2020-2021 Nebraska CERTIFIED SEED BOOK - 268 Plant Sciences Hall, Lincoln NE 68583-0911
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2020-2021 Nebraska CERTIFIED SEED BOOK 268 Plant Sciences Hall, Lincoln NE 68583-0911
268 Plant Sciences Hall Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0911 402-472-1444 or 888-346-6242 FAX: 402-472-8652 http://www.necrop.org The Nebraska Crop Im provem ent Association is dedicated to enhancing the econom ic viability and well-being of the people of Nebraska and the world, through value-added products and processes. W e will achieve this goal through an organizational structure which attracts the finest people, fully develops and challenges individual talents, encourages industry-wide collaboration to advance agriculture, and m aintains the Association’s historic principles of integrity. OFFICERS Em ery Fox, Crawford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President (District 4) Dave Rezac, Valparaiso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice Present (District 1) Jim Girardin, Broken Bow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer (State-at-Large) DIRECTORS Ruben W ehnes, Inland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 2 Conrad Nelson, W allace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 3 Chris Cullan, Hem ingford .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . State-at-Large Jeff Olson, Haigler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . State-at-Large Stan Friesen, Norfolk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seed Trade Representative Roch Gaussoin, Lincoln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agronom y Representative Vacant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IANR-UNL Representative STAFF Steve Knox .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary-Manager Diane Brestel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adm inistrative Assistant Steve Pageler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Manager Lynn Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lab Supervisor
2 3 The purpose of this directory is to provide crop producers, decision makers and WHEAT VARIETY SELECTION & COMPLEMENTATION the seed industry with a reference to seed sources in Nebraska. Because there is no single perfect variety, using complementation enables you to offset the This seed book includes those members whose fields were planted with eligible seed stocks potential weaknesses (production limitations) found in each variety with the strengths of and whose applications for field inspection were received by the publication date. others. This compensation improves the opportunity for yield stability and profitability of your Inquiries about seed supplies and prices should be directed to the growers and/or seed entire wheat production system. enterprises listed, not to the Nebraska Crop Improvement Association. The number of complementary varieties you grow or the acres to be planted to each variety In no case is the seed listed in this seed book yet CERTIFIED, for it must be conditioned, will depend entirely on your production conditions and special needs. There are four simple tested in the laboratory, and labeled with the official certification tag or bulk sale certificate steps in using the variety complementation strategy. before it can be offered for sale as Certified Quality Seed. 1. Identify your workhorse varieties-These are the varieties now being grown on a Seed producers, conditioners, and distributors voluntarily use the seed certification process majority of your acres with a reliable and proven record of performance over a period to assure their customers that extra care has been taken to provide them with correctly of years. identified, genetically pure seed. The CERTIFIED SEED label identifies seed meeting 2. Complement production needs and limits - Select varieties that have useful quality requirements and assures the buyer of obtaining reliable performance of the variety characteristics needed for your specific production practices, soil conditions, and offer named on the label. the best protection from diseases and other yield limiting factors common to your Each member is responsible for handling certifiable seed so it will also meet the Nebraska growing area. Certification Standards for physical purity and germination. The Nebraska Seed Law 3. Complement with a range of maturities - Select varieties that mature earlier or later requires EACH container of seed be labeled as to its origin, the germination percentage and than your workhorse variety, because some years may favor early varieties and some date of test, the percentage by weight of pure seed, other crop seed, weed seed, and inert may favor later varieties. A spread of maturities will also allow you to stagger your matter. By studying the CERTIFIED LABEL, a buyer can determine the quality of the seed. harvest and take maximum advantage of your equipment and reduce potential losses If Certified seed is purchased in the bulk, each sale is accompanied by an official Retail Bulk to weathering, etc. Sale Certificate, which includes the same information as a label. 4. Complement with different genetics - Select varieties that share 50% or less similar Orders for Certified seed may be accepted by the listed growers, approved conditioners, parentage to your workhorse variety and each other. Varieties with similar genetic and authorized distributors only with the understanding that they will be filled if and when backgrounds can often be susceptible to the same disease and production risks. ALL the certification requirements are completed. PLANT VARIETY PROTECTION ACT HARD RED WINTER WHEAT HOW IT BENEFITS YOU! ! Any varieties listed in this publication under the Plant Variety Protection Act will be SY 517 CL2 - SY 517 CL2 is a two gene Clearfield wheat. As a two gene variety, SY marked with the logo. 517 CL2 has a strong herbicide tolerance for the Beyond herbicide and MSO to control It takes up to ten years to develop a new variety. PVP encourages plant breeding unwanted cheat, goatgrass, feral rye, and other weeds. It is medium maturity variety with ! excellent test weight, good straw strength and good winter hardiness. SY 517 CL2 is research to produce even better varieties for tomorrow. W ithout PVP, plant breeders moderately tolerant to fusarium head blight, stem and leaf rust and resistant to Soil-Born could not afford to invest capital into new varieties and would not be interested in Mosaic virus. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201700216. SY 517 CL2 breeding improved varieties. can only be sold as a class of certified seed. Most protected varieties can only be sold as certified quality seed. This helps ensure ! C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT that the seed buyer gets the variety exactly as the breeder intended it to be. Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc.* McCook 308-340-6834 The use of certified quality, genetically pure seed allows the complementary varieties ! you've chosen to make the most of the growing environment. AgriPro brand AP503 CL2 - AP503 CL2 is an awned, white chaffed, medium The Department of Agriculture is responsible for enforcement of Plant Variety maturing, semidwarf with excellent straw strength. It has good winterhardiness and very ! good milling and baking qualities. It has moderate resistance to leaf and stripe rusts and is Protection violations in Nebraska. Private seed companies are authorized to take susceptible to Hessian fly. It contains two genes that confers tolerance to the BASF appropriate legal action. Contact the Department of Agriculture (402-471-2394) for herbicide Beyond and is to be used as a component of the BASF CLEARFIELD Production more information about your rights and responsibilities with PVP varieties. System which requires the grower must purchase Certified AP503 CL2 wheat seed and must agree not to save seed for planting. Any unauthorized planting variety will be punishable under the U.S. Patent law. It was developed, produced, and marketed exclusively under the AgriPro brand name. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate N otice to B uyer: E xclusion of W arranties and Lim itations of D am ages No. 200800322. AP503 CL2 can only be sold as a class of certified seed. S eed bearing authorized N ebraska C ertified Q uality labels has m et the m inim um requirem ents outlined in the C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT current edition of th e N ebraska S eed C ertification S tandards. T he seed certification process relies upon sam ples and records provided by m em bers/applicants which are beyond the control of the certifying agency. Chase Luhrs Certified Seed* Imperial 308-882-5917 T herefore, the N ebraska C rop Im provem ent A ssociation m akes no warranties, expressed or im plied, including Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc.* McCook 308-340-6834 warranty of m erchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose concerning certified seed and hereby expressly disclaim s the sam e. In no event shall the N ebraska C rop Im provem ent A ssociation be responsible for dam ages, actual, incidental, or consequential, regarding certified seed provided by applicants/m em bers and/or vendors. *Notice: These members of the Nebraska Crop Improvement Association have available carryover certified quality wheat H owever, com plaints addressed to the N ebraska C rop Im provem ent A ssociation will be investigated. seed from previous years. Contact these NCIA members for more information on availability.
