UPDATED: 01.30.20 - Lyons Township High School

Page created by Floyd Taylor
UPDATED: 01.30.20 - Lyons Township High School
UPDATED: 01.30.20
UPDATED: 01.30.20 - Lyons Township High School
   Extending the Lyons Township
    High School curriculum to its
 students and to the community,
  the Summer Program provides
opportunities for accelerated ac-
    ademic growth, ability level
 transitions, personal enrichment,
    basic skill reinforcement and
   remediation, middle school to
       high school transitions,
      community service, and
     community connections.

Summer Planning Calendar        3

Summer Academic Information    8
Summer Academic Courses        9
Registration Information       19

Summer Activity Camps          21
Registration Information       33

UPDATED: 01.30.20 - Lyons Township High School
         SUNDAY        MONDAY         TUESDAY        WEDNESDAY        THURSDAY         FRIDAY            SATURDAY
                  June 1         2              3                4               5                  6

    7             8              9              10               11              12                 13

    14            15             16             17               18              19                 20

    21            22             23             24               25              26                 27
                                                                                 No Classes

    28            29             30             July 1           2               3                  4
                  Semester Two                                                   No Classes
                  Begins                                                         July 4th Holiday

    5             6              7              8                9               10                 11

    12            13             14             15               16              17                 18

    19            20             21             22               23              24                 25
                                                                                                                    LTHS 2020 SUMMER PROGRAMS PLANNING CALENDAR
UPDATED: 01.30.20 - Lyons Township High School

      SUMMER ACADEMIC                                         SUMMER ACADEMIC
       DATES AND TIMES                                       PROGRAM RULES AND
SEMESTER I:         June 8 - June 25
SEMESTER II:        June 29 - July 17                   Students who choose to attend any Summer Program
No classes on Fri., June 26 & Fri., July 3              must meet the expectations for behavior outlined by
                                                        the classroom teachers, instructors, supervisors and
                                                        administration. Expectations, as listed in this guide,
Bell Schedule: 8:00 a.m. - 12:34 p.m.                   are reviewed the first day of class, and students sign
(All Classes **except Keyboarding and PE)               that they understand these guidelines.

                                                        LT students are expected to conduct themselves well.
**Keyboarding and PE meets for the                      Failure to behave in an appropriate manner may
full 6 weeks (both semesters) for                       subject the student to disciplinary action or dismissal
                                                        from the Summer Academic Program course in which
approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes                    they are enrolled.
each day.
Session I: 8:00 a.m. - 10:13 a.m.                       A student may be dropped from the Summer
                                                        Academic Program on the first violation of regulations.
Session II: 10: 20 a.m. - 12: 34 p.m.                   Such violations may include but not be limited to
                                                        arson, fighting, gang/secret society member or
Students cannot be registered for                       representation, gross disrespect intimidation,
                                                        possession of substances, and/or possession of
Keyboarding or PE and a traditional semester
                                                        weapons. Students may receive one warning to
course at the same time.                                change inappropriate behavior for lesser infractions.
                                                        A second offense may result in removal from the
                                                        Summer Academic Program.

                                                        Summer Academic Program students may be

         PEOPLE TO KNOW                                 dropped from a course with a grade of WF
                                                        (Withdrawal Failure) for disciplinary reasons.

Director of Summer Programs
     Mr. Adam Davis
     (708) 354-4700

Summer Programs Assistant
    Ms. Ann Aliotta
    (708) 579-7441 (before June 10)
    (708) 579-6528 (starting June 10)

UPDATED: 01.30.20 - Lyons Township High School

                  ATTENDANCE                                               EMERGENCIES
Because of the length and nature of the Summer Ac-          Students are required, when registering, to list their
ademic Program, excellent punctuality and                   home phone numbers and emergency phone
attendance are vitally important contributors to            numbers where parent(s)/guardian(s) may be
success. As a result, each student is expected to           reached during school hours. Before a student will be
arrive at school on time and to be in attendance.           released to go home because of illness, LTHS must
Students and parents should take special note of the        receive approval from the parent(s)/guardian(s).
following Summer Academic Program policy.                   Telephone messages for students will be delivered on-
                                                            ly in emergency situations.
A student may be dropped from a semester Summer
Academic Program course with a grade of WF
(Withdrawal Failure) and receive no credit if he/she:                             VISITORS
       Accumulates more than one excused absence           Visitors are NOT permitted to attend Summer
        per semester;                                       Academic courses, Summer Activity programs, nor
       Accumulates more than two tardies to school or      enter the buildings. Parent(s)/guardian(s) or others
        from the mid-morning break per semester;            who are picking up students must wait for them
       Accumulates any unexcused absence (any tardy        outside of the buildings and must observe traffic and
        exceeding 10 minutes may be considers an            parking rules.
        unexcused absence depending on the
                                                                          STUDENT DRESS
Activities such as family vacations, athletic               All students are expected to present a neat and clean
competitions, and other non-illness related absences        appearance. Hats, beach and athletic wear are not
are unexcused absences.                                     acceptable. Clothing with references to drugs, liquor
                                                            or gangs will not be permitted. By state law and for
If a student is unable to attend class for any reason, a    health and safety reasons, shoes must be worn in the
parent/guardian must report the absence to the              building at all times.
Summer Program Office as early as possible on the
absence date. Calls will be taken beginning at 7:30
a.m. Voice mail will record messages at other times.                           SMOKING
ATTENDANCE PHONE NUMBER                                     Smoking is strictly prohibited at any time at Lyons
                                                            Township High School, in any of its buildings, or on any
      (708) 579-6528                                        adjacent grounds. Students found smoking will
                                                            receive disciplinary consequences. Those under the
                                                            age of 18 will be referred to the LaGrange or Western
            SAFETY PROCEDURES                               Springs Police Department for violation of the smoking
                                                            and possession ordinances.
Procedures for weather related, fire and power failure
situations are reviewed with all students on the first             LEAVING THE BUILDING
day of class. Students are expected to respond to all
alarms as a danger signal. They are to follow the           Students are expected to come to class on time and
guidelines as outlined and the instructions of adult        remain in class until class is dismissed. Students may
supervisors.                                                not leave the building for any reason, INCLUDING
                                                            ILLNESS, without first reporting to and clearing the
                                                            departure through the Summer Program Office.
                                                            FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN BEING DROPPED
                                                            FROM THE COURSE.

