2019 SHORTLIST - Card and Payments Awards

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2019 SHORTLIST - Card and Payments Awards
2019 SHORTLIST - Card and Payments Awards
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2019 SHORTLIST - Card and Payments Awards
Welcome & Thank You
Welcome to the fourteenth edition of the shortlist
for The Card and Payments Awards.

In the 14th year of this important industry event, we        Two other very important groups of people need
continue to admire the payments sector. Starting as The      to be recognised.
Credit Card Awards in 2006, it would have been hard
then to envisage where the industry is today – it has        Firstly, our judging panel work extremely hard to ensure
been a truly astonishing transformation, one that few        that the judging process remains independent and
other industries have experienced.                           beyond reproach. There is a lot of material to wade
                                                             through, it is time consuming and laborious and it is
With over 150 entries this year from 70 different            done without recompense. Thank you in particular to
organisations, the variety of programmes involved and        judging panel chair, Mr Roger Alexander, who’s interest,
the range of companies taking part is genuinely inspiring.   time and commitment to the cause is instrumental in
The ever-changing profile of our participants makes The      keeping the entire process on track.
Card and Payments Awards a must-attend event – who’s
doing what, who’s new, who is executing better and           Secondly, our sponsoring organisations take a significant
what innovations are being executed well. You and your       leadership function in the industry by supporting this
team are sure to come away from the night with some          event year after year. They recognise the need for a
new ideas, a better understanding of who is doing what       forum to achieve all of the matters outlined above and
and maybe, just maybe, what you see will serve as the        deserve huge credit and recognition for this.
kernel or inspiration for the next big industry idea.
                                                             We are immensely proud of our charity initiative each
Best practice should always be celebrated, success           year and this year our chosen charity is Anthony Nolan.
should always be rewarded and innovation, irrespective       Their work in the field of blood cancer treatment and
of its ultimate success, should always be applauded.         support is awe inspiring and we hope to give them a
Regardless of your personal motivations, benchmarks          huge boost with our collection on the night.
should be put down by everyone for the greater good of
the industry and for the benefit of the consumer.            The event in 2019 takes place as usual on the first
                                                             Thursday in February at the Grosvenor House Hotel,
Congratulations to all our entering organisations for        Park Lane. Don’t wait to book as tables (and the best
contributing and I’d like to wish you all the very best of   positions in the room) are going fast.
luck through the remainder of the judging process. To
those of you that didn’t make it through the shortlisting    Michael Harty
process, the industry thanks you for your contribution.      Managing Director, The Card and Payments Awards

We look forward to seeing you on
7 February 2019
2019 SHORTLIST - Card and Payments Awards
Holly, Rupert’s mum.
You can hear more of their inspiring
story during her speech at The Card &
Payments Awards on 7 February 2019.

That someone was a stem cell donor –
supported by someone like YOU.
Every day, Anthony Nolan matches stem cell donors
to people with blood cancer and blood disorders,
and gives lifesaving transplants for people like Rupert.
But we can’t save lives without your financial support.
Anthony Nolan is hugely grateful to be The Card & Payments Awards
charity beneficiary 2019. If you are interested in finding out more about
Anthony Nolan and how YOUR support can save lives, please contact

                                                                            Reg charity no 803716/SC0388271681FR 1018
2019 SHORTLIST - Card and Payments Awards

06   TSYS Featured Article
08   Best Payments Industry Newcomer
09   Social Inclusion in Financial Services
10   Best Marketing Campaign of the Year
12   Best Benefits or Loyalty Programme of the Year
14   Best Consumer Credit Card or Credit Facility
15   Best Initiative in Mobile Payments
16   Best Achievement in Customer Service
18   Best Technology Initiative of the Year
20   Best Achievement in Retail Payments
21   Best Prepaid Product of the Year
22   Best Debit Card Programme of the Year
23   Best Achievement in Payments Processing
24   Best Service to Business
26   Best Initiative from an SME
27   Best Design of the Year
28   Best Industry Innovation of the Year
30   Changing Lives in the Community
31   Best Alternative or Digital Payments Programme
32   Best Security or Anti-Fraud Development
34   Thanks to all our sponsors
35   Judging Panel
36   Table Packages
Three Components Necessary for Success in
Any Company’s Data and Analytics Journey
by Juan Gorricho

No one can dispute that data has significant value for organisations. We see it every day in how they use data to successfully deliver
better customer experiences — whether that means more personalisation or better products and services based on collected and
analysed customer behaviour.

Examples abound: we’ve all read how Netflix has used viewership data to design and produce new series that are adjusted to viewer
behaviour and preferences. Waze is also an example of the power of big data and analytics. Companies built solely on data, such as The
Climate Corporation, have been successfully acquired.

Making analytics work
As easy and seamless as the end result may seem, many companies are still struggling to make data and analytics work for them. The
data journey is indeed promising, but companies are still struggling with the fundamentals of data management: reigning data in, getting
business units aligned with data solutions and creating data products that are embraced and adopted. The last point is critical because
it highlights the importance of leadership and culture in successfully adopting a data and analytics culture. Progress is complicated even
further by the noise created in the marketplace by things like big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence and the internet of things.

The truth is, a lot of these buzzwords have been hijacked by vendors that portray technology solutions as silver bullets that will
solve all problems. They imply that by acquiring these technologies alone, companies can solve all of their challenges and start
implementing solutions right away. Similarly, companies believe it’s enough to hire data scientists, equip them with technology and
just hope for the best.

We are beyond the point of asking why companies should get into data and analytics. Using data is a core competency that is starting
to make a difference between organisations that succeed and those that fail. It is imperative for companies to define and start executing
their data and analytics strategies as soon as possible.

That said, companies need to focus on a few things that I call the fundamentals of the data and analytics journey:
 • Keep a balance between people, processes and technology when designing and implementing data and analytics solutions.
 • Implement data solutions that are aligned with business needs. I also refer to this as always starting with the last mile in mind.
 • Implement solutions in an agile way, in small iterations that deliver business value quickly.

