2018 March - The Little Engineer

Page created by Tommy Jensen
2018 March - The Little Engineer
2018 March - The Little Engineer
2018 March - The Little Engineer
What's Happening at TLE                                    ®
                                                               Sodeco Center

There is nothing as powerful as a mother’s love for the healing of a
child’s soul.
On the 17th and 21st of March, mothers of our students joined their
kids in a 90- minute STEM workshop. In an ambiance filled with
motherly love and joyous edutainment, stimulating activities took
place which strengthened the bonds between mother and child.
In addition, there was a 3D printing activity with a Mother’s Day theme
for pupils over the age of 10. At the end, the kids had the chance to
take the printed model as a gift for their moms!

2018 March - The Little Engineer
Amusement park

Come and Check out our mechatronics wonder of an Amusement Park replica at BDD (Beirut Digital District)! You
can also partake in exciting workshops which will stimulate your creative juices and develop your STEM talents! 3
hours of hands-on, minds-on activities featuring: Automation, Robotics and Programming.


Celebrate your son’s/ daughter's birthday in a unique and
spectacular way !
We offer them and their invitees interactive gifts full of educational fun.
Plus, 90 min of Robotics activities that conclude in an exciting and stimulating
                                                                                   70 530 401
2018 March - The Little Engineer
Spring is in the air! The month of March has arrived and the season in
which beautiful flowers blossom and trees have a fresh green look is here.
It is the month of inspiring events that include Women’s Day, Teacher’s Day,
Mother’s Day, and Easter and special activities are customized for each.
Spring Vacation Activities will start at The Little Engineer Choueifat on
Thursday March 29th till Monday April 9th every weekday from 10:00 am
till 1:30 pm; included are activities involving Robotics, Renewable Energy,
Coding, Science, crafts and much more. To register and for more info
contact us on 70 231303 - 05437405
Moreover, Robotics clubs directed by The Little Engineer Choueifat are
going on steadily; Chouf National College students resumed this year’s
Robotics club where learners eagerly continued their courses to catch up
on new Robotics concepts and learn how to complete new missions.
Choueifat center students find Robots to be cool! They definitely believe
that robots are awesome and most of them enjoy taking different classes of
Robotics courses and upgrading to more advanced levels.
Once we consider the significant impact that Robotics will have on the
near future’s workforce and society, it's then important to consider how we
prepare our learners for this transformation.
In The Little Engineer’s Robotics Clubs, students work in teams where they
explore each activity in an engaging and collaborative way.

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2018 March - The Little Engineer
What's Happening at TLE
                          Saida Center

                                   TLE Saida conducted two sessions
                                   at Al Moasat Social Relief and
                                   Welfare Association for a 100+
                                   students. The sessions aimed to
                                   familiarize students with Robotics,
                                   the importance of technology and
                                   how to benefit from it in their future

                                   In addition, Mr. Mohammad Al-
                                   Bekaee sponsored a workshop
                                   at Ajial Saida school for more than
                                   50 students under the direction of
                                   Saida's TLE team. The workshop
                                   focused on renewable energy and
                                   programming. The students had fun
                                   learning cutting-edge concepts and
                                   were anxious for new workshops.

                                   Moreover, Al-Qalaa school enjoyed
                                   a a 4-day school visit this month with
                                   us that covered Grades 3,4,5 and
                                   6. The students were introduced to
                                   STEM concepts and learned and
                                   developed new skills in Robotics
                                   and teamwork.

