2019 UCAT ANZ OFFICIAL GUIDE - University Clinical Aptitude Test for Medicine and Dentistry

Page created by Dwight Mueller
2019 UCAT ANZ OFFICIAL GUIDE - University Clinical Aptitude Test for Medicine and Dentistry

University Clinical Aptitude Test for Medicine and Dentistry

                                          UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019 1
2019 UCAT ANZ OFFICIAL GUIDE - University Clinical Aptitude Test for Medicine and Dentistry
This is the official guide to the UCAT ANZ 2019 which contains definitive information                       Contents
regarding the test and its content. From 2019, the UCAT ANZ replaces the UMAT
(Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test) previously used by our
Consortium member universities. We have produced this guide in response to candidate                        Foreword                                  2    Practising for the Test                     22
feedback that they would like a comprehensive guide to the test that is portable and                                                                          How should I Prepare?                    23
printable. We believe that this guide, in conjunction with the free preparation materials                                                                     Test Strategies and Advice               24
and practice tests on our website ucat.edu.au, are all you need to prepare successfully                     What is the UCAT?                         4       Adviser Resources                        26
for the test.                                                                                                 Eligibility                             5
                                                                                                              Key dates 2019                          5
We do not endorse any commercially-available preparation courses for the UCAT and we                          Who should take the test?               6    Test Day                                    27
would advise you to be sceptical about anyone’s claims to be able to help you do well in the                  Which Universities require the test?    6      Arrival                                   27
test by coaching. Of course you do need to practice in order to become familiar with test items               Where can I take the test?              7      Identification                            28
and most importantly the timing in each subtest. We give more advice in this guide regarding                                                                 Personal belongings                       28
test preparation and strategies.                                                                                                                             Environment                               28
                                                                                                            Registration and Booking                  8      Calculator                                28
This guide includes key information about the test, it's structure, the different question types,             Registration                            8      Note board / note booklet                 29
practice tips and strategies, marking and results, as well as information on how our Universities             Booking                                 9      Breaks                                    29
use the test. In addition, it contains information about what to expect on your test day. You                 Test Fees                               9      Problems                                  29
will find detailed descriptions of each subtest together with over 130 practice questions and                  Concessions                            10      Unprofessional behaviour                  29
answers to help you prepare. These questions can also be accessed through our Practice App                    Rescheduling and Cancelling            10
available from the iTunes App Store and Google Play.
                                                                                                                                                           Mitigating Circumstances                    30
We hope you find this information useful. If you have any feedback and suggestions for                      Access Arrangements                      11       Illness or Personal Circumstances        30
additional content please contact us.                                                                         UCATSEN ANZ                            12       Test Day Problems                        31
                                                                                                              Test Accommodations                    12       Candidate Complaints                     31

    The UCAT ANZ Consortium
    The UCAT ANZ Consortium is a group of Australian and New Zealand universities who                       Test Format                              13    Practice Questions                          32
    have agreed to adopt the UCAT as part of their selection process for medicine, dentistry                  Overview                               13       Rationales and Answers                   69
    and selected clinical sciences.                                                                           Verbal Reasoning                        14
                                                                                                              Decision Making                         15
    We are committed to achieving greater fairness in selection and to the widening                           Quantitative Reasoning                 16    Step-by-step guide                          84
    participation of under-represented social groups in medical, dental and health                            Abstract Reasoning                      17
    sciences training.                                                                                        Situational Judgement                  18
                                                                                                              Marking and Scores                     20    Preparation Plan                            86
    The test is run by the Consortium in partnership with Pearson VUE, a global leader in                     Using my Results                       21
    computer-based testing and part of Pearson plc. It is delivered on computers worldwide
    through Pearson VUE’s centres.                                                                                                                         Feedback                                    88

                         Address details????????

                         © UCAT 2013
ucat.edu.au                                               © 2019 UCAT ANZ Consortium. All rights reserved

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2019 UCAT ANZ OFFICIAL GUIDE - University Clinical Aptitude Test for Medicine and Dentistry

What is the UCAT?

The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT ANZ) is an admissions test used by a consortium
of universities in Australia and New Zealand for their medical , dental and selected clinical
science degree programmes.

The test helps universities to make more informed choices from amongst the many
highly-qualified applicants to these highly competitive degree programmes. It assesses
a range of abilities identified as important by university medical and dental schools for
success in their programmes or courses, and later as a clinician.

The UCAT does not contain any curriculum or science content. It focuses on
exploring the cognitive powers of candidates and other attributes considered to
be valuable for health care professionals.

                                                                                                Eligibility                                       Key dates 2019
                                                                                                The UCAT ANZ test is available to any             Registration and booking opens          1 March
                                                                                                candidate whose educational level at the
                                                                                                time of sitting the test is their final year of   Concession scheme opens                 1 March
                                                                                                secondary schooling, or higher. Candidates
                                                                                                                                                  Concession deadline      10 May at 5pm AEST
                                                                                                registering for UCAT ANZ 2019 should have
                                                                                                already completed, or plan to COMPLETE            Access arrangement
                                                                                                their final year of secondary schooling in        application deadline     10 May at 5pm AEST
                                                                                                2019 (i.e. Year 12 in Australia; Year 13 in
                                                                                                New Zealand).                                     Registration closes 17 May at 11.59pm AEST

                                                                                                                                                  Final booking deadline
                                                                                                Students whose current educational level is
                                                                                                                                                                      17 May at 11.59pm AEST
                                                                                                Australian Year 11 or lower are NOT eligible
                                                                                                to take UCAT ANZ. This includes Year 11           Cancellation deadline
                                                                                                students undertaking one or more Year 12                              17 May at 11.59pm AEST
                                                                                                subjects. Year 12 students completing
                                                                                                Year 12 over two years are only eligible to sit   Testing begins                             1 July
                                                                                                UCAT ANZ in their final year.                     Last testing date                        31 July

                                                                                                                                                  Results delivered to
                                                                                                                                                  universities                  Early September

