Page created by Lonnie Holmes
Proprietary and Confidential

2021 McLagan Job Catalogue
Property & Casualty Insurance
The Job Catalogue is divided into four sections:
                    Section A - Introduction
                    Section B - Job Definitions
                    Section C - Level Definitions
                    Section D - Methodology & Confidentiality

A.2   McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
McLagan Compensation Surveys

                         Compensation survey data helps ensure that you have a factual
                         basis for some of your most important people-related decisions.
                         McLagan’s surveys are a cornerstone of that decision-making process.
                         This catalogue provides detailed information about McLagan’s survey coverage and,
                         along with other supporting information and advice from your local consultants, is
                         intended to help you with survey job matching and data submission.

                         McLagan surveys include:

Our global               •   Robust, sector-specific coverage.
compensation survey      •   New functions and specializations that reflect our commitment to provide
program has been             you with detailed, granular results and insights in a changing business and
                             technology environment.
built from over 50
                         •   Globally consistent structure, facilitating cross-country analysis.
years of partnering
                         •   Common leveling framework, allowing for cross-functional and
with our clients.            cross-industry analysis.
We collect the
                         The survey design is intended to:
most accurate and
comprehensive data       •   Make the job matching process easier for you.

across the financial     •   Provide you with richer data that enables more robust analysis.

services, financial      This Job Catalogue outlines the coding methodology for aligning your jobs to
technology, and          McLagan’s survey positions. As you review this catalogue and match your employees
                         please note that:
consulting industries.
                         •   Our survey job titles are normalized / genericized and may not exactly match
                             your firm’s position titles.
                         •   You should provide data for all employees whose job content reasonably
All survey data
                             matches the survey’s benchmark jobs.
can be accessed
via our platform,

                         We are available to help you throughout the job matching and data submission
                         process. That’s our job.

                                                                                                       McLagan   i
Data is at the Center of Everything We Do

     McLagan’s survey data is the foundation to the advisory support that we provide our clients
     globally. McLagan consultants bring focused industry expertise and a general management
     perspective that ensures our recommendations reflect current market and industry best practices,
     tax and accounting requirements, and human resource regulations. We assign a highly skilled
     senior consultant to every project team and our approach is customized for every project, ensuring
     alignment to our clients’ goals and objectives.

     Market Practice                                        Advisory                               People Analytics
     Market Practice Studies provide an                     We specialize in helping clients       Building the workforce of the future
     additional perspective to                              build the rewards programs they        mandates innovative, one-of-a-kind
     supplement compensation market                         need to be successful today and for    tools that dive deeper into data and
     data. They are designed to enhance                     tomorrow. Our advisory knowledge       deliver actionable insights so you
     clients’ understanding of human                        and expertise in total rewards         can transform risk into advantage.
     capital trends that go beyond                          benchmarking & optimization, job       Driven by our proprietary data,
     pay levels, from broad human                           architecture design, and incentive     technology, and industry expertise –
     capital practices to linking pay to                    design allows your firm to deliver     we have designed a suite of solutions
     employee performance.                                  rewards in a clear and compelling      to address critical workforce issues
                                                            way. Additionally, we can partner      including the rising challenge of
                                                            with you to design executive           pay equity, turnover, and people
                                                            compensation programs that are         cost. We’re here to help you unlock
                                                            competitive, compelling, and aligned   insights and reap the advantages of
                                                            with your business strategies. We      an analytics-driven approach to HR.
                                                            can help you implement solutions
                                                            around corporate governance,
                                                            regulatory compliance, and risk
                                                            protection policies.

ii   McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Section A

               McLagan   A.1
Navigating the McLagan Job Catalogue

      Our compensation benchmark code structure has been designed for efficient
      and consistent employee job mapping.

      Attributes of the McLagan Benchmark Code

                               The employee’s physical location, collected by official ISO country code.
                               Examples include United States, United Kingdom, Singapore, India.

                               The highest level of a job—a major division, department, or primary industry.
            Group              Examples include Asset Management, Consumer Banking, Infrastructure, Markets
                               & Investment Banking.
                               The second highest level of a job—a sub-division, smaller department,

            Sub-               primary and / or secondary industry.
                               Examples include Traditional Investments, Credit Cards, Finance & Treasury,
                               Investment Banking.

                               The primary activity that describe the job’s core responsibilities.
         Function              Examples include Portfolio Management, Sales, Finance, Relationship
                               The principle specificity of expertise or product for which the job is
             Area              responsible for and contributes to role differentiation.
                               Examples include Equities, Retail & Private Label, Accounting, Industry Coverage.
                               The most precise specification of the job’s responsibilities and / or within the

                               product coverage.
                               Examples include U.S. Equities – Large Cap – Growth, Retail Cards, Financial
                               Planning & Analysis, Media & Telecom.

                               The normalized market level based on a consistent set of defined
            Level              dimensions.
                               Examples include Senior Expert, Advanced, Intermediate, Managing Expert.
A.2   McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Matching Your Employees to
McLagan’s Benchmark Codes
Anatomy of the McLagan Benchmark Code


Identify the Location,
Group, and Sub-Group
To begin, the first part of the code                    Sub-Group
will be to assign Location, Group,
and Sub-Group to each employee.          Location

The physical location is the
country’s ISO code. The Group and         CC.GGGSSS.??.????.??
Sub-Group codes are available in
the Job Catalogue.                                  Group

Select the Function, Area,
and Focus
Next, assign each employee to the
more specific job attributes, starting   Location
with Function and then assigning
the next two levels of specificity—       CC.GGGSSS.FF.AAFF.??
Area and Focus.
                                                    Group                Focus


Determine the Level
The final step in the process is                       Sub-Group
to assign the appropriate market                                    Area
normalized Level as defined by

                                                    Group                Focus


                                                                        McLagan      A.3
Global Coverage                                                                                           Location

      Over 45 locations are covered by McLagan’s Compensation Survey Program including those listed.
      For a comprehensive list of all locations and corresponding codes, please reference our Global Data
      Collection and Survey Results Methodology Guide on McLaganLive (ml.aon.com).

                                       ISO                                               ISO
                                      Code         Country                              Code     Country

                                       AR          Argentina                             BE      Belgium
                                       BR          Brazil                                FI      Finland
                                       CA          Canada                                FR      France
                                       CL          Chile                                 DE      Germany
                                       CO          Colombia                              IE      Ireland
                                      MX           Mexico                                IT      Italy
                                       PE          Peru                                  LU      Luxembourg
                                       US          United States     Europe              NL      Netherlands
                                       AU          Australia                            NO       Norway
                                       BD          Bangladesh                            PL      Poland
                                       CN          China                                 RU      Russia
                                       HK          Hong Kong                             ES      Spain
                                       IN          India                                 SE      Sweden
                                       ID          Indonesia                             CH      Switzerland
                                        JP         Japan                                 GB      United Kingdom
          Asia Pacific
                                       MY          Malaysia                              BH      Bahrain
                                       PH          Philippines                           JO      Jordan
                                       SG          Singapore                            KW       Kuwait
                                       KR          South Korea       Middle East        OM       Oman
                                      TW           Taiwan            & Africa            QA      Qatar
                                       TH          Thailand                              SA      Saudi Arabia
                                       VN          Vietnam                               ZA      South Africa
                                                                                         AE      United Arab Emirates

A.4   McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Group & Sub-Group Coverage                                                       Group           Group

McLagan has comprehensive coverage across financial services.