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2018 March - The Little Engineer
TLE at the Spot Chouwaifat Center

The Little Engineer organized
amazing free 30-min activities for 3
days at The Spot shopping mall in
Choueifat. Sequential workshops
were held per day. More than 300
students passed by TLE’s booth and
were introduced to STEM programs
and activities. Students aged 6 to
9 participated in an activity where
they built a model known as a kicker
and programmed it to kick a ball,
whereas participants aged 10 to
15 programmed a mini-humanoid
robot to clap and dance.
2018 March - The Little Engineer
Clubs in Schools
Clôture du cycle 1 au Collège des Saints Coeurs Ain Najm
Parents et élèves, tous main
dans la main étaient prêts au défi
et à la compétition. Les parents
furent présents le 1er Mars pour
découvrir l’acquis et la créativité
de leurs enfants.
  Ils étaient ravis et prêt à les
seconder pour acheminer leur
projet de créativité. La motivation
et la gaieté régnèrent. Les plus
jeunes expliquaient à leurs
parents comment, grâce à la
programmation ils pouvaient
déplacer une voiture.
Les parents furent touchés par
l’expression et l’exactitude de
la terminologie utilisée par leurs

Par la suite, a eu lieu la distribution
des attestations d’acheminement
du premier cycle et prise des
photos avec les parents, puis

place au combat des robots
sur l’Arena.

Motivation,       sourire     et
applaudissement           avant
d'annoncer l’équipe gagnante.
Nous vous attendons pour lancer
le second cycle !

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2018 March - The Little Engineer
Rymco Automotive Workshop
TLE and Rymco welcomed Lycee       assembled in automobile factories.
Hanaway, Saint Joseph, CIS,        Moreover, they participated in a
Bayader, and Notre Dame des        90 mins workshop where they
Soeurs Salvatoriennes (Abra) at    explored the automotive industry
the Rymco-Chiyah Showroom.         through robotics.
More than 500 students attended    In addition, they visited Rymco's
the workshop.                      departments where learners
They were exposed to the           gained      knowledge       about
assembly line demonstrating real   logistics, sales, marketing and
life examples of how cars are      customer relations.

                                                                        Pour réserver une     session,
                                                                        veuillez contacter.

                                                                        71 530 401
2018 March - The Little Engineer
Spring Camp Schedule
AInnovation 2018 - SSCC Ain Najm
Believing in the capacities of their
students, Saint Coeur Ain Najm
school took the initiative this
year to launch a unique school
program, in its first edition entitled
“AInnovation 2018”.

March 8, 2018 was the closing
ceremony date.

TLE’s founder and CEO Rana
El Chemaitelly presided as a
jury member and was very glad
to support young and aspiring
entrepreneurs in their quest to
realize their dreams as it is an
integral part of TLE’s mission.

Additional    jury  members
included: Mr Fouad Maksoud,
star of science, Mrs Aline
Kamakian, founder of Mayrig
and Batchig, and Mr Ramy
Abou Jaoude representing Mr
Maroun Chammas, deputy GM
of Berytech.

All   participants introduced
great ideas and exhibited real

We are proud to announce the
winners of the first, second and
third prizes:
1- X-Bullying: Marie Naya Saad
and Vanessa Ghazal - S2SE
2- HPC: Nathalie Kefrawi, Jennifer
Hindi and Elina Abdo - S1
3- E-belt: Charbel Ibrahim and
Eddy Nasrallah- S1
The school offered each student
who won: for the 1st prize 300$,
for the second prize, 200$ each
and for the 3rd prize, 100$ each.
The director of the school also
promised to help the groups
create their own product.

Congratulations to all the
Ensemble, à la découverte des items dans les kits !
Les "petits ingénieurs" ont mis la main à la " tâche " !

                                                      Enthousiastes et curieux, les élèves
                                                      du cycle 2, Saints Cœurs Ain Najm,
                                                      identifient et associent les objets
                                                      en essayant d'imaginer comment
                                                      monter les "machines" dans le
                                                      monde de la robotique.

                                                      Actuellement, intégrer une activité
                                                      pareille dans notre apprentissage
                                                      s'avère nécessaire dans le but
                                                      de rompre la monotonie de
                                                      l'enseignement qui risque d’avoir un
                                                      aspect "rébarbatif" parfois...

