2021 Official Exhibitor Handbook - AQHA

Page created by Bonnie Goodman
2021 Official Exhibitor Handbook - AQHA
2021 Official
2021 Official Exhibitor Handbook - AQHA
Table of Contents

OKLAHOMA STATE FAIRGROUNDS ......................................................................................... 5
RULES AND REGULATIONS Effective Date and Repeal ........................................................ 7
CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 7
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW SHIPPING ADDRESS ........................................................ 7
SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................................... 7
SHOW SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... 8
 Photographer ................................................................................................................................ 8
   Videographer/Webcaster ............................................................................................................ 8
   Show Veterinarian ........................................................................................................................ 8
   Farrier Services ............................................................................................................................ 8
   Golf Cart Rental ............................................................................................................................ 8
   Stall Mat Rental ............................................................................................................................ 8
VENDORS ......................................................................................................................................... 8
SPONSORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES ........................................................................................... 8
AQHA PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEOGRAPHY POLICY ................................................................... 9
ARRIVAL & HEALTH REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 9
  Arrival Information ........................................................................................................................ 9
   Health Requirements ................................................................................................................... 9
FACILITY INFORMATION............................................................................................................. 10
  Operation of Vehicles ................................................................................................................ 10
   RV Parking .................................................................................................................................. 10
   Priority RV Parking ..................................................................................................................... 10
   Feed and Bedding ...................................................................................................................... 10
   First Aid ........................................................................................................................................ 10
   Horses, Dogs & Pet Management ............................................................................................ 11
HOST HOTELS .............................................................................................................................. 11
ATTIRE/LOGOS ............................................................................................................................. 11
OWNERSHIP REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................. 11
  Weanling Ownership Requirements ........................................................................................ 11
   General Ownership Requirements .......................................................................................... 11
ELIGIBILITY .................................................................................................................................... 12
  Membership Requirements....................................................................................................... 12
   General Eligibility Information .................................................................................................. 12
   Select Amateur Division Eligibility ........................................................................................... 12
   Amateur Division Eligibility........................................................................................................ 12
   Level 1 Amateur/Select information: ....................................................................................... 13
   Open Division Eligibility ............................................................................................................. 13

2021 Official Exhibitor Handbook - AQHA
Open Division Roping Pilot Qualifying Program .................................................................... 14
   Level 2 Eligibility ......................................................................................................................... 14
   Performance Halter .................................................................................................................... 14
   Weanlings and Two-Year-Old Western Pleasure ................................................................. 15
   The Headley Quarter Horses Working Western Ranch Rail Stakes .................................. 15
   Open Level 1 and Stakes Classes .......................................................................................... 15
   Team Penning/Ranch Sorting Entries/Alternates.................................................................. 16
CLASS PROCEDURES & WORKING ORDER INFORMATION .......................................... 16
  Team Penning and Ranch Sorting .......................................................................................... 16
   Speed Events (barrel racing, pole bending, stake race and breakaway roping) .............. 16
   Scored Events (equitation over fences, cutting, working cow horse, boxing, tie-down
   roping, heading, heeling, reining, western riding, trail, ranch riding, ranch trail) .............. 16
   Placed Events (hunter under saddle, working hunter, hunter hack, western pleasure,
   showmanship, horsemanship, equitation over fences) ........................................................ 16
   Halter ............................................................................................................................................ 16
   Level 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 17
ENTERING ...................................................................................................................................... 17
 Entry Information ........................................................................................................................ 17
   All-Around, Speed Events, Halter, Over-Fence, & Rail Entry Fees ................................... 18
   Cutting, Roping, Team Penning, Ranch Sorting, Cow Horse, Boxing, Reining Entry
   Fees ............................................................................................................................................. 18
   Dressage/Western Dressage ................................................................................................... 19
   3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Stakes - $5,000 Added ........................................................ 19
   The Headley Quarter Horses Working Western Rail Stakes .............................................. 19
   Late Entries ................................................................................................................................. 19
   Built Ford Tough Club Pass...................................................................................................... 19
PAYOUT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 20
  Payout Scale: All-Around, Speed Events, Halter, Over Fence, Rail, Roping, Team
  Penning, & Ranch Sorting Classes ......................................................................................... 20
   Payout Scale: Cutting Classes ................................................................................................. 21
   Payout Scale: Cow Horse & Boxing Classes......................................................................... 21
   Payout Scale: Reining Classes ................................................................................................ 22
   Payout Scale: Working Western Rail ...................................................................................... 22
   Payout Office .............................................................................................................................. 22
CANCELLATIONS/REFUNDS/CHANGES ................................................................................ 23
SUBSTITUTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 23
STALLING ....................................................................................................................................... 23
SPECIAL AWARDS ....................................................................................................................... 24
  All-Around Amateur Award (Level 3 Only) ............................................................................. 24