 ASM   Asset Management                         FIN    Financial Services
 ATS   Alternatives Leadership & Sales          DIG    Digital
 ALC   Alternative Credit                       EXM    Executive Management
 ASC   Asset Consulting                         INF    Infrastructure
 FTA   Fund Administration / Transfer Agency            Corporate & Business Administration
 HGF   Hedge Funds                                      Communications & Marketing
 PEQ   Private Equity                                   Control Functions
 REI   Real Estate                                      Finance & Treasury
 RPS   Retirement Plan Services                         Human Resources
 TRD   Traditional Investments                          Operations
 TSM   Traditional Sales & Marketing                    Technology

 AOI   Asset Owners / Institutional Investors   FIT    Financial Technology
 CPS   Corporate Plan Sponsors                   FIT   Financial Technology
 EFS   Endowments & Foundations
 FAO   Family Offices                           INS    Insurance
 PUB   Public Funds                             GEN    Property & Casualty / General Insurance
                                                PCR    Reinsurance
 COM Commodities                                PCS    P&C Specialty Insurance
 COM   Commodities                               LFI   Life Insurance
                                                LLS    Lloyd's Specialty
 CON   Consulting Services                      BRO    Insurance Brokerage
 CON   Consulting Services
 SPC   Specialist                               MIB    Markets & Investment Banking
                                                EQD    Equities
 CNB   Consumer Banking                         EQR    Equity Research
 CNB   Consumer Banking                         FID    Fixed Income
 CRC   Credit Cards                              FIR   Fixed Income Research
 MBK   Mortgage Banking                         IBD    Investment Banking
 MER   Merchant Services                        IVS    Investor Services
 MSE   Mortgage Servicing                       MIB    Cross Divisional Management

 CCB   Corporate, Commercial, & Specialty       PRO    Professional Services
                                                SCM    Strategic Communications & Marketing
 AVF   Aviation Finance
 CMB   Commercial Banking                       WMT Wealth Management
 COR   Corporate Banking                        BRK    Retail Brokerage
 CMF   Commercial Finance                       PCM    Private Client Investment Management
 ELF   Equipment Leasing & Finance              PRI    Private Banking
 MLL   Middle Market Leveraged Lending          WMA    Wealth Management Administration
 CRE   Real Estate Finance                      PRU    Ultra-High Net Worth
 TRA   Transaction Banking

                                                                                                   McLagan   A.5
Cross Sector Global Leveling Structure                                                                             Levels

      Our benchmarks follow one consistent leveling structure across all sectors,
      geographies, and roles.

                                                                                            Levels are determined
                 Leadership                                   14                            by measurement across
                                                                                            dimensions defined as:
       Leadership levels cover employees who
       have a significant influence on the overall            13
       strategy and execution of the entire firm,                    Executive              Core Dimensions
       major division, or business unit. Leadership           12                             Strategic / Tactical / Transactional
       levels typically manage significant groups                                            Firm / Division / Department / Individual
       of employees with multiple layers
                                                              11                             Client Coverage (External or Internal)
       of management.
                                                                                             Typical Experience
                                                              10     Managing Expert         Title Guidelines / Samples Positions

                                                             09      Senior Expert          Accountability & Judgement
                 Professionals                               08      Expert                  Judgement
       Professional levels cover individual
       contributors and managers on career                    07     Advanced               Knowledge
       paths focused on people management,
       process management, specialization, and/                                              Business Knowledge
                                                             06      Experienced
       or functional leadership. Professional levels                                         Breadth of Expertise
       typically cover the majority of employees
       within organizations.                                 05      Intermediate
                                                             04      Entry                   Influence & Impact

                                                              03     Senior Support         People
                 Support                                                                     Leading & Managing
       Support levels cover employees who                    02      Intermediate Support    People Development
       perform roles delivering tactical and                                                 Level of Interaction
       routine activities, generally with high levels         01     Junior Support
       of oversight by people managers or
       formal procedures.

      See Section C: Level Definitions for more guidance.

A.6   McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Section B
Job Definitions

                  McLagan   B.1
Insurance Group
Benchmarking Codes
and Job Definitions

_ _.INS_ _ _ ._ _ ._ _ _ _ ._ _

                                  McLagan B.1
Benchmark Code Structure

                                                                                                   _ _.INS_ _ _._ _ ._ _ _ _ ._ _

Insurance (INS)
Sub-Group Codes and Definitions

          Code              Definition                                                                                              Page

                            Property & Casualty / General Insurance                                                             Page B.3
GEN                         Property & Casualty / General Insurance covers activities related to insurance products that
                            cover tangibly owned objects, such as a car or home, in addition to liability coverage for

INF                         Infrastructure                                                                                      Page B.38
                            Infrastructure covers activities related to enabling functions that drive business results.
                            Core roles include communications, compliance, corporate and business administration,
                            finance, human resources, legal, marketing, operations, risk management, technology, and

B.2 McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Benchmark Code Structure

                                                                                      _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Insurance (INS)
Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)

Group | Sub-Group | Function



                                                              Property & Casualty /
                                                               General Insurance



        Leadership                   Planning &                       Sales                    Relationship                    Licensing
                                    Development                                                Management                    Administration

              LE                        SD                             SA                          RM                             LA

                                                    Product                      Analytics,
                        Actuarial                 Management /                  Modelling, &                   Insurance
                        Services                  Development                    Reporting                    Underwriting

                          AS                           PR                             AB                          IU

       Liability Risk                 Ceded                        Client Service                  Claims                     Insurance
        Consulting                  Reinsurance                     & Reporting                                               Operations

              LR                        CX                              CR                          CL                            IO

                                                   Corporate &
                        Finance                     Business

                           FI                          CB

                                                                                                                                              McLagan B.3
Insurance (INS)                                                                             Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                              _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Function                            Area                           Focus                                 Job Code

Leadership                          Chief Executive Officer        Property & Casualty               INSGEN.LE.AIPC

                                                                   Multi-Focus                       INSGEN.LE.AIMF

                                    Chief Operating Officer        Property & Casualty              INSGEN.LE.AWPC

                                                                   Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.LE.AWMF

                                    Chief Administrative Officer   Property & Casualty              INSGEN.LE.ADPC

                                                                   Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.LE.ADMF

                                    Chief Executive Officer -      Commercial Lines                  INSGEN.LE.AJCL
                                    Business Unit
                                                                   Personal Lines                    INSGEN.LE.AJPL

                                                                   Property & Casualty               INSGEN.LE.AJPC

                                                                   Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.LE.AJWC

                                                                   Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.LE.AJMF

                                    Chief Operating Officer -      Commercial Lines                 INSGEN.LE.AXCL
                                    Business Unit
                                                                   Personal Lines                    INSGEN.LE.AXPL

                                                                   Property & Casualty              INSGEN.LE.AXPC

                                                                   Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.LE.AXWC

                                                                   Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.LE.AXMF

                                    Chief Administrative Officer - Commercial Lines                 INSGEN.LE.AECL
                                    Business Unit
                                                                   Personal Lines                    INSGEN.LE.AEPL

                                                                   Property & Casualty              INSGEN.LE.AEPC

                                                                   Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.LE.AEWC

                                                                   Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.LE.AEMF

                                    Chief Investment Officer       Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.LE.AQMF

                                    Head of Operations &           Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.LE.FBMF
                                    Chief Strategy Officer         Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.LE.BDMF

                                    Head of Insurance              Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.LE.EFMF
                                    Regional / Divisional Head of Multi-Focus                       INSGEN.LE.GNMF
                                    Insurance Operations

B.4 McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Insurance (INS)                                                                                         Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                      _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Function                   Area                        Focus                                                         Job Code

Strategic Planning &       Strategic Planning &        Multi-Focus                                              INSGEN.SD.SPMF
Development                Development
Sales                      Head of Sales & Marketing   Property & Casualty                                      INSGEN.SA.FSPC

