2019 Safety Calendar Food & Beverage - Chubb Real Estate & Hospitality Industry Practice

2019 Safety Calendar Food & Beverage - Chubb Real Estate & Hospitality Industry Practice
2019 Safety Calendar
        Food & Beverage

Chubb Real Estate & Hospitality Industry Practice
Slip, Trip, Falls

Do your part to reduce winter slip, trip, and fall hazards!
 • Report areas of ice and snow.
  • Wear proper footwear.
  • Avoid areas that have not been cleared of ice and snow.
  • Make sure walk off mats are in place at all entrance points.
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                                                      learn more about Chubb
                                                      Real Estate & Hospitality on
                                                      your mobile device.

January                                                                                                2019 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Beverage

Snow and ice isn’t nice – wear shoes that grip, don’t slip!
Sunday                                  Monday                                   Tuesday                                  Wednesday                                Thursday                                 Friday                                   Saturday

                                                                                 1    New Year’s Day                      2                                        3                                        4                                        5
                                                                                   Report tripping hazards                  Always slow down, look                   All inspections should be                Always be aware of                       Simple stretching before
                                                                                   immediately to reduce the                and listen before walking                documented.                              hazards that can cause                   work can help prevent
                                                                                   potential for injury.                    through the kitchen                                                               burns. Wear oven mitts                   back injuries.
                                                                                                                            access doors.                                                                     when handling hot items
                                                                                                                                                                                                              in the oven or on the stove.

6                                       7                                        8                                        9                                        10                                       11                                       12
 Utilize “wet floor” signage              Kitchen sanitation                       Jewelry should not be                    Wear a cutting glove when                Never use glassware                      Wear a cutting glove when                Be familiar with your
 before and after cleaning                is important! Clean                      worn when operating                      slicing fruit, bread, meat               to scoop ice. Properly                   cleaning the slicer.                     Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).
 floors and to identify                   regularly and make sure                  equipment.                               and fish.                                store the ice scooper in                                                          They contain useful
 spills.                                  there is always good                                                                                                       its designated area after                                                         information in the event
                                          ventilation.                                                                                                               every use.                                                                        of an accident.

13                                      14                                       15                                       16                                       17                                       18                                       19
 The best way to protect                  When you are lifting                     Do not store any materials               Shut a machine down                      Remove flammable items                   Know the Heimlich                        Take regular breaks to
 against food-borne illness               safely, your legs do the                 within 36” of electrical                 before cleaning the                      from cooking areas.                      Maneuver and when to                     stretch and shake out your
 is to wash your hands                    work, not your back.                     panels.                                  equipment or correcting a                                                         use it.                                  hands.
 regularly.                                                                                                                 malfunction.

20                                      21                                       22                                       23                                       24                                       25                                       26
 Close drawers and                        Proper stretching can                    If a tray or bus tub is too              Use the buddy system                     Do not try to catch a                    Put up signs near bins to                Lift with your knees to
 cabinets after every use to              reduce muscle fatigue.                   full or heavy, make more                 when lifting heavy or                    falling knife or hot pan.                remind staff not to overfill             avoid back strains.
 reduce the potential for                                                          than one trip or ask for                 awkward loads.                                                                    and/or use smaller bags or
 injury.                                                                           help.                                                                                                                      bins to keep the weight of
                                                                                                                                                                                                              each bag down.

27                                      28                                       29                                       30                                       31
 Always properly store                    Ensure all cleaning                      Prior to use, inspect both               Keep all knives clean and                Bandage any open sores
 knives when not in use.                  containers are properly                  ends and seams of all cans               sharpened.                               prior to the start of a shift
                                          stored and labeled.                      for sharps or damage.                                                             and following any injury.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for
legal, engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company affiliates. All products may not be available in all states. Loss control evaluations, reports, recommendations and services are made solely to assist the insurer in underwriting and loss control and are not to be construed as an added benefit for the insured,
property owner or any other party. Evaluation for any hazard or condition does not imply that it is covered under any policy.
Cold Weather Safety

Make sure your dress matches the conditions!
 • Dress in layers.
 • Wear appropriate footwear to avoid slips and keep your
   feet dry.
 • Be sure to wear your gloves.
 • Limit your time in cold temperatures.
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                                                 learn more about Chubb
                                                 Real Estate & Hospitality on
                                                 your mobile device.

February                                                                                                 2019 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Beverage

Dress for (cold weather) success!
Sunday                                  Monday                                   Tuesday                                  Wednesday                                Thursday                                 Friday                                   Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                                                            1                                        2
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Carry fewer plates and                   Report any floor mats that
                                                                                                                                                                                                              other items at a time.                   are worn and lifting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Make two trips or ask
                                                                                                                                                                                                              other servers to help
                                                                                                                                                                                                              carry large orders.

3                                       4                                        5                                        6                                        7                                        8                                        9
 Know your responsibility                 All inspections should be                Balance the load on trays                Keep all dumpster areas                  Use properly sized                       Know how to use a fire                   Store the serrated edge
 in a fire emergency.                     documented.                              and place heavy items                    clean to reduce the                      plungers to eliminate the                extinguisher.                            of an aluminum foil box
                                                                                   close to the center.                     presence of rodents and                  need for hands to enter                                                           facedown after each use.
                                                                                                                            other pests.                             the feed throat during
                                                                                                                                                                     meat grinder operation.

10                                      11                                       12                                       13                                       14 Valentine’s Day                       15                                       16
 Be familiar with your                    Avoid wearing clothing                   Never climb on shelves or                Wash, rinse and sanitize                 Mount waste bins                         Never wipe toward the                    Dry hands before
 Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).              that’s loose fitting.                    other materials to obtain                utensils between uses.                   on wheels for easy                       blade when cleaning the                  plugging in or unplugging
 They contain useful                                                               out-of-reach items.                                                               movement.                                slicer table.                            equipment.
 information in the event
 of an accident.

