God's call to Earthkeeping - Awakening to - For creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God - ELCA Resource ...
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Awakening to God’s call to Earthkeeping For creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God. Romans 8:19
Awakening to God’s call to Earthkeeping For creation waits Contents with eager longing Leader Guide for the revealing Introduction 3 of the children of God. Romans 8:19 Session One: Rediscovering Our Place in Creation 5 Participant 10 A four-session small group study Session Two: God’s Presence to encourage, empower, and Fills All Creation 12 equip Lutherans in their calling Participant 18 to care for creation. Leader Resource 21 Caring for creation is an essential component of Session Three: Biblical religious faith and witness. Faithful “earthkeeping” Foundations for can deepen our relationship both with God and with Earthkeeping 22 one another, as we work for the healing of the world. Participant 26 This resource is downloadable at no cost from Leader Resource 28 the ELCA website at ww.elca.org/stewardship/ teaching. For more specific information about Session Four: Creation Waits earthkeeping and using this resource, you may with Eager Longing! 35 contact the author, and ELCA Diaconal Minister, Participant 40 Kim Winchell, at KWinchellDM@aol.com. KB: set “living in...” Appendix of by Kim Winchell in Minion Italic at about 12 point. Resource Materials Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian A Theology for Earthkeeping 43 Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA and used by permission. All rights reserved. Sample Survey on Religious Faith and the Environment 45 Copyright © 2006 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This study may be downloaded and reproduced for one-time Historical Voices on Creation 46 Living in God’s amazing grace local usage. All reproductions must include this notice. A Congregational Covenant for **Though this study guide has been designed with ELCA the Care of Creation 48 Lutherans in mind, members of other denominations can easily modify it for their own use, by incorporating pertinent Helpful Resources for a Faithful materials from their own faith traditions and national church Response as Earthkeepers! 49 offices. Design: Brewer Communications, Inc. www.brewer-com.com Cover photo ©iStockphoto.com/czardases Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Introductionw 2
Introduction Leader Guide Earthkeeping is a term Possible Uses Desired Outcomes being used by many people of faith to and Contexts It is hoped that participants will: describe the nature of our responsi- ● Gain a deeper awareness and This resource is intended for use bility to care for creation. It springs understanding of our connection in any faith-based small group setting, from our wonder, awe, and gratitude to creation and discover new such as: adult/older youth Sunday for God’s wisdom, creativity, and ways to live into God’s hope and school or Christian education classes, blessings that fill the natural world. guidance for our lives and world. Women’s circles, Men’s groups, or a It also grows out of our dismay and congregational “creation care” team. ● Awaken to the Spirit’s urgent call concern for the degradations and The material may be presented in our time, to better care for the “groaning” of God’s good creation. over four, approximately one-hour Earth, in ways that are just and Faithful earthkeeping involves sessions, but suggestions and options sustainable for all. extending the justice, peace, reconcil- are included for extending the study, iation, hope, and love of Christ to all ● Embrace a hopeful vision for where feasible or desired. It could creation. In caring for the Earth, we how we, and the generations that also be utilized over a weekend in a also deepen our relationship with follow us, can live in a world retreat setting. This curriculum is God and with one another, making marked by a loving, healthy, merely an introductory overview, and our faith more alive and relevant, in life-giving relationship between groups are encouraged to make use and to a broken world. humankind and the rest of God’s of the additional resources listed in This study guide has been creation. the Appendix, so that earthkeeping developed to help group participants might become more fully integrated ● Be empowered and equipped to hear and respond to God’s call to into the ongoing awareness, life, and find ways to bring that vision to earthkeeping, as a way to grow in practices of our family of faith. life, both in our personal lives their faith and to work for the healing Thank you, and blessings be upon and through a congregational of the world, both individually and in you, for your leading of this group witness to the wider society. congregations. study about answering God’s call to care for the Earth! This study booklet is arranged for use by the group leader, with separate, reproducible participant pages for each session. Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Introductionw 3
Leader Tips and Advance Preparation: ● Read through and familiarize yourself with the whole study booklet ahead of time, taking note of placement of materials, any advance prep needed for each session, and potential options for expanding the sessions. ● Order, or borrow, and preview any videos (from the Resource list) that may be used. ● Provide notice of this study group opportunity in your congregational newsletter or via other means available to you for promoting and advertising it. ● Post a sign-up sheet ahead of time to aid in determining how many participants to plan for and how many copies of participant PHOTO © KIM WINCHELL pages to prepare. Please use recycled content papers! ● Consider “decorating” the meet- ing space to be used with a small collection of natural objects, pho- or a state ELCA public policy ● [Important!] The leader, and par- tos, or posters depicting natural office will also be a helpful ticipants, should collect (both scenes (participants may also be resource, in terms of issues. prior to the class and throughout) invited to add to this collection). any newspaper and magazine arti- ● You may also wish to review, and cles about current environmental ● Make sure your meeting space perhaps obtain for group mem- issues or problems, and post or has sufficient, comfortable seat- bers, a copy of the ELCA’s social display them in some manner in ing and tables, if needed (though, statement Caring for Creation: the meeting room (this will be if possible, consider holding your Vision, Hope, and Justice—see important in leading up to, and discussions outside!). www.elca.org/socialstatements/ preparing for, Session Four). environment. ● Access to a white board or paper ● Finally, have fun with this! Be flip chart would be helpful. ● Each session has suggested open to the leading of the Spirit. prayers for the Opening and ● Be aware of nearby nature cen- This should be a journey of joy, Closing/Sending, but feel free to ters, planetariums, and any local discovery, and hope for all create your own prayers, if or state environmental groups involved. Encourage and allow desired, and to have group (as potential places to visit or for all to have a chance to be heard, members share in the leading of info on current local issues). and strive to have discussions prayers and readings. Potential that are courteous and respectful, ● The national ELCA office for discussion questions will be accepting that sometimes we may public policy, The Washington included for each session. have to agree to disagree. Office, (www.elca.org/advocacy) Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Introductionw 4