                                                       Multi-Focus                                              INSGEN.SA.FSMF

                           Head of Sales               Property & Casualty                                      INSGEN.SA.HWPC

                                                       Multi-Focus                                              INSGEN.SA.HWMF

                           Regional / Divisional Head of Commercial Lines                                       INSGEN.SA.GOCL
                           Sales & Marketing
                                                       Personal Lines                                           INSGEN.SA.GOPL

                                                       Property & Casualty                                      INSGEN.SA.GOPC

                                                       Workers' Compensation                                   INSGEN.SA.GOWC

                                                       Multi-Focus                                              INSGEN.SA.GOMF

                           Regional / Divisional Head of Commercial Lines                                       INSGEN.SA.RDCL
                                                       Personal Lines                                           INSGEN.SA.RDPL

                                                       Property & Casualty                                      INSGEN.SA.RDPC

                                                       Workers' Compensation                                    INSGEN.SA.RDWC

                                                       Multi-Focus                                              INSGEN.SA.RDMF

                           Head of Intermediary        Property & Casualty                                      INSGEN.SA.HNPC

                                                       Multi-Focus                                              INSGEN.SA.HNMF

                           Intermediary                External Independent Agent Management -                   INSGEN.SA.ITEC
                                                       Commercial Lines
                                                       External Independent Agent Management - Multi-           INSGEN.SA.ITEM
                                                       External Independent Agent Management -                   INSGEN.SA.ITEP
                                                       Personal Lines
                                                       External Independent Agent Management -                   INSGEN.SA.ITEX
                                                       Property & Casualty
                                                       External Independent Agent Management -                  INSGEN.SA.ITEQ
                                                       Workers' Compensation
                                                       Internal Independent Agent Management -                   INSGEN.SA.ITIC
                                                       Commercial Lines
                                                       Internal Independent Agent Management - Multi-            INSGEN.SA.ITIM
                                                       Internal Independent Agent Management -                   INSGEN.SA.ITIP
                                                       Personal Lines
                                                       Internal Independent Agent Management - Property          INSGEN.SA.ITIX
                                                       & Casualty

                                                                                                                              McLagan B.5
Insurance (INS)                                                                                              Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                              _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Function                            Area                   Focus                                                          Job Code

Sales                               Intermediary           Internal Independent Agent Management - Workers'           INSGEN.SA.ITIW
                                                           Multi-Focus                                               INSGEN.SA.ITMF

                                                           Support - Commercial Lines                                 INSGEN.SA.ITSC

                                                           Support - Multi-Focus                                     INSGEN.SA.ITSM

                                                           Support - Personal Lines                                   INSGEN.SA.ITSP

                                                           Support - Property & Casualty                              INSGEN.SA.ITSX

                                                           Support - Workers' Compensation                           INSGEN.SA.ITSW

                                    Agency Management      Multi-Focus                                               INSGEN.SA.AMMF

                                    Bancassurance          Bancassurance Sales                                       INSGEN.SA.BABA

                                                           Key Account Management                                    INSGEN.SA.BAKM

                                                           Support                                                   INSGEN.SA.BASU

                                                           Multi-Focus                                               INSGEN.SA.BAMF

                                    Captive Agency         Property & Casualty                                       INSGEN.SA.CAPC
                                                           Multi-Focus                                               INSGEN.SA.CAMF

                                    Captive Agency Sales   External Captive Agent Sales - Commercial Lines           INSGEN.SA.CBEC

                                                           External Captive Agent Sales - Multi-Focus                INSGEN.SA.CBEM

                                                           External Captive Agent Sales - Personal Lines             INSGEN.SA.CBEP

                                                           External Captive Agent Sales - Property & Casualty        INSGEN.SA.CBEX

                                                           External Captive Agent Sales - Workers'                   INSGEN.SA.CBEW
                                                           Internal Captive Agent Sales - Commercial Lines           INSGEN.SA.CBIC

                                                           Internal Captive Agent Sales - Multi-Focus                INSGEN.SA.CBIM

                                                           Internal Captive Agent Sales - Personal Lines             INSGEN.SA.CBIP

                                                           Internal Captive Agent Sales - Property & Casualty        INSGEN.SA.CBIX

                                                           Internal Captive Agent Sales - Workers'                   INSGEN.SA.CBIW
                                                           Multi-Focus                                               INSGEN.SA.CBMF

                                                           Support - Commercial Lines                                INSGEN.SA.CBSC

B.6 McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Insurance (INS)                                                                            Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                             _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Function                   Area                         Focus                                           Job Code

Sales                      Captive Agency Sales         Support - Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.SA.CBSM

                                                        Support - Personal Lines                   INSGEN.SA.CBSP

                                                        Support - Property & Casualty              INSGEN.SA.CBSX

                                                        Support - Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.SA.CBSW

                           Direct Professional Sales    Property & Casualty                        INSGEN.SA.DPPC

                                                        Workers' Compensation                      INSGEN.SA.DPWC

                                                        Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.SA.DPMF

                           Direct Response Sales        Telemarketing Inbound                       INSGEN.SA.DRTI

                                                        Telemarketing Outbound                     INSGEN.SA.DRTO

                                                        Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.SA.DRMF

                           Direct Retail & Branch Sales Property & Casualty                        INSGEN.SA.DBPC

                                                        Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.SA.DBMF

                           Group Sales                  Property & Casualty                        INSGEN.SA.GSPC

                                                        Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.SA.GSMF

                           Group Sales Administration   RFP Response                               INSGEN.SA.GARF

                                                        Group Sales Support                        INSGEN.SA.GAGR

                                                        Group Sponsor Administration               INSGEN.SA.GAGA

                           Head of Captive Agency       Property & Casualty                        INSGEN.SA.HAPC
                                                        Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.SA.HAMF

                           Head of Direct Response      Property & Casualty                        INSGEN.SA.HFPC
                                                        Workers' Compensation                      INSGEN.SA.HFWC

                                                        Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.SA.HFMF

                           Head of Direct Retail &      Property & Casualty                        INSGEN.SA.HGPC
                           Branch Sales
                                                        Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.SA.HGMF

                           Head of Group Sales          Property & Casualty                         INSGEN.SA.HIPC

                                                        Multi-Focus                                 INSGEN.SA.HIMF

                                                                                                                 McLagan B.7
Insurance (INS)                                                                                    Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                     _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Function                            Area                        Focus                                           Job Code

Sales                               Head of Insurance Corporate Property & Casualty                         INSGEN.SA.ICPC
                                                                Multi-Focus                                 INSGEN.SA.ICMF

                                    Insurance Corporate Sales   Property & Casualty                         INSGEN.SA.IOPC

                                                                Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.SA.IOMF

                                    Sales Planning              Sales Planning                             INSGEN.SA.SLSP
                                    Sales Support               Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.SA.SSMF

Relationship Management             Head of Intermediary Key    Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.RM.HKMF
                                    Account Management
                                                                Property & Casualty                        INSGEN.RM.HKPC

                                    Group Sponsor Relationship Multi-Focus                                 INSGEN.RM.GSMF
                                    Intermediary Key Account    Commercial Lines                            INSGEN.RM.IKCL
                                                                Personal Lines                              INSGEN.RM.IKPL

                                                                Property & Casualty                        INSGEN.RM.IKPC

                                                                Workers' Compensation                      INSGEN.RM.IKWC

                                                                Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.RM.IKMF

Licensing Administration            Licensing Administrator     Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.LA.LAMF

Actuarial Services                  Chief Actuary               Property & Casualty                        INSGEN.AS.CAPC

                                                                Multi-Focus                                INSGEN.AS.CAMF

                                    Fellow                      Capital                                    INSGEN.AS.FECA

