Has your collection date changed? See pages 2-3 - City of Kawartha Lakes

Page created by Jeffery Barnett
Has your collection date changed? See pages 2-3 - City of Kawartha Lakes
Has your
date changed?
  See pages

            Photo by Fred Thornhill Photography
Has your collection date changed? See pages 2-3 - City of Kawartha Lakes
Table of contents
Kawartha Lakes Municipal Calendar                     39 Round up days
1 Message from the City                               39 Drop in the Bucket Paint Reuse Program
1 Calendar legend                                     40 Household hazardous waste
2 Waste management services and collection schedule   40 Depot and drop off events
4 Months of the year                                  Waste and Recycling Resources
Curbside Collection: Recycling                        42 Other recycling
28 Recycling – what goes in the blue box?             43 Other recycling resources
29 Recycling plastic bags                             44 Backyard composting
30 Recycling – what goes in the green box?            45 For purchase: Pre-paid tags, residential recycling
31 Recycling – battery collection                        containers, composters, digesters and rain barrels
32 Recycling tips – blue box                          Waste Management and Landfills
33 Recycling tips – green box                         46 Tipping fees
Curbside Collection: Waste                            47 Other fees
34 Waste collection                                   48 Landfill locations
36 Commercial and multi-residential collection        50 Landfill hours
36 Recycling carts                                    51 Waste management and landfill tips
37 Private and unassumed roads                        Municipal Services
37 Medical waste program                              52 Be a responsible pet owner, it’s the law!
38 Large item and appliance collection                53 Municipal Service Centres
38 Mattress and boxspring tags                        53 Report a by-law issue
Has your collection date changed? See pages 2-3 - City of Kawartha Lakes
Calendar legend                                       Message from the City
     Blue box week (containers)                            of Kawartha Lakes
     On your assigned day place recyclable                 As we start a new year, we say ‘thank you’ for
     containers at the curb.                               keeping Kawartha Lakes clean and protecting
     Green box week (paper/fibre)                          our environment.
     On your assigned day place recyclable                 Together we have:
     paper material at the curb.
                                                           • Reduced waste collection at the curb
     There will be no collection on these days. Your         by 20%
     collection will be moved one day forward in the       • Reduced more than 1,500 tonnes of waste
     week as a result of these holidays.                     being sent to our landfills
     Leaf and yard collection                              • Recycled 12,000 lb/5,443 kg of batteries,
     Your leaf and yard waste collection dates (in June      preventing harmful heavy metals from
     and Nov.) are based on your regular collection day.     entering our environment.
     Environment Round-Up Day                              This year we are aiming to reduce the
     Dispose of your old electronics, household            amount of contamination in our recyclables
     hazardous waste and more, at an event near you.
                                                           by 10%. This will reduce costs and leave a
     Curbside battery collection                           cleaner sustainable community – a win-win
     Visit the waste and recycling section of              for all.
     www.kawarthalakes.ca for more details.
                                                           Here’s to a greener, cleaner Kawartha Lakes
     Free woodchip giveaway
WC                                                         in 2019!
     At Lindsay Ops landfill.
Has your collection date changed? See pages 2-3 - City of Kawartha Lakes
Waste management services and collection schedule

Clear bags are required for waste collection
in Kawartha Lakes
We have a 2 clear bag per household
limit for weekly garbage collection –
                                                        (pages 48 and 49)
40 lb/18 kg maximum per bag.

Recycling and waste collection zones                     (page 40)
Find your location on the map to identify                (page 43)
your recycling and waste
collection day. Ensure items
are at the curb by 7am.
Take your recycling and waste
to one of our 5 landfills.
Tipping fees have changed
for 2019. See page 46.

Has your collection date changed? See pages 2-3 - City of Kawartha Lakes
Collection schedule changes
begin on January 7
All roads east of Hwy 35,       Wednesday
north of Thunder Bridge
Road including Kenrei Road:
collection day will move
from Thursday to Tuesday.

All roads south of Little
Britain Road and east of
Elm Tree Road: collection                             Tuesday
day will move from
Thursday to Wednesday.

All roads east of Hwy 35
from Mount Horeb Road
east to Hwy 7: collection day
will move from Thursday
to Tuesday.                                 Thursday

Questions about your
collection schedule?
Please call 705-324-9411.
Has your collection date changed? See pages 2-3 - City of Kawartha Lakes
January 2019
                                                                      Don’t miss a beat with Pingstreet
                                                                      The City’s mobile
                                                                      app allows you
                                                                      to set up custom
                                                                      on your phone
                                                                      that will keep
                                                                      you updated on
                                                                      waste schedules,
                                                                      news, events and
                                                                      most importantly,
                                                                      emergency alerts
                                                                      that may affect your
                                                                      area. The app also
                                                                      has a waste tool

                                Photo by Fred Thornhill Photography
                                                                      that makes it easy
                                                                      for you to find out
                                                                      which items are disposed where.
                                                                      Download the app today
                                                                      and stay connected.
Backyard ice rink, Bobcaygeon                                                                             4
Has your collection date changed? See pages 2-3 - City of Kawartha Lakes
Sunday              Monday             Tuesday          Wednesday            Thursday              Friday           Saturday
		 December 31                                         1                   2                  3                  4                 5
   Collection                                  New
   moves one                              Year’s Day
  day forward                           Facilities closed

               6                    7                  8                   9                10                  11             12
                    schedule changes
                    begin - see pg. 3

               13                 14                 15                  16                 17                  18             19

               20                 21                 22                 23                  24                  25            26

               27                 28                 29                 30                  31

                    New landfill tipping fees are in place for 2019, starting January 1. Turn to page 46 for details.
                     Collection schedule changes take place beginning on January 7. Turn to page 3 for details

January 2019                                                                                                                       5
Has your collection date changed? See pages 2-3 - City of Kawartha Lakes
February 2019
                                                                 Embrace the cold
                                                                 Don’t let winter freeze your
                                                                 activity schedule! Explore the
                                                                 beauty that winter brings to
                                                                 the City through our many
                                                                 activities that can keep you
                                                                 moving during the colder
                                                                 months. Cross country skiing,
                                                                 snowshoeing, snowmobiling,
                                                                 skating or pond hockey, ice
                                                                 fishing and so much more
                                                                 awaits those looking to
                                                                 experience the authentic
Photo by Fred Thornhill Photography

                                                                 True North.

                                                                 For more information on
                                                                 what to do in winter, visit
                                                                 explorekawarthalakes.ca or
                                                                 call 1-866-397-6673.
                                      Ice boats on Pigeon Lake                                    6
Has your collection date changed? See pages 2-3 - City of Kawartha Lakes
Sunday             Monday           Tuesday        Wednesday          Thursday           Friday        Saturday
                                                                                                      1               2

                3                  4              5                 6                 7               8               9

                10               11              12               13                  14              15          16

                                                                        Valentine’s Day

                17               18              19               20                  21              22         23
                      Family Day
                     Facilities Open

                24              25              26                27                  28
                                                                                            moves one
                                                                                           day forward

                Planning ahead for your spring garden? www.kawarthalakes.ca/beecity
                                 has tips on being pollinator friendly.

