2021 Anti-counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement - A Global Guide

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2021 Anti-counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement - A Global Guide
 and Online Brand

                 Maysa Razavi

        A Global Guide
2021 Anti-counterfeiting and Online Brand Enforcement - A Global Guide
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The life of a brand-
protection professional
during the pandemic
Maysa Razavi

Brand protection during the pandemic                 were quick to begin producing much-needed
Counterfeiting continues to spread globally          medical equipment and supplies. Brand-
like a plague. In recent years, with the             protection teams, however, have been stepping
expansion of the Internet, brand-protection          up to the mounting challenge and developing
teams have had to battle with counterfeiters         some creative solutions to deal with these
online, usually with limited resources to            issues. Awareness-raising campaigns to reach
tackle these illicit traders. Fake goods are sold    both consumers and policymakers, customs
online directly to consumers, one item at a          training, consumer-protection mechanisms
time, often by formidable and well-hidden            and private-public and cross-industry
criminal networks.                                   collaborations are all in the mix. Some of the
    In 2017, Global Financial Integrity found        strategies are under way, while others have
that transnational crime turned over between         been proposed, and the full results are yet to
$1.6 trillion and $2.2 trillion annually, with       be realised.
counterfeiting valued as the most lucrative
crime ($923 billion to $1.13 trillion) followed      Criminals take advantage
by drug trafficking ($426 billion to $652            As we got used to social distancing and
billion). Despite this, counterfeiting is a low      working from home, the criminal underworld
priority for enforcement officials, making           adapted to the crisis in its own way by turning
it a low-risk, high-reward crime. Although           to cybercrime, fraud and counterfeiting.
fake goods are often of poor quality and                For counterfeiters, the covid-19 crisis
potentially dangerous, consumer demand               offered the perfect environment within
for these goods is high. Under these                 which to operate. As the epidemic turned
circumstances – high demand and weak                 into a pandemic, consumers worldwide
enforcement – anti-counterfeiting appears to         began to stock up on products to get them
be an insurmountable challenge for brand-            through the crisis, purchasing food, over-
protection teams. Compounding matters                the-counter medicine, personal-care goods
further, in 2020 the covid-19 pandemic               and disinfectants in mass quantities. As
spread to every corner of the globe, upending        commonplace items such as hand sanitiser
life as we know it and amplifying the                and toilet paper began to sell out, consumers
counterfeiting problem.                              began searching more widely for these goods,
    E-commerce expanded rapidly as                   looking outside authorised retail stores.
consumers increased their online spending               Counterfeiters have followed these
under lockdown conditions, and counterfeiters        purchasing trends and seized the opportunity

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INTRODUCTION                   INTA

The Internet provides an ideal setting in which
counterfeiters can thrive; especially as desperate
consumers look online for high-demand items
to flood the market with fake, substandard                              the pandemic. It also reported significant
goods to take advantage of buyers. Fake                                 changes in the type of goods in demand as
medicines, fake surgical masks and fake                                 2020 progressed. From the beginning, PPE
test kits linked to covid-19 have become                                and health-related products were important
widespread.                                                             to consumers, but demand for a wider
   In late March 2020, a report by Europol                              range of goods including food and home-
emphasised that criminals “have quickly                                 improvement products, for example, has also
seized the opportunities to exploit the crisis                          increased. Businesses that made the switch
by adapting their modes of operation or                                 to online sales were in a better position to
developing new criminal activities”, including                          salvage their profits.
cybercrime, fraud and the distribution                                     Now, e-commerce has become the ‘general
of counterfeit and/or substandard goods.                                store’ for everyone’s needs, as many people
Counterfeiters participate in many other                                continue to stay home to limit their exposure
schemes as well, such as phishing, scamming                             to the virus. The Internet provides an ideal
and online fraud.                                                       setting in which counterfeiters can thrive;
   These illicit activities pose significant                            especially as desperate consumers look
health and safety risks for consumers at a                              online for high-demand items. Shoppers
time when health and safety is paramount.                               may not even be aware of the seller’s identity
Consumers rely on the goods they buy to be                              or whether the goods that they are buying
what they are represented to be. They trust                             are genuine. Even photographs of goods on
that the disinfectants they purchase will                               websites are often stolen from the brand
protect them from lingering germs and that                              owner’s website. Counterfeiters can also
the medicines they buy to fight fevers and                              easily and anonymously accept credit card
coughs will contain effective ingredients.                              transactions from across the globe and later
Trademarks underscore this trust. And                                   use consumers’ collected data to perpetrate
brand-protection teams defend this trust.                               identity theft.
With counterfeit products, all bets are off.                               Protecting consumers from online fraud
                                                                        has been challenging. A recent European
Supply shrinks and demand increases                                     Commission study reported that 57% of EU
The pandemic has not only affected                                      citizens aged between 55 and 74 years made
pharmaceuticals and personal protective                                 an online purchase in 2020, up from 45%
equipment (PPE); the effects can be seen                                in 2010. This demographic has traditionally
across industries. As quarantines began,                                favoured the immediate customer service
manufacturing slowed down and businesses                                available at bricks-and-mortar shops, but
prepared for an economic downturn.                                      since shopping in a physical store has
However, consumers kept buying goods,                                   become a potential health risk, online
ranging from exercise equipment to home                                 shopping has become the trend.
decor and eye makeup. Even more than a                                     The decrease in supply of goods and the
year later, businesses cannot keep up with                              increase in demand may have led some
the demand for certain goods.                                           consumers to be less concerned about where
   The United Nations reported a significant                            their goods are coming from, prompting
increase in e-commerce sales as a result of                             them to buy from unidentified sources. As