Let’s take a look at each of these points in detail.
Balance between people, processes and technology
In my experience, this is one of the most fundamental elements companies should consider when delivering
data and analytics solutions. It’s also one of the most overlooked.

In the data and analytics space, the lack of balance between these three elements manifests itself in many ways.

 Technology                                         People                                               Process

Many companies start their data journey            The lack of balance can also manifest itself         When it comes to the process, lack of balance
by making significant capital investments in       on the people side. When companies hire              manifests itself when solutions are implemented
technology, such as business intelligence tools,   armies of data scientists in hopes they’ll deliver   without regard to adoption methods. Or said
database appliances, Hadoop clusters or similar    business value, this often results in fantastic      differently, there is no plan for the last mile, for
components. Little do these companies know         algorithms that are disconnected from the            how the outcomes of the analytical solution
that they probably already have plenty of          reality of the business needs. I call these          will be embedded in business processes. This
technology they can utilise. Furthermore, the      ‘orphan algorithms’ — perfect solutions with no      is perhaps one of the biggest drivers of lack of
latest cloud computing offers easy access to       problem to solve. Nowadays, there are plenty         adoption of machine learning based solutions. For
technology that can be consumed on-demand          of ways to start small in this regard, such as       example, companies often develop a sophisticated
and allows companies to start without large        relying on consulting companies. But first,          forecasting algorithm that reduces process time
investments. Usually, aimless investments in       organisations should define what they want to        from weeks to a few hours. However, sometimes
technology can be traced back to business          accomplish in a prototype kind of approach.          the only problem is that the business team
leaders who request that companies jump into                                                            consuming the results of the forecast isn’t ready
data and analytics and technology teams that                                                            for the solution. It’s easy to assume that by
react by impulsively acquiring the technology.                                                          producing a better forecast in a more efficient
                                                                                                        way, the business team will be able to adapt to
                                                                                                        it and ‘run with it’ — but that doesn’t give the
                                                                                                        process changes enough consideration.

Alignment with business needs
Similarly to the points above, teams leading data and analytics work need to have
a laser focus on the business needs of the company and how data solutions can
help address them. This requires data teams to be in close sync with the business
teams, with focused conversations on understanding what the real business
problems are. Many times, the relationship between business and data teams is
transactional in nature, putting data teams in an ‘order taking’ kind of role. Data
teams need to elevate themselves out of this position, focusing the relationship
on delivering high-value business solutions.

Agile solution delivery
I often recall a session at a data and analytics conference led by Jared Souter,
chief data officer at First Republic Bank. One of the key points he shared
was the need for data teams to understand that momentum forward is more
important than perfect trajectory. Data teams need to ensure that value is                               About the author
delivered quickly, in an agile way that allows business teams to realise concrete
results in the short term.                                                                               Juan F. Gorricho is currently senior vice
                                                                                                         president, data & analytics, global product
                                                                                                         innovation at TSYS. In this role, Gorricho leads
This can and has to be done without losing sight of the long-term vision for
                                                                                                         the development and implementation of TSYS
data and analytics: short-term gains with a long-term view. Don’t wait until                             data and analytics strategy aimed at enhancing
your solutions are perfect or let a significant amount of time pass before                               existing, and developing new data products for
implementing them. By the time the solution is delivered, the business context                           TSYS clients.
may have changed, rendering the solution useless. Delivering small, quick
                                                                                                         Prior to this role, he was chief data and
solutions also has the added benefit of allowing business teams to face less
                                                                                                         analytics officer for Partners Federal Credit
change when adopting new solutions.                                                                      Union, where he led the development and
                                                                                                         execution of Partners’ data strategy. Gorricho
Making data a core competency                                                                            has more than 15 years of experience in the
                                                                                                         data and analytics space and frequently speaks
                                                                                                         at data and analytics-related conferences.
There is no doubt that there is plenty of value to be realised from leveraging data
as a core competency. As business processes become more digital, the amount
of data available has increased significantly. Organisations that focus on the right
priorities, in the right way, will be able to realise the most desirable benefits.
Best Payments
                                                                                                   CATEGORY SPONSOR

    Industry Newcomer

    Arro Money
    Arro Money by Marq Millions

    Arro is the account that makes managing your money straightforward. We offer both
    personal and business accounts, which you can get without painful application processes,
    credit checks or long waiting times.


    ClearBank® is neutral and independent; our state-of-the-art technology transforms the
    ability for financial institutions to provide current accounts to their customers, resulting
    in faster and more efficient payments, whilst delivering financial inclusion. ClearBank®’s
    platform is directly integrated with CHAPS, BACS, Faster Payments, C&CCC; and are
    Principal Members of MasterCard and VISA.

    Konsentus; confidence in PSD2 open banking

    Konsentus is the first RESTful API, online, machine readable, real-time service that
    provides FIs with TPP regulatory and eIDAS certificate checking services along with
    OAuth2.0 Tokenisation Issuance & Management Services enabling FIs to comply with
8   PSD2 open banking.


    MuchBetter is a next-generation e-wallet that lets users make payments instantly and
    securely with just their smartphone and fingerprint. Its wallet platform for wearables also
    lowers the barrier to entry for brands designing wearable/IoT NFC devices. In year one,
    MuchBetter has welcomed >120 merchants and is on track to achieve 100,000 users by
    the end of the year.

    Open Banking with Token

    Open Banking with Token is the development of a platform that allows a global
    ecosystem of banks, bank customers and developers to move money and information
    securely, without friction and instantly worldwide. With Token, money and transaction
    information move as a unit instantly, securely, and at a low cost.
Social Inclusion in
Financial Services

Capital One
Capital One & Starter Card

Capital One has introduced a pioneering card that enables the UK’s 7.8 million financially
excluded people to access fairly-priced credit on standard terms, even when they have
been declined everywhere else.

Capital One
Collections Plans in Mobile App

Capital One’s vision is to Change Banking for Good, when it realised that its popular
mobile app could be enhanced by enabling users to set up tailored repayment plans
in app it didn’t hesitate to change. The response has been hugely positive, with users
engaging immediately AND proving better at sticking to the plans.