UPDATED: 01.30.20 - Lyons Township High School

                   BICYCLES                                       CREDIT INFORMATION
All students riding bicycles to the Summer Program
should park and lock their bikes in the bicycle racks       Students will earn 1/2 credit for each three week
located at each campus. Students should provide             semester course. Students may earn a maximum of
their own chains and locks to prevent theft. Bicycles       1 credit during the entire six-week summer schedule.
may not be chained to any tree, post, gate or any           Students enrolled in Keyboarding will earn 1/2 credit
other object. When parking in the rack, students must       for the full six-week course.
take only one space. Bicycles parked at any other
place or left on the grass will have their locks and        As during the regular school year, students are
chains removed, and the bicycles will be impounded.         allowed to take specific courses with a
Lyons Township High School is not responsible for the       Credit/No-Credit option. The following is a list of the
cost nor replacement of a cut-off lock and/or chain,        courses that can be taken Credit/No-Credit:
                                                                 Ceramics-Beginning
nor any stolen or damaged bicycle. A parent
                                                                 Culinary Arts
contact must be made at the Summer Program Office
before a bicycle will be released.                               Drawing and Painting-Beginning
                                                                 Etymology (Prep level only)
                                                                 Keyboarding
 TRAFFIC AND PARKING RULES                                       Photography
                                                                 Radio: WLTL Summer Programming
Students who drive to South Campus must park in the              Television: LTTV Summer Programming
lot on the north side of South Campus. Students who              Theatre: Summer Stock
drive to North Campus must park in the back end of               Web Page Development I
the North Campus parking lot. Reckless driving of au-
tomobiles or any vehicle on or about the school             Forms to request the Credit/No-Credit option will be
grounds is strictly prohibited. Once a vehicle is parked    circulated on the first day of the above listed classes.
in the lot, students ARE NOT permitted to loiter in their   These requests will be subject to approval by the high
vehicles before, during, or after school hours. Students    school registrar. Once an option has been selected
are not allowed to return to the vehicles during            (taking the course with the Credit/No-Credit option or
Summer Academic Program hours. Students are                 the graded option), it cannot be reversed to the other
expected to exercise good judgment and follow the           option. Please note, to receive the grade of CR
rules of the road including any local, Township, Coun-      (Credit), the student must achieve a C– average or
ty, and State ordinances/laws while operating their         better on the coursework.
motor vehicles on school property. The school as-
sumes no responsibility for the vehicles. No attendant
will be provided.                                            OUT OF DISTRICT STUDENTS
                                                            Students from other schools who need credit
Students are expected to keep the building clean            transferred back must contact both their teachers
and litter-free. Unless otherwise directed by a staff       and the Summer Program Office. Such notification
member, students are to confine hall traffic to the         should be made in the first week of the semester.
immediate area in which their classes are located.
Washroom facilities will also be available in the area
adjoining the cafeteria. Security personnel will be on
hand to assist students with any non-classroom
                                                            Students who expect to graduate upon the successful
                                                            completion of the Summer Academic Program must
                                                            notify both the teacher and the Summer Program
                                                            Office. Such notification should be made by the end
                                                            of the first week of the semester.

UPDATED: 01.30.20 - Lyons Township High School

     EXAMS AND GRADING                                               SUMMER SERVICES
                FINAL EXAMS                                     LIBRARY/MEDIA SERVICES
Final exams will be given during the final 100 minutes      The South Campus library/media center will be open
of the last day of the semester. Students may not take      from 7:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. each day of the Summer
final exams early. Students missing final exams will be     Academic Program. Students who have outstanding
given a grade of I (Incomplete). It will be the             library obligations will not receive credit for the
responsibility of the student to make arrangements          course(s) taken until these obligations are cleared.
with the teacher to make-up the exam. Students must         Identification and proof of Summer Academic
complete final exams before the fall semester of the        Program enrollment will be needed to check-out
following school year for courses that are prerequisites    library materials.
for the following school year. Otherwise, students will
have six weeks to make up an incomplete grade.                               TEXTBOOKS
              REPORT CARDS                                  LTHS maintains a textbook rental system in order to
                                                            reduce costs to students and parents. For the Summer
Report cards are accessed on the Infinite Campus            Academic Program, students are only required to
portal within two weeks of the close of second              purchase those texts/items which have been desig-
semester.                                                   nated as consumables. Other textbooks are “rented”
                                                            to the student as part of the regular, annual rental fee
        INCOMPLETE GRADES                                   for LT students and included in the tuition for non-LT
                                                            students. These texts/items must be returned to the
An incomplete grade given for any reason MUST be            District at the end of each semester or year.
made up prior to the end of the first six weeks of the
grading period in the fall of the following school year,                     BOOKSTORE
or it will automatically be changed to an F (Failure).
Arrangements for make-up work should be made                The LTHS Bookstore will be open for purchase of
between the student and the teacher.                        consumables and school supplies between the hours
                                                            of 7:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on the first day of the
            FAILURE NOTICES                                 semester. On all other days, the LTHS Bookstore will be
                                                            open between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on
                                                            Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students should allow
A failure notice or call will be made to the parents of     themselves enough time to purchase their materials
those students failing or near-failing work at the end of   and get to class on time. Late passes will not be giv-
the mid-term of each Summer Academic Program                en.
semester. Parents should realize, however, that a
failing grade may still be given to the student even if a
failure notice has not been mailed nor received.                              CAFETERIA
                                                            Beverages will be available through vending
         DROPPING A CLASS                                   machines in the cafeterias. All food and beverage
                                                            must be consumed in designated areas in, or
 A course dropped after the midpoint of each                adjacent to, the cafeterias.
 semester may result in a grade of WF (Withdrawal
 Failure) unless the drop is due to circumstances
 beyond the student’s control such as serious illness or
 injury. In such cases, a grade of W (Withdrawal) may
 be used.

UPDATED: 01.30.20 - Lyons Township High School
               ACADEMIC COURSES
COURSE                             PAGE

Algebra                             9

Intermediate Algebra                9

Biology                             10

Ceramics-Beginning                  10

Chemistry                           10

Consumer Economics                  11

Culinary Arts                       11

Drawing & Painting-Beginning        11

Driver Education                    12

English I                           12

English II                          12

English II: IPC                     13

English III: American Literature    13

English III: Composition            13

English IV                          14

Etymology                           14

Geometry Prep                       14

Geometry Accel                      15

Keyboarding                         15

Photography                         16

Physical Education                  16

Physics Prep                        16

Radio: WLTL Summer Programming      17

Theatre: Summer Stock               17

Television: LTTV Production         17

Trig/Pre-Calc                       18

U.S. History                        18

Web Page Development I              18

World History                       18

UPDATED: 01.30.20 - Lyons Township High School
Credit: 1/2 per semester                            Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                               Prerequisite: Previous Enrollment
Semester Offered: Annual                            Location: SC
Course Number:        MA4135 (ANNUAL)
                      MA4136 (Semester I)
                      MA4137 (Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

In this beginning course in algebra, the language of algebra is studied intensively. Students begin their study
of the real number system and its properties. The course is designed to convey an understanding of the
meaning and use of variables, formulas, equations, and inequalities, exponents, functions, and graphs. The
fundamental processes with algebraic expressions are taught, including simple cases of factoring and work
with algebraic fractions. The significance of problems and of problem solving is emphasized throughout the
course. This course is not available to incoming Freshmen.

