Bulletin The 2018 - 2019 OFSAA Championship Calendar 2018 OFSAA Conference 2018 Character Athlete Awards - 2019 OFSAA Championship Calendar 2018 ...

Page created by Beth Strickland
Bulletin The 2018 - 2019 OFSAA Championship Calendar 2018 OFSAA Conference 2018 Character Athlete Awards - 2019 OFSAA Championship Calendar 2018 ...
WINTER 2018 CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS                                   SPRING 2018


  2018 - 2019 OFSAA

  2018 Character
  Athlete Awards

  2018 OFSAA

                        EDUCATION THROUGH SCHOOL SPORT
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Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations
305 Milner Avenue, Suite 207 Toronto, Ontario M1B 3V4                                         Website: www.ofsaa.on.ca
Phone: (416) 426-7391
Publications Mail Agreement Number: 40050378
Executive Director                        Doug Gellatly                 P:   416.426.7438              doug@ofsaa.on.ca
Sport Manager                             Shamus Bourdon                P:   416.426.7440              shamus@ofsaa.on.ca
Program Manager                           Denise Perrier                P:   416.426.7436              denise@ofsaa.on.ca
Communications Coordinator                Pat Park                      P:   416.426.7437              pat@ofsaa.on.ca
Operations Coordinator                    Beth Hubbard                  P:   416.426.7439              beth@ofsaa.on.ca
Sport Coordinator                         Peter Morris                  P:   905.826.0706              morrisis@sympatico.ca
Sport Coordinator                         Jim Barbeau                   P:   613.962.0148              jim@ofsaa.on.ca
Sport Coordinator                         Brian Riddell                 P:   416.904.6796              brian@ofsaa.on.ca

President                      Jennifer Knox, Kenner CI                 P:   705.743.2181              jennifer_knox@kprdsb.ca
Past President                 Ian Press, Bayside SS                    P:   613.966.2922              ipress@hpedsb.on.ca
Vice President                 Nick Rowe, York Memorial CI              P:   416.394.3000              nick.rowe@tdsb.on.ca
Metro Region                   Patty Johnson, CHAT                      P:   416.636.5984              djpj@rogers.com
East Region                    Kendra Read, All Saints HS               P:   613.271.4254 x 5          kendra.read@ocsb.ca
West Region                    Michele Van Bargen, Strathroy DCI        P:   519.245.8488              m.vanbargen@tvdsb.on.ca
South Region                   Rob Thompson, St Aloysius Gonzaga        P:   905.820.3900              rob.thompson@dpcdsb.org
Central Region                 Shawn Morris, Stephen Lewis SS           P:   905.326.7994              shawn.morris@yrdsb.ca
North Region                   Tim Lowe, ES Algonquin                   P:   705.472.8240              lowet@franco-nord.ca
CODE                           Jamie McKinnon, Bruce-Grey CDSB          P:   519.364.5820              jamie_mckinnon@bgcdsb.org
CODE                           Jim Costello, Lambton-Kent DSB           P:   519.336.1500              costelji@lkdsb.net
CODE                           André Blais                              P:   416.397.6564              ablais@cscmonavenir.ca
Member-at-Large                Dale Huddleston                          P:   613.389.4910              gronk13@hotmail.com
Member-at-Large                Barry Mutrie                             P:   519.270.4461              barry.cwossa@gmail.com

CISAA                          Fraser Bertram, Crescent School          P:   416.449.2556              fbertram@crescentschool.org
                               Jane King, Bishop Strachan School        P:   416.483.4325              jking@bss.on.ca
COSSA                          Brian Poste, North Hastings DHS          P:   613.332.1220              bposte@hpedsb.on.ca
                               Leslie Creedon, IE Weldon SS             P:   705.324.3585   x 19017    leslie.creedon@tldsb.on.ca
CWOSSA                         Johnny Forte, Cameron Heights CI         P:   519.578.8330              johnny_forte@wrdsb.ca
                               Pamela Robinson, Simcoe Composite        P:   519.426.4664   x 501240   pamela.robinson@granderie.ca
EOSSAA                         Suchetan James, Frontenac SS.            P:   613.389.2130              jamess@limestone.on.ca
                               Tammy Bovaird, Notre Dame CHS            P:   613.253.4700              tammy.bovaird@cdsbeo.on.ca
GBSSA                          Val Hargreaves, Eastview SS              P:   705.728.1321              vhargreaves@scdsb.on.ca
                               Steve Porter, Barrie North CI            P:   705.726.1846              sporter@scdsb.on.ca
GHAC                           Mark Freeman, Notre Dame CSS             P:   905.335.1544              freemanm@hcdsb.org
                               Carolyn Mossey, St. Jean de Brebeuf SS   P:   905.388.7020              mosseyc@hwcdsb.on.ca
LOSSA                          Brad White, Ajax HS                      P:   905.683.1610              brad_white@ddsb.ca
                               Linda Correia, Dunbarton HS              P:   905.839.1125              Linda_correia@ddsb.ca
NCSSAA                         Sean Clancy, Gloucester HS               P:   613.745.7176              sean.clancy@ocdsb.ca
                               Kendra Read, All Saints CHS              P:   613.271.4254              kendra.read@ocsb.ca
NEOAA                          John Elliot, Timmins HS                  P:   705.361.1411              john.elliott@dsb1.ca
                               Anita Anderson, Englehart HS             P:   705.544.2337              anita.anderson@dsb1.ca
NOSSA                          Tim Lowe, ES Algonquin                   P:   705.472.8240              lowet@franco-nord.ca
                               Kim Chezzi, Lively District SS           P:   705.692.3671              chezzik@rainbowschools.com
NWOSSAA                        David McCallum, Westgate CVI             P:   807.577.4251              david_mccallum@lakeheadschools.ca
                               Janine Lavoie, Queen Elizabeth DHS       P:   807.737.3500              janine.lavoie@kpdsb.on.ca
ROPSSAA                        Rob Thompson, St Aloysius Gonzaga        P:   905.820.3900              rob.thompson@dpcdsb.org
                               Kelly Gouveia, Fletcher’s Meadow         P:   905.495.2675   x 424      kelly.gouveia@peelsb.com
SOSSA                          Bob Gardiner, Dundas Valley SS           P:   905.628.2203              rgardine@hwdsb.on.ca
                               Christine Baillie, Stamford Collegiate   P:   905.354.7409              baillie_sossa@hotmail.com
SWOSSAA                        James Clarke, John McGregor              P:   519.354.1740   x 11655    james.clarke@lkdsb.net
                               Denise Hebert, Assumption College        P:   519.256.7801              denise_hebert@wecdsb.on.ca
TDCAA                          Paul Solarski, Brebeuf College           P:   416.393.5508              paul.solarski@tcdsb.org
                               Patty Johnson, CHAT                      P:   416.636.5984              djpj@rogers.com
TDSSAA                         George Kourtis, Toronto DSB              P:   416.396.6000              george.kourtis@tdsb.on.ca
                               David Purchas, Harbord CI                P:   416.393.1650              david.purchas@tdsb.on.ca
                               Jacquie Doggett, Weston Collegiate       P:   416.394.3270              jacqueline.doggett@tdsb.on.ca
                               Leeanne Larabie, Greenwood SS            P:   416.393.0744              leeanne.larabie@tdsb.on.ca
WOSSAA                         Tim Clayton, Mother Teresa CSS           P:   519.675.4433              tclayton@ldcsb.ca
                               Michele Van Bargen, Strathroy DCI        P:   519.245.8488              m.vanbargen@tvdsb.ca
YRAA                           Shawn Morris, Stephen Lewis SS           P:   905.326.7994              shawn.morris@yrdsb.ca
                               Liana Williams, Milliken Mills HS        P:   905.477.0072              lianawilliams@yrdsb.ca
Ministry of Education          Debra Cormier                            P: 416.314.4587                debra.cormier@ontario.ca
Ministry of Tourism, Culture   Marie Dannhaeuser                        P: 416.314.5324                marie.dannhaeuser@ontario.ca
and Sport
Bulletin The 2018 - 2019 OFSAA Championship Calendar 2018 OFSAA Conference 2018 Character Athlete Awards - 2019 OFSAA Championship Calendar 2018 ...