February 2019                                                                                                             7
Has your collection date changed? See pages 2-3 - City of Kawartha Lakes
March 2019
                                                                      Start fresh for the spring season
                                                                      Spring into action by getting rid of items you may find
                                                                      you no longer need. The City has programs and initiatives
                                                                      that can help you with your spring cleaning including free
                                                                      electronic recycling at any of the landfills.
                                                                      Examples of electronics accepted:
                                                                      • computers                 • telephones
                                                                      • printers                  • cell phones
                                                                      • copiers                   • electronic game

                                Photo by Fred Thornhill Photography
                                                                      • fax machines                consoles and
                                                                      • small appliances            games
                                                                      • TVs, CDs, DVDS, stereos   • digital cameras
                                                                      • power tools               • hair dryers
                                                                      We are unable to accept:
                                                                      • vacuums                     • dehumidifiers
                                                                      • oscillating fans            • deep fryers
                                                                      • VHS tapes
                                                                      Ensure you remove all personal information
Spring runoff near Bobcaygeon                                         before you drop off electronics.                         8
Sunday              Monday             Tuesday         Wednesday            Thursday           Friday           Saturday

                                         Note:                                                               1                 2
                                          Spring 2019 program (Fitness, Aquatics & Leisure)
                                              online registration starts on March 3, 2019

                3                  4                  5                  6                   7               8                 9

              10                 11                 12                  13                   14             15             16

                          Battery Collection Week – turn to page 31 for collection details

              17                 18                 19                 20                    21             22            23

 St. Patrick’s Day

             24                  25                 26                 27                    28             29            30
                                                            Wellness Fair,
                                                            Victoria Manor

               Collect your household batteries. Curbside battery collection takes place March 11-14 and November 4-7.
                     Batteries should be placed in a sealable plastic bag and be placed on top of your green box.
                     Turn to page 31 for more details.
March 2019                                                                                                                     9
April 2019
                                                                                       Keeping the City clean
                                                                                       Together we have:

                                                                                          • Reduced the amount of garbage
                                                                                            collected at the curb by 20% through
                                                                                            the clear bag program.

                                                                                          • Reduced more than 1,500 tonnes of
                                                                                            waste being sent to our sites, extending
                                                                                            the life of our landfills even further.

                                                                                          • Recycled 12,000 lb/5,443 kg of

                                                 Photo by Fred Thornhill Photography
                                                                                            batteries, preventing harmful heavy
                                                                                            metals from entering our environment.

                                                                                       Thank you for making this possible! There are
                                                                                       programs and information available to help
                                                                                       continue our sustainability success. For more
                                                                                       information, visit kawarthalakes.ca or
                                                                                       call 705-324-9411 ext. 1135.

White Trilliums in the Carden Alvar, Kirkfield                                                                                      10
Sunday              Monday            Tuesday       Wednesday        Thursday           Friday          Saturday
		1                                                 2               3               4                  5               6
                                                        Wood chip
                                                         begins     WC

               7                     8              9               10         11                    12            13


             14                    15           16                  17         18                    19           20
                                                                                          Good Friday
                                                                                             All City
                                                                    WC                  facilities closed

             21        Earth Day   22           23                  24         25                    26           27
                      Easter Monday
  Easter Sunday      Regular collection                             WC

             28                    29           30
  Seasonal road
 collection begins
                               Free wood chip giveaway – 8:30am to 4:00pm – Lindsay Ops landfill

              Free wood chip giveaway runs every Wednesday from April until October (while quantities last).

April 2019                                                                                                             11
May 2019
                         Being a Bee City
                         Kawartha Lakes is officially recognized
                         as a Bee City by Bee City Canada
                         because we support healthy pollinator
                         populations and ongoing efforts
                         to preserve and create pollinator

                         You can help pollinators by creating
                         foraging and nesting opportunities
                         in your gardens. Residents who
                         register their gardens online are
                         officially recognized on our Pollinator
                         Pathway Map.
                         To learn more about Bee City and
                         how you can get involved, visit

Be pollinator friendly                                         12
Sunday            Monday            Tuesday         Wednesday          Thursday             Friday            Saturday
   Summer                                                                              2                   3                  4
                                                         landfill hours
                                                         begin May 1
                                                          See pg. 50 WC

               5      Camp 2019 6                  7                8                  9                 10                 11
                   Registration Date
                        camps                                       WC

             12                 13                14               15                16                  17                 18

  Mother’s Day                                                      WC

             19                 20                21               22                23          Murder 24                  25
                    Victoria Day                                                                Mystery,           Round-Up
                    Lindsay Ops                                                                 Kawartha         event Manvers
                   landfill closed                                  WC                       Settlers’ Village       pg. 39

             26                 27                28               29                30                  31
                                                                                                                  moves one
                                                                    WC                                           day forward

   Drop in the Bucket Paint Reuse Program begins May 1          Help us help all those in need. As part of your garden this year,
 and runs until Oct 15 at Lindsay Ops and Fenelon Landfills     plant and grow an extra row of veggies and donate the harvest
                                                                        to your local food bank. www.growarow.org
May 2019                                                                                                                       13
June 2019
                                                                                     Leaf and yard waste curbside
                                                                                     Place leaf and yard waste at the curb by
                                                                                     7am on their assigned collection dates
                                                                                     during the spring and fall. It must be in
                                                                                     paper yard waste bags or bundled with
                                                                                     string or twine (less than 3 ft/91 cm in
                                                                                     length, less than 40 lb/18 kg in weight).
                                                                                     Branches must be less than 3“/ 7.6 cm
                                                                                     in diameter and/or 3 ft/91 cm in length.
                                                                                     Plastic bags are not accepted.
                                                                                     Not accepted: Christmas trees, grass
                                                                                     clippings, sod and soil.
Photo by Manuela Stefan Photography

                                                                                     Leaf and yard waste collection dates are
                                                                                     not interchangeable, you will only receive
                                                                                     leaf and yard collection on your specified
                                                                                     Visit kawarthalakes.ca/recycle or
                                                                                     call 705-324-9411 ext. 1135 for
                                      Garnet Graham Park splash pad, Fenelon Falls   more information.                           14
Sunday            Monday           Tuesday          Wednesday           Thursday           Friday           Saturday

                                                        Note:                                                                1
                                                   Summer 2019 program (Fitness, Aquatics & Leisure)
                                                      online registration starts on June 16, 2019