                                                      Suivre un schéma, associer des
                                                      mots à des photos et inversement,
                                                      faire puis défaire, se tromper pour
                                                      reconstruire...sont des compétences
                                                      à développer chez nos élèves pour
                                                      couvrir leur formation aux trois
                                                      niveaux requis:
                                                      le savoir, le savoir-faire et le savoir-être.

                                                      Hala Eid
                                                      Responsable des classes de CE1-
                                                      Saint Cœur Ain Najm

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The LifeTime Education Foundation

The     Lifetime      Education
Foundation,      through     its
women           empowerment
program (WEP) delivered
a    successful     workshop,
Saturday March 11 2018,
in   Rowaiset      Al   Ballout
in collaboration with the
municipality and the village
youth club. Special thanks
to Mrs Nour Zeidan for
her support, passion to
propagate the use of STEM
technologies through robotics
in her village.
Expo 2018
EDEX, “Exposition - Education et Orientation”, en partenariat avec le
Ministère de l'Education et l'Education supérieure.
                                                    De par notre conviction :
                                                    2018 STEM POUR TOUS,
                                                    ECOLES PUBLIQUES ET
                                                    Nous avons eu l’honneur
                                                    d’exposer les projets déjà
                                                    accompli, auprès des écoles
                                                    publiques, en partenariat avec
                                                    le Ministère de l'Education et
                                                    l'Education supérieure durant
                                                    l'année 2017 et d’ annoncer la
                                                    nouvelle approche pour 2018.
                                                    Être présent sous le chapiteau du
                                                    ministère de l'Éducation, Centre
                                                    de l'orientation, reflète à quel
                                                    point responsabilité et confiance
                                                    nous furent accordées, et la
                                                    responsabilité avec laquelle nous
                                                    aurions à servir les apprenants
                                                    et à élargir la panoplie des
                                                    apprenants pour servir tous les
                                                    jeunes de territoire libanais.
                                                    The Little Engineer, de par ses
                                                    activités et de par la formation
                                                    des formateurs, nous ouvrons
                                                    des horizons aux jeunes leur
                                                    permettant de découvrir leurs
                                                    centres d'intérêt. C’est un
                                                    attachement, un plaisir et une
                                                    grande responsabilité.
                                                    Nous sommes prêts à ce défi
                                                    car nous croyons en nos jeunes,
                                                    nous croyons en nos cerveaux
                                                    libanais et nous estimons que le
                                                    LIBAN en a grand besoin de les
                                                    Main dans la main pour un
                                                    meilleur futur, pour les maintenir
                                                    sur ce territoire et surtout pour les
                                                    préparer au défi de la quatrième
                                                    révolution industrielle.
                                                    Grand merci à tous ceux qui ont
                                                    participé à la grande réussite de
                                                    cet évènement.

                                                    71 035 959
Airbus-Little Engineer
TLE and Airbus Foundation Join Forces in the Philippines

       he Little Engineer has      and to work with such highly          Singapore to train employees
       launched the Airbus         motivated students to spark           to deliver them in the whole
       Little Engineer program     their interest in science and         region,    helping      students
in the Philippines. The goal of    technology”,     said      Andrea     understand       the     growing
the initiative is to encourage     Debbane, Executive Director           importance of STEM skills in
students between the ages          of the Airbus Foundation. “The        society.
of 10 and 16 to understand         Airbus Little Engineer program        The Airbus Little Engineer
and embrace technology by          helps to facilitate access to         program              successfully
igniting a passion within them     STEM skills which are crucial in      positioned     itself   as    an
that could grow into an exciting   solving the complex problems          effective vehicle for discovery-
career in the fields of Science,   of today. I would like to thank all   based learning, working to
Technology, Engineering and        partners for combining efforts        enlighten and empower youth
Mathematics (STEM).                with us to make such a project        in the areas of science and
The workshop, held at the          possible in the Philippines.”         technology through robotics
De La Salle University's           This follows the series of            and aerospace.
Laguna Campus, introduced          workshops       conducted       in
students to the world of space
exploration and enhanced
their understanding of both
the benefits and applications
of space technology. Over the
course of five hours, students
assembled and launched a
rocket, set up a base and
established communications.
“We are very excited to kick
off the Airbus Little Engineer
program in the Philippines
What’s around us?
IoT as a Key Enabler to Singapore’s Smart Nation Vision
                                                                      Proudly, the R&D team, for a cause.

