Corporate Plan 2019-2020 - Western Sydney Airport

Page created by Randall Powell
Corporate Plan 2019-2020 - Western Sydney Airport
2019 –2020

             Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020   1
Corporate Plan 2019-2020 - Western Sydney Airport
Purpose Statement
To generate social and economic
prosperity by working together
to safely deliver a thriving airport
precinct in Western Sydney
2   Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020
Corporate Plan 2019-2020 - Western Sydney Airport
Chair’s message
                                    Significant progress has been made in the delivery of
                                    Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport
                                    since the establishment of WSA in 2017. During the past
                                    financial year, the first sod was turned and earthworks
                                    officially began, culminating recently in the first one million
                                    cubic metres of earth being moved. This is a phenomenal
                                    achievement for our team and a significant milestone for
         Paul O’Sullivan            the Airport as well as for the Western Sydney community.
Chair and Non-executive Director

                      e are continuing           We want to be in conversation with                      optimise this unique opportunity
                      to consult with            the community throughout the                            to ensure that the Airport attracts
                      all levels of              development of Western Sydney                           businesses and investment to the
                      Government and             International and to share our                          region and the Aerotropolis.
                      the industry to            journey with the public. The Western
                                                                                                         Finally, I would like to acknowledge
 deliver an Airport that will be an              Sydney International Airport
                                                                                                         the support and interest in Western
 integrated transport hub. WSA is                Experience Centre (Experience
                                                                                                         Sydney International from the local
 ramping up market engagement to                 Centre) provides a great opportunity
                                                                                                         residents as well as the broader
 ensure that when Western Sydney                 for us to showcase all the benefits
                                                                                                         community. With great enthusiasm,
 International opens its doors, the              that the Airport will bring to the
                                                                                                         we look forward to working with all
 Airport will be designed to create a            region and hopefully inspire a new
                                                                                                         our stakeholders to successfully
 seamless end-user experience. Our               generation of aviation enthusiasts.
                                                                                                         deliver one of the most complex
 vision is to build an airport that will
                                                                                                         and critical infrastructure projects
 be the gateway of choice and deliver            Western Sydney International will
                                                                                                         of our time.
 infrastructure that the people of               be a major catalyst for growth and
 Western Sydney, and Australia, can              development in the region, as well
 be proud of. Throughout the design,             as for the state of New South Wales.
 construction and operational phases             In addition to our commitment to
 of the Airport, safety will be our              resolve aviation capacity challenges                    Paul O’Sullivan
 highest priority.                               in the Sydney basin, WSA will                           Chair and Non-executive Director

    Paul O’Sullivan - Chair and Non-executive Director
    Paul is the inaugural Chair of WSA, appointed in August 2017.
    He is Chair of Singtel Optus Pty Ltd and was previously Chief
    Executive Officer (CEO) of Singtel Group (Consumer) from
    2012-2014 where he was responsible for operations in both
    Singapore and Australia, as well as Singtel investments. Paul
    previously served as CEO of Optus from September 2004 to
    March 2012, and prior to this held a range of senior positions
    within Optus. Paul has also held management roles with the
    Colonial Group and the Royal Dutch Shell Group in Canada,
    the Middle East, Australia and United Kingdom. Paul currently
    serves as a Director on several Boards including Coca-Cola
    Amatil Ltd, the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and
    HOOQ Digital Pte. Ltd.

                                                                                       Collaborative engagement with stakeholders
                           From left to right: Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure, The Hon Alan Tudge MP; Qantas Group CEO, Alan Joyce;
                           Western Sydney Airport Chair, Paul O’Sullivan; Western Sydney Airport CEO, Graham Millett; and Jetstar Group CEO, Gareth Evans.

                                                                                               Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020      3
Corporate Plan 2019-2020 - Western Sydney Airport
Board of Directors

Fiona Balfour                                       Tim Eddy                                  Vince Graham AM
Non-executive Director                              Non-executive Director                    Non-executive Director
(appointed August 2017)                             (appointed August 2017)                   (appointed November 2017)

Fiona has over 35 years’ experience                 Tim has over 30 years’ experience         Vince brings over 30 years’
across aviation, information and                    leading and managing in a                 experience in senior and chief
telecommunication services,                         professional services environment,        executive roles in infrastructure
distribution and logistics and                      including most recently as Managing       and public transport across the
corporate governance. She spent 14                  Partner Operations, Oceania at Ernst      public sector. He has considerable
years with Qantas Airways Limited                   & Young. Throughout his career            knowledge of infrastructure projects
and served six years on the Executive               he has developed expertise in a           in NSW, having been CEO of
Committee as Chief Information                      range of areas including: global and      Networks NSW and RailCorp NSW,
Officer. Fiona is currently an                      national transformation and change;       where he had responsibility for the
independent Non-executive Director                  developing new service offerings;         $30 billion public private partnership
with Airservices Australia and Metcash              growth strategies for business            Waratah train project.
Limited and is a nominee Director for               operations; risk management and
                                                                                              Vince also sits on the Board of the
PSPIB of Canada at Land Services                    governance best practice; and driving
                                                                                              Australian Rail Track Corporation
South Australia Limited. Fiona is a                 sound financial outcomes. Tim is a
                                                                                              and Western City & Aerotropolis
former nominee Director of Société                  Fellow of the Chartered Accountants
                                                                                              Authority. A lifelong resident of
Internationale de Télécommunications                Australia and New Zealand and a
                                                                                              Penrith, he brings to WSA a strong
Aéronautiques (‘SITA-SC’) Geneva, and               graduate of the Australian Institute of
                                                                                              connection to Western Sydney.
former independent Non-executive                    Company Directors.
Director of Salmat Limited, TAL (Dai-
ichi Life) Australia, Australian Red Cross
Blood Service and a number of
not-for-profit organisations.

