Services 2020-2021 - Trading with Schools

Page created by Rodney Ayala
Services 2020-2021 - Trading with Schools
Services 2020-2021
Services 2020-2021 - Trading with Schools
Services 2020-2021 - Trading with Schools
Educational Services
Services to Children in Care           6   Administration ICT Support              53

Educational Psychology Service         8   SIMS Services                           54

Every Child a Reader                  11   Schools Internet Service                58

Dean Field Studies Centre             14   ICT Purchasing                          61

Governor Development Service          16   ICT Hardware Maintenance Service        62

Equalities & Diversity and the             Backup and Archiving Service            63
Prevent Duty                               Schools Telephony Service               64
School Improvement, Advice and             ICT and SIMS Consultancy Services       65
                                           Email Service (Outlook/Office 365)      66
NQT Induction Service                 22
Academy Moderation                    24   Partner Services

Support Services                           Data Protection Officer (DPO) Service   68
                                           GovernorHub                             69
School Admissions Service             26
                                           The Key                                 70
Free School Meals Service             27
                                           Safeguarding in Education               72
Education Welfare Service             28
                                           Fleet Services                          73
Schools Finance Consultancy           30
                                           Health Improvement in Bristol Schools   74
Schools Finance Systems               32
                                           Occupational Health                     76
BPS Budget Software                   34
                                           ID/Access Service                       77
Payroll Posting Support               35
                                           Cash & Valuables in Transit             78
School Absence Insurance Scheme       36
                                           Security Services                       79
Maternity Insurance Scheme            37
                                           Energy Service                          80
School Finance - Additional Options   38
                                           Internal Audit                          82
HR, Payroll, DBS & Health & Safety    40
                                           eTeach                                  84
Procurement and Contracts
                                      42   Democratic Services                     86
Schools ICT Support                   46   Translation & Interpreting              87
Whole-School ICT Support              48   Pest Control                            88
Mobile Devices in the Classroom       52   Legal Services                          90

Services 2020-2021 - Trading with Schools
    I am pleased to introduce Bristol’s eighth catalogue of traded services, 2020-2021.

    Trading with Schools is a public-sector trading entity within Bristol City Council that
    is designed to support schools, academies and educational settings in the delivery
    of high quality education for all young people.

    We offer a wide range of high quality services to schools to support the continuous
    improvement of education in the city and to secure the best possible outcomes for
    our children.

    Our offer spans a range of school improvement and school support services and
    includes the following new services from April 2020/21:

    •   Translation and Interpreting service
    •   Fleet Services
    •   Pest Control
    •   Democratic Services (specific school appeals service for Academies)

    We employ over 100 staff who take great satisfaction in serving the Bristol school
    community with our bespoke packages of support.

    For 2020-21 Trading with Schools remains committed to providing:
    • High quality services;
    • Value-for-money;
    • A transparent pricing framework;
    • A single point of contact.

    The TwS Annual Report for 2018-2019 highlights some of the achievements in
    the previous financial year as well as the high levels of client satisfaction with the
    services we provide. We are proud of the service we offer our school community
    and continue to welcome your feedback which enables us to continue to be a
    dynamic and responsive service. If you have any feedback on how the content of
    this catalogue of services can be improved, or if you require any further information
    on the services detailed in this catalogue, please do not hesitate to contact

    Ali Mannering
    Head of Trading with Schools

Services 2020-2021 - Trading with Schools

Educational Services

Services 2020-2021 - Trading with Schools
Services to Children in Care
As Corporate Parents, Trading with Schools provides a wide range of services and
support for Children in Care and works closely in partnership with The HOPE Virtual
School. Improving outcomes for Children in Care is the top priority for TwS.
    Service features
    TwS Education and Educational Psychology          Care where there is significant concern that
    services support schools, educational             a placement is at risk and where The HOPE
    settings and The HOPE Virtual School to           has requested support beyond what is
    ensure that Children in Care are successful       statutory for the child’s school to provide;
    learners and enjoy their learning.              • In addition the Governor Development
                                                      Service provides direct support to The
    TwS provides:                                     HOPE Governance Board as requested by
    • A School Admissions Service which               the Chair or Headteacher of The HOPE
      champions a high quality place of               Virtual School. In addition, governors
      education for all Children in Care, working     of The HOPE Virtual School access any
      closely with the Headteacher of The HOPE        training provided by GDS;
      Virtual School;                               • The School Improvement Service, at the
    • An Education Welfare Service which              request of the Headteacher of The HOPE
      undertakes casework for Children in Care        Virtual School, will fulfil a challenge and
      who are not attending school on a regular       support role where Children in Care are not
      basis;                                          making sufficient progress at school.
    • Support from the Educational Psychology
                                                    Benefits for educational settings
      Service to identify the educational,
      psychological and developmental               Access to high quality support and advice to
      issues which underpin the educational         enable Bristol's Children in Care to achieve
      arrangements for Children in                  success in their learning.

Services 2020-2021 - Trading with Schools

Service standards                                LA Commissioned service
• Admissions requests for Children in Care       A wide range of TwS services work in
  will be addressed as a priority and will be    partnership with the Headteacher of The
  placed in the requested school within 5        HOPE Virtual School and this team to ensure
  school days.                                   the statutory duties for Children in Care are
• A response from the Education Welfare          delivered.
  Service within 5 working days relating to
                                                 De-delegated service
  Children in Care non-attendance.
• A response from the Educational                All schools have made a financial
  Psychology Service within 10 working days      contribution to the special services delivered
  and relevant paperwork within 15 days, in      to support schools and The HOPE Virtual
  response to concerns raised by The HOPE        School in the delivery of improved outcomes
  Virtual School.                                for Children in Care.
• A response to requests for Governor            Traded service
  support within 2 working days and access
                                                 There is no direct traded service for Children
  to the Governor Development Service
                                                 in Care. However schools may wish to
  helpdesk at any time during the working
                                                 develop a greater understanding in relation
                                                 to Children in Care and can purchase services
• Timely, clear written feedback from the
                                                 from Trading with Schools.
  School Improvement Service visit within 10
  working days.

