2019 Programs Drawdown American Creed Renovations - APRIL MAY JUNE - Liverpool Public Library

2019 Programs Drawdown American Creed Renovations - APRIL MAY JUNE - Liverpool Public Library
2019 Programs


    American Creed

2019 Programs Drawdown American Creed Renovations - APRIL MAY JUNE - Liverpool Public Library
PROGRAMS                                         Fresh Starts Here!
                                                 Thurs, April 18 • 6:30pm
                                                 Magazine Area in LPL
                                                                                                   Escape the Secret Garden*
                                                                                                   Thurs, May 9 • 5:30pm
                                                                                                   Offsite at Raymour and Flanigan (RF)
                                                 Visit Syracuse and CNY Fresh’s Elizabeth          Work with your teammates to turn over
                                                 Judge will discuss products grown, raised         stones, traverse wooded paths and
Religions of Asia                                and produced locally and where to find            dig up hidden clues to unlock the
Mon, April 1 • 7pm
                                                 them. Farmer Erin Hull from Lucky 13 Beef         secrets of the garden and
Magazine Area in LPL
                                                 and others will share personal experiences        escape! *Registration required.
LeMoyne’s Gerard Beritela will discuss the
                                                 and Theresa Evans from OCRRA will discuss         Walk-ins as available.
practices, beliefs and history of Asia’s major
                                                 sustainable practices that we all can do.
religions including Hinduism, Buddhism and                                                         The History of
Taoism.                                          Earth Day Walkabout                               Old Liverpool Road
                                                 Sat, April 20 • 1-3pm                             Mon, May 20 • 7pm
New York Reads: Drawdown–                        Meet in Teen Room                                 Offsite at Raymour and Flanigan (RF)
The Most Comprehensive Plan                      Join us as we spend a little time doing the       What do Ward Wellington Ward, a candle
Ever Proposed to Reverse GW                      planet some good! We will pick up litter and      factory and Holstein cattle have in com-
Sat, April 6 • 10am-4pm • Lobby
                                                 then celebrate with a small reception.            mon? Local historian Joyce Mills will talk
How can you help and what can
                                                                                                   about the fascinating history found along
you change in your own life to                   Earth Day with OCRRA
                                                                                                   Old Liverpool Road. Cosponsored by the
have a real impact on global                     Mon, April 22 • All Day • LPL Lobby
                                                                                                   Clay Historical Association.
warming? Learn more about                        Visit with Onondaga County Resource
the Drawdown EcoChallenge                        Recovery Agency (OCRRA) recycling                 Community Gardeners
(April 3-24) and see how to                      specialists and learn about recycling and         Presents: Healthy Soil
put these ideas into action!                     composting. Take home a free sample of            Sat, June 8 • 2pm • Dinosaur Garden
                                                 certified compost.                                Aaron Buchta, a certified crop advisor, will
Libraries = Strong Communities:
                                                 Buying Your First Home*                           discuss how gardeners can improve the
Food Bank Volunteer Day*
                                                 Thurs, April 25 • 6:30pm                          health of their soils. Cosponsored by the
Tues, April 9 • 10am-Noon • Offsite
                                                 Offsite at Dunkin’ Donuts (DD)                    Liverpool Community Gardeners.
Meet at the Food Bank Warehouse to help
sort and pack nutritious, perishable foods       Information on the home-buying process            Liverpool Village Walking Tour:
into individual boxes to be distributed later    and the First Home Club, a grant program          The Other Side of the Road*
that day via the Mobile Food Pantry              that offers incentives to first-time buyers for   Thurs, June 13 • 7pm
Program. *Registration required.                 down payment and closing costs. Cospon-           Meet in Dinosaur Garden
                                                 sored by Edge Federal Credit Union.               Our newest historic walking tour includes
Prenatal Storytimes                              *Registration required.
Wednesdays • 5:30pm                                                                                the Presbyterian and Methodist churches,
Session 1: April 10, 17, 24                      Arbor Day Celebration                             a creamery, the Hicks house, Cypress Street
Session 2: May 8, 15, 22                         Fri, April 26                                     architecture and a time capsule! Cospon-
Offsite at Hope Cafe (HC)                        Stop by the Customer Service                      sored with the Liverpool Village Historian’s
Join Monica Dilone, LMSW, and learn how          Desk and get a free tulip tree seedling.          office. *Registration required.
reading to your baby in utero can help           Supplies are limited.
develop their brain and encourage bonding.
                                                 Village Tree Walk
                                                                                                   OFFSITE LOCATION KEY
Come to 1 or all 3; new info each evening.                                                         During renovations, many of our programs
                                                 Sat, April 27 • 10am
Limit of 20, partners welcome.                                                                     are happening outside the library!
                                                 Meet in the LPL lobby
                                                                                                   Check each event for the location.
Homeschooling 101 for Parents                    Lisa Ballantyne, horticulturist and Village
Mon, April 15 • 7pm • Offsite                    Tree Committee member, will lead a walk           LIVERPOOL LOCATIONS
at Baldwinsville Public Library (BPL)            to talk about grant-funded trees planted          BA: BASCOL • 4610 Wetzel Rd
Interest-led homeschooling: Some ideas           throughout the village, Washington Park,          BB: Bull & Bear • 8201 Oswego Rd
for how to incorporate your child’s interests    Johnson Park and the Dinosaur Garden.             DD: Dunkin’ Donuts • 105 Second St
into the learning process.                                                                         GP: Greenpoint • 150 Old Liverpool Rd
                                                 Haunting Mark Twain                               HC: Hope Cafe • 305 Vine St #5,
Build Your Own Herb Garden*                      Thurs, May 2 • 7pm
                                                                                                   						            inside the Village Mall
Wed, April 17 • 7pm                              Offsite at Greenpoint (GP)
