2021 Game Design 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide - University ...

2021 Game Design 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide - University ...
Game Design

Course Guide
2021 Game Design 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide - University ...
Welcome to
Welcome to
Digital and Game
Game Design
at the University
at the University
of Hull
of Hull
2021 Game Design 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide - University ...
Game Design

Game Design                                                                             Courses
at the University of Hull
                                                                                             What we offer ...

Studying under experts who’ve worked on BAFTA-                                           Course
                                                                                                                                                           A levels
                                                                                                                                                                         code        FY
winning games, you’ll gain the practical, critical and
                                                                                         BA Creative Industries (Game Design)*                      112      BBC        WW11
creative skills to succeed in the games industry. And
                                                                                         BA Game Design                                             112      BBC         W291       P301 § †    W281
                                                                                         § A Foundation Year offers an alternative entry route onto our degree programmes and entry requirements
To help you develop your talents and build your skills, we offer industry-standard       are different; a typical offer is 80 UCAS points but we do review each application on a case-by-case basis.
                                                                                         Contact our Admissions service for further details.
hardware and software on Mac and PC. You’ll use it to create graphics, illustrations,
3D characters, 3D worlds, animations, games and videos.                                  † Access is via the Foundation Year of BA Media Studies.
                                                                                         * Final validation pending
The Virtuix Omni VR treadmill allows you to walk inside the virtual worlds you
                                                                                         Your points can be from any qualification on the UCAS tariff, but at least 80 points should be from two or more
create. You’ll also get access to Viper – the highest-spec computer at any university    A levels, or a combination of appropriate Level 3 qualifications.
in the North of England – for lightning-fast, high-quality 3D rendering.
On our Game Design degree, our close links to game companies and industry                    For more information, please visit www.hull.ac.uk/ugdigital
networks mean that you’ll be able to take advantage of opportunities including
study trips, visits from guest speakers, game jams and an optional year in industry.
Our BA Creative Industries degree – with a specialist pathway in game design – will
help you develop a broad set of skills in leadership and management within the
creative and arts sector. See page 10-11 for more details.

                                                                                        We’re always looking to improve our courses. Which means we do review our modules from time to time,
                                                                                        to make sure they’re of a high standard and are relevant to you and to your potential future employers.
                                                                                        The information in this guide is correct at the time of going to print, but some of the modules could change
                                                                                        before 2021. Please contact our admissions team if you do have any questions or for further information on

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2021 Game Design 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide - University ...
What extra course options do you offer?
Course structure                                                                          We offer two extra options: foundation year and industrial placement. Look out for
                                                                                          these icons on our course pages – and here’s what they mean.

How are degrees taught?                                                                            Foundation year
Most of our undergraduate courses are made up of study units called modules.                       If you don’t quite meet our entry requirements, you can apply to do an
You’ll be assessed after each module, and the average of all your module                           extra year of study before starting your course. This foundation year
assessments for the year is your overall result for that year.                                     boosts your subject knowledge and helps you gain new academic skills,
                                                                                                   as well as preparing you to start your full degree.
Can I pick and choose modules?
                                                                                                   We look for applicants who can demonstrate an experience of a related
Yes, to an extent. Some modules are compulsory, so you have to take them.
                                                                                                   subject and an aptitude for academic work – which we establish by
Within that compulsory group are some ‘core’ modules, too. They’re essential to the                asking you to submit an essay and/or come to an interview as part of
course (to make sure our degrees qualify for relevant accreditation, for example), so              your application.
they’ll never change and you have to pass them.
                                                                                                   Fees for our foundation year are exactly the same as undergraduate
That said, some of our modules are optional – so you can pick what you study to suit               years – and you can apply for student finance as with a full degree.
your interests and career goals.
                                                                                                   Industrial placement
How many modules will I take?
                                                                                                   This means you’ll spend either a full year, one semester or one module
Usually, you’ll take six modules a year: three from the start of term to Christmas, and
                                                                                                   working in industry or on a structured work placement. This usually
three more between January and the summer. Later in your course, some modules –
                                                                                                   comes between your penultimate year and your final year.
like larger-scale projects or a dissertation – might count as two modules and run for
the full year.