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demand for face masks outpaced supply,
counterfeit N-95 masks flooded the market,
and as demand for branded, luxury face
masks grew, counterfeiter products filled that
void too.

Brand-protection resources
Border shutdowns and travel bans have also
affected the supply of goods flowing through
e-commerce and offline purchases as well.
A decrease in passenger flights means fewer
opportunities for small packages to be sent
to consumers in other regions. The shortage              Maysa Razavi
of staff, confusion about new travel rules               External relations manager, anti-counterfeiting
and limitations on physical distancing cause             mrazavi@inta.org
delays in cargo transit and make targeting
counterfeits more difficult and less of a                Maysa Razavi leads the global anti-
priority.                                                counterfeiting efforts of INTA, a global
   On top of all these challenges, there                 association of brand owners and professionals
are fewer brand-protection professionals                 dedicated to supporting trademarks and
doing the anti-counterfeiting work.                      related intellectual property to foster consumer
Many businesses furloughed and                           trust, economic growth and innovation. As
then consequently laid off their anti-                   a not-for-profit association, INTA’s role is to
counterfeiting teams as non-essential staff.             serve its members, the profession and society
With fewer internal resources and fewer                  as a trusted and influential advocate for the
enforcement officials looking at these issues,           economic and social value of brands.
counterfeiting is growing exponentially                     Ms Razavi graduated cum laude from
during the pandemic.                                     New York Law School and worked on anti-
                                                         counterfeiting matters in-house at various
Lessons learned                                          corporations before joining INTA in 2012.
Nevertheless, brand-protection work has
adapted and much has been learned over
the past few months in support of the anti-
counterfeiting battle.                                or their lives,” said Jürgen Stock, Interpol’s
                                                      secretary general. These warnings have been
Consumer awareness increasingly urgent                echoed throughout the pandemic for health
Raising consumer awareness about the                  and safety goods, but also during the 2020
dangers of counterfeiting has been at the             holiday shopping season for clothes, personal
forefront of combating fakes. For more than           electronics and toys. By November 2020, US
a year, the news has been riddled with stories        Customs and Border Protection had seized
of counterfeit masks and coronavirus tests            26,503 shipments of counterfeit goods valued
– and now vaccines. Early in the pandemic,            at more than $1.3 billion.
in March 2020, Interpol’s Operation Pangea,              In July and August 2020, several brands,
an international operation targeting illicit          including Philip Morris, Procter & Gamble
pharmaceuticals, seized 34,000 fake surgical          and Tommy Hilfiger, working with the US
masks and identified 2,000 online links               Department of Homeland Security and US
advertising counterfeit items related to covid-       Immigration and Customs Enforcement
19. “Once again, Operation Pangea shows that          (ICE), launched a public awareness initiative
criminals will stop at nothing to make a profit.      in the fight against covid-19 to help combat
The illicit trade in such counterfeit medical         trade in fraudulent goods. The advertising
items during a public health crisis shows             campaign raised awareness about counterfeit
their total disregard for people’s well-being,        PPE, faulty test kits and other fake supplies.

