Page created by Betty Dennis
2020 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION SELF-ASSESSMENT                                                                  2020 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION SELF-ASSESSMENT

         MISSION                                                                                              I. ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT                                        V. In addition to our annual reporting for internal
                                                                                                                                                                                  and external use, we file our EEO1 report annually to
         Driving diversity throughout GM Financial by promoting an inclusive culture with our customers,      A. Global Diversity and Inclusion Policy – The Diversity            identify all represented ethnicities at GM Financial.
         employees, business partners and community, which will positively impact our business results.       and Inclusion Policy encourages employee contributions              We work with our business partners to review GM
                                                                                                              to the communities we serve, respectful communication               Financial engagement survey results and assist with
                                                                                                              and cooperation between all team members, a greater                 driving results through management action plans.
                                                                                                              understanding and respect for diversity, and the
                                                                                                              inclusion of different ideas and perspectives throughout               a. Progress reports – We review our Executive
         VISION                                                                       GMF OVERALL (U.S.)      the business. Additionally, our five pillars include:                  Diversity and Inclusion scorecard semiannually
                                                                                                                                                                                     with leaders throughout the organization to
         GM Financial will be an industry leader                                                                  I. Embrace all differences and appreciate the value 		             measure D&I at every level and department. A
                                                                                                                  each brings to the organization.                                   copy of the scorecard is attached as Appendix A.
         in Diversity and Inclusion by:
                                                                                                                  GM Financial is expanding our recruiting efforts to

                                                                                                                                                                                     b. Diverse candidate pool (senior
            • Creating a diverse workforce                                                                        include a more diverse candidate pool. We partner
                                                                                                                  with North Texas LEAD (Leaders and Executives                      leadership pipeline) – The Executive Council,
              committed to teamwork, excellence,
                                                                                                                  Advocating Diversity), which ensures we have a                     Executive Team and Global VP of Diversity and
              integrity and remarkable service, while
                                                                                                                  diverse representation of applicants to consider in                Inclusion have developed an internal practice to
              recruiting and retaining top talent.
                                                                                                                  the selection process. Our Diversity Council serves                ensure every open leadership position includes
            • Developing and embracing an inclusive                                                               as an advisory team across the organization. This                  a diverse candidate pool. In 2019, 87% of candidate
                                                                                              % Women
              culture that honors and respects all                                                                99-member network of diverse, cross-functional                     slates for leadership roles included diverse
              employees, regardless of their age,                                                                 employees focuses on expanding the vision and                      candidates.
              gender, ethnicity and/or background.                                                                strategy of diversity throughout the organization.
            • Integrating these values into our
                                                                                                                  II. Maintain awareness to ensure diversity exists at                % GENERATIONS                    % TENURE
              everyday business, actively engaging
                                                                                                                  every level of the organization.
              with our business partners, giving
              back to our community and sharing                                                                   GM Financial takes frequent snapshots of the
              our journey along the way.                                                                          organization to increase our awareness, and we work                     12                                    15
                                                                                                                  with our business partners and organizational leaders
                                                                                                                  to ensure diversity is represented at every level on                                               26
                                                                                            % Professionals       the succession plan. The Global VP of Diversity and
                                                                                                                                                                                       38            50
         GM FINANCIAL’S FIVE PILLARS                                                                                                                                                                                            59
                                                                                               of color           Inclusion works continually with senior leaders to review
                                                                                                                  moves and promotions and ensure diverse candidates
         OF DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION                                                                               are being considered in every move at every level. Our
                                                                                      MANAGEMENT (U.S.)           D&I scorecard continues to be a source of information
         1. Embrace all differences and appreciate                                                                shared with all leaders across the organization.                        Millennials                      3+ Years
            the value each team member                                                                                                                                                    Gen X                            1-3 Years
            brings to the organization.                                                                           III. Cultivate a transparent culture that invites                       Baby Boomers                     < 1 Year
                                                                                                                  authenticity and one’s whole self to work.
         2. Maintain awareness to ensure diversity
            exists at every level of the organization.                                                45          GM Financial engages internal support systems
                                                                                                                  for individuals who share characteristics and/or life
                                                                                                                                                                                        % DIVERSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    % LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                                  experiences (Employee Resource Groups). We promote
         3. Cultivate a transparent culture that invites                                                          behaviors that exhibit transparency at every level.
            authenticity and one’s whole self                                                                                                                                                 5                            6
                                                                                                                                                                                          5                            7
            to work.                                                                          % Women
                                                                                                                  IV. Develop, mentor and sponsor diverse talent for
         4. Develop, mentor and sponsor diverse                                                                   improved bottom-line results.
                                                                                                                                                                                      24                             22
            talent for improved bottom-line results.                                                              GM Financial focuses on developing diverse leaders.                             66                            64
                                                                                                                  We continued our partnership with Menttium Corp.
         5. Continuously measure our efforts
            and strategies, and hold everyone                                                         38          to provide formal, cross-company mentoring for
                                                                                                                  high-potential women and professionals of color. Our
            accountable to maintaining a
                                                                                                                  internal mentoring program continues to experience                      Agree                         Agree
            diverse and inclusive workplace.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Somewhat Agree                Somewhat Agree
                                                                                                                  success, increasing its participation 18% from 2018 to
                                                                                                                                                                                          Disagree                      Disagree
                                                                                                                                                                                          Unknown                       Unknown
                                                                                            % Professionals
                                                                                               of color

