2021/2022 Bryant Library Budget Message from the Board of Trustees - The Bryant Library

Page created by Laurie Mendez
2021/2022 Bryant Library Budget Message from the Board of Trustees - The Bryant Library
M AY / J U N E 2 0 2 1
                                  The Br yant Librar y, 2 Paper Mill Road, Roslyn, NY 11576
                                           516-621-2240 • www.br yantlibrar y.org

2021/2022 Bryant Library Budget
Message from the Board of Trustees
On Tuesday, May 18, from 7 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. at Roslyn High School you will
have the opportunity to vote on the Proposed Annual Bryant Library Budget for            CRUCIAL
                                                                                         C O N V E R S AT I O N S
the 2021/2022 fiscal year. The Library Budget will appear, as it does each year,
as Proposition #2 on the Ballot.
  This past year was not without its challenges due to the pandemic. The Bryant
                                                                                         Tuesday, May 18 at
Library was faced, for the first time in its history, with providing library service
while being fully remote. The role of the Library as a community center was more
                                                                                         7:00 PM Online
important than ever as staff reached out to patrons through phone, email and             Our current socio-political climate
Zoom. The goal of the Library was to help ease the stress of isolation felt by many
                                                                                         has created an urgency amongst
while continuing to provide resources to our patrons.
                                                                                         people of every nation, language,
  As the Library continues to ease restrictions and open in a hybrid way, we             background, race, religion, faith,
continue to strive to balance the exceptional service you have come to expect with
                                                                                         and ethnicity to share their stories
the challenging economic climate. We continue to be a community center, wheth-
er you visit us online or in-person. As always, your safety and the safety of staff is
                                                                                         and build empathy, kindness, and
our number one priority.                                                                 understanding. The Bryant Library
                                                                                         in collaboration with Pastor Victor
  The Library Board of Trustees has proposed a budget for 2021/2022 that is
under the tax cap and reflects a 0% percent increase to the taxpayer. This will be
                                                                                         Lewis from the Friendship Bap-
the third year in a row with the same budget.                                            tist Church will host a bi-monthly
                                                                                         panel discussion to address topics
  The Board and Administration understand the concerns many of our residents
have, and we continue to look for ways to increase service without having to put         surrounding race and inclusion in
an extra financial burden to the community we serve.                                     Roslyn. Our May discussion will
  The Library’s budget is presented to the voters at the same time as that of the
                                                                                         focus on current events and high-
School District. However, The Bryant Library is a separate entity with its own bud-      light Asian American experiences.
get that is presented as a separate proposition.                                         Special guests for the panel include
  On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you for your past support. The Bryant
                                                                                         past Bryant Library Trustee Peter
Library continues to be the hub of the community and your continued support is           Liang and Matthew Lee from Cogni-
more important than ever. Please make your vote count on Tuesday, May 18 at              zant, where he acts as the executive
Roslyn High School. Remember that support of the Library is Proposition #2 on            sponsor for the global Pan Asian
the Ballot.                                                                              Affinity group. All are welcome to
  For voter registration and absentee ballot instruction, visit the Roslyn Schools       join as an observer, participant, or
website at www.roslynschools.org. If you have questions or seek more detailed            contributor as we engage in crucial
information, please call Library Director Victor Caputo at 516-621-2240 x 210.           conversations that will help shape
Bryant Library Board of Trustees                                                         the future of our community.


                                                 May / June 2021 • 1
2021/2022 Bryant Library Budget Message from the Board of Trustees - The Bryant Library
The Bryant Library Local History Collection

                          The Other Mrs. Mackay: Part II
                                                By Ariel A. Morabito, Archives Assistant
  As described in Part I of “The Other Mrs. Mackay”, the             people who heard, smelled romance.” Though details sur-
famous soprano Anna Case (c.1888 - 1984) became the wife             rounding their relationship remain ambiguous, it was known
of Harbor Hill’s Clarence H. Mackay in 1931 after the death          and accepted that Clarence and Anna were together for many
                         of his former wife, Katherine Duer          years before their marriage. Newspaper reports written at the
                         Mackay. Before this marriage, Case          time of their wedding indicate that Clarence was a regular
                         had an extensive career as a soloist        visitor to Anna’s home on 92nd Street in NYC and that they
                         at the Metropolitan Opera and as a          were seen at the race track and other public events.
                         recitalist who toured throughout the           The formality of waiting until Katherine’s death to be
                         United States and abroad. Several           married is attributed to Clarence’s religious convictions as a
                         scrapbooks full of news clips pertain-      Catholic. The Modesto article indicates that
                         ing to her performances and appear-         “friends” knew of Clarence’s intention to
                         ances were donated to the Local His-        marry Anna however she is quoted as saying,
                         tory Collection in 1995 as part of the      “Certainly, I am not going to be married!
                         Hechler Family Collection. Despite          Music and matrimony, dear friends, will
                         the extensive coverage Case received        never mix!” A NY Daily News article about
                         in print, articles did not delve into       their wedding states that her conversion to
her personal or romantic relationships. It was therefore largely     Catholicism “excited comment” among Anna’s
unknown outside of inner circles that she was the longtime           friends “who knew of her friendship for
mistress of Clarence H. Mackay of the Harbor Hill estate.            Mackay and of his devout Catholicism.”
  A dedicated patron of the arts, Clarence Mackay was one              A pre-wedding visit occurred “some four
of the founding members of the Metropolitan Opera’s board            days before Miss Case married Mr. Mackay,”
of directors. It was there that he first saw Anna Case in a 1914     where Clarence’s “big Rolls Royce drove up to Miss Case’s
performance of Gluck’s Orfeo ed Euridice. Clarence’s divorce         home in South Branch. Up to the handsome country house
had been recently finalized and he was charmed by the beauty         walked Mr. Mackay and Miss Case. Mother Case welcomed
and talent of this “little newcomer from New Jersey.” Accord-        them. There were iced tea and homemade cakes.” Plans for
ing to an article that appeared in the Modesto News-Herald,          the wedding were kept under wraps and both Clarence’s New
Clarence invited Anna to perform at a Harbor Hill dinner             York office and Harbor Hill dismissed or denied all inquiries
party where he gave her a personal moonlit tour of his horses        regarding the event.
and gardens. “In that hour, people who knew the two well
say, the romance began.” The article describes a later incident        On the morning of July 18th, 1931 Anna Case became Mrs.
when Clarence was in Ireland with his daughter, Ellin, and           Clarence H. Mackay at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church,
“chartered a special train to take him to Dublin. Then he had a      located on Bryant Avenue in Roslyn. The Mackay children
specially chartered airship to take him to Paris” just in time to    and their spouses, including Mrs. and Mrs. Irving Berlin,
          hear Anna sing at a church.                                were all in attendance, and Anna’s mother traveled from New
                                                                     Jersey. It appears that the wedding was an elegant but simple
                  The same article speculates that Clarence was      affair. According to the NY Times, “the altar at St. Mary’s
                  instrumental in Anna’s performances of The         yesterday was decorated simply with
                    Star-Spangled Banner, writing that “he was       Summer flowers. The bride wore a white
                     director of dozens of patriotic undertakings,   lace gown and white horsehair hat. She
                     member of the reception committees that         carried a bouquet of lilies-of-the-valley
                      welcomed so many of New York’s distin-         and orchids.” There was a light rain and
                      guished guests, and whenever music was         the couple walked under an umbrella to
                      discussed, he always spoke up: ‘Why not        the waiting Rolls Royce. The early time
                     ask Miss Case to begin with the Star-Span-      of 8 AM was apparently chosen to avoid
                   gled Banner? Nobody sings it like Miss Case...    the notice of townspeople: “the wedding