Credit: 1/2 per semester                            Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                               Prerequisite: Geometry (Prep)
Semester Offered: Annual                            Location: SC
Course Number:        MA6230 (ANNUAL)
                      MA6231 (Semester I)
                      MA6232 (Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

The contents of this course include reviewing and extending the main topics of Algebra. It contains an em-
phasis on a visual (graphing calculator) approach to learning the concept. It also includes the presentation
of the following topics: exponents, logarithms, complex numbers, conic sections, quadratic functions, and sys-
tems of equations. The method of presentation is designed to meet the needs of students who desire a strong
four year mathematical foundation for future study of mathematics and science or preparation for post-high
school entrance requirements. This course is offered for make-up credit only.


UPDATED: 01.30.20 - Lyons Township High School
Credit: 1/2 per semester                           Level: IV
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                              Prerequisite: None
Semester Offered: Annual                           Location: SC
Course Number:        SN7115 (ACCEL - ANNUAL)
                      SN7116 (ACCEL - Semester I)
                      SN7117 (ACCEL - Semester II)

Cost:   $245 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $350 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

Biology (Accel) focuses on an understanding of life and major life processes. Emphasis is placed upon unifying
principles and concepts applicable to all life forms and the adaptations of diverse organisms to carry out
fundamental functions. The objectives of the course are met through laboratory work, demonstration, lecture,
homework and visual aids.

This course has scheduled laboratory times every Tuesday and Thursday between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. A
$20 lab fee per semester and a $30 extra lab instructor time fee has been included in the cost of the course.

Credit: 1/2 (cr/nc)                          Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                        Prerequisite: None
Semester Offered: Both                       Location: SC
Course Number:        AR5616
Cost: $215 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $320 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

This beginning level course introduces students to basic methods of using clay to create artwork. Students
will explore hand building techniques that include coil rolling, slab construction, and creating small sculpture
with clay. Students will also be introduced to, and gain experience on the potter’s wheel. Basic design and
decorative processes will be included to assist students in developing unique and creative projects in clay.

Credit: 1/2 per semester                            Level: IV
Grade Offered: 10 - 12                              Prerequisite: B or better in Algebra I (Accel)
Semester Offered: Annual                            Location: SC
Course Number:        SN7215 (ACCEL-ANNUAL)
                      SN7216 (ACCEL-Semester I)
                      SN7217 (ACCEL-Semester II)
Cost: $245 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $350 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

Chemistry is the study of composition and structure of matter and the changes that matter undergoes, and
the energy associated with those changes. Principles of chemistry as well as applications of chemistry are
emphasized. Chemical concepts are developed through the use of mathematical relationships and are
reinforced through laboratory activities.

Mathematics is an integral part of Chemistry (Accel). Out of class reading and comprehension are key to suc-
cess in this course, and students will be expected to independently acquire information. Chemistry (Accel) is
intended to prepare students for further study in the sciences or technology.

This course has scheduled laboratory times every Tuesday and Thursday between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. A
$20 lab fee per semester and a $30 extra lab instructor time fee has been included in the cost of the course.

Credit: 1/2                                          Level: III
Grade Offered: 11 - 12                               Prerequisite: None
Semester Offered: Both                               Location: NC
Course Number:        BU0551 (Semester I)
                      BU0552 (Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

This course focuses on personal money management concerns that face all consumers. Topics to be studied
include the individual consumer in the marketplace, economics, money management, consumer credit,
buying goods and services, housing, transportation, health services, insurance, savings and investments, and

An online option, via Virtual High School, is also offered as an enrollment option for students. Please see online
webstore for more details.

Credit: 1/2 (cr/nc)                                  Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                                Prerequisite: None
Semester Offered: Both                               Location: SC
Course Number:        FC5226 (Semester I)
                      FC5227 (Semester II)
Cost: $215 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $320 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

The information in this beginning course is designed to become the basis upon which students build a lifetime
of good nutrition and physical wellness. Students are given the tools necessary to plan and prepare food for a
healthy life. They will work cooperatively in group lab experiences using principles of meal planning that
emphasize good nutrition. Food preparation areas include fruits, vegetables, breads and cereals, dairy
products, eggs, and dessert items. Also emphasized are consumerism, time management, and the role of
exercise in wellness.

Credit: 1/2 (cr/nc)                           Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                         Prerequisite: None
Semester Offered: Semester I & II             Location: SC
Course Number:        AR5316
Cost: $215 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $320 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

Interested in learning how to draw? Interested in understanding the visual world around you? This is a hands-
on class designed to introduce students to basic 2D art skills through studio work and sketchbook assignments.
Students will learn how to draw the figure and other observational objects. Students will also be introduced to
basic ideas of art history that relate to the projects and will learn how to critique art.


Credit: 1/2                               Level: III
Prerequisite: None                        Location: SC
Dates: Contact DE Department for more information.
Course Number:      DR9116

For information on the LTHS Driver Education summer program, please contact the Driver Education Office at
(708) 579-6573. Information can also be found on the LTHS website:

LTHS students who qualify for summer Driver Education (see website for details) may register during the week of
February 15, 2016. DE Student do not register on the summer program website.

Credit: 1/2 per semester                              Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                                 Prerequisite: Previous Enrollment
Semester Offered: Both                                Location: SC
Course Number:        LA5115 (ANNUAL)
                      LA5116 (Semester I)
                      LA5117 (Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

The Preparatory curriculum is designed to give students an exposure to many literary genres and types of
writing. Students are introduced to core skills that will be reinforced throughout the sequence of courses at LT
including strategies designed to help them improve their ability to read, write, listen, and research more
effectively. Writing activities are highly structured early in the year with an expectation for students to develop
into more independent writers, readers, and thinkers. Grammar is primarily taught within the context of the
writing and reading material. Vocabulary is emphasized to improve reading comprehension. This course is
not available to incoming Freshmen and is offered for make-up credit only.

Credit: 1/2 per semester                              Level: III
Grade Offered: 10 - 12                                Prerequisite: Previous Enrollment
Semester Offered: Both                                Location: SC
Course Number:        LA5126 (Semester I)
                      LA5127 (Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

The English II (Prep) curriculum is designed to continue to exploration of genres and types or writing begun
freshman year. Students will focus on fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, which they are required to analyze,
interpret, and evaluate. Students move to mastery of core early high school skills that will be reinforced
throughout the sequence of courses at LT including strategies designed to help them improve their ability to
read, write, listen, speak, present and analyze media more effectively. This course is offered for make-up
credit only.