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2020 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION SELF-ASSESSMENT                                                                         2020 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION SELF-ASSESSMENT

                  c. Engagement survey results – In our 2019 Employee                                                          II. Mandatory workforce and supervisory                             Diverse supplier mix:
                  Engagement Survey, 90% of our U.S. employees                                                                 programs with D&I focus (Civil Treatment)
                  had a favorable response to the statement, “GMF                                                                                                                                       75% Women
                  employees are respectful of diverse perspectives.”                                                       D. Outreach: Diverse pools
                  Also, 86% of our U.S. employees had a                                                                        I. Diversity recruiting events – Our University                          17% Hispanic

                  favorable response to the statement,                                                                         Relations recruiting team is expanding partnerships              5% Asian/Pacific Islander
                  “GMF Leadership (manager/supervisor or above)                                                                with colleges, universities and organizations to
                  supports diversity in the workplace (recognizing                                                             increase exposure with diverse audiences                            4% Native American
                  and respecting the value of human differences).”
                                                                                                                               II. Events attended in 2019:                                       2% African American
                                                                                   Mentees in
         II. WORKFORCE PROFILE AND EMPLOYMENT                                   Mentoring Program                              • Southwestern Black Student Leadership Conference Career Fair
           PRACTICES                                                                 Mentor/Mentee
                                                                                                                               • National Association for Bilingual Education Presentation      MENTTIUM PROGRAM

                                                                                      promotions:                              • Recruit Military
         A. Policies and practices                                                                                             • MENtal Freedom Student Organization Lunch N’ Learn
                                                                                   55% were women
         GM Financial communicates our targets for                                                                             • Diversity Dinner
         women in leadership and professionals of color in                              40% were
                                                                                       professionals                                                                                                    participants in
         leadership to the Executive Team. These targets                                                                       • Military Career Summit
                                                                                          of color                                                                                                       2019 cohort
         will be our focus over the next year.                                                                                 • Bridging the Gap
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Percentage of women in
         B. Talent development                                                    216 mentees were                             • Professional Chapter Annual Student Summit                     cohort who were promoted:
                                                                                professionals of color
             I. D&I web training – In 2019, we implemented three                                                               • Black Business Student Association
                                                                                221 mentees were women
             required D&I courses for all current and future employees,                                                        • Military Vets in the Workplace
                                                                                     70 mentees received
             and 99% of team members completed the courses.                              promotions                            • Community investment – GM Financial continues
             II. Mentor program – We partner with third-                       38 mentees who are women                          strengthening its partnership with diverse organizations
                                                                                  received promotions
             party vendor Menttium Corp. to implement cross-                                                                     in the community. These organizations include:
             company mentoring for high-level, high-potential
                                                                                      31 mentees who are
                                                                                     professionals of color                    • March of Dimes                                                 40%
             leaders (women and professionals of color).                             received promotions
                                                                                                                               • SickKids Foundation                                                        20%
             III. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) (Composed of over                                                                                                                                                           0%
                                                                                   231 mentors total                           • Cystic Fibrosis Canada                                          2017        2018             2019
             800 team members across the ERGs)
                                                                                     23 mentors received                       • United Way
             • Women’s Inspiration Network                                               promotions
             • Working Parents (Chapter expansion to                            13 mentors who are women
                                                                                                                               • The Salvation Army
             Chandler, AZ, Charlotte, NC and Arlington, TX)                         received promotions                        • Special Olympics
                                                                                      6 mentors who are
             IV. Self-identification policy – Our Human Resources                    professionals of color
                                                                                                                               • Junior Achievement
             Information Systems team devotes time to educating                      received promotions                       • YMCA
             our team members monthly on the importance
             of self-identification through our employee                                                                       • Ronald McDonald House