2021 Official Exhibitor Handbook - AQHA
All-Around Select Amateur Award ........................................................................................... 25
   Gene Graves Super-Select Special Recognition Award ...................................................... 26
   Nutrena Senior Athletes ............................................................................................................ 27
   Amateur Select Classes ............................................................................................................ 27
   2021 OKC Leading Owner Award (both Level 3 and Level 2 classes are eligible) ......... 27
   Farnam SUPERHORSE Award (Level 3 Only) ..................................................................... 27
JUDGING/MONITORING PROCEDURES ................................................................................ 28
  Conflict of Interest ...................................................................................................................... 28
   Lameness .................................................................................................................................... 29
   Judge Assignments / Scoring Matrix ....................................................................................... 29
   Placed classes:........................................................................................................................... 29
   Timed events: ............................................................................................................................. 30
   Scored events: ............................................................................................................................ 30
   Monitoring Procedures: ............................................................................................................. 30
CLASS ROUTINE .......................................................................................................................... 31
  General Procedures ................................................................................................................... 31
   Conflicts ....................................................................................................................................... 32
   Back Number Placement .......................................................................................................... 32
   Score/Results Posting ............................................................................................................... 32
   Level 3 classes ........................................................................................................................... 33
   Entry Minimum ............................................................................................................................ 33
   Go-Rounds, Semi-Finals, and Finals ...................................................................................... 33
DRAW PROCEDURES FOR LEVEL 3 AND LEVEL 2 CLASSES ......................................... 34
RULES FOR SPECIFIC CLASSES ............................................................................................ 35
 Barrel Racing/Pole Bending/Stake Race ............................................................................... 35
   Cutting .......................................................................................................................................... 35
   Dressage ..................................................................................................................................... 35
   Halter/Performance Halter ........................................................................................................ 36
   Hunt Seat Equitation .................................................................................................................. 36
   Hunter Hack ................................................................................................................................ 36
   Hunter Under Saddle ................................................................................................................. 37
   Jumping ....................................................................................................................................... 37
   Ranch Riding .............................................................................................................................. 38
   Ranch Sorting ............................................................................................................................. 38
   Showmanship ............................................................................................................................. 39
   Team Penning ............................................................................................................................ 39
   Tie-Down/Breakaway/Heading/Heeling .................................................................................. 39

Trail............................................................................................................................................... 39
   Western Dressage ..................................................................................................................... 40
   Western Horsemanship ............................................................................................................. 40
   Western Pleasure....................................................................................................................... 40
   Working Cow Horse/Boxing...................................................................................................... 40
   Working Hunter........................................................................................................................... 41
   Working Western Rail ................................................................................................................ 41
DRUG TESTING/TAILS/PROHIBITED APPLIANCES ............................................................ 41
 General Information ................................................................................................................... 41
   Tail Testing .................................................................................................................................. 42
VETERINARIANS .......................................................................................................................... 42
ANIMAL WELFARE ....................................................................................................................... 42
AQHA WORLD SHOW IV BAG RULE ....................................................................................... 44
LIABILITY/RISKS ........................................................................................................................... 45
SAFETY FOR LIVESTOCK .......................................................................................................... 45


                      October 28-November 20, 2021

Effective Date and Repeal

   These rules become effective January 1, 2021, and apply to the 2021 Farnam AQHA World Championships,
   Adequan® Select AQHA World Championships, Adequan® Level 2 Championships, and Nutrena Level 1
   Championships, collectively referred to as “2021 Farnam AQHA World Championship Show”. All previously
   mentioned shows shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the 2021 AQHA Official Handbook and
   the 2021 Farnam AQHA World Championship Show Qualifier’s Handbook. All participants and owners agree
   to abide by such rules and regulations. Any rules and regulations not covered by the 2021 AQHA Official
   Handbook or by rules and/or regulations of the 2021 Farnam AQHA World Championship Show will be
   handled by World Show management, and their decision will be final without recourse of any nature.

   •   The Farnam AQHA World Championship Show will follow all regulations of the Horse Protection
       Act of 1970, Public Law 91-540 or as amended.
   •   Upon entry, every exhibitor, owner, trainer, person in care, custody, or control of a horse, and all other
       World Show participants (collectively “Participants”) accept the facility and grounds, including but not
       limited to, the arenas, barns, stalls, and alleyways on an “as is” basis.
   •   All Participants agree to obey the decisions/instructions of (1) AQHA representatives; (2) Oklahoma State
       Fairground officials; and (3) local, state, and federal officials.

American Quarter Horse Association
1600 Quarter Horse Drive
Amarillo, TX 79104
Phone: (806) 376-4811
Email: worldshow@aqha.org

Recipient Name
AQHA World Show/Jim Norick Arena
333 Gordon Cooper
Oklahoma City, OK 73107

AQHA claims no responsibility for any/all packages delivered to the Farnam AQHA World Championship Show.

The 2021 Farnam AQHA World Show tentative schedule is listed online on the resource page at



Shane Rux Photography
(813) 421-0391


Equine Promotion
(903) 361-0489

Show Veterinarian

Equine Sports Medicine
Dr. John Donnell, Pilot Point, TX

Farrier Services

Craig Harrison, Kechi, KS
(301) 957-4660

Golf Cart Rental

Fore Wheeler Golf Cars
(405) 682-8444

Stall Mat Rental

Elite Stall Mat Rentals
(530) 477-2556


   •   Only approved vendors are allowed to sell product or services during the Farnam AQHA World
       Championship Show.
   •   No one, including exhibitors, may sell products or services from their stall area.
   •   For more information on how to become a vendor or to learn more about the vendors at the show, click

   •   Information regarding 2021 Class & Sponsorship opportunities can be found here.


