2018 Global Payments Report - The Digital Wallet Opportunity Around the World - Braintree

Page created by Edgar Strickland
2018 Global Payments Report - The Digital Wallet Opportunity Around the World - Braintree

The Digital Wallet
Opportunity Around
the World
2018 Global Payments Report - The Digital Wallet Opportunity Around the World - Braintree
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                           2

Global expansion is a major driver for many                  If you’re a merchant, digital wallets can make very
                                                             good business sense. Easy, transparent, and secure
online businesses, but that objective can
                                                             payment options are a win for everyone. With increased
often seem steep or even unattainable                        marketplace competition, every competitive advantage
without the right tools and expertise. In                    matters, and removing any friction around the payment
the past, if a merchant wanted to enter                      process is essential. Combine this with the constant
                                                             innovation and disruption in the payments space, and
another international market, they’d likely                  it’s clear you need to use every opportunity to stay
have to research and integrate various                       ahead of the curve.
regional payment methods and currencies,
                                                             That’s especially true as the world moves toward a
which could add complexity and drain
                                                             future anchored in mobile commerce. More and more
resources. On top of that, growth may not                    users are making purchases on their phones and
be sustainable from one region to the next.                  other smart devices. They don’t want to fiddle around
                                                             with tiny keyboards, small screens, and confusing
In searching for a more agile and scalable
                                                             input options. Digital wallets eliminate many of these
strategy, businesses are looking to the                      drawbacks, whether it’s purchasing via a website or
integration of more ubiquitous payment                       through using contactless mobile technology.
methods such as digital wallets.
                                                             There are other advantages, too — centralizing
                                                             transactions can help increase your payment volume
Digital wallets are an increasingly popular way for          and reduce your processing fees. Cross-border
consumers to pay for goods and services. The concept         payment and international commerce can be simplified
is simple -- users save their payment details with a         through digital wallets.
digital wallet provider once, and then checking out
on any website that accepts that particular wallet           In 2019, 2.1 billion global consumers
becomes effortless and secure. Every merchant who            are expected to use a digital wallet
integrates with that digital wallet automatically receives
                                                             to make a payment or send money,
all the consumer payment details they need to process
transactions quickly and effectively.                        an increase of almost 30% from 2017.

It makes sense from a consumer perspective, too.             As a PayPal service, Braintree is uniquely equipped to
They no longer need to enter card numbers on                 help with your global digital wallet strategy. As your
every website, and can pay without worrying about            payments partner, we’ll give you a direct line to the
the security of their data just by entering their login      most widely adopted global digital wallet -- with more
and password details. Increasing demands on time             than 235 million active user accounts -- alongside
and fear of fraud mean that consumers are naturally          credit, debit, Venmo (in the US), and other payment
moving toward payment options that are fast, simple,         platforms, as well as all of the features and innovations
convenient, and secure.                                      you need to more easily take your business global.
2018 Global Payments Report - The Digital Wallet Opportunity Around the World - Braintree
2018 Global Payments Report                                                 3

What countries offer the biggest
advantages for merchants
accepting digital wallets?
Just where in the world should merchants be looking to take advantage
of the digital wallet opportunity? We’re glad you asked. It’s a complex
question, but we’ve got you covered. We’ve explored five key regions
(through 64 countries, chosen by quality of data available) and taken
a deeper look at 13 spotlight countries to identify those that are well-
prepared (and some less prepared) for digital wallet options. We’ll start
by looking at four global consumer profiles, then explore how ready
different regions are for these payment platforms. After that, we’ll dig
into the details of individual countries.

By the time we’re done, you’ll have the information you need to
make an informed choice for increasing your digital marketplace
and expanding internationally.

Let’s get into it.
2018 Global Payments Report - The Digital Wallet Opportunity Around the World - Braintree
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                                                4

Universal Consumer
Every consumer is unique, but integrating      These profiles can be found throughout all local,
                                               regional, and international marketplaces. We’ve
digital wallets into your payment options
                                               covered each of these profiles below and also
relies on appealing to a broad range of        highlighted what percentage of each type of user
users. To make that easier, we’ve identified   can be found in the spotlight countries. This helps
four key consumer profiles to help you         make it easier for you to identify countries with
                                               opportunities for digital wallet growth.
hone your approach.

                                               * A note on Japan

                                                Japanese people tend to underreport their behaviors on almost every kind of survey. They regularly
                                                show up in global surveys with results far different (and usually lower) than other developed countries.
                                                Any market research and planning for Japanese consumers should take this into account.

  1          The Mobile Toe-dipper

  2          The Mobile Irregular

  3          The Confident Consumer

  4          The Mobile Savant
2018 Global Payments Report - The Digital Wallet Opportunity Around the World - Braintree
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                  5

Universal Consumer Profiles

                                    These users tend to have an internet connection
          1                         and mobile phone, but do not typically use their
                                    smartphones in daily life. These consumers are
                                    uncomfortable with having an online presence
       The Mobile                   or purchasing online and are less often affluent.
                                    We don’t believe they’re a key target for digital
       Toe-dipper                   wallet awareness, marketing, or usage.

       Low technology and digital
       commerce understanding,
       comfort, and usage
                                    They are most prevalent in Canada, Japan*, France, Australia, and
                                    the US. They are least prevalent in China, India, South Korea, Mexico,
                                    Brazil, and Poland.
2018 Global Payments Report - The Digital Wallet Opportunity Around the World - Braintree
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                       6

Universal Consumer Profiles

                                         These users tend to be older than average and
          2                              typically have lower incomes. They may have a
                                         smartphone but do not use it very often for digital
                                         commerce activities. Although they are slightly
       The Mobile                        more likely to purchase online than the toe-dipper,
                                         they do not make online purchases regularly or
       Irregular                         frequently. We believe they can be a reasonable
                                         segment to target for digital wallet penetration,
                                         and it helps if this is combined with financial literacy
                                         education and dealing with concerns about online
                                         payment and fraud.

       Moderate technology and
       digital commerce understanding,
       comfort, and usage
                                         They are most prevalent in Japan*, Australia, France, Canada, Germany
                                         and Mexico. They are least prevalent in China, India, and South Korea.
2018 Global Payments Report - The Digital Wallet Opportunity Around the World - Braintree
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                  7

Universal Consumer Profiles

                                         These consumers have an online and social media
          3                              presence and make use of a smartphone a few
                                         times a week. They typically have mid-range incomes
                                         and good home-based or mobile internet access.
       The Confident                     They take part in a few digital commerce activities
                                         a week and are comfortable with shopping online.
       Consumer                          We believe they’re a good target for digital wallet
                                         market penetration, with an approach focused on
                                         awareness, convenience, and security concerns.