4 5 AVERY- Avery was released by Colorado State University (CSU) in 2015. It is an LCS CHROME - LCS Chrome from Limagrain Cereal Seeds is widely adapted in the awned, white-chaffed, medium maturing wheat with medium height, a medium-long central plains. It is a high tillering variety with good yield potential, excellent acid soil coleoptile, fair straw strength, and average test weight. Avery is derived from the cross TAM tolerance, and straw strength. LCS Chrome is resistant to leaf rust, stripe rust, and soil 112/Byrd. It has good winterhardiness, excellent drought tolerance, and very high yield borne mosaic. It is moderately resistant to barley yellow dwarf, Hessian Fly, and tan spot. potential. Avery has slightly larger kernels, two days later heading date, and slightly It has medium maturity and height and very good drought tolerance. U.S. Protected Variety improved baking quality characteristics compared to Byrd. It is moderately susceptible to (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201600404. susceptible to prevalent races of stripe rust (2012 races), susceptible to leaf rust and stem C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT rust, moderately susceptible to wheat streak mosaic virus, susceptible to all biotypes of the Russian wheat aphid, and resistant to Greenbug biotype E, the wheat curl mite, and wheat Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc. McCook 308-340-6834 230 soil borne mosaic virus. Avery is marketed by the Colorado W heat Research Foundation under the PlainsGold™ Brand. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. COWBOY - Cowboy is an awned, white-glumed, hard red winter wheat that has been 201600244. Avery can only be sold as a class of certified seed. jointly released by the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, the University of W yoming C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Agricultural Experiment Station and the CRFW . Cowboy is medium in height and coleoptile length with fair straw strength and has adequate winter hardiness for the central and Deuel Carter Certified Seed* Chappell 308-874-4583 427 southern Great Plains area. Cowboy has resistance to stripe rust and moderate resistant to US races of stem rust. Cowboy is also resistant to Hessian fly. Cowboy is susceptible to BOB DOLE - Bob Dole is a medium maturity variety with a good disease package leaf rust and (Ug99) stem rust. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. and some FHB tolerance. It is a taller wheat, but it has good straw strength, good forage, 201300477. Cowboy can only be sold as a class of certified seed and good yield potential. Bob Dole has excellent low pH tolerance. It has a lower tillering C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT capacity, so planting populations should be increased. This wheat has excellent end use characteristics. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. Cheyenne Kriesel Certified Seed* Gurley 308-884-2424 201900177. Bob Dole can only be sold as a class of certified seed. Kimball Campstool Farms* Kimball 308-235-7284 55 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT CRESENT AX - Crescent AX is the newest CoAXium variety in the PlainsGold lineup with Gage Husa Seed Farms Barneston 402-674-3188 13 a solid agronomic package and excellent tolerance to Aggressor herbicide. Crescent AX has medium-early maturity, very good test weight, wheat curl mite resistance and very good BRAWL CL Plus - Brawl CL Plus is an awned, white-glumed, wheat. It is medium- end-use quality. tall, early maturing and has excellent straw strength. It has a medium-long coleoptile and C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT excellent straw strength, test weight, and baking and milling qualities. Brawl CL Plus has moderate resistance to stripe rust, wheat soilborne mosaic Virus, and powdery mildew. Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed* Hemingford 308-487-3705 69 Brawl CL Plus was developed by the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station. The non- transgenic herbicide tolerance in Brawl CL Plus was developed by BASF. It is a wheat to DOUBLESTOP CL PLUS - Doublestop CL Plus is a two gene Clearfield wheat be used as a component of the BASF CLEARFIELD Production System which is designed from Oklahoma Genetics, Inc. It has a strong herbicide tolerance for the Beyond herbicide to control weeds like downy brome and jointed goatgrass, feral rye and other broadleaf and and MSO to control unwanted goatgrass, feral rye, and other weeds. It has high yield grassy weeds. It carries two genes for tolerance which serves to enhance both crop safety potential, very good winterhardiness, test weight, and drought tolerance. It is a high tillering and weed control. The CLEARFIELD Production System includes a stewardship program wheat with good straw strength. It is moderately tolerant to acid soils. It is a medium late that will help maintain the stability of the system. The grower must purchase Certified Brawl maturing variety and greens up later than most in the spring. It has an intermediate disease CL Plus wheat seed and must agree not to save seed for planting. Any unauthorized package and is best adapted to south central Kansas and north central Oklahoma. U.S. planting of the Brawl CL Plus variety will be punishable under the U.S. Patent law. Brawl CL Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201400228. Doublestop can only be sold Plus is available in Nebraska from NuPride Genetics Network Affiliates. U.S. Protected as a class of certified seed. Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201200434. C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Thayer Polansky Seed* Belleville, KS 785-527-2271 Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed* Hemingford 308-487-3705 30 114 Dawes Heritage Seed Company Crawford 308-665-1672 63 FORTIFY SF - Fortify SF is a medium early hard red winter wheat that has a Kimball Campstool Farms* Kimball 308-235-7284 55 stem-solidness trait that helps defend against the wheat stem Fortify SF expresses more Mattson Ranch Co*. Pine Bluffs 307-701-3336 pith development in the stems than traditional hollow-stemmed wheats, while not being Perkins Olsen Certified Seed* Imperial 308-883-6456 completely solid-stemmed. Fortify SF has good drought tolerance and good test weight. It is resistant to W heat Streak Mosaic Virus and susceptible to strip and leaf rust. WB-CEDAR - W B-Cedar is a medium early variety that is broadly adapted to the C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Central and Southern Great Plains. It features excellent straw strength, very good winterhardiness, and good test weight. It is tolerant to acid soils and soil borne mosaic. W B- Cheyenne Rushman Seeds Gurley 308-249-1384 27 Cedar is resistant to Tan Spot and Soil Borne Mosaic Virus. It has moderate resistance to stripe rust and susceptible to hessian Fly. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201100378. 2021 NE Seed Improvement Conference C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Saunders Rezac Seed Valparaiso 402-784-3875 15 January 11- 13, 2021 Younes Convention Center *Notice: These members of the Nebraska Crop Improvement Association have available carryover certified quality wheat Kearney, NE seed from previous years. Contact these NCIA members for more information on availability.
