2015-16 ISIC Discount Guide - Canadian Federation of Students-BC
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2015-16 ISIC Discount Guide ty vers Universi Thompson Ri n Andrea Johnso 08/10/1991 16 09/2015 – 12/20 Canadian Federation of Students-BC
The International Student Identity Card is your internationally recognized student identification card that gives you access to great travel discounts and everyday savings at over 42,000 businesses and service providers all over the world. Off trips with Off trips with plus discounts on
CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC BURNABY FOOD Kootenay Floral FOOD 735 Columbia Ave. Domino’s Pizza www.kootenayfloral- Cuisine Of India ENTERTAINMENT 2253 South Island Hwy 908 Columbia Ave. castlegar.com Deer Lake Boat 40% off regular price 10% off in store 15% off special deal Rentals menu pizza and bread. purchases. on buffet Monday 5435 Sperling Ave. to Friday from 11AM On Line Gourmet Kootenay Industrial to 2PM. www.deerlakeboat 970 Shoppers Row rentals.com Supply $3.00 dollars off your 2181 Columbia Ave. Dairy Queen 25% off. bill with a minimum 604 18th St. www.kootenayindus- purchase of $20.00. trialsupply.com 15% off regular price CAMPBELL RIVER 20% off Level 1 pricing. menu items. HEALTH + BEAUTY RETAIL + SERVICES Mallard’s Source Joey’s Seafood Tangles Hair Salon for Sports Restaurant Boardwalk & Spa 660 18th St. 1983 Columbia Ave. 986 A Shoppers Row 986 Shoppers Row www.joeys.ca www.sports 15% off regular price 15% off services. 15% off your meal. canada.com items. 10% off regular price Not valid with other French Creek CASTLEGAR clothing, footwear & specials. Collective backpacks. McDonalds RETAIL + SERVICES 990C Shoppers Row Selkirk Eyecare 1991 Columbia Ave. 15% off your purchase. Café Books 115 - 1983 Columbia 10% off your meal. 1983 Columbia Ave. Ave. True Blue Pet 10% off your purchase. Subway Downtown Supplies www.selkirkeyecare.ca 425 Columbia Ave. 15% off glasses or 1135 Shoppers Row City Furniture & 10% off your purchase. contact lenses. 10% off regular price Appliances items (excludes food). 1919 Columbia Ave. Subway Uptown The Brick 2001 Columbia Ave. www.cityfurniture.com 4445 Minto Rd. CLOTHING 10% off your purchase. w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a 10% off sale prices. www.thebrick.com Burp it Up Baby Glass House 15% off regular price The Biggest Little Boutique Optical items (excluding appli- Fruit Stand 1066 Shoppers Row 688 18th St. ances and electronics). 1983 Columbia Ave. 10% off your purchase. www.glasshouse www.blfsexpress.com Valhalla 10% off your purchase. La Tee Da Lingerie optical.ca Physiotherapy Boutique 10% off your purchase. 650 18th St. TECHNOLOGY 1042 Shoppers Row Great Canadian Oil www.valhallaphysio 10% off your purchase. therapy.com Castlegar Change Computers 20% off all Wish Want Wear 2311 Columbia Ave. 105-1983 Columbia physiotherapy services. 910 A Island Hwy 10% off your purchase. Ave. 15% off your purchase. Kelprint CLOTHING www.castlegar 465 Columbia Ave. computers.ca J.J.’s Fashion 15% off computer and 10% off supplies, 5% 101 - 2032 Columbia off ink, 1¢ off photo- smartphone services. Ave. copies. www.jjsfashion.com 10% off your purchase. 4
Connects Wireless COURTENAY The Everything CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC FOOD 646 18th St. Wet Store www.connects Anmarcos 449 A St. Delicados wireless.ca Furniture & 20% off regular price 180 A 5th St. 10% off your purchase. Mattress items. www.delicados. 364 8th St. deli.com www.anmarcos.com CLOTHING 10% off your meal. COMOX 10% off regular price items. be-solely Canadian Domino’s Pizza RETAIL + SERVICES Boutique 581 Ryan Rd. Courtenay 5th St. 214 5th St. 40% off regular price Blue Heron Books Florist www.beclothing.ca menu pizza and bread. 1775 Comox Ave. 292 5th St. 30% off all active wear. 10% off your purchase. www.courtenay5th 15% off other clothing. Games and stflorist.com Grounds Coffee Coast Surf Shop Bonnie & Clyde’s House 1705 Comox Ave. 15% off retail and 2229 Clark Rd. 239 Puntledge Rd. www.coastsurf services. www.bonniean www.gamesand shop.com Hartman’s Auto clydesclothing.ca grounds.com 10% off regular price Supply 10% off regular price 50% off memberships. items (excludes sup 480 Puntledge Rd. items. 10% off specialty boards). 15% off your purchase. Cherry Wine drinks. Nearly New Books (See store for more 2 for 1 hours of details) Fashions 1761B Comox Ave. 430 5th St. gaming. 25% off purchase. Hitec Brazen 10% off regular price HEALTH + BEAUTY Simon’s Cycles Sportswear items. 1841 Comox Ave 479 4th St. Stronghearts www.hitecprint.com Fiction Clothing School of www.simoncycle.com 237 5th St. 10% off regular price 15% off retail pur- Movement 10% off all 4635 D Madrona Pl. parts, accessories and chases. merchandise. www.stronghearts clothing. Mountain City fitness.com w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a Cycle Finders Keep Hers Ken’s Mancave Boutique 20% off regular price 1797 Comox Ave. 120 5th St. 314 5th St. memberships and 25% off services. www.mountaincity 10% off regular price personal training. cycle.com items. Xpression Hair Studio 10% off parts and CRANBROOK services. Jim’s Clothes 1743 Comox Ave. Closet 10% off services. Perch FOOD 231 5th St. 248 5th St. www.jimsclothes Cuisine Of India 10% off regular price COQUITLAM items. closet.com 202 Van Horne St. 10% off your purchase. www.cuisineofindia.ca RETAIL + SERVICES Silhouette Theatre Shar-on’s All Sizes 15% off special deal and Dance Shop on buffet Monday MJM Furniture 123 5th St. 438 5th St. to Friday from 11AM 2 - 1315 United www.silhouette 20% off your purchase. to 2PM. Boulevard www.mjmfurniture.com -dance.com Trousers 10% off your purchase. 243 5th St. 20% off furniture. 10% off regular price items. 5
CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC TECHNOLOGY DUNCAN TECHNOLOGY Fun & Games Connects Wireless Seaside Computers (Ruckers) RETAIL + SERVICES 6-1200 Summit Dr. 1500 Cranbrook St. 21 Queens Rd. www.fun-and- North Merit Furniture www.seaside.net games.ca www.connects 107 Ingram St. 20% off labour. Spend $20 and get 90 wireless.ca www.meritduncan.ca 10% off hardware. tokens or 75 tokens 10% off your purchase. 10% off your purchase. Ultimac and one game of CLOTHING 101-2649 Beverly St. Lazer Tag. CUMBERLAND 10% service and repair. Prudence Organics RETAIL + SERVICES RETAIL + SERVICES 155 Craig St. 10% off your purchase. FRUITVALE Anderson’s Sewing Dodge City Cycles Circle 2705 Dunsmuir Ave. Sheer Essentials HEALTH + BEAUTY 151 Victoria St. www.dodgecity Lingerie www.anderson cycles.com 163 Keneth St. Valhalla sew.com 15% off retail and www.sheer- Physiotherapy 10% off notions & rentals. 1934 Main St. accessories essentials.com www.valhallaphysio 15% off regular price Awesome Blossom Rusty Rooster merchandise. therapy.com Home Furnishings 20% off all Custom Designs & Accessories Sheer Essentials physiotherapy services. 1180 Columbia St. 2722 Dunsmir Ave. Swim awesomeblossom.ca 10% off your purchase. 15% off your purchase. 38 Station St. KAMLOOPS www.sheer- Budget Brake CLOTHING essentials.com ENTERTAINMENT & Muffler Auto Polka Dot Pants 15% off regular price Centres Clothing & merchandise. Eaglepiont Golf 243 West Victoria Accessories Resort 10% off your purchase. FOOD 8888 Barnhartvale Rd. 2722 Dunsmir Ave. Castles and w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a 15% off regular price Domino’s Pizza www.eaglepoint merchandise. 486 Trans Canada golfresort.com Cottages & Ciao Highway 20% off Monday to Bella Boutique FOOD Thursday anytime 347 Victoria St. 40% off regular price (excluding holidays). 10% off your purchase. Dark Side menu pizza and bread. 20% off on holidays Chocolates The Twisted Mug and Friday to Sunday Cork N Label 2722 Dunsmir Ave. 80 Station St. after 1 PM. U-Brew www.darkside 10% off 1420 Hugh Allan Dr. chocolate.com Falcon Lanes www.corknlabel.com Buy 1 Americano get HEALTH + BEAUTY 2020A Falcon Rd. $10 off Beer and Wine one for free. www.falconlanes.ca brewed on premise Harmony Yoga 25% off the price of (some restriction Wellness Centre bowling during open apply). 360 Duncan St. play. www.harmony Desert Hemp Hut yogaduncan.com 253 4th Ave. 15% off all punch 20% off before taxes. passes and $13 drop in Additional specials yoga rate. throughout the year. 6
Doctor Love and Kamloops Florist Thompson Tailors Boston Pizza CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC Hemp City 249 Seymour St. 945 Columbia St. 700-500 Notre 521 Victoria St. www.kamloops www.thompson Dame Dr. www.doctorlove florist.net tailors.ca www.bostonpizza.com store.com 15% off your purchase. 20% off your purchase. 15% off your purchase. 15% off all items in store (some exclusions KPA Printers Trends Art & Burger and Café apply). 220 Victoria St. Frame Joy kpaprinters.om 1320 West Trans 945 Columbia St. W. Essentials & 20% off retail price. Canada Highway www.burger Beyond www.trendsart cafejoy.com 367 Victoria St. Lensmakers andframe.com 10% off your meal. 10% off your purchase. Optical 15% off your purchase. 255-1320 W Trans Carlos O’Bryan Fountain Tire Canada Hwy Whispers Adult Pub 690 Lansdowne St. lensmakers.ca Superstore 357 Victoria St. 10% off all mechanical 2 for 1 offer. See store 414 Seymour St. www.kellyobryans.com parts and service. for details. whispersadultsuper 15% off regular price Tire discount will vary store.com menu items. pending current sales. PHOTOSTUDIO. 15% off your purchase. CA Cece’s Restaurant Fountain Tire 945 West Columbia St. Windsor Plywood 1835 Rogers Pl. 916 Yellowhead www.photostudio.ca 735 Laval Crescent 10% off regular menu Highway 20% off grad photos, www.windsor items. 10% off all mechanical visa/passport photos in plywood.com parts and service. digital or print. Materials purchased Domino’s Pizza Tire discount will vary by student will vary in 1967 Trans Canada pending current sales. Runners’ Sole % discount based on Hwy (Valleyview) 74 1395 Hillside Dr. the items purchased. 40% off regular price Great Canadian Oil runnerssole.com Student must present menu items. Change Kamloops 10% off your purchase. card. 450 Lansdowne St. Domino’s Pizza Sun Star Shuttle 724 Sydney Ave w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a 10% off your purchase. CLOTHING 1003 Norview Rd. 40% off regular price Great Canadian Oil 15% off regular fare. Big Boot Inn menu items. Change Kamloops Shuttle Service to and 241 Victoria St 1280 Summit Dr. from Sunpeaks to bigbootinn.com Duffy’s Pub 10% off your purchase. Kamloops Airport only. 10% off your purchase. 1797 Pacific Way www.duffyspub.ca High Octane The UPS Store FOOD 20% off food only. Comics 1210 Summit Dr. 250 3rd Ave. 10% off international Arigato Sushi Eastuff Groceries www.highoctane and domestic shipping. 70 - 1395 Hillside Dr. 1023-A McGill Rd. comics.com 15% off packing www.arigatosushi.ca 5% off regular price 10% off graphic novels, materials. 12% off your meal items. magna and Monday to Thursday. The UPS Store 20% off catering orders Frankly Coffee role-playing books. 437 Lansdowne St. 230-1210 Summit Dr. anytime. Kamloops Airport 10% off your purchase. 10% off international Boston Pizza Shuttle Service and domestic shipping. 102-340 Victoria St. 1003 Norview Rd. 15% off packing www.bostonpizza.com 15% off regular fare. materials. 15% off your purchase. 7
CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC Fresh Is Best Salsa Painted Pony Cafe The Art We Are Kix 4 Chix and Co 705 Victoria St. 246 Victoria St. 953 Laval Crescent 1425 Cariboo Pl. www.painted www.theartweare.com www.kix4chix www.freshisbest.ca ponycafe.com Get a free regular tea kamloops.com 20% off regular retail 15% off your purchase. or coffee with the 15% off all monthly price. purchase of a dessert. memberships. Panago Pizza Frick and Frack Tap 1-1350 Summit Dr. The Ploughman’s Manhandler Barber House 10% off regular items. Lunch Shop 577 Victoria St. 152 Victoria St. 246 4 Ave. www.frickandfrack.ca Papa John’s Pizza www.ploughmas www.manhandler 15% off regular price 700 Tranquille Rd. lunch.ca barbers.com food menu. Dine www.papajohns.com 15% off your purchase. $3 off your purchase. in only. 15% off menu prices, online only. Use the Tutti Frutti Frozen No Limits Fitness Golden Buddah promo code: Yogurt 905 8th St 247 Victoria St. “studentsaver” 210 Summit Dr. www.nolimitsfitness.ca 10% off regular price 10% off your purchase. $45.00 for a 1 month items (excluding Papa John’s Pizza membership. consignment). 1801Princeton- HEALTH + BEAUTY $100.00 membership Kamloops Highway for 3 months. Hello Toast www.papajohns.com Akram’s Hair Design 945 Columbia St. W. $30.00/month for a 428 Victoria St. 15% off menu prices, 1 year membership www.hellotoast online only. Use the www. akramhair design.com contract. kamloops.ca promo code: 10% off main dish only. “studentsaver” 10% off regular Planet Woman services. Ladies Fitness Maurya’s Fine Pizza Pi Kamloops 1800 Tranquille Rd. Indian Cusine 314 Victoria St. Ardeo Spa Salon 267 4th Ave www.planetwoman.ca 165 Victoria St. www.pizzapi $24.99 a month www.mauryasfine kamloops.com www.ardeospa.com 10% off your purchase. membership. indiancuisine.com 10% off your purchase. Planet Woman w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a 15% off regular menu First Choice items. Ask for a special Señor Froggy Ladies Fitness Mexican Haircutters student menu. 700 Tranquille Rod. 102-1967 Trans Restaurant Canada Highway Menchie’s Frozen 724 Sydney Ave. www.firstchoice.com 10% off any service or www.planetwoman.ca Yogurt www.senorfroggy.ca Special Student Rate 1200 Summit Dr. 10% off your purchase. product. $24.99/Month. 