       Considerable technology and
       digital commerce understanding,
       comfort, and usage
                                         They are most prevalent in South Korea, India, China, and Poland.
                                         They are least prevalent in Japan*, Canada, the US, Australia,
                                         and France.
2018 Global Payments Report - The Digital Wallet Opportunity Around the World - Braintree
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                              8

Universal Consumer Profiles

                                     These consumers use their smartphones and tablets
          4                          every day. They are typically of the younger generation,
                                     are always “on the go,” are highly educated, relatively
                                     affluent, and may use multiple devices.
       The Mobile                    They are very comfortable interacting and buying

       Savant                        online and are frequent digital commerce users.
                                     They sometimes make multiple online purchases
                                     every week. We believe they’re an excellent target for
                                     digital wallet market penetration, with an approach
                                     focused on ease of use, speed, convenience, and
                                     omni-channel availability.
       High technology and digital
       commerce understanding,
       comfort, and usage
                                     They are most prevalent in China, India, Brazil, and South Korea.
                                     They are least prevalent in Japan*, Canada, Germany, France,
                                     and Australia.
2018 Global Payments Report - The Digital Wallet Opportunity Around the World - Braintree
2018 Global Payments Report                           9

Regional Overview
Before diving into the individual countries, we’ve
provided an overview of five key regions around
the world, so you can better understand the overall
context of the global digital marketplace.

North America
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
2018 Global Payments Report - The Digital Wallet Opportunity Around the World - Braintree
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                     10

Eastern Europe presents enormous opportunities for merchants to integrate digital
wallets. Strong access to next-generation broadband, high smartphone usage,
tech-savvy consumers, and the proliferation of online merchants are fueling digital
commerce. The payments landscape in Western Europe, meanwhile, is highly diverse
and more mature. As card penetration increases, digital wallets are likely to become
more attractive to European consumers.

Growth of remote mobile purchases
as % of total digital purchases*

                      2013                                                                              2017

                  15.1%                             +15.8%                                           30.9%

                                             * Data Includes these select countries in the
                                               region: Poland, Russia, France, Germany,
                                               Turkey, United Kingdom.

Internet usage in Europe — fixed-     next few years in Eastern Europe,                      regulations and initiatives in
line and mobile                       with 10% to 15% year-on-year                           Western Europe are encouraging
                                      growth expected.                                       people to move away from cash
Europe is one of the most well-
                                                                                             and toward credit and debit cards
developed global areas for internet   Digital commerce and digital                           and digital wallets. These younger
investment, speed, reliability, and   wallet predictions                                     consumers are likely to become
availability. There is substantial
                                                                                             more accustomed to using cards
consumer demand for cellular          Digital commerce across the
                                                                                             as they age, leading to durable
data services, and operators have     region, especially in Eastern
                                                                                             behavior changes in the market.
invested heavily in mobile-data       Europe, is expected to prove
networks. Data consumption is         lucrative among the younger                            EU limitations on surcharges and
expected to rise rapidly over the     generation. New government                             cross-border fees will help ease
2018 Global Payments Report                                                    11


cross-border payments. Visa and        Payment type trends in Europe
MasterCard are consolidating and
                                       The most popular payment
expanding their leading positions
                                       methods show sharp division by
in Europe, making the region a
                                       country and culture in Europe.
fertile ground for card growth,
                                       Bank cards are popular in France,
digital commerce, digital wallets,
                                       the UK, and Italy, while invoicing
and cross-border payments.
                                       is the preferred payment method
Potential issues with digital wallet   in Germany. PayPal and Amazon
and digital commerce usage             Payments are also popular across
                                       the region. This means consumers
A culture of cash transactions         already understand some of the
in Eastern Europe impedes              advantages of digital wallets.
digital transactions, while older
consumers are generally wary of        Card payment transactions
sharing data or buying online.         (excluding commercial) in Western
Contactless payments are on the        Europe accounted for 43% of
rise in Western Europe, but are        consumer payment transactions in
hindered by underdeveloped             2017, matching the global average.
infrastructure and POS acceptance      Card payment transactions have
in Eastern Europe.                     historically seen good growth, and
                                       this is expected to continue in the
Digital wallets in Europe              short to medium term. In Eastern
                                       Europe, there is still plenty of room
The markets with the most              for digital-commerce growth.
potential are the UK, Germany,
France, Russia, Hungary, and
Poland. This potential is driven
by credit and debit card usage,
cross-border payments, population
growth, GDP growth, and
internet usage. The convenience
and security of digital wallets
are making them an attractive
alternative for consumers.
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                         12

North America
The growing use of smartphones, increased internet speed and reliability,
and a growing user base of tech-savvy millennials can make both the US and
Canada excellent opportunities for digital wallet growth and integration.
Although the market is already quite saturated, prioritizing convenience and
ease of use can provide a distinct competitive advantage.

Growth of remote mobile purchases
as % of total digital purchases

                      2013                                                                  2017

                  27.4%                             +10%                                 37.4%

Internet usage in North America —       stable cellular and broadband          omni-channel strategies. Due to
fixed-line and mobile                   infrastructure means that almost       card-network investment, Canada
                                        all consumers enjoy good               has one of the most developed
Canada has a high internet
                                        connectivity and capacity.             and secure digital payment sectors
penetration rate, with 90% of
                                                                               in the world. This underlying
households going online on a            Digital commerce                       infrastructure is vital to Canada’s
regular basis. Three-quarters
                                                                               strong digital wallet readiness.
of Canadian households have             As online commerce becomes
smartphone users, while cellular        more prominent north of the US         In the US, all types of debit or credit
operators are investing significantly   border, the potential for digital      cards are experiencing growth
to improve capacity, availability,      commerce growth in Canada              in card circulation, transactions,
and speed. In the US, a relatively      is substantial, especially using       or amount spent. Card reward
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                         13

North America

programs are also popular in              In the US, the growing prevalence       In the US, POS terminal penetration
America, pushing increased usage          of FinTech businesses could disrupt     has grown significantly over the last
of cards. An increased number             traditional digital commerce            few years, and charge cards are
of cards means more consumer              payment methods and card                the most commonly used payment
choice, and greater opportunities         transactions, while card fraud          method for remote transactions.
for digital wallet integration to         continues to be a major issue for       Contact and contactless smart
centralize the storage of multiple        merchants, payment processors,          cards are both seeing good growth
cards for varying situations.             and consumers.                          and acceptance in the US market.
                                                                                  This move to newer technology
Overall, due to their ease of use,        Digital wallets in North America        means consumers are more likely
widespread acceptance, rewarding
                                                                                  to adopt digital wallets as a trusted
value, relative security and financial    Major opportunities exist in
                                                                                  payment option.
flexibility, the use of financial cards   Canada for merchants able to
continues to experience tremendous        optimize their social media strategy.   Price wars and card reward
growth in the US and Canada over          Integrating a digital wallet into       programs in the US from diverse
the use of cash. As card usage and        this ecosystem would unlock huge        payment networks provide an ideal
infrastructure continues to expand,       potential in the digital commerce       opportunity for consumers who
the need for integrated digital           space and allow merchants to            want to get more value out of
wallet use and the convenience of         market the convenience, security,       their cards.
mobile and omni-channel payments          and innovation of this type of
will help strengthen the use case         payment method. Dedicated
for merchants integrating digital         apps and sharing/gig economy
wallets.                                  businesses will continue to be
                                          major revenue generators for
Potential issues with digital wallet      digital commerce across the US
and digital commerce usage                and Canada.