6 7 Husker Genetics FREEMAN brand (NE06545) - Freeman is a semi-dwarf SY GRIT - SY Grit has excellent standability, straw strength, and very good drought wheat moderately early in maturity and approximate mature plant height of 34 inches. It has tolerance. It has medium early maturity with a good disease tolerance package, adapted for moderate straw strength and good winter hardiness. It is resistant to Soilborne wheat the Central and Southern Plains and widely adapted in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and mosaic virus and moderately resistant to moderately susceptible to stem rust, leaf rust, and southern Nebraska. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201600256. SY stripe rust. It is moderately susceptible to Fusarium head blight and susceptible to Hessian Grit can only be sold as a class of certified seed. fly, barley yellow dwarf virus, and wheat streak mosaic virus. Freeman was developed C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT cooperatively by the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station and the USDA-ARS. It was selected from the cross KS92-946-B-15-lIAlliance where the pedigree of KS92-946-B-15-1 Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc.* McCook 308-340-6834 is ABI86*3414/Jagger/Karl92. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201400398. Freeman can only be sold as a class of certified seed. GUARDIAN - Guardian has superior resistance to wheat viruses, from stacking a gene C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT for resistance to the W heat Streak Mosaic Virus with a gene for resistance to the wheat curl mite which transmits W SMV, wheat mosaic virus, and triticum mosaic virus. Guardian also Box Butte Cullan Farms* Hemingford 308-487-5288 350 carries leading resistance to all three predominant rusts (Stripe, Leaf, and Stem). Buffalo Muhlbach Seeds Ravenna 308-390-6052 24 Cheyenne Kriesel Certified Seed* Gurley 308-884-2424 65 138 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Deuel V & F Farms Co.* Chappell 308-874-4340 222 Cheyenne Rushman Seeds Gurley 308-249-1384 40 Gage Thimm Farms, Inc.* Beatrice 402-239-2858 6 130 Saunders Rezac Seed* Valparaiso 402-784-3875 8 INFINITY CL - Infinity CL is a medium maturing, semi-dwarf variety selected from the cross W indstar//Millennium/Above. The mature plant height is shorter than Millennium and LCS FUSION AX - LCS Fusion AX is the first wheat variety containing the patented, taller than W esley. Infinity CL is an awned, white-glumed cultivar with moderate straw non-GMO AXigen™ trait. CoAXium™ W heat Production System combines a strength, similar to W ahoo, but worse than W esley. It is moderately resistant to stem rust, herbicide-tolerance trait, elite varieties, a new branded herbicide and a comprehensive leaf rust, and stripe rust. It is susceptible to Hessian fly and W heat Soilborne Mosaic virus. industry stewardship package. Aggressor™ is the new herbicide brand linked to the Infinity was developed and released by the University of Nebraska Agricultural Experiment patented trait and controls winter annual grasses. It is a medium maturing variety with a Station. The Stewardship Progam requires the grower must purchase Certified Infinity medium long coleoptile. It is medium in height with good test weight and average straw CL wheat seed and must agree not to save seed for planting. Any unauthorized planting strength. It is susceptible to stripe and stem rust but has intermediate resistance to leaf rust. will be punishable under the U.S. Patent law. Infinity CL is available from NuPride Genetics U.S. Plant Variety Protection Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201800523. LCS Network Affiliates. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 200600172. Infinity Fusion AX can only be sold as a class of certified seed. can only be sold as a class of certified seed. C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Box Butte Cullan Farms* Hemingford 308-48-5288 303 Deuel Carter Certified Seed* Chappell 308-874-4583 Deuel Carter Certified Seed* Chappell 308-874-4583 Thayer Polansky Seed Belleville 785-527-2271 LANGIN - Langin is an awned, white-chaffed, early maturing wheat with medium-short height, a medium length coleoptile, fair straw strength, and good test weight. It is derived GOODSTREAK - Goodstreak is medium in maturity. It has a long coleoptile. The from the cross CO050270/Byrd (CO050270 = Hatcher/NW 97S295 pedigree). Langin has mature plant height of Goodstreak is 38 inches. It has moderate straw strength. The winter good winterhardiness, excellent drought stress tolerance, and very high yield potential. It hardiness of Goodstreak is good to very good. Goodstreak is moderately resistant to stem has improved stripe rust resistance and slightly improved baking quality characteristics and stripe rust and Hessian fly. It is susceptible to leaf rust and wheat streak mosaic virus. compared to Byrd. Langin is moderately resistant to prevalent races of stripe rust, Goodstreak was evaluated as NE97465 in Nebraska yield nurseries. It was selected from susceptible to leaf rust and stem rust, moderately susceptible to wheat streak mosaic virus, the cross SD3055/KS88H164//NE89646. Goodstreak was developed cooperatively by the susceptible to all biotypes of the Russian wheat aphid, and resistant to the wheat curl mite Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station and the USDA-ARS and released by the and wheat soil borne mosaic virus. It is marketed by the Colorado W heat Research developing institutions and the W yoming Agricultural Experiment Station. Non- Foundation under the PlainsGold™ Brand. U.S. Protected Variety. (PVPA 1994). Certificate complementary varieties include Pronghorn. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201700298. Langin can only be sold as a class of certified seed. No. 200300281. Goodstreak can only be sold as a class of certified seed. C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Cheyenne Rushman Seeds* Gurley 308-249-1384 Box Butte Cullan Farms* Hemingford 308-487-5288 Deuel Carter Certified Seed* Chappell 308-874-4583 159 Perkins Olsen Certified Seed* Imperial 308-883-6456 WB-GRAINFIELD - W B-Grainfield is medium maturing with good winter hardiness. It is medium in height with very good straw strength. It is resistant to leaf rust, moderately LCS LINK - LCS Link was bred in collaboration with Dr. Baenziger's wheat breeding resistant to stripe rust and tan spot, and moderately susceptible to powdery mildew and program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. LCS Link has excellent straw strength, fusarium head blight. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201200153. winter-hardiness. It is a late maturity variety and is resistant to stem rust and Soil-Borne C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Mosaic. This variety has shown initial adaptation to the I-70 corridor and north. U.S. Protected Variety. (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201700394. Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed* Hemingford 308-487-3705 62 Chase Luhrs Certified Seed* Imperial 308-882-5917 97 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc.* McCook 308-340-6834 Box Butte Cullan Farms Hemingford 308-487-5288 238 Nuckolls Tom Bargen Inc.* Nora 402-469-8153 147 Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc.* McCook 308-340-6834 145 235 NCIA's Seed Tracking System - WWW.NCIACERT.ORG *Notice: These members of the Nebraska Crop Improvement Association have available carryover certified quality wheat seed from previous years. Contact these NCIA members for more information on availability.