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Who should take the test?                                                                        Where can I take the test?
The UCAT ANZ is a compulsory entry requirement for our Consortium Universities. You are          The UCAT ANZ is a compulsory entry requirement for our Consortium Universities in Australia
required to sit the test by 31 July 2019 if you are intending to apply for entry in 2020 to a    and New Zealand. The test is delivered in Pearson VUE test centres during July in the
relevant course listed below. UCAT ANZ results cannot be carried over from one year to the       locations listed below.
next. There are no general exemptions from the test.
You may only take the test once in any test cycle and any instances of multiple testing in the
                                                                                                  Available dates will be shown at the time of booking your test.
same year will be treated as an example of unprofessional behaviour.
                                                                                                  Canberra                                ACT        Rockhampton                               QLD
                                                                                                  Armidale                               NSW         Townsville                                QLD
Which Universities require the test?                                                              Dubbo                                  NSW         Adelaide                                    SA
Some pathways to medicine/dentistry/clinical sciences will not require the UCAT ANZ. For some     Newcastle                              NSW         Mt Gambier                                  SA
applicants a different test may be required. You should always check the entry requirements       Parramatta                             NSW         Hobart                                    TAS
for each course or programme using the websites of the universities to which you intend to        Port Macquarie                         NSW         Launceston                                TAS
apply before booking a test as the information below may be subject to change. The UCAT ANZ       Sydney                                 NSW         Albury-Wodonga                             VIC
website has the most up to date information.                                                      Wagga Wagga                            NSW         Bendigo                                    VIC
                                                                                                  Alice Springs                            NT        Geelong                                    VIC
University                                       Course or Programme                              Darwin                                   NT        Melbourne                                  VIC
                                                                                                  Brisbane                               QLD         Mildura                                    VIC
The University of Adelaide                       Medicine, Dental Surgery, Oral Health
                                                                                                  Cairns                                 QLD         Bunbury                                    WA
Curtin University                                Medicine                                         Gold Coast                             QLD         Perth                                      WA

Flinders University                              Clinical Sciences / Medicine

Monash University                                Medicine                                         New Zealand
                                                                                                  Available dates will be shown at the time of booking your test
The University of Newcastle /
                                                 Joint Medical Program                            Auckland
University of New England
The University of New South Wales                Medicine                                         Christchurch
The University of Queensland                     Medicine (provisional entry), Dental Science

University of Tasmania                           Medicine
                                                                                                 Note: Most capital cities have multiple test centres. Details of the locations will be available to
                                                 Medicine (Direct Pathway),                      view when registration opens in March 2019.
The University of Western Australia
                                                 Dental Medicine (Direct Pathway)

Western Sydney University                        Medicine                                        Overseas
                                                                                                 Candidates who will be overseas for the month of July 2019 should visit the Test Centre
The University of Auckland                       Medicine                                        Locations page of our website for further information on where you can sit the test and how to
                                                                                                 book an overseas test centre. Sitting the test overseas will incur an additional administrative
University of Otago                              Medicine, Dental Surgery                        fee.

                                                                                                 International Candidates
                                                                                                 International applicants may not be required to sit the UCAT ANZ, an alternative admission
                                                                                                 test (ISAT) may be required. Candidates should check the course or programme entry
                                                                                                 requirements on the websites of the relevant universities before booking a test.

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                                                                                                 Booking                                         Test Fees
                                                                                                 Once you have registered you will be able to    The following test fees apply in 2019:

Registration and Booking                                                                         book your test. We recommend you book a
                                                                                                 test slot as soon as possible to maximise the
                                                                                                 chance of attending a convenient test centre.
                                                                                                                                                  Tests taken in Australia or
                                                                                                                                                  New Zealand

                                                                                                                                                  Concession Fee (Australia
                                                                                                 Booking closes at 11.59pm AEST on 17 May         only)
                                                                                                 2019. All candidates must book a test by         Tests taken overseas /
                                                                                                 this date.                                       outside Australia and New              $373
The UCAT can be taken between 1 July and 31 July 2019. You must complete a two-step              You should book a standard test unless you
process using the Pearson VUE online registration system to register and then book a test.       are eligible for extra time in public exams.
                                                                                                 Please see the Access Arrangements section      Test fees depend on the test centre
Registration                                                                                     of this guide for more information.             location, not on your place of residence
You are strongly recommended to register and sit your test at your earliest convenience to                                                       or nationality.
ensure that places are available at your chosen test centre. Each year there are candidates
who book a late test and then encounter problems when they fall ill or experience other issues                                                   Candidates in Australia can also refer to our
which prevent them from taking that testing slot. This can be avoided by booking to take your                                                    Concession Scheme overleaf, to see whether
test early.                                                                                                                                      they are eligible to pay a reduced test fee.

You must create an online account with Pearson VUE before you can book your test (we call                                                        The test fee is payable online at the time
this first step registration).                                                                                                                   of booking. All fees will be charged in
                                                                                                                                                 Australian dollars.
You can register for your test between 1 March and 11.59pm AEST on 17 May by following the
links on our website ucat.edu.au/ucat-anz/registration-booking/

You need to register for your test personally – this cannot be done by your school or college.

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2019 UCAT ANZ OFFICIAL GUIDE - University Clinical Aptitude Test for Medicine and Dentistry
Concessions                                      Rescheduling and Cancelling

                                                                                                  Access Arrangements
Candidates who hold (or who are listed as a      If you are not fit to take your test due to
dependant on) a current Health Care Card         illness or other personal circumstances you
(HCC) or Pensioner Concession Card (PCC),        must reschedule your test to a later date or
both of which are issued by Centrelink,          you will count as a 'no show' and forfeit your
are eligible for a reduced test fee. The         test fee.
concession fee is not available to candidates
sitting the test outside Australia.              If you wish to reschedule before the Final
                                                 Booking Deadline (11:59pm AEST on 17 May
You will need to submit the online application   2019) you can do this through your online        This section covers access arrangements if you have educational needs, disabilities or
form and upload a copy of your concession /      Pearson VUE account or by contacting             temporary injuries that entitle you to extra time in public exams.
care card before you make your test booking      Pearson VUE Customer Services. Please
to be eligible for this reduced fee.             note that rescheduling the exam is based on      If you are entitled to extra time for public examinations based on a medical diagnosis
                                                 availability and is not guaranteed.              or report from an educational psychologist you should apply for Access Arrangements.
Applications without the correct supporting                                                       Approval will only be granted with supporting evidence. This is likely to relate to
evidence or late applications received after     If you wish to reschedule your test after        candidates with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dysorthographia, attention deficit disorder,
the deadline of 5pm AEST on 10 May 2019          the Final Booking Deadline (11:59pm AEST         or working memory deficit. This may also apply to a range of other medical conditions.
will not be considered.                          on 17 May 2019), you must phone Pearson
                                                 VUE Customer Services up to 24 hours
Further information regarding applying           before your appointment time. However,
for a concession can be found here               the availability of convenient dates and
ucat.edu.au/ucat-anz/                            times will be extremely limited in the
concession-scheme/                               last two weeks of testing. Please note
                                                 that rescheduling the exam is based on
                                                 availability and is not guaranteed.

                                                 If you miss this deadline, the appointment
                                                 will count as a 'no show' and you will not be
                                                 eligible for a refund or to reschedule.

                                                 You can cancel your test through your
                                                 Pearson VUE account up to the cancellation
                                                 deadline of 11.59pm AEST on 17 May 2019 to
                                                 receive a refund. If you have to cancel later
                                                 than this, the appointment will count as a
                                                 'no-show' and payment will not be refunded.