                                                                Commercial Lines                           INSGEN.AS.FECL

                                                                Personal Lines                             INSGEN.AS.FEPL

                                                                Pricing - Commercial Lines                 INSGEN.AS.FEPC

                                                                Pricing - Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.AS.FEPM

                                                                Pricing - Personal Lines                   INSGEN.AS.FEPP

                                                                Pricing - Property & Casualty              INSGEN.AS.FEPY

                                                                Pricing - Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.AS.FEPW

                                                                Property & Casualty                        INSGEN.AS.FEPR

B.8 McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Insurance (INS)                                                                              Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                               _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Function                   Area                         Focus                                             Job Code

Actuarial Services         Fellow                       Reserving - Commercial Lines                 INSGEN.AS.FERC

                                                        Reserving - Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.AS.FERM

                                                        Reserving - Personal Lines                   INSGEN.AS.FERP

                                                        Reserving - Property & Casualty              INSGEN.AS.FERX

                                                        Reserving - Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.AS.FERW

                                                        Workers' Compensation                        INSGEN.AS.FEWC

                                                        Multi-Focus                                  INSGEN.AS.FEMF

                           Fellow Track                 Commercial Lines                             INSGEN.AS.FTCL

                                                        Personal Lines                                INSGEN.AS.FTPL

                                                        Property & Casualty                          INSGEN.AS.FTPC

                                                        Workers' Compensation                        INSGEN.AS.FTWC

                                                        Multi-Focus                                  INSGEN.AS.FTMF

                           Career Actuarial Associate   Commercial Lines                             INSGEN.AS.AACL

                                                        Personal Lines                               INSGEN.AS.AAPL

                                                        Property & Casualty                          INSGEN.AS.AAPC

                                                        Workers' Compensation                        INSGEN.AS.AAWC

                                                        Multi-Focus                                  INSGEN.AS.AAMF

                           Student                      Property & Casualty                          INSGEN.AS.STPC

                                                        Multi-Focus                                  INSGEN.AS.STMF

                           Actuarial Support            Property & Casualty                          INSGEN.AS.ASPC

                                                        Multi-Focus                                  INSGEN.AS.ASMF

                           Multi-Area                   Multi-Focus                                  INSGEN.AS.MAMF

Product Management /       Head of Product          Commercial Lines                                 INSGEN.PR.HPCL
Development                Management & Development
                                                        Personal Lines                               INSGEN.PR.HPPL

                                                        Property & Casualty                          INSGEN.PR.HPPC

                                                        Workers' Compensation                        INSGEN.PR.HPWC

                                                                                                                   McLagan B.9
Insurance (INS)                                                                          Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                           _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Function                           Area                         Focus                                 Job Code

Product Management /               Head of Product          Multi-Focus                          INSGEN.PR.HPMF
Development                        Management & Development
                                   Product Development          Commercial Lines                 INSGEN.PR.PDCL

                                                                Personal Lines                   INSGEN.PR.PDPL

                                                                Property & Casualty              INSGEN.PR.PDPC

                                                                Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.PR.PDWC

                                                                Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.PR.PDMF

                                   Product Management           Commercial Lines                 INSGEN.PR.PMCL

                                                                Personal Lines                   INSGEN.PR.PMPL

                                                                Property & Casualty              INSGEN.PR.PMPC

                                                                Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.PR.PMWC

                                                                Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.PR.PMMF

                                   Product Management &         Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.PR.PXMF
                                   Development Support
Analytics, Modeling, &             Insurance Pricing            Multi-Focus                       INSGEN.AB.IPMF
                                   Predictive Analytics         Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.AB.PAMF

                                   Predictive Modeling          Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.AB.PMMF

                                   Multi-Area                   Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.AB.MAMF

Insurance Underwriting             Chief Underwriting Officer   Property & Casualty              INSGEN.IU.CUPC

                                                                Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.IU.CUMF

                                   Regional / Divisional Head of Commercial Lines                 INSGEN.IU.RDCL
                                                                Personal Lines                    INSGEN.IU.RDPL

                                                                Property & Casualty              INSGEN.IU.RDPC

                                                                Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.IU.RDWC

                                                                Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.IU.RDMF

                                   Desk Underwriting            Commercial Lines                  INSGEN.IU.DECL

                                                                Personal Lines                    INSGEN.IU.DEPL

                                                                Property & Casualty               INSGEN.IU.DEPC

B.10 McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Insurance (INS)                                                                  Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                   _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Function                     Area                       Focus                                 Job Code

Insurance Underwriting       Desk Underwriting          Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.IU.DEWC

                             Doctor / Medical           Medical                          INSGEN.IU.DRME
                             Field Underwriting         Commercial Lines                  INSGEN.IU.FUCL

                                                        Personal Lines                    INSGEN.IU.FUPL

                                                        Property & Casualty               INSGEN.IU.FUPC

                                                        Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.IU.FUWC

                             Insurance Loss Control     Commercial Lines                  INSGEN.IU.ILCL

                                                        Personal Lines                    INSGEN.IU.ILPL

                                                        Property & Casualty               INSGEN.IU.ILPC

                                                        Workers' Compensation             INSGEN.IU.ILWC

                             Premium Audit              Commercial Lines                  INSGEN.IU.PACL

                                                        Property & Casualty               INSGEN.IU.PAPC

                                                        Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.IU.PAWC

                             Underwriting Support       Commercial Lines                  INSGEN.IU.USCL

                                                        Personal Lines                    INSGEN.IU.USPL

                                                        Property & Casualty               INSGEN.IU.USPC

                                                        Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.IU.USWC

                                                        Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.IU.USMF

                             Insurance Underwriting –   Commercial Lines                 INSGEN.IU.UMCL
                                                        Personal Lines                    INSGEN.IU.UMPL

                                                        Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.IU.UMMF

Liability Risk Consulting    Risk Consulting            Property & Casualty              INSGEN.LR.RCPC

Ceded Reinsurance            Multi-Area                 Property & Casualty              INSGEN.CX.MAPC

                                                        Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.CX.MAMF

Client Service & Reporting   Call Center - Inbound      Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.CR.CCMF

                             Complaints & Escalation    Multi-Focus                      INSGEN.CR.CEMF

                                                                                                      McLagan B.11
Insurance (INS)                                                                                      Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                       _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Function                           Area                        Focus                                              Job Code

Client Service & Reporting         Customer Service            Multi-Focus                                   INSGEN.CR.CSMF

                                   Policy Administration       Multi-Focus                                   INSGEN.CR.PAMF

                                   Service Quality Control     Multi-Focus                                   INSGEN.CR.SQMF

Claims                             Chief Claims Officer        Multi-Focus                                    INSGEN.CL.CIMF

                                   Head of Claims Legal        Property & Casualty                           INSGEN.CL.HLPC

                                   Regional / Divisional Head of Commercial Lines                            INSGEN.CL.RHCL
                                                               Personal Lines                                INSGEN.CL.RHPL

                                                               Property & Casualty                           INSGEN.CL.RHPC

                                                               Workers' Compensation                         INSGEN.CL.RHWC

                                   Regional / Divisional Head of Commercial Lines                            INSGEN.CL.RLCL
                                   Claims Legal
                                                               Personal Lines                                 INSGEN.CL.RLPL

                                                               Property & Casualty                           INSGEN.CL.RLPC

                                                               Workers' Compensation                         INSGEN.CL.RLWC

                                   Adjusting                   Desk - Commercial Lines                       INSGEN.CL.ADDC