  •   AQHA prohibits competitors, spectators and visitors at the Association’s Championship Shows from
      taking photography or videography footage intended for commercial distribution and use through
      publications, websites, social networking sites, or any other similar media. Any such prohibited use is
      expressly forbidden without prior written consent from show management.
  •   The Championship Show’s official photographer, videographer and The American Quarter Horse Journal
      are the only parties permitted to provide others with competition photos or videos – whether for payment
      or for free. Anyone, other than credentialed official sources, who provides or intends to use
      photos or video footage in violation of this Policy can be ejected from the event and/or indefinitely
      banned from Championship Shows and AQHA-approved shows.
  •   Media representatives were issued credentials prior to the show upon the completion of an application
      process. To view the AQHA Photography and Videography Policy, visit the media resources section on


Arrival Information

  •   Exhibitors will be allowed access to the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds beginning on Tuesday, October 26,
      2020 at 8 a.m. No horses will be stalled, nor persons allowed on the grounds prior to this time.
  •   All trailers must first visit the inspection station upon arrival to ensure all horses meet the designated
      health requirements listed below.
  •   Upon arrival at the fairgrounds, parking near barn areas will be allowed for a short period of time while
      horses, tack, etc., are unloaded/loaded. Vehicles must be moved to established parking areas after
      unloading/loading is complete. If a vehicle must be removed, the owner is responsible for all costs
      incurred with removing the vehicle.

Health Requirements

  •   Oklahoma state law requires all horses to have an approved, official health certificate issued within 30
      days of the show by a licensed, accredited veterinarian, showing positive identification of the horse, as
      well as all vaccinations.
  •   A VEE vaccination is not required, but if vaccinated, such should be indicated on the health
      certificate and must not have been vaccinated within 14 days of the Show.
  •   A health certificate must accompany all horses showing a negative Coggins test for Equine Infectious
      Anemia issued within 12 months of movement; except weanlings six months of age or younger must
      have a current negative Coggins test.
  •   The health certificate applies to all horses over 12 months of age, including those within the state of
      Oklahoma and must contain the breed and age of the horse.
  •   All health papers and Coggins results should indicate the horse’s registered name.
  •   The health papers, Coggins results and copies of original registration certificates can be provided
  •   Horses affected by or having been exposed to any contagious disease during the 30 days preceding the
      Farnam AQHA World Show will be excluded from the grounds.
  •   All horses (whether entered or not) and livestock that enter the grounds are subject to examination by
      AQHA officials/designated representatives and/or state officials (collectively “officials”) for determining
      whether such animals are, have been infected/exposed, or are likely to be infected with an infectious or
      contagious disease. If after such examination, officials have reason to believe that an animal’s health
      condition places other animals at risk, such officials, at their sole discretion, may quarantine such
      animal (and others that may have been infected/exposed) or, if appropriate, require that such animals
be transported off the grounds. All participants agree to fully cooperate with the officials and abide by
       their decisions/instructions, failing to do so shall be grounds for the participant’s immediate expulsion
       from the grounds, disciplinary action by AQHA and/or possible action by local/state/federal
   •   In case of outbreak of any contagious or infectious disease among the horses, neither AQHA, The
       American Quarter Horse Journal, corporate sponsor, show sponsor, class sponsor, nor Kiser Arena
       Specialists, Oklahoma City Convention & Visitors Bureau, OKC Fairgrounds, Elite Stall Mat, Fore
       Wheeler Golf Cars, or Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce and Convention and Tourism Bureau will
       be liable for any damage or loss that may occur to any person or horse.


Operation of Vehicles

   •   Vehicles must be operated within a safe and reasonable speed limit on the fairgrounds.
   •   Fire lanes must always remain clear, along with any marked areas in which vehicular
   •   traffic is prohibited and other posted traffic and vehicle control regulations.
   •   No vehicles, including golf carts, may be operated in the State Fair Arena, International Trade Center
       Building or in the Travel and Transportation Building, unless written permission is given by the manager
       of the State Fair Arena.
   •   Parking trailers in the lot south of the coliseum is done so at your own risk.

RV Parking

   •   There will be no overnight parking of recreational vehicles except in the designated recreational vehicle
       parking areas.
   •   Electric power, water availability, sanitary dump and showers are nearby.
   •   General RV parking spaces will be rented on a first-come, first-serve basis on-site by the facility. No pre-
       orders will be taken.
   •   Do not hook to any electrical power on the grounds, except in the designated Recreational Vehicle
   •   For more information, call the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds at (405) 948-6700.

Priority RV Parking

   •   A limited number of RV parking spaces in the North VIP & West RV Lots will be available for purchase
       from AQHA on a first come, first serve basis prior to the show under Resources at
       www.aqha.com/worldshow. Priority will go to sponsors for placement of RV spots.
   •   RV reservations for the North VIP & West RV Lots will open the same day the Farnam AQHA World
       Show Entry Form is posted online and will remain online until all spots are sold.

Feed and Bedding

   •   Feed and bedding will be available for purchase on the fairgrounds. Exhibitors may bring their own feed
       and bedding or obtain it from the fairground’s supplier.
   •   For ordering information, call 405-948-6786 or complete the Feed & Bedding Order Form found at
   •   Sawdust is prohibited as bedding. However, wood chips and shavings are acceptable.

First Aid

   •   Emergency medical technicians will be available to provide first aid assistance.
Horses, Dogs & Pet Management

   •   No horses should be turned loose in any arena on the grounds of the Oklahoma State Fair at any
   •   No dogs will be permitted on the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds during the course of the show except
       those under leash control of the owner. Any dog running free will be impounded and removed from the
       grounds. No dogs are allowed in the commercial exhibit area or show arenas. Dogs are prohibited in the
       warmup arenas and makeup areas while classes are showing.
   •   Owners must assume all liability for pets brought to the show.
   •   Proof of current rabies must be available upon request.

