                                        disruptions in  in economic
                                                           economic activity,
                                                                       activity, mainly
                                                                                  mainly in in the
                                                                                               the retail
                                                                                                    retail sector.
              Strikes and demonstrations dramatically reallocate store traffic and opening hours
                        and  demonstrations       dramatically    reallocate  store traffic  and  opening   hours
              which   led  to an  increase   of  on-line  sales and   delivery
              which led to an increase of on-line sales and delivery services. services.

                  Then, aa second
                             second shock
                                      shock took
                                              took place,
                                                    place, this
                                                            this time
                                                                  time ofof aa global
                                                                               global nature,
                                                                                       nature, the
                                                                                                the Covid-19
              pandemia. The first Covid-19 case was registered in Chile in early March
                            The   first  Covid-19   case   was  registered    in Chile  in early  March andand
              by  mid-March,     in  order  curb   the  spread   of  the  virus  and  to  avoid
              by mid-March, in order curb the spread of the virus and to avoid the collapse      the  collapse
              of the
                  the health
                       health system,
                                system, thethe government
                                                government introduced
                                                               introduced some some measures
                                                                                     measures in in order
                                                                                                     order to
              maintain social
                         social distance.
                                 distance. To To this
                                                  this end,
                                                        end, the
                                                              the government
                                                                    government announced
                                                                                   announced dynamic
                                                                                                dynamic andand
              selective quarantines,
                        quarantines, curfews,
                                        curfews, the
                                                  the closure
                                                      closure of
                                                               of restaurants,
                                                                   restaurants, malls,
                                                                                 malls, schools,
                                                                                         schools, universities
              and, when possible, stay at home work was encouraged. Few activities
                    when   possible,   stay  at  home    work  was    encouraged.    Few   activities such
                                                                                                      such as
              supermarkets and pharmacies where allowed to function normally. And, again, it
                               and  pharmacies    where   allowed    to function   normally.   And,  again,  it
              was  registered  a heightened    demand    for online   shopping.   Both  episodes
              was registered a heightened demand for online shopping. Both episodes implied the   implied  the
              closure of
                       of some
                          some retail
                                 retail stores
                                         stores and
                                                 and an
                                                      an increased
                                                          increased demand
                                                                       demand forfor delivery
                                                                                     delivery services.
                                                                                               services. The
              pandemia also put some pressures from the supply side. Under this episode we can
                          also  put some   pressures   from  the  supply   side. Under   this episode  we  can
              also expect
                   expect some
                            some supply
                                   supply disruptions
                                            disruptions asas some
                                                             some manufacturing
                                                                    manufacturing activities
                                                                                      activities require
                                                                                                 require high
              social interaction.
                  We end
                       end up
                            up with
                                with aa dataset
                                         dataset following
                                                   following prices
                                                              prices onon aa daily
                                                                               daily basis
                                                                                     basis for
                                                                                             for approximately
              47 product categories out of the 305 included by the National Statistical
                  product   categories   out  of  the  305  included    by   the  National    Statistical Office,
              and                                             4
              and start following around 4, 755 product-varieties that account for 22% of the CPI
                   start following  around   4,  755  product-varieties
                                                              4             that account    for 22%   of the CPI
              Chilean basket.
              Chilean   basket. The
                                  The main
                                        main stylized
                                               stylized facts
                                                          facts on
                                                                on the
                                                                     the price
                                                                           price setting
                                                                                  setting was
                                                                                            was calculated
                                                                                                 calculated out
              for four differentiated periods: (1) “pre-shocks”, that goes from June 2019 to 18
                  four  differentiated   periods:   (1)  “pre-shocks”,     that  goes  from    June  2019   to  18
              of October,   (2)  “social  outbreak”    from  the  end   of  October   till mid-March
              of October, (2) “social outbreak” from the end of October till mid-March and (3)            and  (3)
              “pandemia” fromfrom 18
                                   18 March
                                       March and
                                               and (4)
                                                     (4) from
                                                          from the
                                                                the partial
                                                                     partial uplift
                                                                               uplift of
                                                                                      of mobility
                                                                                          mobility restrictions
              from  July  till November     2020   (502  days  at  this  point).   We   start
              from July till November 2020 (502 days at this point). We start by constructing   by constructing
              common statistics
              common     statistics of
                                    of price
                                        price setting
                                               setting based
                                                         based onon averages
                                                                      averages across
                                                                                  across products
                                                                                           products and
                                                                                                      and time.
              These   include  measures    focused   on  three  dimensions:      frequency
              These include measures focused on three dimensions: frequency of price changes, of price   changes,
              implied duration
                        duration and
                                  and the
                                       the magnitude
                                            magnitude of  of price
                                                             price changes.