         Fo l l o w u s o n I n s t a g r a m
          @RoslynLocalHistory                        May / June 2021 • 2
2021/2022 Bryant Library Budget Message from the Board of Trustees - The Bryant Library
The Bryant Library Local History Collection

                               party entered the church by a

                                                                    BRYANT SPOTLIGHT
                               rear door to avoid attracting the
                               notice of the townspeople. Most
                               of Roslyn was asleep at the time
                               and the townsfolk were sorely
                                                                    Original Painting Donated by
                               disappointed when they learned
                               the marriage had taken place
                                                                    Roslyn Resident, Freida Navarro
                               and they had not had the oppor-      Earlier this year, longtime Bryant
                               tunity to attend.”                   Library patron Freida Navarro donated one
                                                                    of her original paintings to the Library. Ms.
                                 The bride and groom and            Navarro is a lover of nature and states that
                               their families returned to Harbor    the painting, “Girl with Geese,” was in-
                               Hill for a wedding breakfast. The    spired by the Duck Pond in Roslyn’s Gerry
                               evening before there had been a      Park. A former yoga teacher, Ms. Navarro
dinner for the estate workers. The next day, they were photo-       started painting in her 50s, following
graphed while attending morning services at the same church         completion of an interior design program
where they had been married the day before. For a wedding           at the C.W. Post campus of Long Island
gift, Clarence gave Anna a stunning emerald and diamond             University. A happy resident of Roslyn for
                                                                    forty years, Ms. Navarro is “grateful for all the pleasure
necklace which she bequeathed to the Smithsonian Institution.
                                                                    the library has given me.”
   By all accounts, their marriage was a happy one. Clarence’s
children called her “Aunt Anna” and in her biography of her
father, Irving Berlin, Ellin’s daughter, Mary Ellin Barrett, men-                     The Pearsall Family:
tions Anna in several places, recalling her as “the very dressy                       Connecting
Aunt Anna” and “sumptuous Anna, with her jewels, her hats,
her decolletage…”                                                                     Past & Present
  As Roslyn’s new Mrs. Mackay, Anna became active in the                               Over the course of two days
community by raising money for various causes. Her first                               in March, Archivist Carol
                                                                    Clarke and Archives Assistant Ariel Morabito
public performance after her marriage was on November 14th,
                                                                    were thrilled to welcome Mr. Bryan Pearsall to
1931 when she gave a recital at Roslyn High School to benefit
                                                                    the Bryant Room. Mr. Pearsall was excited to
the Roslyn Community Fund, which was raising money for              discover his father’s digitized memoir in the Black
Roslyn’s unemployed residents. The event was almost can-            History Portal on the Library’s Local History site, and
celed after she was in an auto accident the week before while       came in bearing an armload of photo albums and a
being chauffeured down Jericho Turnpike near its intersection       mind full of stories about his father and mother, grand-
with Brush Hollow Road in Westbury. Anna hit her face on                         parents and other relatives.
the door and injured her jaw but was still able to perform for
                                                                                  Mr. Pearsall is the middle child of E. Arrell
the event. The concert’s rave reviews from local newspapers                       Pearsall and his first wife, Marian Peters,
described Anna as “regal and beautiful” wearing “a pale blue                      who were each members of African Amer-
satin gown shimmering with iridescence.”                                          ican families with deep roots in Roslyn.
  During their seven years of marriage, Anna supported                             Between 1994 and 2001, Arrell Pears-
Clarence through his illness as well as financial difficulties                     all, had written a memoir of his life and
caused by the Great Depression. After his death in 1938, she                       submitted it to the Local History Collec-
                                                                                   tion. He recalled his childhood in Roslyn,
would go on to live another 46 years until her death in 1984 at
                                                                    his experiences in a segregated military during World
the age of 96. Though Anna Case remains somewhat obscure
                                                                    War II, and his later adult life,
within the current sphere of popular culture, the fame she held     including retirement in New
during her lifetime was of the most marvelous kind as she was       Mexico. To learn more about
celebrated for her talent, beauty, and lively personality. She      the Pearsall Family on the local
occupies a special place within Roslyn’s history alongside the      history blog, please visit www.
many interesting characters we have met through our research        bryantlibrary.org and click on
and archival practice.                                              the Local History tab.

                                                                                                     Fo l l o w u s o n I n s t a g r a m
                                                   May / June 2021 • 3                                @RoslynLocalHistory
2021/2022 Bryant Library Budget Message from the Board of Trustees - The Bryant Library
Technology Center

Please visit www.bryantlibrary.org and then click on the Calendar of Events to register.

INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT EXCEL                                class, you will learn how to sort, filter, group, count,
                                                               summate, and format data easily and efficiently.
Wednesday, May 5 from 7:00-8:30 PM Online
                                                               Prerequisites: Introduction to Excel, Intermediate and
In this virtual class, learn the basics of the world’s most    Advanced Excel, or equivalent knowledge of Excel.
popular spreadsheet program, including creating,
editing and formatting worksheets, formulas, and much          INTRODUCTION TO WORDPRESS
more. Prerequisites: basic computer skills.
                                                               Wednesday, June 9 from 7:00-8:30 PM Online
LINKEDIN LEARNING                                              Create your own website and share your information
                                                               with the whole world. In this virtual class, learn about
TAUGHT IN CHINESE                                              the workings of Web sites and how to make your own
Wednesday, May 12 from 7:00-8:30 PM Online                     Web pages. Layout text, add images and link to your
Want to learn new skills and don’t know where to start?        favorite sites, even let your visitors email you. For inter-
Your Library is here to help. In this class, we will learn     mediate and advanced computer users.
how to use LinkedIn Learning - the new online resource
the Library offers to learn business, technology-related,      INTERMEDIATE WORDPRESS
and creative skills. This class will be taught in Chinese.     Wednesday, June 16 from 7:00-8:30 PM Online
                                                               Learn more about creating websites, text and graphics,
LINKEDIN LEARNING                                              layouts, links, and how to create Posts and Pages and
Wednesday, May 26 from 10:00-11:00 AM Online                   their use in relation to your Theme plus much more.Pre-
                                                               requisites: Introduction to Web Design with WordPress.
Want to learn new skills and don’t know where to start?
                                                               For intermediate and advanced computer users.
Your Library is here to help. In this class, we will learn
how to use LinkedIn Learning - the new online resource
the Library offers to learn business, technology-related,
                                                               LEARN TO CODE WITH PYTHON
and creative skills.                                           SESSION 1: Wednesday , June 23 from
                                                                          7:00-8:30 PM Online
INTERMEDIATE MICROSOFT EXCEL                                   SESSION 2: Wednesday, June 30 from
Wednesday, May 19 from 7:00-8:30 PM Online                                7:00 PM-8:30 PM Online
In this virtual class, learn more about the world’s most       In this multi session class, students will learn how to
popular spreadsheet program, including functions, work-        code using Python, a high-level, general-purpose lan-
ing with ranges, macros, charting and much more. Pre-          guage that can be used for desktop GUI applications as
requisites: Introduction to Microsoft Excel or equivalent.     well as website applications. Python is developed under
                                                               an OSI-approved open source license and can be easy
ADVANCED MICROSOFT EXCEL                                       to pick up whether you’re a first time programmer or
Wednesday, May 26 from 7:00-8:30 PM Online                     you’re experienced with other languages. In Session 1,
Learn more advanced features of MS Excel, the world’s most     students will learn basic Python variables and functions.
popular spreadsheet program. Students will learn features      In session 2, students will learn all about using loops
including vLookup, data validation, subtotals and much more.   and logic to begin coding.
Prerequisites: Introduction and Intermediate Excel.