8 9 LONG BRANCH - Long Branch is for both irrigated and dryland acres. It has PRONGHORN - Pronghorn is a tall variety of moderately early maturity with good tillering excellent winter hardiness, good heat and moisture stress tolerance and finishes well in ability and moderately strong straw. It has superior stem rust resistance. Pronghorn has a adverse conditions. Long Branch is early maturity and has good stripe rust resistance. U.S. long coleoptile, very good early spring regrowth, and good winterhardiness. The grain has Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201700105. good test weight patterns and very acceptable milling/baking qualities. Pronghorn was C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT developed by Nebraska and the USDA-ARS from the cross Centura/Dawn//Colt sib. Non- complementary varieties include Antelope, Goodstreak, Ike, and Loredo. Dyna-Gro Seeds Geneseo IL 309-944-4791 90 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT SY MONUMENT - SY Monument is broadly adapted with good yields across the Cheyenne Kriesel Certified Seed* Gurley 308-884-2424 78 250 area of adaptation. It has white chaff and is a medium-late maturating variety. It is moderate Steve Schumacher Farms* Dalton 308-249-1752 119 resistance to leaf and stripe rust and is a high tillering wheat with good head size excellent acid soil tolerance, Soil-Borne W heat Mosaic Virus resistance, good winter hardiness, and LCS REVERE - LCS Revere is a new CSO (Certified Seed Only) release from very good test weight patterns. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. Limagrain Cereal Seeds. It is a medium early maturing wheat that emerges quickly, seems 201400332. SY Monument can only be sold as a class of certified seed. to come through residue well in no-till situations, and is adapted to a large area. LCS C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Revere has excellent drought and heat tolerance and is showing some tolerance to Fusarium Head Blight. It is resistant to stripe rust, tillers well, and has good straw strength. Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed* Hemingford 308-487-3705 U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201800515. Chase Luhrs Certified Seed* Imperial 308-882-8152 Custer Arrow Seed Company* Broken Bow 308-872-6826 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Furnas Von Johnson Cambridge 308-695-4654 Nuckolls Tom Bargen Inc.* Nora 402-469-8153 Gage Husa Seed Farms Barneston 402-674-3188 Jefferson Knobel Seeds Fairbury 402-446-7394 Husker Genetics ROBIDOUX Brand (NI04421) - Husker Genetics Robidoux Lincoln Nelson Certified Seed W allace 308-539-1847 brand NI04421 was co-developed by the University of Nebraska and the USDA-ARS. It was Red W illow Peters Seed Farms* McCook 308-340-6834 selected from the cross NE96644l\W ahoo (sib) where the pedigree of NE96644 is Odesskaya P/Cody//Pavon 76/*3 Scout 66 using a modified bulk breeding method. It is Husker Genetics OVERLAND brand (NE01643) - Overland is an awned, moderately late in maturity and best adapted to western rainfed areas where drought is white-glumed, semi-dwarf wheat cultivar. The mature plant height is approximately 33 common and irrigated production sites. It is moderately resistant to stripe rust and inches. It has good straw strength. The winterhardiness is good to very good. Overland is moderately resistant to moderately susceptible to stem rust. It is moderately susceptible to moderately susceptible to stem rust but resistant to the most prevalent race of stem rust. leaf rust. It is susceptible to Hessian fly, wheat streak mosaic virus, and common bunt. Non- It is moderately resistant to leaf rust, stripe rust, and Hessian fly. It is also is more tolerant complementary varieties include Millennium and W ahoo. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA to Fusarium head blight than many widely grown lines. It is susceptible to wheat soilborne 1994). Certificate No. 201100398. Robidoux can only be sold as a class of certified seed. mosaic virus, barley yellow dwarf virus, and wheat streak mosaic virus. It was developed C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT by the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station and the USDA-ARS. Non-complementary varieties include Arapahoe, Millennium, and W ahoo. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Box Butte Cullan Farms* Hemingford 308-487-5288 25 637 Certificate No. 200700333. Overland can only be sold as a class of certified seed. Frontier Dunbar Seed* Eustis 308-486-5590 51 Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc.* McCook 308-340-6834 160 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Clay Darrel W ehnes & Sons Inland 402-772-8101 90 ` Husker Genetics RUTH Brand (NE10589) - Husker Genetics Ruth brand Custer Arrow Seed Company* Broken Bow 308-872-6826 (NE10589) is awned, tan glumed cultivar that is moderately late in maturity. It is a semi- Frontier Dunbar Seed* Eustis 308-486-5590 83 dwarf variety and approximately 33 inches in height. It has moderate straw strength and Kearney J.M. Kuehn Inc.* Heartwell 308-830-0561 good winter hardiness. It is resistant to Soilborne wheat mosaic virus and moderately Thayer Kenneth Degenhardt Hebron 402-768-3686 135 resistant to stem rust, moderately susceptible to leaf rust, stripe rust, Fusarium head blight. W ebster Ronald Bolte Blue Hill 402-756-2107 22 It is moderately resistant to moderately susceptible to Hessian fly. It is susceptible to barley Leon Lutkemeier Farms Bladen 402-756-8488 73 yellow dwarf virus and wheat streak mosaic virus. It was developed by the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station and USDA-ARS. It was selected from the cross LCS PHOTON AX - LCS Photon AX has excellent test weight, high protein, good OK98697/Jagalene//Camelot where the pedigree of OK98697 is TAM200/HBB313E//2158. U.S. yield potential. It is a medium early maturing variety that has good drought tolerance and Protected Variety(PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201700273. Ruth can only be sold as a class good straw strength. CoAXium™ W heat Production System combines a herbicide-tolerance of certified seed. trait, elite varieties, a new branded herbicide and a comprehensive industry stewardship C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT package. Aggressor™ is the new herbicide brand linked to the patented trait and controls winter annual grasses. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate Box Butte Cullan Farms* Hemingford 308-487-5288 25 798 No. 201900413. LCS Photon AX can only be sold as a class of certified seed. Cheyenne Kriesel Certified Seed* Gurley 308-884-2424 130 173 Custer Arrow Seed Company Broken Bow 308-872-6826 42 16 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Deuel Carter Certified Seed* Chappell 308-874-4583 146 Kimball Campstool Farms Kimball 308-235-7284 80 V & F Farms Co.* Chappell 308-874-4340 234 Frontier Dunbar Seed* Eustis 308-486-5590 103 Furnas Von Johnson* Cambridge 308-695-4654 Jefferson Knobel Seeds Fairbury 402-446-7394 11 93 WWW.NECROP.ORG Lincoln Saunders Nelson Certified Seed Kubik Seed Sales Rezac Seed* W allace Prague Valparaiso 308-387-1847 402-663-4379 402-784-3875 64 20 Thayer HH Seeds* Hebron 402-768-2423 30