                   The main
                        main conclusions
                              conclusions are
                                           are that
                                                that both
                                                      both product
                                                            product availability
                                                                       availability and
                                                                                    and the
                                                                                         the price
                                                                                              price setting
              behavior   changed  during  Covid-19    and the   social outbreak   episodes.  In
              behavior changed during Covid-19 and the social outbreak episodes. In particular, particular,
              the frequency
              the   frequency of
                               of price
                                  price changes
                                         changes fell
                                                   fell during
                                                        during both
                                                                 both episodes,
                                                                        episodes, suggesting
                                                                                   suggesting that
                                                                                                that firms
              were   delaying their price adjustments.    In  sum,  after the  two  shocks  prices
              were delaying their price adjustments. In sum, after the two shocks prices became    became
              moderately     more sticky.
                             more  sticky. InIn terms
                   DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO N.º 2112 terms ofof availability
                                                             availability we
                                                                           we found
                                                                                found that
                                                                                       that there
                                                                                              there was
                                                                                                     was aa
              significant reduction
              significant  reduction in
                                      in online
                                         online availability
                                                 availability of
                                                               of products
                                                                  products during
                                                                             during pandemia
                                                                                      pandemia andand that
              they   are recovering  at a slow   pace.  This   reduction  occurred   after  March
              they are recovering at a slow pace. This reduction occurred after March 18, the       18,  the
              date in
              date   in which
                        which the
                               the state
                                    state of
                                          of alarm
                                              alarm was
                                                     was declared
                                                           declared and
                                                                      and confinement
                                                                           confinement measures
                                                                                          measures where
The main conclusions are that both product availability and the price setting
              behavior changed during Covid-19 and the social outbreak episodes. In particular,
              the frequency of price changes fell during both episodes, suggesting that firms
              were delaying their price adjustments. In sum, after the two shocks prices became
              moderately more sticky. In terms of availability we found that there was a
              significant reduction in online availability of products during pandemia and that
              they are recovering at a slow pace. This reduction occurred after March 18, the
              date in which the state of alarm was declared and confinement measures where
              put in place in Chile due to Covid-19. The goods that disappear quickly from the
              stores are mostly perishable and some nonperishable items that people are likely to
              hoard     fearupof with
                                  futurea supply
                                                     following prices
                                                                    that isontoasay,
                                                                                 daily   basis on
                                                                                      a focus    foressential
              47  productduring
              However,       categories    out ofoutbreak
                                    the social      the 305 theincluded    by the
                                                                    reduction    in National      Statisticalwas
                                                                                     online availability       Office,
              and  start following
              significant.            around    4, 755  product-varieties      that account     for 22%   of the CPI
              Chilean basket. The main stylized facts on the price setting was calculated out
              for Along
                  four differentiated
                          these episodes   periods:
                                              the CLP (1)also
                                                                 registered athat   goes fromagainst
                                                                                depreciation       June 2019    to 18
                                                                                                           the USD.
              of October,    (2)  “social   outbreak”    from    the  end   of October
              Therefore, if passed through, we may expect imported goods to become more   till mid-March      and  (3)
              expensive. To   from   18 March
                                  explore    this,and
                                                    we (4)
                                                        havefrom    the partial
                                                                identified   the uplift
                                                                                  brand offormobility    restrictions
                                                                                                 each product     and
              from   July  till  November      2020  (502  days    at  this  point).   We   start
              therefore we can infer the country of origin. This allows us to explore additional    by constructing
              common     statistics
              features such     as theofrole
                                          price   setting based
                                              of exchange            on averages or
                                                             rate pass-through       across
                                                                                                    there and
                                                                                                          have time.
              These   includedisruptions.
              supply-chain       measures focused on three dimensions: frequency of price changes,