Services 2020-2021 - Trading with Schools
Educational Psychology Service
The Educational Psychology Service provides a link Educational Psychologist for every
maintained, academy and free school in Bristol and works with children and young
people across the city according to their needs and the requirements of schools and
settings. Educational Psychologists use psychology to help children and young people
learn to their full potential, develop their strengths and be happier and more resilient.
Bristol Educational Psychologists work in a variety of ways with schools and settings
to meet the learning and development needs of all children and young people from
0-25. Most work is focussed on those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
(SEND) and other vulnerable groups.
    Service features                                 Benefits for educational settings
    Educational Psychologists have in-depth          Working with the Educational Psychology
    training at post-graduate level and pre-         Service:
    training experience of working with children,    • Improves learning progress and increases
    young people and families. Each Educational        wellbeing;
    Psychologist offers a range of support to        • Supports inclusive practice, preventative
    schools and settings, using the framework          approaches and quality first teaching and
    of the SEND Code of Practice and research          systems for working with families and
    evidence on effective intervention.                young people;
    There is always an emphasis on teaching          • Increases staff knowledge and confidence
    skills and tailoring support so each child         in meeting the needs of individual pupils
    or young person is as fully included in the        and groups;
    school and community as possible. Thinking       • Improves understanding of the
    ahead to adulthood is a guiding principle for      psychological and systemic processes that
    this.                                              affect the development of children and
                                                       young people;
    Bristol Educational Psychologists support        • Provides rigorous analysis of individual
    a ‘graduated response’ (supporting needs           programmes and the SEN systems in
    early, trying low key interventions initially      place to support learning, behaviour and
    and increasing intervention if needed) and a       emotional well-being.
    'assess', plan, do, review’ cycle by:
    • Carrying out observations and assessments      Service standards
      and consultation with others to gather         • When a piece of work has been completed
      information (assess)                             this is written up setting out agreed
    • This is used to make sense of situations and     outcomes and actions within 15 working
      needs and to decide on strategies to help        days.
      (plan);                                        • An immediate response and advice follows
    • Agreeing clear outcomes to work on (do);         critical incidents.
    • Making sure that outcomes and progress         • The service meets additional standards for
      can be monitored and setting up ways             specific commissions or pieces of work.
      to do this. Where possible Educational
      Psychologists are involved in review
      meetings developing school practice and
      supporting progress over time (review).

Services 2020-2021 - Trading with Schools

     Bristol Educational Psychologists deliver a wide range of approaches to support schools with
     children and young people’s learning, mental health and wellbeing. Some examples are given
       in the table below of questions settings ask and how Educational Psychologists can help:

                                         Examples of our offer
      For the Whole                                                                      Individual/Group
                                                  For Key Staff
    School Community                                                                       Pupil Support
   How can we develop learning and
                                            Key staff (SENCo; designated lead          How can we intervene for pupils
    wellbeing for our whole school
                                             for Mental Health & Wellbeing;             making limited or no progress?
  community, including all our pupils,
                                            HLTAs supporting complex pupils;           What is helpful for children with
     parents/carers and staff? How
                                            SLT) require wide knowledge and           challenging behaviour, poor social
   can we have excellent support for
                                              skills because of the level and          skills, high levels of anxiety/poor
   vulnerable groups and those with
                                           range of needs they manage. What           attention or who have experienced
    SEN? How can we tackle stress
                                                      can provide this?                          loss and trauma?
       across our organisation?

Work with link EP to develop SEN         Work with link EP to identify staff        Work with link EP to interrogate the
processes such as robust assessments,    knowledge and development                  attainment and progress information
using data, graduated response and       requirements, and then identify the        for individuals and groups of pupils.
helpful records.                         support and activities that match these.   Work to develop in-school assessment
                                                                                    and linking this to intervention.
Training packages that can be            ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support
disseminated throughout school on the    Assistants) training: enables support      Specialist assessment – for example
Education Endowment Foundation key       staff to build a repertoire of helpful     dynamic or standardised assessments
evidence based work such as Effective    techniques with ongoing supervision        to provide detailed information and
Feedback, Peer Tutoring, Homework        to implement these.                        plan intervention for outcomes.
and Meta cognition.
                                         Supervision or coaching for staff,         Training through TwS CPD for areas
How to be a dyslexia friendly school.    particularly those working with            such as resilience or ELSA.
Maths and dyscalculia.                   vulnerable and challenging pupils
                                                                                    A range of intervention approaches
                                         where having this support can provide
Bespoke sessions for parents such as                                                such as:
                                         a fresh perspective, prevent situations
routines, wellbeing, sleep or social
                                         getting ‘stuck’ and emotional overload.     • DNA-V (Discoverer, Noticer,
                                                                                       Advisor, Values) 1:1 mindfulness-
                                         Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA)
Awareness knowledge about Mental                                                       based therapeutic model to affect
                                         – an internationally recognised 2 day
Health for all staff delivered through                                                 positive change for young people;
                                         training outlining key mental health
½ day Youth Mental Health First Aid                                                  • Narrative approaches – tools
                                         conditions, risk and resilience factors
(YMHFA).                                                                               for resolving and ‘re-authoring’
                                         and how to respond.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
                                         SENCo Conference.                           • Therapeutic Story Writing – small
(ACT), group-based intervention to
                                                                                       group intervention for KS2 that
support school staff wellbeing. This
                                                                                       addresses literacy and wellbeing;
is an evidence-based course that
                                                                                     • VIG (Video Interaction Guidance)
has been shown to be effective for
                                                                                       detailed and powerful use of Video
reducing clinically significant stress
                                                                                       clips to identify strengths and
levels and for general populations of
                                                                                       attunement to build relationships.
staff as well.

We offer a wide range of other support such as: Solution Focussed Brief Therapy, Growth Mindset
development, direct work with parents and carers, whole-pschool consultancy, training for
professionals, work with refugees and community and voluntary agencies. If you want to
discuss bespoke work please contact your link EP or

Services 2020-2021 - Trading with Schools
Educational Psychology Service continued
     LA Commissioned service                         De-delegated service
     Each year the Local Authority commissions       The Educational Psychology Service offers
     work from the Educational Psychology            maintained schools prepaid visits according
     Service to meet Local Authority                 to the level of de-delegation. School staff
     responsibilities for children and young         and the link Educational Psychologist work
     people. Some responsibilities are statutory,    together to identify the most vulnerable
     so must be provided, but increasingly           children and young people and deliver work
     responsibility for provision has been           at the individual, group or systemic level to
     devolved to individual settings.                support needs and develop skills across the
     The key responsibilities for the service can    school.
                                                     Traded service
     • Psychological assessment and advice
       writing for Education and Health Care         Individuals and settings may purchase work
       Assessments and Plans and Annual Reviews      as an annual order or through a ‘pay-as-
       and re-assessments as requested by the        you-go’ approach. The annual order enables
       Local Authority;                              settings to plan ahead and book times that
     • Out of county work as requested by the        are convenient.
       Local Authority;
     • Responding to critical incidents within the
                                                     A wide range of activites are available
       Local Authority;
                                                     including all those outlined earlier
     • Supporting the Local Authority with any
       statutory duties in relation to vulnerable    If you would like to discuss other needs and
       children and young people, such as            options please contact:
       mediation and tribunal and SEND reforms;
     • Attendance at Local Authority decision
       making panels.