                  2             3                  4                  5                6        Leaf and 7                8
                                                        Seniors Serving                        yard pickup       Round-Up
                                                        Seniors, Victoria                  for Tues and Thurs event Coboconk
                                                            Manor WC                         Collection Days      pg. 39

                  9           10                 11                 12              13                  14                 15
  Settlers’ Day,
Kawartha Settlers’                                                                            Car Show,
     Village                                                          WC                    Victoria Manor

             16               17                 18                 19              20          Leaf and 21             22
                                                                                              yard pickup    Round-Up event
                                                                                           for Mon and Wed    Fenelon Falls
   Father’s Day                                                       WC                     collection days     pg. 39

             23               24                 25                 26              27                  28                 29


             30         If your regular collection day is Tues or Thurs,        If your regular collection day is Mon or Wed,
                       your leaf and yard waste collection is Fri June 7      your leaf and yard waste collection is Fri June 21

June 2019                                                                                                                    15
July 2019
                                                                      Making waste matter
                                                                      Did you know that the City has
                                                                      a variety of “waste-diversion”
                                                                      programs in place to help support
                                                                      and meet our sustainability goals?

                                                                      Initiatives such as backyard
                                                                      composting (see page 44) and
                                                                      reuse programs (see pages 42 & 43)
                                                                      help divert waste from our landfills
                                                                      and extend their lifespan. For a
                                                                      full list of programs available, visit

                                Photo by Fred Thornhill Photography
                                                                      The City also has an “Adopt-a-Road”
                                                                      program for local volunteers to help
                                                                      keep our roads clean. For more
                                                                      information on how to get involved,
                                                                      call 705-324-9411.

Wakeboarding on Sturgeon Lake                                                                              16
Sunday             Monday           Tuesday       Wednesday     Thursday         Friday          Saturday
                                                  2           3                 4             5                 6
    Collection                                                                                     Round-Up event
    moves one           closed
   day forward        Canada Day                              WC                                       pg. 39

                 7                 8              9          10                 11            12                13


                 14                15         16             17                 18            19                20


                 21              22           23             24             25                26                27
    The Lindsay
     Milk Run                                                 WC

                 28              29           30             31


            Free wood chip giveaway – 8:30am to 4:00pm – Lindsay Ops landfill
            WC                                                                         Concerts in the park
                                                                                          Sunday 2–4pm
      Free wood chip giveaway runs every Wednesday from April until October             Wednesday 7–9pm
                                (while quantities last).                               Victoria Park, Lindsay
July 2019                                                                                                        17
August 2019
                                                                Enjoy Kawartha Lakes responsibly
                                                                Each year, nearly 1.4 million people
                                                                visit us seeking the cottage lifestyle
                                                                made possible by our 250 lakes and
                                                                rivers. We want to make sure that
                                                                everyone can enjoy the outdoors
                                                                responsibly by following the City’s
                                                                by-laws. Visit kawarthalakes.ca to see
                                                                a full list of our by-laws and regulations.

                                                                If you need to report an issue related
                                                                to by-law violation, contact the City’s
                                                                Municipal Law Enforcement Division at
                                                                705-324-9411 ext. 1212.
Photo by Fred Thornhill Photography

                                                                If you need to report a life threatening
                                                                situation or illegal activity taking place
                                                                at a rental property, please contact
                                                                emergency services (911).

                                      Kayaking on Pigeon Lake                                            18
Sunday             Monday             Tuesday          Wednesday           Thursday               Friday             Saturday
                   				                                                                     1                    2                    3
                                                            Collection                               Driftwood
                                                            moves one                             Theatre, Kawartha
                                                           day forward                             Settlers’ Village

               4     Civic holiday
                                      5              6                   7                  8                    9                  10
                     Lindsay Ops
                    landfill closed                                     WC

              11                 12                 13                 14                 15                   16      Bobcaygeon 17
                                                                                                                       Craft Beer & Food
                                                                                                                       Festival, Kawartha
                                                                        WC                                              Settlers’ Village

              18                 19                20                  21                 22                   23                   24


              25                 26                27                  28                 29                   30                   31


                                            Note:                                                              Concerts in the park
  Fall 2019 program (Fitness, Aquatics & Leisure) online registration starts on August 25, 2019                   Sunday 2–4pm
                               kawarthalakes.perfectmind.com                                                    Wednesday 7–9pm
                                                                                                               Victoria Park, Lindsay
August 2019                                                                                                                             19
September 2019
Photo by Fred Thornhill Photography

                                                        Fall into fair season
                                                        There are many different events and
                                                        attractions available in Kawartha Lakes to
                                                        help you make the most of the season.
                                                        Check out our town fairs, some of which
                                                        celebrate over 100 years of annual tradition
                                                        or attend any of our many festivals to see
                                                        local talent and help support our artists and

                                                        Visit explorekawarthalakes.ca for more
                                                        information about events and things to do
                                                        around the City.

                                                        Do you have a non-profit event you
                                                        would like to promote on the City’s event

                                                        Go to kawarthalakes.ca/submitevent to
                                                        register your event.
                                      Bobcaygeon fair                                               20
Sunday              Monday             Tuesday       Wednesday           Thursday             Friday           Saturday
                 1                     2             3                 4                 5                  6                  7
                      Labour Day
                      Lindsay Ops
                     landfill closed                                  WC

                 8                     9          10                 11                 12                 13                14


             15                   16              17                 18                 19                 20                21


             22                   23              24                 25                26                  27                28


             29                   30
                                                          moves one
                                                         day forward

 Kawartha Lakes Food Source is grateful to receive donations of your surplus produce to distribute to food banks across the City.
     Any donations over a market value of $20 can receive a charitable tax receipt. Call 705-324-0707 to find out more.

September 2019                                                                                                                  21
October 2019
                              Kawartha Lakes Public Library
                              The Library offers free services, resources
                              and programs for everyone to enjoy.
                              Browse: Access the Internet via our public
                              Wi-Fi or library computers.
                              Online Resources: Download and enjoy
                              a wide variety of eBooks, eMagazines and
                              Audiobooks, music and movies.
                              Take Out: Borrow books, DVDs, music CDs,
                              audiobooks, magazines and manuals.
                              Play and Learn: Enjoy story times, games,
                              crafts, book clubs, and activities for all ages.
                              Research: Explore our large collection of
                              databases and electronic resources.
                              Relax: Find quiet study spots and
                              places to gather with friends.
                              Visit kawarthalakeslibrary.ca
                              or call 705-324-9411
                              ext. 1291 to learn more.
www.kawarthalakeslibrary.ca                                                 22
 Monday Tuesday                                             Wednesday        Thursday            Friday          Saturday
  Note:                                                                2                  3                4                  5
   Collection          October 15
   moves one        Drop in the Bucket                                                                            Kawartha
  day forward        Paint Reuse ends                                  WC                                       Farmfest 2019

               6                      7                8               9               10                 11                 12


               13                 14                 15               16               17                 18                 19
  Ontario Public    Thanksgiving                                                                                Haunted Village,
  Library Week       Lindsay Ops          Winter landfill                                                      Kawartha Settlers’
   Oct 13 - 19      landfill closed       hours begin                  WC                                           Village

               20                21                  22              23                24                 25                 26


               27                28                  29              30                31
                                                            Wood chip
                      Seasonal road                         giveaway
                     collection ends                          ends    WC      Halloween
                   Note:                          Kawartha FarmFest is a self-guided driving tour of farms and attractions
     October 15 – Winter landfill hours               throughout Kawartha Lakes. www.kawarthafarmfest.com
           begin, see pg. 50.