1 Awakening to God’s call to Earthkeeping Session One Rediscovering Our Place in Creation When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established, what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? [Yet] …you have given them ©ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/JARED DELARIMAN dominion over the works of your hands. Psalm 8:3-4, 6a Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session One 5
Leader Tips and ● Session One: Rediscovering Our Place in Creation Leader Guide Advance Preparation Make sufficient copies of the Survey on Religious Faith & the Note: This study guide utilizes the common modern scientific understanding that the universe is approximately 13-14 billion years old, and the Earth about 5 billion Opening the Session 1 Leader welcomes group partici- pants and invites brief introductions, if needed (fuller introductions will follow opening prayer and opening Environment (Appendix, page 45) years old. See pertinent videos, books, and the “Clergy Letter readings). if you choose to use that compo- nent in Session One and later Project” in the Resources section return it for participant review for further information, if you A Call to Prayer and reflection in Session Four. think this will be of concern to See page 10. This may be read Alternately, the survey can be any of your participants. in unison; leader may follow with a distributed and collected prior free-form prayer or invite participant ● You may wish to find some to the first class, and reviewed petitions of hopes for the study Hubble Telescope photos to have confidentially ahead of time. group, or creation itself. available or on display for this Whichever way the survey is session (or schedule a follow-up used, the idea is to gain a sense visit to a local planetarium). Distribution of the Survey of the starting point attitudes of (optional) the group. Plan to have partici- ● Plan ahead for how you might Ask participants to take just a pants write their name or initials convey the concepts of the couple of minutes to quietly fill it out, on the backside of the survey, Ancient Hebrew worldview and fold it in half, and put their name after it is folded in half to turn in. the scope of time, introduced in or initials on the backside before Be sure to save these, as they will this session. Take a few moments returning it to you. be revisited in the last session. to examine the illustration, an You may wish to share some artist’s depiction of “Ancient ● If possible before the first ses- personal words about your hopes for Hebrew Cosmology,” as gleaned sion, provide participants with a this group study, and ask participants from the opening chapters of copy of the Theology for what their hopes are. Another option Genesis. This will be introduced Earthkeeping (Appendix, page would be to share the list of “Desired in the section, “Ways of 43; please use a double-sided Outcomes” from the introductory Rediscovering Our Place.” copy) and request that they read material. Explanatory text, provided below it prior to your first gathering. You may then read the following in the session outline, may be Other options: it may be read questions—not to be answered, but to read aloud. aloud by either the leader or help set the theme and tone of this participants at some point during ● The “Appreciating Our Place in first session. the beginning of the session Time” analogy: You may wish to (depending on the time avail- sketch out a picture of the ten Questions to think about: able), or distributed at the end volumes, or plan to bring in ● What do we know about our of the session, as a take-home an encyclopedia set, to help “place” and how might that reading. participants visualize this. There inform our “role” as humans, as is also explanatory text that you God’s people, on Earth? will read for this illustration. Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Onew 6
● How might ancient views, cou- The ancient worldview and pled with new understandings of Ways of Rediscovering how far we have come our place in space and time, help Leader may read the following us to rediscover our place within Our Place or summarize in his/her own words. the “matrix of grace” that is our Leader facilitates this This is what the known world earthly home? discussion, by reading or seemed to be like, to ancient eyes: the ● How familiar are you with summarizing provided text. Earth held up by pillars, with waters your bioregion and backyard’s below, welling up in rivers, lakes, and ecological features? How do we name our place? oceans, with above the “firmament,” Each person is asked to share like a dome, that the sun and stars Introductory Reflection where she or he was born, grew up, moved across, and with “floodgates” See page 10; invite one or two to let in the rain and snow. How far and where they live now. (An persons to read it aloud. we have come in our understanding, alternative “invitation” would be to Allow a short time for discussion, of the nature of the universe, and borrow a conversation starter that the if desired, of this Introduction or the where the Earth fits into it! Australian Aborigines purportedly use Theology for Earthkeeping. when they meet a stranger. They ask You may address the provided two questions: “What waters do you Finding our place sample questions as a group, or have participants take a few minutes to come from?” and “Where is your bone in the universe country?”) Leader slowly reads aloud the privately write their thoughts in the space provided on their handout for following “universe statistics.” this session. Participants may wish to close their eyes, to listen in a more reflective manner. The universe had been developing for some 8-10 billion years prior to Earth’s appearing. The Earth was “born” nearly 5 billion years ago. It is part of a solar system, that is itself part of the Milky Way galaxy; and our solar system is in what you might call the “backwaters”—an outer arm— of our spiral galaxy. Our Milky Way galaxy contains about 300-400 billion stars, many similar to our Sun, with planetary bodies of their own. Our home galaxy moves in relation- ship to a group of some 26 other galaxies, known as a “cluster;” ours is called the “Local Group.” Illustration from Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction by Lawrence Boadt, Paulist Press, NY, 1984, page 115. Used by permission. Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Onew 7