Every Child a Reader
Every Child a Reader (ECaR) is a means of organising and managing a range of effective
literacy interventions for children struggling to read and write across the school. It is a
school-led approach which aims to ensure that every child achieves success in literacy
through targeted support.
At the core of the strategy is Reading Recovery (RR), which provides intensive teaching
of the very lowest attaining children and professional support for staff to ensure quality
first teaching and reduce the need for intervention.
To deliver Reading Recovery and Every Child a Reader, the school is required to appoint
and train a designated 0.6 experienced teacher to deliver the programme. Reading
Recovery is a programme accredited by the Institute of Education, University College
London. All Reading Recovery teachers are registered with the national/international

Service features
This service is led by skilled Reading             • Teacher leaders accredited to MA degree
Recovery Teacher Leaders who have key roles          level by the International Literacy Centre,
in our Teaching and Learning Consultant              which is linked to the London Institute of
Team and offer schools and other settings            Education.
a range of evidence-based interventions            • High quality monitoring and feedback on
for children struggling to read and write            the implementation of Reading Recovery
in primary schools and promote the wider             and related interventions.
Every Child a Reader approach.                     • 100% service satisfaction.

Benefits for educational settings                  LA Commissioned services
• Narrowing the attainment gap for                 There are no LA Commissioned services.
  disadvantaged children across the school.
                                                   De-delegated service
• Supports the reduction in the demand for
  costly special educational needs provision.      There is no de-delegated service.
• A highly-skilled literacy expert in school       Traded service
  who can share their knowledge with the           Initial Professional Development Training for
  whole school staff. In addition, to work with    new Reading Recovery Teachers:
  the leadership team to identify, evaluate        • 20 in-service sessions with live lesson
  and implement the most appropriate                 observation;
  interventions for children, in a streamlined     • Four support visits to the school;
  approach, to raise attainment for all.           • Training for a school intervention manager;
• Access to professional networks of support       • Monitoring and reporting;
  across ECaR schools.                             • Accreditation.
• The opportunity to apply for the Bristol
  ECaR Standard, which accredits the quality       Ongoing CPD for trained Reading Recovery
  of the provision for literacy, in particular     teachers to maintain accreditation:
  reading, in the school.                          • 6 in-service sessions and a visit from the
                                                     Teacher Leader;
Service standards                                  • Support to implement ECaR across the
• Initial response to requests for advice or         school;
  support within 2 working days.                   • Advice on the application process for the
                                                     Bristol ECaR Standard.

ECaR – Improving Literacy
 Whole School Reading Support
 TwS Teaching and Learning Consultants can work with senior leaders to carry out a
 whole school review of reading provision and tailor bespoke support to tie in with
 schools’ specific improvement priorities, targeted at particular groups of pupils from
 EYFS to KS3.
     Whole School Review of Reading Provision         Bookbanding
     This review provides an opportunity for          An audit will be carried out to assess current
     senior leaders and English subject leaders       resourcing of reading books.
     to work with a Specialist Reading Teacher,       Recommendations for purchasing new
     overseen by our ECaR Teaching and Learning       stock can be made. Books will be colour
     Consultants. A report will identify strengths    book-banded to ensure that children’s book
     and areas for development using a self-          choices match their current attainment
     evaluation tool based on best practice           and encourage children to read widely and
     in the teaching of reading. Professional         develop personal motivation to read.
     development needs will be identified in
                                                      Reception Literacy Programme (A–Z)
     order to improve teaching practices and
     impact on provision. This will take the form     Targeted at Reception teachers, this training
     of an action plan.                               supports pupils to achieve a good level of
                                                      development in reading and writing within
     Running Records and Benchmark Training           a 6 week period. It aims to give teachers
     This is a thorough and reliable assessment of    confidence in teaching early reading
     a child’s reading which will support teachers’   and writing skills in readiness for the Y1
     judgements, inform classroom practice            curriculum following recommendations from
     and support systematic implementation of         Bold Beginnings (Ofsted 2017).
     reading interventions. The training includes
                                                      Boosting Reading @ Primary (KS1, 2 and 3)
     instruction on how to use the PM Benchmark
     Kit to take periodic assessments to show         Boosting Reading @ Primary (BRP) is a one-
     progress over time.                              to-one reading intervention for struggling
                                                      readers, which helps children to apply phonic
                                                      skills, develop independent reading and
                                                      comprehension skills. A trained reading
                                                      partner delivers three 15 minute sessions a
                                                      week for 10 weeks.


Inference Training                                Reading Recovery Training
Whole-school approach for teaching high
                                                  Initial Professional Development Training to
level and in-depth reading comprehension
                                                  become a new Reading Recovery Teacher.
and demonstrates a wide range of strategies
                                                  Reading Recovery is a means of raising
to boost reading comprehension.
                                                  attainment in literacy. Reading Recovery is
The training covers the barriers to               a short-term intervention for children who
comprehension, pupil profiling and inference      have the lowest achievement in literacy
training for pupils.                              learning in their first years at school. The
The Inference Training materials include          goal is for children to become effective
short text extracts for KS2 and KS3 pupils        and efficient readers and writers, able to
with support notes for adults. Many extracts      work within an average range of classroom
are from recent award winning titles which        performance. The training course offers a
have been carefully chosen to contain rich        comprehensive package which provides
opportunities for pupils to discuss and enjoy.    depth and range of knowledge and skill.
                                                  Through sharing their expertise, your teacher
Switch-On Reading and Writing Training            can improve practice and standards across
(KS2 and 3)                                       the school.
Switch-On is an intensive, 10 week                Reading Recovery Continuing Professional
personalised literacy intervention for children   Development (CPD)
who are well below the expected standard in       CPD for Trained Reading Recovery Teachers.
literacy in KS2, KS3 or Special Schools.          CPD will enable your experienced Reading
                                                  Recovery teacher to have a sustained impact
The 2 day training enables the trainees
                                                  on literacy in your school. The course will
to practice a broad and inclusive range of
                                                  deepen professional expertise, so that
teaching strategies and questioning skills to
                                                  more of the hardest-to-teach children are
help develop pupils’ understanding. Switch-
                                                  successful in literacy. It will enable them
On addresses both reading and writing by
                                                  to support lighter touch interventions
alternating the focus each session.
                                                  for children with less complex needs and
                                                  maintain accreditation from UCL, IOE for
                                                  continued implementation of Reading
                                                  Recovery and Every Child a Reader.