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2021 Game Design 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide - University ...
Game  Designand Finance

Our connections with the region’s film and media industry give
you opportunities to get invaluable work experience while
studying. The Game Design degree has an optional year in
industry, providing priceless real-life exposure.
      Graduate careers
•   character designer
•   multimedia design
•   video design
•   2D or 3D artist                                                                                                 “The course allows us to
•   game designer                                                                                                   get a hands-on
•   web design                                                                                                      experience in creating
                                                                                                                    game environments,
      Career advice and support                                                                                     game design concepts
Our team give you expert career advice and training. We’ll help you explore your                                    and art, experimenting
options and progress into a career you’ll love. You’ll learn how to apply for jobs, prep                            with 3D design and
for interviews and impress potential employers. We can also get you into the room                                   creating 3D animated
                                                                                                                    characters for storytelling
with a range of employers at on-campus events. Networking helps you plan your                                       and gaming.”
career path and can open doors to internships and job offers.
                                                                                                                    Amy Garden, BA Game
                                                                                                                    and Entertainment
                                                                                                                    Design, Year 2

                                                     of students in work or
                                                     further study six months
                                                     after graduating.*

* UK domicile full-time first degree leavers; Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey for the
  academic year 2016/17, published by HESA 2018.

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2021 Game Design 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide - University ...
Spotlight on ...
                                                                                                                                            To find out more about our new
                                                                                                                                            Creative Industries degrees,
                                                                                                                                            visit hull.ac.uk
New Creative Industries degrees

for a purpose
Creativity lives and breathes at the University of Hull. Always has done,
always will. It’s central to what universities do. But at Hull, we’re trying
to build something that lasts. Something that inspires our students
long into the future. Introducing Creative Industries,* our brand-new
degree for career-driven creatives.
Did you know the creative industries contribute £100bn a year to the UK economy?
Or that they employ over 2 million people across the country?† With a degree in
Creative Industries, you’ll emerge as a confident professional with an enviable
portfolio, ready for a career in the arts.
You’ll gain a strong grounding in business and digital know-how, including
leadership, marketing, presenting, event planning and project management.
And you’ll explore critical issues in the arts like health, well-being and
At the same time, you’ll push your creative and practical skills in your chosen
specialism: Game Design, Media Production, Music, Music Production, or
Theatre Production. That could mean experimenting with virtual reality. Or
performing in our world-class concert venue. Or mixing your own tracks in
professional standard recording studios.
Then you’ll get to put your skills to the test in the real world. Co-producing,
auditioning, shadowing, coaching, negotiating and more with the likes of Hull
Truck, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Solid State Logic, Screen Yorkshire, and
Absolutely Cultured.
And in your final year, you’ll complete a major project alongside others from across
the arts, as a springboard into your future career.

* Final validation pending. We intend to offer this programme, but it hasn't received final University approval yet. Please call our
   Admissions Service on 01482 466100 for confirmation that the course is approved and will be running.
† DCMS, November 2018, thecreativeindustries.co.uk

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2021 Game Design 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide - University ...
Game Design

BA Creative Industries
(Game Design)*
                                                     Overview of modules
Typical offer                     112                There are no written exams as part of
                                                     this programme – the emphasis is on
Example A levels                  BBC                being able to demonstrate the skills you
                                                     have developed as a future leader in your
UCAS code                         WW11               chosen field, shown through elements
                                                     such as an industry case study.
                                                     Areas you will study and gain skills in
Our innovative new                                   include
degree prepares you to
                                                     •   live project management
drive the future of the                              •   event planning
creative industries – an area                        •   arts, health and well-being
generating more than £100bn                          •   managing and working with people
a year to the UK economy.†                               from different specialisms
                                                     • arts marketing
You’ll get hands on with the                         • arts in society
                                                     • pitching ideas
latest tech, like our Virtuix
                                                     g ideas
Omni VR platform, to build a                         You’ll also develop skills for research,
critical and creative approach                       in your subject specialism and digital
to game and entertainment                            literacy relevant to the industry.
design. You’ll learn from                            We are still finalising this programme, visit
                                                     hull.ac.uk/ugdigital for module information.
experts who’ve worked on
BAFTA-winning games and
led projects across Europe,
and benefit from links to top
names like Microsoft, Epic
Games and Game Republic.