      It’s wonderful to see the
      infrastructure coming to
      the area that I have lived in
      all my life. Knowing that my
      kids will reap the rewards is
      a wonderful thing. I cannot
      wait to take off from Western
      Sydney International!
      Wayne Willmington, Luddenham resident.

Construction of the northbound and southbound bridge on Badgerys Creek Road

4     Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020
Corporate Plan 2019-2020 - Western Sydney Airport
Anthea Hammon                             Christine Spring                            John Weber
Non-executive Director                    Non-executive Director                      Non-executive Director
(appointed November 2017)                 (appointed August 2017)                     (appointed November 2017)

Anthea is the Managing Director of        Christine is an expert in aviation          John is currently Chair of the
Scenic World, a third-generation family   infrastructure development and              Airservices Australia Board. In
business which has been operating in      airport operations, as well as a civil      addition to being a Director on
the Blue Mountains for over 70 years.     engineer with approximately 20              several Boards including Australian
As head of Australia’s most visited       years’ experience. She has Australian       Maritime Systems Group and
privately-owned tourist attraction, and   and international experience in             Dimeo Group, John is also on the
a mechanical engineer, she has played     aviation infrastructure delivery,           Global Advisory Board of Elevate
a leading role in driving the company’s   including in New Zealand, the United        Services, a global technology and
strategy of investment and growth,        Arab Emirates, Asia and the Pacific         consulting company. He was Chief
and brings 15 years of knowledge and      Islands. Christine is currently on the      Executive of Minter Ellison and later
experience in the tourism industry.       Board of Auckland International             a Managing Partner and member of
She is a Director of Scenic World’s       Airport, where her experience in            the international executive of DLA
parent company Hammons Holdings,          aviation infrastructure and executive       Piper. John has worked extensively
which also operates BridgeClimb on        management is contributing to               in industry and government across
the Sydney Habour Bridge. Anthea          implementing its 30-year vision for the     a diverse range of sectors, including
is also the Vice President of the Blue    airport of the future. Christine is also    transport, defence, infrastructure
Mountains Accommodation and               a Director of Unison Networks Ltd,          and financial services. He brings
Tourism Association, Director of Blue     and Unison Contracting Services Ltd.        considerable Board experience from
Mountains Economic Enterprise and                                                     his roles in a number of public, private
previously served as Director of the                                                  and not-for-profit organisations. John
Australian Amusement, Leisure and                                                     holds a Bachelor of Laws from the
Recreation Association.                                                               Australian National University.

                                                                              Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020   5
Corporate Plan 2019-2020 - Western Sydney Airport
CEO’s message
                                      In the two years since WSA was established, we have
                                      accomplished a number of significant milestones. I am pleased
                                      to say that we have recruited some of the best talent in the
                                      industry and procured a range of technical experts to support
                                      the delivery of Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton)
                                      Airport. All of this has enabled earthworks to commence in
                                      September 2018, with over a million cubic metres of earth
                                      moved. In addition, WSA announced a design competition
                                      early this year which enabled university students with a link to
       Graham Millett
                                      Western Sydney the opportunity to team up with leading airport
    Chief Executive Officer
                                      architects to put forward designs for the terminal.

         ooking forward, this                      carry out engagement and planning           We continue to receive an
         Corporate Plan sets out our               activities with airlines, the air freight   overwhelmingly positive response
         objectives and strategic                  industry, airport service providers,        for the project and I want to
         priorities for the next four              and key participants in the property        acknowledge the support and
         financial years. With Early               sector. These conversations will            interest in Western Sydney
Earthworks well underway, WSA is                   help ensure that Western Sydney             International from all our
anticipating Bulk Earthworks will                  International will delight its full range   stakeholders. Over the past
commence on-site at the start of                   of aeronautical and non-aeronautical        year, WSA has partnered with
2020. In the coming years WSA,                     customers.                                  local councils on a range of
together with the appointed Master                                                             activities including the roll-out of a
Architect and Master Engineer, will                WSA remains focused on the                  competition to develop STEM skills
create the blueprints of the Airport               generation of social and economic           in Western Sydney primary school
terminal building and environs.                    prosperity in the Western Sydney            students by encouraging them to
Construction on the terminal will                  region. Our current workforce is well       dream up their vision of the Airport
then commence in 2022, with                        above the 30% target set for local          using the popular digital platform,
completion planned for 2025. Our                   employment during the construction          Minecraft. Our team is embedded
commitment to safety underscores                   phase. Western Sydney is currently          in the community undertaking a toy
all that we do and we will continue                the third largest economy nationally,       drive at Liverpool Hospital, meeting
to work together with our partners                 and one of Australia’s fastest              with locals at the Luddenham Show
to safely deliver Western Sydney                   growing regions. The team at WSA            and answering several hundreds
International.                                     is proud to have our offices located        of enquiries from residents.
                                                   in Western Sydney where the                 Throughout the Corporate Plan, we
In parallel to building the Airport,               significant momentum of growth              have highlighted quotes from the
building the airport business will be              and development in the Western              community that reflect the passion
an important focus for WSA. We have                Parkland City is clearly evident.           and excitement for Western Sydney
signed Memoranda of Understanding                  We are collaborating with our key           International.
with Qantas and Virgin Australia,                  partners, including the Western
and their subsidiaries, Jetstar and                City & Aerotropolis Authority and           The delivery of Western Sydney
Tigerair, to collaborate on the design             the Greater Sydney Commission, to           International is one of Australia’s
for the Airport. Memoranda of                      achieve mutual goals of developing          most significant infrastructure
Understanding have also been signed                the region and helping shape the            projects. The activities proposed
with several key operators in the air              future of the Aerotropolis.                 in this Corporate Plan will shape
freight industry. We will continue to                                                          the next four financial years for the
                                                                                               Company and drive us towards the
                                                                                               completion of a successful world-
                                                                                               class airport for Western Sydney
                                                                                               and Australia.