             portal. Since implementing this practice, 99% of                                                                  • Make-A-Wish Foundation
             our employees self-identify their ethnicity.                               MENTEES
                                                                                 Up 451% since 2016                            • American Red Cross
         C. EEO compliance
                                                                                                                               • American Heart Association
             I.   Employee training
                                                                                                              358                                                                                     Diversity and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Inclusion Council
                                                                                                                           In 2019, GM Financial donated more than $1.6 million to more                 members
                  a. We champion inclusive language in our training
                  courses by using non-gender-specific pronouns.                                 281                       than 60 nonprofit organizations across North America. All                represented across 24
                                                                                                                           full-time employees are eligible for eight hours of paid time             different locations in
                  b. We support diversity through the use of graphics 		                                                                                                                                     2019
                                                                                                                           off each quarter to volunteer for an approved charity.

                  that depict a wide range of individuals of varying ages,
                  ethnicities and genders, and by providing robust training
                  that encourages and incorporates diversity of thought.
                  c. We create an inclusive environment                                                                                                                                             are professionals
                  where everyone feels connected and valued by                65                                                                                                                         of color
                  offering trainings globally in native local languages.
                                                                              2016      2017     2018         2019

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2020 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION SELF-ASSESSMENT                                                                    2020 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION SELF-ASSESSMENT

 Supplier diversity program

     • GM Financial uses 50 diverse suppliers
     • GM Financial retained 68% of its diverse suppliers in the past year                                                                                                       A DECADE OF DIVERSITY
     • GM Financial’s supplier profile solicits data from MBE/WBE                                                                                                          2010 and 2015 reflect North America data only.
          - Certification information
             - Council affiliation                                                                                                  2010 - WE BEGIN                                        2015 - WE CHANGE                                       2019 - WE ARE*

                                                                                                                              ALL EMPLOYEES: 3,087                                                     6,113                                                9,870

     A.      Strategic plan – See Organizational Commitment (page 3)                                                                  Non-POC                                                47%
                                                                                                                                                                                           Non-POC                                                                  57%**
     B.      D&I published policy – Global D&I Policy published April 2018                                                                            38%                                                      44%                               42%**                 POC
                                                                                                                                                       POC                                                         POC                         Non-POC
 V. SELF-ASSESSMENT                                                                                                                      N/A                                                          10%
 Self-monitoring/evaluation – Collaboratively, leaders within GM Financial continuously
 monitor and evaluate our progress. We benchmark other organizations and                                                                                                                                                                                    1%** N/A
 hold ourselves accountable for the goals and objectives set for the organization.                                               67% Women                33% Men                       60% Women                  40% Men                     57% Women                43% Men

                                                                                                                             Baby                                                   Baby                                                 Baby
                                                                                                                           Boomers             Gen Xers      Millennials          Boomers       Gen Xers            Millennials        Boomers     Gen Xers            Millennials

                                                                                                                             26%                55%             18%                 18%               46%                36%            12%         38%                   50%
                                                                                                                         (Silent Gen:
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