                                                                                                   NC: Northside Church • 7965 Oswego Rd
Offsite at Bull & Bear Roadhouse (BB)            Mark Twain’s ghost has become a cultural
                                                                                                   PE: Parkrose Estates • 7251 Janus Park Dr
Make a windowsill herb garden with               commodity, bought and sold to affirm an
                                                                                                   PV: Pizza Villa • 409 Tulip St
Ballantyne Gardens. All supplies are             American legend and identity. But how did
                                                                                                   RC: Runnings of Clay • 3949 NY-31
included. Planter can be moved outdoors          the author’s experiences affect his thoughts
                                                                                                   RF: Raymour and Flanigan • 4000 NY-31
after last frost. Pay the $30 supply fee         about ghosts? Presented by LeMoyne’s Ann
                                                                                                   SB: Studio B • 318 First St
by cash or check to Ballantynes at the           Ryan.
program. *Registration required.                                                                   OUTSIDE LIVERPOOL
                                                                                                   BPL: Baldwinsville Public Library
All programs are free and open to the public unless noted.                                         33 E Genesee St, Baldwinsville
Programs are subject to change. For more info, to view our online calendar, to register for        NOPL: Northern Onondaga Public Library
a program or to download a pdf of this program guide, visit our website at LPL.org.                at N Syr • 100 Trolley Barn Ln, N. Syracuse
2019 Programs Drawdown American Creed Renovations - APRIL MAY JUNE - Liverpool Public Library
Monthly Get-Togethers                                                                             Monthly Book Clubs
                                                                                                  Books are available for checkout
Whether you're into music, crafts or gaming...meet others with the same                           one month ahead at the Customer
interests, socialize, get to know one another and simply have FUN!                                Service Desk. New members are
                                                                                                  always welcome.
Songwriters Circle
Wednesdays, April 3, May 1, June 5 • 6:30pm                Offsite at Hope Cafe (HC)              After Dinner Books
A gathering of songwriters offering encouragement, criticism and a sophisticated “first           Thursdays • 7pm
audience” for songs in progress.                                                                  Offsite at Dunkin’ Donuts (DD)
                                                                                                  April 4 Faithful by Alice Hoffman
Hooks and Needles
Thursdays, April 4, May 2, June 6 • 10am		                  Offsite at Dunkin’ Donuts (DD)        May 2      A Gentleman in Moscow
Enjoy knitting, crochet or needlepoint? Bring your project and socialize, learn from each         		         by Amor Towles
other and share tips and tricks.                                                                  June 6     Mary Coin by Marisa Silver
Card Making & Paper Crafts*                                                                       Best Sellers to Blockbusters
Tuesdays, April 9, May 21, June 11 • 6:30pm		                Offsite at BASCOL (BA)               Mondays • 6pm
Wednesdays, April 10, May 22, June 12 • 12:30pm              Offsite at NOPL                      Offsite at Baldwinsville Public Library
For a materials fee of $15 per class, make and take home at least four projects. Adults and       (BPL)
children (ages 9 and over, with an adult) are welcome. *Registration required. Fee is payable     Read the book and then come together
at class.                                                                                         to watch the film version followed by
Mondays 												                                       Offsite at various locations
                                                                                                  April 8 Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Engage your mind and body in this afternoon series for individuals 55+.
                                                                                                  		         by Truman Capote
*Each program requires individual registration.                                                   May 13 The Leisure Seeker
April 22 • 2pm     OCRRA’s Amboy Compost Site Tour* Offsite at OCRRA
                                                                                                  		         by Michael Zadoorian
								           Learn how yard waste and food scraps are turned into high-quality 		           June 10 The Pursuit of Happyness
								           mulch and compost. The tour is outdoors.                                       		         by Chris Gardner
May 20 • 2:30pm    Upstate Uncovered* 		                     Offsite at the Hope Cafe (HC)        Thursday Morning Book Klatch
   							         Chuck D’Imperio mines deep into his travel journal and shares an astonishing   Thursdays • 11am
								           array of fun and amazing places in Upstate New York.                           Offsite at Dunkin’ Donuts (DD)
June 24 • 2pm		    Aviation Museum* 			                      Offsite at Hancock Airport           April 25 The Death of Mrs. Westaway
								           Tour the Aviation History Museum featuring local aviation milestones and       		         by Ruth Ware
								           contributions and the Gregory J. Harris Military Courtesy Room.                May 23 In Pieces by Sally Field
Library Trivia Nights at the Bull & Bear Roadhouse                                                June       No meeting
Wednesdays, April 24, May 29, June 26 • 7:30pm            Offsite at the Bull & Bear (BB)
Test your trivia knowledge, compete and win prizes! Questions developed by the masters
of information and fun from LPL!
                                                                                                    The following programs are
Armchair Adventures                                                                                  on temporary hold during
Thursdays • Refreshments at 1pm, program at 1:30pm        Offsite at Parkrose Estates (PE)          renovations and will return
April 25 		 Mysterious and Curious Places of the World with Len Sharp
                                                                                                             in the fall.
May 23		 America’s Deadliest Battle with Roger Dahlin
                                                                                                               Art in the Lobby
June 20		 Way Out West with Tom Henry
                                                                                                           Basic computer tutoring
Community Walking Club					                                                                          Gaming for Adults with Special Needs
Tuesdays, June 4, 11, 18, 25 • 9am			                          Offsite at Various Locations               Habitat Gardening in CNY
Meet new people and get some great exercise. Each week we will take a brisk 45-minute                          LPL Chess Club
walk at a different place. Meet at Destiny USA if it rains. See our calendar at LPL.org for            Ukulele Workshop for Beginners
locations.                                                                                              University Hospital HealthLink