                                                 Please see the Rescheduling and
                                                 Cancelling page of the UCAT ANZ website
                                                 for full details.

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Test Format
If you are entitled to extra time for public         Therefore, difficulties with writing will not
examinations you should apply to sit the             normally be seen as grounds for granting of
UCATSEN ANZ which is 25% longer than the             Access Arrangements. Your application will
standard test.                                       be rejected if you do not provide the full           Overview
                                                     evidence required by the application deadline        The UCAT assesses a range of abilities identified by university Medical and Dental Schools
Sitting this extended version of the test requires   of 5pm AEST 10 May 2019.                             as important. There is no curriculum content as the test examines innate skills. Each
you to submit an online application for access                                                            subtest is in a multiple-choice format and is separately timed.
arrangements before you make your test               Candidates who are unsure whether they
booking.                                             are eligible to take the UKCATSEN ANZ or             For candidates sitting the UCAT in 2019, the test will consist of:
                                                     expecting to offer different evidence of their
All applications must be submitted via the           condition should contact the UCAT ANZ                •    Verbal reasoning - assesses ability to critically evaluate information that is presented in a
online Access Arrangements form on the               Office by email ucat-anz@monash.edu before                written form
website by 5pm AEST on 10 May 2019 and               booking their test.
must be accompanied by the correct evidence                                                               •    Decision making - assesses ability to apply logic to reach a decision or conclusion,
outlined below.                                      Test Accommodations                                       evaluate arguments and analyse statistical information
                                                     If you require accommodations when sitting
The supporting documentation must be                 the test due to a medical condition or disability,   •    Quantitative reasoning - assesses ability to critically evaluate information presented
from a registered health practitioner and            or if you need to take medication during testing          in a numerical form
must give a clear diagnosis and information          there are a number of accommodations that
on the condition, indicate the impact of the         can be arranged.                                     •    Abstract reasoning - assesses the use of convergent and divergent thinking to infer
condition in testing settings and include a                                                                    relationships from information
statement as to what accommodations the              A list of Comfort Aids which are allowed in the
health practitioner feels are appropriate for the    testing room after visual inspection by test         •    Situational judgement - measures capacity to understand real world situations and to
candidate in testing settings.                       centre staff is given on the website under Test           identify critical factors and appropriate behaviour in dealing with them.
                                                     Accommodations. No other items are allowed
All supporting documentation must be                 in the testing room without an approved
typed on the health practitioner's official          accommodation - this includes food and water.
letterhead and include the date and title,                                                                UCAT - Standard Test                                    SEN - Extended Test
name, registration number, contact details,          To request test accommodations you must              (120 minutes)                                           (150 minutes)
and signature of the medical practitioner. The       submit the online application form for Access                               Time (including                                        Time (including
documentation must be no more than one               Arrangements on the website before you                   Section                               Questions      Section                                 Questions
                                                                                                                                   instructions)                                          instructions)
year old for health-related needs or disabilities    make your test booking.
other than learning disabilities, and no more                                                                                                                                             27 minutes
                                                                                                              Verbal Reasoning    22 minutes       44 questions    Verbal Reasoning                       44 questions
                                                                                                                                                                                          30 seconds
than three years old for learning disabilities.      The supporting documentation must be
                                                     from a registered health practitioner and                Decision Making     32 minutes       29 questions    Decision Making        40 minutes      29 questions
Applicants with learning disabilities should         must give a clear diagnosis and information
submit a copy of an appropriate educational          on the condition, indicate the impact of the             Quantitative                                         Quantitative           31 minutes
psychologist’s report for consideration. If the      condition in testing settings and include a                                  25 minutes       36 questions                                           36 questions
                                                                                                              Reasoning                                            Reasoning              15 seconds
report is more than three years old, it will still   statement as to what accommodations the
                                                                                                              Abstract                                             Abstract               17 minutes
be accepted, as long as it is accompanied by         health practitioner feels are appropriate for the                            14 minutes       55 questions                                           55 questions
                                                                                                              Reasoning                                            Reasoning              30 seconds
a recent letter from a psychologist stating that     candidate in testing settings.
the information in the report is still applicable                                                             Situational                                          Situational            33 minutes
                                                                                                                                  27 minutes       69 questions                                           69 questions
to the candidate as they are today.                  Please see the UCAT website for full details of          Judgement                                            Judgement              45 seconds
                                                     the Access Arrangements process and how to
The UCAT is a multiple-choice, online test and       request Test Accommodations:
does not require extended handwriting.               ucat.edu.au/ucat-anz/registration-booking/