ClearScore - Coaching

ClearScore is the UK’s No1 credit checking service, aiming to help everyone, no matter
what their circumstances, achieve greater financial wellbeing. In addition to giving people
access to their credit score and report for free, in 2017 ClearScore launched Coaching,
the first bot-based programme to help people improve their finances.                          9

Engage & Samsung Pay

Engage partnered with Samsung Pay to improve the overall experience for its customers
and drive financial inclusion within the underbanked segment. The partnership integrated
the mobile banking functionality of Samsung Pay to Contis’ offering to Credit Union
customers for the first time.

The Change Account
The Change Account, issued by Wirecard

The simple idea behind Change Account was to develop a transactional bank account
that is “inclusive” to all, putting the customer at the centre of our business. An account
that everyone can access, that rewards its customers with cashback and is safe to use
without penalty or non-transparent fees.
Best Marketing Campaign
     of the Year

     American Express
     How Amex UK used innovation to drive brand reappraisal

     In May 2018, Amex UK launched the Global Brand Strategy with its positioning
     ‘Powerful Backing’ to drive increased brand consideration. It is the first time the brand
     has communicated its B2B and B2C offering above the line. To date it has driven a
     significant increase in brand consideration.

     American Express
     Money Well Spent

     Money Well Spent is an American Express campaign to drive awareness and acquisition
     among small businesses by showing them real-world examples of how the Gold Business
     Card can help their company thrive. The focus is on using the card to help manage cash
     flow, as well as reinvesting Membership Rewards points into their business.

     Avantcard ‘Made for you’ Campaign

     In May 2018, Avantcard launched its ‘Made for you’ campaign to coincide with the
     introduction of Personalised Pricing for personal loans and credit cards in Ireland. As the
     first lender in Ireland to offer Personalised Pricing, Avantcard made a significant impact
10   through the launch of strong creative and engaging marketing activities.

     “Be smarter with Smartpay” campaign

     Customers expect payment gateways to be frictionless. Failure to do so can result in
     60% basket abandonment. They’re critical to a business’ growth, but not a boardroom
     priority. Barclaycard’s ”Be smarter with SmartPay” campaign deliberately targeted the
     whole of the C-suite, positioning gateways as a business critical issue – and opportunity.

     Capital One
     Capital One’s ‘Check it, don’t chance it’ advertising campaign

     In a bid to raise customer awareness and consideration on a large scale, credit card
     provider Capital One created its first TV-led UK advertising campaign in ten years.
     Using humour to educate customers regarding its zero-risk credit card eligibility checker
     QuickCheck, the ‘Check it, don’t chance it’ campaign has produced the highest ad recall
     and reach of any Capital One campaign to date.
Listening Room (BRIT Awards 2018)

Can music say more than words? To celebrate 20 years as proud sponsor of The BRIT
Awards, we set out to Start Something Priceless, using the power of music. We created
a powerful experience, specially crafted to bring together pairs of real people and help
them mend their broken relationships. What will unfold when they’re face to face in
the Listening Room?

Mastercard Feed Their Future Initiative

Mastercard partnered with TfL to support the UN’s World Food Day, creating the
‘Feed Their Future’ CSR initiative, a campaign intended to provide millions of school
meals to those in need, whilst at the same time making the lives of commuters a tiny
bit more seamless.                                                                           11

One4all Gift Cards
Christmas Wishes Marketing Campaign 2017

The One4all Christmas Wishes campaign delivered a feel-good message that spread
throughout our audience, generating invaluable word-of-mouth promotion throughout
the country. The positive response, vast reach and excellent sales results of the campaign
represented a hugely successful brand activation that encapsulated One4all’s core values
and over-delivered across the board.

Virgin Money
Virgin Atlantic Airways Credit Card Launch

Virgin Money and Virgin Atlantic Airways are entering the launch of the Virgin Atlantic
Credit Cards into the Marketing Campaign of the Year category. The campaign saw the
integration of two established Virgin brands to create a new card proposition, enabling
customers to earn Flying Club miles for their spending.

Virgin Money
World Food Programme - One Million Meals

Virgin Money is entering our “World Food Programme – One Million Meals”
campaign into the Marketing Campaign of the Year category. The campaign resulted
in a fantastic donation of two million meals to school children in Africa, with the help
of our amazing customers.
Best Benefits or Loyalty
     Programme of the Year

     Allied Irish Banks (AIB)
     AIB Everyday Rewards

     First, define the problem. Ours was research telling us most customers thought us
     “everyday bad”, the cause being fees being perceived as poor value. So we set up a
     cashback scheme to give them excellent value – and hundreds of thousands are now
     taking part. We’re now regarded as “everyday good”.

     American Express
     Amex Offers

     In an ocean of offers, Amex Offers had to work hard to stand out. But a combination
     of machine learning, massive personalisation and revamped communications increased
     Cardmember enrolments and redemptions. What’s more, participating merchants
     enjoyed greater non-offer spend.

     “Avantages” - Avantcard’s new credit card rewards programme.

     Avantcard launched its first ever credit card rewards programme, called “Avantages”, in
     June 2018. Avantages is a unique rewards platform designed to offer the broadest range
     of distinct and always-on offers in the market. It was built using multiple partners with
12   links to both global and local brands.

     Barclaycard Entertainment

     ‘Barclaycard Entertainment’ builds on the brand’s heritage in entertainment by
     introducing benefits exclusively for cardholders – including ticket offers and perks for
     over 3,500 live events a year.
Collinson’s Priority Pass: driving loyalty with
premium connected travel experiences

The world’s best-known financial services brands use Collinson’s Priority Pass – the
world’s number one premium airport experiences program – to reward their high-value
customers. Now Collinson is creating connected traveler experiences to make Priority      13

Pass an even more effective solution for engaging customers and driving loyalty.

Royal Bank of Scotland/ Natwest
Royal Bank of Scotland / NatWest My Rewards Programme

This diverse and wide-ranging loyalty programme is one of a kind in the UK, providing
cashback on both spending and direct debits on up to seven types household bills. It
underpins a series of market-leading reward current accounts and credit cards, allowing
customers with multiple products to enjoy even greater value.