This so named Local Group cluster of Possible questions for galaxies is, itself, part of a group Appreciating reflection and discussion Our Place in Time of over 1000 clusters, making up Select one or more of the follow- what is called the Virgo Leader reads this analogy and ing questions for discussion by the Supercluster. the commentary following. whole group or break into smaller Here’s one way to try to grasp Now try to imagine a single super- groups, if numbers warrant. our place in time, in the history of the cluster as a white dot—remember universe and the Earth.4 Begin by that it contains hundreds, if not ● When you consider our physical imagining a ten-volume encyclopedia thousands, of galaxies, them- location within the universe, set. This will represent the 5 billion- selves containing billions of stars do you find it humbling? year history of Earth (which followed …there are estimated to be Frightening? Exciting? Other 8-10 billion years of the universe’s something on the order of feelings? development). 10 million such “dots,” such ● How does your consideration Each volume of Earth’s history superclusters, spread across the of the vastness, mystery, and holds 500 pages; each page represents vast expanse of space.1 wonder of our universe influence 1 million years. your sense of the immensity of In such an encyclopedia set, [pause] God’s love for us? life—in the form of the first cellular life—does not appear until volume 8, ● Knowing what we do of the It’s about more than our human with much of that volume devoted to universe, does it increase or minds can conceive of, isn’t it? Does plants, though reptiles reach their decrease the significance of this sort of knowledge shake our peak about page 440. Humans come humans? Does it, should it, affect faith, or fill us with awe and wonder, along fairly late in this story …page how we relate to one another and or a sense of humility and gratitude? 499, of the last of the ten volumes! In the natural world around us? this model (configured to stop at the How we relate to God? Hear these words of year 2000), the time of organized Brian Swimme, in his book, The human civilization (the past 6,000 Scripture: Hidden Heart of the Cosmos, uses a years) is represented by the final two For I am convinced that nei- phrase to describe how he views the words on the very last page. ther death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers,nor things present, nature of the universe. He calls it the nor things to come, nor powers, “all-nourishing abyss.” 2 On the other Time analogy commentary nor height, nor depth, nor any- hand, the late Lutheran theologian by Lutheran ethicist, theologian, and thing else in all creation, will be Joseph Sittler, in his 1954 essay, “A author Larry Rasmussen: able to separate us from the Theology for Earth,” describes cre- “The astonishing thing is the last love of God in Christ Jesus our ation (as viewed through the lens of syllable of the last word of the last Lord. Psalm 104) as “a matrix of grace in volume. Here humans turned the Romans 8:38-39 which all things derive significance great tide against life itself. Here the from their origin, and all things find process of slowly closing down major I pray that you may have the fulfillment in praise.” 3 Which phrase life-systems began at human hands. power to comprehend, with all feels most comfortable to you? Might …It is astonishing that an organic the saints, what is the breadth “all-encompassing matrix of grace” world aeons in the making could be and length and height and be a good compromise that fits both so easily jeopardized by the species depth, and to know the love of scientific and theological understand- that claims to master its secrets and Christ that surpasses knowl- ings? Can you come up with other care for it as a watchful steward. edge, so that you may filled with suitable ways of naming our context …Alongside our miniscule tenure all the fullness of God. in the universe, that arise from our the thing most astonishing is our Ephesians 3:18-19 belief, through faith, that we are held gargantuan imprint. These are the ten in and by God’s love, the grace of volumes of earth to date. We begin Christ, and the power of the Spirit? volume 11 as the twentieth century comes to an end.”5 Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Onew 8
The group may wish to share After a pause for silent ● As a group, visit a local nature their thoughts and feelings raised by reflection, Leader closes with prayer: center, natural area, or wildlife the readings on “place” in space and refuge—get to know your bio- Let us pray: Almighty and time. Or, the Leader may invite here a region! Conduct a prayer walk everlasting God, you made the few moments of quiet reflection, for outdoors, and leave silent pauses universe with all its marvelous order all to consider what God’s Spirit may for creation to join in and for and beauty, its atoms, worlds, and be saying to us at this moment in our personal reflection and prayer. galaxies, and the infinite complexity of history and how we are called to be, living creatures. Gracious Lord, you ● Create a “get to know your bio- and act, in our connection to one are the artist of creation and the bear- region quiz” about plant, animal another and to God’s awesome er of life; give us the wisdom and species, natural features, etc. creation around us. understanding to care for the Earth. and see who scores the highest. Grant that as we see and experience (There is a sample one in Earth Closing all the blessings and mysteries of your Ministry’s The Greening A Commentary creation, we may come to know you Congregation Handbook.) more truly, and more surely fulfill our by ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark S. ● If your group is agreeable to Hanson (page 11) role in your eternal purpose. In your singing, find a good hymn to go holy name we pray, Amen. Invite someone to read this aloud. along with the day’s theme. Participants may then take a moment Possibilities include God Who to quietly reflect upon and answer the Options for expanding Stretched the Spangled Heavens, “Question to ponder” or use it as a Session One Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) take-home exercise. 463 or Evangelical Lutheran ● Visit a local planetarium or invite an astronomy professor or Worship (ELW) 771). A Scripture Reading someone from a local astronomy ● For an in-depth, secular resource Leader reads a paraphrase of club to make a presentation to the on bioregionalism and “Discover- Psalm 8:1, 3-6a. class or the congregation. ing A Sense of Place” (in an O Lord, our Lord, how majes- ● Find some photos taken by the eight-session group discussion tic is your name in all the Earth! Hubble Telescope, share and course), contact the Northwest When we look at your heav- discuss; a good book of amazing Earth Institute, Portland, Oregon ens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you pictures from space, coupled with at (503) 227-2807 or have established, we cannot reflections, is The Hand of God: www.nwei.org. help but wonder: Thoughts and Images Reflecting what are human beings that the Spirit of the Universe, Endnotes you are even mindful of them, Templeton Foundation Press, 1999. 