   •   Host hotel information can be found at https://www.aqha.com/world-show/resources


   •   AQHA rules cover the required apparel for each class; however, this is a world class event that will
       receive worldwide publicity. Therefore, exhibitors are urged to be neat and clean at all times.


Weanling Ownership Requirements

  •    For weanlings, the ownership deadline is waived in the Amateur, Select and Open divisions.
  •    So long as a weanling is entered by the entry deadline, they may be sold after the entry deadline.
       Ownership may change up to 24 hours prior to the class.
  •    Payouts for Open weanlings classes will be sent to the owner (or lessee) listed as of October 10,

General Ownership Requirements

  •    A horse is ineligible to compete at the 2021 AQHA Amateur and Select World Show if:
            o The horse is shown at the 2021 Youth World Championship while under the ownership of
                someone that is not a family member of the Amateur or Select Qualifying Owner; AND
            o The horse entered in the 2021 AQHA Amateur or Select World Show is a horse that the Amateur
                or Select Qualifying Owner is either the record owner or has an ownership interest in.
  •    If a lessee is eligible for and intends to exhibit that horse at the 2021 Farnam AQHA World
       Championship Show, a showing lease must be in effect and on file with AQHA at the time the lessee (a)
       enters the horse into the Farnam AQHA World Show (prior to October 10, 2021), and (b) exhibits the
       horse at the Farnam AQHA World Show. Should a showing lease expire prior to the above times, a new
       showing lease will be required.
  •    Further, horses cannot be transferred out of an ownership and then be shown in a different breed
       organization’s championship and/or world show and then transferred back into (a) the original owner’s
       name; (b) a joint ID of the original owner; (c) an “immediate family” member of the original owner, or (d)
       an entity owned in whole or in part by the original owner so as to be shown in an AQHA world show in
       the same year.
  •    The exhibitor in the amateur class(es) must be the owner at the time of invitation during a qualifying year
       and a current AQHA amateur member.
  •    An otherwise eligible entry for the Farnam AQHA World Championship Show will automatically be
       revoked if:
            o Ownership of the qualified horse is transferred to a youth or other person not having a family
relationship with the transferor as specified in the AQHA Official Handbook.
          o   The horse is actually exhibited at the Ford Youth World Championship Show occurring in the
              same calendar year as the Adequan® Select or Farnam AQHA World Championship Show.


Membership Requirements

   •   A current AQHA membership is required of all owners and exhibitors for Open, Amateur, and Select
       divisions. A current membership is required of exhibitors in Level 1 classes.

General Eligibility Information

   •   Only official AQHA records will be used as the basis to determine eligibility. All points considered for
       eligibility in Level 2 and Level 3 classes at this show will be based on the eligibility status of 2021. All
       points considered for eligibility in Level 1 classes will be based on the eligibility status of 2020.
   •   All 2021 World Champions, in Amateur, Select and Open, will be invited to compete in the same class(es)
       at the 2022 World Championship Show.
           o Note: if a horse was a stallion when he won a world championship, he must enter this year’s
                 world show as a stallion – he will NOT be invited back if he is now a gelding (unless he qualifies
                 as a gelding acquiring the number of points set for geldings).
   •   Classes are leveled by class and based on exhibitor or horse records. Level eligibility is based on both
       points and awards earned.
           o Classes leveled by exhibitor record: youth, amateur, Select amateur, halter and cattle classes.
           o Classes leveled by horse record: open division classes (excluding halter and cattle events).

Select Amateur Division Eligibility

   •   To be eligible to compete in any Select class, the exhibitor must be 50 years of age or older on or before
       October 10, 2021.
   •   The same horse/exhibitor combination is not eligible to compete in Level 3 Amateur and Select divisions
       of the same class type. However, a horse/exhibitor combination may show in the Level 3 (either Amateur
       or Select) and Level 2 or Level 1 of the same class type.

Amateur Division Eligibility

   •   An Amateur exhibitor may show a maximum of three horses per class. That exhibitor can show all three
       horses in Level 3 or in Level 2 (if eligible) of that class – or, can show two horses in Level 3 and one in
       Level 2 – or, can show 1 horse in Level 3 and two in Level 2 (if eligible) – or, any combination thereof, so
       long as the exhibitor does not show more than three horses in a class.
   •   If an Amateur and horse are Level 2 eligible that combination can enter BOTH the Level 2 and Level 3
       portions of a class.
   •   If an Amateur exhibitor is eligible with more than one horse in a non-individual working class, both horses
       can be entered, but one must be scratched prior to the start of the class. There is no refund for the
       scratched class.
   •   To be eligible for Level 2, the exhibitor must be Level 2 eligible in each class they wish to compete.
   •   To compete in the amateur division, the horse must be shown by the same exhibitor listed at the time of
       entry and that exhibitor must be the owner or have a valid relationship to the owner to show the horse in
       accordance with Rule SHW220 of the 2021 AQHA Official Handbook.
   •   Level 2 classes DO NOT count towards All-Around Amateur tabulation.