              implied duration and the magnitude of price changes.
                    This paper is organized as follows. After this introduction, in section 1, we
              reviewThe themain      conclusions
                                 literature             are that both
                                                  on microdata                 product
                                                                         on prices     andavailability
                                                                                              webscraping      andinthe     price setting
                                                                                                                        section      2. In
              section 3changed   we describeduringthe  Covid-19       and the social
                                                           data collection          method outbreak
                                                                                                and theepisodes.           In particular,
                                                                                                               characteristics       of the
                            data. of   In price
                                             section changes
                                                          4 we fell reportduring
                                                                               the both
                                                                                      main episodes,
                                                                                              results onsuggesting             that firms
                                                                                                                 product availability,
              we conclude
              frequencydelayingand with
                                     their    of  preliminary
                                               price   adjustments.
                                                  adjustments       results  Indrawn
                                                                       comparing         so4far.
                                                                                 sum,allafter     the two Finally,
                                                                                               periods.        shocks prices       became
                                                                                                                           in section      5
              moderately          more      sticky.       In   terms
              we conclude with the preliminary results drawn so far.       of   availability       we    found     that     there    was   a
                    We are awarereduction
                                       that this in assumption
                                                     online availability           of products
                                                                    may be simplistic     in a contextduringwhere pandemia       and firms
                                                                                                                     some domestic     that
              they are recovering at a slow pace. This reduction occurred after March 18, the
              might    be  using    imported      goods   and  at   the   same   time  we  are   identifying     the  country   of origin  of
              final  goods,    that  at   the   same  time  if involved     in global  value
              date in which the state of alarm was declared and confinement measures where     chains    the  true  origin  of the  product
              2 be Literature
              can       from other or from multiple Review    origins.
              put in place in Chile due to Covid-19. The goods that disappear quickly from the
              2 Literature
              stores    are mostly perishable       Review and some nonperishable items that people are likely to
              Price setting analysis based on official                               micro data.– The existence of price
              hoard in fear of future supply disruptions,5 that is to say, a focus on essential goods.
              Price setting   is a determinant             of the  oneffectiveness        of monetary            policy.      In general,
              However,        duringanalysis
                                           the social  based
                                                           outbreak      official    micro
                                                                           the reduction         data.–
                                                                                                 in online   The     existence
                                                                                                                 availability      of price
                                                                                                                                  was   not
              the    literature
              rigidities      is   a  refers
                                      determinantto two of  ways
                                                               the    toeffectiveness
                                                                           measure theof degree monetary  of price
                                                                                                                              In        one
              the literature     a macro
                                      refers to  approach
                                                     two ways   through        modelling
                                                                      to measure        the asdegreein Gali      and Gertler
                                                                                                          of price      flexibility:(2000),
              and     another
              constitutes           is
                                 a macrothe     micro
                                                                through      The    latter   is   based
                                                                               modellingaasdepreciation      on
                                                                                                    in Gali and   four    types
                                                                                                                        Gertler    of  data
                    Along these         episodes      the CLP         also registered                               against     the(2000),
              and           on surveys
                      another       is  the    directed
                                                micro      at companies,
                                                         approach.           The  onlatter
                                                                                             is   basedcompiled
                                                                                                             on   fourin each
                                                                                                                          types  reporting
                                                                                                                                   of  data
              Therefore, if passed through, we may expect imported goods to become more
              sources: on surveys    and     for   each
                                               directed   variety      of  article   by  the    agency      in   charge    of  generating
              expensive.          To explore         this,atwe companies,
                                                                   have identifiedon microdata
                                                                                           the brand   compiled
                                                                                                             for each in each    reporting
                                                                                                                            product     and
              the    consumer price
              establishment          and      indicator,
                                             for   each      on scanner
                                                          variety      of      databyand
                                                                           article       themoreagency recently
                                                                                                            in      web scraped
                                                                                                                 charge    of         data.
              therefore we can infer the country of origin. This allows us to explore additional
              This    paper focuses
              the consumer           price    on the micro   on approach          using  scraped        online data.
              features      such as      theindicator,
                                                role of exchange  scanner ratedata    and
                                                                                pass-throughmoreor     recently
                                                                                                          whether   web    scraped
                                                                                                                       there    have data.
              This    paper      focuses
              supply-chain disruptions.       on   the5 micro approach using scraped online data.
                    Three studies have analyzed the patterns of price setting of Chile, evidence from
              1999-2005         has been
                    Three studies          havereported
                                                   analyzedbythe    Medina
                                                                        patterns et of
                                                                                         (2007)       usingof micro
                                                                                                setting          Chile, data
              by    This
                    the     paper
                          national     is  organized
                                         statistical       as  follows.
                                                         office,     and    hasAfter
                                                                                   beenthis   introduction,
                                                                                          recently       updated    in bysection
                                                                                                                            Canales  1,and
              1999-2005 has been reported by Medina et al. (2007) using micro data provided
              López      the    literature       on   microdata         on   prices   and    webscraping          in   section      2.   In
              by the (2021)
                          national   with      information
                                         statistical     office,upand   to has
                                                                            March     2020.
                                                                                   been   recentlyBothupdated
                                                                                                           studies by  findCanales
              heterogeneity  3 we describe           theofdata      collection      method      and divisions.
                                                                                                         the characteristics ofetthe
              López (2021) in       withfrequency
                                               information  adjustment
                                                                  up to March  across    product
                                                                                      2020.       Both studies Chaumontfind substantial  al.
              (2011)        data.      In
                          provideinevidence  section  with4   we    report
                                                             scanner data      the    main
                                                                                   2007-2009  results      on
                                                                                                   in divisions. product
                                                                                                        the supermarket      availability,
              heterogeneity              frequency       of adjustment         across    product                       Chaumont       et al.
              coverage       ofand
                                 7.23%sizeofofthe adjustments
                                                      CPI    basket.   comparing all 4 periods. Finally, in section 5
              (2011) provide evidence with scanner data 2007-2009 in the supermarket industry,
                  5          of 7.23% of the CPI basket.
                    We are aware that this assumption may be simplistic in a context where some domestic firms
              might be using   setting
                                    imported  analysis
                                                  goods andbased
                                                               at the sameon webscraping               techniques.–
                                                                                 time we are identifying         the country  This   paper
                                                                                                                                of origin  of
              finalPrice         to  up-date
                     goods, that                   the
                                     at the analysis    facts
                                                same time ifbasedfor   Chile
                                                               involvedon      but   with
                                                                            in global       online      or  web
                                                                                       value chainstechniques.–    scraped
                                                                                                         the true origin ofThisdata.    One
                                                                                                                               the product
              can the    firstother
                    be from
              contributes        one    to from
                                 to up-date  use multiple
                                                   the  factsdatafor to
                                                              origins.     construct
                                                                       Chile   but with  a price
                                                                                            onlineindex or web  in scraped
                                                                                                                    Chile was      Cavallo
                                                                                                                               data.    One
              of the firstand onedue to  to use
                                              its good
                                                             data to construct  and it ahas priceproven
                                                                                                      indextoinbeChile a representative
                                                                                                                             was Cavallo
              (2013)      of information.
                          and    due to its good
                    DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO N.º 2112     Online      data has5and
                                                           performance            proved
                                                                                      it hasto proven
                                                                                                   providetomany  be a advantages
                                                                                                                          representative  in
              particular        during the social
              source of information.                       distancing
                                                      Online      data has    episode.
                                                                                  proved The        practicemany
                                                                                            to provide            of social    distancing
                                                                                                                          advantages      in
              means      staying      at   home     and   away     from     others   as  much
              particular during the social distancing episode. The practice of social distancing   as   possible    to  help    prevent of
              means staying     Online      data and
                                      at home       also away
                                                           has advantages
                                                                   from othersinasthe    muchcontext       of natural
                                                                                                   as possible      to help disasters,
(2011) provide evidence with scanner data 2007-2009 in the supermarket industry,
              coverage of 7.23% of the CPI basket.