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Verbal Reasoning                                                                                            Decision Making
The Verbal Reasoning subtest assesses                  For other test questions, your task is to read       The Decision Making subtest assesses your            Decision Making Strategies
your ability to read and think carefully about         each passage of text carefully and then              ability to apply logic to reach a decision or        •   Timing is important in this subtest. Flag
information presented in passages and to               decide whether the statement provided                conclusion, evaluate arguments and analyse               questions you are unsure about so you
determine whether specific conclusions can             follows logically from the information in the        statistical information.                                 can come back to them at the end.
be drawn from information presented. You               passage. In each case you can choose True,
are not expected to use prior knowledge to             False or Can’t Tell.                                                                                      •   It may help you to write out or draw the
                                                                                                              UCAT Time             Questions
answer the questions.                                                                                                                                                information given in the question. Make
                                                       Verbal Reasoning Strategies                            32 minutes                                             sure you have your note board and pen to
                                                       •   You are unlikely to be familiar with the           (one minute for      29 questions associated           hand.
     UCAT Time               Questions                                                                        instruction and      with diagrams, text, charts
                                                           content of the text shown to you. Do not
     22 minutes                                                                                               31 minutes for       or graphs
                                                           draw on existing knowledge as this will                                                               •   Some questions require you to 'drag and
     (one minute for         44 questions associated                                                          questions)
                                                           not be relevant.                                                                                          drop' the correct response. Practice this
     instruction and         with 11 reading                                                                                                                         functionality in the Tour Tutorial.
     21 minutes for          passages
                                                       •   Think about how you will plan your time in
                                                           this section.                                    Why Decision Making?                                 •   Brush up on your maths skills around
                                                                                                            Doctors and dentists are often required to               probability and Venn diagrams.
Why Verbal Reasoning?                                  •   Work on your speed reading skills during         make decisions in situations that may be
Doctors and dentists need excellent verbal                 your preparation by reading articles in the      complex. This requires high-level problem            •   Some items ask you to weigh arguments
reasoning skills in many aspects of their                  newspapers and learning to extract the           solving skills and the ability to assess and             for and against a particular solution to a
work. An ability to understand complex                     key facts quickly.                               manage risk and deal with uncertainty.                   problem. You must suspend your own
information and communicate this clearly                                                                                                                             beliefs to reach the strongest conclusion.
and simply to patients is obviously essential.         •   This section requires real concentration         Decision Making Items
Medical practitioners must also be able to                 – it is at the beginning of the test and you     You will be presented with questions that            •   There are a number of different question
interpret findings from published materials                should be ready to focus right from the start.   may refer to text, charts, tables, graphs or             types; if there are some you find more
and apply this to their own practice. It is                                                                 diagrams. Additional information may be                  challenging, flag these for review and
also essential they are able to critique such                                                               presented within the question itself.                    answer the item types you find easier first.
materials and draw their own conclusion as
to the validity of any findings.                                  The best thing to prepare for             All questions are standalone and do not
                                                                  Verbal Reasoning is to read a             share data. Some questions will have four                       For Decision Making, which has
Verbal Reasoning Items                                            newspaper or even non-fiction             answer options but only one correct answer;                     a wide variety of question types,
You will be presented with eleven passages                        books daily, examining the                others will require you to respond to five                      I identified which types I was
of text, each associated with four questions.                     arguments, logical fallacies and          statements by placing a 'yes' or 'no' answer                    best at and did them first when
                                                                  techniques used. Join debate              next to each statement.                                         doing papers. I would aim to
Some questions assess critical reasoning                          groups, and read around logical
                                                                                                                                                                            get them right before going
skills, requiring candidates to make inferences                   fallacies and formal logic as             A simple on-screen calculator is available for                  onto more time consuming
and draw conclusions from information. You                        well. Learn to unpick arguments           use in this section. You may also need to use                   questions”
will need to read the passage of text carefully.                  and read quickly. If you read             your note board and pen.
You will then be presented with questions                         for 15 minutes every day, you’ll
                                                                                                                                                                            Shivani, 99th percentile
which comprise a stem, which might be an                          gradually become better, and
incomplete statement or a question, with four                     this section will seem very easy
response options.                                                 by the time you have to take
                                                                  the UCAT.”
The candidate is required to pick the best or
most suitable response. Candidates will only                      Jonathan, 99th percentile
be able to select one response.

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Quantitative Reasoning                                   A simple on-screen calculator is available       Abstract Reasoning                                 For type 2, you will be presented with a
                                                         for use in this section. The calculator is                                                          series of shapes. You will be asked to select
The Quantitative Reasoning subtest                       integrated into the practice tests and we        Abstract Reasoning assesses your ability to        the next shape in the series.
assesses your ability to use numerical skills            strongly recommend that you familiarise          identify patterns amongst abstract shapes
to solve problems. It assumes familiarity                yourself with using it. You can also utilize     where irrelevant and distracting material          For type 3, you will be presented with a
with numbers. However, items are less to                 your note board and pen.                         may lead to incorrect conclusions. The test        statement, involving a group of shapes. You
do with numerical facility and more to do                                                                 therefore measures your ability to change          will be asked to determine which shape
with problem solving (i.e. knowing what                  Quantitative Reasoning Strategies                track, critically evaluate and generate            completes the statement.
information to use and how to manipulate                 •   Timing is very important in this section –   hypotheses and requires you to query
it using simple calculations and ratios). The                pace yourself during the test. Check how     judgements as you go along.                        For type 4, you will be presented with two
subtest measures reasoning using numbers                     you are doing halfway through and adjust                                                        sets of shapes labelled “Set A” and “Set B”.
as a vehicle rather than measuring a facility                your speed accordingly.                                                                         You will be asked to select which of the four
                                                                                                            UCAT Time                 Questions
with numbers.                                                                                                                                                response options belongs to Set A or Set B.
                                                         •   Read the questions carefully – individual      14 minutes (one           55 questions
     UCAT Time                 Questions
                                                             words and units may be crucial in              minute for instruction,   associated with sets   Abstract Reasoning Strategies
                                                             answering the question correctly.              13 minutes for            of shapes              •   Timing is again very challenging in this
     25 minutes (one           36 questions                                                                 questions)                                           section.
     minute for instruction    associated with tables,   •   In the first place try to understand the
     and 24 minutes for        charts, and/or graphs         scenario presented – this will help you                                                         •   Remember to leave time to review set A
     questions)                                              focus quickly on the questions.              Why Abstract Reasoning?                                and set B at the beginning of each set of
                                                                                                          When considering possible diagnoses,                   questions. Once you have identified what
                                                         •   Use the laminated note board and pen         medical practitioners may be presented                 links each set you are half way there.
                                                             provided to assist with your calculations.   with a set of symptoms and/or results.
Why Quantitative Reasoning?                                                                               Some information may be more reliable,             •   Consider patterns around size and shape
Doctors and dentists are constantly required             •   Review where there might be gaps             more relevant and clearer than other                   of objects; number of objects; sides of
to look at data, review it and apply it to their             in your maths. You may need to work          information. Doctors and Dentists need to              objects; shading and colour; symmetry,
own practice. On a practical level drug                      out percentages, averages, ratios and        make judgements about such information,                number of angles, position and direction...
calculations based on patient weight, age                    fractions – remind yourself how to do        identifying the information which will help            this sounds complicated but as you look
and other factors have to be correct. At a                   some of these calculations if they are       them reach conclusions. Carrying out                   at these shapes you will start to grasp
more advanced level, medical and dental                      causing you problems.                        research involving data often involves                 what you need to focus on.
research requires an ability to interpret,                                                                identifying patterns in results in order to
critique and apply results presented in                  •   If you are finding a question difficult,     generate further hypotheses.                       •   What links shapes in set A and those in
the form of complex statistics. Universities                 eliminate the more obvious incorrect                                                                set B will often be linked in some way –
considering applicants need to know they                     answers and make an educated guess.          Abstract Reasoning Items                               remembering this may help you ignore
have the aptitude to cope in these situations.                                                            There are 4 different question types in the            distracting information.
                                                         •   Practice your mental arithmetic to speed     Abstract Reasoning subtest.
Quantitative Reasoning Items                                 up your answering by reducing your                                                              •   If you can’t see the pattern, don’t waste
You are required to solve problems by                        reliance on the calculator.                  For type 1, you will be presented with two             time; flag this set of questions and move
extracting relevant information from tables                                                               sets of shapes labelled “Set A” and “Set B”.           on to the next set of shapes. You can
and other numerical presentations. Most                                                                   You will be given a test shape and asked to            revisit it if you have time at the end.
questions will be shown as a set of four                                                                  decide whether the test shape belongs to
questions each connected to the same data.                                                                Set A, Set B, or Neither.
There are some questions that standalone
and do not share data. Each question has five
options. Your task is to choose the best option.