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INTRODUCTION                   INTA

The campaign comprised printed and digital                              2021 priorities do not include IP crime or
public service advertisements (with logos of                            counterfeiting. Against that backdrop, and in
participating partners) appearing nationally                            cooperation with the European Observatory
in key publications, including The Washington                           on Infringements of Intellectual Property
Post, The Wall Street Journal, Vice Magazine,                           Rights and its network, INTA has been
Politico and Vox, as well as through cable                              working closely with other European IP
news channel CNN.                                                       associations to incorporate IP crime into the
    Over the years, INTA has advocated the                              next EMPACT cycle. If successful, this effort
collaboration of both the public and brand                              will not only make fighting counterfeiting
owners in helping to raise awareness of                                 a priority, but it will allot more of Europol’s
the dangers of counterfeits by bringing                                 resources to this growing crime.
its Unreal Campaign into schools. INTA                                     Virtual customs training is another
launched the Unreal Campaign in 2012. This                              key element that can raise awareness of
global campaign, which aims to educate                                  counterfeiting at international borders. In
young consumers (14 to 23 years old) about                              2015, INTA launched a pilot virtual customs
the dangers of counterfeiting and the                                   training platform to allow its members to reach
importance of trademarks, has reached                                   officials around the world without the added
more than 55,000 students in more than 125                              cost of having to travel to each port. The videos
cities in 40 jurisdictions. On social media,                            were recorded and translated into Spanish and
the campaign has displayed more than 3.8                                Mandarin. Even in a post-pandemic world,
million impressions (measurement of reach)                              brand owners would not be able to travel to
and has had more than 188,000 engagements.                              every port, and virtual customs training has
In 2020, the campaign went virtual, with                                become the trend. INTA is helping by holding
48 presentations (14 onsite and 34 virtual)                             free, virtual regional and national customs
reaching 11,574 students in 15 countries                                training for members in various jurisdictions
(Argentina, the Cayman Islands, Germany,                                globally, which were not originally open to
India, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Nigeria,                       virtual training. More training will be available
Peru, the Philippines, Spain, Turkey, the                               as borders start to open up.
United States and Uruguay).
    In INTA’s most recent submission to                                 Calls for improved consumer-protection
the USPTO in December 2020, it called for                               mechanisms
developing a national consumer awareness                                Along the same lines, and because of the
campaign on combating the trafficking in                                scale of the issue, consumer-protection
counterfeit and pirated products. As seen                               mechanisms should be put into place to
over the past year, consumer awareness of                               include counterfeiting. The fight against
the dangers of counterfeiting is a consumer-                            unsafe counterfeit goods represents a core
protection initiative, rather than a private                            consumer-protection issue, given the high
initiative.                                                             risk that counterfeits raise for the health and
    Policymakers must be made aware of                                  safety of consumers and citizens worldwide,
the dangers of counterfeiting. Europol is                               in particular, during the current covid-
currently preparing priorities for its European                         19 crisis.
multidisciplinary platform against criminal                                 In June 2019, the EUIPO reported “the
threats (EMPACT) for the EU Policy Cycle                                extent of the dangers to health posed by
2022-2025. The earlier policy cycle (2013-                              counterfeit goods” to EU consumers, such as
2017) prioritised the successful advocacy                               “chemical, injuries, strangulation, choking,
and mobilisation by private and public IP                               electric shock, damage to hearing and
authorities, specifically addressing organised-                         fire risks”, adding that “24 percent of the
crime groups involved in the production                                 dangerous products recorded as counterfeit
and distribution of counterfeit goods that                              posed more than one danger to users”.
violated health, safety and food regulations,                           Toys are the most ‘popular’ type of unsafe
as well as those that produced substandard                              counterfeit product and children were the
goods. However, the current EMPACT 2018-                                end users of 80% of the products reported