Sat, Apr 6                                 Fri, May 24       Drop-in Dates with Mr. G at the Hope Cafe (HC).
Fri, Apr 12                                Fri, May 31       Mr. G has temporarily moved to the Hope Cafe for drop-in tech
Fri, Apr 19                                Sat, June 8       help from 12-3pm for Kindle, Apple and Android devices, including
Sat, Apr 27                                Fri, June 14      eReaders, laptops or phones. If you need more help, you can make
Fri, May 3                                 Fri, June 21      an appointment for a one-hour session. Appointments are available
Fri, May 10                                Sat, June 29      Monday to Friday from 10am-5pm, and some evenings by calling
Sat, May 18
                                                             315-457-0310 x140. Bring your device.
2019 Programs Drawdown American Creed Renovations - APRIL MAY JUNE - Liverpool Public Library
AMERICAN CREED:         American Creed: Viewing &
Liverpool Public Library is one of 50 libraries
                                                  Thurs, May 23 • 6:30pm
                                                  Offsite at Baldwinsville Public Library (BPL)
                                                                                                        All movies listed will be shown
nationwide awarded a grant to host com-           Following a viewing of the American Creed             at the Northern Onondaga Public
munity conversations centered around              documentary, Tom Henry will lead us in a              Library at N Syracuse (NOPL)
American Creed, a PBS documentary that            discussion considering what America’s ideals
                                                                                                        100 Trolley Barn Ln, North Syracuse
invites audiences to discuss what America’s       and identity ought to be.
ideals and identity ought to be.                                                                        Overboard
                                                  Gregory J. Harris Military
Immigration Past & Present                        Courtesy Room Donations                               Fri, April 5 • 2:30pm
Thurs, April 11 • 6:30pm                          May 25-June 14                                        A spoiled, wealthy yacht owner loses
Magazine Area at LPL                              Support our military by donating single serv-         his memory and a mistreated employee
Village Historian Dorianne Gutierrez will         ing, individually wrapped food or personal            convinces him that he is her working-
journey into the past, looking at who             items. A list of items is available on LPL.org,       class husband. Starring Eugenio
immigrated to Liverpool and why. Daryl Files      at gregharrismcr.org or in the library.               Derbez, Anna Faris, Eva Longoria.
of Interfaith Works of CNY will discuss current                                                         PG-13, 112 minutes (Comedy)
immigration in Syracuse and how they assist       Multicultural and
the immigrant and refugee population.             Diversity Celebration                                 Bohemian Rhapsody
The American Dream
                                                  Tues, June 18 • 6-8pm                                 Tues, April 23 • 3pm
                                                  Johnson Park across from the library                  The story of the legendary rock
Living Room Conversation                          Celebrate the diverse cultural expressions            band Queen and lead singer Freddie
Mon, April 22 • 6:30pm                            in our own backyards! Meet people from
Magazine Area at LPL
                                                                                                        Mercury, leading up to their famous
                                                  all walks of life, nationalities and religions.       Live Aid performance. Starring Rami
WCNY’s Debbie Stack leads the conversa-           Demos, interactive activities and conversa-
tion asking about what it means to be an                                                                Malek, Lucy Boynton, Mike Myers.
                                                  tions will open doors to knowledge and
American, what an ideal America looks like,                                                             PG-13, 134 minutes (Drama, Music)
                                                  understanding. Check LPL.org for details.
and how citizens can create the America
                                                  Become a Sworn-Again                                  Skyscaper
they envision. We’ll look at some of our
founding documents and ponder what the            American                                              Fri, May 3 • 2:30pm
founders had in mind and how these ideas          Sat, June 29 • 9:30-11:30am                           A security expert must infiltrate a
can be applied today.                             Salt Museum in Onondaga Lake Park                     burning skyscraper, 225 stories above
                                                  What would it be like for long-standing               ground where his family is trapped.
Nestlé                                            citizens and Americans new and old to                 Starring Dwayne Johnson, Neve
Thurs, May 16 • 7pm
Offsite at Runnings in Clay (RC)
                                                  become more engaged in civic life, more               Campbell. PG-13, 102 minutes (Action)
