2019 Bunnings NZ Secondary Schools Touch Championship - Conditions of Entry Version 1.0 - Touch New Zealand

Page created by Manuel Foster
2019 Bunnings NZ Secondary Schools Touch Championship - Conditions of Entry Version 1.0 - Touch New Zealand
2019 Bunnings NZ Secondary
Schools Touch Championship
Conditions of Entry
Version 1.0
2019 Bunnings NZ Secondary Schools Touch Championship - Conditions of Entry Version 1.0 - Touch New Zealand
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 5
   Dates ........................................................................................................................................... 5
   Closing Date ................................................................................................................................ 5
   Communication ........................................................................................................................... 5
   Registration ................................................................................................................................. 5
IMPORTANT DATES....................................................................................................................... 5-6
ENTRY INFORMATION...................................................................................................................... 6
   Date ............................................................................................................................................ 6
   Venue .......................................................................................................................................... 6
   Fee .............................................................................................................................................. 6
   Withdrawal.................................................................................................................................. 6
   Division Categories ...................................................................................................................... 6
   School Entries ........................................................................................................................... 6-7
REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................................... 7
   Player Eligibility ........................................................................................................................ 7-8
   School Team Eligibility .............................................................................................................. 8-9
   Online Registration ...................................................................................................................... 9
UNIFORMS ...................................................................................................................................... 9
   Playing Numbers..................................................................................................................... 9-10
   Compression Garments ............................................................................................................. 10
 WORKING WITH CHILDREN ........................................................................................................... 10
   Guardianship ............................................................................................................................ 10
   Health & Safety.......................................................................................................................... 10
 EVENT OPERATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 10
    Tournament Briefing ................................................................................................................. 10
   Participant Terms and Conditions Declaration ........................................................................... 10
   Control of Event......................................................................................................................... 10
   Match Ball ................................................................................................................................. 11
   Points System ............................................................................................................................ 11
   Duration of Games..................................................................................................................... 11
   Trophies .................................................................................................................................... 11
   Presentation .............................................................................................................................. 11
   Tents ......................................................................................................................................... 12
   Draw Format ............................................................................................................................. 12
   Opening Ceremony .................................................................................................................... 12

Community Coaching Support ................................................................................................... 12
   Merchandise.............................................................................................................................. 12
RULES ............................................................................................................................................ 13

 1.1.1     Conditions of Entry
   A       Dates

           Playing days Friday 13th, Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th of December 2019

    B      Closing Date

           Automatic Team Entry (top 20 Placed teams from 2018 NZSS) to submit by 30 April 2019
           Ballot Team Entry link to be submitted by 10 May 2019
           Ballot Team Entry Draw Process to be completed by 16 – 20 May 2019

    C      Communication

           Each team must appoint a Primary Contact. All correspondence must be made through the
           primary contact. Email address and mobile phone number for the primary contact must be
           provided at the time of entry.

    D      Players, Team Management and Support Staff Registration

           All members of the team are required to complete the online sporty registration system as
           per the timeline specified.

           Important Dates

Tuesday 20th April 2019
    • Automatic entry link closes

Friday 10th May 2019
    • Ballot Entry link closes

Thursday 16th May 2019
    • Ballot draw completed

Monday 20th May 2019
   • Successful Ballot entry Teams Advised

Sunday 1st September 2019
   • Entry Fee $900.00 payment due

Tuesday 12th November 2019
    • Draft Draw on TNZ Tournament website

Friday 29th November 2019
    • Final Draw released on TNZ Tournament Website
    • Field Map Released
    • Managers Briefing link Released

Wednesday 4th December 2019
   • Online Registration Closed

Friday 6th December 2019
    • Team Registration Sheet sent to Primary Contact

Friday 13th December 2019
    • Day 1 of Competition

Saturday 14th December 2019
    • Day 2 of Competition

Sunday 15th December 2019
   • Day 3 of Competition – Semis and Finals

2.1        Date

2.1.1      The Touch NZ Secondary School Nationals will be conducted on Friday 13th, Saturday 14th & Sunday
           15th of December 2019

2.2        Venue

2.2.1      The NZSS Nationals will be conducted at Rotorua International Stadium Ray Boord Reserve and
           Westbrook Park Rotorua

2.3        Fees

2.3.1      The entry fee for this year’s tournament will be $900.00 incl GST per team entered.
           Invoices will be sent at the start of July 2019
           Entry fee is due to be paid in full by 1st September 2019

2.4        Withdrawal Terms & Conditions
           Withdrawal post 1st September will result in the school being liable for the $900.00 entry fee.

