2017-2018 q PROGRAM CATALOGUE - Scientists in School

Page created by Johnny Guerrero
2017-2018 q PROGRAM CATALOGUE - Scientists in School

'     Inquiry-Based STEM Workshops
        for Kindergarten to Grade 8

     Peterborough and the Kawarthas,
    Northumberland, Victoria, Clarington
            and Simcoe County

2017-2018 q PROGRAM CATALOGUE - Scientists in School
Under the guidance of STEM experts, your K-8 students become scientists, engineers and environmental stewards while developing the
21st century competencies needed for tomorrow’s highly skilled workforce. Since 1989, 8 million students have discovered through our workshops
that science, engineering and math are fun and relevant.

                                                      • An inquiry-based, curriculum-enriching experience with plentiful scientific materials
    ~ the benefits of having a ~                      • Local presenters who are scientists, engineers, technologists and more
   Scientists in School                               • Opportunity to highlight STEM career pathways
                                                      • Post-workshop extension package to support your lessons
      workshop in your classroom
                                                      • As a charity, every workshop is subsidized by our donors

                                Like you, our goal is to inspire all children,
                                regardless of their future aspirations. We
                                want to work with you to help shape the
                                confidence, interest and skills your students
                                need to realize their dreams. Critical thinking,
                                collaboration, communication, creativity and
                                problem-solving are purposefully incorporated
                                in our workshops and suggested extension

We use an evidence-based approach to provide high-impact
workshops that enhance curriculum and provide real-world
experiences for your students. A recent post-workshop survey*
of first-time users (teachers) of our workshops showed:

73%        leveraged the ideas in our workshops to
           enhance their science lessons/teaching

83%       felt Scientists in School encouraged their
          students to use critical-thinking skills,
evidence-based reasoning and argumentation

           felt our workshops helped their students
           better understand the work done in class

94%        discovered new ideas to use in
           their science program

*Survey was conducted across 140 schools
by Western University researchers

Book your workshop by October 15, 2017 and have it by
January 31, 2018 to be entered into a draw to win one of 10
                                                                                                                              Activities shown
complimentary workshops (to take place between February                                                                      may not be available
and June 2018). Winners will be notified by February 16.                                                                        in all regions.
2017-2018 q PROGRAM CATALOGUE - Scientists in School
KINDERGARTEN                   Backyard Bugs
                                                                   I Can Be A Scientist
                                                                                                          Sensational Science

WORKSHOPS                      Experience a hands-on encounter
                               with live and preserved bugs!
                               Discover how to be an
                                                                   Become a working scientist.
                                                                   Dig for dinosaur bones and
                                                                   make a fossil as a
                                                                                                          Investigate your senses!
                                                                                                          Explore interconnections
                                                                                                          between taste and smell; light
Book online and find our       entomologist and identify an        paleontologist. Explore the            and sight. Investigate objects
booking terms, conditions      insect. Investigate how bugs        weather as a meteorologist.            using your sense of touch,
and cancellation policy at     behave, eat and see. Enact the      Enter our tent to become an            discover how you see and feel
                               life cycle of a butterfly. Create   astronomer and create your             sound waves, and learn how
scientistsinschool.ca          an insect to take home. Learn       own constellation. Use a lab           smell helps us evaluate items.
                               concepts of camouflage and          coat and safety goggles                After this, your interactions with
$199/workshop                  symmetry with play-based            while being a chemist. Make a          the world will just make SENSE!
Maximum 30 students/workshop   activities.                         fish print and examine ocean
                                                                   specimens as a marine biologist.

                                                                   Simply Marvellous Machines             There’s No Place Like Home!
                                                                   RV                                     RV
                                                                   Have fun with physics at the           Develop a lifelong respect for
                                                                   playground. Figure out how gears       the environment by discovering
                                                                   work and have a bubble-making          the plants and animals that
                                                                   race. Make your own lever and          make up a variety of habitats.
                                                                   solve a teeter-totter problem.         Become a bird and build a nest
                                                                   Investigate wedges. Compare            using just your beak. Slither
                                                                   different shapes, weights and          like a snake or dig like a mole
                                                                   heights using inclined planes –        through your underground
                                                                   then create your own experiments.      tunnel.
                                                                   Explore with our special wheel
                                                                   and axle machines. Measure
                                                                   the difference a machine makes!