                                                  connected to people from all walks of life,
Jim Farfaglia will discuss his book Nestlé in                                                           Green Book
                                                  more grateful for the opportunities and
Fulton New York: How Sweet It Was.                                                                      Tues, May 28 • 3pm
                                                  freedoms that come with citizenship? We
The Swiss company that once employed                                                                    A working-class Italian-American
                                                  will hold a Sworn-Again America ceremony
1500 workers closed its doors in 2003.
                                                  complete with oath every 15 minutes. The              bouncer becomes the driver of an
How has this move away from manufacturing
impacted the identity of CNY’s economy?
                                                  library book bike and staff will be there with        African-American classical pianist on
                                                  patriotic music, history and civic books and          tour through the 1960s American South.
Retire Your Old American Flags                    giveaways.                                            Starring Viggo Mortensen,
Through May 22                                    American Creed: Community Conversations is a          Mahershala Ali, Linda Cardellini.
Drop off your worn, tattered or faded flags.      project of Citizen Film in partnership with the ALA
                                                                                                        PG-13, 130 minutes (Biography)
Collected flags will be properly burned at        and the National Writing Project, with support
                                                  from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
the Memorial Day Watchfire on May 26.                                                                   Bel Canto
                                                                                                        Fri, June 7 • 2:30pm
HOMESCHOOLING                                     Homeschool STEAM Club
                                                  April 9, May 14, June 11
                                                                                                        A world-renowned opera singer
                                                                                                        becomes trapped in a hostage
PROGRAMS                                          Learn science, technology, engineering,
                                                  art and math with hands-on activities and
                                                                                                        situation. Starring Julianne Moore,
                                                                                                        Ken Wantanabe, Christopher Lambert.
TUESDAYS • 1:30-3PM                               experiments. Parents and siblings welcome.
                                                  Ages 5-11. June 11 is on the library side lawn.
                                                                                                        NR, 102 minutes (Drama, Music)
NORTHSIDE CHURCH                                  Homeschool Tween Book Club 		                         Mary Poppins Returns
7965 Oswego Rd, Liverpool                         April 16, May 21                                      Tues, June 25 • 3pm
                                                  Gather and discuss the book of the month.             The magical nanny returns to help the
                                                  Find each month’s book on our online                  Banks siblings and Michael’s children
Homeschool Hangout				                            calendar at LPL.org. Grades 4-6.                      through a difficult time. Starring Em-
April 2, May 7, June 4                                                                                  ily Blunt, Lin-Manuel Miranda. PG, 130
Join other families for games, crafts and         Homeschool YA Book Club
                                                  April 16, May 21
                                                                                                        minutes (Comedy, Family)
more. June 4 is on the library side lawn.
                                                  Get together and discuss the book of the
Homeschool Creative Writing Club                  month. Each month’s book on our online
April 9, May 14                                                                                         Occasionally we
                                                  calendar at LPL.org. Grades 7-12.
Join other teens to write, share and develop                                                            need to substitute titles.
creative writing skills. Bring your favorite      Homeschool Chess Club			                              Check our online calendar
writing utensil and notepad (or laptop) and       April 23                                              at LPL.org to confirm the
your imagination! Grades 7-12.                    Learn to play chess or just play each other.          title and time.
2019 Programs Drawdown American Creed Renovations - APRIL MAY JUNE - Liverpool Public Library
Drop In Sing Along Friends Storytime North