   12                                                                                                                                 43
Executive Director Letter....................................2          FESTIVAL RESULTS
OFSAA NEWS                                                              Gymnastics.......................................................21-22
News from the AGM..........................................4            Snowboarding...................................................23
In Memoriam - Larry Bobbie..............................4               EVENTS
Age Classifications 2018-19..............................5              2018-19 OFSAA Championship Calendar.........24-25
Transfer Appeal Meeting Dates 2018-19............5
OFSAA Social Spotlight.....................................5            CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS
School Sport Canada Online Courses................6                     Badminton........................................................26
Coaching in Ontario Schools (CIOS) .................6                   Boys’ A Basketball.............................................27
Thank You For Your Dedication..........................7                Boys’ AA Basketball...........................................28
Prayers For Humboldt........................................7           Boys’ AAA Basketball.........................................29
CIAAA...............................................................7   Curling.............................................................30-31
OFSAA Invitational Sanctioning for 2018-19 .....8                       Boys’ A/AA Hockey............................................32
Sanctioned Invitationals for 2018-19.................8                  Boys’ AAA Hockey.............................................33
A Mini OFSAA Alumni Reunion..........................8                  Girls’ A/AA Hockey...........................................34
OFSAA Announces Partnerships ........................9                  Girls’ AAA Hockey.............................................35
Please Support OFSAA’s School Sport Sponsors.. 9                        Alpine Skiing.....................................................36-37
Making Head Way.............................................10          Nordic Skiing....................................................38
Royals Honour Memory of Bondy.......................11                  Swimming.........................................................39-43
OFSAA Try Day 2018-19...................................12              Girls’ A Volleyball..............................................44
OFSAA Try Day 2018-19...................................12              Girls’ AA Volleyball............................................45
Pickleball at Crestwood SS.................................13           Girls’ AAA Volleyball.........................................46
OFSAA Strategic Plan 2018-2021......................14                  Wrestling..........................................................47
Transfer Policy...................................................15
2018 OFSAA Conference..................................16               Photograpy credits
                                                                        Front Cover - Gerry Angus Photography, Athlete - Ben Harris
SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS                                                   Back Cover - Melissa Fay
2017-18 Pete Beach Award Winners..................17
2018-19 OFSAA Alumni Scholarships................17                                                    Thank you to the Ontario Ministry
                                                                                                       of Tourism, Culture and Sport and
‘KidSport’ Grants 2018-19................................18
                                                                                                       the Ministry of Education for their
Ontario Volunteer Service Awards.....................19                                                generous contributions and support.
Character Athlete Awards 2017-18...................20

                                                                                                                         www.ofsaa.on.ca            1
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A Word from Doug Gellatly,
                               OFSAA Executive Director
                                                     Beginning this spring and continuing into the next school
                                                     year, OFSAA will release a series of four short videos
                                                     titled The School Sport Effect that capture the incredible
                                                     benefits of sport at the high school level. These videos
                                                     were produced under the direction of our advocacy
                                                     committee and the leadership of its Chair, Barry Mutrie.
                                                   We are very excited about this project because it
                                                   addresses a number of key areas. When we conducted a
                                                   survey as part of our strategic planning process, a wide
                               variety of groups were invited to respond including coaches, athletic directors,
                               school administrators, school board administrators and students. A number
                               of common issues and themes emerged from the survey responses such
                               as problems with coach recruitment, declining student interest and lack of
                               support from administration.
                               The videos, which are all about 60 seconds in length, address all of these
                               areas and provide an emotional connection to the viewer. OFSAA will make
                               them widely available to schools and associations to use at trustee meetings,
                               staff meetings, grade eight nights, grade nine orientation and student council
                               meetings, among other opportunities. They will also be distributed through
                               social media channels and other digital promotion means as well as on the
                               OFSAA website.
                               Here is a brief description of each of the four videos.
                               “Dear Coach”
                               Targets coach recruitment by recognizing the sacrifices coaches make and the
                               appreciation felt by students for the efforts of coaches. It also encourages student
                               participation by communicating that school sport helps them prepare for life.
                               “Dear Mom and Dad”
                               Aimed primarily at parents and conveys the message that school sport can provide
                               a meaningful experience if their child participates. This will also resonate with the
                               public and other audiences. The message is backed up by factual statistics.
                               “Dear Student”
                               Main audience is students and acknowledges the barriers to participation
                               while encouraging engagement in school sport. It also draws attention to
                               the benefits that coaching can provide to teachers who volunteer their time.
                               “Success Stories”
                               The target audience is school and board administrations and trustees. The
                               video reinforces the value of school sport through statistics and success stories
                               by featuring a wide-range of professionals from across all walks of life who
                               played school sports. The content is supported by research.
                               These have all been professionally produced by Clark Communications and
                               are valuable tools your school will find very useful. Please don’t hesitate to
                               contact our office should you require background and the key speaking points
                               that can assist in your presentations of the videos.

                               Doug Gellatly

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News from the AGM
    Transfer Policy                                           Sport Playing Regulations
    Students may be eligible when returning to their          1. New regulation concerning OFSAA Nordic Skiing.
    school after attending another school for less than one      All coaches, teachers, wax technicians, athletes and
    school year. The student must not have participated          parents are respectfully asked to abide by a self-
    in interschool sport while attending the other school.       governed protocol on waxing, as follows: a) Only
    See section b (iii) of the transfer policy.                  low-flouro and non-flouro waxes are to be used on
                                                                 student-athlete’s skis.
                                                              2. New regulations concerning the ‘Open’ division
                                                                 in OFSAA Golf. Definition of an Open golfer: “A
                                                                 student-athlete who has competed in a provincial
                                                                 or national tournament within the past 12
                                                                 months outside of the high school program, shall
                                                                 be classified as an Open participant within the
                                                                 individual division.”

                                                                           In Memoriam
                                                                                       Larry Bobbie
                                                                                       1945 - 2018

                                                                                              OFSAA was saddened
                                                                                              to learn of the passing
                                                                                              of Larry Bobbie on
                                                                                              January 9, 2018. For
                                                                                              nearly 40 years, Larry
                                                                                              coached high school
                                                                                              badminton at Korah
                                                                                              Collegiate & Vocational
                                                                                              School and Sir James
                                                                                              Dunn Collegiate and
                                                                                              Vocational School in
                                                                                              Sault Ste. Marie.
                                                                          Known by some as ‘Mr. Badminton’,
                                                                          the longtime teacher, coach, guidance
                                                                          counsellor and mentor was a recipient of
                                                                          OFSAA’s Leadership In School Sport Award
                                                                          in 1993. The positive role model convened
                                                                          OFSAA and NOSSA badminton events and
                                                                          was a chair of the Sport Advisory Committee
                                                                          (SAC) for OFSAA Badminton.
                                                                          OFSAA extends our heartfelt condolences
                                                                          to Larry’s wife, Darlene, and the entire
                                                                          Bobbie family at this difficult time.