1 Universe statistics are drawn from mortals that you so care for The Whole Shebang – A State of the them? ● Discuss materials from The Clergy Universe(s) Report by Timothy Yet you have made them a lit- Letter Project Web site: a February Ferris and The Hidden Heart of the tle lower than God, and 2006 letter signed by over 10,000 Cosmos by Brian Swimme. See Resources. crowned them with glory and clergy in the U.S., honor. You have placed us on in support of the teaching of 2 Brian Swimme, The Hidden Heart this Earth and given us domin- of the Cosmos: Humanity and the evolution, noting that religion and New Story, (Orbis, 1996), 100. ion over the work of your science do not have to be in an hands. 3 Sittler’s essay is reprinted in adversarial role (plus sermons and Evocations of Grace (28); see essays). www.uwosh.edu/ Resources. “Earth Ball” colleges/cols/clergy_project.htm 4 This analogy was first conceived by Olaf Skarsholt (page 11) by Robert Overman; it is referenced ● Show the videos, The Blue Planet, Read aloud, slowly, by one by Larry Rasmussen, in his book, or Keeping the Earth: Religious person. Earth Community, Earth Ethics, 27. and Scientific Perspectives on the 5 Rasmussen, Earth Community, Environment (see Resources). Earth Ethics, 28. Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Onew 9
Session One: Rediscovering Our Place in Creation Participant 1.1 Furthermore, the testimony of both A Call to Prayer Introductory scientists and spiritual teachers is (to be read in unison) Reflection that the natural world also sustains We who have lost our sense and The question that needs to be us in psychological and spiritual our senses—our touch, our smell, asked is whether we truly know that ways, as well. our vision of who we are; we we live on, and as a part of, the Earth. who frantically force and press Of course, theologically, we would Questions to ponder all things, without rest for body say that we are “in the world” but not In what ways have you experienced a or spirit, hurting our Earth and “of” the world. But, how aware are connection to nature? injuring ourselves: we, typically, of our physical, biologi- We call a halt. cal, and ecological connection to the _____________________________________ rest of the natural world? Scientists We want to rest. We need to rest and tell us that our bodies are made of _____________________________________ allow the Earth to rest. We need the elements of stardust, generated to reflect and to rediscover the in cosmic explosions eons ago. The _____________________________________ mystery that lives in us, that is Bible teaches us that we have been the ground of every unique made out of the dust of the Earth and _____________________________________ expression of life, the source of that in Christ, all things hold together the fascination that calls all –—you might call that the theological _____________________________________ things to communion. counterpart to the ecological reality that all things are interconnected. Is there a particular place in the natu- We declare a Sabbath, a space of In modern times, however, and ral world that especially nourishes you quiet: for simple being and letting or makes you feel closer to God? especially in developed countries, it be; for recovering the great, seems that many people have become forgotten truths; for learning how disconnected from the natural world. _____________________________________ to live again. It’s “the environment”—something (“Let us pray…” or other separate from us, a mere backdrop _____________________________________ petitions may be added here, for human activities—a storehouse of or simply conclude.) goods for our use. Thomas Berry, in _____________________________________ Amen. his book The Dream of the Earth, speaks of this as a type of “autism,”1 _____________________________________ * Prayer taken from Only One Earth, that insulates us from feeling the United Nations Environmental _____________________________________ Programme “Environmental reality of our inherent connection to Sabbath” materials, 1990. the world around us. In such a state of limited awareness, it becomes all Endnotes 1 Thomas Berry, The Dream of the too easy to harm the natural world Earth (San Francisco: Sierra Club and its creatures, forgetting that we Books, 1990), 16. are connected, and that we need a healthy planet to sustain our lives. Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Onew 10
Session One: Rediscovering Our Place in Creation Participant 1.2 A Commentary The ancient by ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson worldview This is what the known “We cannot escape the intercon- world seemed to be like nectedness of the earth’s fabric of life. to ancient eyes: the Earth Creation is the matrix of all our activ- held up by pillars, with ities, both as human beings and as waters below, welling up in rivers, lakes, and Christ’s church. God gives us and all oceans, with above the creatures life through the water, air, “firmament,” like a food, and all the other gifts that come dome, that the sun and to us from the earth. Everything we stars moved across, and do both depends on these gifts, and with “floodgates” to let in the rain and snow. How has some kind of impact upon them. far we have come in our If these gifts are treated with con- understanding, of the tempt and abused, people, animals, nature of the universe, and plants suffer together. If they are and where the Earth fits Illustration from Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction by graciously received and cherished, into it! Lawrence Boadt, Paulist Press, NY, 1984, page 115. Used by permission. people will flourish with the rest of creation. We cannot love God or our Closing human neighbor without caring for “Earth Ball” by Olaf Skarsholt creation. The question is not whether If the earth the church will engage what our soci- were only a few feet in di- ety calls the environment, but how.” ameter, floating a few feet above a * Excerpt of a November 2003 Letter, com- field somewhere, people would come from memorating the 10th Anniversary of the ELCA’s every where to marvel at it. People would walk social statement: Caring for Creation: Vision, around it marveling at its big pools of water, its little Hope & Justice. pools and the water flowing between the pools. People would marvel at the bumps on it, and the holes in it, and they Question to ponder would marvel at the very thin layer of gas surrounding it and the What is your hopeful vision, as a child water suspended in the gas. The people would marvel at all the of God, for how humans should live on the Earth in connection with the rest of creatures walking around the surface of the ball, and in the water. creation? The people would declare it precious because it was the only one, And they would protect it, so that it would not be hurt. The ball _____________________________________ would be the greatest wonder known, and people would come to behold it, to be healed, to gain knowledge, and to know _____________________________________ beauty and to wonder how it could be. People would love it, and defend it with their lives, because they would _____________________________________ somehow know that their lives, their own roundness, could be nothing without it. If the earth were only a few _____________________________________ feet in diameter. Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Onew 11