Credit: 1/2                                            Level: IV
Grade Offered: 10 - 12                                 Prerequisite: Previous Enrollment
Semester Offered: Both                                 Location: SC
Course Number:        LA5026 (Semester I)
                      LA5027 (Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

This course examines how people communicate, why people communicate, and what factors affect
communication both positively and negatively. Whether one is giving a speech, participating in a group, or
engaging in any other communication activity, this course will help students to interact more effectively with
others. Critical thinking skills and strategies learned in this course will help students critique the media
messages that surround us. While the course includes assessments of reading and writing skills, the primary
assessments are performance-based, speaking opportunities. This course is offered for make-up credit only.

Credit: 1/2                                            Level: III
Grade Offered: 11 - 12                                 Prerequisite: Previous Enrollment
Semester Offered: Both                                 Location: NC
Course Number:        LA4431 (Semester I)
                      LA4432 (Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

English III: American Literature is designed to expose students to a variety of literary genres and styles and to
teach them to engage these styles critically and creatively. Students will study plays, poetry, novels and short
stories that animate and explore American experiences of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Students will also
continue to develop their writing, especially in the areas of sentence variety and fluency, incorporating and
explaining evidence, developing arguments, and transitioning between ideas. This course is offered for make
-up credit only.

Credit: 1/2                                            Level: III
Grade Offered: 11 - 12                                 Prerequisite: Previous Enrollment
Semester Offered: Both                                 Location: NC
Course Number:        LA6201 (Semester I)
                      LA6202 (Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

Composition focuses on developing a community of writers through detailed examination of the writing pro-
cess in a variety of genres. Students in English III: Composition will develop and enhance skills in reading, rang-
ing from decoding to processing, in order to study author purpose, audience, and language                    conven-
tions. Using a diverse selection of American literature as models ranging from short story and            autobiog-
raphy to dialogue and satire, writers will become skilled at recognizing the multiple ways language is used as a
means of communication. Students will participate in a holistic writing process, which guides them through
idea generation, drafting, revision for content, revision for style, editing, and reflection. This course is student-
centered, where students will help each other improve their writing by peer-editing and revision, all the while
working towards two multi-genre essays. They will use critical thinking skills to complete a variety of written as-
signments designed to explore student-selected topics. This course is offered for make-up credit only.


Credit: 1/2 per semester                                Level: III
Grade Offered: 12                                       Prerequisite: Previous Enrollment
Semester Offered: Both                                  Location: NC
Course Number:        LA5211 (Semester I)
                      LA5212 (Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

This course focuses on the search for self-identity within various familial and cultural contexts. Topics such as
tradition, heritage, love, revenge, generation gaps, independence and loss are explored. Students will
participate in a wide range of imaginative and analytical activities including writing, projects, presentations
and discussions. This course is offered for make-up credit only.

Credit: 1/2 (cr/nc at Prep level only)         Level: III/IV
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                                   Prerequisite: None
Semester Offered: Semester I                            Location: SC
Course Number:         WL5516 (PREP Level III)
                       WL7516 (ACCEL Level IV)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

Students increase their vocabulary and prepare for tests such as ACT, SAT, and PSAT by learning Latin prefixes
and roots to understand word meanings and relationships. Magazines, newspapers, computer programs,
games, puzzles, and other supplementary materials are used to enhance the course. The students learn to
read with more understanding and enjoyment. Those students taking the course at the accelerated level are
expected to do additional work with English words derived from Greek roots and apply them in context.
Activities and tests are designed to practice and assess the student’s ability to use the vocabulary in context
at an extended rigor level.

Credit: 1/2    per semester                              Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                                    Prerequisite: Algebra Prep
Semester Offered: Annual                                 Location: SC
Course Number:        MA5135 (ANNUAL)
                      MA5136 (Semester I)
                      MA5137 (Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

Two primary purposes of Geometry are 1. to develop an understanding of inductive and deductive proof and
the ability to apply it; and 2. to acquire geometric principles and facts and apply them to the solution of prob-
lems. These geometric principles are applied to figures in a plane and, to some extent, in space. The main
topics of the course or triangle, quadrilaterals, circles, similar figures, parallelism, perpendicularity, right triangle
trigonometry, areas, and volumes.


Credit: 1/2    per semester                      Level: IV
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                            Prerequisite: Algebra Accel or Approval
Semester Offered: Annual                         Location: SC
Course Number:        MA7145 (ACCEL-ANNUAL)
                      MA7146 (ACCEL-Semester I)
                      MA7147 (ACCEL-Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

Geometry (Accel) presents a more in depth treatment of those topics listed for Fundamentals of Geometry
and more deductive proof and solid geometry. In addition, the relationships between lines and planes both in
two and three dimensions and coordinate geometry are studied.

Credit: 1/2 (cr/nc)                                  Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                                Prerequisite: None
Dates: June 11 - July 20                             Location: SC
Course Number:         BU5416-I…….Session I (8:00 a.m.—10:13 a.m.)
                       BU5416-II……Session II (10:20 a.m.—12:34 p.m.)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

This course is needed by all students who wish to learn the required keyboarding skills used in today’s technical
world. Students selecting this course will learn basic keyboarding skills, and proper use of the keyboard.
Students will improve their speed and accuracy as they key, as well as improve their proofreading skills. In
addition, proper formatting of term papers, letters, and tables will be learned, along with a variety of other
keyboarding applications. Keyboarding skills are required for further course work in Computer Applications
(MOS) and recommended for Mobile App Development, Programming in Python and Web Page

Credit: 1/2 (cr/nc)                                           Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                                         Prerequisite: None
Semester Offered: Both                                        Location: NC
Course Number:        AR6311 (Semester I)
                      AR6312 (Semester II)
Cost: $215 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $320 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

Students will learn to operate a digital camera. Students will move beyond snapshots and will use their camer-
as as a tool for creative expression. Students must supply a working digital (non APS) camera. Point and shoot
and other totally automatic cameras are strongly discouraged due to their lack of creative controls.

Credit: 1/2 per semester                             Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                                Prerequisite: Previous Enrollment
Semester Offered: June 9 - July 18                   Location: SC
Course Number:        (9) PE8116, (10) PE8126, (11-12) PE8131-I…….Session I (8:00 a.m.—10:13 a.m.)
                      (9) PE8116, (10) PE8126, (11-12) PE8131-II……Session II (10:20 a.m.—12:34 p.m.)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

Instruction, practice, and participation are provided in a co-educational setting in a variety of lifetime sports
and physical education activities. Students will experience recreational activities such as swimming, tennis,
volleyball, and badminton as well as more sophisticated fitness concepts and activities. The Tri-Fit 600 System
technology, and the development and implementation of personal fitness plans will augment the fitness
phase of the curricula. This course fulfills the PE requirement. This course is not available to incoming Fresh-
men and is offered for make-up credit only.