2.5        Division Categories

2.5.1      Boys                          Under 19 as at 1st January 2019
           Girls                         Under 19 as at 1st January 2019
           Mixed                         Under 19 as at 1st January 2019

2.6        School Team Entries

            Boys                                     Girls                             Mixed
            Auckland Grammar                         AORERE COLLEGE                    Awatapu College

            Christchurch Boys' High School           Auckland Girls Grammar School     Botany Downs Secondary College

            Gisborne Boys High School                Botany Downs College              Central Hawkes Bay College

            Hamilton Boys' High School               Burnside High School              Central Southland College
2.6.1       Hutt International Boys School           Christchurch Girls' High School   Cullinane College

            King's College                           Columba College                   Flaxmere College

            Kings High School                        Epsom Girls Grammar School        Fraser High School

            MANUKURA                                 Hamilton Girls High School        Garin College

Marlborough Boys College              Karamu High School                Hauraki Plains

          Nelson College                        Manukura                          Hobsonville Point

          New Plymouth Boys’ High School        Morrinsville College              Howick College

          Otago Boys High School                New Plymouth Girls                Kaitaia College

          Palmerston North Boys High School     Paeroa College                    Lincoln High School

          Rotorua Boys High School              Palmerston North Girls            MacLeans College

          Southland Boys                        Rangi Ruru Girls School           Mahurangi College

          St Bernard's College                  Riccarton High School             Manurewa High

          St Patricks College Silverstream      Rotorua Girls High School         Massey

          St Pauls Collegiate Hamilton          Sacred Heart Girls’ N. Plymouth   Motueka High School

          St. John's College Hamilton           Sacred Heart Girls' Hamilton      Ngaruawahia High School

          Trident High School                   Saint Kentigern College           One Tree Hill College

          Wellington College                    St Hilda's Collegiate School      Orewa College

          Westlake Boys High School             St Oran's College                 Patea Area School

          Whangarei Boys' High School           Tauranga Girls                    QEC

                                                Te Wharekura o Nga Taiatea        Rangiora High School

                                                Trident High School               Rangitoto College

                                                Waitara High School               Rolleston College

                                                Westlake Girls High School        Rutherford College

                                                Whanganui High School             Tai Wananga Tu Toa

                                                                                  Taita College

                                                                                  Tangaroa College

                                                                                  Tapo nui A Tia

                                                                                  Te Wharekura o Mauao

                                                                                  Thames High School

                                                                                  Tikipunga High School

                                                                                  Tokoroa High School


                                                                                  Waimea College

                                                                                  Waitara High School

                                                                                  Wakatipu High School

3.1      Player Eligibility

         This event is run under the Sport New Zealand NZSSSC Policies and Guidelines “Eligibility Regulations”,
         as such please ensure all your players meet the below:

              1. Student Eligibility

         a)     A student eligible to compete in National and Island secondary school events must:
                                  1. be enrolled as a bona fide (Year 9 or above) student at the school of
                                  representation and studying at least 80% of a programme that is part of the
                                  timetable provided by the school for at least four weeks immediately prior to the

2. have a satisfactory attendance record at the school. The final decision        will
                          be at the Principal's discretion.

                           3. be under 19 years of age at the first of January in the year of the competition.
        b)     The school must authenticate a student’s birth date. Organising committees may
                 require validation by a birth certificate or passport.
        c)     All teams and individuals participating in National or Island events must be declared at the
               date prescribed by the accredited sporting body.

        Principals /Vice Principals are required to confirm student eligibility by signing the final team
        registration form sent back to school following the online registration close off date.