Sainsbury’s Bank
Saying thanks to loyal shoppers; how Sainsbury’s helped customers
receive more Nectar points from their regular shopping

Sainsbury’s Bank developed a reward proposition offering Sainsbury’s customers ten
times the amount of Nectar points on Sainsbury’s shopping. To make the offer easy for
customers to access it was presented to them whilst shopping. The proposition has
returned significant value to customers and increased loyalty to Sainsbury’s.

Virgin Money
Virgin Atlantic Airways Credit Cards

Virgin Money and Virgin Atlantic Airways are entering our Virgin Atlantic Credit Cards
into the best benefits programme of the year category. Launched in April 2018, we
introduced two new credit card propositions which reward customers with Flying Club
Miles in return for their everyday spending.
Best Consumer Credit
                                                                                                  CATEGORY SPONSOR

     Card or Credit Facility

     American Express
     American Express® Preferred Rewards Gold Credit Card

     In 2018 American Express launched the Preferred Rewards Gold Credit Card, keeping
     the market-leading rewards, travel and lifestyle benefits of the old Gold Charge Card, but
     letting Cardmembers revolve a balance. Customer acquisition volume and billings have
     since risen, thereby raising ROI expectations.

     Lloyds Banking Group
     MBNA Horizon Credit Card

     The new MBNA Horizon credit card offers some of the most generous and wide-ranging
     benefits in the market with zero foreign exchange fees, zero transaction fees, free cash
     withdrawals, 0% balance transfers and 0.5% cashback – all with no annual fee.

     M&S Bank
     Not just any credit card, the M&S Credit Card

     M&S Reward Plus Credit Card offer enables customers to benefit from the award-
     winning service, great rates and M&S loyalty points that they have always valued, along
     with double points on M&S spending in the first year, bonus M&S points and six months
14   interest free on spending and balance transfers.

     Amazon Platinum Mastercard

     The Amazon Platinum Mastercard, with double the earn rate (now 1.5%) for all eligible
     Amazon Prime members’ purchases on Amazon.co.uk. Improved accessibility for
     customers through a counter offer to the newly launched Amazon Classic card (for
     customers who don’t meet the Platinum criteria), combined with the Classic card’s
     promise of an upgrade after 12 months.

     PayPal UK
     PayPal Credit - credit without the plastic!

     PayPal Credit is a global credit proposition enabling consumers to spread the cost of
     purchases in an affordable and secure way, whilst empowering businesses to increase
     sales and average order values. Powered by technology, data and 17 years’ experience in
     online payments, PayPal Credit disrupts the lending ecosystem to meet shoppers’ needs.

     Royal Bank of Scotland/ Natwest
     Royal Bank of Scotland / NatWest Reward and Reward Black Credit Card

     The Reward Credit Card and Reward Black Credit Card continue to provide incredible
     value for customers thanks to a compelling initial offering underpinned by a market-
     leading Rewards scheme. With competitive cashback, enhanced rewards, consistent
     uptake and a relentless focus on personalisation, this in-demand card remains at the
     front of any wallet.
Best Initiative in
                                                                                             CATEGORY SPONSOR

Mobile Payments

Allied Irish Banks (AIB)
Best Initiative in Mobile Banking - Apple Pay
integration with AIB Mobile Banking App

If at first… Lots have tried but so far we’re the only Visa issuer to succeed in
integrating Apple Pay into a banking app. It was a knotty technical challenge but
worth it – AIB customers are now making 1,000s of Apple Pay transactions a month.
And that’s just a beginning.

Barclays Mobile Cards Hub

Cards Hub is an online location within Barclays’ mobile banking app that enables
customers to control how their debit card (and devices it is linked to) can be used. Cards
Hub engagement has grown throughout 2018, with dedicated marketing campaigns
ensuring customers are aware of the feature, as well as, using the feature. The
components of cards hub are customer research led.

Conferma Pay

NEW for 2019 - Conferma Pay’s mobile app is a global industry first. Conferma Pay is
transforming the way business purchases are made today with the power of a cashless
mobile app. It is the easiest and most secure way for businesses to make payments
without having to use personal or corporate cards.                                                              15

Engage & Samsung Pay

Engage partnered with Samsung Pay to improve the overall experience for its customers
and drive financial inclusion within the underbanked segment. The partnership integrated
the mobile banking functionality of Samsung Pay to Contis’ offering to Credit Union
customers for the first time.

National Westminster Bank
ClearSpend: mobile & desktop application for Commercial Card customers

ClearSpend is a free to use, 1st to UK market mobile app and desktop application
providing NatWest customers with on the go real-time visibility & control of their
commercial card account. Developed in partnership with Silicon Valley Fin-Tech;
SpendLabs to provide customers with a superior self service experience.

Tesco Bank
Tesco Pay+: simple, convenient and rewarding payments at Tesco

Tesco Pay+, the app built for Tesco shoppers. Tesco Pay+ offers a simple, convenient
and rewarding way to pay in Tesco. The app offers customers more choice about
how they pay in Tesco, saves customers time at the checkout and saves 1,000s of
hours in store productivity.
Best Achievement in
     Customer Service

     American Express
     Merchant-led, Data-driven Relationship Management

     The Client Management Group that services Amex’s largest 300 UK merchants
     implemented a highly personalised, data rich programme that uses extensive client
     feedback to develop new products/ services that enhance the customer experience
     and build business success. This insight driven programme has increased merchant
     satisfaction and loyalty (100% retention).

     Barclaycard Payment Solutions – Proactive Security
     Service (in partnership with Sysnet)

     Barclaycard and Sysnet have delivered the largest security programme roll out to
     support Level 3 and 4 merchants in the UK. Proactive Security Service (PSS) auto-enrols
     customers, hand holding them through PCI DSS compliance and providing additional
     cyber security advice. Over 80% of customer engaged with PSS are PCI compliant.