17                                      18                                       19                                       20 Presidents’ Day                       21                                       22                                       23
 Bandage any open sores                   Slips and falls can occur                Set pot handles away from                Remove flammable items                   Keep hot foods at 140oF                  All electronic heating                   Make sure you are
 prior to the start of the                on wet or contaminated                   burners, and make sure                   from cooking areas.                      or above and cold foods at               devices should be                        wearing the proper
 shift and following any                  surfaces and where                       they don’t stick out over                                                         or below 40°F.                           unplugged before                         footwear for your
 injury.                                  transitions in floor types               the edge of the range.                                                                                                     cleaning.                                job. Nonslip shoes are
                                          occur.                                                                                                                                                                                                       recommended.

24                                      25                                       26                                       27                                       28
 Adjust burner flames to                  Close drawers and                        Back strengthening                       Dry off wet food and brush               Use tongs to lower food
 cover only the bottom of                 cabinets after every use to              exercises can reduce your                off ice crystals before                  into boiling water. Get
 a pan. Don’t fill pots too               reduce the potential for                 potential for future back                placing the food in the                  help when moving or
 full, to avoid boiling over.             injury.                                  injuries.                                fryer basket. Wet foods                  carrying a heavy pot of
                                                                                                                            splatter and cause steam.                simmering liquid.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for
legal, engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company affiliates. All products may not be available in all states. Loss control evaluations, reports, recommendations and services are made solely to assist the insurer in underwriting and loss control and are not to be construed as an added benefit for the insured,
property owner or any other party. Evaluation for any hazard or condition does not imply that it is covered under any policy.
Chemical Safety

When it comes to chemicals, what you don’t know can hurt you!
 • Refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) – It has valuable
 • Before you use, read the label to refresh yourself – refer back
   to the SDS if you have questions.
 • Don’t use any chemical where the label is damaged or
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 • Use proper protective gear as                    Real Estate & Hospitality on
                                                    your mobile device.
   recommendation by the label and SDS.

March                                                                                               2019 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Beverage

Read that label! Be chemical hazard aware.
Sunday                                  Monday                                   Tuesday                                  Wednesday                                Thursday                                 Friday                                   Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                                                            1                                        2
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Shut equipment down                      Report any horseplay
                                                                                                                                                                                                              before cleaning or                       observed to your
                                                                                                                                                                                                              correcting a malfunction.                supervisor.

3                                       4                                        5                                        6                                        7                                        8                                        9
 Use the buddy system                     For food storage, follow                 Be familiar with your                    Keep all walkways clear                  Set the slicer to zero after             Lockouts and tagouts                     Always slow down, look
 when lifting heavy or                    the “First-In, First-Out”                Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).              throughout the kitchen                   every use.                               should be left alone.                    and listen before walking
 awkward loads.                           rule.                                    They contain useful                      and service stations to                                                           Never remove a lock                      through the kitchen
                                                                                   information in the event                 prevent trip-and-fall                                                             without authorization.                   access doors.
                                                                                   of an accident.                          hazards.

10 Daylight Saving
   Time Begins                          11                                       12                                       13                                       14                                       15                                       16
 Always be aware of                       Clean up broken glass                    Are you lifting properly?                Always properly store                    When cleaning floors                     Use a step ladder to reach               The best way to protect
 hazards that can cause                   with a broom, dustpan or                 Lift with your knees to                  knives when not in use.                  use the proper amount                    high areas. Do not climb                 against food-borne illness
 burns. Wear protective                   tongs. Never use a mop,                  avoid back strains.                                                               of cleaning product with                 on shelving.                             is to wash your hands
 gloves when handling hot                 cloth towel, sponge or                                                                                                     hot, softened tap water.                                                          frequently.
 items.                                   your hands.

17      St. Patrick’s Day               18                                       19                                       20                                       21                                       22                                       23
 When you are lifting                     Wipe slicer blade from the               Check refrigerators and                  Know where the fire                      Utilize “wet floor” signage              Kitchen sanitation                       Jewelry should not be
 safely, your legs do the                 center outward to avoid                  freezers daily to ensure                 extinguisher is located.                 before and after cleaning                is important! Clean                      worn when operating
 work, not your back.                     contact with the blade                   they are in proper                                                                floors and to identify                   regularly and make sure                  machinery.
                                          edge.                                    working order.                                                                    spills.                                  there is always good

24/31                                   25                                       26                                       27                                       28                                       29                                       30
 Wear a cutting glove when                Never use glassware to                   Ensure all cleaning                      Prior to use, inspect both               Know the Heimlich                        Take regular breaks to                   If a tray or bus tub is too
 slicing fruit, bread, meat               scoop ice. Properly store                containers are properly                  ends and seams of all cans               Maneuver and when it                     stretch and shake out                    full or heavy, make more
 and fish.                                the ice scooper in the                   stored and labeled.                      for sharps and damage.                   should be used.                          your hands.                              than one trip or ask for
                                          designated area after                                                                                                                                                                                        help.
                                          every use.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for
legal, engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company affiliates. All products may not be available in all states. Loss control evaluations, reports, recommendations and services are made solely to assist the insurer in underwriting and loss control and are not to be construed as an added benefit for the insured,
property owner or any other party. Evaluation for any hazard or condition does not imply that it is covered under any policy.
Personal Protective Equipment

Wear the proper protective gear for the job. Remember these tips:
 • Check for leaks, tears, and damage before using.
 • Check with your supervisor if you are unsure about the
   equipment or what you need.
 • Wear the correct size.
 • Keep it clean and serviceable.
                                                    Scan the below QR Code to
                                                    learn more about Chubb
                                                    Real Estate & Hospitality on
                                                    your mobile device.