                                                                                                          Water Fun For Kindergarten
                                                                                                          Scientists R V
                                                                                                          Investigate which materials
                                                                                                          absorb water in our ‘soak it up
                                                                                                          challenge’! Explore buoyancy,
                                                                                                          experimenting with floating
                                                                                                          and sinking objects. Marvel at
                                                                                                          waters properties and elusive
                                                                                                          shape. Puzzle out uses for water.
                                                                                                          Discover how a lock system works
                                                                                                          while you row your boat up our
                                                                                                          classroom stream.

                                                                                        In my 39 years of teaching,
                                                                                       I have never had such a
                                                                                       worthwhile experience
                                                                                       brought to my students
                                                                                       directly in the classroom!”

                                                               ¡                            factoid
                                                                                                  SCIENTISTS IN SCHOOL

                                                                                                Introducing science careers
                                                                                              starts in Kindergarten, leading
                                                                                                  many students to exclaim
                                                                                                 “I’m going to be a scientist
                                                                                                      when I grow up.”

                                                                                                           R: Follow-up Teacher Resources
                                                                                                           V: Volunteers Required
2017-2018 q PROGRAM CATALOGUE - Scientists in School
GRADE ONE                              Animal Coverings                      Energy Makes It Happen           C: Combined Grade Content
                                       And Adaptations                       ME R V                           ESS: Earth and Space Systems

                                                            C1-2 R V
                                                                                                              LS: Life Systems
                                       Transform the classroom into          Explore the impact energy
                                                                                                              M: Mathematics
                                       discovery stations bursting with      has on our daily lives; energy
                                                                                                              ME: Matter and Energy
                                       unique animal-covering specimens      conservation; and use thermo-
                                                                                                              R: Follow-up Teacher Resources
Book online and find our               including shells, scales, feathers,   meters in heat absorption and
                                                                                                              SM: Structures and Mechanisms
booking terms, conditions              furs, quills and skin. Investigate,   colour experiments. Harness
                                                                                                              V: Volunteers Required
and cancellation policy at             feel, microscopically examine         light energy with solar panels
scientistsinschool.ca                  and experiment with coverings         to create a painting. Fish
                                       to discover how their                 for energy needed to power
                                       characteristics help animals adapt    devices. Determine if you need
$199/workshop                          and survive environmental             sunscreen with a UV bead.
Maximum 30 students/workshop           challenges.

Never Say Ugh To A Bug                 Structures: Under Construction
LS C1-2 V
Engage in a true hands-on
experience with an exciting
                                       SM R V
                                       Join our engineering team and
                                       build a structure capable of
                                                                                      I said to one of my parent
variety of bugs! Compare and           supporting yourself. Use real                  volunteers: ‘One of these
contrast physical characteristics      tools while learning about
of live and preserved invertebrate     fasteners. Discover the purpose                children will go on in life
specimens. Become an                   of building structures. Examine
entomologist and learn how to          the properties of a variety of                 to become a biologist or
identify insects. Explore the life     materials. Build a framework
cycle of silkworms and observe         and test it for strength and                   paleontologist’.”
the behaviour of mealworms in          stability.
different environments.

GRADE TWO                              Animal Coverings
                                       And Adaptations
                                                            LS C1-2 R V
                                       Transform the classroom into
                                       discovery stations bursting with
                                       unique animal-covering specimens
Book online and find our               including shells, scales, feathers,
booking terms, conditions              furs, quills and skin. Investigate,
and cancellation policy at             feel, microscopically examine
scientistsinschool.ca                  and experiment with coverings
                                       to discover how their
                                       characteristics help animals adapt
$199/workshop                          and survive environmental
Maximum 30 students/workshop           challenges.