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Situational Judgement                                  •   Not important at all if this is something
                                                           that should definitely not be taken into
The test measures your capacity to                         account.
understand real world situations and to
identify critical factors and appropriate              When considering how to respond to the
behaviour in dealing with them.                        appropriateness of certain options, an
                                                       option is:
     UCAT Time                 Questions
                                                       •   A very appropriate thing to do if it
     27 minutes (one           69 questions                will address at least one aspect (not
     minute for instruction    associated with 22          necessarily all aspects) of the situation
     and 26 minutes for        scenarios (consisting
     questions)                of between 2 and 5
                                                       •   Appropriate, but not ideal if it could be
                                                           done, but is not necessarily a very good
                                                           thing to do

Why Situational Judgement?                             •   Inappropriate, but not awful if it should
The test assesses integrity, perspective                   not really be done, but would not be        Situational Judgement Strategies                 •   Some options may be appropriate/
taking, team involvement, resilience and                   terrible                                    •   Read each scenario and response                  important in the short term (i.e.
adaptability. SJTs are used widely in medical                                                              thoroughly before answering.                     immediately addressing a wrong doing)
and dental selection, including selection of           •   A very inappropriate thing to do if it                                                           and some are appropriate/ important in
Interns, GPs and other medical specialities.               should definitely not be done and would     •   Remember, there are different styles             the long term (discussing the implications
                                                           make the situation worse.                       of questions in this subtest; read the           of the wrong doing after the event).
Situational Judgement Test Items                                                                           instructions carefully to make sure you          Consider response options irrelevant of the
The test consists of a series of scenarios             Other questions require you to choose the           understand what you have to do.                  timeframe. A response option may still be
for which you will need to consider either             most and least appropriate action to take                                                            an appropriate thing to do even if it is not
the appropriateness of possible actions, or            from the three options provided.                •   Within a scenario, each rating can be            something that can be done immediately.
the importance of possible considerations.                                                                 used more than once or not at all. For
You do not require medical or procedural                                                                   example, all response options can be         •   When deciding which is the most / least
knowledge to answer.                                              For SJT look at lots of past             given the same rating of very appropriate.       appropriate action, all of the possible
                                                                  questions, and read through the                                                           options may be good actions to take, the
Some of the questions require you to rate                                                              •   Responses should relate to what an               question is asking you to prioritise the
                                                                  explanations or model answers
each response from four possible options.                                                                  individual should do, rather than what           actions.
                                                                  that are given as feedback.
                                                                  A general summary of any                 they may be likely to do.
When considering how to respond to the                            appropriate answer would                                                                  If you are struggling with this subtest,
importance of certain options, an option is:                      be that the idea proposed is         •   Response options should be treated               try reading the GMC guidance
                                                                  a local, direct solution to the          independently. You should make a                 on ‘Good Medical Practice’, (this
•     Very important if this is something that is                 problem, that doesn’t reflect            judgement as to the appropriateness              document is available online) as part
      vital to take into account                                  badly upon the profession and            or importance of a response option               of your preparation. Previous high-
                                                                  always puts the patient first.”          independent from the other options               scoring candidates said they found it
•     Important if this is something that                                                                  presented within the scenario.                   helpful to apply the general principles
      is important but not vital to take into                     Emma, 99th percentile                                                                     contained here to the scenarios in the
      account                                                                                          •   Response options provided are not                questions.
                                                                                                           intended to represent all possible
•     Of minor importance if this is something                                                             options. The response you think would
      that could be taken into account, but it                                                             be the most appropriate/most important
      does not matter if it is considered or not                                                           may not be present.

18    UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019                                                                                                                                          UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019 19

Marking and scores                                                                                   Using My Results
Verbal Reasoning, Decision Making,                   Within the Situational Judgement test full      When do I Receive My Result?                    Other Universities use the UCAT alongside
Quantitative Reasoning and Abstract                  marks are awarded for an item if the response   Your score report will be accessible online     factors such as academic achievement and
Reasoning are marked on the number of                matches the correct answer and partial          through your Pearson VUE account within         interview performance. The factor may be
correct answers you give.                            marks awarded if the response is close to the   24 hours of sitting your test.                  significant or may contribute a small amount
                                                     correct answer.                                                                                 to the final outcome.
Questions with one correct answer are worth                                                          2019 results are only valid for the current
1 mark. Questions with multiple answers              Raw scores are then converted to scaled         university admissions cycle (for entry into     Some universities use the score (sometimes
(such as those in Decision Making) are worth         scores within a range of 300 to 900.            medical or dental school in 2020).              in addition to the above uses) to discriminate
2 marks, with 1 mark awarded to partially                                                                                                            between candidates who are ranked equally
correct responses.                                   As the SJT is a measure of non-cognitive        How Do I Use My UCAT Result?                    at some point in the process. The UCAT
                                                     attributes, it will be considered by            You will have your test result before most      score provides an additional way of ranking
As the number of items varies between                universities in a different manner to the       of the university application deadlines so      such candidates in order to decide who can
Verbal Reasoning, Decision Making,                   cognitive subtests. Please refer to their       please ensure you use this to help inform       proceed to the next stage.
Quantitative Reasoning and Abstract                  websites for more details.                      your university choices. Our universities
Reasoning it is not possible to make a direct                                                        decide autonomously how they use                A small number of Universities use the
comparison of the raw scores between the             There is no negative marking for incorrect      the UCAT ANZ score. Please check the            test to provide opportunities to candidates
cognitive subtests. Raw scores are therefore         answers in any of the subtests, and             websites of the individual universities to      who perhaps would not have progressed
converted to scale scores that share a               performance on one item does not influence      which you intend to apply to ensure you are     to interview (for example) using traditional
common range from 300 to 900.                        which other items are presented.                not wasting an application.                     selection methods. This may advantage
                                                                                                                                                     candidates who have not have achieved the
•    A total scale score is generated by                                                             For some the UCAT score is a significant        highest academic score but have performed
     summing the individual scale scores                                                             factor in their consideration of your           particularly well in the UCAT.
     of Verbal Reasoning, Decision Making,                                                           application. For others it may be a less
     Quantitative Reasoning and Abstract                                                             significant factor or only used in marginal     Test Statistics
     Reasoning.                                                                                      situations. Most Universities consider the      In order to help you understand how well
                                                                                                     total score (i.e. the score after each of       you have performed compared to other
•    A total scale score ranges from 1200                                                            the cognitive subtest scores have been          candidates we will publish average scores
     to 3600.                                                                                        added together). Some however do look at        on the Test Statistics page of our website
                                                                                                     individual subtest scores and may even have     once testing has ended.
                                                                                                     a cut-off score for a particular subtest.       ucat.edu.au/ucat-anz/results/
            You’ll probably get tired of hearing this, but reflection is                                                                             test-statistics/
            incredibly important. After each practice session, reflect on                            Some Universities have a threshold score
            what the questions you answered were asking for and ask                                  that candidates have to achieve in order        Delivering Results
            yourself is there a quicker or easier way to do this? Is there a                         to be considered further in their admission     After testing has ended, we will
            reason why the answer couldn’t possibly be any of the other                              processes. This score is often determined       communicate candidates scores to our
            options?                                                                                 each year but Universities will usually         Australian and New Zealand Consortium
                                                                                                     indicate on their website, threshold scores     universities. You do not need to take any
            In doing this, you become a lot better at ruling out answers so even if you feel         that have been used in previous years.          further action. Note: University applications
            pushed for time you can make a very good guess.”                                         However, as this is the first sitting of UCAT   should be submitted by the deadlines
                                                                                                     ANZ these threshold scores are not able to      indicated on the individual websites.
            Olukayode, 99th percentile                                                               be provided for 2019.