April                                                                                             2019 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Beverage

Make the best dressed list. Wear your protective gear!
Sunday                                  Monday                                   Tuesday                                  Wednesday                                Thursday                                 Friday                                   Saturday

                                        1    April Fool’s Day                    2                                        3                                        4                                        5                                        6
                                          All inspections should be                When cleaning floors,                    If you see a spill on the                Keep all dumpster areas                  Simple stretching before                 When cleaning floors,
                                          documented.                              apply cleaning product                   floor, you “own” it.                     clean to reduce the                      work can help prevent                    temporarily block floor
                                                                                   evenly on the floor                                                               presence of rodents and                  back injuries.                           drains to permit chemicals
                                                                                   surface with a clean mop.                                                         other pests.                                                                      sufficient time to penetrate—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       usually 5 to 10 minutes.

7                                       8                                        9                                        10                                       11                                       12                                       13
 Push carts, don’t pull.                  Avoid wearing clothing                   Keep step ladders in areas               Wash, rinse and sanitize                 Be aware of distractions                 Keep cash drawers closed                 Dry hands before
 Pushing puts less stress on              that’s loose fitting or has              where they are needed.                   utensils between uses.                   while driving, such as                   and locked.                              plugging in or unplugging
 your back and gives you                  dangling sleeves.                                                                                                          texting or talking on the                                                         equipment.
 twice the power.                                                                                                                                                    cell phone, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                     eating and drinking.

14 Palm Sunday                          15       Tax Day                         16                                       17                                       18                                       19      Passover &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Good Friday                      20
 Report any floor mats that               Turn off appliances that                 Exercising 15 minutes                    Remove flammable items                   Use additional wait staff                All electronic heating                   Make sure you are
 are worn or lifting.                     aren’t being used.                       a day can help prevent                   from cooking areas.                      to serve parties of three or             devices should be                        wearing the proper
                                                                                   illness and injuries.                                                             more in order to reduce the              unplugged before                         footwear for your
                                                                                                                                                                     number of plates/amount                  cleaning.                                job. Nonslip shoes are
                                                                                                                                                                     of food carried at one time.                                                      recommended.

21     Easter                           22 Earth Day                             23                                       24                                       25                                       26 Arbor Day                             27
 Recognize your stress                    Close drawers and                        Back strengthening                       Control tray weights and                 Do not try to catch a                    Never leave knives                       Bandage any open sores
 signs and learn to manage                cabinets after every use to              exercises can reduce your                keep plates flat on the                  falling knife or hot pan.                soaking in water.                        or wounds prior to the
 them.                                    reduce the potential for                 potential for future back                tray surface. As a rule of                                                                                                 start of a shift.
                                          injury.                                  injuries.                                thumb, keep plates inside
                                                                                                                            the outer rim of the tray.

28                                      29                                       30
 Know your responsibility                 Report tripping hazards                  Know where the fire
 in a fire emergency.                     immediately to reduce the                extinguisher is located.
                                          potential for injury.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for
legal, engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company affiliates. All products may not be available in all states. Loss control evaluations, reports, recommendations and services are made solely to assist the insurer in underwriting and loss control and are not to be construed as an added benefit for the insured,
property owner or any other party. Evaluation for any hazard or condition does not imply that it is covered under any policy.
Hurricanes and Severe Storms

Do you know what to do when the severe weather alarm sounds?
 • Know the difference between a severe weather warning and
   a fire alarm.
 • Know the plan for your location in a weather emergency.
 • Know where to go or have a plan in place to seek shelter.
 • Don’t leave the shelter until the “all clear”
   has been sounded.                                Scan the below QR Code to
                                                    learn more about Chubb
                                                    Real Estate & Hospitality on
                                                    your mobile device.

May                                                                                              2019 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Beverage

Can you weather the storm? Know your severe weather plan!
Sunday                                  Monday                                   Tuesday                                  Wednesday                                Thursday                                 Friday                                   Saturday

                                                                                                                          1                                        2                                        3                                        4
                                                                                                                            Keep all walkways clear                  Wear a cutting glove when                Use a step ladder to reach               The best way to protect
                                                                                                                            throughout the kitchen                   cleaning the slicer.                     high areas. Do not climb                 against food-borne illness
                                                                                                                            and service stations to                                                           on shelving.                             is to wash your hands
                                                                                                                            prevent trip-and-fall                                                                                                      frequently.

5                                       6                                        7                                        8                                        9                                        10                                       11
 When you are lifting                     If you are interrupted                   Check refrigerators and                  Know where your fire                     Store heavy items                        Lockout/tagout should                    Always slow down, look
 safely you use your legs,                while cutting, put the                   freezers daily to ensure                 extinguisher is located.                 between shoulder and                     not be removed unless                    and listen before walking
 not your back, to do the                 knife down on a flat, safe               they are in proper                                                                knuckle height and use                   authorized.                              through the kitchen
 work.                                    place.                                   working order.                                                                    mechanical devices to                                                             access doors.
                                                                                                                                                                     transfer them.

12 Mother’s Day                         13                                       14                                       15                                       16                                       17                                       18
 Always be aware of                       Clean up broken glass                    Recognize your stress                    Always properly store                    Storage areas should be                  Utilize “wet floor” signage              Kitchen sanitation
 hazards that can cause                   with a broom, dust pan or                signs and learn to manage                knives when not in use.                  kept neat and clean. Place               before and after cleaning                is important. Clean
 burns. Wear protective                   tongs. Never use a mop,                  them.                                                                             heavier items on lower                   floors and to identify                   regularly and make sure
 gloves when handling hot                 cloth towel, sponge or                                                                                                     shelves, light items on                  spills.                                  there is good ventilation.
 items.                                   your hands.                                                                                                                upper shelves.