                                                                                               Graham Millett
  Working together with                                     Over a million                     Chief Executive Officer
Qantas and Virgin Australia                                cubic metres of
to deliver Western Sydney                                   earth moved
6    Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020
Corporate Plan 2019-2020 - Western Sydney Airport
1. WSA’s direction
    1         To generate social and economic prosperity by working together to
              safely deliver a thriving airport precinct in Western Sydney

   2          Gateway of choice to Australia and the world —
              places and opportunity
                                                           ­ connecting people,

   3          Culture
              Empowered to deliver

              Core values

                  Safety         Inclusion         Courage          Integrity          Pioneering               Passion

   5          Strategic outcomes

               Deliver a world-class         Embedded in our            Delight aeronautical          Innovate when it comes
               airport business that       community by being a        and non-aeronautical             to revenue and cost
              delivers on Shareholder          catalyst for                customers of                  models and create
                     objectives              Western Sydney’s            Western Sydney                   business models
                                             socio-economic                 International             centred on the end-user

We, as the Directors of WSA, present the 2019-20 Corporate Plan (the Plan) which has been prepared by WSA Co
Limited (ABN: 81 618 989 272) (Western Sydney Airport, WSA or the Company) for its Shareholder Ministers in the
Finance and Urban Infrastructure portfolios. The Plan covers the period of FY2019-20 to FY2022-23 and is prepared
in accordance with Section 95 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act).

                                                                       Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020   7
Corporate Plan 2019-2020 - Western Sydney Airport
2. Operating context
The Company was established to develop and operate Western Sydney
International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport (‘Western Sydney International’).
WSA’s current focus is on the design of Western Sydney International
and earthworks as part of the construction phase. The focus will change
over time as the Company moves from infrastructure delivery mode into
operating a full-service international Airport in 2026.

For long-term strategic planning, it is            efficiently per journey, and driving    The increase in population growth in
important to consider the following                greater network efficiency overall.     Western Sydney has led to expansion
trends in relation to WSA’s operating                                                      of general building industries. More
                                                   2.2.1 End-user experience
context. In understanding these                                                            construction firms are demanding
trends, opportunities and challenges,              The needs and wants of passengers       employees with TAFE or apprenticeship
WSA will ensure the Airport is                     are shifting towards the demand         qualifications rather than relying on
optimised by way of flexible design                for a seamless journey, with            traditional on-the-job training.
which can adapt to change and                      the International Air Transport
                                                                                           The project continues to generate
growth over time.                                  Association (IATA) finding that 51%
                                                                                           significant interest within this
                                                   of travellers prefer to have their
2.1 S
     ydney aviation passenger                                                             context. WSA is engaging with the
                                                   luggage delivered directly to their
    growth                                                                                 construction industry throughout
                                                   final destination if they are able to
                                                                                           its tendering processes to ensure
Australia’s position as a prime tourist            track it. The paperless experience is
                                                                                           ongoing alignment with the market
destination in Asia Pacific continues              becoming the more accepted norm,
                                                                                           and procurements that represent
to drive increased inbound tourist                 with 45% of air travellers preferring
                                                                                           best value for money.
numbers. This demand will rise rapidly             biometric identification in place of
with the growing middle class in Asia.             passports.                              2.4 Western Sydney region
According to the Business Case for                                                         There is significant investment across
Western Sydney Airport, the number                                                         all three levels of Government in the
of annual passengers within the                                                            Western Sydney region. To support
Sydney basin is expected to reach                                                          the increasing population, the
104 million by 2050. When Western                                                          Australian and NSW governments are
Sydney International opens in 2026,                                                        investing $4.1 billion over the next 10
Tourism Research Australia forecasts                                                       years as part of the Western Sydney
that the largest source markets of                                                         Infrastructure Plan. Additionally, the
international visitors to Australia will                                                   Western Sydney City Deal signed
be from China and New Zealand.                                                             in March 2018 is a partnership
                                                                                           between the Australian Government,
This demand for future aviation
                                                                                           NSW Government and eight local
services presents a need for the
                                                                                           governments to unlock opportunities
development of a new full-service
                                                                                           in education, business and
international airport within the Sydney
                                                                                           employment for the Western Sydney
basin. This need was confirmed
by the 2012 Joint Study on aviation
capacity in the Sydney basin.                                                              The Australian and State governments
                                                                                           are investing in the Sydney Metro
2.2 Aviation industry                              Greenfield airport developments,
                                                                                           Greater West line, which will provide
                                                   such as Western Sydney International,
Congestion at several capital city                                                         rail access and create an integrated
                                                   have a unique opportunity to
airports is fast becoming a major                                                          transport hub at Western Sydney
                                                   incorporate the best proven
issue, with airports expanding                                                             International.
                                                   elements of the industry to create
existing infrastructure to meet these
                                                   an experience that sets it apart,       Western Sydney International plays
increasing demands. However, such
                                                   delighting a full complement of         a significant role as the catalyst in
expansion to brownfield projects is
                                                   customers and end-users.                generating the business activities
often associated with disruption to
                                                                                           for the proposed Aerotropolis
traffic flows.                                     2.3 Infrastructure market
                                                                                           and agribusiness precinct in the
Globally, rapid growth and                         There is heightened activity and        Western Sydney region.
penetration of Low Cost Carriers in                investment in the construction of
                                                                                           This is the environment in which WSA
the aviation market remains. Aircraft              public infrastructure in Australia.
                                                                                           is delivering its strategic priorities.
types continue to be enhanced and                  The Australian Government is
as a result, they are able to transport            investing $100 billion over the next
passengers and freight more                        10 years in transport infrastructure.