                                                               Desk - Personal Lines                         INSGEN.CL.ADDP

                                                               Desk - Property & Casualty                    INSGEN.CL.ADDX

                                                               Desk - Workers' Compensation                  INSGEN.CL.ADDW

                                                               Fast Track - Commercial Lines                 INSGEN.CL.ADFC

                                                               Fast Track - Personal Lines                   INSGEN.CL.ADFP

                                                               Fast Track - Property & Casualty              INSGEN.CL.ADFX

                                                               Fast Track - Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.CL.ADFW

                                                               Field - Commercial Lines                      INSGEN.CL.ADGC

                                                               Field - Personal Lines                        INSGEN.CL.ADGP

                                                               Field - Property & Casualty                   INSGEN.CL.ADGX

                                                               Field - Workers' Compensation                 INSGEN.CL.ADGW

                                                               Multi-Role - Commercial Lines                 INSGEN.CL.ADMC

B.12 McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Insurance (INS)                                                                        Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                         _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Function                   Area                  Focus                                              Job Code

Claims                     Adjusting             Multi-Role - Personal Lines                   INSGEN.CL.ADMP

                                                 Multi-Role - Property & Casualty              INSGEN.CL.ADMX

                                                 Multi-Role - Workers' Compensation            INSGEN.CL.ADMW

                           Appraising            Desk - Commercial Lines                       INSGEN.CL.APDC

                                                 Desk - Personal Lines                         INSGEN.CL.APDP

                                                 Desk - Property & Casualty                    INSGEN.CL.APDX

                                                 Desk - Workers' Compensation                  INSGEN.CL.APDW

                                                 Field - Commercial Lines                      INSGEN.CL.APGC

                                                 Field - Personal Lines                        INSGEN.CL.APGP

                                                 Field - Property & Casualty                   INSGEN.CL.APGX

                                                 Field - Workers' Compensation                 INSGEN.CL.APGW

                           Case Coordinator      Workers' Compensation                         INSGEN.CL.CCWC

                           Claims Analysis       Property & Casualty                           INSGEN.CL.CYPC

                           Claims Attorney       Commercial Lines                              INSGEN.CL.CTCL

                                                 Personal Lines                                INSGEN.CL.CTPL

                                                 Property & Casualty                           INSGEN.CL.CTPC

                                                 Workers' Compensation                         INSGEN.CL.CTWC

                           Insurance Fraud       Property & Casualty                            INSGEN.CL.IFPC
                           Legal Bill Review     Property & Casualty                           INSGEN.CL.LBPC

                           Legal Secretary       Property & Casualty                           INSGEN.CL.LSPC

                           Litigation            Commercial Lines                               INSGEN.CL.LICL

                                                 Personal Lines                                 INSGEN.CL.LIPL

                                                 Property & Casualty                            INSGEN.CL.LIPC

                                                 Workers' Compensation                          INSGEN.CL.LIWC

                           Managed Care / Case   Property & Casualty                           INSGEN.CL.MCPC
                           Paralegal             Property & Casualty                           INSGEN.CL.PLPC

                                                                                                            McLagan B.13
Insurance (INS)                                                                                           Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                            _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Function                           Area                     Focus                                                      Job Code

Claims                             Salvage                  Commercial Lines                                      INSGEN.CL.SACL

                                                            Personal Lines                                        INSGEN.CL.SAPL

                                                            Property & Casualty                                   INSGEN.CL.SAPC

                                   Subrogation              Commercial Lines                                      INSGEN.CL.SUCL

                                                            Personal Lines                                        INSGEN.CL.SUPL

                                                            Property & Casualty                                   INSGEN.CL.SUPC

                                                            Workers' Compensation                                 INSGEN.CL.SUWC

                                   Subrogation Attorney     Commercial Lines                                      INSGEN.CL.SYCL

                                                            Personal Lines                                        INSGEN.CL.SYPL

                                                            Property & Casualty                                   INSGEN.CL.SYPC

                                                            Workers' Compensation                                 INSGEN.CL.SYWC

                                   Vendor Management        Property & Casualty                                   INSGEN.CL.VMPC

                                   Claims – Multi-Area      Commercial Lines                                      INSGEN.CL.LMCL

                                                            Personal Lines                                        INSGEN.CL.LMPL

                                                            Multi-Focus                                           INSGEN.CL.LMMF

                                   Claims Support           Commercial Lines                                      INSGEN.CL.CUCL

                                                            Personal Lines                                        INSGEN.CL.CUPL

                                                            Property & Casualty                                   INSGEN.CL.CUPC

                                                            Workers' Compensation                                 INSGEN.CL.CUWC

                                                            Multi-Focus                                           INSGEN.CL.CUMF

Insurance Operations               Property & Casualty /    Central Operations                                    INSGEN.IO.PCCO
                                   General Insurance
                                   Operations               Insurance Quality Assurance - Multi-Focus             INSGEN.IO.PCQA

                                                            Insurance Quality Assurance - Property & Casualty     INSGEN.IO.PCQP

                                                            Insurance Training - Multi-Focus                       INSGEN.IO.PCIM

                                                            Insurance Training - Property & Casualty               INSGEN.IO.PCIP

                                                            Project Management - Multi-Focus                       INSGEN.IO.PCPF

B.14 McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Insurance (INS)                                                                                 Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                  _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _

Function                   Area                     Focus                                                    Job Code

Insurance Operations       Property & Casualty /    Project Management - Property & Casualty            INSGEN.IO.PCPM
                           General Insurance
                           Operations               Wording Specialist                                  INSGEN.IO.PCWS

Finance                    Payment Processing       Multi-Focus                                          INSGEN.FI.PPMF

Corporate & Business       Administrative Support   Multi-Focus                                         INSGEN.CB.ASMF

                                                                                                                     McLagan B.15
Insurance (INS)                                                                                                         Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                                         _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _


Job Attribute                                Definition                                                                           Job Code

                                             The Leadership function is responsible for setting and executing the
                                             organization's overall strategy across businesses, products, and
                                             infrastructure areas. The Leadership function is reserved for the firm's most
                                             senior-level positions.
                                             The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the strategic direction of all
                                             businesses of the firm. Approves annual and long-range objectives, policies,
  Chief Executive Officer
                                             and operating plans. Manages the firm in relationships with the Board of
                                             Directors. Does not serve as Chairman of the board.
                                             The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
    Property & Casualty                      Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty         INSGEN.LE.AIPC
                                             business units.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                   INSGEN.LE.AIMF
                                             The Chief Operating Officer is responsible for providing direction,
                                             coordination, and control for the effective and profitable operation of the
  Chief Operating Officer                    entire firm's various businesses. Advises and counsels the Chief Executive
                                             Officer on planning the scope and direction of all firm operations, and
                                             recommends future plans and objectives.
                                             The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
    Property & Casualty                      Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty         INSGEN.LE.AWPC
                                             business units.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                   INSGEN.LE.AWMF
                                             The Chief Administrative Officer is responsible for all, or most, of the
                                             organization’s administrative and support activities. Functions directed
  Chief Administrative Officer
                                             typically include operations, technology, legal, human resources, general
                                             services, public relations, and other support areas.
                                             The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
    Property & Casualty                      Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty         INSGEN.LE.ADPC
                                             business units.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                   INSGEN.LE.ADMF
                                             The Chief Executive Officer - Business Unit is responsible for the business
                                             unit's annual and long-term business and financial results. Approves and is
  Chief Executive Officer - Business
                                             responsible for the execution of all strategic, financial, and operating plans
                                             and policies. The most senior management position within a major business
                                             The Commercial Lines focus specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting
    Commercial Lines                                                                                                       INSGEN.LE.AJCL
                                             the sale of commercial property and casualty insurance coverage.
                                             The Personal Lines focus specializes in providing insurance products to
    Personal Lines                                                                                                                INSGEN.LE.AJPL
                                             individuals, including personal auto, homeowners, and umbrella.
                                             The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
    Property & Casualty                      Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty         INSGEN.LE.AJPC
                                             business units.
                                             The Workers’ Compensation focus specializes in providing wage replacement
    Workers' Compensation                    and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of work, in exchange INSGEN.LE.AJWC
                                             for the employee waiving the right to sue their employer for negligence.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                   INSGEN.LE.AJMF
                                             The Chief Operating Officer - Business Unit is responsible for providing
                                             direction, coordination, and control for the effective and profitable operation of
  Chief Operating Officer - Business
                                             the business unit. Counsels the unit’s Chief Executive Officer on planning the
                                             scope and direction of all firm operations. Presents recommendations on
                                             future plans and objectives.
                                             The Commercial Lines focus specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting
    Commercial Lines                                                                                                       INSGEN.LE.AXCL
                                             the sale of commercial property and casualty insurance coverage.
                                             The Personal Lines focus specializes in providing insurance products to
    Personal Lines                                                                                                                INSGEN.LE.AXPL
                                             individuals, including personal auto, homeowners, and umbrella.

