2021 FIRST YEAR GUIDE - Monash University

Page created by Tyrone Harvey
2021 FIRST YEAR GUIDE - Monash University

2021 FIRST YEAR GUIDE - Monash University
1. INTRODUCTION                 1

           2. CAMPUS INFORMATION           2

           3. PREPARE TO STUDY           3 -4

           4. KEY DATES                 5 -6

           5. SUPPORT SERVICES             7

           6. CONNECT & ENGAGE             8

           8. CAPSTONE CONSIDERATIONS10 - 11
           9. GUIDE TO MELBOURNE          12

           10. FREE THINGS TO DO       13 -14

           11. VIRTUAL CAMPUS TOURS       15
2021 FIRST YEAR GUIDE - Monash University
Welcome to Monash                      1
Business School.

Congratulations on joining an
institution that is among 1% of
business schools worldwide to hold
the top three international
business accreditations – an
exclusive quality indicator that
reflects our global reputation.

Our focus is to develop strategic
partnerships with other quality
business schools and universities
around the world.

We prepare students to thrive as
adaptable and creative thinkers, to
lead with confidence and to apply
their knowledge in the pursuit of
personal success and career

2021 FIRST YEAR GUIDE - Monash University
2                CAULFIELD CAMPUS
                     Caulfield is the second largest campus, has five
                                                                             PENINSULA CAMPUS
                                                                             Peninsula has strong links to industry and the
                                                                                                                                         DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                                                                                         Monash Business School operates on four of
                     faculties and a number of undergraduate,                community. Specialising in nursing, physiotherapy,          the Monash University locations in and
                     graduate, and research programs.                        occupational therapy, education and business                around the city of Melbourne.
                                                                             administration courses. Check out the virtual tour of the

                     900 Dandenong Road                                      Peninsula campus here.                                      In addition to Monash Business School in
                     Caulfield East, Victoria 3145, Australia                                                                            Melbourne, the Faculty of Business and
                                                                             McMahons Road
                     T: + 61 3 990 32000                                                                                                 Economics also runs specialist courses at the
                                                                             Frankston, Victoria 3199, Australia
                                                                                                                                         Monash Suzhou Campus in China and Prato
                     monash.edu/about/our- locations/caulfield-              T: +61 3 990 44000
                     campus                                                                                                              Centre in Italy.
                                                                             monash.edu/about/our-locations/peninsula- campus

                     CITY LOCATION
                     The City location is specifically designed for the
                     Bachelor of International Business students which is
                     located in Melbourne’s central business district.                                       CITY

                     271 Collins Street
                     Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia
                     T: + 61 3 990 38800

                     CLAYTON CAMPUS
                     Clayton is the largest of the Monash University’s
                     campuses with eight facilities represented. They
                     offer a variety of sporting, cultural and educational
                     Wellington Road
                     Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia
                     T: + 61 3 990 54000

                     CAMPUS LIFE
                     Monash offers a range of opportunities to
                     enrich your social life! Check out some of the
                     great things Monash has to offer!

2021 FIRST YEAR GUIDE - Monash University
ORIENTATION HUB                                                                                                HANDBOOK
                                                    My.Monash is the virtual Monash hub which
The Monash Business School Orientation Hub          provides students access to their timetables,              The Handbook contains all your course requirements
provides access to essential information and        support services, important dates and key websites         such as code and title of units for your course, units
resources you need to get off to the best           such as WES, Monash Connect and Moodle. To                 required for specific area of study (majors, minor,