Programs for Kids                                                        Wednesdays, April 24; May 1, 8 • 10:30-11:15am
                                                                         Ages 2-5 w/caregiver • Offsite at Raymour & Flanigan (RF)
                                                                         Songs, puppets, stories, games and rhymes. Stay and play with
Drop In LEGO®                                                            your sing along friends. Blocks, puzzles and toys available. Siblings
Wednesdays through June 19 • 3-8pm • Children’s Room                     welcome.
We’ll provide the LEGO bricks, you provide the creativity. Duplos
                                                                         Star Wars Celebration
available for younger children.
                                                                         Sat, May 4 • 11:30am-4pm • Children’s Room
PAWS to Read                                                             Celebrate your favorite fandom with crafts, LEGO, read-alouds
Saturdays through June 29                                                on the hour and more! Enter our raffle to win some awesome Star
10:30-11:30am • Children’s Room • All ages w/caregiver                   Wars swag.
Drop in and have your kids read to the very friendly dogs of PAWS
                                                                         Summer Storytime and Book Bike in the Park
of CNY Inc.
                                                                         Tuesdays, June 4, 11, 18, 25 • 10:15-10:45am
Drop In Lapsit Storytime                                                 Onondaga Lake Park near the Wegmans Playground
Tuesdays, April 2, 9 • 10:15-11am • Offsite at Studio B (SB)             Enjoy a storytime, then take a StoryWalk. Bring your library card
Birth-2 years w/caregiver                                                and check out books, CDs and/or DVDs. Canceled in event of rain,
Songs, stories and rhymes for your little ones.                          check LPL.org or social media for updates.