Wednesday, June 2 from 7:00-8:30 PM Online
Pivot tables are a powerful feature that enable you to
manipulate, analyze, and present data. In this virtual

                                              May / June 2021 • 4
2021/2022 Bryant Library Budget Message from the Board of Trustees - The Bryant Library
Virtual Adult Programs
                                                  2021/2022 BRYANT LIBRARY
                                                  PROPOSED BUDGET                                                                              PROPOSED               CURRENT
                                                                                                                                                2021-2022            2020-2021
                                                  LIBRARY MATERIALS AND PROGRAMS
                                                  Books / Pamphlets / Reference......................................................... $114,800                        $
                                                  Electronic Subscriptions / Internet .................................................... $102,500                        $
                                                  Audiovisual Materials ....................................................................... $123,875                   $
                                                  Periodicals ......................................................................................... $19,200            $
                                                  Binding ................................................................................................... $400            $
                                                  Programs ........................................................................................... $75,000             $
                                                  Museum Passes and Other Material.................................................... $18,000                             $
                                                  Total Library Materials and Programs .............................................. $453,775                           $

                                                  SALARY AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS
                                                  Salaries ......................................................................................... $2,500,000      $
                                                  NYS Retirement ............................................................................... $380,000               $
                                                  Social Security / Medicare ................................................................ $191,744                  $
          ASK THE CAREER                          Health / Dental Insurance ................................................................. $591,500
                                                  Worker’s Compensation / Disability ..................................................... $33,000

          SPECIALIST                              Total Salary and Employee Benefits ............................................. $3,696,244                        $

                                                  LIBRARY OPERATIONS
          DAWN IS HERE                            Library & Office Supplies .................................................................... $20,000                    20,000

          TO HELP                                 Postage & Freight ................................................................................. $2,000                  2,300

                                                  Printing/ Publicity ................................................................................. $7,000               $
          Tuesdays, May 4 and                     Staff Development / Workshops .......................................................... $22,000                         $
June 8 from 3:30-4:30 PM Online                   ILS Corp Contracts ............................................................................. $54,000                 $
Do you need help with your job search? Are        Nassau Library System Funding Request ............................................ $20,000                               $
                                                  Professional Fees ............................................................................... $38,150                $
you struggling with making a decision about
                                                  Memberships ....................................................................................... $3,500                 $
your career? Are you troubled by problems         Equipment Repair / Maintenance / Lease............................................. $20,000                              $
with difficult coworkers and need an unbi-        Contract Services ........................................................................................ $0                  $
ased opinion? Bring all your questions to our     Insurance .......................................................................................... $44,000             $
                                                  Minor Equipment ............................................................................... $16,000                  $
monthly Ask the Career Specialist program
                                                  Total Library Operations .................................................................. $246,650                   $
with Bryant Library’s Career Development
Specialist, Dawn Rosenberg McKay.                 BUILDING OPERATIONS
                                                  Telephone ............................................................................................ $9,000              $
                                                  Fuel & Utilities .................................................................................... $72,000             72,000

                                                  Custodial Supplies ............................................................................. $20,000                 $
APPOINTMENTS                                      COVID-19 .......................................................................................... $15,000                    $
Mondays in May & June from 9:30 AM                Security Guard ................................................................................... $62,000                     $
                                                  Repairs to Building & Building Equipment ........................................... $30,000                             $
- 1:30 PM Online & Tuesdays in May &
                                                  Building Service Contracts ................................................................. $65,000                     $
June from 3:00 - 7:00 PM Online                   Total Building Operation ................................................................. $273,000                    $
There are times when you need a resume
                                                  CAPITAL OUTLAY
quickly, for example, when you want to
                                                  Computer / Equipment / Furniture ...................................................... $20,000                          37,000

apply for a job you just heard about or when      Capital Improvement .......................................................................... $25,000                   90,000

you have to start an immediate job search         Total Capital Outlay.......................................................................... $45,000                 $
if your employment situation suddenly
                                                  Transfer to Capital Fund .................................................................. $381,000                       90,000
changes. It is essential to always have a
resume that is up-to-date and ready to go.        Total Expenditures ....................................................................... 5,095,669

Make an appointment for a one-to-one “live”       REVENUES
resume review with Bryant Library’s career        Library System Grants & State Aid......................................................... $4,000                                $
development specialist, Dawn Rosenberg            Late Fees, Rentals, Misc. Income ............................................................. $300                            $
                                                  Commissions / Copiers ......................................................................... $2,000                       $
McKay. During a one-hour appointment (or
                                                  Interest Income .................................................................................. $11,000                 $
multiple one-hour appointments), Dawn will        Erate-ALIS ........................................................................................... $2,000                    $
provide real-time feedback on your resume         Gifts and Donations ............................................................................ $12,000                     $
using Google Docs. Email Dawn at                  Total Revenues.................................................................................. $31,300                   $
careercounselor@bryantlibrary.org to sched-       Amount Raised from Taxation ...................................................... $5,064,369                      5,064,369

ule an appointment or for more information.
                                                  Total Revenue .............................................................................. 5,095,669

                                                   May / June 2021 • 5
2021/2022 Bryant Library Budget Message from the Board of Trustees - The Bryant Library
Virtual Adult Programs                                 | Continued

                                                                        SUNDAY SPECIAL
                                LEARN                                   Please visit www.bryantlibrary.org and click on the
                                                                        Calendar of Events to join.
                                HOW TO                                  HOTTER THAN A PEPPER SPROUT: A
                                USE LIBBY                               TASTE OF THE CLASSICS
                                                                        Sunday, May 2 at 1:00 PM Online
Libby is a free application that can be accessed through                Join us for an afternoon of traditional American music that includes
The Bryant Library’s homepage. The possibilities are                    tunes by Johnny Cash, Elvis, The Carter Family, Jimmie Rodgers,
endless: you can read ebooks, listen to audiobooks and                  Leadbelly, Woody Guthrie, Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, Peggy Lee,
check out popular magazines on your phone, computer,                    Gershwin, and many others. Concert by Nina Et Cetera.
iPad or Kindle. It is very simple to set up, all you need is
your library barcode number. While the digital collection
is not the same as our print collection, Libby contains
                                                                        LECTURES & WORKSHOPS
titles ranging from the classics to current bestsellers.                Please visit www.bryantlibrary.org and click on the
                                                                        Calendar of Events to join.
DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL LIBBY                                              ED SULLIVAN & THE GOLDEN
       Install the Libby app from your device’s app store. You          AGE OF ROCK & ROLL
       can use Apple App Store, Google Play or visit libbyapp.          Wednesday, May 5 at 1:00 PM Online
       com in your Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge (Chromium)          The Ed Sullivan Show (which aired from 1948 through 1971) intro-
       browser.                                                         duced the viewing public to an incredible amount of talent. Sullivan
                                                                        in many ways was a founding father of Rock & Roll. Hear live perfor-
                                                                        mances from Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Roy Orbison, Frankie Valli
                                                                        and the Four Seasons, Tommy James, Petula Clark and many more.
         In Libby, follow the prompts to find Roslyn (Bryant) Li
                                                                        Lecture by Keith Crocker.
         brary and sign in with your library barcode number. You
         may borrow Ebooks, Audiobooks and Magazines.
                                                                                         BRYANT IN STITCHES
TIPS                                                                                     Thursdays May 13, 27, & June 10, 24
You can browse ”collections” and borrow a title, or you can                              at 1:00 PM Online
search for a particular title or author. A borrowed title will appear                    Join Bryant Staff as we knit, crochet and share
under Shelf:Loans -- and will download to the app automatically                          projects, patterns, ideas and yarn!
when you’re connected to Wi-Fi, so you can read them when
you are offline. If an item is not available, you will be prompted                       MEDICARE MADE CLEAR
to place a hold on it, and you will be notified when the item is        Friday, May 14 at 11:00 AM Online
                                                                        Learn the basics of Medicare! This program will review the funda-
                                                                        mentals, Part A, B, C and D. Workshop led by Joyce Poupko, Insur-
                                                                        ance Representative from Senior Services of North America.
Popular magazines are now easily accessible through Libby, like
borrowing an ebook or an audiobook, it can be borrowed for 14-
21 days. Once the lending period elapses, items are automatical-        A LOOK AT THE LIFE & CAREER
ly returned, but you may return the item when you are finished,         OF CHRISTOPHER MORLEY
so that the next person waiting can access it.                          Saturday, May 15 at 1:00 PM Online
If you need any assistance in enjoying Libby, please call or            Join authors Linda Hunt and Harrison
stop by the reference desk!                                             “Terry” Hunt as they share their
                                                                        extenisve knowledge of Christopher
                                                                        Morley’s life and work. Linda Hunt
                                                                        worked in the Bryant Library’s Local
                                                                        History Room while pursuing her
                                                                        Master’s in Library Science. During
                                                                        that time, she became familiar with
                                                                        the Library’s significant Christopher
                                                                        Morley collections, which she has
                                                                        utilized for many research and writing
                                                                        projects. Harrison “Terry” Hunt was