                                                                                                                                                                        PREPARE TO STUDY
possible start – from course information to         access My.Monash, sign-in with your email address          specialisations), other special requirements or
study help, student services and support,           and password.                                              conditions of your course and your course
student associations and events. Be sure to                                                                    progression map. To complete your course and to
check it out!                                       You can also access your student email through             graduate, you need to meet all the requirements set
                                                    My.Monash - Make sure you check your inbox                 out by the Handbook.
monash.edu/business/current-                        often. This is the Universities preferred
students/orientation                                communication channel for important updates, such          handbook.monash.edu/
                                                    as changes during semester.
TRANSITION HUB MOODLE PAGE                                                                                      ALLOCATE+
The Transition Hub is designed to help all
students’ settle into life at Monash. The page                                                                  Allocate+ is where you create your timetable each
has a suite of content, including key academic                                                                  Semester. After enrolling in the Web Enrolment
information, essential support services, tools                                                                  System (WES), you can view your units in Allocate+
and resources, plus a number of student advice                                                                  and create your personal timetable. To do this, use
videos and more! A must visit for all new                                                                       your Monash account to log into Allocate+.
students.                                                                                                       monash.edu/timetables/allocate
     •     Undergraduate hub
     •     Graduate hub                                                                                        WEB ENROLMENT SYSTEM (WES)
                                                                                                               You use WES to:
                                                    UNIT GUIDES                                                 •    enrol, re-enrol and manage your enrolment
 SUBSCRIBE TO MONTHLY UPDATES                       Unit Guides are accessible via the dedicated unit
                                                                                                                •    view fee statements and payment history
 Every month a student bulletin with content        Moodle page (via your my.monash portal). Along
 specific to business students is sent out. The     with providing many of the required materials, the          •    access exam timetables and results
 bulletin provides the latest updates and draws     Moodle provides you with a sense of the overall
 attention to events and special opportunities.     program for the semester including resources, web           •    update your personal details
                                                    links, assessment tasks and assignments.
 To subscribe, click on the link below!                                                                         •    manage your scholarship
                                                    It is highly recommended that you read through unit         •    apply to graduate and track your application
 Sign up                                            guides before enrolling in units to understand the
                                                    style of teaching, workload, what the unit covers and       •    purchase letters, academic records and
                                                    learning outcomes.                                               access other services.
                                                      TIP: COURSE ADVICE
MONASH CONNECT                                        We recommend that all students seek course advice
Monash Connect provides a single point of             at the beginning of their course and at least once a
contact for student information and enquiries, no     year. Course advice can help you plan the order you      EXAMS RESOURCES AND SUPPORT
matter what it is. You can contact Monash             complete units and discuss unit options.
Connect via phone, online or face to face on                                                                   Monash offers a variety of study skills, exam
                                                      Note: Your course progression map ‘suggests’ the         preparation resources, workshops and
campus.                                               order in which you should complete units, this is just   support. Visit the link below for more details.
                                                      a suggestion. Some units require prerequisites which
monash.edu/connect                                    means you are required to complete a unit prior to       monash.edu/exams/prepare
                                                      undertaking another unit.

2021 FIRST YEAR GUIDE - Monash University
                   AT HOME
                                                                          Moodle is your online learning management
                                                                          system containing all your curriculum details for the
                                                                                                                                  RESEARCH AND LEARNING ONLINE
                                                                                                                                  The Research and Learning Online offers a
                                                                                                                                  wide range of resources that are crucial to your
                   While we are all remote learning at home, it is        units you are studying. Typically, it will contain
                   important to set yourself up for success from                                                                  success at university. From study skill
                                                                          information on your unit, pre-class resources and       resources to understanding the process to

                   the beginning.                                         assignment details.                                     research and write assignments as well as
                   •    Set up a proper work space, ensure you            Be sure to check Moodle frequently as your              academic integrity and referencing guidelines.
                        have a proper desk or area where you will         lecturers will post important information regarding
                        study.                                                                                                    monash.edu/library/skills
                                                                          your unit on here. Through Moodle you can access
                   •    Invest in a comfy chair and ensure the            the different forums for each of your units, these
                        desk you are working at is at the right           forums are generally where lecturers and unit
                        height.                                           coordinators will communicate information to
                   •    Work in a well-lit space to prevent your
                        eyes from straining!                                   •    Moodle - getting started
                   •    Make your work area your own - add                     •    Welcome to Moodle
                        flowers or pictures.
                   •    Get dressed every morning and keep to             ENGLISH CONNECT
                        a routine.
                                                                          English Connect offer free programs focused on
                   •    Be organised by establishing a                    developing communication and conversational
                        schedule - Plan out your day.                     skills. English Connect can help you grow your
                   •    Keep your motivations high - remote               language skills and enhance your writing, speaking
                        learning is new and different - remember to       and communications in an academic setting.              LIBRARY BLOG
                        just take one step at a time and ask for                                                                  The Library produces a blog which offers tips
                        help when you need it!                            monash.edu/english-connect
                                                                                                                                  and useful resources on study, research and
                   •    Be positive! Having positive mindset can                                                                  teaching to help you adjust to Monash
                        help you grow confidence and reduce               TUTOR SUPPORT                                           University. In addition you can:
                        stress.                                                                                                       •    Access special collections
                                                                          Tutoring is an additional service students can seek
                                                                          out, should they need additional support with their         •    Complete online activities
                                                                          subjects. To find out information about this service
                   TIME MANAGEMENT                                        and how to access a tutor, click on the link below.         •    Discover and read research articles
                   Managing your time effectively is extremely            monash.edu/careers/employers/hire-a-tutor                   •    Browse news articles
                   important when you are at studying at University
                   level. It is not uncommon to have several                                                                      Click on the link below to access the blog.
                   assignments and tests due at the same time, as                                                                 libraryblog.monash.edu/
                   well as wanting to participate in social activities.
                   Planning out your semester will help you plan
                   ahead so you are aware of your deadlines and
                   due dates.                                                                                                     STUDENT LEARNING SYSTEMS
                    •    monash.edu/rlo/study- skills/studying-                                                                   The student learning system guide provides you
                         effectively/managing-your-time                                                                           with information on how to access the various
                                                                                                                                  Monash University education platforms and tools
                    •    PDF version                                                                                              needed for your online studies.