B.16 McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Insurance (INS)                                                                                            Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                            _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _


Job Attribute                      Definition                                                                      Job Code

                                   The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
   Property & Casualty             Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty    INSGEN.LE.AXPC
                                   business units.
                                   The Workers’ Compensation focus specializes in providing wage replacement
   Workers' Compensation           and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of work, in exchange INSGEN.LE.AXWC
                                   for the employee waiving the right to sue their employer for negligence.
   Multi-Focus                                                                                                     INSGEN.LE.AXMF
                                   The Chief Administrative Officer - Business Unit is responsible for working
                                   closely with the business unit Chief Executive Officer and senior
 Chief Administrative Officer -
                                   management on strategic business planning, policy development, and
 Business Unit
                                   problem solving. Single-incumbent position responsible for administrative,
                                   financial, and support activities of the business unit.
                                   The Commercial Lines focus specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting
   Commercial Lines                                                                                              INSGEN.LE.AECL
                                   the sale of commercial property and casualty insurance coverage.
                                   The Personal Lines focus specializes in providing insurance products to
   Personal Lines                                                                                                  INSGEN.LE.AEPL
                                   individuals, including personal auto, homeowners, and umbrella.
                                   The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
   Property & Casualty             Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty    INSGEN.LE.AEPC
                                   business units.
                                   The Workers’ Compensation focus specializes in providing wage replacement
   Workers' Compensation           and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of work, in exchange INSGEN.LE.AEWC
                                   for the employee waiving the right to sue their employer for negligence.
   Multi-Focus                                                                                                     INSGEN.LE.AEMF
                                   The Chief Investment Officer is responsible for the results of the
                                   organization’s Investment Management business. Responsibilities include
 Chief Investment Officer
                                   setting investment policy, and directing all Portfolio Management, Research,
                                   Trading, Investment Strategy, and Risk Management functions.
   Multi-Focus                                                                                                     INSGEN.LE.AQMF
                                   The Head of Operations & Technology is responsible for firm’s Operations,
                                   and Information Systems and Technology functions. Develops, recommends,
 Head of Operations & Technology   and administers company policies and programs, and operating and strategic
                                   plans. Directs heads of Operations and Information Technology in program
                                   implementation, manages staff, and more.
   Multi-Focus                                                                                                     INSGEN.LE.FBMF
                                   The Chief Strategy Officer is responsible for the development and
                                   management of corporate-wide strategic initiatives. Has a vast knowledge of
 Chief Strategy Officer
                                   the business and market, and is a key advisor to the Chief Executive Officer
                                   or other senior executives on strategic priorities.
   Multi-Focus                                                                                                     INSGEN.LE.BDMF
                                   The Head of Insurance Operations is responsible for the firm’s insurance
                                   operations. Develops budgets and business plans. In conjunction with
 Head of Insurance Operations      management, develops, implements, and administers operations policies and
                                   programs. Those also responsible for overall infrastructure should be
                                   matched to Chief Operating Officer.
   Multi-Focus                                                                                                     INSGEN.LE.EFMF
                                   The Regional / Divisional Head of Insurance Operations is responsible for the
                                   firm's insurance operations within a particular region or division within the
 Regional / Divisional Head of
                                   firm. Develops budgets and business plans for the Operations department.
 Insurance Operations
                                   Develops, implements, and administers policies and programs affecting the
                                   operations with management.
   Multi-Focus                                                                                                     INSGEN.LE.GNMF

                                                                                                                                McLagan B.17
Insurance (INS)                                                                                                           Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                                           _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _


Job Attribute                                Definition                                                                             Job Code

                                             The Strategic Planning & Development function is responsible for developing
Strategic Planning & Development             strategies for new business or sales channels and markets relating to the
                                             firm's distribution activities.
                                             The Strategic Planning & Development area is responsible for developing
                                             strategies for new insurance business, sales channels, and/or markets
  Strategic Planning & Development           relating to the firm's sales activities. Ability to coordinate internal and external
                                             parties, quantitative and analytic skills, and project management skills are
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                     INSGEN.SD.SPMF
                                             The Sales function is responsible for new business and revenue generation,
                                             supporting customers in finding products, solutions, and services that best
                                             meet their needs. Sets the direction and policies for sales activities, and
                                             manages the execution of these plans.
                                             The Head of Sales & Marketing is responsible for overseeing the business’
                                             sales and marketing activities across all business lines and client segments.
  Head of Sales & Marketing                  Manages staff, defines strategy, and assists and leads in sales and
                                             relationship management activities with the largest, and/or most important
                                             prospects and accounts.
                                             The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
    Property & Casualty                      Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty           INSGEN.SA.FSPC
                                             business units.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                     INSGEN.SA.FSMF
                                             The Head of Sales is responsible for the overall leadership of sales and
                                             business development activities, including planning and implementation,
  Head of Sales                              marketing, and product development programs targeted for existing and new
                                             markets. Also fosters firm relationships with industry organizations, clients,
                                             and outside parties.
                                             The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
    Property & Casualty                      Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty           INSGEN.SA.HWPC
                                             business units.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                     INSGEN.SA.HWMF
                                      The Regional / Divisional Head of Sales & Marketing is responsible for
  Regional / Divisional Head of Sales working closely with other senior heads, representing the firm in dealings, as
  & Marketing                         well as the strategy, development, and implementation of business initiatives.
                                      Match only if responsible for both sales and marketing.
                                             The Commercial Lines focus specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting
    Commercial Lines                                                                                                       INSGEN.SA.GOCL
                                             the sale of commercial property and casualty insurance coverage.
                                             The Personal Lines focus specializes in providing insurance products to
    Personal Lines                                                                                                                  INSGEN.SA.GOPL
                                             individuals, including personal auto, homeowners, and umbrella.
                                             The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
    Property & Casualty                      Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty           INSGEN.SA.GOPC
                                             business units.
                                             The Workers’ Compensation focus specializes in providing wage replacement
    Workers' Compensation                    and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of work, in exchange INSGEN.SA.GOWC
                                             for the employee waiving the right to sue their employer for negligence.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                     INSGEN.SA.GOMF
                                      The Regional / Divisional Head of Sales is responsible for working closely
                                      with other senior heads, and representing the firm in dealings with clients and
  Regional / Divisional Head of Sales external bodies. Oversees strategy, development, and implementation of
                                      business initiatives. The most senior management role in the Sales function
                                      within a region or division.
                                             The Commercial Lines focus specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting
    Commercial Lines                                                                                                       INSGEN.SA.RDCL
                                             the sale of commercial property and casualty insurance coverage.
                                             The Personal Lines focus specializes in providing insurance products to
    Personal Lines                                                                                                                  INSGEN.SA.RDPL
                                             individuals, including personal auto, homeowners, and umbrella.