October 2019                                                                                                                    23
November 2019
Photo by Fred Thornhill Photography

                                                            Did you know?
                                                            The City has updated our
                                                            websites to serve you better.
                                                            You can now submit events to
                                                            our online calendar, subscribe to
                                                            receive news to your inbox, report
                                                            issues and request services with
                                                            the click of a button.

                                                            City website:
                                                            Tourism website:
                                                            Library website:
                                                            Also, download our free mobile
                                                            app Pingstreet from the app
                                                            store on your mobile phone to
                                                            stay connected on the go!
                                      Dock on Balsam Lake                                    24
Sunday             Monday             Tuesday         Wednesday            Thursday              Friday           Saturday
                     		                                 			                                          Leaf and 1                     2
                                                                                                   yard pickup
                                                                                                for Mon and Wed
                                                                                                  collection days

                3                4                  5                  6                   7         Leaf and 8                     9
                                                                                                    yard pickup
                                                                                                for Tues and Thurs
                        Battery Collection Week – turn to page 31 for collection details          Collection Days

             10                11                 12                  13       Festival of 14       Leaf and 15                16
                                                                             Trees begins,        yard pickup
                     Remembrance                                            Kawartha Settlers’ for Mon and Wed
                         Day                                                     Village         collection days
   Festival of 17              18                 19                 20                    21        Leaf and 22               23
  Trees ends,                                                                                       yard pickup
Kawartha Settlers’                                                                              for Tues and Thurs
     Village                                                                                      collection days

             24                25                 26                 27                    28                29                30

     If your regular collection day is Monday or Wednesday,                If your regular collection day is Tuesday or Thursday,
           your leaf and yard waste will be collected on:                       your leaf and yard waste will be collected on:
           Friday, November 1 and Friday, November 15                           Friday, November 8 and Friday, November 22
November 2019                                                                                                                       25
December 2019
                                                                   Recycle that wrap
                                                                   Green box:
                                                                   • Most wrapping paper (no foil wrap)
                                                                   • Most greeting cards (non-paper parts
                                                                   • Wrapping paper tubes
                                                                   • Tissue paper
                                                                   • Cardboard and boxboard
                                                                   • Gift bags (non-paper parts removed)
                                                                   Blue box:
                                                                   • Styrofoam packaging (no foam

                             Photo by Fred Thornhill Photography
                                                                   The following cannot be recycled:
                                                                   • Bubble wrap, blister packs such as
                                                                     battery packaging, clementine boxes,
                                                                     ribbons and bows.
                                                                   There are no recycling limits, but there
                                                                   is a weekly 2 clear garbage bag per
                                                                   household collection limit.
Lindsay Santa Claus Parade                                                                                    26
Sunday             Monday             Tuesday         Wednesday           Thursday            Friday         Saturday
                1                  2                 3                  4                 5                 6               7

                8                  9               10                 11                 12                 13          14

            15                   16                17                 18                 19                 20         21

           22                    23                24                 25                26                  27         28
                                       Regular collection    Christmas           Boxing
                                       Lindsay Ops open          Day               Day
                    Regular collection     9am-1pm        Facilities closed Facilities closed

           29                    30                31
                                       Lindsay Ops open            moves one
                                           9am-1pm                day forward
                          Broken Christmas lights are a recyclable material. To dispose of them properly,
                            take them to your nearest landfill and deposit them in the electronics bin.

December 2019                                                                                                               27
Recycling – what goes in the blue box?                Must be
On blue recycling box weeks, “container”               7:00am
items are collected:
Items allowed in the blue box:                                   Flower pots and plastic pails
                                                                    Pails can be up to 5 gallons and
                                                                    must have recycling symbol
                Glass bottles and jars
                   Remove metal lids for recycling
                                                                 Aluminum cans/foil containers
                                                                    Rinse and place lids
                Milk/juice cartons, coffee cups,                    separately into blue bin
                ice cream containers
                   All lids should be removed
                   and placed into the blue bin                  Empty paint and aerosol cans
                                                                   Must be dry and empty with
                                                                   lids removed
                Plastic containers (of all colours)
                   Must have recycling symbol
                   1-7 on container                              Styrofoam containers
                                                                    Excluding foam “peanuts”

Recycling plastic bags? What you need to know
        Place plastic film products like these below inside a small clear bag, tie closed and put in
         your blue box for collection. The rest of your recycling must be loose in your blue box.
    Is your                          - labelled #2
    plastic                              (HDPE)
  stretchy?                              and #4
     Then                               (LLDPE)
  recycle it.
                                                           Bread bags                    Produce bags
                   Grocery and retail bags

Newspaper bags               Paper towel and                  Case wrapping              Food storage bags
                          diaper wrap packaging

Do not include: chip bags, dog food bags, cereal bags, cracker bags, food wrappers (granola bar wrappers,
                candy bar wrappers, cheese wrappers, etc.) bubble wrap, wax paper, hoses, animal waste,
                 medical tubing, diapers, straws and tarps