* Final validation pending
† DCMS, November 2018, thecreativeindustries.co.uk

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2021 Game Design 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide - University ...
Game Design

BA Game Design                                                                Introduction to Animation
                                                                              We’ll introduce you to a range of
                                                                              animation techniques. You’ll also
                                                                                                                          Rapid Prototype Design
                                                                                                                          Integrate personal, creative and
                                                                                                                          intuitive design practice into the design
                                                                              combine your knowledge of raster            of live-based interactive systems.
                                    Year 1 modules                            and vector design to create your own        You’ll develop a prototyping kit to
Typical offer        112                                                      motion graphics.                            demonstrate your understanding.
                                    Compulsory
Example A levels     BBC           3D Asset Design                            Year 2 modules                              Year 3 modules
                                   Gain a grounding in the fundamentals        Compulsory                                 Compulsory
UCAS code            W291          of 3D design. You’ll learn the basics of
                                                                              3D Character Design                         Major Project (Digital Media)
                                   modelling, textures, 3D painting and
                                                                              Use 3D organic digital sculpting to         You’ll conduct your own research
                     F301          rendering, and design your own 3D
                                                                              produce an effective 3D character. You’ll   into an area related to your studies.
                                   animation and portfolio.
                                                                              learn good topology, character anatomy      You’ll also develop a dissertation and
                                   Introduction to Game Engines               considerations and 3D print techniques.     significant practical piece of design
                                   Engage with creative production                                                        work to support your research.
                                                                              Creative Business: Pitch and Design
                                   processes to develop an interactive
Studying under experts                                                        Develop your understanding of the           VFX and Post Production
                                   game experience. You’ll develop
who’ve worked on BAFTA-                                                       tools and techniques used to generate       Discover how to enrich your moving
                                   practical skills in using game engines
                                                                              a business idea in the pre-production       image designs. You’ll learn the key
winning games, you’ll gain the     and learn theories of game design.
                                                                              stage, and create a pitch deck for a        approaches to special effects using
practical, critical and creative   2D Art for Games                           product of your own design.                 professional software and principles of
skills to succeed in the           Compare and contrast traditional and                                                   cinematography.
                                                                              Level Design
games industry and beyond.         digital 2D art in games. You’ll explore
                                                                              Grasp this opportunity to bring life to     Digital Storytelling
                                   the use of concept art in pre-production
Using the latest immersive                                                    the design of a game environment. Use       Study the importance of narrative in
                                   and develop 2D assets for use in your
technology – like our Virtuix      own game.
                                                                              your developing 3D and game engine          different media. You’ll explore your own
                                                                              knowledge to demonstrate your skills as     use of narrative, producing materials for
Omni VR treadmill, which lets
                                   Team Project (Game Design)                 a level designer.                           immersive and interactive experiences.
you physically walk around         Working in teams is essential in game
                                                                              3D Character Animation                      The Designer Self
the virtual environments you       design. Here, you’ll be on a production
                                                                              Use principles of animation to bring life   Analyse strategies, models and
create – we’ll challenge you to    team for a major piece of work,
                                                                              to your 3D characters. You’ll learn and     processes used in the creative
                                   developing your team skills and your
go beyond the norm and push                                                   apply different workflows and explore       industries. You’ll then demonstrate
                                   role as a reflective practitioner.
games and entertainment                                                       advanced features of 3D animation.          your organisational skills in assembling,
                                   Game and Entertainment Studies                                                         editing and curating a body of work.
design to the next level.                                                     Professional Practice: Production and
                                   Discover game and entertainment
                                                                              Development                                 Immersive Design
                                   studies and the social, political and
                                                                              Develop and demonstrate your project        You’ll learn and apply theories of
                                   historical contexts of video games.
                                                                              management skills.                          immersive design, development and
                                   You’ll write an essay to support the
                                                                                                                          management. And you’ll take part in
                                   development of your own game designs.
                                                                                                                          your own virtual environment using our
                                                                                                                          immersive design lab.