10% off your purchase. First Choice Señor Froggy Scarecrow Ink Menchie’s Frozen Mexican Haircutters 1055 Hillside Dr. 805 Norte Dame Dr. Yogurt Restaurant www.scarecrowink.ca 46 Tranquille Rod. 450 Lansdowne St. www.firstchoice.com 10% off any service or 15% off. 10% off your purchase. www.senorfroggy.ca 10% off your purchase. product. The Yoga Loft Oh Sushi Mura 201-409 Seymour St. 1021 McGill Rd. Spruce Goose & First Choice Haircutters www.youryoga 10% off your purchase. Chop N Block loft.com 10 1415 Hillside Dr. 1200 Summit Dr. www.firstchoice.com See website for special www.sprucegoose.ca student rates. /chopnblock 10% off any service or 10% off your purchase. product. 8
Valley Jiu - Jitsu Capri Valley Lanes Doctor Love and Napa Autopro CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC 982 Camosun St. 1835 Gordon Dr. Hemp City 160 Hwy 33 E www.valleybjj.ca www.valleylanes.net 521 Victoria St. napaautopro.com 15% off monthly 10% off bowling and www.doctorlove 10% off parts and memberships. shoe rental. store.com labour. 15% off your purchase. TECHNOLOGY Falcon Lanes Nuvue Optometry 2020A Falcon Rd. Dragon Cards, 112 - 1950 Harvey Andre’s Electronic www.falconlanes.ca Games & Ave. Experts Kamloops 25% off bowling during Collectibles www.nuvue 745 Notredame Dr. open play. 1771 Cooper Rd. optometry.com www.andreselectronic 10% off your purchase. 15% off eye exams and experts.com Leo’s Video optical purchases. 20% off all accessories. 2680 Pandosy St. Great Canadian Oil www.leosvideo.ca Change OK Tire and Kamloops 1 new and 1 library 1735 Richter St. Canadian Image Computer Centre stock for $5.00. 5 library www.gcocltd.com Customs 945 Notre Dame Dr. stock for 5 days for $6.00 off. 2012 Springfield Rd. www.kcc.ca $5.00 (includes DVDs www.cicustoms.ca and Blu-ray). Hwy 33 Napa 10% off 20% off labour. Autopro Simply Computing RETAIL + SERVICES 160 Highway 33 E Runners’ Sole Kamloops 10% off parts and 1395 Hillside Dr. 945 Columbia St. W. A Pure Shade labour. www.runnerssole.com 1551 Rutland Rd. 10% off your purchase. www.simply.ca Kal Tire 10% off your purchase.. 10% off all non-Apple 1997 Kirshner Rd. Save On Cartiridge branded products. Asher Rd. Animal www.kaltire.com Plus Hospital Up to 10% off parts and 2070 Harvey Ave. RETAIL + SERVICES 156 Asher Rd. labour. www.kelownasave Kamploops Florist www.asherRd. oncartridgeplus.com 249 Seymour St. animalhospital.ca Lensmakers 10% off your purchase. www.kamploops 10% off services. Optical w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a florist.net 1320 Trans Canada The Book Bin Canadian Image Highway 500 Groves Ave. 15% off your purchase. Customs www.lensmakers.ca 10% off your meal. 2012 Springfield Rd. 20% off your purchase. KELOWNA www.cicustoms.ca The Water Garden 10% off your purchase. Lifetime Eyecare Boutique ENTERTAINMENT Optometry 1353 Ellis St. Cyclepath Kelowna 301 Highway 33 W. www.watergarden Alternator Centre 2169 Springfield Rd. www.lifetime boutique.com for Contemporary www.cyclepath optometry.ca 10% off your purchase. Art kelowna.com 20% off eye exams, 421 Cawston Ave. 10% off regular price contact lenses and Wordly Accents www.alternator parts, clothing and glasses. 2999 Pandosy St. centre.com accessories. 15% off your purchase. 15% off student Mosaic Books membership. 411 Bernard Ave. www.mosaicbooks.ca 10% off your purchase. 9
CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC You’ve Been Booster Juice M & M Meatshops Teaberry’s Fine Tea Framed 1101 Harvey Ave. W. 3155 Lakeshore Rd. 1-3045 Tutt St. 1769 Harvey Ave. 15% off food and www.mmmeat www.teaberrys.ca www.youve beverage shops.com 10% off your purchase. beenframed.ca 10% off your purchase. 20% off complete Boston Pizza The Canadian custom frames. 545 Harvey Ave. Menchie’s Frozen Brewhouse & Grill www.bostonpizza. Yogurt 111 - 3000 Pandosy CLOTHING com 2463 Hwy 97 N St. 15% off your meal. 20% off your purchase. www.thecanadian Fashion brewhouse.com Foundations Buy The Sea Menchies Frozen 20% off food. 1385 Ellis St. 2231 Lovie Dr. Yogurt www.fashion www.buythesea.ca 3327 Lakeshore Rd. The Grateful Fed foundations.ca 10% off your meal. www.menchies.ca 509 Bernard Ave. 15% off your purchase. 20% off your purchase. www.thegratefulfed.ca Chop Steakhouse 20% off your meal. Naughty Girl Bar Mission Tap House Essentials 2125 Enterprise Way Grill Tru Frozen Yogurt 166 Asher Rd. www.chop.ca 3110 Lakeshore Bar www.naughtygirl 10% off your meal. www.mission 2994 Pandosy Sreet essentials.com taphouse.com www.trufrozen 15% off your purchase. Duffy’s Pub 10% off food. yogurt.com 1797 Pacific Way $5.50 pints of house 21% off your purchase One Tooth www.duffyspub.ca honey lager. until 5pm Monday to Activewear 20% off your meal. Friday. 2271 Harvey Ave. Momo Sushi www.onetooth Dunnenzies Pizza 377 Bernard Ave. HEALTH + BEAUTY yoga.com www.dunnenzies.com www.momosushi.ca 15% off your purchase. 10% off your meal. 10% off your meal. Defy Hair and Esthetics FOOD Ferrara’s Italian Pulp Fiction Coffee 301 Highway 33 W. Market House www.defyhair w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a A.F.R. Sushi 1790 KLO Rd. 1598 Pandosy St. salon.com 467 Bernard Ave. www.ferraras 10% off your purchase. 15% off services. 10% off your meal. italianmarket.com 10 foils and haircut for 15% off your purchase. Sliderz Community $60.00. Asian Food House Restaurant Friends 235 Bernard Ave. Ekahi Center 467 Bernard Ave Neighbourhood www.sliderz 1304 Water St. 10% off Pub communityhouse.ca www.ekahicenter.com 2210 Boucherie Rd. 15% off your meal. Unlimited $66/month Boomers Sports www.friendspub.ca Bar & Grill membership. Must 10% off your meal. Soy Asian Fusion sign up for any four 4105 Gordon Dr. 2900 Pandosy St. www.boomers Goji’s Frozen www.soyasian consecutive months. kelowna.ca Yogurt fusion.com Excel Salon & Spa 15% off food excluding 2080 A Springfield 10% off your meal. 2695 Pandosy St. daily specials. Rd. www.excelsalonspa. www.gojisyogurt.com Sub City Donair com Booster Juice 10% off your purchase. 2A - 1155 KLO Rd. 1155 KLO Rd. 10% off regular price 10% off your meal. 15% off your purchase. salon and spa services. 10