Recycling – what goes in the green box?                 Must be
         Newspaper/fine paper                            7:00am       Wrapping materials
         Newspapers, flyers, catalogues,                              Non-metallic wrapping paper,
         magazines, letters, brochures, writing                       greeting cards, craft paper,
         paper, envelopes (includes windowed                          tissue paper and gift bags
         envelopes), photographs and phone                              Remove non-paper parts,
         books                                                          including rope, metal,
                                                                        handles, plastic sheets
         Boxboard                                                       and decals
         Including cereal, cracker, detergent,
                                                                      Other packaging
         drug, shoe, gift and tissue boxes
                                                                      Brown paper bags, fibre egg
           Remove liners and handles                                  cartons and toilet/paper
                                                                      towel rolls
         Corrugated cardboard
         Cardboard, including clean pizza boxes                       Books
                                                                      Including telephone books
           Remove tape and other material
           Flatten and bundle to a size no larger                       Remove all hard covers from
           than a green recycling box:                                  books. Hard covers are waste
           2 ft x 2 ft x 2 ft (61 cm x 61 cm x 61 cm)
          Do not include: Used facial tissues, coffee cups, soiled paper, ribbons and bows
Recycling – battery collection                              Must be
Batteries must not be placed in the garbage or in            7:00am
curbside recycling. They can be brought to the Lindsay Ops
or Fenelon landfills’ household hazardous waste depots, any
Municipal Service Centre or any Kawartha Lakes public library
branch. Leaking batteries will not be accepted at the Service
Centres or libraries.
We offer two special battery collection weeks during the year.
Batteries should be placed inside of a clear sealable plastic
bag and set on top of your green box on your usual collection
day during the weeks
of March 11-14 and
November 4-7.
We are able to accept                                                  Batteries may be placed inside
rechargeable and                                Reminder: You          of a clear sealable plastic bag
single-use: AAA, AA,                             must tape the          and set on top of your green
C, D, 9-volt and button                           ends of any          box only during the weeks of
batteries only. 9-volt                          9-volt batteries       March 11-14 and November 4-7
batteries must have the
ends taped.
Recycling tips – blue box                                     Must be
Each recycling bin must weigh less than 40 lb/18 kg.           7:00am
On blue recycling box weeks, “container” items are                       • With the exception of plastic
collected:                                                                 film and grocery bags, all other
• Use a wide-mouthed, open bin for recycling collection (a blue            recycling must be loose in your
  box is not mandatory).                                                   blue box for collection, not in a
                                                                           bag. Bagged recycling causes
• There is no limit on residential recycling.
                                                                           problems when it reaches our
• To prevent lighter material from blowing away, place heavier             recycling facility to be processed.
  items like cans and glass bottles on top.                                For this reason we do not accept
• Broken glass should not be placed in the blue box. Set out for           bagged recycling.
  disposal as waste, in a tightly sealed cardboard box labelled,
  ‘broken glass’.
• Waste and recycling pick up times can change. It is your
  responsibility to set out your waste and recycling by 7am
  (6am in designated downtown areas) on your collection day
  to make sure you don’t miss your pick up.
• Empty coffee cups and lids belong in your blue box. The lid
  and cup are sorted into different places at the recycling facility,
  so make sure you remove the lid from the cup before placing
  both in your blue box to be recycled.
• Plastic film (thin flexible plastic that can be stretched) and
  grocery bags can be recycled in your blue box. See page 29
  for more information.                                                                                     32
Recycling tips – green box                                Must be    All materials must be empty
                                                          curbside        and free of residue
Each recycling bin must weigh less than 40 lb/18 kg.       7:00am
On green recycling box weeks, “paper/fibre” material is
• With the exception of shredded paper, do not bag your
  paper/fibre. Place materials loose in your green box (heaviest
  materials on top). If necessary, weigh it down with your
  garbage bag.
• Place shredded paper in a clear plastic bag.
• With the exception of shredded paper, all other recycling must
  be loose in your green box for collection, not in a bag. Bagged
  recycling causes problems when it reaches our recycling facility
  to be processed. For this reason we do not accept bagged
• Do not place fibre contaminated with oil, greasy food or pet
  waste in your green box. It is garbage.
• You must break down cardboard boxes so that they fit inside of
  your green box for collection at the curb.
• Books and magazines can be recycled in your green box.
  Please remove any hard covers before placing
  books at the curb.
Waste collection                                              Must be
                                                                         Your bags will not
Waste must be placed in clear bags
                                                                          be picked up if:
All waste must be placed in clear garbage bags for collection.
Bags that are not clear, visibly contain more than 20% recyclables
                                                                                    Your bag is
or contain any hazardous material will not be collected.
                                                                                     not a
Privacy bag                                                                        clear bag
A privacy bag is a standard sized grocery bag or kitchen catcher
that is not transparent. The purpose of a privacy bag is to allow
you to discretely dispose of items you don’t want anyone to see
in your clear garbage bag at the curb. You are entitled to one                  Your bag contains
privacy bag inside each of your two large clear bags each week.                    more than
If your privacy bag is the only waste you have, you may place it
directly on the curb for collection.                                               recyclables
Make sure your waste and recycling is out on time
Collection truck schedules change without notice. Make sure                     Your bag contains
your waste and recycling is set out by 7am (6am in designated                  hazardous waste/
downtown areas).                                                                   needles
Bag weight limit                                                                (must be taken to a
Your weekly limit for waste collection is 2 bags. Maximum weight               household hazardous
of 40 lb/18 kg and size of 26” x 32” (65 cm x 82 cm).                              waste depot)
If you set out more than 2 clear bags, they must be labelled with pre-paid bag tags available at all Municipal
Service Centres and participating retail locations (pg. 45).
Note: Over-sized bags are counted as 2. Households that share containment systems must put their house
numbers on the underside of the garbage can lid or it may appear that you have gone over your weekly limit.
There is no residential recycling limit.
Construction and demolition materials
Construction and demolition materials such as wood, drywall, piping, etc. are not collected at the curb. You
must take this type of material to a City landfill (pg. 46.) Charges will apply.
Household hazardous waste
Household hazardous waste must be taken to a household hazardous waste depot at either the Lindsay Ops
or Fenelon landfill (pg. 40).
You are responsible for your garbage and recycling until it is collected
To help keep animals out, place material in a garbage can or box with a lid and set out on the day of
collection. Please do not spray bags with bleach or cayenne pepper, or use bungee cords on your boxes.
Bagged recycling is not accepted
Recycling materials placed in bags cannot be easily processed at our sorting facility. Please
set out recycling in a wide-mouthed bin (like a recycling box) for collection. Please make        Reminder:
sure you follow the recycling guidelines on page 32.                                                Straws
Still have questions about collection?                                                             garbage
Call Miller Waste at 1-888-557-4711.
Commercial and multi-residential collection                         Recycling carts
Commercial                        Multi-residential                 65 and 95 gallon roll-out recycling
Set-out time                      (6 or more units)                 carts are for sale through
6am in downtown Lindsay,          Set-out time                      Municipal Service Centres.
Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls.     7am                               These are for commercial
7am for all other locations.      Weekly waste limit                operations and large
Weekly waste limit                Property Managers, if you are     multi-residential units only.
4 clear bags                      uncertain of your building’s      Please call 705-324-9411
(40 lb/18 kg per clear bag).      curbside waste limit, contact     for pricing and more information.
All extra bags must be tagged     705-324-9411.
with $3 bag tags (pg. 45).        Weekly recycling limit
Hazardous waste materials will    There is no limit on the
not be collected curbside.        amount of recyclables your        Private waste haulers are
Weekly recycling limit            building can put out              available to handle larger
4 bundled cubic yards             curbside. For more information,   quantities of waste and recycling.
(cardboard) or 4 roll-out carts   please call 705-324-9411.
(65 or 95 gallon) or equivalent