                  Price setting analysis based on webscraping techniques.– This paper
              contributes to up-date the facts for Chile but with online or web scraped data. One
              of the first one to use online data to construct a price index in Chile was Cavallo
              (2013) and due to its good performance and it has proven to be a representative
              source of information. Online data has proved to provide many advantages in
              particular during the social distancing episode. The practice of social distancing
              means staying at home and away from others as much as possible to help prevent of
              Covid-19. Online data also has advantages in the context of natural disasters, for
              more details see Cavallo et al. (2014), where they analyze the price setting behavior
              after the earthquake in Chile in 2010 and in Japan 2011. Notwithstanding, online
              data have also limitations. Even when retail sales are carried online, their services
              could stop operating during crisis, so there is no way to scrape data.

                  The applications in empirical literature of online or web scraped data are in
              general three-folded and include: (1) inflation measurement, (2) inflation forecasting
              (including nowcasting) and (3) the analysis of micro price setting mechanism. In
              2008, the Billion Prices Project was created at MIT. It has remained the largest
              project focused on web scraping and online prices analysis, for more details see
              Cavallo and
                        and Rigobon
                              Rigobon (2016).
                                         (2016). The The usage
                                                           usage ofof big
                                                                       big data
                                                                           data inin Central
                                                                                      Central Banks
                                                                                               Banks also
                                                                                                        also is
              becoming    a  common     practice.    In        6
              becoming a common practice. In addition to the above mentioned PRISMA led
                                                         addition   to the  above   mentioned   PRISMA      led
              by ECB.
                  ECB. Some
                          Some central
                                 central banks
                                            banks have
                                                     have used
                                                            used big
                                                                  big data
                                                                        data tools
                                                                              tools to
                                                                                     to track
                                                                                        track prices
                                                                                               prices online.
              Macias and Stelmasiak (2019), they evaluate the ability of web scraped data to
                       and   Stelmasiak    (2019),   they   evaluate   the ability  of web  scraped    data  to
              improve nowcasts
                        nowcasts of of Polish
                                        Polish food
                                                 food inflation.
                                                        inflation. They
                                                                     They also
                                                                            also explore
                                                                                  explore product
                                                                                           product selection
              and classification
                   classification problems,
                                  problems, their
                                                their importance
                                                       importance in in constructing
                                                                        constructing web
                                                                                       web price
                                                                                            price indices
                                                                                                  indices and
              other limitations of online datasets. The Sveriges Riksbank, Hull et al.
                     limitations   of online    datasets.    The   Sveriges  Riksbank,   Hull  et  al. (2017),
              they developed
                    developed anan automatic
                                    automatic internet
                                                  internet data
                                                            data collection
                                                                  collection process
                                                                              process to
                                                                                       to collect
                                                                                          collect sales
                                                                                                  sales prices
              daily for  selected  fruits  and   vegetables   from   a number   of  Swedish  online
              daily for selected fruits and vegetables from a number of Swedish online retailers.    retailers.
              Their results
                     results indicate
                              indicate that
                                        that the
                                               the information
                                                    information from
                                                                   from the
                                                                         the daily
                                                                              daily data
                                                                                     data could
                                                                                          could increase
                                                                                                 increase the
              precision  in short-term    inflation  forecasts  in
              precision in short-term inflation forecasts in Sweden.Sweden.