Dean Field Studies Centre
 The Dean Field Studies Centre (DFSC) is a residential outdoor learning centre, situated in the village of
 Parkend in the Forest of Dean, less than an hour away from Bristol. DFSC has been owned and operated
 by Bristol City Council for 48 years. The Centre’s main area of expertise is the design and delivery of
 general outdoor learning courses blending a mix of outdoor pursuits and team building exercises
 alongside developing environmental awareness. Other more specialist courses can be arranged.

     Service features
     DFSC has 90 beds for residential courses,           Others, such as orienteering, shelter building
     with bedrooms mostly arranged for 3 to 4            and compass courses are all less than 10
     students each. Accommodation is on four             minutes walk away. Many varied walks,
     floors with staff bedrooms on each floor.           mountain biking and a treasure hunt activity
     There is en-suite disabled accommodation            start from the doorstep. Caving, canoeing and
     for a small group with staff supervision.           abseiling are all within 4 miles and a short
     The Centre also runs day visits and events for      minibus ride.
     up to 144 additional students at a time.            The Centre grounds have a new purpose-built
     It caters for all ages of student as well as        eco building that is used on courses and can
     providing INSET training for teachers and           also be hired out as a venue for conferences,
     some corporate development courses. The             meetings and a variety of other functions,
     service provides conferencing facilities for up     even including weddings! There is also a High
     to 100 delegates on day visits using the Dean       Challenge Course, comprising a 13 metre
     Garden Room and Pond Cabin as a breakout            climbing tower and a variety of other High
     room. Development training can be provided          Challenge apparatus. This is used extensively
     alongside these facilities.                         for team work and personal development.
     The service runs team problem solving               A main benefit for schools and other users
     challenges in schools and specialises in            is the very competitive pricing of DFSC and
     combining this with Peer Mentor training.           the fact that all courses are bespoke. The
                                                         Centre works closely with schools to design an
     Events can be run for up to 144 students at a
                                                         activity programme to meet their needs. The
     time. These events work particularly well for
                                                         Centre prides itself on its friendly and caring
     Year 7 Induction Days and with Sixth Form           attitude to all visitors. Members of staff go out
     Mentors. The advantage of this service is the       of their way to develop a very positive attitude
     time and cost saved with transportation.            and ethos, which schools say gives a very
     These events can also be delivered to provide       personal feel to their experience.
     CPD for school staff. Lesson plans, resource
     list and ‘after sales’ expert advice allow          Benefits for educational settings
     schools to run similar events themselves in         Outcomes for students include the following:
     the future.                                         • Personal development of pupils – e.g.
                                                           increased confidence, self-reliance,
     Most school courses are run during term
                                                           perseverance and commitment.
     time and there are also opportunities for
                                                         • Experience of achieving success and
     weekend and holiday courses. The Centre is
                                                           responsibility. Developing a positive attitude
     ideally located for a wide variety of activities
                                                           to new challenges.
     both on-site and in the local woods and
                                                         • PSHE and Citizenship including developing
     immediate area. Activities such as stream
                                                           key skills of communication, problem
     studies, team problem solving challenges,
                                                           solving, leadership and teamwork.
     tunnel complex and all the high challenges
     can be done on-site.


• General support to school curriculum and      Traded service
  enrichment. Geography, Environmental          • Residential courses for up to 82 people at a
  Awareness, Science, PE and History can all      time, fully catered.
  be focussed areas.                            • Term time and holiday/weekend courses
• Contribution to improving educational           and residentials.
  attainment and an increased motivation        • Day events for up to 144 students,
  and appetite for learning.                      specialising in Year 7 induction days and
• Promoting healthy lifestyles and fitness.       team building programmes.
• Developing an improved working                • Team Problem Solving Events delivered at
  relationship with teachers.                     schools combined with peer mentoring
                                                  INSET Programmes and CPD for teachers/
Service standards                                 staff in learning outside the classroom,
• All courses are bespoke and activity            including teaching numeracy and literacy in
  programmes tailor-made to meet your             the outdoors, as well as general staff team
  needs.                                          building.
• Course proposals and quotes are provided
                                                DFSC has experienced teaching staff who are
  within two working days.
                                                experts in the design and delivery of Gifted
• The Centre holds the relevant AALS Licence
                                                and Talented enrichment courses, including
  to provide adventurous activities and
                                                working clusters of schools.
  the main centre teachers are Accredited
                                                • The Centre Manager is the Outdoor
  Practitioners of the Institute of Outdoor
                                                   Education Advisor for Bristol City Council
                                                   and can provide expert advice and
• All staff are qualified in the relevant
                                                   guidance for schools on their varying
  NGB awards and hold current First Aid
                                                   learning outside the classroom needs:-
                                                  - Conferencing facilities for up to 100
• Feedback on catering is consistently at an
                                                    delegates daily or up to 75 delegates
  excellent standard - 5/5 rating for Food
  Hygiene from Food Standards Agency.
                                                  - Corporate events and team building days
LA Commissioned services                        • Sports tours – accommodation and team
                                                   building and chance to arrange fixtures
There are no LA Commissioned services.
                                                   with local Gloucestershire teams.
                                                • First Aid in the Outdoors courses for
De-delegated service
                                                   teachers and outdoor professionals.
There is no de-delegated service.               • An excellent base for undertaking field
                                                   studies and more curriculum-based
                                                Most of the residential bookings are taken
                                                at 3 times over the year (Jan/June/Sept) for
                                                set periods in the following academic year
                                                (generally about 14 months in advance). This
                                                allows schools to secure their booking well
                                                in advance. All that is needed is number of
                                                students, length of course and time of year to
                                                provide a free quotation. There may be last
                                                minute availability for some term time dates
                                                so it is always worth enquiring. Day visits and
                                                weekend courses can be booked at any time
                                                subject to availability.