Let It Flow: Air And Water             Looking At Liquids
ESS R V                                ME R
Discover the properties of air and     Run your own chemistry
water. Learn that air has weight,      experiments and explore what
takes up space and can be              happens when solids and
used to save an accident victim.       liquids get together. Use a real
Explore the water cycle, uncover       thermometer to investigate the
the hidden power of a water            conditions necessary to change
wheel and race your own yacht to       a solid to a liquid. Create a
experiment with sail size.             way to change a liquid into a
                                       solid. Take up the challenge
                                       to produce the world’s biggest
                                       bubble. Explore buoyancy to
                                       rise to the top of the class!

Move It!                               Never Say Ugh To A Bug
SM R V                                 C1-2 V
Discover how simple machines           Engage in a true hands-on
make work easier. Explore              experience with an exciting
wheels and axles by constructing       variety of bugs! Compare and
your own car. Experiment with          contrast physical characteristics
different levers. Raise a flag using   of live and preserved invertebrate
a pulley. Uncover what inclined        specimens. Become an
planes and wedges have in              entomologist and learn how to
common. Make your own screw            identify insects. Explore the life
and crush a can to see a screw in      cycle of silkworms and observe
action.                                the behaviour of mealworms in
                                       different environments.
2017-2018 q PROGRAM CATALOGUE - Scientists in School
GRADE THREE                    Force, Of Course!                  Plants Do Amazing Things             Soil: It’s Too Important To Be
                               ME R                               LS R V                               Treated Like Dirt! ESS R V
WORKSHOPS                      Step into the physics lab to
                               investigate friction, gravity,
                               magnetic and electrostatic
                                                                  Join this botanical adventure to
                                                                  explore the secret life of plants.
                                                                  Develop investigative skills to
                                                                                                       Become a pedologist and get
                                                                                                       down and dirty with soil. Learn
                                                                                                       what soil is made of, race water
Book online and find our       force. Use a catapult to           identify leaves and their parent     through different soil types and
booking terms, conditions      measure the impact of force        trees and plant parts used           investigate why plants need
and cancellation policy at     on a projectile, and experiment    to make everyday products.           soil. Explore erosion, build a
scientistsinschool.ca          with marbles and magnets to        Recycle old paper to make new        soil profile and learn about
                               see if they can defy gravity.      paper and be amazed by the           decomposers by making friends
                               Engineer a crash to test the       adaptations plants make to           with some earthy creatures.
$199/workshop                  effectiveness of seat belts.       survive.
Maximum 30 students/workshop
                                                                                                       Structures: Stable And Strong
                                                                                                       SM R

                                        My class has been talking
                                                                                                       Build your knowledge of
                                       “                                                               structural strength and stability
                                                                                                       as a junior engineer. Investigate
                                       and writing about the workshop                                  how the strength of a material
                                                                                                       can be altered by its shape.
                                       for two weeks. They keep making                                 Create structures and learn the
                                                                                                       impact of forces acting upon
                                       connections with things they                                    them. Take up the challenge to
                                                                                                       design, build and test a bridge.
                                       worked on at the workshop

                                                                 GRADE FOUR                            Don’t Take Rocks For Granite
                                                                                                       ESS V

                                                                 WORKSHOPS                             Become a geologist and dig
                                                                                                       into the concepts of mineral
                                                                                                       formation, the rock cycle and
                                                                 Book online and find our              fossilization. Examine igneous,
                                                                 booking terms, conditions             sedimentary and metamorphic
                                                                 and cancellation policy at            rocks. Learn about mining in
                                                                                                       Ontario and mine some edible
                                                                 scientistsinschool.ca                 ore. Experience the life of a
                                                                                                       paleontologist as you cast
                                                                 $199/workshop                         your own fossil to take home.
                                                                 Maximum 30 students/workshop