B.18 McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Insurance (INS)                                                                                                Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                                _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _


Job Attribute                       Definition                                                                         Job Code

                                    The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
   Property & Casualty              Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty       INSGEN.SA.RDPC
                                    business units.
                                    The Workers’ Compensation focus specializes in providing wage replacement
   Workers' Compensation            and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of work, in exchange INSGEN.SA.RDWC
                                    for the employee waiving the right to sue their employer for negligence.
   Multi-Focus                                                                                                         INSGEN.SA.RDMF
                                    The Head of Intermediary is responsible for leading the Intermediary
                                    business’ sales activities. Manages independent agents directly and/or
 Head of Intermediary               through regional sales managers. Helps develop and implement strategy,
                                    assign and manage territories, and contribute to product development with
                                    senior management.
                                    The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
   Property & Casualty              Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty       INSGEN.SA.HNPC
                                    business units.
   Multi-Focus                                                                                                         INSGEN.SA.HNMF
                                    The Intermediary area is responsible for the selling the firm's products and
 Intermediary                       services through non-affiliated or third-party intermediaries who, in turn, sell
                                    these products to individuals.
                                 The External Independent Agent Management - Commercial Lines focus
   External Independent Agent    specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of commercial
   Management - Commercial Lines property and casualty insurance coverage. Maintains relationships with
                                 individual producers at independent agents/brokers. Largely field-based.
                                    The External Independent Agent Management - Multi-Focus specializes in
   External Independent Agent       primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of property and casualty insurance
   Management - Multi-Focus         coverage. Maintains relationships with individual producers at independent
                                    agents/brokers. Largely field-based.
                                    The External Independent Agent Management - Personal Lines focus
   External Independent Agent       specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of personal lines
   Management - Personal Lines      insurance coverage. Maintains relationships with individual producers at
                                    independent agents/brokers. Largely field-based.
                                    The External Independent Agent Management - Property & Casualty focus
   External Independent Agent
                                    specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of property and
   Management - Property &                                                                                             INSGEN.SA.ITEX
                                    casualty insurance coverage. Maintains relationships with individual
                                    producers at independent agents/brokers. Largely field-based.
                                    The External Independent Agent Management - Workers' Compensation
   External Independent Agent
                                    focus specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of workers'
   Management - Workers'                                                                                               INSGEN.SA.ITEQ
                                    compensation insurance coverage. Maintains relationships with individual
                                    producers at independent agents/brokers. Largely field-based.
                                 The Internal Independent Agent Management - Commercial Lines focus
   Internal Independent Agent    specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of commercial
   Management - Commercial Lines property and casualty insurance coverage. Maintains relationships with
                                 individual producers at independent agents/brokers. Largely home-based.
                                    The Internal Independent Agent Management - Multi-Focus specializes in
   Internal Independent Agent       primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of property and casualty insurance
   Management - Multi-Focus         coverage. Maintains relationships with individual producers at independent
                                    agents/brokers. Largely home-based.
                                    The Internal Independent Agent Management - Personal Lines focus
   Internal Independent Agent       specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of personal lines
   Management - Personal Lines      insurance coverage. Maintains relationships with individual producers at
                                    independent agents/brokers. Largely home-based.
                                    The Internal Independent Agent Management - Property & Casualty focus
   Internal Independent Agent
                                    specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of property and
   Management - Property &                                                                                             INSGEN.SA.ITIX
                                    casualty insurance coverage. Maintains relationships with individual
                                    producers at independent agents/brokers. Largely home-based.

                                                                                                                                    McLagan B.19
Insurance (INS)                                                                                                        Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                                        _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _


Job Attribute                                Definition                                                                        Job Code

                                             The Internal Independent Agent Management - Workers' Compensation focus
    Internal Independent Agent
                                             specializes in primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of workers'
    Management - Workers'                                                                                             INSGEN.SA.ITIW
                                             compensation insurance coverage. Maintains relationships with individual
                                             producers at independent agents/brokers. Largely home-based.
                                             The Multi-Focus attribute is typically reserved for roles that either: (1) are fully
                                             described by their area or function description; or (2) span multiple
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                   INSGEN.SA.ITMF
                                             disciplines, products, or focuses of expertise. *Only match to this role in
                                             Europe and Asia surveys.
                                             The Support - Commercial Lines focus specializes in providing sales
                                             assistance to agents and brokers supporting the Commercial Lines, including
    Support - Commercial Lines               providing sales materials and answering product questions. Only match if        INSGEN.SA.ITSC
                                             dedicated to sales and not responsible for other tasks (e.g., customer service,
                                             underwriting, or claims).
                                             The Support - Multi-Focus specializes in providing sales assistance to agents
                                             and brokers, including providing sales materials and answering product
    Support - Multi-Focus                                                                                                  INSGEN.SA.ITSM
                                             questions. Only match if dedicated to sales and not responsible for other
                                             tasks (e.g., customer service, underwriting, or claims).
                                             The Support - Personal Lines focus specializes in providing sales assistance
                                             to agents and brokers supporting the Personal Lines business, including
    Support - Personal Lines                 providing sales materials and answering product questions. Only match if        INSGEN.SA.ITSP
                                             dedicated to sales and not responsible for other tasks (e.g., customer service,
                                             underwriting, or claims).
                                             The Support – Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing sales
                                             assistance to agents and brokers supporting the Property and Casualty
    Support - Property & Casualty            business, including providing sales materials and answering product               INSGEN.SA.ITSX
                                             questions. Only match if dedicated to sales and not responsible for other
                                             tasks (e.g., customer service, underwriting, or claims).
                                             The Support - Workers' Compensation focus specializes in providing sales
                                             assistance to agents and brokers supporting the Workers' Compensation
    Support - Workers'
                                             business, including providing sales materials and answering product               INSGEN.SA.ITSW
                                             questions. Only match if dedicated to sales and not responsible for other
                                             tasks (e.g., customer service, underwriting, or claims).
                                             The Agency Management area is responsible for providing general
  Agency Management                          management to all activities related to overall agency operation, including
                                             agency administration, training, development, support, etc.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                INSGEN.SA.AMMF
                                             The Bancassurance area is responsible for the generation of revenues by
  Bancassurance                              promoting insurance products and services to individual clients via various
                                             bancassurance channels (e.g., banks, securities, post offices, etc.).
                                             The Bancassurance Sales focus specializes in developing sales promotions
    Bancassurance Sales                      and providing product training to banks, securities companies, and post           INSGEN.SA.BABA
                                             offices to drive sales with existing and prospective customers.
                                             The Key Account Management focus specializes in managing relationships
    Key Account Management                   with major bancassurance channels. May also be responsible for the                INSGEN.SA.BAKM
                                             development of new bancassurance channels.
                                             The Support focus specializes in responding to product inquiries from
    Support                                                                                                                    INSGEN.SA.BASU
                                             bancassurance channels (e.g., banks, securities, post offices, etc.).
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                INSGEN.SA.BAMF
                                             The Captive Agency Management area is responsible for directing the
                                             captive agency sales effort. Develops and manages the execution of the
  Captive Agency Management                  business plans and objectives, and establishes annual and long-term
                                             operating policies. Captive agency managers contribute to new product
                                             development and lead marketing initiatives.
                                             The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
    Property & Casualty                      Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty      INSGEN.SA.CAPC
                                             business units.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                INSGEN.SA.CAMF

B.20 McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
Insurance (INS)                                                                                              Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                              _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _


Job Attribute                       Definition                                                                        Job Code