Governor Development Service
 The Governor Development Service specialises in highly effective and efficient support
 and training for chairs of governors, governors and clerks. The service provides reliable,
 prompt and relevant advice, information and training enabling governors of subscribing
 schools to fulfil their role and contribute fully to their school’s improvement agenda.
     Service features                                 Benefits for educational settings
     The Governor Development Service provides        • Enables the governing body to undertake
     statutory services and the offer of an annual      its full range of roles and responsibilities
     subscription package to all schools, including     effectively.
     academies and free schools.                      • Assists governors in ensuring they are well
     The subscription package includes quick            informed when determining the school’s
     and easy access to advice and support on           strategic direction.
     all matters of school governance, unlimited      • Supports governors in providing confident
     free places on a published programme               support and challenge to senior leaders.
     of governor training events, support and         • Supports governors in contributing
     networking opportunities for your clerk            effectively to school self-evaluation and
     to governors and regular email bulletins           improvement and meeting the high
     giving essential updates and guidance for          expectations now placed on governing
     governors and school leaders throughout            bodies under the Ofsted inspection
     the year. Subscribing schools also receive         framework.
     discount on a range of top-up services           • Supports clerks to fulfil their role
     provided by partner organisations to support       effectively.
     good governance. Bespoke training and            Service standards
     governance reviews are also available at an
                                                      • Response to enquiries from governors,
     additional cost.
                                                        clerks, headteachers and school staff within
     Selected services can be purchased on              2 working days.
     a ‘pay-as-you go’ basis by schools and           • At least 95% satisfaction with training
     academies that opt not to sign up for a full       sessions.
     year’s subscription.


LA Commissioned services
LA Maintained Schools                              •   Unlimited free places for governors and
The service fulfils the Local Authority’s              clerks on our published annual training
statutory function to LA maintained schools            programme;
in providing:                                      •   Clerks’ network meetings which provide
• Legally compliant Instruments of                     essential updates and support to improve
    Government;                                        effectiveness of your clerk and your
• Support with the appointment of Local                governing body;
    Authority governors;                           •   Essential updates and guidance for
• Access to information and training which             governors and school leaders through
    enables governors to fulfil their roles and        the termly Governance Essentials online
    responsibilities;                                  newsletter
• Support in establishing temporary                •   Information packs and templates relating
    governing bodies for new LA maintained             to key areas of governance;
    schools.                                       •   Guidance and support in the
                                                       establishment of different models
Academies                                              of governance – e.g. reconstitution,
The service fulfils the Local Authority’s              formal collaborations, federations and
statutory function to academies in providing           amalgamations.
Local Authority governors, where requested.
                                                   The following services are also offered to
De-delegated service                               subscribing schools at an additional cost:
There is no de-delegated service.                  • Bespoke training delivered at your school;
Traded service                                     • Independent review of governance;
LA maintained schools and academies                • Option to access ‘Modern Governor’ online
purchasing the subscription package have             training at a beneficial rate - for more
access to:                                           information and a free trial visit
•   Advice and support for chairs of               • Option to subscribe to ‘GovernorHub’
    governors, governors, headteachers,              online documentation storage, calendar
    business managers and clerks on all              and communication tool at a beneficial
    matters of school governance. This               rate;
    includes assistance when challenging           • Option to subscribe to ‘The Key for School
    situations arise such as disputes and            Governors’ and ‘The Key for School
    complaints;                                      Leaders’.

Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion
     The service can provide consultancy, staff training, and quality assurance for the
     development of whole school approaches to Equality and Inclusion. Sharing up-to-
     date information and effective practice whilst helping schools meet their statutory
     obligations and deliver effective equalities practice.
     Service features
     The Teaching and Learning Consultant lead       •   Support to meet the requirements of
     in equalities has a wide ranging knowledge,         the Ofsted framework, with particular
     expertise and experience in Equalities and          regard to how effective the school is in
     Diversity and works within the broader              promoting equality of opportunity and
     school improvement team.                            tackling discrimination;
     Working with other colleagues and partners,     •   Support for schools to ensure compliance
     the service aims to narrow the gap for              with equalities legislation;
     vulnerable groups, support schools in           •   Development for those leading on the
     understanding and ensure the learning               equalities agenda within their school.
     environment is an inclusive one which
     tackles discrimination and provides equality    De-delegated service
     of opportunity, celebrates diversity and        The core offer consists of:
     promotes community cohesion.                    • A self-evaluation tool for schools on
     The consultant is able to provide particular       compliance with the Equality Act 2010;
     expertise in:                                   • One Governor Briefing to provide clear
     • Bespoke school reviews with a focus              guidance on the statutory duties of
         on equalities, this can include quality        Governing Bodies in respect of equalities,
         assurance of policies, procedures and          diversity and inclusion;
         practice;                                   • Provide information and advice to LA
     • Advice and guidance on equalities;               colleagues and education settings on
     • Supporting schools in developing                 equalities
         effective systems and processes to          • Representing the LA in partnership
         recognise, record, respond and report          meetings that relate to education and
         prejudice related incidents with a strong      equalities, diversity and inclusion
         focus on improving behaviour and safety
         and tackling bullying.                      Traded Service
                                                     All schools can access traded support in
     Benefits for educational settings               order to improve inclusive practice and
     The core offer consists of:                     meet their legal requirements in equalities.
     • Developing school capacity to meet the        Bespoke advice, school-based support and
        needs of all young people and address all    training can be offered on a pay-as-you-
        relevant equalities requirements;            go basis or as part of a wider negotiated
     • A clear audit of strengths and areas for      package of support.
        development; to ensure equalities has
        strategic prominence and is integral to
        self-assessment and school improvement;