     Barclays Mobile Cards Hub

     Cards Hub is an online location within Barclays’ mobile banking app that enables
     customers to control how their debit card (and devices it is linked to) can be used. Cards
     Hub engagement has grown throughout 2018, with dedicated marketing campaigns
16   ensuring customers are aware of the feature, as well as, using the feature. The
     components of cards hub are customer research led.

     Lloyds Banking Group
     Lloyds Banking Group’s Proactive Customer Service

     When Monarch Airlines declared insolvency at 4 a.m. on 2nd October 2017, Lloyds
     Banking Group’s data teams leapt into action, using transaction history to identify
     customers who may be affected and in need of support. Throughout 2018, we have
     continued to proactively reach out to those who may have been impacted by a natural
     disaster or unforeseen event, offering much needed guidance and support.

NewDay Customer feedback programme for continuous improvement

This entry details how we use Voice of Customer feedback from multiple sources: NPS
survey verbatim, Voice of People feedback through our bug boards, our new Brand
Ambassador customer programme, Complaints analysis, Retailer client feedback and
Trust Pilot reviews gathered and fed into our Customer Issue Resolution programme to
drive improvements that really matter to our customers.

Sage Pay
Sage Pay Customer Service – Delivering Outstanding Service 24/7/365

Through a business wide Customer Focused strategy, Sage Pay delivers outstanding
customer service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to thousands of businesses across
the UK and Ireland. Customers demonstrate high levels of satisfaction through multiple
feedback sources. This is further showcased in impeccable access statistics across all
channels and great retention rates.

Improving standards in the face of change

During 2018 our award-winning Customer Services team planned and managed the
migration of 8,000 users from a legacy portal to our new flagship processing portal Pulse®.
Our market leading standards have improved across NPS and CSAT whilst delivering the
project four months ahead of schedule resulting in zero customer complaints.
Best Technology Initiative
                                                                                                 CATEGORY SPONSOR

     of the Year

     Banking Circle
     Banking Circle Virtual IBAN – a genuine game-
     changer for the payments marketplace

     An integral component of Banking Circle, Banking Circle Virtual IBAN gives financial
     institutions the ability to issue multicurrency IBANs in their customer’s name and in
     multiple jurisdictions. This enables merchants to make and accept cross border payments
     in different currencies, in a way that traditional banks would simply not facilitate.

     Cashplus makes bulk payments faster, cheaper and easier
     via an innovative Payments API and Portal

     Cashplus, the UK’s leading digital challenger to banks, has stolen a march on the high-
     street banks and challenger banks with an innovative new Payments API. It allows any
     company to make multiple simultaneous payments instantly and securely, whilst saving
     potentially 50% on transaction costs and streamlining finance department processes.

     Curve, issued by Wirecard

     Curve was founded to simplify money, giving you the financial freedom to enjoy life’s
     rich experiences. The Curve card, powered by the Curve app, allows the customers
     to add all their debit and credit cards into one Mastercard, helping them manage their
18   money in a whole new way.

     Building the world’s largest platform for point-of-sale finance

     Divido is a consumer finance platform that enables retailers, lenders and payment
     intermediaries to offer instant finance to customers at the checkout, online and instore.
     Retailers offering Divido can increase sales and average order values, whilst lenders and
     payment providers licensing Divido’s technology can expand their loan portfolios and
     grows transaction revenues.
Ethoca and Capital One UK Collaborate to Ensure
Exceptional Purchase Experiences for Cardholders

Ethoca Eliminator gives Capital One UK access to real-time merchant data to instantly
resolve cardholders’ complaints on unrecognized transactions, avoiding friction from the
claim process. This is the first time that a leading UK issuer has been able to ‘deflect’   19

disputes through a real-time integration into a major digital goods brand.

Lloyds Banking Group
Transforming the in-branch experience

Lloyds Bank has harnessed powerful digital technology to transform the in-branch
experience, allowing customers to enjoy a fast, highly interactive, personalised card
application journey.

Nationwide Building Society
Nationwide/TSYS Robotic Process Automation

With customer’s evolving needs and expectations for seamless, intuitive and self-
directed communications, robotic process automation has streamlined our back
office operations at Nationwide Building Society. But the greatest benefit is that
we can augment our ability to ensure that our members can have the human touch
whenever they want it.

Sage Business Cloud Invoice Payments

As a market leader for SMB cloud software, Sage launched invoice payments, an
integrated payment solution that allows accounting customers to quickly, easily and
securely accept card payments and PayPal on the invoices they send. This means they
get paid faster and reduce time spent chasing invoices and reconciling payments.
Best Achievement in
     Retail Payments

     AIB Merchant Services
     #EPOnTap, the better way to pay, with Clover, as Live
     Nation delivers contactless festival experience

     Live Nation, in partnership with Visa, provided contactless payment solutions at 3 of
     Ireland’s top music festivals. Clover, the AIBMS supported product, was the perfect
     offering to improve the experience. For the first time, Irish festival goers had the
     opportunity to leave cash at home, spending more time enjoying the festival.

     American Express
     Merchant-led, Data-driven Relationship Management

     The Client Management Group that services Amex’s largest 300 UK merchants
     implemented a highly personalised, data rich programme that uses extensive client
     feedback to develop new products/ services that enhance the customer experience
     and build business success. This insight driven programme has increased merchant
     satisfaction and loyalty (100% retention).

     American Express
     Shop Small

     Shop Small is American Express’s campaign to encourage Cardmembers to shop at small,
     local merchants. Now in its fifth year, a new integrated campaign targeting Cardmembers
     and merchants saw enrolments, redemptions and transactions increase significantly, as
20   well as a massive boost in merchant satisfaction.

     Building the world’s largest platform for point-of-sale finance

     Divido is a consumer finance platform that enables retailers, lenders and payment
     intermediaries to offer instant finance to customers at the checkout, online and instore.
     Retailers offering Divido can increase sales and average order values, whilst lenders
     and payment providers licensing Divido’s technology can expand their loan portfolios
     and grows transaction revenues.