                                                       May / June 2021 • 6
2021/2022 Bryant Library Budget Message from the Board of Trustees - The Bryant Library
Virtual Adult Programs                                | Continued

Senior Curator of History and Supervisor of Historic Sites for the     LET’S TALK ABOUT
Nassau County Department of Parks until his retirement in 2008.
He developed an interest in Christopher Morley as part of his job,
                                                                       THE 2021 MAH JONGG
which included overseeing The Knothole, Morley’s writer’s retreat      LEAGUE CARD
in Christopher Morley Park. Linda and Terry have researched Chris-     Thursday, May 20 at
topher Morley in archives as close as the Bryant Library and Stony     11:00 AM Online
Brook University and as far afield as Austin, Texas. They have given   Whether you are a new or seasoned
numerous talks about the author and his family. The Hunts are          Mah Jongg player, you’ll benefit from
authors of a book about the early members of the Sherlock Holmes       learning about the new card. Donna, a
society The Baker Street Irregulars, which was founded by Morley       highly-respected teacher, will review and
and included many of his friends.                                      discuss the card and pay close attention
                                                                       to lots of the new, unusual hands and rules.

LAUGH LINES:                                                           TURNADOT & THE POWER OF LOVE
                                                                       Friday, May 21 at 1:00 PM Online
MEET AUTHOR                                                            Turandot was Puccini’s last opera, which he left unfinished before

ALAN ZWEIBEL                                                           his death. Set in Ancient China, Turandot is the ice princess who
                                                                       adamantly keeps love away from her by offering riddles to her suit-
Tuesday, May 18                                                        ors with fatal consequences. The opera features some of Puccini’s
at 1:00 PM EST Online                                                  most memorable arias including the “tenor’s anthem” Nessun
Please register to join by visiting www.                               Dorma. Opera talk by Tanisha Mitchell.
bryantlibrary.org. Alan Zweibel will discuss his
career in comedy writing and his recent
                                                                       SUPERNATURAL MASTER CLASS
cultural memoir, Laugh Lines.
                                                                       Monday, May 24 at 1:00 PM Online
                                                                       You can’t see what you don’t believe. And it’s hard to believe some-
The winner of five Emmy Awards, Zwei-                                  thing you don’t understand. Michelle Cohen has a knack for making
bel was an original SNL writer, co-creator                             the ‘abnormal’ seem normal and explaining it in ways that make
of It’s Garry Shandling’s Show, and a producer on Curb Your            sense to people who may have no frame of reference to the ways of
Enthusiasm. He collaborated with Billy Crystal on the Tony             the otherworldly realm. Cohen is a deeply skilled intuitive and has
Award winning Broadway show 700 Sundays, and wrote the                 given thousands of channeled readings in her career. This master
off-Broadway hit Bunny Bunny - Gilda Radner: A Sort of Love            class is to help anyone who is curious to see, feel, and notice things
Story, that he adapted from his bestselling book.                      they were unable to before. Sign up and check it out. Register today
                                                                       at www.bryantlibrary.org.
All told, Zweibel has written eleven books including the
Thurber Prize winning novel The Other Shulman, the popular             BUSTER KEATON: THE STONE
children’s book Our Tree Named Steve, and the novel Lunatics
that he co-wrote with Dave Barry.
                                                                       FACED CLOWN OF COMEDY
                                                                       Wednesday, May 26 at 1:00 PM Online
                         In 2013, Zweibel was given an honor-          Learn about the master of stone faced comedy: Buster Keaton. Not
                         ary PhD from the State University of          only will we explore his early days on the burlesque stage, but we
                         New York and, because of his diverse          will discover how this child actor became a sensation and grew into
                         body of work, in 2013 the Writers             the famous face we’ve all come to love and admire. This 60 minute
                         Guild of America awarded him a Life-          presentation comes complete with a screening of his silent classic
                         time Achievement award.                       comedy short Cops (1922), which he co-wrote and directed with
                                                                       Edward F: Cline, who went on to direct W. C. Fields and Mae West in
                         Currently, Zweibel is preparing his           My Little Chickadee (1940). Lecture by Keith Crocker.
                         play Bunny Bunny for a return to the
                         NY stage and a movie co-written with          POP ART WORKSHOP
                         Billy Crystal called Here Today that          Friday, May 28 at 1:00 PM Online
                         stars Crystal and Tiffany Haddish, will       Let us learn about the wonderful style of Pop Art: a movement that
be released on May 7. But in his own words, the production             challenged traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular
he’s most proud of is the family he’s co-produced with his wife        culture, such as advertising, comic books, and ordinary mass-pro-
Robin, their three children and five grandchildren.                    duced objects. This workshop will focus on the works of the famous
                                                                       Andy Warhol. Artist Deborah Adler will lead us in a fun and exciting
For more information about Alan Zweibel or to order a copy of
                                                                       art experience in creating your very own Pop Art piece.
the book, visit www.alanzweibel.com.