8    Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020
Corporate Plan 2019-2020 - Western Sydney Airport
3. Strategic priorities
WSA will transition through four, often overlapping phases, namely the
initial Planning and Design phase, the Earthworks and Construction phase,
the Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT) phase, and the
Operations phase.

         1                         2                         3                                     4

    Planning              Earthworks and          Operational Readiness                     Operations
   and design              construction            and Airport Transfer                  FY2026-27 – onwards
FY2017-18 – FY2022-23     FY2018-19 – FY2024-25     FY2024-25 – FY2025-26

Guiding WSA through these phases are the four strategic outcomes that the
company aims to achieve up until operations and beyond.

 Deliver a world-class      Embedded in our         Delight aeronautical        Innovate when it comes to
 airport business that    community by being a     and non-aeronautical          revenue and cost models
delivers on shareholder       catalyst for             customers of                 and create business
       objectives           Western Sydney’s         Western Sydney               models centred on the
                            socio-economic              International                    end-user

                                                                 Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020   9
Corporate Plan 2019-2020 - Western Sydney Airport
The three areas of strategic priorities for WSA are infrastructure delivery,
                                         community engagement, and planning.
                                         3.1 Infrastructure delivery outlook                    and associated airside and landside                       and function requirements of the
                                                                                                interface works. The third package,                       terminal that will set it apart. WSA
                                         The delivery of the Airport is broadly
                                                                                                Landside Civil and Building Works,                        will leverage global industry expertise
                                         divided into Early Earthworks and
                                                                                                includes the construction of landside                     to maximise the unique opportunity
                                         three Main Works Packages. The first
                                                                                                roads, carparks and associated                            afforded by best practice inputs and
                                         of these Main Works Packages is the
                                                                                                works. Planning and design work for                       proven technology from reference
                                         Bulk Earthworks and Airside Civils
                                                                                                both these packages is fundamental                        sites around the world. The anticipated
                                         (BEAC) Works. BEAC works cover
                                                                                                to delivering an airport that delights                    timeline for the procurement and
                                         large scale earthworks, drainage
                                                                                                aeronautical and non-aeronautical                         delivery of these Main Works Packages
                                         and utilities, together with airside
                                                                                                customers and achieving WSA’s third                       — the three BEAC sub-packages,
                                         pavements. The BEAC works is
                                                                                                strategic outcome.                                        Terminal and Specialty Works, and
                                         further broken down into three
                                                                                                                                                          Landside Civil and Building Works —
                                         sub-packages (BEAC Package 1A,                         Design activity will be punctuated                        is depicted below.
                                         1B and 1C).                                            by the appointments of a Master
                                         The second package, Terminal                           Architect from the Design Competition
                                         and Specialty Works, includes                          and a Master Engineer — these
                                         construction of the terminal building                  appointments will address both form

                                                                                  FY2019–20                           FY2020–21                       FY2021–22                         FY2022–23
                                                                            Q1     Q2         Q3      Q4      Q1      Q2     Q3         Q4      Q1        Q2      Q3      Q4      Q1        Q2   Q3   Q4

                                              Early Earthworks


                                              BEAC Package 1A
                                                                             Preparatory work                                                 Practical
                                                                               commences                                                     completion

                                              BEAC Package 1B
                                                                                 EOI market                Contract             On-site works                                   Practical
                                                                                   release                  award                commence                                      completion

                                              BEAC Package 1C
                                                                                                                           EOI market                Contract        On-site works
                                                                                                                             release                  award           commence

                                              Master Architect/

                                              Design Competition                 Contract

                                              Main Works Package 2
                                                                                         EOI market                        Contract                                   Construction
                                                                                           release                          award                                     commences

                                              Main Works Package 3
                                                                                        EOI market                         Contract                            Construction
                                                                                          release                           award                              commences

                                         For each of the key packages, a range of enabling functions will be carried out in order to support and ensure successful
                                         and effective completion.