Bulletin The 2018 - 2019 OFSAA Championship Calendar 2018 OFSAA Conference 2018 Character Athlete Awards - 2019 OFSAA Championship Calendar 2018 ...
  Age Classifications for the                                     2018-19 Transfer Appeal
  2018-19 School Year                                             Meeting Dates
  For the 2018-19 school year, a Midget will be born in
                                                                  Meeting Date                Deadline for Applications
  2004 or later and may only compete at OFSAA in the              Thurs., Oct. 4, 2018        Mon., Sept. 24, 2018
  Midget category for one year in Grade 9. A Junior will be       Thurs., Nov. 1, 2018        Wed., Oct. 17, 2018
  born in 2003 or 2004 and a Senior will be born in 1999          Tues., Dec. 11, 2018        Mon., Nov. 26, 2018
  or later.                                                       Thurs., Feb. 21, 2019       Wed., Feb. 6, 2019
                                                                  Thurs., Apr. 18, 2019       Wed., Apr. 3, 2019
  1998 or earlier          Ineligible
  1999                     Senior                                 To appeal to an Association decision, please call the
                                                                  OFSAA office and give the name of the student and
  2000                     Senior                                 school, as well as the name of the principal. Please
  2001                     Senior                                 see the deadline dates posted above.
  2002                     Senior
                                                                  A letter will be sent to the student, c/o the principal,
  2003/04                  Junior                                 stating the date, time and location of the appeal
  2004                     Midget                                 hearing. The letter will outline what information the
                                                                  student must provide prior to the meeting date.
  How old was the student on January 1, 2018?
                                                                  OFSAA will be hosting a transfer policy workshop on
  Years of eligibility                                            September 14 in the GTA. This is ideal for association
                                                                  transfer chairs, association executives, athletic
  Coaches and students are reminded that students are             coordinators, school athletic directors, or anyone
  eligible for no more than five consecutive years from date      involved with transfer policy decisions. Contact Doug
  of entry into Grade 9. There is no appeal to this rule.         Gellatly at doug@ofsaa.on.ca for more information.

OFSAA Social Spotlight
Keep up to date with OFSAA news, photos, videos, championship information, scholarships, conferences, and
much more, by following OFSAA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat and YouTube!

 facebook.com/OFSAA      twitter.com/OFSAA   instagram.com/OFSAAGRAM           RealOFSAA            youtube.com/OFSAA

Follow individual championship results with live updates from OFSAA Championship twitter accounts.
Updates and pics right from the source!
@OFSAASnow                     @OFSAABadmnton                  @OFSAABaseball                     @OFSAABasketball
@OFSAAXC                       @OFSAACurling                   @OFSAAGirlsFH                      @OFSAALacrosse
@OFSAAFootball                 @OFSAAGolf                      @OFSAABoyHockey                    @OFSAAGirlHockey
@OFSAABoySoccer                @OFSAAGirlSoccer                @OFSAARugby                        @OFSAASwimming
@OFSAATennis                   @OFSAATrack                     @OFSAAVBall                        @OFSAAWrestling

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School Sport Canada Online Courses
                               School Sport Canada currently offers a number of online courses to benefit high school
                               coaches (some of which are offered at no cost!). All courses allow participants to work
                               at their own pace including the ability to save work and return to the course until it is
                               complete. Although these courses are not NCCP certified, participants will be provided
                               a certificate of completion.
    Courses can be accessed through www.schoolcoach.ca or through the OFSAA website under “Programs.” The
    following courses are being offered:
    All courses have an introductory video which provides a detailed overview of the course.

    Athletic Injury Management                                 Engaging Effectively with Parents - FREE
    A course designed to give you an understanding of          Course participants learn essential and effective
    athletic injury management.                                communication techniques and methods for interacting
                                                               with parents and guardians.
    This course is designed to prepare you, the
    interscholastic teacher-coach, for all situations that     Fundamentals of Coaching
    participation in high-school athletics could encompass.    *This course is comparable to OFSAA’s Coaching in
                                                               Ontario Schools but does not include the Ontario
    Concussion in Sports - What You Need To Know - FREE
                                                               specific elements and is not NCCP accredited.
    Sports-related concussion in high school sports can
    be serious or even life-threatening situations if not      A Grassroots Course Focusing on Critical Skills and
    managed correctly.                                         Understanding Athlete Needs; a Must for All Coaches.
    National Federation of State High School Associations      Legal Course for Coaches -FREE
    (NFHS) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention      A course designed to give you an understanding of
    (CDC) have teamed up to provide information and            legal issues in sports.
    resources to help educate coaches, officials, parents
                                                               Teaching & Modeling Behaviour
    and students on the importance of proper concussion
                                                               A course designed to teach coaches how to proactively
    recognition and management in high school sports.
                                                               modify and encourage good sportsmanship.
    This is a FREE Course!
                                                               Tobacco - “Be the NORM” - FREE
                                                               A course designed to give students and coaches an
                                                               understanding of the negative effects of tobacco use.
                                                               This is a FREE Course.

      Coaching in Ontario Schools (CIOS)
                                               CIOS is a program developed by the Coaching Association of Canada
                                               and the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Association to give
                                               teacher-coaches and community volunteers the special skill-set they
                                               need to coach effectively in the school environment.

                                               OFSAA is looking to host “National CIOS Day” and offer a workshop
                                               in each association on September 11th, 2018, from 3:30pm-7pm.
                                               This workshop is great for any OFSAA coaches or for those schools
                                               that have an increased number of community coaches and need to
                                               be aware of OFSAA policies. CIOS also provides participants with
                                               three PD points to maintain NCCP certification.

                                               Let’s look to educate more volunteers, teachers and coaches and we
                                               can do that through the CIOS! If you are interested in hosting on this
                                               National CIOS Day or offering a workshop at your school (this course
                                               is offered in both English & French), please contact Denise Perrier at
                                               denise@ofsaa.on.ca or 416-426-7436.

Bulletin The 2018 - 2019 OFSAA Championship Calendar 2018 OFSAA Conference 2018 Character Athlete Awards - 2019 OFSAA Championship Calendar 2018 ...
Thank You For Your Dedication!
At OFSAA’s Annual General Meeting in April, three outgoing volunteers were recognized for their outstanding
service and dedication.
Jane King of Bishop Strachan School is departing as Association Representative for CISAA. Christine Baillie
of Stamford Collegiate is leaving her post as Association Representative for SOSSA and Dale Huddleston has
completed his term as Member-at-Large on OFSAA’s Executive Council.
Thank you all for your many contributions to OFSAA and school sport!

Jane King and Fraser Bertram          Scott Barr (Principal Rep, SOSSA)      Ian Press (OFSAA Past President)
(Director Of Athletics, Crescent      and Christine Baillie                  and Dale Huddleston (right)
School, CISAA)


OFSAA’s thought and prayers continue to be with the families and the entire community of Humboldt,
Saskatchewan. At OFSAA’s Annual General Meeting on April 12, the entire membership proudly took part
in “Jersey Day” as a display of support for the #HumboldtStrong cause.

 Canadian Interscholastic Athletic
 Administrators Association – CIAAA
                             This is a joint venture between OFSAA and the Canadian Interscholastic Athletic
                             Administrators Association that promotes, supports and trains existing and aspiring
                             Athletic Directors/Coordinators
                             3 courses (502c; Principles, Strategies and Methods, 504c; Legal Issues 1 and 602c;
                             Creating Your Athletic Handbook) are being offered through OFSAA.
                             Check out the CIAAA website at www.ciaa.ca or if you are interested in hosting a course
                             in your area, please contact Denise Perrier at denise@ofsaa.on.ca or 416-426-7436.