19                                      20                                       21                                       22                                       23                                       24                                       25
 Jewelry should not be                    Wear a cutting glove when                Never use glassware                      Drink water frequently                   Prior to use, inspect both               Take regular breaks to                   If a tray or bus tub is too
 worn when operating                      slicing fruit, bread, meat               to scoop ice. Properly                   when your work area is                   ends and seams of all cans               stretch and shake out                    full or heavy, use more
 kitchen equipment.                       and fish.                                store the ice scooper in                 hot.                                     for sharps or damage.                    your hands.                              than one or ask for help.
                                                                                   its designated area after
                                                                                   every use.

26                                      27 Memorial Day                          28                                       29                                       30                                       31
 Proper stretching can                    For food storage, follow                 Be familiar with your                    Shut equipment down                      If you observe horseplay,                Use the buddy system
 help reduce muscle                       the “First In, First Out”                Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).              before cleaning or                       please report it to a                    when lifting heavy or
 fatigue.                                 rule.                                    They contain useful                      correcting a malfunction.                supervisor.                              awkward loads.
                                                                                   information in the event
                                                                                   of an accident.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for
legal, engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company affiliates. All products may not be available in all states. Loss control evaluations, reports, recommendations and services are made solely to assist the insurer in underwriting and loss control and are not to be construed as an added benefit for the insured,
property owner or any other party. Evaluation for any hazard or condition does not imply that it is covered under any policy.
Hearing Protection

Make sure that you can hear for years to come.
 • Use hearing protection when directed by your supervisor.
 • Use the right hearing protection for the noise level.
 • Make sure your hearing protection fits and creates a proper
   noise seal.
 • Take personal responsibility for using
   hearing protection – you need your ears          Scan the below QR Code to
                                                    learn more about Chubb
   for more than just your job.                     Real Estate & Hospitality on
                                                    your mobile device.

June                                                                                             2019 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Beverage

What did you say? Wear your hearing protection!
Sunday                                  Monday                                   Tuesday                                  Wednesday                                Thursday                                 Friday                                   Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Report tripping hazards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       immediately to reduce the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       potential for injury.

2                                       3                                        4                                        5                                        6                                        7                                        8
 Know your evacuation                     All inspections should be                To reduce burns,                         Keep the dumpster                        When closing, finish                     Simple stretching before                 Store the serrated edge
 plan.                                    documented.                              change or filter fryer oil               area clean to reduce the                 your work and leave the                  work can help prevent                    of an aluminum foil box
                                                                                   in the morning before                    presence of rodents and                  premises as quickly as                   back injuries.                           facedown after use.
                                                                                   equipment is turned on.                  other pests.                             possible. Travel in groups
                                                                                                                                                                     when leaving the building.

9                                       10                                       11                                       12                                       13                                       14 Flag Day                              15
 Push carts, don’t pull.                  Make sure your footwear                  Never climb on shelves or                Wash, rinse, and sanitize                Sharpen knives regularly.                Be familiar with your                    Dry hands before
 Pushing puts less stress on              is in good condition.                    other materials to obtain                utensils between uses.                   Dull knives increase                     Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).              plugging in or unplugging
 your back and gives you                  Check the soles to make                  out-of-reach items.                                                               the force required to                    They contain useful                      equipment.
 twice the power.                         sure you have good                                                                                                         accomplish a cutting task                information in the event
                                          traction.                                                                                                                  by as much as 30 percent.                of an accident.

16 Father’s Day                         17                                       18                                       19                                       20                                       21                                       22
 Pass a knife to another                  Turn off appliances that                 Exercising 15 minutes                    Remove flammable items                   Don’t over stack banquets                All electronic heating                   Make sure you are
 person by laying it on a                 aren’t being used.                       a day can help prevent                   from cooking areas.                      carts.                                   devices should be                        wearing the proper
 counter or passing it with                                                        illness and injury.                                                                                                        unplugged before                         footwear for your
 blade pointed down.                                                                                                                                                                                          cleaning.                                job. Nonslip shoes are

23/30                                   24                                       25                                       26                                       27                                       28                                       29
 To reduce burns, use a                   Close drawers and                        Back-stretching exercises                Use nonslip pads under                   Prohibit workers from                    Exercise helps build                     Bandage any open sores
 closed grease transport                  cabinets after every use to              can help reduce your                     cutting boards.                          standing on cooking                      healthy muscles and                      prior to the start of a shift
 system (i.e., no open pots or            reduce the potential for                 potential for future back                                                         equipment when cleaning                  bones and can increase                   and following any injury.
 buckets) when removing and               injury.                                  injuries.                                                                         ventilation hoods.                       your energy.
 disposing of fryer grease.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for
legal, engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company affiliates. All products may not be available in all states. Loss control evaluations, reports, recommendations and services are made solely to assist the insurer in underwriting and loss control and are not to be construed as an added benefit for the insured,
property owner or any other party. Evaluation for any hazard or condition does not imply that it is covered under any policy.
Safe Material Handling/Lifting

You only have one back. Keep it healthy!
 • Size up the load before you lift it.
 • Bend at your knees, not your back.
 • Grip the load close to your body.
 • If it’s too heavy – get a helper.
                                            Scan the below QR Code to
                                            learn more about Chubb
                                            Real Estate & Hospitality on
                                            your mobile device.