Small- and medium-sized                   Payment type trends in North
businesses in Canada are not              America
making significant investments
in online commerce, meaning               Canada has among the highest
that digital commerce growth              social media network penetration
in Canada will likely be limited          rates in the world, and 82% of
mainly to larger businesses for the       Canadians regularly use social
foreseeable future. Additionally,         networks, compared with 75% of
even large merchants in Canada            Americans. This means that making
do not yet have properly aligned          payments through social media will
social media marketing strategies.        likewise increase significantly.
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                               14

Latin America
Latin America is in the early stages of its digital commerce growth story. Economic recovery
is at an early stage, and digital commerce uptake will face several challenges specific to this
emerging region, including high cash usage and fraud.

Growth of remote mobile purchases
as % of total digital purchases*

                      2013                                                                           2017

                  11.4%                              +15.5%                                      26.9%

                                                * Data Includes these select countries
                                                  in the region: Brazil, Mexico.

Internet usage in Latin America —       however, due to government-led                   increasingly purchasing online,
fixed-line and mobile                   projects and policies. Mobile                    mainly on smartphones rather than
                                        connectivity is on the rise, and all             computers. At the same time, the
Internet usage and broadband
                                        Latin American markets have more                 growth of banking services has
penetration in Latin America lags
                                        mobile connectivity than home                    increased card usage across the
behind much of the rest of the
                                        connectivity.                                    region, with the main incentives
world. Few households can afford
                                                                                         for digital commerce being speed,
fixed-line internet connections due     Digital commerce                                 value for money, free shipping,
to high monthly fees. This translates
                                                                                         and access to a diverse product
into revenue challenges and             Latin American digital consumers
                                                                                         range. These factors are likely to
reduced infrastructure investment       are concentrated in the 25-34 age
                                                                                         enhance the value of digital wallets
for operators. This is changing,        bracket, and these consumers are
                                                                                         because they go hand-in-hand with
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                    15

Latin America

growing card usage and eliminate       Third-party payment capabilities,        With the increased prevalence of
a big inconvenience for consumers:     which came into existence in the         mobile devices across the region,
retyping credit card and banking       digital era to remove friction in the    and the rising use of mobile
data into a small screen.              online checkout experience, are          phones as magnetic card readers,
                                       not as popular in Latin America as       Latin Americans are looking to
Low average incomes and
                                       elsewhere, even among the more           mobile devices as the future of
sporadic internet access present
                                       digitally savvy. Since third-party       consumer payment transactions.
significant challenges to digital
                                       payment capabilities are a key           Proximity payments have struggled
wallet penetration in Latin America.
                                       channel for digital wallets, this will   to break into the Latin American
Several areas need to change to
                                       limit the potential for growth.          market, and continue to represent
make digital wallets a more viable
                                                                                a negligible share of total
option, specifically the reliance on   Digital wallets in Latin America         consumer spending.
a cash-first culture, a lack of good
internet access, limited card-         Despite these issues, there are
acceptance infrastructure, and         several markets that are expected
concerns about fraud.                  to see significant digital commerce
                                       growth over the next few years.
Potential issues with digital wallet   These markets include travel
and digital commerce usage             (especially direct airline bookings),
                                       the growth of online food services,
The lack of strong digital
                                       consumer electronics, and beauty.
connectivity has significantly
                                       Merchants should focus on
impacted digital commerce
                                       educating consumers about online
growth in Latin America.
                                       payment methods and security to
There is also distrust of online       build trust in digital wallets.
payment methods, with many
people preferring to buy locally       Payment type trends in Latin
using cash. Most Latin Americans       America
do not have the incomes of             As the proportion of Latin
developed economies, nor the           Americans with bank accounts
expected future growth rates           grows, credit and debit cards are
of emerging ones. In addition,         becoming preferred methods of
digital commerce uptake will           payments, and card networks have
remain constrained by a number         established themselves as the
of challenges, including high          future for payment transactions in
cash usage, fraud concerns,            the region. Most Latin American
delivery hurdles, and poor user        countries see credit cards as the
experiences.                           leader in card payment, but debit
                                       cards follow closely behind.
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                     16

The Asia Pacific region is a fertile growth area. An upsurge in smartphone usage and
mobile commerce provides excellent opportunities, although issues with an urban/rural
divide and a distrust of some online payment methods are obstacles to widespread
digital wallet usage for merchants. Educating users on payment options and financial
literacy will be crucial in this region.

Growth of remote mobile purchases
as % of total digital purchases*

                      2013                                                                               2017

                  31.5%                               +33.6%                                          65.1%

                                              * Data Includes these select countries in the
                                                region: Australia, Thailand, South Korea,
                                                Japan, Indonesia, India, China.

Internet usage in APAC — fixed-line     mobile services have improved                         Asian consumers use these devices
and mobile                              digital connectivity with a move                      extensively to access the internet
                                        toward data services, with several                    and make purchases. Broad mobile
Asia Pacific has seen strong
                                        countries trialling 5G. In terms                      adoption and increased access to
investment in digital infrastructure,
                                        of mobile connectivity, the Asia                      the internet means more consumers
and the region is the global leader
                                        Pacific region is ahead of Eastern                    have access to mobile payments and
in the number of people online.
                                        Europe, Latin America, and the                        digital financial services.
Despite this, internet penetration,
                                        Middle East and Africa.
especially fixed-linebroadband,                                                               As the usage of smartphones
remains low in certain areas,           Digital commerce                                      and tablets grows, the need for
especially rural ones where                                                                   a convenient payment method
significant percentages of the          Asia Pacific is home to some of the                   increases. Digital wallets are
population still live. Cheap            largest smartphone markets, and                       naturally positioned to provide
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                         17