Level 1 Amateur/Select information:

   •   To be eligible for Level 1 competition, an individual may NOT:
           o Have exceeded the point cap for that class.
           o Have earned a superior award in the past 10 years for that particular class in any equine
              organization with a membership of more than 7,500 members (including but not limited to AQHA,
              APHA, ApHC).
           o Have placed in the top three at any AQHA world show in that particular class.
           o Have won a world, reserve world, national or reserve national championship title in that particular
              class (excluding Level 1 classes) in any equine organization with a membership of more than 7,500
              members (including but not limited to AQHA, APHA, ApHC).
           o Have won an international or reserve international title for that particular class at the European
              Championships or German Championships regardless of whether the international class in
              question was an AQHA–approved class
           o Have won a total of $5,000 in cash and/or prizes with any equine organization in that particular
           o Have competed on an NCEA equestrian team on a scholarship, or rodeo as a starting exhibitor.
           o Have been an accredited horse show judge or who has trained professionally
   •   If an exhibitor entered the Level 1 Ranch Riding at the 2021 Versatility Ranch Horse World
       Championships, the Level 1 Ranch Riding exhibitor may only compete at the 2021 Level 1
       Championships in Ranch Riding at the Farnam AQHA World Show if they are competing on a different

Open Division Eligibility

   •   Youth exhibitors who are 18 years old or under as of January 1 of the show year, are eligible to show
       horses in the open division.
   •   If the youth is within three years of becoming old enough to be an Amateur (19 as of January 1), they will
       need to be cognizant of Rule SHW236.1 regarding ownership.
   •   In halter, the exhibitor must be at least 9 years old as of January 1 of the show year.
   •   An Open exhibitor may show a maximum of four horses per class. That exhibitor can show all four
       horses in Level 3 or in Level 2 (if eligible) of that class – or, can show three horses in Level 3 and one in
       Level 2 – or, can show two horses in Level 3 and two horses in Level 2 (if eligible) – or, any combination
       thereof, so long as the exhibitor does not show more than four horses in a class.
   •   In the Open Division, exhibitor changes must be made by 12 p.m. the day before the class, as working
       orders will be posted the evening before the class.
   •   In the Open Division, no exhibitor changes will be allowed that would result in a separate run from the
       original entry after 12 p.m. the day before the class.
   •   If a dual entry exhibitor decides to change to a Level 3 only rider, the Level 2 entry will be scratched.
   •   If two different exhibitors enter Level 3 and Level 2 on the same horse, the exhibitors can be changed
       on either entry, but the horse will still compete in each working order in the original position.
   •   If two different exhibitors enter Level 3 and Level 2 on the same horse and the exhibitor is changed to
       one dual entry exhibitor, the exhibitor will work once in the first draw spot.
   •   In team penning, ranch sorting and jumping, a rider can ride up to four horses, as these classes are
       all-age classes.
   •   Halter and all cattle classes are levelled by the exhibitor, so if an exhibitor is Level 2 eligible, they will be
       able to enter any class they are eligible for. Horses placing in the top two in the Level 3 classes at an
       Open World Show are not eligible for Level 2 at the World Show for the subsequent five years in that
       class, regardless of points earned in the previous three years.
   •   All other classes are levelled by the horse, so if a horse is Level 2 eligible, the horse may be entered in the
       World Show in Level 2. Horses placing in the top two in the Level 3 classes at an Open World Show are
       not eligible for Level 2 at the World Show for the subsequent five years in that class, regardless of points
       earned in the previous three years. Further, there are exhibitors that are ineligible to show in Level 2 based
       on monies and/or points earned in organizations other than AQHA.
•    In halter and cattle classes, if an exhibitor is ineligible as a Level 2 competitor, that exhibitor must
        only show that horse in Level 3.
   •    In all other classes in the Open division, if the horse is ineligible to be a Level 2 competitor, it
        must be shown only in Level 3.
   •    No official AQHA points will be earned by participation in this World Championship Show and concurrent
        events; however, any finalists, top ten placings, Reserve World Champion and World Champion will be
        recognized on the permanent record of the respective horse.

Open Division Roping Pilot Qualifying Program

   •    New for 2021! The Open Roping Division qualifying point program will be in effect. Click here for more
        information. Horses are required to qualify for each roping class in one of three ways:
            o Earn the required number of qualifying points for the desired class during the 2021 Farnam AQHA
                 World qualifying period, August 1, 2020, to July 31, 2021, and pay the standard Farnam AQHA
                 World entry fee. View the open-division roping qualifying points.
            o Participate in three AQHA-approved events during the 2021 Farnam AQHA World qualifying
                 period and pay the standard Farnam AQHA World entry fee, regardless of number of points
                 earned. Participation credit is earned by horse on a class-by-class basis. AQHA events
                 encompass all judge numbers for a particular show or circuit. For example, the Arizona Sun
                 Circuit is considered one event, even though it includes eight sets of points.
            o If the American Quarter Horse does not earn the required amount of qualifying points or does not
                 attend three AQHA-approved events by class during the 2021 Farnam AQHA World qualifying
                 period, the American Quarter Horse can still be entered in the Farnam AQHA World for a $7,500
                 nomination fee per class entered.
   •    The nomination payments will be added to the horse’s respective class purse. Due to the required purse
        fee, all horses entered in the class will be eligible to receive the full purse, regardless of the qualifying

Level 2 Eligibility

   •    Based on points earned in AQHA-approved classes, approximately the top 2 percent of exhibitors in
        horse-based leveled classes will not be eligible as Level 2 competitors. Check the following link for more
        information. https://www.aqha.com/adequan%C2%AE-level-2-championship-classes
             o Points are tabulated based on a 3-year time period between November 1, 2016 and October 30,
   •    Exhibitors having earned a world or reserve world championship in the specific class in the last five
        years are not Level 2 eligible (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and/or 2020).
   •    Horses placing in the top two in the Level 3 classes at the Open World Shows are not eligible for Level 2
        for the subsequent five years in that class, regardless of points earned in the past three years.
   •    Alliance partner guidelines & monies earned by exhibitors and by class. (See specific exclusions by
        class.) Even though an exhibitor is not expressly listed by name on this list, an exhibitor is not eligible for
        a level 2 class if that exhibitor meets the criteria named for that particular class.