July                                                                                            2019 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Beverage

Have your back’s back – think before you lift!
Sunday                                  Monday                                   Tuesday                                  Wednesday                                Thursday                                 Friday                                   Saturday

                                        1                                        2                                        3                                        4 Independence Day                       5                                        6
                                          Do not use knives that                   Use the buddy system                     Do not remove guards                     Designate one clearly                    Use a step ladder to reach               The best way to protect
                                          cut meat to cut fruit and                when lifting heavy or                    on mixers or other                       marked trash can for                     high areas. Do not climb                 against food-borne illness
                                          vegetables without proper                awkward loads.                           equipment.                               broken glass and sharp                   on shelving.                             is to wash your hands
                                          cleaning.                                                                                                                  can lids.                                                                         regularly.

7                                       8                                        9                                        10                                       11                                       12                                       13
 When you are lifting                     Store glasses, bottles and               Check refrigerators and                  If you see a spill, “own” it.            All servers/employees that               Keep all walkways clear                  Always slow down, look
 safely, your legs do the                 dishware away from areas                 freezers daily to ensure                                                          are required to clean wine               throughout the kitchen                   and listen before walking
 work, not your back.                     with a lot of foot traffic.              they are in proper                                                                glasses should be trained                and service stations.                    through the kitchen
                                                                                   working order.                                                                    in how to correctly polish                                                        access doors.
                                                                                                                                                                     wine glasses.

14                                      15                                       16                                       17                                       18                                       19                                       20
 Always be aware of                       Clean up broken glass                    Are you lifting properly?                Always properly store                    Utilize “wet floor” signage              Kitchen sanitation                       Store glasses in racks.
 hazards that can cause                   with a broom, dust pan or                Lift with your legs, not                 knives when not in use.                  before and after cleaning                is important. Clean                      Don’t stack them directly
 burns. Wear protective                   tongs. Never use a mop,                  your back.                                                                        floors and to identify                   regularly and make sure                  on top of each other.
 gloves when handling hot                 cloth towel, sponge or                                                                                                     spills.                                  there is good ventilation.
 items.                                   your hands.

21                                      22                                       23                                       24                                       25                                       26                                       27
 Never use glassware                      Bandage any open sores                   Prior to use, inspect both               Take regular breaks to                   If a tray or bus tub is too              Proper stretching can                    Plan your lift before you
 to scoop ice. Properly                   prior to the start of a shift            ends and seams of all cans               stretch and shake out                    full or heavy, use more                  help reduce muscle                       start: Make extra trips if
 store the ice scooper in                 and following any injury.                for sharps or damage.                    your hands.                              than one or ask for help.                fatigue.                                 necessary or ask for help.
 its designated area after
 every use.

28 Parents’ Day                         29                                       30                                       31
 Be familiar with your                    Shut equipment down                      Make sure all emergency                  When lifting, bend at your
 Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).              before cleaning or                       exits are clear of                       knees, not with your back.
 They contain useful                      correcting a malfunction.                obstructions.
 information in the event
 of an accident.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for
legal, engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company affiliates. All products may not be available in all states. Loss control evaluations, reports, recommendations and services are made solely to assist the insurer in underwriting and loss control and are not to be construed as an added benefit for the insured,
property owner or any other party. Evaluation for any hazard or condition does not imply that it is covered under any policy.
Heat Stress/Safety

Heat is great for swimming, not so much for working.
 • Limit your time working in the heat. Take frequent breaks
   in shaded areas.
 • Drink plenty of fluids. Water is the best, avoid sugar
   and caffeine.
 • Know the signs of heat stress – profuse sweating,
   confusion, nausea, cramps.
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                                                    learn more about Chubb
                                                    Real Estate & Hospitality on
                                                    your mobile device.

August                                                                                               2019 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Beverage

Don’t let summer stress you out. Know the signs of heat stress.
Sunday                                  Monday                                   Tuesday                                  Wednesday                                Thursday                                 Friday                                   Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                   1                                        2                                        3
                                                                                                                                                                     Be aware of your nearest                 All storage should be off                Report tripping hazards
                                                                                                                                                                     fire pull stations.                      the floor (minimum of 6”).               immediately to reduce the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       potential for injury.

4                                       5                                        6                                        7                                        8                                        9                                        10
 Know your responsibility                 All inspections should be                Know if the fire                         Keep all dumpster areas                  When closing, finish                     Remove flammable items                   Store the serrated edge
 in a fire emergency.                     documented.                              suppression system                       clean to reduce the                      your work and leave the                  from cooking areas.                      of an aluminum foil box
                                                                                   UL300 is compliant.                      presence of rodents and                  premises as quickly as                                                            facedown after use.
                                                                                                                            other pests.                             possible. Travel in groups
                                                                                                                                                                     when leaving the building.

11                                      12                                       13                                       14                                       15                                       16                                       17
 Push carts, don’t pull.                  Make sure your footwear                  Never climb on shelves or                Wash, rinse and sanitize                 Make sure the fire                       Dry hands before                         Report suspicious
 Pushing puts less stress on              is in good condition.                    other materials to obtain                utensils between uses.                   suppression system                       plugging in or unplugging                individuals or activity to
 your back and gives you                  Check the soles to make                  out-of-reach items.                                                               discharge nozzles are                    equipment.                               security.
 twice the power.                         sure you have good                                                                                                         correctly pointing at the
                                          traction.                                                                                                                  hazard.