2 Awakening to God’s call to Earthkeeping Session Two God’s Presence Fills all Creation The pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills gird them- selves with joy, the meadows clothe themselves with flocks, the valleys deck themselves with grain, they shout and sing together for joy. Psalm 65:12-13 ©ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/MATT DULA Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 12
Leader Tips and ● Session Two: God’s Presence Fills All Creation Leader Guide Advance Preparation It would be great if this session could be conducted outdoors! ● For the Opening Reflection, you will need to make a copy of the Leader Resource page for Session Two: Ancient Teachers and Voices on Creation and God’s Presence 2 Opening the Session Welcome group participants and invite introductions, if there are any new members. Allow a short time for any questions or reflections anyone If not, aim to foster the inclusion (found in the Participant pages for this session, page 21). On would like to share from Session One. of “nature” in whatever creative this page, you will note that there The Introduction may then be ways you can—for example, are seven numbered quotes. Cut read aloud before the Opening Prayer bring to your gathering area a them apart so that you can give and Reflection, or participants may small collection of natural objects them to seven individual readers. simply read it silently, prior to (even simple stones will do, if If you have less than seven mem- beginning the session, for their varied and interesting). You may bers in your group, you can read own preparation and reflection. wish to have one particular item some of the quotes yourself, or Introduction and Opening Prayer are as a focus point or centerpiece. have readers do more than one. on the Participant page for Session ● There will be a “take-home spiri- Two (see page 18). Invite the tual exercise,” based on quotes ● Arrange the seating for this participants to join with you in the by ancient Christian saints and session, if possible, such that prayer: “Let us pray…” teachers. Copy the two Historical participants can sit in a circle. Opening Reflection with “Ancient Voices on Creation pages from the Teachers and Voices on Creation and ● Just prior to beginning the Appendix (see pages 46-47) and God’s Presence:” Describe what the session, ask for up to seven cut out each individual quote, so quotes are (i.e., “Ancient Teachers” volunteers, to read the “Ancient that there will be one on each etc.) that you will be using for the Voices” quotes during the slip of paper; fold each in half Opening Reflection. Invite partici- Opening Reflection. You should and place in a basket. These will pants to listen in a contemplative instruct them to read them in be distributed at the end of the fashion and to quietly reflect, as the order, beginning at your signal, session. Make sure there will be series of quotes are read aloud by and to allow at least 10 seconds sufficient copies for the number your designated readers. of silent pause between each of participants (each person When all of the quotes have been quote. As they read a quote, they needs one; there may be some read, allow a short time of silent may also name the person it extras by using the seven quotes reflection before proceeding with the is from, and the dates of that from the Opening Reflection— discussion on spirituality. person’s life (helps establish the see below). context and long history of such words). Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 13
Spirituality/ Questions for reflection Considering God’s Creation Spirituality and discussion Immanence and the Hymn Have participants form pairs or of all Creation Question the group members: groups of three, and discuss the fol- Leader reads aloud: How would you describe or define lowing questions among themselves. When we read or hear of Luther “spirituality”? Allow approximately five to 10 saying something like “The power of Just a short answer or phrase minutes. Space is provided on the God is present at all places, even in will do; there is no single, or right or handout, if you feel the participants the tiniest tree leaf,” it may be helpful wrong, answer here. This may be han- would rather write down their to understand the definition of the dled as a group discussion question, thoughts and then share in a term “immanence” and to know the but you may find it helpful to give discussion with either their small difference between pantheism and participants one or two minutes to group or the group as a whole. panentheism. jot something down in the space provided on their handout page. Theologically, God is understood ● Have you ever felt God’s presence to be both “transcendent” and After a short opportunity for in creation or “nature”? When? “immanent”—transcendent, meaning sharing of participants’ answers on Where? How? above and beyond all that is, but also how they define spirituality, you may find it helpful to read the following ● Have you ever felt more immanent, meaning “indwelling” or short descriptions: spiritually alive or “awakened” abiding within and pervading all of (had an “epiphany”) by an creation. Some people may feel You may say: experience in nature? uneasy about thinking of God as One way to define and describe being present in all creation. spirituality is that it grows out of the However, such an awareness of God’s depth of our awareness of God’s presence is not to be confused with presence, both within our own being Martin Luther “pantheism”—the worship of natural and within all that surrounds us— (1483-1546) items or entities as God, or gods. other people, events, or creation Another term that some have used itself. For many, a sense of spirituality and a sampling of his in recent years to help make that might come most naturally in their comments about creation distinction, is “pan-en-theism,” an awareness of God’s presence “in, understanding that God is in (“en”) with, and under” the elements of Introduction suggestion: all that is, as well as above and Holy Communion and through “Let’s take a moment to hear beyond all that is. Holy Scripture, God’s written Word. some of the things that Martin Luther