                                                      May / June 2021 • 7
2021/2022 Bryant Library Budget Message from the Board of Trustees - The Bryant Library
Virtual Adult Programs                                   | Continued

FINDING YOUR NARRATIVE VOICE                                              Martin H. Levinson to discuss the impact slavery had on America
                                                                          and the ways that slavery formed us as a nation. Martin H. Levinson
WRITING WORKSHOP                                                          has written and lectured extensively on topics of historical interest.
Thursdays, June 1, 15, 29 at 4:00 PM Online                               He holds a PhD from NYU and lives in Riverhead, New York.
Navigating character development, infusing literary elements, and
articulating a voice are among a cornucopia of strategies open for in-    RE-RUN OF THE OTHER MRS. MACKAY
vestigation and discussion during these workshops. Whether you’re         Wednesday, June 16 at 2:00 PM Online
in the midst of polishing a piece, starting with a fresh canvas, or       Join archivist Carol Clarke and archives assistant Ariel Morabito
wishing to engage in dialog to inspire ideas, a creative space awaits.    for a re-run of the live presentation on famed soprano Anna Case
Workshop run by Professor Jennifer Marx-Sherman.                          and her lively career before her marriage to Clarence Mackay of
                                                                          the Harbor Hill estate.
Thursday, June 3 at 1:00 PM Online                                        CURSES IN OPERA
Meet Ellen Pober Rittberg, award-winning journalist, attorney, and        Thursday, June 17 at 1:00 PM Online
author of author of the humorous self-help book Why is Grandma            Sometimes you just cannot escape what is in the cards. Join Tanisha
Naked?: Caring for Your Aging Parent. The book is based Rittberg’s        as she explores entertaining opera characters who try their hardest
her real-life experiences after returning to her childhood home in        to escape a curse to no avail. Operas explored will be Wagner’s The
Roslyn to care for her mother. It serves as a guide and cheerleader       Flying Dutchman, Verdi’s Rigoletto, Verdi’s Forza del Destino and
to family members who undertake to care for their elderly parents.        Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana. Opera talk by Tanisha Mitchell.
       She details common scenarios and techniques she used
             when caring for her aging parent at home. Rittberg also      EDGAR ALLAN POE: FROM LITERATURE
              shares with readers the life-changing, humbling and
                                                                          TO THE SILVER SCREEN
              deeply rewarding benefits of caring for elderly parents
                                                                          Wednesday, June 23 at 1:00 PM Online
              and knows a good belly laugh is the best stress reliever.
             Please register online at www.bryantlibrary.org.             The literary genius who gave us the mystery, horror,
                                                                           and sci-fi genres is under our microscope
             CHARLES CHAPLIN: THE LITTLE                                  for this presentation. Poe’s achievements
                                                                          in literature are well documented. But
             TRAMP & LOTS OF LAUGHS                                       not many know about how long Poe
             Wednesday, June 9 at 1:00 PM Online                          has been influencing cinema. In this
            Learn about the king of comedy himself, Charles Chap-         program we will watch some short
          lin: the man who said “A day without a laugh is a wasted        films based on Poe’s work, and we’ll
         day.” Charles Chaplin was the crown prince of silent film        also see clips from feature films as
       comedy, and one of the few men who continued his career            well. We’ll talk about the actors and
  into the sound pictures with remarkable style and wit. Lecture by       directors who made a career off of
 Keith Crocker.                                                           bringing Poe’s stories to life, Vincent
                                                                          Price, Roger Corman and so many
SLAVERY & THE MAKING OF AMERICA:                                          more. So get ready for thrills and
LEARN THE SIGNIFANCE OF JUNETEENTH                                        chills as we dig deep into the legend
Monday, June 14 at 1:00 PM Online                                         of Edgar Allan Poe and the cinematic
Juneteenth is a holiday celebrating the emancipation of those who         macabre he so cleverly influenced.
had been enslaved in the United States. Over 400 years ago, the           Lecture by Keith Crocker.
first black Africans were brought to America as slaves. Join historian

   Vist www.bryantlibrary.org and click on the Calendar of Events to join the Zoom class. Classes are
   open to all and free of charge. No pre-registration required.

   YOGA ONLINE WITH                                                       SCUPLT & STRETCH ONLINE
   DONNA ROVEGNO                                                          WITH MARLENE KIRSH
   Tuesdays May 4 - June 29 from 9:30 - 11:00 AM Online                   Thursdays May 6 - June 27 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM Online

                                                       May / June 2021 • 8
2021/2022 Bryant Library Budget Message from the Board of Trustees - The Bryant Library
Virtual Adult Programs                         | Continued

                                                                    BOOK                                       Do you run to
                                                                                                               get the books

                                                                    TA L K S
May 4 at 1:00 PM Online | June 8 at 1:00 PM Online
                                                                                                               that are…
Join your favorite Reference Librarians to talk books and
media: what are you reading and binge-watching, what are
                                                                                                               HOT OFF
your favorites? We will share titles and email participants                                                    THE PRESS?
with the list of items discussed after each session. Join us
right from our home page at www.bryantlibrary.org.
                                                                    Join Bryant librarians and staff for a lively discussion of
                                                                    the books that everyone is reading! Visit www.bryantlibrary.org
                                                                    for this unique virtual experience.
In Case of Emergency
May 11 at 1:00 PM Online

Becoming Traviata: Behind the
                                                                    HOT OFF THE PRESS
Scenes of a Celebrated Opera                                                           KLARA AND THE SUN
June 22 at 1:00 PM Online                                                              BY KAZUO ISHIGURO
Join Bryant Librarians as we discuss                                                   Tue., May 25 at 1:00 PM Online
thought-provoking films featured on Kanopy, the Library’s
free streaming service.
                                                                                       BOOK TALK WITH
                                                                                       LINDA LOHRIUS
                   BOOK OR MOVIE?                                    JOINED WITH HOT OFF THE PRESS
                   The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler             THE MIDNIGHT LIBRARY
                   June 15 at 1:00 PM Online                        BY MATT HAIG
                    Book or Movie: which is better? Each            Tuesday, June 29
                    session, we will select a title that you can    at 1:00 PM Online
read and/or watch by downloading the items from our dig-            Read the book? Now watch a painted interpretation
ital services. Join us on Zoom to discuss and compare the           unfold through the eyes and paintbrush of Michelle
title. Visit www.bryantlibrary.org for the link.                    Shain, watercolor artist and illustrator on June 29 at
                                                                    2:00 PM, immediately following Book Talk with Linda.
                                                                    BOOK TALKS WITH ELIZABETH OLESH
 Take your Hot off the Press experience to the next level! Listen
 to Bryant Library’s podcast “For the Record”– where pages                             THE PRICE OF SALT
 meet music! Wendy Thee Librarian explores the historical                              (CAROL)
 context and themes of selected                                                        BY PATRICIA HIGHSMITH
 Hot Off The Press titles through
                                                                                       Monday, May 10 at
 a custom music playlist. Access
                                                                                       7:30 PM Online
 the podcast and playlist by vis-
 iting www.bryantlibrary.org and
 clicking Books & More. Ready to                                    THE AGE OF INNOCENCE
 listen, but need a quick tutorial?                                 BY EDITH WHARTON
 Join us on Thursday, May 27 and                                    Monday, June 14 at
 Wendy will guide the way!                                          7:30 PM Online

                                                   May / June 2021 • 9
2021/2022 Bryant Library Budget Message from the Board of Trustees - The Bryant Library
Adult Services

                                           MEET THE BRYANT CONCIERGE                       CHAT WITH
                                           Meet The Bryant Concierge: a team of
                                           highly trained librarians ready to curate
                                                                                           A LIBRARIAN
                                                                                           Chat with Bryant Librarians from the
                                           and collect personalized Library materials
                                                                                           comfort of your home. If you have a
                                           for your enjoyment! Simply fill out the
                                                                                           question and would like to reach a
                                           form on www.bryantlibrary.org and a Con-        librarian right away, visit our home page
                                           cierge will find the right items for you. You   and click the tab on the left marked:
                                           will be called when your tote filled with       “Chat with a Librarian.” We will answer
                                           personally selected books, movies, and          your questions in real time during
                                           more are ready for pick up!                     library hours. “Chat” with you soon!