18                                      19                                       20                                       21                                       22                                       23                                       24
 Turn off appliances that                 Exercising 15 minutes                    Ensure all cleaning                      Don’t over stack banquets                Keep hot foods at 140oF                  All electronic heating                   Make sure you are
 aren’t being used.                       a day can help prevent                   containers are properly                  carts.                                   or above and cold foods at               devices should be                        wearing the proper
                                          illness and injury.                      stored and labeled.                                                               or below 40°F.                           unplugged before                         footwear for your
                                                                                                                                                                                                              cleaning.                                job. Nonslip shoes are

25                                      26                                       27                                       28                                       29                                       30                                       31
 Recognize your stress                    Close drawers and                        Bandage any open sores                   Clean exhaust ductwork                   Make sure the exhaust                    Exercise helps build                     Make sure there is at least
 signs and learn to manage                cabinets after every use to              prior to the start of a shift            regularly by a qualified                 hoods and baffle filters are             healthy muscles and                      16” of space between deep
 them.                                    reduce the potential for                 and following any injury.                contractor and place a                   cleaned weekly.                          bones and can increase                   fat fryers and any adjacent
                                          injury.                                                                           certificate of performance                                                        your energy.                             cooking equipment with
                                                                                                                            on or near the hood.                                                                                                       surface flames.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for
legal, engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company affiliates. All products may not be available in all states. Loss control evaluations, reports, recommendations and services are made solely to assist the insurer in underwriting and loss control and are not to be construed as an added benefit for the insured,
property owner or any other party. Evaluation for any hazard or condition does not imply that it is covered under any policy.
Knife Safety

It only takes a moment to injure yourself – practice knife safety.
   • Keep your knife sharp. A dull blade is more likely to slip and
     cut you.
 • If your knife has a retractable blade retract it when not in use.
 • If a knife drops, don’t try to catch it. Let it fall!
 • When washing a kitchen knife, place in the
   dishwasher blade down in the utensil holder.             Scan the below QR Code to
                                                            learn more about Chubb
                                                            Real Estate & Hospitality on
                                                            your mobile device.

September                                                                                                   2019 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Beverage

Practice knife safety – your fingers will thank you!
Sunday                                  Monday                                   Tuesday                                  Wednesday                                Thursday                                 Friday                                   Saturday

1                                       2     Labor Day                          3                                        4                                        5                                        6                                        7
 Shut equipment down                      Report any horseplay                     Use the buddy system                     When cleaning items low to               Be familiar with your                    Keep all walkways clear                  Set the slicer to zero after
 before cleaning or                       observed to your                         when lifting heavy or                    the ground, place one knee               Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).              throughout the kitchen                   every use.
 correcting a malfunction.                supervisor.                              awkward loads.                           on a padded surface and                  They contain useful                      and service stations to
                                                                                                                            use the opposite hand for                information in the event of              prevent trip-and-fall
                                                                                                                            support.                                 an accident.                             hazards.

8      Grandparents Day                 9                                        10                                       11 Patriot Day                           12                                       13                                       14
 Lockouts and tagouts                     Always slow down, look                   Always be aware of                       Clean up broken glass                    Are you lifting properly?                Can you make loads easier                Wear a cutting glove when
 should be left alone.                    and listen before walking                hazards that can cause                   with a broom, dustpan or                 Lift with your knees to                  to handle? For example:                  cleaning the slicer.
 Never remove a lock                      through the kitchen                      burns. Wear protective                   tongs. Never use a mop,                  avoid back strains.                      break down trays of A10-
 without authorization.                   access doors.                            gloves when handling hot                 cloth towel, sponge or                                                            size cans before loading
                                                                                   items.                                   your hands.                                                                       them onto storage shelving.

15                                      16                                       17                                       18                                       19                                       20                                       21
 Use a step ladder to reach               The best way to protect                  When you are lifting                     Keep a 36” clearance                     Check refrigerators and                  When someone is injured:                 Utilize “wet floor” signage
 high areas. Do not climb                 against food-borne illness               safely, your legs do the                 around all electrical                    freezers daily to ensure                 Know who to notify, who                  before and after cleaning
 on shelving.                             is to wash your hands                    work, not your back.                     panels.                                  they are in proper                       is designated to provide                 floors and to identify
                                          frequently.                                                                                                                working order.                           aid, and follow procedures               spills.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              to get medical care.

22                                      23                                       24                                       25                                       26                                       27                                       28
 Kitchen sanitation                       Jewelry should not be                    Make loads easier to                     Never use glassware to                   Remove flammable items                   Prior to use, inspect both               Know the Heimlich
 is important! Clean                      worn when operating                      handle. For example: buy                 scoop ice. Properly store                from cooking areas.                      ends and seams of all cans               Maneuver and when it
 regularly and make sure                  machinery.                               cooking oil in easy-to-                  the ice scooper in the                                                            for sharps and damage.                   should be used.
 there is always good                                                              handle cardboard boxes                   designated area after
 ventilation.                                                                      with sturdy handles/grips.               every use.

29 Rosh Hashanah                        30
 Take regular breaks to                   If a tray or bus tub is too
 stretch and shake out                    full or heavy, make more
 your hands.                              than one trip or ask for

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for
legal, engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company affiliates. All products may not be available in all states. Loss control evaluations, reports, recommendations and services are made solely to assist the insurer in underwriting and loss control and are not to be construed as an added benefit for the insured,
property owner or any other party. Evaluation for any hazard or condition does not imply that it is covered under any policy.
Fire Safety

Fire and smoke kills! Remember these tips:
  • Keep flammables in the proper containers and keep away
    from heat.
 • Store used solvent rags in a proper fire safe container.
 • Don’t use gasoline or flammable solvents as a clean-up solvent.
 • If a fire or hot work is necessary, maintain
   a proper fire watch and keep extinguishers       Scan the below QR Code to
                                                    learn more about Chubb
   nearby.                                          Real Estate & Hospitality on
                                                    your mobile device.