State Test Brain Break                                                   Twilight Tales
Wednesdays, April 3, May 1 • 4-6pm • Children’s Room                     Wednesdays, June 5, 12, 19, 26 • 6pm • Johnson Park
Is your child stressed out about state tests? Give their brain a break   Enjoy some stories across the street from the library in Johnson
and try some relaxing activities like board games, LEGO and yoga.        Park and then stay for the weekly music concert.

Drop In Sing Along Friends Storytime                                     Musical Storytime in the Garden
Thursdays, April 4, 11 • 10:15-11:15am                                   Thursdays, June 6, 13, 20, 27 • 10:15-10:45am • Dinosaur Garden
Ages 2-5 w/caregiver • Offsite at Studio B (SB)                          Songs, stories, rhymes and movement. Stay and play with hula
Songs, puppets, stories, games and rhymes. Stay and play with            hoops, balls and other toys. Rain location is the Children’s Room.
your sing along friends.

Drop In Family Storytime
Fridays, April 5, 12, 19, 26; May 3, 10, 17 • 10:15-11am
                                                                         Teen Anime Night
                                                                         April 3, May 1, June 5 		         Offsite at Dunkin’ Donuts (DD)
Ages 5 & under • Offsite at Studio B (SB)
                                                                         A social event for teens that love anime! We will have manga,
Join us for exciting stories, songs and activities for children to
                                                                         drawing materials and origami at the Anime Cafe. Food and
enjoy with their families.
                                                                         refreshments served. Free drawing for manga and/or anime prizes.
Poetry Creation Station                                                  Cosplay is welcome, but outfits must be deemed appropriate.
Mon, April 15 • 1-4pm • Children’s Room
Join our children’s librarian for a fun poetry activity. Use magazine
                                                                         Teen Tabletop Games
                                                                         April 10, June 12			          Offsite at Pizza Villa (PV)
clippings and art supplies to create your own unique poems. Keep
                                                                         May 8 			                     Offsite at Dunkin’ Donuts (DD)
the poems or display them in the Children’s Room.
                                                                         An informal program where teens can hang out, play tabletop
Book Club For Grades 2-3*                                                games and eat snacks.
Mondays, April 15, May 20 • 4:15pm
Offsite at Dunkin’ Donuts (DD)
                                                                         Teen Video Games
                                                                         April 17, May 15, June 19		      Offsite at Dunkin’ Donuts (DD)
*Register ahead and pick up the monthly book in the Children’s
                                                                         This is a pop-up gaming party for teens that love video games!
                                                                         There will be different games each night. Free Wi-Fi provided.
Hooked on Books
Tues, April 16 • 2pm • Dav Pilkey
                                                                         Teen Trading Card Game Night
                                                                         April 24, May 22		               Offsite at Pizza Villa (PV)
Thurs, April 18 • 2pm • Rainbow Fairies
                                                                         June 26 			                      Offsite at Dunkin’ Donuts (DD)
Dinosaur Garden
                                                                         Play trading card games like Pokemon, YuGiOh and Magic.
Join our children’s librarian to
                                                                         TCGplayer is collaborating to make this event great. Both new and
discuss your favorite book and
                                                                         experienced players are welcome. Some pre-made decks will be
make related crafts.
                                                                         available, but teens are encouraged to bring their own creations.
Rain location will be the
Children’s Room.                                                         Teen Trivia Night
                                                                         May 29 			                        Offsite at Dunkin’ Donuts (DD)
Drop In Crafts
                                                                         A fun social event for teens to test their knowledge of all things
Mon, April 22
                                                                         pop culture: from the Avengers to the zombie apocalypse. Snacks
Thurs, May 23
                                                                         and refreshments provided. Prizes will be awarded!