                                                                 Gearing Up: Fun With Pulleys          Habitats And Communities
                                                                 And Gears SM R V                      LS
                                                                 Discover how gears and pulleys        Explore the interdependence of
                                                                 make tasks easier by changing         plants and animals within eco-
                                                                 the direction, speed, and/or          systems as an ecologist. Closely
                                                                 magnitude of an applied force.        examine habitat specimens and
                                                                 Investigate how we choose gear        identify the adaptations that aid
                                                                 systems to ride a bike efficiently.   in their survival. Study the
                                                                 Solve the challenge of how to         impact of natural and manmade
                                                                 move something much bigger            alterations on an ecosystem as
                                                                 than yourself.                        you witness it fall.

                                                                 Light Up Your Life
                                                                 ME R
                                                                 Join us on this optical adventure
                                                                 and discover natural and artificial    C: Combined Grade Content
                                                                 sources of light. Turn your            ESS: Earth and Space Systems
                                                                 classroom into a colourful disco       LS: Life Systems
                                                                 while learning about the visible       M: Mathematics
                                                                 spectrum. Bounce and bend              ME: Matter and Energy
                                                                 light to investigate reflection,       R: Follow-up Teacher Resources
                                                                 refraction, and fibre optics.          SM: Structures and Mechanisms
                                                                 Demonstrate how light travels          V: Volunteers Required
                                                                 and explore optical devices.
2017-2018 q PROGRAM CATALOGUE - Scientists in School
GRADE FIVE                            Body Works
                                      LS R
                                                                           Energy: The Power To Change
                                                                           ESS R
                                                                                                            May The Force Be With You
                                                                                                            SM R

WORKSHOPS                             Test your reaction rate and
                                      measure your lung vital capacity.
                                      Use stethoscopes to measure
                                                                           Discover how energy can be
                                                                           transferred or transformed.
                                                                           Investigate how to launch a
                                                                                                            Join our engineering team to
                                                                                                            learn how structures resist the
                                                                                                            external and internal forces
Book online and find our              heart rate. Build a filtering        ping pong ball into space and    acting upon them. Use everyday
booking terms, conditions             urinary system and working           use the energy in your body to   objects to learn about design
and cancellation policy at            lungs. Identify bones using          power wind-up toys. Explore      features, investigate centre of
                                      X-rays and locate and manipulate     how changing light bulbs and     gravity and learn its importance
scientistsinschool.ca                 joints on a skeleton. Explore        adding insulation can save       in stability. Take on the challenge
                                      how healthy blood connects all       energy. Play a tune using        of designing, building and testing
$199/workshop                         your organ systems together.         solar panels.                    a freestanding structure.
Maximum 30 students/workshop

Watt’s Up? Energy And                 What In
Electricity C5-6                      The World Is Matter?
                                                                ME R
Discover the different forms          Explore solids, liquids, gases                 “ suggested a career in
of energy and how they can            and changes in state as
be transferred or transformed.        detectives seeking clues to the
Explore electrical energy and         mysteries of matter. Experiment                engineering to one student and
see how static electricity makes      with physical properties and
objects move. Design and build        changes to discover what hair                  he had already considered it
circuits to learn how a house is      gel, diapers and food science
wired. Use these circuits to test     have in common. Run an                         during the workshop!”
conductors, insulators and            amazing evaporation race and
switches.                             create a cool chemical reaction.
                                      Determine the identity of a
                                      mystery compound using your
                                      chemical intuition, some crafty
                                      experimentation and clues
                                      gathered during this chemical

GRADE SIX                             Air And Flight
                                      SM R

WORKSHOPS                             Discover the properties of air
                                      that are manipulated to achieve
                                      flight. Investigate dense air,
Book online and find our              sticky air and Newtonian laws.
booking terms, conditions             Design flight control surfaces to
and cancellation policy at            accomplish lift and thrust. Build
                                      propellers and paper planes to
scientistsinschool.ca                 test your avionics expertise.