10 11 SIEGE - Siege is a narrowly adapted wheat to Eastern and South Central Nebraska LCS VALIANT - LCS Valiant is a new release by Limagrain Cereal Seeds. It has high where its grain yield, disease resistance, and straw strength make it particularly attractive. yielding potential with very good stripe rust tolerance, excellent straw strength and very It is resistant or moderately resistant to leaf rust, stripe rust, stem rust and wheat soilborne good drought tolerance. It is an early maturing, Hessian fly resistant variety. It is well mosaic virus. It is also resistant to the current field races of Hessian fly. It is a semi-dwarf adapted to the High Plains with good end-use qualities. U.S. Plant Variety Protection with very good straw strength and consistent high grain yield where it is adapted good test Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 202000191. LCS Valiant can only be sold as a weight. Its end use quality is acceptable. Contact a NuPride Affiliate and find out more this class of certified seed. variety. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Applied For (PVPA1994). Certificate No. 202000193. C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Siege can only be sold as a class of certified seed. Chase Luhrs Certified Seed* Imperial 308-882-8152 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Jefferson Knobel Seeds Fairbury 402-446-7394 16 98 Saunders Rezac Seed Valparaiso 402-784-3875 30 Hitchcock Peters Seed Farms Inc.* McCook 308-340-6834 130 Husker Genetics SETTLER CL brand (NH03614 CL) - Husker Genetics WB4303 - W B-4303 was released by W estBred. W B-4303 is a central plains variety Settler CL Brand is a moderately late maturing, semi-dwarf hard red winter wheat selected for high management situations with superior yield potential under irrigation or higher from the cross W esley sib//Millennium sib/Above sib . The mature plant height of Settler CL rainfall. It has excellent straw strength, standability and excellent low pH tolerance. U.S. is shorter than Harding and taller than W esley. Settler CL is an awned, ivory-glumed cultivar Protected Variety (PVPA1994). Certificate No. 201600378. with moderate straw strength, less than W esley and superior to Infinity CL. The winter C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT hardiness is good to very good. Settler CL is moderately resistant to stem rust and wheat soilborne mosaic virus. It is moderately susceptible to leaf rust, stripe rust, and Hessian fly. Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed* Hemingford 308-487-3705 60 Settler CL also is slightly less susceptible to Fusarium head blight than many widely grown Jefferson Knobel Seeds Fairbury 402-446-7394 35 lines. It is susceptible to wheat streak mosaic virus. Settler CL was developed and released by the University of Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station. The Stewardship Program WB4309 - W B4309 is a medium-early-maturing variety with excellent yield potential. It has requires the grower must purchase Certified Settler CL wheat seed and must agree very good test weight and milling and baking quality, It also brings a strong disease not to save seed for planting. Any unauthorized planting of the Settler CL variety will be resistance package including good Fusarium Head Blight resistance and very good Stripe punishable under the U.S. Patent law. Settler CL is available from NuPride Genetics Rust resistance. Network Affiliates. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 200900104. Settler C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT can only be sold as a class of certified seed. Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed Hemingford 308-487-3705 24 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Box Butte Cullan Farms* Hemingford 308-487-5288 25 364 WB4401 - W B4401 has a excellent yield potential, excellent milling and baking quality with Cheyenne Kriesel Certified Seed* Gurley 308-884-2424 318 126 very good protein content; and excellent forage yield potential. It has very good disease Deuel V & F Farms Co.* Chappell 308-874-4340 60 356 package. Kimball Campstool Farms Kimball 308-235-7284 39 37 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT SPUR - Spur is a white chaffed, medium height, solid stem variety that has excellent Jefferson Knobel Seeds Fairbury 402-446-7394 29 straw strength. It is a late maturing variety with a very good winter hardiness, fair test Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc. McCook 308-340-6834 48 weight, and moderate resistance to strip rust. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201700207. Spur can only be sold as a class of certified seed. WB4418 - W B4418 is a semi- solid stem variety with excellent standability and tolerance to the W heat Stem Sawfly. It is a medium maturing variety with excellent yield C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT potential and widely adapted from east to west. It provides very good resistance to leaf rust, Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed* Hemingford 308-487-3705 strip rust and W SMV. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Applied For. Certificate No. 20190029. C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT SY SUNRISE - SY Sunrise is a shorter wheat variety that has good straw strength and excellent yield potential. It is primarily for irrigated production in western Kansas and Chase Luhrs Certified Seed Imperial 308-882-8152 112 Nebraska. It is medium late maturity with good disease tolerance to stripe, leaf and stem Kimball Campstool Farms Kimball 308-235-7284 46 rust. It has excellent test weights with good winter hardiness. SY Sunrise requires a Seed Stewardship Agreement specifying no saved seed. Using certified seed every crop season WB4462 - W B4462 is a classic dryland wheat, with tall straw and built-in durability to provides growers the best opportunity to maximize the yield potential of the variety. U.S. handle adverse weather and maintain its yield potential. It has good leaf rust resistance but Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No.201500371. SY Sunrise can only be sold as is poor on stripe rust. Straw strength is average but has excellent test weight. It is adapted a class of certified seed. to the Central Plains Region. U. S. Protected Variety. Certificate No. 201600379. C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed* Hemingford 308-487-3705 12 Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed Inc.* Hemingford 308-487-3705 Chase Luhrs Certified Seed* Imperial 308-882-8152 Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc.* McCook 308-340-6834 WB4483 - W B4483 is a Hard Red W inter wheat variety, a medium maturing solid stem T158 - T158 is a medium-early maturing hard red wheat variety. It is broadly adapted to variety which give excellent tolerance to the wheat stem sawfly. Also includes excellent perform well in the Central Plains region. T158 has some susceptibility to acid soils, it has winter hardiness and drought tolerance. This medium-tall variety also offers excellent test excellent tolerance to drought and excellent disease resistance to Powdery Mildew, Stripe weight and overall great leaf health package. U.S, Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Rust and Soil Borne Mosaic. Certificate No. 201600380. W B4483 can only be sold as a class of certified Seed. C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc.* McCook 308-340-6834 Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed* Hemingford 308-487-3705 20