     Tesco Bank
     Tesco Pay+: simple, convenient and rewarding payments at Tesco

     Tesco Pay+, the app built for Tesco shoppers. Tesco Pay+ offers a simple, convenient
     and rewarding way to pay in Tesco. The app offers customers more choice about
     how they pay in Tesco, saves customers time at the checkout and saves 1,000s of
     hours in store productivity.
Best Prepaid Product
of the Year

Arro Money
Arro Money by Marq Millions, issued by Wirecard

Arro is the account that makes managing your money straightforward. We offer both
personal and business accounts, which you can get without a painful application process,
credit checks or long waiting times.

B4B Payments
B4B Payments, issued by Wirecard

The B4B Payments Corporate Expenditure solution frees programme owners (SMEs
and corporates) from the many problems, inefficiencies and costs of cash-based expense
processes. The programme has proven especially valuable to programme owners who
employ a workforce (the end user) that is either mobile or working from remote locations.

Glint, issued by Wirecard

Glint lets you buy, save and spend physical gold: a fairer and reliable form of money,
protecting you from systemic risk and inflation. Inflation erodes the value of money
whilst gold retains its purchasing power. Stored in vaults all over the world, it has been
inaccessible. Until now.                                                                     21

Monese with PrePay Solutions
Monese Powered by PrePay Solutions

Monese provides an innovative mobile banking service for the borderless generation:
people whose lives step beyond national boundaries and across financial borders -
whether it’s for work, study, family, travel or retirement. Powered by PrePay Solutions
(PPS), the partnership strengthens Monese’s offering by providing customers with
contactless Mastercard cards and direct debit functionality.

MuchBetter, issued by Wirecard

MuchBetter is a next-generation e-wallet that lets users make payments instantly and
securely with just their smartphone and fingerprint. Its wallet platform for wearables
also lowers the barrier to entry for brands designing wearable/IoT NFC devices. In year
one, MuchBetter has welcomed >120 merchants and is on track to achieve 100,000
users by the end of the year.
Best Debit Card Programme
     of the Year

     Allied Irish Banks (AIB)
     AIB Everyday Rewards

     First, define the problem. Ours was research telling us most customers thought us
     “everyday bad”, the cause being fees being perceived as poor value. So we set up a
     cashback scheme to give them excellent value – and hundreds of thousands are now
     taking part. We’re now regarded as “everyday good”.

     Curve, issued by Wirecard

     Curve was founded to simplify money, giving you the financial freedom to enjoy life’s
     rich experiences. The Curve card, powered by the Curve app, allows the customers
     to add all their debit and credit cards into one Mastercard, helping them manage their
     money in a whole new way.

     Royal Bank of Scotland/ Natwest
     Royal Bank of Scotland / NatWest My Rewards Programme

     This exceptional debit card programme gives customers access to tailored account
     benefits, cashback on household bills along with a summer of fee-free overseas
     spending and up to 15% back in rewards at participating retailers. Sophisticated
22   segmentation ensures customers receive personalised and relevant retail offers, adding
     value and driving engagement.

     Starling Bank
     Vertical Debit Cards

     Starling is a mobile-only bank, allowing customers to manage their money through an
     intuitive user interface. It offers personal and business current accounts and is the first
     UK bank to have a vertical debit card. It offers an in-app Marketplace of third-party
     financial services and has a B2B payments service.
Best Achievement in
Payments Processing

3C Payment
3C Smartbox Payment Solution

3C Smartbox is an innovative payment solution from 3C Payment for Retail & Hospitality
chains. Smartbox technology allows merchants to switch PED terminals from integrated
to standalone mode, for continuous trading with the same payment flows. 3C Smartbox
has been deployed at Tier 1 merchants including Starbucks, Marriott & Accor.

Banking Circle
Banking Circle Virtual IBAN – a genuine game-
changer for the payments marketplace

An integral component of Banking Circle, Banking Circle Virtual IBAN gives financial
institutions the ability to issue multicurrency IBANs in their customer’s name and in
multiple jurisdictions. This enables merchants to make and accept cross border payments
in different currencies, in a way that traditional banks would simply not facilitate.

Barclaycard Payment Solutions –Payment Acceptance
Optimisation (PAO) and DASA

Barclaycard has leveraged data to drive insight driven analysis to inform Payment Acceptance
Optimisation. Working across the Bank and partners, they are providing consultancy and
smart transaction routing to drive income & reduce declines. One customer, Admiral has         23

seen £6m incremental income Q1 through one partial recommendation.

Accept More, with Checkout.com

Checkout.com’s platform is built on 100% proprietary technology that handles every part
of the payment process. This technology offers a fast, simple, and secure acceptance
process that enables merchants to accept more payments around the world and grow
their revenues wherever they operate.


ClearBank® is neutral and independent; our state-of-the-art technology transforms the
ability for financial institutions to provide current accounts to their customers, resulting
in faster and more efficient payments, whilst delivering financial inclusion. ClearBank’s
platform is directly integrated with CHAPS, BACS, FPS, C&CCC; and are Principal
Members of MasterCard, VISA and Amex.
Best Service
                                                                                                  CATEGORY SPONSOR

     to Business

     Allstar Business Solutions
     Allstar Plus VISA card from Allstar Business Solutions

     Allstar Business Solutions launched the Allstar Plus VISA card, a hybrid business expense
     and fuel card, to maximise control and convenience for businesses while providing cost
     savings. With its focus on providing additional value beyond its core offering, while
     providing an innovate and creative solution for on the road costs, Allstar Plus has proven
     itself to be the best service to businesses.

     American Express
     Growing International spend for American Express Merchants in the UK

     Many American Express Cardmembers travel from around the World into the UK.
     So American Express launched a through-the line campaign to help their Merchants
     connect with them, and maximise spend by getting travellers spending wherever
     American Express is welcome. As a result, inbound transactions with American Express
     Merchants grew significantly.

     Barclaycard Commercial Payments
     Payment Strategy Consulting by Barclaycard

     Barclaycard Payment Strategy Consulting service helps customers bring tangible value
     and reduced costs to their business through the development of a bespoke payments
     strategy and innovative payment solutions.