the speed, convenience, ease of          It is important to bridge these          Payment type trends in APAC
use, and security that consumers         divides to bring lower-income
                                                                                  Governments in the region are
require.                                 consumers into the digital
                                                                                  using policies and regulations
                                         mainstream, and improve living
Digital commerce is the key growth                                                to reduce cash usage, and this is
                                         standards. Data security and
opportunity. China is the regional                                                improving the uptake of credit
                                         privacy issues are crucial concerns
giant in terms of online transactions,                                            and debit cards. Financial cards
                                         for a large number of internet
but other countries, such as India                                                are being particularly tailored to
                                         users across Asia. This is likely to
and Indonesia, are witnessing                                                     individual consumer segments or
                                         remain a major hurdle for a large
healthy uptake. Other markets are                                                 professions in Asia. The further
                                         proportion of online users,
also seeing investments in startups                                               segmentation of card spending
                                         including many first-time users in
and growth in digital purchases,                                                  is expected to drive greater
                                         rural areas. Digital wallets will need
especially in urban centers. Online                                               adoption in the region. Card
                                         to address this trend, and reassure
transactions are a prime growth                                                   growth is attributed to greater
                                         consumers about payment and
area for digital wallets, and                                                     access to financial products and
                                         identity security before they are
integrating them into digital                                                     services, and an increase in the
                                         used more widely.
commerce payment options is                                                       infrastructure necessary for card
a win for both merchants and             Digital wallets in APAC                  payments. As the use of cards
consumers.                                                                        continues to expand, the need for
                                         Digital wallet uptake in the region      integrated digital wallet solutions
Potential issues with digital wallet     will be driven by smartphone             becomes more important.
and digital commerce usage               usage, with a multi-channel
                                         approach focused on mobile               However, cash remains the
Despite APAC being the global                                                     dominant method of payment in
                                         devices being an optimal strategy.
leader for the number of internet                                                 many Asian countries, and many
                                         Merchants should focus on a digital
users, it lags almost all other                                                   first-time users continue to prefer
                                         wallet platform that has a wide
regions in terms of the percentage                                                cash on delivery. This is a trend
                                         range of integrations with banking
of the population using the internet                                              that merchants and, ultimately,
                                         providers and card networks.
as a result of a persistent urban/                                                digital wallets need to address if
rural digital divide and lingering                                                this method of payment is going to
consumer-privacy concerns.                                                        become the first choice for Asian
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                     18

Middle East & Africa
A lack of good broadband penetration, low incomes, and a cultural reliance on cash
means that the Middle East and Africa region is not currently ideal for digital wallet
growth. The region is sharply divided in terms of digital commerce readiness, so a
laser-focused approach on specific countries is likely to be the best strategy.

Growth of remote mobile purchases
as % of total digital purchases

                      2013                                                                                2017

                  35.3%                                 +9.3%                                         44.6%

                                              * Data Includes these select countries in the
                                                region: Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United
                                                Arab Emirates.

Internet usage in the Middle East       Middle Eastern countries, such                        Digital commerce
and Africa — fixed-line and mobile      as the United Arab Emirates and
                                                                                              The Middle East and Africa remains
                                        Israel, have well-developed fixed-
The use of the internet over fixed-                                                           one of the smallest card markets
                                        line networks, and consumers
line and mobile is sharply divided                                                            globally, meaning there are ample
                                        enjoy far higher broadband speeds
across this large region. Cellular                                                            opportunities for card-based
                                        than African nations. When viewing
services have expanded rapidly                                                                merchants willing to invest in the
                                        the Middle East and Africa as one
across the Middle East and Africa                                                             region. Higher consumer spending
                                        region, this geographic area ranks
region, lifting living standards                                                              is being driven by a rise in incomes,
                                        at or near the bottom globally
and fueling uptake of broadband                                                               thanks to rapid urbanization in
                                        across key internet indicators, such
services in urban areas. The region                                                           the region, the emergence of the
                                        as mobile internet subscriptions
is currently seeing good growth in                                                            middle class, an improved business
                                        and fixed broadband penetration.
mobile broadband subscribers.
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                     19

Middle East & Africa

climate, and the use of new            The region remains hampered             Payment type trends in the Middle
technology to reach consumers.         by a large unbanked population,         East and Africa
                                       cultural barriers regarding certain
Changes needed for an upswing                                                  Consumers are slowly shifting from
                                       payment products, inadequate
in digital commerce include                                                    cash to card-based payments thanks
                                       payment infrastructure, traditional
expansion of card payment                                                      to a rise in the banked population,
                                       spending behavior, and a fear of
infrastructure, conversion of                                                  improved infrastructure, and
                                       card fraud. The Middle East and
unbanked consumers, and                                                        financial literacy efforts. Card
                                       Africa region is one of the least
overcoming cultural barriers.                                                  payments are projected to be the
                                       mature markets when it comes to
Major banks in many markets are                                                fastest-growing payment method.
                                       financial services. Standard credit
investing heavily in increasing                                                Large purchases are likely to be the
                                       cards have struggled to attract
awareness of the benefits and                                                  first type of product to shift from
                                       customers, due in part to Islamic
convenience of cards. Digital                                                  cash to card payment transactions.
                                       laws preventing usury.
transactions are increasing across
                                                                               Now that we’ve provided some
the region despite the strong cash     Digital wallets in the Middle East      context for the various global
culture. Youth in the region are       and Africa                              regions, it’s time to explore
social-media savvy, and this has
                                       Digital wallets are likely to be much   individual countries and their
prompted brands to target those
                                       more accepted in specific parts of      readiness for digital wallet
                                       Africa and the Middle East, and a       expansion.
Potential issues with digital wallet   focus on certain countries, such
and digital commerce usage             as Israel and the UAE, is likely to
                                       deliver the best results in the short
The region has a strong and
                                       to medium term. Targeting more
persistent cash culture. Even those
                                       affluent consumers is also a wise
who do carry a card tend to use
                                       approach, with sectors including
it for cash withdrawals rather than
                                       transport, food and drink, and
direct payments. Sub-Saharan
                                       communications likely to have the
Africa has the highest poverty rate
                                       most potential.
in the world. Almost 800 million
people, or over 90% of the
population, live on less than
$5 a day.
2018 Global Payments Report                                                              20

Country Spotlights
From the 64 countries for which the data was strongest, we’ve selected 13 that make
up a true cross-section of opportunity scores. We know that some combination of
these countries often ends up on businesses’ global checklists, and this deep dive
can help provide the rationale for your roadmap. Often you’ll find that you don’t need
to implement a completely new payments stack in order to capture the majority of
buyers in each region, and global wallets like PayPal can take on some of the heavy
lifting when it comes to expansion. Let’s explore the usual suspects:

United Kingdom
United States
South Korea
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                  21

                                       Australia                 Canada   United    United
                                                                          Kingdom   States