2021 FIRST YEAR GUIDE - Monash University
WHAT IS ALLOCATE+?                                      WEB ENROLMENT SYSTEM (WES) DATES                        UNIT CHANGES (add or discontinue)
 Allocate+ is where you will create your personal        Dates for WES access provides you with the key          Cut-off dates to add or discontinue units via
 timetable for the upcoming Semester. It is where        dates to access the Web Enrolment System (WES).         WES
 you will schedule your activities including tutorials   Re-enrolment, unit changes (add or discontinue)
 lectures, practicals and workshops.                                                                             You can still discontinue after these dates by using

                                                                                                                                                                           KEY DATES
                                                         and late or failure to enrol deadlines.
                                                                                                                 an enrolment amendment form or contacting a
 monash.edu/timetables/allocate                          monash.edu/enrolments/dates/wes- access                 Course Advisor.
                                                                                                                 monash.edu/business/current- students/course-
                                                                                                                 planning-admin-resources-and- advice
                                                         WHAT IS WES?
                                                         The Web Enrolment System (WES) allows you to
Visit the link below for important allocate+ dates       manage your enrolment, view fee statements and
https://www.monash.edu/timetables/allocate/dates         payment history, access exam timetables and results,
                                                         update personal details, apply to graduate as well as   Census date is a deadline after which you
                                                         purchase academic records and other services.           are liable for fees for the units you're
                                                                                                                 enrolled in. If you discontinue a unit after
                                                         my.monash.edu.au/wes/                                   census date, you have to pay fees or, if
                                                                                                                 you have a HELP loan, you incur a debt. It
                                                                                                                 is also the last day you can discontinue
                                                                                                                 without 'withdrawn' showing on your
                                                                                                                 academic record (there are some
                                                                                                                 exceptions). If you discontinue a unit after
                                                                                                                 certain dates, your academic record can
ACCESS ALL IMPORTANT DATES                                                                                       show withdrawn or withdrawn fail.
Click here to access the important dates for the year!                                                           monash.edu/enrolments/dates/census

                                                                                                                 WINTER/SUMMER TEACHING PERIODS
WHAT IS SWOT VAC?                                                                                                Winter and Summer teaching periods
                                                                                                                 give students the opportunity to
SWOT VAC (study without teaching vacation) is a
                                                                                                                 complete units outside of the standard
class free study week before your exam period
                                                                                                                 semester teaching periods. Winter and
begins. SWOT VAC dates can be found using the
                                                                                                                 Summer are usually shorter teaching
link below.
                                                                                                                 periods and are more intensive.
monash.edu/students/dates/summary- dates

 WHAT IS RE-ENROLMENT?                                                                                           UNIVERSITY TERMS
 Re-enrol using the Web Enrolment System (WES).                                                                  Glossary

 To continue your studies, you need to re-enrol during                                                           We understand how confusing all these university
 the re-enrolment period. For detailed instructions on                                                           terms can be. Get familiar with the common terms
 how to re-enrol, see below.                                                                                     used at the university by utilising the below glossary.

monash.edu/enrolments/re-enrol                                                                                   monash.edu/get-

2021 FIRST YEAR GUIDE - Monash University
            If you miss the re-enrolment dates, you can re-enrol
            during the late re-enrolment period:
                                                                      EXAMS AND RESULTS
                                                                      Exams and results
                                                                      Find out when your exams will take place and how
                                                                      to view and check your timetable. Also see when
                                                                                                                           Before completing university, you’ll need to plan
                                                                      your results will be released and how to get them.   ahead. Find out about graduating, where to get
            If you fail to re-enrol by the end of the late period,    There is also information on applying for special
            you are no longer considered a student by the                                                                  advice on employment opportunities and
                                                                      consideration or what to do if you have concerns     networking, ensure you explore further study

            university. You will need to apply for permission to      about your results.
            re-enrol by filling out a late re-enrolment application                                                        options and how to stay connected with the Monash
            form.                                                                                                          community.
            monash.edu/ data/assets/pdf_file/000

                                                                                                                            TIP: ASSIGNMENTS
                                                                                                                            Read through your unit guide and take note of
                                                                                                                            assignment due dates in a diary or similar,
                                                                                                                            with a reminder set for the week prior. If you
                                                                                                                            have any questions or require clarification,
                                                                                                                            ensure you contact your lecturer to ask about
                                                                                                                            them before they are due.
                                                                                                                            Note: Check your Moodle and email for any
                                                                                                                            changes regarding assignments, as due
                                                                                                                            dates/type of assignments may change and
                                                                                                                            the unit guide may be out of date. For
                                                                                                                            example, your group presentation may turn
                                                                                                                            into an individual assignment.