20   UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019                                                                                                                                       UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019 21

Practising for the Test                                                                          How should I prepare?
                                                                                                      •   Use this Official Guide as the majority of candidates we talk to indicate that
                                                                                                          reading this increased their knowledge of both the test content and also how to
                                                                                                          prepare effectively for the test

                                                                                                      •   Use the Tour Tutorial to familiarise yourself with the onscreen test format, learn
The UCAT is an important test. Although it is a test of aptitude rather than academic                     how to move around the screen and through the test, how to flag and review
knowledge, you should still allow time to prepare thoroughly.                                             questions, and to use the on-screen calculator provided

You should practise for the test using the FREE and OFFICIAL resources available on the               • Use the interactive Question Tutorial to find out about the different question types
Practice Tests and Resources page of the UCAT website. These have been developed by                     you will see and learn useful strategies for approaching and answering questions
the UCAT Consortium and provide comprehensive information on the test and materials                     in each of the subtests
to support your preparation, including extensive question banks and a number of timed
practice tests. ucat.edu.au/ucat-anz/practice-tests/                                                  • Did you know that we provide over 1,000 FREE practice questions on our
                                                                                                        website? Once you understand the different sections of the test, begin using our
We would recommend you spend around 25-30 hours preparing for the UCAT. This is                         useful online Question Banks which contain hundreds of example questions
the amount of preparation done by the highest scoring respondents to our most recent                    which you can you to familiarise yourself with the format and style of questions for
candidate survey. It’s best to start 4-6 weeks before your test date and do ‘little and often’          each subtest
each day, building up your practice gradually as you near your test date.
                                                                                                      • You can watch a number of videos to support your preparation by finding
As practice materials are compiled from previous test questions, there may be a higher                  OfficialUCAT on Vimeo and Youtube. High-scoring candidates share advice on
proportion of questions with a UK context than you will see in the new 2019 UCAT ANZ.                   their revision tips and overall test experience, plus a selection of Admissions Tutors
                                                                                                        from our UK Consortium Universities share their thoughts on the use of the test
                                                                                                        and what they look for in an applicant

                                                                                                      • The Official UCAT Practice App is a free preparation resource which allows you to
                                                                                                        familiarise yourself with the question styles in each subtest. It is a complementary
                                                                                                        resource in addition to the online practice tests, to boost your preparation.
                                                                                                        Download this from the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store

                                                                                                      • An essential part of your preparation should be to use the official UCAT Practice
                                                                                                        Tests. We provide you with three fully timed tests which mimic the live testing
                                                                                                        experience. Questions are of an equivalent standard to those you will encounter in
                                                                                                        the test and you can review your responses against answer rationales. The practice
                                                                                                        tests are also vital in helping you to understand the time limitations in each section
                                                                                                        and to develop strategies to approach each subtest with this in mind.

22   UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019                                                                                                                                  UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019 23

                                                                                                                         The mock tests on the UCAT
Test Strategies and Advice                                                                                               website are the most valuable
                                                                                                                                                                 The shortcuts available at any time during the
                                                                                                                         resource you have; don’t waste
We regularly interview our highest-scoring             •   If you are not well, reschedule your test to a                                                        test depend on which screen is currently
                                                                                                                         them by attempting them before
candidates for their advice on how they                    later date at least 24 hours before your test                                                         being viewed.
                                                                                                                         you’ve done any preparation.
prepared for the test. Some of this feedback,              appointment by contacting Pearson VUE
                                                                                                                         Find a bank of questions and get
along with our own advice, is below:                       Customer Services. In presenting yourself                                                             Keyboard shortcuts cannot be used to select
                                                                                                                         practice on each type before
                                                           for testing, you are declaring yourself fit. We                                                       answers to questions; this has to be done
•    Candidates who take our test early do                                                                               trying a mock test.”
                                                           will not consider health issues as mitigating                                                         by using the mouse to select the desired
     better - FACT! Doing this will allow you to           circumstances.                                                                                        response, and in some cases to drag and drop
     concentrate on other things (such as your                                                                           Adam, 99th percentile
                                                                                                                                                                 an answer.
     university application!). If you book early you   •   Good multiple-choice questions include
     will have your choice of test slots and if you        answer options that are wrong but almost
     then feel unwell or unprepared you have
                                                           right. Work hard to find and eliminate them.
     time to reschedule.                                                                                                                                         A simple on-screen calculator is available
                                                           Questions like these are not tricks. Accept
                                                                                                                                                                 for the Decision Making and Quantitative
                                                           that one (and only one) of the answers
•    Seek help and advice from your school/                is correct. All the questions have been                                                               Reasoning subtests. To access this click on the
     college or via online student forums from             thoroughly checked.                                                                                   icon in the top left hand side of your screen.
     previous test takers.
                                                       •   Many candidates do not complete all                                                                   The calculator will look similar to this:
•    If you have not studied mathematics
                                                           questions in the test. Use the timed practice
     recently, make additional time to revisit and
                                                           tests as you get nearer to your test date         •   No points are deducted for wrong answers
     practice your mathematical skills as this will
                                                           to ensure you are managing your time                  – we do not use negative marking. If you
     impact on performance in the Quantitative
     Reasoning section in particular.                      effectively.                                          are struggling with a question, make your               TEXAS INSTRUMENTS   TI-108
                                                                                                                 best guess and move on. You can flag it for
•    Once you’ve worked out the subtests you           •   Try not to leave unanswered questions. If             review if you want to come back to it later.
                                                                                                                                                                          +/–          %        ÷
     are better at, focus your preparation on              you are finding a question difficult,                                                                 MRC
                                                                                                                                                                                       %        %

     those with which you are less confident,              eliminate the more obvious incorrect              •   Using the Flag and Review functions                      MRC
                                                                                                                                                                          MRC    M–    M+
                                                                                                                                                                                       %        X

     using the answer rationales to see where              answers, then make your best guess from               effectively featured strongly in advice from             +/–
                                                                                                                                                                          7      +/–
                                                                                                                                                                                 8     %
                                                                                                                                                                                       %        %
     you may be going wrong.                               those that are left.                                  last year’s highest scorers when questioned              +/–
                                                                                                                                                                          4      +/–
                                                                                                                                                                                 5     %
                                                                                                                                                                                       6        +
                                                                                                                                                                                       %        %
                                                                                                                 on how they managed the time constraints                 +/–
                                                                                                                                                                          1      +/–
                                                                                                                                                                                 2     %
                                                                                                                                                                                       3        =
                                                                                                                 within the test.
                                                                                                                                                                          ON/C   +/–
                                                                                                                                                                                 0     .