God’s indwelling love and grace So: What makes “creation had to say about God and creation…” inspires and calls forth what we spirituality” different? Invite individual group members might think of as the “hymn of all It’s not so much that it’s different, to read the Luther quotes aloud, in creation.” Consider this text, just but it does involve, for some, a new turn (see page 19). one of many that describe aspects of way of seeing and a new way of learn- this holy, God-praising response by ing to be receptive to God’s imma- Discussion creation itself: nence, or presence, within the natural Allow a short time for general world. St. Augustine called creation comments or use the questions below, The pastures of the God’s other “great book.” Another as a group or in the small groups wilderness overflow, the hills well-known Church father, Thomas from the previous discussion. gird themselves with joy, the Aquinas, put it this way: meadows clothe themselves Sacred writings are bound in two with flocks, the valleys deck ● Have you ever heard of any of volumes, that of Creation and that themselves with grain, they of Holy Scripture. these quotes by Luther before? shout and sing together for joy. So, creation spirituality might be ● Do you find them surprising? Psalm 65:12-13 understood as growing closer to God, ● What feelings or thoughts do they by learning to read also from the stir up for you? “book of creation.” Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 14
And, how often have we declared An example of a phrase you in our liturgy, our intention to be a Fostering a deeper might try, would be either of these part of that holy hymn, in our (creation) spirituality: two which we used in this session: Eucharistic Hymn of Praise: How? Where do we “All creation is a symphony Sing with all the people of start? of praise to God.” God, and join in the hymn of all A shorter summary of this section Hildegard of Bingen creation: Blessing, honor, glory, and is provided on the handout for indi- might be to God and the Lamb vidual reflection at home, but if you “The whole earth is a living forever. Amen. have time, it could be helpful for you icon of the face of God.” to read the following aloud, and to St. John Damascene Lutheran Book of Worship, review the “spiritual exercises” prior “Hymn of Praise,” Holy Communion, to closing this session with prayer. With practice, we will find that pages 61, 81 and 102 God’s Spirit can touch us through cer- You may say: tain images in nature to help inform, Discussion Probably the easiest place to start enrich, and enliven our prayers or Choose one or more of the follow- is in simply paying attention and even mirror, in a metaphorical way, ing questions for group sharing. making use of all of our senses, when something we are experiencing in our ● Have you ever thought about we are outdoors. We can try to be own life and help to bring clarity to what is meant by “the hymn of more conscious of the fact that we, the situation. all creation”? as humans, are a part of nature, not You will recall that our Lord separate from it. We can pray for Jesus himself frequently went into the ● How and where do you hear the openness of heart, mind, and spirit wilderness to pray, and that he would hymn of all creation? to God’s presence woven throughout often use natural images and ● Do you think it is manifested creation. metaphors to illustrate his parables. only in the audible sounds in We can try to understand our Of course, in urban areas, finding creation? Or might a field full of physical “place” in new and deeper “wilderness” can be nearly impossi- wildflowers or dew-laced spider ways—we can learn the names of ble; and finding special “nature webs “shout and sing” its own creatures, trees, and plants in our moments” to reflect on God’s good- kind of praises to God? bioregion, for example. At sundown, ness can also seem challenging. we might try to be intentionally However, we might be surprised at ● How might we learn new ways to conscious of the fact that the Sun is how often life—greenery, creatures— hear the hymn of all creation? not really going “down,” but rather, will try so hard to occupy any niche it ● Do you think that we, as humans, that our part of the Earth is turning can find. While we may discover add to the harmony of that hymn, away. When we look at the stars at unexpected beauty in such places, or do we also (too often?) strike night, we should know that we’re not we should also open our eyes anew discordant notes? just looking “up,” but also out and to the challenged, and often less down, into vast reaches of space that, beautiful, urban corners of creation. without the force of gravity, we would Something for us to think about: tumble into! How might we help to bring healing, A common spiritual practice for freshness, life, and greenness to deepening one’s connection to God is even such places, as “ambassadors” to use a simple, repeated phrase as a of Christ’s reconciliation—in the prayer-like meditation. Using such a restoration of right relationship—of phrase while walking outdoors can be all things? a way to prepare ourselves to be more open and receptive to what God would have us see or learn from creation, and so become a pathway to a deeper spirituality. Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 15
● Visit a natural area, or even your In Summary own backyard, and try reading Closing Fostering a deeper sense of from the “book of creation,” by Read by Leader or a volunteer, spirituality, through connecting with reflecting upon the images, using Leader’s guide. God in creation, is about nurturing a objects, or creatures that draw deeper awareness of our surround- your attention. Keep notes about A Scripture Reading ings …breathing in the joys (as well your experiences in a prayer (Psalm 19:1-4a) as the sorrows) evident in the natural journal. What is God revealing to The heavens are telling the world and listening more carefully for you? What is God saying to your glory of God; and the firmament “the hymn of all creation.” What is heart? proclaims his handiwork. Day God trying to teach us, through this to day pours forth speech, and “other book” of scripture? ● Write a “Letter to the Creator.” night to night declares knowl- What would you say to God, in a edge. There is no speech, nor letter, to express your apprecia- are there words; their voice is “Spiritual Exercises” you tion for (or even your questions not heard; yet their voice goes can try at home about) the natural world? out through all the earth, and Leader reviews and describes About your particular corner of their words to the end of the the suggestions for the following creation? What, specifically, world. reflection exercises. would you thank God for? What Each participant should also would you express sorrow about? Let us pray: select one slip of paper, with a quote What would you tell God that you How wonderful, O Lord, are the from the “Ancient Voices” collection will do, to help heal creation? works of your