2021 FIRST YEAR GUIDE - Monash University
COURSE ADVICE AND SUPPORT                                                                                      INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SUPPORT
                                                      SERVICES AND SUPPORT FINDER
The Course Advice and Support team is here to                                                                  Explore the programs and services available to
                                                      Services & support finder (international student         international students!
help! If you have questions about your course,        reference) A-Z listing of support and other services
unsure about majors, minors and specialisations,      available to International students at Monash.           monash.edu/students/international
have questions about making changes to you
enrolment or just want some general course advice,    monash.edu/students/international/services-

                                                                                                                                                                         SUPPORT SERVICES
contact the Monash Business School Course             finder
Advice and Support Team.
                                                                                                                   FIX TIMETABLE PROBLEMS
                                                                                                                   Clashes, full classes and incomplete timetable – if
•    Book in a course advice appointment              STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES                                     you are having issues with your timetable, click on
•    Request a course progression check               Student support services includes a detailed list            the link below for assistance.
                                                      of support services available to all students - Health       monash.edu/timetables/allocate/fix- problems
•    Make an online enquiry.
                                                      and counselling, disability services, Accommodation
•    Exam resources and support                       and housing and more!

                                                                                                               ENGLISH CONNECT
students/course-advice-and-planning                                                                            English Connect offers free programs which focus
                                                      HEALTH AND WELLBEING                                     on developing communication as well as
                                                                                                               conversational skills. You will grow your language
MONASH CONNECT                                        Health and Wellbeing services are available for all      skills and enhance your writing, speaking and
                                                      students! Monash offers a variety of services,           communicating in an academic setting.
Got a question? We can help. Ask questions, get       programs and resources to keep you healthy such
answers, view frequently asked questions and          as counselling, dental medical, mindfulness and          monash.edu/english-connect
trending topics. If you are unsure about something,   mental health and wellbeing.
Monash Connect should be your first point of
contact.                                                                                                       MonTRACK
No question is silly – No doubt, other students                                                                Monash offers a range of support to help you with
have asked the same question!                         LIBRARY                                                  your studies! Visit the below link for more
 •    monash.edu/connect                              Develop research and learning skills, attend a drop
                                                      in session or find a quiet place to study, the library
 •    connect.monash.edu/askmonash/                                                                            monash.edu/students/new/montrack
                                                      offers great support to all students.
                                                                                                               EMERGENCY SERVICES
COUNSELLING                                           monash.edu/library
Monash offers counselling help online and face to                                                                  Call the emergency services or campus security
face. Click on the below links to see what                                                                         for assistance in the event of an emergency or if
services are available to all students.
                                                      STUDY PROGRAMS                                               you feel unsafe at any time 24/7. Put the campus
                                                      Study Programs are workshops and sessions                    security number in your phone for easy access
monash.edu/health/counselling/help- online            which any student can attend! Visit the link provided        when you need it.
monash.edu/health/counselling/appointments            to check out what's on offer! PASS (Peer Assisted        •      Emergency Services: 000
                                                      Study Sessions), Staying motivated, exam busters,
                                                      stress management, polish up your grammar and            •      Campus Security – internal phone: 333
                                                      leap into leadership online.
                                                                                                               •      Campus Security – external phone or mobile:
                                                      monash.edu/students/study-                                      990 53059
2021 FIRST YEAR GUIDE - Monash University
6                      INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ENGAGEMENT                       PASS                                                      CLUBS AND SOCIETIES
                       International Student Engagement                       Peer Assisted study sessions (PASS) is an                 Joining a clubs and/or society is a great way to
                                                                              academic mentoring program of guided study                meet students, develop skills and get involved in
                       Explore the range of programs and services                                                                       the Monash community! From academic and