3.2     School Team Eligibility

        Team Eligibility is as per Sport New Zealand NZSSSC Policies and Guidelines “Eligibility

             2.    School Team Eligibility

             1.    A school team eligible to compete in School Sport NZ sanctioned events must not
             exceed the quota of students new to the school in the 2 years preceding the first day of
             the event as specified in the table below. For clarity, the student’s most recent
             enrolment date at the school must be used. For the sport listed. teams are limited to a
             maximum two (2) non domestic students (or one for sports with a quota of one) and any
             non domestic student must always be included in the quota allowed. Domestic students
             are defined in Note 6 below.

        Maximum Number of students enrolled within 2 years preceding the start of event(New to
3.2.1   School Students - NTS) and Non Domestic Students (ND - who MUST be included in these
        maximum numbers). New to School students who have been issued a Primary Caregiver
        Relocation Exemption (PCRE) whereby they are EXEMPT from these numbers. For clarity,
        the student’s most recent enrolment date at the school must be used.

                     Touch                                                    4

                  2. Where the family or primary caregiver of a student has changed address and, as
                  a consequence of the primary caregivers relocation, the student could not
                  reasonably have been expected to remain at their previous school, an application for
                  exemption may be submitted to the Regional Sports Director responsible for the
                  region of the new school. The application must be on the official Application for
                  Exemption form available at www.nzsssc.org.nz, be signed by the principal and
                  parent/primary caregiver and have evidence of the address change attached as
                  outlined on the application form. A MAXIMUM of 2 PCRE’s issued in any calendar
                  year may be included in any team that has a School Sport NZ NTS quota. Any appeal
                  must be lodged in writing with the CEO of School Sport NZ.

2. Schools that allow entry for some students only at some time after Year 9 (e.g. girls in
                Year 12 and above) and The Correspondence School will not be bound by the
                numbers permitted here but will be restricted to those maximum numbers for each
                code when enrolling students who had previously represented another school in that
                code in a competition listed here. For clarity, a school could not play in its Basketball
                team more than 3 girls who had previously competed for other school(s) in the ‘A’ or
                “AA’ Championships or their Premiership qualifiers.Special Circumstance
                Variation: For Girls Rowing only, at St Pauls Collegiate and Kings College only a new to
                school student who provides a School Sport NZ waiver signed by her previous school
                principal to NZSS Rowing Assoc will be exempt from the quota of new to school

             3. Students who have attended a middle school and transfer at the end of the final year
                level of that middle school will not be considered new to school at their school of first
                enrolment following middle school.

             5. Teams from ‘host school/attached school’ agreements [see below] that introduce
                students ‘new to either school over the past two years’ must include these in the
                maximum number allowed in a team.

             6.   Any final decision on the eligibility of a student or team will rest with School Sport

3.3      Online Registration

3.3.1    All players, coaches, managers and support staff must complete online registration to be
         eligible to enter the sub-box. Online registration close off is Wednesday 4th December 2019

         All team registration forms with player numbers and any changes are to be submitted by 7pm
         Thursday 12th December 2019 to Tournament Control or alternatively by email to

         Teams will not be permitted to participate if their team registration sheet is not submitted
         and signed by the Vice Principal/Principal.

4.1      Approved School Uniform
         Teams are required to wear a school approved uniform ( colours, design) during the
         tournament. This includes hats and socks.

4.2      Non Playing Members
         All non playing members ( stand down players) must be not wear school alternative apparel in
         the sub-box during the course of the game ( training shirt)

4.3      Playing Numbers

4.3.1    All players are to wear an identifying number on the back of their shirt/singlet, not less than

16cm in height and clearly displayed

         Numbers 1 – 20 only

         Players are to remain in the same playing number for the duration of the tournament.

4.4      Compression Garments

         Dispensation approval must be applied for 10 days prior to the tournament based upon
4.4.1    medical grounds only for the usage/wearing of compression garments. A medical certificate
         stating the medical condition and the reason for the usage of compression garment usage is
         required to be submitted to pam@touchnz.co.nz for consideration.