                  Once wewe have
                             have mentioned
                                   mentioned the  the penetration
                                                       penetration that that web
                                                                               web scraping
                                                                                     scraping hashas had
                                                                                                      had in
                                                                                                           in central
              banking   as a  great  ally  of big  data,  we    want   to use   its benefits   to
              banking as a great ally of big data, we want to use its benefits to provide evidence provide   evidence
              on price
              on  price setting
                        setting and
                                  and inflation
                                        inflation during
                                                    during Covid-19
                                                             Covid-19 pandemic
                                                                           pandemic lockdowns.
                                                                                         lockdowns. A   A lockdown
              implies that
              implies  that many
                              many of of typical
                                          typical products
                                                    products thatthat people
                                                                        people buybuy areare no
                                                                                              no longer
                                                                                                   longer available.
              During this
              During   this period
                             period there
                                       there are
                                               are changes
                                                     changes bothboth onon the
                                                                             the supply
                                                                                   supply andand on on the
                                                                                                        the demand
              side that could be reflected in prices, generating either inflationary pressures or
                   that   could  be   reflected   in  prices,   generating     either   inflationary    pressures   or
              deflation.  Cavallo   (2020)    has  found   that   consumers      spend    relatively
              deflation. Cavallo (2020) has found that consumers spend relatively more on food         more   on  food
              and other
              and  other categories
                          categories with
                                       with rising
                                              rising inflation,
                                                      inflation, and
                                                                   and relatively
                                                                         relatively less
                                                                                      less on
                                                                                            on transportation
                                                                                                transportation and and
              other categories
              other  categories experiencing
                                  experiencing significant
                                                   significant deflation.
                                                                  deflation. TheThe coronavirus
                                                                                      coronavirus pandemic
                                                                                                      pandemic has has
              radically changed
              radically  changed what
                                    what households
                                            households are are buying.
                                                                 buying. People
                                                                              People are
                                                                                       are spending
                                                                                             spending aa relatively
              more money on food at grocery stores and less on transportation, healthcare and
                     money   on  food    at grocery    stores   and  less   on  transportation,      healthcare    and
              clothes.  Also,  since  overall   spending    is  down,    housing    costs   now
              clothes. Also, since overall spending is down, housing costs now represent a larger represent   a larger
              share of
              share  of most
                        most people’s
                               people’s expenditures;
                                           expenditures; see see Diewert
                                                                   Diewert andand Fox
                                                                                    Fox (2020),
                                                                                           (2020), Carvalho
                                                                                                     Carvalho et et al.
              (2020), Dunn
              (2020),  Dunn etet al.
                                 al. (2020)
                                     (2020) and
                                              and Cavallo
                                                    Cavallo (2020)
                                                               (2020) for
                                                                        for evidence
                                                                             evidence ofof dramatically
                                                                                            dramatically changing
              consumer expenditure
              consumer    expenditure patterns
                                          patterns arising
                                                     arising from
                                                               from the
                                                                      the pandemic.

                  Similarly, by
                  Similarly,  by using
                                 using scanner
                                        scanner data
                                                 data from
                                                      from UK
                                                            UK supermarkets
                                                                supermarkets covering
                                                                               covering the
                                                                                        the Great
              Lockdown episode
              Lockdown    episode Jaravel
                                   Jaravel and
                                           and O’Connell
                                                O’Connell (2020)
                                                           (2020) for
                                                                  for fast-moving
                                                                      fast-moving consumer   goods
                                                                                  consumer goods
              also report a  sharp decline in product variety and a reduction in promotions.
              also report a sharp decline in product variety and a reduction in promotions.


              3         Data
                        Data description
3          Data description
              The “Online Prices Project” was initiated by in June 2019 by the Central Bank of
              Chile, with the objective of collecting public prices posted online by main retailers
              in Chile. At the initial stages of the project the aim was to construct an index
              based on fast-arriving online prices of food and alcoholic beverages and other fast
              moving consumer goods usually sold in supermarkets. By December 2019, the
              such asofclothing,
              scope      productsfootwear,    medicines
                                    was expanded     andasstarted
                                                             well astovehicles.
                                                                        scrap theIn prices
                                                                                    this paper    we will
                                                                                             of other      focus
              suchgoods   typically
                    as clothing,     availablemedicines
                                  footwear,     in two supermarkets,      a pharmacy
                                                         as well as vehicles.    In this and
              on goodswe typically
                          have collected   for more
                                     available       than
                                                in two     a 7year of daily
                                                        supermarkets,        data.
                                                                          a pharmacy      and ten car dealers
              where we have collected for more than a year of daily data.
                  Although online transactions are still a small fraction of all retail sales in most
                  Although we online
                              are confident   that the
                                       transactions  aredata
                                                         still collected  online also
                                                               a small fraction    of allprovides  information
                                                                                          retail sales  in most
              about   offline
              countries,   we prices  and product
                              are confident          availability.
                                              that the               In Chile
                                                        data collected         delivery
                                                                          online           servicesinformation
                                                                                  also provides     are widely
              aboutand     moreover,
                      offline prices anddueproduct
                                             to the availability.
                                                      health crisesInderived    from Covid-19
                                                                        Chile delivery     services the   switch
                                                                                                    are widely
              used andon-line     shopping
                           moreover,    due towasthe
                                                   more   widespread
                                                      health             amongfrom
                                                               crises derived     consumers
                                                                                       Covid-19 thantheusual   in
              towardsto avoid
                         on-linesocial  contact.
                                  shopping    was more widespread among consumers than usual in
              order to avoid social contact.6