Performance Halter

    •   To be eligible to compete in an Open Performance Halter class at the 2021 Farnam AQHA World
        Championship Show, the horse must have earned a Performance Register of Merit or a Racing
        Register of Merit by July 31, 2021. The horse must also enter and compete in a L2 or L3 Open
        Performance class at the 2021 Farnam AQHA World Championship Show. If for any reason the horse
        does not compete in an Open performance class, the horse will be disqualified from that Open
        Performance Halter class and will NOT be counted as an entry for that class. Any awards won in the
        Open Performance Halter class must be relinquished. Entry fees are non-refundable.
    •   To be eligible to compete in an Amateur Performance Halter class at the 2021 Farnam AQHA World

Championship Show the horse must have earned a Performance Register of Merit or a Racing Register
       of Merit by July 31, 2021. The horse must also enter and compete in a L2 or L3 Amateur Performance
       class at the 2021 Farnam AQHA World Championship Show. Showmanship does not count for a
       performance class. If for any reason the horse does not compete in an Amateur performance class, the
       horse will be disqualified from that Amateur Performance Halter class and will NOT be counted as an
       entry for that class. Any awards won in the Amateur Performance Halter class must be relinquished.
       Entry fees are non-refundable.
   •   To be eligible to compete in a Select Performance Halter class at the 2021 Farnam AQHA World
       Championship Show the horse must have earned a Performance Register of Merit or a Racing
       Register of Merit by July 31, 2021. The horse must also enter and compete in a Select Performance
       class at the 2021 Farnam AQHA World Championship Show. Showmanship does not count for a
       performance class. If for any reason the horse does not compete in a Select performance class, the
       horse will be disqualified from that Select Performance Halter class and will NOT be counted as an
       entry for that class. Any awards won in the Select Performance Halter class must be relinquished. Entry
       fees are non-refundable.
   •   If a speed event is chosen to complete Performance Halter requirements, the time ran must be within
       three seconds of the fastest time, exclusive of any time penalties, in order to be considered an entry. If
       for any reason the horse does not run a time within three seconds of the fastest time, the horse will be
       disqualified from the respective Performance Halter class and will NOT be counted as an entry for that
       class. Any awards won in the Performance Halter class must be relinquished. Entry fees are non-
   •   To be eligible to compete in a Level 1 Performance Halter class the horse must have earned a Register
       of Merit by July 31, 2021.
   •   If a horse is eligible in both halter and performance halter, he/she may be exhibited in both classes.

Weanlings and Two-Year-Old Western Pleasure

   •   As there are no official AQHA points for weanlings, weanling halter classes will be considered open as
       far as point eligibility is concerned.
         o All weanlings (and yearlings) must be registered and parentage verified with AQHA by entry
             deadline October 10, 2021. NO EXCEPTIONS.
   •   As there are no official AQHA points for two-year-old western pleasure until July 1 of each year, this
       class will be considered open as far as point eligibility is concerned.
         o All horses entered in two-year-old western pleasure must be registered with AQHA by entry
             deadline of October 10, 2021.

The Headley Quarter Horses Working Western Ranch Rail Stakes

  •    Eligibility for this class requires an entry in a Level 3 or Level 2 ranch riding class (open, select, or
       amateur) at the Farnam AQHA World Championship Show.
  •    Cross-entry between the Working Western Rail Stakes and any other Western Pleasure or Hunter Under
       Saddle class is NOT allowed.
  •    For more information, click here.

Open Level 1 and Stakes Classes

   •   Level 1 Stakes classes will be held in Ranch Riding, Trail, Western Pleasure, Western Riding, and
       Hunter Under Saddle.
   •   Horses must be Level 1 eligible as of January 1, 2021.
   •   Open Stakes classes will be held in Working Western Rail, Dressage, and Western Dressage.
   •   Amateur Stakes classes will be held for Working Western Rail. Amateur/Youth Stakes classes will be
       held for Dressage and Western Dressage.

Team Penning/Ranch Sorting Entries/Alternates

   •     All entries in open and amateur team penning and ranch sorting must list the other team member(s) at
         the time of entry, along with horse’s name and registration number.
   •     Amateur exhibitors may not have been rated as a #7 or above in the Ranch Sorting National
         Championships or a #7 in the United States Team Penning Association as of January 1, 2021.
   •     All team members in Level 2 team penning and ranch sorting classes must be Level 2 eligible.
   •     Each team will be considered one entry and rules referring to entries in this handbook refer to a team
         (i.e., calculation of points toward Farnam SUPERHORSE, All-Around Amateur, etc.). However, regarding
         distribution and awarding of sponsor added monies and purses, calculation will be made on an individual
         entry basis.
   •     Any number of team penning, and ranch sorting alternates may be named at the time of entry; however,
         the alternate must consist of a qualified horse in open competition, and horse and rider combination in
         amateur competition.
   •     Alternates must be assigned by 12 p.m. the day prior to the class.
   •     Alternates must pay the $100 entry fee at the show, and such fee will not be added to the purse.
   •     Absolutely no changes or additions in alternate horse/riders listed in team penning or ranch sorting will
         be allowed after the late entry deadline, October 10, 2021.