                                                                                                 www.ofsaa.on.ca           7
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    Individual schools bear the responsibility of submitting        IF YOU ARE ATTENDING AN EVENT IN THE USA, your
    timely and accurate requests for OFSAA Sanctioning if           school must receive OFSAA Sanctioning for all state
    they wish to attend or host invitational events. Requests       and National Federation of High School (NFHS) events.
    must be received at least 30 days prior to taking part          Since many events do not specifically indicate whether
    in or hosting such an event. OFSAA Sanctioning requires         the event is sanctioned or not, it is wise to obtain OFSAA
    that all competitors are OFSAA eligible and that                Sanctioning for all US events.
    supervision requirements are met by each school who
    wishes to take part.                                            IF YOU ARE HOSTING A MEET OR TOURNAMENT,
                                                                    schools from the USA or other Canadian provinces must
    APPLICATION FORMS to either host or attend invitational         receive sanctioning from the host state or province, so it
    events are to be completed on-line and can be found             is recommended that you receive OFSAA sanctioning for
    at: ofsaa.on.ca/events/sanctioned-events                        your event if it involves any school(s) from outside Ontario.
                                                                    Failure to do so may result in a team being sanctioned by
    IF YOU ARE TAKING PART IN AN INTERPROVINCIAL                    their state or province when they return home.
    COMPETITION, your school must receive OFSAA
    Sanctioning in order to participate. OFSAA has reciprocal       If you want to know if the invitational event or meet that
    agreements with the other provincial high school                you want to attend/host has been sanctioned by OFSAA,
    sport organizations that will protect the integrity of          please go to ofsaa.on.ca/events/sanctioned-events/
    interprovincial events.                                         approved-team-sanctions or the NFHS site at nfhs.org.

     CROSS COUNTRY                            Crusader Cup Boys’ Christmas Extravaganza   Boys’ & Girls’ Junior Crusader Cup
     Gryphon/Charger Pre-Meet                 London, ON                                  London, ON
     Christie Conservation Area               December 14/15, 2018                        March 26, 2019
     Dundas, ON                               Convenor: Wendy Glover                      Convenors: Wendy Glover & Mike Chaney
     October 3, 2018                          wglover@ldcsb.ca                            wglover@ldcsb.ca & mike.chaney@rogers.com
     Convenors: Michael Smith & Steve Moran   Gator Boys’ Invitational                    Gator Junior Boys’ Invitational
     msmith@hwdsb.on.ca or morans@hdsb.ca     Port Colborne, ON                           Port Colborne, ON
                                              January 8/9, 2019                           April 2/3, 2019
     HOCKEY                                   Convenor: Steve Sim                         Convenor: Steve Sim
     Lady Crusader Girls’ Tournament          stephen.sim@ncdsb.com                       Stephen.sim@ncdsb.com
     London, ON
     December 4/5, 2018                       35th Annual Bur Bear Boys’ Invitational
     Convenor: Wendy Glover                   Burlington, ON
     wglover@ldcsb.ca                         February 7 -9, 2019
                                              Convenor: Zach Hogan

    A Mini OFSAA Alumni Reunion
                                                                                      The North Bay Memorial Gardens
                                                                                      hosted the 2018 World Women’s Curling
                                                                                      Championship in March and it was the
                                                                                      perfect occasion for this group of longtime
                                                                                      OFSAA colleagues and friends to reunite.
                                                                                      Pictured left to right: Diana Ranken
                                                                                      (former OFSAA assistant director and
                                                                                      current TRYDay Coordinator), Heather
                                                                                      Chambers (constitutional review chair),
                                                                                      Bonnie Glover (past chair of constitutional
                                                                                      review committee), Anne MacDonald (past
                                                                                      president of OFSAA) and Jean Goodrow
                                                                                      (past GBSSA rep).
                                                                                      Photo courtesy of Heather Chambers.

    OFSAA is pleased to announce two new partnerships that will see Baden serve as the official football and Molten
    as the official basketball of OFSAA. The partnership takes effect beginning in the 2018-19 school year.
    Molten - Basketball                                      Baden - Football
    OFSAA and Molten are pleased                             Baden Sports and OFSAA are happy
    to announce a new three-year                             to announce a new multi-year
    partnership that will see Molten serve                   sponsorship as the federation’s official
    as the official basketball of OFSAA.                     football supplier. The new agreement
                                                             introduces Baden’s most advanced
    The new agreement introduces
                                                             football - the F7000L and F9C - as the official balls to
    Molten’s GG X-Series Basketballs - as
                                                             be used exclusively in all OFSAA-sanctioned football
    the official ball to be used exclusively in all OFSAA-
    sanctioned boys and girls basketball championships
    and events.                                              “Baden has already been a great partner for us in
                                                             volleyball and we’re excited to work with them as our
    OFSAA encourages schools to also use the Molten ball
                                                             football partner,” said Denise Perrier, Program Manager
    for league play.
                                                             OFSAA. “Our Football Bowls will benefit greatly from
    SPECIAL:                                                 the support of Baden and it will be exciting to see them
                                                             use the F Series football.”
    Buy 5 and and get 1 free on the: BGG7X and BGG6X
                                                             Schools have the ability to purchase 10 and get 2 free
                                                             in the first year of the agreement when they purchase
                                                             either the FX400, F9C and or the F7000L (must be all
                                                             the same ball).

Please Support OFSAA’s School Sport Sponsors
OFSAA is fortunate to have several companies supporting school sport in Ontario. Official equipment has been play-
tested and endorsed by experienced teacher-coaches. Please support these sponsors by using their products.

Cross Country and Track and Field                              Volleyball
Nike                                                           Baden
Official sponsor                                               • Official volleyball of OFSAA:
                                                                    Baden VCOR,
• Official racquet of OFSAA:B500,
                                                               • Official soccer ball of OFSAA:
    B600 DF, B7000 DF+
                                                                   Molten F5G 4800 official game
•    Official shuttlecocks of OFSAA:                               ball
     Mavis 350, Mavis 300, Mavis 7
Black Knight                                                   Westmont Hospitality Group
• Official badminton eyewear                                   • Official hotel partner of OFSAA
    provider of OFSAA
                                                               Character Athlete Award
• Official footballs of OFSAA:
                                                               • Official sponsor
    F7000L & F9C
Basketball                                                     Gilbert
Molten                                                         •   Official rugby ball of OFSAA
• Official basketball of OFSAA:
    GG-X Series

                                                                                                     www.ofsaa.on.ca        9
                                The Coaching Association of
                                Canada is offering free online
                                courses (sport-specific and generic)
                                designed to help you gain the
                                knowledge and skills required to
                                ensure the safety of your athletes.
                                These NCCP Professional
                                Development modules - called
                                Making Head Way, Concussion
                                eLearning Series - will make you
                                concussion smart!
                                To access the courses, please go to:
                                                  Rowan’s Law
                                                  Safety), 2018,
                                                  received Royal
                                Assent on March 7, 2018. The
                                Law is intended to transform the
                                manner in which concussions are
                                managed in amateur competitive
                                sport in Ontario.