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2021 Game Design 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide - University ...
Be part of something                                         We’re in the top 50 universities
                                                              for research power**
                                                              Which basically means we’re helping to change
 extraordinary                                                the world through the work our people are
                                                              doing. And you could be part of it. From tackling
                                                              marine pollution to breaking the chain of
                                                              modern-day slavery, our research is not only
 Here at Hull, we know extraordinary is in you. And we’re     enriching the lives of people across the world,
                                                              it enriches your university experience. So come
 here to help you find it. This is why we’ve partnered with   and get involved.
 Team GB. Our united belief is that anyone, with the right
 opportunities ahead and a dedicated team behind, can                                                                               You’ll meet new
 achieve extraordinary things.                                                                                                      people who’ll
                                                                                                                                    become old friends.
                                                                                                                                    More than 15,000 students
                                                                                                                                    from around 100 countries
                                                                                                                                    live, work and play on our
                                                                                                                                    attractive single-site campus.
  The partnership isn’t
  the only thing we’ve got
  going for us either. We                                     Whether you’re into bands
  also offer you guaranteed                                   or board games, food or
  accommodation,^ with                                        film, history or horror, sci-fi
  more than 2,300 rooms                                       or skateboarding, this is a
  on campus. Our students                                     place to do more of what
  go on to do amazing                                         you love – there’s something
  things too, with 95.9% of                                   for everyone here in Hull.
  our graduates in work                                       It’s your home away from
  or further study with six                                   home. And your chance to
  months.†                                                    discover who you really are.

                                                               Choose extraordinary. Choose Hull.
                                                              ^ We guarantee you a room in University-owned or partnered accommodation if you apply by 1 October.
                                                              † Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education for the academic year 2016/17, published by HESA June 2018.
                                                              ** Times Higher Education, based on the most recent Research Excellence Framework 2014.

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2021 Game Design 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide - University ...
This. Is. Hull.
A place where we stand up to kings, do deals with the
world and take a wrecking ball to the slave trade.
A place where culture stands out and the phone boxes
are a different colour. A place where we’re free thinking,
independent and proud of it.
                                           Learn more about Hull                         M8
  THE DEEP                                 at hull.ac.uk/abouthull                                           A1




                                                                                                             Leeds                         HULL
                                                                                                                    M1                Lincoln

                                                                                                           Nottingham             A1


                                                                                                     Birmingham            M1

                                                                                    Cardiff                                               o


18 | HULL.AC.UK                                                                               UNDERGRADUATE COURSE GUIDE 2021 | 19
                                                                47                                                 52
                                                                             46                                                                 40                           15
                                                                                                                         31    8                      20
                                                                                                              32                      49
                                                                                                                        11     48
                                                                                                                              25 59                                36
                                                                             2                    7                             26
                                                                                           23                                 4                               57
                                                             54                    5                                               24                                                           51
           55                                         19                                                                                                     34
                       1                   33                                                            9                         29
                                                                                         58             44                                                         14
                                             3                                     21                          56                             35
                                     10                                                                                            53
                                                  16                  39                                 18
                                                           45                               22
                                                                                                                                                              41                                               47. Sports Pavilion
                                                                                             50                                                                                      35. Middleton Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                               48. Student Central
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Students’ Union)
                                                                                                                                                                                     36. Multi Storey Carpark 49. Student Wellbeing,
                                                                                                                                                                                     37. Newlands House            Learning & Welfare Support
                                                                                                                               17. Dennison Centre      26. Hardy                    38. Newland Science Park 50. Swale House
                                                                                                                               18. Derwent              27. Holme                    39. Nidd                  51. Taylor Court
                                                                                                                               19. Don                  28. Hull University Business 40. Prayer Room           52. The Courtyard
                                                                           10. Calder                                          20. Energy & Environment     School Reception         41. Raines House          53. Venn (Reception)
                                                                           11. Canham Turner                                       Institute            29. Larkin                   42. Robert Blackburn      54. Washburn
                                          5. Allam Medical Building        12. Central Print Services                          21. Enterprise Centre    30. Leven                    43. Rye House             55. Westfield Court
      1. Accommodation Hub                6. Allam Sport Centre            13. Chemistry                                       22. Esk                  31. Loten                    44. Ryton Lecture Theatre 56. Wharfe
      2. Acoustics Research Centre        7. Applied Science 3             14. Cohen                                           23. Fenner               32. Loten Workshops          45. Skell                 57. Wilberforce
      3. Aire                             8. Asylum Nightclub              15. Day Nursery                                     24. Ferens               33 Loxley                    46. Sport, Health &       58. Wiske
      4. Allam Building                   9. Brynmor Jones Library         16. Dearne                                          25. Gulbenkian Centre    34. Media Hub                    Exercise Science Lab  59. Wolfson
120 | HULL.AC.UK
  | HULL.AC.UK                                                                                                                                                                                  UNDERGRADUATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                               COURSEGUIDE  2020| |21
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      GUIDE2020     2
You’ll feel right
                                                                                    WESTFIELD COURT   WESTFIELD COURT

at home in Hull
We have something for everyone here. Whatever
you choose, you’ll find a place to live that works
best for you. And if you apply by 1 October, we
guarantee you a University room.*