As of July 2015, the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 placed a new duty on
schools and other education providers. Under section 26 of the Act, schools are required,
in the exercise of their functions, to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from
being drawn into terrorism". This duty is known as the Prevent Duty. Keeping Children
Safe in Education (DfE, 2019) says that protecting children from the risk of radicalisation
should be seen as part of schools' and colleges' wider safeguarding duties, and is similar
in nature to protecting children from other forms of harm and abuse.
Service features
The Prevent lead has a wide ranging               •   Developing school ability to assess the
knowledge and experience and works within             risks and inform a proportionate and
the broader school improvement team.                  appropriate response;
They can support schools with some of             •   Support to meet the requirements of the
the complexities surrounding the Prevent              Ofsted framework, with particular regard
agenda, providing consultancy, triaging,              to how effective the school is complying
self-assessment tools, training, and quality          with the Prevent Duty;
assurance for the development of whole            •   Support for schools to ensure compliance
school approaches to Prevent.                         with legislation;
Working with other colleagues and                 •   Development for those leading on the
partners, the service aims to share up-to-            agenda within their school.
date information and effective practice
whilst helping schools meet their statutory       De-delegated service
obligations; protecting children who are          The core offer consists of:
vulnerable and at risk of being radicalised       • A self-evaluation and action plan
and ensure effective learning opportunities          framework to support schools in
to safeguard children from extremism and             complying with the Prevent Duty;
promote community cohesion.                       • One Governor Briefing to provide clear
The consultant is able to provide particular         guidance on the statutory duties of
expertise in:                                        Governing Bodies in respect of the
• Bespoke school reviews with a focus on             Prevent Duty;
   Prevent, this can include quality assurance    • Provide information and advice to LA
   of policies, procedures and practice;             colleagues and education settings on
• Supporting Senior leaders/designated               Prevent, this is facilitated through the
   safeguarding leads and/or governors               virtual Prevent network;
   on how they may respond to changes in          • Representing the LA in partnership
   legislation and Ofsted requirements;              Prevent meetings.
• Referrals and Multi-Agency support.
                                                  Traded Service
Benefits for educational settings                 All schools can access traded support in
• A clear audit of strengths and areas for        order to improve practice and meet their
   development; to ensure Prevent has             legal requirements in Prevent. Bespoke
   strategic prominence and is integral to        advice, school-based support and training
   self-assessment and school improvement;        can be offered on a pay-as-you-go basis or
                                                  as part of a wider negotiated package of

School Improvement, Advice and Support
     The School Improvement Service provides:
     • Advice, support and challenge to school leaders and governors;
     • Support for schools’ self-evaluation to enable continued improvement;
     • Knowledge of good and outstanding practice both within Bristol and at national level.
     Service features
     • A team of school improvement                   • Brokering high quality professional
       professionals who have experience at             development;
       headship and/or Local Authority level.         • Evaluating the quality of teaching and
     • Experience with Ofsted inspections               learning;
       under the latest framework including           • Quality assuring the school’s self-
       accredited Ofsted inspectors or practising       evaluation;
       headteachers.                                  • Brokering appropriate support from a
     • Up-to-date knowledge and interpretation          range of providers, including external
       of new legislation and current educational       organisations;
       thinking.                                      • Building the capacity of senior leaders and
                                                        governors to enhance school practice.
     Benefits for educational settings
     The service supports schools and other           Service standards
     educational settings to improve the quality      • Initial response to requests for advice or
     of educational provision and improve               support within two working days and with
     outcomes for children and young people.            agreed follow up.
     The School Improvement Service can               • Timely clear written feedback for school
     support schools in:                                improvement following core visit and
     • Providing advice and support in a range of       reviews within 10 working days and 5
       contexts to help schools raise standards;        working days for all other visits.
     • Analysing a range of data and assessment
       information to identify strengths and areas
       for improvement;
     • Strategic planning to address key priorities
       from the school’s self-evaluation;


LA Commissioned services
• Compliance with the LA’s statutory duties         • Data analysis and the use of data to
  related to school performance.                      evaluate the quality of provision;
• Carrying out statutory moderation and             • Advice, support and challenge to accelerate
  monitoring of national test administration          the progress of children eligible for the
  on behalf of STA.                                   Pupil Premium, SEND and under-achieving
• Act as a Corporate Parent and fulfil a              groups including meeting the needs of
  challenge and support role for Children in          more able pupils;
  Care.                                             • Developing programmes of monitoring and
                                                      evaluation across a wide range of evidence,
De-delegated service                                  including scrutiny of planning and pupils’
There is no de-delegated service.                     work, lesson observations and pupil voice,
                                                      in order to inform school self-evaluation;
LA Maintained Schools and Academies
                                                    • Developing effective systems for recording
For the majority of maintained schools                the outcomes of school self-evaluation;
there is an entitlement to:                         • Support with developing an annual CPD
• The equivalent of 1 half-day visit each             programme;
  academic year from an Bristol Education           • Strategic planning;
  Partner to provide support and challenge          • Pre- and post-inspection support;
  based on a mutually agreed agenda.                • Governor development;
• In addition, any school judged to be              • Brokerage of external teaching practitioners
  building capacity or a school causing               and other forms of specialist support.
  concern will be able to access additional
  visits and support. This support will             Additional Traded Options
  be agreed with the Head of School                 Headteacher Appointments
                                                    Details of packages of support and costs for
Traded service                                      governing bodies or academy boards for the
Bristol Education Partners can provide a            recruitment of headteachers or principals is
bespoke traded service to all LA maintained         available on request.
primary schools, academies, independent             Headteacher Performance Management
schools and other settings that could
include:                                            Support for governors and academy boards
                                                    with headteacher performance management
• Additional visits in the spring and summer        is available on request.
  terms focused on agreed lines of enquiry
  e.g. teaching and learning and leadership
  and management;
• Joint reviews, with SLT, of identified aspects
  of provision, linked to aspects of the Ofsted

Newly Qualified Teacher Induction Service
 This is a service offered to schools to fulfil the statutory role of the Appropriate Body for
 Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) induction and to ensure that the induction period is as
 successful and rewarding as possible. As the selected Appropriate Body for NQT induction,
 Bristol City Council will ensure that all statutory requirements are met and will provide
 support and guidance to schools and NQTs throughout the induction period.
     Service features                                   Benefits for educational settings
     There are two key responsibilities for the         • Support and advise on statutory
     Appropriate Body, which are:                         entitlements, meeting responsibilities to
     • To assure itself that schools fully understand     NQTs and formal registering and accrediting
       and are able to meet their responsibilities        procedures.
       for monitoring, support and guidance and         • Considerable experience in supporting NQTs
       for undertaking a rigorous and equitable           throughout the period of induction into the
       assessment of their NQTs;                          teaching profession and a comprehensive
     • To decide, in light of the headteacher’s           understanding of current regulations and
       recommendations, whether an NQT has                the Teachers' Standards.
       satisfactorily completed their induction         • Experienced staff within the wider school
       period and to then communicate this                improvement team available to support
       decision to the NQT, the headteacher and           induction tutors and NQTs throughout the
       the Teacher Regulation Agency.                     year.
                                                        • Support for the school from a service officer
                                                          if an NQT is a cause for concern.
                                                        • Undertake a quality assurance role to
                                                          ensure that all plans and assessments are
                                                          of a high quality and meet the necessary