12 13 WB4595 - W B4595 is a medium maturity, broadly adapted variety from the Southern SY WOLVERINE - SY W olverine is a medium-early maturity, semi dwarf wheat to Northern Plains. It has excellent yield potential, good test weight, good straw strength, variety with good yield potential and good straw strength. SY W olverine has shown above and is drought tolerant. It is moderately tolerant to strip and leaf rust. U.S. Plant Variety average leaf rust and bacterial leaf disease tolerance. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Applied Protection Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201900396. For (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201900271. SY W olverine can only be sold as a class of C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT certified seed. Chase Luhrs Certified Seed* Imperial 308-882-8152 120 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Hitchcock Peters Seed Farms Inc.* McCook 308-340-6834 80 Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed Inc. Hemingford 308-487-3705 Chase Luhrs Certified Seed Imperial 308-882-8152 WB4792 - W B4792 is a medium-late-maturing variety with excellent yield potential. Custer Arrow Seed Comany Broken Bow 308-827-6826 It has very good W heat Streak Mosaic Virus and Stripe rust resistance. U.S. Plant Variety Furnas Von Johnson Cambridge 308-695-4654 Protection Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201900398. Jefferson Knobel Seeds Fairbury 402-446-7394 Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc. McCook 308-340-6834 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Thayer Polansky Seed Belleville, KS 785-527-2271 Chase Luhrs Certified Seed Imperial 308-882-8152 60 W ebster Leon Lutkemeier Farms Bladen 402-756-8488 Custer Arrow Seed Company Broken Bow 308-872-6826 40 Hitchcock Peters Seed Farms Inc. McCook 308-340-6834 98 ZENDA - Zenda is a medium-early, medium height variety that has moderate resistance to stem, stripe, and leaf rust. It also has good acid soil tolerance and is resistant WESLEY - W esley is a moderately early maturing, moderately short height variety with to soilborne mosaic virus. It will have similar resistance to Fusarium head blight, or scab, excellent straw strength. W esley is bronze chaffed. W interhardiness is good. W esley was as Everest but will be slightly more susceptible to barley yellow dwarf. U.S. Protected derived from the cross Sumner sib (Plainsman V/Odesskaya 51)//Colt/Cody. It was Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201700289. Zenda can only be sold as a class of developed by the USDA-ARS in cooperation with Nebraska and co-released by those certified seed. institutions with South Dakota. Non-complementary varieties include Karl and Karl 92. C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Jefferson Knobel Seeds Fairbury 402-446-7394 91 Box Butte Cullan Farms* Hemingford 308-487-5288 237 Thayer Kenneth Degenhardt Hebron 402-768-3686 110 WHISTLER - W histler (CO13D1783) is a hard red winter wheat with high yields, late maturity, medium-tall height, fair straw strength, and very good stripe and stem rust resistance. It also has excellent W SMV and soilborne resistance, average test weight, and HARD WHITE WINTER WHEAT very good baking quality. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate #201900412. W histler can only be sold as a class of certified seed. AgriPro brand AP401 CL - AP401 CL is a hard white wheat exclusively for use C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT in a contract grown Identity Preserved grain production system. It has short plant height, Cheyenne Rushman Seeds Gurley 308-249-1384 215 medium maturity and excellent straw strength. It is moderately resistant to leaf rust and resistant to soilborne mosaic virus and spindle streak mosaic virus. Milling and baking WINTERHAWK - W interhawk is medium maturity variety. It is medium tall, averaging characteristics are good. The Stewardship Program requires the grower must purchase 4 inches taller than Jagalene. It has midlong awns that are tan at maturity. The test weight Certified AP401 CL seed and agree not to save seed for planting. Any unauthorized is good. W interhawk is susceptible to Hessian fly, Greenbug, and Russian wheat aphid. It planting of will be punishable under the U.S. Patent law. It was developed, produced, and is moderately susceptible to powdery mildew and resistant to wheat soil borne mosaic virus marketed exclusively under the AgriPro brand name. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). and wheat spindle streak mosaic virus. W interhawk is moderately susceptible to stem rust Certificate No.200300045. AP401 CL can only be sold as a class of certified seed. and is resistant to leaf rust and stripe rust. It is moderately resistant to wheat streak mosaic. C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT W interhawk has good straw strength and very good test weight. The milling and baking Chase Luhrs Certified Seed* Imperial 308-882-8152 quality of W interhawk is acceptable. W interhawk was developed by W estBred LLC. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 200800078. ASPEN - Aspen is a hard white wheat variety with good yield potential, good straw C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT strength. It has early maturity with a good disease package and good sprout tolerance. It Chase Luhrs Certified Seed* Imperial 308-882-8152 is susceptible to Hessian Fly and Barley Yellow Dwarf, and resistant to Soil-Borne Mosaic. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 200800077 SY WOLF - SY W olf is a semi-dwarf hard red wheat variety with excellent straw C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT strength and medium in maturity. It has very good test weight, straw strength and Chase Luhrs Certified Seed* Imperial 308-882-8152 157 winterhardiness. It was developed, produced, and marketed exclusively under the AgriPro brand name. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201100390. SY W olf can BRECK - Breck is PlainsGold’s newest hard white winter wheat variety. Breck will be only be sold as a class of certified seed. included in the CW RF Ardent Mills Ultragrain® Premium Program. In addition to excellent C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT milling and baking quality, BECK has low grain polyphenol oxidase, a property that favors Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed* Hemingford 308-487-3705 its use in whole grain applications. BECK also offers excellent yields, similar to Antero, with Chase Luhrs Certified Seed* Imperial 308-882-8152 excellent test weight and resistance to Stripe Rust. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Custer Arrow Seed Company* Broken Bow 308-872-6826 Certificate No. 201800521. Breck can only be sold as a class of certified seed. Jefferson Knobel Seeds Fairbury 402-446-7394 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc.* McCook 308-340-6834 Chase Luhrs Certified Seed* Imperial 308-882-8152 312 *Notice: These members of the Nebraska Crop Improvement Association have available carryover certified quality wheat seed from previous years. Contact these NCIA members for more information on availability.