This course meets for approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes each day for the full six-week Summer Academic Program. Students who
register for this course must select a session. Upon successful completion of the six-week course, students will receive 1/2 credit.

Credit: 1/2 per semester                                      Level: III
Grade Offered: 11 - 12                                        Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra (Prep) or higher.
Semester Offered: Annual                                      Location: NC
Course Number:        SN4910 (ANNUAL)
                      SN4911 (Semester I)
                      SN4912 (Semester II)
Cost: $245 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $350 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

Physics is an algebra-based science course. This is a laboratory study for student discovery of the physical uni-
verse. Major topics of study include: motion, energy, dynamics, momentum, light and sound.

This course has scheduled laboratory times every Tuesday and Thursday between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. A
$20 lab fee per semester and a $30 extra lab instructor time fee has been included in the cost of the course.


Credit: 1/2 (cr/nc)                                  Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                                Prerequisite: None
Semester Offered: Semester I                         Location: NC
Course Number:        LA9176
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

This course is offered so that students may qualify for on-air work at WLTL. Students already qualified will do
advanced work while operating the station during the summer. Students will learn the goals, policies,
procedures of the student-operated radio station, and will study the WLTL manual, FCC rules and regulations,
announcing techniques, equipment operation procedures, and production techniques. By the end of the
three-week session, students will be qualified to DJ on the air and produce programs using the production
studios. This course enables students to qualify for on-air work during the next school year.

Credit: 1/2 (cr/nc)                          Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                        Prerequisite: None
Semester Offered: Both                       Location: SC
Course Number:         LA6456

Enjoy everything theater has to offer-movement, acting, building, painting sets, lighting, make-up, and more.
Only for the very interested, this whirlwind tour through theater will end in a performance in the South Campus

Credit: 1/2 (cr/nc)                          Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                        Prerequisite: None
Semester Offered: Semester I                 Location: NC
Course Number:         LA9271

This class is designed to teach you the basics of television production. You will learn how to put together a
production from start to finish. You will also learn every aspect of a production - camera, audio, lighting, and
more! The bulk of the class work is hands-on and project oriented. A number of individual and group projects,
in addition to practical exercises, will help you to refine the skills you are learning.

Students in this class will use the LTTV studio and production truck, as well as portable equipment.

Credit: 1                                            Level: IV
Grade Offered: 11 - 12                               Prerequisite: Previous enrollment
Semester Offered: Annual                             Location: NC
Course Number:       MA7340 (ANNUAL)

Cost:   $390 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $600 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

This course is a more in depth look at advanced algebra topics from a function perspective and is a pre-
requisite for any student taking calculus in college. Course topics include: functions, polynomials, radicals, ex-
ponents & logarithms, sequences & series, trigonometry, parametric equations, and probability.

Credit: 1/2 per semester                             Level: III
Grade Offered: 11 - 12                               Prerequisite: Previous enrollment
Semester Offered: Annual                             Location: NC
Course Number:        SS5710 (ANNUAL)
                      SS5711 (Semester I)
                      SS5712 (Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

U.S. History attempts to promote student understanding of the numerous factors which have played a part in
the development of American society. Areas of concentration and study begin with the colonial period and
conclude with the issues of contemporary America. This course is offered for make-up credit only.

Credit: 1/2 (cr/nc)                                  Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                                Prerequisite: None
Semester Offered: Both                               Location: SC
Course Number:        BU4846
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

Are you interested in creating websites and learning all aspects of the Internet including search engines,
email, and plug-in? Web Development I concentrates on creating web pages in various ways including
coding HTML and using various GUI editors. Software packages will also be introduced like Dreamweaver
and Flash. A final project web site will be developed and published on the Internet.

Credit: 1/2 per semester                             Level: III
Grade Offered: 9 - 12                                Prerequisite: None
Semester Offered: Annual                             Location: SC
Course Number:        SS5815 (ANNUAL)
                      SS5816 (Semester I)
                      SS5817 (Semester II)
Cost: $195 (IN-DISTRICT)
        $300 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

World History aims to help students understand the complex world in which they live by developing insights
into the thought and feelings of people within their own culture and other cultures, as well as relating the past
to the present and future. Students learn that although human needs are basically the same everywhere, dif-
ferences in environment and history have played a determining role in establishing variety in cultures. This
course demonstrates to students that history, geography, economics, political science, and social and
cultural life are basic to the study of human development.


       ACADEMIC PROGRAM                                                   REFUND POLICY
    REGISTRATION INFORMATION                                 A cancellation fee is assessed for each course that is
                                                             dropped by 3:00 p.m. June 5, 2020 (first semester and
All registrations for the 2020 Summer Academic               annual courses) and June 26, 2020 (second semester
Program will be completed at www.lths.net/summer             courses).

In-District Registration: Beginning on February 3, 2020      Cancellation fee schedule:
at 12:00 p.m., online registrations for the 2020 Summer       February 14 - April 30: $25.00
Academic Program will be accepted. In-District                May 1 - May 14: $50.00
registration will close at 11:59 p.m. on February 9, 2020.    May 15 - May 31: $75.00
                                                              June 1 - Day before course begins: $100.00
Payment will be made for all registrations made during
this In-District registration period. Accepted payment       Refunds for the second semester of an annual course
methods are Visa, Mastercard or Discover. Registrants        will not be honored after June 5, 2020.
also have the option to pay in person at LTHS North
Campus. If you have selected this option, please visit       A second semester course (which is not a
www.LTHS.net/summer for payment details. The pay-            continuation of an annual course) must be dropped
in-person deadline is Wednesday, February 12, 2020.          by 3:00 p.m. on June 26, 2020 to qualify for a partial
If the number of course registrations exceeds the par-
ticipation limit, a random lottery will be conducted.        No refund will be issued if a student withdraws after
Registrations will be drawn at random to determine           the specified date, is dropped for disciplinary reasons,
which participants are enrolled in the course and
which are not. Those participants that are not select-
ed in the lottery process will be issued a refund of the         ACCESS TO TECHNOLOGY
full registration cost in the form of a check through the
Lyons Township High School Business Office. Families         Technology and Network access will only be granted
will be notified of their lottery-selection status on        if students have a Network Access Agreement com-
Friday, February 14, 2020.                                   pleted in the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus for LTHS
                                                             Students (incoming freshmen - seniors).
Open Registration: Beginning on February 17, 2020, all
unfilled slots will be open to the public for registration   For out-of-district students, the Network Access Agree-
on a first come-first served basis.                          ment must be signed during the first week of summer
                                                             classes. Both the non-LT student and the parent/
Please note:                                                 guardian must sign and date it.
    LTHS counselors DO NOT register students for the
     Summer Academic Program.
    Students should not register for the Summer Aca-
     demic Program if they have vacation plans, or if               ONLINE REGISTRATION
     for any reason, they will miss one or more days of
     class during a semester.                                           ASSISTANCE
    Courses will be offered based on sufficient
     enrollment, facility and teacher availability. If a     District residents who do not have access to the
     course must be cancelled, students will be notified     internet at home or would like assistance in the online
     no later than June 1, 2020.                             registration process are encouraged to call Summer
                                                             Programs Director Adam Davis at 708.354.4700