Private and unassumed roads                                      Must be    Medical waste program
                                                                    by      If you or someone you are caring
Roads must be properly maintained in order to receive             7:00am    for generates extra waste (over the
waste collection. If a road is assessed as unsafe for travel,               regular 2 bag limit) due to medical
waste and recycling will not be collected. Roads must follow                reasons, you can apply to the City’s
these standards and the standards outlined in By-Law 2016-144               medical waste register to receive
in order to receive collection:                                             additional bag tags.
• Road is plowed to a minimum of 10 ft/3 m wide                             Friendly reminder:
• Sand or salt is applied, as required                                      Medical waste is not recyclable
• Vegetation is cut back to a minimum 10 ft/3 m high                        For more information visit
  and wide                                                                  kawarthalakes.ca or call
                                                                            705-324-9411 ext.1135.
• Potholes are filled and graded as required for safety
• A suitable turn-a-round is provided for the collection truck
• Garbage and recycling is set no more than 7 ft/2.2 m from
  the road

 Between the end of October and the beginning of May,
 collectors do not check every bin on private and unassumed
 roads. Make sure you indicate (bright cloth or flag) that you
 require collection.
Large item and appliance collection                                     Mattress and boxspring tags
                                                                        Mattress and boxspring tags are
Unable to get your sofa to the landfill? You can arrange for “large     sold separately and are available
items” (not including mattresses) such as sofas, freezers or cabinets   for $15 each. Each individual piece
to be collected at the curb (weight limit: 220 lb/100 kg).              placed at the curb will require its
                                                                        own tag. The size of the mattress or
1. Purchase a large item tag. Available for $5 at
                                                                        boxspring does not affect the price.
Municipal Service Centres and participating retailers (pg. 45).
                                                                        Collection must be pre-arranged
2. If appropriate, purchase a freon appliance tag.
                                                                        with Miller Waste. Please call
Refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, water coolers and
                                                                        705-359-1402 or 1-888-557-4711.
dehumidifiers must each have a freon appliance tag and a large
item tag. Freon tags are available for $20.                             Help recycle mattresses:
(See pg. 45).                                                           Mattresses picked up curbside or
                                                                        brought to the Lindsay Ops landfill
3. Schedule a collection date.
                                                                        will be recycled.
Schedule a curbside large item
pick-up date by calling Miller Waste
at 1-888-557-4711.
4. Label and set curbside. Label item
with purchased sticker and place at the
curb by 7am on your scheduled date.

Round-Up Days                                                       Drop in the Bucket Paint
                                                                    Reuse Program
       Drop off recyclable materials for free during our            The City of Kawartha Lakes Drop
       Round-Up Day events.                                         in the Bucket Paint Reuse Program
May 25 – Rolling Hills Public School, 694 ON-7A                     keeps usable paints and stains from
                                                                    being disposed of unnecessarily by
June 8 – Coboconk Public Works Yard, 2863 County Road 48
                                                                    making them available to residents
June 22 – Fenelon Falls Community Centre, 27 Veteran’s Way          for free.
July 6 – Bobcaygeon Public School, 30 Balaclava Street              From May 1 to October 15 you can
Materials collected:                                                pick up paint to take home, or take
• Household hazardous waste (oils, cleaners, paints and more)       your leftover paint to the Fenelon
                                                                    or Lindsay Ops landfill household
• Electronics, small appliances, batteries, CDs/DVDs                hazardous waste depots (pg. 40).
• Bulky, hard plastics (laundry hampers, patio furniture, tote
  bins, kids’ pools, etc.) Items must be under 1 cubic metre with
  all non-plastic parts removed. No pipes, liners, pool covers,
  dock barrels or vinyl siding.
Events run from 8am to 12pm. All materials accepted free of
charge. Visit kawarthalakes.ca/recycle for more information.

Household hazardous waste (HHW)                                          Depot and drop off events
We do not accept commercial hazardous waste at our landfills.            HHW materials must be:
For the safety and health of our community, wildlife, and environment,   • Clearly labelled
HHW must be disposed of properly at a HHW depot located at:
                                                                         • In original packaging
     Fenelon landfill                    Lindsay Ops landfill
     341 Mark Road, Cameron              51 Wilson Road, Lindsay         • Tightly contained with
                                                                           no visible leaks
There is no charge for this service. Examples of HHW include:
                                                                         • Less than 15L each (liquids)
  Automotive products                    Batteries
  Antifreeze                             Single use and rechargeable     When you take fuel to the landfill,
  Autobody filler                        Large (eg. automotive) and      be prepared to leave your
  Automobile batteries – lead acid       household                       container behind. Fuel is never
  Brake fluid                            Paints and solvents             permitted to be dumped out of its
  Carburetor cleaner                     Acetone                         container at the landfill.
  Car wax with solvent                   Empty containers
  Chrome polish                                                          Needles are a HHW and should
                                         Latex and oil paint
  Engine degreaser                       Marine paint
                                                                         never be placed in your waste
  Fuel additives                         Paint thinner                   collection.
  Gasoline (in ULC approved container)   Paint stripper
  Oil filters                            Spray paint
  Starter fluids                         Varnish or
  Transmission fluid                     lacquer
  Used motor oil
  Windshield washer fluid
Household products                     Gardening and pest control          Hobby supplies
  Aerosol products                       Fungicides, herbicides and          Chemistry sets
  All-purpose cleaners                   insecticides                        Photographic chemicals
  Ammonia/bleach/disinfectants           Chemical fertilizers                Liquid glues
  Floor wax strippers                    Flea/tick pet products              Mercury-containing light
  Furniture polish and wax               Rat poison                          bulbs and products
  Oven/metal cleaners                    Wood preservatives                  Metal halide lamps
  Rust remover                           Empty tanks and containers          Thermometers/thermostats
  Shoe polish (liquid)                   Kerosene containers                 Ultraviolet lamps
  Spot and stain remover                 Pesticide containers                Fluorescent tubes and bulbs (CFLs)
  Upholstery and rug cleaners            Pressurized gas tanks
  Lighter fluid                                                              Regular light bulbs can be placed in
  Muriatic acid
                                         Personal care products              your garbage
                                         Hair dye/hair spray/perm solution
  Window cleaners
  Drain, tub and toilet bowl cleaners    Hydrogen peroxide
  Pool and spa/hot tub chemicals         Jewellery cleaner
                                         Nail polish and remover                  Regular                 CFL
  Fire extinguishers
                                         Rubbing alcohol

Not accepted                            Visit frequently with small          • For large quantities, please
Unknown materials                                                              contact Solid Waste Services
Leaking or open containers
                                        recycle bin-sized loads
                                                                               705-324-9411, ext.1135
Fireworks, flares, ammunition           • Large quantities not accepted
or explosives                                                                Did You Know
Industrial and commercial waste         • Never put your HHW into your
                                                                             You can drop off residential
(Please contact an approved               garbage or recycling!              fryer oil at your nearest
liquid and hazardous waste                                                   HHW depot.
contractor for disposal.)                                                                                           41
Other recycling