October                                                                                                2019 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Beverage

A fire emergency is no treat. Practice fire safety!
Sunday                                  Monday                                   Tuesday                                  Wednesday                                Thursday                                 Friday                                   Saturday

                                                                                 1                                        2                                        3                                        4                                        5
                                                                                   Make loads easier to handle.             Lockouts and tagouts                     Always slow down, look                   Always be aware of                       Document all facility
                                                                                   For example: buy cooking                 should be left alone.                    and listen before walking                hazards that can cause                   maintenance, repairs and
                                                                                   oil in easy-to-handle                    Never remove a lock                      through the kitchen                      burns. Wear oven mitts                   inspections.
                                                                                   cardboard boxes with                     without authorization.                   access doors.                            when handling hot items
                                                                                   sturdy handles/grips.                                                                                                      in the oven or on the stove.

6                                       7                                        8     Yom Kippur                         9                                        10                                       11                                       12
 Utilize “wet floor” signage              Kitchen sanitation                       Jewelry should not be                    Wear a cutting glove when                Never use glassware                      Know where your closest                  Use a step ladder to reach
 before and after cleaning                is important! Clean                      worn when operating                      slicing fruit, bread, meat               to scoop ice. Properly                   fire extinguisher is                     high areas. Do not climb
 floors and to identify                   regularly and make sure                  equipment.                               and fish.                                store the ice scooper in                 located.                                 on shelving.
 spills.                                  there is always good                                                                                                       its designated area after
                                          ventilation.                                                                                                               every use.

13                                      14 Columbus Day                          15                                       16 Boss’s Day                            17                                       18                                       19
 The best way to protect                  When you are lifting                     Do not store any materials               Shut a machine down                      If horseplay is observed,                Know your responsibility                 Take regular breaks to
 against food-borne illness               safely, your legs do the                 within 36” of electrical                 before cleaning the                      let the employee know it’s               in a fire emergency.                     stretch and shake out
 is to wash your hands                    work, not your back.                     panels.                                  equipment or correcting a                unsafe and report it to a                                                         your hands.
 regularly.                                                                                                                 malfunction.                             supervisor.

20                                      21                                       22                                       23                                       24                                       25                                       26
 If a tray or bus tub is too              Where pot size allows,                   Do not store any materials               Use the buddy system                     Be familiar with your                    Keep all walkways clear                  Are you lifting properly?
 full or heavy, make more                 use false bottoms in deep                within 36” of electrical                 when lifting heavy or                    Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).              throughout the kitchen                   Lift with your knees to
 than one trip or ask for                 sinks to reduce awkward                  panels.                                  awkward loads.                           They contain useful                      and service stations to                  avoid back strains.
 help.                                    bending at the waist.                                                                                                      information in the event                 prevent trip-and-fall
                                                                                                                                                                     of an accident.                          hazards.

27                                      28                                       29                                       30                                       31 Halloween
 Always properly store                    Ensure all cleaning                      Prior to use, inspect both               Check refrigerators and                  Check all candy to make
 knives when not in use.                  containers are properly                  ends and seams of all cans               freezers daily to ensure                 sure it is in its original
                                          stored and labeled.                      for sharps or damage.                    they are in proper                       wrapping and there has
                                                                                                                            working order.                           been no tampering.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for
legal, engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company affiliates. All products may not be available in all states. Loss control evaluations, reports, recommendations and services are made solely to assist the insurer in underwriting and loss control and are not to be construed as an added benefit for the insured,
property owner or any other party. Evaluation for any hazard or condition does not imply that it is covered under any policy.
Eye Protection

You only have one set of eyes for life – Protect them!
 • Wear proper eye protection – regular glasses are not enough.
 • Side shields or goggles may be necessary when using
   chemicals that might splatter.
 • Know where your emergency eye wash station is located.
 • Get prompt attention for any eye injury.
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November                                                                                                   2019 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Beverage

You have two but you need both – wear your eye protection.
Sunday                                  Monday                                   Tuesday                                  Wednesday                                Thursday                                 Friday                                   Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                                                            1                                        2
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Where possible, use                      Bandage any open sores
                                                                                                                                                                                                              chopping machines for                    prior to the start of a shift
                                                                                                                                                                                                              vegetables to reduce manual              and following any injury.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              chopping and/or buy pre-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              chopped vegetables.

3 Daylight
  Time Ends
                                        4                                        5      Election Day                      6                                        7                                        8                                        9
 Know your responsibility                 All inspections should be                Use foot rails to shift body             Keep all dumpster areas                  When closing, finish                     Ensure that large mixers                 Store the serrated edge
 in a fire emergency.                     documented.                              weight and reduce stress                 clean to reduce the                      your work and leave the                  are placed at a height that              of an aluminum foil box
                                                                                   on the legs and lower back               presence of rodents and                  premises as quickly as                   allows access to the mixing              facedown after each use.
                                                                                   of workers when standing                 other pests.                             possible. Travel in groups               bowl handles between
                                                                                   for long periods.                                                                 when leaving the building.               knuckle and elbow height.

10                                      11 Veterans Day                          12                                       13                                       14                                       15                                       16
 Push carts, don’t pull.                  Avoid clothing that’s loose              Never climb on shelves or                Wash, rinse and sanitize                 Always slow down, look                   Utilize “wet floor” signage              Dry hands before
 Pushing puts less stress on              fitting.                                 other materials to obtain                utensils between uses.                   and listen before walking                before and after cleaning                plugging in or unplugging
 your back and gives you                                                           out-of-reach items.                                                               through the kitchen                      floors and to identify                   equipment.
 twice the power.                                                                                                                                                    access doors.                            spills.