Royals Honour Memory of Bondy at OFSAA
Girls’ A Volleyball Championship
By Jim Parker, Windsor Star
                             It wasn’t a gold medal          No. 14 on the sleeve.
                             chase     that    inspired
                                                             The Royals also kept her in mind. The official logo
                             the Lajeunesse Royals.
                                                             for the tournament features the Windsor skyline in all
                             Hosting the OFSAA girls’
                                                             black with a purple star with the number 14 on the
                             A volleyball championship,
                                                             right side.
                             a young Lajeunesse squad
                             knew it was a longshot          “We decided to dedicate this OFSAA to her because
                             to make it to the podium,       OFSAA was her dream,” said Lapierre, who along
                             but the 15th seeded             with her players wore a white ribbon on her wrist with
                             Royals wanted to put in a       Bondy’s initials and number. “She really wanted to
                             performance that would          fight until OFSAA was here. She wanted to be here
                             make former team captain        with us, no matter what, and unfortunately she didn’t
                             Lauren Bondy proud.             have the chance to be here physically, so we made
                                                             sure she was in other ways.”
                            Bondy lost her battle with
                            cancer in December at the        Before each game, the Royals emerged from the
                            age of 16 and getting back       dressing room and went past a sign that read, ‘Do It
                            on the court and back into       for Lauren.’
action was no easy feat for the Royals.
                                                             “We always kissed it and hit our hand on the ‘Do It for
“It was definitely tough,” 16-year old Migan Gahima          Lauren’ sign,” 16-year old McKay Colombe said. “We
said. “For a while, I didn’t want to come to practice        wanted to keep her in our minds the whole time.”
half the time.
                                                             Lajeunesse’s tournament run came to an end in the
“She’s the reason I tried out for that team. She’s the       consolation quarter-finals with a 3-0 loss to No. 4
reason I’m playing volleyball all the time. I was playing    Quinte Christian by scores of 25-18, 25-19 and 25-9,
with her. It was hard to go on, but I knew that I had to     but there was no disappointment.
for her.”
                                                             “This was her dream to be here at OFSAA,” Colombe
The Royals captured the WECSSAA title by battling            said of Bondy. “I find it hard because knowing Lauren
back from a set down to win in five sets.                    wanted to do this so much and her not being here. I go
                                                             through her text messages and all she ever wanted to
“At WECSSAA we won because the ball just trickled over
                                                             talk about was OFSAA, OFSAA. She was super excited
the net and we all believe that was (Bondy) putting the
                                                             for it.
ball over,” Gahima said. “It’s just like on the court. She
always helped us.”                                           “So, it’s hard, her not being here, but at the same time
                                                             it’s going to be so much better to know that we came
Shaking off losses to two of the top five seeds in
                                                             and we played hard. We didn’t quit this season. We
the tournament on Monday, the Royals beat No. 18
                                                             just came and did the best we could for her and that’s
Brampton Christian Academy 2-0 by scores of 25-7
                                                             going to help us a lot.”
and 25-11 before completing pool play with a 2-0 loss
to No. 12 Timmins by scores of 25-20 and 25-21 on            Often starting one Grade 9 player, three in Grade 10
Tuesday, but that was enough to advance the team to          and two in Grade 11, this Lajeunesse team will only
the consolation round.                                       get better in time and Bondy will continue to serve as
                                                             an inspiration through that process.
“I couldn’t be prouder,” Royals head coach Sonia
Lapierre said. “It’s just their strength this year because   “It doesn’t define us that she had cancer and passed
of what they’ve overcome.                                    and it doesn’t define her,” Lapierre said. “The message
                                                             we want to have is the determination she had.
“They’re able to show up at the gym every day,
although it was hard and mentally up and down, but           “She just kept smiling. It was never about her. She was
they were able to come here and put up a really good         sick when she played for me. She’d been sick for four
performance.”                                                years. She was sick when she played for us, but that
                                                             was a kid that showed up at the gym with a smile and
Bondy’s parents – Rosaire and Tammy – stayed close
                                                             just happy to be there. Determined, always positive
the team. They purchased pullover OFSAA hoodies
                                                             and thinking of other people.”
for each team member with the initials L.B. and her

                                                                                                       www.ofsaa.on.ca       11
     Motivation! Inclusion! Demographic changes! Budget restraints! Leadership
     Address all these issues during the 2018-19 school year by applying for an OFSAA TRY Day grant. The Ontario
     Ministry of Education has again provided a grant of up to $700 for schools to enhance their athletic/activity
     programs and to encourage all students to get active. Build the OFSAA TRY Day program into your schedule of
     classroom and leadership courses, intramurals, special activity days, or fitness programs. APPLY TODAY!

     ELIGIBILITY?                                                 HOW to apply?
                                                                  •  Applications are accepted ONLINE only (OFSAA
     •     140 publicly-funded secondary schools
                                                                     website – Programs/Try Day/Application Form)
     •     Meet the minimum requirement of participants
           and student leaders
     •     Commitment to completing the program
                                                                  •    Funds will be allocated on a first-come, first-
                                                                       served basis, provided all criteria are met
     CRITERIA for approval for funding and
                                                                  •    First-time applicants and rural schools will receive
     •    Introduce a new sport or physical activity to their
          current physical education program
     •    Make activity available to students in multiple
                                                                  •   Funding acceptance emailed
          grade levels
                                                                  •   Reporting packages emailed at the end of August
     •    Include the leadership component - minimum
                                                                      or within 2 weeks after receipt of applications
          of six (6) student leaders in the planning and
                                                                      submitted in the fall
          implementation of the TRY Day event
                                                                  •   Reimbursement sent within 2 weeks, if school meets
     •    Involve a minimum of sixty (60) participants (30 in
                                                                      all requirements, completes online reporting forms
          schools with a student population under 500)
                                                                      and student evaluations, and emails all reporting
     •    Complete the TRY Day program by April 30, 2019
                                                                      materials. Final deadline is May 15, 2019

     Register ON-LINE now as funds are limited
     **If you do not receive an email reply within 3 weeks of submitting your application, please contact Diana Ranken,
     ‘TRY Day’ Program Coordinator (diana@ofsaa.on.ca)

     OFSAA TRY DAY 2017-18 . . .
                                     Over 140 schools benefitted from the Ontario Ministry of Education TRY Day grant
                                     this past school year, enabling them to introduce new activities into their programs.
                                     The range of options allowed schools to motivate those students not previously
                                     engaged in sport or physical activity by offering fun, inclusive TRY Day programs
                                     such as bubble soccer, disc golf, pickleball, table tennis, kinball, self defense,
                                     snowshoeing, spikeball, speedminton, floor curling, and a vast array of innovative
                                     fitness equipment and activities!

Pickleball picking up with students at
Crestwood Secondary School in Peterborough
SPORTS Apr 11, 2018 by CODY STARR Peterborough Examiner

Crestwood students are introduced to pickleball on Wednesday April 11, 2018 at Crestwood Secondary School
in Peterborough, Ont. Crestwood got funding from OFSAA Try Day to buy pickleball equipment.
                                                                             - Clifford Skarstedt , Examiner

Pickleball is the newest sport to be introduced to          but not a lot of club teams so its great to introduce
Crestwood Secondary School’s athletics program.             students to sport with rules as easy as pickle ball that
It’s a mix of tennis, ping-pong (or table tennis) and       they can learn and just have fun with instead of just
badminton.                                                  competing.”

With a low net like tennis, paddles like ping-pong and      For Johnson this is typical. She volunteers in the
a ball similar to a wiffle ball it’s a distinctly unique    community frequently and is vice-president of the
racquet sport that like the other three games it shares     student council.
traits with can be deceptively hard.                        “It’s worked out pretty well considering the amount of
Crestwood physical education teacher Wade Wiggins           other sports we have.” Johnson said.
brought the sport to the school using an OFSAA Try          Johnson’s friend and fellow Grade 12 student Holly
Day grant, which aims to help introduce new sports to       Astrom who is the student council president and an avid
schools.                                                    sports player said, she’s been enjoying it and she thinks
Pickleball is now being taught to Grade 9 and 10            it’s cool that it’s not a sport a lot of people know about
students in physical education classes. For senior          so people’s differences in ability aren’t as big as they
grades, intramurals are offered as well as a round          would be in more competitive sport like badminton for
robins at lunch.                                            instance.