                                                                              groups for students in specific units. The PASS
                       available for international students. Check out the    leaders will impart useful study skills and tips but      sporting to cultural and special interest groups,
                       services and support finder, Monash essentials unit    will also promote active and independent learning.        Monash offers a variety of clubs and societies.
                       on Moodle as well as English Connect.
                                                                              monash.edu/about/mentoring/peer- assisted-
                       monash.edu/students/international                      study-sessions-pass                                       students/student-clubs-and-societies

                       aMigo social network and socials                       NON-RESIDENTIAL COLLEGES
                                                                                                                                        PEER MENTORING
                       Get connected (virtually) by joining aMigo and other   Non-residential colleges provide students living
                       social networks.                                       off-campus with a range of social and academic            Peer mentoring provides every first year student the
                                                                              benefits along with support from college advisors.        opportunity to be matched with a mentor to help them
                              •   Monash Stay Connected                       Meet like-minded students and form connections by         transition to university life and help build connections.
                                                                              joining one of the eight non-residential colleges.        Mentors will be there to direct students to helpful
                              •   Monash StalkerSpace FB                                                                                resources, engage and connect students to
                              •   Monash Business School Facebook             monash.edu/non-residential-colleges                       opportunities within the community as well as have

                       https://amigo.apps.monash.edu/                                                                                   monash.edu/about/mentoring/business-school-
                                                                              Volunteering is a great way to prepare for your
                                                                              career after Monash. It can help you strengthen
                        SOCIALS                                               your skills, get work-related experiences, develop a       TIP: SOCIAL
                                                                              professional network, show initiative and develop
                        Follow us on our socials to see what’s                leadership qualities. Check out the link provided to      Get out of your comfort zone! Connect with new
                        happening around the Business School                  see what volunteer opportunities are available.           people and groups. You can do this by joining
                        - Events, updates and key information!                                                                          clubs/societies and associations, following the New to
                                                                              monash.edu/career-                                        Monash Facebook groups, visiting the Orientation
                          •       Facebook                                    connect/explore/volunteering                              Hub to see ways to connect with other students and
                                                                                                                                        get involved in the current virtual events!
                          •       Instagram
                          •       Twitter                                     MONASH SPORT                                              Note: Visit our Orientation Hub and scroll down to the
                          •       LinkedIn                                    Monash Sport provides a wide range of high                bottom of the page to see ‘Upcoming events’, this will
                                                                              quality health and wellness services, activities and      give you a list of all events happening right now!
                                                                              programs for students, staff and the wider
                                                                              community, with a range of facilities available on each   monash.edu/business/current-

Global Study Experiences - Gain an international            Course advice and planning                           Work Integrated Learning is extremely valuable for
perspective by engaging in semester exchange, study                                                              students, you will get practical experience as well as
                                                            Seek out course advice to understand your options.
tours, international partner programs, Monash in Italy      It is very important to ensure you save your         academic credit towards your degree. Employers are
and Berkeley Haas Global access program. Monash                                                                  increasingly looking for graduates with industry
                                                            electives until later in your degree. You can use

                                                                                                                                                                           FUTURE STUDY
provides a vast range of opportunities for students to      your electives towards industry placements and       experience.
study overseas.
                                                            projects as well as global study experiences.
                                                                                                                 Student sourced placements involves the
Study Tours are led by experienced Monash                   monash.edu/business/current-                         student sourcing and organising a placement at a
academic staff. They will provide you with industry         students/course-advice-and-planning                  host organisation in Australia or overseas.
engagement along with a guided program of teaching
to deliver a unique learning experience.
                                                                                                                 Monash sourced placements involve the Monash
                                                                                                                 Professional Pathways team contacting host
Semester exchange - Monash has 150 partner                                                                       organisations to organise placements for students.
universities around the world. Join us for a Semester
exchange at one of our international campuses or
global education partners.                                                                                       Industry consulting projects involve teams of up to
                                                                                                                 five students from various business degrees, working
                                                                                                                 with industry partners to solve real business problems.
International Partner Programs are short term study
that you can take part in at host institutions overseas.
Gain a deeper business understanding of different                                                                International industry placements allows
business cultures, expand your networks, develop                                                                 students to gain international experience as well as
your communication skills and boost your CV                                                                      industry experience.

                                                                                                                 For information on all Work Integrated Learning
                                                                                                                 options, visit the webpage below.
Berkeley Haas Global Access Program - Join us at
the University of California for students enrolled in the
Master of Global Business                                                                                        monash.edu/business/current-
Monash in Italy - Study in the heart of Tuscany at
the Monash Prato Centre just 20 minutes by train
from Florence.

QTEM Graduate exchange and internship                                                                            Internships & employability skills
program - Quantitative Techniques for Economics
and Management (QTEM). Develop in depth skills in                                                                Develop industry and employability skills so you are
analytical and quantitative techniques as well as                                                                ready for the real-world. Monash offers a range of
advancing industry skills.                                                                                       workshops and seminars along with industry
                                                                                                                 placement and project work. Check it out!