       ingapore has set its            energy and water usage. Such
       ambitions high to be the        sensors are driven by cutting edge
       world’s first Smart Nation.     Low Power Wide Area Network
IoT plays a critical role in helping   (or LPWAN) technologies such as
us realize this vision. IoT is not     NarrowBand IoT (or NB-IOT), and
just about being connected to          LTE Cat-M1. This would enable
multiple devices – it is about         sensors to be deployed to places
designing connected systems            without power access, and
to deliver real value to individuals   reduce the cost of maintaining
and organizations in a secure          these sensors.
and equitable manner. IoT is a         At the industry level, IoT is a key
key enabler in improving our lives,    frontier technology identified in
helping to deliver more responsive     Singapore’s Infocomm Media
public services, efficient work        Industry Transformation Map. In
processes and better living            a bid to create more intelligent
experiences.                           data centers in Singapore, the        Reference:iot.ieee.org/newsletter/
Singapore has been continually         Infocomm Media Development            singapore-s-smart-nation-vision
innovating to find new ways of         Authority (IMDA) is working with
harnessing IoT technologies and        the National Supercomputing
encouraging the adoption of IoT.       Center of Singapore (NSCC)
We have been working toward            to optimize data center energy
developing cheaper and longer-
lasting sensors for a wide variety
                                       consumption through the use
                                       of IoT, Big Data and Machine
of applications, from logistics to     Learning technologies.
The Little Engineer: Paving the Way for a Promising Future
   To build an enduring and durable    activities,      courses         and    to broaden their technological
country, we need a competent,          collaboration with the private and      horizons.
capable and educated workforce         public sectors enrich the spirit of     Moreover, as part of our
for tomorrow’s industry and the        our learners and acquaint students      advancement          we        are
challenging future ahead. That         with the latest technological           collaborating with the leading
is why TLE (The Little Engineer)       and educational developments.           corporations in the tech industry
invests in young minds and strives     We aim to inspire and imbue             to promote topics as diverse as
to unleash their full potential        them with additional amounts of         gaming, nanotechnology, web
in STEM (science, technology,          perseverance and concentration          development, internet of things
engineering, and mathematics)          to solidify their communication         and renewable energy.
through proven hands on/minds          skills and enable the remedy            On the other hand, TLE is
on learning activities.                of any deficiency in grasping           expanding locally, regionally and
We move at fleet-footed speed          the complexity of an ongoing            globally to become amongst the
and that is for a reason, we are       and inevitable interdependence          leaders in delivering products,
always pursuing and making the         between everyday-life and the           services and class solutions.
most out of the latest updates,        accelerating wheel of technology.       Our Main Principles will always
uprising topics and cutting-edge       While proud to declare our              be     to    Inspire   Motivation,
technologies. We welcome the           institution’s transformation from       Stimulate Creativity, Manage
arrival of 2018 on deck with a great   a service provider to a product         Talents, Cultivate Concentration
sense of accomplishment and our        provider, we are offering a             and Perseverance, Empower
achievements in 2017 reinforce         renewed, determined and vibrant         Teamwork, Develop the Skills of
TLE’s pioneering presence.             approach with our highly-trained        Tech-Enthusiasts and more. That
Our groundbreaking events,             team to all our instructive pursuits    is our Promise.
                                       that provide pupils with trailblazing
                                       educational tools and activities fit
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