Team Penning and Ranch Sorting

  •    USTPA will be assisting in running all Team Penning & Ranch Sorting classes.
  •    Level 3 will have a work order and run first followed by Level 2 competitors with a different work order. If a
       team wants to ride in Level 2, all team members must be Level 2 eligible.

Speed Events (barrel racing, pole bending, stake race and breakaway roping)

  •    A horse entered in both Level 3 and Level 2 that is ridden by same rider can choose to roll over time from
       the Level 3 run to the Level 2 run or choose to make two separate runs. This must be declared at the
       time of entry.

Scored Events (equitation over fences, cutting, working cow horse, boxing, tie-down
roping, heading, heeling, reining, western riding, trail, ranch riding, ranch trail)

  •    If a horse is entered in both Level 3 and Level 2 and is ridden by same rider, then the Level 3 score will
       roll over and be counted for the Level 2 score for the Level 2 placings.
  •    If a horse is entered in Level 3 with one exhibitor and in Level 2 with a different exhibitor, that horse will
       work twice within the randomized draw.

Placed Events (hunter under saddle, working hunter, hunter hack, western pleasure,
showmanship, horsemanship, equitation over fences)

   •     Level 2 classes will run separate from the Level 3 prelims.


   •     Level 2 and Level 3 classes will be held concurrently. Both classes will be shown at one time. If an
         exhibitor is eligible, he/she may enter both levels, but the horse will be shown only one time.

Level 2

  •    At the 2021 Farnam AQHA World, there will be no Level 2 classes offered for amateur boxing,
       open/amateur jumping, open/amateur pleasure driving, open/amateur weanlings, open/amateur working
       hunter under saddle, open/amateur ranch trail and progressive working hunter.
  •    Level 2 classes will have only one go round, that will be considered a final. There will be 5 judges in each
       of the Level 2 classes. Upon completion of Level 2 finals, the Level 2 awards will be presented.
  •    No Level 2 shoot outs will be held. There will be a semi-final in exhibitor judged classes when applicable
       based on entry numbers.


Entry Information

   •    Online entries will be open from mid-August to September 15, with late entry periods through October
        10. Telephone or mail-in entries will not be accepted. The entry forms can be found at
   •    The entry deadline to enter without a late fee penalty is September 15 at 11:59pm Central Time.
   •    If you are unable to access the online entry form, please contact AQHA at worldshow@aqha.org or
        by phone at (806) 378-5083.
   •    An entry number will be assigned to every horse by the show secretary.
   •    The primary online entry form includes:
            o Open Level 3 classes
            o Open Level 2 classes
            o Open Level 1 Stakes classes
            o Amateur Level 3 classes
            o Amateur Level 2 classes
            o Amateur Level 1 classes
            o Amateur Select classes
            o Amateur Select Level 1 classes
            o NSBA classes
            o Southern Belle classes
            o 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Stakes Class, sponsored by Rusty and Katie Green
            o Headley Working Western Rail Stakes Classes
  •    Separate entry forms will be available at https://www.aqha.com/world-show/resources for:
            o Dressage & Western Dressage
            o Western Pleasure Challenge
            o Pleasure Versatility Challenge

All-Around, Speed Events, Halter, Over-Fence, & Rail Entry Fees

  •   New for 2021! Class entry fees will include ALL office & drug fees.
  •   Optional jackpot fees will be paid back at 100% payback! Payback will only be available to those who
      have entered the optional jackpot. See the Payout Information section for more details re: payouts.

      LEVEL/TYPE                           PER CLASS ENTRY FEE          OPTIONAL JACKPOT FEE
      Level 3                              $275                         $300
      Level 2                              $200                         $200
      Level 1                              $125                         $100
      NSBA Concurrent Class Entry          $75                          N/A
      Southern Belle                       $100                         N/A

  •   Fees in addition to Class Fees:

      FEE TYPE                             COST PER CLASS
      Trail / Over-Fence Obstacle Fee      $35 / class

Cutting, Roping, Team Penning, Ranch Sorting, Cow Horse, Boxing, Reining Entry Fees

  •   New for 2021! Class entry fees will include ALL office & drug fees.
  •   Purse fees described below are required to enter the class. All required purse fees will be paid back at
      100% payback. See the Payout Information section for more information re: payouts.