                                         10     Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020
FY2019–20                                   FY2020-21 to initiate the procurement        FY2022–23
                                            process. In addition, the contracts for
Early Earthworks is anticipated to                                                       It is anticipated that BEAC Package 1B
                                            Main Works Packages 2 and 3 will be
be completed by the second half                                                          will be completed in the first half of the
                                            awarded during this financial year.
of FY2019-20. Procurement for                                                            financial year. BEAC Package 1C, as well
BEAC Package 1A is expected to              FY2021–22                                    as Main Works Packages 2 and 3 will all
be completed with the preparatory                                                        be in progress for a target completion
                                            BEAC Package 1A is expected to be
activities to commence in the first                                                      date in FY2025-26 to allow for
                                            completed in the first half of FY2021-
half of FY2019-20 and construction                                                       Operational Readiness and Airport
                                            22 whilst the procurement process for
on-site to start in the second half                                                      Transfer (ORAT) testing which is to be
                                            BEAC Package 1C will be finalised within
of FY2019-20. The procurement                                                            completed by mid-FY2026-27.
                                            the first half of FY2021-22. Construction
process of BEAC Package 1B will also
                                            for Main Works Packages 2 and 3 will
commence with WSA engaging the
                                            commence in the second half of this
market through the release of an
                                            financial year.
Expression of Interest.
The contract for the Master Architect                                                    I’m Western Sydney Airport’s
is scheduled to be awarded in the                                                        biggest fan. The locals and
first half of FY2019-20. This will enable
the Expression of Interest process
                                                                                         the buyers I talk with are
to occur for the construction of the                                                     all very excited about the
terminal building in the second half of                                                  opportunities the Airport and
                                                                                         surrounding development will
FY2020–21                                                                                bring to Western Sydney. I’m
Delivery of BEAC Package 1A will be in                                                   lucky to have a front row seat
advanced stages during FY2020-21
and delivery of BEAC Package 1B will
                                                                                         to watch its creation.
also commence in late FY2020-21.                                                         Chris Brophy, Principal at Creek Property
The Expression of Interest for BEAC
Package 1C will be released in              Scrapers and bulldozers on-site

Construction and earthworks on-site
                                                                                 Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020   11
3.2.3 Embracing local and unique
                                                                                              WSA will continue with a range of
                                                                                              activities throughout the reporting
                                                                                              period that were initiated in the past
                                                                                              year. Such activity included partnering
                                                                                              with local councils in the roll out of a
                                                                                              competition to develop STEM skills
                                                                                              in Western Sydney primary school
                                                                                              students. The initiative encouraged
                                                                                              students to dream up and design their
                                                                                              vision of the Airport in Minecraft, the
                                                                                              popular digital platform. WSA also
                                                                                              presented with Liverpool City Council
                                                                                              to the students of the Western Sydney
                                                                                              Space Camp that sends students to
Early earthworks community information session
                                                                                              WSA will maintain its commitment
3.2 Community and stakeholder                      Aboriginal Stakeholder Forum              to engagement in local activities,
    engagement outlook                                                                        and extending support with a spirit
                                                    The Aboriginal Stakeholder Forum          similar to that which underpinned
To achieve WSA’s second strategic                   is also led by WSA and provides           initiatives such as the toy drive that saw
outcome of being embedded                           Aboriginal stakeholders with an           Christmas gifts delivered to children
within the community by acting                      interest in the Western Sydney            at Liverpool Hospital, and working
as a catalyst for Western Sydney’s                  International site the opportunity        with Luddenham Primary School to
socio-economic development, the                     to engage with the Commonwealth           deliver a school engagement program.
Company has strived to engage and                   and WSA on proposed cultural              WSA managed the sponsorship of the
create platforms that allow a two-way               management initiatives, actions and       Luddenham Show and responded to
conversation with the local region.                 regulatory obligations. Additionally,     several hundred enquiries from the
                                                    WSA is engaging with the Aboriginal       community about the project and
The end-users of Western Sydney
                                                    community beyond this forum.              benefits of the Airport to the region.
International will include the
Western Sydney community. As                        3.2.1 Aboriginal engagement               Additionally, insights from WSA’s
such, engagement with the local                                                               partnership with the NSW Wheelchair
                                                    The Company will continue to
community will continue to be                                                                 Rugby League, which involves
                                                    provide effective coordination of
a key focus for WSA. To ensure                                                                consulting with players to ensure the
                                                    Aboriginal engagement to deliver
that the diverse characteristics of                                                           delivery of an accessible airport, will
                                                    positive outcomes for the Aboriginal
Western Sydney are captured in                                                                feature in planning efforts to provide
                                                    community. During FY2018-19, WSA
the development of the Airport, the                                                           all travellers a seamless and enjoyable
                                                    appointed Enable as the project’s
Company maintains a continuous                                                                experience.
                                                    Aboriginal engagement partner. In an
conversation with the public.
                                                    Australian first, this partnership will   In addition to the Experience Centre,
In line with this, WSA will participate             see Enable continue to coordinate         WSA will continue to be present
in a number of forums which link the                Aboriginal engagement across all          at community events to provide
community, Government and WSA                       aspects of the Company during the         information and opportunities to
during the planning and construction                reporting period including cultural       answer queries from the community.
of Western Sydney International,                    heritage, employment, training,           The toll-free call centre (1800 972 972)
including:                                          education, sustainability and             will operate throughout the project,
                                                    reporting.                                providing another live channel of
Forum on Western Sydney Airport
(FOWSA)                                             3.2.2 The Experience Centre               engagement and access to information.
FOWSA is a consultative forum for                   WSA strives to create an environment
the exchange of information and                     in which community feedback is
ideas in relation to the Airport from               embraced. With the official opening
representative across business,                     of the Western Sydney International
industry, government, the community                 Airport Experience Centre in
and key industry sectors.                           September 2019, the community
                                                    will have the opportunity to engage
Stakeholder Planning Forum
                                                    with the project firsthand. The venue
Led by WSA, the Stakeholder Planning                will also allow the public to watch
Forum brings together operational                   the progress of the Airport and
representatives from three levels                   understand all the benefits that it
of government to focus on the                       is generating, and will continue to
integrated planning requirements for                generate, for the Western Sydney
Western Sydney International and                    region. The Experience Centre will be
the areas immediately adjacent to                   a dynamic and exciting focal point of
the Airport site, with an emphasis on               engagement between WSA and the
the supporting transport and utility                community until the Airport opens.
                                                                                              WSA donated gifts to children at Liverpool Hospital
12    Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020                                     for Christmas
Western Sydney International
        Airport provides a great
    opportunity to improve the
    economic and employment
     opportunities for the large
       Aboriginal population in
                Western Sydney.
         Michael O’Loughlin, Managing Director,
                     Enable Consulting Service