For information on all programs, visit the                                                                       monash.edu/business/current-
webpage below.                                                                                                   students/internships-and-employability-skills

                                                  WORK INTEGRATED LEARNING (WIL)                                                      STUDY ABROAD                                 COURSEWORK

                                  Internships/Placements                Industry projects                     Study Tours                        Monash in Italy                 Capstone by


                      Overview    A great way to build your skills in   Involves a group of students from     The Monash Business School         Study in the heart of           You can complete a
                                  a real-world setting! You’ll          various business degree               offers Global study tours over     Tuscany at the Monash           coursework capstone
                                  improve your employability, have      specialisations working with          the Summer and Winter              Prato Centre just 20            unit which are listed
                                  the opportunity to get a global       industry partners to solve real       semesters. Please note that        minutes from Florence.          in your course
                                  perspective, gain great               business problems. It mirrors the     these are currently on hold due    Please note that this unit is   handbook. Specialist
                                  experience working in a               type of work graduate will be doing   to the Covid-19 travel             currently on hold due to the    degrees will have a
                                  professional setting and also         in professional careers.              restrictions. Currently we are     Covid-19 travel restrictions.   specific mandatory
                                  receive academic credit.                                                    reviewing our study tour           Currently we are reviewing      capstone unit.
                                                                                                              program as we plan for 2021        our study tour program as
                                                                                                              and beyond. Other Global           we plan for 2021 and
                                                                                                              Summer and winter programs         beyond.
                                                                                                              are also offered through our
                                                                                                              Partner institutions.

                      Unit         • BEX3006/3106                        • BEX3350/3351                       Visit the following link for       Visit the following link for    Visit the Handbook
                                     Industry placement                    Consulting project                 information about the 2021 study   information about the           to find out more
                                                                                                              tours. Due to the current          2021 global experiences.        about the capstone
                                   • BEX3012/3112                        • BEX3450/3451                       pandemic, we are yet to confirm    Due to the current              units offered within
                                     Industry placement                    Consulting project                 what will be available in 2021.    pandemic, we are yet to         your course.
                                   • BEX3024                                                                                                     confirm what will be
                                     Industry placement                                                                                          available in 2021.

                      Delivery    On-campus                             On-campus                             Block-on                           Block-on                        On-campus

                      Offerings   Semester 1                            Semester 1                            To be confirmed – not currently    To be confirmed – not           Please refer to the
                                  Winter                                Winter                                available due to travel            currently available due to      handbook to review
                                  Semester 2                            Semester 2                            restrictions.                      travel                          when coursework
                                  Summer A                              Summer A                                                                 restrictions.                   capstone units are
                                  Summer B                              Summer B                                                                                                 offered.

                      Credit      6, 12 or 24 credit points             6 or 12 credit points                 6 or 12 credit points              6 credit points                 6 credit points

WORK INTEGRATED LEARNING (WIL)                                                      STUDY ABROAD                              COURSEWORK

                                                                                                                                                                                 CAPSTONE COMPARISON
              Internships/Placements               Industry projects                    Study Tours                        Monash in Italy                Capstone by

Application   Monash sourced - the Monash          Monash sourced - the Monash          Applications are managed through the Monash Abroad Portal         No application
process       Professional pathways team will      Professional pathways team will      (MAP). MAP allows students to search and apply for overseas       process, students
              contact a host organisation and      contact a host organisation and      student experiences, including Semester Abroad, Study Tours,      must meet
              arrange a placement.                 arrange a placement.                 Summer and Winter School programs and other overseas              prerequisites and
                                                                                        experiences.                                                      have room in their
              Student sourced - the student will   Student sourced - the student will                                                                     course to enrol in
              contact a host organisation to       contact a host organisation to                                                                         the unit.
              arrange and complete a               arrange and complete a               Click here to search opportunities and to apply here
              placement.                           placement.

Eligibility   At the time of application, Undergraduates students should:               Students must have completed       Students must have             Must meet
                                                                                        72 credit points of study to       completed 72 credit points     prerequisites as
                  •    Have completed or be enrolled to complete 96 credit
                                                                                        undertake this unit as well as a   of study to undertake this     described in the
                       points (16 units) of your degree by the time you                 WAM of 60% or above.               unit as well as a WAM of       handbook.
                       commence your placement. You cannot apply with fewer                                                60% or above.
                       than 72 credit points (12 units)
                                                                                        Additional application
                  •    Have enough elective space in your course.                       requirements will vary for each    Enrolment in this unit is
                                                                                        capstone unit, please refer to     subject to an application
                                                                                        the specific details here.         process. More information
                                                                                                                           on this unit is available

Workload      A mixture of scheduled learning      A mixture of scheduled learning      Workload will be unit specific.    Workload will be unit          A mixture of
              activities and independent study,    activities and independent study,    More information will be           specific. More information     scheduled learning
              which typically equates to 144       which typically equates to 144       provided in the handbook.          will be provided in the        activities and
              hours per semester per 6 credit      hours per semester per 6 credit                                         handbook.                      independent study,
              points.                              points.                                                                                                which typically
                                                                                                                                                          equates to 144
                                                                                                                                                          hours per semester
                                                                                                                                                          per 6 credit points.