hands! The heavens (of saints, theologians, etc.) for Leader Note – if members of your declare your glory; the arch of sky exercise #1 that the Leader prepared group are agreeable, you may displays your handiwork. In your ahead of time. wish to extend an invitation to love You have given us the power to them to share their “Letters” with behold the beauty of your world You may say: the full group, at the beginning of robed in all its splendor. The sun and ● Take some time each day to read Session Three or at another time the stars, the valleys and the hills, the quote you received; read it of gathering (if you are on retreat, the rivers and lakes, all disclose your outside or reflect on it during for example). presence. The roaring breakers of the your prayer time, whether that’s sea tell of your awesome might. The inside or (preferably) outside. beasts of the field and the birds of What words or phrase most the air bespeak your wondrous will. catches your attention? How In your goodness you have made us does this particular quote have able to hear the music of the world. meaning to you? How might you The voices of loved ones reveal to us weave it into your prayers? that You are in our midst. A divine voice sings through all creation. — a Jewish Prayer Help us, O Lord, to hear your voice more clearly! And let the people say, Amen! PHOTO © KIM WINCHELL Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 16
● Do further study on Hildegard ● Visit and walk an outdoor Options for expand- of Bingen and learn about her labyrinth; be open to God’s ing Session Two concept of viriditas, or “greening presence, seek to learn something ● Incorporate appropriate hymns, power.” Book suggestion: new about God’s love for you and such as When Long Before Time Praying with Hildegard of how the Earth and others may (With One Voice [WOV] #799 or Bingen, by Gloria Durka, in the need your talents and gifts. ELW #861) or The Canticle of the “Companions for the Journey” ● Plan and plant a natural area, Sun by Marty Haugen (Anthology series by Saint Mary’s Press, garden, or meditative garden on I:1980). Winona, MN, 1991. your congregation’s grounds. ● Visit a natural area and conduct ● Read aloud (assigning parts) in a prayer service to celebrate class or in worship, Old Turtle, a creation and to pray for healing book by Douglas Wood, Pfeiffer- and reconciliation between Hamilton Publishers, MN, 1992 humankind and the Earth and (see Resources). its creatures. ● Show and discuss one or both ● Expand on themes and ideas of The Greening of Faith videos raised in this session, as a group, (see Resources). in a weekend retreat. PHOTO © KIM WINCHELL Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 17
Session Two: God’s Presence Fills All Creation Participant 2.1 Introduction Opening Prayer Spirituality / In this session, we will consider Holy and gracious Lord, we Creation Spirituality how we might open our hearts more give you thanks for the wonders, the Discussion questions fully to God’s presence and revelation mysteries, the blessings, and the Have you ever felt God’s presence in within the natural world. You may be beauty of creation. creation or “nature”? When? Where? surprised that this form of spiritual Open our hearts, and attune our How? awareness comes from a long and spirits, to your voice and presence ancient tradition of Christian writers, as it flows through, sustains, and fills _____________________________________ thinkers, and even Martin Luther all the Earth. himself! What can these voices Grant that we may come to know _____________________________________ teach us today? How do we define you more deeply, and hear more “spirituality” and “creation spirituali- clearly, the ways that you call us to _____________________________________ ty”? What’s the difference? Is there care for your good creation, and for a difference? Could it help us to one another. _____________________________________ act differently? What “spiritual In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. disciplines” might help us to connect _____________________________________ more deeply with God through the Reflection testimony of creation? Listen now with your ears, mind, and heart to the words of several Have you ever felt more spiritually ancient Christian teachers, who wrote alive or “awakened” (had an “epiphany”) by an experience in and spoke about God’s presence in nature? creation… _____________________________________ Discussion question How would you define or describe _____________________________________ “spirituality”? What does it mean to you, personally? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 18
Session Two: God’s Presence Fills All Creation Participant 2.2 Martin Luther Questions for discussion: Have you ever heard of any of these (1483-1546) quotes by Luther before? …and a sampling of his comments about creation _____________________________________ [Note: “LW” = Luther’s Works, a scholarly God is wholly present in all compilation of his writings.] creation, in every corner, behind _____________________________________ God wants to be praised for you and before you. Do you nourishing and cherishing, for think that God is [just] sleeping _____________________________________ God cherishes all creatures. God on a pillow in heaven? is not only the Creator, but is (LW 51:43) _____________________________________ also the Sustainer and Nourisher. God is in all creatures, even _____________________________________ (LW 5:197) in the smallest flowers! (LW 54:327) Do you find them surprising? God’s entire divine nature is wholly and entirely in all crea- tures, more deeply, more The power of God is present _____________________________________ inwardly, more present than the at all places, even in the tiniest creature is to itself. tree leaf. _____________________________________ (LW 37:60) (LW 37:57) _____________________________________ God is entirely and personally God writes the Gospel, not in _____________________________________ present in the wilderness, in the the Bible alone, but also on garden, in the field. trees, and in the flowers and _____________________________________ (LW 37:61) clouds and stars. (Attributed to Luther; exact source in his writings What feelings or thoughts do they stir unknown) up for you? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 19