Mokasha Yoga KITIMAT Bastion Jewellers Nanaimo Shoe CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC 2900 Pandosy St. 143 Commercial St. Repair www.mokasha Sight & Sound 15% off merchandise; 409 Bruce St. yogakelowna.com 216 City Center 10% off repairs. www.nanaimo 15% off all services and www.sightnsound.ca shoerepair.com products. 10% off cellular Bliss Gowns & 10% off your purchase. $99 no commiment accessories. Events monthly membership. 208 Wallace St. Pacific Rim Bicycle $325 for four month LADYSMITH www.bybliss.com 2129 Bowen Rd. membership. 15% off your purchase. www.pacificrim bicycle.com Pacific Top Team ENTERTAINMENT Coast Optical 5% off parts and 1745 Spall Rd. 2220 Bowen Rd. Sealegs Kayaking 10% off your purchase. accessories; www.pttkelowna.ca & Marine 15% off labour 15% off membership. Adventures Crystal Clean Pawcific Coast Tandava Yoga 200 Transfer Beach Laundromat Grooming 3275 Lakeshore Rd. www.sealegskayak- 2220 Bowen Rd. 427B Fitzwilliam St. www.tandavayoga.ca ing.com 10% off your purchase. 15% off first groom; 10% off lessons, 15% off drop ins, class Fountain Tire 10% off afterwards rentals, tours. cards or unlimiters. 4801 Wellington Rd. Popeye’s TECHNOLOGY RETAIL + SERVICES www.fountaintire.com Supplements 20% off labour; 5779 Turner Rd. Andre’s Electronic Salamander Books 10% off tires and 535 1st Ave. www.popeyes Experts mechanical parts. canada.com 10% off your purchase. 2180 Elk Rd. 10% off your purchase. 15% off cellular Hank’s Cycle Shop HEALTH + BEAUTY 8B-2220 Bowen Rd. accessories. Rasta Troll The Medicine 10% off parts and 56 Victoria Crescent Andre’s Electronic Garden Wellness labour. 15% off sale items. Experts Centre Sound Heritage 2153 Springfield Rd. Iron Oxide Art 28 Roberts St. Music w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a 15% off cellular Supplies www.medicine 5 Victoria Rd. 33 Victoria Crescent accessories. gardenwellness.com 20% off your purchase. www.ironoxideart Andre’s Electronic 10% off your purchase. supplies.com Sports Card Alley Experts 10% off your purchase. 2220 Bowen Rd. 266 Bernard Ave. NANAIMO J.T. Flair 30% off single cards; 15% off cellular 10% off packages. accessories. RETAIL + SERVICES 26A 3200 North Island Highway Stock Exchangers Clear Choice AA Vacuum Doctor 20% off all services. 808 Bowen Rd. Computers 602-5800 Turner Rd. 10% off everything. 125 Highway 33 W www.aavacuum Lulu Chinese 20% off all services and doctor.com Health Centre The Quilted Duck 10% off all purchases. up to 50% off your 140-2000 Island Gift Cottage purchase. Highway North 5299 Rutherford Rd. Connects Wireless 20% off your purchase. www.quiltedduck.com 1889 Springfield Rd. Artzi Stuff 15% off your purchase. www.connects 2 Church St. wireless.ca 15% off your purchase. 10% off your purchase. 11
CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC The Teak Tree FOOD Let’s Eat Guilt Free HEALTH + BEAUTY 437 Fitzwilliam St. Bakery-Café www.theteaktree.com 435 N. Terminal Ave. Aura Hair Boutique Charlie Brown’s 1925 Bowen Rd. 10% off your purchase 7-1533 Estevan Rd. www.letseat (excluding cushions). guiltfree.ca www.aurahair 10% off regular price boutique.com merchandise. 15% off regular price True Blue Natural products. 20% off all salon Pet Food Cinnamon Joes services. 2980 North Island Hwy Coffee Window Namul Korean 10% off your purchase. Restaurant Body Glo Tanning 13 Victoria Crescent Salon 2 for 1 cinnamon buns. 5291 Rutherford Rd. West Coast Classic www.namul 5800 Turner Rd. Floral Designs Dinghy Dock nanaimo.com 15% off all tanning 309C Wesley St. 8 Pirates Lane 10% off your meal. packages. www.westcoastclassic www.dinghydock.com floraldesign.com Nellie’s Dutch Deli Chop Salon & Day Free ferry ride. Spa 10% off all floral 2980 N Island Hwy services. DISH Nanaimo 20% off meat, cheese, 550 Fifth St. 2139A Bowen Rd. and groceries. www.chopsalonand Woofles Barking www.dishchef.com dayspa.com Boutique 20% off purchases of New York Style 10% off services. 427E Fitzwilliam St. $25 or more. Pizza and Pasta www.woofles.ca 299 Wallace St. Divine Glow 10% off your purchase. Domino’s Pizza www.newyork Tanning 3395 Norwell Dr. stylepizza.ca 427F Fitzwilliam St. CLOTHING 40% off regular price 20% off appetizers. www.divineglow.ca Catwalk menu pizza and bread. 15% off mains. 20% off regular price 13 Commercial St. tanning & lotions. Domino’s Pizza Old City Organics www.catwalk 530 Fifth St. 441B Fitzwilliam St. Flip Side Hair fashion.com 40% off regular price www.oldcity Design Free earrings with pur- menu pizza and bread. organics.com 5279 Rutherford Rd. chase of $75 or more. www.flipsidehair w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a 10% off your purchase. Flying Fish design.ca Hagar’s Boutique 180 Commercial St. Student Union Pub 309 A Wesley St. 20% off haircuts when www.flyingfish 900 Fifth St. booking with Jenna, 20% off your purchase. nanaimo.com 10% off regular price Kerrie, Shanna + Tonya NYLA Fresh 10% off your meal. items. (new clients only). Thread Jalapenos Mexican Sweet Somethings 206 Commercial St. Fuel Supplements Restaurant Candy & & Vitamins www.nylafreshthread. 450B Wakesiah Ave. Confections com 2980 N Island Hwy www.jalapenos 309B Wesley St. www.fuelsvn 10% off your purchase. mexicanfood.ca www.sweetsome nanaimo.com Wildflower 10% off your meal. thingscandy.com 20% off Fuel clothing; Boutique 10% off purchases of $5 10% off all products 5299 Rutherford Rd. or more excluding meat www.wildflower Thirsty Camel products. boutique.ca 15 Victoria Crescent 15% off your purchase. www.thirstycamel cafe.ca 10% off your meal. 12