                                    The Captive Agency Sales area is responsible for promoting and/or
 Captive Agency Sales               supporting the sale of insurance products through individual captive agency
                                    The External Captive Agent Sales - Commercial Lines focus specializes in
   External Captive Agent Sales -   selling and/or supporting the sale of commercial property and casualty
   Commercial Lines                 insurance coverage. Maintains relationships with captive or exclusive agency
                                    producers. Largely field-based.
                                    The External Captive Agent Sales - Multi-Focus specializes in selling and/or
   External Captive Agent Sales -
                                    supporting the sale of property and casualty insurance coverage. Maintains     INSGEN.SA.CBEM
                                    relationships with captive or exclusive agency producers. Largely field-based.
                                    The External Captive Agent Sales - Personal Lines focus specializes in
   External Captive Agent Sales -   selling and/or supporting the sale of personal lines insurance coverage.
   Personal Lines                   Maintains relationships with captive or exclusive agency producers. Largely
                                    The External Captive Agent Sales - Property & Casualty Lines focus
   External Captive Agent Sales -   specializes in selling and/or supporting the sale of property and casualty
   Property & Casualty              insurance coverage. Maintains relationships with captive or exclusive agency
                                    producers. Largely field-based.
                                    The External Captive Agent Sales - Workers' Compensation focus specializes
   External Captive Agent Sales -   in selling and/or supporting the sale of workers' compensation insurance
   Workers' Compensation            coverage. Maintains relationships with captive or exclusive agency
                                    producers. Largely field-based.
                                    The Internal Captive Agent Sales - Commercial Lines focus specializes in
   Internal Captive Agent Sales -   primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of commercial property and
   Commercial Lines                 casualty insurance coverage. Maintains relationships with individual captive
                                    agent producers. Home-based.
                                    The Internal Captive Agent Sales - Multi-Focus specializes in primarily selling
   Internal Captive Agent Sales -
                                    and/or supporting the sale of property and casualty insurance coverage.         INSGEN.SA.CBIM
                                    Maintains relationships with individual captive agent producers. Home-based.
                                    The Internal Captive Agent Sales - Personal Lines focus specializes in
   Internal Captive Agent Sales -   primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of personal lines insurance
   Personal Lines                   coverage. Maintains relationships with individual captive agent producers.
                                    The Internal Captive Agent Sales - Property & Casualty focus specializes in
   Internal Captive Agent Sales -   primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of property and casualty insurance
   Property & Casualty              coverage. Maintains relationships with individual captive agent producers.
                                    The Internal Captive Agent Sales - Workers' Compensation focus specializes
   Internal Captive Agent Sales -   in primarily selling and/or supporting the sale of workers' compensation
   Workers' Compensation            insurance coverage. Maintains relationships with individual captive agent
                                    producers. Home-based.
                                    The Multi-Focus attribute is typically reserved for roles that either: (1) are fully
                                    described by their area or function description; or (2) span multiple
   Multi-Focus                                                                                                           INSGEN.SA.CBMF
                                    disciplines, products, or focuses of expertise. *Only match to this role in
                                    Europe and Asia surveys.
                                    The Support - Commercial Lines focus specializes in providing sales
                                    assistance to agents and brokers supporting the Commercial Lines, including
   Support - Commercial Lines       providing sales materials and answering product questions. Only match if        INSGEN.SA.CBSC
                                    dedicated to sales and not responsible for other tasks (e.g., customer service,
                                    underwriting, or claims).
                                    The Support - Multi-Focus specializes in providing sales assistance to agents
                                    and brokers, including providing sales materials and answering product
   Support - Multi-Focus                                                                                          INSGEN.SA.CBSM
                                    questions. Only match if dedicated to sales and not responsible for other
                                    tasks (e.g., customer service, underwriting, or claims).
                                    The Support - Personal Lines focus specializes in providing sales assistance
                                    to agents and brokers supporting the Personal Lines business, including
   Support - Personal Lines         providing sales materials and answering product questions. Only match if        INSGEN.SA.CBSP
                                    dedicated to sales and not responsible for other tasks (e.g., customer service,
                                    underwriting, or claims).

                                                                                                                                  McLagan B.21
Insurance (INS)                                                                                                           Benchmark Code Structure

Property & Casualty / General Insurance (GEN)                                                                           _ _.INSGEN._ _._ _ _ _._ _


Job Attribute                                Definition                                                                           Job Code

                                             The Support – Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing sales
                                             assistance to agents and brokers supporting the Property and Casualty
    Support - Property & Casualty            business, including providing sales materials and answering product                  INSGEN.SA.CBSX
                                             questions. Only match if dedicated to sales and not responsible for other
                                             tasks (e.g., customer service, underwriting, or claims).
                                             The Support - Workers' Compensation focus specializes in providing sales
                                             assistance to agents and brokers supporting the Workers' Compensation
    Support - Workers'
                                             business, including providing sales materials and answering product                  INSGEN.SA.CBSW
                                             questions. Only match if dedicated to sales and not responsible for other
                                             tasks (e.g., customer service, underwriting, or claims).
                                             The Direct Professional Sales area is responsible for promoting insurance
  Direct Professional Sales                  products and services to clients. This position operates largely in the field.
                                             Sales representatives may be aligned to individual products or regions.
                                             The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
    Property & Casualty                      Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty         INSGEN.SA.DPPC
                                             business units.
                                             The Workers’ Compensation focus specializes in providing wage replacement
    Workers' Compensation                    and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of work, in exchange INSGEN.SA.DPWC
                                             for the employee waiving the right to sue their employer for negligence.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                   INSGEN.SA.DPMF
                                             The Direct Response Sales area is responsible for promoting insurance
  Direct Response Sales                      products directly to individual clients. This position sits in a call center, and
                                             handles inbound and/or outbound calls.
                                             The Telemarketing Inbound focus specializes in handling inbound calls from
    Telemarketing Inbound                    potential customers, analyzing long-term insurance needs of individual               INSGEN.SA.DRTI
                                             clients, and providing optimal solutions in order to drive sales.
                                             The Telemarketing Outbound focus specializes in making outbound calls to
    Telemarketing Outbound                   potential customers, analyzing long-term insurance needs of individual               INSGEN.SA.DRTO
                                             clients, and providing optimal solutions in order to drive sales.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                   INSGEN.SA.DRMF
                                             The Direct Retail & Branch Sales area is responsible for promoting and
  Direct Retail & Branch Sales               selling insurance products directly to individual clients. This position sits in
                                             branch offices that the customer can visit directly.
                                             The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
    Property & Casualty                      Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty         INSGEN.SA.DBPC
                                             business units.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                   INSGEN.SA.DBMF
                                             The Group Sales area is responsible for promoting and supporting group
  Group Sales                                insurance plans to employer and affinity group sponsors. Develops and
                                             maintains relationships with benefits consultants and brokers.
                                             The Property & Casualty focus specializes in providing support to the
    Property & Casualty                      Property and Casualty business overall, or to multiple Property and Casualty         INSGEN.SA.GSPC
                                             business units.
    Multi-Focus                                                                                                                   INSGEN.SA.GSMF
                                             The Group Sales Administration area is responsible for supporting the sale of
  Group Sales Administration
                                             group products.
                                             The RFP Response focus specializes in coordinating and/or executing the
                                             organization's response to requests for proposals (RFPs) for group insurance
    RFP Response                                                                                                          INSGEN.SA.GARF
                                             plan services. Employees may also coordinate and execute responses to
                                             benefits consultant questionnaires.
                                             The Group Sales Support focus specializes in responding to sales-related
    Group Sales Support                                                                                                           INSGEN.SA.GAGR
                                             inquiries from prospects, group sales representatives, and/or brokers.

B.22 McLagan Job Catalogue | Proprietary and Confidential
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