Prior to semester midpoint: no refund and a grade of
W (Withdrawal)

After semester midpoint: no refund and a grade of WF
(Withdrawal Failure)                                           REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.LTHS.NET/SUMMER

Camp Descriptions               Page
Badminton                        21
Band Camp                        21
Baseball                         21
Basketball-Boys                  22
Basketball-Girls                 22
Bowling                          23
Cheerleading                     23
Choral                           23
Cooking                          23
(Drumline)Percussion Ensemble    24
Football                         24
Golf                             24
Guitar                           25
Gymnastics-Boys                  25
Gymnastics-Girls                 25
Kayaking                         26
Lacrosse                         26
Orchestra Summer Camp            26
PSAT Prep                        26
Rock Climbing                    27
Running                          27
Science Olympiad                 27
Sewing                           27
Soccer                           28
Softball                         28
Speech Team Camp                 28
Swimming: Learn-to-Swim         29-31
Swimming: Swim Conditioning      31
Track & Field                    31
Volleyball                       32
Water Polo                       32

CAMP NAME/SESSION          DAYS               DATES                  TIMES                        GENDER

The LT Badminton camp stresses skill development, strategy and game play for girls. Participants should bring
their own racquet (if they own one), hand towel and a water bottle. T-shirt included.

BADMINTON I                MTWR               6/8 - 6/18             10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.      GIRLS
GRADES 6 - 9               SC Gyms 3 & 4      $80.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $120.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 48

BADMINTON II               MTWR               6/8 - 6/18             12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.       GIRLS
GRADES 10 - 12             SC Gyms 3 & 4      $80.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $120.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 36

The LT Band Camp is open to middle and junior high school.students in grades 6 - 8. The band program at L.T.
is made up of the finest musicians from area schools and promises to be an exciting experience which is tai-
lored to the ability of a growing musician. Once a student puts down their band instrument they rarely pick it
back up again. Consistent participation is the key to success in instrumental music.

BAND CAMP                  MTWRF              6/8- 6/12              9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.       B/G
GRADES 6 - 8               SC G-Wing          $60.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $90.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

Camps will provide instruction in hitting, fielding, throwing, base running and bunting fundamentals. Modified
pickup games will offer players opportunities to test their skills. Games will be supervised and designed to
foster improved mental capabilities as players confront many “on your feet thinking situations” in a
competitive setting. Players may sign up for both sessions.

All campers should bring their baseball bat, baseball glove, and sunscreen. Campers in Baseball I should also
bring a lunch.

BASEBALL I                 MTWR                6/22 - 6/25           9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.       B/G
GRADES 3 - 5               SC FIELDS          $70.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $105.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

BASEBALL II                MTWR               6/22 - 6/25            11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.       BOYS
GRADES 6 - 8               SC FIELDS          $70.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $105.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

BASEBALL III               MTWR               6/29 - 7/2             12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.       BOYS
GRADE 9                    SC FIELDS          $80.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $130.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)

The LaGrange All Star Basketball Camps I, II, III provide two separate two-week camps of basketball
fundamentals and fun. Register for one session only during the in-district registration period. In addition to
working on passing, ball handling, defense, rebounding and shooting skills, each boy will participate in
tournament play and exhibition games. Basketball IV provides training for high school students stressing
advanced basketball skills.

BASKETBALL IA-BOYS         MTWRF              6/8 - 6/19             11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.      BOYS
GRADES 3 - 4               NC Fieldhouse      $65.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $115.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 120

BASKETBALL IB-BOYS         MTWRF              6/22 - 7/2             11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.      BOYS
GRADES 3 - 4               NC Fieldhouse      $65.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $115.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 120

BASKETBALL IIA-BOYS        MTWRF              6/8 - 6/19             8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.        BOYS
GRADES 5 - 6               NC Fieldhouse      $65.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $115.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 120

BASKETBALL IIB-BOYS        MTWRF              6/22 - 7/2             8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.        BOYS
GRADES 5 - 6               NC Fieldhouse      $65.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $115.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 120

BASKETBALL IIIA-BOYS       MTWRF              6/8 - 6/19             9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.       BOYS
GRADES 7 - 8               NC Fieldhouse      $65.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $115.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 120

BASKETBALL IIIB-BOYS       MTWRF              6/22 - 7/2             9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.       BOYS
GRADES 7 - 8               NC Fieldhouse      $65.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $115.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 120

BASKETBALL IV-BOYS         MTWR               6/8 - 6/26             12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.       BOYS
GRADES 9                   NC Fieldhouse      $120.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $170.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)     NO LIMIT

BASKETBALL V-BOYS          MTWR               6/1 - 6/19             12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.       BOYS
GRADES 10 - 12             NC Fieldhouse      $120.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $170.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)     NO LIMIT

The program emphasizes strength conditioning and training, basic fundamental basketball skill development
(shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding, defense, offense, screening and movement, fastbreak, and more)
and an opportunity to participate in organized games. Basketball and t-shirt included in registration cost.

BASKETBALL I-GIRLS         MTWR               6/8 - 6/18             10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon      GIRLS
GRADES 4 - 6               SC Fieldhouse      $75.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $112.50 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 120

BASKETBALL II-GIRLS        MTWR               6/8 - 6/18             8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.       GIRLS
GRADES 7 - 8               SC Fieldhouse      $75.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $112.50 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 120

BASKETBALL III-GIRLS       MTWR               6/8 - 6/25             6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.        GIRLS
GRADES 9 - 12              NC Fieldhouse      $110 (IN-DISTRICT)     $165.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 120


BOWLING                        MTWR                 7/6 - 7/9                 1:00p.m. - 3:00 p.m.             B/G
GRADES 5 - 12                  Rolling Lanes        $80.00 (IN-DISTRICT)      $120.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)        40

Cheerleading camp will teach young athletes (ages 4 - 8) the essential skills to lead the crowd and support
the Lions. The summer LTHS cheerleading camp works to ensure that each camper will learn cheers, proper
hand and body movements as well as basic jumping techniques. There is no stunting, just a big focus on fun
and skills development in teambuilding and leadership. The week concludes with a camp performance.

CHEERLEADING                   MTWRF                6/8 - 6/12                9:00a.m. - 10:30 a.m.            GIRLS
AGES 4 - 8 years old           SC - Fieldhouse      $80.00 (IN-DISTRICT)      $120.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)        50

Choral I: Boys and girls in this camp will learn simple songs and basic elements of music making in an ensemble. This camp
is an exciting and fun introduction to great music and new friends! Ascending kindergartners through 2nd graders.