Service standards
• Initial response to requests for advice and     • Be responsive to the needs of mentors, NQTs
  support within 2 working days with agreed         and schools in general by providing advice,
  follow-up actions.                                guidance and support throughout the
• Full compliance with the responsibilities         induction period via telephone;
  of being an Appropriate Body for NQT            • Provide additional support where concerns
  Induction.                                        or issues arise, in particular where an NQT
• To maintain at least 95% excellent or very        is making insufficient progress towards
  good satisfaction rating of the service.          meeting the Teachers’ Standards;
                                                  • Maintain a webpage giving comprehensive
LA Commissioned services                            guidance including downloadable
The LA Commissioned services fulfil the role        handbooks and other helpful
of the Appropriate Body for NQT Induction.          documentation;
                                                  • Quality assure, process and retain
De-delegated service                                assessment forms;
                                                  • Signpost NQTs and tutors to a range of
There is no de-delegated service.
                                                    continuing professional development
Traded service
                                                  • Promote and disseminate best practice in
In acting as the Appropriate Body, the service      NQT induction;
will:                                             • Ensure that NQTs and their mentors can
• Register the NQT with the Teacher                 access other TwS professional development
  Regulation Agency;                                opportunities on a pay-as-you-go basis;
• Ensure that each NQT receives their             • Authorise reductions or extensions to
  statutory entitlements (including a reduced       induction periods;
  timetable) and effective support from their     • Validate completion of induction.
• Ensure that the school meets their
  responsibilities for monitoring, supporting
  and assessing NQTs;

Academy Moderation
 The Standards and Testing Agency (STA) requires all academies to confirm
 the arrangements that have been made to fulfil the duties regarding
 the statutory end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 assessment processes.
 Academies are asked to undertake a moderation agreement with a Local
 Authority. This service fulfils the moderation and monitoring requirements
 for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
     Service features
     Academies signing up to this service will:      • Continue to be provided with guidance and
     • Be part of the Bristol LA moderating and        advice on all aspects of assessment. There
       monitoring cycle for the Year 1 phonics         will be access to advice by telephone and
       check, end of Key Stage 1 assessment,           email.
       and the assessment of writing at the end
       of Key Stage 2. As part of the statutory      Benefits for educational settings
       programme, your school may receive a          • STA requirements for statutory assessment
       moderation or monitoring visit;                 within academies will be met.
     • Receive the Bristol LA KS1 and/or KS2 Local   • Access to guidance and up-to-date advice
       Agreements which outlines the moderation        throughout the assessment cycle.
       and monitoring processes in Bristol for the
       Year 1 phonics check, end of Key Stage 1      LA Commissioned services
       and end of Key Stage 2;                       All aspects will be in line with STA statutory
     • Assessment data for Year 1 phonics and        guidelines.
       end of Key Stage 1 data is submitted to
       the Local Authority, who then submit the      De-delegated service
       data to the DfE. End of Key Stage 2 data      There is no de-delegated service.
       is submitted to DfE directly by individual
       schools;                                      Traded service
     • Be alerted to updates, if changes in          Schools can request bespoke support related
       national requirements occur and be            to assessment.
       informed about TwS training opportunities;


School Admissions Service
     The School Admissions Service provides statutory services to support
     schools and academies to fulfil the requirements of the School Admissions
     Code. The Service, on behalf of the LA, is the Admission Authority for
     Community and Controlled Schools and can be commissioned to undertake
     the work for other schools and academies.
     Service features                                 LA Commissioned services
     The service:                                     The Admissions Service, on behalf of the
                                                      Local Authority, provides services without
     • Will co-ordinate applications and offers for
                                                      a charge, which is the core offer. It can also
       school admissions;
                                                      provide services which can be purchased by
     • Is the maintaining Admissions Authority for
                                                      all schools and settings, which is the traded
       maintained schools and settings;
                                                      offer. Check the grid on the next page to see
     • Can manage admissions for academies,
                                                      which core services are applicable to your
       and other settings;
                                                      type of school, academy or setting (ticked
     • Operates an advice service for parents and
       communicates with over 15,000 parents
       and carers annually.                           The table overleaf relates to New Reception
                                                      Admissions and transfer from Primary to
     Benefits for educational settings                Secondary education only.
     • Extensive experience in accurate
                                                      For all other year groups, own Admissions
       application of the School Admissions Code.
                                                      Authority schools must process their own
     • Application of published admissions criteria
                                                      in-year applications if they do not purchase
       and calculation of exact home-to-school
                                                      School Admissions Services. Schools have a
                                                      statutory duty to inform School Admissions
     • Reduction in administration at school level.
                                                      the outcome of the application and offer
     • Minimise the number of challenges to
                                                      parents/carers the right of appeal if a school
       schools from parents and carers.
                                                      place cannot be offered.
     • Reduction in the number of direct queries
       from parents and carers at school level.       De-delegated service
     • Reduction in the need for schools to
                                                      There is no de-delegated service.
       purchase mapping software and reduces
       direct administration costs.                   Traded service
     Service standards                                The admission authority for each type of
     • The service is compliant with all of the       school is outlined below:
       statutory Service standards, as laid out in    • Academies and Free Schools: Academy
       the School Admissions Code.                      Trust and Free School Board of Trustees;
     • In-year admissions dealt with within 10        • LA-maintained Community and Voluntary
       school days.                                     Controlled Schools: Local Authority;
     • A named Admission Officer to oversee           • LA-maintained Voluntary Aided and
       allocations at your school.                      Foundation Schools: Governing Body.

                                                                             Voluntary Voluntary
                      Services Offered                           Community                       Foundation Academies
                                                                             Controlled Aided
 Receive applications via the e-admissions system and by
                                                                                                              
Exchange information with other LAs where an application
                                                                                                              
                    is from outside Bristol.
    Sort allocations from each school using the ‘equal
                                                                                                              
                      preference’ system.
 Issue offer letters on behalf of all Bristol schools, receive
                                                                                                              
               responses and inform schools.
 Apply the published admission arrangements in order to
                                                                                      Traded                Traded
                  allocate additional places.
 Prepare and present admission appeals on behalf of your
                                                                                      Traded                Traded
              Co-ordinate in-year applications.                                       Traded                Traded
Provide schools with the information needed to apply their
                                                                    n/a        n/a                 n/a           
            published admissions arrangements

The above table relates to New Reception Admissions and transfer from Primary to Secondary education only. For all other
year groups, own Admissions Authority schools must process their own in-year applications if they do not purchase School
Admissions Services. Schools have a statutory duty to inform School Admissions the outcome of the application and offer
parents/carers the right of appeal if a school place cannot be offered.