More          Visit the following link for more    Visit the following link for more    Visit the following link for       Visit the following link for   Visit this link for
information   information about Work Integrated    information about Work Integrated    more information about             more information about         more information
              Learning.                            Learning.                            upcoming study tours.              Monash in Italy.               about capstone via

9               EXPLORING MELBOURNE                                 STUDY MELBOURNE                                          EXPLORE VICTORIA
                     Things you can only do in Melbourne:                Study Melbourne contains everything you need to          Visit Victoria - Day trips and great
                     Melbourne is a unique city! Check out some          thrive as an international student in Victoria. There
                                                                                                                                  getaways. Check out the best road trips and
                     of Melbourne’s best traits and distinctive          is information on international student emergency
                                                                                                                                  iconic drives in Victoria!
                     qualities.                                          relief funds and coronavirus support for international

                     https://www.timeout.com/melbourne/things-                                                                    s-to- do/touring-routes
                     to-do/things-you-can-only-do-in-melbourne           https://www.studymelbourne.vic.gov.au/

                     WHATS ON MELBOURNE                                                                                           CHILDREN AND FAMILY ACTIVTIES
                                                                         THE URBAN LIST
                     The City of Melbourne offers an event website                                                                 •    Melbourne Aquarium
                                                                         The Urban List - Melbourne is everything cool,
                     What’s on in Melbourne which highlights a huge      new and trending in Melbourne! Check out the              •    Science Works
                     variety of free events and activities designed to   Urban list for entertainment, style, health, beauty
                     showcase Melbourne.                                 and travel tips and highlights.                           •    Puffing Billy steam train
                                                                                                                                   •    Luna Park
                     https://whatson.melbourne.vic.gov.au/               https://www.theurbanlist.com/melbourne
                                                                                                                                   •    Royal Melbourne Show
                                                                                                                                   •    Zoos Victoria
                     MELBOURNE SIGHTS AND LANDMARKS                      BROADSHEET
                                                                                                                                   •    Collingwood Children’s Farm
                       •     Museums Victoria                            Broadsheet - Melbourne is a city guide where they
                                                                         cover food and drink, art and drink, fashion,
                       •     Arts Centre Melbourne                       entertainment, travel and active lifestyles.             PUBLIC TRANSPORT
                       •     National Gallery of Victoria (NGV)
                                                                         https://www.broadsheet.com.au/melbourne/things-          Melbourne’s public transport system runs on trains,
                       •     Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)              to-do                                                    trams and buses. You will need to purchase a myki
                       •     Melbourne Zoo                                                                                        card to travel on these services.
                                                                         MELBOURNE NEIGHBOURHOODS
                       •     Melbourne Cup Carnival                                                                               https://www.ptv.vic.gov.au/tickets/myki/
                                                                         Melbourne Neighbourhoods is the ultimate guide
                       •     Australian Open Tennis                      to Melbourne! The guide shows you the best way to        https://www.ptv.vic.gov.au/
                       •     Melbourne Theatre Company                   see Melbourne, which is, by neighbourhood. The
                                                                         guide breaks down the most popular suburbs and
                       •     Her Majesty’s Theatre
                                                                         gives you a list of things to do and places to see.      ACCOMMODATION
                       •     The Royal Botanic Gardens                   Highly recommended!
                                                                                                                                  There are many different types of
                                                                         https://www.backstreetnomad.com/ultimate-guide-          accommodation available in Melbourne.
                     MELBOURNE – INSIDER GUIDES                                                                                   Whether you are after on-campus accommodation
                     Snapshot of Melbourne! Check out all the things     CITY MAPPER                                              or want to rent off-campus, Monash has services
                     to do and places to see in Melbourne.                                                                        in place to help. This includes discussing your
                                                                         Citymapper – The Ultimate Transport App                  options, pricing and what to expect before arriving.
                     https://insiderguides.com.au/city/melbourne         Download the CITYMAPPER app for Bus,                     monash.edu/accommodation/accommodation
                                                                         Tram, Train, V/Line, cycles and walks.