THE BRYANT BEST SELLERS CLUB                                                               S TA F F P I C K S &
Join our Best Sellers Club and automatically receive the latest titles from your
favorite authors! Choose up to ten of your favorite
                                                                                           M O N T H LY R E A D S
authors from our selected list and we will automat-                                        Every month reference librarians
ically place a hold for you whenever they publish a                                        select a favorite title to share with
new book. Select your ten authors using our print                                          patrons. We also create a list of the
form (available at the Reference Desk) or our online                                       current new releases. To find out
form (available on our website at www.bryantlibrary.                                                               the new fiction
org). We will notify you when the titles are available                                                             and non-fiction
for pick up. These books are in high demand so we                                                                  titles, visit www.
ask that you please pick up your book within five                                                                  bryantlibrary.org
days. This service is available for Bryant Library                                                                 and click “Books
cardholders only and is for unreleased titles.                                                                     & More” for
                                                                                                                   monthly virtual
                                                                                                                   book displays
V I R T UA L A R T S & E N T E R TA I N M E N T                                                                    and our ever-
                                                                                                                   popular staff
Miss visiting your favorite museums? You can experience a virtual visit right from our
homepage, bryantlibrary.org. Just click on the link: Virtual Arts & Entertainment.                                 picks.

                                        DIGITAL DAILY NEWS                                 Enjoy The
                                        The Bryant Library now offers the
                                        Wall Street Journal, The New York                  New York
                                        Times and The New York Post in                     Times Crossword
                                        digital format! Cardholders may
                                        easily access and read the
                                                                                           Puzzle Online!
                                        current issues by visiting our                     It’s a good time to keep busy
                                        website at www.bryantlibrary.org                   with challenging games and
                                        and clicking on the appropriate                    puzzles. Visit our homepage
                                        link. For assistance, please                       and you will find the daily
                                        contact the Reference Depart-                      New York Times Crossword
                                        ment at (516) 621-2240.                            Puzzle to print at home.

                                                      May / June 2021 • 10
Adult Services | Continued

As the school year draws to a close many in the Roslyn community have children,
grandchildren, neighbors and friends who are completing one phase of their education.
The Friends of the Bryant Library is offering a means to express admiration and
HONOR A GRADUATE with a donation. A contribution at any level listed below also
will be acknowledged in the Bryant Library newsletter and the e-mail blast.

                                     R A
                                       A GRA
                                           ADDU A
                                                AT E
1. E-BLAST SHOUT OUT: $10 donation                                  3. GET THE PICTURE $50 Donation
In June the Friends will send an e-mail blast to the Roslyn          A photo of the student you are honoring will be included in
community with the name of the student you are honoring             the library newsletter along with your message
and a brief message.
                                                                    4. A PLAQUE IN THE STACKS: $150 Donation
2. PUT IT IN THE BOOKS: $25 Donation                                Create a beautiful plaque featuring the student’s name and
A book plate with your message will be placed inside a book         year of graduation. This plaque will be prominently mounted
of your choice at the library.                                      on a bookshelf in the library.

                  Selecting one of these special tributes provides a great way to honor a graduate and
                           benefit the entire library community. We appreciate your support!
      To Honor A Graduate please visit www.bryantlibrary.org or contact friends@bryantlibrary.org for more information.

                                           THE FRIENDS OF THE BRYANT LIBRARY
                                            WELCOME YOUR BOOK DONATIONS!
                                                           • Books must be in new or nearly-new condition
                                                         (no yellowed, stained or old-smelling books, please).
                                                                 • All donations must be in cardboard boxes
                                                                     (no garbage bags or shopping bags).
                                                        • Please only leave books when the Bookstore is open.

                                               W H AT W E AC C E P T:                             W H AT W E D O N ’ T:
                                                              • Fiction                                    Please, no...

                                                              • History                                 • Encyclopedias

                                                         • Biography                                      • Cookbooks

                                                              • Religion                                  • Dictionaries

                                                     • Travel (after 2018)                             • DVDs, CDs, VHS

                                                       • Current Affairs                                   • Textbooks

                                                          • Business                                   • Toys and Games

                                                 • Children and Young Adult                 BOOK STORE HOURS:
                                                                • Art                       MONDAY-FRIDAY 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
                                                                                            SATURDAY: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

                                               May / June 2021 • 11
           MUSEUMS FOR FREE!
The Bryant Museum Pass Program, sponsored by the Friends of the Bryant Library, is one of the
most popular services the Library offers its patrons. Take advantage of the opportunity to visit the
museums listed for free with no waiting in line!

Museum passes may be borrowed by Bryant Library cardholders (over 18 years of age) who have a
library card in good standing. All passes may be reserved up to two months in advance. Patrons
may reserve each museum pass once in a 30-day period. The Bryant Library offers 2 types of
Museum Passes, Print on Demand and Pick up/Return at the Library.

Pick up/Return at Library:         Print on Demand:
•   Brooklyn Botanic Garden                          • The Frick Collection
•   Children’s Museum of Manhattan                   • Garvies Point Museum and Preserve
•   Cradle of Aviation                               • Heckscher Museum of Art
•   Guggenheim                                       • Holocaust Memorial & Tolerance Center
•   Long Island Children’s Museum                    • Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum
•   Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)                      • Museum of the City of NY
•   New York Empire State                            • Nassau County Firefighters Museum
•   New York Hall of Science                         • Nassau County Museum of Art
•   New York Historical Society                      • New York Historical Society
•   Planting Fields Foundation                       • New York Transit Museum
•   Sands Point Preserve                             • Old Westbury Gardens
•   Storm King Art Center
Visit www.bryantlibrary.org for more information or to reserve a
pass today. Questions? Call the Reference Desk at (516) 621-2240
or email info@bryantlibrary.org.                                      2 Paper Mill Road • Roslyn, NY 11576

                                       May / June 2021 • 12
Children’s Room
                                                             MOTHER’S DAY                      FAMILY TRIVIA NIGHT
 TAILS AND TALES                                             STORYCRAFT:                       All Ages
SUMMER READING                                               HOME IS
                                                             WHERE MY
                                                                                               Fridays, beginning May 7 (except for
                                                                                               May 28) from 7:00 - 7:45 PM Online
    PROGRAM                                                  MOM IS                            Join our librarians for a virtual family trivia night
                                                       Ages 3 - 5                              using Kahoot! All are welcome, no registration
Free, fun, and rewarding! Join          Monday, May 3 from 11:30 AM - 12:00                    required.
our summer reading program and
earn weekly prizes. Children are
                                        PM Online OR Friday, May 7 from                                              COLORFUL
                                        4:00 - 4:30 PM Online                                                        CUPCAKES
encouraged to read all year, espe-      Enjoy a special storytime celebrating moms and                               Family Event
cially during the summer. Our pro-      all the wonderful women in our lives! Then make
                                                                                                                     Saturday, May 8 from
                                        a craft to give them. Parent or caregiver must
gram begins Monday, June 14 and         accompany the child. Online registration required                            2:00 - 3:00 PM Online
runs through Saturday, August 7         for Zoom link. After registering, you will be noti-    Swirl sweet colorful icing on these delicious cup-
for children in Preschool to 5th        fied when to come and pick up your materials.          cakes provided by The Baking Coach, Inc. Three
                                                                                               cupcakes included in the kit, perfect for families
Grade. Registration and recording       MOTHER’S DAY STORY-                                    to share their creations! Online registration re-
is all done through READsquared         CRAFT: TRAVEL MUGS                                     quired for Zoom link. After registering, you will be
(Online) and prizes will be award-      Grades K - 5                                           notified when to come and pick up your kit.

ed weekly to participants, while        Monday, May 3 from 4:30 - 5:15 PM                      FANTASY WRITING
supplies last. Last week of the pro-    Online OR Wednesday, May 5 from                        WORKSHOP
gram there will be a chance to be       4:30 - 5:15 PM Online                                  Grades 4 - 8 (Tweens)
entered into a grand finale prize       Let’s celebrate Mother’s Day with stories about        Tuesday, May 11 from 4:30 - 5:15 PM
                                        moms and then make a craft for them. Online
drawing! So let’s get to reading!                                                              Online
                                        registration required for Zoom link. After register-
                                        ing, you will be notified when to come and pick up     In this writing workshop we will discuss the fantasy

                                        your materials.                                        genre. We will talk about how fantasy is different
                                                                                               from other genres, and then do some writing of our
                                                                                               own. A list of writing prompts will be provided. Online
    READING                             MAY
                                                                                               registration required for Zoom link.