     Accept More, with Checkout.com

     Checkout.com puts the ‘service’ back into ‘payments service provider’ by delivering
     flexibility and control to merchants and customers with a superior product and
     world-class merchant support that stands out from the crowd. It remains committed
     to meeting the needs of modern merchants operating in a globally competitive
     e-commerce environment.
Cost-effective pricing and excellent customer support
enables businesses of all sizes to stay competitive

Handepay provides an outstanding level of service to businesses of all sizes to help them
grow. Their unique pricing proposition enables independent business owners around the
country to accept card payments in a cost-effective manner, without the much-reviled        25

‘hidden fees’ that have become commonplace amongst merchant service providers.

Lloyds Banking Group
Lloyds Banking Group’s Partner Bank Solution

Lloyds Banking Group has transformed its partner bank solution, implementing
multiple innovations to deliver an exemplary service to both partners and their
downstream corporate card clients. This approach has contributed to a 15-point
increase in commercial card NPS, while helping Lloyds grow its partner-based
corporate client volumes.

National Westminster Bank
ClearSpend: mobile & desktop application for Commercial Card customers

ClearSpend is a free to use, 1st to UK market mobile app and desktop application
providing NatWest customers with on the go real-time visibility & control of their
commercial card account. Developed in partnership with Silicon Valley Fin-Tech;
SpendLabs to provide customers with a superior self service experience.

The Complete Spend Management Solution, Built for Business

Soldo is a robust spend control platform; an intuitive way to control and delegate
spending with automation, visibility and insight. Soldo saves businesses precious hours
and integrates with all major accounting software. Soldo’s spend control platform
comes with integrated prepaid Soldo Mastercard® cards, a web-based administration
dashboard and mobile app.
Best Initiative
     from an SME

     PayaCharity - Contactless Donations

     PayaCharity is driving significant change in the not-for-profit sector, enabling charities of
     all sizes to realise the potential of contactless fundraising. With use of cash in decline and
     negative impact on donation revenues, we have developed a compelling one-stop-shop
     proposition that simplifies and encourages the adoption of contactless technology.

     An industry-first trio of business-ready APIs from Cashplus enhance
     customer service and speed payments for UK SMEs

     Three innovative new Cashplus APIs offer a breadth of functionality unmatched by
     high street banks. They help a range of firms including accountants, company formation
26   businesses, payroll providers and umbrella companies cut costs, drive payment
     efficiencies and enhance customer service.


     Glint lets you buy, save and spend physical gold: a fairer and reliable form of money,
     protecting you from systemic risk and inflation. Inflation erodes the value of money
     whilst gold retains its purchasing power. Stored in vaults all over the world, it has been
     inaccessible. Until now.
Best Design
of the Year

American Express
American Express® App

American Express set out to fast track a ‘mobile first’ digital strategy, launching a
global Amex App that included update-friendly code to keep it ahead of the pack, and
more intuitive navigation to make it easier to find app features. The new design has
significantly increased engagement and Cardmember satisfaction.

ANNA Money
ANNA Money, issued by Wirecard

ANNA is available to any self-employed creative freelancer or small business that
wants help organising their finances, from invoices to expenses. Giving them more
time to get on with what they want to do, helping them to stay in control of their
money, and freeing up more of their time.

Capital One
Collections Plans in Mobile App

Capital One’s vision is to Change Banking for Good, so when it realised that its popular
mobile app could be enhanced by enabling users to set up tailored repayment plans
in app it didn’t hesitate to change. The resulting new feature for collections combines
intuitive design with clear and simple calls to action, tailored to each customer’s needs,    27

generating a hugely positive customer response.

Coventry Building Society
Coventry Building Society’s Lady Godiva Cash Card

Coventry Building Society’s open, simple and transparent approach to finance shows
in its cash card. At the same time, it celebrates the Society’s long association with its
home city with the iconic figure of Lady Godiva.

Starling Bank
Vertical Debit Cards

Starling is a mobile-only bank, allowing customers to manage their money through an
intuitive user interface. It offers personal and business current accounts and is the first
UK bank to have a vertical debit card. It offers an in-app Marketplace of third-party
financial services and has a B2B payments service.

Virgin Money
Virgin Atlantic Airways Credit Cards

Virgin Money and Virgin Atlantic Airways are entering our two new Virgin Atlantic Credit
Cards into the Design of the Year category. Launched in April 2018, the two new credit
card designs reflect the very best of the Virgin Atlantic brand, incorporating values of
innovation and differentiation.
Best Industry Innovation
                                                                                                    CATEGORY SPONSOR

     of the Year

     Amazon Pay
     Amazon Pay with Alexa Skills for Virgin Trains

     Virgin Trains customers with access to Amazon Alexa-enabled devices have a
     new, convenient way to buy train tickets. Using Amazon Pay with Alexa Skills for
     Virgin Trains, consumers can purchase train tickets with their voice. This innovative
     technology has also benefited Virgin Trains by reducing booking time significantly when
     compared to web ticketing.


     ClearBank® is neutral and independent; our state-of-the-art technology transforms the
     ability for financial institutions to provide current accounts to their customers, resulting
     in faster and more efficient payments, whilst delivering financial inclusion. ClearBank’s
     platform is directly integrated with CHAPS, BACS, Faster Payments, C&CCC; and with
     MasterCard, VISA, AMEX, JCB, Union and Diners.

     Contis & Wirex

     Wirex and Contis partnered to enable the everyday spending of converted
     cryptocurrencies, allowing consumers to avoid losing value on their crypto currencies
     through slow exchange.

     Featurespace’s best in class innovation: multi-tenancy in fraud prevention

     Featurespace introduced multi-tenancy into our award-winning ARIC platform - the
     real-time, machine learning, fraud prevention software. This enables the world’s largest
     payment processors and acquirers to protect all their merchants from fraudulent
     activity - allowing us to provide our risk score and bespoke behavioural models
     through one central client.