                                       $1.38                     $1.65    $2.63     $19.39
                                       USD trillion

                                       24.5                      36.6     65.8      325.4
                                       million people

                                       27.4%                     16.60%   25.90%    22.70%
                                       of internet-connected population

                                       66%                       88%      52%       57%

                                       n/a*                      1.6%     11.4%     26.9%
TOTAL USERS (2017):                    7.5M                      6.5M     24.5M     108.5M

OPPORTUNITY RANK:                      12                        21       11        13
                                       Out of 64

*2015 number not published by PayPal
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                         22

Australia, Canada, United Kingdom,
and United States
Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US are all excellent     Digital wallets are already widely used and accepted
countries for digital wallet integration and growth.        by merchants and consumers in all countries, and
This is driven by mature economies, strong income           highlighting the speed, convenience, efficiency,
levels, financially literate consumers, robust digital      and security of digital wallet payments will be a key
infrastructure, and a growing global marketplace with       differentiator. There’s also plenty of innovation in the
cross-border purchasing of goods and services.              payments landscape, with FinTech companies and
                                                            startups becoming more popular. As new ways to pay
Card payment transactions are on the rise, with healthy     become more widely accepted, digital wallet growth
competition among providers to attract and retain           will likely continue, especially among the younger
customers. Mobile commerce is also on the rise, with        generations.
growth in purchasing from smartphones and tablets,
combined with uptake in the contactless payments space.

Consumer profile breakdown:

MOBILE                                            MOBILE     MOBILE                                             MOBILE
SAVANT                                         TOE-DIPPER    SAVANT                                          TOE-DIPPER

8%                                               24%         5%                                                35%

28%                                              40%         21%                                               38%
CONFIDENT                                         MOBILE     CONFIDENT                                          MOBILE
CONSUMER                                       IRREGULAR     CONSUMER                                        IRREGULAR

MOBILE                                            MOBILE     MOBILE                                             MOBILE
SAVANT                                         TOE-DIPPER    SAVANT                                          TOE-DIPPER

9%                                               20%         14%                                               24%

38%                                              33%         27%                                               35%
CONFIDENT                                         MOBILE     CONFIDENT                                          MOBILE
CONSUMER                                       IRREGULAR     CONSUMER                                        IRREGULAR
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                           23

Percentage of internet-connected population using the internet

       88%                                  90%                            94%                              79%

2.4 to 3.4                                   $40,000–$60,000                             10% to 30%
debit and credit cards in circulation        approximate average income                  of major merchant traffic is cross-border
per capita
                                             These countries have strong, established    More so than most other nations, a great
Credit cards, debit cards, and bank          economies with healthy average incomes      deal of online commerce traffic comes
accounts are all widely used and             across major parts of their populations.    from outside these individual countries.
understood throughout these                  This means more disposable income for       This is especially pronounced in the
countries. There are strong incentives       discretionary online purchases.             US, where only 70% of traffic to major
for consumers to use cards as their                                                      merchants originates in the country.
primary payment method, including            Digital wallet outlook: Good -- a healthy
loyalty and reward programs.                 income means consumers have more            Digital wallet outlook: Excellent --
                                             choice in what and where to purchase        cross-border payments are a major
Digital wallet outlook: Excellent --         online, and digital wallets can be a        advantage of digital wallets. Promoting
consumers in these countries are familiar    deciding factor in where they spend         the ease of use of ordering and paying
with using credit and debit cards to make    their money.                                internationally can significantly benefit
payments in person or online. Marketing                                                  consumers.
the convenience and speed of digital
wallets is key.

50% to 67%                                   8% to 14%                                   Up to 1.1%
Between half and two-thirds of the           of spending is on digital commerce          of transactions are made using mobile
population are smartphone users              transactions                                contactless technology

Smartphones and tablets are well-            Digital commerce is an established way      Although still in its infancy, contactless
established devices across all these         of doing business in these countries.       transactions via smartphones are on
countries. This is supported by a            Consumers are already spending              the rise. While uptake is still low, this
strong digital infrastructure, including     significant amounts purchasing goods        will likely increase as mobile-enabled
widespread broadband and mobile              and services online.                        payment infrastructure rolls out.
communications provision. Almost 5%
of all transactions in Australia are made    Digital wallet outlook: Excellent --        Digital wallet outlook: Good -- digital
on a mobile device.                          consumers do not need to be convinced       wallets are a key enabler of contactless
                                             to spend money online, and education        and mobile-commerce payments,
Digital wallet outlook: Excellent -- a       can instead focus on the speed, security,   with convenience being a major
mature digital environment is a key to       and effectiveness of digital wallets.       deciding factor.
strong ecommerce growth and digital
wallet usage, especially on smartphones.
2018 Global Payments Report                                             24

Brazil                             Brazil is now emerging from a deep
                                   recession and consumer confidence
                                   is increasing. Digital commerce
                                   transactions are expected to increase
                                   significantly over the next few years,
                                   with more consumers opening bank
                                   accounts and accessing debit and
                                   credit cards. Two-thirds of large
GDP:                               merchants in the country do not offer
                                   digital wallet payment options, making
$2.07                              this a good opportunity for merchants
USD trillion
                                   to integrate digital wallets and gain a
POPULATION:                        competitive advantage.


of internet-connected population


                                   DIGITAL WALLET
                                   OPPORTUNITY RANK:

                                   (Out of 64)                 42
ACTIVE USERS (2015–2017):

Total users (2017): 3.5M
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                    25

Consumer profiles in Brazil

MOBILE SAVANT                                          MOBILE TOE-DIPPER

19%                                                               16%

                                                                                                  Percentage of internet-
                                                                                                  connected population
38%                                                               27%                             using the internet
CONFIDENT CONSUMER                                     MOBILE IRREGULAR

57%                               33%                              2019                           2.37
of online consumers regularly     of merchants offering digital    an end to Brazil’s economic    debit or credit cards
make digital commerce             wallet options                   woes is in sight               per capita
                                  Only a third of the largest      Brazil has had a significant   Brazil remains the largest
More than half of the internet-   merchants in Brazil currently    recession over the last few    market for cards in the region,
connected population in           offer digital wallet options     years. There are now signs     with significant growth in
Brazil use their smartphones,     to consumers. There is a         of growth and strengthening    both debit and credit cards.
tablets, or computers to make     clear gap in the market for      consumer confidence,           This is particularly true of the
online purchases. Digital         merchants to offer more          although incomes are still     years preceding the country’s
commerce for big-ticket items     payment options to mobile-       fairly low.                    recent economic recession.
is particularly common.           savvy consumers.
                                                                   Digital wallet outlook:        Digital wallet outlook: Good
Digital wallet outlook:           Digital wallet outlook:          Caution -- take into account   -- growth in debit and credit
Excellent --digital commerce      Excellent -- a great             disposable income trends in    cards and infrastructure
has great potential in Brazil.    opportunity to encourage         the country.                   means greater digital
                                  large merchants.                                                commerce possibilities.
2018 Global Payments Report                                                  26