Glamour Lounge Spanish Sol Mallard’s Source CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC HEALTH + BEAUTY 164 Wakesiah Ave. Tanning & Spa for Sports 20% off hair and spa 2980 N Island Hwy 532 Baker St. Pharmasave services when booking www.spanishsol www.sportscanada. Nelson with Robyn or Raquel. tanning.com com 685 Baker St. 20% off regular price. 10% off regular price www.nelsonphar- Ice Nail Bar clothing, footwear & macsave.com 4286 Departure The Edge Hair backpacks. 10% off your purchase. Bay Rd. Design & Spa www.icenailbar.com 2220 Bowen Rd. Mountain Baby TECHNOLOGY 10% off any service. 20% off your purchase. 636 Baker St. www.mountainbaby. Connects Wireless Moksha Yoga TECHNOLOGY 111 Lakeside Dr. com 5271 Rutherford Rd. www.connectswire- Flat Rate 15% off your purchase. www.mokshayoga- less.ca nanaimo.com Computer Services Otter Books 10% off your purchase. 10% off first month 2220 Bowen Rd. 398 Baker St. Phoenix unlimited; www.flatrate 5% off books and audio Computers 20% off autorenew plan. computers.ca books. 468 Baker St. 20% off repairs of $100 10% off system clean- Moksha Yoga or more. Ripping Giraffe ing and tune 1881 Dufferin Boardshop Crescent www.mokshayoga- NELSON 3 502 Baker St. www.rippinggiraffe. NEW WEST- nanaimo.com RETAIL + SERVICES com MINSTER 10% off first month 10% off your purchase. unlimited; Glass House RETAIL + SERVICES 20% off autorenew plan. Optical Selkirk Eyecare 701 Front St. 543 Baker St. Bark Busters in Optimal www.glasshouse www.selkirkeye- Home Dog Training Performance optical.ca care.ca with Rob Scheel Centre 10% off your purchase. 15% off glasses or 6 Renaissance Square w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a 1111 Dufferin contact lenses. www.barkbusters.ca Crescent Hall Printing 10% off in home dog/ www.island 471 Baker St. Tribute Boardshop puppy training. optimal.com www.hallprinting.ca 556 Baker St. 10% off first month 10% off your purchase. www.tributeboard- FOOD unlimited; shop.ca Hipperson 10% off clothing and Extreme Pita 20% off autorenew plan. 230-800 Canarvon St. Hardware soft goods. Shades Aesthetic 395 Baker St. www.extremepita.com & Wellness Spa www.homehardware.ca FOOD 15% off pitas and 101-335 Wesley St. 10% off regular price smoothies (not applica- Bogustown India ble to breakfast) 25% off 1 hour items or special orders. 712 Nelson Ave. massage; 10% off your meal. Medterranean 15% off esthetics. Kootenay Industrial Supply Donair House 323 Vernon St. 733 Sixth St. www.kootenay 20% off your meal. industrialsupply.com 20% off Level 1 pricing. 13
CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC Paradise Donair OSOYOOS Wander Produce Freedom Bike 723 12th St. 20022 Highway 97 Shop www.paradise ENTERTAINMENT 15% off all soft fruit. 533 Main St. donair.com 10% off parts and 20% off your meal. Osoyoos Desert HEALTH + BEAUTY accessories. Model Railroad. Safferon Hair The Pantry 115th St. Great Canadian Oil Restaurant Design Change www.osoyoos 8143 Main St. 425 6th St. railroad.com 1801 Main St. www.thepantry.ca www.saferonhair www.gcocltd.ca 2 for 1 admission. design.ca 10% off regular price 10% off services. menu items. RETAIL + SERVICES 20% off services. Hooked on Books Truffles Fine Foods A New Leaf Tea PARKSVILLE 225 Main St. 33 8th St. and Gifts wwww.hooked- 10% off your meal. 8306 Main St. FOOD on-books.ca www.anewleaf.ca 10% off your purchase. HEALTH + BEAUTY Domino’s Pizza 15% any purchase 631 East Island OK Tire April Nail Spa expect giftware. 485 Warren Ave. East 989 Carnarvon St. Highway Polka Dot Door 40% off regular price 20% off services. www.aprilnailspa.com Flowers and Gifts 10% off products and menu pizza and bread. The Book Shop 8141 Main St. services. Pizza Connection 242 Main St. 20% off your purchase. 144 Weld St. www.books Dani’s Cut Waterfront Eyecare penticton.com 710B Sixth St. 2 cans free pop with Centre any 2 for 1 pizza order 10% off your purchase. 20% off services. 6571 Main St. (pickup only). $25.00 off eyewear The Grooveyard NORTH or 6 month supply of HEALTH + BEAUTY 239 Main St. www.grooveyard.ca VANCOUVER contact lenses. Natural Synergy 20% off all fashion. FOOD Day Spa w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a FOOD 183 West Island Hwy Valley Hemp Juicebox 326 Main St. Murchie’s Tea & www.synergydayspa.ca Okanagan www.valleyhemp.com Coffee 15% off your purchase. 15 Park Pl. 10% off regular price 825 Park Royal North 10% off your purchase. items. www.murchies.com PENTICTON 15% off Murchie’s The Lake Village CLOTHING branded goods (tea, Bakery RETAIL + SERVICES One Tooth coffee, gift sets, 4 - 6511 Main St. www.thelake B to B Copy Activewear accessories). 2230 Barnes St. 1770 Main St. villagebakery.ca 10% off services. 10% off your purchase. OK FALLS 20% off your purchase. Wander Café Flirt Adult FOOD 8309 Main St. 425 Main St. 25% off clothing, www.flirtadult.ca Tickleberry’s 10% off your purchase. 1279 Main St. jewelry and gifts. www.tickleberrys.com Free waffle cone with purchase of ice cream. 14
Jimmy’s Kitchen Get Bent CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC FOOD PORT ALBERNI 101 Westminister 1475 Fairview Rd. Anthony’s Ave. www.getbentrec.com Neighbourhood RETAIL + SERVICES 10% off your meal. 20% off classes. Pub Alberni Outpad 3502 Skaha Lake Rd. Ogo’s Ice Cream Just Zumba Fitness 5161 River Rd. www.anthonys 166 Main St. 1475 Fairview Rd. 10% off regular price pub.weebly.com www.ogos.ca www.justzumba.ca items including kayak 15% off regular price 15% off your purchase. All classes are $5.00. rentals. food. Tacos del Norte Okanagan Alien Sports Barking Parrot Bar 85 BackSt. Blvd Cosmetology 2916 3rd Ave. 21 Lakeshore Dr. www.tacosdelnorte.ca Institute www.aliensports.ca www.barking 10% off your meal. 358 Main St. 10% off your purchase; parrot.com www.ocihair.com The Pasta Factory 10% off services. 15% off used bikes; 2 for 1 appies. 236 Martin St. 20% off used parts. Barley Mill Brew www.thepasta Pure Juicery and Literati Books Pub & Family factory.ca Gym 4597 Argyle St. Bistro $7.00 build your own 21 Lakeshore Dr. 10% off your purchase. 2460 Skena Lake Rd. pasta meal. www.pure www.barleymill movement.ca Ozzies Cycle Wholefoods 20% off monthly gym & 4282 10th Ave. pub.com Market and $9.99 jugs of Barley fitness membership. 10% off parts and Wheatgrass Café accessories. Mill brew. 1770 Main St. Sun Kissed Tanning Blenz Coffee 15% off all regular price 2006 Main St. Salmonberry 284 Main St. products. 15% off packages and Emporium Free upsize. lotions. 5440 Argyle St. Wild Scallion 10% off your purchase. Burger 55 75 Front St. TECHNOLOGY 52 Front St. www.wildscalliion.ca The Place 10% off your meal. Andre’s Electronic 5405 Argyle St. www.burger55.com w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a Experts www.adornatelier.ca Free fries and fountain HEALTH + BEAUTY 2601 Skaha Lake Rd. drink with a burger 20% off jewelry. www.andres purchase. Best Little Hair electronicexperts.com Totally Board Surf House Co / Island Rhino Buy The Sea 468 Main St. 15% off cellular 2100 Main St. accessories. 4595 Johnston Rd. 20% off haircuts and 15% off your purchase www.buythesea.ca nail services. Andre’s Electronic 10% off your meal. (excludes custom made Experts surfboards, skates or Call Nail Salon 2111 Main St. Cue’s Game Room, 2111 Main St. skims). Grill and Pizzaria 10% off services. 15% off cellular 342 Main St. accessories. Triangle Music www.cuesgame Get A Headstart Store Computers Etc 2960 3rd Ave. room.com At Body and Sol 483 Main St. 10% off pool table 2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 10% off your purchase. $15.00 off virus and rental. 10% off services. general clean up. 15
CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC FOOD Homework CLOTHING HEALTH + BEAUTY 3055 Massey Dr. Baich’s Natural 10% off regular price The Honey Tree Chatters Foods merchandise. 1362 2nd Ave. 246 - 3055 Massey Dr. 2955 3rd Ave. 20% off your purchase. 15% off retail 15% off your purchase. Kathy’s Quilt Shop purchases. 1260 4th Ave. FOOD Blue Door Café 15% off your purchase. Ink Fetish Tattoo 5415 Argyle St. Booster Juice Shop 10% off your meal. Koops Bike Shop 1600 15th Ave. 181 Quebec St. 1659 Nicholson St. www.boosterjuice.com Buy one tattoo or Domino’s Pizza www.koopsbikeshop.ca 10% off smoothies and piercing and get the 4152 Redford St. 10% off parts and sandwiches. next one free up to a 40% off regular price accessories. $50 value. menu pizza and bread. Dana Mandi Plateau Clothing 2095 5th Ave. Les Beaux Visages Homestead 1289 3rd Ave. 10% off menu items; 1284 4th Ave. Cookhouse 20% off your purchase. $2 off lunch buffet; 15% off your purchase. 5440 Argyle St. $3 off dinner buffet. 15% off your meal. Prince George Studio R Hair Salon Florists Fresh Healthy Café 1600 15th Ave. Steampunk Café 366 Quebec St. 3337 8th Ave. 15% off services. 3025 3rd Ave. 10% off your purchase. www.fresh 15% off your meal. restaurants.com TECHNOLOGY Savers Optical 15% off your purchase. 1537 3rd Ave. Dark Horse Car PRINCE 20% off prescription Fuji Japan Audio GEORGE lenses; 1505 3rd Ave. 1625 S. Ncholson St. 10% off contact lenses. 15% off your meal. www.darkhorse RETAIL + SERVICES caraudio.ca Shhhh M&M Meat Shop 15% off your purchase. Angelique’s Native 2348 Westwood Dr. 3383 8th Ave. Arts www.shhhgifts.com 5% off purchases PRINCE w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a 335 Domnion St. 15% off your purchase. under $30. 15% off your purchase. The Final Chapter 10% off purchases RUPERT over $30. Black Sheep Gifts 1157 3rd Ave. RETAIL + SERVICES 3055 Massey Dr. 20% off your purchase. Pita Pit www.blacksheep 1600 15th Ave. Entire Automotive gifts.com Topaz Bead Gallery 10% off your meal. Services 10% off your purchase. 1229 4th Ave. 180 Third Ave. East 15% off your purchase. Pita Pit 15% off tire purchase. City Furniture & 460 College Height Appliances Urban Treasure 10% off your meal. Good Times 1303 3rd Ave. 1280 4th Ave. Games and 15% off regular price Shiraz Café & 10% off your purchase. restaurant Electronics items. 302 2nd Ave. West Cycle Logic 1600 15th Ave. 20% off shop labour 1443 3rd Ave. Zaga’s www.shiraz-café.com 1600 15th Ave. and computer use. 10% off your purchase. 10% off your meal. www.zagas.ca Northern Eyes 10% off your purchase. The Chinese Store 1193 5th Ave. 639 2nd Ave. West 20% off your purchase. 10% off purchaces over $25. 16
Seasport Outboard RICHMOND Total Office Pink Cherry CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC Marina Supplies 111 Hudson Ave. NE 295 1st Ave. East RETAIL + SERVICES 317 Alexander St. 10% off your meal. 10% off regular price www.totaloffice merchandise. Escents supply.ca The Candy Vault Aromatherapy 15% off all regular price 171 Hudson Ave. NE FOOD 20% off all jar candy. 6551 No. 3 Rd. school supplies. Cowpuccino’s www.escentsaroma Wings Kitchen therapy.com Wizard Inkjet Coffee House 254 Shuswap St. 21 Shuswap St. 25 Cow Bay Rd. 10% off your purchase. www.wingskitchen.ca www.wizardinkjet.com 10% off your purchase. 10% off inkjet refills and 10% off your meal. FOOD Eagle Bluff Bed & compatibles. HEALTH + BEAUTY Steveston Bakery Breakfast 12231 No. 1 Rd. CLOTHING Tangles Salon 201 Cow Bay Rd. www.steveston Burgerbees 1151 10th Ave. SW 40% off long term stay. bakery.com Clothing Emporium www.tanglessalon 20% off short stay over 10% off your meal. 1151 10th Ave. SW salmonarm.com 2 days. Winter months 10% off regular price t’s 10% off services. only. SALMON ARM and jeans. TECHNOLOGY Opa Sushi 34 Cow Bay Rd. RETAIL + SERVICES FOOD Computer 10% off food, excluded Professionals alcohol. Bookingham Booster Juice 160 Trans Canada 160B Trans Canada Palace Highway 1151 10 Ave. Highway QUESNEL 10% off your purchase. 25% off smoothies. www.computer profs.com ENTERTAINMENT Critters Pets Chestor’s House of 15% off in-shop repair 270 Trans Canada Cinnamon services. City of Quesnel Highway 1151 10th Ave. Connects Wireless 500 North Star Rd. 10% off your purchase. www.chestorshouse 1151 10th Ave. SW w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a www.quesnel.ca ofcinnamon.ca www.connects 23% off your purchase. Skookum Cycle Buy 1 get 1 free. wireless.ca & Ski 10% off your purchase. TECHNOLOGY 141 Shuswap St. NW Dolce Bistro and www.skookumcycle Cappuccino Bar Connects Wireless andski.com 371 Alexander St. SMITHERS 259 Reid St. 15% off clothing and 10% off your meal. www.connects ENTERTAINMENT wireless.ca accessories; Dough Boys 10% off your purchase. 15% off bike tune-up. Hudson Bay 81 Shuswap St. Staples www.doughboy Mountain 360 Trans Canada pizza.com 3866 Railway Highway 15% off your meal. www.hudsonbay www.staples.ca mountain.com Jade Buffet 10% off regular price Up to 30% off at copy 100 Trans Canada Full Day lift ticket. and print centre. Highway 10% off your meal. 17
CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC SQUAMISH FOOD Northern Eyes CLOTHING B and B Sweets Optometry Ella Fit TECHNOLOGY 4650 Lazelle Ave. and Resturant www.northerneyes 4741 Lakelse Ave. Connects Wireless 9365 120th St. www.ellafit.com optometry.com 1317 Pemberton Ave. 10% off your meal Buy a bra receive Free scratch coated www.connects (samosas not included). panties 50% off. single vision lenses wireless.ca Buy boxers receive 25% Murchie’s Tea & with purchase. off a 2nd pair. 10% off your purchase. Coffee 136 - 1711 152nd St. Ruins Board Shop 4706 Lakelse Ave. FOOD SUMMERLAND www.murchies.com www.ruins.ca 15% off Murchie’s Berts Deli 10% off regular price 4603 Park Ave. FOOD branded goods (tea, items. $8.95 sandwich, chip coffee, gift sets, Prima Pizza accessories) Ruins Board Shop and beverage combo. 13204 Kelly Ave. 4707 Lakelse Ave. Cafe Zesta 10% off your purchase. Whalley Round Up 10% off regular price Diner 4087 Motz Rd. items. www.cafezesta.com SURREY 10449 King George Spend $15, receive a Boulevard Sidewalkers 15% off your meal. 4548 Lazelle Ave. free drink. RETAIL + SERVICES www.sidewalkers.ca Hype 11 Tea Apollo Animal TERRACE 20% off your purchase. 