Children’s Room
Enjoy fun, seasonal crafts
for all ages. All materials
                                                                                                            WEDNESDAYS • 6-8PM
                                                                         				                               For teens in grades 7-12 only!
2019 Programs Drawdown American Creed Renovations - APRIL MAY JUNE - Liverpool Public Library
A Report to The Community from the Director                        A focus on engaging community partners and fostering
                                                                   relationships throughout our service area resulted in many

Looking Back... 2018                                               library programs being held out in the community.

                                                                   Partners included: Hope Cafe, Runnings of Clay, Bull and
                                                                   Bear Roadhouse, Onondaga Lake Park, Liverpool Is the
The library’s strategic plan is a road map of library priorities
                                                                   Place Concert Series and many more.
for the coming years.
These priorities include:                                                 Library staff worked with Onondaga County Parks
       • Learning and education                                           to secure passes that can be borrowed for
       • Connecting the community                                         entrance to all the county parks including the
                                                                          Rosamond Gifford Zoo, Beaver Lake and Highland
       • Reimagining the library
                                                                          Forest. LPL facilitated passes for all the libraries in
                                                                          the county.
As I look back on 2018, I am proud to recognize all that the
library has accomplished in continuing to fulfill these priori-           We began circulating Empire Park Passes for NYS
ties. Residents rely on our library for a variety of learning             Parks as well as passes to the Corning Museum of
opportunities, access to reading material both physical and               Glass.
digital, reliable internet connections, civic engagement,
                                                                          With the use of our LPL2Go library van, staff has
educational programming and just plain fun!                               been able to expand book delivery to the
                                                                          homebound as well as area senior residents.
         To improve equitable broadband access for our                    Regular deliveries and programs are held at
         community we began circulating 10 Wi-Fi hotspots                 Brookdale Senior Living, Parkrose Estates Senior
         as well as 5 hotspots paired with Chromebook                     Living, Morgan Square Senior Apartments and
         laptops. This allows those without internet at home              Buckley Square Senior Apartments.
         to have access for homework, job seeking and
         medical support as well as entertainment.                        The library itself also serves as a community gather-
                                                                          ing place, whether it be for concerts, classes, book
         A highlight last summer included the monarch                     clubs or other social groups, or simply a forum
         butterfly program. What began as a temporary                     where people could come and sit, talk or read.
         exhibit of the stages of the life of a monarch
         butterfly transformed to a summer long exhibit                   In 2018 more than 330,000 patrons visited the
         with educational programs and the releasing of                   building at 310 Tulip Street. More than 2000 room
         many butterflies into the Liverpool community.                   reservations were made for non-library program
         The library once again partnered with the
         Liverpool Central School District to bring the
         two-day Best Buy Geek Squad Academy to more
         than 150 Liverpool students.                               Your Support is Important!
         An ADA-compliant path was installed to our                             The Liverpool Public Library Fund
         pavilion in the habitat garden with funding from              at the Central NY Community Foundation proudly
         a NYS Public Library Construction Grant.
                                                                           supports our library – and our community –
         Issues of the Liverpool High School yearbooks                   by facilitating charitable gifts that advance the
         have been digitized and are available at LPL.org.                  library’s mission and support many of the
                                                                        library’s diverse programs that enhance literacy,
         Our 55+ group explored many areas around the                         guide learning and inspire curiosity in
         county including the CNY Food Bank, where they                        kids and adults alike. Please join us!
         helped sort and bag food for the community food

         An independent external audit was conducted
         with a report of strong fiscal management and no
         material weaknesses.

                                                                      Donate online at cnycf.org/LPL
A Report to the Community from the Director

Looking Ahead... 2019
With continued discerning fiscal management and taxpayer
support 2019 looks bright. We look forward to the renova-
tion of the library lobby and the public restrooms as a part
of the Liverpool School District Facilities Phase 4.2 Project.
This will make all of the library bathrooms up to date and
ADA compliant.
The summer will see the renovation and facelift of the main
first floor of the library. This will include the creation of
more small group meeting spaces, a flexible space for
programs and creative use as well as new furniture and
lighting. These improvements are all based on feedback
from community conversations and surveys. It will not
involve any increase in taxes. Thank you for your continued
support of the Liverpool Public Library!