 Printer cartridges                                    Furniture, household items, books,
 Laser and inkjet cartridges. Please return in         CDs and more
 original packaging. Damaged cartridges cannot         Take good quality, reusable items to the
 be recycled and should be disposed of as waste.       City of Kawartha Lakes Reuse Centre.
 Take to: Municipal Service Centres, City Hall,        Take to: Fenelon Reuse Centre, 341 Mark Rd.,
 local libraries, Lindsay Ops/Fenelon landfill and     Cameron or the Habitat for Humanity bin at the
 Round-Up Days.                                        Lindsay Ops landfill.
 Tires                                                 Scrap metal
 For residents only. Tires must be clean and free      Take to: Any landfill.
 of mud and water; rims on or off. There is no limit
 to quantity; however, if bringing in more than 50,
 please call ahead 705-324-9411.
 (All businesses must dispose of tires through
 the Resource Productivity and Recovery
 Authority 1-833-600-0530.)
 Take to: Any landfill facilities.
 Other recycling options available.
 Visit www.rpra.ca/registry/tires
 for more information.                                                                                  42
Other recycling resources

 Beer Store                                          Humane Society of Kawartha Lakes,
 The Beer Store takes back all of the packaging      The Second Chance Store
 it sells. Visit thebeerstore.ca for full details.   Jewellery, antiques, decor items, dishes,
                                                     books, scarves/pashminas, purses, pet items,
 Vicky’s Values, Lindsay                             nik-naks, seasonal items and more!
 Accepts clean rags and used clothing.               Call 705-320-8240.

 Community pharmacies                                Fenelon Reuse Centre
 Accepts pharmaceuticals and needles.                A reuse centre is located at the Fenelon landfill.
 www.healthsteward.ca                                This helps reduce waste and extends the life of
                                                     landfills in Kawartha Lakes. (See pg. 49).
 Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore, Lindsay             Accepted items:
 Tools, furniture, building materials, wood,         Furniture, housewares, books, CDs and DVDs,
 hardware, cabinets, large appliances                novelty items, memorabilia.
 (gently used).                                      Not accepted:
                                                     Electrical appliances are not accepted at the
                                                     reuse centre. Please take electronics to the
                                                     electronics recycling bin at any City landfill.
 Ink/toner cartridges.

Backyard composting                                                  Too good to waste

You can create a thriving backyard environment with the help of
backyard composters and digesters. They are available for sale at
all Municipal Service Centres. While you’re there, pick up a copy
of our compost brochure to keep on-hand for whenever you face
a composting question in the future.
Visit kawarthalakes.ca/recycle for tips and frequently asked
questions on getting started with backyard composting.

                                                                     30% or more of typical municipal
              Composters are easy to install, sit on top of the      garbage set out at the curb is
              ground and should be placed in a location that is      compostable.
              accessible all year long with plenty of sunlight.
                                                                     By using a composter or a digester,
                                                                     you can help reduce unnecessary
Composter                                                            waste at the landfill while producing
                                                                     rich and beneficial products for your
              A Digester is a large tub sized container with a cap   gardens.
              that is set approximately 1-2 ft (30.5 cm - 61 cm)     Learn more on backyard composting
              deep into the soil. Works well in small backyards.     at kawarthalakes.ca or call
 Digester                                                                                                44
For purchase                                                      Prices listed include tax and
                                                                  may be subject to change.
Pre-paid tags                     Residential recycling           Call to confirm availability.
Bag tags                          containers                      All items can be purchased at any
$3 each / sheets of 5 for $15     Regular/standard Size $7        City of Kawartha Lakes Municipal
Required on all curbside          16 gallon blue/green boxes      Service Centre (see back cover for
garbage bags above the 2-bag                                      contact information). Pre-paid
                                  Extra large $9
residential (4-bag commercial)                                    bag, large item, and freon tags are
                                  22 gallon blue boxes            available at your nearest library
limit. Not for use on leaf and
                                  95 gallon recycling carts can   branch and at select retailers. Visit
yard waste.
                                  also be booked for specific     kawarthalakes.ca/recycle or call
Curbside large item tags $5       occasions. Call 705-324-9411    705-324-9411 for a full listing.
Freon appliance tags $20          ext. 1135 for more details.
Mattress and
boxspring tags $15
                                  Composters, digesters
                                  and rain barrels
Large item and freon
                                  Backyard composters $45
appliance collection must be
                                  Backyard digesters $70
pre-arranged with Miller Waste.
                                  Rain barrels $75
Please call 705-359-1402
or 1-888-557-4711 before
placing it at the curbside.
Tipping fees
Price effective January 1, 2019

Garbage bag (standard)                                         $5 minimum, $110/tonne
Garbage bag (mixed load)                                       $7 minimum, $210/tonne
Loose waste (standard)                                         $5 minimum, $110/tonne
Loose waste (mixed load)                                       $7 minimum, $210/tonne
Industrial, construction and demolition waste                        $110/tonne
Drywall, insulation, shingles, wood, etc.
Institutional and commercial                                         $110/tonne
Waste and recycling
Freon removal charge                                                   $20/item
RV sanitary disposal (Lindsay Ops Landfill only)                         $5
Vac Truck (Lindsay Ops Landfill only)                                 $200/load
Accepted payment methods
Cash, debit card, VISA, MasterCard, business cheque and City of Kawartha Lakes business account –
applications available by calling 705-324-9411. Personal cheques not accepted.

Other fees                                                    Free residential drop off
Price effective January 1, 2019                               • Residential recyclable materials
Leaf and yard material            Free up to 331 lb/150 kg,     (blue/container and green/paper
                                        $110/tonne              box recycling)
                                                              • Residential household hazardous
Curbside bag tag                       $3 for each tag          waste
Mattresses and box springs            $15 for each item       • Residential electronics and
                                                                electrical equipment
Boats (ensure gas tanks               Standard waste          • Scrap metal (including appliances
are removed)                            fees apply              without freon)
Asbestos* (pre-approval required)       $250/tonne            • Tires (with or without rims)
                                                              • Ashes (must be cold to be
Contaminated soil                        $50/tonne
(suitable for daily cover,
pre-approval required)                                        Mixed load: Any load that contains
Contaminated soil*                    Standard waste          more than 20% black bags and/or
(not suitable for daily cover,          fees apply            recyclable material.
pre-approval required)                                        Standard load: To be considered a
                                                              standard load, waste must be loose
RVs and Camping trailers are NOT accepted for disposal
                                                              or placed in clear bags and contain
at any of the landfills
                                                              less than 20% recyclable materials.
*Please call 705-324-9411 ext. 1135
Landfill locations

There are 5 landfills in Kawartha Lakes:

To ensure your visit to a landfill is quick and convenient:   When not in operation,
1. Stop at the scale house on arrival for instructions        access to landfill sites is
2. Follow instructions carefully (ask again, if necessary)    restricted. Charges of
3. Pay attention to all site signage                          trespassing will be laid.
4. Once material drop off is complete,
   return to the scale house to check out                                                   49
Summer landfill hours • May 1 to October 14 • Hours may be subject to change based on
operational requirements. All landfills are closed Canada Day. Lindsay/Ops landfill is also closed Holiday
Mondays (Victoria Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day and Thanksgiving).
LANDFILL      MON     TUES    WED    THURS      FRI      SAT      SUN     MON
Eldon        Closed  Closed 9am–5pm   Closed   Closed 11am–5pm 11am–5pm 11am–5pm
Fenelon     9am–5pm  Closed 9am–5pm   Closed   Closed  9am–5pm   Closed 9am–5pm
Laxton       Closed  Closed  Closed 11am–5pm Closed     Closed 11am–5pm 11am–5pm
Lindsay Ops 8am–5pm 8am–5pm  Closed 8am–5pm 8am–5pm 8am–3pm      Closed   Closed
Somerville 11am–5pm Closed   Closed   Closed 11am–5pm 11am–5pm Closed 11am–5pm

Winter landfill hours • October 15 to April 30 • Hours may be subject to change based on
operational requirements. All landfills are closed New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
Landfills scheduled to operate on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve will only be open from 9am to 1pm.
LANDFILL      MON     TUES    WED    THURS      FRI      SAT      SUN      MON
Eldon        Closed  Closed 9am–5pm   Closed   Closed 11am–5pm Closed     Closed
Fenelon     9am–5pm  Closed 9am–5pm   Closed   Closed 9am–5pm    Closed  9am–5pm
Laxton       Closed  Closed  Closed 11am–5pm Closed     Closed 12pm–4pm Closed
Lindsay Ops 8am–5pm 8am–5pm  Closed 8am–5pm 8am–5pm 8am–3pm      Closed   Closed
Somerville 11am–5pm Closed   Closed   Closed 11am–5pm Closed     Closed 11am–5pm
Waste management and landfill tips                                      Note
                                                                        • When tipping fees are based
At the landfill, there is zero tolerance for                              on weight and scales are not
• Illegal dumping                  • Scavenging                           operational, an estimated fee
• Verbal or physical abuse         • Non-payment                          will apply.
Recommended attire*                                                     • Advanced approval required for
• Fitted pants and shirt            • Gloves                              soils, asbestos and vacuum trucks.
  (loose or bulky clothing          • Closed-toe footwear               * Seasonal conditions may vary
  can be a safety hazard)             (safety-certified is best)        (mud/snow/dust etc.)
For your safety
• Children and pets must remain in vehicles.                            Grass clippings are accepted at
• Always be aware of your surroundings: keep an eye on other            no charge up to 331 lb/150 kg.
  vehicles, people, equipment and bins.                                 They are landfilled (do not go
• Keep a safe distance from the curb.                                   in the leaf and yard compost
• Stay away from landfill equipment and machines.                       area). Wet grass clippings will be
• Do not stand on tailgates.                                            charged at regular tipping fees.
Bears                                                                   They are not collected curbside
                                                                        and should not be bagged with
Despite covering the landfill regularly, bears still visit. To ensure
                                                                        other leaf and yard waste.
your safety, the City asks that if you encounter a bear, back away
slowly, get into your vehicle and notify the attendant.

Be a responsible pet owner, it’s the law!

• For the safety and security of dogs and residents, owners must
  obtain a dog tag for their pet. Annual or lifetime tags can be
  purchased online or at any Municipal Service Centre, library or
  the Humane Society of Kawartha Lakes.
• Pets are not permitted to run at large. Dogs must be on
  a leash at all times in public spaces with the exception of
  designated off-leash dog parks.
• Remember to pick up after your pet. Cat litter and individual
  dog waste bags may be placed into your clear garbage bag.
  Pet waste should not exceed 10% of your total weekly
  curbside waste.
Please reference Kawartha Lakes By-Law 2017-039 for more
We post all missing dogs found by municipal law enforcement
officers on our Facebook page to help return them to their family.
Visit Facebook.com/cityofkawarthalakes to see our latest

Municipal Service Centres                                                Report a by-law issue
                                                                         Residents are encouraged to report
Municipal Service Centres are open Monday through Friday, from           issues relating to by-law infractions
8:30am to 4:30pm in Lindsay, Coboconk, Bobcaygeon and Omemee.            to the City’s Municipal Law
Customer services is pleased to assist you at every location. Services   Enforcement (MLE) division Monday
available include, but are not limited to:                               to Friday from 8am to 9pm and on
                                                                         weekends from 8am to 6:30pm.
• Municipal inquiries               • Parking tickets
• Water, sewer and property tax     • Bulk water payments (Lindsay)      Residents can contact the City’s
  payments, A/R payments            • Tourism and event maps/            MLE division at 705-324-9411
• Permit payments: sewage             brochures                          ext.1212 and leave a message to
  system, entrance, burial, burn                                         report their concerns. All calls will be
                                    • Commissioner of Oath
  and building permits                                                   answered within two business days.
                                    • Public access to computers
• Dog tags                            (Coboconk, Omemee)                 Residents should call emergency
• Photocopying and fax services     • Transit passes and tokens          services to report life threatening
• Recycling containers,                                                  situations such as large bonfires,
                                    • Marriage licenses (Lindsay)
  composters, rain barrels,                                              operating a motor craft while
  garbage tags, Kawartha Lakes                                           intoxicated or illegal activity taking
  Municipal Calendar                                                     place at a rental property.
                                                                         Residents can also complete the
Find Municipal Service Centre contact information
                                                                         MLE Office Complaint Form which
on the back of this calendar.
                                                                         can be found on the Report It page
                                                                         at www.kawarthalakes.ca.          53
Municipal Service Centres
       Visit any Municipal Service Centre, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Lindsay                     180 Kent Street West, Lindsay K9V 2Y6                    705-324-9411 ext. 0
Coboconk                    9 Grandy Road, Coboconk K0M 1K0                          705-324-9411 ext. 3515
Bobcaygeon                  123 East Street South, Bobcaygeon K0M 1A0                705-324-9411 ext. 3580
Omemee                      1 King Street West, Omemee K0L 2W0                       705-324-9411 ext. 3520
City of Kawartha Lakes                                                               Toll Free 1-888-822-2225
          After hours municipal emergencies, including weekends and statutory holidays
                         Curbside collection inquiries, Miller Waste Services
                        1-888-557-4711            kawarthalakes@millerwaste.ca

                            Information provided in this calendar is subject to change.
         Please call 705-324-9411 or visit kawarthalakes.ca/recycle for the most up to date information.
You can also read