4660 Lakelse Ave. Hospital www.hype11.com 17525 56th Ave. SpeeDee, Your ENTERTAINMENT Office Experts All tea. www.apollovet insurrey.com MMC-Shames 4554 Lazelle Ave. Lucky Garden 20% off all services. Mountain www.speedee.ca 4660 D Lakelse Ave. 4805 Highway 16 W. 15% off copy services 10% off over $30, Binaka Auto Sales www.mymountain and art supplies. dine-in only. & Repairs coop.ca Trigo’s Footwear w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a 7743 128th St. 3 for 1 seasons pass, HEALTH + BEAUTY www.binakaauto.com 3302 Kalum St. 15% off services. $254.33 each. 10% off regular price Northcoast Health RETAIL + SERVICES fashion, athletic, dressy and Fitness Lincoln Luggage and sandal footwear. 4818 Hwy 16 West and Leather Creative Zone 15% off 3 month 1118 Surrey Pl. Mall 4818 Hwy 16 West Trigo’s Lifestyle student membership. 10% off regular price 10% off regular price 3228 Kalum St. items. 10% off regular price TECHNOLOGY merchandise. merchandise. MJM Furniture Kalum Tire Service Sight & Sound 13570 77 Ave. 4808 Hwy 16 West Wildbike 4716 Keith Ave. www.mjmfurniture. 20% off parts and 4734 Lazelle Ave. www.sightnsound.ca com products not including wildbike.ca 10% off cellular 20% off furniture. tires. 15% off regular price accessories. merchandise. Regal Fabrics & Sarees Ye Olde Chop Bloc 106 - 9278 120th St. 105-4731 Lazelle Ave. 15% off your purchase. 10% off products over $50. 18
TRAIL VANCOUVER D & R Photo Lucky’s Comics CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC 6530 Fraser St. 3972 Main St. RETAIL + SERVICES ENTERTAINMENT www.photoprinter www.luckys.ca invancouver.com 15% off your purchase. Canadian Tire Audiopile Music 15% off enlargement 8238 Highway 3B 2016 Commerical Dr. prints and SIMPL MJM Furniture www.canadiantire.ca www.audiopile.com photobooks. 3057 Grandview Hwy 10% off regular 20% off everything www.mjmfurniture.com price items. Some used in the store. Dream Cycle 20% off furniture. 1010 Commerical Dr. exceptions may apply Fox Cabaret www.dream-cycle. Modo the Car Hall Printing 2321 Main St. com Co-op 815 Victoria St. www.foxcabaret.com 10% off parts and 470 Granville St. www.hallprinting.ca Free cover before accessories. www.modo.coop 1-month free Casual 10% off your purchase. 11pm at weekend parties. Experience membership + $40 CLOTHING Headphones carsharing credit + free RETAIL + SERVICES 3057 Graville St. registration. J.J.’s Fashion www.experience Valued at $65.50. Visit 1330 Cedar Ave. Ace Cycle Shop headphones.com website to join. www.jjsfashion.com 3155 West Broadway 15% off regular price 10% off your purchase. 10% off labour, acces- items. Murchie’s Tea & sories, and clothing Coffee FOOD (excluding bikes). Fas in Frank 1501 West Broadway McDonalds 2425 Main St. 15% Murchies branded Atlas Animal www.fasinfrank goods. 799 Victoria St. Hospital 10% off your meal. vintage.com 5696 Fraser St. 20% off regular price Murchie’s Tea & McDonalds www.atlasvets items. Coffee 1601 Marcolin Dr. invancouver.com Oakridge Centre 10% off your meal. 15% off services. Insta Imprints - 15% off Murchie’s Victoria Dr. branded goods (tea, Trail Coffee & Tea Best in BC w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a 4835 Victoria Dr. coffee, gift sets, Co. 1701 Grant St. www.store1006. accessories) 1369 Cedar Ave. www.bestinbc.com instantimprints.ca 15% off all specialty 30% off advertising, 10% off your purchase. Murchie’s Tea & drinks. websites or social Coffee media. Kim Prints 815 West Hastings St. HEALTH + BEAUTY 41 Powell St. www.murchies.com Bikes On The Drive 15% off your purchase. 15% off Murchie’s Performance 1350 Commerical Dr. branded goods (tea, Fitness www.bikesonthe Kim Prints coffee, gift sets, 1425 Cedar Ave. drive.com 1179 Denman St. accessories) www.performance 10% off parts and 15% off your purchase. fitness.ca accessories. 5% off new Rath Art Supplies 15% off services. bicycles. Little Sisters 2440 Main St. Bookstore 10% off your purchase. 1238 Davie St. www.littlesisters.ca Womyn’s Ware 15% off regular price 896 Commerical Dr. merchandise. www.womyns ware.com 15% off your purchase. 19
CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC CLOTHING Bonchaz Bakery Kaya Malay Bistro Salmon n’ Bannock Cafe 1063 West Broadway Bistro La Mode Boutique 426 West Hastings www.kayamalay.com 1128 West BRd.way 2621 Granville St. www.bonchaz.ca 15% off regular price 10% off food and www.lamode 10% off your meal. menu items. bevarges (valid from fashion.ca 11:30 to 3:00, Monday 25% off your purchase. Bonchaz Bakery Michael Angelos to Friday). Cafe Mega Slice Pizza & Rabbit & Empee 189 East Broadway Donair Tea So Divine Apparel www.bonchaz.ca 420 Richards St. 3175 West Broadway 1044 Commerical Dr. 10% off your meal. 10% off your meal. www.teasodivine.biz www.rabbitand $1.00 off small empee.com Delish General Pekoe Tea Lounge packages of tea; 15% off regular price Store 895 West Broadway $2.00 off large; items. 108 1535 Johnston www.pekoetea $10 value tea for free St. lounge.com on your first visit. Stepback www.delishgeneral- 15% off coffee, loose 2936 West Broadway store.com lea tea and food Uncle Fatih’s Pizza www.stepback.ca 10% off your purchase. (excludes pie). 625 Nelson St. 10% off your purchase. www.unclefatih East Side Craft Ponchos Mexican pizza.com FOOD House Resturants 2 slices of pizza & pop 1445 E 41st Ave. 827 Denman St. Baguette & Co www.eastside www.ponchos for $4.25. 2509 Main St. www.baguetteco.ca crafthouse.com vancouver.com Uncle Fatih’s Pizza 15% off food excluding 15% off your meal 2778 West Broadway 15% off your meal. daily specials. (minium purchase www.unclefatih Baguette & Co Fresh is Best Salsa of $30). pizza.com 3273 West Broadway 2 slices of pizza & pop www.baguetteco.ca Co reLISH Gourmet for $4.25. 15% off your meal. 2908 West Broadway Burgers Uncle Fatih’s Pizza www.freshisbest 1619 Longside Ave. 638 Abbott St. w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a Baguette & Co onbroadway.com $5 off towards any www.unclefatih 1102 Davie St. 10% off your purchase. order of two combos. pizza.com www.baguetteco.ca 2 slices of pizza & pop 15% off your meal. Harambe Ethiopian reLISH Gourmet Resturant Burgers for $4.25. Baguette & Co 2149 Commerical Dr. 1708 Davie St. Uncle Fatih’s Pizza 8828 Heather St. www.harambes.com $5 off towards any 1685 East Broadway www.baguetteco.ca 15% off your meal. order of two combos. www.unclefatih 15% off your meal. pizza.com Home on the reLISH Gourmet Blondy’s Coffee Range Organics Burgers 2 slices of pizza & pop 1705 West 4th Ave. 235 East Broadway 2290 Commercial Dr. for $4.25. 15% off your meal. www.hotro.ca $5 off towards any Uncle Fatih’s Pizza 10% off your purchase order of two combos. 477 West 8th St. Boca (excluding value 1513 West BRd.way www.unclefatih packs). pizza.com www.boca2go.ca 15% off regular price 2 slices of pizza & pop menu items. for $4.25. 20