From 41, 43 and 51-week                               Take a virtual
contracts, so you don’t pay                           tour of our rooms
for more than you need                           Go to hull.ac.uk/accommodation
                                                 to find out more and take a 360°
2,300+ on-campus rooms                           tour of where you’ll be living.

Up to 150mbps FREE WiFi**
Connect up to 7 devices to                       WESTFIELD COURT

the WiFi at once

24/7 security on campus

For further information,
please contact the
Accommodation Hub
01482 466042

* If you’re a new, full-time, unaccompanied
  student, and you apply for accommodation
  by 1 October, we guarantee you a room in
  accommodation that’s owned or in partnership
  with the University.
                                                                                    THE COURTYARD     TAYLOR COURT
** Westfield Court and Taylor Court only.

22 | HULL.AC.UK                                                                                         UNDERGRADUATE COURSE GUIDE 2021 | 23
How much can I borrow?

Your guide to                                                                                                                       What you can borrow for your maintenance loan depends on your family’s income
                                                                                                                                    and where you’ll be living while you’re at uni.

fees and funding                                                                                                                                                    Is your family’s annual
                                                                                                                                                                  household income £25,000
                                                                                                                                                                            or less?
                                                                                                                                                                                                     No, it’s more
So … time to talk about money. How much does university cost?                                                                                         Yes
                                                                                                                                                                                                      than that
How are you going to pay for it?
                                                                                                                                                                               2021/22 Maintenance Loan figures
How much does it cost to study an undergraduate degree?                                                                                   When you come to uni,                                        Living
                                                                                                                                                                                  Household                          Living at
                                                                                                                                          where will you be living?                                  away from
                                                                                                                                                                                   income                             home
                                               Are you a UK student?                                                                                                                                   home
                                                                                                                                                                                £25,000                    £9,488            £7,987
                           Yes                                                                  No                                                            Away from         £30,000                    £8,809            £7,315
                                                                                                                                       At home                  home            £35,000                    £8,130        £6,642
                £9,250 per year*                                          £14,800 (non-science courses)                                                                         £40,000                    £7,450        £5,969
               on a full-time degree                                   or £17,550 (science courses) per year
                                                                         for EU and international students                           You’ll be able          You’ll be able     £45,000                     £6,771       £5,296
                                                                                                                                      to borrow               to borrow         £50,000                    £6,092            £4,623
You’ll pay lower fees while you’re on a year abroad or an industrial placement year.                                                    £7,987                 £9,488
                                                                                                                                                                                £55,000                     £5,412       £3,950
                                                                                                                                                                                £60,000                    £4,733            £3,516
What loans are available?                                                                                                                                                       £62,286 or above           £4,422            £3,516
There are two types of loan available to students from England:

                                                                                                                                    And how much will I be paying back after I graduate?
  Maintenance loan                                                   Tuition fee loan – Currently
                                                                     £9,250*                                                        Just to recap, you don’t have to pay back anything until your salary goes above
  Helps with the cost of living
                                                                                                                                    £27,295 a year. When that happens, the amount you’re earning determines what
  Partially means tested                                             Covers the full cost of your course
                                                                                                                                    your loan repayment will be.
  • Paid straight into your bank
    account at the start of each term                                • Paid straight to the University                                                      Is your annual salary above £27,295 a year?
  • You won’t have to pay any of it                                  • You don’t start paying any of it
    back until you’re earning more                                     back until you’re earning more                                                 Yes                                          No, it’s less than that
    than £27,295 a year                                                than £27,295 a year
  • After 30 years, any remaining                                    • After 30 years, any remaining
                                                                                                                                      Annual income         Monthly payment                      You don’t have to
    debt is written off – regardless of                                debt is written off – regardless
                                                                                                                                           £27,295                  £0                          make any repayments
    what you still owe                                                 of what you still owe
                                                                                                                                          £30,000                  £20
                                                                                                                                          £35,000                  £58
                                                                                                                                          £40,000                  £95
                                                                                                                                          £45,000                  £133
* Subject to approval. This fee is subject to an increase in line with inflation. Maximum tuition fees are set by the government.
                                                                                                                                          £50,000                  £170