Mexico                             Mexico is a challenging country
                                   for digital wallet penetration today,
                                   but its future growth prospects are
                                   strong. Currently, only about half
                                   the population has bank accounts,
                                   and only a third has smartphones.
                                   Digital commerce is still nascent, with
                                   a little more than 5% of transaction
GDP:                               value currently spent online. But
                                   the country’s large population and
$1.12                              growing middle class mean it should
USD trillion
                                   not be overlooked in the future.
POPULATION:                        Large merchants have already taken
                                   note of digital wallet potential, and
123,518,300                        most large merchants already offer
                                   digital wallet payment options.

of internet-connected population


                                   DIGITAL WALLET
                                   OPPORTUNITY RANK:

                                   (Out of 64)                  56
ACTIVE USERS (2015–2017):

Total users (2017): 2M
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                     27

Consumer profiles in Mexico

MOBILE SAVANT                                        MOBILE TOE-DIPPER

13%                                                              16%

                                                                                                   Percentage of internet-
                                                                                                   connected population
34%                                                              37%                               using the internet
CONFIDENT CONSUMER                                   MOBILE IRREGULAR

$9,000                         40%                                83%                              35%
per-capita GDP and cash-       of digital commerce users          of large merchants in Mexico     of households have smart
dependent culture poses        buy media online                   offer digital wallets            phone users
                               Downloaded media is a              The marketplace for digital      Just over a third of households
Per capita GDP is only about   frequent digital purchase in       wallets with large merchants     have users with smartphones,
$9,000 in Mexico, and a        Mexico, with 40% of digital        is well established, which       while around 10% have tablet
traditionally cash-dependent   consumers reporting they           means that digital wallets are   users. Despite this, Mexico
culture means that there is    make such purchases weekly.        already a recognizable part      leads the region in total
limited disposable income      This includes recorded and         of online payments culture.      mobile commerce value, and
to spend on smartphone         downloadable music, films,                                          has seen tremendous growth
purchases and digital          video games, software,             Digital wallet outlook: Good     in remote mobile phone
commerce transactions.         books, journals and,               -- consumers are already         payments.
                               magazines.                         using digital wallets to make
Digital wallet outlook:                                           purchases.                       Digital wallet outlook:
Caution -- take into account   Digital wallet outlook: Good                                        Caution -- although mobile
disposable income trends in    -- this is a strong opportunity                                     commerce transactions are
the country.                   in a focused marketplace.                                           increasing, the absolute
                                                                                                   number remains low.
2018 Global Payments Report                                                 28

France                             France provides good opportunities
                                   for digital wallet penetration,
                                   especially through partnering with
                                   merchants which sell big-ticket items.
                                   A quarter of the French population
                                   currently purchases online, although
                                   mobile commerce uptake lags
                                   behind. Any digital wallet marketing
GDP:                               will need to be supported by
                                   financial education to build trust
$2.58                              in new payment systems.
USD trillion



of internet-connected population


                                   DIGITAL WALLET
                                   OPPORTUNITY RANK:

                                   (Out of 64)                 29
ACTIVE USERS (2015–2017):

Total users (2017): 8.5M
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                    29

Consumer profiles in France

MOBILE SAVANT                                          MOBILE TOE-DIPPER

6%                                                                 26%

                                                                                                   Percentage of internet-
                                                                                                   connected population
29%                                                                39%                             using the internet
CONFIDENT CONSUMER                                      MOBILE IRREGULAR

37%                                9.8%                             24%                            1%
of merchants currently             of card spending in France is    of the population use the      of transactions made on a
offering digital wallet            online                           internet to buy products       mobile device
                                   Although only 3.2% of card       French consumers are           Despite the growth of digital
Just over a third of the largest   transactions by volume are       increasingly open to           commerce, the majority of
merchants in France currently      for online purchases, these      shopping online. However,      online transactions are made
offer digital wallet options       transactions account for         there’s a general lack of      from a computer rather than
to consumers. There is a gap       nearly 10% of spending. This     education about payment        a tablet or smartphone. The
in the market for merchants        suggests the French typically    methods available, which       French have yet to adopt
to take advantage of more          use digital commerce for         leads to a general distrust.   mobile commerce as a major
payment options. Ten percent       more expensive purchases.                                       way to purchase goods.
of traffic to major websites is                                     Digital wallet outlook: Good
cross-border.                      Digital wallet outlook: Good     -- although digital wallet     Digital wallet outlook:
                                   -- merchants selling more        uptake should be supported     Caution -- the mobile
Digital wallet outlook:            expensive goods can see          with financial education to    commerce market in France
Excellent -- a great               advantages from introducing      build trust.                   is still in the early stages.
opportunity for merchants          digital wallets.
to enhance their ecommerce
2018 Global Payments Report                                               30

Germany                            Germany has some excellent
                                   opportunities for digital wallet
                                   penetration. It leads the region in
                                   cross-border internet traffic, and
                                   the German consumer is already
                                   comfortable with buying online.
                                   However, many German consumers
                                   have concerns around privacy and
GDP:                               security online. Merchants who use
                                   digital wallets will need to educate
$3.68                              consumers about the security and
USD trillion
                                   privacy advantages of this payment
POPULATION:                        method.


of internet-connected population


                                   DIGITAL WALLET
                                   OPPORTUNITY RANK:

                                   (Out of 64)                 24
ACTIVE USERS (2015–2017):

Total users (2017): 20.5M
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                      31

Consumer profiles
in Germany
MOBILE SAVANT                                         MOBILE TOE-DIPPER

6%                                                                21%

                                                                                                     Percentage of internet-
                                                                                                     connected population
34%                                                               38%                                using the internet
CONFIDENT CONSUMER                                     MOBILE IRREGULAR