               Smoking ceremony held with the Aboriginal
                  community to celebrate the significant
                      cultural heritage of the Airport site.
Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020      13
3.3 Planning outlook                               3.3.1. E
                                                           nabling network integration      ongoing engagement with the NSW
                                                          with utilities, roads and rail     Transport Cluster, including the
As WSA moves along the delivery
                                                                                             Traffic Management Centre, Sydney
timeline, the Company will continue                WSA continues to work closely with
                                                                                             Metro, and Transport for NSW
engaging with industry. In order                   utility authorities for the primary
                                                                                             (incorporating the former Roads and
to achieve WSA’s third strategic                   purpose of securing the services
                                                                                             Maritime Services).
outcome of delighting aeronautical                 that will be required to support
and non-aeronautical customers,                    the construction and operation            3.3.2. Aviation industry engagement
the Company will concentrate on                    of Western Sydney International.
                                                                                             WSA has commenced engagement
consultation and collaborative                     Noting its corporate objectives to
                                                                                             with potential partners in order
engagement with potential                          optimise the benefit on employment
                                                                                             to understand requirements of
customers and key industry                         and investment in Western Sydney
                                                                                             highly desirable facilities located
partners to maximise commercial                    and effectively integrating with new
                                                                                             at the Airport and to secure an
opportunities, and government                      and existing initiatives in the region,
                                                                                             understanding of the preferred
stakeholders to effect optimised                   WSA is also conscious of its ability
                                                                                             design outcomes. This will ensure
integrated planning. To achieve                    to catalyse development of these
                                                                                             that operationally, Western Sydney
WSA’s fourth strategic outcome of                  essential services for the benefit
                                                                                             International meets the needs of all
implementing innovative business,                  of regional development. This is an
                                                                                             end-users efficiently and in a cost-
revenue and cost models, the                       important factor in the Company’s
                                                                                             effective manner.
Company will actively consider the                 decision-making and planning
best possible activation of the Airport            activities.                               Regular meetings have commenced
precinct and use of Airport land; for                                                        with international, domestic and
                                                   Throughout the reporting period,
example, through the development of                                                          regional airlines as well as the cargo
                                                   WSA will provide input into planning
a business park.                                                                             and freight community, including
                                                   for roads and rail infrastructure
                                                                                             freight forwarders and industry
                                                   surrounding the Airport site via
                                                                                             bodies, to establish a collaborative

14   Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020
relationship and to share design         Department of Home Affairs, the            exist for the remaining land to be
and operational parameters. WSA is       Department of Agriculture and Water        developed to facilitate business
also engaging with ground handlers,      Resources, Australian Federal Police,      growth in Western Sydney. Whilst
catering, and maintenance, repair        Airservices Australia, and the Civil       being mindful of the preservation
and overhaul (MRO) providers             Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).          of land for future works including
to understand their needs. This          At the state level, this engagement        expansion of the terminal and
consultative approach will enable        includes close cooperation with            the second runway, WSA has
Western Sydney International             the Greater Sydney Commission              commenced planning a business
to accommodate the needs of              and Western City & Aerotropolis            park around one of the rail stations at
the industry and to ensure that          Authority, Planning Partnerships, the      the Airport. Taking into consideration
operationally, there will be minimal     NSW Department of Planning and             the proximity to the Airport, these
barriers for airlines, cargo operators   Environment, and the NSW Transport         businesses may include offices,
and aeronautical support service         cluster. With the Airport site and         retail, warehousing, hotels and
providers to operate from and to         the WSA office located within the          conference centres. The planning
the Airport.                             Liverpool Local Government Area,           for the business park will be primarily
                                         regular meetings between Liverpool         focused on commercial outcomes
3.3.3. Government stakeholders
                                         City Council, WSA and other councils       and accordingly, will ensure land
To ensure integrated planning across     in Western Sydney will continue            development options support the
all three levels of government, WSA      throughout the reporting period.           generation of jobs in the Western
will continue its ongoing conversation                                              Sydney region, whilst allowing for a
                                         3.3.4. Business park
with relevant government                                                            structured and integrated approach
departments and agencies. In             The majority of WSA’s landholding is       with the early years of Airport
addition to the Shareholder              reserved for Airport infrastructure as     operations.
Departments, engagement will             part of current and future stages of
include regular discussions with the     the project. However, opportunities