              3.0.1 Products and retailers selection
              3.0.1 Products and retailers selection
              To select which products to track, we comply the criteria suggested by ?: (1) the
              To selectshould
                          which be     from atoretailer
                                   products        track, with     a highthe
                                                           we comply         market     share
                                                                                 criteria       and (2)bythis
                                                                                            suggested        ?: retailer
                                                                                                                  (1) the
              should   exploit    different  channels   to    sell  their   products    (multi-channel).
              product should be from a retailer with a high market share and (2) this retailer                  We   only
              track  official  pages   of retailers  and  not   of   intermediaries.
              should exploit different channels to sell their products (multi-channel). We only
              track official pages of retailers and not of intermediaries.
                  With this in mind, for grocery products we track prices from the main largest
                  With in thisChile.
                                in mind, These    are theproducts
                                            for grocery      two main    weplayers     in thefrom
                                                                             track prices        retail
                                                                                                          main food   and
              supermarket      suppliesThese
              retailers in Chile.          with operations
                                                  are the twoalong  mainthe    country.
                                                                            players    in theBoth   account
                                                                                                 retail         for more
                                                                                                         for food     and
              than   70%    market     share.     For health     products      we   obtain
              supermarket supplies with operations along the country. Both account for more   prices   from    the  main
              than 70% market     retailer  in Chile
                                       share.         for 25%products
                                                  For health       of the market     share in
                                                                               we obtain         the pharma
                                                                                              prices   from the  market.
              For  car  dealers    we   have   collected  ten    models     of  passenger     cars
              pharmaceutical retailer in Chile for 25% of the market share in the pharma market.     and   sport   utility
              For car(suv).
                        dealers we have collected ten models of passenger cars and sport utility
              vehicle (suv).
                  Another element to consider when selecting the goods to track is the definition
              of variety
                  Anotherand       product.
                              element            The National
                                         to consider   when selectingStatistical    Officeto(Instituto
                                                                             the goods         track is theNacional     de
              of variety and- INE)     defines The
                                   product.      a variety   as “aStatistical
                                                      National         good or service
                                                                                    Office that    forms Nacional
                                                                                             (Instituto    the basic de or
                            - INE)of the   IPC abasket
                                       defines     varietyand    is defined
                                                             as “a     good oraccording
                                                                                  service thatto aforms
                                                                                                     set oftheattributes
                                                                                                                 basic or
              or  pre-established      specifications,   such      as   the  brand,     description,
              elemental unit of the IPC basket and is defined according to a set of attributes           size,   content,
              packaging    and provenance,
              or pre-established                  among other
                                       specifications,   such as   specific   characteristics”,
                                                                        the brand,      description,whilesize,
                                                                                                           a product
              the “generic    term   to  refer  to a good   or  service    that  it has   a  defined
              packaging and provenance, among other specific characteristics”, while a product is     purpose     and  for
              which   it has term
              the “generic     an expense
                                     to referweight.   In terms
                                                to a good   or serviceof the  CPI,
                                                                           that      it isa the
                                                                                 it has          representation
                                                                                             defined  purpose and   of for
              which it hasaggregate”.
                               an expense Aweight.
                                                       In isterms
                                                               madeofup  theofCPI,
                                                                               varieties,   as an
                                                                                     it is the      example, we of
                                                                                                 representation      have
              the Pisco   product    that  has  Pisco 35 grades      or  40 grades;   from   700
              elementary aggregate”. A product is made up of varieties, as an example, we have    to 1000   cc  varieties.
              the Pisco product that has Pisco 35 grades or 40 grades; from 700 to 1000 cc varieties.
                  For a discussion on the representativeness of on-line versus off-line data and implications see
                6     (2017).
                  For a discussion on the representativeness of on-line versus off-line data and implications see
              Cavallo (2017).
BANCO DE ESPAÑA   11   DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO N.º 2112               8
3.0.2      Web scraping
              We have collected information through web scraping techniques conducted in Python
              using Selenium, Beautiful Soup as well as auxiliary libraries to fetch and process
              data. We collect online prices every day and we perform data acquisition while
              minimizing the burden on web stores owner. We build an automated procedure that
              on a daily basis scans the retailers web and searches for the web code associated
              with each product variety and collects the price, and other characteristics and stores
              this information. As illustrated in figure 1 we proceed in three steps:

                  • First step. Each day, between 10:00 p.m and midnight, we download from
                    each selected url the information on the varieties and prices.

                  • Second step. The code finds the relevant information. An example of a
                    product-variety in our data is “Brand Name, Pisco, 1 liter”. The scraping
                    software automatically collects data on every single product on display on the
                    retailer’s website each day. We only extract goods are listed on the website
                    if they are in stock, are available for on-line sale and that are not labelled as
                    “agotado”, that is out of stock. Some out of stock items are labelled as such
                    or they immediately disappear from the website, and only reappear on the day
                    that they are offered for sale again (if ever). We can therefore build statistics
                    to study how the set of goods available for purchase changes over time.

                  • Third step. The code stores the following information for each product:
                    its price, the unit of measure (e.g. kilograms, millimeters,..), the product
                    description, whether it is under a promotion, the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
                    and the date. The price includes taxes and sale discounts, to account for the
                    final price paid by the consumer. We do not include shipping/delivery costs,
                    which may vary according to the location of the purchaser and are an exclusive
                    feature of the online purchasing experience. In addition, missing prices in the
                    data were often caused by scraping errors on days when the software fails to
                    automatically start.

                 In sum, the collection of data follows the best practices for statistical collection
              delaying the access to time frames where little traffic is expected and we use Python
              given the large amount of information we handle and its flexibility. In table 1 we
              summarize the coverage by division compared with the official methodology.

              3.0.3      Data cleaning and filters
              When analyzing prices at high frequencies, it is observed that the actual prices
              they often temporarily move away from a slow-moving trend line called the regular
              price, but after a temporary price change, the nominal price often returns exactly
              to its pre-existing level. These distinctive features imply that even though an
              individual price series has a great deal of 9high-frequency price flexibility (the actual
              price changes frequently), the series also has a great deal of low-frequency price
              stickiness (the regular price changes infrequently).