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INTA promotes collaboration as the foundation of its
fight against online counterfeiting

to be dangerous and counterfeit (ie, toys,           Operation Stolen Promise is the work around
childcare items and children’s clothing).            78,141 covid-19-related domain names that
Fake pharmaceutical products – notably               were analysed by HSI.
antibiotics, lifestyle drugs and painkillers –          INTA promotes collaboration as the
traded worldwide at an estimated $4.4 billion        foundation of its fight against online
in 2016.                                             counterfeiting. Its guidelines, entitled
   INTA has been advocating measures                 Addressing the Sale of Counterfeits on the
to protect consumers from these dangers              Internet, provide best practices for the
by including unsafe counterfeit goods in             various private-sector stakeholders to work
the scope of the European Commission’s               together to combat counterfeiting. INTA’s
upcoming New Consumer Agenda, as well as             anti-counterfeiting committee is working
within the provisions of the General Product         together with its enforcement and internet
Safety Directive. INTA is also looking at how        committees to update these guidelines in
covid-19 fraud provisions in the Consolidated        2021. INTA has held more than 60 policy
Appropriations Act passed by the US federal          dialogues over the past 10 years since the best
government in December 2020 will affect              practices were created. In the past year, INTA
anti-counterfeiting measures. INTA’s anti-           hosted 14 discussions with member platform
counterfeiting committee is also looking at          intermediaries to promote their online
the anti-fraud provisions in Singapore, which        counterfeiting policies. Also in 2021, INTA
began with a joint event with EuroCham on 30         began hosting corporate insider discussions
March 2021.                                          on brand protection to allow corporate
                                                     members to freely discuss best practices
New tools for better collaboration                   and exchange ideas to improve their anti-
Finally, and an equally critical variable in the     counterfeiting work.
anti-counterfeiting equation, is collaboration.         INTA’s March 2021 Board Resolution
Private-public and cross-industry                    on Proceeds of Counterfeiting is intended
collaboration is paramount, especially in            to deprive counterfeiters of the financial
fighting online counterfeiting.                      resources supporting their illegal
   An example of effective collaboration is          operations – in effect, adopting a ‘follow
the success of Operation Stolen Promise,             the money’ model. The board resolution
launched in February 2021 by ICE’s Homeland          seeks to empower courts with the legal
Security Investigations (HSI) to stop covid-19-      basis to confiscate and seize assets on a
related fraud with a focus on illicit counterfeit    temporary basis, subject to appropriate
goods. The first pillar of the operation’s           evidentiary requirements, prior to securing
strategy is partnership. HSI is partnering           a conviction when proceeds appear to be
and sharing intelligence with private                the result of counterfeiting. It also calls for
organisations such as 3M, Amazon and Pfizer          empowering courts to order the confiscation
to combat counterfeiting. The results have           of the apparent assets or proceeds of
been staggering. As of 25 March 2021, there          counterfeiting when counterfeiters transfer
have been 2,054 covid-19-related seizures,           assets to third parties for the purpose of
including counterfeit masks and medicines            evading confiscation orders on an interim
totalling in excess of $47.2 million, with 265       or perpetual basis. In addition, it urges
arrests. One of the most effective models of         enactment of comprehensive procedures to

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INTRODUCTION                   INTA

strengthen the effectiveness of confiscation,                           together have emerged and this improved
including the efficient management and                                  collaboration will help combat these crimes.
protection of frozen or seized goods and
their adequate disposal and transfer to the
appropriate entity when a defendant is found
guilty of counterfeiting. It also encourages
greater international collaboration by
providing reciprocal freezing and seizure
orders. These are the tools needed to keep
criminals from getting an upper hand.
   The increase in criminal counterfeiting,
the rise in e-commerce sales, the slowdown
of manufacturing, the lack of consumer                                  INTA
awareness, limited resources and the high                               675 Third Avenue
demand for goods have all exacerbated the                               3rd floor
challenges that brand owners will continue to                           New York NY 10017
face during the pandemic. With counterfeiting                           United States
soaring to new, unanticipated levels, brand-                            Tel     +1 212 642 1700
protection teams must adapt and create new                              Fax     +1 212 768 7796
solutions. Innovative measures of working                               Web     www.inta.org

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