Choral II: This is now a girls-only camp. Girls will form a choir for this week and learn about music and their voices. Enjoy
music and make friends! For ascending grades 3 - 5.

Choral III: This is now a girls-only camp. Girls will form an advancing choir during this week They will learn a segment
about everything they need to know about make a great choir, including making great friends! Students will eat lunch at
11:30 a.m. and should bring their own bag lunch. For ascending grades 6 - 8.

Choral IV - NEW: For boys in ascending grades 3 - 8. All of the guys will band together to see what it is like to make great
music in a choir, singing a variety of musical styles.

CHORAL I                       MTWRF                6/8- 6/12                 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.           B/G
GRADES K - 2                   SC - G-Wing          $40.00 (IN-DISTRICT)      $60.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)         LIMIT 20

CHORAL II                      MTWRF                6/8- 6/12                 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.           GIRLS
GRADES 3 - 5                   SC - G-Wing          $45.00 (IN-DISTRICT)      $67.50 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)         NO LIMIT

CHORAL III                     MTWRF                6/8- 6/12                 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.            GIRLS
GRADES 6 - 8                   SC - G-Wing          $55.00 (IN-DISTRICT)      $82.50 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)         NO LIMIT

CHORAL IV                      MTWRF                6/8- 6/12                 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.           BOYS
GRADES 3 - 8                   SC - G-Wing          $45.00 (IN-DISTRICT)      $67.50 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)         NO LIMIT

Beginning This class is for students to learn basic cooking skills in measurement and cooking terms. Students will learn to
follow recipe instructions and use everyday kitchen utensils and appliances. Examples: smoothies in a blender, cake in the
oven, casserole in the microwave.
Intermediate/Advanced Students continue to learn cooking skills from the first class. Students will learn how to plan,
prepare and make a grocery order for their meal.

COOKING I-BEGINNING            MTWRF                6/8 - 6/26                8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.           B/G
GRADES 3 - 5                   NC Cooking Lab $150.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $225.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)                  LIMIT 24

COOKING II-BEGINNING           MTWRF                6/8 - 6/26                10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.          B/G
GRADES 6 - 8                   NC Cooking Lab $150.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $225.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)                  LIMIT 24

COOKING-INTER/ADV              MTWRF                6/8 - 6/26                1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.            B/G
GRADES 5 - 8                   NC Cooking Lab $150.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $225.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)                  LIMIT 24
Percussion Ensemble I: Attention middle school percussionists! Do you wish you had a chance to play more
often during band class? Master classes will cover all standard instrument groups including snare drum, key-
board, and timpani, as well as auxiliary instruments.

Percussion Ensemble II: Drumline exercises and materials for 2017-2018 Marching Band Season will be used to
teach the fundamentals of marching percussion. This camp is a great resource for incoming freshman, as well
as returning drumline members preparing to audtion for the Fall 2016 drumline. Information and audition rep-
ertoire for the following year’s Drumline will be presented, as well as the following year’s show music.

PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE I        MTWR               6/22 - 6/25                 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon      B/G
GRADES 5 - 8                 SC - G108          $60.00 (IN-DISTRICT)        $90.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 25

PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE II       MTWR               6/22 - 6/25                 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.       B/G
GRADES 9 - 12                SC - G108          $60.00 (IN-DISTRICT)        $90.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)    LIMIT 25

The LT Football camp is designed to train boys in the basic fundamentals of defensive and offensive football.
Emphasis is placed on safety, proper technique, and fun. Instruction in proper weight training technique and
conditioning is included in Football III, IV, and V. Participants in Football IV & V will use protective equipment
(helmet and shoulder pads) during workouts. All campers will receive a t-shirt.
FOOTBALL I                   MTWR               6/15 - 6/18                 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.      BOYS
GRADES 1 - 4                 SC FIELDS          $55.00 (IN-DISTRICT)        $105.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)   NO LIMIT

FOOTBALL II                  MTWR                6/15 - 6/18                11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.      BOYS
GRADES 5 - 8                 SC FIELDS          $55.00 (IN-DISTRICT)        $105.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)   NO LIMIT

FOOTBALL III                 MTWR                6/15- 6/25 & 7/13 - 7/30   6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.       BOYS
GRADE 9                      SC FIELDS          $150.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $200.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)         NO LIMIT

FOOTBALL IV                  MTWR                6/15- 6/25 & 7/13 - 7/30   6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.       BOYS
GRADE 10                     SC FIELDS          $150.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $200.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)         NO LIMIT

FOOTBALL V                   MTWR                6/15- 6/25 & 7/13 - 7/30   6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.       BOYS
GRADES 11 - 12               SC FIELDS          $150.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $200.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)         NO LIMIT

Golf camp is for girls interested in the sport of golf. Development of golf skills including putting, short game,
and swing work will be stressed. Golfers will play nine-hole and 18-hole rounds (weather permitting). All partici-
pants will receive a tshirt. Golfers must provide their own clubs.

GOLF I                       MTWR               CLOSED for 2020                                         Girls
GRADES 4 - 6                 Flagg Creek        $80.00 (IN-DISTRICT)        $120.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)   LIMIT 20

GOLF II                      MTWR               CLOSED for 2020                                         Girls
GRADES 7 - 8                 Flagg Creek        $80.00 (IN-DISTRICT)        $120.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)   LIMIT 20

GOLF III                     WRF                CLOSED for 2020                                         Girls
GRADES 9 - 12                NC Parking Lot     $110.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $150.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)         LIMIT 15

This camp is intended for students with little or no previous guitar experience. Participants will be exposed to
an overview of the guitar including introduction to beginning guitar techniques, styles of guitar playing, fa-
mous guitarists, and appreciation of the musical influences of the guitar on American music.

GUITAR-BEGINNING            MTWRF              6/15 - 6/19            1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.         B/G
GRADES 7 - 9                NC Music Rooms     $80.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $120.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)     LIMIT 30

All boys are encouraged to join gymnastics for a summer of fun and learning. Campers will focus on strength

GYMNASTICS-IA               MTWRF             6/8 - 6/26              9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.        BOYS
Grades Pre-K - 5            SC Upper Gym      $80.00 (IN-DISTRICT)    $112.50 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)     LIMIT 20

GYNMASTICS-IB               MTWRF             6/29 - 7/17             9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.        BOYS
Grades Pre-K - 5            SC Upper Gym      $80.00 (IN-DISTRICT)    $112.50 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)     LIMIT 20

GYNMASTICS-II               MTWRF             6/8 - 7/17              10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.       BOYS
Grades 3 - 5                SC Upper Gym      $150.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $225.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)     LIMIT 20

GYMNASTICS - III            MTWRF             6/8 - 7/17              11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.       BOYS

GRADES 5 - 8                SC Upper Gym      $150.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $225.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)     LIMIT 20

GYMNASTICS - IV             MTWRF             6/8 - 7/17              12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.        BOYS

GRADES 9-12                 SC Upper Gym      $150.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $225.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)     LIMIT 20

Your gymnast will learn gymnastics in a positive, progressive environment. Our professional coaching staff ex-
cels because they enjoy working with children and teaching a sport they love. Each child will achieve her
own personal best while building poise, self-esteem and confidence. Our goal is to help each athlete reach
their own potential at all levels, from introductory to advanced. Participants in Gymnastics I need to be toilet
trained. All participants will receive a t-shirt.