Maximum 30 students/workshop

Classy Critters                       Electricity: Get Charged
LS                                    ME R
Work as a taxonomist to create        Explore the nature of electricity,
order from the vast diversity         its generation and use. See
of living things. Investigate         how static electricity makes
preserved specimens and identify      objects move. Design and build
important connections between         circuits to learn how a house
species. Examine the microscopic      is wired. Test conductors,
world of protists and monerans,       insulators and switches. Explore
see how small life on earth can       electromagnets, simple motors
be, while studying the similarities   and use your own energy to
and differences between them.         power a generator.

                                      Watt’s Up? Energy And
                                      Electricity C5-6
                                      Discover the different forms
 C: Combined Grade Content            of energy and how they can
 ESS: Earth and Space Systems         be transferred or transformed.
 LS: Life Systems                     Explore electrical energy and
 M: Mathematics                       see how static electricity makes
 ME: Matter and Energy                objects move. Design and build
 R: Follow-up Teacher Resources       circuits to learn how a house is
 SM: Structures and Mechanisms        wired. Use these circuits to test
 V: Volunteers Required               conductors, insulators and
2017-2018 q PROGRAM CATALOGUE - Scientists in School
GRADE SEVEN                    Close Encounters                  Engineering Challenges                 Hot Stuff!
                               Of A Chemical Kind                SM R                                   ESS R

                                                      ME R
                               Become a chemist and discover     Discover the secrets of                Join our Research and Development
                               the differences between pure      structural strength and stability.     team at the ‘Scientists in School
                               substances and mixtures.          Design and build a functioning         Toy Company’. Challenge yourself
Book online and find our       Create solubility fireworks and   cantilever able to withstand a         to discover the secret workings
booking terms, conditions      make your own lava lamp to        substantial load. Investigate          behind a candle-powered putt-
and cancellation policy at     observe particles in motion.      how to fortify bridges. Join a         putt boat. Analyze how conduction,
scientistsinschool.ca          Use cool chemistry to analyze     class-wide challenge to build          convection and radiation work
                               vitamins. Compete in a race       a newspaper and tape truss             together to propel these boats.
                               to dissolve. Use concentration    bridge resistant to static and         Investigate how the particle theory
$199/workshop                  to determine how to get your      dynamic loads and internal             links energy and temperature and
Maximum 30 students/workshop   daily dose of vitamins and run    forces.                                how energy transformations keep
                               a titration experiment to check                                          things moving.
                               what’s in your juice box!

                                                                                                        Math Is My Business!
                                                                                                        M C7-8
                                                                                                        Money is the name of this

                                       A number of times throughout
                                                                                                        game. Create your own bank
                                      “                                                                 account and earn cash as you
                                                                                                        play games to build fraction,
                                                                                                        decimal, percent and more
                                      the morning, I drew back just to                                  math skills. Select a team
                                                                                                        for the playoffs based on
                                      enjoy watching how engaged the                                    theoretical probability data,
                                                                                                        then watch it perform on game
                                      students were.”                                                   day. Invest your hard-earned
                                                                                                        money on the stock market
                                                                                                        and calculate your portfolio

                                                                 GRADE EIGHT                            Cell Explorers: Investigating Cell
                                                                                                        Structure And Function LS R
                                                                 WORKSHOPS                              Become a cell biologist learning
                                                                                                        slide preparation and compound
                                                                                                        microscope use. Compare and
                                                                 Book online and find our               contrast plant and animal cells
                                                                 booking terms, conditions              along with cheek cells and other
                                                                 and cancellation policy at             human body cells to determine
                                                                 scientistsinschool.ca                  their structure. Get absorbed in
                                                                                                        the study of osmosis. Explore
                                                                                                        pond water samples to identify
                                                                 $199/workshop                          living organisms.
                                                                 Maximum 30 students/workshop