18%                              29%                               41%                               30%
of website traffic to            of the population already         of German consumers               of consumer payments in
merchants is cross-border        uses the internet to buy          disagree with freely sharing      Germany made with cash
                                 products                          information online
A large share of Germany’s                                                                           Cash still remains a very
web traffic comes from           Germans are already familiar      Germans believe that privacy      popular payment option
outside the country, primarily   with using the internet to buy    requires special protection,      for Germany, and it has
from European countries such     online. This level of comfort     and are less likely to share      also developed a robust
as Austria, the Netherlands,     with digital commerce is          personal information. Any         electronic direct transfer/ACH
and Switzerland. Digital         good for digital wallet           introduction of digital wallets   transaction system.
wallet functionality is useful   merchants.                        will need to be supported
to merchants for cross-border                                      with education and                Digital wallet outlook:
payments.                        Digital wallet outlook:           reassurance.                      Caution -- consumers will
                                 Good -- however speed,                                              need to be incentivized
Digital wallet outlook:          convenience, and ease of use      Digital wallet outlook:           to move to digital wallet
Excellent -- promoting           will be key to widespread         Caution -- ensure that digital    transactions.
cross-border payments will       consumer adoption.                wallets are supported by
encourage consumers who                                            financial education about
shop internationally.                                              security and encryption.
2018 Global Payments Report                                                32

Poland                                 Poland is a challenging market
                                       for digital wallet introduction.
                                       Expansion here may be difficult,
                                       as digital commerce is hindered
                                       by an aging population, as well
                                       as lower uptake of smartphones
                                       and mobile technology. One area
                                       that will be expanding rapidly is
GDP:                                   contactless mobile commerce
                                       payments, and investment here is
$0.52                                  likely to yield better results.
USD trillion



of internet-connected population


                                       DIGITAL WALLET
                                       OPPORTUNITY RANK:

                                       (Out of 64)                48
ACTIVE USERS (2015–2017):

Total users (2017): 1M
*2015 number not published by PayPal
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                      33

Consumer profiles in Poland

MOBILE SAVANT                                         MOBILE TOE-DIPPER

11%                                                              16%

                                                                                                      Percentage of internet-
                                                                                                      connected population
41%                                                              33%                                  using the internet
CONFIDENT CONSUMER                                     MOBILE IRREGULAR

4.4%                               0.1%                           34%                                 16%
of spending is on digital          of transactions are            of Polish consumers are             of the population is over 65
transactions                       made using contactless,        smartphone users
                                   smartphone technology                                              Poland has an aging
Digital commerce uptake in                                        Although most Polish                population, and only 1.2% of
Poland is still fairly low due     Although only one in a         consumers currently use the         Polish consumers aged 60 or
to a strong cash culture.          thousand transactions          internet, just over a third         over shop online each month.
Although digital commerce          is currently made using        have smartphones, and only          Targeted marketing for areas,
will grow over the coming          contactless smartphone         16% participate in digital          such as personal services
years, a targeted approach         technology, Poland is          commerce. This is likely to         and healthcare, is needed
on specific ecommerce              expected to experience very    increase as investments             to reach this demographic.
sectors, such as airline flights   rapid growth in contactless    in wireless broadband
and consumer electronics is        payments. It is expected       encourage mobile                    Digital wallet outlook:
expected to yield the best         to be the largest proximity    commerce uptake.                    Caution -- it can be difficult
results.                           payments market in the                                             to build trust in digital
                                   region in 2020.                Digital wallet outlook:             commerce and online
Digital wallet outlook:                                           Caution -- mobile commerce          transactions with older users.
Caution -- a targeted              Digital wallet outlook:        is still in the early stages, but
approach on specific digital       Good -- early investment in    mobile data networks are
commerce growth sectors is         contactless digital wallet     being upgraded.
likely required.                   integration will help take
                                   advantage of future payment
2018 Global Payments Report                                                   34

China                                  China is a prime target for digital
                                       wallet market penetration. The
                                       growing number of consumers
                                       with bank accounts and cards,
                                       together with a fast-growing
                                       payment infrastructure, is driving
                                       strong digital commerce growth.
                                       Alipay is paving the way for digital
GDP:                                   wallets, and there are plenty of
                                       opportunities for merchants to
$12.24                                 offer more digital wallet options.
USD trillion



of internet-connected population


                                       DIGITAL WALLET
                                       OPPORTUNITY RANK:

                                       (Out of 64)                  25
ACTIVE USERS (2015–2017):

Total users (2017): 1M
*2015 number not published by PayPal
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                    35

Consumer profiles in China

MOBILE SAVANT                                          MOBILE TOE-DIPPER

38%                                                               6%

                                                                                                   Percentage of internet-
                                                                                                   connected population
42%                                                              14%                               using the internet
CONFIDENT CONSUMER                                     MOBILE IRREGULAR

4.6                               87%                              2.8%                            14%
cards in circulation per capita   increase in banked               of all transactions made on a   of website traffic to
                                  populations                      mobile device                   merchants is cross-border
China’s rapid adoption of
financial cards for payments      China, together with India,      China leads all researched      A relatively higher percentage
and financial services to large   accounted for nearly 90%         markets in mobile commerce.     of traffic to the biggest
portions of its population has    of all global population         Two-thirds of households        merchants in China comes
contributed to the creation of    movement from being              have smartphone users,          from outside the country.
some of the largest payment       unbanked to getting a            and they have a high            Fourteen percent comes
players in the market. These      bank account between             proportion of technically       from outside China, primarily
companies are now expanding       2012 and 2017.                   savvy consumers who want        Taiwan, Hong Kong, the US,
throughout the region into                                         to buy online.                  and India.
previously underserved areas.     Digital wallet outlook:
                                  Excellent -- banked              Digital wallet outlook:         Digital wallet outlook:
Digital wallet outlook:           consumers, card adoption,        Excellent -- digital commerce   Excellent -- promoting
Excellent -- there are powerful   and a growing payment            is rising rapidly across the    cross-border payments can
opportunities for digital         infrastructure is vital for      country, with significant       incentivize consumers who
wallet uptake. Providers such     digital wallet growth and        growth in mobile commerce       purchase internationally.
as Alipay have paved the way      acceptance.                      payments.
for consumers to seek out
and merchants to integrate
more digital wallet options.
2018 Global Payments Report                                              36

India                              India remains a low-income, cash-
                                   based society with limited internet
                                   connectivity especially in rural
                                   regions. This has led to a low
                                   uptake in digital commerce overall.
                                   Fortunately, things are changing in
                                   urban areas and consumers there
                                   are adopting digital payments which
GDP:                               makes the cities and towns ideal
                                   areas for digital wallet growth.
USD trillion



of internet-connected population


                                   DIGITAL WALLET
                                   OPPORTUNITY RANK:

                                   (Out of 64)                35
ACTIVE USERS (2015–2017):

Total users (2017): 630K
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                       37

Consumer profiles in India

MOBILE SAVANT                                          MOBILE TOE-DIPPER

32%                                                                7%

                                                                                                     Percentage of internet-
                                                                                                     connected population
44%                                                                18%                               using the internet
CONFIDENT CONSUMER                                      MOBILE IRREGULAR