14 15 SNOWMASS 2.0 - Snowmass 2.0 is from the cross of CO07W 722-F5/Snowmass//Brawl CL Plus. It has good stripe rust resistance and W SMV resistance (carries W sm2 gene). TRITICALE Snowmass 2.0 has good test weight and pre-harvest sprouting tolerance, excellent quality, and low polyphenol oxidase (PPO). This variety will be included in the Ardent Mills Ultra LCS BAR (NT12434) - LCS Bar triticale is a good forage variety for the Central Grain program. Certified Seed Only, no saved seed allowed. CO Ag Experiment Station and Plans. LCS Bar triticale is best suited for fall pasturing with the option for quality silage the PlainsGold 2018. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate next spring. LCS Bar triticale is suited for both irrigated or dryland production. It features #201900411. Snowmass 2.0 can only be sold as a class of certified seed. medium length awns with broad, long leaves in a medium maturity with excellent C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT standability. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201700396. LCS Bar NT12434 can only be sold as a class of certified seed. Chase Luhrs Certified Seed Imperial 308-882-8152 528 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Stanton Martin Schwartz Stanton 402-750-2561 65 HARD RED SPRING WHEAT FLEX 719 (841446398) - TriCal Flex 719 W inter Triticale is a medium height, awnletted triticale with good straw strength. It has good early seedling vigor with high seed CANNON - Cannon hard red spring wheat has excellent straw strength with good test yield and silage quality. It is widely adapted through out the Central Plans. U.S. Plant weight. It has good protein with excellent yield potential. Cannon is a very early maturing Variety Protection Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201700389. variety with good tolerance to Fusarium Head Blight, Tan Spot, and Stripe Rust. U.S. Plant C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Variety Protection Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201900109. Cannon can only be sold as a class of certified seed. Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed* Hemingford 308-487-3705 Cheyenne Ben Barnhart* Sidney 308-249-0979 170 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc. McCook 308-340-6834 235 FORAGE FX 1001 - Forage FX 1001 was developed by Montana State University. It is a nearly awnless variety bred for forage production. It is taller and matures earlier than WB9606 - W B9606 is a medium tall and medium late maturing Hard Red Spring Trical® 102 and W illow Creek. Forage FX 1001 is typically over one inch taller and three wheat. It has good test weight, straw strength and good drought tolerance. A limited use days earlier to head than Trical® 102 and 20 centimeters taller and heads an average of license agreement is required. ten days earlier than W illow Creek. It was screened for winter hardiness and consistently C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT produces forage and seed yields comparable to or exceeding Trical® 102 in dryland and irrigated trials. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201800097. Forage FX Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed Inc. Hemingford 308-487-3705 9 1001 can only be sold as a class of certified seed. Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc. McCook 308-340-6834 36 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT WB9719 - W B9719 Hard Red Spring is a medium late maturing variety with good yield W ebster Green Cover Seed Bladen 402-469-6784 332 potential and is broadly adaptable. It has excellent standability, test weight and very good protein potential. It show good Stripe Rust and Leaf Rust tolerance and is resistant to NE96T441 - NE96T441 is a forage cultivar developed cooperatively by the Nebraska Hessian Fly. A limited use license agreement is required. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Agricultural Experiment Station and the USDA-ARS. NE96T441 was selected from the cross Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201800090. Trical/OAC-85-21/NE88T442. It is an awned, white-glumed cultivar whose primary use will C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT be as an annual forage crop. NE96T441 is late in maturity, about 6 days later than Presto, and 1 day earlier than Trical 100. The winter hardiness of NE96T441 would be considered Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed Inc. Hemingford 308-487-3705 9 as good, similar to Trical 100 which is one of the most winter hardy triticale cultivars. It is Red W illow Peters Seed Farms Inc. McCook 308-340-6834 130 moderately resistant to the currently prevalent races of stem rust and leaf rust Like most ryes and triticales, NE96T441 is moderately resistant to wheat streak mosaic virus. C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT SPRING BARLEY Cheyenne Kriesel Certified Seed Gurley 308-884-2424 92 LACEY - Lacey is a high yielding variety with improved malting quality characteristics. NT07403 - NT07403 has prostrate growth habit in the winter. It is from the cross It is six-row, smooth awn, white aleurone variety with good kernel plumpness. Lacey is NE98T424/FLOOD//NT00418. The plant color at boot stage is green and the stem is without average height with good lodging resistance; resistance to spot blotch and is similar to anthocyanin. The neck is hairy and straight. The flag leaf is drooping, twisted and with a Robust for scab reaction. Classified as a malting variety by AMBA. Released by Minnesota waxy bloom. The auricle is colorless. he head is mid-dense, clavate, awned, and the color Agricultural Experiment Station in 2000. License required for seed production. U.S. is tan. The seed is amber in color, oval, slightly wrinkled, and with a large and long brush. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 200000228. Lacey can only be sold as a C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT class of certified seed. Cheyenne Kriesel Certified Seed* Gurley 308-884-2424 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT W ebster Green Cover Seed Bladen 402-469-6784 156 NT11406 - NT11406 is a medium to medium early maturity variety. It was derived from the cross NT04427//NE92T422/NE426GT sib/3/NT02458/)//CTM86.101/GW T 88-12. It has above average straw strength which aids in the more intensive management areas. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201700269. NT11406 can only be sold as a class of certified seed. NCIA's Seed Tracking System - WWW.NCIACERT.ORG C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Saunders Eric Nelson* Mead 402-443-6752
16 17 WINTER WHEAT VARIETY CHARACTERISTICS A gronom ic C haracteristics 2 R eaction 3 PVP W inter- S traw P lant C oleoptile B ushel P rotein H essian Leaf S tem S tripe S oil B orne W heat S treak O rigin V ariety S tatus 1 M aturity H ardiness S trength H eight Length W eight C ontent Fly R ust R ust R ust M osaic M osaic AP A P 503 C L2 P -94 m edium very good very good m ed short - very good good S MS MR MS R MR CO B rawl C L P lus P -94 early good very good m ed tall m ed long very good good S MS MS S MR MS CO B yrd P -94 m edium good good m edium m ed long good good S MS MS S MS MS NE C am elot P -94 m edium very good very good m edium m edium good good S MR MR S R S WB W B -C edar P -94 early very good very good m ed short short good - S MR - MR R S LC S LC S C hrom e A -94 m edium very good very good m edium m edium very good good R MR S R MR S CO C owboy P -94 m ed late very good good m edium m edium good good S R S eg S R R CO D enali P -94 m edium good good m ed tall m ed long very good good S S S S S MS KS E verest P -94 early very good good m edium m edium very good good MR MR MS MR R MS NE Freem an P -94 m ed early good good short short good good S MS MR MS R S AP S Y G old P -94 m edium good very good m edium m edium very good good S MR MR S MR MR NE G oodstreak P -94 m ed early good good tall long good good R M S -S S MR S S WB W B -G rainfield P -94 m ed late very good very good m edium short very good very good S MR - M S -M R R S NE Infinity C L P -94 m ed late very good fair-good m edium m ed short good good MR MR MR MS S S CO Langin A -94 early good good short m edium very good - S S S MS R S LC S LC S Link A -94 m ed late very good very good m ed short - very good - - MR R R R MR LC S LC S M int P -94 m edium good good m ed tall - very good good S S - MR MR - AP S Y M onum ent P -94 m ed late very good good m ed short m edium very good - S MR MR MR MR MR NE O verland P -94 m edium very good very good m edium -- very good good S MS -M R MR MS S M S -M R NE P anhandle P -94 m edium good good m ed tall short good good S MS MR S M S -M R S NE P ronghorn N m ed early good fair tall long very good good S MS MR R S S NE R obidoux P -94 m ed early good good m edium m edium good good S MS MR MR R S SY S Y R ugged A -94 early good good m ed short - very good _- S MR MR R MR MS NE R uth A -94 m ed late good good m edium -- good good M S -M R MS MR S R S NE S ettler C L P -94 m edium goog good short m edium good good S MS -M R MR M S -M R R M S -M R AP S Y S unrise P -94 m ed late very good very good tall m edium very good ---- S MR R R MS MS LC S T158 N early very good good m edium m edium very good very good -- MR MS MR S -- AP TA M 111 P -94 m edium good good m edium m edium very good good S MS MR MR MS MS WB W B 4458 P -94 m ed early very good very good m ed m edium good good S MS R MR M R -M S MR NE W esley N m edium good very good short short good good S MS R MR R S WB W interhawk P -94 m edium good good m ed tall m edium good good S MR M S -M R MR R M S -M R AP S Y W olf P -94 m edium good very good m ed short m edium very good good S MR MR MR MR S KS Zenda A -94 m ed early - very good m ed tall - - - MR MR R MR R MS **H ard white winter wheat A P = A griP ro W B = W estB red LC S = Lim agrain C ereal S eeds 1 U .S . P lant V ariety P rotection: N = not protected, P = protected variety, P -94 = protected under the revised P V P A ct of 1994, A -94 = applied for or protected under the revised P V P A ct of 1994. 2 A ctual height, bushel weight, and protein content will vary widely with season, location, and production conditions. G eneral bushel weight ratings: very good = 62-60 lb/bu, good = 60-58 lb/bu, fair = 58 lb/bu. G eneral height ratings (in optim um m oisture) = short = 30-35", m edium = 35-40", tall = 40-45" 3 R = resistant, S = susceptible, M T = m oderately tolerant, LT = low tolerance, M R = m oderately resistant, M S = m oderately susceptible
18 19 NT11428 - NT11428 is similar to NT11406 in maturity, straw strength and plant height. It was derived from the cross NE03T413/3/NT02458// CTM86.101/GW T 88-12. RYE NT11428 is adapted for irrigation as well as average or above average rain fed production. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201700268. NT11428 can only be sold ELBON - Elbon was released by the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station. It as a class of certified seed. produces plants which have more winter growth, are more erect, and are approximately two weeks earlier than Abruzzi in maturity. Because of its larger seed and upright habit of C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT growth, the planting rate should be higher than for Abruzzi. Saunders Eric Nelson* Mead 402-443-6752 78 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT NT13443 -NT3443 is a late maturing tall variety developed by the University of Chase Olson Livestock & Seed Haigler 308-297-3283 262 Nebraska. U.S. Plant Variety Protected Applied For (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201900421. NT13443 can only be sold as a class of certified seed. . C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT OATS Saunders Eric Nelson Mead 402-443-6752 55 126 - Everleaf 126 is a true spring oat with dark green foliage, an erect growth habit SY TF 813 - SY TF 813 is a winter triticale with semi-erect growth habit in the winter. and very good standability. It is a delayed heading oat and much of its forage mass and quality come from an extended maturity. It is medium to tall in height. Under good moisture It has very good fall seedling vigor and good winterhardiness. It is a medium maturity variety and fertility, heads emerge at 48 to 52 inches. It responds well under irrigation and stand with good straw strength and is tolerant to rust, wheat streak mosaic virus. It has good erect and resist lodging. Everleaf 126 has shown resistance to rust and most other leaf and forage yields and is adapted to the Southern and Central Great Plains regions. U. S stem diseases. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 200400169. Protected Variety (PVPA1994). Certificate No. 201400329. C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed Hemingford 308-487-3705 498 Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed Inc.* Hemingford 308-487-3705 Chase Luhrs Certified Seed* Imperial 308-882-8152 Franklin Hiram Lambert* Riverton 308-293-5444 DEON - Deon is a yellow seeded oat with medium large sized kernels. It has a late W ebster Green Cover Seed Bladen 402-469-6784 maturity. Deon is medium tall and has very stiff straw and very good resistance to lodging. It has very high grain yield with medium test weight and medium groat and grain protein THOR 879684836 - Thor is a facultative triticale that can be planted in the spring or percentages. Deon was developed and released by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station in 2012 and selected from a cross Sesqui*2/Bettong//MN02108. U.S. Protected winter. It doesn’t require vernalization. Spring/W inter triticale adapted widely throughout Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 201400243. Central Plains and Northern US. Thor is a tall awnletted variety with good straw strength, excellent quality, and good winter hardiness. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Certificate No. 01800156. Cedar Mike Heimes Hartington 402-841-2906 201 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed Hemingford 308-487-3705 125 GOLIATH - Goliath is a multi-purpose oat that may be used for forage, grain W ebster Green Cover Seed Bladen 402-469-6784 110 production, and straw. It has excellent straw strength; however, it should not be planted on very high fertility soils unless it will be harvested for forage. It is 4.3 inches taller than 348 - 348 is an awnletted late maturing variety with good winter hardiness. U.S. Stallion and 1.7 days later in maturity. It also has an excellent disease resistance package with resistance to crown rust, stem rust, barley yellow dwarf virus, and smut. It has a very Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate No. 200200215. high groat percentage with an average protein content. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Certificate No. 201300369. Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed* Hemingford 308-487-3705 236 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Chase Luhrs Certified Seed Imperial 308-882-8152 468 718 - 718's primary advantage is its resistance to lodging. It has good winter hardiness Custer Jordan Carlson Callaway 308-529-0125 160 similar to 102. The awnletted characteristic of 718 is also similar to 102 making it adaptable Saunders Eric Nelson Mead 402-443-6752 91 for hay harvest as well as grazing or silage. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). Certificate Thayer Polansky Seed Belleville KS 785-527-2271 680 No. 200900444. W ebster Green Cover Seed Bladen 402-469-6784 66 C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHONE R EG C ERT Box Butte Prairie Sky Seed* Hemingford 308-487-3705 130 HAYDEN - Hayden is a white-hulled medium-late maturing variety with excellent yield potential and high test weight developed by South Dakota AEC. It ranked first for yield in the 2013 and 2014 CPT trials in South Dakota. It is resistant to smut, moderately resistant NCIA Seed Laboratory to barley yellow dwarf virus and moderately susceptible to crown and stem rust. It has a NCIA is the only Official AOSA Seed Testing Laboratory in Nebraska. NCIA’s laboratory offers pedigree of Buckskin//ND011054/SD020835. U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994). rapid turn-around of your samples and reliable results. Certificate No. 201600054. Hayden can only be sold as a class of certified seed. C O UNTY G RO W ER TO W N T ELEPHO NE R EG C ERT Seed Testing Services include: Purity, Germinations, AOSA or ISTA methods, Tetrazolium Cedar Tim Nissen Hartington 402-254-3426 113 Viability, Vigor Assessments, Herbicide Resistance testing, Treated Seed Evaluation, Moisture, Seed Counts, Test Wt. We also offer online access to results and reports. Check out the NCIA Jeff Steffen Crofton 402-841-5682 75 website for more information on services and prices. www.necrop.org Saunders Rezac Seed Valparaiso 402-784-3875 39 Sheridan Thorsen Family Farm Gordon 308-360-1587 75 W ashington ROJU Inc. Hooper 402-720-5127 6 W ebster Green Cover Seed Bladen 402-469-6784 682
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