Wiggins says he has seen success with the students and      Astrom and other fellow Grade 12 students in her
not just with the ones who have to learn it for physical    leadership class were all taught the game early by
education but with the intramurals as well.                 Wiggins so they could teach the other students when
                                                            they came to participate at lunch.
The sport has caught on so much even teachers from
other departments have tried it out, as well as the         Among those taught was Grade 10 student Deane
school’s vice-principal Tracy Armstrong.                    Freiter. Originally a badminton player, he began
                                                            playing just a couple of days ago but has taken to it
Grade 12 student Trisa Johnson has been a driving           quite well saying, “I saw the posters up around the hall
force behind the sport and getting more students            and went. They were short a couple of players so they
interested.                                                 just kinda threw me in there, but it was fun.”
“When I heard the teachers talking about it doing a         Pickleball is often seen as a “old persons game” but not
new sport at the school I though it would be great to get   to Freiter who says he definitely doesn’t think of it like
involved,” Johnson said. “We have a lot of varsity sports   that with the agility people have to move to hit the ball.

                                                                                                      www.ofsaa.on.ca        13
                                                   OFSAA Strategic Plan 2018-2021
                                                            Vision: OFSAA is a leader in the development of student well-being.
                                                       Mission: To foster student success and enrich education through school sport.
                                                          Values: Leadership | Respect | Integrity | Equity | Diversity | Resilience

                                  Enhancing Opportunities for                                                             Bolstering Coach Recruitment,
                                        Participation                                                                      Development, and Retention

                           • Provide opportunities that align with                                                      • Offer and promote coach
                             Canadian Sport for Life (CS4L) – physical                                                    development opportunities.
                             literacy, excellence, active for life.
                                                                                                                        • Facilitate the recognition of
                           • Review OFSAA participation policies.                                                         coaches by associations and
                           • Promote opportunities for student                                                            boards of education.
                             leadership.                                                                                • Develop approaches to attract and
                                                                                                                          support teacher-coaches and
                                                                                                                          coaching mentors.

                                                                                   A LEADER IN
                                                                                THE DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                   OF STUDENT
                                Fostering Effective                                WELL-BEING
                                Communication for
                                Today’s Audiences

                                                                                                                            Nurturing Key Partnerships
                           • Strengthen the student
                           • Leverage social media
                                                                         Augmenting Financial Resources                  • Build and maintain mutually
                             effectively.                                                                                  beneficial relationships with key
                                                                       • Diversify our sources of revenue.                 partners.
                           • Increase the visibility of the
                             OFSAA brand.                              • Investigate third party professionals           • Advocate for school sport and
                                                                         to support fund generation.                       OFSAA.
   Have you changed schools?
Thinking about changing schools?

Your eligibility to play high school sports
              may be at risk.
All students who have changed schools are ineligible to play high
school sports unless they are cleared through the transfer policy.

See your athletic director, HPE department head, or a member of
your guidance department for more information, or to obtain a
transfer appeal form.

Check out the OFSAA website to view the policy.

          Education Through School Sport

                                                                  www.ofsaa.on.ca       15

     The inaugural 2018 OFSAA CONFERENCE took place                 the introduction and launch of OFSAA’s new Advocacy
     on May 10 & 11, 2018 at Humber College in Etobicoke            Video Series - The School Sport Effect. It’s a new series
     and it was the place to be for teacher-coaches, athletic       of four videos promoting high school sport to teachers,
     directors and physical education teachers.                     students, parents and school board administrations.
     The conference incorporated the following areas of             It was a busy, productive and engaging couple of days
     focus: coaching skills and drills, current issues in sports,   in the gym, the classroom and the lecture theatre.
     safety considerations and CIAAA and CIOS courses for           We couldn’t have done it without the tremendous
     athletic directors.                                            contributions of our presenters and speakers.
     Thank you to Marchants for providing Under Armour              Thank you to Dr. Paul Dennis, Mike MacKay, Matt Nichol,
     T-shirts to all of our participants.                           Kathy Brook, Michael Kennelly, Dr. John Byl, Stephanie
                                                                    McFarland, Rob Pacas, Samantha Delenardo, Gareth
     The conference got off to a terrific start with Unstoppable
                                                                    Cawley, Colette McAuley, Skyler Boles, Michele Van
     Tracy’s inspirational keynote address. She is the epitome
                                                                    Bargen, Greg White, Gabriela Estrada, Derek Morgan,
     of positive thinking and perseverance and her inter-
                                                                    Jeff Morgan, Josh Ford, Steve Friesen, Justin Orfus
     action with the conference delegates in the audience
                                                                    (MC), Nicole Clarke (Photographer), Cathy Johnson,
     got everyone into the spirit of the event.
                                                                    Patty Johnson, the Ontario Handball Association and
     Toronto Blue Jays radio play-by-play icon, Jerry Howarth,      the Cricket Council of Ontario.
     made a special mid-day appearance. The former high
                                                                    We would like to thank our hard-working organizing
     school basketball coach shared his coaching principles
                                                                    committee consisting of Michele Van Bargen, Cathy
     with the delegation while answering a few questions
                                                                    Johnson, Patty Johnson, Simon Crew and OFSAA intern
     about Canada’s only Major League Baseball team along
                                                                    Jonathan Young.
     the way. OFSAA felt privileged to have Jerry take part in

     Unstoppable Tracy                                              Jerry Howarth

Scholarships & Awards

  2017-18 Pete Beach Award Winners
  The Pete Beach Award is presented annually to one person in each Association who exemplifies the qualities
  of Pete Beach, a former Executive Director of OFSAA. Pete dedicated his life to sport and to helping others
  achieve their full potential, not just as an athlete, but as a person.
  A recipient of the Pete Beach Award should exemplify the same dedication, spirit and love of sport that made
  Pete Beach such a success in both his professional and private life. He worked tirelessly to help young people
  both within the school system and also within the community. Congratulations to this year’s recipients:
   CISAA		          Sharon Creelman       NCSSAA          Martha Ashfield       TDCAA		          Patty Johnson
   COSSA		          Linda deJeu           NEOAA		         Larry McKay           TDSSAA           Fred Budnik
   CWOSSA           Maureen Capel         NOSSA		         Larry Tougas          TDSSAA           Peter Lohasz
   EOSSAA           Leanne Watt           NWOSSAA         Virginia McMillan     TDSSAA           Judy Edwards
   GBSSA		          Ron Andrews           ROPSSAA         Chris Caswell         TDSSAA           Wendy Luck
   GHAC		           Kevin Houldcroft      SOSSA		         Brad McPherson        WOSSAA           Tim Orr
   LOSSA		          George Burford        SWOSSAA         Andy Kiss             YRAA		           Jackie Mooney

Each year, because of the generous donations made by friends of OFSAA to the Alumni Scholarship Fund, Ontario
high school student-athletes have the opportunity to apply for scholarship money that will assist them in their pursuit
of a post-secondary education. These scholarships are available on a rotating basis to applicants from selected
member associations. The due date for the submission of all documentation for the 2018 – 19 school year will
be April 15, 2019. Look for an announcement early in the fall that will provide information about the number
of scholarships available, the dollar amount of each, as well as which associations will have the opportunity to
apply. The specific criteria and the actual application form can be found on the OFSAA website at ofsaa.on.ca/
programs/scholarships. It is important that all teacher-coaches, athletic directors, and student services staff make
student-athletes aware of this opportunity and encourage qualified individuals to apply!