Free School Meals Service
The Free School Meals Team provides an eligibility checking & processing
service for Free School Meals & Pupil Premium.
Service features                                                    Benefits for educational settings
A child may be able to get free school                              • Parents/Carers can apply via the online
meals if a parent is in receipt of any of the                         application system 365 days of the year
following benefits:                                                 • Instant confirmation if a pupil is eligible for
• Income Support;                                                     Free School Meals and Pupil Premium.
• Income-based Jobseekers Allowance;                                • Real time access to eligible pupils via the
• Income-related Employment and                                       LA Database or Portal.
• Support under Part VI of the Immigration                          • The Free School Meals Officer also
  and Asylum Act 1999;                                                processes paper forms for upload to the
• The Guarantee element of State Pension                              Schools' Portal.
• Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also                        LA Commissioned services
  entitled to Working Tax Credit and have                           The service is available to all maintained
  an annual gross income of no more than                            settings free of charge.
• Working Tax Credit and run-on, paid for                           De-delegated service
  four weeks after you stop qualifying for                          There is no de-delegated service.
  Working Tax Credit/Universal Credit.
                                                                    Traded service
                                                                    Academies and Free Schools can purchase
                                                                    the Free School Meals Service. The cost is
                                                                    calculated based on the number of children
                                                                    on roll at the October census point.

Education Welfare Service
     The Education Welfare Service (EWS) provides high quality professional
     support to schools to ensure that parents/carers fulfil their statutory
     obligation to send their child to school regularly. The EWS also tracks pupils
     who go missing from school, is responsible for overseeing elective home
     education and the areas of child employment, child performance licensing
     and chaperones.
     Benefits for educational settings              LA Commissioned services
     • Access to specialist attendance officers     Universal provision for all schools/pupils
       and other agencies to support vulnerable     Statutory Legal Work
       children and young people.                   The EWS undertake a wide range of legal
     • Access to current information and guidance   work, including:
       on attendance legislation and statutory      • Acting as a liaison with Legal Services
       procedures.                                    regarding Section 444 Education Act
     • Effective attendance data analysis,            1996 prosecutions for irregular school
       tracking and targeting to improve overall      attendance after witness statement
       attendance and reduce numbers of               completion;
       persistently absent (PA) pupils.             • Undertaking Section 34 investigations
                                                      for Section 444 prosecutions - Section 34
     Service standards                                Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994;
     • The service is compliant with the current    • Issuing penalty notices and subsequent
       attendance legislation statutory guidance      handling of processes in relation to
       and other relevant codes of practice.          prosecutions if penalty notices are unpaid
     • A named Education Welfare Officer for your     - Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 &
       setting.                                       Education Inspections Act 1996, Education
     • Initial response to requests for advice or     (Penalty Notices) (England) Regulations
       support within 48 hours and with agreed        2007 as amended;
       follow up.                                   • Serving School Attendance Orders for
                                                      pupils who are not on a school roll and
                                                      are not being satisfactorily Educated
                                                      Otherwise - Regulation 3 Education (School
                                                      Attendance Order) Regulations 1995 and
                                                      Section 437 Education Act 1996;


                                                 Traded service
• Undertaking Parenting Orders and               All schools can commission additional EWO
  assessments requested by magistrates -         support where necessary
  Section 8 Crime and Disorder Act 1998;         EWS can provide a wide range of additional
• Preparing papers to lay before Family Court    work, including individual attendance
  for Education Supervision Orders and           casework, whole-school attendance and
  coordinating/ undertaking implementation       support which can be tailored to meet the
  - Section 447 Education Act 1996 and           needs of schools and settings.
  Children Act 1989.                             • Link EWO meetings in the educational
Safeguarding (Universal provision for all          settings.
schools/pupils)                                  • Reviewing attendance issues to identify
In order to safeguard children and young           pupils requiring intervention.
people the EWS:                                  • Providing comprehensive attendance data
• Tracks pupils who have stopped attending         reports in support of review meetings.
  and whose whereabouts are unknown              • Completion of attendance audits of whole
  (Pupil Tracking); - Education (Pupil             setting procedures.
  Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 as    • Reviewing attendance policies.
  amended;                                       • Undertaking preventative attendance
• Undertakes casework for children identified      surgeries for pupils with low-level absence.
  as Children Missing Education (CME) -          • Supporting settings in their preparation for
  Section 436A Education Act 1996;                 Ofsted visits, including data reports and
• Oversees Elective Home Education (EHE)           attendance at meetings with Inspectors.
  in Bristol in line with its commissioned       • The completion of attendance reports.
  requirements - Section 7 Education Act         • Targeted supervision/consultancy sessions
  1996;                                            for officers responsible for attendance.
• Completes Child Protection Case                • Bespoke training for school staff about
  Conference returns for referred cases,           their role, legislation, penalty notices and
  following requests by Social Care relating       other associated tasks.
  to pupils - The Children Act 1989. Fulfils     • Attendance advice phone line for education
  its statutory functions with regard to Child     settings.
  Employment, Performance Licensing and          Individual Attendance Casework
  Chaperones - Part 2 of the Children and        In accordance with the Education (Pupil
  Young Persons Act 1933, Part 2 Children        Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 and
  and Young Persons Act 1963, Children           Section 444 Education Act 1996. The EWS
  (Performances) Regulations 1968 and the        can undertake individual casework on behalf
  Children (Performances and Activities)         of schools and educational settings, which
  (England) Regulations 2014.                    can include:
                                                 • Undertaking home visits;
Core Offer                                       • Undertaking assessments of the issues
LA Maintained Primary & Special Schools            impacting on a child’s school attendance
LA maintained primary and special schools,         with the parent/carer;
will receive whole school attendance support,    • Developing Parenting Contracts and
and individual casework support that has been      attendance plans for children with
commissioned by the Authority.                     persistent absence;
                                                 • Documenting interventions and contact
De-delegated service                               with parents to meet legal requirements;
There is no de-delegated service.                • Writing witness statements based on the
                                                   above evidence to present in court.

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