 PROGRAM KICK                           VIRTUAL STORYTIME
                                                                                               WONDERFUL WILDLIFE
OFF FAMILY EVENT                        Birth - 5 Years                                        Grades K - 2
     Monday, June 14 from               Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays in                   Wednesday, May 12 from 4:30 - 5:15
     6:00 - 7:00 PM Online              May & June from 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM                    PM Online
                                        Online                                                 Listen to the stories, Tiger Can’t Sleep by S.J.
Join us for an entertaining and in-     Connect with us and your friends as we gather          Fore and A Polar Bear in the Snow by Mac
                                        together virtually for stories, songs, fingerplays,    Barnett and create your own wildlife fun. Online
teractive Virtual Animal Education
                                        and more! Develop important pre-literacy skills        registration required for Zoom link. After register-
Show to celebrate the start of our      including vocabulary, print awareness, narrative       ing, you will be notified when to come and pick
Summer Reading Program! We will         skills, and phonological awareness, all from           up your materials.
                                        participating in storytime. All welcome, no regis-
meet and learn about all different      tration required.                                      PAPER LANDSCAPE
wildlife, but first the mystery of                                                             ART
what animal is waiting to Zooprize      TODDLER YOGA                                           Grades K- 5
is up to you to solve. Riddles and      18 months - 5 Years                                    Thursday, May 13
clues are given to help figure out      Fridays, May 7, 14, 21, & 28 from                      from 4:30 -
what animal is tucked away, wait-       11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Online                             5:15 PM Online
                                        Join Miss Shari for this interactive yoga and
ing to Zooprize us! This program is                                                            Be creative! Create
                                        movement class for toddlers and their caregivers.
full of facts, fun, and great for the                                                          your very own land-
                                        Together, we will move and explore simple breath-
                                                                                               scape art using torn
whole family! All are welcome, no       ing techniques, yoga postures, meditation and
                                                                                               construction paper.
                                        movement activities to engage little minds and
registration required.                  encourage creativity, imagination, coordination,
                                                                                               Online registration
                                                                                               required for Zoom link.
                                        balance, attention and quiet focus. Dress in com-
                                                                                               After registering, you
                                        fortable clothes, have water and open space to
                                                                                               will be notified when to come and
                                        move. Yoga mat not required. Online registration
                                                                                               pick up your materials.
                                        required for Zoom link. Register once for all dates.

                                            May / June 2021 • 13
Children’s Room
Children’s Programs Continued                           skills, and phonological awareness, all from
                                                        participating in storytime. All are welcome, no
                                                                                                                 FATHER’S DAY
PETE THE CAT                                            registration required.                                   STORYCRAFT:
STORYCRAFT                                                                                                       LICENSE
Grades K - 3                                            GLOW IN THE DARK                                         PLATE SIGN
Friday, May 14 from 4:30 - 5:00 PM                      SEAHORSE PAINTING                                        Ages 3 - 5
Online                                                  Grades K - 5                                             Monday, June 7 from 11:30 AM - 12:00
Learn about Pete and his groovy cat adventures.
                                                        Friday, May 21 from 4:00 - 5:00 PM                       PM Online OR Wednesday, June 9 from
Sing with Pete and his friends as they ride around      Online                                                   4:00 - 4:30 PM Online
the town. Then assemble your own Pete the Cat           Kids will have a blast creating a mixed media            Enjoy a special storytime celebrating dads and all
headband. Online registration required for Zoom         seahorse painting that when exposed to blue or           the wonderful men in our lives! Then make a craft
link. After registering, you will be notified when to   black light, will literally glow in the dark. Learners   to give them. Parent or caregiver must accompany
come and pick up your materials.                        will work with acrylic paints, glue, sand, shells and    the child. Online registration required for Zoom
                                                        gravel. The results are simply fantastic! Materials      link. After registering, you will be notified when to
MONSTER MASK                                            needed: a water cup and paper towels for brush           come and pick up your materials.
STORYCRAFT                                              drying. Parent or caregiver must accompany the
Ages 3 - 5
                                                        child. Online registration required for Zoom link.
                                                        After registering, you will be notified when to
                                                                                                                 FATHER’S DAY STORY-
Monday, May 17 from 11:30 AM -                          come and pick up your materials.                         CRAFT: CHEF APRON
12:15 PM Online                                                                                                  Grades K - 5
Listen to the sweet story Love Monster by Rachel        SNACK & CHAT: LUNCH                                      Thursday, June 10 from 4:30 - 5:15 PM
Bright, then create your own monster mask and           LADY AND THE SUMMER                                      Online
dance to the song “Monster Boogie” by Laurie            CAMP SHAKEDOWN                                           Let’s celebrate Father’s Day with stories about
Berkner. Parent or caregiver must accompany
the child. Online registration required for Zoom
                                                        Grades 2 - 5                                             dads and then make a craft for them. Online reg-
                                                                                                                 istration required for Zoom link. After registering,
link. After registering, you will be notified when to   Monday, May 24 from 4:30 - 5:15PM
                                                                                                                 you will be notified when to come and pick up
come and pick up your materials.                        Online                                                   your materials.
                                                        Let’s discuss what happens at summer camp in
          Family Event
                                                        Lunch Lady and the Summer Camp Shakedown
                                                        by Jarrett J. Krosoczka. Find out how lunch lady         JUNE
          Tuesday, May 18 from                          comes to the rescue while we munch on our
          4:00 - 4:30 PM Online
                                                        snack. Then, we will play a trivia game on Kahoot.       THE ROOTS OF BLACK
          Ashley Rose of Red Barn Farm is excited
                                                        Online registration required for Zoom link. After
                                                        registering, you will be notified when to come and
                                                                                                                 MUSIC IN AMERICA,
   to bring the farm to you! In her 30 minute fun       pick up your book.                                       PART II
and educational program, she will introduce and                                                                  Family Event
teach you all about her five furry alpaca friends!      STORY SHARING                                            Saturday, June 5 from 2:00 - 3:00 PM
Come learn about what they do with their fiber,
the different types of alpacas, why they spit and
                                                        Family Event (All Ages)                                  Online
many other fun topics. Their small herd can’t           Tuesday, May 25 from 4:00 - 4:45 PM                      Karlus Trapp’s delightful, educational, and enter-
wait to meet you! All are welcome, no registration      Online                                                   taining presentation “The Roots of Black Music in
required.                                                                                                        America” is a 100 year journey back through time
                                                        Get cozy, listen along, and enjoy selected stories
                                                                                                                 to hear, experience anew, and learn about the
                                                        from our Illustrated Fiction collection designed for
CLAUDE MONET ART                                        people of all ages. Share your thoughts and ideas.
                                                                                                                 music of America’s black musical giants. Now get
                                                                                                                 ready for Part II. It is a joyful show that encourages
Grades K - 5                                            All are welcome, no registration required.
                                                                                                                 and comes alive through audience participa-
Wednesday, May 19 from 4:30 - 5:15                                                                               tion and interaction with singing, dancing, call
PM Online                                               SNAIL TALES                                              and response, and percussion playing. This fun
Celebrate the art of Claude Monet as we recreate
                                                        Grades K - 5                                             educational family show will leave you smiling,
                                                        Wednesday, May 26 from 4:00 - 5:00                       singing or humming for hours! All are welcome, no
this famous french painter’s Home and Garden
                                                                                                                 registration required.
at Giverny. Online registration required for Zoom       PM Online
link. After registering, you will be notified when to
come and pick up your materials.
                                                        Learn how to create a snail that crawls off the can-     GROWING TOGETHER:
                                                        vas. Children will learn how to paint a snail as well
                                                        as some interesting snail facts. Once the painting
                                                                                                                 SEEDS TO PLANTS
IN OUR JAMMIES                                          is complete, they will learn how to make the             Family Event (All Ages)
STORYTIME                                               snail extend beyond the canvas with paper and            Fridays, June 4 and 11 from 4:30 - 5:15
Family Event (All Ages)                                 accessories. Parent or caregiver must accompany          PM Online
                                                        the child. Online registration required for Zoom
Thursday, May 20 from 6:00 - 6:30 PM                    link. After registering, you will be notified when to    Let’s germinate seeds on a Friday afternoon, read
Online                                                  come and pick up your kit.                               some stories, and then the following week we
                                                                                                                 will plant our sprouts. Let’s watch them grow to-
Sing songs and listen to stories together in our
                                                                                                                 gether! Two part series. One kit per family. Online
jammies! Develop important pre-literacy skills
                                                                                                                 registration required for Zoom link. After register-
including vocabulary, print awareness, narrative