Luxe Beauty VERNON CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC HEALTH + BEAUTY RETAIL + SERVICES Lounge & Mobile Adorned Precision Spa Camosun Print Body Arts RETAIL + SERVICES Services 1208 Homer St. 1111 Commerical Dr. www.luxebeauty Attridge Ski and 3100 Foul Bay Rd. www.adnorned lounge.com Board www.camosun.ca tattoo.com 20% off regular spa 2706 48th Ave. /printservices 15% off piercing services. 10% off your purchase. 15% off services. services. Scizzor Fairy FOOD Epic Games & Banana Tans 1448 West Broadway More 148 East Broadway www.bananatans.com Bubble Heads 2612 Quadra St. www.bananatans.com 20% off any hair Bubble Tea www.epicgames 20% off tanning pack- service. 3012 30th Ave. vic.com ages and $10 off first 15% off beverages. 15% off your purchase. bottle of lotion. Sliders 546 West Broadway TECHNOLOGY Legends Comic Banana Tans www.slidersinc.com and Books 1448 West Broadway Andre’s Electronic 633 Johnson St. 10% off your meal. Experts www.bananatans.com www.legendscomic.ca 20% off tanning Spin Society 3107 48th Ave. 10% off your purchase. Cycling Studio 15% off cellular packages; $10 off first bottle of 1332 Granville St. accessories. Macs Cycle www.spinsociety.ca 3627 Shelbourne St. lotion. Andre’s Electronic www.macs Banana Tans 20% off 30 Day Pass Experts 1060 Davie St. Unlimited Ride cyclecentre.ca 4900 27th Steet 10% off parts and www.bananatans.com membership. 15% off cellular 20% off tanning accessories. The Drive accessories. packages; Pharmacy Prism Imaging $10 off first bottle of lotion. 1684 Commerical Dr. VICTORIA 791 Fort St. www.thedrive www.prismimaging.ca 25% off passport w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a Cali Nails pharmacy.com ENTERTAINMENT 1644 Hillside Ave. 15% off any over-the- photos; www.calinails counter front-store Five Star Whale 15% off photo finishing. victoria.com purchases. Watching 645 Humoldt St. SHC Autographix 15% off services. Unity Yoga 474 Bay St. www.5starwhales.com Julian’s Hair Salon Teahouse 36% off adult ticket. www.shcwheels.com 1114 Davie St. 1672 East 10th Ave. 15% off selected 20% off any regular www.unityyoga.ca Lyrics Initiative/ services and parts. price service. 10% off regular passes. Lyrics Studio www.lyricsstudio.ca Squeaky’s Wax Hair Removal Laundromat King & Queen Spa Bar 25% off your purchase. Salon Studio 3601 Shelbourne St. 1035 Commercial Dr. Royal BC Museum www.squeakys 1093 West Broadway www.waxbar.ca 675 Belleville St. laundromat.com www.kingqueen 20% off all regular price www.royalbc 25% off services. spa.com services. museum.bc.ca 25% off services Save $26.95 on a annual membership. 21
CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC The Copper Hat CLOTHING Pure Lovin Chatters Hair Salon 560 Johnson St. Chocolate 1150 Douglas St. www.thecopperhat.ca Hemp & Compnay 3 Fan Tan Alley www.chatters.ca 15% off your purchase. 1312 Government St. www.purlovin 10% off services. www.hempand chocolate.com The Romance Shop company.com 10% off your purchase. Chatters Hair Salon 2018 Douglas St. 15% off your purchase. 3170 Tillicum Rd. www.theromance Sante Gluten Free www.chatters.ca shop.org Lady Mae Café 10% off services. 25% off your purchase. 1815 Douglas St. 2630 Quadra St. www.ladymae www.santegluten Nezza Naturals The Soap uniforms.com freecafe.com 587 Johnson St. Exchange 10% off all 20% off all coffee, tea, www.nezza 1393A Hillside Ave. merchandise. specialty coffee and naturals.com www.victoria baked goods. 10% off your purchase. soapexchange.com Sheer Essentials 10% off your purchase. Lingerie & Swim Susan James Store The Red Mirror 3671 Uptown Blvd. 942 Hillside Ave. Salon Triple Spiral www.sheer- www.susanjames 1712 Douglas St. Metaphysical essentials.com store.com www.thered 3 Fan Tan Alley 15% off regular price 15% off regular price mirrorsalon.com www.triplemeta merchandise. merchendise (exclud- 20% off services. 10% physical.com ing We Vibe products). off products. 15% off your purchase. FOOD Yates St. Taphouse Tony Jiang Beauty Turntable Records Hot House Pizza 759 Yates St. Salon 3 Fan Tan Alley 2865 Foul Bay Rd. 2950 Douglas St. yatestaphouse.com www.turntable www.hothouse 25% off services. 20% off food. recordsbc.ca pizza.com 15% off your purchase. 10% off whole pizzas. HEALTH + BEAUTY TECHNOLOGY 2 slices and a pop for Atlas Audio Video Van Isle Coin & $5.50. Cali Nails Stamp 1644 Hillside Ave. Unlimited w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a 831 Front St. Maude Hunter Pub www.calinails 966 Yates St. www.vanislecoin.com 3810 Shelbourne St. victoria.com www.atlasavu.com 10% off your purchase. www.maudehunter 15% off all services. 20% off your purchase pub.ca (restrictions may apply) Victoria Bead Town 15% off your meal. Chatters Hair Salon Design 1644 Hillside Dr. Black Apple 1317 BRd. St. Murchie’s Tea & www.chatters.ca Cellular 10% off your purchase. Coffee 10% off services. 2608 Quadra St. 1110 Government St. www.blackapple Wilderness www.murchies.com Chatters Hair Salon cellular.com Committee 15% off Murchie’s 3147 Douglas St. 10% off your purchase 3 Fan Tan Alley branded goods (tea, www.chatters.ca up to $200. www.wilderness coffee, gift sets, 10% off services. Black Apple committee.org accessories) Cellular 10% off your purchase Chatters Hair Salon 2806 Jacklin Rd. (exlcuding First Nations 2945 Jacklin Rd. www.blackapple items). www.chatters.ca cellular.com 10% off services. 10% off your purchase up to $200. 22
Black Apple CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-BC Cellular 703 Broughton St. www.blackapple cellular.com 10% off your purchase up to $200. WEST KELOWNA Connects Wireless 3480 Carrington Rd. www.connects wireless.ca With discounts on airfare, 10% off your purchase. museums, cultural sites, WHITE ROCK and entertainment, the International Student FOOD Identity Card is your best The Pantry Restaurant travel companion. 1812 152nd St. www.thepantry.ca 10% off regular price menu items. WILLIAMS LAKE w w w. i s i c c a n a d a . c a TECHNOLOGY Connects Wireless 1185 Prosperity Way www.connects wireless.ca 10% off your purchase. 23
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