                   Before we can address how to treat sales in constructing a measure of price
              stickiness, we must first be able to accurately identify sales. Sales or promotions are
              short-lived price changes that are reverted. Constructing a dependable algorithm
              for12identifying sales has proven challenging for researchers. Researchers often turn

              to other methods of detecting temporary price changes, such as asserting that sale
              prices have a particular shape. A common identifier of sales is V-shaped temporary
              discounts, similar to those employed by Nakamura and Steinsson (2008). We also
Before we can address how to treat sales in constructing a measure of price
              stickiness, we must first be able to accurately identify sales. Sales or promotions are
              short-lived price changes that are reverted. Constructing a dependable algorithm
              for identifying sales has proven challenging for researchers. Researchers often turn
              to other methods of detecting temporary price changes, such as asserting that sale
              prices have a particular shape. A common identifier of sales is V-shaped temporary
              discounts, similar to those employed by Nakamura and Steinsson (2008). We also
              to its pre-existing level. These distinctive features imply that even though an
              apply the running mode filter proposed by Kehoe and Midrigan (2015)’s algorithm
              individual price series has a great deal of high-frequency price flexibility (the actual
              categorizes each price shift as either temporary or regular, based on each price’s
              price changes frequently), the series also has a great deal of low-frequency price
              relative position to the mode price over a given window of time within a particular
              stickiness (the regular price changes infrequently).
              time series; notably, the algorithm differentiates between price increases and price
                   Before we can address how to treat sales in constructing a measure of price
              stickiness, we must first be able to accurately identify sales. Sales or promotions are
              the To   account
              short-lived      price
                                     for missing information
                                of observations,
                                         changes that        forare
                                                                  more       we take
                                                                       reverted.     on  the
                                                                                                 calculations          see the
                                                                                                             a dependable
                                                                                                                              from    previous
              periods. For the price index calculations, if a good disappears and later reappears
              for identifying sales has proven challenging for researchers. Researchers often turn
              in our   sample,availability.–
                   Product          we fill missing prices              with   the previously          available        values
                                                                                                                         along until       a new
              to other     methods of detectingOne                   of the most
                                                                     7           priceremarkable
                                                                                         changes, such    features
                                                                                                                 as asserting      thethat
              is theisdecline
                         observed        within 150
                                   in on-line                days.availability across division and groups, see figure
              prices   have a particular              shape.     A common identifier of sales is V-shaped temporary
              2. In the sample
              discounts,      similaroftoour     thosetwoemployed
                                                            supermarkets         we observeand
                                                                          by Nakamura               a decline
                                                                                                        Steinsson   of 55.7%
                                                                                                                          (2008).  on Weaverage
              with    respect     to    the     average       available     before     March
              apply the running mode filter proposed by Kehoe and Midrigan (2015)’s algorithm       18.     In    spite    of   the    different
              nature of the
              categorizes      eachshock,price shiftwe can        compare
                                                             as either          this drop
                                                                           temporary         or with
                                                                                                  regular, the based
                                                                                                                  evidence on eachon natural
              4       Empirical
              disasters    provided         by      findings
                                                 Cavallo       et  al. (2014)    for  Chile     and
              relative position to the mode price over a given window of time within a particular      Japan.        They     show     that    the
              time   series; that
                                notably,tookthe   place     in Chiledifferentiates
                                                        algorithm        in 2010 had between an immediate             impact onand
                                                                                                           price increases             product
              The   data
              decreases.    sampleA      was
                                      large       broken
                                                 share      ofinto
                                                                goodsfour   periods
                                                                          went     out labelled
                                                                                         of   stock   as  follows:
                                                                                                        within           (1)
                                                                                                                     days.     “pre-shocks”,
                                                                                                                                The     fall  was
              gradualgoesbutfromlarger June       2019 (than
                                            in Chile        up toin18Japan),
                                                                           of October,
                                                                                    where the  (2) number
                                                                                                      “social outbreak”
                                                                                                                   of productsfrom            mid
              fell To      till
                   by account    mid-March,
                        32% in for    themissing
                                              first two (3)   “pandemia”
                                                              months after
                                                          information            from
                                                                                   the the
                                                                             we take      18    March
                                                                                         earthquake,        till  end     of
                                                                                                price information              June
                                                                                                                                 slowly and    (4)
              that. the
              periods.      “gradual
                           For      shocks
                                  the        uplift”
                                         price           of mobility
                                                    index         in the restrictions
                                                              calculations, destruction
                                                                                 if a good    inofdisappears
                                                                                                   July    till November
                                                                                                     production      and    later2020.
                                                                                                                         capacity      and The
                                                                                                                                     reappears the
              in         includes
                 our sample,        weprice
                              of supply            information
                                           fill chains.
                                                 missing      pricesofwith
                                                             Demand       food,thedrinks,
                                                                          shocks     are       toiletries,
                                                                                     previously       to   thecleaning
                                                                                                       available panic     that
                                                                                                                        values products
                                                                                                                                  until       and
                                                                                                                                           a new
              may             equipment.
                     experience       after
              price is observed within 150 days.natural       disasters,
                                                                     7      with    people     rushing      to   the    stores   to   purchase
              basic necessities and hoarding goods that they fear could become unavailable in the
              daysWe to end
                         come. up9 with three price series for each product-variety, that is, (1) the raw
              dataset, (2) the price filtered following Nakamura and Steinsson (2008) (NS) and
              (3) The
                   the price
                                     availabilityseries of using     Kehoe
                                                               on-line         and Midrigan
                                                                          products                    (2015) (KM).
                                                                                         was registered            during Our  Aprilcollected