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Useful contacts                                                              Tariff calculator
                                                                                                                BTEC level 3
Admissions                      The (not so) small print ...
                                                                              A level          UCAS Tariff      (QCF) / National   (QCF) / National   (QCF) / National
01482 466100                    Please note …                                                                   Extended           Extended           Extended
                                                                                                                Diploma            Diploma            Diploma
admissions@hull.ac.uk           The information in this guide is provided
                                by the University of Hull, and is for                          144              DDD
                                general information purposes only.                             128              DDM
                                We do everything possible to keep the
Accommodation                   information up to date and correct,
                                                                                               112              DMM                D*D*
                                                                                               104                                 D*D
01482 466042                    but we reserve the right to introduce
rooms@hull.ac.uk                changes to the information given in our                        96               MMM                DD
hull.ac.uk/accomm               publications. For more detail and the                          84
                                latest on our programmes, please go to
                                                                                               80               MMP                DM
Student Finance                                                                                78

01482 466538                    Want to know more?                                             72
hefunding@hull.ac.uk            Our full 2020 Undergraduate                                    64               MPP                MM
hull.ac.uk/money                prospectus is available to order or                            60
                                download from hull.ac.uk/prospectus.
                                                                              A*               56                                                     D*
                                Or visit hull.ac.uk to find out the latest
UCAS                            information.                                  A                48               PPP                MP                 D
0371 468 0468                                                                 B                40
ucas.com                        We use role models, not models                                 36
*Our institution code is H72.   You’ll find no models in this publication.    C                32                                  PP                 M
For Medicine, apply to H75.     The people you see on these pages are
                                our students, and we are proud of them.                        28
                                                                              D                24
International Office            Tell us what you think
01482 462190                    Please write to
                                                                              E                16                                                     P
global@hull.ac.uk               Marketing and Communications,
hull.ac.uk/international        University of Hull,
                                Cottingham Road,                             Of course, we also consider other qualifications – such as AS levels, Cambridge
                                Hull, HU6 7RX, UK.                           Technicals and EPQs – and a range of international qualifications.
                                                                             If you’ve got any questions about what qualifications we accept or our entry
                                                                             requirements in general, just ask. We’re on 01482 466100 or at admissions@hull.ac.uk.
                                                                             You can also work out your own UCAS points total at
                                                                             There’s also a full tariff points guide for all available qualifications on the UCAS site.

26 | HULL.AC.UK                                                                                                                    UNDERGRADUATE COURSE GUIDE 2021 | 27
How to apply                                                            Your notes
to Hull
When you apply for Hull, you’ll have a team ready to
answer your questions every step of the way. From
starting your application to the day you win a place
to come here.

UCAS                                Our UCAS institution codes
For most of our full-time           H72: All Hull courses except
undergraduate courses, you need     Medicine
to register and apply through the
Universities and Colleges           H75: Medicine (Hull York
Admissions Service (UCAS).          Medical School)
You can find the entry
requirements on your course         Dates for your diary
page at hull.ac.uk.                 1 September: UCAS
But as a general guide,             applications open
we’re happy to consider
applications from candidates        15 October: Medicine UCAS
with predicted grades totalling     applications deadline
112 UCAS points or above.
                                    15 January: UCAS applications
To find out more, go to             deadline for all other courses to
hull.ac.uk/admissions               guarantee equal consideration
To register and apply, go to        Late February: UCAS Extra
ucas.com/students                   opens
International student?              30 June: Main UCAS
See hull.ac.uk/international for    application scheme closes
more information on how to apply.
                                    4 July: UCAS Extra closes

28 | HULL.AC.UK                                                                      UNDERGRADUATE COURSE GUIDE 2021 | 29
Your notes


University of Hull
Cottingham Road
Hull, HU6 7RX,
United Kingdom

01482 346311
© University of Hull_October 2020
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