100%                              0.5%                              87%                              $1,900
of major online merchants         of consumers use the internet     increase in banked               per capita income
already offer digital wallets     to buy products                   populations
                                                                                                     Low salaries and disposable
All of the top 30 largest         Digital commerce is not yet a     Between 2012 and 2017,           income mean that online
digital commerce merchants        major consideration for Indian    India, together with China,      shopping for expensive or
in India provide digital wallet   consumers. A cash culture         accounted for nearly 90%         luxury items is out of reach
options to consumers.             hinders the rapid uptake of       of all global population         for many consumers. Only a
                                  online shopping, although         movement from being              third of Indians are currently
Digital wallet outlook:           government demonetization         unbanked to getting a bank       connected to the internet.
Good -- consumers are             is encouraging card uptake.       account. The number of POS
already familiar with using                                         terminals in the region has      Digital wallet outlook:
digital wallets.                  Digital wallet outlook:           increased by 22.5 million over   Caution -- economic and
                                  Caution -- it is important to     the last few years.              income standards limit
                                  see how digital commerce                                           potential online payment
                                  grows in India over the next      Digital wallet outlook:          growth.
                                  few years.                        Excellent -- banked
                                                                    consumers, card adoption,
                                                                    and a growing payment
                                                                    infrastructure are vital for
                                                                    digital wallet growth and
2018 Global Payments Report                                             38

Japan                              Japan is an attractive country
                                   for digital wallet expansion.
                                   A combination of a strong digital
                                   infrastructure, a government-
                                   driven move away from a cash
                                   culture, and a high proportion
                                   of technically savvy consumers
                                   provides a fertile environment for
GDP:                               digital wallet uptake. This needs
                                   to be balanced with Japan’s aging
$4.87                              population and concerns over
USD trillion
                                   digital payments and security.


of internet-connected population


                                   DIGITAL WALLET
                                   OPPORTUNITY RANK:

                                   (Out of 64)                 18
ACTIVE USERS (2015–2017):

Total users (2017): 2M
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                                                 39

Consumer profiles in Japan

MOBILE SAVANT                                       MOBILE TOE-DIPPER

1%                                                             32%

                                                                                                             Percentage of internet-
                                                                                                             connected population
                                                                                                             using the internet

16%                                                            51%                 Japanese people tend to underreport their behaviors on almost every kind
                                                                                   of survey. They regularly show up in global surveys with results far different
                                                                                   (and usually lower) than other developed countries. Any market research
CONFIDENT CONSUMER                                   MOBILE IRREGULAR              and planning for Japanese consumers should take this into account.

58%                             40%                             29%                                          17%
of households have              of transactions planned to      of Japanese consumers                        mobile payment growth in
smartphone users                be cashless by 2020             already use the internet                     2016 is lower than elsewhere
                                                                to make purchases                            in the APAC region
Japan has an extremely          The Japanese government
effective and mature digital,   is pushing consumers away       Digital commerce is already                  Despite a well-established
broadband, and mobile           from cash and wants 40% of      a well-understood and                        digital infrastructure, mobile
infrastructure. This results    all consumer transactions       accepted way to purchase                     commerce lags behind the
in extremely high internet      to be cashless over the next    goods and services in Japan.                 rest of the region. This is
usage and a majority of the     few years. This is strongly                                                  due to a combination of low
population under age 60         supported by increasing card    Digital wallet outlook:                      smartphone penetration
having a smartphone.            adoption in the country.        Excellent -- merchants can                   among seniors (60+), security
                                                                market to technically-savvy                  concerns among consumers,
Digital wallet outlook:         Digital wallet outlook:         consumers and highlight the                  and the maturity of other
Excellent -- a mature digital   Excellent -- policies and       convenience and speed of                     payment options, such as
environment is key to           legislation are encouraging     digital wallet payments.                     cards and contactless.
strong growth and digital       lower-cost payment
wallet usage, especially on     platforms, which merchants                                                   Digital wallet outlook:
smartphones.                    offering digital wallets can                                                 Caution -- marketing should
                                take advantage of.                                                           be aimed at non-senior
                                                                                                             consumers and should
                                                                                                             focus on the security and
                                                                                                             confidentiality of digital
                                                                                                             wallet usage.
2018 Global Payments Report                                                  40

South Korea                        Perhaps more than any other
                                   country, South Korea is ideal for
                                   rapid and widespread digital wallet
                                   adoption. This is driven by the
                                   combination of several factors, such
                                   as a powerful, robust, and innovative
                                   digital infrastructure; technologically
                                   comfortable, educated consumers;
GDP:                               the widespread use of debit
                                   and credit cards; and a growing
$1.53                              acceptance of mobile commerce
USD trillion
                                   and smart-device transactions. This
POPULATION:                        is also supported by the government
                                   allowing some tax deductions if
50,976,500                         consumers make payments with
                                   debit or credit cards.

of internet-connected population


                                   DIGITAL WALLET
                                   OPPORTUNITY RANK:

                                   (Out of 64)                  10
ACTIVE USERS (2015–2017):

Total users (2017): 560K
2018 Global Payments Report                                                                                                 41

Consumer profiles in South Korea

MOBILE SAVANT                                         MOBILE TOE-DIPPER

18%                                                               9%

                                                                                                Percentage of internet-
                                                                                                connected population
51%                                                              22%                            using the internet
CONFIDENT CONSUMER                                     MOBILE IRREGULAR

5.2                              62%                              59%                           6%
credit and debit cards           of households have               of South Korean consumers     of transactions are made
per person                       smartphone users                 buy products and services     on mobile devices
South Korea has one of the       South Korea has an extremely                                   Not only are South Korean
highest proportions of card      effective and mature digital,    Digital commerce is already   consumers used to buying
usage in the world, with         broadband, and mobile            a well-understood and         online, they are also
specialized card, loyalty, and   infrastructure. This results     accepted way to purchase      becoming increasingly
reward programs marketed         in very high internet usage.     goods and services in         comfortable using
and targeted to distinct         The country has perhaps          South Korea.                  smartphones and tablets
segments of the population.      the fastest broadband in the                                   to make purchases.
Cards are widely used and        world and is rapidly adopting    Digital wallet outlook:
accepted as a convenient         5G technology for mobile and     Excellent -- merchants can    Digital wallet outlook:
payment method.                  Internet of Things devices.      market to technically-savvy   Excellent -- mobile commerce
                                                                  consumers and highlight the   users particularly benefit
Digital wallet outlook:          Digital wallet outlook:          convenience and speed of      from the speed and efficiency
Excellent -- plenty of choice    Excellent -- a mature digital    digital wallet payments.      of digital wallets.
in the card market means that    environment is key to
South Koreans are moving         strong ecommerce growth
away from cash and receive       and digital wallet usage,
tax incentives for doing so.     especially on smartphones.
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