                                                                                                                                         and by
              data    Empirical
                      allows     us    to    observefindingsthat    one   of   the   retailers
              the end of the month it began to recover, but without reaching the levels shown        under      study      follows       a  more
              dynamic      pricing strategy.
              at the beginning              of March.    We identify       retailersinasavailability
                                                                 The recovery                Ri , i = 1, 2,occurred
                                                                                                                 3 and 4. in    To food
              The data sample was broken into four periods labelled                                   as follows: (1) “pre-shocks”,
              the   different
              beverages,          measures
                              while     technology   of frequency
                                                             and white   of line
                                                                                                     each product   at loweris weighted
                                                                                                                                  levels, with  by
              that goes from June 2019 up to 18 of October, (2) “social outbreak” from mid
              the7 During
                   numberto those       registered atforthe
                                    observations,                 morebeginning      of
                                                                                     on data
                                                                          detailsgoods    the      collection. This
                                                                                                 calculations          seeoftheperiod      of less
              October      till
                             themid-March,              (3) “pandemia”
                                                   a substantial      amount offrom       18wereMarch       till end
                                                                                                     not being      offered    June
                                                                                                                              or     10 and
                                                                                                                                 taking        (4)
              availability     coincides         with     the   months      of greatest      imputation          by    the   INE.
              from the “gradual uplift” of mobility restrictions in July till November 2020. The
              to reappear,    this  parameter         has  been   revised   at each   update.
              dataset    includes  availability.–
                                        price information    One ofofthe      most
                                                                          food,       remarkable
                                                                                   drinks,     toiletries,features
                                                                                                               cleaning  along     the sample
                                                                                                                               products       and
              is   We
                 the    also
                       decline   have
              household equipment. in     information
                                        on-line        product  as  regards
                                                                              10the   brands
                                                                                     across        supplied
                                                                                                division      and  in   each
                                                                                                                       groups,  supermarket
                                                                                                                                    see   figure
              2. well
                  In the assample
                              the number of ouroftwo     varieties     suppliedwebyobserve
                                                            supermarkets                 each brand.a decline  Weofobserve
                                                                                                                         55.7% on   that    there
              is aWe
              with  reduction
                        end uptoin
                      respect             thethree
                                     with         number
                                                average  price  ofseries
                                                              available     before
                                                                           for    offered
                                                                                each   March   by 18.each In
                                                                                        product-variety,     supplier
                                                                                                                     thatof but
                                                                                                                                          do raw
                                                                                                                                        the    not
              observe    such
              nature of(2)the
              dataset,            a   decline
                                 theshock,           in  the   number
                                                    we can following
                                        price filtered                      of  suppliers.
                                                                  compare Nakamura
                                                                                this drop and    This     points
                                                                                                 withSteinsson        to
                                                                                                           the evidence    a  decline
                                                                                                                         (2008)on(NS)      in  the
              (3)          possibly
                   the price             with
                                  filtered          the aim
                                            by series
                                                 Cavallo       etofal.Kehoe
                                                           using     focusing
                                                                       (2014)and their
                                                                                 for      production
                                                                                      Midrigan  and(2015)
                                                                                                       Japan.on (KM).
                                                                                                                     TheybasicOur products,
                                                                                                                              show     that the
              see  figure
              earthquake      3.
              data allows us to observe that one of the retailers under study follows product
                                that    took      place     in   Chile   in  2010    had     an    immediate          impact      on     a more
              availability.       A   large      share      of  goods     went     out   of   stock
              dynamic pricing strategy. We identify retailers as Ri , i = 1, 2, 3 and 4. To calculate   within       days.      The     fall  was
              gradual    but    larger  classification
                                            in   Chile     (than    of
                                                                    in   goods.–
                                                                        Japan),         In
              the different measures of frequency of price changes each product is weighted by order
                                                                                               the        to
                                                                                                     number    capture
                                                                                                                   of          differentiated
                                                                                                                        products      available
              fell by 32%we      in classify
                                      the first product-varieties
                                                       two months afteraccording   the earthquake, to theirrecovering
                                                                                                                   nature: slowly emergency, after
                   During   it
                             the is    perishable,
                                  pandemia         a         nonperishable
                                                      substantial     amount    of  or
              that. Supply shocks originate in the destruction of production capacity and the        not     A
                                                                                                          being     first
                                                                                                                    offered  group
                                                                                                                              or taking  include
              to reappear, of
              disruption      thissupply
                                    parameter         has been
                                                chains.           revisedshocks
                                                             Demand         at eachareupdate.
                                                                                           linked to the panic that consumers
                   This reduction is computed by comparing the average number of items available before March
              may experience after natural disasters, with people rushing to the stores to purchase
              18, the date in which the state of alarm was declared                   and confinement measures where introduced
              basic   necessities and hoarding goods that10they fear could become unavailable in the
              in Chile.
                 9 to come.9
              days During the first days after the state of alarm and given the increased demand in fear of shortages
                       derived     uncertainty some retailers focused on essential products, in a way of simplifying the
                               DE TRABAJO N.º 2112
              delivery   process.
                   The lowest availability of on-line products was registered during April and by
                   During the pandemia the National Statistical Office faced several problems to collect the
              the   end of the month it began to recover, but without reaching the levels shown
              information of prices and used imputation methods.
              at the beginning of March.                       The recovery in availability occurred in food and
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