                                                                      People are getting jobs closer
                                                                      to home and businesses have
                                                                      their eye on Liverpool like
                                                                      never before. Our community is
                                                                      incredibly aspirational and will
                                                                      grasp the opportunity to grow
                                                                      and develop with the Airport.
                                                                      Kiersten Fishburn, Liverpool Council CEO

                                                                            Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020   15
4. Capabilities
Since its incorporation in August 2017, WSA has been focused on building
capability through attracting and retaining a high-performance workforce.
As a result, WSA has built a core team of highly experienced employees
leading strategic and functional domains across the organisation.
4.1 People
Throughout the reporting period,
WSA will continue to evolve its
strategic workforce plan for the
successful delivery of the Western
Sydney Airport. It will do this by:
• developing a high-performing,
  capable and agile workforce
  that lives WSA’s values of Safety,
  Integrity, Inclusion, Pioneering,
  Courage and Passion;
• attracting, developing and retaining
  talent for the achievement of                    WSA team planning the successful delivery of a world-class airport
  organisational goals;
• developing effective leadership                    WSA has committed to ambitious workforce targets as set out in the
  behaviours to support engagement                    table below.
                                                       Workforce                                          Target        *A diverse workforce,
• building an organisation culture that
                                                                                                                        includes participation
  is ‘empowered to deliver’;                           Residents of Western Sydney                     30% during       of priority jobseekers
• delivering a positive employee                                                                     construction      and under-represented
  value proposition and an engaged                                                                     50% during       groups in the industry
  workplace experience, to be an                                                                       operations       including women in non-
  employer of choice;                                                                                                   traditional roles, women in
                                                       Indigenous workforce                                2.4%         leadership, economic and
• implementing an employment                                                                                           socially disadvantaged
                                                       Diverse workforce*                                  7.6%
  relations strategy to develop and                                                                                     people, and people with a
  maintain a safe, engaged, flexible                   Learning workers                                     20%         disability.
  and productive workforce;
• maintaining a Health, Safety and                4.2 Diversity and workforce                          4.3 Direct and indirect workforce
  Wellbeing (HSW) program, focused                     initiatives
  on eliminating or minimising risks                                                                     WSA will continue to engage with
  associated with health, wellbeing                WSA is committed to ensuring                          a reliable and high-quality external
  and safety, and inspiring robust                 that Western Sydney International                     workforce to ensure the delivery of
  health and safety performance; and               generates appropriate economic                        Western Sydney International via
• developing an effective security                and social benefits for the greater                   a safe, engaged, productive and
  management system aimed                          Western Sydney region by:                             flexible work environment. This
  at protecting WSA’s people,                                                                            includes working very closely with
                                                   • utilising local suppliers and
  contractors, visitors, assets and                                                                      WSA’s Delivery Partner and Project
                                                      employing local resources where
  information.                                                                                           Management (Definition) provider,
                                                      possible and cost-effective;
                                                                                                         Bechtel Corporation.
To ensure an effective, collaborative              • creating opportunities for
and integrated team, WSA                              learning workers, including                        To ensure that the Airport
employees are appointed based                         trainees, apprenticeships and                      encapsulates the latest thinking,
on three key factors: experience                      workers training to upgrade their                  processes and systems, a panel of
and qualifications, potential for                     qualifications and skills;                         technical providers has been set up
development, and Company cultural                                                                        to assure WSA’s access to a wide
                                                   • partnering with the education
fit. WSA will continue to establish                                                                      range of international and domestic
                                                      sector, including TAFE, university
arrangements for its employees                                                                           expertise.
                                                      and Registered Training
that provide a compelling employee                    Organisations (RTOs); and
value proposition that empowers
employees to deliver.                              • encouraging a diverse workforce,
                                                      including participation of under-
                                                      represented groups in the industry
                                                      including women in non-traditional
                                                      roles, women in leadership, economic
                                                      and socially disadvantaged people,
                                                      and people with a disability.
16   Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020
5. Risk management
The WSA Board fosters a strong, positive risk culture based on shared values and
behaviours. A positive risk culture promotes an open and proactive approach to
managing risk which considers both threat and opportunity and where risk is
appropriately identified, assessed, communicated and managed across WSA. This
aligns with WSA’s commitment to a culture that prioritises and values safety across
all aspects of delivery and operation.
The Company’s Risk Management           • Health, Safety and Wellbeing — the    • Security — physical security
Framework (the Framework) provides        health, safety and wellness of our       management and business
the overarching policy direction for      employees, contractors and the           resilience;
the role of risk management within        communities in which we operate;       • Cyber Security — harm or loss
WSA and also specifies WSA’s risk       • Strategic — impact on the delivery      resulting from breaches of, or
appetite statement. The Framework is      of the strategy;                         attacks on information systems;
aligned with ‘AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018
                                        • Financial — loss of shareholder       • Design and Delivery — delivery of
Risk Management – Principles and
                                          value and the overall financial          the project within scope, on time
Guidelines (ISO 31000)’ which is the
                                          stability of the project/business;       and within budget; and
international benchmark for risk
management.                             • Governance, Legal and Compliance      • Commercial — loss of, or inability to
                                          — internal governance processes,         generate revenue and maximise the
The Framework describes WSA’s             fraudulent and corrupt behaviour         value of the business and the asset.
approach to risk management               and meeting regulatory compliance;
across the following key stages:                                                 As part of best practice governance,
                                        • People and Capability — talent        risks are brought to the attention of
Risk Identification; Risk Evaluation;
                                          attraction and retention, and          the Board primarily through its Audit
Risk Treatment/Mitigation; Risk
                                          employee capability and capacity to    and Risk Committee, which oversees
Monitoring/Reporting and Continuous
                                          meet operational requirements;         the overall implementation of the Risk
                                        • Community and Stakeholder             Management Framework.
WSA manages a robust risk profile,        — retention of community and           WSA aims to treat or control all risks
with control frameworks established       stakeholder support, and meeting       and is committed to establishing and
for a number of key risk areas which      and managing stakeholder               maintaining the highest standard of
have the potential to impact the          expectations;                          risk management. Where residual
performance of the organisation;
                                        • Brand and Reputation — the            risk ratings are deemed to be
these include:
                                          perception and goodwill of the         not within the risk appetite of the
                                          organisation, and the existence and    organisation, WSA is committed to
                                          operation of the Airport;              the development and application of
                                        • Environment — impact on the           targeted risk management plans.