Please bear with us!
         For the next few months many of our library
         events have been moved out into the commu-
         nity as we undergo improvements. Check our
         online calendar at LPL.org for locations.

         The first stage has begun with the renovation           As we look ahead to all that 2019 holds, it is
         of the restroom in the Children’s Room and
                                                                 important to remember why libraries matter.
         the Second Street entry.
                                                                 John Palfrey, chair of the John S. & James L. Knight
         The lobby restrooms will start as soon as the           Foundation had this to say:
         Children’s Room restroom is completed.                  As we hurtle into the digital age, our reliance on access to
                                                                 knowledge and information grows with each passing year.
         The main first floor renovations are slated             As we seek to strengthen our schools and our communities,
         to begin in early May. Construction is                  a great library is an enormously important institution.
         anticipated to last three months.                       Libraries matter for their own sake. The availability of books
                                                                 and other materials in a wide range of formats for anyone,
         During construction, the adult area of the              whether they can pay or not, is an essential public service.
         main library will be closed and the Carman              The availability of safe public spaces is an essential
         Community Room will serve as a “temporary               resource in our democracy. Libraries preserve our histori-
         mini-library.”                                          cal, scientific and cultural record through their collections.
                                                                 Libraries matter, too, because they can help accomplish
         Holds can still be placed and picked up.                the goals of the community. Librarians are some of the best
                                                                 teachers and most giving public servants in America. They
                                                                 are trained to find, create and preserve the information that
         New and selected collections, MediaBank
                                                                 is at the heart of our knowledge-based economy.
         and computers will be available.

         The Children’s Room will remain open.

Please check our website LPL.org for updates on                                                       Glenna Wisniewski,
plans, timelines and how specific library services will                                                        Director
be impacted during this exciting time for LPL.                                                glenna.wisniewski@LPL.org
Liverpool Public Library
310 Tulip St
Liverpool NY 13088
Website: LPL.org
Email: info@LPL.org
Phone: 315-457-0310

Library Hours:
Monday-Thursday.......................... 9am-9pm
Friday .............................................. 9am-6pm
Sunday ........................................... Noon-5pm

Easter ................................................... April 21
Staff Development Day...................April 30
Memorial Day.Weekend........ May 26 & 27
Sundays ................................ Starting June 23
Registration & Information:
By Phone.................................... 315-457-0310
Website ...................................................LPL.org
In Person............................ Information Desk
Board of Trustees:
Dorianne Gutierrez .......................President
Donald J. MacLaughlin.......Vice President
Mary Schapley................................. Secretary
Denise Baker
Kay Budmen
Yvette Hewitt                                                         Summer Reading Kick Off
                                                                      A Universe of Stories
John Hluchyj
Glenna Wisniewski............................ Director

Board Meetings:                                                       THURSDAY, JUNE 27 • 11AM-2PM • JOHNSON PARK
Second Wednesdays at 6:30pm
                                                                      Adults, Teens and Kids! Sign up for this year’s Summer Reading Program at our Space
April 10, May 8, June 12
                                                                      Carnival! Challenge yourself and your family to reach for the stars this summer and make
Check LPL.org for meeting location.
                                                                      reading a part of your summer adventure. Enjoy a carnival of activities including lawn
                                                                      games, face-painting, photo props and crafts that are out-of-this-world! Johnson Park is

Stay in Touch!                                                        located across the street from the library. Rain location is the library garage.

Like us on Facebook or follow us on
Twitter or Instagram, and we’ll keep you                              Mark Your Calendars!
informed of the new and exciting things
we have to offer!
                                                                      Geek Squad Academy for Ages 10-18*
                                                                      Wed, July 17 & Thur, July 18 • 9am-3pm • Offsite at Chestnut Hill Elementary
                                                                      *Registration will be required. Check our website at LPL.org for details.
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