Glint, issued by Wirecard

Glint lets you buy, save and spend physical gold: a fairer and reliable form of money,
protecting you from systemic risk and inflation. Inflation erodes the value of money
whilst gold retains its purchasing power. Stored in vaults all over the world, it has been
inaccessible. Until now.

Ikano Bank
The UK’s market leading home renewables consumer protection scheme

Ikano Bank launched a market leading home renewables protection scheme. Our goal
was to provide consumers and retailers a customer focused finance product which would
help the purchasing of renewable products by ensuring consumers are not mis-sold
during the sales process and they use accredited retailers for the installation.

KBC Bank Ireland
Revolutionary Digital Lost & Stolen Card Replacement

“Losing a debit or credit card can be a nightmare!” KBC Bank Ireland have recognised
this issue and in close collaboration with TSYS and Mastercard have revolutionised the
process by delivering the fastest and most friction-less lost or stolen card customer
journey in the market.
Changing Lives
     in the Community

     PayaCharity - Contactless Donations

     PayaCharity is driving significant change in the not-for-profit sector, enabling charities of
     all sizes to realise the potential of contactless fundraising. With use of cash in decline and
     negative impact on donation revenues, we have developed a compelling one-stop-shop
     proposition that simplifies and encourages the adoption of contactless technology.

     American Express
     Changing Lives in the Sussex Community

     Almost 1,800 people have been supported by American Express’ partnership with Albion
     in the Community (AITC) in the last year – a collaboration which is also having a positive
     impact on the 472 Amex employees who volunteered with the charity in that period.
     Together Amex and AITC make a genuine difference.

     American Express
     Shop Small

     Shop Small is American Express’s campaign to encourage Cardmembers to shop at small,
     local merchants. Now in its fifth year, a new integrated campaign targeting Cardmembers
     and merchants saw enrolments, redemptions and transactions increase significantly, as
30   well as a massive boost in merchant satisfaction.

     Avantcard, positively impacting the community in which we live and work

     Avantcard is proud to support two worthy beneficiaries this year. North West Hospice
     is the first, and we have come on board as their Inaugural Corporate Patron for their
     planned new hospice unit. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is our second beneficiary
     and one that supports the neediest in our society that focusses at both an individual
     community level, but also with a national perspective.

     Capital One
     Changing Futures – Capital One and humanutopia

     Last year Capital One undertook a ground-breaking partnership with humanutopia to
     deliver Changing Futures - a life-changing mentoring programme for students from
     across schools in Nottingham. Together, Capital One and humanutopia help young
     people learn the skills to progress, achieve their full potential and become valued
     members of our community.

     Mastercard Feed Their Future Initiative

     Mastercard partnered with TfL to support the UN’s World Food Day, creating the
     ‘Feed Their Future’ CSR initiative, a campaign intended to provide millions of school
     meals to those in need, whilst at the same time making the lives of commuters a tiny
     bit more seamless.
Best Alternative or Digital
Payments Programme

Banking Circle
Banking Circle Virtual IBAN – a genuine game-
changer for the payments marketplace

An integral component of Banking Circle, Banking Circle Virtual IBAN gives financial
institutions the ability to issue multicurrency IBANs in their customer’s name and in
multiple jurisdictions. This enables merchants to make and accept cross border payments
in different currencies, in a way that traditional banks would simply not facilitate.

Accept More, with Checkout.com

Checkout.com helps companies accept more payments with their unified global payment
processing platform which features in-country acquiring, relevant payment methods,
feature parity across geographies, fraud filters, and reporting features, all via one API.

MuchBetter, issued by Wirecard

MuchBetter is a next-generation e-wallet that lets users make payments instantly
and securely with just their smartphone and fingerprint. In year one, MuchBetter has
welcomed >120 merchants and nearly 100,000 users.

PPRO: the power behind the globalisation of e-commerce

PPRO aggregates local payment methods (LPMs) from around the world and makes
them available to payment service providers (PSPs) through a single, easy integration. In
the last year, PPRO has added new LPMs to its platform, partnered with new PSPs, and
enabled millions of online payments and e-commerce transactions.
Best Security or
                                                                                                  CATEGORY SPONSOR

     Anti-Fraud Development

     Accertify, an American Express Company
     Automating merchant collaboration in CNP fraud

     To combat payment fraud, merchants must pool resources and learnings. Accertify’s
     new machine learning approach overcomes barriers to collaboration by automating it,
     anonymously leveraging our merchants’ data. easyJet, the first to implement our new
     approach, increased their fraud savings in just two weeks.

     Argus Information & Advisory Services
     Malicious Spending Fraud Detection Models

     In the UK, institutions lost an estimated ~£350 million in Malicious Consumer Intent
     (MCI)/ Credit Abuse (CA) in 2017. With account tenure and on-us behaviors becoming
     less reliable indicators of consumer behavior, financial institutions must find efficient,
     scalable ways to detect fraud or credit abuse while not impacting profitable customers in
     an intensely competitive market.

     Capital One
     Capital One UK & Synectics Solutions - Implementation of the
     Precision Machine Learning Model for Application Fraud

     Capital One UK is proud to be leading the field when it comes to utilisation of new
     anti-fraud technologies and this includes Precision, from Synectics Solutions, which uses
32   sophisticated predictive analytical modelling and machine learning, and was deployed so
     successfully it warrants recognition within the industry.

     CA Technologies
     Santander UK Harmonises Authentication and
     Authorisation with CA Technologies

     In January 2018, Santander strategically migrated their 3-D Secure (3DS) vendor to CA
     Technologies. Santander recognised that their original 3DS deployment had become
     obsolete, posing customer experience and fraud management limitations. With CA
     Technologies, they were able to implement a strategic design to resolve these challenges.

     FraudStop 2.0 – pairing automated risk management with the human factor

     ECOMMPAY strives to simplify transactions for both the client and the end-user, ensuring
     convenience and security every step of the way. Having recently reimagined its payment
     platform to reflect industry trends, the payment service provider ensured comprehensive
     risk management in the form of proprietary security system FraudStop 2.0.
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