                                                                                                             •   Finally, stay calm during the test. Pace
                                                                                                                 yourself and move on if you're struggling.
                                                                                                                 It is inevitable you will find some questions   The calculator has been included within the
                                                                                                                 and sections easier than others.                timed practice tests. We strongly advise
                                                                                                                                                                 you to use the calculator when taking
                                                                                                             Keyboard Shortcuts                                  the practice tests in order to familiarise
                                                                                                             Keyboard shortcuts can be used to navigate          yourself with the functionality.
                                                                                                             through the test if you find this preferable to
                                                                                                             using the mouse.                                    In the live test the calculator closes when
                                                                                                                                                                 clicking away or moving to another question.
                                                                                                             Wherever there is a letter underlined, the Alt      It can be recalled by clicking on the icon;
                                                                                                             key can be used with the underlined letter          your current calculations should be retained.
                                                                                                             as a keyboard short cut, e.g. Alt + N = Next (as
                                                                                                             displayed below) and Alt + P = Previous.


24   UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019                                                                                                                                                          UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019 25
Test Day
                                                What about commercial companies?
            I found the UCAT website            Whilst there are many commercial
            incredibly useful, I felt the       companies publishing books and offering
            practice tests on there were the    coaching for our test, the UCAT ANZ
            most realistic resources I used     Consortium does not work with any of
            and by completing these tests       these companies or endorse the use of
            throughout my preparation           their materials. Taking advantage of these
            it allowed me to monitor my         opportunities can cost candidates a great
            progress and help improve my        deal of money and we would advise you to          You may be nervous, but being organised in advance can save any unnecessary stress
            scores each time.                   be sceptical about claims they can help you       on your test day. Please read this section carefully, particularly the information regarding
                                                do well in the test by coaching.                  correct ID to be able to sit your test, to avoid any surprises on your arrival at the Test Centre.
            Also, I downloaded the UCAT
            app onto my phone so I could        Commercial organisations will be using            Arrival
            do a couple of questions if I had   questions that are not necessarily of the         When you book your test you will be able to view a list of available test centres and choose
            time when out and about.”           standard you will encounter in the UCAT and       a convenient location to sit your test. Before you set off for your test, make a note of the Test
                                                this may distort your performance whilst          Centre’s address and phone number and find it on a map.
            Rachael, 99th percentile            practising. Screen views may be different
                                                and commercial organisations are unlikely         Please arrive at the Test Centre at least 30 minutes before your scheduled test time to
                                                to include the new question types which you       complete the check-in process. Candidates who arrive more than 15 minutes after their
                                                may encounter in your test. More significantly,   scheduled appointment time will not be allowed to take the test and will forfeit their test fee.
                                                they may also not replicate the UCAT scoring      This applies in cases of family emergency, accident, arrest, transport problems and security
                                                accurately and may give misleading indicators     alert as well as forgetfulness and lateness.
                                                of your anticipated UCAT score.
                                                                                                  On arrival, you should present to the Test Centre reception BOTH of the following:
                                                We therefore strongly advise candidates to        • a printout of your confirmation email from Pearson VUE
                                                use the official Practices Tests and Question     • one piece of photographic identification from our approved list.
                                                Banks on our website, and to be cautious            See the Identification section overleaf.
                                                about using resources from any commercial
You can use the mouse or the number pad         providers as these are not affiliated with        During the check-in process the test centre will take a digital photograph of you for security
on your keyboard to operate the calculator.     UCAT in any way.                                  purposes. You will also be asked to sign the UCAT ANZ Consortium Examination Rules.
Make sure the ‘Num Lock’ is on for the                                                            You will sign these to state that you understand them. Please familiarise yourself with these
number pad to work. Due to limitations with
the web browser format the practice test
                                                Adviser Resources                                 before your test.

calculator does not retain calculations when
you click away or move to another question.       Schools and colleges can access
                                                  useful resources to help them advise
If you need help with the calculator during       their students about the sitting the UCAT
the test please raise your hand.                  from the Adviser Resources page of our


26   UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019                                                                                                                                        UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019   27

Identification (ID)                             Personal belongings                              Note board / note book and Marker Pen               Unprofessional behaviour
You must present one piece of approved          You will be asked to store your personal         You will be given a laminated note board /          We expect candidates to meet minimum
photographic identification from the list       belongings in a locker or in a designated        notebook and a marker pen to make notes             standards of acceptable behaviour during
below. You must present the original ID (not    place as directed by the test administrator      during the test. If you need another note           testing and during any interactions with the
a photocopy or digital ID) and it must be       at the test centre. Personal belongings          board / notebook during the test, please hold       UCAT ANZ Consortium and Pearson VUE staff.
valid (unexpired).                              (including bags, coats, papers, books, pens,     your note board / notebook in the air and the       Please familiarise yourself with the Professional
                                                watches, wallets, keys, IDs, mobile phones,      invigilator will bring a replacement.               Examination Rules before your test on the Test
The name and date of birth on your ID must      sweets and drinks) are not allowed into the                                                          Day page of our website.
exactly match the name and date of birth you    testing room. For clarity, nothing is allowed    The invigilator will have checked the marker
                                                                                                                                                     Where candidates fall short of these minimum
provided when you registered online. The        into the testing room apart from you and the     pen is working before giving it out. However
                                                                                                                                                     standards, such incidents will be thoroughly
photograph in your identification document      indoor clothes you are wearing. Please see       you may also wish to check this before you
                                                                                                                                                     investigated. Where such allegations of
must be recognisable as a likeness to you as    the Test Experience page on our website for      start the test in order to avoid the need to seek   misconduct are upheld, we reserve the right to
you are on the day of the test.                 further clarification.                           assistance during testing.                          take actions which may include:

·    Current passport                           Environment                                      If you are not given a laminated note board         •   withdrawal of test results
                                                You will be allocated a desk space in the        / notebook and marker pen when you enter            •   disqualification from sitting the test for a
·    Current photo-bearing driver's licence     testing room at which you will find your PC,     the test room, you should request this by               period in the future
     (learner’s permit, probationary or full    keyboard and space for your laminated note       raising your hand. Not requesting a laminated       •   the sharing of the outcomes of the
     licence)                                   board / note book and marker pen. There          note board / notebook and pen during your               investigation with legitimate third parties
                                                will be other people taking tests in the same    test will not be considered as a mitigating             (which may include TACs and Consortium
·    Current photo-bearing Australian           room as you and as tests start and finish at     circumstance.                                           Universities).
     Keypass Card                               different times, there may be some limited                                                           Examples of misconduct include:
                                                disturbance as other test takers arrive          Breaks
                                                                                                                                                     •   Testing more than once in any test cycle
     Current photo-bearing Australian Proof     and leave the room. The test centre will         Please note that once started the test cannot
     of Age Card                                endeavour for such disturbance to be kept        be paused to take a break. If you need to take      •   attempting to take the UCAT ANZ in any year
                                                to a minimum. You can request ear plugs          a break during the test in order to access              prior to the final year of secondary schooling
·    Current photo-bearing New Zealand 18+      or provide your own if you think this will be    medication or to use the centre toilets then you    •   breach of security arrangements
     Card / Kiwi Access Card                    disturbing.                                      should raise your hand and the invigilator will     •   impersonation
                                                                                                 assist you in leaving the test room. However        •   failure to follow invigilator or other staff
No other form of identification such as bus/    Calculator                                       you need to note that the test will continue            instructions
train passes, library cards and student/        A simple on-screen calculator is available       running during this time and you will lose time     •   creating a disturbance
employer ID cards will be accepted              within the test. See the Practising for the      whilst out of the test room.
                                                                                                                                                     •   using prohibited aids (e.g. notes, note paper,
under any circumstance. Photocopies of          Test section of this guide for further details
                                                                                                                                                         calculators, mobile phone, audio/recording
identification and documents that have          of the on-screen calculator                      Problems                                                device etc.)
expired will also not be accepted.                                                               If you experience hardware/software problems,
                                                                                                                                                     •   copying another candidate’s work
                                                We strongly advise you to use the                noise disturbance, illness or other distractions
If you do not bring acceptable photographic     calculator when taking the practice tests        that affect your ability to take the exam, you      •   giving or receiving assistance from another
identification you will not be allowed to sit   in order to familiarise yourself with the        must notify the invigilator immediately by              candidate during the test
the test and will forfeit your test fee.        functionality.                                   raising your hand. If you do not do this, then      •   using the test questions, their content or
                                                                                                 such events will not usually be investigated            information about them for purposes other
Full details regarding acceptable                                                                after testing – especially where it is possible         than sitting the UCAT
photographic identification can be found                                                         that had you reported the incident, the issue       •   giving of false or misleading information
on our website ucat.edu.au/ucat-anz/                                                             could have been resolved by the invigilator.            during the registration, booking and
test-day/photo-id-requirements/.                                                                                                                         payment processes
                                                                                                                                                     •   giving false or misleading information during
                                                                                                                                                         the complaints and appeals processes
                                                                                                                                                     •   giving of false or misleading information
                                                                                                                                                         relating to test results during admissions

28   UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019                                                                                                                                        UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019   29

Mitigating Circumstances
                                                                                                                                                     If you wish an incident to be followed up
                                                                                                                                                     you must contact Pearson VUE Customer
                                                                                                    Test Day Problems                                Services as soon as you are able following
                                                                                                    The UCAT ANZ Consortium and our partner          testing. The issuing of an incident number
                                                                                                    Pearson VUE aim to provide you with a            does not automatically result in a
                                                                                                    straightforward and convenient way of sitting    detailed follow up unless it is specifically
                                                                                                    your test in a businesslike environment.         requested.
                                                                                                    However, occasionally things may go wrong
Illness or Personal Circumstances                                                                   and we have put systems in place to deal         We will only consider incidents reported after
The UCAT is a compulsory entry requirement for our Consortium Universities, however, we             with such circumstances.                         the day of testing in exceptional circumstances
understand that some candidates may experience mitigating circumstances which may affect                                                             as it is often difficult for us to investigate such
their ability to take the test. Candidates who present themselves for their test are declaring      If you are unable to complete the test due       incidents fully.
themselves fit to take the test.                                                                    to illness you will need to inform the
                                                                                                    invigilator immediately. You then need           Once an incident has been logged in this way
If you are not fit to take your test due to illness or other personal circumstances you must        to contact the UCAT ANZ office directly          it will be investigated by Pearson VUE and the
reschedule your test to a later date by contacting Pearson VUE Customer Services at least 24        by email ucat-anz@monash.edu with                outcome of this investigation will be reported
hours before your test appointment. If you plan to take the test in the final week of testing but   supporting medical evidence. If this is in the   back to you. To obtain an update on how the
fall ill you may not be able to reschedule within the test window. This is why we recommend         final week of testing you may not be able to      investigation into an incident is progressing
that all candidates take the test early in the cycle.                                               reschedule within the test window and will       please contact Pearson VUE Customer
                                                                                                    forfeit your test fee.                           Services and quote the incident number.
If your illness or mitigating circumstances occur within the 24 hours before your appointment
time please contact the UCAT ANZ Office (ucat-anz@monash.edu) directly with supporting              If you experience hardware/software              Candidate Complaints
evidence. If this is within the final week of testing you may not be able to reschedule within      problems, noise disturbance or other             If you are unhappy with the outcome of the
the test window and will forfeit your test fee. The UCAT ANZ Consortium does not grant              distractions that affect your ability to take    investigation by Pearson VUE, the UCAT ANZ
exemptions from the test.                                                                           the exam, you must notify the invigilator        Consortium has put in place a Complaints and
                                                                                                    immediately by raising your hand. If you do      Appeals Procedure which can be found on
                                                                                                    not do this, then such events will not usually   our website. Please note that we do not deal
                                                                                                    be investigated after testing – especially       with complaints about admissions decisions,
                                                                                                    where it is possible that had you reported       which should be addressed to the individual
                                                                                                    the incident, the issue could have been          university concerned.
                                                                                                    resolved by the invigilator.

                                                                                                    In the event of a reported incident or if a
                                                                                                    general incident affects a test, you may be
                                                                                                    given an incident number by the test centre.
                                                                                                    This should be collected before leaving the
                                                                                                    test centre.

30   UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019                                                                                                                                        UCAT ANZ Official Guide 2019 31
You can also read