Session Two: God’s Presence Fills All Creation Participant 2.3 even mirror, in a metaphorical way, Spiritual Exercises Fostering a deeper something you are experiencing in (creation) spirituality you can try at home your life and help to bring clarity to ● Take some time each day to read (take-home reflection) the situation. Recall that our Lord the quote you received; read it Jesus frequently went into the Fostering a deeper sense of outside or reflect on it during wilderness to pray, and that he would spirituality, through connecting with your prayer time. What words or often use natural images and God in creation, is about nurturing a phrase most catches your atten- metaphors to illustrate his parables. deeper awareness of your surround- tion? How does this particular ings …breathing in the joys (as well quote have meaning to you? What is God teaching you, through this as the sorrows) evident in the natural “other book” of scripture? How might you weave it into world and listening more carefully for your prayers? “the hymn of all creation.” Probably _____________________________________ ● Visit a natural area, or even your the easiest place to start is in simply paying attention and making use of own backyard, and try reading _____________________________________ from the “book of creation” by all of your senses, when you are outdoors. Pray for openness of heart, reflecting upon the images, _____________________________________ objects, or creatures that draw mind, and spirit to God’s presence woven throughout creation. With your attention. Keep notes about _____________________________________ your experiences in a prayer practice, you will find that God’s Spirit will touch you through certain journal. What is God revealing to _____________________________________ you? images in nature to help inform, enrich, and enliven your prayers or ● Write a “Letter to the Creator”. What would you say to God, in a letter, to express your apprecia- tion for (or even your questions about) the natural world? What, specifically, would you thank God for? What would you express sorrow about? What would you tell God that you will do, to help heal creation? PHOTO © KIM WINCHELL Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 20
Session Two: God’s Presence Fills All Creation Leader Resource Ancient Teachers and Voices on Creation and God’s Presence 1 3 6 For what can be known For when one considers the Without the Word of God no about God is plain to them, universe, can anyone be so sim- creature has being. God’s Word because God has shown it to ple-minded as not to believe that is in all creation, visible and them. the Divine is present in every- invisible. The Word is living, Ever since the creation of the thing, pervading, embracing and being, spirit, all verdant green- world his invisible nature, name- penetrating it? ing, all creativity. All creation is ly, his eternal power and deity, For all things depend upon awakened, called, by the has been clearly perceived in God who is, and nothing can resounding melody, God’s the things that have been made. exist which does not have its invocation of the Word. So they are without excuse. being in God who is. All creation is a symphony of —Romans 1:19-20 — St. Gregory of Nyssa praise to God. (335-395) — Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) 2 4 7 For even creation reveals the Some people, in order to dis- The day of my spiritual awaken- One who formed it, and the very cover God, read books. But ing was the day I saw—and knew— work suggests the One who there is a great book: the very all things in God and God in all made it, and the world mani- appearance of created things. things. fests the One who made it. Look above you! Look below — Mechtild of Magdeberg — St. Iraneus of Lyons you! Note it. Read it. God, (1210-1279) (130-200ad) whom you want to discover, never wrote that book with ink. Instead he set before your eyes the things that he had made. Can you ask for a louder voice than that? — St. Augustine (354-430) 5 The whole earth is a living icon of the face of God. — St. John Damascene (675-749) pronounced “dama-see-en” Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 21
3 Awakening to God’s call to Earthkeeping Session Three Biblical Foundations for Earthkeeping Wherever the river goes, every living creature that swarms will live, and there will be very many fish, once these waters reach there. It will become fresh; and everything will live where the river goes. Ezekiel 47:9,11 PHOTO © KIM WINCHELL Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Three 22
Session Three: Biblical Foundations for Earthkeeping Leader Guide Humans, in service to God, have special roles on behalf of the whole of creation. Made in God’s image, we are called to care for the Earth as God cares for the Earth. Plan the small group work This session, in particular, will require some extra prior consideration and planning for how best to utilize the material, which ● 3 Another alternative would be to have the full group address one main text collection at a time (i.e., OT, NT, Prophets) and break into four smaller groups—one for each subsection—and reconvene —ELCA social statement, will depend in part on (1) the size of the full group three times, at Caring for Creation: Vision, your group and (2) the time allotted shorter intervals. Hope, and Justice for this session. ● Suggest that each small group ● Ideally, your group’s size will Leader Tips and allow for dividing participants choose a facilitator, to help the group move through the texts and Advance Preparation into three smaller groups, each discussion questions, and who ● You may wish to have Bibles of which would focus on one of can later summarize one or two available, even though the study the three main text collections. key insights from their group, texts will be printed in the If there are enough people to when the full group reconvenes. Participant pages. form a fourth small group, you The small group facilitator may could divide the Old Testament ● In the Participant pages for also find it helpful to read aloud text pages. Session Three, you will find both the short introduction for their the usual double-sided handout, ● You should allow at least 30 text collection, before beginning plus several pages of biblical minutes for the small group their work. texts, divided into three work, with another 10 minutes ● The small group can decide groupings: for discussion when the full whether they will take turns in group reconvenes, plus time for reading the texts aloud or divide Group I – Hebrew Scriptures the Closing. up the texts for individual (Old Testament) ● You will notice that each of the reading, before discussion of the Group II – New Testament main text collections is divided questions. Group III – Prophetic Texts You will need the basic handout into four sub-sections, each with ● Approximately five minutes for each participant, but only one several texts and accompanying before the full group reconvenes, set per group of the biblical texts. discussion questions. If there is ask the groups to bring their insufficient time (or if the small work to a close and to jot down ● Plan how to arrange your room group chooses), choosing only some answers to the “summary to facilitate smaller group one or two texts from within a overview questions” on their discussions (e.g., how many subsection may provide a handout. chairs in each of at least three “sampling” to help address the groups). A paper flip chart or discussion question(s). blackboard may be helpful, if you wish to record comments from the closing discussion. Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 23
You can also read