17                                      18                                       19                                       20                                       21                                       22                                       23
 Report any floor mats that               Turn off appliances that                 Exercising 15 minutes a                  Remove flammable items                   Make loads easier to handle.             All electronic heating                   Make sure you are
 are worn and lifting.                    aren’t being used.                       day can help prevent back                from cooking areas.                      For example: buy cooking                 devices should be                        wearing the proper
                                                                                   injury.                                                                           oil in easy-to-handle                    unplugged before                         footwear for your
                                                                                                                                                                     cardboard boxes with                     cleaning.                                job. Nonslip shoes are
                                                                                                                                                                     sturdy handles/grips.                                                             recommended.

24                                      25                                       26                                       27                                       28 Thanksgiving Day 29                                                            30
 Recognize your stress                    Use long-handled cleaning                Back-strengthening                       When washing large                       Choose cleaning tools                    Take regular breaks to                   If a tray or bus tub is too
 signs and learn to manage                brushes to prevent                       exercises can reduce your                diameter pots, move them                 that have soft rubber-                   stretch and shake out                    full or heavy, make more
 them.                                    awkward reaching into                    potential for future back                as close as possible to the              like handles to reduce                   your hands.                              than one trip or ask for
                                          soup kettles or pots.                    injuries.                                front of the sink.                       gripping force.                                                                   help.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for
legal, engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company affiliates. All products may not be available in all states. Loss control evaluations, reports, recommendations and services are made solely to assist the insurer in underwriting and loss control and are not to be construed as an added benefit for the insured,
property owner or any other party. Evaluation for any hazard or condition does not imply that it is covered under any policy.
Holiday Safety

Be home for the holidays, not in the hospital. At this time of year:
 • Wear proper footwear for walking in snow and ice.
 • Use open flame items cautiously or better yet, not at all.
 • Drink responsibly and never drink and drive.
 • Have a healthy and safe holiday and a happy (safe) new year!
                                                       Scan the below QR Code to
                                                       learn more about Chubb
                                                       Real Estate & Hospitality on
                                                       your mobile device.

December                                                                                                   2019 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Beverage

Give your family the gift of a healthy you this holiday season!
Sunday                                  Monday                                   Tuesday                                  Wednesday                                Thursday                                 Friday                                   Saturday

1                                       2                                        3                                        4                                        5                                        6                                        7
 Use ovens with side-                     Know how to use a fire                   Lockouts and tagouts                     Use strong-bristled                      Keep all dumpster areas                  When closing, finish                     All facility maintenance,
 hinged doors rather than                 extinguisher.                            should be left alone.                    scrubbing brushes, which                 clean to reduce the                      your work and leave the                  repairs and/or inspections
 bottom-hinged doors, as                                                           Never remove a lock                      help reduce the amount of                presence of rodents and                  premises as quickly as                   should be documented.
 these allow easier access                                                         without authorization.                   force required to remove                 other pests.                             possible. Travel in groups
 to items in the oven.                                                                                                      baked-on food stuck to pots.                                                      when leaving the building.

8                                       9                                        10                                       11                                       12                                       13                                       14
 Store the serrated edge                  Push carts, don’t pull.                  Make sure your footwear                  Never climb on shelves or                Wash, rinse and sanitize                 Wear gloves that fit                     Use a step ladder to reach
 of an aluminum foil box                  Pushing puts less stress on              is in good condition.                    other materials to obtain                utensils between uses.                   properly, have extra-long                high areas. Do not climb
 facedown after use.                      your back and gives you                  Check the soles to make                  out-of-reach items.                                                               cuffs and are properly                   on shelving.
                                          twice the power.                         sure you have good                                                                                                         insulated to protect skin
                                                                                   traction.                                                                                                                  from hot water.

15                                      16                                       17                                       18                                       19                                       20                                       21
 Dry hands before                         Where possible use oven                  Turn off appliances that                 Know the dangers of                      If horseplay is observed,                All electronic heating                   Make sure you are
 plugging in or unplugging                racks between waist and                  aren’t being used.                       contacting another person’s              let the employee know it’s               devices should be                        wearing the proper
 equipment.                               elbow height to minimize                                                          blood. Blood can carry                   unsafe and report it to a                unplugged before                         footwear for your
                                          awkward bending.                                                                  organisms that cause diseases            supervisor.                              cleaning.                                job. Nonslip shoes are
                                                                                                                            such as Hepatitis B or AIDS.                                                                                               recommended.

22 Hanukkah                             23                                       24                                       25 Christmas                             26                                       27                                       28
 Do not apply ointments,                  For food storage, follow                 Back-stretching exercises                All individuals inside the               Keep all walkways clear                  Don’t over stack banquet                 Exercise helps build
 sprays, antiseptics, home                the “First In, First out”                can help reduce your                     car must use their seat                  throughout the kitchen                   trays when delivering                    healthy muscles and
 remedies, butter or grease               rule.                                    potential for future back                belt.                                    and service stations to                  food.                                    bones and can increase
 to burns.                                                                         injuries.                                                                         prevent trip-and-fall                                                             your energy.

29                                      30                                       31
 Know where your closest                  Clean up broken glass                    How do you use a fire
 fire extinguisher is                     with a broom and dust                    extinguisher?
 located.                                 pan or tongs. Never use
                                          a mop, cloth, sponges or
                                          your hands.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for
legal, engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S. based Chubb
underwriting company affiliates. All products may not be available in all states. Loss control evaluations, reports, recommendations and services are made solely to assist the insurer in underwriting and loss control and are not to be construed as an added benefit for the insured,
property owner or any other party. Evaluation for any hazard or condition does not imply that it is covered under any policy.
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