5.1      Guardianship

5.1.1    School policies govern the requirement for “Care Ratio” of students: adult. All schools are
         required to follow their specified school procedures for events.

5.2      Health & Safety

         Touch NZ support the health & safety process for sports events and will provide an event
5.2.1    RAMS & Health & Safety Plan available on the Touch NZ website for schools to be able to feed
         into their specific RAMS assessments (Travel, Overnight Stay, Event Activity, 1st Aide, Drivers)

         Touch NZ as the delivery agent Police Vet our volunteers (referees, tournament staff) and

6.1      Tournament Briefing

         The tournament briefing video will be released Friday 29th November 2019 on the TNZ
6.1.1    Tournament website www.touchnz.co.nz . The link will also be emailed to primary
         This briefing is to outline the structure of the tournament and all matters pertaining to the
         tournament. It replaces the Managers Meeting

6.2      Participant Terms and Conditions Declaration

6.2.1    Participants ( Players, Coaches, Managers, Support Staff) are required to complete the
         participant terms and conditions declaration component of the online registration system as
         part of the entry terms and conditions.

6.3      Control of the Event

6.3.1    The Touch NZ Tournament Manager in conjunction with General Manager Sports Operation
         and CEO will be in charge of all matters relating to the tournament.
         Any matters not covered in the Conditions of Entry/Managers Pack will be determined by the

above Officials and their decision will be final.
6.4     Match Ball

        The referee officials will provide a match ball to each game. Teams are required to return
6.4.1   these at the conclusion of the game to the referee.

6.5     Points System

6.5.1   For the NZSS Nationals the following will apply.

          Win 3 points
          Draw 2 points
          Loss 1 point
          BYE     0 points
          Forfeit 0 points

6.6     Duration of Games

6.6.1   All games will consist for two halves of 15 minutes with a 3 minute half time.

6.7     Trophies

6.7.1   Awards will be presented to:

        Boys Grade                                          Girls Grade
        Cup Trophy                                          Cup Trophy
        Cup Medals - Winners/Runners Up                     Cup Medals - Winners/Runners Up

        Plate Trophy                                        Plate Trophy
        Plate Medals – Winners / Runners Up                 Plate Medals – Winners / Runners Up

        Mixed Grade
        Cup Trophy
        Cup Medals - Winners/Runners Up

        Plate Trophy
        Plate Medals – Winners / Runners Up

        Bowl Trophy
        Bowl Medals – Winners / Runners Up

        Shield Trophy
        Shield Medals – Winners / Runners Up

6.8     Presentation

6.8.1   All presentations will occur on Sunday 15th December 2019 beside the stadium playing field.
        The specific presentation schedule is to follow.

6.9      Tents

6.9.1    A specific marquee/gazebo village will be utilised at NZSS. Please note all marquee/gazebo set
         up is to be within this designated area. Schools are able to utilize their own school

         For schools who are looking to hire marquees please find below preferred provider contact

6.10     Draw Format

         A grade format change will occur this year in line with the increased team entry numbers. The
         format will be provided post entry fee payment (1st September 2019) and teams are
         confirmed as attending.
6.11     Opening Ceremony

6.11.1   The Opening Ceremony is scheduled for

         Time:           8.00am
         Date:           Friday 13th December 2019
         Venue:          Rotorua International Stadium (main field)

         Teams are asked to assemble at the Northern end of the stadium field at 7.45am. The opening
         ceremony is anticipated to take 15 minutes.

6.12     Community Coaching Support

         Our Community Coaching team will be available at the tournament to support coaches with:

6.12.1   FIT360                  http://www.touchcoachconnect.co.nz/touchfit-360.html

         Coaching Forum          schedule to be provided in next newsletter release.

6.13     Merchandise

6.13.1   Touch NZ will have merchandise available at the tournament in the tent/marquee village.


TNZ conduct tournaments under the auspices of the Touch NZ 8th Edition rulebook and the Tournament
Rules, the Tournament rules are available on the Touch NZ Events website www.touchnz.co.nz

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