The National Gallery of Victoria (NGV)
has a collection of more than 73,000
works of art. NGV also holds exhibitions
                                            6. GO HUNT FOR PUBLIC SCULPTURES
                                            Melbourne displays beautiful mosaic
                                            sculptures – Deborah Halpern is one of
                                            Australia’s most celebrated sculptors.
and special events. Check out the           Check out Angel (1987) at Birrarung Marr,

                                                                                              21 FREE THINGS TO DO IN
website below for more information.         Ophelia (1992) at Southgate and Portal to
                                            Another Time and Place (2005) at Werribee

Located on Swanston Street, the State       The Royal Botanic Gardens spread
Library of Victoria is unmistakable.        across 94 acres and has a collection of
With over 2 million books, thousands of     10,000 plants – both native and exotic. It’s
newspapers, manuscripts, audio video        the best place to go for a beautiful walk
and digital media, it also is home to       and have a picnic.
artworks and exhibitions with free
guided tours.                               https://www.facebook.com/BotanicGarden

                                            8. THE WHEELER CENTRE
                                            A hub for Victoria writers – the Wheeler
Fresh produce, hot donuts, souvenirs,       Centre focuses on celebrating and exploring
homewares and more! There is also a         Australia’s literary scene. Visitors can engage
night market every Wednesday                in programmes and listen to guest speakers.
between November and April

4. ACMI, Screen Worlds                      9. EXPLORE SOUTHBANK
Located inside ACMI (the Australian         Stretching alongside the Yarra River from
Centre for the Moving Image) in             Princes Bridge to the Melbourne Exhibition
Federation Square, Screen Worlds is         Centre, Southbank is home to the best
a FREE permanent exhibition!                restaurants, high-end retailers and Crown

5. LISTEN TO LIVE MUSIC                    10. CITY CIRCLE TRAM
                                           The free City Circle Tram allows tourists and
Visit the Cherry Bar in the city’s ACDC
                                           Melburnians to travel throughout the city. It
lane! It offers free admission
                                           travels through La Trobe, Flinders, Spring,
throughout the week (Tuesday,
                                           Nicholson and Victoria Streets and includes
Wednesdays and Sundays).
                                           audio commentary on board which reveals
Another option is The Esplanade in St      attractions at each stop!
Kilda which offers free entry most
10                     11. MELBOURNES CHURCHES                             16. RAAF MUSEUM                                  21. ATTEND A FESTIVAL
                                                                              Only 25 minutes from Melbourne, the RAAF         Melbourne offers a range of events! In March
                          St Paul’s Cathedral is located in the heart of
                                                                              Museum details the story of Australian           there’s Moomba which has fireworks,
                          Melbourne’s central business district. The
                                                                              aviation and is free to visit!                   parades, carnival rides and games! Other
                          cathedral is built in the neo-gothic transitional
                                                                                                                               popular festivals include Melbourne’s
                          style. Nearby is medieval looking St Patrick

                                                                              http://www.airforce.gov.au/raafmuseum/           International Comedy Festival, Melbourne’s
                                                                                                                               International Film Festival, Melbourne’s
                                                                                                                               Writer’s festival and more!

                          12. KOORIE HERITAGE TRUST                           17. SHRINE OF REMEMBERANCE
                          Located in Federation Square, the Koorie            Opened in 1934, the Shrine of
                          Heritage Trust is an authentic and immersive        Remembrance was built to honour Victorians
                          Aboriginal centre which seeks to educate            who served during World War 1 and now
                          visitors on Indigenous culture.                     stands as a memorial to all Australians who
                                                                              served in all wars.

                          13. ST KILDA                                        18. ARCHITECTIURAL GEMS
                          Located southeast of Melbourne, St Kilda is         You’ll notice that Melbourne’s architecture is

                          situated right near the beach! You can stroll       unique. Take a walk around the city and look
                          to the shoreline, head to Acland Street for a       up at Eureka Tower, Federation Square, the
                          bite to eat and make sure you also check out        Manchester Unity Building and the
                          Luna Park – you can walk around it for free         Melbourne Theatre Company.
                          but activities cost extra.

                          14. ROOFTOP BARS                                    19. PARLIAMENT HOUSE
                          Discover beautiful views and sophisticated          The public can view the Legislative Council
                          drink from Melbourne’s roof top bars! Head          and Legislative Assembly from the public
                          to Siglo for views of St Patricks Cathedral         galleries or go along on a free public tour
                          and Parliament House. Also check out,
                          Madame Brussels and Naked in the Sky.

                          15. STREET ART                                      20. FIND FAMOUS FILMING LOCATIONS
                          Melbourne is known for its beautiful street art     Many of Australia’s most iconic TV shows
                          – head to Duckboard Place, Hosier, and              have been filmed in Melbourne. Neighbours
                          Union and ACDC lanes for bright colours and         was filmed in Vermont South, Offspring took
                          magnificent murals.                                 place Collingwood and Kath and Kim was
                                                                              filmed in Patterson Lakes.

Peninsula campus: Take a Virtual Tour

Visit the Orientation Hub to
          find out everything you need
               to know to get started at
          Monash – from timetable and
            course advice to awesome
          clubs and orientation events.

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