GYMNASTICS-1 Beginners      MTWR               6/8 - 6/18             10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.       GIRLS

GRADES Pre K– 2             NC LOWER GYM       $75.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $100.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)     LIMIT 60

GYMNASTICS-1 Advanced       MTWR               6/8 - 6/18             11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.       GIRLS

GRADES Pre K - 2            NC LOWER GYM       $75.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $100.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)     LIMIT 60

GYMNASTICS–II Beginners     MTWR               6/8 - 6/18             8:00 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.         GIRLS

GRADES 3 - 8                NC LOWER GYM       $125.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $175.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)      LIMIT 60

GYMNASTICS-II Advanced      MTWR               6/8 - 6/18             9:00 a.m. - 9:50 noon         GIRLS

GRADES 3 - 8                NC LOWER GYM       $125.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $175.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)      LIMIT 60

GYMNASTICS - III            MTWR               6/8 - 6/18             12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.       GIRLS
GRADES 9-12                 NC LOWER GYM       $150.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $225.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)     LIMIT 30

Kayaking is an intro program which will focus on safety, comfort, and boat control.

KAYAKING                     MTWRF              6/15 - 6/23             10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.        B/G

GRADES 6 - 8                 SC POOL            $100.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $150.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)        LIMIT 22

Lacrosse I-BOYS/GIRLS This co-ed camp will focus on both lacrosse and athletic skill development. Beginners
will learn how to catch, throw, and cradle. Team concepts such as set offenses and defenses will be
Lacrosse II-BOYS/GIRLS This camp is designed for participants who are experienced players and want to re-
fine their skills. Focus will be on weight training and general athletic skill development such as speed and co-
ordination. All participants will receive a t-shirt.

LACROSSE I - BOYS            MTWR               6/8 - 6/18             10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon        BOYS
GRADES 4 - 7                 SC FIELDS          $30.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $45.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)       NO LIMIT

LACROSSE I - GIRLS           MTWR               6/8 - 6/18             10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon        GIRLS
GRADES 4 - 7                 SC FIELDS          $30.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $45.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)       NO LIMIT

LACROSSE II - BOYS           MTWRF              CLOSED for 2020        CLOSED for 2020                BOYS
GRADES 8 - 12                SC FIELDS          $50.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $75.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)       NO LIMIT

LACROSSE II - GIRLS          TWR                6/9 - 6/25             12:45 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.         GIRLS
GRADES 8 - 12                SC FIELDS          $50.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $75.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)       NO LIMIT

For violin, viola, cello, and bass students with at least one year experience. Students will receive group lessons
to improve performance technique, chamber ensemble performance, improvisation on blues and jazz,
and string orchestra performance. The camp will also include recitals and social activities.

ORCHESTRA SUMMER             MTWRF              6/15 - 6/19            8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.         B/G
GRADES 4– 8                  NC Music Rooms $80.00 (IN-DISTRICT)       $120.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)      No Limit

LT offers a PSAT prep course to familiarize junior students with each part of the PSAT/NMSQT ® test, review key
verbal and math concepts, learn strategies for tackling difficult questions, and practice pacing on several re-
cently released PSAT/NMSQT® tests.

PSAT Prep                    MTWR               6/8 - 6/18             1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.          B/G
GRADE 11                     NC - TBD           $110.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $175.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)       LIMIT - TBD

This program explores a variety of adventure-based activities including team building, basic rock climbing
techniques, and ultimately climbing and repelling the LT summit. All participants will receive a t-shirt.

CLIMBING-BEG A               MTWRF              6/8 - 6/24              12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.        B/G
GRADES 6 - 10                NC FIELDHOUSE      $90.00 (IN-DISTRICT)    $135.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)     LIMIT 30

CLIMBING-BEG B               MTWRF              6/8 - 6/24             2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.          B/G
GRADES 6 - 10                NC FIELDHOUSE      $90.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $135.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)      LIMIT 25

CLIMBING-ADV A               MTWRF              6/8 - 6/24             12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.         B/G

GRADES 7 - 10                NC FIELDHOUSE      $90.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $135.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)      LIMIT 10

CLIMBING-ADV B               MTWRF              6/8 - 6/24             2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.          B/G
GRADES 7 - 10                NC FIELDHOUSE      $90.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $135.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)      LIMIT 10

This program provides a conditioning base for those primarily interested in high school cross country and track.
Training includes distance runs, interval work, stretching and weights. Participants should bring your own water
bottle. All participants will receive a t-shirt.

RUNNING - GIRLS              MTWRF              6/15 - 7/23            6:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.          GIRLS
GRADES 8 - 12                SC Fields          $55.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $105.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)      NO LIMIT

RUNNING - BOYS               MTWR               6/8 - 7/16             6:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.          BOYS
GRADES 8 - 12                SC Fields          $55.00 (IN-DISTRICT)   $105.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)      NO LIMIT

There is a spotlight on STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) in today’s education system that is very
difficult to fully embrace in our regular curriculum. The extra curricular activity of Science Olympiad has students
design, build, research and discover new topics they could not encounter in our curriculum.

SCIENCE OLYMPIAD             MW                 6/8 - 7/8              1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.          B/G
GRADES 7 - 12                SC J-Wing          $100.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $150.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)       LIMIT 24

For all level students. Students will learn basic sewing skills or enhance what they already know. They will be able
to thread and use a sewing machine. Students may bring their own sewing machines and learn how to use them.

SEWING A                     MTWRF              6/29 - 7/17            8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.         B/G
GRADES 4 - 11                NC - 129           $205.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $275.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)       LIMIT 14

SEWING B                     MTWRF              6/29 - 7/17            11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.         B/G
GRADES 4 - 11                NC - 129           $205.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $275.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)       LIMIT 14

SEWING C                     MTWRF              6/29 - 7/17            3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.          B/G
GRADES 4 - 11                NC - 129           $205.00 (IN-DISTRICT) $275.00 (OUT-OF-DISTRICT)       LIMIT 14

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