                                                                  PROUD SPONSOR AND OFFICIAL
                                                                  CHAMPIONSHIP BASKETBALL OF

                                                            INTRODUCING THE NEW
                                                              - TF-1000 LEGACY -
                                                            FEATURING NEW COLOR
                                                                      AVAILABLE TO SHIP MAY 2018
                   TF-1000 Legacy


                                                                                                  www.ofsaa.on.ca         17
KidSport Grants 2018-19
                                OFSAA and ‘KidSport’             Funding Allotment?
                                partner to provide funding to
                                                                 •   Funding is divided into sport seasons, so students
                                assist high school students in
                                                                     only apply for their sport that occurs in the specific
                                Ontario overcome financial
                                                                     season. Students may apply for more than one
                                barriers that are restricting
                                their participation in school
                                sports. Monies are available     •   There is a maximum amount of funding allowed
     to cover the expenses included in student athletic fees         per sport season, and per student for the school
     that allow them to participate in the local leagues and         year.
     meets. Promote this source of funds with your athletes
                                                                 •   Monies are only approved for participation in
     whose families are struggling financially!
                                                                     regular league competition. This grant is not
     The Application Process?                                        intended to cover any costs associated with
                                                                     exhibition matches, tournament play, or additional
     •   Application forms are available at ofsaa.on.ca and
                                                                     costs incurred from qualifying for championships.
                                                                 Deadline dates for applications:
     •   Parents must provide comprehensive information
         on the family’s current financial status and their      Fall sports - October 31, 2018
         reasons for need.                                       Winter sports - February 1, 2019
                                                                 Spring sports - May 1, 2019
     •   An endorser, who is familiar with the student and
         the school sport fee structure, must clearly identify   Check the OFSAA and KidSport websites for the
         the areas which basic and sport specific fees cover.    details and the application forms.

Scholarships & Awards

This Ontario Ministry of Citizenship award recognizes        Congratulations to this year’s Ontario Volunteer Service
individuals who have given many years of volunteer          Awards Winners:
service to a variety of organizations. Each year, OFSAA     Kathy Brook – Huron Heights SS - CWOSSA
nominates volunteers that are responsible for the conduct
and success of school sport at the local, Association and   Susi Johanson – Englehart DHS (Principal) - NEOAA
OFSAA levels. To receive this award, there must have        Carol Gardam – Dryden HS (retired) - NWOSSAA
been some involvement at the OFSAA level whether it
                                                            Dave Hawkins - Tecumseh Vista Academy – SWOSSAA
was as a member of one of the Councils, a member of a
Sport Advisory Committee or other OFSAA committee, or       Kevin Houldcroft – Craig Kielburger SS - GHAC
as a convenor or member of an organizing committee of       Tim Larry – East Northhumberland SS (retired) - COSSA
OFSAA events.

Geoff Zilkalns, Carol Gardam            Denise Hebert, SAC Rep SWOSSAA          Jim Woolley, Past OFSAA President
(centre, Recipient) and Laurie Beck,    & Dave Hawkins (Recipient)              & Kathy Brook (Recipient)
Dryden Ministry Office

Anita Anderson, SAC Rep NEOAA,          Kelly Gouveia, SAC Rep ROPSSAA,         Tim Larry (Recipient) & Jim
Susi Johanson (centre, Recipient)       Kevin Houldcroft (Recipient)            Barbeau, OFSAA Sport
& Anne MacDonald, Past OFSAA                                                    Coordinator

                                                                                                 www.ofsaa.on.ca        19
Scholarships & Awards

     Character Athlete Award 2017-18
     OFSAA’s Character Athlete Award celebrates the efforts of the exceptional student-athletes in Ontario who best
     exemplify the characteristics that OFSAA is founded on.
     Nominations come to the OFSAA office detailing the exceptional character of student-athletes across Ontario, inspiring
     those around them with their involvement on the playing field and in the classroom, in both school and community.
     Selecting just one male and one female recipient of the OFSAA Character Athlete Award is never easy, but the following
     two individuals stood out for their commitment to OFSAA’s values of leadership, equity, respect and sportsmanship.

                     Chloe Jakob                                   Ben Zwolak
                     Nominated by: Lindsay Walker                  Nominated by: Anthony Macaluso
                     Chloe is a grade 11 student at                                  Ben is a grade 12 student at Cardinal
                     Leamington District Secondary School in                         Newman Catholic Secondary School
                     Leamington, Ontario.                                            in Stoney Creek, Ontario.
                      In just her first three years in high                          Ben has been an active participant
     school, Chloe’s accomplishments in the community and                            across several sports throughout his
     her school’s athletic program are extremely impressive.                         high school career.
     In early May, she won gold in the C Flight at OFSAA
                                                                                     After playing for the midget basketball
     badminton and she is a member of the school’s strong
                                                                                     team, Ben would go on to play junior
     softball team this spring.
                                                                   and senior football, basketball and badminton. His
     Chloe’s standout play on the junior and senior volleyball     athletic prowess led him to a spot on the varsity baseball
     team earned her the Rising Star Award in Grade 9 and          and touch football squads as well.
     team captain and Sportsmanship Award in Grade 10.
                                                                   In the community, Ben is a two-year member of a
     Chloe excels at badminton. She went undefeated in girls’      program called D.R.E.A.M.S. (Dominican Republic
     doubles in Grade 10 and won county ECSSAA/SWOSSAA             Educational and Medical Supplies). Ben and this student
     in Grades 9 and 10. For her performance and dedication,       group made two trips to rural Dominican Republic and
     she earned the MVP Award in both Grade 9 and 10 and           provided building supplies and helped in the building a
     she was also named the school’s Junior Female Athlete         home for a needy family.
     of the Year in 2017.
                                                                   Ben is an enthusiastic coach/manager of the Special
     As a student on the honour roll, Chloe has the following      Olympics program. Here he has forged friendships with
     certifications: Lifesaving Society Bronze Cross, Bronze       the school’s students with developmental exceptionalities
     Medallion, Standard First Aid, Emergency First Aid, High      by attending events and coaching the school’s Special
     Five—Principals of Healthy Child Development, Pleasure        Olympians.
     Craft Operators (Boating), NCCP course coaching athletes
                                                                   Ben takes time out to coach a youth house league team
     with disabilities and Ontario Baseball Umpire Level 2.3.
                                                                   in the school’s Saturday Newman Youth Basketball
     Chloe currently serves on the Corporation of the              program and he is also a Summer Camp Counsellor at
     Municipality of Leamington’s Mayor’s Youth Advisory           Cardinal Newman. He also holds this role at two other
     Committee as the voice of youth and Youth                     local community summer camps.
     Empowerment. Chloe volunteers weekly with the Special
                                                                   Ben’s leadership was recognized in 2017 when he was
     Olympics Ontario local swim team and she works
                                                                   the recipient of the Jeff Dickins Memorial Award. This
     part-time as a Youth Program staff member with the
                                                                   distinction was earned from his excellence in sport, the
     Corporation of the Town of Leamington. Chloe has also
                                                                   classroom and in the community.
     participated in the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
     walk for several years.                                       An honour roll student in each year of high school, Ben
                                                                   is a reliable volunteer as a referee for feeder school
     A member of the NCCP, Chloe has completed the
                                                                   tournaments. Ben Zwolak embodies OFSAA’s values
     Coaching Athletes with Disability course. Chloe is a
                                                                   in both his personal life and at school and he is very
     volunteer coach of the Leamington-Essex Warriors Special
                                                                   deserving of this award.
     Olympics swim team.
                                                                   Congratulations on the OFSAA Character Athlete Award
     Congratulations on the OFSAA Character Athlete Award
                                                                   for 2017-18!
     for 2017-18, Chloe!