                                                                 Fluid Power                            Groundwater Investigations
                                                                 ME R                                   ESS R
                                                                 Explore fluids and their application   Become a hydrogeologist and
                                                                 in mechanical systems. Use             explore the properties of
                                                                 hydrometers to determine relative      aquifers as viable water sources.
                                                                 density, race liquids to investigate   Perform a variety of experiments
                                                                 viscosity, and find a boat while       to investigate salinity, chlorine
                                                                 exploring buoyancy. Move a load        content,andexaminecontaminants
                                                                 with dump trucks to compare            in different water samples. Build
                                                                 hydraulic and pneumatic                your own water filtration system
                                                                 systems and analyze the                and examine its effectiveness in
                                                                 compressibility of fluids.             producing potable water.

                                                                 Math Is My Business!
                                                                 M C7-8
                                                                 Money is the name of this
                                                                 game. Create your own bank
                                                                 account and earn cash as you
                                                                 play games to build fraction,           C: Combined Grade Content
                                                                 decimal, percent and more math          ESS: Earth and Space Systems
                                                                 skills. Select a team for the           LS: Life Systems
                                                                 playoffs based on theoretical           M: Mathematics
                                                                 probability data, then watch it         ME: Matter and Energy
                                                                 perform on game day. Invest             R: Follow-up Teacher Resources
                                                                 your hard-earned money on the           SM: Structures and Mechanisms
                                                                 stock market and calculate your         V: Volunteers Required
                                                                 portfolio performance.
2017-2018 q PROGRAM CATALOGUE - Scientists in School
Book Your Scientists in School Workshop Today!
Our goal in every community is to become part of the educational fabric, where children become scientists in school in Kindergarten
and experience workshops throughout their elementary years. We work with teachers, educators and school boards to ensure that
our program aligns with curriculum, student and educator needs. With over two million face time hours of investigation each year,
we know our program makes a lasting impression. Often, young adults who had the program as kids will share details of their
favourite workshops and proclaim that “the days the scientists came were the best days of the whole year!”

                                             Partners in STEM Education
                                 Across our charitable organization everyone is committed to our
                             mission, vision and impact and dedicated to engaging youth, teachers,
                           and families with high quality STEM experiences. Partnerships allow us to
                        subsidize the cost of every single one of our 24,000 annual classroom workshops
                     by approximately 15%, and provide almost 2,000 complimentary workshops to schools
                                                serving low-income communities.

                                      Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
                       TD Friends of the Environment Foundation | Toronto Pearson International Airport

                                  Google Canada | John and Deborah Harris Family Foundation

                                   Nuclear Waste Management Organization | RBC Foundation

                         Amgen Canada | Amgen Foundation | McMillan LLP | Ontario Power Generation
                                           Superior Glove Works Ltd. | TELUS
                Cameco | Celestica | Community Foundation of Ottawa | J.P. Bickell Foundation | MilliporeSigma
                    Purdue Pharma | Syngenta | Systematix Inc. | The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation
                                   The Maurice Price Foundation | The McLean Foundation

                                  Ajax Community Fund at the Durham Community Foundation
                               Consulting Engineers of Ontario | Huronia Community Foundation
                                 Isherwood Associates | Lee Valley Tools | Meridian Credit Union
                             Rotary Club of Lethbridge Sunrise | Siemens Milltronics Process Instruments
                                        The Optimist Club of Ajax | Veridian Connections
                                          Whitby Mayor’s Community Development Fund

                                                    Scientists in School™
                                 975 Dillingham Road, Unit 2, Pickering, Ontario L1W 1Z7
             905-837-9626/1-866-678-3434 | Fax: 905-837-8495 | eco@scientistsinschool.ca | scientistsinschool.ca

                             © Scientists in School 2017-2018 | A registered Canadian charity: #867139537RR0001
                           Printed by Britannia Printers Inc. | Photographs: Mary-Ann Griffin, Kim Lowes, Kathy Moore
2017-2018 q PROGRAM CATALOGUE - Scientists in School 2017-2018 q PROGRAM CATALOGUE - Scientists in School
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