                                                            May / June 2021 • 14
Children’s Room | Young Adults
Children’s Programs Continued
ing, you will be notified when to come and pick up                                                               TWEENS
your materials. Register once for both dates.

                                                                                                                 GRADES 4-8
                                                         BRISTLE BOT STEAM                                       Online registration required. Visit our
Grades 4 - 8 (Tweens)                                    Grades 3 - 5                                            Calendar of Events to register for each
Tuesday, June 8 from 4:30 - 5:00 PM                      Monday, June 21 from 4:30 - 5:15 PM                     program.
Online                                                   Online
Calling all book lovers! Have you been reading a
                                                                                                                 STAR WARS TRIVIA
                                                         Learn how to create a bristlebot robot and see
lot lately? Are you looking for something new to         what you are able to do with it. Online registration
                                                                                                                 Grades 5-8 | Tuesday, May 4 at
read? Let’s talk about our favorite books! Come          required for Zoom link. After registering, you          7:00 PM Online
prepared to share about a book you are reading,          will be notified when to come and pick up your          May the Fourth Be With You! Celebrate Star Wars
or a book you’ve read and enjoyed. We’ll rant and        materials.                                              Day with trivia!
rave about the books we love and hate – and
share recommendations. If you have the book at
home, share it in the zoom. Online registration
                                                         HENRI MATISSE ART                                       SPEECH &
required for Zoom link.                                  Grades K - 5                                            DEBATE
                                                         Wednesday, June 23 from 4:30 - 5:15                     WORKSHOP
                     ERIC CARLE:                         PM Online                                               Grades 6-8 |
                     LITTLE CLOUD                        Learn about Henri Matisse as we recreate his            Wednesday, May 5 at
                     STORYCRAFT                          geometric and free-form shape collage art. Online
                                                                                                                 4:00 PM Online
                     Ages 3 - 5                          registration required for Zoom link. After register-
                                                         ing, you will be notified when to come and pick up      *This is the last session of
                     Monday, June 14 from                your materials.                                         the three part series
                     11:30 AM - 12:15 PM                                                                         Learn from Roslyn High School Speech and
                     Online                              IN OUR JAMMIES                                          Debaters about public speaking and the art of
                      Listen to the story Little Cloud   STORYTIME                                               rhetoric. Learn about the fundamental strategies
                                                                                                                 of debate and participate in fun activities to put
                      by Eric Carle and be inspired      Family Event (All Ages)                                 the techniques you learn into practice.
                      as we create our own artwork.
Online registration required for Zoom link. After
                                                         Thursday, June 24 from 6:00 - 6:30 PM
registering, you will be notified when to come and       Online                                                  FANTASY WRITING
pick up your materials.                                  Sing songs and listen to stories together in our        WORKSHOP
                                                         jammies! Develop important pre-literacy skills          Grades 4-8 | Tuesday, May 11 at
FISH TALES CLAY ART                                      including vocabulary, print awareness, narrative
                                                                                                                 4:30 PM Online
Grades K - 5                                             skills, and phonological awareness, all from
                                                         participating in storytime. All are welcome, no         In this writing workshop we will discuss the
Thursday, June 17 from 4:30 - 5:15 PM                    registration required.                                  fantasy genre. We will talk about how fantasy is
Listen to some beautiful stories about the life                                                                  different from other genres, and then do some
of fishes and then create your own fishes in the         STORY SHARING                                           writing of our own. A list of writing prompts will be
sea. Online registration required
for Zoom link. After registering,
                                                         Family Event (All Ages)
you will be notified                                     Monday, June 28 from 4:00 - 4:45 PM                     Sunrise Movement
when to come                                             Online                                                  Grades 6-8 | Thursday, May 13 at
and pick up your
                                                         Get cozy, listen along, and enjoy selected stories      4:00 PM Online & Thursday, June 10 at
                                                         from our Illustrated Fiction collection designed for
                                                                                                                 4:00 PM Online
                                                         people of all ages. Share your thoughts and ideas.
YOU ARE                                                  All are welcome, no registration required.              Global warming is a global warning! The Sunrise
SPECIAL                                                                                                          Movement Roslyn Youth Program aims to educate
STORYCRAFT                                                                        WOODLAND                       middle school students about the imminent
                                                                                                                 threat of climate change. The program is led by
Grades K - 3                                                                      COLLAGES                       high school students from Roslyn and across
Friday, June 18 from 4:30 - 5:00 PM                                               Grades K - 3                   Long Island, who have been active members of
Online                                                                            Wednesday, June                the Sunrise Movement Roslyn, a national youth-
                                                                                                                 led climate change organization since August
Increase your self-esteem by listening to stories                                 30 from 4:30 - 5:15            of 2020. Participants will engage in fun and
that celebrate how unique and special you are!                                    PM Online                      educational activities that will inform them of the
Then, create a beautiful keepsake or memento.                                                                    impacts of climate change and how students can
                                                                                   Listen to the lovable story
Online registration required for Zoom link. After                                                                contribute to protecting our planet.
                                                                                   Bear Hug by Katharine
registering, you will be notified when to come and
                                                         McEwen and learn about life in the forest while
pick up your materials.
                                                         creating your own forest scene. Online registration
                                                         required for Zoom link. After registering, you
                                                         will be notified when to come and pick up your

                                                             May / June 2021 • 15
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