Festival Results
OFSAA Gymnastics Festival
Sudbury		                                   April 23-24, 2018
                     OFSAA Gymnastics returned to                                display boards and scrap books that also travelled across
                     Sudbury in 2018 and Convenor                                the province.
                     Jo-Anne Bradley from É.S.C.
                                                                                 Every year, the Dr. Gene Sutton Award is given to an
                     Champlain (NOSSA), as well
                                                                                 individual who volunteers a significant amount of
                     as members of the organizing
                                                                                 volunteer time to the sport of gymnastics. This year’s
committee decided this year’s festival would be a
                                                                                 recipient was Jo-Anne Bradley from É.S.C. Champlain
memorable event. Celebrating the 50th year of high
                                                                                 in NOSSA received the 2018 Dr. Gene Sutton Award.
school gymnastics, the OFSAA committee treated
                                                                                 Her commitment to high school gymnastics over the
participants and spectators to a well-organized two days
                                                                                 past 25 years has gone beyond the local level. As the
of competition.
                                                                                 chairperson of the OFSAA Gymnastics Sports Advisory
A huge thank you to all those individuals who have                               Committee, Jo-Anne provided guidance and leadership
continued the tradition of OFSAA Gymnastics throughout                           at the provincial level as well.
the years. A special thanks to Kaarina Tulisalo and Lynne
                                                                                 Thank you to all teacher-coaches for your passion and
Smiley for their passion and historical efforts of OFSAA
                                                                                 dedication in providing student-athletes across the
Gymnastics over the last 50 years. No one will forget the
                                                                                 province a positive experience in high school gymnastics.

Level 6: Individual                                                              Bars:
Vault:                                                                           Sarah Watson          SOSSA     Greater Fort Erie SS         9.125
Name                          Association   School                       Score   Janie Goudreau        NOSSA     É.S.C Champlain              9.075
Holly Lavigne                 SWOSSAA        F.J. Brennan CHS            9.300   Emmalee Maley         EOSSAA    St. Joseph’s CSS             8.900
Alyssa Cowlin                 SWOSSAA       St. Thomas of Villanova SS   9.250   Brooke St-Denis       NOSSA     É.S.C Champlain              8.875
Kassidy Greatrex              SWOSSAA       Sandwich SS                  9.200   Trinity Herrington    EOSSAA    Napanee DSS                  8.825
Brooklyn Lavallee             NOSSA         Confederation SS             9.075   Vanessa Riolo         SWOSSAA   St. Thomas of Villanova SS   8.800
Marisol Toupin                NOSSA         É.S. Macdonald-Cartier       9.050   Catalina Baena-Tan    CISAA     Toronto French School        8.775
Savannah Starling-Brisebois   NOSSA         Lockerby CS                  9.000   Anjelaya Fulcher      SOSSA     St. Paul CHS                 8.775
Portia-Rain Schatz            SWOSSAA       F.J. Brennan CHS             8.950
Leah Bissonette               GBSSA         Bracebridge SS               8.950   Beam:
                                                                                 Taylor Thompson       EOSSAA    Napanee DSS                  9.325
Bars:                                                                            Trinity Herrington    EOSSAA    Napanee DSS                  9.225
Portia-Rain Schatz            SWOSSAA       F.J. Brennan CHS             9.175   Emmalee Maley         EOSSAA    St. Joseph’s CSS             9.125
Alyssa Cowlin                 SWOSSAA       St. Thomas of Villanova SS   9.125   Sarah Watson          SOSSA     Greater Fort Erie SS         9.100
Brooklyn Lavallee             NOSSA         Confederation SS             9.050   Bailey Duncan         EOSSAA    Napanee DSS                  9.100
Holly Lavigne                 SWOSSAA       F.J. Brennan CHS             8.975   Carina Prato          NOSSA     Lo-Ellen Park SS             8.950
Marisol Toupin                NOSSA         É.S. Macdonald-Cartier       8.850   Hannah Sharp          SOSSA     A.N. Myer SS                 8.900
Savannah Starling-Brisebois   NOSSA         Lockerby CS                  8.800   Georgie Murphy        CISAA     Ridley College               8.900
Jocelyn Mouradian             SOSSA         St. Paul CHS                 8.600
Alex Whatmore                 SWOSSAA       Sandwich SS                  8.525   Floor:
                                                                                 Halley Baker          NOSSA     Confederation SS             9.500
Beam:                                                                            Sarah Watson          SOSSA     Greater Fort Erie SS         9.450
Holly Lavigne                 SWOSSAA       F.J. Brennan CHS             9.600   Emmalee Maley         EOSSAA    St. Joseph’s CSS             9.400
Alyssa Cowlin                 SWOSSAA       St. Thomas of Villanova SS   9.100   Georgie Murphy        CISAA     Ridley College               9.350
Portia-Rain Schatz            SWOSSAA       F.J. Brennan CHS             9.075   Emma Crosby           SOSSA     A.N. Myer SS                 9.350
Alex Whatmore                 SWOSSAA       Sandwich SS                  9.000   Lacie Dufresne        SWOSSAA   St. Anne SS                  9.325
Leah Bissonette               GBSSA         Bracebridge SS               8.875   Juliette Roux         CISAA     Toronto French School        9.325
Avater Horst                  EOSSAA        St. Joseph’s CSS             8.800   Kylie Mosgrove        EOSSAA    Napanee DSS                  9.300
Savannah Starling-Brisebois   NOSSA         Lockerby CS                  8.750
Jocelyn Mouradian             SOSSA         St. Paul CHS                 8.725
                                                                                 Level 5: Team
Floor:                                                                           Napanee DSS		                   EOSSAA                       72.03
Ema Kralik                    SWOSSAA       Herman Academy               9.633   É.S.C Champlain		               SWOSSAA                      71.40
Sierra Ibrahim                SWOSSAA       É.S. L’Essor                 9.566   Greater Fort Erie SS		          SOSSA                        69.20
Holly Lavigne                 SWOSSAA       F.J. Brennan CHS             9.566
Mackenzie Bauer               SWOSSAA       General Amherst DHS          9.550   Level 4: Individual
Molly Dean                    SWOSSAA       General Amherst DHS          9.483   Vault:
Alex Whatmore                 SWOSSAA       Sandwich SS                  9.433   Mackenzie Cortes      NOSSA     Manitoulin SS                9.200
Portia-Rain Schatz            SWOSSAA       F.J. Brennan CHS             9.416   Aleah Gunther         NOSSA     Marymount Academy            9.175
Brielle Charlebois            NOSSA         Collège Notre-Dame           9.400   Elisabeth Lawton      SWOSSAA   ÉSC E.J. Lajeunesse          8.950
                                                                                 Rachel Tmik           SWOSSAA   St. Anne SS                  8.925
Level 6: Team                                                                    Katherine MacIsaac    NOSSA     É.S. L’Horizon               8.900
F.J. Brennan CHS		                          SWOSSAA                      74.06   Kenya Neill           CISAA     Ridley College               8.875
Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes SS              GBSSA                        68.86   Grace Vandervelde     COSSA     Centennial SS                8.700
Collège Notre-Dame		                        NOSSA                        66.20   Jordan Lalonde        NOSSA     Marymount Academy            8.650
Level 5: Individual                                                              Bars:
Vault:                                                                           Katie Tchang          SOSSA     Westlane SS                  9.450
Anna Anderson                 SWOSSAA       É.S. L’Essor                 9.500   Grace Vandervelde     COSSA     Centennial SS                9.150
Heather Haggarty              COSSA         Centennial SS                9.350   Madeleine Murphy      SWOSSAA   ÉSC E.J. Lajeunesse          9.050
Janie Goudreau                NOSSA         É.S.C Champlain              9.175   Mackenzie Cortes      NOSSA     Manitoulin SS                8.950
Georgie Murphy                CISAA         Ridley College               9.150   Aleah Gunther         NOSSA     Marymount Academy            8.925
Emmalee Maley                 EOSSAA        St. Joseph’s CSS             9.150   Katie Skrypchuk       NOSSA     Marymount Academy            8.900
Gabriel Petryshyn             SWOSSAA       Sandwich SS                  9.100   Amber Swent           SOSSA     Cayuga SS                    8.900
Sarah Watson                  SOSSA         Greater Fort Erie SS         9.050   Alex Langford         COSSA     Lindsay C&VI                 8.87
Anjelaya Fulcher              SOSSA         St. Paul CHS                 9.000

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