                                                                                 I’m looking forward to Western
                                                                                 Sydney International Airport
                                                                                 and the opportunities it will
                                                                                 bring to build a career close to
                                                                                 where I live.
                                                                                 Fergus Ryan,
                                                                                 Western Sydney University student

Construction and earthworks on-site
                                                                         Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020   17
6. Performance measures
In alignment with WSA’s strategic                  Company tracks both financial and                      included within this Corporate Plan
outcomes and priorities, the                       non-financial performance through                      in relation to Infrastructure Delivery.
following performance measures                     these measures, which are reviewed                     This directly reflects the Company’s
and targets have been set. The                     annually to ensure relevance, focus                    purpose and its core objective of
measures have been developed                       and effectiveness. Following review                    delivering a world-class Airport
for accountability and strategic                   of the performance measures, a new                     precinct.
decision-making purposes. The                      Performance Outcome has been

                  Performance outcome                                                            Measure/Target
              Safety record                         Measure:                                         2019-20 target:            2020-21 onwards:
              Measures WSA’s success in             Total Recordable Injury                          TRIFR < 5*                 TRIFR < 5*
              cultivating and reinforcing a safety- Frequency  Rate (TRIFR)
              first, prevention and protection
              mindset amongst employees,
              contractors and consultants.                                                           *Industry benchmark        *Industry benchmark

              Infrastructure delivery                         Measure:                               2019-20 target:            2020-21 onwards:
              Measures the achievement of                     Completion of delivery                 Completion of              Completion of
              infrastructure delivery priorities              priorities                             infrastructure             infrastructure
              established as per the Corporate                                                       delivery priorities        delivery priorities
              Plan.                                                                                  for the financial          within the indicated
                                                                                                     year within                timeframes
                                                                                                     the indicated

              Environmental performance                       Measure:                               2019-20 target:            2020-21 onwards:
              Measures the effective execution                Prevention of material                 Nil Environmental          Nil Environmental
              of Construction Environmental                   harm to the environment                Protection                 Protection Orders
              Management Plans (CEMPs)                                                               Orders issued              issued by the Airport
              throughout delivery phases of the                                                      by the Airport             Environment Officer
              Airport.                                                                               Environment

              Community engagement             Measure:                                              2019-20 target:            2020-21 onwards:
              Measures the extent of community Uplift in community                                   Minimum uplift             Annual uplift in
              engagement undertaken by         engagement index                                      of 5 percent in            the community
              WSA and subsequent awareness,                                                          the community              engagement index
              support and willingness to use                                                         engagement index
              Western Sydney International
              (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport.

              Financial performance                           Measure:                               2019-20 target:    2020-21 onwards:
              Measure of actual expenditure                   Variance to budget                     Expenditure within Expenditure within
              relative to budgeted forecasts.                                                        budget             budget

              Employee engagement                             Measure:                               2019-20 target:            2020-21 onwards:
              Measures agility, engaging                      Uplift in employee                     Minimum uplift             Annual uplift
              leadership, talent focus, and                   engagement score                       of 5 percent               in employee
              commitment to roles.                                                                   in employee                engagement score

            The performance criteria in this Corporate Plan will be tracked internally and reported through the Annual Report process. The Company
            also monitors performance trends to ensure performance-related risks are identified in a timely manner and are addressed proactively. It
            is important to note that factors which are beyond the Company’s control may arise that impact achievement of the targets set out above
            however, WSA will mitigate these situations wherever practicable. Furthermore, it is expected that performance criteria will be refined and will
            evolve as WSA moves closer to operations in 2026.

18   Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020
The new Western Sydney
      International Airport will
    be a world-first for people
    with disabilities, providing
    a fully accessible terminal
     and service that will allow
 everyone to travel hassle-free.
 Brad Grove, NSW Wheelchair Rugby League

             Partnering with local schools and teachers on
                      the Minecraft Competition to design
                             Western Sydney International
Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020    19
WSA Co Limited
ABN 81 618 989 272
PO Box 397
Liverpool NSW 1871
20   Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2019 – 2020
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