      CLASS/LEVEL/DIVISION                           ENTRY FEE       REQUIRED PURSE          CATTLE
                                                                     FEE                     FEES
      Cutting – Level 3 Open                         $275            $1,000                  $190 / class
      Cutting – Level 3 Amateur/Select               $275            $1,000                  $190 / class
      Cutting – Level 2 Open                         $200            $500                    $190 / class
      Cutting – Level 2 Amateur                      $200            $500                    $190 / class
      Roping – Level 3 Open                          $275            $750                    $65 / class
      Roping – Level 3 Amateur/Select                $275            $500                    $65 / class
      Roping – Level 2 Open                          $200            $375                    $65 / class
      Roping – Level 2 Amateur                       $200            $375                    $65 / class
      Penning/Sorting – Level 3 Open                 $275            $250                    $70 / class
      Penning/Sorting – Level 3 Amateur/Select       $275            $250                    $70 / class
      Penning/Sorting – Level 2 Open                 $200            $125                    $70 / class
      Penning/Sorting – Level 2 Amateur              $200            $125                    $70 / class
      Cow Horse – Level 3 Open                       $275            $1,000                  $90 / class
      Cow Horse/Boxing – Level 3 Amateur/Select      $275            $1,000                  $90 / class
      Cow Horse – Level 2 Open                       $200            $500                    $90 / class
      Cow Horse – Level 2 Amateur                    $200            $500                    $90 / class
      Reining – Level 3 Open                         $275            $1,000                  N/A
      Reining – Level 3 Amateur/Select               $275            $1,000                  N/A
      Reining – Level 2 Open                         $200            $500                    N/A
      Reining – Level 2 Amateur                      $200            $500                    N/A
      Reining – Level 1 Amateur                      $125            $250                    N/A

•    Cattle Fees:
           o   Cattle fees will be in addition to the entry fee.
           o   Cattle fees will be charged each time the horse is put on cattle. For example: if a rider chooses to
               show in Level 3 and Level 2 heading, he will ride only once so will be charged one cattle fee.
               However, if an owner wants his horse ridden in Level 3 heading by his trainer and then the owner
               will ride the horse in Level 2 heading, he will be charged two cattle charges as the horse will work
   •   Open Roping Nomination Fee:
           o   If Open Roping national or participation qualification requirements are not met, a $7,500
               nomination fee per class must be paid to enter.
           o   The nomination payments will be added to the horse’s respective class purse. Due to the
               required purse fee, all horses entered in the class will be eligible to receive the full purse,
               regardless of the qualifying method.
           o   For more information on the Open-Division Roping Pilot Qualifying program for 2021, click here.

Dressage/Western Dressage

   •   The Dressage & Western Dressage entry will be available online at https://www.aqha.com/world-
   •   $450/division – This includes 2 preliminary tests and a required test. A rider may choose not to compete
       in all three tests but will not receive a refund for any unridden tests.
   •   $100 optional jackpot – 100% of payback is distributed by level/division based on average percentages.
   •   For more information on Dressage and Western Dressage visit

3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Stakes - $5,000 Added

   •   Entry Fee, if entered by September 15                       $400
       Late fees apply as stated below after September 15
   •   Drug Testing Fee                                            $30

The Headley Quarter Horses Working Western Rail Stakes

   •   Entry Fee per class, if entered by September 15             $250
   •   Drug Testing Fee per horse                                  $30

Late Entries

   •   There will be an option to late enter online for a fee in 2021.
   •   A late fee of $1,000/horse will be incurred between September 16 at 12:00 a.m. Central time to
       September 25 at 11:59 p.m. Central time.
   •   A late fee of $2,000/horse will be incurred between September 26 at 12:00 a.m. Central time to October
       10 at 11:59 p.m. Central Time.
   •   No entries will be taken after entries close on October 10 at 11:59 p.m. Central time – no exceptions.
   •   No entries will be accepted at the show.
   •   Anyone entering after the September 15 entry period may have to use re-run cattle.

Built Ford Tough Club Pass

  •    $150 for entire show per pass


  •   New for 2021! All corresponding class jackpots or required purse fees will 100% payback.
  •   Regular class entry fees will not include a class payout. Only those who enter the jackpot or required
      purse will be eligible to receive a payout.
  •   If you earn prize money, the United States Internal Revenue Service regulations require AQHA to
      withhold 24% for domestic and 30% for international of any earnings unless AQHA has a current W9
      form on file.
  •   In the Open division, jackpot payouts will be issued to the owner (or lessee) on record at the time of
      entry deadline, October 10, 2021.
  •   In the Amateur, Select, Level 1 Amateur, and Level 1 Select divisions, payouts will be issued to the
  •   The W-9 form must be completed using the PAYEE’s name and social security or tax identification
      number (TIN). Payee for Open classes is defined as the owner (or lessee) of the horse as of the entry
      deadline. Payee for Amateur, Select, Level 1 Amateur, and Level 1 Select divisions is considered the

Payout Scale: All-Around, Speed Events, Halter, Over Fence, Rail, Roping, Team
Penning, & Ranch Sorting Classes

Payout Scale: Cutting Classes

Payout Scale: Cow Horse & Boxing Classes

Payout Scale: Reining Classes

Payout Scale: Working Western Rail

Payout Office

  •   New for 2021! There will be a payout office on the show grounds during the event.
  •   Payout office hours during the show will be 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily.
  •   The payout office will provide winnings on-site.
       o Open division payout checks will be made to the owner of the horse.
       o Amateur & Amateur Select division payout checks will be made to the exhibitor.
       o In the event there is a discrepancy in eligibility or class placings, exhibitors have until 10 a.m.
           Central Time the day following the class to protest the results. After the protest period expires, no
           changes will be made to the placings or payouts.
       o Payouts will be available upon expiration of the protest period.
       o Payouts earned on the final day of competition and payout checks not picked up during the show
           will be mailed within 5 business days.
  •   To receive a payout check from the payout office during the show:
       o Valid government-issued ID and signed check confirmation form will be required.
       o ID must exactly match the name of payee or an authorized party on file with the AQHA office.
       o If valid government-issued ID cannot be provided, the payout check will be mailed.
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